Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1647 replies and 14 files omitted.
>>145411>>145412“Iron?” Black Cauldron says, frowning a bit
>>145412>>145413Odd, Iron thought to himself. Why would she be frowning right now...
"Yes?" he soon replied, displaying a content, relaxed smile of his own.
>>145414“You think you’ll be here for a while, right? Do you need anything to eat? Does your, uh, friend need anything?”
>>145415Anything to eat...
Iron quickly took a second to check if he indeed was hungry as he lazily looked up to the mare on top of him. "Do you want anything?" he relaxedly asked the fluffy Sands.
>>145416“No.” White Sands says without hesitation.
>>145417Hearing White's words made Iron nod before looking back at Cauldron with a smile. "If I were to ask for food," he suggested in an attempt to be coy, only to be interrupted by his stomach growling lightly.
He hadn't eaten anything after the breakfast at the hotel, meaning he was quite eager to have food right about now. Of course, this derailed any attempt to be playful as his cards were unintentionally put into the table, instead smiling sheepishly at the zebra mare.
>>145412Map done, see pic related. Is it vaguely what you were envisioning?Amber doesn't really have any more options within the police station. She could try to sneak into one of the many doors along the hallway, but none of those ponies supposedly in there are who she's looking for. She doesn't want to try the bat pony who's busy anyway. Going back to the detectives on the other side of the building is right out.
She enters the office softly.
"Um, excuse me, I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." >>145418Any stomach growling is muffled by a fluffy pillow unicorn. Unless it’s an excessively aggressive growl.
Black Cauldron answers,
“I can make something quickly.”
>>145419Not quite. That portrayal seems to have the hallways dead ending in offices. I would have the hallways end in corners where the hallway confines onwards. On the right side it turns again to the right, presumably coming back around so that it meets up with a hallway closer to the entrance and would allow you to walk around in a circle. The hallway on the left turns a corner to the left, though it does not seem to loop around. The offices are on the sides. There are actually a large number of offices, just most of them don’t have anyone working in them at 1 AM on a Saturday morning.The pony turns to her, putting down the photographs. His brown eyes widen. He wears a beige hat even now inside the room.
[Read more] >>145420Iron's eyes immediately widened at Cauldron's generous attitude, soon getting a bit bashful at having her cook food just for him. "I-I do not wish to take away any more of your time," he quickly stammered out, albeit his lightly hesitant hoof twiddling definitely called out he'd appreciate it.
>>145421“Well... I suppose, to be quick, there’s leftovers.”
>>145422He blinks
“Who are you?”
>>145423This caused Iron's to widen once again, now shocked to hear such a concept. "You have leftovers?" he asked out loud, curious.
>>145424“I take some home from the restaraunt sometimes. When there is food leftover.”
>>145425"You take it from so far away?" Iron followed up, now starting to get invested in such alien yet interesting practices. "How does it taste?"
>>145426“Well, yes. Sometimes. I have to get groceries anyways. It tastes
almost as good as when it’s fresh.”
>>145427"Woah..." he gasped out, eyes practically sparking at such zebra magic told to him like it's nothing. "How do you even do that?"
>>145423I kinda butchered it, but here is a revised version"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Amber, and I want to help with the investigation." She smiles more warmly now.
>>145428“Heh. By heating it on the stove.”
>>145429He pauses for a moment, and then answers,
“I’m Sunnyside Meadows. Nice to meet you. Red Scabbard is just down the hall and around the corner. Second office on the right, I think.”
>>145430"A stove?" Iron uttered, further intrigued by Cauldron's remarkably tame discoveries. "Is it some sort of spell name? A potion, maybe?"
>>145430"I'm happy to meet you too. I wish I could talk longer, but...." She yawns.
"...But I'm a little pressed for time. Thank you very much, and I wish you the best of luck!" If he has no response she'll follow his directions.
>>145431“What?” This takes her a moment, and then she laughs.
“No. A
stove, for cooking.”
>>145432He looks back at Amber, finding the interaction odd, but has nothing more to say to her.
Amber has to go back around, sneaking past the bat, and possibly also risking being seen at the T section.
>>145433She does so, though she looks to make sure nopony is looking at the T section first.
Move silently:
[1d20+3 = 19] >>145434Amber slips right past the first bat quickly.
>>145433" it a fire?" Iron guessed, not too sure what to picture when somepony cooked stuff.
[1d20+5 = 8]>>145436“Sure” she says, smiling
“Let me hear something for you.”
>>145437>>145438Amber slips past the second bat, who is still listening to recordings.
>>145438Iron excitedly nodded, eagerly anticipating how these magical leftovers would taste. "Please do," he agreed wholeheartedly.
>>145439Amber breathes a quiet sigh of relief. Has she made it yet or will her luck run out?
>>145441Turning the corner, she sees a red Pegasus heading down the hallway, coming her direction.
>>145440Wordlessly, Black Cauldron turns on a stove in the attacked kitchen, while White Sands continues laying atop her prize.
>>145442Iron quickly turned to see such a magnificent piece of magic flashing on in rapt attention, eyes dilating slightly out of immense curiousity as his mouth hung open. "How did you do that?" he blurted out loud.
Of course, he didn't move so much, as he still was cognizant enough of the mare on top of him and would be disturbed if he were to suddenly shift his position.
>>145442Does he have a black mane and Baltimare police uniform?
>>145443“Gas” Black Cauldron answers in the most matter of fact find if voice possible. Iron can’t move by much with the weight on him. In fact even breathing is harder than usual.
>>145444Black mane, check, though he has a hat on. He is wearing a raincoat, and it is hard to tell if there is or is not a uniform beneath that.
>>145445There can't be that many OC's colored with edge in this dark universe, can there?
Amber casually walks out from around the corner and winks at the stallion.
>>145445Iron obviously endured it, glad to have Sands comfy after everything that had happened today and glad to chat with Cauldron about such a riveting topic. "What's gas?" he immediately asked afterwards. "Is that where the spell comes in?"
>>145446Pic so very much related.
The stallion looks over to Amber confused, then goes to the right and pulls out a key, starting to unlock a door.
>>145447“Uh, well it burns, let me say that.”
>>145448"Oooh..." Iron cooed in amazement, mesmerized by Cauldron's actions to heat up leftovers.
>>145448Her right or his right? Also, how many doors are between this door and the intersection?
>>145449With nog much sound of fanfare, an item is removed from a box and placed into an open metal cylinder. Black Cauldron moves out of the kitchen and back towards the bedroom, looking back at Iroj and White Sands as she moves.
>>145450It appears to indeed be the second door on Amber’s right
>>145451Amber thanks the Princesses as she approaches him. She can't be
absolutely sure until she speaks to him, but she can be reasonably certain this is indeed the pony she's looking for. She walks up and asks him,
"Red Scabbard, I presume?" >>145451Iron stared at the pot far more than he cared to admit, the extra difficulty to breathe not causing that much strain on his attention towards such magical arts at display.
However, he spared one glance at Cauldron to flash her an excited smile just to show off how grateful and eager he was to taste such powerful foods.
>>145452He turns around and pauses, looking at her, then looking over his shoulder, and then back to her.
“Yes. Are you the kid?”
>>145453She seems a bit uncertain, as best as he can tell. She removes a jacket and goes into her room, coming out after maybe a minute.
>>145454Such a sign of uncertainty immediately tempered his excitement, now feeling worried something may have happened without him noticing, soon looking at the stove a bit more closely.
Maybe she needs some extra gas to properly give it enough fire? he thought to himself.
>>145455“Give it over
now, There is less time than we thought. Much less.”
>>145456When she comes back over, she starts speaking to Iron, looking away.
“So... You know the mess you’re in. How will you handle it?”
>>145457"Okay!" She frowns and glances at the door, thinking to herself that it would be much more secure in there. She reaches into her dress and fumbles around with the paper until she pulls it out, then hastily pushes it toward him.
Iron's spirits lowered considerably to allow himself some time to properly think through stuff as he sighed softly. "I was planning on going back to bait out some hitsquads to beat up," he explained with a bit of hesitation, feeling it would be sternly rejected. "Maybe bring some sort of help."
>>145458He takes the paper, and tries to unfold it, then looks up and forward. He must have changed his mind, because he puts the paper to the side and behind again to try to unlock the door of the office, succeeding and opening it.
>>145459“I’m not sure there is much other choice.” She says almost somberly.
“You’ve started a war without permission. You and that one unicorn mare. The only way to get away with that is to win it. Or at least, to give a damn good start.”
>>145461"Yes..." Iron trailed off, now feeling quite self-conscious about his failures back at the port with a pout on his face and looking away in shame.
I mustn't fail them, he declared to himself, making a promise.
If I fail them, then I am as good as dead. >>145463He whispers back, entering into the room.
"Not yet. You may have to carry something out."
>>145464She follows him in hastily, practically barging past him.
"It's nothing big or dangerous, I hope?" >>145462"It's not your fault, I know. I would have assumed she had authority as well. Frankly I wouldn't be surprised if her underboss ordered her to. But any time things go wrong they are always looking for a scapegoat and you're not in a great position. Get well and get help. If you finish this - or even if you don't, but you leave it in a better situation than if you never did anything - I think this will do a lot to help unite us."
>>145465She enters into the office, causing him to look up at her for how she entered. He closes the door.
"I'm not sure what it is yet." He says, unfolding the paper
"In any case don't get caught with it,
>>145467"Not up here. Not in this building. The bathrooms are back there."
He tilts his head to the left.
>>145466"I have no clue what kind of help is best for this," Iron admitted, now looking back at Cauldron with fears about being judged cleared. "Do you have any suggestions?"
>>145469"It's less dangerous to use somepony outside of our thing to do it. Less dangerous for us, less dangerous for you. Especially if it goes wrong. Didn't you work with ponies on...
other projects?"
>>145470"There are some offices, but I think you'll be less suspicious leaving through the front door than out a second floor window. They only really search ponies when they enter the building, and even then, only for explosives and weapons."
>>145471"I did..." Iron muttered, looking to the side in a mix of doubt and uncertainty "but I have no clue how to contact almost all of them."
Okay, I have to sleep now. I'm actually available this weekend, so feel free to stop by tomorrow and the next night, and probably the next after that.>>145472"Well, something like that, I think, is your best bet. Private help, I mean. I can help locate ponies, if need be. Just... not from
my group."
>>145473"Not long"
He says, while reading the paper unfolded in front of him
>>145474Goodnight! I should be more regular tooAmber won't distract him any longer but will listen for the sound of hoofsteps.
>>145474NeatIron visibly brightened up at Cauldron's offer, nodding in appreciation. "Thank you," he offered with a thankful smile. "It would mean a lot."
>>145475Roll Listen
>>145476"Do you... have any ideas?" She asks, and turns her head back to the pot.
"It really is impressive, going in there alone. Well, with just your
friend I mean. Trying to take on the whole of the Ginoviccis. What remains of them, anyways. That's great courage, and great toughness to come away from that. I don't know anypony who would even attempt that, much less survive it. But it looks like you took on a
little more than you could handle."
>>145363"Yes... Uh, I don't know ponies who work in the paper, but I know somepony who distributes the paper."
>>145337If Waabishki had any reply, she doesn't make it before Petal makes a comment of her own
"You must be very careful about that talk here, It's very dangerous."
[Read more] >>145480“The, the Changelings... they don’t really, well, tolerate it.”
>>145481"None of you are changelings, are you?"
>>145482She answers
“No... Still, it’s best to be careful, and don’t repeat any of that in public. You never know...”
>>145484Three seconds of silence, and the phone rings.
>>145479Iron took a deep breath at the question, only to stop and think about it as Cauldron took her time praising his efforts. It did cause him to puff his chest out slightly as he pondered, recovering some of his lost pride after his close defeat against Koptis.
Despite this, the native seemed a bit at a loss on what sort of help he'd really want. A spotter would be a no-brainer in order to see the hitsquads coming, but he didn't really recall anypony he's worked that had such a skillset. Maybe another set of hooves to fight alongside with? He didn't know other bruisers like he was, unless killing was on the table or he could convince some of the boxers in that underground fighting ring to fight with him.
>>145485Spark looks over to the phone.
>>145479"That is excellent place to start. Who distributes papers"
>>145486"It's ready!"
Black Cauldron proclaims
>>145487Waabishki stands up, and then after a moment, Ply Press goes forward to answer it
He places the phone down to his side, and says to the other creatures in the room
"It's the hospital"
Waabishki, already standing up, rushes over
He continues talking into the phone
"Uh huh. Alright -"
After more words, he says
"Well, it's confirmed. Cancer, mesothelioma apparently. They want to do a treatment while he's here. Over night at least."
Waabishki's ears go down
>>145488"Well.. There is a pony I know..."
[Read more] >>145490That got Iron's ears and to perk up considerably, akin to a dog conditioned to think food was on the plate when the bell rang, and was about to practically jump out of the couch only to be reminded of the midly stifling
bugmare currently on top of him, causing him to look at Sands with a small, sheepish smile. "You do not mind if I go eat and then come back, right?" he promptly asked the unicorn.
>>145490"I see. We will check back on him in the morning."
>>145491Her eyes meet his, and seem to convey a particular laziness. After a moment, she answers “alright,” as if moving is a burden. She unfolds her legs from under her, and gets off of Iron, making it a bit easier to breath.
>>145492The Doctor:
“Yes... I know those treatments. Well, sort of. It’ll be until the late morning at the very least.”
>>145493Finally free of Sands' fluffly prison, he soon gives her a quick hug her way before dashing off the couch and towards the prepared meal.
>>145493"Alright. That gives time for me to run by the store and see about some supplies."
>>145494squeakySmall and very huggable.
Iron goes over to see Black Cauldron placing the food on plates. It’s a good item Iron has had before, noodles made out of Casava
>>145497“Uh, yes, that should be done sometime.”
>>145490Silver looks at the pony expectantly.
>>145498Iron gingery yet carefully stomped the floor in applause, smiling brightly as he did it before leaning just enough for his face to be just in front of the delicious meal he had before. "Ooo~" he let out in awe. "It looks brand new."
>>145499“If you... want to meet him...”
>>145500“Heh, I’m glad you think so.”
White Sands walks up, and asks
“Do you have tea?”
Black Cauldron turns to Iron and asks,
“Who is she, again?”
>>145501Iron blinked out of his food trance to lean back up to normal and turning to face Cauldron with a happy smile. "She's White Sands," he replied gingerly "a unicorn in need of help to establish herself in the concrete jungle after a tragic series of events I do not really know about."
>>145502“Uh huh. I’ll start water boiling.”
>>145503Iron nodded, not sensing the disbelief in Cauldron's voice as he eagerly waited for the food to be ready.
>>145505She breathes a sigh of relief and waits for the detective to finish.
>>145506The food is placed in front of Iron, steaming from the heat.
>>145507He reads it, and crumples it up, placing it back in his jacket pocket.
“Alright. I got it.”
>>145508She looks toward him, heart beating wildly.
"Yes. I'm ready." >>145509“Alright kid”
He leaves the room, going right
[1d20 = 14] >>145511>>145512He goes to the end of the hallway to a steel door that he places a key in to unlock
roll die for luck >>145514Amber can hear that behind them, not far, are the two new officers and Stalwart
>>145516He opens the door. Amber can see inside is a room with many many metal shelves filled with many small bags and various items ranging from pots to firearms.
Red Scabbard rushes forward, while the ponies behind them seem to take notice.