Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
1647 replies and 13 files omitted.
>>146297She slowly moves closer, then closer, snd then into the hug. Iron doesn’t have as firm of a grip on her as on Sands though.
>>146298There is movement under the sheet, and Makade - or who seems to be Makade - starts to sit up, with one paw out and another under the covers.
>>146299"Makade, I spotted an intruder out the window."
>>146300Makes moves the covers off, unveiling the rifle. He wraps the sling around his neck, and steps out, coming towards Spark at speed.
“Which window? How many?”
>>146301"Only one at the kitchen window, but the thing is, he was in a cloak. A changeling can do recon as any creature. Why pick a pony form with a cloak to snoop around in?"
>>146302“If I had to fight ponies, and I could chose to look like a regular, harmless, colorful pony, I would. The cloak is either to hide details of for the cold. What I am more skeptical of is how many there are. Either more are hiding, or it’s a scout.”
He follows Spark, or perhaps even walks past Spark, going down the stairs, slowly and quietly approaching the bottom floor, looking out the front windows with his rifle leveled.
>>146303"When fighting yes, but a squirrel or bird is more inconspicuous for spying at night. Being a shape that could be seen as an intruder seems like a blunder, seeing as it has done exactly what they wouldn't want to do, alert us."
Spark points out the window to where the cloaked figure was.
>>146304“Can they shapeshift into squirrels? I thought those were too smal for them. I don’t think we’ve caught any of them as squirrels near our village. Then again, we wouldn’t know.”
Makade’s first act is to look through the front windows, at first from a distance, and then moving closer to them, hiding over to the sides. Then he careful opens a door on the right side of the entry way, and looks around the first floor making sure there are no intruders.
Makade looks out the window. Spark can see the equine form too. The form is exactly where Spark last saw it, under a small tree, sitting down against a fence, head down.
“An odd sight, to be sure”
Makade says
[Read more] >>146305"Regardless, should I approach?"
>>146306Makade looks behind him, then picks up a pair of pillows off the bed, placing one beside a chair on the dining room table, then placing one on the table, then placing his rifle over it, then trying to set the other pillow over top of the first and the end of the barrel, then pressing down the top pillow, and poking through the scope, to find he is unsatisfied with this arrangement.
“Perhaps. I’ll stand guard from a distance.”
>>146307Spark nods and heads out to confront the cloaked stranger.
>>146308The door is unlocked, and Makade advises Spark to open it very slowly. Spark is free to walk into the narrow backyard, which ends in a wooden fence on the far side, and wrought iron fencing to the left and right; all in all a very small and narrow backyard, with fencing on all sides.
The creature in question does not seem to move. What little Spark can see of thee cloaked figure is a feminine curved pony muzzle with a mauve coat that shimmers in the light. The figure is crouched against the fence next to a poplar tree that is undersized, maybe 10 feet in height, and blocks part of the light from a street lamp on the opposite side.
>>146310The night is decidedly cold. The wind varies, being sometimes still, sometimes low, and sometimes rushing in chilling gusts. The figure sits in a positions against the fence that provides some measure against the wind.
The figure moves it's head up with a "gasp." The face is definitely that of a female pony, with glimmering steel eyes and narrow cheeks. The little portion of the mauve muzzle that sticks out beyond the hoodie, and beyond the shadow of the poplar tree glimmers in the light.
Quickly, she places her hooves down, and starts to stand up, though she stumbles slightly. She gets up, in front of Spark. She still has not answered his question.
>>146311"I'm going to need you to answer. Who are you?"
>>146312She stands up, and looks around, side to side, breathing heavily
"I'm... I'm just passing through."
She answers, in a definitely feminine pony voice
>>146313"Well, come on inside and we will help you on your way. It won't do too much good to be having this conversation in the cold."
>>146314She looks around more, and then back into Spark's eyes with her own blue eyes.
"Uh, oh, okay..." She answers
>>146299That would not do at all.
Iron would attempt to guide the two mares inwards through his forelegs, so the two of them would be right next to eachother to the point of their coats touching in front of him, in order to properly pet both Cauldron and Sands with tenderness.
>>146315Spark motions her to follow as Spark heads inside.
>>146319Sands accepts this, almost with a smug expression, but Cauldron is a bit more reluctant.
>>146321The mare moves forward, walking towards the door slowly, and inside the dining room. Flakes of snow cover her cloak, and her entry into the little area to the right of the main dining room is uneventful. She says nothing to Spark, moving her head up to look around. Her muzzle sticks further out, as well as the end of a lock of coral colored hair.
Makade has moved back to the kitchen and his rifle is not visible.
>>146322“That’s better. The name’s Shimmering Spark by the way.”
>>146323She looks up towards Spark, and blinks
"I was just sleeping."
>>146324“Sleeping in the cold snow isn’t exactly the best choice... I don’t believe I caught your name.”
>>146322Seeing Cauldron's reluctance, Iron soon tried to ease her into the closer petting by adding a little encouraging nuzzle while each foreleg tenderly caressed each mare without much worry of what they would think.
>>146325She mumbles
"Wellspring">>146326She smiles somewhat, and closes her eyes.
>>146327Seeing Black calm down considerably, he'd soon nudge her closer to White in such a way that his head was nested between the two mares' necks in order to achieve multi-pony nuzzling!
>>146327“Nice to meet you. Are you headed somewhere in particular?”
>>146328She's still resistant to coming into contact with White Sands. With Iron separating the two, however, she is more amenable.
>>146329"There was a place I was staying..." She answers
>>146330“Where is that? Do you need help getting there?”
>>146331"Well, I am not sure I should go there now..."
>>146333D'awww"I mean... I'll go home."
>>146334“I just need some context as to what you mean. I don’t mean to come across pushy, but I don’t know your situation.”
>>146335"Well... I can't really go home. I don't think it's safe."
>>146337"There's... look out for this pony. Can I not go back on the streets? It's cold outside."
>>146338“I’m not sending you out there. I just would like to know what happened. Are you in danger?”
>>146340“What happened? It might be hard to protect you if I don’t know what the danger is.”
>>146330Thus, Iron simply slides his head up and down while he continued to provide some more comfort through petting for the two mares for their booped snoots.
"That is how they came in, with a conquest. They want to consolidate their holdings and this is the pretext."
>>146342White Sands simply accepts the pets in silence. Black Cauldron, however, asks
"What are you doing?"
>>146344"It is my way to make up for the snout assault," Iron replied without much fanfare and not stopping in the slightest.
>>146345"Is that what this is?" She says, smiling
>>146346"Yes," Iron wholeheartedly agreed, accentuated with a slow drag of his cheeks against the two mares' necks.
>>146347"You're kind of silly" Black Cauldron says
>>146348Iron couldn't help but chuckle a little at the frank remark, opting to trail his head back up just to give Cauldron a small peck on her cheek for her trouble. "You should know that by now," he slyly concurred soon after.
>>146349She smiles again, and breaks out of the hug
"Just one more shot" She says
>>146350Is she speaking to the other BPD officers besides Stalwart or to the two SSA officers? >>146350>>146352The mare from the officer starts to yell something, and then Swift Soul joins in, and then Stalwart, and then the strange cacophony is completed by something approaching growling and a strange high-pitched eeeeing sound.
>>146353Amber folds her ears back, wishing she could close her ears off from this noise that's giving her a headache. Well, she wanted a diversion, and she got one.
>>146354Mission accomplishedShe does not have hearing protection, however.
>>146355She'll keep listening to what's going on, hoping that attention will stay off her for the time being.
>>146351Iron snickers softly, finally patting the bug on the back before stepping out of the hug himself with a smile. "Sure," he agreed to her request.
>>146358>BugNo bugs here. Black Cauldron stands up and walks back to the kitchen, while White Sands leans her head and neck against Iron, pressing into him.
>>146359The other bat approaches, coming in. There is more eeeeing, and Swift Soul is mostly just yelling to let him pass.
>>146361Unfortunately this is not a question Amber finds a quick answer to. She feels a touch on her shoulder
>>146362She jumps slightly at the sudden touch and looks back.
>>146364She nods wordlessly and follows him, hoping nopony takes notice.
>>146360Whoops.Iron couldn't help but snicker softly at the extra bit of attention he was awarded for his efforts before following Cauldron back into the kitchen for that second shot.
>>146365It's almost to a fist fight over there, so no one notices. Scabbard pulls her through the hallway, and into the central one. He leans in and whispers into her ear.
"I got the keys, and one of the documents but... I need to get past the last mare. If you could help distract her. Move her out of her office, or make her looks away from the hallway..."
>>146366White Sands is let go, and she sits down, looking at Iron as he walks away.
Black Cauldron pours a shot for herself.
>>146367Amber nods. Compared to what she had to do just now, this shouldn't be too difficult.
>>146367Iron eagerly awaits Cauldron's next move, wondering how she'd react to the drink in question compared to himself.
>>146368Scabbard moves towards the end of the hall, until it enters the T intersection. He takes a peak over
"Looks like it's Sunnyside Meadows there, not Good Follower as I thought. All the same, I need to go to an office on the other side and not be seen. Distract him."
>>146369She takes the glass, picks up up, and drinks the whole thing in one swallow.
>>146370She nods briskly and practically canters over to Sunnyside Meadows.
"Sir, sir! Something awful is happening!" >>146371He turns away from his photographs on the wall
"What is it?" He asks
>>146370Iron stomps the floor in applause, obviously cheering for Cauldron's success. "Nice," he called out.
>>146374He sighs
"They need to get over themselves. This is no different from when the Imperial Guard would come by in the old days. Then again, they were just as dramatic back then..."
Unenthusiastically, he stands up, and starts to walk out
>>146375Is it likely for him to leave without seeing Red Scabbard?
>>146376He would need to move from the hallway, and Sunnyside would need to not look down that hallway. So it short, it's inelegant to say the least
>>146373"Heh" She smiles strangely at Iron
>>146377"You did not even flinch," Iron pointed out, impressed as ever.
>>146378"I suppose not" she answers
White Sands walks over, and looks up at them
>>146377So you're telling me there is a chance?
Amber will do whatever it takes to keep his attention focused on him.
"Sir, I'd best explain the situation. The Blackhooves want to take control of the investigation of something called a 'comte' and other cases too. They're saying locals shouldn't handle it at all, because some ponies are giving aid to 'anarchists' and that they're funding the agency and the whole department is 'rotten' and corrupt. On the other hoof, the detectives mentioned there was an agreement to keep Baltimare sovereign from Canterlot and New Mareland also agreed to honor it, but the Blackhooves want to take over with this being an excuse and they did the same thing in Manehattan by killing ponies and lying and all sorts of nasty things...."She's practically hyperventilating by the end.
>>146380KekThe stallion looks down over toward Amber
"Calm down, little pony. It'll be alright. The same occasional drama popped up back under the Princesses' rule. It's just something that comes along with the power sharing, giving something to each side. It's much better to have this than each side fighting for all or nothing."
>>146381"It hardly sounds like 'sharing' at all! Sharing is about agreement, about coming to good terms. I really do think they're fighting for all or nothing." Is this an older stallion?
>>146379Iron walks over to Cauldron with a sultry, playful smile in turn. "Maybe your drink was different than mine," he coyly insinuated as he hovered his snout near hers. "Maybe I should get a taste just to be sure."
>>146382He's clearly older than Red Scabbard, but not really that old. Probably not older than his late forties, maybe early or mid fourties.
"Oh, it's one case. Just high profile. Of course the Chief wants that one. But we've had two revolts in twenty years, and both ended in power sharing arrangements. This much better than it could be. Let them take the one case, and leave the other ten thousand to us."
>>146383"Maybe" She says plainly, with lidded eyes
>>146385He shrugs
"It's 1 AM on a Saturday."
He seems to have more to say, or at least, wants to say more, but does not manage it. A smile slowly fades
>>146388Actually yes, probably. His point is that it's well outside of business hours"Because they know they'd be outnumbered 10 to 1 if they came during actual business hours." He answers, walking along with Amber
>>146384Iron, of course, closes the distance further, finally touching Cauldron's lips.
>>146390This provokes a smile, perked eyes, and a kiss back
>>146391Seizing the opportunity, Iron took no more expense in slipping his tongue inside her mouth to 'get a feel' for Cauldron's drink while ensuring her enjoyment throughout.
>>146389"That must mean they're afraid of you all, if they have be sudden and sneaky about it," she replies, keeping up with him and making sure his attention is focused on her.
>>146270She smiles in a large, toothy smile. Strangely, she too has fangs, which can be seen in this overly revealing smile.
"Yes! I need to find out what plants will grow here in this climate. Or what the soil is like deeper down. Or exactly how much rain there is here-"
>>146392Cauldron pulls back her cheeks in a smile, but lets him in, moving her tongue to meet his, then pressing her lips forward to solidify the union. Iron can't taste much of the hard alcohol, though there is definitely a smell and a slight tint to the flavor.
>>146395"Exactly. And besides, I have to wonder if maybe for this case, just this case, they really will do a better job. There are many out there who don't want to see justice done in this case. And the office here isn't as above corruption or threat as we would like it to be."
Moving closer to the evidence room, the argument has died down a bit, and Swift Soul has made progress moving forward. Further away, by the entrance, Amber can hear more commotion.
[Read more] >>146396Silver didn't expect this, but he's rather fascinated by it than turned off. He smiles back at her.
"Sounds like we need to find botanist to ask these questions to."
>>146397"Well.... Yes, if we have to. I know what it would have been like back at my home village but... This is very different. Ideally there would be a rock garden, and a pagoda, but.. there isn't really room for it. Still, it is nice to plant into the ground. To sow seeds, and let them take root."
>>146398"Heh. It sounds like being parent, way you describe it."
>>146399"Yes. Or making connections, or making new friends, or generally making a new life in a new city."
>>146400"I think then it is perfect hobby for you."
He trots over to her, and gives her a surprise hug.
>>146401"Well, if you want to call it-"
SqueakSilver gets his legs around a very much surprised Khoi. She's not small for a mare, but still smaller than Silver and Jubilosa, and her front is almost fluffy while her back is hard and scaly.