Iron got his ass beat and has pissed off a whole criminal syndicate, Amber is doing some shady shit at the police station, Silver is making friends, and Spark is enjoying Whinnysotan hospitality.
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>>146916He smiles.
"I am glad it makes you happy."
>>146918Iron scrunched his snout up even further, scratching his head with a hoof.
Where could she be? he wondered softly to himself, looking about at any other avenue he could look into.
In the hallway - a closet, the bathroom, the bedroom. In the main area - the living room, the kitchen, and a balcony
>>146921Of course, Iron inspects the closet first!
[1d20+1 = 5]<Search
>>146922A tire iron, a baseball bat, a briefcase and a bag. Lots of coats. But no small pony.
>>146923This mare's good, Iron thought to himself, already starting to feel himself more concerned by the second.
He proceeded to check the bathroom instead.
[1d20+1 = 19]<Search times... four now?
>>146924He opens it to a sink, a toilet, a bathtub with closed shower curtains...
There's movement behind the shower curtains >>146926Finally seeing some movement, Iron decides to slowly but surely inch ever so closer to the shower curtains with his pillow ready to attack without really bothering to catch her by surprise: Bathroom only had one way in or out, so this unicorn was trapped here.
>>146928As soon as he was practically standing right in front of the curtains in question, Iron's foreleg started to creep up towards it, carefully looking for the opening required to immediately push it aside without damaging the fabric.
If all goes well, he'd finally pull the final obstacle between him and White so that she can further feel the wrath of his pillow.
>>146930Thus, the curtain was suddenly pulled away and the last obstacle was lifted by Iron's strong leg with his mouth pillow ready to strike down the unlucky small unicorn mare
What will happen next to Spark? Is the silence a calm before the storm? Is it a lie? Will Spark ever find binoculars? Will Spark remember that one trait he had at the very beginning of this adventure with the glass but completely forgot about until just now?
Maybe this and more next time.
>>146935Ruffles>>146925"Well... Rural farming village, kind of in the mountains. Actually not really a village, more like a small town. There was a refinery so I guess maybe that makes it a town? I don't know, it was too small for me. Not really much to do, you basically knew every one. Kind of quaint I guess, but kind of boring. You know?"
>>146936"I can see why you wanted to move to Aquileia. I have heard it is quite large, busy city in large, busy country."
>>146937"Yes! With culture, sophistication, art, history, wine..."
>>146938"It sounds very nice. It would be nice to visit someday."
>>146939"It would be...." She trails off rather significantly towards the end of her brief response, as if silenced
>>146940Silver gives his date a concerned look.
"Is something wrong?"
>>146941"Well, you know. It's not exactly a holiday trip right now."
>>146942He frowns, worried about how she's feeling.
"Would you like to talk about it?"
>>146944"Ah. Yes. That I understand."
>>146947"I was just wondering. I want to know what is on your mind."
>>146933Opposed[1d20+3 = 14]>>146948"Oh... Well, that's sweet of you. Ask anytime."
>>146933>>146955Iron opens the curtains to see the small white pony with a red ruffle throw pillow levitating within green light.
She throws it forward at Iron's face
[1d20+4 = 11] >>146955"Does that mean you do not want to at moment?"
>>146957"No. Just thinking about how good this soup is, even though it's a little bit saltier than I imagined it would be. Not that I've ever actually had this kind of soup before. You know, I wanted to, but I haven't really had it. There was this one time visiting the city when I was young that I saw someone else ordered it but I did not get it, so I saw it and sort of wondered. Anyways, I wonder what else there is to do in this city, and what the spa will be like, and am I actually wearing this dress right, and should I maybe find something more to go with it? and... well, that's the short of it."
>>146958He smiles at her.
"We can see what there is to do here, together."
>>146959“That sounds great. It’s pretty great as it is, with the beach house and now this and then the spa.”
>>146960"I really cannot wait until we get to spa. It will be amazing to spend my first time with you."
>>146961"You... have never been to a spa?"
>>146962"Not once before. I am quite excited."
>>146963“What made you think to get a spa trip tonight?” She asks. “Not that I mind by any means. I think it will be nice. But what made you want to go to a spa?”
>>146964"I heard about how nice it is from one of my friends. I wanted to see what it was like, and wanted to do so with someone else. You are perfect person to go with!"
>>146966Silver nods.
"I love you and care for you, you have not bèen to spa before either, and you are deserving of finer things in life from time to time."
>>146967"That's so sweet!"
She places a claw across, and holds Silver's hoof
>>146997He smiles brightly at his beautiful date.
"I almost can not believe I am lucky enough to have you, Jubee."
>>146998"And I... I feel so lucky you came through that door that night. For very many reasons... You're an incredible stallion in a way I never knew a stallion could be."
She blushes, and smiles awkwardly