92 replies and 41 files omitted.
Hey Slav dev, have you checked out this LISA Movement Script? Looks like it massively simplifies making platform since you no longer need to put events everywhere, you just tag tiles.
https://gamejolt.com/games/lisathetechdemo/525787Also can you give advice on how you made your sprites and such? I'm trying to fuck around with RPGM too but I'm extremely bad at art and it's a major hurdle for doing any sort of project.
>>158272>>have you checked out this LISA Movement Script?No. I know that LISA jumping mechanic is flawed but at the same time it's simple. I know it can be tiresome to apply a script to every single event when you jump up and down, let alone checks for sprite changes. But it works fairly fine and doesnt mess up game's performance.
Speaking of, there are a lot of codependensies in how scripts access game data. I already done a lot of additional plugin insertions to make up for sprites changing after applying a state to an actor, hence berry's sprite changes when she gets drunk. I cannot allow changing things further. It could result in a disaster and extreme framerate drops. Besides, the style of my games have zero instances of vertical jumping. But now that I have added it, I'll simply stick to what works.
>>Also can you give advice on how you made your sprites and such?I'm trying to fuck around with RPGM too but I'm extremely bad at art and it's a major hurdle for doing any sort of project.Just decompile LISA the painful and start fucking with it, dude. You think I'm some kind of guru who's done a fuck ton of research and learned ruby down to the teeth? Not. My first crappy project was replacing terry hints from LISA with vinyl the fucking scratch. I'm still convinced this is some of the cringiest shit anyone has ever done but alongside it helped me to master the engine of rpg maker vx ace.
I drew all game sprites in photoshop CS6. You can use whatever suits you best. Not paint because it has some transparancy issues.
in case you want to play this crap
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1F5xl_VTYYKyX0CWs5E53MjwB1iSBc31S/view?usp=sharing >>158605LISA mod with vinyl scratch is not finished. Element of lust is in its early development. There is a lot of autism to insert in it, it takes time.
Just in case itch decides to ban russian propaganda.
https://u.smutty.horse/mgbbcopxtfy.rar>>161326Hoping for the best and that it won't happen. The banning and deplatforming of Russians are ridiculous.
>>162366It plays only 5 seconds and begins to buffer. I'll try later.
You've probably heard me mentioning a guy RastaS a while ago. He gave me critique on what works and what doesn't about EoJ and I'm forever thankful for that. He also drew EoJ fanart an even created some banger OSTs for the sequel. Well, the reason I'm bringing this up is because he died. Likely from drug overdose (ironic, considering the theme of the first game). His death soured my mood greatly. Shit, guy was a real artist. Such a shame he ended up like this.
I don't feel good about continuing the project for now. It's haunting to use stuff someone you know is dead has created. I still hope that my friends are just pulling a sick prank on me instead of telling the truth. Let's hope for the best.
>>164617I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you feel better in time. I also hope that you do continue the project in the future. As hard as it might be, your friend wouldn’t want you to give up on it, especially if he made fan art of it. He would want you to make the best sequel you can and follow through on those critiques and encouraging words he gave you. You don’t need to pressure yourself to pick it back up immediately or anything, but complete abandonment would be sad to see. Give yourself some time.
>>164617So sorry to hear. And hoping for the best.
My deepest condolences.
>>164621This. Its comprehensible to feel discouraged, but anon did his work; do not forestall his last contributions.
Great news, I'm continuing the project! I can feel those sweet creative juices flowin', like them old days, lads!
Muse is like diarrea. If you feel empty, just consume more content until you feel like you've devoured enough of it to start producing again.
Plus I moved past my friend's passing. It's a pass pass. Real tipsy like.
Hooray! More cringey pony shenanigans in five years or so! Don't die out on me while I'm at it, kay? Do what you do best, horsefuckers. Horsefuck.
>>165740>>165741Great news. Glad to hear the muse of inspiration is singing again.
>>165743Sing? No, I say if fucking yells at me with an audacity of ten lesbians on fire.
Like, your first interaction in game is pressing Z to puke. After examining berry's own barf on the grass you'll find this gem of a message: "Behold, your first interaction. The next ones won't get any better. So let it be a reminder that this barf is what anything you do onwards will amount to"
It sets the kind of mood that I, personally, am foresseing for this kind of a game. It's a meaningless waste of space that is somehow coherent in its absurdity to the point when you begin questioning your own sanity. I have come to a conclusion that a fighting game about ponies is not a normal game to make. In the process I've faced a lot of dead ends, walls, writer blocks. But as a result those corners have set the canvas I'm now drawing on. It's thanks to limiting myself I've come to know the exact leftover directions to lead from start to finish. For the first time I am seeing CLEARLY something and it's amazing.
>>165745Fighting Is Magic was a genius move from a marketing perspective. Take fighting game cliches done to death, make the gameplay an accessible stripped-down slowed-down MVC2/3/Guilty Gear hybrid, and add characters with the biggest hungriest fanbase ever at the time to attract this fanbase. I believe real passion went into this. But it's marketing genius anyway.
Sonic Smackdown didn't set the world on fire and break new ground. Type Wild the fighting Pokemon fangame didn't make it to evo. FIM did, because it hooks people with the absurd premise of cartoon ponies fighting and keeps them pressing buttons with simple rewarding gameplay, a great tutorial, and a story mode that is also a tutorial. Most fighting games do a genuinely fucking abysmal job at keeping people playing and teaching them to play and making them care, a job so shit it would be unacceptable in 95% of other genres but is normal for fighting games. Some AAA release could come out with no training mode or a shit one that lacks frame data and hitboxes and consoomnigger NPCs would defend this. Niggers already defend the new KOF for being broken on launch.
Six playable characters and Chrysalis as the obligatory large final boss... If it kept quiet and then unexpectedly released or announced itself at Evo when complete it could have kept adding other characters like Trixie and the DJ Pony doing uhhh... whatever moveset they decide to put on these characters(mixup trap zoner and lockdown zoner?). Hasbro's C+D made it more famous but Lauren Faust getting involved was extremely lucky, now the new setting they're forced to create and repurpose this fighting game for will be loved by FIM fans and Faust fans. Probably. If it was finished sooner (or a playable demo was released sooner) when there were more bronies the hype would have been immesurable.
>>165750Fighting is magic, along with Them fighting herds, all comes down to "fighting but ponies (or creatures)". It's a well made B+ experience for most of people who like a simple premise that can deliver. I am not here to deliver a premise. I want this to be bigger than just a bunch of ponies fighting. I want to embark on a closing chapter in our book. The one that you and I are on. I want to look deeply into my the soul, the heart and ask myself the most hard hitting questions in order to get the definitive answers of what drives the brony engine, what ignites the fire in millions of people. The legacy of my little pony feels unfinished, entangled in chaos. I want to find sense to that chaos and draw a fat line across it, confine it, tame it.
Designing fights for me has never been the main course of action. The mirth of excitement after each battle is just a bonus from knowing ones boundaries and setting the right priorities.
>>165750Thanks for that. Unrelated to the thread topic tho.
>>165752>fighting but ponies (or creatures)This. FiM and TfH are NOT good games. Not bad, but definitely not GOOD.
>>165752You sound ambitious, I like it.
You have the potential to make something amazing.
>>165753>see new character trailer>previous new character was boring Goat who could wallrun like Chipp>woah it's Big Mac's replacement voiced by Azrael's VA>wonder what this big guy for you will play like>Oh cool Potemkin's 2S vacuums on hit and combos, these guys played +R. When does he PotBuster? ...there we go, nice wakeup grab.">Potemkin. Only Potemkin, with seemingly no extra spice like Tager's magnetism.Sure 10 secs of gameplay isn't enough time to judge the whole character, he may have unique sauce, but probably not. What would change about this game if everyone was a Mobian from Sonic The Hedgehog? Nothing besides a mild adjustment to hitboxes.
>>165768>all that bullshitYoure still not talking about the game that this thread is based around.
You're talking about what you're on about, which has nothing to do witb OP's game.
You made(?) games before, have some respect. If youre not gonna talk about OP's game, then fuck off to your /ub/ thread
I'm looking foward to the pones.
>165768Not the same kind of fights (or game type) in the first place.
what have you done to me, /mlpol/? Like, wtf is this dialog even?
And of course there is this gem...
That counts for a sneekpeak quota, right? Okay, cool, see you next year.
>>166193I'm genuinely happy that you haven't been killed by globohomo.
I may be a newfag and a shy little lurker but I can stay silent no longer
>>166193Did you know it was going to be Puckman but because the guys in charge expected people to deface Puckman and scratch away part of the P to make it say Fuckman they decided to change the name to Pac-Man?
Your games need explosions. Pop, bust, burst, explode. TNT, pumps, soda and mints, the vacuum of space on the moon. Ponies need to paint the walls to get under one's skin.
>>166414Can't stop laughing at this comment
it's kinda' based too, NGL. Have an old inflation pic.
>>166414No fucking way. Are you that faggot who cooms to ponies giving each other bob-ombs?
>>166418He's like the wonderbread guy
>>166416Thank you I appreciate the sentiment and thank you, no, I'm a humble anon who uses proxes to look for a good boom.
>>166422Is there any explosion that tears a pony apart?
Normalcy on itself is a weak concept. All people are weird in their own little ways, all have their skeletons in their closets. The key defining feature is that some people can separate their frustrations and bury them deeply within themselves. But some act out on their ways, resulting in monstrous and overall catastrophic events taking place.
One thing for certain, if you treat yourself as a victim then you justify your actions because you admit that you are not in control. So you loose control of who you are by refusing to take control over yourself. Self blaming is a path to self destruction. Never do that. It turned out that a contributor to EoJ and my long time friend has killed himself. He was high on weed and got emotional. Cut his veins. As much as it sucks to be in conditions you're in, as harsh as they be, don't just quit. There is always something to give, something to live for. RastaS has given me beautiful ost's that I will find absolutely insulting not to use them in my next game. His name will live on in my work as a tribute to him once being with us in this world.
Peace and stay safe,
Soft Lava
>>166688Damn. Sorry to hear that. I am looking forward to the game and I am sure it is something he would have been proud of.
>German flag
Why isn't it Belgian now?
>>166688Woah, those are serious digits.
Ha! I've managed to bypass the ban! Take that, Roskomnadzor! The bad news is - I'm halting development cos i have no time for this shit. The news are not all that bad though. Here's a crappy unpolished demo cringe. There's nothing past 2 fights but you can do stuff and experiment like in a first game. Have fun.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1afYGyI9ab4z5pVSaKfVaboDIpY8wMrGm/view?usp=sharingHi, this is dev speaking.
We're at a great loss today as of now the source for Element of Lust game files is gone. I've been gone for two months and by that time all my data got deleted. Could anyone of you please post it here again if you have it? The upper link is dead.
>>174498Hope someone can find a copy. I will look though what I have saved and my backups to see if I got it.