Would anybody be willing to play Red Hand Of Doom if I ran it off this board?
One of the games I've been looking forward to playing has been cancelled, so I might have some extra free time in the next upcoming months, and I feel like running one of the adventures I have downloaded.
RoHD is a mid level adventure module that could be finished in a few weeks or a few months, depending on how well it can be organized. I'd be running it with third edition rules, with a few PF1e imports, using this board for logkeeping and dialogue, and perhaps using discord for voicechat or Roll20 for battlemaps, depending on who's playing.
That all depends on whether I can find players who would be enthusiastic though. I'm just looking to see if anyone on this server is interested enough for me to do it on here.
142 replies and 12 files omitted.
Probably don't have time but it does sound interesting.
>>132114Well, neither do I at the moment, but I will in a month or two.
Just wanted to see if anybody here might be interested in playing, before I went off to Roll20 to start a group there.
Seems like a neat idea, but I know next to nothing about 3.5. If I can learn it and have the time to do so in a month or however long, then I'd be willing to join in.
>>132102Also, since I didn't catch it until after checking the module itself out a bit, by 3rd edition you mean 3.5, or just flat 3?
I now have time so though I'm completely new to DnD I'd like to play
>>132116>>132118New players are welcome.
RHoD is a 6-12 level Campaign (it's a campaign, so finishing it will take a little bit of dedication), written for four inexperienced players who's builds/optimization don't deviate from the "classic" four-person party design.
It's why I'm asking here, instead of Roll20: partly because I know there's people here who'd like to play for the first time, and partly because because inexperienced players spare me the effort of having to scale-up some of the weak-sauce encounters.
However, if enough new players are interested. I might like to run a short-and-sweet adventure to get everyone acclimated with the edition. It's also to test mediums here, because I did a one-shot on this board before and I wasn't really satisfied with the speed game: to amend that I think I'd like to supplement it with a discord channel or a Roll20 group so that I can communicate with the players more easily, or just find a way to DM players on mythweaver.
I've got the Sunless Citadel one-shot adventure that I've been wanting to run for months, which is a one-shot meant for characters lvl 1-3. Interesting, exciting, highly-recommended and great for beginners. Ideally, it could be finished in a single session, but I predict it could be done in 2-3 sessions just because players are new and I'm not sure about how fast a game would take place on a chansite.
>>1321173.5e, with perhaps a few feats imported from PF1e if I'm feeling generous. 3.5e implies 3.0 content that hasn't been rewritten/errata'd.
>until after checking the module itself out a bitI'm going to ask you
politely not to read anything else about the module. Even I've been putting off reading it for the past 2 years because I was hoping I would get to play it. I've read it now, and I intend to run it.
[Read more] >>132120Don't worry, I didn't actually read anything other than whatever blurb google decided to put as the first result for the search. I mean, who would do that, just read ahead in a module and spoil it all for when they play? Wouldn't that just defeat the purpose?
>>132126Just making sure, because it's better to establish it now than later. RHoD is considered to be one of the better modules in 3.5e, and just googling it will lead you to countless adventure logs of past DMs.
I may as well give a clue into what the adventure is bout though. Here's the Wikipedia plot:
>Red Hand of Doom follows a group of adventurers who have entered the Elsir Vale, a thinly populated frontier region. The party discovers a massive hobgoblin horde that is fanatically devoted to the dark goddess Tiamat and led by a charismatic warlord (final boss). To stop the horde, players have to muster the inhabitants of the Vale, battle hobgoblins, giants and dragons, and defeat an overwhelming enemy.So basically, an evil cult of dragon-worshiping goblins rallying to destroy the world as we know it.
Obviously, Hobgoblins are going to be the major enemies in this game. It's a generic D&D module, that can be dropped into just about any setting
(including Equestria, or so I've read, but I'd have to look into that first...); I'll make final assessments for the setting after I see if I can get four dedicated players participating.
The game would heavily feature war, goblinoids, dragons and dragonbloods, Spawn of Tiamat, and more. There would be plenty of monsters as well as armies of humanoids and monstrous enemies. I'd allow most core 3.5e books, and even setting-specific content from forgottenrealms and eberron, as well as some dragon magazine content on a case-by-case basis. I'll decide on third party and pathfinder content once I if enough people want to actually do this.
The game would start at lvl 5, and player characters could expect to be lvl 10 by the end of it.
[Read more] Alright, it looks like I've got some Anons on this site that seem to be actually interested, which means I can summon the motivation to prepare the game. I might make a discord server to hammer things out and establish communications between myself and potential players. I intend to play in part on this site though. I'm going to experiment and see if I can find some Sunless Citadel maps on roll20.
Anyone who's interested, feel free to keep posting to this thread.
https://discord.gg/nuNgK5cAlright, I made a discord server for voicechat, if anyone would like to enter. It's still under construction, but I figured I'd post it while I'm still plotting out how to run the game on this medium.
There's no rush to join the server at this stage. I'm still going to post all important information here. I'd just like the option to DM interested players.
I've counted four interested players. That's enough to run this game with. My minimum is four, and I'm unwilling to go over six.
Can I get a head count of everyone who is still interested?
>>132143still here, dunno about the other guys
>>132146There's no hurry. I'd join at like to get the new players together so I could get a one shot going.
I've got the Sunless Citadel for new players. It could be a lvl 1-3 adventure that could be finished in a session or two, depending on how easy you guys are to organize (which I intend to test).
Well, I had intended to start about a month after I had four players, if or when that ever happens, so take your time.
>>132255Sure, I won't promise anthing. I ain't dealing with failed promises again. However, I am intrested but, you know, we will see if I got the time for it.
>>132285Well, I made this thread just to see
if anyone was interested in playing this adventure that I've wanted to
play run for a while. Since I'm not really on a schedule, I'm fine to wait however long it take, if it happens at all. I've already read the material, so I'm really just waiting for a party and
stubbornly putting it up on this little board community instead of roll20. I'd prefer if I got to at least contact interested players sooner than later though.
>>132315I'm still thinking. I'm very tempted. It would be fun but I wonder if I'll be able to it. I'll think some more. .
>>132465Well, you're welcome to take your time. I'm not going to start until about a month after I have about 4 dedicated players, if that ever happens. So far I see maybe ~3-ish interested players, although nobody has clicked the link I posted.
Since I'm bored, I think I'll copy-paste the first draft of my 3.5e houserules I've been typing up:
I'm pretty liberal when it comes to published 3.5e content. I'd even be willing to accept some setting-specific content from Forgottenrealms, Eberron, Ravenloft or Dark Sun, although that may change when I decide what setting to drop this map in.
Dragon/Dungeon magazine articles need an extra step of approval, but I'm okay with most of it.
I'm generally opposed to Homebrew. I might houserule some things myself, but don't try to ask me for things that someone else wrote.
Although this would run on 3.5e, I can be convinced to allow certain third party material, or even rules imported from PF1e.
The campaign uses several rules from Heroes Of Battle, but I don't think I'm going to allow the leadership feat as of now, although I could be convinced. If I decide to allow leadership, all Commander Auras and teamwork strategy bonuses will be available to players and their followers as usual.
The Heroics spell is hereby added to the Bard and Warmage spell lists.
I encourage all participating players to optimize and tinker with their character builds, and I'm open to allow whatever materials are necessary to build the exact kinds of characters you want. I will approve characters upon creation, and guide new players with building their PCs. Optimization is by no means necessary in this low-crunch game though.
Optimization must be within reason though: no infinite damage loops, or unlimited stat increases.
I reserve the right to retroactively buff or nerf any character for whatever reason I deem to be appropriate, should the need arise. I don't expect it to happen though.
Sorcerers and all spontaneous spellcasters gain Arcane Preparation as a bonus feat. Note that this allows a Sorcerer to prepare a spell ahead of time for the sake of evading the full-round-action cost for metamagic, including quicken spell. This is based on a recommended UA houserule.
For those who insist on playing Paladins, you may select either Dynamic Priest (Charisma for spells) or Serenity (Wisdom for everything else) as a bonus feat at lvl 1, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.
ACFs from all official books are allowed, with the exception of the Pugilist Fighter's "Shake It Off" ability; all other class features of the Pugilist are allowed.
Since Mystic Ranger is a playable ACF in this game, the Stalker Of Kharash class may advance spellcasting as a mystic ranger, provided you have at least one mystic ranger level.
The following feats are free for all characters (including monsters):
>Combat Expertise
>Improved Shield Bash
>Precise Shot
>Quick Draw
>Somatic Weaponry
>Two-Weapon Fighting
>Weapon Finesse
Note that this allows you to pick up Improved [Maneuver] without the Int prereq and Weapon Finesse at lvl 1 even if you haven't good BAB.
I'm doing this mainly to address the feat tax menace. If you would gain any of these feats as the result of a class feature, you may instead select any Fighter Bonus Feat for which you qualify.
In Addition, all creatures gain Additional Favored Class as a bonus feat. This is my way of ignoring the stupid multi-classing rules.
PCs may take up to two flaws and two traits.
I do not wish to DM for more than 6 players at once.
If you see an ACF, variant rule, or houserule in any core book, Unearthed Arcana or Dragon Magazine that you would like to play, you may petition me to allow it in the game, possibly even after it's started.
Truenamer is banned for being stupid, complicated, and impotent unless it's abused to break the item economy. All other classes in the Tome Of Magic are approved though (Binder and Shadowcaster are pretty great. Check them out).
It goes without saying that most classes, feats, ACFs, spells, and other content from core 3.5e is acceptable.
If you wish to play a "godless" Cleric, you are still subject to certain roleplaying and mechanical restrictions that you would have been subject to if you worshipped a deity (you do not necessarily get to pick-and-choose domain combinations cuz muh creed). I will privately elaborate this topic if anybody wishes to play such a character.
Clerics who worship Elements may employ rules based on Dark Sun's Elemental Spheres. In addition, certain Clerics who worship gods who grant the Earth, Water, Fire, Air or Sun domains may make use of those domains. You are still subject to the roleplaying restrictions of your element and your deity.
Since I use The Complete Champion, players may be mechanically rewarded for having consistent spiritual outlooks and fulfilling roleplaying goals that would earn them the favor of their deity or church. If you wish to exploit this mechanic, I would recommend writing off part of your starting equipment in tithes to your church, because you may not get any other opportunity to pay them.
Although I've been waiting on putting this game in a definitive setting, I'm somewhat flexible with Pantheons, following guidelines in Deities And Demigods; I can allow a Cleric of a Grayhawk deity in a Forgottenrealms setting, or vice versa.
I use the WoTC website expansion for Kobold traits, so if you were interested in playing one, check it out. (gain 2 claw attacks, a bite attack, weapon familiarity with Greatpicks, Pickaxe Proficiency, and the Slight Build Trait, as well as Greater Draconic Rite Of Passage).
Any Exalted Cleric who wishes to take a Vow Of Poverty (NOT recommended. Even Pistis Sophia knows it sucks) may carry a wooden holy symbol in exchange for their simple melee weapon. Note that clubs, slings, and quarterstaffs are free.
Anything that comes from Kingdoms Of Kalamar is banned.
I'll decide on the point buy number after I'm certain that enough people are interested. It's going to be high though, since I want MAD martial characters to thrive SAD alongside casters. With that in mind, make any kind of character you want.
[Read more] Btw to mitigate misunderstandings, I'm the guy who used tor above.
Will read this later and give you my input for what its worth. It might very well be just, a thunbs up or thunbs down though. Don't expect a long response because I don'tthink I have so much to offer when it coems to dnd commentary.
>>132596So long as I don't have a complete group, all these are just a draft.
You're welcome to make comments/suggestions/requests. If you have any questions just ask.
>>132597I have read the post now.
If I play, I'll probably play a half-man-half-pig named Nöff-Nöff. He should be a barbarian wielding a scythe.
>>132607Oh, I forgot to mention. I should have large belly and love beer. He is also a very cheerful character.
>>132607>Barbarian with a scythePatrician fighting style. Scythes are some of my favorite weapons for barbarians.
I'd also strongly recommend trying a couple levels in Crusader or Warblade, if you intend to play a martial character.
>half-man-half-pigThere are a couple ways to stat this. There's anthropomorphic animals (which I would rather avoid); a certain depiction of Orcs; wereboars... I will get back to you on that.
>>132595While I'm houseruling:
Replacement feats:
Cerulean Fortitude, Cerulean Reflexes, and Cerulean Will may be used as a prerequisite for any feat, prestige class or special ability that requires Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, or Iron Will.
Improved Toughness may replace toughness for any prerequisite that requires it.
Centaur Trample may be used to replace the Trample feat for any prerequisite (not sure if there are any), if taken by any centaur or Tauric creature (yes, they are allowed).
If you would gain any of the above feats as the result of a class feature, you may select its relevant replacement feat instead, so long as you meet the prerequisites.
For core "replacement feats", see:
https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?593785Later 3.5e books flirted with this concept. I'm adding clauses to a few more to address the feat tax menace, and make this game a bit more meldshaper friendly.
Monks gain Weapon Focus at lvl 1 for free, just so that they aren't utter crap at lvls 1-5 (ffs, just play swordsage instead, they're fun). I'm only doing this because I gave paladins something.
City Brawler Barbarians may gain Weapon Focus (unarmed Strike), in exchange for their regular two-weapon fighting with unarmed strikes.
ACF chaining is permissible. If you don't know what that is, it's not that important.
Just to make it clear, Tauric Creatures count as centaurs when using lances. They may ignore Mounted Combat and Ride skill prerequisites for Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, or any other riding feat, but they may be limited by their anatomies.
Due to the starting level (5-6, depending on number of players), playing a centaur with several RHD may be tricky when combined with LA, but I may be willing to make accommodations based on the PGtF's guide to "lesser" races, so characters with High RHD and LA, so you can start out smaller and progress to full power as you level.
I allow Level-Adjustment Buy-off mechanics, from Unearthed Arcana. This meants that if you play a level-adjusted race, you will not be required to be at lower level for the entire game.
[Read more] >>132611>Scythes are some of my favorite weapons for barbarians.Huh, and here I thought I was being original-ish. Appearently not.
>>132620Quadruple damage on crits and capacity to trip makes them desirable for high-strength characters.
Now, do you want any special particular abilities for being half-pig?
>>132622>scytheMmm, okay. So there are actaully spåecific states involved with such a weapon. I memer thought of it as cosmetics.
>pigNah, I have nothing like taht in mind. Maybe he can eat almost anything?
>>132623Are you satisfied with a refluffed Water Orc then?
Food shouldn't be that big of a problem, and if it is you'll probably pass any fortitude save to eat something rotten.
This game will start at lvls 5-6, depending on how many players; PCs will be able to enter their desired prestige classes upon the first level up, so if you have a desired build or prestige class (Frenzied Berserker, Eye Of Gruumsh, Orc Warlord, Primeval, Runescarred Berserker).
You have plenty of time to think about it.
Since orcs are a race I consider to be somewhat underpowered, I use water orcs to replace them (same as orc, but +2 Constitution). I also give them Weapon Familiarty with Orc Double Axes. In addition, an orc counts as a half-orc for taking ACFs (Barbarian, paladin, Druid). These traits together make them about as powerful as humans.
This is actually grandfathered from another game I played.
>>132595>>132619>>132628Until further notice, this is the end of all houserules.
There's plenty of revisions I'd like to make to 3.5e classes, but I need to stop myself from rewriting the game entirely.
Yeah, I'll be able to play in this.
>>132632That's great. Do you have a character in mind?
>>132118>>132116If you two are still alive/interested, now would be a good time to say so. You don't need to be ready, but I'd like to know who's in.
Once i'm confident I have four players (or at least 3 enthusiastic ones), I'd like to get the party together and try to get the beginners acclimated with a one-shot before the RHoD game begins.
>>132633A one shot? You never mentioned that
>arguing with the GM be like >>132634I did earlier in the thread:
>>132147>>132120It's not really necessary, but I figured if there are people new to the game I'd let them try short lvl 1 adventure first.
It would also be to test mediums. I'm not entirely sure how much of this I want to play directly on the board, because I really would prefer a game with decent speed. Perhaps roll20, foundry, or discord could help with the combat parts so it doesn't take too long and ruin immersion.
>>132633Don't worry, I'm still alive and in the discord. Have been for a while, just don't have much to say. Also
>character ideastentative human cleric of Bahamut, if that works
>>132741Human Cleric of Bahamut is great. Surely a character who would have the best motivations to
If you ever wish to gain the Dragonborn Template through the Ritual Of Rebirth, I'll allow you to change your base Race to Complacent Human, to get +2 to one ability score in exchange for the lost bonus feat.
If you have any specific questions regarding character creation, feel free to ask me either here or in DMs.
The starting ECL will be 6
Characters use 36 points and the point buy system to calculate stats (minimum 7):
https://www.myth-weavers.com/pointbuyI hope to begin next month.
>>132747We could do a one shot in as little as a week, if new players are ready.
I know the Sunless Citadel like the back of my hand.
>>132747Note that 36 points is a high power array, because the PCs are supposed to be the heroes of this story. I was going to make it 40, but I decided that my houserules were already way too generous for this module (they are a draft).
The starting gold is 13,125 gold pieces. I'd normally prefer you not spend more than 2,300 gp on one item, but if you have something that really suits your character, go ahead and buy it. Magic and mundane items from all legal 3.5e sources are permissible, with some exceptions.
Note that this adventure has travel in it: Buy a mule.
To calculate HP, take the average for your HD (2 for d4's, 3 for d6's, 4 for d8's, 5 for d10's and 6 for d12's) with max HP on the first dice, then add your Con modifiers as usual. I just prefer average HPs to rolled hit points.
>>132749>>132607>>132118>>132741And to new players especially, I'd like to do that one shot as soon as you guys can, so that you all can learn the rules at low level before the game next month. It's not necessary that the one shot happen at all, since RHoD isn't that hard, but i'd like to get it together soon anyway to test the game pace on this chansite medium.
Some confirmation of continued interest would be appreciated.
The oneshot, if it occurs, would be a lvl 1 game, with a starting gold of 125 gp, with 36 points to distribute for stats.
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Policy on enchanting unarmed strikes? If so, I want to put wounding onto their unarmed strike, and speed onto my gauntlets. Might flip through the Magic Item Compendium to see if there are more choice enchants. For the sake of argument, a body turned into a weapon is a weapon. Removing the bone and making a sword from it would be the same as simply having the bone in the body. It shouldn’t logically change anything to remove the bone and carve it into a sharp stick when it comes to magical enhancement. Also unarmed is inherently weaker than being armed(for good reason too), so mechanically it should balance out fine.
>>132756Nah, that would mean doubling-up weapon abilities with minimal costs increase, which is a gimmick reserved to archers in d&d.
Unarmed Strikes are not manufactured weapons, let alone masterwork weapons: unless you are Warforged, they cannot be enhanced as normal weapons.
They may gain permanent enhancement bonuses with Greater Magic Fang, but are then subject to dispelling.
might allow some whacky enhancements following Dragon #395's guidelines for Body modifications, which would involve embedding pieces of metal into your fists that would normally make it difficult to use gauntlets. Don't know it off of the top of my head, and I'm not sure I'd approve it yet, but take a look:
https://thetrove.net/Books/Dungeons%20&%20Dragons/Magazines/Dragon/351-400/Dragon%20Magazine%20-%20359.pdfEach fist must be surgically modified separately, costs twice as much as a masterwork gauntlet or spiked gauntlet, and each must be magically enhanced separately.
Gauntlets are manufactured weapons and can thus be enhanced as normal. If you use a magical gauntlet, you may apply those magical bonuses to your unarmed strikes, provided that you attack with that fist.
I could be convinced to allow the Ancestral Relic feat to apply to an unarmed strike and ignoring the masterwork prerequisite, but in that case it would still only apply to one fist.
I'm going to be writing an essay today, so I won't be responding to any more questions until this evening.
[Read more] >>132752I very busy but perhaps I would be able to do a one-shot at least. That would be fun, however, I really doubt I'll have time for the goblin slayer campaign, sorry.
So, yeah, but I'll try for the oneshot thing. That sounds like it won't be too much of a time investment.