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Wanna Fight Some Goblins?
132117 133052 136204
Would anybody be willing to play Red Hand Of Doom if I ran it off this board?
One of the games I've been looking forward to playing has been cancelled, so I might have some extra free time in the next upcoming months, and I feel like running one of the adventures I have downloaded.
RoHD is a mid level adventure module that could be finished in a few weeks or a few months, depending on how well it can be organized. I'd be running it with third edition rules, with a few PF1e imports, using this board for logkeeping and dialogue, and perhaps using discord for voicechat or Roll20 for battlemaps, depending on who's playing.
That all depends on whether I can find players who would be enthusiastic though. I'm just looking to see if anyone on this server is interested enough for me to do it on here.
132115 132199 133738
Probably don't have time but it does sound interesting.
Well, neither do I at the moment, but I will in a month or two.
Just wanted to see if anybody here might be interested in playing, before I went off to Roll20 to start a group there.
132120 132633
Doctor Ponebotnik.png
Seems like a neat idea, but I know next to nothing about 3.5. If I can learn it and have the time to do so in a month or however long, then I'd be willing to join in.
Also, since I didn't catch it until after checking the module itself out a bit, by 3rd edition you mean 3.5, or just flat 3?
132120 132199 132633 132752
I now have time so though I'm completely new to DnD I'd like to play
132126 132635
New players are welcome.
RHoD is a 6-12 level Campaign (it's a campaign, so finishing it will take a little bit of dedication), written for four inexperienced players who's builds/optimization don't deviate from the "classic" four-person party design.
It's why I'm asking here, instead of Roll20: partly because I know there's people here who'd like to play for the first time, and partly because because inexperienced players spare me the effort of having to scale-up some of the weak-sauce encounters.

However, if enough new players are interested. I might like to run a short-and-sweet adventure to get everyone acclimated with the edition. It's also to test mediums here, because I did a one-shot on this board before and I wasn't really satisfied with the speed game: to amend that I think I'd like to supplement it with a discord channel or a Roll20 group so that I can communicate with the players more easily, or just find a way to DM players on mythweaver.
I've got the Sunless Citadel one-shot adventure that I've been wanting to run for months, which is a one-shot meant for characters lvl 1-3. Interesting, exciting, highly-recommended and great for beginners. Ideally, it could be finished in a single session, but I predict it could be done in 2-3 sessions just because players are new and I'm not sure about how fast a game would take place on a chansite.
3.5e, with perhaps a few feats imported from PF1e if I'm feeling generous. 3.5e implies 3.0 content that hasn't been rewritten/errata'd.
>until after checking the module itself out a bit
I'm going to ask you politely not to read anything else about the module. Even I've been putting off reading it for the past 2 years because I was hoping I would get to play it. I've read it now, and I intend to run it.
Don't worry, I didn't actually read anything other than whatever blurb google decided to put as the first result for the search. I mean, who would do that, just read ahead in a module and spoil it all for when they play? Wouldn't that just defeat the purpose?
Just making sure, because it's better to establish it now than later. RHoD is considered to be one of the better modules in 3.5e, and just googling it will lead you to countless adventure logs of past DMs.
I may as well give a clue into what the adventure is bout though. Here's the Wikipedia plot:
>Red Hand of Doom follows a group of adventurers who have entered the Elsir Vale, a thinly populated frontier region. The party discovers a massive hobgoblin horde that is fanatically devoted to the dark goddess Tiamat and led by a charismatic warlord (final boss). To stop the horde, players have to muster the inhabitants of the Vale, battle hobgoblins, giants and dragons, and defeat an overwhelming enemy.
So basically, an evil cult of dragon-worshiping goblins rallying to destroy the world as we know it.
Obviously, Hobgoblins are going to be the major enemies in this game. It's a generic D&D module, that can be dropped into just about any setting (including Equestria, or so I've read, but I'd have to look into that first...); I'll make final assessments for the setting after I see if I can get four dedicated players participating.
The game would heavily feature war, goblinoids, dragons and dragonbloods, Spawn of Tiamat, and more. There would be plenty of monsters as well as armies of humanoids and monstrous enemies. I'd allow most core 3.5e books, and even setting-specific content from forgottenrealms and eberron, as well as some dragon magazine content on a case-by-case basis. I'll decide on third party and pathfinder content once I if enough people want to actually do this.

The game would start at lvl 5, and player characters could expect to be lvl 10 by the end of it.
Sure, I'm down.
Alright, it looks like I've got some Anons on this site that seem to be actually interested, which means I can summon the motivation to prepare the game. I might make a discord server to hammer things out and establish communications between myself and potential players. I intend to play in part on this site though. I'm going to experiment and see if I can find some Sunless Citadel maps on roll20.
Anyone who's interested, feel free to keep posting to this thread.
Alright, I made a discord server for voicechat, if anyone would like to enter. It's still under construction, but I figured I'd post it while I'm still plotting out how to run the game on this medium.
There's no rush to join the server at this stage. I'm still going to post all important information here. I'd just like the option to DM interested players.
I've counted four interested players. That's enough to run this game with. My minimum is four, and I'm unwilling to go over six.
Can I get a head count of everyone who is still interested?
still here, dunno about the other guys
There's no hurry. I'd join at like to get the new players together so I could get a one shot going.
I've got the Sunless Citadel for new players. It could be a lvl 1-3 adventure that could be finished in a session or two, depending on how easy you guys are to organize (which I intend to test).
You guys still here?
Well, I had intended to start about a month after I had four players, if or when that ever happens, so take your time.
Sure, I won't promise anthing. I ain't dealing with failed promises again. However, I am intrested but, you know, we will see if I got the time for it.
Well, I made this thread just to see if anyone was interested in playing this adventure that I've wanted to play run for a while. Since I'm not really on a schedule, I'm fine to wait however long it take, if it happens at all. I've already read the material, so I'm really just waiting for a party and stubbornly putting it up on this little board community instead of roll20. I'd prefer if I got to at least contact interested players sooner than later though.
I'll think about it.
I'm still thinking. I'm very tempted. It would be fun but I wonder if I'll be able to it. I'll think some more. .
Well, you're welcome to take your time. I'm not going to start until about a month after I have about 4 dedicated players, if that ever happens. So far I see maybe ~3-ish interested players, although nobody has clicked the link I posted.
132619 132629
Since I'm bored, I think I'll copy-paste the first draft of my 3.5e houserules I've been typing up:

I'm pretty liberal when it comes to published 3.5e content. I'd even be willing to accept some setting-specific content from Forgottenrealms, Eberron, Ravenloft or Dark Sun, although that may change when I decide what setting to drop this map in.
Dragon/Dungeon magazine articles need an extra step of approval, but I'm okay with most of it.

I'm generally opposed to Homebrew. I might houserule some things myself, but don't try to ask me for things that someone else wrote.

Although this would run on 3.5e, I can be convinced to allow certain third party material, or even rules imported from PF1e.

The campaign uses several rules from Heroes Of Battle, but I don't think I'm going to allow the leadership feat as of now, although I could be convinced. If I decide to allow leadership, all Commander Auras and teamwork strategy bonuses will be available to players and their followers as usual.

The Heroics spell is hereby added to the Bard and Warmage spell lists.

I encourage all participating players to optimize and tinker with their character builds, and I'm open to allow whatever materials are necessary to build the exact kinds of characters you want. I will approve characters upon creation, and guide new players with building their PCs. Optimization is by no means necessary in this low-crunch game though.
Optimization must be within reason though: no infinite damage loops, or unlimited stat increases.

I reserve the right to retroactively buff or nerf any character for whatever reason I deem to be appropriate, should the need arise. I don't expect it to happen though.

Sorcerers and all spontaneous spellcasters gain Arcane Preparation as a bonus feat. Note that this allows a Sorcerer to prepare a spell ahead of time for the sake of evading the full-round-action cost for metamagic, including quicken spell. This is based on a recommended UA houserule.

For those who insist on playing Paladins, you may select either Dynamic Priest (Charisma for spells) or Serenity (Wisdom for everything else) as a bonus feat at lvl 1, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.

ACFs from all official books are allowed, with the exception of the Pugilist Fighter's "Shake It Off" ability; all other class features of the Pugilist are allowed.

Since Mystic Ranger is a playable ACF in this game, the Stalker Of Kharash class may advance spellcasting as a mystic ranger, provided you have at least one mystic ranger level.

The following feats are free for all characters (including monsters):
>Combat Expertise
>Improved Shield Bash
>Precise Shot
>Quick Draw
>Somatic Weaponry
>Two-Weapon Fighting
>Weapon Finesse
Note that this allows you to pick up Improved [Maneuver] without the Int prereq and Weapon Finesse at lvl 1 even if you haven't good BAB.
I'm doing this mainly to address the feat tax menace. If you would gain any of these feats as the result of a class feature, you may instead select any Fighter Bonus Feat for which you qualify.

In Addition, all creatures gain Additional Favored Class as a bonus feat. This is my way of ignoring the stupid multi-classing rules.

PCs may take up to two flaws and two traits.

I do not wish to DM for more than 6 players at once.

If you see an ACF, variant rule, or houserule in any core book, Unearthed Arcana or Dragon Magazine that you would like to play, you may petition me to allow it in the game, possibly even after it's started.

Truenamer is banned for being stupid, complicated, and impotent unless it's abused to break the item economy. All other classes in the Tome Of Magic are approved though (Binder and Shadowcaster are pretty great. Check them out).

It goes without saying that most classes, feats, ACFs, spells, and other content from core 3.5e is acceptable.

If you wish to play a "godless" Cleric, you are still subject to certain roleplaying and mechanical restrictions that you would have been subject to if you worshipped a deity (you do not necessarily get to pick-and-choose domain combinations cuz muh creed). I will privately elaborate this topic if anybody wishes to play such a character.
Clerics who worship Elements may employ rules based on Dark Sun's Elemental Spheres. In addition, certain Clerics who worship gods who grant the Earth, Water, Fire, Air or Sun domains may make use of those domains. You are still subject to the roleplaying restrictions of your element and your deity.

Since I use The Complete Champion, players may be mechanically rewarded for having consistent spiritual outlooks and fulfilling roleplaying goals that would earn them the favor of their deity or church. If you wish to exploit this mechanic, I would recommend writing off part of your starting equipment in tithes to your church, because you may not get any other opportunity to pay them.

Although I've been waiting on putting this game in a definitive setting, I'm somewhat flexible with Pantheons, following guidelines in Deities And Demigods; I can allow a Cleric of a Grayhawk deity in a Forgottenrealms setting, or vice versa.

I use the WoTC website expansion for Kobold traits, so if you were interested in playing one, check it out. (gain 2 claw attacks, a bite attack, weapon familiarity with Greatpicks, Pickaxe Proficiency, and the Slight Build Trait, as well as Greater Draconic Rite Of Passage).

Any Exalted Cleric who wishes to take a Vow Of Poverty (NOT recommended. Even Pistis Sophia knows it sucks) may carry a wooden holy symbol in exchange for their simple melee weapon. Note that clubs, slings, and quarterstaffs are free.

Anything that comes from Kingdoms Of Kalamar is banned.

I'll decide on the point buy number after I'm certain that enough people are interested. It's going to be high though, since I want MAD martial characters to thrive SAD alongside casters. With that in mind, make any kind of character you want.
Btw to mitigate misunderstandings, I'm the guy who used tor above.
Will read this later and give you my input for what its worth. It might very well be just, a thunbs up or thunbs down though. Don't expect a long response because I don'tthink I have so much to offer when it coems to dnd commentary.
So long as I don't have a complete group, all these are just a draft.
You're welcome to make comments/suggestions/requests. If you have any questions just ask.
132609 132611 132752
I have read the post now.
If I play, I'll probably play a half-man-half-pig named Nöff-Nöff. He should be a barbarian wielding a scythe.
Oh, I forgot to mention. I should have large belly and love beer. He is also a very cheerful character.
Was me
>Barbarian with a scythe
Patrician fighting style. Scythes are some of my favorite weapons for barbarians.
I'd also strongly recommend trying a couple levels in Crusader or Warblade, if you intend to play a martial character.
There are a couple ways to stat this. There's anthropomorphic animals (which I would rather avoid); a certain depiction of Orcs; wereboars... I will get back to you on that.
While I'm houseruling:
Replacement feats:
Cerulean Fortitude, Cerulean Reflexes, and Cerulean Will may be used as a prerequisite for any feat, prestige class or special ability that requires Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, or Iron Will.
Improved Toughness may replace toughness for any prerequisite that requires it.
Centaur Trample may be used to replace the Trample feat for any prerequisite (not sure if there are any), if taken by any centaur or Tauric creature (yes, they are allowed).
If you would gain any of the above feats as the result of a class feature, you may select its relevant replacement feat instead, so long as you meet the prerequisites.
For core "replacement feats", see:
Later 3.5e books flirted with this concept. I'm adding clauses to a few more to address the feat tax menace, and make this game a bit more meldshaper friendly.

Monks gain Weapon Focus at lvl 1 for free, just so that they aren't utter crap at lvls 1-5 (ffs, just play swordsage instead, they're fun). I'm only doing this because I gave paladins something.
City Brawler Barbarians may gain Weapon Focus (unarmed Strike), in exchange for their regular two-weapon fighting with unarmed strikes.

ACF chaining is permissible. If you don't know what that is, it's not that important.

Just to make it clear, Tauric Creatures count as centaurs when using lances. They may ignore Mounted Combat and Ride skill prerequisites for Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, or any other riding feat, but they may be limited by their anatomies.
Due to the starting level (5-6, depending on number of players), playing a centaur with several RHD may be tricky when combined with LA, but I may be willing to make accommodations based on the PGtF's guide to "lesser" races, so characters with High RHD and LA, so you can start out smaller and progress to full power as you level.

I allow Level-Adjustment Buy-off mechanics, from Unearthed Arcana. This meants that if you play a level-adjusted race, you will not be required to be at lower level for the entire game.
>Scythes are some of my favorite weapons for barbarians.
Huh, and here I thought I was being original-ish. Appearently not.
Quadruple damage on crits and capacity to trip makes them desirable for high-strength characters.
Now, do you want any special particular abilities for being half-pig?
Mmm, okay. So there are actaully spåecific states involved with such a weapon. I memer thought of it as cosmetics.
Nah, I have nothing like taht in mind. Maybe he can eat almost anything?
Are you satisfied with a refluffed Water Orc then?
Food shouldn't be that big of a problem, and if it is you'll probably pass any fortitude save to eat something rotten.
Yeah, that sounds fine.
This game will start at lvls 5-6, depending on how many players; PCs will be able to enter their desired prestige classes upon the first level up, so if you have a desired build or prestige class (Frenzied Berserker, Eye Of Gruumsh, Orc Warlord, Primeval, Runescarred Berserker).
You have plenty of time to think about it.

Since orcs are a race I consider to be somewhat underpowered, I use water orcs to replace them (same as orc, but +2 Constitution). I also give them Weapon Familiarty with Orc Double Axes. In addition, an orc counts as a half-orc for taking ACFs (Barbarian, paladin, Druid). These traits together make them about as powerful as humans.
This is actually grandfathered from another game I played.
Until further notice, this is the end of all houserules.
There's plenty of revisions I'd like to make to 3.5e classes, but I need to stop myself from rewriting the game entirely.
Yeah, I'll be able to play in this.
132634 132741
That's great. Do you have a character in mind?
If you two are still alive/interested, now would be a good time to say so. You don't need to be ready, but I'd like to know who's in.
Once i'm confident I have four players (or at least 3 enthusiastic ones), I'd like to get the party together and try to get the beginners acclimated with a one-shot before the RHoD game begins.
A one shot? You never mentioned that
>arguing with the GM be like
I did earlier in the thread:
It's not really necessary, but I figured if there are people new to the game I'd let them try short lvl 1 adventure first.
It would also be to test mediums. I'm not entirely sure how much of this I want to play directly on the board, because I really would prefer a game with decent speed. Perhaps roll20, foundry, or discord could help with the combat parts so it doesn't take too long and ruin immersion.
132743 132752
Don't worry, I'm still alive and in the discord. Have been for a while, just don't have much to say. Also
>character ideas
tentative human cleric of Bahamut, if that works
Human Cleric of Bahamut is great. Surely a character who would have the best motivations to
If you ever wish to gain the Dragonborn Template through the Ritual Of Rebirth, I'll allow you to change your base Race to Complacent Human, to get +2 to one ability score in exchange for the lost bonus feat.
If you have any specific questions regarding character creation, feel free to ask me either here or in DMs.
132749 132752
The starting ECL will be 6
Characters use 36 points and the point buy system to calculate stats (minimum 7):
I hope to begin next month.
We could do a one shot in as little as a week, if new players are ready.
I know the Sunless Citadel like the back of my hand.
132769 132855
Note that 36 points is a high power array, because the PCs are supposed to be the heroes of this story. I was going to make it 40, but I decided that my houserules were already way too generous for this module (they are a draft).

The starting gold is 13,125 gold pieces. I'd normally prefer you not spend more than 2,300 gp on one item, but if you have something that really suits your character, go ahead and buy it. Magic and mundane items from all legal 3.5e sources are permissible, with some exceptions.
Note that this adventure has travel in it: Buy a mule.
To calculate HP, take the average for your HD (2 for d4's, 3 for d6's, 4 for d8's, 5 for d10's and 6 for d12's) with max HP on the first dice, then add your Con modifiers as usual. I just prefer average HPs to rolled hit points.
And to new players especially, I'd like to do that one shot as soon as you guys can, so that you all can learn the rules at low level before the game next month. It's not necessary that the one shot happen at all, since RHoD isn't that hard, but i'd like to get it together soon anyway to test the game pace on this chansite medium.
Some confirmation of continued interest would be appreciated.

The oneshot, if it occurs, would be a lvl 1 game, with a starting gold of 125 gp, with 36 points to distribute for stats.
The Man Behind the Slaughter
132759 132855

Policy on enchanting unarmed strikes? If so, I want to put wounding onto their unarmed strike, and speed onto my gauntlets. Might flip through the Magic Item Compendium to see if there are more choice enchants. For the sake of argument, a body turned into a weapon is a weapon. Removing the bone and making a sword from it would be the same as simply having the bone in the body. It shouldn’t logically change anything to remove the bone and carve it into a sharp stick when it comes to magical enhancement. Also unarmed is inherently weaker than being armed(for good reason too), so mechanically it should balance out fine.
Nah, that would mean doubling-up weapon abilities with minimal costs increase, which is a gimmick reserved to archers in d&d.

Unarmed Strikes are not manufactured weapons, let alone masterwork weapons: unless you are Warforged, they cannot be enhanced as normal weapons.
They may gain permanent enhancement bonuses with Greater Magic Fang, but are then subject to dispelling.

I might allow some whacky enhancements following Dragon #395's guidelines for Body modifications, which would involve embedding pieces of metal into your fists that would normally make it difficult to use gauntlets. Don't know it off of the top of my head, and I'm not sure I'd approve it yet, but take a look:
Each fist must be surgically modified separately, costs twice as much as a masterwork gauntlet or spiked gauntlet, and each must be magically enhanced separately.

Gauntlets are manufactured weapons and can thus be enhanced as normal. If you use a magical gauntlet, you may apply those magical bonuses to your unarmed strikes, provided that you attack with that fist.

I could be convinced to allow the Ancestral Relic feat to apply to an unarmed strike and ignoring the masterwork prerequisite, but in that case it would still only apply to one fist.

I'm going to be writing an essay today, so I won't be responding to any more questions until this evening.
*Dragon #359
132770 132860
I very busy but perhaps I would be able to do a one-shot at least. That would be fun, however, I really doubt I'll have time for the goblin slayer campaign, sorry.

So, yeah, but I'll try for the oneshot thing. That sounds like it won't be too much of a time investment.
That's alright. I'd be glad to have you.
I was planning to run The Sunless Citadel to get the newer players acclimated with the rules of the game, and to test this board as a medium for gaming (vs Discord, Roll20, Foundry, etc), to see just how much of it I want to do directly on the chansite without sacrificing game speed.
If you've got a discord, I'd encourage you to click this link for scheduling/character-building (won't expire):
If not, you don't really need to. Just make a lvl 1 Orc Barbarian, with 125 gp in starting equipment, and calculating ability scores using the point buy system with 36 points.
If you have any questions, you can ask me on this thread, or in DMs.
I would like to establish a starting date for next month, as well a start for the one shot. I've got enough players with completed characters, although the door hasn't closed yet for new players.

I need to know when everything is free.

Next month I start classes, but I'll be free on weekends, and at least two days of the week.
To follow up on Anon's request here, I would like to point out without spoiling the plot that high-level spellcasters are scarce in this setting, and NPCs available for item creation and spellcasting services are going to be even scarcer. I would not count on always being able to craft/buy the precise item for your characters, or have NPCs cast specific spells 100% of the time. The PCs are meant to be the heroes of this story; lvl 20 Wizards won't always be available for hire.
As stated in >>132752
>The starting gold is 13,125 gold pieces. I'd normally prefer you not spend more than 2,300 gp on one item, but if you have something that really suits your character, go ahead and buy it.
I'm ignoring my normal standards for Item level for the purpose of PCs being able to come into the game with ample class-specific equipment. If you have something you want that you can afford, I'd recommend buying it now.

However, you don't need to be worried about equipment too much. I've read over the material and confirmed that it has more than enough treasure, particularly stat-enhancing items, to fuel this adventure. I also have methods to swap-out standard loot for conveniently-placed, character-specific equipment, so be good boys.
Anon, if you get your PC made we can do the one shot as early as next weekend.
I'm really excited to DM this game. It's a nice adventure that I've dreamed of playing for a while, and reading over the material it doesn't disappoint.
I'm hoping to begin some time in the beginning or end of next month. All participating players have mostly finished their sheets for their first characters, lol.
I'll try to have it done in like the next few days. It really shouldn't be too hard since have crafted a lv1 character once before.
If you have any trouble I could help you out.
In fact, I made a sheet just to keep track of it myself.
I'll alter it once you present yours.
The Man Behind the Slaughter
My crusader is pretty much done aside from a few minor details. I'm good to go. This post is more of a bump than anything else.
I will try to make my character tomorrow if all goes well today.
I would be willing to play if there's not enough players, how many players are there that are going to play this?
My character would be some kind of sorcerer.
Sorry for the delay. I've been busy all week.
We've got plenty of space in the game; currently three dedicated players. A Sorcerer or other arcane spellcaster would actually fit the party perfectly, considering the evident lack of AoE-capable blasters.
Yeah i'm down to play given that i am a sorcerer.
there have also been a lot of 4's and everything is sort of being revealed now the moon is mine.
Do you mind describing your character?

If you'd like to DM me, there's a permanent discord link in this thread.
happy luna by elementalokami.png
Some sort of wizard that has mastered the 4 elements and is skilled in them. I think all the number 4's are the numbers that were referring to me as i had a fire before the new moon and i have been trying to learn the 4 elements i will add more background as time goes on.
Nice digits, even more repeating numbers.
I don't think i will use the Discord, for obvious reasons.
The Man Behind the Slaughter
This is the character I am going to be playing.
133039 133052
A Wizard is different from a Sorcerer, but that's great too.
If you have any questions about the game or want some pointers for character creation, feel free to ask at any time.
>character number is 2280309
>your 3rd post in the thread
>and your ID ends in 9
>A Wizard is different from a Sorcerer, but that's great too.
Hmm, yeah i think i want to be a wizard now that i think about it.
I will ask questions in case i get confused.
>your ID starts with 7
>your post ends in 7
Wizards are generally more powerful, yeah.
133070 133071 133075
The way I see it
any character can ruin a game
a lot of incompetent DMs will see a player trying to skip over parts of his story as a personal attack, so when the Cleric casts a Divination spell to learn info the characters are meant to get from talking to people that skips parts the DM put thought-effort into.

hey guys
in such a "cleric tries to get info using magic" situation, should the DM let it happen, say "your spell fails", or give the player bad info on purpose with no obvious hints that the info is bad?
>in such a "cleric tries to get info using magic" situation, should the DM let it happen, say "your spell fails", or give the player bad info on purpose with no obvious hints that the info is bad?
I'm probably not the best person to talk about this since i'm not really that into DND but i will say we should we stick to the original rules so we don't confuse ourselves, i don't want everything that a wizard/cleric or whatever they can do be changed as i am interested in my first campaign, if something does skip interesting parts of it then i won't use them as it's the lazy man's choice.
That meme was moreso just a general endorsement of statement about arcane magic.
I've skimmed though most relevant Cleric spells 1-6. This game should only be threatened to go off rails with eventual access to 5th level spells, but I wrote contingency plans for that.
>"your spell fails"
That's a lazy way of doing it, because that means denying a PC the chance to use their own class features. I just give my NPCs mechanical counters that any reasonable evil army would have. Potions Of Conviction, Obscure Object Scrolls, Nondetection, etc.
>the DM put thought-effort into
Well, I didn't actually write this adventure. I'm just DMing it because I always wanted to play it myself and it looks like this is the only way.
>we should we stick to the original rules so we don't confuse ourselves
If I were that worried about spellcasters messing up the game, I'd just ban teir 1 classes. I didn't do that because I'm not that worried.
I posted in the server that I was going to cancel this weekend's oneshot because of meatspace ordeals, but it looks like I might have some time tomorrow afterall.
However, I haven't heard back from SwedeAnon for his character, and I'm questioning if the one-shot was even necessary, since most of the participating players seem to have an adequate understanding of the rules. If people want to do it, the material is ready and I have the rest of today and tomorrow to run.

I'm going to be very busy for the next 2-3 weeks, but I'll be making all the necessary preparations to run next month.
I need a description of your character, and a sheet.
I'd prefer it in the context of a Mythweaver's sheet, since that makes it much easier for me to manage.
I would be able to play.
My character is a human magician and has a STR of 14
DEX of 7
CON of 14
INT of 17
WIS of 8
CHR of 8
I'm currently working on a myth weaver sheet.
That's great.
It sounds like the rest of the party aren't prepared though... Might be a bit late to start.
How experienced are you with d&d 3.5e/PF1e? Do you really want to do a one-shot first, or are you fine with just doing the adventure next month?
This campaign isn't anything too hard. I just kind of wanted to do the one-shot earlier, because The Sunless Citadel is another adventure I myself would have liked to play.
If you could share it with me, that'd be appreciated.
My Mythweavers tag is ThatGuy72.
I have never been a part of any DND campaign but i do know some of the rules, in other words i am a noob, we can do the one-shot whenever since i am pretty much always free for anything.
I'm still working on the sheet but i will post it here when i have done.
I'll give you some pointers and say that you should probably swap dex with Str. Str is your dump stat, and Dex is useful defensively and for initiative.
Unless of course you want to be a gish, like a Spellsword or Abjurant Champion, in which case you'd still want dex, but would also want Strength.
Does this seem alright? Tell me if i should add anything or change something.
133087 133089
It says I don't have permission to view. You probably made it a private page.
Oops sorry.
I undid it.
133090 133091
Sorry for the delayed response. I've been spending all morning trying to pay for classes.
>14 Str
>13 Dex
>14 Con
>17 Int
>8 wis
>4 Cha
First of all, as a human, I have no clue how you reduced your Cha to 4. Cha may be a dump stat for Wizards, but it's still useful (Enchantment, Planar Binding, etc), or at least more useful than Str. Same goes for Wis. Having an Odd number in Dex isn't useful, and you should either increase it to 14 or leave it at 12.
I use the Point Buy System for stats. Use the Mythweavers calculator to determine your stats, using 36 points:
The stats you listed come up to 29 points.

I don't know what "Mage Plate" is, but Wizards aren't normally proficient in armor of any kind. It appears to be a homebrew item, not official material.
Mage Armor is a spell that you can learn. Being unarmored

You also didn't list the spells in your spellbook, which is arguably the most important part of your character.
You didn't select feats either. As a human, you should have at least two at lvl 1. Four if you select two flaws.
You didn't specify if you were a generalist or specialist wizard either.
If you'd prefer to be a generalist, I'd recommend the Domain Wizard ACF, since it gives you a bunch of bonuses with no prohibited schools.

A perk of playing 3.5e is that everything has been done before. Handbooks are your friend:

I'm just going to warn you that Wizard may be the stronngest class, but it's also a bit extra complicated if you don't know the rules. I trust you can learn it quickly, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.
If your goal is to play a mage that blasts armies with fire/ice/lightning, might I suggest playing a Dragonfire Adept? It's like a sorcerer, but it uses breath weapons and invocations instead of spells. It's simple-yet-potent mechanics make it very good for beginners.
Druid is also rather simple and easy to play too. Good hit points, good melee, a beefy animal companion, and reliable summons so that you never waste spell slots.

Mechanics aside, tell me more about your character in particular. What do you hope to be capable of doing in this game (reminder that wizards can do ANYTHING). What niche would you like to fill in the party? What goals does your character have? Buffer? Blaster? Summoner? Diviner? Scout? Stealth Expert? Minionmancer? Gish/Melee fighter?
>Broadsword called Mare's Bane and has Epona engraved into the handle
Are you hoping to play a Gish Character (as in, a character who uses both magic and spells)? If so, you'll want to be a multiclass character with prestige classes such as Eldritch Knight, Spellsword, Jade Phoenix Mage, or Abjurant Champion, or alternatively play a Duskblade.

I'd atually prefer you try to work on a lvl 5 character first, so I can see the beginning manifestation of what your desired character build is.

I'm also probably going to rule that in this setting, Epona is a variant name for Ehlonna, as several other d&d gods nave alternate names in the Celtic Pantheon. You may worship her under that name if you wish, and if you pay tithes I'll give you ranking membership in the Assembly Of Balance.
The DFA and Druid links didn't work.
Alright i will think about it and change the things you listed.
If you have any questions don't be shy to ask.

Also, if you're interested in playing an Elemental Wizard, Wu Gen may be a doable alternate base class.
Since Wu Gen doesn't have very much splatbook expansion, I rule that they can lean most Wizard spells that have type or energy descriptors that match their elemental masteries.
I'm thinking of maybe trying the druid.
Do i need to learn spells as one or do i only have access to divination and animals?
133095 133098
You have access to all of the spells on the druid spell list, but you prepare a limited number of those spells per day.
The nice thing about Druids is that no matter how bad you are at preparing spells, you'll always be useful because you can convert any of them into ever-useful summons.
The Druid Spell list isn't as expansive as the wizard or Cleric spell list, but it's still the third most powerful spellcaster in the game. Druids are naturally some of the best summoners, and they get a variety of animal-themed buffs that allow them to fight effectively in Wildshape, as well as some elemental elemental blasting spells in addition to divination and healing utility.
They also get a powerful Animal Companion, which can be as strong as a Fighter or Monk of equal level if built correctly.
Yeah i think i want to try the druid, are all of the spells already learned or do i need to find a druid scroll or something?
133100 133101
I forgot to ask but what are the best scores for a druid? STR, CON, DEX, etc.
133102 133104
Druid just needs charisma, wisdom, and intelligence.
133102 133104
Wisdom should be your highest ability score, followed by constitution.
Strength and Dex are your dump stats: Wildshape makes them irrelevant.
Intelligence is always useful, although not super necessary. Charisma is situationally useful, but even less so than int.
I'm working on the character as i type.
I should be finished before morning.
133105 133113
Okay i have done
Tell me if it's alright.
133106 133119
Some of those traits and flaws are Homebrew. I don't do Homebrew material.
Select flaws from here:
Love Of Nature and Beastly might be good for you.

You don't need to list your spells. Just show me your list if spells on a daily basis in-game.
You should also make a sheet for your Animal Companion. A Riding Dog is the best animal at low levels.

I'm going to be working Saturday, btw.
Which traits and flaws are homebrew and which are not?
How do i make a sheet for a horse?
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
I am gonna name myself after my character from now on in this thread.
Nice digits.
I feel like kind of a jerk because I haven't been giving you the sane doting attention I've been giving some of my other new players... I'm sorry, but I've been registering for classes and it's been taking up a lot of my time and energy.

I'll reserve a day to help you build a character. In the meantime, try reading this very well-written Druid Handbook.
Everything you need to know about playing a 3.5e druid. I've used it many times before.
You don't have to feel guilty about D&D, i'm not really bothered how long it takes for me to make a character.
Anyways i'm reading the handbook and trying to make sense of all the moon runes.
Druids are pretty easy to build. All you have to do is remember to take the natural spell feat at lvl 6 and you're good to go. No matter what you do after that you'll be powerful.
>In one sense, druids are the easiest class in the game. Some say that all you need to do to build a competent druid is take natural spell at 6th level, and have enough wisdom to cast your spells. They’re wrong. You don’t even need the natural spell part. Give a competent player a druid, whose feats are all toughness, whose animal companion is a pony, who is wild shaped into also a pony, and whose spell slots are filled with detect poison, and they’ll utterly destroy the game.
>In that very round, they’ll be able to either turn into some defensive flying creature, or into their natural form, if they lack natural spell, in the next they’ll spontaneously convert one of those crappy spells into a massive beatstick, and in 24 hours, that pony companion will be a fleshraker dinosaur, and their spell slots will be up to snuff. The character in question will go from what is likely the worst in the party, to one of the best, without relying on anything except standard class features. Moreover, to some extent, playing a druid right just means making fullest use of your class features. As long as you pay all of your abilities the proper respect, you should be fine.
Which is why it's recommended for beginners. You get to experience pretty much every aspect of d&d (melee, spells, minions, skills, etc) without necessarily needing to build for it or know what you're doing. It's simply that great of a class.
Okay i think i know now but how do you make a character sheet for a animal companion? Like you said here:
>You should also make a sheet for your Animal Companion.

Also i will have to postpone my character for about a day and i won't be able to reply to you.
The Man Behind the Slaughter
133121 133122
muskateer comic.jpg
Alright, lads, I've been given permission to run a level 2 adventure that I've been writing(it's not done). It has the same rules as the OP's campaign but I will be using some stuff from Heroes of Horror. If anyone is interested, just reply to this post by saying so.
The Man Behind the Slaughter
It will be ran inside of the thread. There were a few fun minigames and gimmicks that made use of Discord's screen share function, but I think the adventure will still be enjoyable regardless. Even if the combats are a breeze, there should still be something enjoyable to do.
To elaborate, I gave this guy permission to test his one-shot (although he doesn't really need my permission to do it), since I never found the time to run The Sunless Citadel.
I'd prefer he'd make his own thread for it though...
I'm going to make a sheet for a riding dog as controlled by a lvl 1 Druid and a lvl 6 Druid, and I'll share those sheets with you so you can see them as an example; with no modifying feats.

The game isn't starting until the start or middle of next month, so there's no hurry.
133277 133363
I'm thinking of starting the second weekend of next month. How's that sound?
I have classes 4 days a week: Mondays and Wednesdays in the morning; Tuesdays and Thursdays in the afternoon. I usually have weekends free.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
When will that sheet be done anon? I'm just curious.
Like i said anon, i am pretty much free all the time so we can go nuts whenever you want. You can do it whenever.
Also have the other players got back in touch with you?
133409 133413
This is what a riding dog looks like when bonded to a lvl 6 druid:
I built it as a standard companion; no optimization or weird tricks/templates, just to give you a picture of what it looks like.
And this is what it looks like bonded to a lvl 1 druid (no adjustment)
Note how the Companion dog has higher stats, more hit dice, and is generally more powerful than the standard dog.

Your animal companion gains stat boosts and feats as a character of its level (hit dice). It also gains additional abilities based on your effective druid level:

You can gain more powerful companions as your druid level increases. With feats, such as Exalted Companion, even more animals become available to you.
You mentioned you wanted a horse, right? While a horse isn't necessarily the best for combat, it's great to get around. At later levels (7, the next level you'll reach) you could get an Asperi (a magical flying horse) which would be a very useful mount and utility companion. You're good-aligned and are Neutral Good, so you could gain it with exalted companion.
The minimum Druid level to call an Asperi is 7; so you would have to settle for a Celestial Warhorse and swap it out for a
You could have it earlier if you were a horse-totem druid, but that would come at the cost of missing out on some wildshapes. Would be decent at lvl 8 with Exalted/Aberration/Dragon/Frozen Wildshape though, and could use the Domain Druid houserule (animal or sun domains) as compensation. Less versatile mechanically, but a solid pic for a Druid of Epona.

This game will be starting at lvl 6, in 2-ish weeks, Epona help us.

The others have been in touch with me in the server i made a while back. They're mostly done with their characters.
I've got the rest of today free. I'll answer any of your questions.
>and swap it out for a
*And swap it out for an Asperi at the appropriate lvl.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
133415 133416
Why are you starting at level 6? Is it for easiness or something else?
Okay i have been wondering this ever since i heard about D&D but how exactly does the combat work? I already know about random numbers effecting the outcome but so you fail when you get below a certain number? Like if i get the highest number possible does that qualify as a critical? And if i get the lowest number do i get no damage and lose health?
I have always wondered how it worked but never bothered to research it because i never had the opportunity to play the game.
So a Asperi is just a edgy Pegasus?
I'm starting at lvl 6 because that around where this pre-written adventure starts at. I was originally going to make it lvl 5, but that was when I thought there would only be three players.

An Asperai or "wind steed" is a magical beast with the cold subtype that appears as a white/bluish horse. Unlike a pegasus, it lacks wings but can still fly through a process similar to airwalking. It can be gained with the Exalted Companion feat, which you qualify for since your character was Good, iirc.
I brought it up because that's the companion my last druid had; it's a decent companion if you want a horse-like creature.
>how exactly does the combat work?
Okay, I'm going to have to start you off with the basics.

Combat in the d20 system is luck-based at its core, but also takes into account each creatures capability.
To attack, you roll a 20-sided dice, and add all of your relavant modifiers. If your result exceeds the defender's Armor Class, you hit and roll your weapon's damage plus it's relevant modifiers; that damage is subtracted from the opponents Hit Points to represent the damage you dealt to your enemy in combat. If you fail to exceed your opponent's armor class, your attack misses.
A natural 1 on an attack roll or saving throw is an automatic failure; a natural 20 is an automatic success; with a possible critical hit (double or even triple damage) on the attack roll.

You can read all of this online in a system's reference document:

I also have The Player's Handbook right here. It has everything you need to know:
I'd recommend reading at least part of this. It explains it pretty well.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Thanks for he spoon feed and the pdf.
I don't have anymore questions at the moment.
How have you been so far? I thought you might have some more questions.

Also, due to unforeseen circumstances, our Cleric has had to drop decline for the foreseeable future. Fir this purpose, I'd prefer to run after the Druid is ready.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
133730 133750
>How have you been so far?
I have been reading the players handbook.
>I thought you might have some more questions.
Hmm, i can't think of anything to ask.
>Also, due to unforeseen circumstances, our Cleric has had to drop decline for the foreseeable future.
Okay, is everyone else ready?
>For this purpose, I'd prefer to run after the Druid is ready.
Give me about 3 days, i should be ready by then.
Everyone else is ready.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Alright, i'll let you know when i'm ready.
133738 133740
I guess this doesn't come as a surprize but i don't think I will make the one-shot. I would really want to but there is so much else to do so yeah. Maybe, I'll catch the next train.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Nice get.
I knew you weren't going to join since the beginning of the thread because you posted:
>Probably don't have time but it does sound interesting.
also the date that the thread was created was on the 12th and if you add up the date of today (3 9) together you get 12.
I wasn't really going to run the one-shot in the end.
The actual game should run for a few months though. You could drop in when you're ready, if you want.
Some of the other players would like to start tomorrow. Is your sheet ready?
Also, I may as well say here that I use the PHBII rules for character rebuilding. If a player doesn't like his PC, I might let you retroactively change any aspect of it.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
133763 133765
Yeah i'll try finish it today.
What's that?
The players handbook two.
Okay, ngl, I'm feeling a tad bit demoralized from the party's Cleric having to quit (not blaming him though; I can relate to his struggle). I did not expect to have to wait for the Druid to be ready before we started; I was planning to introduce him in the forest later shortly after the first session.

Labor day weekend would logically be the best time for us to start, but my schedule is kind of whacked and I still don't know what >>133761 's weekend schedule looks like. I was kind of excited to start this weekend, but I'm not sure if I can do it without being sloppy, since I wanted to open an exposition that took everyone's character motivations into account. Seeing as how this game could be a three month commitment, I'd rather start sooner than later, but also start it well.
I'm going to be online all day. Get back to me when your sheet looks ready. If you finish up, I might be able to start this evening.
Here comes Garfield Whiskers! The ultimate acrobatic master! He's so cool and awesome and epic and shiny. With powerful legs and a bulky body, this fellow has the most versatile moveset one can ask for!
He can hop on heads willy nilly and land solidly on the ground every single time. He has some intense, inspiring and world shattering catchphrases and quick wit that leaves opponents stunned!
He's no slouch in combat, capable of batting even the most slippery foes like mice in a mousetrap while also being a sneaky foe himself! Nothing escapes his hawk eyes! ||Except mostly anything||.
With a sly, bold demeanor and intimidating yet welcoming presence, this male individual grips the strings of everyone's hearts like one of those cool puppetmasters in the plays.

...huh? Backstory? Pfft. T-that's not important...
<You have to state the backstory, my guy. It's the rules
D-Do I really have to?
<Just a little bit to set player, spectator and the DM's expectations
Ugh. Fine... It's so embarassing though...
<Do it already. You're messing up the flow

Alright... He came from a prosperous human's household with everything he could ask for... His life was pretty comfortable but he didn't like it until he met his trusted friend.
<Alright, alright, big guy. Lemme handle this part.

<Whiskers is a tibbit jester whose origins begin in a cat-loving human's household as a pet. I believe he's knowledgeable on the existence of tibbits but was ignorant of him and his parents' species. So he said 'meow this' and set off into the world, ready to be the cool cat he saw in the plays the local theater.
<Along the way he met a sly Chesire Cat named Bagel that at first simply toyed with him in a playful jest, but soon endeared himself to his cute little antics and reactions and thus they became friends not soon after, Whiskers being all too happy to show off how awesome he was to his audience.

...I could've said it cooler than that...
<You're welcome.

Be sure to give these two some (You)s if you enjoyed their initial performance, please. They'd really appreciate the feedback.
Splendid. That's one more PC completed.
nice pinktext btw
Gonna be honest and pardon my French, but I feel tired and shitty. I’m just gonna post the character description and backstory as they are.

Brozal is a muscular water orc with pale blue skin and red eyes. His body is completely absent of hair, and he is wearing a suit of banded mail with two ever burning torches mounted to the back. The banded mail is painted gold and the image of a blazing inferno is chiseled onto the back of it in crimson red. He is wearing a crimson red helmet in the shape of a flame, and several strips of metal branch off from it like the tongues of a flame licking at air. In his left hand, Brozal wields a heavy wooden shield that’s painted gold. The shield has the image of a bull’s head layered over a background of fire. The engravings are done in crimson red paint. In Brozal’s right hand, he is wielding a masterfully crafted trident that appears to have been forged from several different alloys. The first half of the spear is bright red, and a bit rusted, while the second half of the spear is yellow with it’s sharp tips being bright blue. The trident seems to glow faintly as he holds it, and small brightless(I know this isn’t a word, but in English you’re literally allowed to make up new words so bite me) flames dance along its surface without seeming to harm him.

Brozal is sadistic and cruel towards those he deems as enemies of his faith, and is driven to anger when in the presence of debauchery or what his faith deems to be wrong. Aside from this, he tends to be cautious of almost everything that could be of any danger, and will hesitate to enter combat against anything other than the enemies of his faith. He has a grim sense of humor and is thrilled to stab enemies with his trident or beat them to death with his gauntlets. Violence comes naturally to him, and he has no problem with using it to get what he wants. Finally, Brozal is tough as nails and when he’s not adventuring, he’ll spend his days performing hard physical labor for any townsfolk or villagers who need to offload odd jobs onto someone. While traveling, he’ll sometimes smugly mock his less unrelenting companions and joke that if they fall behind, they’ll be brutally murdered by monsters.
133788 133789 133936


>Shaky(Brozal's hands tend to shake all the time, and that makes him unreliable in ranged combat)

>Inattentive(Brozal seems to be extremely absent-minded and pays hardly any attention to the things around him)

Backstory(none of this has been proofread):

Brozal was birthed in a large tribal society of water orcs that lived inside of a cave system that was tucked away behind a waterfall. Life in the village was the standard for life in orc culture: a hierarchy established on the principles of strength and intimidation, with the weakly being trampled and culled to pave the way to higher strength for future generations. Brozal fit well as any orc in orcish culture should. He killed for the first time on his first birthday, when he was forced into a hole with another young orc of his age and forced to fight the other orc to the death while the two were both unarmed. Although he had been molded by the brutal ways of orc society before this, this rite of passage stuck with him and sparked in him a cruel and sadistic nature that would stick with him for life.

Although his tribe produced nothing of value and got most of its wealth and supplies from hunting, gathering, and raiding nearby townships and hamlets, there was still a lot of work to be done- mostly hauling things from one place to another. Despite only being one and a half years old, Brozal was tasked with hauling heavy loads of plundered loot from raids back to his village, and was beaten savagely whenever he slowed down or fell behind. He grew to fear the older orcs and knew to walk until his legs failed or he passed out from exhaustion lest the older orc tribesmen decide to beat him to death. This rough child labor helped him to become unrelenting in his physical endeavors.

A few months after his second birthday, Brozal woke up from his slumber to the sounds of battle. He leapt out of his hole in the ground and ran through various caves inside the cave network his tribe lived in. The young water orc encountered the corpses of dozens of orcs, and saw that all the underground pools of water in their layer had been turned crimson red by the blood of his brethren. With his heart racing, he hid inside of a chest and waited for the battle to end. Half an hour later, the orcling emerged from the chest and made his way to the waterfall that masked the entrance to his tribe's home, and he was not prepared for the true horror that awaited him up above. As soon as he walked around the waterfall, he was met with the sight and sounds of a large chunk of his tribe clawing at the sides of a pit while screaming and burning to death. He was frozen in place as the blood curdling screams of his kin stabbed and paralyzed him.

A large man in full plate noticed Brolaz and approached him with a trident in position to stab through the kid orc's skull, but the armored hulk hesitated for a moment and lowered his trident- electing to grab the child by the throat and drag him over the the other crusaders. The scarlet blaze of the flames mixed with the smell of burnt hair and baked flesh- motivating Brolaz to bite and kick the armored figure holding him by the throat. Failing to harm the figure, Brolaz was slammed into the ground until he passed out, and then the crusaders who had murdered Brolaz's tribe decided to spare him and raise him in the order due to his young age.

Life in the monastery was cruel and hard, but more forgiving than life in Brolaz's village was. Every morning he would get up and be forced to meditate(something he was never able to do) while kneeling in a tub of dried rice for an hour, and before being allowed to eat lunch or dinner, he would have to recite the tenets of Pelor and then hold a lit candle in both of his hands until they completely melted. Rather than being given a bed, Brolaz was given a sheet of stone to sleep on. Shunned and rejected by most in his order, he began wearing a cloth over his face to hide his identity, and this seemed to help quite a bit. Despite being socially stunted, he became a fine crusader and was able to learn the ways of persuasion from speaking to townsfolk and helping them with whatever they needed.
Brolaz will sometimes repeatedly scream "Fire is coming!" while approaching enemies.
Okay, Britanon is nowhere to be found...
I was prepared to make this a 3-player game, but not a two-player one... I guess I could just load up the PCs with action points and just Monty Hall this thing...
Got it.
Noted for later.
Oh okay.
My weekend starts with nothing and ends with nothing, like the rest of the week.
I might not have enough time tonight but i know i will finish it tomorrow or later this night.
I have been sleeping most of the day.
One of the players isn't ready, so I guess we'll start tomorrow in the morning.
Please have your character ready by then.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
So you want me to rebuild my character using the PHBII rules?
Anything else that i need to change because i'm gonna start now.
No, I meant I would let you rebuild if you weren't satisfied after the first session.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Alright i get you now, i shouldn't take to long to finish. Insert ejaculation joke about finishing here.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Did you say that these traits are home brew before?
>Good looking
Yeah, those traits are homebrew.
If you want mechanical traits, take them from this list.
You may have up to two.

Cosmetic personality traits are not necessary to list.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Okay i took "Focused" and "Honest" do i need to change anything else or is that it?
What about the flaws?
>Animal attraction
Select from this list.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
I chose "Beastly" and "Love of Nature"
Is it just 2 or how many?
That works.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Well i believe i have finished then.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Here's the sheet again in case you want to scan through it.
I still see those traits/flaws.

You probably don't want the athletic feat.
Take Natural Spell as your 6th level feat; every druid takes it.
You didn't select any equipment. The handbook I posted as items you might want.

Also, please share it with me. My Mythweavers tag is ThatGuy72. Once you share it with me I can edit it.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
I sent you a friend request.
Share the sheet with me.
It should be in the upper right hand corner.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Can you specifically state what i have to do?
I have made the sheet public already, do i need to do something in your profile or what the fuck?
I feel like a goddamn boomer.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Sorry i don't get it, it's not (You) but the fucking shit behind preparing this.
Sorry, Internet has been choppy.
In the upper right corner of the sheet while you're editing it, there should be a "share" button, right next to the Save button. I want you to click that button and enter my username into the name field for which is says who to share it with, that will make me a co-owner of the sheet.
Sharing your sheet with me will allow me to edit it, so I can help you through the process.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
I think i did it.
I'm going to make some changes; nothing serious though. I'm just going to brush it up so that it's ready for tomorrow.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
133932 133939
Yep i'm fine with that, do whatever you want with it.
Okay, I built your Druid in a way that made sense to me, in consideration for what you wanted. You should be able to get through the first session with this. It's mostly a summoner build with some feats devoted to buffing your companion.
If you don't like it you can change it later.
I also built your horse.
Technically only an elf should be able to have a Valenar Warhorse, but I'm feeling generous. I'll let you change this into an Asperi when you reach lvl 7, if you so desire.

I gave you a spare Wilding clasp because I can't promise you'll be able to find another one in the future. You'll be glad you had it later.
133934 133989
I get the feeling you don't really know how to prepare spells yet, so I took the liberty of preparing a list for the first session.

>Create Water
>Detect Magic

1st level (5)
>Traveller's Mount
>Produce Flame
>Lesser Vigor
>Wall Of Smoke

2nd level (4)
>Alicorn lance
>Flaming Sphere

3rd level (3)
>Call Lightning
>Sleet Storm
>Plant Growth

Note that any of your spells can spontaneously be converted into Summon Nature's Ally spells of the same level. You have Augment Summoning and Ashbound, so your summons will always be useful, even if you're not sure about your regular spells. It's one of the reasons why Druids are so easy to play.
For the sake of your character motivations, let it be established that you're going to enter the game already knowing the party, having adventured with them once before. You're on your way because a talking cat has heard of a treasure hidden in the Witchwood, and you're the best woodsman he knows to guide him along the way.
You've also heard rumors of a great and powerful Druid who lives in these parts. Being a Druid yourself, you know that Druids can be fiercely territorial, but you know the Orc is a a reliable meatshield so you decide to take up the journey anyway.

I also lowered your age to lvl 35, since 69 would impose venerable age penalties. You're also only lvl 6, so you've still got plenty of life to live.
I swapped out your Resist Nature's Lure ability for the Athasian Druid's continuous speak with Animals, because quite frankly there aren't that many fey enemies in this game.
Here's a more complete list of those summons.
The level of monster you can summon is equivalent to the level of spells you convert.
I would have liked to start today... but I haven't heard back from Brozal.
Bro, I really need that sheet...
It should be good to go now.
Okay, then we can begin as soon as Chad's player arrives.
Have you reconsidered joining my server? It would make communicating so much easier.
contemplates running the first encounter with only two players
Fuck it. Nothing will be spoiled if the two of you die horribly in the first encounter.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Did you have to change the age? What are the penalty's for that age?
I have never used discord before and i don't have it on my computer, i would rather not use it.
I'm starting to feel as if i will keep being late.
What time of the day are you usually free? Because i have got into a sleeping schedule where i am awake for most of the night and sleep in the day, it happens all the time when i have nothing to do, maybe we should start at night rather than in the afternoon but if you cannot do that then i don't think i will be able to play, sorry for wasting your time.
We are playing right now. Want to join?
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Sure, i might as well try.
Do i just jump in?
Your horse has a 90 ft speed. Ride in and cast something.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
I will let you guys play tonight, i'll see if i want to play the next time it starts, it's a bit overwhelming reading through the thread and deciding what to do, i barely know what's happening so i don't want to interrupt and make a distraction.
Sorry but i think i need to understand the game first before i start, i have never played any role playing games like this before and i am not confident in my ability to play this.
Well, I would really like it if you clocked in as early as possible tomorrow so you could save those two from the encounter I had to pause...
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
What time at?
As early as you can manage. I would like to start before noon.
Chaddy Daddy of the Pussy Kissed Mist
Okay i'll try snooze soon.
If anyone wants to make changes to their characters, let me know before the next session. I'd prefer characters be finalized before the start of day two.
Setting-up for the next session
While the rest of the party heals up and recovers from the hydra encounter (I'm assuming you breath for just a few minutes), Jorr appears to be cutting off chunks of the hydra's carcass and tossing them to his dogs.
He eventually makes his way over to remains of the wagon, lifting it up with a heroic strength check and revealing the partial skeletons of what Jorr declares to be goblinoids, wearing ruined ruined remains of their armor. One shiny bit stands out though.
"~Heeey!" the woodsman says with a smile, yanking off what appears to be a still-shiny breastplate from a goblin champion.
"Mithril, if I'm right. Good stuff." He says, placing the fancy piece on the bridge
Jorr offers to lead the way for the party for the rest of the way until Vraath Keep (unless anyone else objects to the scout doing the scouting), which he says he hopes should be just one or two days away.

It's currently 11-12-ish, right after the hydra fight.

I encourage any of you to discuss potential plans in dialogue between sessions. We'll play Friday or even this weekend, and maybe actually get through a good portion of the game, Pelor help us.
Crap. I posted that in the wrong thread...
I'm this >>136200 →
So, yeah. I don't know anything about RHoD (preferred alignments / classes / races?), or your schedule. Never played 3e. I guess I can RP whatever, but would prefer something without extensive bookkeeping, so no Wizard. I'd probably go with Ranger, if that fits well.
Also, I'm just very new to all of this, and I mean your online campaign specifically. Are you planning to run it on this board completely? Because it looks like you do, judging by that other thread. In fact, that is the main reason I inquired about joining in the first place.
Anyway, throw some explanations, instructions and links at me and if everything works out I'll come up with some short backstory and motivation.
>Are you planning to run it on this board completely?
I had planned on running it on the board, but if I can get all of the players in my discord server we could voicechat and speed the game up quite a bit:
>preferred alignments
Preferably good, or at least nonevil. Need a motivation to stop the bad guys.
>I don't know anything about RHoD
Basically, there's a bunch of goblins rallying to take over the world, and you need to stop them. You get to fight goblins, dragons, giants, devils and all other sorts of monsters.
>your schedule
Mostly weekend, when we can play.
I encourage you to try Mystic Ranger if you're going that way. It's much better, imo.
Most legal dnd 3.5e classes.
>without extensive bookkeeping
If you're looking for something simple/easy, Dragonfire Adept is a good one: simple, fun, and flavorful for this campaign.
Again, most legal 3.5e races.

To get a grasp of third edition, please look at the player's handbook:
I'll answer any of your questions as they come up.

There's also a list of houserules in this thread.

If you get your character done in less than a week, I could introduce you as soon as next session.
136213 136225
>Mystic Ranger
Looks interesting.
>Mostly weekend, when we can play.
The schedule question was more meant as a "dude, when are you awake?". I'm on the other side of the planet here, so it's already a task to align myself with this, even on weekends. I can do it though (I'm awake now after all), just some general idea would be nice. Your timezone, and exactly how soon do you want to start and how late are you willing to continue. So I can plan ahead.
>There's also a list of houserules in this thread.
Right. Should've had the common sense to check the thread, but will do.
>If you get your character done in less than a week, I could introduce you as soon as next session.
Sounds good.

So far I got:
Elf (mystic)ranger, chaotic good. Religion is the corresponding chaotic good god of elves, Corellon Larethian, I think I spelled that right. He probably has a name, but I have a week to come up with one.
Elves live a long time, and tend to not give a shit. But even among them, there are societies that care even less. Wars go away if you just wait for while and don't insist on pathing your way through a battlefield. Armies, villages, governments come and go, and there is not much of a reason to care deeply about them if you already live innawoods. But when this guy looks at the goblin hordes, he can't help but think that they might just have a permanent effect on everything they touch if they're not stopped in time - including the forest he calls home. He tried to make them see the situation the way he does through exhausting and drawn out debate, but he was never good at that stuff anyway. When he left to find a solution to this problem some of his peers would not even think twice about, their reaction, unsurprisingly, was a half-hearted: "Meh."
stats: 10 / 18 / 15 / 14 / 8 / 12
He's not very tactful or eloquent, but he shoots arrows real good. Luckily, when it comes to goblins, shooting seems to be the best solution.

Whadd'ya think? Willing to go with your changes if you think some other ways would be more appropriate.
To clarify: The dude is a bit assburger-y, hence the 8 WIS. Was debating dropping to 7. The 14 INT is there to support the spellcasting part of the equation. Like, if a slightly retarded Star Trek vulcan could be an elf, he would be this elf.
That was my thinking anyway, but I could be going about it the wrong way.
Yeah, that works.
I'll get back to you later today and make you a Mythweavers sheet.
Okay, it looks like we're going to have a Gray Elf Wizard and a Fire Elf Ranger next session.
>two Int-based elves
>tfw Faerie Mysteries Initiate exists
Updated Houserules
The game runs with basic 3.5e rules, except as follows:
I'm pretty liberal when it comes to published 3.5e content. I'd even be willing to accept some setting-specific content from Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Ravenloft or Dark Sun, although the game takes place in a "generic homebrew setting".
Dragon/Dungeon magazine articles need an extra step of approval, but I'm okay with most of it.

I'm generally opposed to Homebrew. I might houserule some things myself, but don't try to ask me for random things that someone else wrote unless it was published somewhere.

Although this would run on 3.5e, I can be convinced to allow certain third party material, or even rules imported from PF1e.

The campaign uses several rules from Heroes Of Battle, but I don't think I'm going to allow the leadership feat as of now, although I could be convinced. If I decide to allow leadership, all Commander Auras and teamwork strategy bonuses will be available to players and their followers as usual.

The Heroics spell is hereby added to the Bard and Warmage spell lists.

I encourage all participating players to optimize and tinker with their character builds, and I'm open to allow whatever materials are necessary to build the exact kinds of characters you want. I will approve characters upon creation, and guide new players with building their PCs. Optimization is by no means necessary in this low-crunch game though.
Optimization must be within reason though: no infinite damage loops, or unlimited stat increases.
I reserve the right to retroactively buff or nerf any character for whatever reason I deem to be appropriate, should the need arise. I don't expect it to happen though.

Sorcerers and all spontaneous spellcasters gain Arcane Preparation as a bonus feat. Note that this allows a Sorcerer to prepare a spell ahead of time for the sake of evading the full-round-action cost for metamagic, including quicken spell. This is based on a recommended UA houserule.

For those who insist on playing Paladins, you may select either Dynamic Priest (Charisma for spells) or Serenity (Wisdom for everything else) as a bonus feat at lvl 1, even if you do not meet the prerequisites.

ACFs from all official books are allowed, with the exception of the Pugilist Fighter's "Shake It Off" ability; all other class features of the Pugilist are allowed.

Since Mystic Ranger is a playable ACF in this game, the Stalker Of Kharash class may advance spellcasting as a mystic ranger, provided you have at least one mystic ranger level.
The following feats are free for all characters (including monsters):
>Combat Expertise
>Improved Shield Bash
>Precise Shot
>Quick Draw
>Somatic Weaponry
>Two-Weapon Fighting
>Weapon Finesse
Note that this allows you to pick up Improved [Maneuver] without the Int prereq and Weapon Finesse at lvl 1 even if you haven't good BAB.
I'm doing this mainly to address the feat tax menace. If you would gain any of these feats as the result of a class feature, you may instead select any Fighter Bonus Feat for which you qualify.

In Addition, all creatures gain Additional Favored Class as a bonus feat. This is my way of ignoring the stupid multi-classing rules.

PCs may take up to two flaws and two traits.

If you see an ACF, variant rule, or houserule in any core book, Unearthed Arcana or Dragon Magazine that you would like to play, you may petition me to allow it in the game, possibly even after it's started.

Truenamer is banned for being stupid, complicated, and impotent unless it's abused to break the item economy. All other classes in the Tome Of Magic are approved though (Binder and Shadowcaster are pretty great. Check them out).

It goes without saying that most classes, feats, ACFs, spells, and other content from core 3.5e is acceptable.
If you wish to play a "godless" Cleric, you are still subject to certain roleplaying and mechanical restrictions that you would have been subject to if you worshipped a deity (you do not necessarily get to pick-and-choose domain combinations cuz muh creed). I will privately elaborate this topic if anybody wishes to play such a character.
Clerics who worship Elements may employ rules based on Dark Sun's Elemental Spheres. In addition, certain Clerics who worship gods who grant the Earth, Water, Fire, Air or Sun domains may make use of those domains. You are still subject to the roleplaying restrictions of your element and your deity.

Since I use The Complete Champion, players may be mechanically rewarded for having consistent spiritual outlooks and fulfilling roleplaying goals that would earn them the favor of their deity or church. If you wish to exploit this mechanic, I would recommend writing off part of your starting equipment in tithes to your church, because you may not get any other opportunity to pay them.

Since this game doesn't have any major setting outside the continent the game takes place in, I'm somewhat flexible with Pantheons, following guidelines in Deities And Demigods. Clerics/characters can worship pretty much any deity in forgotten realms, Eberron or Grayhawk. Just no Elder Evils, if you know what that means.
I use the WoTC website expansion for Kobold traits, so if you were interested in playing one, check it out. (gain 2 claw attacks, a bite attack, weapon familiarity with Greatpicks, Pickaxe Proficiency, and the Slight Build Trait, as well as Greater Draconic Rite Of Passage).
Any Exalted Cleric who wishes to take a Vow Of Poverty may carry a wooden holy symbol in exchange for their simple melee weapon. Note that clubs, slings, and quarterstaffs are free.

Anything that comes from Kingdoms Of Kalamar is banned.

Stats are decided using the Point Buy system, with each character having 36 points to spend.
Replacement feats:
Cerulean Fortitude, Cerulean Reflexes, and Cerulean Will may be used as a prerequisite for any feat, prestige class or special ability that requires Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, or Iron Will.
Improved Toughness may replace Toughness for any prerequisite.
Centaur Trample may be used to replace the Trample feat for any prerequisite (not sure if there are any), if taken by any centaur or Tauric creature (yes, they are allowed).
If you would gain any of the above feats as the result of a class feature, you may select its relevant replacement feat instead, so long as you meet the prerequisites.
For core "replacement feats", see:
Later 3.5e books flirted with this concept. I'm adding clauses to a few more to address the feat tax menace, and make this game a bit more meldshaper friendly.

Monks gain Weapon Focus at lvl 1 for free, just so that they aren't utter crap at lvls 1-5 (ffs, just play swordsage instead, they're fun). I'm only doing this because I gave paladins something.
City Brawler Barbarians may gain Weapon Focus (unarmed Strike), in exchange for their regular two-weapon fighting with unarmed strikes.

ACF chaining is permissible. If you don't know what that is, it's not that important.

Just to make it clear, Tauric Creatures count as centaurs when using lances. They may ignore Mounted Combat and Ride skill prerequisites for Ride-by-Attack, Spirited Charge, or any other riding feat, but they may be limited by their anatomies.
Due to the starting level (5-6, depending on number of players), playing a centaur with several RHD may be tricky when combined with LA, but I may be willing to make accommodations based on the PGtF's guide to "lesser" races, so characters with High RHD and LA, so you can start out smaller and progress to full power as you level.

I allow Level-Adjustment Buy-off mechanics, from Unearthed Arcana. This means that if you play a level-adjusted race, you will not be required to be at lower level for the entire game.
I recently changed the game to milestone leveling, but I can work-in LA buyoffs anyway.
As per the Unarmed Swordsage (suggested Homebrew in the ToB):
>To create a monklike character with a tremendous array of fantastic moves and strikes, give the swordsage the monk's unarmed strike progression and remove his light armor proficiency.
If you Elect to play an Unarmed Swordsage variant, you gain improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat, and the Monk's Unarmed Damage progression. You do not, however, gain flurry of blows or any other unarmed combat abilities monks have; however, you can also use Two-Weapon Fighting while unarmed. Your retain your Wisdom bonus to AC while unarmored (since technically RAW you don't gain it while unarmored, but fuck that shit). If you later become proficient in light armor, either through dipping or through feats, you may still gain your Wisdom bonus to AC while wearing light armor.
In addition, while unarmored, you may gain the Monk/Ninja's scaling AC bonus (+1 every 5 levels in the class) while unarmored. If you also have levels in Monk, Ninja, Shadow-Sun-Ninja, or any prestige class that says it grants/advances "Monk Abilities", your Swordsage and monk levels stack for determining that AC bonus alone. You may not trade away that AC bonus for ACFs, or otherwise abuse this for "free stuff"; I'm only adding this because the Swordsage's AC is criminally low otherwise.
Also, in case any of you guys know or care about the Pelor's Shadowspies or Lathander's Sun Soul Monks, having levels in Shadow Sun Ninja can count as having levels in those classes for the sake of church affiliations (not relavant unless you're super into Pelor and demand mechanical significance for it).
Anthropomorphic Animals from Savage Species are banned. Sorry furries, but that book didn't get a 3.5e enhancement errata for a reason.
If you want to play a "furry" race, talk to me and we'll see if your desired race already exists. If not, I'll work something out
Handle Humanoid is a class skill for Feline Factotums:
Jesters may select some splatbook spells from the Bard Spell list, but each spell will require my approval.
Although LA buy-off is normally only allowed at your race's minimum eligible level, I will allow it to be done at the beginning of the game, since this game with start at lvl 5-6, and I want players to have a chance to do so.
If you gain level adjustment through acquired template or other transformation, you may begin to buy it off immediately, provided that you meet the minimum class levels required for level adjustment buy-off.
Turn Undead may be gained as a Mystic of one's character level by taking the Planar Touchstone feat, and selecting Sun Domain through Catalogs Of Enlightenment.
If you already have the power to turn undead, you turn undead as a Cleric of your character level, regardless of whether or bnot you've multiclassed. You also gain the full benefit of the Sun Domain's granted powers.
Tibbits may cast spells with somatic components normally in cat-form by flicking/waving their paws. They must still have used at least one pearl of speech to gain the ability to use verbal components.
Revision to the HP calculation rule: for each dice above first, use the average of that dice rounded up, plus your con modifier
For example, if you had a 1d6 HD, you'd gain 4 HP plus your con modifier for that level.
If you had 1d10 HP, gain 6 HP plus con mod for that level.
Orcs may take the half orc paladin racial substitution level
In addition, any Orc who gains the Smite ability may substitute it for the half Orc Paladin Righteous Fury ACF:
>Righteous Fury (Ex): A half-orc paladin can fly into a fury of righteous fervor once per day, dealing powerful blows to his enemies. Entering a righteous fury is a free action. While in a righteous fury, the half-orc paladin gains a +2 morale bonus on melee weapon damage rolls. This bonus increases by 1 for every four class levels, to +3 at 4th level, +4 at 8th level, up to a maximum of +7 at 20th level. The half-orc remains in this fury for 1 round plus 1 round per point of Charisma bonus (minimum 1 round).
>At 5th level, and at every five class levels thereafter, the half-orc paladin may enter this righteous fury one additional time per day.
>This benefit replaces the standard paladin's smite evil ability. A half-orc paladin who selects this substitution feature never gains any daily uses of smite evil.
You may enter Righteous fury as many times as you would normally gain the smite ability. If you gain it through the Orc Domain or the Destruction domain, the ability is not tied to your charisma bonus but instead lasts for 4 rounds. Taking Planar Touchstone can grant Righteous Fury if the ability would normally grant smites.

If a Duskblade or Spellsword uses their Channeling Ability to deliver Shocking Grasp, said warrior gains the normal +3 bonus on the melee attack roll if the enemy is wearing metal armor.
RAW, that wasn't legal, but I felt like it may that have been RAI.
In case it wasn't Clear, Mage Armor, and all the variants/derivatives, counts as an Abjuration spell for the Abjurant Champion.
I gave all creatures Precise Shot because I felt like Archery was unsupported in 3.5e.

If you are a Ranger, your combat Style counts as having Point Blank Shot for the purpose of Selecting any other feats that have it as a prerequisite. You must still meet the other prerequisites of those feats, and you lose the benefit of you wear anything but light armor.
Knowledge (Warcraft) is considered to be a class-skill for any class proficient in all martial weapons, as well as for Bard and Factotum, and any other character I deem worthy upon request.
I can't guarantee the feat will be useful though.

Oh, and to any interested players, there's still plenty of room in the party. We're getting close to finishing part one.
Hamfist Henry
I’m here
Hamfist Henry
Henry approaches the rugged looking character and sets a bottle of rum down in front of him while uncorking another for himself. “What’s your story, stranger? You look like you’ve walked down some hard roads.”