This thread begins the next segment of the now blatantly obvious Game threads. known to some faggots as the 'gay bath house'
3 weeks have passed in game time, and Port Barry is largely rebuilt and restructured, though evidence of previous battles are still observable in the architecture, walls, etc.
The people have grown stronger, emboldened by the party as their benefactors, and have taken to Football and the message thereof with great zeal.
Any players wishing to join need simply announce themselves and will be beaten included at the earliest ability.
830 replies and 35 files omitted.
>>13098They were negotiating last night. They just wanted money and we needed leverage. Now we have possession of their wares, so let's drive a hard bargain
>>13097>take TracyBy the time she was done with them, they'd be begging her to let them free.
>>13099Do Tracy and Trump have a moment or fo they need to go try to calm down Korak and the like?
and hand over the goddamn unicorn >>13099T> I'm not losing anyone else
I'mooing down there to help
>>13104*I'm going
Torc gets his shit ready to leave
>>13103A couple responses. They still have a moment or two before the mob reaches their door. Also, aside from Trollestia the party hasn't taken Slovenia, and the elves are still being held (resecured) on the ship. Technically (aside from several individual pirates who, for all intents and purposes are real and friends/allies with other living pirates so there is bad blood) there has been no loss of merch for them and no gain for the party.
>>13105Troll> May I ask why you care?
>>13107Torc> Because,
I got them into this mess
And I need to finish what I started.
Besides, they're friends. can't let them die
>>13108T> I meant about the slaves. I have my own reasons, but why did you so readily jump in to help them?
>>13109T> Reminded me of my own people when the leftists took over.
I oon't wan to see anyone else suffer like that
>>13107>tourcil fucked everything up and didn't even free any cargo for all of the troublesIf Tracy is up for it, I'm going to spend that time doing what if rather be doing with Tracy. I think the pirates are more likely to believe I had nothing to do with it if I am underdressed in an apartment. Also, meeting them at the door means only needing to fight one at a time with no allies to the side, should it come to that
>>13111>with tripsThat was a most strategic an pragmatic decision. It isn't long before a very slow and methodical "Rap, Rap, Rap" comes to the door. It's loud and firm enough to be insistent and assertive, but not overly hurried.
>>13110T> In that, we may have some commonality. I shall accompany, though my magic is limited. I shall follow your lead.
>>13112*rushes to door, knife in hand*
>>13110your gonna want to find me.
>>13114*opens it and greets the faggot who interrupted*
Torcuil is aware that his Fly spell is nearing expiration, but can re-apply it for sake of efficiency
>>13112Trump gets a little dressed, so he has covered himself, but is neither armored not in formal business attire. He signals to Tracy "please don't let them see you have the knife. Do not engage unless they engage first."
Trump opens the door. He is damn sure to force whoever comes through to enter into a tiny halway that is cramped on each side, room for only one person. Trump stands at the end of it where he had more room to move, with Tracy nearby. He tries to hide Tracy's knife before opening the door
"Can I help you? I'm sorry, I was a bit indisposed"
>>13116Upon opening the door, Trump is greeted by a number of pirates, many of whom brandish weapons and torches. They seem quite embarrassed given his almost naked.
Korak weaves his way to the front.
"I hope I didn't catch ye at a bad time."
He says with a note of sincerity, but also with a note of irritation. "I'd not risk offendin' ye if it weren't important," he says tapping his cane briefly into the stone walkway to accentuate his point.
>>13113Thank you, anything should help
>>13117Okay, that works
>>13120"I belieeeeve I can flyyyyyyyyyy"
Fly spell recast
>>13119>'this faggot again'- Tracy thinks as she takes a step back.
"Ummm, yeah, it is a bad time. What is it that's so important?"
>>13121Torc flys back to town, hoping he's not to late
>>13123As Torcuil and Trollestia fly from the tower, they can see the mass of pirates (about 30 ish) gathered around the new apartments Trump had converted for public use.
Infernius, on the ground sees this in moving toward the tower and (?) redirects toward the pirates, Torcuil and Troll's apparent destination.
>>13124i try to engage in diplomacy.
>>13126>>13124"what seems to be the problem gentlemen?"
>>13124Torc stops close enought to see and hear, but not be see
>>13126>>13127You're still at the back of the group, and you haven't been noticed yet. I would suggest waiting for the right moment, unless you want to utilize your extensive range of clerical spells.
>>13125K> I was hopin' to ask ye that. It seems one of yer group, the scottish fella', stole onto my ship, killed several of my men, and attempted to steal me valuable cargo. Under other circumstances ye'd have found this pretty house on fire, but you've been a right chap thus far so I'm asking ye directly. What is the meaning of this?
>>13129That puts him in a holding position about 40' directly above the pirates. He can see and hear, but is far enough away that he isn't indicated from ambient torchlight.
>>13131i try to remain unnoticed and wait to strike.
>>13131Torc waits to hear whtt Trump says
>I swear to god I will drop an ACME brand anvil >>13131Trump is visibly angered by Korak's words
Trump thinks, and realizes that every single one of his "crew" was unaccounted for the night before. He turns to mouth to Tracy "Tracy, did you do this?"
Trump says to Korak "who did this, and how do you know it was one of ours? Aren't there other bandits around. As for your crew, we may actually have the power to bring the dead back to life. At least I believe we did, I'm not sure if it's been tampered with since then"
>>13134K> Impressive. I did say the scottish fella', but if ye can restore the dead, that would go a long way toward repairing what ah had hoped would be a mutually beneficial arrangement. I'll tell ye what, cough up the scotsman and his pretty hoers, and there'll be no more trouble.
Torc realizes the opertunity he has been blessed with
T> Tollestia, go get the elves off the ship, I'll make sure they don't leave
>>13136T> I don't know your intentions, but your strategy is sound. The ship should be less/unguarded at this moment.
She fly-runs off.
>>13135"The Scottish guy? I haven't seen him since we left the docks: he was for a few hours. I do not know where he is. I can also tell you that robbery and murder does not sound like the sort of thing he'd do, at least not without good cause. I want to ask you again, are you sure it was him? Who is his horse?
But yes, we may - just may - be able to bring the dead back to life"
>>13137ok gm i have my plan. if the pirates do anything agrresive i use wall of stone to create a cage around them.
>>13137Godspeed you glorius horse
>>13141They complain?
>>13141>cast Wall of Stone, ready move to release based on input trigger ("Now" or whatever).>>13138Oh, me men are quite sure it was him, he left several frozen stiff, and still others dead with burns all over. There's no mistaking it. As fer the hoers, she was quite the pretty one. A unicorn, which I think ye might also appreciate, who trampled several more of me men.
From the back of the pirates, one calls out
"She turned me into a newt!"
Heads swivel in that direction.
"I got better,...."
>>13143"Why would he do that? Well, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding, just the same as you mistook out attack pony for chattel yesterday. Please understand we are a, well, "multicultural" crew, and we come from many different background with many different understandings of good and evil. But all wounds can heal. Even death itself can now be turned back. Okay, once again I know we used to have such a machine, I assume we still do. But I tell you it isn't cheap to operate. For two to four Pirates that's going to run you about one unicorn. Speaking of unicorns, you can keep the Scot Guy's one if you can capture it. And Please join us for a football game later"
>>13148>you can keep the Scot Guy'sI will not hesitate to drop my anvil on you bitch
>>13148Should I role for diplomacy or something?
>>13150If you want to come here and defend yourself against these pissed off Pirates, then be my guest
>>13148GM keks at the Art of the Deal
K> If it meant me men coming back to life, I might be willing to forego the slight that has been imposed.
Murmurs echo throughout the pirates.
K> Now lads, I'm not suggesting that anything involving forgiveness or acceptance take place, I'm just thinkin' that if these here can totally undo the losses we have faced tonight (its barely dawn almost), maybe we might cut our losses. After all, aside from meself, these fellas are too much to handle.
Nervous laughter begins, followed by relaxed laughter.
K>Mr Trump, ye're a salty fella I don't mind sayin'. Ah came here prepared for war, but here ye've presented a scenario that we can all have peace. We'll retire to ours, but I'm thinkin' that you might just have urself a deal.
I just want to say (for the umpteenth time) I had no idea it would play out this way.
>>13151That RP was quite sufficient diplomacy.
So the pirates meander from Trump's apartments. Infernius (seeing the pirates leaving) realizes that his intervention is no longer needed. Torcuil, still flying high, sees that his actions are not required on scene. Trump closes the door to the apartment, leaving him and an irritated Tracy alone once again.
There is the whole matter of Trollestia freeing the slaves, but we'll get to that later since OP has to depart here in the next half hour.
Gameplay is still on for the next 1/2, but the danger is (momentarily) averted, and characters are free to cinema.
>>13156>closes the door to the apartment, leaving him and an irritated Tracy alone once again.[lonely pony noises]
*fiddles with doornob with tiny pony hooves until it opens and follows the group at a distance in stealth*
>>13160[affectionate pony noises]
>>13157i go back to the rusty duck and get shit faced again.
>>13155FUCKING YES. If that had gone on, I would have invited them all to sit down on the couches, while I had fine alcohol poured for them, while Tracy cut vegetables or meat in the kitchen for a minor meal (an excuse to have Tracy brandishing a giant knife on the pirate's flanks), but otherwise continued with the sane basic arguments
>>13157I have to drive, so I am unavailable. I wish I could have worded all of that more eloquently and less like a ramble
>>13157Are characters free to update their gear?
Add some caltrops to the bag, and materials for some easy-make flash-bangs.
>>13165Caltrops yes, flashbangs no.
Characters can make minimal adjustments (nothing involved, it won't take THAT long for the pirates to get back to the ship and find that the elves are gone), but otherwise gameplay is suspended. The entertron is open, and there's about 14 shoddy elves milling about in the tower. Otherwise, everything is 'normal', which is to say, SNAFU.
>>13166Okay, add some arrows to the bag.
Mount jibbernigger corpse on wall in room as trophy.
>>13166Retrieve corpses and unicorn from ship
>>13169I think the pirates are already doing that.
>>13168Mounted, next to a skull with its head split open.
>>13169The corpses on the ship are all pirates. Slovenia was not onboard the ship (was in the port stables the whole time if someone wanted to steal but too late), and no one from the party realm died (tho almost).
>>13171>next to a skull with its head split openWhich one? There were several.
>>13172Now that I think of it, wouldn't the cranium of that giant's skull make for a great lightweight armor plate?
new bread? my pc is dying.
>>13174Click 'Last 50 Posts' button.
>>13171.... But Trumpaladin agreed to resurrect the dead Pirates, for the unicorn and for peace
>>13172I suppose so, that was a jibe against a previous player.
>>13173On a world largely devoid of metal resources and the means to extract them, yes. In this world, alloys are far superior. I'm not saying no, but am saying 'there's better than skulls'
>>13174Will do at some point early in the week, but I'm exhausted for now
>>13176And that was a brilliant move. What he didn't know is that the 'other' unicorn (Trollestia) was busy releasing the elves and shuttling them back to the tower while he was making that deal. He did stave off a mad riotous crowd, but the situation is not entirely resolved YET.
>>13173Traccy counts the bones she's collected in her room so far
>1 zombie skull (I only remember collecting one)>3 hydra skulls and a few spinal columns>3 giant skulls, and a few ambiguous bones>the skulls of Ponimaru and Copperbutt (can't remember if she left those at the golf course or not, though...)>Soros's knucklebonesShe puts her hooves on her hips and smiles devilishly, admiring her stash.
"I should move these to the dungeon when I have the chance." she says to nopony in particular.
>>13177What precise roll did the elves serve? Were they galley slaves used as crew, were they to be sold as chattel, or what?
>>13179holy shit guys there is a colored id option. its beautiful.
>>13180Why didn't I use this earlier?
hey trump what is "pepe colored quotes?"
>>13182I don't honestly know, but it appears that it causes greentext to appear s darker green color
>>13179Unknown to characters, but sold as chattel.
>>13180>just now figuring this out>>13181>also>>13182>>13184>>13185Browse options moar
>>13177Oh well then.
*Whips out Chinese cookbook*
GM, should we chose to have the showdown occur in the stadium, may I make faithful use of the advantages the architecture provides?
Also, how much matter is required for the resurrection machine to work? I recall Ponimaru was almost entirely destroyed, but was recovered
>>13190What is Ponimaru's intelligence score as an animal? I want to teach him to do tricks. With the Handle Animal skill.
>>13194I'm not going to say anything except pic related
>>13195Well, Fluttershy would've played as a druid anyway.
>>13194I wonder it the Nightmarification could spread if Tracy forced him to drink her blood...
>>13196Perhaps I should have posted pic related instead
>>13197I appreciate your efforts to increase his value upon resale, but not all changes are warranted
>>13199Are you looking to bring more female ponies into the game? I am intrigued
>>13197Then again, Ponimaru would become a monster upon evolution, and would no longer be as easily controlled with the Handle Animal skill. Tracy should train him first, level herself up as Blackguard to make him her fiendish servant, and then transform him.
>>13200Perhaps, or just horse even, like Ponimaru. The name for the Assassin cult was going to be the Four Horses guild (as an allusion to the four horses of apocalypse, or the four mares of Diomedes; it's Coat of Arms being a blood-red clover, to symbolize the 404 mark of 4chan). It was going to be a regular guild, but I just remembered that Tracy, as an awakened horse, can speak horse: this turns every horse in The Game into a potential NPC. I could just have Tracy enslave/recruit and train other horses in the game, and transform them with her blood, and a magic ritual if need be. Ponimaru could be her first as Tracy's fiendish servant: if he resists, Tracy can just break him like a horse, Intimidate him, or just straight-up melt his brain.
>>13201Of course, Trollestia might get in her way, and that could create complications...
Challenge accepted.
>>13203that bitch won't let me fuck her, so go aheadYou know how unicorns are supposed to be tied to reality or some bullshit that makes them insanely powerful? Trump just might have a unicorn Tracy can break and train. Assuming she wouldn't rather be a fashion designer, or can do both.
>>13204Not sure if Unicorns, being magical beasts, are so easily trained, but it's an idea.
I actually intended for this to be sort-of a semi-secret project for Tracy to do herself, but sure, whatever (since Trumpaladin can't speak horse, it would just look like Tracy chatting with horses at first). It's not exactly the kind of thing a Paladin would be associated with though, but I don't think there's be any problems unless he does any needless prying.
>>13209Idk, I'm new to this. Look it up.
The thing regenerates at such a rate that nothing can do lethal damage on it. You have to bring up non-lethal damage to a massive extent, and then use some kind of spell to keep it dead.
The real issue is the faggot-nerd controlling it: better to take out the nerd first, and then redirect the rampaging beast to an unpopulated area, where it could be killed with an army and planned systemic attacks/traps.
>>13209>Modes of attackCrushing, slashing, charging, and swallowing whole, mostly.
It's a giant monster.
>>13210That's just fine, all I want to do is to soften or distract it. As for the nerd - how could you possibly get him to dismount so you're not facing both at the same time? I would think there have to be ways to trick him into a location where he can't bring the thing. Alternatively, fire enough Ballista bolts at him that he can't dodge while staying on the creature, then attack him separately.
>>13211Sounds like it may well be flank-able in the way I want
>>13212It's slow, but it can also charge at insanely high speed once every few rounds. Also, it's got a thick armored carapace that can't be pierced easily.
It's not easy to kill at all, especially not if a sorcerer buffed it.
>>13212>DismountHe might not be riding it at all, could just be controlling it. Better to try to catch him while he's in his tower reading his comic books.
>>13213I think I know how to limit its possible counter-attacks while allowing a maximum of possible ranged attacks
>>13214>Better to try to catch him while he's in his tower reading his comic booksI'm less confident about the ability to actually do this, but okay
>>13213What I mean to say is that NPCs can be spaced and protected in a such a way as to be beyond the frightful presence of the Terrasque, and force the terrasque to move and use an entire turn to attack each individual NPC, while each NPC does either 1d8 or 1d10 from Longbow or Crossbow damage. Possibly the same with the Magician himself, although he can cast spells that make him much more dangerous to the NPCs and better able to protect himself
>>13216>NPCs can be spaced...I believe you're overestimating the authority and leadership abilities of your character again...
>>13217How so? He's got a 17 in Charisma and a hell of a lot of lead up
>>13218Forgot I flagged this IP.
What I mean is that it is established he has some respect as a leader, even if he is not an actual civilian authority figure.
But in any case, if NPCs need persuading, it's not like I'm unwilling to do the coaxing
>>13218Good point.
Could work if he took some epic leadership feats.
>>13219Try to focus on the immediate situation at hand first though. Things will change.
>>13190dude we are no were close to being able to beat the terrasque.
>>13201i actually like this idea.
>>13220Aww, did that epic speech I wrote after defeating Soros the first time not count? What can I do?
Also, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! Tarrasques are immune to piercing damage. I'll find a way around that - enchanted projectiles? Explosive projectiles? GM fiat for mixed Nuts? Something.
Besides that, Tarrasques have such an insane Armor Class that it would take a modifier of I think +6 in order for even a 20 to land, although a 20 automatically lands. I think if we can say that the trained crusaders, for instance, started out with level 1 fighter status and ten dexterity points (they should receive these stats by virtue of nothing else than being human) then leveled up to 2 from the fight with the demons, could perhaps be said to have gained enough experience from intense training over three weeks (It'll be 4 by then at least, perhaps more) to have leveled up a class 3 fighter, AND they have Archery as their fighting style, then they should have a +8 modifier, meaning they beat the Tarrasque's Armour class if an 17 or higher is rolled. So if we have 40 level three fighters who are within range, not dead, and not frightened (that may be optimistic) we can expect on average 8 to hit per turn with 1d8 damage, so something like 32 damage per turn on average. I don't know how many pirates there are or their levels, but they must have higher levels
>>13221Oh I'm sure as hell not done with the pirates. I have an offer planned for them.
>>13222Oh I know, but if he's planning for it, so am I
>>13223Good. Although I do regret announcing it before hand...
>>13209a bard could buff a large group of npcs.
>>13213it can also jump real good.
>>13214we could deceive the nerd somehow.
>>13226We don't have a bard though...
>>13230we could buy ones servervices.
>>13190Well if you want it to occur there, you may need to lure him. He'll be looking for you anyway, so that shouldn't be too hard.
>>13201Please don't, Ponimaru is semi-necessary
>>13213U can't buff it, its carapace renders it almost immune to magic.
>>13224>thinking damage reduction is per roundTry again, you'd have to do more than 20 points of damage
per hit, on top of its crazy regeneration.
>>13233Yep. That's why getting eated is the best strategy, but you have to be able to survive that shit.
Also, I do not recommend involving civilians. Just no. Also realize that before worrying about the T, there's a very angry pirate who will need merc'd, as well as his cadre.
>>13232B-b-but I wanted to make him part of my assassin cult..!
>>13236Thats fine, just don't go trying to mind control him or anything, I need him to perform errands for Ben.
>>13237Can I still train him and/or intimidate him?
>>13238Both. He's only level 3 monk, but he's also got Thez' belt so he hits like a 8lvl.
>>13239How big of a roll do I need to pickpocket the belt?
>lightning hits summer house irl right after I fucking typed that
Okay, time to stop being a Jew....
>>13243>picAre there other horses I can turn into monsters?
>>13243your control of your psionics impresses me.
>>13246Maybe, I'll have to do some reading
>doesn't dare make an arbitrary decision like that around Tracy, not again >>13249If they're already here, they're in the clear!
>>13250What we're not going to do is reverse assimilate natives, that I can tell you
>>13249Trick on you; They're not outsiders if they're
born here.
I just want to state for the record, that these are the two funniest posts in this thread for me
>>12849 >>12708>>13254That's her cutie mark, but yes.
>>13257IK, but every time I look at it I feel like Nic Cage is trying to control my mind.
>>12422>l, "Defended it,"I misread this as "I built this town, now you defend it," a challenge to battle, when I read this from my phone
>>12559>"It's Tracy"I wish I had him silently say "oh, so that's her name"
>"I'm engaged."I really wish I had my charcter respond with shock "To who??"
>>12599I still don't understand if she has this reaction because Trump worded the request in a wink-wink way, because he mentioned the unicorn, or because that's her normal reaction to requests by Trump
>>12610GM, is the Tower within bombardment range of ship cannons? Also, can we make cannons or late medieval bombards?
>>12621>Korak can be trusted to suit his own means - and that of the party if in mutual venture - his allegience is entirely to himself and his piratesFINALLY. A man I can trust
>>12631This actually is cute
>>12635I wonder if anyone realized what I was trying to imply. I think I was too subtle
>>12649Tourcil didn't get it
>>13261>I wish I had him silently say "oh, so that's her name">I really wish I had my charcter respond with shock "To who??"It's really much better that you didn't, for everyone really.
>>13263are we going to end up having a psionic duel?
>>13264>Duel>with a roguelol no. I'll just gut you in your sleep.
>>13266>>13264I still feel like investing in one class yields the highest rewards, but you do what you want
>>13267Yeah... The class I wanted most was Assassin, but Tracy still doesn't qualify...
>but it seems pretty clear Tracy's faggot was operating under the assumption that the wizard was the ticket to the assassin's prestige class.
First of all, it's not a wizard; it's a sorcerer. Second of all, no. I did think investigating the town where he lived could help advance the plot though, maybe even yielding some info/loot.
>I had Trump actually physically stop Tracy from talking. That's kind of unfair competition
>ended fucking Tracy out doing what her faggot wanted that night, which I think is hilarious.
Yeah, I noticed that too...
>>13270>He didn't enjoy it as muchAww, I was hoping for company in my feelings
>>13272Well, I could clearly see your feelings, I was just hoping to kill something that night...
What's done is done though.
>prepares to read what happened while i was gone
>>13230B-but Troc was doing some shit in being a bard
>>13275True, you have provided music and memes to boost morale.
>>13275boost my morale post le rare meme.
Were the ants supposed to be Formians? If so, that makes me wonder how their hive was established on this plane, and what the Queen said to The about The Law.
>>13279It's an interesting thought to chew on.
>>13281Well, Formians are extraplanar creatures. The Hive's residents may be native, but the queen herself may have been an outsider.
It was a while ago, so I don't remember, but I wonder just what the queen was doing with Thez's scroll again (it's been a while... Sorry). Anyway, there's clearly been an intervention theme among bosses here so far.
>>13282>intervention theme among bosses hereKorak explained that pretty much the entire population of the planet are some sort of migrants or non-indigenous
>>13284What exactly was that scroll? At the time I thought it was some sort of contract she had made
>>13285I totally forgot, desu...
Whatever it was, she was willing to get turned to paste twice to retrieve it.
I wonder whatever happened to that potato after The healed him.. he probably just died offscreen.
I'll bake this afternoon and answer these questions then
>>13264>>13265Also, the characters would have to have a motivation to do it.
>>13296>>13297But I want to know if I can have both scoops of ice cream...
I just got an idea I'm almost embarrassed I did not get before
>>13293For a murder, yes. For a duel, no, much more complicated.
>>13298Sorry, I'm working late shift tomorrow so I'll have time for baking
By the way, Unicorns are supposed to be lawful good, right? So why was she okay with robbery and capital murder?
>>13303Fuck, I failed to specify "Trollestia"
>>13301Eh, we can make it work
>>13303According to the wiki, Unicorns are always Chaotic Good.
>>13297>>13296>>13302RIP in peace GM
I'm looking forward to some fresh out of the oven bread tomorrow
>>13306Whoops. I read the description for Celestial Charger (what she is). motivations we're pretty clear from the beginning though.
>>13306Also that looks like a different edition from what GM is basing his off of.
>>13307>tomorrow>>13308>celestial chargerIt made sense to me, and that's the correct creature
Those were good times, werent they? This isnt my doing, but while its here