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ITT we share wisdoms that we have gleaned through our own experiences with our fellow Anons, that they might live a better life. I'll start:

NEVER ask a question unless you are %100 that you want to know the answer. Whatever happens, you literally asked for it, so you better be damn sure you really wanted to know. Remember this and it will help you with friends, family, lovers, and even children. Live your life by it.
283 replies and 166 files omitted.
Anything offered for free usually has equal or lesser value. That which is worth having is worth paying for, and its worth full price.
Always control anger when talking, escalating a conflict only makes it worse, if someone pisses you off, give a calm normal answer and things will sort themselves out.
Don't be afraid of making questions.
God/evolution gave you a mouth. Using it for the riggt reasons at the right time can make a great difference between education and learning
206 4163
When you put a piece of toilet paper in the water before shitting, it wont splash as high when you take a dump.
Buy the powdered Gatorade and mix it into bottles of water, then use that as your chaser when you drink. It'll keep you hydrated, give you your electrolites back, and if you drink it in equal portions, you will never get hungover.
Write to all your local/state officials on a regular basis.
It help you keep track of what they're doing, and it can yield significant results if done correctly.
Never do exactly as you are told
The real MVP

A good friend is worth holding onto, no matter what. Even if you cant set aside any differences now, just remember all the good times and separate peaceably.
If you plan on taking an important decision, always have a second, third and escape plan.
Write the plans with details so you can look them up if you feel worry.
Acknowledge for any posible problem in the plan and don't take things for granted.
If you get a nose bleed, do not lean back.
Leaning backwards causes the blood to run down your throat and it can enter your lungs at this point, causing even worse problems.
Lean your head forward and just catch blood with a tissue or something.

put a cold bottle of soda (or a similar cold liquid) onto your neck during nosebleed, the blood veins in your neck will contract from the cold and stop the bleeding almost immediately
235 236
Always carry a pocket knife in your belt, make sure you can get it ready quickly; It doesn't need to be specially big, 2" should be enough, make sure it's always sharp.

The reason, a knife is always an useful tool, she can save your life in dangerous situations.
>For example if a dog takes you down and bites your neck, if your clothes got stuck in machinery and it's slowly pushing you to your doom, self defense, cutting things in general, etc..
But never escalate a fight with a knife, if someone threats on you unarmed don't you go pushing a knife on him.
shamefur dispray anime girl.gif

>The reason, a knife is always an useful tool, she can save your life in dangerous situations.
>don't go pushing a knife
Pardon the bants, but I disagree; if someone threats on you you can't assume they AREN'T armed, and need to be handled as quickly as possible
Thought I didn't have any advices other than "Don't be like me".

But after a few minutes I remebered something.

If you buy something, buy something good.

The 3 most important posessions of a man are a good bed, a good chair and good boots.
I dunno about that. I'm never willing to threaten something that I'm not willing to follow through. I guess it depends on who you are dealing with though. There are people out there who like to fight and talk shit and whatnot; go to bars and get belligerent and threaten to fuck people up and kill them and such. But, I'd never do such a thing, because I firmly believe that you should never bark if you aren't willing to bite. If you tell someone you are going to kill them, you better be ready to either kill or die. Furthermore, you should never bark if you don't have to. Don't pull a gun at a fistfight unless you have already decided to kill the opponent.

That said, if you are in an actual fight, NEVER play fair. If Tyronne decides he's gonna fuck you up (this would never happen, because niggers always run in packs), you do everything possible to kill him. You got a knife and you can use it effectively? Stab him. Cut his arteries. You have a gun? Shoot him three time center mass. Got a glass or a bottle? Smash his head. A brick? Same.

NEVER escalate if you don't have to, but once things kick off, NEVER stop short of ending it entirely. Existence is life or death. Remember that when someone threatens yours.
Yo what float is that huntsmen?
styx with knife.jpg

0,00 - 0,03
Life becomes a lot easier when you realize how silly modernity is.
Everything around us is just a shared delusion, what society says is just what the "group" says and once you choose not to follow the group, you become an outsider, someone from other social group. This means that with some charisma you can make your own social group within society, a social group that can turn into an organization and maybe even a whole society of it's own, with enough time and resources.
Nick Fuentes' take on simps and the 'Friend Zone'.mp4
>Nick Fuentes' take on simps and the 'Friend Zone'
Listen to the Chad.
If she's "Friend Zoning" you, it means she's "Pocketing" you.
She's putting you in her pocket to use as a tool whenever she wants.
A tool to fight her battles? A tool to soothe and feed her fragile ego? A tool to bring her things and feed her?
Women take things for granted, they don't feel obligated to repay things like good men do.
When someone's nice to a woman, she assumes it's because she deserves it.
When someone's mean to a woman, she assumes it's because she deserves it. That's why abusive men turn trash women on, dumbasses legitimately think only the abusive men treat their trashy asses "properly". Plus the thought of a big scary brutish man who takes what he wants and can't be controlled by them turns women on.
Ancient Greek Quotes to Strengthen Your Character.mp4
I found something that qualifies for this thread.
>Ancient Greek Quotes to Strengthen Your Character
"Cuando venden, compra. cuando compran, vende."
when they sell, buy. when they buy, sell.

when someone is trying to get something off their hands eagerly, buy it at the lowest possible price or lower and they will sell. when people are eager to buy something you have, name your price and they will buy.
File (hide): 0F4EFD21F6CFB36D600EC72F45F99093-6433026.mp4 (6.1 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:04:31, LIFE CHANGING Quotes - Seneca.mp4) [play once] [loop]
LIFE CHANGING Quotes - Seneca.mp4
LIFE CHANGING Quotes - Seneca
Timeless simplicity.
Marcus Aurelius - Meditations.
>Marcus Aurelius' 'Meditations' wasn't intended to be published, or even *seen* by anyone but Aurelius himself... yet it contains some of the most powerful and sublime wisdom ever penned.
>For those who haven't yet read - I strongly recommend.
I am interested in sayings.
"All happy families are alike."
"A stitch in time saves nine."
Spoken memems that have some deeper meaning.
pls post
1.The most irreplaceable things in life are those you get for free.
2. It is difficult for a person to be angry at you if you can make them laugh.
3. Doing it the right way is built to last, relying on cutting corners to get you through will lead to collapse.
4. Something I came across from another anon, word for word, it's;
"exercise bike"

Aerobics people are showoff faggots who don't realize that the pattern of activity, for most creatures, is long periods of low intensity and then extremely short periods of high intensity/conflict

Which is why running more than 4k a day is correlated with a reduced life span (excessive aerobics literally damages your myocardial/heart tissue over time.).

It's far better to maintain, control, and grow in something that actually makes you healthier into old age. aka Weight lifting. It's so fucking easy too but people are faggots about numbers and insecurities. They don't realize all that matters is
1. You do the form correct
2. You control the motion the entire way through. Most people in the gym cheat by letting gravity and momentum do a lot of the work. Which is stupid because that's stress that should be controlled by good form. It hurts a lot more when you control your reps the entire way through.
3. You lose weight, gain muscles, and become a bit less clumsy because you're actually practicing on controlling a load the entire rep, not awkwardly trying to show off quickness driven by gravity and momentum.

My religion is that cardio is a fucking waste of time and that you should walk a few miles each day. That's when you let gravity and momentum reduce the energy the body would have to expend.
5. Another one saved from another anon
Anonymous (ID: Ac02dnLX) AN 07/27/17(Thu)16:38:17 No.135181630?

In my experience, that people who don't have a calling, don't know what they are good at, never really tried anything or doesn't give a shit about skillsets, mastery of things or emotional/philosophical widening of knowledge.

You can be the pencil pusher from monday to friday, have sex at saturday with your bored wife, then get spanked by a latex uggo in your basement biweekly and claim you are an republican, while secretly voting green because it gives you kicks.

If there is a grand scheme, not everybody is important. There must be small cogs, the front line of idiots you play bullet catchers in wars,
the guy that cleaned your doorway for 40 years and died silently. Nobody knew his name.

You can simply exists for existences sake, like a human fruit fly. Nothing wrong with that. A psychological, metaphysical or even religious footing is as valid as living in a camping mobile and enjoying life at parks, while violently stealing money from drug dealers.

The search itself might be a reason enough to question everything. The necessity of thinking about things, that crawl up your spine regularly should be reason enough to try new things.
6. I have a lot of these I saved through the years;
Reading books is good, but it is only as good as doing anything else. Going by the type of people Quora attracts, this point of view might not be shared by many over here.
There are some things that are common to every human society. Speaking is one of them. Reading and writing are not on that list
~Marc Prensky
Reading books takes time. You gain knowledge and all, that is fine. But too much time spent on reading deprives you from doing other things.

Generally (sterotyping), people who read a lot, especially kids (contradicting), don't stretch their muscles and end up either too weak or too fat.

Once you are old enough, too much of reading can affect your creativity and capacity to carry out researches.

Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.
~ Albert Einstein
7.Reader 01/18/2018 (Thu) 18:36:40 Id: 5e428a (1) [Preview] No.5576 [Hide User Posts] [X] del
(93.41 KB 845x650 Haifa,_Construction_of_the_Technion...)
>>5575 →

Great post. Parents lives matter.

Honestly in answer, I was home schooled from grade 5 up, got my diploma at age 15, went to work as low wage prole right off the bat. I am fully vested in Social Security they owe me some 50,000 USD which I cannot claim yet unless I disable myself or actually become disabled. I mention this all, simply because, a life of education and fun work, is not enough, I can tell you that much. All the work I did in IT sector is for nothing, tecch came in, Zuckerturd came in, all that we did, as regular workers, was for nothing. Collegiate greekfags and their interlocking networks of shame and power, are what is the clockspring of this diseased planet, at this time. However, as your post makes clear (on a 'news' forum) parents are waking up. I would say worry less about common core as defined by dumbfucks corporations and other inhumans. Core competency means knowing history, and understand how the bolt of a rifle works. Common core kids of the future, will have a common core of being able to swap rifles interchangeably and to have good response to ambush under fire. If you as a parent, cannot raise a soldier in that homeschooling environment, you may as well send them into the machine with just good values. Because the machine will teach them to be a soldier for the bad side, if you dont understand what the battlefield looks like at this time. Parenting is like becoming a Army Commander, and you have to wait 30 years to see how good your training ideology was. A lot of parents have great kids, I know because I live in America.
The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.


Why You WILL NOT & CAN NOT Wake People Up - It Appears To Defy Nature's Law For HOW Man Learns.
>Marcus Aurelius
Be grateful of what you have.
So Aion by Carl Jung interesting book. The red book too.
Has some topics and ideas that have relevance. I need to read it fully, but so far it's interesting.
For someone deciphering the experience he had to see the deeper meanings is neat.
Heavy Equipment Will Improve Your Life240p.mp4
A good tool in the right place saves lives. Work smart, and work hard.
Sometimes you just have to have the right chooch to get the dingle dangling dandy.
Use the investments wisely.
Very interesting. I learnt something.
luna not want.jpg
Humans are exactly like magnets, whatever emotion you are putting out you will always bring it back in, act positive and good things will happen to you, act negative and bad things will happen, as above so below, karma exists but it exists within yourself so you cannot see it clearly without self exploration.
If you are being shit talked to do not escalate things faster than the pace it is currently going at, a fight can be prevented if you are in control of your emotions so master your spirit and you will become a true warrior, a good samurai doesn't let his emotions guide him but instead leads his own ego.
Magic exists and there is nothing you can do to get it out of your life, demons are attracted to negativity and fear thus they thrive from it, do not give them your emotions unless you want to give your life away, same can be said about evil people, they thrive from (You) and feed from (You) so do not give them any more than 3 chances, if they show themselves to be filled with hate and are deceiving then drop them immediately, do not pity he who cannot control himself for they are unpredictable and unwise.
It is possible to completely change your personality by focusing your thoughts, don't forget that if you want a change of heart only you can make the change, you are your own god so do not take this lightly because it is your own choice if you wish to be a devil or angel.
Most men do not understand themselves due to ignorance, explore yourself and break the boundary's you set for yourself by doing what you once deemed impossible for you to do, go out of the box and only then will you find true treasure, it is all waiting for you specifically before it can be unlocked, there is lots of ways to learn yourself through many methods of meditation, just spend a portion of your day to look at what path you are currently taking, don't walk blindly into something that does not suit yourself for it will only bring back badness from the choosing of a wrong decision, learn from your mistakes so that you can become better, don't forget your thoughts or what you have done in the past lest it repeat itself in the future.
Do not trust immediately, let time take it's course and wait for consecutive feedback to indicate if someone is trustworthy or not, if all signs are green to go then take that person and don't let them go if you are absolutely sure that they are for you.
Forget everything that everyone told you and learn yourself, do not let other people tell you who you should be and call you names along with other false titles, make sure that you are not to be messed with unless they want no mercy, if someone is to truly threaten you then use everything in your power to outdo them in their plans to disrupt yours.
Learn what you can because true knowledge is not taught openly, do research and base your own thoughts, feelings and judgement's from personal experience, do not let other people's bad experiences guide you away from potential good ones, do not let other people influence your own domain of thoughts and feelings.
Peace brings war and war brings peace, there is always periods of peace and wages of war, you cannot fully get away from the bad things in the world as they will always follow you and there is nothing you can do to stop it, so do not fear it but embrace it instead as it is a natural part of life along with death.
Do not worry about worry's as that leads into a mirror pit that constantly reflects negativity back and forth which will eventually lead to you climbing out of the pit or rotting in it, worry about your current tasks and do not be led astray from your present goal as if you are constantly being distracted then your chores will never be finished, complain all day and war will follow, be angry all day and death will follow, eat all day and famine will follow, sloth all day then pestilence will come and so on so forth.
Make sure you can distinguish between false and true, do not falsely follow comfortable lies as your life will never know truth if you choose the path of the blind, take your blindfolds off and gaze at the world from an outsider's perspective, you are only part of the program because you have been told that you are, your chains are only self imposed from the word of others and are easily breakable with the right key as long as you know which key it is.
Everything ties into one and the world is a big mirror constantly reflecting in a kaleidoscopic fashion that never fades, learn the fruits of our forests and harvest them, do not let hidden gold go to waste when things are waiting just for you to come collect them, food exists to be eaten, we exist to live and die as that is why we are here.
Star signs are accurate, did those astrologists over 2000 years ago know nothing of the stars when they spent their whole life's studying the stars? Everything has a meaning and learn each meaning if you wish to achieve greatness, the zodiac signs are already learned so that we may know them but no one looks to what isn't a lie anymore.
Act manly and make yourself a man, do not let feminine attitudes role you if you call yourself a man, so do not let weak emotions take you without your want, only a woman is raped by her own emotions, do not become a sissy faggot who only looks to his feelings for guidance who then is doomed to forever fail in all his goals.
Become a man by finding out what a man truly is, did Adam not bite the apple of sin? He did it as a sign of how man is forever tied to his own emotions, emotions create sin and unless you can control them you will forever be chained to desire, emotions are inherently feminine, they serve no meaning other than to please the primitive brain that we were given, break your ego and you will free yourself, break the mental chains withholding you from yourself and flourish like a fountain, only you can decide your own fate.
Will you be a pussy and let false feelings dominate you? Or will you take the reigns and guide yourself instead?
Miyamoto Musashi Quotes - Dokkodo - The Path of Aloneness.mp4
Miyamoto Musashi Quotes
Dokkodo - The Path of Aloneness


Don Juan Matus -- The 4 natural enemies of a man of knowledge(mirrored)


Better yet, raise your kids to be normal, functional children who like to go outside and use their imaginations for entertainment. Then, if you really need to punish them, you can just give them a phone and make them read vapid tweets written by celebrity idiots for an hour.
Rape Radbury from Farenheight 69 or whatever it's called was right, abridging a great book is just as bad as burning it.
As a kid my shit school had "abridged versions" of famous great novels aka baby versions of the books with a few important-to-movies scenes kept in but all of the depth censored.
Reading all the real english classics makes my brain bigger.


The book you're thinking of is Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, a simple Google search could have told you that. Giving a disparaging name to an author and the title of his novel while simultaneously praising what he has to say is an odd thing to do. Also, if you had actually read the English classics it would stand to reason that you would at least know their titles and the names of the people who wrote them. Also, nothing you are saying has anything to do with the content of the post you are replying to. Please stop being a massive fucking sperg.



Remember if you need medication that is doctor prescribed do consider taking medication under the tongue as a method to bring up with your doctor. To see if that is the right choose of action for you.
This post is for informal entertainment purposes only, any action misusing or misunderstanding the entertainment value of this post is solely on the person who misunderstood.

Also if medication prices are quite high for you consider looking up the manufacturer's website or calling them. They tend to have payment assistance stuff (permanent coupon) so you can use their product.
Various delivery services also can reduce the price, depending on your insurance and financial situation.
Just options to keep in mind.
Depending on circumstances and how healthy (or unhealthy or unforseen medical issues) you are or family could save lots of monopoly bucks, which could be better used on cool insert item here.

Remember alterations to the delivery method can make seemingly innocuous things be deadly.
Butt chugging wine kills (by that I mean has a fast acting effect which is bad for you). Suprise suprise.
Uhhhh yeah do your own research and ummm something something be safe, be careful, be responsible, and be cautious of this entertainment post.
Remember if you're going to forge yourself you also need to master the mind and body. Qi is relationships and connections.



Its only a warcrime if you lose.
3939 3942
FIM is fucking weird when it comes to male characters.

Big Mac is a background object and meme for much of the show. Same goes for all the other males. The males didn't getting significant screentime and development until after Hasbro fired and replaced Faust and her friends so more males were making decisions involving the show. Sure most of their decisions involved pandering bronybait bullshit like waving around popular one-off characters but still. Mrs Cake's foals don't match her husband's race, the excuse she gives is that someone not related to her by blood was one of those races. This is played for laughs when women write the show and forgotten about when they don't.

and Spike... What were they thinking with Spike? This is a show for little girls yet it paints Spike's subservient simping as a good thing. He is literally a servant for one mare and thinks serving another will get him in her pants. Not that she usually wears pants but still. He's treated as the baddie whenever his head gets too big, his moments of masculinity tend to be played for laughs just like his attempts at it and lack of masculinity, and if he "gets too greedy" and wants birthday gifts, if he wants more out of life than servitude, he literally turns into a massive monster that needs to be stopped, either through force or through Rarity reminding him of his place. I dropped the show around S6-7 so I don't know if Sparity actually grows into a real relationship where she stops using him or not.

Speaking of which, what's up with Rarity? Should a kid's show really suggest being cute and waggling your eyelashes at males will get you whatever you want solely for being pretty? You know, as if those who simp and whiteknight for pretty girls have no ulterior motives and will never expect anything in return? Anyone moved by a kid's waggling eyelashes shouldn't be anywhere near kids.
3940 3954
It's a show about girls for girls (originally). It just wasn't the writers' intentions to give male characters spotlight.
Also mares attract more consoomers.
Do you ever think about how many early-show episodes were actually pretty bad? Especially when it came to males. I liked the show overall, but I was there when these eps came out and I remember people hating them.
In hindsight, you do have a point. The show had overt feminist themes from the beginning, although back then it was still actually good.
Spike fills the role of the token 'annoying' side kick child-like character slot.
In comparison to that he's actually decent.
So every time he's transformed it's into a sub-animal, puffer fish, dog, erm dragon of sorts. By the movies he's sub human or perhaps sub pony.
So the thing about it is that characters don't get a chance to completely overcome hard established traits.
Spike is in the middle ground a main character and side character and plot device (sends and recieves letters). He's allowed to have some victories, but he's not a pony.
In later seasons the established dynamic is sort of all over the place.
At the beginning they set up the potential for all kinds of wacky hijinks that made sense. There's still some to be explored.
But he's in the slot of side kick, comic relief, and that one guy you might know (that's why his traits span across many stereotypes and at times seem to be contradictory, to make him useful and not the wacky zany mascot).
Stuck in limbo between all of it he has enough, but could have more.
Spike can't be the love interest in the show because, show for empowering little girls. Yet we see Spike's desire to be the perfect match.
Inb4 Spike is actually the generic anime harem protagonist-kun and the perspective is a way to deflect some of the credit and influence he exhibits into a story book.
>TLDR Spike is the help.
Society says the state should be the arbiter of justice and hold a monopoly on violence, because it is assumed that a judge and jury will be more lilely to see justice done to a criminal than the one that criminal harmed. As if judges and juries and the state and its enforcers have a good track record of avoiding unjust, cruel, excessive punishments. Especially when the state's interests or pride or illusion of legitimacy is threatened.
>It's a show about girls for girls (originally).
Not so much.
The original G1 MLP was intended to be more of a fantasy show for both boys and girls. It was only later generations that decided to focus on girls exclusively.
How to Meditate (Mindfulness Exercise for Stress, Anxiety, Etc).mp4
Meditation is only as hard as you force yourself for it to be.
There is many kinds of meditation. Here is a very recent one.

Beware of the Soviet man.
File (hide): E61AE8986C3F2787E98379A06F81FC18-42521680.mp4 (40.6 MB, Resolution:426x240 Length:00:18:29, Summary of every Self-Help Book EVER..mp4) [play once] [loop]
Summary of every Self-Help Book EVER..mp4
Trouble Shooting
1. Do the easiest thing first
2. Don't rely on the people that tried and failed prior
3. 90% of problems are between the driver's seat and the steering wheel
Bonus: If it can go wrong, it WILL go wrong. (Murphy's Law)
Someone competitively qualified for the job can work almost anywhere in the field has no reason to be loyal to a bad boss.

But someone underqualified for the position has a reason to be loyal to whoever hired them, be it a boss or ideology.

Less-intelligent and less-qualified and less-useful twats (nigs and women) have this reason to be fanatically loyal to the unjust force that made their lives easier than it should be, yet they'll betray it in an instant for any force that makes their lives even easier.

This is why so many women and nigs love to root out and report unorthodoxy and thoughtcrime among their fellow servants. They know they would be less desireable by their rulers if they weren't spies.
Uranus is the BUTT of all ASStrology jokes.
42 is the meaning of life.

and that isn't silly haha wacky nonsense penguin of doom "bananas taste like thursday" talk.

42 is ASCII for the * symbol. It's the star, a wildcard. It can mean anything.

Everything and anything is the meaning of life because it's up to you to figure out what the meaning of life is.

IngSoc is a SOCialist party dominating INGerland and 42 is deep just like 69. To be fair you need a high IQ to understand books.
Sometimes when kids are taught their race and sex and sexuality defines who they are, how they should act, and how they ought to be treated, they respond by inventing their own sexualities/sexes/races.
They decide for themselves they are non-binary and therefore anyone who disrespects their desire to have non-gender-specific pronouns used on them is violating their superior rights as an abnormal being with an abnormal sexuality.
Or they think they'd improve their life if they switched sex, because the groomers in their love-bombing cultish echo chambers told them it's quick and easy and guaranteed to make you look better than any Rule 63 fanart. They noticed women have it easier or were told men have it easier and decided they want some of that action, if it's not a sexual fetish for them or a sexual failing that convinces them they'd be able to fuck any normie if the normie was afraid of being called transphobic.
Or they start imitating or simping for another race, like "Native" Americans or Niggers or Asians. They don't want to be caught dead liking white musicians that appeal to men or corporate girlymen boybands meant for women, so they simp for even girlier korean boybands. Some even invent their own races or pretend to think unusual things like "I am an alien" or "I am an Elf" or "I am a Vulcan" or "I am a cat" or "I am magic" or "I am batman", and because this group of people sees the least social success with their childish attempt at becoming what the adults around them want from them, they tend to grow out of this mindset without making it a permanent part of their identity. They become teenagers or maybe even adults without this childish adult-encouraged game of pretend becoming their new reality and inspiring them to get surgery to look more like a Vulcan or Woman. Meanwhile, playing pretend is a tough drug to give up when it comes to those who get their first taste of "genuine" acceptance when they stop being dreaded cishet white males and climb aboard the crazy train.
That's what a butt beating is for... Or if you prefer, flank flailing.


These days if you do such things, "child services" finds out and you get sent to jail, and the kid still goes through the system.
Do not spare the rod of reproof or you get a shithole country in the end.

Frustration is a problem of expectations not lining up with reality. First adjust your expectations to see the world as it actually is, then adjust your behavior to wisely navigate the actual reality.
Mod-users who complain at a mod creator "Your mod broke my immersion!" are consoomer faggots. And niggers.
What's gayer than trying to forget reality and "immerse" yourself in a power fantasy game that's 10% original game and 90% superior mods only to snap at any mod authors when what they created in their own free time for fun goes against what you personally wanted to see and experience in your own personal perfect little fantasy?
No mod author is obligated to pander to any individual creator no matter how popular or unknown.
Mod users should uninstall mods they don't like quietly or give worthwhile feedback.
"It fucking sucks gay nigger balls you cunty twat goblin from hell with AIDS!" is a more useful piece of feedback than "waaaaah muh immersion". Why? Because the former tells you one angry twat didn't like your mod. It's basically one downvote in comment form and useless for self-improvement but at least it's technically feedback. You know butthurt dipshits dislike it so you're probably on the right track. If you get a ton of negative feedback you can think about why and who's making it.
The latter tells you a retard wanted your mod to cater to precisely what he wanted to see in his game after installing it and is upset at you for injecting cognitive dissonance into his fantasy session. What one retard fantasy-addicted coomer wants to experience is different from what another one wants to experience.
"muh immersion" just tells you your work wasn't made for the particular retard crying "muh immersion". And... duh. Of course it isn't. It was never supposed to be. This comment isn't useful feedback. It states the obvious.

In life there are people with dreams who will act on them. And people who content themselves feasting on prolefeed, only to lash out at any flavour of food foreign to them, even if it's free.

Be free, follow dreams.
When you feel like you're not earning enough, spend less. You can always get away with less. In fact, you might be happier with less to worry about.
You don't need takeout. You don't need soda or any other bottled/canned drinks. You don't need dress clothes. You don't need fancy cookingware with ergonomic grips and non-stick materials. You don't need a dishwasher. You don't need a microwave. You don't need a stove or oven. You don't need internet access. You don't need your phone. You don't need a car. You don't need to be employed by someone else. You don't need a federally-recognized business to work for yourself. You don't need electricity. You don't need a house, or an apartment, or even a single room rental. You don't need money.

The only things you absolutely need are breathable air, edible food, drinkable water, and stable rest. For your safety and health, you ought to have a cooking pot, which you can use to boil water to ensure sanitation. For safety from snow, you can shape a small mound-hut with your bags to sleep in. For warmth, you can use nothing but brush, a few stakes, and a series of simple log cuts to make a bed, and put it atop a controlled campfire. For your food and water, you can find both from all kinds of places; there's groundwater, melting snow, precipitation, plants, insects, birds, rodents, or larger game to eat. For your feet, it's advisable to have shoes, although depending on where you are, might not be necessary. For decency, a pair of denim overalls will be enough to last a damn long time.

I've gotten carried away with the caveman lifestyle details, but it's to prove my point. The world is your oyster. If you don't like your job, or your town, or the rent, you are the only one who can change it right now, without spending years crossing your fingers that you win the lottery or somehow stumble upon a miracle.
Credit is free* money.
*as long as you follow the above super-strict rules of performance and invest your borrowed money wisely.

Your bank profits by charging you for the service in sneaky or complicated ways. So you have to take the time and dot your i's and cross your t's if you want to avoid letting them fuck you. I only recently escaped a decade-long revolving credit debt because I took the time to run the numbers and realize that.

I was told from a young age to pay the minimum on time and I'm okay, but that's not true. When a month goes by without your balance being paid down to zero, interest begins being instantly applied, often at a raised rate, upon using the card again. If you pay for gas with credit, and you're not paying it off immediately, you're paying a 20-30% dummy tax on it. So much for that 3% rewards plan you got with Bank of America, right?

Your credit score is worsened if you open new credit accounts, as well as closing old ones. Keep that old card, even if you don't plan on using it for anything, so your score stays stable. Wait four months at least before you open another credit account somewhere, or take out a new loan, unless you want to lose points on your score.

Your credit score, credit balance, and other factors can worsen your interest rate if it's not a static rate. Talk to your bank, find out more about your plan, and negotiate new plans as your credit score improves to further improve your score. Calling your bank and talking to a manager about lowering your interest rate might not work without a few calls back, but raising your credit limit also improves the score. Keeping below 30% of your credit limit at all times prevents hits from messing with your score.

When using a card to make purchases, your bank will often sort them from largest to smallest while processing. If you overdraft by ten dollars because your new phone cost too much, but you also bought three separate purchases of cheap snacks throughout that day beforehand, you're going to get hit by three overdraft fees, not one. That's $105 down the drain for a $35 overdraft fee. Keep a VERY close eye on those numbers, and don't risk being forced to fork that money over to your bank for something so trivial.

If you don't like how complicated this all is, then there's two options: one, you can go to a proper credit union whose rates are usually lower and whose plans often include long grace periods for new accounts, or two, you can go back to keeping physical cash. I recommend a credit union to maintain credit for the sake of making business and personal investments, but if you want to start from zero and build up the cash for a camper or house or rent or an apartment, feel free.
Double posting because it needs to be said twice.
No man is an island indeed.
You reap what you sow.
You plow what you till.
You harvest when it's time.
>No choice is fully informed anymore.
Then you make the most of the choices you have and understand what choices are.
You must understand that your actions and choices define you.
You have two options. Improve or fail.
That's all. Life is good at fucking you over when you fail so improve and learn.
If you can't, that sucks, your life is going to blow.
But it is possible.
One of the greatist things is this thing called the internet, and the spirit of humanity!
Are you grateful everyday?
You ought to be even when shit is hailing it is the fastest way to gain experience, and to raise up out of the depths.
4150 4163
>corn harvest
I learned something.
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A well-designed tutorial doesn't need to be optional and skippable.
A good game tutorializes its mechanics by starting with things so basic you can explain them through gameplay or pop-up signs that don't pause the game.
And from there the player can be put into situations that teach them more complex things.
Moving platforms move. Falling platforms fall when you land on them. This enemy does this. That enemy does that.
Fuck tutorials that have the characters blabber on for multiple minutes about their game's mechanics and explain them to each other.
Fuck tutorials that are intended for Games Journalists rather than gamers.
I guess the single game designer on this entire site will benefit from this knowledge...thanks, Silver Star.
Needs more depth.
<ensure you apply everything you learn in one place to other places as well.
<That gives you a robust toolset others have not yet understood that tool and why and how you use it.
<Game design is life design is ergonomics in bizarre surfaces is non-verbal communication is an altered state of mind is a new way to see things is a way to do things
<But you have to have yourself do that. This applies for everything and in every combination and permutation. You have to open yourself up to this way, which is what you already do.
Maybe not always at the forefront of your mind but this is what you do to brute force creativity is massive combinations of any number and being able to analyze it then shift or discard.

Corn! These folks work hard to accomplish a set of tasks and use heavy machinery on a time crunch.
Forcibly waking people up is a crap shoot.
But hey... we have a way to get people who don't want to do things to do them.
A bit of forethought before the action can have just enough impact to get what you need to do done.
The education (imparting of information) of people willing or unwilling is a beast that is dynamic to the situation and must comply with the persons strengths amd weaknesses in such a way to build the strength and overcome the weakness.

With that in mind it's possible to make a team building exercise in any environment that is carefully crafted to extol the lessons needed.
>Hey wait a minute
<Life and conflict is all things, it's how one goes about it
It's possible to craft that how in a way the human mind(s) (different thought patterns with different genetic lineages, and sex) absorbs with ease anything to have them have their own personality crafted tool to use for the rest of their life.
I'm sure you can think of other applications.

Thanks, anon.
Women who had a crush on He-Man and Superman/Clark Kent as kids probably turned out better than the women who had crushes on Draco Malfoy and Sasuke Uchiha and Bakugo Katsuki because those characters were cunts.

Then again, who knows? Maybe the women who liked He-Man and Superman only liked them for their looks and power. Women are shallow like that. Once I was at a supermarket years ago and overheard some horny thirty-somethings egging each other on into lusting over JUSTIN TRUDEAU and gasping and groaning over his looks and power while wishing they could vote for him and be his wives. One of them had a fucking wedding ring on. Absolutely fucking disgraceful.

Women ain't shit. Women don't deserve the same rights as men because they lack the same responsibilities and reasoning capacity. Women crave security and domination and attention and resources and think with their cooch. They genuinely are what they claim men are. Slapping and publicly shaming your bitch should be legal. Like 70% of women are masochists anyway.
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>Slapping and publicly shaming your bitch should be legal. Like 70% of women are masochists anyway.
Then you don't understand that is completely unnecessary.
Thanks for the pics.

Isn't it weird how stories of spooky or "cursed" toys like "The Evilstick" get women so scared and excited because "its ruining the childlick innocens maybe its occult maybe its a conspiracy" but then when degenerate imagery and subliminal messaging and political brainwashing gets into TV shows aimed at children barely anyone gives a shit?
Checked and saved.
Okay I do have to clarify this is about the average female. There are people who have traits and flaws that are a bit more than just do what everyone else does.
But it doen't hurt to use biology to your and their advantage.
Part of that is appealing to the 'ancient' part of the brain.
Overcoming that or at least compensating is possible.
That being the case there is different options even then in confronting different people in different situations.
In that case words work sometimes. They want to feel something that they want from the exchange.
Crazy assholes escalate in such a way dark traits manifest consistently, usually in petty ways. When someone says, "ughhhh oh fuck it's them" that sums it up.
Not just petty, but in a way that causes harm to you usually socially or financially.
Then you need help, and you're in conflict.

Woke up at 9am with the sniffles and throat pain, turning on my sun lamp and sweating from exercise helped me get rid of it all before the clock struck 12.
The immune system of a healthy man, everyone.
This. Adrenaline is the most powerful anti-bacterial/viral/fungal compound synthesized by the body, and endorphins/dopamine dont hurt, especially in this context. Another important disposition for good health and immune function, you have to consciously trust your body and immune system to do its/their jobs properly
An "Accelerationist" is someone who wants to confront his bullies when he is bullied and retaliate when harmed, even if it means potentially upsetting the aggressor. The best accelerationists solve problems by stopping the bully's antics or convincing him to prey on someone else.

A non-accelerationist sits on his hands and lets the injustice continue to happen because "he doesn't want to make things worse and give the bully a reason".

But if the bully attacked you for no good reason, he is unreasonable. He cannot be reasoned with, and will invent any "reason" (excuse) to behave however he wants whenever he feels an excuse is needed. When dealing with someone like that, mercy and pacifism means prolonging the problem instead of solving it.
The Luger fires NEIN mm bullets
The best way to deal with a jewish troll you can't block or ban is to recognize the truth: Your time is more valuable than his, because if his time had value he wouldn't waste it attacking his "fellow white". The only worth they can provide is that of a practice dummy for dealing with jewish lies.
88% of the time is pretty darn good.

For myopia.
Just saying if you have a little card saying you're 'legally' blind without your corrective lenses wouldn't it be neat if you could just see far away. Wouldn't that be a surprise. Hypothetically of course. Something something legalities and stuff.
More interestingly as a ramification is what if you could use glasses as a way to ensure your vision maintains or even improves in long distance vision.
Using specific lens as training weights.

Now as a person without any professional background or a deep breath and depth indepth research on eyes I'd assume the reverse is also possible.
It really depends on what you want your vision to be like and how dedicated you want this sort of training to be and how knowledgeable you are about the subject with that applications that interlink.
The other girls may hate her and envy her but that doesn't necessarily mean she's not like the other girls.
Women are whores who exchange access to their bodies for what they want. Their presence, their fleeting approval, their backholes and frontholes and mouthholes, they will sell these if the price is right.
Female streamers are prostitutes. A girl who plays video games is a novelty and if she didn't want her girl advantage she wouldn't tell us she's a girl. Her smile, her cleavage, her "one of the dudes" persona or "cutesy little uwu girl" persona or "ALWAYS HORNY ALL THE TIME" persona, these are just some of the things a woman can use to please her audience. Draping herself in the fake nerd persona or fake weeaboo onlyfans cosplay pornographer aesthetic is a way to attract male attention and a niche audience of horny men with money.
Why do so many men redpilled on women forget everything the second they see a whore who paid a man a few hundred(maybe thousands) to draw and rig her a cute anime girl avatar?
That isn't actually a 9999 year old elf princess or zombie shark or smart woman you're throwing money at, it's a whore held to lower standards than mature adult men in all areas of her life. She might be ugly and hideously obese. She might be a used-up whore with ugly tattoos. She might be a famous manhating feminist who puts on a high "uwu loli" voice or low "ara ara mommy milky milf" voice or silly accent for extra cash. It doesn't matter if she acts like a horny older sister or bratty little sister or retarded littler sister. She is a prostitute and sad men pay her to hear her say their names. Smart men know it's an act and donate money to their favourite comedians and entertainers and artists if they're worth it. But braindead cucks buy the lie and simp like autogynephiliac cucks who just want to make women happy even though it's women who helped betray the West.
I read something that said some lectin proteins are bad and cause 'leaky gut' and that butyrates could help repair it and help gut bacteria. Is that true?

Listening to different perspectives fleshes out understanding.
Advice can come from interesting areas. Sometimes it's when and how you'll find it that it matters most.
(the /sci/ guide is on a jewgle site take precautions.)

Living in a society community.