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24383 24416 24440 24489
I had to get something off my chest that's been bothering me for a couple of weeks now. Let's make this thread separated from >>23545 → and focus on the real deal, actual pedos. Not the filly fans, who gives a shit, really.

Pedophilia is not just some casual thing or a quirky interest or even some sexual orientation as some want it to be classified as. It's a serious fuck-up, a perversion and identifying yourself as one isn't ‘practicing free speech’ When some guy openly identifies as a pedo or a MAP (Minor-Attracted Person), we have to take him seriously. Because let's face it, anyone who labels themselves as such is a dormant threat and belongs in the woodchipper.

Now I just want to insist that this isn't about scoring points or virtue signaling and I expect a lot of
>Oh look another SJW on a whitchhunt why don't you join DataByte and his buddies?
We're not here to pat ourselves on the back and say ‘they're not hurting anyone’. That list, as flawed as it was still did expose a small percentage of actual pedophiles, and that's what we need to focus on, being honest and upfront about the issue and use some critical thinking. Are they really pedophiles? What are they doing to not being one? Do they seek a therapy and why did it take that other faggot dumping his list to take consciousness of the existence of these guys.

Let's have a real conversation about this, without the bullshit.

Recap: logs of some chatrooms mostly about roleplay BUT with some worrying stuff.

-Pathos's Foalcon chat
-Sollace's Crusaders Book Club
-Satyr_sam's Filly Heaven 2.0

200 replies and 122 files omitted.
24776 24780
This is slightly off-topic but you must know this:
Don't ever talk about tulpas to your therapist. If she mentions tulapas, tell her that you "don't know what that is" and that you "find the idea revolting."
If she signs you a schizo it's game over. The government can do with "mentally impaireds" as they wish.
my friend is a psycyhanalyst, back when it waspopular on /mlp/ I discussed this.
She would love to study to understand it, she almost published a paper.
Me as a dev, explained we may use a fragment of our brain and a tulpa may be some kind of background process.
Talking how the feeling of Déjà Vu could be the overloaded brain using long term memory's almost infinite space as cache or something
>This could be an explanation, it's not scientific
>most tulpamancers could be trolling
>some genuinely installing, literally, an hallucination.

I tried having one, Renamon as she insisted I should serve as a rat lab. I gave up by fear. I tried to feel her presence with me and all, met my friend who researched this indian culture thing, it could work if I had the brain.
It's strange. I don't have enough data DESPITE the load of image.
>Are you feeling something about this character, as a kid, her body etc.
>Even with sex and all I cannot imagine or visualize, focus, etc.
People with a tulpa really are a level of schizo-autism. It would need a whole field of research to explain how it works. And I tried.
It was years ago, I didn't bother wondering, this is new age hippie shit to me, but some agree it unveils unknown aspects of intelligence, filling a void.
>is that a mental illness
>look, if someone is lonely and if it helps you it is good
>lit, “A Beautiful Mind” schizophrenia is not understood. smart people have a spectrum of it.
>does the brain have a security that locks multiple personalities to run?
>What is real through conditioning.
24781 24782
It should be obvious to the therapist that guy is merely a retarded cuck bitch and not a based schizo.
me btw
>being retarded
>after finding out your degen brain requires a fix
>ok being an actual pedo
kys as soon as possible you PCL shill
Anybody else ITT just think that little girls are kind of hot and it's really not that big a deal?