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23637 23638
So here's a not so smart guy thinking he can dox half of the community because faolcon is bad, but can go away with it without issues.

tl;dr FiMFetch archivist went full retard and made a list of all the "pedos" in the fandom, utilizing only the most infallible methodologies and foolproof data research.
Spoiler alert: it's all fucking bullshit, and most of all the "data" he pulled were """reports""" from a discord server trying to be the police of the fandom.


Social media :

Ponycrush account: https://www.ponycrush.com/profile/1481/DataByteBrony
Fimfetch: https://databyte.fimfetch.net/
Reddit account: https://www.reddit.com/user/DataByteBrony/
Imgur account: https://imgur.com/user/DataByteBrony
Fimfiction account: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/62188/DataByteBrony
Twitter account: https://twitter.com/databytebrony
Twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/databytebrony
Derpibooru account: https://derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-databytebrony
Deviantart account: https://www.deviantart.com/databytebrony
Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/fimfetch/about
Personal blog: https://blog.bronytales.com/
YouTube account: https://www.youtube.com/@databytebrony

502 replies and 121 files omitted.
23970 23971
>"I hate the list, I wish I never let DataByte on my server to make the list, you don't like the list either? Proof we need the list and you should be on the list and lists work"
I definitely think PhoenixFaggot should be on there.
not actual quote btw I meant to do ' and ' but it's paraphrasing this >>23557
Let's be happy that Phoenix got "knocked off" the list then, yeah? At least we don't have to "look into that" anymore.
23973 23975
>CMC cloppers welcome
>foalcon advisory list for some reason
Look like someone is only spamming the list in any group he can
23976 23977 23978 23979
I honestly think this might be a hacked account by antis, it doesn't make sense that they've been writing foalcon their whole time on fimfiction then all of a sudden after a month of inactivity they are spamming the foalcon advisory link in every group
As a listee I will say I'm pretty sure one of these niggers tried to break into my email a while back, they want to literally go committing actual fucking felonies to enforce their opinions about legal foalcon apparently. If you are on the list I would advise changing your passwords to be long as fuck and complicated and not reusing them. It's not the only thing they tried either, and all I have on the list is faves on Derpi so. If it wasn't them it was literally right before this dropped and I've never dealt with such things before.
This, especially since the guy himself is on the list for writing foalcon.
They would've for sure unpublished his stories tho.
The easiest explanation is that he's just an idiot.
If it is this then my experiences may have been unrelated, but the hard part is telling completely genuine retards apart from the people who made the list.
I guess the list makers are a little more dysgenic than the average literal retard.
They're antis, it's par for the course.
Great minds
## Admin
23987 23989 23993 24010
So we have another abuse report, this time for "child pornography." He reported >>23834 as "child pornography," and added "literal site discussing the merits of CSAM."

He is blatantly filing false reports to Cloudflare and I have told the server hosts such.
24003 24007 24014
23990 23991 23994
Was there an image on the post that's now gone?
Some people were fucking around in the comments section of Phoenix's latest video
A screencap of comments on a yt video.

Or as the kids these days call it, child porn.
Zoomer slang is getting harder and harder to keep up with.
Atlas Ponymoot
## Titan
what an asshole
Summaryanon's awake again.
>Summary of what happened recently
-Claims spread around 4chan that the PCL had their own list, on which DataBytes's was possibly based on; these claims turned out to be false.
-It turns out that barely anyone had read the chatlogs.
-Anons start going through them, and begin constructing their own list, OUR list. It includes "the ones most complicit in the drama from the PCL's side and those who abide by DataBytes's list"
-4chan thread reaches bump limit, new one created.
-New mascot proposal for FoalFetch! (with an anon filly variant) https://i.4cdn.org/mlp/1712182504156180.png
-Someone spams Foalcon Advisory in various other groups on FimFiction, probably to spread the message. The main discourse still takes place in the original clopfics group thread, though.
-Speculation that said someone's account was hacked.
-Another report to /mlpol/, wherein a doxxing image was somehow called child pornography.

It was a screenshot of the comment section under one the videos on PhoenixFire's YT channel. The comments went something like "Hi, [REDACTED NAME AND SURNAME], how's life in [REDACTED CITY, COUNTRY]? Did you enjoy the pizza?"
23996 24000
>Claims spread around 4chan that the PCL had their own list, on which DataBytes's was possibly based on; these claims turned out to be false.
The theory was that Databyte trawled through their reports channel as one of his sources. Considering he included people in his list for "transphobia" It is very likely, since that was one of the things that was confirmed to have got you in there.
While it's true that the report/report discussion was probably used for making The List, there was indeed a misinterpretation about those channels, stating that they were a list of some kind. See >>23856 as an example of that.
so that's how she made Rainbow's Gala dress 20% cooler
24002 24005
>Last Known Username: milliesplayhouse#7146
>Racism/transphobia, 2nd hand report of cp + grooming, could not verify
>Verified third party
Only instance I could find on the current list.
>Verified by a third party rando to the first party morality police shadow cabal
It hasn't stopped making me laugh since the list dropped.
## Admin
24005 24008 24011
And yet another report, this time claiming harassment. His one linked post 404’ed, as per usual, but if we assume he made a typographical error, then he meant to report this post >>23987
24005 24006 24012 24035
DataBytes is no longer following Shino on Deviantart!
IIRC, he used to follow 144 accounts there, so another 3 were also unfollowed.
(I don't recall that well, though)

Having a discriminator is how you can tell it was scraped off the PedoCL's reports list - since by now discord got rid of them entirely.

There's also "calling teachers pedophiles" right above it mentioned as if it's somehow inherently wrong - despite pedophiles being attracted to anything that involves working with children by definition.
Running never helps.
Just imagine him, sitting in the dark room, furiously mashing at keyboard typing up that report (with his right hand, of course, his eyes constantly glancing at his second screen full of Scootaloos).
He seems to care too much about something so small huh.
How could you?
they opened Pandora's box and now they are desperately trying to put the lid back on the shit storm they unleashed LOL
I wonder if he's going to stop following HeavyMetalBronyYeah since he also likes foalcon.
>He reported >>23834 as "child pornography," and added "literal site discussing the merits of CSAM."
I feel like filing false CP reports is probably against the law, but I don't actually know.
Double Neat.

Or should I say Neet?
Wow, look at him panic deleting his history like he has something to hide while I continue favoriting even more foalcon on my public as fuck Derpibooru account. Really liking the fact he chose to invite me to this party despite being as irrelevant as you can be on this list, now I can make observations about his behavior as he DFEs his shit and it changes nothing because we already knew.
Is Scootaloo really that small? She seems like the average sized chicken to me.
It makes sense, Pandora's box was opened by a woman, DataByte is a dickless eunuch cuck retard.
24015 24066
Paste updated! https://ponepaste.org/9926
Besides that, here's a rather interesting excerpt I found in the Rules channel.
>[9/25/2022 10:32 AM] allysterblack6145
>Howdy yall, as some of ya are well aware I have been out of commission for a short while. My grandpa passed last month and unfortunately things happened to only get worse. However, things are finally getting cleared up and I wanted to take a second to stop by here and address the group for feedback. So far it seems like this place has been able to fill its role as intended and hopefully we have been able to do better by those we are looking after as a result. Since some of yall have had time though, if there is something in this chat that you feel is unhelpful, or there is something that isn't in this chat that you feel like should be included, then please let us know. I really want to thank everyone who has been around to help one another out and I'm beyond proud we have so many people here who give a damn about this community.

>With all of that being said I do however need to address something more serious now. Firstly just a small addition to phoenix's very comprehensive report from yesterday.... When looking at Lovely's PCL and other "moderation groups" one of the larger things I identified are the feelings of people outside of them. Many see these groups as secret chats to control or take advantage, or as global ban lists that are followed without logic or reason. These concerns were noticed and I wanted to ensure we avoided that here. What had occurred with "Sugar" is a great example of why people are weary of these chats so I really want everyone to be aware of this. Just because a report is posted here, even with "proof" does not mean that things are as they seem, and by following everything that comes through this chat and banning the names you see could lead to much bigger, and unnecessary issues in the future.

>Obviously I am not saying to not take reports seriously, just please be aware that people have mixed feelings about this sort of thing and this is a good teaching point to show why.

>[9/25/2022 10:32 AM] allysterblack6145
>Finally here I want to wrap up with chat expectations. Just like I said before, when looking to pull this together I looked to many other examples of systems in place so that I might have a better understanding of what will work, and what will not. Ya know one of the biggest things to tank these chats almost every time? Casual messaging. Ya know why? Shit talking. Crazy right?

>When expectations were set to remain on point with conversations and to be as accurate as possible, this was done to PROTECT everyone. Keep everyone safe, ensure you are reporting in ways that are detailed and respectful, and helping other most in ways that are the same.

>Coming back from my RL situation and going through logs has been disappointing I am not going to lie. There are quite a few people in here who insist on carrying on casual conversations and even making highly inappropriate jabs or comments despite other users trying to keep the channel on track. I apologize for not being around to moderate this guys but c'mon. I need to make it very clear, everything you say on the internet has a chance of sticking around. All it takes it one single comment for you to damage what we are trying to do here. If even one person loses faith in this system or finds it dangerous due to how we conduct ourselves then it is a failure. A really stupid simple one.

>We are all humans right? Most people have shitty things to say about others from time to time, I know I do. But this is not and will not be the place for it. Period. That shit is done understood? We all should be more than aware of how inappropriate that is and the time for excuses is over, I will be removing you and informing your mod teams moving forward if you keep it up.

>[9/25/2022 10:32 AM] allysterblack6145
>NOW, sorry about all that guys, I meant just to do the feedback part at the front there and to let yall know why I have been afk a lot here. But... obviously things needed addressing. Beyond that everyone is doing a really incredible job and on Behalf of EqD I must say that these reports and the advice shared around from time to time have been an invaluable part of our team. Despite being so busy recently I can still see that taking place within my moderation team, so really thanks yall and keep it up!
Dude, that's just going too far.
In other words...
>I let a while bunch of power hungry mods make reports that are unverifiable
>I do not moderate my own moderator secret group
>I know my group of secret moderators are bad at their job and make false or misleading reports
>I know if any plebs found out about our secret moderators they would eat us alive
>I will continue doing exactly what I have been doing until this inevitably blows up

But the most important reveal is that there are additional groups like PCL. This cannot stand
Reads to me as a past tense, regarding the other group(s). But concerning nonetheless.
24018 24019
having read through all the logs, i can see that while Zat and Marsh were present in the server, their doesn't seem to be much in the way of them reporting users, more so just them hanging out with the other mods
atleast, from my perspective
We know from the previous 4chan thread that they abide by the Foalcon Advisory. They may have not contributed much to reports, but they do follow The List.
24021 24029
thats because their server has a rule against MAPs, and they deemed the user they banned to be a MAP
What user was banned, btw?
24023 24033
check image 2
24024 24025
Then I'd just say that's poor decision making, but what do I know...
Anons of the thread in general, what do you think? Should we cross them off our list or keep them?
while the user in question is only quilty of faving and uploading foalcon onto derpibooru, it doesn't mean they're they should be allowed in a server with many children in it
24026 24027 24032
Put everyone on the list with no regard for what they did like they did to everyone else, fuck them for closing their server all at once to shut down the investigation and distribute guilt evenly. They should be made an example of in the community that we don't need faggy secret self-selected morality despots who are also all hypocritical as fuck as an aside. Doubtlessly, for merely enjoying pony in the first place, there are far more people who want worse for them than what they did to listed anons. Nonetheless they think they are in a position to tell everyone what to do, fuck them. Foalcon is based, jannies are sometimes based, third party busybodies trying to force all of humanity to comply with their arbitrary self-righteous demands are fucking pathetic.
24028 24030
I only said the jannies are sometimes based thing so the local jannies don't janny me btw it was a lie.
Their use of "MAPs" in that rule covers anyone looking at foalcon. It's literally written to use PCL's reports list, plus Databyte and Daring's list, as banlists. Pure thought police.
## Admin
jannies u
Make sure to share your leftover pizza with your caged dog in between jacking it to Scootaloo's tight vagoo.
I understand the rage, but let's not go down to their level. If we follow through with this, they'd just rejoice that the EEEBIL neo-nazi MAPs are harassing the golly-good innocent "protectors" of the community, we'd be no better than them, and we'd gain very little, if anything at all. Do not give them fuel for the fire. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

By picking our targets selectively, we will not only gain a moral victory over them, but we might be able to do something productive with the remaining ones. Certain aspects of the PCL, like keeping track of scammers, could be of much use to us and the community as a whole. The PCL, as we've seen, had many problems, including the cult-like secrecy, "casual messaging", poor leadership, ect., which caused it to end up in the state it is now. But who's to say that it can't be reformed? I propose some of the following:
>Make the PCL semi-public: everyone can see the messages, but only the moderators of the servers can write in it.
>Make them publish (bi-)weekly reports of their actions, so that everyone will be aware of what they are doing.
>Prevent any off-topic or casual conversations.
>Form an audit commission of sorts to keep them in check.
>Instate actually competent leadership.

We will, in fact, make an example of some members of the PCL: DataBytes, for even having the audacity to think going against the main point of your site is somehow a good idea, and for creating the list; PhoenixFire, for his incompetent leadership and failure to adequately handle the situation; DaringShephard, for possibly helping make the list, complying it, and even defending it; all the moderators who defended its legitimacy... Some others might get punished too if "juicy" things get found in the chatlogs. Point is, there are many people to blame, and they deserve to be punished. But not everyone.

Besides all that, consider two things:
1. We still have no full list of the PCL's members.
2. Was shutting down the server a decision they all agreed on?
Image 3 is the most important, literally them deciding that merely liking foalcon gets you the boot.
If they didn't contribute to the foalcon list, it's only because they're generally lazy awful fucks who just saw a convenient blacklist show up on their doorstep and didn't feel like thinking further. These are the types who ruin the modern internet the hardest, they don't really hate people into foalcon, they just get a little uncomfortable and see a big list and go "oh gee, thanks, I was worried I'd have to think about it" and then eat their chips as they think they're now morally superior and society around them crumbles.
They're the same types as what gave us the sorry excuse for a character that one of them has as their avatar, Opaline "I'm evil with no actual reason" Arcana.
Yet he's watching my account despite I have drawn LOTS of foalcon, along with a couple of other guys on his list who have done this too, but perhaps he don't know or jut use watchlists to stalk artists. Anyways I left DA for a while, occasionally post some pleb shit there.
This brings up a core problem where PCL and Databyte intersect. Databyte very early on was considered about lumping everything together, so called for a categorization scheme:
>[6/8/2022 10:20 AM] databytebrony
>Suggestion for reporting, I would personally appreciate having two categories for reports: security (raids/active hackers/trolls) and social (scammers, troublemakers, mental health concerns)
>Reason being while security reports are appreciated for awareness, there's little that can generally be done for most servers since Discord doesn't support banning users who are not in your server. (that I know of, I'm sure there may be a bot out there that can do that, but it's not a native Discord feature)
>Whereas social reports would presumably be more active members in the community and more likely to be in multiple servers.

On first glance (as certainly PCL only did), this makes sense, but it's a clear start of the manipulation; he tells everyone to focus on the "social" category, and in a way that suggests using it as a shared banlist. Basically, he was trying to steer things away from scammers and the sort, who you actually need to stop, and towards anyone who might be into the wrong things.
He furthermore uses "troublemakers" as a catchall that for sure covers anyone into things he dislikes. And at the time he was writing this, he had just recently banned multiple people from BT for being "troublemakers", as in people who weren't down with the super purity culture.

Databyte is a snake, and he slithered up PCL's asshole fast without them even noticing. It was only natural they ended up his puppet.
To clarify, his "security" included scammers using hacks etc., while "social" I believe was for scammers as in things like artists who don't fulfill commissions.

So what's your account so we know how to peg this guy like we're Scootaloo on crack?
The way I see it, it's just the way they chose to run their server. Like sure, not everyone can agree with how a server operates and its rules, but it's not like they're actively trying to put out people and trying to show power or control over people or something. They simply decided that they don't want this in the server, and I think that's fair? It's purely for their server, and that's about it. Nothing else happens. They don't go around telling people to do the same, and they don't add any fuel to the fire. They're kinda just doing their own thingand keeping their server the way they wanted it to.
So I guess you'll be completely fine if I go and organize a server called "Pony Community Leaders GTFO" where I get my server and a dozen others to ban anyone affiliated with that server. I mean, it's our servers, man.
24041 24044
How is that the same thing? PCL is a much bigger movement and involved a lot of people and servers. Just because they're both called "Discord Servers" doesn't mean it's on the same level.
Ah, it's a "movement" now, so I've gotta round up at least two dozen servers, gotcha.
I'm gonna make my own discord, I'll call it eris, and we'll have blackjack and foalcon.
Blackjack as in the game or as in the fan character?
24045 24047
Not at all. It's a different scale for sure but the premise would be the exact same. You ban people just because they're associated to something. They'd be banning people associated with PCL. Almost literally 1 for 1
What about the optics and the hypocrisy guys, we need a moral victory, this is about ethics in foalcon here.
Are you one of them?
I'm not saying to do it. I'm pointing out how it would be basically one and the same
24048 24049
Yea sure not everyone could agree on everything, and such rules are indeed very strict. But then again, it's how they decided to run their server and they stuck to it. It's more like a clash of opinions, some thinking the rule doesn't make sense while they think it's necessary for their server. In the end, it's just a usual server ban thing and that's about it. It's between the server and those that were banned, with no real need for outside interference. It would be kinda like busting into a random family home and yell at them telling them how to solve their family feud. It's something unrelated to the outsiders and should be left for those who were actually involved. In my opinion, at least. We can't control every single thing in the world.
I don't think that's an apt comparison at all when those same people in the server go and ban others from the other serves they're in. If it was just between them and the server it would never leave PCL at all. That'd be like trying to take your family to a restaurant and being denied entry because they heard an unsavory rumor about you.
24050 24054
It's more like your small convention that meets once a week to talk ponies banned a family because you heard they were on a list of people who went to a porn store, when you yourself encouraged the creation of the list to be able to escape having to actually think about who to exclude, so you could just point at a big blacklist posted on the doors that shames people for not being good Christians.
Moralistic shits like that are everywhere now. People on twitter actually saying that just having MLP porn at all "in mlptwt, a kids space" is evil.
Fucking hell, Zoomers were a mistake. They fap in private and then grandstand on little soapboxes in public about how bad it is to fap to the wrong thing, in between picking a side in the latest war and acting like it's just a game. They have no experience with actual struggles and aren't even trying to do anything about the shit wages they're getting when they go to work (they'd rather throw a shitfit about AI taking away their ability to do $25 commissions that don't pay the bills at all).
>Zoomers were a mistake. They fap in private and then grandstand on little soapboxes in public about how bad it is to fap to the wrong thing
Millennials did this too. So did gen X.
Boomers, however, are the biggest hypocrites. They were all hippie degenerates, and then police people about sex today.
24053 24061
Gen X doesn't get on soapboxes except to say everyone sucks. South Park is like their magnum opus of their actual political views.
Millennials gave us things like this site, but then Zoomers got with Boomers and decided that actually, everything on the internet is real life, you should be canceled because you had the wrong greentext or porn collection now, let's all send money to daddy Elon even tho we bitch and moan forever that he's the worst person on the planet.
The funniest shit is Zoomers actually saying to not use a programming language because its creators didn't condone on their forums automatically rejecting all code ever made by anyone who's a nazi and having a longass discussion over the merits of it.
24055 24056
To be fair Elon does ban for shitting on trannies and kikes and waking up White people routinely, so he is kind of a nigger tbh.
24057 24069
I think we might be on different topics here? It feels that way, at least. My focus is on Zat and Marsh being involved in this whole situation while just managing their own server their way. Actions were taken that might not be agreed by all, but it's really just them doing their thing. The list kinda just happened, and they are not directly involved except if you count using the list to ban like a few people in their server.
No offense to any niggers who may be reading this like DataByte the nigger.
Note how this post remains up because of the trap card but he reported "Neat" to Cloudflare
The trap card
Out fucking skilled DataBytch.
For sure he is, but they make a big stink about leaving his site and then just don't because they're too afraid of being somewhere different that doesn't have a nice little phone app to hold their little hand and all their little fans to kiss their sensitive underage hineys.
A ton of them tried Mastodon and immediately went back to Elon's teat, all the while bitching that loli should be illegal when the Mastodons they went to banned it and Elon didn't.
24058 24062
What a little bitch excuse "our way" for banning anyone who has the "wrong" interests.
Oh don't worry, I'm sure they'll let in Databyte even after it's proven he's drooling over Scootacunny. Great minds think alike, after all.
When DataByte becomes the Pony Community Leader he will presumably afford his close circle some of those type of indulgences as long as they help him seize and maintain power.
Ah yes, when Longnecked Scotty becomes the fandom's Petite Chicken Licker.
>Zoomers got with Boomers and decided that actually, everything on the internet is real life
Zoomers behave like this because they've never had a shred of privacy in their lives. They were born in cancel culture, molded by it.
Boomers are just shameless retards.
I don't blame you for disagreeing, like sure ok. And then what? It's a pretty small issue and if you're not in that server it doesn't even effect you at all unless you reeeeeaaaally wanna poke your head into it. Feel free to disagree with this take, but I think this is pretty much a clear fact. Especially with everything that's happening right now, this is such a small thing in comparison and pretty much ignorable and just move on with life doing better things than trying to gripe over one server.
The horsetoothed foalfucker himself.
Love the saying it's small to try and keep the focus off your own place.
Oh they have privacy, but it's a strict binary. Public face as open as shit, constantly spewing vitriol against the latest acceptable target, then private face is down in the depths of whatever they just spewed hate against. They also see a strict binary on underage/adult and SFW/NSFW.
They have trouble with anything in between, or any inkling of greater consciousness about how cancel culture is trapping them. Everything is just a neverending fight for "survival" as in making sure nobody has their nudes or what they're into, by targeting others first to distract while they shore themselves up.
24067 24096
>on Behalf of EqD
kek, these people are obsessed with participation in and creating problems related to moderation, a friend joined the eqd discord a few months back and the janny team hours later jumped down his throat and sent him to chatjail for having "IWTCIRD" in his bio
24068 24096
Reminds me of BT literally saying they struggled with the possibility someone could listen to music with the wrong title while on the server, or that it wasn't okay to link a tweet when the SFW twitter account has some NSFWish tweets. They really want to go in every nook and cranny and janny all night to create their perfect bubble where kids can never even learn that anything but wholesomeness exists.
it's not a legitimate goal either its just a way to be a cunt and enforce more bullshit with a claim of morality on the side of their hammer
24074 24076
I think my comparison still works. Taking your family to a restaurant and denied access for an unsavory rumor. So the list got made which is the unsavory rumor. Then people got kicked or denied access from servers over said list. It's literally the same thing. It's not really justified so it's still an asshole move.
Funny, during the derpi drama people had to keep explaining to Nebby why this sort of purity testing was a bad thing. Pretty fucking retarded to still think it was entirely the "alt right". There's a lot of names on the list that don't deserve to be there, but derpi mods are reaping what they sowed.
poor dog is sick of all the cheese pizza as it is LOL
24075 24076
I don't blame you for thinking that, like sure ok that's understandable. And then what? It's a pretty small issue and if you're not in that server it also shouldn't n't even effect you at all unless you reeeeeaaaally wanna poke your head into it. Feel free to disagree with this take, but I think this is pretty much a clear fact. Especially with everything that's happening right now, this is such a small thing in comparison and pretty much ignorable and just move on with life doing better things than trying to gripe over one server. At least that's what I think, anyways. We got bigger stuff at hand that are actually more relevant.
Just wondering. What exactly is wrong with talking about it? If there's things that are so important other than this then why are you wasting your time still in this thread too? Sounds to me like you're just hoping this whole thing blows over as quick as possible.
It's not one server it's all servers and staff that use it.
It's not being denied at a restaurant it's being denied at all affiliated restaurants.
With the justification for being barred applies to their staff and other customers and everyone up and down the supply line.
The reason for being denied founded on the flimsiest of evidence or none at all.
As known before, they're not trustworthy. Also as known before is they're incompetent.
Extremely incompetent.
Malicious, retards in positions to make anybody's life a tiny bit harder should be known about so when they try for more power to make things much more hard...
>We got bigger stuff at hand that are actually more relevant.
Oh sure all the time, but down time is important. Not suffering under malicious idiotic ideologies is important.
Hoers pussy is important.
Watching them implode is a fun little pastime, don't even have to do anything. They'll do it themselves.
24078 24083
Well it's not like I can stop anyone from talking about something over the internet. I'm just putting out the way I personally view the situation based on what I know and heard of the situation.
Well you could make a list of everyone who talks about it even though you don't want them to. Not that you should but it is an option, if you were so drunk on hubris as to believe it would somehow make people support you. You'd have to be a total retard to do it though.
Big groups like PCL will always be controversial, that's for sure. I've seen so many similar councils/groups/servers (but for different purposes) that all fell in the end, some that I was even in myself but that was years ago. It's pretty much always a flop, so yeah I would say that PCL was a bad idea from the start, no matter the intentions.

And then with such councils, there would be people of more authority who runs the place, of course. Followed by that are both active blind supporters and rational supporters, followed by people who are just there existing.

PCL is a bad idea.
Top management / leaders in PCL, questionable.
The list is a really really bad idea.
The top contributors to the list I don't know as much about, but bad idea.
People who just happen to be there in PCL while being mostly passive and just lurking, no effect.
Actively sharing the list, bad idea.
Purely using the list for own server moderation, just a server thing and could be solved by the people directly involved without needing to drag on too much to everybody else who aren't even in the server.
A list is pretty irrelevant and would stop nobody, why even suggest it lmao. Just because we have different opinions don't mean I would try to stop you. I'm putting out my opinion, and it's open to be accepted or rejected it's fine I ain't stopping nobody. You can keep the hubris to yourself, thanks.
I was suggesting it because it's such a stupid idea and yet the PCL did it anyway, due to DataByte being a retarded nigger + I would fuck Scootaloo in front of him.
I see... I do agree the hit list is dumb, but idk how many in PCL actually took part in making it, if any. PCL had a "list" of reports, of scams and bots and spams and occasionally some individuals, although they are pretty much just for each server's reference, so whether to take action that's up to each group of admins and mods. And then out of nowhere, the recent crazy list was simply shared. Who took part idk, but it's not something the entire PCL was actively working on just to mess with people. I can't say how much involvement PCL had over the hit list, but afaik not much, if any at all.
You know why people are talking about it? Because it's horseshit - I don't think I'd want to be on any server that bans over such spurious evidence. Especially not when I KNOW several people on this list who do not deserve to be smeared as a pedophile.The assholes who put this list together as well as anybody who accepts it as gospel deserve to get shit thrown back at them.
The real drama here is that we finally have a confirmation of a 'cordtroon cabal that have very likely shitted up multiple pony discord servers, and are the most probable reason why most discord pony servers suck ass.
But you can see how easily naive people, such as G5 fans, immediately "enforce" this PCL without hesitation
Yeah that might not have been the best move, to just accept the list without questioning how real it even is. Although, the person banned who shared the screenshot didn't even try to defend themselves which means they admitted they like foalcon and it still goes against the G5 server rules so that's a bit funny lol. It's a little weird.
24089 24091 24115
The problem with groups like the PCL on a micro scale is the same problem you get on a global scale with organizations like the WEF or the WHO. Obviously PCL is not as significant or influential, but it's the same basic principle: a bunch of self-appointed "leaders" get together behind closed doors and decide how everything is going to work, and then slowly take over by pulling influential people into their inner circle. Eventually they control enough levers of power that they can push their will onto an entire community without needing the community's approval.

Whether or not every single person in this PCL server was involved in putting out the foalcon list is beside the point. Honestly, the foalcon list itself is beside the point. To me the most alarming revelation from all of this is that something like PCL exists in the first place, and that it has con organizers and administrators from major websites as members. No matter how benign the intentions of such a group might initially be, or what reasons individual members had for joining, it always ends up the same way: a tiny, closed-door group of psychopaths imposing their will on the community at large with zero oversight or accountability. It doesn't matter if you're talking about something as large as an international economic organization or as small as a spaghetti-autismo fandom revolving around a children's cartoon. These kinds of groups always attract the same sort of manipulative sociopaths and control-freaks who believe they have some divine right to micromanage everything and everyone around them.

I don't personally care if anyone likes foalcon or not, nor do I care if individual servers/websites want to ban it or allow it. The point is, as soon as you have a tiny cabal of zealots making decisions for an entire community with no oversight or community involvement, it always ends up being trouble. Groups like this need to be rooted out and snuffed on principle, before they have a chance to get big enough to cause serious damage. That's just my two cents.

Posting Scootaloo so J*cob has something to beat his meat to while he lurks.
What the fuck did I just stumble on anons
This will get you up to speed:
Ty. I think this is a really interesting take. Kinda eye-opening even. Really liked it.
24092 24098
You guys have your own Fediblock, but for foalcon.

So I’ve been away from horse for a few years but in my online travels I ended up on “fediverse” (too hot for Twitter federated twitter) and we’ve got a similar “cabal” of users whose job it is (in their mind) to dictate morality to everyone else. For the most part these lists mean nothing and the people who put stock in them are doing you a favor by proactively blocking you. The foalcon tie sucks especially if your username can be tied to your real name but at the end of the day you always run that risk by being into weird (to normies) shit online.
If you guys wanna fuck with this dude I’m in but if you’re at all worried don’t be, they won’t do shit except ree at you if you join their discords under your known username.
Fandom cabals are nothing new, I first learned about bronycon in the MAGfest staff room
I'm not personally that worried, the only thing of mine that made it on that list is an alt I sometimes use to write fapfics, and it's not something I'd be dumb enough to put on a con badge or anything.
Basic human behavior works the same at any scale.
ahahaha I bet he had problems getting whitelisted cuz I had that account as one of my alts when I used to grief minecraft. Doubt my guy still has the big alt list tho
The show is over but they still have to justify their own existence, so of course they'll get increasingly anal until they self-destruct.
Or more accurately, so that kids can never ever learn that something other BT exists, plus create an image for the server that makes people not believe there could be pedos, so that those kids can be groomed safely.
nothing worse than people who think it's their job to tell everyone else how to live and what is ok to like or not like
Summaryanon here.
Recent events:
-Some debate/conversation ITT about the PCL and our list. No definitive conclusion reached yet, probably ongoing.
-Some greentexts published on 4chan:
Great take, I also really want to drink Scootaloo's foal piss.
24123 24130
>Be Databyte
>Dog just died in the cage yesterday
>Fuck, should've fed her earlier
>Try the ritual suggested by Daring
>Drink bleach, what's the worst that could happen? You should be dead anyways
>Everything glows blue
>A portal opens
>Scootaloo falls out with a scream
>Blank flank, just as Daring said
>While she's disoriented, tie her up
>Put her in the cage with a bucket
>When she comes to, tell her that's her piss bucket
>She tries to beg, but each beating makes her a little more quiet, just like with the dog when she was young
>Eventually, Scootaloo cries as she actually uses the bucket
>Take it before she's even done and sip it
>Smack lips...it's perfect
>Scootaloo shudders as you start gulping it down
>You hear someone pounding on the door
>"Jacob, what's going on in there?"
>You ignore it as you finish the piss and burp
>Suddenly your whole body shimmers yellow
>Holy shit, is Mr. Scott beaming me up?
>Nope, you just crumple as your organs fail
>Look over to Scootaloo, she's not there
>It was all a bleach-induced hallucination
>You begin to pass out, knowing that you can't survive at this point
>Worth it.
24124 24126 24130
> You're Mr. Scott, but not the Enterprise one.
> Wake up in Equestria after bleach overdose.
> Your limbs feel weird, all tingly, but also like something's wrong.
> Forget all about as you notice that Scootaloo, your beloved, is right there.
> Smack that blank little flank and play with her firm, tight little athletic backside a moment, making her groan.
> Sadly can't finger her, because you have a hoof. You must be a pony now.
> Mass Effect Shepard walks over a moment later.
> "Let's bang her, okay?"
> You're aghast. "You...you want her too?"
> "Always did."
> The monotone of his voice is so assuring.
> You grin and slap Scoot's cute patoot, making it toot a little as she tries to get up.
> You get into mounting position, but...something's wrong.
> OhHolyShiIHaveNoDick.mov
> Start crying and making panicked mare noises.
> Shepard puts his lips to your ear.
> "Shh, it'll be okay. I'll prick you both."
> Your heart absolutely melts in the fires of his complete lack of emotion.
> Your rear legs spread as if on autopilot and you start dripping from your mare cunny.
> Shepard adjusts something on his omnitool, with it showing a big flashing orange cock, and puts on "Little Girls" by Oingo Boingo.
> Scootaloo shrieks as it begins.
The dangers of choosing a mare who even the twitter libcucks don't think is a tranny as your roleplay persona on your little kiddie-collecting server.
Fitting that he chose a retard, but at least he isn't one of those "politically correct" cucks who refuses to call her "Derpy".
So what exactly was potentially in the room(s) that were eliminated before they could be archived?

My understanding is that it was the evidence that could be used to conclusively determine who was guilty of what, and to what degree.

I absolutely love the term 'Cordtroon Cabal.

This is wild, and moderately disturbing. I approve.
If by "rooms" you mean the discord channels, those are archived.

https://files.catbox.moe/i7icq0.txt (Report Discussion, wherein Foalcon Advisory was first published)
https://files.catbox.moe/059bib.txt (Scam Reports, "This channel is for reporting on scam users/compromised accounts.")
https://files.catbox.moe/zmuils.txt (Event Questions, essentially meant to help organise events, rarely used)
https://files.catbox.moe/18ujmp.txt (Joins, serves as a list of everyone who joined the server post-6/6/2022, but it doesn't record any data about leaving the server, and anyone who joined before given date won't be found there)
https://files.catbox.moe/6lvhsk.txt (Rules, speaks for itself)
https://files.catbox.moe/vieaiv.txt (Announcements, mainly used to inform members of rule and other changes)
https://files.catbox.moe/fgcver.txt (Introductions, place for newly joined members to post about themselves a bit once, which servers they moderate, ect.)
https://files.catbox.moe/hg4csp.txt (Server Portal, place for members to post their servers)
https://files.catbox.moe/nlespw.txt (Adult Servers, same as Server Portal, just for 18+ servers)
https://files.catbox.moe/b7nd7g.txt (Reporting Guidelines, details how reports should look)
https://files.catbox.moe/vy7pov.txt (Server meta, "For server questions and suggestions", quite a lot of messages)
https://files.catbox.moe/jjvmw2.txt (Ask for Advice, also quite a lot of messages)
https://files.catbox.moe/ipxnan.txt (Proposal, rarely used)
https://files.catbox.moe/4zc0py.txt (Off-topic, more messages in this channel than anywhere else)
https://files.catbox.moe/nyj6ng.txt (Events, "Promote you server events here. SFW content only!")
24129 24131
should be noted that the fimfetch foalcon list hasn't updated since April 1st
24131 24133
This is false im pretty sure, I wont say who but im very close to the top and my entry seemed to update when I joined one of the public foal thened servers
kek, I like how this has given birth to a whole new genre
if nothing else it seems to be updated manually rather than by script. I have written more foalcon stories since the list was published but my entry on the list does not yet reflect this.
to be fair, the list was off anyway, it said i had 24 total images fav on derpibooru, i had alot more than that
Damn, you must be pretty based.
I am honestly a bit surprised how high I am, I never said anything like being a MAP or anything. I think they just didn’t like my status in the communities I’m in.
heh, looks like the EQD mods finally banned me over that list
seems like all public pony servers drank the databyte & daring coolaid
There's a couple holdouts that won't respect the list.
yayponies is defo safe, given they have a nswe telegram group, ponybooru and derpiboorus and maybe fimfic, but i do like the somwhqat active G5 channels the public servers offer
If anyone wants to take a break, mlpol does a weekly watch-stuff stream, you're all welcome to drop by. It will be going for the next several hours.
So what is the purpose of the list compiled in the drama summary?
It is kind of depressing that all the big pony discords got redpilled by databyte and daring
It's essentially the list of "the ones most complicit in the drama from the PCL's side and those who abide by DataBytes's list."

In other words, it serves the same purpose as the Foalcon Advisory (i.e. a blacklist, hitlist or something similar), just in reverse.
They're doing you a favor anyway, Discord is shit, anyone using it is a retard. There's plenty of open source alternatives without having to subject yourself to ads and Discord's own jannies intervening into your server. Discord even lacks features of some of them, such as Mumble having voice attenuation that makes you not have to scream over one another to have a fucking conversation. Obviously no faggy bots or fagjourney or whatever, maybe there's some backported version of all of Discord's cancer out there somewhere since it's open source but idk. Discord's voice latency is also shit compared to Mumble which makes it worse for gaming, its stated purpose to exist. The fact DataNigger and DaringNigger are using Discord is even more proof it is shit.
Real Cheese Pizza vids being uploaded to ponepaste, I don't have an account to file a report with. How much you wanna bet its the PCL members who have real Cheese Pizza to upload from their PC?
Summaryanon here.
-More greentexts, as in this thread.
-Links claiming to be CP have been posted on Ponepaste. It is suspected this has been done by PCL or Databyte aligned groups, maybe even by themselves. The links are now removed. Confirmation on whether these links were genuine or not is yet to be given.
-The 4chan thread has been archived.
A hitlist huh? I'll keep that in mind, not that I'd plan to actually do anything with it. I'm definitely above such underhanded tactics
Xitter niggers hate that chan-affilated parts of the community have anything, they hate it, they don't want us to have anything or any representation in the community. Why do you think they try so hard to scrub away the memory of anything pre-2012? They want to rewrite history to feel better about themselves, they're unable to create things of their own accord , so they instead look to destroy anything they disagree with out of envy and jealous rage.
24153 24160
>Xitter niggers hate that chan-affilated parts of the community have anything, they hate it, they don't want us to have anything or any representation in the community
Yeah. It's why they got so salty about Mare Fair.
Unfortunately for them it's not going anywhere
Overall, the entire fimfetch thing sucks. The biggest servers see a list that isnt fully researched, filled with a bunch of 'dude trust me' and just go, "seems legit"
>Niggercattle behavior on discord
Not to mention it included people who have died, fimfic works that arent published, and artists whos work was edited
So when's Foal Con?
when the warden gives you some yard time
this reminds me of that south park episode called holiday special where Randy Marsh goes on a crusade against Columbus day to distract everyone from the fact he had dressed up as Columbus for halloween
It is a lot like that.
24190 24206
Summaryanon here.
The drama seems to have... stagnated.
Nonetheless, I've updated the paste a little bit.
24193 24200 24206
The Flufflepuff drama (he met a 15yo and waited until she was adult to start a relationship with her, because that's what qualifies now as "pedophilia" according to twitter) is likely taking over in its place among most casual idiots.
That said, such an immediate drama with a similar concept behind it is likely scaring artists, and makes them vulnerable to the mob harassing them into taking down their art. There's probably a ton going on in secret on Discord servers right now to try and essentially purge Derpibooru of foalcon one vulnerable artist at a time.
That's so crazy. I've seen similar relationships between a high schooler and someone 20+ and no one batted an eye. Waiting until she's legal seems like the sensible option. Americans are so odd.
Screenshot 2024-04-12 192920.png
It's kinda funny but this drama also seemed to have died out mainly because Flufflepuff didn't do anything either. Pedo chasers probably moved out to another target already.
A lot of old salty bitches seethe on the internet about how unwanted they are and how awful men are for having better options than them, then there are their simps. These are the two camps who care about this shit.
There's claims that he didn't wait, and had been in relationships with multiple girls. People BSing or nah?
There's two "victims". The other one claims he had casual sex with her when she was 16.
Both blocked the accuser, who apparently really got invested in trying to drag them away.
Whole thing seems like "wow he got them and not me!"
24216 24228 24230

The drama probably stagnated because these things need continuous escalation for fuel. Unfortunately, DataByte seems to have figured out that the best thing he can do to diffuse this situation is to just go more or less dark and wait it out. If he had kept escalating, ie trying to dox people, filing fake complaints against mlpol.net, ranting about anons sending pizzas to his house, updating his foalcon list, and so forth, anons would have been motivated to keep the heat on him. If he just shuts his internet off for a couple of days, though, the doldrums set in and people start wandering off. Sad, since it means it's likely his group will keep going with its censorious bullshit, but at the very least they've been put on notice for now. In any event it's worth keeping an eye on for the future. Also, this site has a massively high bump limit and a long retention time for threads, so it won't be hard to rekindle this if J*cob and his pals start flaring up like a case of herpes again.

Also, here's some OC I made.
Why is he so JPEGed?
I've kept up with the "research" - but yeah. I'm keeping an eye on everything just to know if I need to dump more information on the subject.
Missed opportunity to not use the stained mattress pictured from the jew tunnels in NYC a while back, but 9/10.
Because picrel is the largest version of his OC I was able to find, and I had to scale it up.

Well dang, didn't even think of that.
I miss Martrix.horse chat, that was promising in terms of privacy and functions, I hate Dicksword with passion.

What happened to that chat?
24250 24254 24256 24257
Let's pay some attention shall we, to some of the users of Pathos' foalcon discord channel that have some things that requires explanations.

>Eris Mark (Mr Yellow)
Explanations of what? This is just people dancing on eggshells because we're in the era where real wars are treated as clout opportunities and shit you post on the internet is treated as war.
24256 24257
Did DashieZone really engage in lewd chat with a minor, I don't think PT mods would ban on sight like this.

>we had a server warning
like what, any specifics? elaborate.

>antis and conflicted MAPs
Flutter, What.

>IzzyPraiser fears being assaulted for being a fucking pedo
Jesus Christ.

No what is pissing me off is to see potentially high or two self admitted pedos and Pathos saying this is fine.
Not in the sense loli animu enjoyers or they are complete retards like DataByte, it's exactly the broken clock giving the right time twice a day.
24257 24258
24258 24315
Summaryanon here.
For a bit now, I thought that the drama may have truly ended. That DataBytes managed to get away with it by simply not speaking up anymore...
BUT, as it turns out, there's been a thread on ponybooru abuot this topic for quite some time. It somehow got under the radar, but no more!
So, what's the big deal about it? Well, about a day ago, someone posted the following:
>It’s posting time. After thinking about this long and good, I have decided not to reveal the name of the “big house” and to keep the information I have to myself. At least for now. But know that the “big house” will be approached with this info and that I always have it ready to release if they try any funny conspiracy stuff again.
>No name of the “big house”, but I’ve got other names. Here’s everyone who joined the PCL server and participated in the conspiracy and ban list, a comprehensive update of the name list in the OP:
>Get ready for some big names who thought it’s a good idea to secretly plot against the fandom and get undesired people banned on all pony Discord servers. >They might rename once they see their names dropped like this, but probably not all of them will. Discord servers they’re coming from included.
>And, you know, don’t dox these people and shit. Derpi staff doesn’t like that and would remove my post. But you may wanna discreetly talk to these Discord server owners, admins and mods about why they’re banning innocent people like that.
>I’ll have another post up in a couple days.
I remember how, when compiling Our list, there were objections made about how we shouldn't list just the few most responsible culprits of The List and its enforcement, but the entire PCL. Well, to those people, here you go!
(It also has some nice notes about the more notable members. Admittedly, it does seem to have some mistakes/misunderstandings/lacking info/ect., but that's besides the point. To give an example of this that none of you will object: there's a section at the end of this list with people whose home servers are unknown. At the end of the list, there's voidtemplar2000, who actually tells his moderated server in the Server Portal. I use voidtemplar2000 as a random example here btw, not because he did anything)
I myself am still personally against attacking people purely because they were in the PCL, for I believe that the impact and maliciousness of its members has been somewhat overblown. If you decide to use this list, I'd advice not bothering with anyone who has no author notes in it, and, if the do, go check their activity on the Report Discussion and Off Topic servers to make up your own mind about them.

Expect the Summary to be updated soon.

Old fucking news. Everyone already knows their... opinions on foalcon and related things, let's just say. If The List's only worthy findings are just a few more screenshots of people who we've already known for a long time to be into this, it's fucking worthless.
24259 24260 24490
>Old fucking news. Everyone already knows their... opinions on foalcon and related things, let's just say. If The List's only worthy findings are just a few more screenshots of people who we've already known for a long time to be into this, it's fucking worthless.
Those aren't opinion on foalcon if you pay attention to the screncaps and the archives in: >>23585

It'd be pompous to label myself as a whistleblower but there are troubling conversations concerning potential child grooming activities on Pathos's discord, as shown partly in the screenshots. I invite anyone concerned to examine, again, the archives to have a different opinion than mine and discuss about it. What's particularly alarming is the apparent inactions displayed by the staff, if not the communication with them that tends to be more empathic to their condition than issuing a warming or urging them to seek psychiatric care.
That's also interesting to note that Pathos banned certain members from the Discord chat due to I believe, having suspicions that they may have been potential spies aiming to expose individuals within the community. (Darkdoomer's eviction was surprising but his behavior was too quiet to be honest. Or seeing random users like Thebluee only a few days before the whole list surfaced which also makes it suspicious.)
It is imperative to underscore the significant risk posed by certain users within this community, notably IzzyPraiser, DashieZone, Flutterpony, Ponut and Pathos himself of course. If not inviting them to discuss and explain what's going on. In my personal opinion their actions and behaviors all match with the psychology of an actual pedos. It is crucial to have some critical thinking and differentiate between genuine concerns and unwarranted fearmongering created by Databyte and his horde of trannies doing the law.
That's why I invite them all here to communicate and give their version of the facts, and I hope to change my mind. We are not in a court of law, this is more of an interview.
That's what I meant by "and related things". Kinda wanted to avoid directly mentioning it.
Personally, I think a separate thread/place for discussion should be made for talking about Pathos, Flutterpony, and all the other ones. The initial thread on 4chan's original goal was to talk about preservation and archival, and, when info of the PCL leaked, drama regarding it was added on as well. Foalcon and paedofillia accusations were never really the focus point, besides being used to show The List's incompetence or DaatBytes's hypocrisy.
>That's why I invite them all here to communicate and give their version of the facts, and I hope to change my mind. We are not in a court of law, this is more of an interview.
That... is quite a nice idea, honestly (again, preferably on a different thread, though). I think getting the PCL's side of the story would also be nice, though I'm not sure if that'll ever happen.
If being a pedo is illegal report them to the police then, or ask DataByte to do it in your behalf. Who cares if some dude accepted that he's a MAP?
24262 24263
>Who cares if some dude accepted that he's a MAP?

How much does he weighs, it's to know if I need a larger woodchipper.

>Personally, I think a separate thread/place for discussion should be made for talking about Pathos, Flutterpony, and all the other ones.

I think this one would be enough, that would be just a few posts and linking directly to the posts, and I think a good focus on facts and communication will be necessary. Soon or late it would be exposed and used by DataByte trying to defend himself so that's another thing he won't have.
I guess that's reasonable. Will be looking forward to see their opinions and thoughts, then.
Pinkie urges you to reconsider.jpg
>How much does he weighs, it's to know if I need a larger woodchipper.
Yea I'm certain there's a logic explanation for each of those mysteries and we may find something absolutely insane, debunking the biggest conspiracy no one ever imagined.
24325 24345
I felt like something is going on with this Izzy Praiser pal, he implied a few things, which may be explained by the autisms he suffers, I am not sure of anything anymore.
He may not be a pedo, but have huge problems regardless.
This you? You posted it, you started it.
I have seen you around this thread, you self identified a bunch, anonimity is only good if you don't fucking shout from the rooftops who you are.
Are you retarded or what?
24317 24326

Compiler_Anon here. Thanks for posting that, Summaryanon. Meant to do that myself, but fuckin' 4chan captcha wasn't based when I tried making a thread and I forgot this thread existed because seeing all the retarted faggotry of the last two weeks made my own autistic brain overheat. Glad it's here now.

Made a few, small updates to the name list:


overcast, who mods on G5: Chatter of Ponies, seems to be EQD’s G5 news poster, too, staff page on Equestria Daily lists a user with that name as “G5 Reporter”.
Could verify that .derpi. is also yet another mod of EQD’s Discord server and moved him up into the EQD section.

>PCL pedos still out damage controlling harder than ever
>Trying to make people scared of releasing more names and screenshots by banning them
>Not realizing that their psyop was a mass-ban operation to begin with
>Also not understanding that anon posting exists
That would take guts to discuss all this here and make an opinion debunking even more the bullshit accusations that affects us all.
24335 24435
Hi yeah im Ace(AceOfSpades) I was invited to the Pony Communities Leader thing a while ago and left because it was retarded. I have 0 to do with it now nor do I endorse any of the retarded shit they do. My other admin is number 8 as of writing on the based list lmao
24331 24332 24335 24359 24374
Screenshot 2024-04-20 092347.png
Presented without comment.
fucked based FiMfic discord
an idea.png
He got fucked like so many foals on Rainbow Dash's giant cyan futanari marecock.
24334 24335
trips for databyte is a nigger
trips confirm it
Okay, so, Summaryanon here. The summary is finally updated (was a bit lazy beforehand, plus IRL stuff):
Say, how does getting invited to the PCL work in the first place? Do you just randomly get a DM from someone you know like "yo dude join this super cool server" or is it done somehow else?
i imagine getting in must be like getting into things like the skull & bones stuff
It was just admins of the PCL server going into server owners dms and inviting them. Anyone who ran a sever with like over 30 or so members got an invite.