Since the last thread reached bump limit, I figured it would be a good time to update the OP with some useful information.
Previous thread:
>>11605 →Information:
>Internet Alias:PonySeb.
>Real Name:Sébastien Lévesque.
>Location:Canada (Quebec). Presumed Montreal, as that is the location of his precious McDonalds. The beast was birthed in Laval though, at least according to his own testimony.
>Overview:Seb is an fat fuck high-school dropout who is as of now twenty years old. His first language is French, which soon becomes apparent when you look at the horribly translated captions on most of the images. His art is atrocious, and he typically responds to any sort of genuine criticism with hostility, along with pretty much anything else his French-Canadian autist brain can't comprehend but can still perceive as a personal attack. The sad thing is that the mods on Derpibooru will defend Seb because of their own progressive agendas. Interests include:
>Corporate entities>Cum inflation>Possible diapers (Roleplaying in such a manner and some images of characters drawn in them, though to be fair the characters are supposed to be young.)>R63 versions of his own character (Might be a good indication of a budding tranny complex.)>Anthro>Likely to be a furfag>Possible pedophile (?)>Bringing about the autist singularity by befriending almost every random pony autist on Facebook>Derpibooru profile:>Artist tag:>Personal website: seemed to not agree with for whatever reason, though someone else might have better luck with it.)
>Twitter:>And of course, his facebook: :^)
To start the thread off right, here are some new pieces of "art" from various sources.
>>14437>pic 2>mistystuffer "art" of a most-definitely-underage character from Phineas and FerbThanks for the PTSD flashbacks to the most degenerate age in my life.
Can’t forget that he looks up to Chris-Chan
>>14435>Since the last thread reached bump limitAlready?
>>14437>second pic>fetish for belliesI'm without words.
>>14444Yeah, it's 600 on here for some reason unlike the 700 on mlpol.
>>14446>picThat's a Seb's original, I can tell.
>>14442Jesus. Can't make that shit up.
>>14445fatfag, reporting in to say Seb is degenerate even by my standards. Plus the whole fetish pride thing. Blegh.
since Thomas Dall just got his own Mini Documentary, I would ask if somebody here has plans to give our good friend Seb the honors.
>>14489Merry Christmas you waste of human flesh.
>>14472>somebody here has plans to give our good friend Seb the honors.The info on him is still sketchy and he's not deranged enough to deserve it.
>>14491Seconding this. He may be cringe as they come, but people like PurpleTinker and Ross are far more deserving of the honor of being called a special individual.
But I've been proven wrong before on this subject, so if things change, I may change my mind. Until then he's just a shitty artist who demands people notice his shitty art by spamming popular tags with it.
I was thinking, seb is probably too stupid to figure out that a new thread started about him
>>14494Perhaps to give him some input in Jewbook? Using TOR of course.
>>14494Has Seb honestly done anything wrong, or is he just a fat ugly talentless faggot?
>>14496Well he still didn't kill himself
Not to be rude or anything
>>14496Him drinking with mcdonald trash cups is wrong enough for endless ridicule on its own, his being fat and retarded only makes it better
>>14496>Has Seb honestly done anything wrongWhat about getting cocky with /mlpol/?
To my father, thank you.
To my mother, farewell.
And to all the children...
>>14496i think he has all the hallmarks of a prime sociopath. his freakouts over ciriticism and trolling, manipulating his fans, his degeneracy and public sexual perversions.
i think that warrants a public service announcement and potentially alert of irl services. People underestimate how dangerous these retards really are to society.
>>14504>People underestimate how dangerous these retards really are to societyThis.
>>14437>favorite>waifuJesus I hate him more and more each time he uploads.
Seb has seemingly been MIA, who fucking knows maybe he did listen to us and actually off himself. Here's an archive of a comments section full of people ripping into his crap art that'll probably get rule 0'd soon, enjoy.
>>14516>who fucking knows maybe he did listen to us and actually off himselfAmen.
>>14516Hes still active on facebook, I advise making throwaway accounts and friending him
>>14520>Pervert is 0/5>Intelligence is 4.5/5>Hygiene, humor, cool, social skills and cute are all 5/5Muh sides
>>14522 (Check'd)
I wonder how he had the idea to give Pervert 0/5 after all that fucked up shit he made
>>14520Seb, no!
I admire the honesty, but Lazy Glutton is not a job!!
also what
>>14522 said
>>14524You know he only put that there because he wants to be some paypiggy's feedee and put his "best" foot forward.
I speak from experience, that's more cringeworthy than actively trying to conceal your gainer fetish.
>>14520Any good way to make a throwaway account? They require a phone number and block out most of the online number providers...
>>14539To clarify I've already used my phone number for a legitimate account.
>>14539I didnt need to use a phone number to make an account, I just made a new email and it worked just fine
hashire sori yo
kaze no you ni
tsukimihara wo
>>14562I feel like this is supposed to be a 2hu reference but I admit to being a virgin to 2hu.
>>14562>>14563[YouTube] All Padoru Padoru Version
[Embed]Leave Nero alone Seb. This is absolutely disgusting! How dare you defile her with your shit art.
>>14564The second one looks a but too much like foot worship for my taste... you don’t worship anything other than hooves, d-do you Anon?
And agreed, Seb leaves a cum and dorito dust trail of disgrace all over everything he touches.
>>14565>Seb leaves a cum and dorito dust trail of disgrace all over everything he touches.Kek. screenshots from Sebs Website. as far as i could tell everything was in french. also the image gallery does not seem to work properly. this really cemented my opinion that Seb seems to be in some kind of platonic relationship with certain companies. He also mentions some kind of "group". i can not tell if this is an actual existing thing or something he made up in his own cinematic universe where hes the main character.
i dont think hes authorized to have these corporate logos on theres with permission from the owner. i remember cwc got into when he posted Coca Colas Adds on the Cwcpedia. theres tons of them. so much so that they slow down the website. i cant imagine what would happen if you were to report just a handful of these...
>>14570Kek, he's got more logos than a NASCAR driver.
So does anybody else know about sebs autistic obsession with key lanyards? Hes collecting them and apparently wants to make it into the Guinness book of world records
"So from now on, if you want to see the number of lanyards recovered for my collection so that one day, I would be in the Guinness record book, it would be displayed at the top, in the photos on the front page, on your right! And oh yes, I forgot that I added one in my collection with that of Olymbec, a Quebec real estate group. Sorry for the delay! For more information on my collection of Sebastien's lanyards, please contact me via Messenger!"
>>14647He's going to make a noose out of them!
No, Seb, you're too young to die!
>>14647>Presented by Burger King
>>14649how many of those fake meat estrogen burgers do you think he ate
>>14650Considering how much of a faggot he is, I have to think that he has been consuming that cheap McDonnald's ice cream made with soy for years. And for sure he was in a hurry to buy more than one transexual burger.
>>14650I bet that faggot sucks dicks when nobody's watching
>>14653I bet he thinks Burger King gives him their expired and returned burgers as a sponsorship for sucking dicks in their bathroom stalls, and not just because he's enough of a tub of lard to scarf that trash down.
>>14520He still hasn’t accepted either of my accounts.
>>14655Try to cater his lower passions by larping as a woman and also a transvestite.
Had a nightmare last night. I came home from a long day, and Seb was sleeping in my bed, getting his greasy unwashed self all over my clean sheets and stuffed animals. Probably the worst one I’ve had since I was six.
>>14660I tried to take a picture to post to the thread, but my phone died. He woke up and started telling me about all of the cons he had been to, and then insisted I bring his ‘heavy’ suitcase upstairs for him. It weighed less than ten pounds, no surprise there. I woke with a start after that, Christ.
>>14660>>14661He's living rent-free in your head, it's better to just forget about him for the time-being.
>>14660>>14661i bet seb has conjured his autistic magic on you, but his magic is so shit that he can only affect you in dreams
>>14661that was all real, this is the dream your brain made up to try and help you deal with it
>>14665It was real in my mind!
>>14668I don't think I'll ever be able to fully know how much of your oekaki is ironic and how much is serious, will I
>>14669It is a closely guarded secret. The first step to understanding the secret is realizing that it isn't an oekaki drawing, but an MSPaint one.
>>14670reee I never did oekaki because I was never interested, heck you
solid seb has declared himself married to "boomer" the female version clone of didgeree from aussie seb
>>14672Fucking Christ, he's gone full retard.
>>14672>"Thank you very much for choosing me for the wedding of the two of us, because being in love with me is something very special">"This idiot of Anonymous finds that logo censorship pays far too much for him"I get that he's not a native 'murican speaker but good fucking god man just run this shit through Google Translate, Seb. The first one is so poorly written that it sounds like he's trying to just hammer it in that his OC and her OC are married now, and the second one...the fuck is logo censorship here? Pays far too much?
...also what are you trying to say? Is the green and yellow OC supposed to be this "Boomer?" Who's Didgeree, and are they actually an artcow like Seb is?
>>14674>Who's DidgereeThe main OC of Aussie Seb, and their alias.
>Is the green and yellow OC supposed to be this "Boomer?"Yes, it would appear that Boomer is the R63 version of Didgereedingdong and that Seb wants to bone it.
>>14675How deep is the rabbit hole when it comes to this "Aussie Seb" business, and can someone please airdrop me toward Seb's home town, attached to a nuclear warhead
>>14674>>14676I guess a didgeree refresher is warranted, didgeree is a friend of seb, strangely enough he is also named sebastion, hence the name aussie seb, he is also autistic and an "artist" and while higher functioning than seb, thats not saying much, its honestly a one in a million chance that they would both be severely autistic, named sebastion, and be into ponies, just to befriend each other. He claims to be a racecar driver and supports seb unconditionally.
His art reeks of tracing and mspaint, and the subject matter he chooses often straddles the line of strange to down right disgusting, aussie seb is a more than notable figure when it comes to sebastion
>>14676First of all, come on Slim, don't ride the bomb to hell. Second of all, which Seb? Honestly if any of you are dedicated enough effortposters and have some neetbucks, we have the location of the McDonalds where Canuck Seb does volunteer work so we could confront him in person...
>>14675>>14674>having genderbent selfinsert OCsr>letting tards marry them >draw pictures of them fucking>censoring the porn with your own tard face>unironically naming an OC Boomer>seb still rages at anon about it in broken english
>>14677i think this one picture summarises aussie sebs relationship to his own art best
>>14678I still wonder if that mcdonalds is paying him or if they just let him pour fries into the box for free
>>14678>Greta ThunbergDr. Pierce was right all along when he described "Lemmings". And Seb is the ultimate lemming.
He will not change course because he just mimics the collective behavior and beliefs. And of course, independent thinking is out of the scope for this NPC. [Embed]Climate change not going to effect earth as hard or as long as expected.
Death toll lowered to circa 150 Million until 2100, mostly in India and China.
No Cities will be flooded,
>>14701Seb is a literal retard consoomer. he eats, thinks and shits garbage. He is barely human and almost completely predictable in his behavior. As far as he is concerned, life is a kindergarten where he is the center of the universe. He does not know hardship, he can barely deal with dissenting opinions on the internet. he is the model print for the future oligarch economy. A consoomer who does not questions, only buys product and gets excited for next product. Frankensteins Monster has more personality to it than this abomination.
The text says:
"All his friends on Facebook who do him good in Seb" :^)
According to Seb it says:
"all his friends on Facebook who do good to Seb!"
>>14712>Embracing sodomyHe's spiraling downwards faster.
He is revolting against God and his punishment won't be pretty. And he deserves it.
Seb actually claims to have drawn the last one, which is strange since it appears to have been created by someone who at least knows how to make horses look decent.
Just posting some scrapings from facebook, don't mind me.
>>14719>Weight: N/AKek, we all know that isn't true Seb.
Do you guys think we should notify him of the new thread? On one hand I sort of like the reclusive nature of this one, it's probably more secure for planning raids and other operations in the dark. On the other though, some of Seb's greatest moments came from when he could see our every move.
>>14721>Do you guys think we should notify him of the new thread?Absolutely.
He craves attention and he deserves to know.
Let the fun begin.
>>14713>In this picture, I am not completely nakedOh thank god I was about to throw up but-
>I am in pantiesteamamericavomiting.gif
>>14718NANI? Nigga no, let me step in right now. I know
exactly who made that fucking picture and it sure as fuck wasn't Seb. It was one of the oldest fetish tumblr blogs in the MLP fandom, Ask Chubby Diamond. This pic, according to derpibooru, dates back five years.
Man, the time flies by, doesn't it.W-what. Don't look at me like that, just because I know about these thI'M NOT THE PROBLEM YOU ARE REEEEEEEEE
>>14721>all those badly drawn objects in his usual MSPaint "style">just straight up copied image of a gunOh, Seb. Never change.
>>14725Thanks Ash, your knowledge of fatfaggotry comes in handy once again.
>>14730I am the CEO of Anonymous and i declare that i am defeated.
>>14730The more I look at this the less I can tell if this was made by seb or the evil hacker known as Anonymous
if seb got hyper pregnant with cancer i would feel bad for the cancer
>>14732Kek. Well, if it were made by Seb, it would be a horribly degraded jpeg.
>>14740sonichu's fucking arm
>>14740Seb, where are your parents.
I’m currently about fifty miles away from my image editing software, could somebody put one of Seb’s shittier drawings in the slot and upload it to derpi? Remember to screenshot and archive.
>>14573This retard is clearly obsesed with keyrings, mcdonalds and promotional pens. And ponies with huge bellies.
I have him on Facebook, there is nothing in his life, he adds random people, me included despite being a fake account then brags being loved.
At this point he should just kill himself.
“So from time to time, I'll take screenshots and modify them every time Anohymous fools me behind my back and I then published it on my account for my friends to react.” en fait Ponyseb t'est un enculé de ta race!
>>14756>PonySeb/mlpol/ is asking Seb to stop being a faggot, but he doubles down over and over again.
It is like to talk to a Jew, everybody is at fault but never him.
>>14755For what, being a ugly annoying literal retard?
There are murderers and scammers out there.
>>14758You should never grade evils, for if one is the worst, then you might be tempted to kinship with the least
>>14758Make no mistake, Levesque is a monster. He uses his tardyness as an excuse and a shield to dodge from criticism, but that hardly hides his malicious personality or disgusting feats. He might not think about it, but he is capable of doing all these things and more. Even a serial killer like john wayne Gace will try to appear harmless for the onlooker.
If i learned anything from this threads it was, no matter how big the victim complex, Every cow has a stack of skeletons hidden in their closet. And if this and the other thread has not already convinced you of his perversions against nature, you must have been looking the other way. in particular when it came to testimonies from the people who knew him in real life.
In a better world Seb would have been forcibly sterilized and put into a nut house for life. instead, freak enabler like him roam free to corrupt everything they touch. its cancer on a societal scale.
>>14756>that big orange asparagus moron in a tuxedoThat is the most hilarious way of describing 4chanon and 8chanon.
>That fat and clearly traced ass
>Those broken wings
>Those hooves with no size consistency
It isn't his worst he's done, but I can tell he isn't taking our words of critique to heart.
>>14775>share second pic with fetish friend>"hey that's not too bad, a bit of an ow the edge pic but it's somewhat cute""look closer"
Seb is a monster.
>>14780I wouldn't call him a monster, but definitely a certified -obese -bastard -faggot -autistic -retard that's fun to mess with
>>14781Let's just call him a Fat Bastard for short.
>>14782You really are a fat bastard!
Wow Sebastien, just wow.
I'm a 16-18 y/o girl, and you know what makes me wet? Bitch tits, on a guy.
Nothing makes me warm faster than a fat belly and a deluge of folds cascading down around my like snowflakes.
I almost can't, uhhhhnhnnnh. Too late, I came thinking about corporate signage and community PR involving what they call disabled people, but we know better don't we? The more disabled they label you, the more um,... <giggle> abled you are? Right mister mickey-dees?
>>14775>The thing Seb hates the most about mean words:>kekwhat?
>>14786He's retarded, remember?
And greedy.
And generally just a piece of work.
>>14437Uploaded the second pic to derpi under what Seb would probably actually say if he were dumb enough to upload it himself.
>>14789Archive. Going to bed now, one of you might want to archive it again before the night is over. It'll most likely get rule 0'd.
>>14789The best part is his "friends" are actually defending and praising it.
>>14788oh fuck those fingers
thought id let you guys know seb has claimed to be working on a virgin chad meme, ill try and post it when he finishes
>>14789>someone claimed that he actually posted it to keep a mod from changing its tags or elsewise>made them look back a year on his facebook to prove it's a fakeDisavow!
Funny, but I still disavow
>>14803It's not a fake though, it was just posted on Twitter.
I saw that, heh. My 3 month ban? Annoying. Seeing that a mod lost five fucking hours of their life? Priceless.
>>14804>Seeing that a mod lost five fucking hours of their life? Priceless.
>>14804>it was just posted on TwitterBe honest: DID he? I'm not lookin' after one of us fooled the mod, anon!
>>14806Yeah, and here's the direct link to prove it. I know your time is valuable. [Embed]
>>14807Seb uses without permission multiple brands violating copyright laws.
Perhaps he is ripe for Cease and Desist letters.
>>14808Dripping with hypocrisy, kek. Derpi is such a shitstain of a platform.
>>14808The irony of clown world.
>>14808derpi mods are retarded who would have thought
Alright, the uploads of both the chad Seb and Seb's Twitter image have been taken down. The chad one was a rule 0, no surprise there; but the thing I find interesting is that the Twitter image was a takedown request from Seb himself. Funny how he would want something removed that he himself created...
Archive Link + PDF of the last thread for reposting
>>14832THAT'S what bothers me about his art style. Its like a ponified version of that weird cartoon that that one guy who went on a shooting (NOT killing) spree. The "going ghost" guy. Maybe Seb will follow suit?
>>14833are you talking about randy stair and embers ghost squad?
>>14835Never heard of him, who dis?
>>14839You faggot, my sides.
Pic related's format seems familiar, we know Seb traces but we haven't found the sources yet...
Boomerang Beauty prepares to tie Seb to a tree near the raging Australian wildfires.
>>14842Who dares to touch sonic with his greasy fingers!?
>>14841Why do so many faggots fantasize about being manhandled by dominant women and dragged into sexual fantasies they pretend to not want?
It results in those faggy "anime boy doesn't want to be dragged into sex with all the mares who want him" fanfics.
Why is this faggotry so common? Is it a result of the dehumanization and demoralization campaign against men? Is that why they feel like sex and their desires for it is only "okay" when they fantasize about being forced into it by a woman who wants it even more than them?
>>14838Why does villainswiki bounce between calling him a him named Randy and a her named Andrew?
Vandalism? Or some tranny thing?
>>14846Nevermind, re-read it.
This guy went tranny for one of his own OCs? Who names a girl Andy?
>Investigators later discovered that, despite arming himself with two weapons, all fired rounds were ejected from only one of Stair's shotguns. fucking why
>>14842a sincere Warning to Sebastien Levesque from Daniel Paul Moore.
Do NOT draw Sonic again. OR else...
>>14846>>14847Randy Stair was his legal name. Andrew Blaze his artist handle. and yes, he was transsexual, at least in mind. He unironically thought he would become a female ghost from the cartoon danny phantom after his murder suicide. His bad aim is legendary and has hardly been undercut ever since he went on the leadersboards. he was also known to shizo roleplay with himself on twitter via multiple accounts.
heres a more profound video of the cow, some time from circa summer 2017
40 minute video
[YouTube] Internet Insanity: Randy Stair
[Embed]his ED article
>>14850 DA Account.
It has not been banned. Despite him being an active spree killer. Now thats free speech. If you ever wanted to read the comment section of a dead person whos also a meme, go ahead. great fun.
Well, my ban appeal didn't work. Just as I expected.
>>14808Those are rookie numbers.
>>14852First of, Seb is not an artist and hes attention whoring, with his irl facebook and everything, now he complains about it backfiring because of his art theft and cunt behavior. DB Mods are Fag enablers who trollshield retards from reality.
Perhaps it might be time to bring to corporations' attention the unauthorized use of their brands by Seb.
>>14855sounds like a plan. I also suggest getting into contact with the ceo of bushfires about assie seb misappropriating it for selfpity.
>>14854Man I wish seb would do these kinda videos.
>>14855How could we do it? I mean sure it's illegal to display copyrighted logos on your website without license(as far as I know, could be wrong) but would they care?
>>14858>but would they care?I would assume at least one of the 6 million brands on his site would be willing to take legal action against his cult like site of materialism, the main question is: which one would do it? Only when this question is answered can we start the holocaust of autism.
>>14860Undoubtably, and without even reviewing his 'content'. Brands have a reputation and a vested interest in regulating anyone and everyone attempting to use their brand for personal reasons. What's more, a brief (and I mean brief) perusal of his posts that include and/or surround their trademarked insignia will be sufficient to warrant a cease and desist at the very least.
>>14861Keep in mind a lot of brands have active twitter accounts, so DMing them (or at least a member of their PR team that would pass the information along) is quite simple. All we need to do is hit up all of the used brands with twitter accounts until we get lucky.
>>14862i think giving them a screenshot and a link to his site, with a basic explanation that he uses their brands without their knowledge or permission be best to get their attention. What do you think the DM should consist of?
>>14863>>14862>>14861>>14860I would suggest making a list of all brands Levesque has pilfered and contact them all at once on their respective social media. most of them should have a headquarters in Canada.
that ought to be a blow that he will feel to the bone.
>>14863So like, a comprehensive infograph except one that details Seb's plagiarism and copywrite infrigement?
>>14865Seb, nothing is too childish for you.
>>14867>Pic 5Guardians 3 is looking good so far.
to be honest I'm surprised by the amount of trash art seb can pump out
>>14867each month that passes i am more convinced that seb is not only a homosexual but also a closeted tranny
>>14874is this actually happens, Seb is in for some life destroying pain.
>>14867>pic1Is that supposed to be like this old pic?
>>14858>How could we do it?>but would they care?Probably not if they look at Seb's website or his ridiculous art.
However if instead of to snitch him for his infringement, we contact the companies boasting of how well their brands look and that Seb is going to go make them a favor by "propping" the company by using their logotypes for future promotions; then, most likely an army of lawyers will spring into action to squash this degenerate once and for all.
It may be poetic, the same companies he worships will end his life as he knows it.
>>14888 (Checked Hitler trips)
>>14893Presumably, its the twisted love-child of Seb and Boomer.
>>14895How disgusting. Were these from facebook or derpi?
>>14897Full name: Purple Magic
Nickname: Purple Pony, Sub
Love situation: She has been in love with PonySeb since PonySeb was separated from Miss SweetHeart and PonySeb had made a choice of twelve ponified OCs.
Work: She works mainly in a Subway in Ponytreal (Montreal in the My Little Pony version) as a cashier and submarine preparation.
She likes: PonySeb (her love interest), health, love, junk food (sometimes), Ponytreal, walking, cooked carrots, fruits, computer research, being accompanied with PonySeb in events and places in Ponytreal, chocolate and soft drinks.
She hates: homelessness, bullying, cooked vegetables, sweets, video games, laziness, alcoholic drinks, global warming and the end of the world.
>submarine preparation>submarine>preparation
>>14897the color scheme hurts my soul, why the fuck does he always put the worst colors together?
stranger danger
wanna bet that seb is a pedo?
>>14901>pedoThis isn't going to end up well.
>>14901That's the face one has when there is no other option left, except to play along and hope for the best.
>>14900Makes sense. Subway isn’t particularly bad without Seb’s endorsement, unless you’re talking about Jared...
Come to think of it, Seb would be a great spokesperson for Subway if he lost some weight. He’s got the pedophilia down pat.
>>14906I can bet he's wiping clean the hard drive.
>>14907But his Internet Service Provider has the whole browsing history. I doubt the police might have difficulties to jail him forever.
>>14906>Now Anonymous thinks I'm a pedophile. I had to stop this kind of thing because in Quebec, it's illegal to be a pedophile!>I had to stop this kind of thing>illegal to be a pedophile>had to stop>illegalHmmmmm.
Seb forcibly sexually harassing the mare, and her unborn child with his proboscis.
>>14908A degenerate like Seb won't last more than a few weeks in prison before hangs himself or is assassinated.
Either way, jails in Canada are filled with the multiracial stuff Seb loves. What a poetic death, he will die molested and beaten by chinese, pakistani and africans.
>Anonymous is a racist for autism
>>14906Wait, Seb postured himself as Yosemite Sam? Does he not understand the underlying metaphor of YS vs Bugs Bunny?
>>14909>had to stop this kind of thing because in Quebec, it's illegal to be a pedophile!I don't mean to get too deep into rhetorical reorganization of phrases, but it almost seems like he just said
"Its illegal to be a pedophile in Quebec, so I had to stop this kind of thing."
Cuz as those familiar with criminal psychology, there's nothing they love more than alluding/admitting to their crimes "without actually admitting to anything"
>>14912>The only Italian dishes I hate the most in the world is spaghettiI hate this nigger more and more by the day.
>>14914He hates spaghetti in the same way he hates an actual, living and breathing, of age female;
They're both things he'll never be able to hold without spilling all over the ground
An open letter to Seb
oh no guys, he is gonna have the police banish us. is there any way to counter the police's banishment spell?
>>14918>banish derpibooru-Oh no!
Jesus fuck one of Seb's friends literally just made a shitty quality edit of one of rainbow Eevee's pics and called it their own
>>14922dude literally admits that he steals art
>>14923He wouldn’t before, I think we’re breaking him lads.
>inb4 Seb realizes that 'combating those ebil anonymooses' gave him something to live for, and now his life is a worthless cesspool of ignominy and delusions of grandeur
>>14924I know. Seb will pay for his crimes soon.
>>14922That sfucking real
What i thought parody
Brkn kybrd
>>14930>my drawings and pictures will be extremely blurryIs he catching up with copyright stuff and derivative works? Naaaaah.
It's just fear of somebody calling him out for his close ties with a dangerous nazi network.
>>14931>Tfw mlpol is to be considered a dangerous nazi network nowWe did it 9gag!
>>14912>My Favorite color scheme is: very flashy or until someone's eyes hurt.That's not surprisingly.
>>14931What a cute sweater, and cuter panties. I wish I could give her headpats in bed.
>>14939Shh, don't post such things here lest you give Seb ideas.
>>14940Oh god I don't want her luxurious mane sullied by mule-esque hoof-grease
What if we make him draw
hate art of Aryanne
Then report him for drawing her swastikers.
Or scam him into thinking Hasbro wants to hire him.
>>14942Man wouldnt Seb hate it if he got a cease and desist from subway for his subway pony gf that told him that unless he publicly denounces the brand that he could no longer eat at subway
>>14942>Then report him for drawing her swastikers.That's too evident.
What about ponies announcing the Ponyville's racial Purity Spiral?
To frame him as a pony supremacist might work.
>>14918I think he's upset because now he's genuinely worried some police are going to come around and search his hard drives with what he said here
>>14906Also Seb you could stop all this and just take criticism and try to improve your art instead of doubling down on it and even admitting you traced a lot of it
>>14947Everything, Seb. Everything.
>>14947brain damage for Ricardo Retardo.
seb updated his derpibooru about section, filling it with logos, anon hate, and also claims that he will no longer trace stuff
>>14953Looks like it's time for more archival.>If you do not respect my rules I took care of kindness. I'm afraid you'll regret it a hundred percent!Nothing personnel kid.
>but for sure they're so scatterbrained that they don't even have to think about it before answering.Pic related.
>>14953does he seriously not realize anon is short for anonymous?
if he thinks the green guy is anon who does he think anonymous is?
also let's harass his friends and convince them to give up on him! that'll make this 20 year old child feel really awful and maybe kill himself!
Except not really, let's not do that. let's not become worse than the faggots we watch.
he's not a murderer or scammer or an actual thief. He's just an annoying faggot who traces bad pony art. Let's just spam him with guides on how to draw better. He'll get pissed off about the implied insult but eventually he will read one. Then we all win.
>>14956Pretty sure that's the face that would accompany PonySeb seeing some of the OC that Seb has made of him, Digiree, and Boomer
Suddenly, I'm more sympathetic of PS and co, in that they're unable to influence the shit that Seb trace-produces
He updated his derpi about section again, actually confirming that he dropped out of high school and lives with his parents. Someone might want to archive this before he realizes that openly saying that you're a dropout is a bad idea.
>>14960Got it.
It's at
There's too much to describe, but he explains why he dropped out of high school, reveals that he's bisexual, and more. Go dig through this gold by yourselves, it's worth it
>>14961> gallows might not be enough to fix this monster.
>>14961>I dropped out of Polyvalente Sainte-Thérèse in November 2019 because I kept getting punished by my teacher because of my body hygiene problem.I... fucking Christ, is it that goddamn hard to just wash yourself you fat oaf? You will get nowhere in life stinking of unwashed ass and pubes. Nobody will want to be near you.
>Tank of the memoriesIf I ever write shitty music, that'll be the album name. Thanks for your inspiring retardation, Seb.
>Anonymous, Anon and Filly AnonRainbowEevee has recently been drawing some anonfilly art, I wonder if we can get him to turn against her, show her that he's a disloyal monster that isn't worth defending. Despite some of her work, I really do think she's just a misguided kid.
>>14972Wait, he's friends with literal children? What's the age difference between them?
>>14973RainbowEevee is either a High Schooler or still in middle school. Check her profile, you can find a lot of clues to her age there.
>>14972Funny, he rated himself as a 5 for hygiene. You don't think that Seb is
GASP a liar do you?
>>14975No, impossible. Filthy liar man Anonymous and Anonfilly shit in his pants, Seb was framed.
>>14961Some notes...
>I still live with my parents in Terrebonne (which is very annoying to me)I've always wondered how Seb earns money, as he is only a volunteer at McDonalds. Well, now he has revealed himself to not only be proud of being a fast food slave, but also live in his parents' basement.
>I dropped out of Polyvalente Sainte-Thérèse in November 2019 because I kept getting punished by my teacher because of my body hygiene problem.Seb has confirmed that he smells awful. Rejoice!
Also, November 2019 is pretty recent...
>I'm 20 years old...Seb is much younger than he looks. Huh
>In my logo, blue represents six things: -autism -life -nature -happiness -the strength -determinationI don't exactly understand French symbolism, but that's a lot. You sure this isn't just forced?
Seb must be a special type of stupid if he puts this stuff in his about section. This is how many viewers judge you...
>>14977I think my favorite is where he uses the S to symbolize a fuck ton of stuff that he isn’t.
>The S in white represents Sebastian's first letter and white means beauty, sweetness, joy, intelligence and creativity>BeautyNot even inner.
>SweetnessOkay Mr. grenade, gun, flamethrower.
>JoyI can believe this one, but it’s a blissful, sick kind of joy.
>IntelligenceMaybe when you figure out how to work a computer I’ll reevaluate this one. In the mean time, no fucking way.
>CreativityMaybe if "The Blob" hadn’t been created 62 years ago.
>>14978The S stands for Stinky. That is the only word I will accept.
>>14721Time to bring back an old conversation.
Should we notify Seb of this thread? Some of his best moments came when he was addressing his "haters." Seeing the descriptions and comments of his recent "art," he is still unwilling to accept criticism and stop feeding the trolls, and he is just as baselessly proud. It seems like the only reason Seb stopped posting reactions to MLPOL comments is because he doesn't know of them. If we want a secure thread, we can always make another one.
Seb has done a good job producing lols without our intervention, but the best lols always come with some milking.
Do you guys agree? Any volunteers?
>>14984I already made him aware a while ago, and he's been posting things related to this thread mate.
>>14989Thats seriously an old Garfield cartoon featuring Nermal or some shit
>>14725>W-what. Don't look at me like that, just because I know about these thI'M NOT THE PROBLEM YOU ARE REEEEEEEEEEnough!
>>14984>Should we notify Seb of this thread?He knows. As an attention whore he can't resist to know what people says about him.
Even if he hides his feeling, you can bet he's is breaking apart.
>>14991Trust me you're doing me a favor by killing me. I know that after the war is done I'll probably get the gallows too and I accept that.
>>14993>Trust me you're doing me a favor by killing meNaaaaah.
Just a forced lesson about to shower every day.
>>14994But I already do that
>>14989I'm really confused at the rainbow eevee thing. Does it have a beard? I can't imagine what thoughts went through his head when he drew this. **Also why does this abomination have hooves and not dog legs like an eevee oh my god**
>>14994I volunteer!
>>14995All we want is for you to get fit, change your life for the better, and appreciate the friends you have. We call you a faggot because you'll be happier if you become less of a faggot.
>>14995Are you Seb? Oh well, I was being a retard to think that you didn't know about the thread.
If you shower every day and still smell awful, try deodorant.
>>14998He's not Seb, just a guy with a fat fetish who has a semi-recognizable posting style when he talks about said fat fetish.
thought he said he would stop tracing?
>>14999Okay, I really am a retard.
Okay, here’s the plan. Every image that seb has made that has too decent of anatomy to not be traced in part, let’s tag it traced. A while back he flipped his fucking lid when I tagged his art ‘9000 hours in MS paint’, so I’m sure we can get some good reactions out of him.
>>15005>sabotageIt sounds good to me.
>>15006Alright, I did all of them that I could find. If anybody else wants to add the tag 'too shit to be traced' to the rest of his 'gallery', I'm sure that would piss him off even more. Burner accounts are a pain to make though, and I'd rather not get my main nuked.
>>15009With a name like this he will get attention from even more detractors. That said if his account is not shut down for porn or tracing. DA is very butthurt about the latter.
>>15011I don't know of that book, hm. Has anybody heard of it?
>>15011i find the overabundance of bad tv shows and terrible music disturbing compared to the glaring lack of books. then again Seb is a school drop out so none of this is surprising.
>>15011>Wii SportsYou don't look like it, seb.
>>15009>Hi everyone, my name is Sébastien Lévesque, I'm 20 years old and I have a mild ASD and welcome to my DeviantArt page on behalf of TheAutisticArts. Here, I can draw things that go through my head and sometimes, when I run out of drawing ideas to do, I use my imagination to come up with great ideas. Also, I can use bases of ponies, humans and so on, I can even draw on photos and even self-portraits. On DeviantArt, for me, it's strictly forbidden to draw on people's artwork without asking permission, otherwise I'm dead (it's a way of speaking) and unlike BestBarneyFan, I allow drawing requests from people who love my adorable and cute style. I live in Terrebonne, Quebec, I'm the only one in the family who loves the metropolis of Quebec: Montreal. It's what they call a "true Montrealer" and my main passions are drawing, computer research and walking.>Computer researchOh Seb....
Some new works, hot out of Seb’s rectum.
>>15018>Pic3Someone please, something horrible is coming, i can feel it in my bones
>>15018Anyone notice how on the second pic, he appears to have drawings mounted on his walls with placards under them. Reminds me a lot of Chris-chan's wall of originals. Also why does he have towels hanging from his wall?
Also I see again he has the bearded Rainbow Dash in his art. I wonder if it would be possible to get RE to draw art for us instead? I think Arayanne would look good in her style and more importantly, piss Seb off massively that she drew art of those that criticize him
Derpi needs a thermonuclear detonation. has posted a sponge bob shop on his DA in which he complains about getting trolled by MLPOL. He even went as far as to post working links to both of his cow threads.
I'm on the phone. Feel free to cap and archive it.
>>15024>deviantart>If you want to see all the comments that Anonymous treats me most of the time every day, go to these two links:Well, it matches the victim mentality. He is looking for pity and consolation. Pathetic.
>>15025Well, shit. Good job of capping it quick, the page already 404’d.
>> seems to work fine on my phone, but in the future it may be best to wait until we can get a snapshot of the page to post about it here. This is new for Seb, tracing over his own footprints.
>>15026Was about to comment on its removal. Hope he won't get rid of the dA page yet though since mods over there tend to throw a shitfit like the derpi mods do when someone says some autistic spaz has traced art
From one shitty drawfag to another shitty drawfag;
Seb, shallow your pride. You suck man, big time, somehow you manage to be even worse than a 10 years old drawing, its time to drop the "proud" act and accept your drawings are shit. You cant even into basic anatomy, you're not even trying
You'll go down in history as the lazy autist that never learnt to draw, and its all your fault. All it takes to learn is some time and effort, i know its hard sometimes, but its better than accepting this shit as your magnum opus.
You can delete my comment, but you can not delete YOURE FAILURE!!!
>>15022To be fair, I was making fun of them
>>15035>he draws himself slim and with chad attitude.Surreal.
>>15037id argue this is one of the last waning strings that have Seb attached to reality, that even a mentally retarded genetic dead end like him recognizes the superiority of healthy male body.
>>15041>psychologySpot on.
Another version of Seb’s ‘incroyable’
>>15044dont forget to post the other one
>>15046>>15046I can't belI've he actually made and uploaded this himself. Once again this is mere self actualisation bait and seb imediatEly went back to his apologist rhetoric defending his kusoge style when people in the comments were Im potently Tring to polish turds. All because some other Downie in school complimented him once on his drawings, probably out of pit yet. SeB is proof that pity is wasted on some people. And even worse, makes them arrogant and caustic.
>>15048>SeB is proof that pity is wasted on some people. And even worse, makes them arrogant and caustic.>arrogant and causticThis.
Seb really thinks nopony can reach him, but he's mistaken.
>>15046>>15048 archive: (God I love late-night archiving, no wait times for once.)
It's fucking hilarious, even though it's mostly the same shit he's said before. The bit about the cake is priceless, how the fuck could someone have never heard of kek?
It seems like he deleted the "PonySeb is a retard" one and only left the "PonySeb is best pony" one. I don't know if this'll hurt or help his reputation. On one hand, he doesn't have a huge piece of troll food sitting on his artist tag. On the other, he now only has the "PonySeb is best pony" one, which reeks of narcissism.
Good job, Anon, for the quick archival. Even if the image is spoilered, some of the comments remain. Minus would be proud of you for saving those rants from certain deletion.
he went onto facebook to bitch to his hivemind of retards
>>15057>I love my style and nothing is going to change in my life as a professional cartoonist.>as a professional cartoonist>professional
so I looked at my derpibooru and i realized that the mods changed my personal title to "PonySeb's #1 Fan!" after my ban
is derpobooru run by children?
>>15060Dear lord, please link this or I won't believe it.
>>15061is there like a way to see the history of your personal titles on derpibooru?
>>15062I don't think so, it's a shittily made site. I wonder why they didn't change mine, maybe it was a different fag. I'll take your word for it though since I've seen your profile before and I recall it being something completely different.
>>15060>>15062How long was the ban for?
>>15066His hand is so fucked up. The longer you look at it the worse it gets.
>>15067I have been staring at it for two hours now, the horrors hidden within this picture were previously unknown by my brian, no, my imagination.
I shall endure, the thirst of my curiosity is greater than my concern for my decaying sanity. I shall get to the end of this, i cannot accept that truly, the longer you state at this picture, the worse it becomes.
>>15050There was another comment by Seb (which sadly was posted after the archive snapshot) where he continues bitching about his style and why he's proud of it and bla bla.
The best part is when he says that he doesn't like Hasbro's style (for reference, all main MLP episodes are animated in this style) because the pony snouts are too low. He calls Hasbro's style "crooked and ugly" and says his style, with the mouth higher up and slightly off to the side, "adds value for [himself] and everyone."
Dude, make your own anatomy accurate before you go around complaining about other peoples'. Also, you criticize others' styles but don't allow others to criticize your own?
Hypocrisy much?
Also, "kek" isn't very popular in Derpibooru. I don't blame him for not knowing, but to think we mean "cake?"
Was doing a test of an earlier and I used Seb's profile as a control. Only now do I realize he updated it again.
Heading to bed soon, but here are some recent derpi pages I thought neccesary to archive. After Seb's retard page deletion, I think it's safe to assume that it's a good idea to back a bunch of them up for future Anons' viewing pleasure. (Page 1 of comments) (Page 2 of comments) (Page 1 of comments) (Page 2 of comments)
oh it seems like there is a civil war happening in the sebverse
>>15074>attention whore>dramaHe's secretly enjoying it.
>>15075At this point, I think one could leave out the 'secretly' bit
Mlpol has unironically given Seb a reason to get out of bed in the morning
>>15076>Mlpol has unironically given Seb a reason to get out of bed in the morning
does this faggot think that he just turned off pictures on mlpol?
>>15078He's obsessed with the question mark.
>>15078>Ah, I feel so good to take revengeSeb is full of hatred, I'm scared.
>>15078Why does he declare his name like it's pickle rick?
>>15078This is approaching dangerous levels of retard, proceed with caution.
>>15078No, Sebastian, don't take your anger out on MLPOL images! Get back! Get back! Mister Seb NoOoOoO!!!
>>15078That explains why I can't see images anymore! He deleted them all!!
>>15078I cant fucking believe seb turned off images on an image board what the fuck are we going to do now
>>15088>what the fuck are we going to do nowChecked.
We're fucked.
>>15078>the images that Anonymous stealsReally? If anything, Seb's the one stealing art.
(He seems to talk about tracing later in the comment, but I can't decode that darn Engrish.)
>>15078God no! Hackerman Seb has done it again!
>>15088It is my professional opinion that now is the time to PANIC!
>>15088Seb please have mercy on us, we are but humble shitposters. If we don’t have images then we don’t have a purpose in life
>>15096What if we post images of images that are already closed and therefore deleted?
That way, he can't do anything to change our posts!
He may be an outsmarter, but I have outsmarted his outsmarting!
>>15097Haha, yes! It works!
What are you going to do now, Sebastard Losersque?!
Sebs getting the 5 dollar footlong
>>15107If we're lucky, soon Seb will catch AIDS and hepatitis. A rightful and Godsend reward for his satanism.
>>15107I don't have words, so let me express myself by singing you the song of my people
>>15111>>15112Gosh, it's like these fuckers can't understand comedy
Protip: They actually can't
I want to die after seeing this
Seb ponifies facebook emotes.
>>15118>emotes>top creativityI can't take it any longer.
new ponyseb design, what do you rating?
>>151210/10, makes my eyes bleed even more than the last one.
>>15122Lol, this can't be real.
>>15124In some countries that shit might be illegal. To report it one needs a facekike account. Also he already changed it to something different but didn't remove it
>>15126I see he's still working at that software company, kek.
Friend of mine drew this.
Seb will be trying online dating on the 15th, and it seems as if similarly to cwc that he wants a daughter
>>15133my mistake I think the word daughter was added by the translation
>>15134>I think the word daughter was added by the translation>daughterHe's a homosexual and pedophile.
I wonder if the police is aware of what he is doing.
>>15135Perhaps not, but we could make them aware.
>>15133Wait why is the fucking mouse backwards
>>15137Because he's a legitimate fucking retard who can't into computers in any aspect despite spending most of his days in front of one.
>>15138Pretty sure he spends most of his time in front of his tablet he draws on. I think he might even have no computer at home, which would explain that mouse(but not why he drew a computer)
Poor Aussie Seb. Waiting for a girl to call him on his green 90s style cordless telephone.
Oh wait that's supposed to be his leg
>>15149I lost it, thank you Anon.
>>15133>>15134>>15135Not saying he isn't also a pedophile, but if that text was translated from French it probably is a translation error. The French word "fille" can translate as "girl" or "daughter" depending on context.
just realised nobody posted sebs blacked meme
>>15156I think I have a pretty good idea of what Seb's Valentines day is gonna be looking like:
So I guess sebs stealing now, I have no idea what hes stealing, but hes stealing
>>15162He's bragging about stealing now on an account that shows where he lives and works. Kek. If Seb ends up as a criminal pedophile who steals stuff to survive, the first thing I'm going to do is submit him to The World's Dumbest Criminals.
>>15165Luckily I snagged a screencap 2 minutes before he deleted the post
Seb is going to jail.
there is a lot of art on his DA that isn't posted on his facebook nor derpi
his DA in case it hasnt already been posted:
>>15194>Aussie Seb fumbles about in a shit Fluttershy voice but can't voice act for shit>Thinks Fluttershy would ever be into him>Just plays a clip from a decent song and pretends it's her voice because he can't carry a tune to save his lifeThanks for digging up his channel though, somebody ought to archive all of these all RIGHT FUCKING NOW. The tool that I used to grab them only got the first 25 or so, and I can't find a good alternative.
seb traces some more and no one is surprised
>>15197He could at least have the dignity to trace something decent.
>>15177>>15200It's impossible for him to hide it now!
>>15204>stolen nameDoes it matter?
Sébastien Lévesque soon will be under criminal investigation and luckily in jail.
>>15204who stole pony sebs name?
>>15207Anons, we're really dealing with an individual possessing an IQ in the range of 65-70.
>>15207He removed me on facebook after he saw I had an anonfilly profile picture. Oh well, having myself working for the RPC Authority as the "Summer Calendar Fluffer" probably wasn't that good of an idea either. Did he post my drawing on facebook, or was it just relevant considering his ass is currently grass?
>>15208It's astounding, isn't it?
>>15209I just thought anon filly in jail was a nice fit since hes reported us to the police
>>15210The infamous autism-racist hacker/stalker Anon(ymous AND/OR filly) strikes again!
Seeing my old shitty draw posted kind of warmed my heart though, thank you Anon.
Fittingly, Seb is featured in the new shitbooru collab.
>>15207>traced artThe pic have just been posted at
>>>/mlpol/259809 →It's another proof that Seb is a thief and a fraud.
>>15215He quite literally didn't even try, flying unicorn lmao.
>>15207>nice and kind>Fuck uEh?
>I have to commit a crime like stealingYou just bragged about stealing. Okay, you were stealing candy, but still...
>You don't even know my addressWe know where you work. The police can track you down from there.
>>15220>We know where you work. The police can track you down from there.Anons on the ground are looking along Rte. 125 (Montée Masson).
>>15212>>15213OH NO NO NO NO
>>15223Huh? What does that have to do with Seb?
>>15213 again and figure it out.
>>15225the only thing I see is that it has a drawing from rainboweevee in it
>>15223I think it's to do with that it looks like Seb's is a trace of that brown pony. If I remember, RainbowEevee drew Seb's for him, but I could be wrong though
And besides, it would be too good of a trace for Web, since he's terrible at it
aussie seb made this and it haunts my dreams
holy fucking shit seb made this himself
>>15236>seb made this himselfImpossible, his skills are crap and he only produces new drawings when he traces other people's work.
Basically, he's a thief and a fraud.
>>15236Damn, took him long enough. Still, worth the fucking wait. Holy shit that's some big autism.
>His penis is so big it looks like an Italian sausage>Anon is also single, but you can see him a lot on derpibooru that he makes love to his poniesAre these supposed to be insults? I guess Seb is just coping since he has a deformed micropenis and will never put it in a woman unless she pities him.
>He loves Filly Anon and beer.Damn right.
>I know it seems weird to see Filly Anon drunk on beer.Does he even know what anonfilly as a concept is, or does he just look at the images posted of her on derpibooru and think that she's a normal filly? I fucking swear looking at anything this fag makes is like looking through the reality barrier.
>>15238>Impossible, his skills are crap and he only produces new drawings when he traces other people's work.I agree with you that he couldn't have created something original that looks this decent, but it's looking like he traced
>>14730. Everything else indicating it's a Seb original™ is there, the horrible jpeg quality, the compression, same font and awful borders, even the broken google translated english is spot on.
>>15236 head off to work boys, can you all start archiving it if any funny shit goes down in the comments? tagged his own image with "anatomically incorrect" and "incorrect leg anatomy". Could this be the beginning of something?
>>15242>>15236>Bully him long enough for him to actually improve his artAnd the plot turns just right
/mlpol/ lolcow improvement center when?
>>15236I'm liking our new portrayal as chad.
Apparently Seb isn't content with just ten mares.
>>15247Pretty sure by Seb's face that that's traced from futurama porn. I could be wrong tho
>>15249No sauce, just mental image analysis and comparison. His face and mane are a dead giveaway
>>15245oh my god! boomerang beauty, Purple magic and Alexandra Cloudy are DEAD! how could this happen! Clearly Seb is at fault here for not protecting his girlfriends! Seb is a monster! I am in shock!
>>15253Seb is abusing his crappy OC's!
I have the evidence to prove he is lying!
>>15256That monster! Somebody save the OCs!
>>15256>As soon as they die, they come back.>They come back so i can fuck them>They come back so they can continue to serve me, their creator>That is their only purpose, to dance for me, for the rest of eternityThat's dark
>>15256>>15258Seb is a psychopath.
>>15258Bit too skinny to be Seb, but excellent job nonetheless. Let's show him that we can trace shitpost better than he'll ever be able to.
>>15261Celestia help us.
Is Seb trying to taunt us?
Its really not a secret
>>15261>>15262Ah I see what he's doing. He's attempting psychological transference of everything about himself that's undesirable (which is, well, everything) onto the anon persona because well, otherwise he'd have to recognize objective reality wherein he's the disgustingly fat fuck with a penchant for McDonalds (and other disreputable 'food', as well as behaviors, hygene, disposition, etc.).
In his head, he's giving us a taste of our own medicine.
I suppose congratulations are in order, that takes an extreme level of self-imposed narcissism and pathological denial to pull off. I am impressed by the amount of veiled self-loathing that he is fostering to manage such a feat.
Oh well. I guess I'll go back to running my own business, exercising, and cooking my own minimally-to-un-processed food and enjoying the benefits of health and an observably conducive lifestyle where I don't have to invent ponies who like me to manage some twisted semblance of self-esteem. It must be horrible being so abysmally undesirable by every conceivable metric that one's only respite is a complete psychological break from reality.
>>15264Wait, what? What was deleted?
>>15266*clap clap*
Top tier comment. Now the question is, can Seb understand that? With his sorta awful English, probably not. I'll simplify these comments for him if he is watching us...
You not like yourself, so you force everything bad about yourself onto us. You go "Anon bad, me good" and that is only thing that gives meaning to your life. You not actually confident and you hate self, because your life so meaningless and depressing and your traits so undesirable.
Some of us anons actually feel sorry.
>>15271Fair. I'll summarize.
Seb lie to self. Seb know he is disgusting. Everyone know Seb is disgusting. Seb pretend everyone else is disgusting to help pretend he isn't. Only sad ppl do this. He should get healthy, he wouldn't be so disgusting then. Instead of get healthy, he mad at people who are healthy, cuz that's easier.
Seb a very sad man. Anon knows, and if honest, Seb knows.
(This) bad anon go back to living stable and productive life. Will let Seb live his life, hoping he stop being sad, disgusting, unproductive man. Maybe someday Seb not be disgusting. Anon hopes good things for Seb. Plz stop being disgusting.
>>15261>"Come on, eat, you fat fuck, I love to see you get fat and die of diabetes. I love taking my revenge on you!""Is this really healthy?"
>The small green unicorn adjusts her thick-rimmed glasses.>"Heavens no, but it's the only way we could get him to shut up and stop going outside. Last week he tried to fuck Big Mac in the ass and well...">She gestures to the thick cast on Seb's massive, bulging left leg."So, he just jacks into that machine and it lets him do whatever he wants to without any consequences?"
>She shifts on her small legs uncomfortably.>"Well, yes. We've been trying to project rehabilitative simulations onto subjects, but the mind is difficult to influence in such complex ways. All we can do is keep him from hurting himself or others.""I know this is a bit of an odd request, but can I draw on him?"
>The green filly giggles."Sure, go right ahead. Not like he has any friends to visit him, and he can't feel a damn thing."
>You get to work on your masterpiece phallus, right below Seb's unwashed belly button...
Well, looks like he deleted his whole db gallery and added himself to dnp list
>>15276does he really think that will stop us
>>15276He oughta know, the internet is not his friend. We'll see what he does on his faceberg tho
>>15278That bloody dwemer seb, top kek
>>15276I wished I had archived all of his derpibooru shit, but oh well. We have enough of his images archived here to do whatever we need to.
>>15282I think we posted nearly all of his newer picks, only the older stuff from derpi is gone
FFS Seb she is a fucking kid!
>>15292>that expression on her faceeven in his fantasies he makes kids uncomfortable.
>>15296He's in an abusive relationship with creativity. Any opportunity for creativity and skill to improve, is beat down, and molested for daring to raise above the trash. His 'muse' is looking for anyway out.
It's a sad state of affairs.
>>15296It's the same expression CWC gives girls in his fantasy drawings
Sebs new character philippe, the king of gays
>>15317All hail Philippe!
"Sorry Seb, I only allow straight people and faggots in my bar. Bi-niggers like you need to get the fuck out."
"You're still here? Do I need one of my guards to teach you a lesson?"
"Give me big talk all you want fatty, lard doesn't stop bullets."
"Chico, dump it in the meat-grinder and then flush it out with the Sodium Hydroxide solution. There'll be a present with this weeks paycheck if you can get it done before closing."
I have no idea whats going on with the leg
The more you look at it, the worse it becomes
>>15240I hope I get that promotion.
>>15327What site did you use?
Also obligatory request for a shirt like this to be added to the mlpol store for any lurking mods
>>15328Just a random custom shirt print store, I can only imagine the look on their faces when they had to print this shit
>>15326I get that because he's Seb, he refuses to draw any actual muzzle or snout. But does Garfield's nose have to dig into his eye?
>>15326Seb's style is devolving by the week.
>>15337>Favorite Artists: ABBA Abba is cheesy and good. But favorite artist? That faggot has to be a full tranny to fav it.
>>15326sebs annoyed by the Garfield criticism, claims to ignore mlpol, and I dont know what the maylin person's on about but I advise for the sake of sanity not looking at their facebook page
>>15341I mean, it's not shit, but its still far from good.
If anything, there is some improvement, not enough to actually praise him.
>>15341>sebs annoyed by the Garfield criticism>annoyedWhat a fresh fake artist. Seb is a phony.
His art is shit and of the most offensive kind.
>>15337I can only assume that upon seeing that didgeree has a furaffinity that seb in a monkey see monkey do mentality made his own
>>15344>>homosexual>Favorite Quote>Creativity is our power!The only creativity Seb has is to steal art to trace it. What a shameless phony.
>>15344That fucking pony looks so dirty with that beard its so fucking bad holy shit
>>15341>The sentence that "Moronymous" said about the image of Garfield and his friends in my style of artist "The more you look at it, the worse it becomes" is getting more and more annoying to meFucking kek. If it's so goddamn annoying then Seb, (because I know you're still reading :^). ) why the hell don't you work on improving? People will only continue to criticize your art until you actually improve, and even the greatest artists are not above criticism. What you're being is a narcissistic asshole. Many people with autism are very skilled at art, and by denying every word of people who are trying to help you you'll never be more than a meme or a pitiable fool of an artist.
Profile Archive: 1: Profile image
Pic 2: Shitty redraw into humans
There's some shit that can't be unseen in that profile section. Apparently Boomerang Beauty, Didgeree and Seb are all
siblings. Even though Seb is fucking Purple Magic right now, we all know that there was a period in time when he had his dick in his sister's asshole. He also says that his human oc, Mr. S, is in love with a teenage girl.
>>15352Is it sad that I would have rather seb go to a CalArts school than do these drawings? At least then it would just be sickeningly bland, rather than sickeningly awful.
>everything>Some things can't be unseen, but at least I have a tangible measure of what makes art this bad.
>>15352The problem is, he takes every effort to minimize their most expressive characteristics, being their mouths and eyes. If he had more technical skill, it wouldn't be a (or not as much of a) problem, but his 'art' skill is
barely newspaper cartoon tier, which doesn't translate well (or at all) to ponies, and moreover attempting to do so ruins any associative benefit.
Anyone for some Pino?
Ponies in name only
>>15355>newspaper cartoon tierNah, there
were some talented newspaper cartoonists. Don't disgrace the works of Bill Watterson, Gary Larson and the like by comparing Seb to them.
>>15356Fuck off you contrarian asshole, you know what I meant, but I'll spell it out anyway. Calvin and Hobbes, the Far Side, et al were newspaper cartoons yes, but they weren't newspaper-cartoon-
tier (as evidenced by their reputations and influence) anymore than the Beatles were "musicians".
>>15357I know what you meant, but just fucking say deviantart-tier or some shit. You'll be right 9/10 times there instead of only five or so.
>>15358>I know what you meant, I just wanted to be a doucheCopy that. For future reference, would you rank Waterson, Larson, et al. as being comparable to other cartoonists, such as Marmaduke and Family Circle? Cuz if you do
KYS I understand your confusion. Otherwise, try not to be such a cunt when you know what the expressed intent and meaning is, simply because you're on the internet and have the opportunity to try for some (you)s
New piece of Seb art from RainbowEevee.
>>15360And apparently criticism for inane shit is completely okay when Seb dishes it out, but we can't talk about glaring issues.
>>15361>he's supposed to look this way in your style and this way in mineI can't explain it but the sheer fucking arrogance, control-freak cuntery of this sentence pisses me off. Fuck whatever I said about him "Just being some dumb prick", this is the most annoying prick of all time and I hope he gets triple AIDS.
>>15360Doesn't she draw piss art on
>>15362She's also a teenage girl, apparently. A girl with more talent than Seb is being corrupted by him and that's probably the most vile aspect of all this.
>>15362>Doesn't she draw piss art on
>>15371I also send the comic to ponyvideomaker just to see what autism may happen
>>15372I doubt it, but with a bit of luck fireworks will start.
>>15371Dude. There's some actual hate on here, but Ponyvideomaker only gave you constructive criticism. (I think so, the comment is hard to read with Seb's absurd res)
Also, watch out Seb, you're stooping to the level of a bad Vyonder.
>>15374here's the comment that PVM made
>>15375Oh riiight. It's a whole different story then. But still, Seb, don't stoop to making killing art
>>15371>To be continuedInb4 Dan informs Vinyl and ponyvideomaker and they kill Seb first
>>15371Damn, it took Chris-chan fucking years to get to wanting to kill his detractors. Only ten months into this shit and Seb is going strong.
Has anybody drawn human Seb in his own shitty style?
sebs been posting a lot of fat art recently
>>15388With a bit of luck and holy punishment, this blasphemous degenerate will catch coronavirus and die.
Hey, does that one fatfag Anon know which image he traced for that first one?
>>15388that first one is actually someone who traced one of his pictures which were probably already a trace
>>15388Look, Seb's making an imaginary family because he wants one but will never have one! After all, who wants a smelly, unemployed fast food slave for a husband?
One of the most perverted things in this collection is a bit subtle. Seb has drawn himself making out and doing naughty stuff with Boomerang. Now, they're apparently siblings. I think he did sex with Purple too, who is his mother(?), making him a literal motherf...
>>15393>>15394You sound surprised, as though Seb's multitude of degeneracy isn't well documented thus far.
As for the mother, it says 'soon' so for sake of avoiding an aneurysm it seems that perhaps is derived of marriage somehow?
But lets face it, the truth is probably far worse.
>>15395I'm surprised because this is another level. At first I thought the Boomerang Beauty fucking whilst her being his sister could have been unintentional, but now it seems like it was all very intentional.
The plot thickens:
Seb manages to ditch his Purple Magic to someone's OC, and then ditch said OC to another OC, and all of this in matter of 10 hours
>>15398Are these characters made by others and played by other people, or is getting passed around like a blunt one of his fantasies?
I've only ever seen one faggot write a "I survive being dumped and get a new girlfriend who treats me better than the old one" fantasy. It's a "I upgrade my GF" fantasy except the hero can't be blamed for it.
You'd think it would be more popular but most faggots pick 1+ girl(s) and imagine a perpetual happy life with them.
Any good shit being posted on his facebook as of late, or has the virus had him busy with "more important" sperging?
>>15413Because of the virus hoax, Seb's time as a McDonald's worker is over for now. Surely he's holed up masturbating to homo porn.
>>15413Some new shit from his DA
>>15416>narcissistic appropriation of images well outside the intended scope>"Idk why ppl are buttmad cuz we're autissms!"This, for anyone still laboring under the dillusion that Seb will see any semblance of reason
>>15416senor brony seems to be bashing seb pretty hard right now, does anybody here speak spanish?
>>15422>does anybody here speak spanish?Don't even bother to translate them.
When you need so much text to meme… the meme is defective.
>>15422Google sure does, try it
>>15426google translates a little fucked but heres what it says
1: Alguin said pregnant fillies, mmmmm pregnant ponds that I am not a mental patient because they take me from the psychiatric hospital now I can already I will be able to see pregnant ponds
2: I am a fetish who likes to fuck blacks and get pregnant ponies
3: page that reminds you that javier is virgin the resurrection of tronchatoro
4: They used to bowling at me at school, women are afraid of my rare tastes of pregnant ponies, but if they tell me that this is wrong, I get angry even though it is true, hear friends where they are going because they are running away from me.
>>15427Might want to double-check spelling. I stopped at the first word when I saw there was no E in it
Seb updated his DA about page to include the bit about him recycling drink cups from garbage cans. I'm not quite sure why he would update it in the midst of a public health crisis when he could potentially kill his parents if he contracted the coronavirus, his gluttony knows no bounds.
>>15416Holy shit this one is prime for edits
>>15429He's a dangerous biohazard and a mandatory containment might be needed.
The police department must know about Seb' spreading coronavirus.
Garden variety degeneracy
>>15433>pic 3>Ha! I'll smear shit on the goddamn wall! Beat that!
>>15431>Mr.S and PonySeb 2.0 are tired of being in misery with this virus that is spreading around the world and we can't wait for the new law!I'm sorry sir, but you must be mistaken. Seb truly cares deeply about those affected by the coronavirus
>>15436Deodorant is Seb repellent.
>>15437Can somebody send this guy a link to our thread?
>>15439No need. He check us very often.
>>15441Killing his OC can trigger an emotional meltdown.
>>15446I'm thinking if Seb is trying to imitate the Great and Powerful Trixie.
>>15447Okay, now he's threatening to kill his critics. Isn't it illegal?
>>15447All the other kids with their pumped-up kicks…>I'm very serious about what I draw, so from now on, on DeviantArt, I only draw my fetish and everything that's going on behind my head, because, on my Facebook account, there are two Spanish dank memes pages that disagree with my TSA and my fetish side too!That's CWC levels of internet awareness. Seb, you doxxed yourself so many times that only lazy will not found your accounts
>>15453>Fat RougeOkay now he's going too far
>>15453Once you pass a certain horizon of autism there is no return.
>>15454He went too far months ago.
>>15459what did he do a month ago?>She feels confused because she has a belly like no other, because of the way she looks, which I draw in my style. She wonders if she is overweight, fat or probably has a weight problem. Hmmm!Seb is getting more and more paranoid about his shitty style. Since he won't change it, I'm predicting a full psychotic break of some sort soon.
>he has a Language Disorder Syndrome because, he's always yelling at me with big wordsYeah, it's called not being a low-IQ brainlet and knowing how to look up words you don't know the definitions of.
>>15475>my crappy styleD-did Seb just call his own style crappy? Is this the start of something?
>he has a Language Disorder Syndrome because, he's always yelling at me with big wordsIncredible. It conveys the impression that we truly do see a compulsion to facilitate the lesser one's recognition of our motives and connotations.
Easy version: this proves we need to dumb things down for you, Seb.
>he's a guy that doesn't even exist on earthSo just because we're not real to you means that we're not real, period? That's a whole new level of narcissism, even bordering on solipsism!
(If you don't know what solipsism is, Seb, then go Google it like the rest of the anons on here. I don't care to explain.)
>>15475>but I can't trust him because he's a guy that doesn't even exist on earthAnons are very real Seb.
Give them time, they'll find you.
>>15475Anons are your friends Seb.
I just found out one of sebs friends claims to have killed themselves because nobody was talking to him on facebook messenger and seb believes it
>>15480>and seb believes itThis degenerate is toxic. It's Seb's fault.
>>15480I guess hes the antichrist now
>>15485That's blasphemy.
He'll regret it, the holy curse is upon him.
Seb continues a trend of wanting to fuck corporate entities. this shit hurts my brain:
>This short sleeve shirt will represent me so well because "fat and happy" means "I'm overweight and I'm proud of it" while "and belly fetish too" is my favorite thing when I draw from it.SEB YOUR OBESITY IS NOT A SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF
>>15492Nice edit, but can you make the briefs sticking out dirty, crapped ones?
>>15493Not now, this is may be my third edit and I'm learning how to use this very basic software. When I have more time I will experiment with a program more powerful.
>>15490To Be Fair, i Would Wreck Wendys-Chan. Fuck seb though,hes a Nigger.
>>15492reminder that hes always watching
>>15497I make every post knowing that he'll see it. It brings pride to me to know that I'm assfucking his fragile semblance of pride with every word. Seb, you are most certainly better represented by the image on the right.
>>15500>Seb, you are most certainly better represented by the image on the right.This!
>>15497Seb, you cannot deny you are the one on the right, in fact it doesn't even look as bad as you really are
Also fucking kek that Seb just put "fat nigger Seb" on his Facebook page, how long before his account gets a ban or warning
>>15497Seb, remember that if your shirt says "fat and happy," you actually have to look fat or it means nothing. As for the skin problems, that's what you get for living on oily trash McDonald's food.
So the one to the right represents you better.
>>15492He uploaded it to his DA too, lmao. ( sickens me to know that Seb would take Anon's hard work and upload it to his deviantart, but Seb is nothing if he isn't an art thief.
>>15505Someponer with an account might report this immediately for hate speech.
Seb is going to be banned.
>>15506Report has been filed. I don't know DA's policy, but if you want to save some lulz from oblivion now would be a good time to start downloading and archiving.
>>15507The name has been changed.
Seb you Fat Fuck,Change the name back to Fat Nigger Seb
>>15512>know that Seb lurks here regularly>point out that he's going to be banned if the name sticks>surprised pikachu faceProbably wasn't the wisest course of action. Even a tard understands an explicit threat.
>>15513Guy who reported it here, I was just hoping it would be late enough that it would be too late by the time the beast awoke.
>>15513Poner who had the idea here.
I could be more subtle. I screwed up.
Seb, I know it might shock you, but half your problems can be solved by taking a shower and washing your clothes
>>15513There's a decent chance of something happening if someone reports it along with the archived page:
it looks like we're about to hit the bump limit again, if someone whos better at writing than me wants to make a new thread it would be greatly appreciated
>>15530>we're about to hit the bump limit againYeah.
>>15530>>15531I did the OP for the last two, but I need to go to work in about twenty minutes. Once I get back I can do a writeup for the next one if you all are okay with waiting that long.
Seb i just want you to know that you are a Faggot,that is all.