Leftoid physiognomy thread?
Leftoid physiognomy thread
they all look like the bottom row and they always have anime profile pictures because they're filthy degenerates that are addicted to jewish hentai.
Pic 1 is a pedo
Pic 2 killed her boyfriend with a sword and harvested his body parts on meth
Pic 3 is a murderer
Pic 4 I forget
Pic 5 was generated by an AI who knows what Orcs are
>>354627>Pic 4 I forgetdas my nigga coolio
>>354642I didnt recognize him. I should organize my art references folder better and rename the files to indicate who they are.
>>354680Finally, some excellently hideous face pics!
>our leader Richard SpencerHe was on CNN. He's an industry plant.
>>354680>Spencer>Our leaderCommit toaster bath.
>>354680>Dick 'SpencerNo one likes that lush faggot. Next there'll be memes touting Nick "Faggot" Fuentes as some sort of leader. Lol. Lmao, even.
>>354682I know, I just save stuff and don't edit it.
>>354726Alright. Do you have any more dysgenic ugly motherfuckers?
Not so much antifa, don't think I have many left.
>>354955First pic is fake and has been floating around for over a decade with different backgrounds. Second pic also looks fake.
These are some really ugly motherfuckers.
>>354955>>354967>First pic is fake and has been floating around for over a decade with different backgrounds. Second pic also looks fake.True, but second pic is still funny. Also, I miss Carl the Cuck, he was a fun meme.
>>355622Someone out there has probably waifu'd George Floyd. Magical times.
>>355624The entire left basically waifud him. In the way that a Rhea or Edelgard simp would deny she ever did anything wrong, the leftist pedophiles (but I repeat myself, all leftists serve pedophiles) simp for George Floyd and slander facts about him as "conservative propaganda".
Bring up the time he held a pregnant woman at gunpoint? They don't care.
Mention facts about the case, like the fentanyl induced heart attack, how he would have gotten away with shoplifting bananas if he hadn't tried to use counterfiet money, how the cops did nothing wrong and didn't choke him to death, and how mobs of niggers scared the medical professionals into saying "I'm not trying to recussitate him here, let's take him to the hospital" only for him to die on the way there? Leftists just don't care. They don't argue to discuss facts or perspectives, they shout to shout others down.
>I was only 29 years old.
>I loved George Floyd so much, I had all the #BLM merchandise and Marvel movies.
>I pray to George Floyd every night, thanking him for the life I’ve been given. “George Floyd is love” I say, “George Floyd is life."
>My dad hears me and calls me a race traitor. I knew he was just jealous of my devotion to George Floyd.
>I called him a racist.
>He hits me and sends me to sleep.
>I'm crying now and my face hurts.
>I lay in bed, really cold. I feel something warm...
>It's George Floyd! I was so happy.
>He whispers in my ear "Black lives matter."
>He grabs me with his ogre hands, and puts me on my hands and knees. I'm ready.
>I spread my ass cheeks for George Floyd.
>He penetrates my butthole.
>It hurts so much, but I do it for George Floyd. I can feel my butt tearing and eyes watering.
>I want to please George Floyd.
>He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his oxygen.
>My dad walks in.
>George Floyd looks him straight in the eye and says,
>"I can't breathe"
>George Floyd leaves through my window.
>George Floyd is love. George Floyd is life.
presenting the almost governor of georgia
>>355647Wow, Don King is really moving up in the world.
>>355648that thing almost got into the governor's mansion.
can you imagine trying to get the nigger smell out of all those high ceilinged rooms?
Found a great resource for redpills and ugly nigger pics
There are a lot of ugly niggers and sandniggers in newspapers when their faces are published for being in child raping and child grooming gangs.
Some fat dude from Thailand.
Ugly fucking niggers and ugly fucking kikes.
Ugly faggot.
More like DysGENic.
>>355917That guy looks like he was pretty gender-ambiguous even before he started calling himself a tranny.
>>355917>filthy shit hole of a home>paint peeling off grungy wall>pedo glasses, dirty teeth, horrible acne, looks like an ogreAverage /ptfg/ poster.
Bruh, look at this dude. Wait till you see the f- oh no no no no oh ho ho OoOoOoO- HA HA HA! LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD! <hysterical laughing> LOOK AT HIS LIPS!
This has to be CGI. Who was this Niglet's dad, Rokket Caliber? Behold, Rokket Negronitros. When special summoned Rokket Coalburner is special summoned from the graveyard and the Blackhand Hurricane Looter that special summoned him is removed from play.
>>355935Dude, I'm on mobile and I literally thought that niglet was a dancing monkey at first glance. Look at his giant fucking peanut head! Is that macrocephaly or something? lol. lmao. Kek, perhaps?
>>355936I've heard of pillheaded niggers but this is ridiculous. It's like a boombox with rounded edges was shoved in there! No matter how hard you inflate a nigger's head with a bicycle pump or trany-esque voodoo binding skull elongation ritual it will never have as much brainpower as a white man!
[spoilers]are we allowed to mock how disabled niggers look here?please let me know if I'm being too offensive.
>>355937>disabled niggersThat's redundant. Also, no one cares if you make fun of deformed niggers.
More ugly motherfuckers for my ugly motherfucker collection
Small brained nigger faggots
If I die and go to hell for not loving the God that put us through this, between sessions of killing demons I will be sure to piss on every veteran who happily fought for the Jew, raped for the jew, and died for the jew.
I thought you were photoshopping that demonic looking bitch with fucked up eyes. She looks like she's done drugs that don't exist and gpt herself possessed by Satan.
Fucking ugly motherfuckers. Disgusting fucking parasites.
Filth. Dysgenic jewish filth.
I feel like I should censor the younger one.
>>356260I've seen this picture all over the internet so it doesn't matter at this point.
>>356268I deleted the file from my PC anyway.
Don't want someone seeing this in my completely disorganized download folders with reference art and getting the wrong idea.
Dumb ugly fucking niggers jews fucking whores
>>356300Genuine Question. Where do you get these kinds of images from?
The oprah image is missing context of who that girl even is. is she someone that even had to work with him? is she a celebrity? was this some star finder thing oprah did?
the robbery could include names of the victim or murder so people can find the article.
Not that i question any of this, but alot of the time these types of images outlast the ability to find information about these topics and it just gets lost. Looking back i have folders of images i cant substantiate and just have an image of a white girl and a black guy and a headline. So now whenever i make one of these images i try to include some details that will be possible to find in a decade or 2.
Im starting to feel like some of these are made intentionally to be "debunked" by association or give people a reason to dismiss it. someone could easily create 2-3 images of fake versions of this, put them next to ones that cannot be (((verified))) and then just dismiss it all by association.
For a while people were putting archive links, but going back to some of them i find the archive URLs in the images dont even resolve anymore. adding name of victim/criminal to it can make the story easy later on.
Might be petty, but i know some people come to places like here to get propaganda to spread elsewhere to normalfags so i always put (minimaul) effort into stuff i create and it used to never occur to me how many of these things i saw get scrubbed and memoryholed.
>>356306Now there's an idea including the html, sources inside the image
As in the data stuff inside. I suppose a bar code boarder would also be an option...
Or something else.
>>356306Consume Product.win
>>356308Could do whatever they did here to make this happen? Would it work on this site?
All leftists are pedophiles and Antifa are the jewish state's secret enforcers. The cops and CIA/FBI and the military are their less-secret enforcers.
>>356470Everyone already knows antifa is the terrorist arm of the democratic party.
>>356470>>356472Whoops, forgot to post the images.
>>356482All those stupid violent "protests"/riots reminds me of the "they minutes hate" scenes in 1984.
>>356485Ironic how Two Minutes Hate targeted some fictional faggot with a Jewish name, when the Jews run that system.
Then again, maybe that was the joke. The author was, after all, very familiar with communism aka Judaism.
Ugly jews want our kids dead
In 2018, woke retards said "Africa won, not France!"
I guess Africa lost this time.
Ugly niggers and ugly leftoids. Don't go vegan. The jews want you vegan. If you go vegan you miss out on countless important things unless you eat unusual plants or worse, pills manufactured by the jews at the cost of our planet. If veganism died tomorrow half the pill industry would die with it.
>>356991Some people go vegan for medical reasons. I have a relative who did that, and their quality of life improved significantly in just a couple weeks because it stopped the inflamation.
>>356993And some people use wheelchairs for medical reasons like "no legs" or "legs don't move on command". Doesn't mean people should take up that lifestyle by choice and treat it like a fashion trend. I know not all vegans are holier-than-thou about it but some are.
>>356993Let's face it, most vegetarians are narcissistic zealots virtue signalling wherever they go.
I fucking swear Jews must have a fetish for ugliness.
>>357009They have several thousand years of inbreeding. All jews who didn't have a fetish for ugliness were exiled and genetically erased long ago.
>holocoaster is mandated readingWhere? Any place that would have this as mandated reading would end up being composed entirely out of "holocaust deniers" in a jiffy.
>>357011I heard the claim that due to a genetic bottleneck 700 years ago, all true "pureblooded" Jews are 30th cousins or worse. 700 years ago was one of the three times they were kicked out of France, and one of the 109 countries they were kicked out of in recent history.
>>357012Still not the most outlandish claim a Jew's ever made.
>>357012They have been inbreeding since they were kicked out of Egypt, four thousand years ago. The "wandering through the desert to kill off people who remembered Egypt" part of Exodus is likely accurate, though, just not to get rid of slaves, but to get rid of anyone who doubted the literally-schizophrenic story about the ten plagues and slavery, thus setting the genetic degradation in stone.
>109Unironically a dogwhistle. The real count is "over a thousand times in the last millenium alone". Kikes keep doing vile shit and being kicked out of literally everywhere they've ever stepped foot in.
>>357062Pretty sure I read about Jews being expelled from a random African tribal village at least once in the past twenty years.
Just imagine.
Somewhere out there in the jungle history forgot, a savage in a bone necklace and loincloth is scratching his dirty ass and even he can understand why Jews need to go.
Does anyone have any more pictures of ugly Antifa members?
Hamid MuhHamid seems like a fake name you'd make up like Goldberg sheckelstein. It's that stereotypical. But the stereotypes are always true.
>>357476And naturally he is under (((police))) custody, not People's custody. And because of that, no execution will be done and The People of England will have no say or agency in the matter.
Literally the same picture
>>357539Yup, too tiny, but I've got the idea.
I thought you would have more antifa mugshots saved.
Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic>They're Not 'Woke.' They're 'Spiteful Mutants.' - (6:41 long)https://odysee.com/@JollyHeretic:d/they're-not-'woke.'-they're-'spiteful:8Not all woke deviants are antifa, but all antifa are woke.
>Antifa Militant Killed After Allegedly Shooting And Wounding State Policeman Just Outside The Police Training Facility Near Atlanta (VIDEO)>A far-left protestor from Stop Cop City ATL, a communist group and possibly Antifa, was killed Wednesday after shooting and wounding a Georgia State Patrol trooper according to the Georgia Department of Public Safety. The incident occurred just outside the “Cop City” police training center near Atlanta.>This is not the first time Antifa militants have caused serious trouble for the police in the Atlanta area. The Gateway Pundit reported back in December that Atlanta police arrested five Antifa members on terrorism charges after the police found bombs, flares, gasoline, and weapons near the training facility.https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/antifa-militant-killed-allegedly-shooting-wounding-state-policeman-just-outside-police-training-facility-near-atlanta-video/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lPkrAsLO6HE
>Tucker Carlson: Antifa Is Back In Force>First, Antifa are the privileged, college educated, downwardly mobile spawn of elite White PMCs who are the ruling faction in the Democratic Party. He noted that one of them who was arrested over the weekend was the son of a Massachusetts congresswoman who is the House Democratic whip. Sen. Tim Kaine’s son was arrested at a Trump rally back in 2017.>Second, they get away with acts of domestic terrorism because of their upper middle class personal backgrounds. They are literally the embodiment of White privilege and entitlement. I will never forget the time that I saw one of them get arrested at a BLM protest in New York City and cry out “my daddy is a lawyer” as he was hauled away by the cops.>Third, Antifa are a fully integrated tentacle of the Democratic Party.https://occidentaldissent.com/2023/01/24/tucker-carlson-antifa-is-back-in-force/https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1617643888273141760https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1617698318355943424https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1617600206052200464https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1617604526202294275https://twitter.com/AntifaWatch2/status/1617040075639898113https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHM-SmffghQ
a man with a fetish dressed as a parody of a w*man
>>357814>>357817>>357843A new nigger thread might be needed.
>>357864What's with the retarded names?
>>357872Blame their parents.
>>357882"Cruella" (Impossible cake-haired lady) is from some stupid movie.
>>357883Cruella DeVille was the bitch from 101 Dalmatians who wanted to skin dogs to make a coat.
>>357882What's the point in displaying their "stage names" but not their real names?
And with this I am temporarily out of ugly faggot pictures.
>>357889It's a meme, you dip.
Had no idea that meme was a jew
Ugly fuckers.
The funniest is the man pretending to be a female stumbling on the ice while all the graceful real women dance literal circles around him.
>>354548Lmao you pathetic incels never fail to make me laugh with your "leftist mugshot" threads.
Face it, most trans women will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad virgins ever will be. You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 14/88
Thank you, brother. I have abandoned my sinful past life of pony posting and racism thanks to the overwhelming friendship I have experienced from the greater ummah.
There is God but Allah and God is great! 👆
based. I like websites that look like they were made in 1998.
>>358155Canadian flag and everything, nice touch.
>>358371Still hate niggers
V for Vendetta by Alan Moore is communist propaganda that tries to paint "Fascist White Britain" as an inherently evil place without understanding anything about fascism or reality.
Seems the only bad thing about that society is that it experiments on its degenerates instead of scrapping them for parts like the defective wetware machinery they are and putting their organs on the market.
Anyone can write fiction where people they don't like beat women. It isn't an argument, it's projection from the commiepedos who import and enable woman-beating child-raping woman-raping child-beating gangs of niggers and sandniggers.
What was up with that scene where V burns a guy's dollies to mindbreak him? That was just fucking bizarre.
Look at these demented fucks. And the prose! To the commie author, seeing a nigger is a novelty. Seeing an expression of kindness between two niggresses is so rare and memorable you'll never forget it if you want to like them. Calling the males "soft spoken"? Ha! I wish rich faggots like this were raped to death by niggers instead of women and children. If dievershitty only harmed jews and their rich white liberal allies instead of the victims of jews and their rich white liberal allies, dievershitty wouldn't be a problem, it would be a solution for jews and their rich white liberal allies! Though a rather disgusting, slow, and inefficient solution. Would be much faster to simply round them up, put them against a wall, make them dig mass graves (perhaps where their road-covered fake graves once were, for extra irony?), and let loose with flamethrowers. Shooting them and dragging them to incinerators would take too long.
>>358506>V for Vendetta by Alan Moore is communist propaganda that tries to paint "Fascist White Britain" as an inherently evil placeI fixed it for ya:
>V for Vendetta by Alan Moore is libertarian propaganda that tries to paint the "Tyrannic British Ruling Class" as an inherently evil parasitical mafia
>>358508Nothing is libertarian about a violent communist running around killing and burning and orchestrating mass deaths "fOr ThE gReAtEr GoOd".
Fuck V for Vendetta and its creator for trying to appropriate anti establishment iconography for his fetishistic loathing for all governments that are not his own and fuck that communist jew from Watchmen and fuck the communist jew who created that too.
Don't develop a fetish for """the beautiful elite""". The truly elite people are the ones with great accomplishments to their name, not people whose only accomplishment is being born with a particular last name. Name rich white men trying to oppose the jews in a way that matters. Kanye fucking West gave up more insulting the jews than any member of the British ruling class I know about.
>>358518Not sure what it's the real fuzz. But you call "elite" is a parasitical clique conspiring to leech everybody else. Just saying.
>>358519Jews are evil. White conspirators aiding and abetting the jews are evil just like the black and asian ones. Arguably more evil as they are betraying their own race by not doing everything in their power to oppose the jews.
>>358506>>358518>>358520Nigel, are you a bot? It would be an interesting twist if you were. All this time, we thought we were all arguing with some autismo britbong, when in actuality we were being unwittingly used to train the world's most autismo AI.
>>358524>when in actuality we were being unwittingly used to train the world's most autismo AI.Irony of ironies.
>>358524Being a bot would be so fucking cool. You never have to spend time eating or shitting.
>>358524>>358525It all makes perfect sense. The thought that Nigel communicates like a bot has crossed my mind before, but seeing that other anons have noticed it has confirmed my suspicions.
Being autistic is pretty much a prerequisite for even knowing /mlpol/ exists, but this just blows the lid off of everything. Surely such absurd autism couldn't exist statically.
>>358526Clearly the reply of a chatbot.
>>358527If I'm a chatbot, then why can I say nigger?
>>358532A bot designed to operate in a chan environment perhaps?
That seb thread is fucking gay and boring. A bot can't have opinions on shite like that. A bot also cannot post weebshit. Speaking of what I post, who here wants to review the FIMfic I wrote recently? It's in the writefag thread. Though in this fic there are are no main protagonists trying to act cool to cover up their crippling depression and loneliness only to seem faggoted because the author was taking inspiration from bad places. Not this time.
>>358540Bot complaints should be addressed at
>>>/qa/ in business time, preferably.
>>358532>>358540You're in a desert, walking along in the sand, when all of a sudden you look down and you see a tortoise crawling towards you. You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs, trying to turn itself over but it can't, not without your help. But you're not helping. Why is that, Nigel?
>>358548Animal cruelty is niggery.
>>358541There is no bot.
Eugenics is necessary. Wipe out every nonhuman subspecies. Only whites are human. I don't see any white aid from the asian communities. They're worthless to us. I've lost patience with them. I can count the asians I've seen saying or doing anything for whites on one hand and still have fingers left over. Kanye fucking West spoke up before some random asian with nothing to lose spoke up. Asians are just bootleg whites. Sick bugmen. They have failed to stop jewish rot from conquering their cities, their women, and their men.
>>358559At this point, there are serious doubts about your character. Is it flesh, or is it bit?
Troons and niggers are still ugly even if you change their skin tone
It is also ok to post jews
>>358637Don't see why it wouldn't. On that note, press S to celebrate this recent reduction of the problem by 1.
>>358660>2nd picyou know, at right of being berated, id say hes right, he IS white, but NOT a goyim, at some point the intra-jewish racial caste system that the white jews have created for themselves must be taken into account, you know?
and i think that their inte5rsectional critical theory can VERY easily be applied onto it, let the jew be attacked by their memetopathogenic golem, you know?
>>358666at risk of being*
>>358660>second pic>fellow White People>>358666>let the jew be attacked by their memetopathogenic golemThe jews know what they are doing. They switch between the "White oppressor" and "jewish persecuted minority" identity without any risk because they control the narrative in the normie's mind through their media, and on the streets through their police attack dogs. This chameleon choreography has gone for a long time and only lately has shown some cracks, but is still solid.
Decided to include a pic of hot white women to offset all the ugly.
>>358727>curly hair>east european funny nameI see. /s
Maybe an AI model could be trained on ugly dysgenic jew faces?
Total nigger death
Total nigger death
The only solution is total nigger death
>>358970>(((Mike Pienovich)))I can't believe that kike is still around.
>>359276I didn't take the picture, I stole it lmao
>>359323>3If were a superior melanin-enriched individual she could cosplay as an emoji.
>SPLC staff lawyer and two foreign nationals among twenty-three Antifa charged with domestic terrorism after ‘Cop-City’ riot>Atlanta, Georgia – Twenty-three members of the left extremist organization known as “Antifa” were arrested and charged with domestic terrorism Sunday night after an hours-long riot erupted in support of the “Stop Cop City” movement. Among those arrested were an employee of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and two foreign nationals.>According to Dekalb County Jail booking records, Thomas Webb Jurgens, a staff lawyer for the anti-White hate group, the SPLC, appears as one of those arrested. Jurgens—alongside 22 others—have been charged with domestic terrorism by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for their alleged role in pillaging the construction site of an 85-acre training complex for the city’s police and fire departmentshttps://justicereport.news/articles/2023/03/07/splc-staff-lawyer-and-two-foreign-nationals-among-twenty-three-antifa-charged-with-domestic-terrorism-after-cop-city-riot/https://odysee.com/@8_Report:4/Antifa-Riot-Footage-3523-(Cop-City)_JR_Watermark:1https://antifawatch.net/
>>359716Just further proof of leftoids running amok while any right wing dissension is violently suppressed by the federal government.
Have you tried posting this stuff in places where it might actually make a difference?
>>359725>posting this stuff in places where it might actually make a difference?This antifa stunt is buzzing on Twatter already, so some normals are going to find out.
Nigger got a slap on the wrist for sucker punching a 12 year old white kid for no reason. Sometimes I wonder why nobody feels like discussing cartoon opinions any more, then I remember what's more important.
>Transsexual daughter of millionaire executive and son of millionaire Italian designer arrested for domestic terrorism during Antifa “Cop City” riot>The violent, leftist-extremist organization known as “Antifa” have long attracted the sons and daughters of America’s most rich and powerful into its black-clad ranks. In January of this year, 22-year-old Francis ‘Frankie’ Carroll, was arrested and charged with domestic terrorism for his role in a riot that took place in the wake of the justified police shooting of fellow Antifa member, Manuel Esteban Paez Teran. Carroll—whose family owns a yacht—is the son of a prestigious surgeon who grew up in a $2 million palace in the 99% White Kennebunkport, Maine.>In December of 2022, a Justice Report investigation revealed that disgraced ex-journalist and Roslindale, Massachusets resident Hilary Sargent, to be the brainchild behind the notorious doxing blog and Twitter account, the “Anonymous Comrade Collective.” Sargent, much like Marsicano, was raised in abject luxury, having been born the blue-blooded daughter of a wealthy clinical psychologist and architectural firm founder. She is loosely related to the renowned English landscape painter, John Singer Sargent, and her brother is George Sargent, the millionaire CEO of the advertising company, Arnold Advertising.https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/03/11/transsexual-daughter-of-millionaire-executive-and-millionaire-son-of-italian-designer-arrested-for-domestic-terrorism-during-antifa-cop-city-riot/
>EMJ Live ep 15: Is the SPLC a Terrorist Organization?>In this episode of EMJ Live, Dr. Jones reviews this past week revelation about the SPLC, they are working in tandem with violent terrorist organizations. Dr. Jones goes in great detail into the history of the SPLC proving that this isn’t a rare and random occurrence, but a internal planned operation for the sake of blackmail and social engineering.https://tv.gab.com/watch?v=640cac5c950cf3b9974bc71fMirrors:
https://twitter.com/SecArmy/status/1634195903190908931The replies give me life
The niggers give me nigger fatigue
>>360016>repliesOh my...
It's not looking good for the globohomo army.
Boomers are the niggers of white people
I wish this news article displayed the ugly stabbed nigger. It's a shame a white man was charged with murder for shooting the nigger who stabbed him. Whites should get cash prizes for killing niggers, especially niggers who commit crimes themselves instead of being given free shit jews stole for them.
>>360103>Boomers are the niggers of white peopleSee
>>360132 →
Ugly nigger woman with facial hair speaking the language of nogs
The European races of America are the slaves to Niggers. Niggers make up 13% of the population, pay 6% of taxes, commit over 50% of all crime, and make up 40% of all welfare recipients. The White man is enslaved by ZOG to serve Niggers. Section 8 housing exosts to house niggers, destroy the value of nearby houses, and make housing unaffordable for the white man. No significant number of nonwhites have the balls to some out and say or do anything in our defense despite everything good the white man did for the planet. The white man is alone and without allies.
>>360560How can anyone tell? Their women are ugly just like their men.
>>360576I hear they Unironically have more testosterone than most Asian men.
>>360579I heard black men have more estrogen than white men, which is why they are so effeminate and overemotional and unstable and aggressive and manipulating and toxic.
This post is really ugly so I included a beautiful white woman
>>356482Violent faggots, and damn that poor girl, makes me think she is demonically possessed.
>>356505Woah, image 4 is some serious and typical projection coming from that rat person.
>>357248It's so sad, we could have probably colonized mars or something, but instead our rat americans spent trillions of dollars on a race of apes who are ungrateful for it, and still hate us to genocidal extremes.
>>359822Death to niggers
>>360812Total nigger death
>>362266all of them should cut their cocks off
>>362620Most masculine and heterosexual pagan.
>>362620>>362621The Vikings literally had written laws where if someone called you gay you had the legal right to kill them. In some cases even something like giving someone unisex clothing could be offensive enough to get you killed
Meanwhile, yeshua bar yoshef, the king of the jews, actually said all the gay hippy shit he actually said
>Exclusive – Identity of leftist extremist arrested for assaulting female Turning Point USA photographer at SUNY Buffalo revealed>Buffalo, New York – A violent, leftist extremist that was arrested and charged for assaulting a female conservative during a Riley Gaines protest at the University of Buffalo last month has been positively identified.>After obtaining official police documents, the Justice Report—alongside research made available by the anti-White hate monitor, The William McKinley Institute (WMKI)—the individual in question was revealed to be a homosexual artist and celebrated high school actress, 22-year-old Katelin G. Capra, of Buffalo, New York.>While the identity of 22-year-old Katelin G. Capra has not been made public until now, the Justice Report was quickly able to uncover that the violent homosexual activist—currently living in an apartment in Buffalo—actually has deep family ties to the city of Oneonta, roughly four hours away. As it turns out, Katelin is the daughter of Ed Capra, owner and operator of several businesses, including a digital-based services company and Oneonta’s famous Wyckoff’s Florist, the oldest local business in Oneonta that’s still standing in its original location, per the website.>While Katelin Capra’s bout with political violence began and—thankfully—ended in the parking lot of SUNY Buffalo without loss of life, her actions tip-toed in the far more sinister footsteps of LGBTQ extremists that came before her. When Audrey Hale, the female-to-male transgender mass shooter, gunned down six innocent people in a Nashville Christian school earlier this year, she did so, leaving behind a political manifesto and a portfolio of artwork slathered in pro-homosexual themes.https://justicereport.news/articles/2023/05/12/exclusive-identity-of-transgender-extremist-arrested-for-assaulting-female-turning-point-usa-photographer-revealed/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAjv5gA73l0
Ugly nigger can't math.
>per 100,000
>per what?
>what measurement is this?
>people per 100,000
>country? U.S. blacks followed by countries?
>yes, you are more violent than most countries.
>but we're not a country.
>but what if you were?
>but we're not.
>Imagine if you had no breakfast today, and you...
>"But I DID have breakfast."
>OK, But imagine if you had no breakfast today, and you...
>"But I DID have me some breakfast."
[Niggers genetically are incapable of reasoning]
>>363756>trying to debunk the meme>looking for any irrelevant detailEpic failure.
>>363757>Watch Serial Experiments >See her everywhere even irl>Even here ?
>>363765That really says a lot about our present day and present time.
>>363767>>363765Lets all love lain
>>363767>>363770I think She's trying to connect.
They say gods/goddesses appear in disguises.
>>363757The NIGGER tried to debunk the white meme he did not understand, because nogs cannot understand abstract concepts like Per Capita.
>>363818Also I don't care if the tranny shirt is photoshopped. Trannies are child groomers, supporting LGBTQ means supporting child groomers.
Thought people would have more antifa mugshots/faces of child raping muslim gangs to post.
>>364048>3rd picWhat an impostor.
I'm not sure if to laugh or to get enraged.
Club leftists to death with baseball bats. Shoot leftists with 3d printed firearms. Gun leftists down in the streets. Break leftist arms, legs, noses, fingers, snap their necks, gouge their eyes out. Shoot leftists with laser guns. 9/11 NASA rockets into leftist conventions. Pipe bomb leftists. Burn leftists alive with flamethrowers. Handcuff leftists in basements and starve them to death. Go to conservative protests and kidnap violent leftists and tie them up and take them to states willing to prosecute them or farms with hungry pigs willing to devour them. Slaughter the left before they rape more kids. Fry leftists in oil. Behead leftists with katanas and real swords. Shoot leftists with bows and arrows. Create a white ethnostate with walls and machine guns and anti-aircraft defenses. Brutalize leftist pedophiles severely enough to scare the rest straight. Steal everything from rich leftists and force them to live in ghetto nigger zones. Melt leftists in acid. Leave no witnesses who are not willing to say niggers did it. Rape leftist women to breed more whites, feminism is about leveraging collectivism and government force to deny men and women their autonomy and human rights so feminists deserve no rights or bodily autonomy. Prosecute leftist lies harder than they have ever prosecuted white human speech. Send choppers to nigger shitholes that dump trash in the ocean and napalm them and their trash. Take the whites from Africa and nuke it, the radiation will fade when the white man is ready to take Africa as reparations for the nigger reign of terror. Put leftists in a hole in the ground. Poison the prison food of niggers and sandniggers. Surround nigghettos and gun all leftists down with no survivors. Do whatever it takes to secure a future for white people and their children.
The chud meme is literally a leftoid projection.
>>354548>They still believe in the Right V Left paradigm Good Goys, Don't ever think about how jews Control both sides and force each side to fight, so neither side notices them pulling the strings and taking all the treasures of your country
>>364986I don't really believe in the left v right dichotomy either, but leftoids have consistently been shitheads in my opinion. Right wingers can be shitheads too, but in a different way I find more workable.
>>364986I know they're pulling the strings. But antifa are still disgusting creatures who deserve all the scorn they get.
>>364986Jews are the most leftist of them all and deserve the bullet first. But if they get the bullet last because of all the leftists in the way who want to die for jewish pedophilia that is fine too.
>>355635>This is the person calling you a chud over the internet.
Thanks to the sleuthing of the William McKinley Institute (WMKI), leaked Discord logs of the radical tranny group Organize Against Transphobia (OAT) have been published. OAT is one of the primary tranny groups attempted to seduce youngsters and limit parental rights in South Carolina.
https://wmkinstitute.com/exclusive-organize-against-transphobias-discord-leaked-to-wmki/Our doxing group have reviewed many of the documents and identified more than a half dozen of these freaks by name.
Kalia Williams (25), M>F, formerly Jeffrey Williams, Charleston, SC, it works in IT for consulting firm Booz Allen
Chaz Morrison (~22), Columbia, SC?, it's a journalist who used to work for the Atlanta Jewish Times. Attended a $32K / yr. private school. Good thing mommy & daddy are rich, so they can pay for bottom surgery.
Erik Cronell (25), Fort Mill, SC, may not be trans, just a fag or a normally sexed ally.
Arnold Karr (70), Columbia, SC, almost certainly not a fag, he's married to a woman. He's just a trans "ally".
Sarah McKenzie (25), F>M, aka Sam McKenzie, aka Han D Mann, Columbia, SC, it's a law student at the U. of South Carolina and a drag king with no talent.
Gary Votour (70), Columbia, SC, this old fart ran as the Labor Party's gubernatorial candidate in 2020. We're not sure if he's "differently sexed" or just and ally.
These two were doxed by another group or individual so credit to them:
Matthew "Matt" Cox, Columbia, SC, his kid is a tranny, his wife is a high-powered civil rights attorney. He teaches the freaks martial arts.
Timonthy "Tim" Jonhson, aka "Caboose", he's most likely an "ally". He's a Boogaloo and a commie and he served in the military.
You can find more detailed reports in our posts on Antifawatch.net
These are unidentified (by real name) Tranifa members of Organize Against Transphobia (OAT), a radical group that sexualizes kiddies and opposes parental rights. Images and other info were found on the group's leaked Discord logs posted by the WMKI.
"Robin", Columbia, SC? describes itself as "queer" and may be a lez and not a tranny.
"Puppygirlblair", this is the most disturbing one. It's posted it wants to tour the U South Carolina campus this summer because it may want to attend, implying it's a teen in high school. To those who say groups like OAT don't groom, this is proof positive. All the OAT members are very friendly to "blair" in chat. No doubt they'd like to get up its hole.
"Lissie", this 300+ lb thing is tons of fun! It may not be tranny, just someone desperate for friends. It's often seen on a fatty scooter.
"Hailey", it could be an actual woman, but we can't tell for sure.
"Bernie", presumably M>F.
If anyone in SC recognizes any of these pervs, please post what you have.
>>365198Don’t even wanna know what type of "love" Matt exhibits towards children.
>>365198>Timonthy "Tim" Jonhson, aka "Caboose"Gee, I wonder how he got that nickname.
Here's another one we identified:
Carter James Janse (21), he just graduated from Clemson with a Comp-sci degree and plans to travel to Valencia, Spain to teach Spanish. He may not be tranny and may be the Clemson Democratic Socialists' liaison to OAT. Anyway, he has an account on OAT's server so he's at least buds with the trannies.
Another OAT member:
Evan Branyon - He's a grad student at Clemson and a member of the Queer Grad Student Association.
Niggers are jewish bioweapons
Here's another OAT tranny we should have posted earlier. Matthew "Cyprus" Hartford, its father is a retired USAF Brigadier. It may be a student at the University of South Carolina which is a hotbed of trans activists. It's also active in the stop Copy City movement.
>>365569>its father is a retired USAF BrigadierWOW! Why I'm not surprised?
The whole military leadership has been replaced by ultra liberal/commie elements. They cannot call themselves 'honorable' while promoting, and if not, partaking with homosexuality while sabotaging their country.
Here are some snippets from Organize Against Transphobia (OAT) Discord chat logs. They were leaked by the WMKI and are posted on their website:
https://wmkinstitute.com/exclusive-organize-against-transphobias-discord-leaked-to-wmki/You can see examples of members of the group discussing "child liberation", aka grooming and posting communist and Antifa icons. OAT is the most active groomer group in South Carolina. Many have ties to the University of South Carolina.
>>365590>third picReminder that the kike only organised and hired the people who actually did the heavy lifting.
German scientists and that one Italian dude deserve most of the credit.
You'd swear it was photoshopped but it's not
Rona Wang isn't ugly but the nigger who got away with perjury is.
I can't imagine that name became easier to live with after the kung flu lockdowns. But she's probably just embarassed to admit she typed "attractive" and forgot to specify "asian" for the AI.
>>365785The kikes forgot to tweak the facial algorithm to an anti-white outcome.
These are some fucking anime eyes.
>>365785Hahaha I love it.
>>365815>demonic possessionReeeeeeeeee
>>365815Whatever that thing is looks right at home in pic rel
Niggers are prood the uncanny valley is real.
>>365826If this isn't demonic possession, then I believe it's at least one of the historical inspirations for the concept.
Can you believe the nigger dog meme is supposed to be pro fat nigger?
Kris Vanhorn, aka Puppygirl Blair. It's a 20 yo mentally ill tranny living in Fort Mill, SC and a core member of the groomer group Organize Against Transphobia. It may be a furry too and claims to prefer barking to speaking.
Our group knew about Vanhorn but the Justice report found this freak's real name.
Robin Hill (19), she's a lez and one of the leaders of Organize Against Transphobia. She's a student at the U of South Carolina in Columbia. She was seen on camera harassing a conservative in a Georgia courthouse parking lot.
Hayden Blakeney (24) of Columbia, SC is the chief propagandist of Organize Against Transphobia. He's a wannabe journalist. He doesn't seem to be a tranny so he's probably a fag or straight "ally". He's discussed starting a John Brown Gun Club in Columbia.
>>366309>>366310>curly hairJew detected.
Can't tell if satire, we all know niggers and pedoleft mudsharks are this stupid or stupider
>>366416>this stupid or stupiderMost of them are.
To steal is a sport for them. They want something and they just take it.
Jackson "Jack" Bingham (23), Spartanburg, SC. He's a journalist and is an affiliate of the notorious groomer group Organize Against Transphobia although he doesn't seem to be a tranny.
Liana "Li" Hubbard, Columbia, SC. She's a F->M tranny and a member of the groomer group Organize Against Transphobia. She's a journalist for Columbia's largest newspaper.
Niggers mistake chicken incubator for Jewrassic Park device
James Harley, Columbia?, SC - He's another member of SC's top groomer group. He's bi or possibly a wannabe woman.
All leftists serve jewish pedophiles. If a single good black or half black or quarter black existed he would be doing all he can to oppose nonwhites. The second pic has no faces, it's just a reminder. All leftists deserve hell and all leftists rape children themselves or rape children by importing and defending muslims or rape children by enforcing and protecting parasitic anti-meritocratic jewish power. Nothing short of drugs and torture in reprogramming camps could ever make leftists stop wanting to shoot harmless cuckservatives or club them to death. No matter how badly whites are treated by the antiwhites, nonwhites will never care enough to help us because empathy is a white thing.
>>366438What do the chicken incubators have to do with the thread?
>>366692The United States classifies middle Easterners as white. Something, something about Jesus being from there.
It's bullshit, I know.
>>366693Two mice breed in a barn and produce another mouse. Is this a horse just because it was born in a barn? Is every horse born in that barn a mouse now? Unbelievable.
>>366555A dumb ugly nigger's face is in the pic.
>>366711>A dumb ugly nigger's face is in the pic.That doesn’t really answer the question.
>>366711So anyone black is totally on topic of a thread about mugshots/antifa member dox? So I can just post any old jigaboo's face anywhere for any reason and that constitutes me contributing to the thread?
>>366713I literally created this thread, because I am the OP, and as the OP said, this is a thread for the faces of ugly leftist motherfuckers where doxing leftists (especially antifa faggots) is optional but appreciated.
>>366745So the point of the thread is to just post anything?
>>366753Like the significance of all these people is what exactly? They’re kikes?
>>366754It's stupid just how many "x hate thread"s we have when I remember the site once having some kind of purpose. Like we gave up on....really anything productive but we kept Jew hate thread #4. Yay.
Like the OP said, the purpose of the thread is to dox left-wing MFs. There are many left-wing sites that dox "nazis" or "fascists" but not so many that dox lefties. The more info we can get out there on these commies, the better.
Here's a freak for you:
Brandy Decker (age 39)
Salem, OR
Co-owns the Freckled Bee children's clothing store which has far-left signage in its windows. She also sells sexual plushies to kids (see pic). She's been accused of harassing conservatives. Decker was outed on Twitter a few weeks ago. Black bloc types showed up shortly afterward to guard her store. She has an OnlyFans page which is scary since she's around kids a lot. She disturbingly claimed to have breastfed her son through grade school.
Be sure to give her store a good rating on Yelp.
FB: thefreckledbee
IG: @beebabybee.xo (teaser pics for her OnlyFans)
>>366756This is fine, and I think doxing these sorts of people is a worthwhile project. If this thread wants to focus on that sort of posting then great. I take issue more with posts like
>>366753 and
>>366711 and
>>366438 and
>>366416 and
>>366220 and
>>366173 and
>>365854 and
>>365815 and
>>365696 and so forth. No useful information, just "here are some niggers" or "here are some kikes." Yes, I get it; niggers are ugly and stupid and kikes are devious and everywhere. These facts are well established, we don't need another 500 posts calling attention to it, for the same reason we don't need massive general threads filled with nothing but twitter screencaps and anti-vax memes.
>>366755Basically this.
Brianne Marie Chapman, age 28?
aka Anarchy Princess
She's an anarchist known for harassing conservatives. Despite the fact she's a stalker, Chapman tried to get a stalking order against a conservative YouTuber. She traveled to Florida to harass people at Trump's indictment. She destroyed Capitol riot martyr Ashli Babbitt's memorial at the Capitol building (see pic).
She allegedly works occasionally as a prostitute. When she isn't whoring her P, she works as a waitress. She allegedly lost custody of her children. Chapman is supposedly 28 but looks much older. She claims to live in DC but probably lives in a crappy apartment in Fredericksburg, VA.
Twitter: @SatireAP
YT: www.youtube.com/@Ap22.0
>>366759Leeches can do that too
Over sixty members of the Defend the Atlanta Forest group, an Antifa organization that has been trying to stop the construction of the Cop City complex, were federally indicated on RICO charges. Many of the indictees had already been arrested on domestic terrorism charges by the state of Georgia.
See pics for the names of those indicted. Many are already profiled on Antifawatch.net
Full indictment:
The network data was posted on one of the Chans in late 2020. It's supposedly based on wardriving at the Portland riots. Some people have theorized it's actually social media connections. Others that LEA leaked data gathered from a Stingray device. Regardless, the info checks out. The portraits were added later by researchers.
>>366775Rose City Antifa are the folks responsible for outing and suing Byron de la Vandal to kill his right wing presence after the release of Songs of Lamentation ft. Paddy Tarleton. Those pieces of shit ruined his life, even going so far as to push him to take a plea in which his video apology recanting his beliefs gets used for """educational purposes""" at his university.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK80WzEO8sEThose ratfucks deserve to be lined up against the wall for that and the ruination of many other lives for their anarcho-communist activities.