In the year 2000ACE, a little under 23 years ago, the UN Agenda 2020 meeting occurred in the (((District of Colombia))). Paid for by US taxcattle, of course!
The number of "formal main addressees" of the 7 day judeo-freemason sponsored event is unknown. There is less than 1 combined hour of recorded footage and audio, some of which was destroyed as a number of unknown bodies were discovered within 50 miles surrounding the (((District of Colombia))).
RE: a bunch of young kikes, any number of WEF gold-diggers that did not care about anyone under the 5th tier of the 7 tier Just-Us system' the important goys, that is the barely >80IQ fuckgoys of sufficient grandstanding to be included; 30,000 or so thousand sheeple belonging to the CIA-owned mass media networks, and 4,000 or more (((sheepdogs))), most of whom are prior-military, diehard pro-israjail goyim, all got served 100-5,000 petro-shekel breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, just so they could decide on how best to fuck all the US residents over.
Agenda 2020 has been reached:
#1: Hurricane Katrina was a wet run. For those that DO NOT KNOW, a 'wet run' is utilizing an incident to create "training programs which ensure we are able to teach compliance techniques". Anyone recall the thousands of videos and sworn statements of Florida & Louisiana residents having their houses stormed by no-name, no-tag, zero-authority law enfarcement to seize weapons? The niggercuck badgebois and alphabet jewsoup agencies used those videos as "training aids.. to prevent (((domestic terrorism related incidents)))".
#2: >95% of all food in the Jewnited Estates is now genetically modified. You do not GET a choice, unless you either buy (((select kosher foods))) which are exempt from any and all genetic modification, including the use of glyphosate, 2-4D, and the other few hundred toxic & mutagenic chemicals, OR you are able to purchase non-Jewnited Estates non-GMO foodstuffs. But, if you are NOT a chosenite, you pay a fee for the (((privilege))) of purchasing that food source. It's called a taxable-tariff, which you will not find in perpetuity laws outside of 1933, one of the worst years imaginable.
#3: the CEO of (((Nestle))), that swecuck half-kike, stated in 2009ACE the following: "access to water.. is not a human right. It is not even a privilege. Water is a foodstuff, a food source that my company will have the majority control of. I do not care that California's forests will die out, that is not the concerns of my investors, shareholders, especially not myself. If the (tax payers) want it, they will pay for it at the price I decide." How many (((counties))) around the US no longer have legal water access, no matter the age OR rights of said access? Flint, MI is a perfect example of this domesticically-supported-yet-foreign-backed terrorism. And I do mean terrorism in the most BASIC sense. A certain town wherein a derailed bunch of train cars had their contents dumped, then burned to produce extremely toxic phosgene, among far worse, that has contaminated billions of gallons is a far better recent example.
#4: over 93% of all law enfarcement departments, whether state, county, city, or township have "fully staffed and certified Killology-accepted employees". Every single state capitol, over 70% of all large cities, and around 30% of all towns have sent or had their entire departmental task forces to be trained in pissrajail/by pissrahell agents, specifically to be (((trained))) in "how to bring down criminals". Draw taser/issued weapon when their fragile ego gets hurt. Escalate and claim wrongdoing by the (((enemy))). Never be wrong. Scream loudly "stop resisting" when the bodycam is on to ensure (((legal compliance))). NEVER get caught and NEVER admit doing wrong. Put knee on chest/neck to choke out and kill. Make (((pain compliance))) mandatory. IE: "STOP RESISTING, COMPLY WITH MUH ORDERS"... just like a certain veteran that was paralyzed recently.
What does this mean in the context of a normal resident? ANYONE that challenges a law enfarcer is the (((enemy))). Often, they're called (((sovereign citizens))), which is a hilarious joke as one can either be sovereign (a ruler), or a shitizen (a slave). Why? Simple: (((officer safety))) is the new "you're a terrorist, stop resisting and obey everything I say because the faux-tribal courts will back me up!"
Agenda 2030 is currently happening in Lahaina, Maui, and the Northwestern Territories, Cuckanada. It was tried in 2021; Wahshitton, Oregon, Commiefornia, Nevada, Montana, during the "HUGE, COMPLETELY climate change induced fires!". In 2008ACE, Boigoy Gates laughed during an interview, stating the following: "the first 15 minute city will be in either Hawai'i, California, or Canaduh, but I hope we get to do all three at the same time".
Take an hour to search on j00t00b. How many residents died in each state. How many million+ acres of renewable, harvestable forests were wiped out. How many thousands of "prime building" acres were court-ordered to be abandoned or evicted from. [Embed]Are you fucking listening yet?