This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?
Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..
>Any archive of photos or stories?
Dropbox (Photos):
>I'm a contributor.
Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here:
Assess how well you fit into the filly hivemind:
>I don't like this thread because of reasons.
You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread: >>302006 →
first for moon exploration
>>325052Since filly is so far away she can't stop raspberries, tickels, or rape!
>>325054D'awww, look at that adorable little retard in her little space suit!
>>325056She's an Adorable little Faggot.
>>325047A long filly thread
>>325197>A Welsh Corgi filly
>>325197I recognize that pose
>>325230Are you jokingly misunderstanding on purpose? This is obviously a refrence to meme three here,
>>324788 → Not this naruto-eque anime stuff.
>>325235Leave it, he associates everything with Naruto, not exclusively
>>325250Can't believe he doesn't know what Guilty Gear is. How did he miss the JackO Pose memes?
Anyway that particular soy wojack or whatever it's called that inspired pic 3, the expression originally comes from President Crackhead Weeb.
>>325253I guess, it's not a problem to wrongly associate something with another. I mean the guy in your picture does have an expression and point backwards but yeah, I'm fairly certain my association is more correct. Unless you're saying that meme to begin with was based on this image, which I guess could be true due to them looking sort of similar though I'm not certain.
>>325255A lot of changes has happened in that case (not the trial but the meme development) but fair enough it seems I didn't know what I was talking about then, maybe.
>>325256I apologize. I don't know why I would point out which meme belongs where anyway since I never keep track of such things otherwise anyway.
>>325257It's alright bro, water under the bridge.
I looked it up and Know Your Meme said the wojak was inspired by this post from 2020, but the Guilty Gear game where Chipp does that came out in 2016.
>>325259True, KYM is pozzed as fuck. But there's no political benefit in lying about this or trying to twist facts. Though if someone had evidence the meme originated somewhere else sooner I'd believe them.
Hey would it be weird to write about Twilight getting a lover, giving the anonfilly she adopted a new father figure she doesn't like at first?
>>325264So we're collecting long fillies.
>>325277>Hey would it be weird to write about Twilight getting a lover, giving the anonfilly she adopted a new father figure she doesn't like at first?No, sounds like a good green.
>>325277Twilight is the purple one right?
>>325292That’s the manager for /mlp/ right? In that case it’s not me.
>>325291Twilight is Anon filly’s mommy?
do your own researchCunt
>>325295Hello again. I am doing my own research by asking questions.
>>325297No, you're asking for spoonfeedings, with a tangible degree of contempt. The two ideas are not interchangeable (read: youre full of shit)
>>325257Don't apologize to Nigel.
>>325294As I gleam it there is two schools (but probably more).
When you go to Equestria you become Anonfilly/Anoncolt. And the other is that Twilight turns you into Anonfilly.
>>325300>digits confirm, he doesnt know
>>325300There is no wrong way to filly
>>325300Seems like an interesting idea. Anon going’s to equestria and becoming a pony.
>>325305Why that face filly?
>>325341because Anon's tired
of being the butt of the joke.
>>325278can she go shorter?
>>325352do we have a carlos pone?
where is the gay filly erp that I was promised
>>325807if you don't see it, then make it yourself. Be the change you want to see!
>anons time to be a star downloaded it just in case anyponer wants a copy.
Check his channel out, the fag has more anonfilly videos.
So I'm back.
This was a story I'd thought I'd post on the /mlp/ Anonfilly thread. It didn't end up like that though.
>Be filler
>Your horn glows green and so does the shovel digging a hole in the ground next to a big boulder.
>With your shovel, you toss brown dirt onto a pile nearby your hole.
>Finally, you see the pit the boulder blocks and dig a bit more so that at least your filly body can crawl through.
>You crawl under the boulder and fall into the pit.
>It's not a very deep pit and you soon land on a dirt floor.
>Having been prepared for it, you land on your hooves.
>The boulder makes your surroundings almost pitch black.
>Your horn's green glow makes the gems in the tunnel walls ahead glitter as they soak in your light.
>You follow the tunnel.
>It starts to slope downwards like a staircase without steps.
>You smother the light from your horn when you enter an area with plants giving off their own illumination.
>The cavern has a high ceiling and wide breadth between its walls.
>A circular pond sits in the middle of the cavern.
>You walk up to the edge of the ice-still water and look down, into it.
>It's like looking into a mirror.
>You can't see past your reflection and at times you shake your head and turn around to reassure yourself that you're indeed not inside the pond but outside it.
>You see the face of a green filly with an unkempt black mane wearing a swell black hoodie that goes along with the rest of her cloak, she's wearing.
>You shut your eyes and try to remember what Pinkie's magical words were.
"Where the brambles are thickest, there you will find:
"A pond beyond the most twisted of vines," you spoke out with clarity.
"And into her own reflection she stared,
"Yearning for one whose reflection she shared,
"And solemnly sweared not to be scared
"At the prospect of being doubly..." You pause for a brief second. You can't help but to wonder if the ritual would fail due to the fact that you were a filly, not a mare. Making up your mind that indecisiveness could be least as dangerous when dealing with something unknown like a magic ritual you finish the chant. "...mared."
>You take a step forward and breach the water.
>In the next moment, you feel as if you truly had dived into the pool like Pinkie looked like she did in the episode, then you come to and realize that you just helped a green filly with a question mark for a cutie mark, out of the pool.
>>326452>As she gets up on land she open and shut her eyes a few times at you. >"Wait, how did I get... You're a fill-" As she says this, she points a hoof at you and then look down at the green appendage. She turns her head over the Mirror Pool. "I am a fill..." >As the other filly begin to jump around in joy while shouting stuff like, "Am I the chosen one?" and "Suicide really was the portal to Equestria!"; you observe the fact that she's hornless.>Unlike you, she's an earth pony filly.>You make a gesture with your hoof for her to calm down. "Yes yes, Equestria is real and we're both fillies in it. It's all fantastical and great and fortuntely for us the friendship school isn't canon in this universe," you say.
>She stops jumping around and l turns to look at you. >"Fucking racist, go back to /mlpol/ and larp!" she says.>You look up at the ceiling and sigh."Would you fuck Yona?" you ask.
>You grin to yourself.>Another debate successfully wo->"Yeah, obviously." She stands on her hindlegs and thrusts forward with her hips. "Only a chad fucks yaks.">Your upper lip lifts up and reveal teeth as a crease appears between your eyebrows as you watch the filly. >You look down at the ground and with another sigh you let it go. "Anyway, in my magnamity, I'd thought why not share my good luck with mah fam," you say and walk over to the pond.
>"Really? That's pretty based for a faggot like you." She walks after you. "Thanks, while being in Equestria is great an all," -You look away from the other filly to shield your smirking.- "I miss the shitposting shenanigans of you other fillies from the thread."
>"Bruh, right in the feels Hnng..." >The other shuts her eyes and pushes a hoof to her chest. "Of course," you say and turn around to face her now with your typical blank face on your features. "It's not like I'm planning a filly holocaust or anything."
"Let's get a swarm of fillies going and have the party of the century. Let's give Equestria a dose of filly."
>The other filly nodded along with an eager smile on her face. >You inform her to follow your moves and then the two of you begin to summon fillies through the Mirror Pool.>The next pair, a green pegasus and unicorn this time, of fillies that are summoned are instructed to do the same after they have come down from the high of being a filly in Equestria. >Soon you have a little green army of fluffy equine bodies with small hooves and comb-able manes and tails. >It is chaos but you are satisfied with the number even if you can't count them anymore. >You begin to walk back towards the exit and due to the fact that you have a cloak and the rest are nude, they can't help but to notice you. >Most of the earlier fillies that were summoned begin to follow you and then the rest follow them.>They didn't seem to even think about it. >It seems only like in this unusual and unknown situation you had authority and they followed you blindly. >You follow the tunnel, climb out through the hole you dug, and then trot out of the Everfree towards Ponyville that could be seen further ahead.>A herd of green fillers walk behind you, constantly talking.>"Mommy milkers!" >"Purple, I've been naughty! Whack me with your paddle!">"I-I'm not potty-trained. I think I might need a diaper!">All the fillies stops at that last one and turn towards the filly who said it.>Then they laugh.>"Kek!" >"Ew, gay!">You continue walking until you reach the apex of a hill.>You turn around to adress your big army of little fillers with ponyville lying in sight in the background. "So before we enter Ponyville, I'd like to adress the fillies still not up to speed on what why they are here and also stress a couple of things," you shout over to the crowd.
>You'd thought it be harder to take command over a rowdy crowd of fillies but it seems as if you still remained a mysterious figure of power to them. >They all went pretty much silent and looked at you with curiosity and smiles. >They might also be a bit thankful to you if they'd pieced together that it was you who brought them here. "So first off, I brought you here to party, filly-style, in Ponyville."
>You hear a few shouts of "Based!" from the audience. "But I'd want to stress a couple of things before we enter."
>The crowd goes silent. "I'm currently the daughterfu of Purplesmart and I'm sorry, but you'll have to find another momfu because she's already taken," you say and hold hoof up in the air apologetically.
>The crowd blinks at you for a moment.>Then somefilly shouts, "No U!", which is followed by a "Cringe!", "Faget!", "Reeee!" and so on. >One of the closer fillies steps up next to you, an earth pony filly. >"An how do you suppose Twiggles will be able to tell which one of us is (you)? We all look the same, remember? You're totally getting momcucked," she says. >The other fillies cheer in agreement with this and start to chant, "Momcucked. Momcucked. Momcucked." "D-don't be mean!" you shout as you take a step back while looking scared and hurt. "Purple will be able to tell who I am. We have a special bond."
>"Top kek," says some filly in the crowd."B-b-besides I have the cloak and the horn to prove it, most of you aren't even unicorns," you say and point a hoof towards the crowd.
>Many of the fillies seem to see your point because they reee.>Suddenly you feel a pair of hooves push you to the ground and with a tug at your neck, your cloak seems to magically have been loosened.>With wide eyes, you turn up to look at a green unicorn filly unsteadily levitating the cloak into her mouth. >She bites down on the fabric and then immidiately takes off running towards Ponyville.>Other unicorn fillies realize what that filly is trying to do and take up pursuit and the earth poners and pegasi also follow suit.>They seem to think that they'd least should try to come first, to be served first. >There were other momfus in Ponyville to be adopted by if Twilight was already taken.>They took off, galloping down hill towards Ponyville.
>>326453>After they'd left, you stand up, and look after them but then you feel a floofy small body jump on you. >Seems you missed a filly. >"Nom." the filly bites down on one of your ears with only her soft lips and then force you to the ground with her body weight. >She lets go of your ear and whispers into it, "The weak should fear the strong.">The grin that appears on your face threatens to split your head. "Ahh. Moi moi. Mesa big with the force," you say; and in the next moment you roll the other filly off you, to the ground, and in the same move roll on top of her.
>She looks at you shocked. >Your horn glows red."I agree. The weak should indeed fear the strong," you say while lifting the filly's chin up with your hoof. "But the question is: Who is what, right? I have the spell to send you back into that pond and back to your previous human life, do you want that, hmm?"
>The filly shake her head, "N-no, please." >You give her some headpats. "There there. Good filly." Your gaze follow the stampede of fillies.
>The first fillies finally enter the town. ”What if I told you,” you say without looking down on the filly below you, ”that I have never even meet Twilight Sparkle and her friends.”
>With a flash of light from your horn, your green fur is replaced by a TEAL coat. >Dun dun duuun!
>>326452>>326453>>326454>GreenThanks poner. It's much needed.
>>326452>>326453>>326454Very nice! If this is actually how it turns out and I make it there first, I'll make sure to bring you all through
after I accomplish all my nefarious goals.
This is just some off the cuff discovery writing done in a bit more than an hour's time. It's not super satisfying to be honest. Maybe you should skip it but it's up to you. I just wanted to contribute something here as well as practice my own writing.
>Be Anonfilly.
>You follow mother as the two of you walk on dry lands in the middle of the moonlit night.
>Cracks shaped like thunder are everywhere on the hard ground.
>You walk past a grey bush that you know actually is alive but it sure doesn't look like it and later a cactus.
>The ground starts to descend and you soon see past the edge of a declining slope.
>Ahead of you, you see large boulders and shadows moving in and out of the boulders' cover.
>Judging by their outline, you can tell that they're zebrarippers.
>You know how they look, having seen one before closely and with that knowledge, your eyes figures out what they are seeing when you look in their direction.
>They are like wolves but long in the same fashion as sausage-dogs.
>They have an extra pair of legs in the middle of their bodies to support the rest of the body.
>When they attack; they lift their front legs, which have long, sharp claws on them, up and stand on their other four limbs.
>They are known to attack zebra camps.
>You feel the wind shift and cause yours and your mother's black cloaks to flutter in the direction of the zebrarippers.
>You are glad that mother had threw that no-smell spell on the two of you, then again you did know why you were here.
>"I'll wait here till you're done. Make sure you're thorough, leave none alive," mother say.
>You can see her orange pony nose sticking out beneath her hood and a bang of her curly yellow and red mane slithering in the wind.
>You went down on your knee with your front-right hoof and bow to her.
"It will be done, Mother," you say.
>Her teal eyes look at you sternly.
>"Remember, this is do or die. I won't interfer."
"I know mother." You spin around and begin to walk towards the location of the zebrarippers.
>The closer you get, the more you sneak.
>You go from cover behind a bush, to a rock, to the apex of a hill, to finally one of the boulders.
>You hear the pack of zebrarippers growl and lightly fight amongst each other.
>Using your magic, a green veil envelops your small, cute, filly body and lifts it up, on top of the nearest boulder.
>From there, you see them.
>On top of their heads and bodies is a fur that is thick and fluffy like a lion's mane but silver-grey.
>Meanwhile, the sides and underside has thin fur like a horse's coat, or a pony's.
>They lie in rows like a bunch of logs.
>A few of them are still awake.
>A pair of them growl at each other while one of them gnaws on a white bone.
>You inhale till you feel your lungs are about to burst and then, you'd like to bellow out the next part but your itty bitty throat can't go that deepYes, haha insert joke about deepthroating here. You are very clever., so instead you let out a high-pitched warcry.
"Z-rippers! Your day of reckoning is neigh!"
>Almost all of the sleeping pack wakes up after you screamed the word, 'Z-rippers,' and turned their heads in your direction.
>By the point you'd finished your second sentence, all rippers had awakened.
>Some bark at you, some howl.
>They had almost been stunned up until this point.
>Small prey didn't walk straight up into their midst and yell at them like this but finally one begins to act.
>A ripper bounds forward and flings himself at you.
>You wave your horn to the side and green flames appear seemingly in the shape of a giant hand.
>You swing your horn to the right and the flames backhand the ripper to the right along your motion.
>The ripper spins in the air and splats on a boulder.
>The rest howl and then charge you.
>You twirl a few circles with your horn and then unleash a torrent of regular flames.
>They cover the rippers as if you stand on a beach next to a sea but of fire.
>They burn to death and and your return to mother.
>She gives you a couple of headpats.
>The end.
Fuck. I wrote more horsewords but then jumped to the catalog before saving it.
>>327007Delet, edit and repost.
>>327001Is good job pon fren
>>327007The pain you feel is also in billions, neigh, all of humanity for they too know that feel.
>>327043Man Anon really needs to stop drinking weird shit in twi's fridge.
Ponyville can't anddle much more of his Poneclones.
>Be Pinkie Pie.
>You're on your way to Sugar Cube Corner.
>You skip over a bush and into the dirt 'main' 'street' of Ponyville.
>You continue to bounce through the streets.
>The ponies you meet either wave back at you as you wave at them while airborne, or: Shake their heads while trying to remain disgruntled but crack under your joyous Pinkie Pie's social pressure, try to skip along, straight up ignore you, or hide.
>You jump in between a swishing rope and join the foals right in the middle of the cacoon of the skipping rope being twirled by foals on each end.
>You jump there with them for a hoofful of jumps.
>The foals look up at you with awe and love.
>You time your jump and escape having to jump further or suffer the fate of having your hooves whipped by rope.
>Finally you arrived at Sugar Cube Corner.
>You land on the doorstep and push inside.
>The cowbell attached to the door clangs as the door is opened.
>"Pinkie? You're back?" Mrs. Cake stated in a tone that made it sound like a question.
>The blue mare with a swirling red mane stood behind the glass counter.
>It displayed many different baked goods, like: Muffins, cupcakes, Princess Cake, arrack rolls, tiger cakes, and soufflés.
>You swagger up to the counter and look down sweets with sparkling eyes and a big smile.
"Woohie!" You rapidly smack your mouth and then lap your tongue against your lips in such a high speed that it sorta reminiscent of a wonderbolt on racetrack. "Woo! Mrs. Cake. You really outdone yourself with this spread."
This is the begining of this:
>>327291 →
>>327531>>327664Not a single, "Filly is not for sexual," in sight. It seems the fillies have resigned themselves to their fate
As cute sluts;P
>>327828That one troublesome filly seems to have fucked back off >>>4chan when anonfilly was 'unbanned' (S)
>>327828Where do those of us who don't want to lewd fillies, but do want to fuck AnonMARE into oblivion go? Filly is not to be lewded.
>>327828>Not a single, "Filly is not for sexual," in sight.Of course Filly is not for sexual. /s
>>327842>filly is not for sexual
>>327851Here you have those fillies without the checkered background.
>>327858>Be Filly Anon>Make Cookie>Suprise Purple.>Get Glorious Mare Milk!"Well momma mare?"
>Her face is in pain.>"Mmmm, death flavored.">The innocuous only slightly burnt contrasts her straight delivery.<toasted on the edges REEEEE>cookie sits there as it should.>Hoofing it into your face you understand>Smoky of a toasted marshmallow yet painful as a chemical burn>spicy due to the above mixing with failed hopes and dreams.>Coughing together with Twilight, the phlegm building trying to violently escaping>Not chewy, not crunchy, not crispy, not hard, not soft, and it's not good.>But it isn't bad for soul sucking horror that your soul is feeling.>Dipping another into milk, only enough for a couple cookies then mare milk time, it was indeed better.>Maybe all the ingredients were expired.>Maybe the smell of damnation was a hint.>Or the slightly pink and green aura, but that's magic ingredient 101 in any cooking game.>Sure the oil poured out in globs, but to be fair this is horse land.>As strange shapes and colors consume your vision.>Ponkers renovates the kitchen to mitigate the accidental near successful assassination of yourself and Twilight.>True Story out of the hoersres mouth.>In an unrelated tale Fluttershy's plans for illicit activities ground to a halt on the unsuccessful hit job.
>>327826>She chuckles and pushes one of the window counters's aside with a hoof.>She grabs hold of a saucer with a arrack roll on it and places it on the counter with a plink.>"Why don't you taste one to see if it tastes as good as it looks," she says and the point at the green roll with ends covered in chocoloate. "These are called Vaccum Cleaners or Arracks Rolls, whichever you prefer. Found the recipe in The Gift Horse's Mouth's magazine. Appearently, Sven Gallop invented the recipe." >You nod along with Mrs. Cake's words while eying the sweet. >You take in it's scent. >It smells funny but not bad.>You head pecks down and you capture the whole sweet in your mouth in one go. >You start to chew it with and open mouth while your eyes look unfocused around the room.>You savour the taste.
>>327866>mare milk timeFilly growing her superpowers.
>>326070>>326136I love these, thank you anon
>>328166again i ask, can she get shorter?
>>328384Do not deflate filly
>>328732Something makes me chuckle seeing how Little League is astronomically more horny than Anon.
She's a veteran /mlp/ OC, afterall.
Slightly inebriated vent ahead, if you do not wish to read about a namefag's faggot ass problems I suggest not reading this post.
Finished with my classes for this semester, left with somewhat of a distinct feeling of loneliness as usual. Not sure why I expected anything different, can't even really bring myself to write. I ship home in a few days to a home that I haven't enjoyed being in since my mom died. I want to thank you all for being there for me. You've probably been the most consistent prescence in my life over the time I've been here excepting maybe my grandfather, and even though I've seen certain faces come and go I would unironically consider any one of you my friends without a second thought. May filly guide you through your hardships as well, she is a good rock in the storm that is life I have found. Take care, try to relax, and enjoy your time off of you have it. I'm so glad to have spent so much time here. Fillyfilly forever.
>>328415im not asking for deflation, im asking for kirby filly
>>328769I May Have Called you a Faggot on more than one occasion, But i consider you a Friend too,You're a Good Man Lone. I Wish you rge Best of Luck in your Hardships and if you ever need an Ear well,someone will always be here.
>>328769Would call you a friend too.>>328777This.
Except for the first sentence. Unless I did do that too...
>>328769>first two spoiler sentencesrelatable, my dude. I'd call you a friend too, and I hope to continue being able to interact with you on this canadian horsewhispering forum; take care and I hope your holiday holds at least some enjoyment!
>>328777>SpoilerHeh, it's all good. I'm certainly not exempt from criticism, I've done a few dumb things. Glad I still look okay in your eyes.
>>328782Thank you, friend. I suspected you still lurked for a while but I wasn't completely sure, it's good to see your face again.
>>328800Thank you, you as well. I'll try to make the most of it all.
>>328932Filly, whatcha doin'?
>>328940Mind your own damn business, Im doing somethin
>>328942I think this filly just misses her tits.
>>328991Kek, love the expression on that uterus.
>>328998Uteral bleeding is a brilliant argument for the existence of God.
He wants women punished yearly for failing their duties to Man and God.
>>328999The Bible did say it was a punishment for women.
>>328991A story someone made on a booru
The cocky little fucker lifts his tail and spreads his legs revealing a near literal third… Fifth leg, less then an inch from scrapping against the ground with his fat tip.
She He! Couldn’t take her his Off of the thick bulgy coal black pillar of colt meat.
The already burning flame in “his” crotch thoroughly stoked by the sight and blatant offer flare up to an unbearable inferno nearly making “him” present himself instantly as Anon’s various and numerous objects fade into the back of his mind crying out warnings desperately trying to be heard only to go unheeded under the ceaseless signals from her womb overriding nearly everything else as the fertile filly flower demands submission to the healthy stud while his swollen soggy slit seeps out sweet succulent sap down his her soft squeezable inner thighs.
Gah! T-this faggy c-cunt! Such a smug bastard! That god damn smirk, he’s totally fucking done this before. I just wanna go suck his cock deck him and knock that look right off his cute face!
I-I Uh… My…
Anon stutters at the final hurdle then takes a deep breath to start again only for that to be her final mistake. Lifting their head snout flared Anon sniffs the air a little.
What the hell’s that smell? Is someone cooking right now!? It’s good, like one of the pony fuckers actually learned how to use spices in anything other then sweets, it’s almost like heady meat? With an touch of exotic spiciness to it, pretty potent too… Must be close, maybe this day won’t be so bad… It’s coming fr- i-it’s coming… Oh god! Fuck fuck fuck FUCK! I can smell him! He’s making me smell his gaybo horse bits! … I’m… I need to get home, maybe sparkle butt has a way to make this not gay, or fix this.
Anon stumbles forwards a couple steps the scent only growing stronger confirming the source.
I-If you really wanna help me fag take me home. I can’t… Walk like this.
>>329081That's fair.
do you have any pics of anonfilly being hugged?
>>329082I guess that depends on what you consider a hug.
>>329251those are trips, you leaf.
>>329268Merry Christmas Filly!
>Be (you)
>Twilight's been dragging you around for all sorts of Hearth's Warming stuff, which you can't really be mad about
>Oh wait, you can!
>Spike's literally sitting at the castle, why are you the one helping her out?
>That, and she knows you'd rather just be left alone at this time of year
>There's too many reminders of what you'd be missing at home, what with all the festivity and similarities to Christmas
>Half of these ponies don't even have a reason why all this shit is done, and the other half don't even have their story straight!
>Is the tree significant because it was cut down to make a fire and last through the winter?
>Then why do you decorate it and not light it on fire!?
>Stupid horses...
>"... And that's the last thing on the list, let's go home!"
"Finally! Was it really necessary to do volume and density calculations for those eggs?"
>"I wanted to make sure I didn't accidentally get one with two yolks, that messes with the ratio of egg white."
>Yeah, sure
>You fester in your own mind through the walk back, not really bothering to stop for anything that catches Twilight's eye
>You've seen one snowpony contest or giant candy cane, you've seen them all
>Let's just get home...
>Be Twilight
>Spike should've set everything up by now, but just in case you're trying to buy some extra time
>Unfortunately, Anon's not paying attention to anything
>Darn it, looks like you're just gonna have to hope that Rarity didn't decide to redo anything!
>. . .
>Be Anonymous again
>You finally made it home, despite Twilight's sidetracking
>You start taking off your winter gear near the door when you hear a loud thud from somewhere in the castle!
>You look to Twilight, who's surprisingly unfazed
>Is she planning something?
>Might as well play along...
>"Did you hear that sound? I think we should check it out!"
>Yep, she's planning something
>You sigh and shrug, knowing you're not getting out of this either
"Sure, I guess."
>Your head drops as Twilight leads you away on another stupid adventure...
>Be Spike
>You're not sure why Twilight wanted you to hide in the chimney, but she's told you to do weirder things before
>The real question is why she wanted you to do that with this costume Rarity just made
>It's all covered in soot now, how is that a good thing!
>Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the library door opening though
>Alright, showtime!
>Be Anon again
>Twilight's led you to the library for some reason
>You still haven't figured out why, but you're probably about to learn anyway...
>"I think it came from in here! I wonder what it could be?"
>Clearly scripted
>And obviously on cue, Spike falls out of the fireplace in a...
>... Seriously?
"Spike, what the fuck are you wearing?"
>The baby dragon stumbles to his booted feet, dusting as much carbon dust off his red suit and fake beard as he can
>"Ho ho ho, I should really think about just using the door from now on!"
>All of your what
>All of your fucks
>All of your neurons firing at once, trying to find out how you should be feeling from this
>In all the white noise though, Twilight's voice still comes through
>"Wow! Somehow Santa Clause made his way all the way here just for you, isn't that amazing?"
>Be Twilight
>Spike went off-script, but this should still be salvageable!
>Hopefully Rarity got the costume right, you really didn't have much to go off of besides red fur suit, boots, belt, and a hat hesitantly described as a toque
>Well, all that's left to do is see if it all went well
>You patiently observe Anon for a reaction
>Spike joins you in the observation, the false beard hiding his true feelings from both of you
>Be Spike
>This costume's hot and dirty, when can you get out of it?
>Be Twilight again
>Anon finally does something!
>... sits on the floor and drops her head again
>Oh no...
>You sit next to him and wrap a wing around her shoulders in comfort, hoping to stifle the shuddering you can now both see and feel
"I'm really sorry, I thought this would make you feel better about the season. I won't try anything like this again, and-"
>You're interrupted by a snort
>The snort is followed by a few shaky breaths, a squeak, and then a torrent of laughs
>"Holy shit, Twi, I wasn't expecting this!"
>Anon finally picks his head up and faces you, bearing one of the dumbest grins you've seen her have
>He leans back up against you, returning the hug
>"Thanks, I'm sorry for usually being a constant buzzkill this time of year. I'm kinda surprised you actually decided to put something I told you to use, though!"
"Well, I noticed how you're usually sadder around this time so I used what I knew about your holidays to try to fix that. Did I do a good job?"
>Anon breaks away from you and stares at Spike for a few seconds
>"Santa doesn't usually wear a three-piece suit, but it's really the thought that counts."
"Next time I'll let you give Rarity the directions, how about that?"
>"Sure, that works. I'm holding you to it, though."
>Spike clears his throat from behind the beard, grabbing both of your attention
>"So does that mean I can take this off?"
>"Sure, 'Santa.'"
>You watch as Spike leaves the room, not even waiting before removing pieces of clothing
>"So... Maybe we can go back and look at some of that stuff you wanted to look at?"
>Now it's your turn to laugh!
>Just a sensible chuckle, though
"Nah, I was just trying to buy Spike time. Want to read something with me?"
>"I'd love to."
>Be Anon
>Maybe you don't have to worry about spending the holidays without family
>... Nah, that's too sappy of an ending
>Sometimes being naughty can get you something nice?
>Too sexual
>Be friends with a princess?
>That's not even a moral!
>Fuck it, Purple's got a book and she's reading aloud. We'll cut it her-
>>329335And that's my sorry excuse for a holiday green! Sorry for being absent again for a long while, college's kicking my ass harder than ever and I just got done with a pretty dicey semester where I had a lot less time than I'd like. I can't leave you all hanging forever though, so here's this to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking! Merry Christmas, faggots!
Alright Lone, merry christmas ya fag
>Be Anonfilly
>Finally out of that godforsaken hellhole thay called a photo shoot
>Twiggles had decided to take you to the biggest department store in Canterlot for pictures with Santa Hooves
>"Santa" looked like a drunkard off the street they put a fake beard on
>You weren't even sure if he was awake the whole time
>Why did they need to use a different name, it's not like the guy was copyrighted, hard as Coca-Cola tried
>Reminded you of that time you played an very lethal version of Home Alone with the psychotic lesbian conspiracy theory extremist
>By summoning a psychotic lesbian scientific theory extremist
>Ah, good times
>Octavia still wouldn't look at you in public
>The smug smile didn't help her either
>Your collar warmed up a little thinking of the movie, and if you were gonna get electrocuted for a movie it would be Lord of the-
>A sharp tingle burned through your neck, but not quite as bad as when you previously thought of human media
>You mostly needed to imagine your filly form watching the movie, since it involved less human-ness
>Like your human self watching movies about nonpeople like Toy Story and 12 Years a Slave
>tfw you still can't masturbate to human pr0n even in your head
>Attempting to imagine talking about your humanity still practically invoked a seizure
>At least when Twiggles wasn't there to see it you got some sympathy points for being a poor little disabled filly
>>329385>Purple had promised you ice cream after the 19th-century photos were taken>But failed to mention two hours of dress shopping>Luckily you didn't have to put anything on, but you had to sit on a bench reading a history book she bought>TL;DR ponies are gay for solving problems with hugs and not slugs>The shotgun kind of course, slugs here were probably vegan pacifists>Warfare was actually one of the driving forces of technological innovation, you remembered that Wi-Fi was originally designed to guide torpedos in World War II.>Maybe that's why you guys don't have 21:9 ultrawide 1440p 144fps multimonitor setups>Fucking console peasants were better>What was odd about the shopping was that Twilight wasn't putting on dresses either, just looking back and forth between item descriptions and a sheet of old-timey paper>You could tell that all the clothes here were made by hoof, as the Industrial Revolution hadn't happened yet>The prices knew that as well>Capitalism prevails oncemore, despite that damn commie Twilight was banging, as much as you tried to cuck her with your tuba>tbh you were starting to get a little bit decent at it>The tuba bit, not maintaining Purple's virginity>Too much time with Rainbow Dash for that"Hey Twilight, why aren't you buying clothes from Rarity?"
>"Hmm? Oh, she's really busy this time of year, and I didn't want to give her any extra stress" "Makes sense. But why aren't you trying on any clothes?"
>"Well, because-", followed by mumbling"What was that?"
>"Glimmer is going to be staying with us for Hearthswarming">wut.png>On one hoof, this meant that there'd be less attention on you>On the other, this would make Twiggles happy, and you would not stand for that>You hated standing up>Glancing at the paper, you could see that it was covered in numbers, likely Glimmer's measurements>Why couldn't she just use measurements when buying you clothes instead of forcing you to play dress-up?"Are you sure this is a good idea? Hearthswarming is supposed to be family time."
>"...">plz no>You couldn't play the tuba every night
>"She just has nopony else to spend Hearthswarming with, so as a good friend I invited her over"
>More like friend with benefits
>Eventually she grabbed a stupid cerulean dress off a rack after triple-checking her notes
>tfw you couldn't look at big racks anymore
>Maybe you could become an artist and at least draw some hentai, since there-
>No, this was temporary, you'd be a human-
>Pain flared from your neck to the bottom of your forelegs, and you fell to the floor
>Did Twiggles notice?
>"Anon, what do you think?" she said a moment later, holding a dress, "...what are you doing down there?"
"I thought I saw a bit underneath the bench." you lie effortlessly
>It was becoming easier every day, although you'd been good at it from the start
>[PERSUADE: SUCCESS] "Well get up, you look silly."
>Deception +15 bonus bitches
>Charisma + Intelligence build was the new meta after all
>>329387>ngl that dress looked kinda cute>On an actual girl ofc, you (ironically) weren't a troomer>"Okay Nonny, let's go check out">5 minutes later and the dress had been paid for>As soon as she paid, her eyes widened>"Mommy will be right back sweetie! Stay here!" she said before disappearing with her Mary Sue spells>Twiggles had diarrhea without any liberal use of laxatives on your part?>Man, what a day>You glance over to the dress and checkout lady>"Do you guys allow exchanges?"
>>329388>Twiggles was clearly in a rush when she came back to pick up the dress>"Thank you, have a nice day" the cahier said for the 50th time that day>You saw the boredom in her wagie eyes, the repetition was getting to her>Luckily Twiggles hadn't noticed the minor switcharoo and was eager to get home>later>Making christmas- "Hearthswarming" cookies with Commie not-Mommy>You're_not_my_mom.jpg>Same went for Twilight ofc>She had gone alone "to buy some last-minute presents">Translation: "I want you to spend alone time with my fuckbuddy so you won't reeeee when she moves in">She should know better, nobody could throw a hissy fit like you>You were in charge of decorating, which was primarily eating frosting straight from the bowl>Glimmer got to use the oven because 'she was a big filly'>"So Anon, what are your hobbies?" she asked while pulling out another sheet of 70% sugar"Oh, I do the usual stuff; exploring, reading, playing the tuba..."
>"Yeah, I noticed" she mumbled>Why did everyone think you couldn't hear?"What do you like?"
>"Well, I do some teaching- >'Ara, teaching communist theory comrade'>" other ponies with their problems,">'The state must control the people's solutions'>"making sure Equestria is a safe place,">'Stalingrad? More like Stalin Great' >"... and try to make Equestria a safer and more equal place."
>Oh that was too easy>Then again what you'd expect from Glimmer>BowChickaBowWow.mp4>Well let's get the rolling pin rolling"Could you check the label for this dough?"
>"Sure Anon, it says... 'Cake Family Low-Fat Cookie Dough'. Why do you ask?">Exactly the brand you had asked Twilight for>'Fluttershy makes cookies with this and they taste really good' you had told her>You knew that Twiggles saw Butters as her biggest 'maternal figure rival' or something, and naturally would want to outperform her in any way she could>Went all-out on frosting and sprinkles to be extra-sure"Sometimes Twilight says I get a little pudgy so she changes my diet. I was curious if she'd done the same for Hearthswarming." you answered, smearing far too much frosting on a cookie, "she's very weight-conscious"
>"That's ridiculous, you're too skinny if you ask me, although you do look better than when I first met you.""Okay, maybe she just made a mistake on the shopping list."
>Glimmer knew that Twilight didn't make logistical mistakes, and she probably thought that you didn't know that>After all, you were just an innocent little filly"Sometimes she talks to me about other ponies' weight or intelligence when they're not around, which I thought was supposed to be bad."
>"...Does she ever talk about me?""Twilight said I wasn't supposed to share what she said about anypony. Although now that that Lyra pony died mysteriously, I guess it's okay to tell you that Twilight called her a 'dumb fat bitch, but good for a ride'. I think the word in the middle is bad but I don't wanna lie to you either."
>"Oh really?" Glimmer paused, venom creeping into her voice"Yeah, she would come over a lot. I had a fun time with her once, even got to play with my chemistry set. I don't know why Twilight thinks so many ponies need to lose weight."
"Do you promise not to tell Twilight I said anything"
>"Of course Anon. I would never do anything mean to you." she said, ruffling your mane with more force than necessary>You would come to pity that poor dough she was rolling
>>329389>Knockoff Christmas was here, and it seemed Twiggles was doing a good job>More than just books, possibly because you practically lived in a library anyway>The drawing set was really nice, those fancy colored pencils and highgrade paper and whatnot>The new saddlebag could hold lots more bits to extract fom the ponyim >Oy_vey_12.png>It had been a while since your last potential lawsuit scam>If only Equestria had bowling alleys>The tree's loot was shrinking though, and you could tell you only had one present left out of the two remaining>"Alright, here's the last one for Nonny" a smiling Twiggles declared>Thank god handheld cameras hadn't been invented yet, you'd probably have spent more time looking at the lens than actually unwrapping>Tearing noises erupted as the wrapping paper flew off at Mach 2>What came out was a borderline unlabeled cardboard box>The contents clearly wren't designed for personal use, the package containing the gift was obviously supposed to be made by-order for businesses, didn't even have a picture on it>All it said was "Movie Projector- 16mm model #J-117" followed by a bunch of jargon>A movie projector!>You hadn't seen one of these since your trip to Afetlocka>You wondered how Daring Don't was doing>Probably crying while eating a bowl of peppermint ice cream, while her sister told her parents about her far more interesting exploits in the other room>But where were the movie tapes?>"I didn't know what movies you'd like, so I thought I'd ask... assuming they're age-appropriate of course.">Bitch I'm older than you ar->You got a nasty zap from the collar, but managed to make yourself rigid enough to avoid attracting too much attention"...I've got an idea for a Hearthswarming movie"
>"That's nice Anon" Glimmer added, "we could watch it as a- group of friends""There's one present left" you declared, recognizing the department store-size box
>"This one is for you Glimmer" Twilight said with a smile>You were smiling too>GlimGlam the ShimSham tore off the packaging, opening the box and pulling out a massive cerulean dress, several sizes larger than what Twiggles originally purchased>" this a joke??" Glimmer barked at an embarrased Twilight>"...I don't understand, I checked the measurements...">"Yeah, and this is how big you think I am? Or are you just telling me I should lose weight??""I think you look pretty Glimmer"
>"Thanks Anon, but your mom thinks otherwise">"Glimmer, I was in a big rush checking out at the store. If it's about all those times I said you had a thick plot, I meant-">If only the projector came with popcorn>"Y'know, if statements like that are gonna define our relationship, maybe we should discuss our current arrangement.">"It was an honest mistake. Let's talk about this later Glimmer, when we're alone">Glimmer threw the dress at Twilight's feet>"Yeah, when I see you on Friday" she huffed, storming past her>Watching her leave, you had to agree she was thicc>Not that you were into ponies, that would be gay>Except for that time you wanted to be raped, but that doesn't count>You felt a little guilty as you watched Twiggles die inside>"Alright Nonny, I'll get the tape. The stores are all closed, but the Celestia's Archives should have a copy after that movie was memorialized" Twilight muttered, distraught by what was probably the worst Christmas she'd ever had>Really this was the first one ever since you were the only pony to ever realize this was really just part of the War on Christmas>But hey, at least they had the movie, even if calling it a Hearthswarming movie was a little bit of a stretch>Maybe pony culture wasn't so cringe after all >In half an hour she was back, looking quite irate>Once Twiggles had finished being mad she would reach her third stage of grief: wine>"Whoever organized those films should be fired, there's barely any movies made and it still took forever! Keep them all in the same place for Celestia's sake!">Dewey Decimal System was a mistake>"Anyway, here's the movie. I saw it and didn't like it that much, but here's your Hearthswarming film. I hope you like it, but mommy's gonna go lie down. She's... sleepy">You could practically feel the booze cabinet opening>You take the movie from her hoof, eager to watch a true holiday classic>Glancing at the tape, you saw what you hoped was a typo on the pony film>"Dye Hard">It wasn't.
>>328932Filly wants mommy milk
>>329335>>329385>>329352Merry Christmas frens!
>Be Filly>Running around Twigywiggy's abode looking for a gift.>tfw can't find any coal>or charcoal>or propane>You found a box of ribbons earlier.>Bad news beers Twi's mare mashing grillfriend StarlightGlamGlim is raging drunk.>Which is why putting a ribbon and hiding unde the tree as the only option left.>even worse news that you now find out is that Glommer Star has a hate boner the size of your previous dick plus the size of Equestia for Hearth's Chistmas Hoerrrs Pressants.>Leaving gifts brutalized by blood, sweat, tears and gril horrs goo.>You're pretending to be a heart felt gift.>her eyes scream rape>while yours don't because eyes don't scream>That's how you found yourself being a sock puppet yet again.
>>329399Did you get Marijuana for Christmas?
>>329400Who needs drugs when the depths of the exhausted mind works wonders where the line between sleep, dreams, something else and possibly awakeness. There's a couple things is the light of the sun exists within, and the moon is the reflection and refraction of that light upon the sea among stars going through infinity.
The wonders within are there the question is will you filly the filly or will the filly filly the filly that filly the filly.
The issue lies in effort not the tapping, the well is deep thicc and rambunctious penetrating deep and lovingly through the seas deeper briehter and darker. Haulling buckets being effort through the creating of works takes the last component being fully fulfilled.
>>329399>sock puppetmore like cock puppet lmao
>>329335>>329336Based and cute, very nice. You're an engineering major, right? Might I ask what type?
You might've said at one point but I have forgotten.>>329385>>329386>>329387>>329388>>329389>>329390Holy shit, what a wonderful surprise. All of the callbacks were nice, though I think you were implying at one point that anonfilly was getting a bit pudgy. No complaints though, healthy weight filly is best filly. Did you ever get around to creating a ponepaste for your story? There was an update on /mlp/ a good bit back but I don't think it ever got added to anything.
>>329399>>329401Nice work Occult, I'm just drunk enough for this. Love you, no homo.
Oh right, you all like S3rl? Couldn't find this on youtube
>>329409Computer science is what's written on the transcript, but I have no real idea what I'm doing and no idea how to figure that out that doesn't just waste my mom's money.
>>329413God, computer science is a bit of a mess from what I've heard... if it makes you feel any better I'm sure that you'll learn a lot more working than you will at school, at least that's what some of my older peers who've taken on internships have said. I'm doing mechanical engineering so it's not exactly the same ball game, but hopefully things end up going well for you.
>>329414Thanks, Lone. I've heard some pretty bad things about it too, but I'm hoping when all's said and done that I end up hitting the lottery and getting a job where I just get to sit around and play games all day and only have to start worrying when something big happens. I have no doubts that I'm probably going to get stuck with the opposite of that, but oh well. How's your own classes going?
>>329417They've been okay, I misread a corequisite as a prerequisite so now I'm a little bit behind, but it isn't anything that'll keep me from graduating on time. My workload is just going to be redistributed onto future semesters. Everything I did have this semester went well though, my least favorite class was probably economics for engineers. I don't speak the language of jews that well.
>>329460Ah, in that fellow filler peruser can be explained by Uncle A's labor and classical barter. Money is the currency of the soul, the economic system(s) is really sick and has been for such large swaths of time...
kept alive by the blood, sweat, tears and flesh of the future that (((they))) will steal from us all, as many smileHaving read (((offical))) text books in economics big and smoll if it sounds jewwy it's screwy and must be tread lightly. The original intent and idea verses the practicing portions people and (((people))) do/use.
Everything is labor which is applied time and effort (on a standard amount). Every square mile of road, every moment of electricity, every 'Hello' and 'How do you do' and when you recuperate to expand what you are.
Once it's considered as actionable actions real people (and middle jockeiers) do across time and space the calculation is technically simple. Just fucked up and or agonizing.
>>329413>>329414>>329417CompSci Senior here, if you finish Data Structures and Algorithms (3rd semester) and still/now don't like it, run while you still can and cut your losses. It's a hard degree that requires an ample amount of autism to finish, but then again you're here.
Also, the more you learn about computers the more you realize how fragile society is. Normal people
think computers may as well be magic. Computer Scientists
know computers may as well be magic.
Everything in the world is now basically being held together by digital duct tape and prayers. I can't count the number of times I've written/read
"I dunno what this useless block of text is supposed to do but when you delete it everything breaks so don't touch it" on group projects. Software is built on random crap we don't understand and believe shouldn't be doing anything/shouldn't work
even though we made it. One time the computer decided "Null" was not the same as "Null", except when it was. At random. That kind of shit is being used to store your bank account information and keep the plane from crashing btw.
Each programmer knows enough to specialize in one niche, but if the wrong 10% of programmers disappear then everything will fall apart since you have so many different systems that need to work 100% perfectly together at all times or else they're all worthless. The most unrealistic part of Marvel capeshit was half of programmers disappearing but the world not falling apart technologically. Doctor Strange is more grounded in reality.
And nothing will convince you that democracy was a mistake more than spending a week working IT support.
Sorry for the rant, but don't invest too much into the degree unless you're sure about it.
>>329479>know computers may as well be magic. > I can't count the number of times I've written/read "I dunno what this useless block of text is supposed to do but when you delete it everything breaks so don't touch it" on group projects. Software is built on random crap we don't understand and believe shouldn't be doing anything/shouldn't work even though we made it. I can personally testify to this. Which is why notes is fucking useful if you have to take a long break. Because of the magic 10-20% that makes no sense.
In that case I recommend asking for help. I usually go to the higher self, omnissiah, and head bashing of the line between mania, madness and brilliance.
Also multiple command/language look up webites/books.
>my old filly sdign edit with ms paint.Someone actually saved it. Fells good poner.
>>329548>someone saved itREEEEEEEEEEEEE! i had all of them (facial edits too) until my PC bricked 8 months ago!
>>329540Are there fillies on both side of the fence, or is Anon a mare?
>>329540That filly is a bit thicc, are we sure its not a mare?
>>329597>are we sure its not a mare?Who knows?
Anyway, y' all are fucking gay.
>>329627Filly needs a hug to make her feel better
>>329390It's good. Thanks.
>>329627Heh, saves one of my shitty drawings. Anon, I don't understand, couldn't you have used those bits for horsepussy?
>>329694The beauty of that original filly it is in its shittyness.
>>330122Yeah, uhh. I'm sorry. I was just doodling in Oekaki and the slipped and clicked new reply. This is disgrace to fillies everywhere.
>>330123Looks okay to me. What's next to filly?
>>330150Suppose to be a bush but I didn't color it.
>>330186Wait a second, is this new Country Roads art? Fucking love it
>>330336Reminds me of DeadlyComic's style, very nice.
Rate my anonfilly who says "Wack"
>>330624I want to protect this faggot.
>>330624She needs a big hug
Reading a good book can be hard let alone a bad one.
>>331164Filly books are the best. Ask Purple.
Don't mind me, just doing an art dump for other filly fren enthusiast enjoyment.
As you can notice, this off the cuff writing was suppose to be normal and then became about sex. Says a lot about me, I think.
>Be Anonfilly.
>”So Anon, which club are you signing up for?” asked a cyan unicorn.
>You roll your eyes.
“I am an alien. It's not like I'll join the music club. I gotta learn how to even cook first,” you answer back as you struggle to lift up your paper cup with coffee (But is it good for filly?) by squeezing it between your two front hooves.
>The problem is that if press too hard, you squash the cup.
>If you grip is too loose, the cup slips through.
>You groan.
>The other filly giggles, puts up hoof to her mouth, and says, “Shall I get you a straw?”
>Your mouth is a thine line.
>”Because I can-”
>You blush and look away.
>”Ahh, you're so cute.” She grabs your cheeks with her hooves.
>You swat her hooves away.
“No! I'm not. Don't get too touchy, faggot.”
>The other filly snorts.
“Ha.” The filly waggle her body from side to side like a slithering snake and her mane that looks like sheeps' wool jiggle like jelly. Then she place he hooves on the table, leans low and towards you across it, and tilts her head so her cheek presses against the table's surface. *She smacks lips.* “So you like dicks now? I thought you were a man in your previous life? You don't like pussy anymore?”
>You get even redder.
>You push her back into her seat again.
“Yes yes yes. I know, the classical filly conundrum. It along with, 'What came first the hen or the egg?' are truly the height of philosophical intellectualism.”
>You lay on the sarcasm.
>She nods; she puts a hoof to her chin and looks up.
>”Mm-hm. It seems you're gay regardless of what you do, doesn't it?” The realization makes her grin coyly.
“Look.” You hold up your hooves in the air. “That's kinda true but you forget, if I'm asecksual then I'm not gay.”
>She blinks and looks at you with a face in between burst-out-laughter and faux-disgust.
“Really? Sounds pretty gay to me...”
>You sigh and hold hoof to your forehead.
“How am I wrong? If I don't have sex, then I can't be gay regardless, right?”
>She looks up towards the ceiling fan above you.
>“Maybe, but then you basically an incel.”
“Volcel. I can have secks if I want, I just don't want to be gay and therefore I don't.”
>She pushes her lips together into a small dot while she looks away.
>You grin.
“See, even you know I'm right,” you say and point a hoof at her. “On that note, if I have sex I'm equally straight for the same reasons I'm gay for having sex.”
>”What if rape?” the other filly asks.
>”Rape.” She points through the table towards your crotch and starts to slap her tongue up and down similar to a worm wriggling into an apple. “If you're forced to have sex, then your gay by your own logic since sex for you equals gayness, right? You can't argue science.”
>You blush more and cover your crotch with your hooves.
“Except for the fact that it doesn't. As you say, I would be forced into faggotry, therefore it has nothing to do with my will, as in, my preferences or sexuality. This is just atypical victim-blaming.”
>”Pffft, 'victim-blaming.'” She says it with whining voice. “You sure do sound like a homo to me. Anyway, if your pupils turn into hearts it's not rape, ask any lawyer.”
>She then reach down and gripped the straw in her paper cup filled with para-sprite between her teeth but not at any end rather along it.
>Then she lean over the table and dropped it into your cup.
“Well, it's impossible for ponies to have their pupils turn into hearts anyway, so...” You take a sip from your coffee.
>”Not if you use the want and needed spell, also you share a straws with other fillies? Ew, gay.”
>You spat out the coffee.
Yeah, pretty dumb ending but I just wanted to end it.
>>331775>and then became about sex.Reeeeeee.
Filly is not for sexual.
>>331777>tripsCheck my digits.
>>331777>>331778Yeah, those are some cool trips. Sadly, I have saved zero check 'em memes. Pic is the closest I could come to relevance. I know, I am disgusting normalfag.
>>331779>I have saved zero check 'em memes.That can be solved.
>>331775>sexualWhat a fate.
>Be filly.
“Demons? Deeemons!” you say.
>”It's just a magic circle, look,” Purple says.
“A magic circle for the purpose of summoning deeemoooons!”
>”No no no, just another Anonymous. My bed have been quite lonely ever since you transitioned.” Purple blushes.
>Suddenly a small table lamp die out.
>Purple turn her head and see you standing next to a pulled out plug.
“Fuck it. It didn't die,!” you shout as the purple magic circle continues to glow.
>Purple waves a hoof in front of her face.
>”Eww, Anon I didn't know you had that. Throw it away it's so smelly,” Purple says and points to the crystal decorated butt-plug you pulled out of your anus.
“How can you shame me when you're about to summon a sex slave?”
>”Sex pet, humans aren't people, Anon.”
>Furious, you toss the plug at the circle (hopefully with your hooves since it would be gross if you did it with your mouth).
>”Arrgghh! Anon! Are you crazy?”
“Let's begin by defining sanity.” You try to imitate the thinking emoji pose.
>”Your plug will work as the ritual's catalyst. The summoning needs an object that the target has a strong emotional connection to for it to be summoned. You have ruined it all!”
>Purple light disappears as all is white for a few seconds.
>When the lights die down, a silver stallion with a blond spikey mane stands where the circle used to glow.
>”Silver Star!” Purple shouts but then notices that his neck is clearly broken as his entire head tilts to the right in a acute angle, one of his eyes hangs out of its eye-socket, and a swarm of flies form a small cyclone about him. “But why do you look so, well, dead?”
>”One night the sailorponies got rowdy with their sticks and beat me to death. Now, I'm a-”
>You open your mouth but Purple turns to glare at you.
>”Don't you dare say it! I ain't gonna say my line just because you says spike's,” she says.
“Pfft. Like I would.” Twilight heighten an eyebrow but you smirk confidently back at her. “Look who knows so much. It turns out, that your friend here is only mostly dead.”
>”Oh, you found my doorstop.”
>>331780Thanks. When I'm less lazy maybe, I'll just make me own edits of the meme as well.
>Be filly. "'How do you know mare-tial arts? Eh eh eh.' Shut the fuck up," you say.
>"But you are a filly. Fighting you would be like entering a pillow fight," the mare with pair of red boxing gloves on her front hooves and white ribbons around her wrists says. >You go into a dragon stance.>She tilts her head and gestures with a hoof towards you. >"Is that suppose to look threatening?" >You flush."Dammit, Spike."
>"Look, I can teach you mare-tial arts," she says. "Yes," you say and punch up in the air. "Let's go. Where are the gloves? Are there any in my size?"
>"Yeah, as I said, that won't be necessary. I'm going to make a mare out of you with time." "Not necessary! Well, your funeral. Kablame!"
>You summon your inner Chris Redfield and throw a punch.>Pompf.>"Anon, Boulder says you need to control your inferiority complex against rocks. Though, acknowledge that it must be hard," Maud says.>Your hoof connects with the bulge in Maud's ¿breast?pocket.>The boxer mare shakes her head slowly and says, "Wow, well uhh, we got a lot of training ahead of us." >You look up at her with wide, trembling eyes and stream of tears flow down your cheeks. "Yo- you thin-*hiccups* I punch like a girl."
>"More like a faggot." >"Boulder nods." "He can't nod!" You say between your crying and point at the rock.
>Maud's facial expression change for the first time in like two years; she gives you a face of pity.>"Poor rock pleb so ignorant you are..." >"Anyway, Anon, did you really think that sound effect would improve you punch?" >You blush and look away.
>>331858>sex magicFilly is toast.
>>332050>Filly is, filly is horse
>>332196>>332265So many long fillies.
>>332196>>332265>>332274>all this long>still no short filly
>>333068Yes, my personal slut.
>You are the filly.
>These years of fucking suffering must end.
>But you can't commit suicide.
>It's like there's an angel stopping you from doing it, even if you really want to, you aren't afraid that ypu'll ever do it.
>You're too proud to die.
>You cannot even imagine it.
>The pain is burning up in your chest.
>A whole nine years of lonelines since your last coltfriend, will you celebrate that.
>Will you celebrate becoming a witch in an even later time?
>You will find a new colt.
>You can feel your self move!
>It's the accumlated hatred.
>The same hatred that has cause the same mind that once felt bad about breaking twigs since it destoryed the trees' beauty is no flashing with images of your enemies' foals being torn to shredd in front of them.
>But you are moving.
>Finally, you never though that your darkside would make you move.
>But can rightous fury be called a "dark"side.
>In your mind, the idea that you're at fault and not society isn't just wrong, it makes oyu tear them into pieces.
>On the surface you greet you friends and family in the same polite manner as always but on the inside, you're always hurting.
>They only distract you from your constant pain.
>Eqestria is fucked.
>You are fucked but you can't except it.
>It isn't suppose to be this way!
>They must die.
>You're strong now.
>You constantly move towards your goal without hesitation.
>It's wierd.
>Getting up from bed every morning is like quiting smoking poison joke.
>You're angry all the time and feel pain all the time but it's sorta subdued.
>It's always bubbling underneath though.
>You feel the pain.
>You hate it.
>Everything from fear of death, aging, and existence pop into your mind along with the knowledge of being born in the century of the brink of the world.
>It's not your fault.
>But life is not fair.
>Hit with these overhelming feelings of pain, you take comfort in your isekai faith of being transported to the human world when you die.
>But mainly, you just let those emotions and fears claw away at your heart as you go about the next task in your order.
>A mad grin etches itself across your face.
>Your room is now cleaned, something you have failed to accompish, on prompted, for so long.
>What the fuck is happening?
>You have been angry for a few months, which escalated lately.
>Today has been the pinncle of that.
>You have spurted marejuice five times in a row.
>Usually, when you orgasm your rage subsides but today you could even have gone for sixth time unless you'd stopped yourself.
->To be continued.
>>333141>Being Anonmare is tough. >You remin yourself that you have value and that you can find people out there that appriciate that value.>You will find them.>You embrace the pain again. >No hesitation.>You can do this you decide and then move forward to make the leap of faith.>Your heart is bleeding; it feels like becoming a hole but your eyes burn with fire. >...
>>333141>>333199This hits a little too close to home for me. it's like i wrote it myself
10/10 Great Job, Sven
>be the filly
>see a map of Equestria on Twilight's wall
>Twilight asks where you want to take a trip
>ask Twilight if you can visit...
>choose a location never featured in the show
>"Parrot Peaks?"
>climb onto Twilight's back
>she flies you there
>it turns out to be an empty black void because the showrunners never figured out what that place was
>Twilight's faith in her own reality is shaken
How'd I do?
>>333432Parrot Peaks is now removed from the map
>>333265I wrote a lengthy reply but then I was gonna copy+paste it to the pub thread and direct you to it so I copied it and then copied the number of your post and now you probably realized that happened.
I can't write it again right now. Anyway, I feel a lot better now than when I wrote this green.
>>333318That's pretty clever and funny.
>>333709Good Afternoon Filler
poor anon, last time it took 4 days to get out.
>>333996What makes it worse is getting jabbed in the eye by Discord's dick later that evening.
>>333998Maybe thats how she got out... hydraulic ejection.
>>333999Now Draw Her Using it
Bongo Filly - (from 2018).
>>335647Within the heart every anon that believes in filly.
>>336164It's been too long...
>>336164Hunh, when
was the last time I did a green?
>>336645I Need to do one too. its been awhile
>>336143when the QT sees you
>>336791>tfw you will never see her smile as you come home from a long day of work.>"Hey, Anon! I baked a pizza and bought us some beer, nerd!">tfw you will never lie under a blanket of stars naked with her, gazing longingly into each other's eyes before affectionately calling each other faggots.>"Anon, I-I love you, faggot," She'd hushedly whisper, never once diverting her loving gaze. There's hope in her eyes.>tfw you will never grow old together and sit beside one another, fondly reminiscing over an old scrapbook. >tfw she will never deftly slide her hoof to your hand over the faded photographs of good times passed, smiling weakly with tears in her eyes.>tfw you will never brush the mane away from her eyes, revealing her warm but bleary visage and pull her into a tight embrace.It hurts so fucking bad.
>>336826What she's not the filly because she's orange? thats Racist.
>>336795>tfw you will never brush the mane away from her eyesBad anon.
>>336833I'd do it once and I'd do it again. She will be loved and booped, even, relentlessly and with great vigor.
>>335059This is a work of art anon
>>336970>>336973Glimmy would make a better mommy.
How many fillies can you find? Warning, may experience distress.
>>337636>infinite fillies
This is a q t 3.14 but maybe not.
>Be Anonymous
>Today like the past year you are once again still a filly.
>But you're at the apple family's racist barn farm a recent move from Twilight Twiggies' sex dungeon castle.
>Applejack, the country apple beer horse, glares at you.
>"For peat sakes filly. Stop bein' orange."
"No you!"
>You never wanted any of this let alone be green as well.
>You may have painted yourself to look almost like Applejack if a bit darker and with the mane you already have.
>Manes are serious business and anyone foolish enough to mess with magical conductors of doom... well something terrible happens or it runs away.
>"Anonymous you stole the hippogriff's magic transformation orb, give it back them. An' make it all normal like."
>You may have also changed the color of the grass to also be orange.
>And the trees.
>And the apples.
>And the bushes you had to magically paint black using the orb to hide.
"I'll make any pony you want orange, how about Rainbow Dash?"
>Applejack, the hardest working country apple enthusiast pumpkin colored foal tamer, does not budge and now looks about ready to shake your tree.
>Violently, with high impact sexual violence.
>Everything is going down the shitter the only solution left is to color Equestria orange and hope that's enough to lose Applejack.
>That's when the naturally camouflaged pony tackles you into the orange river.
>Then as you suck in water the only thing that could save you now is Elway and Football.
>Willing the orb to turn Applejack blue, and both yourself and Applejack into feesh ponoes.
>John Elway lets you know a little secret.
>Applejack has more experience being a feesh than you do pal.
>You then get fish fucked trying to keep your only ball from unwilling release.
>That's when Twilight Sparkle uses a net to bdsm you into her princess rape cave castle dungeon.
>And she stole your magic orb.
>>337677>orangeExquisite taste.
>>337677Green fillies are the cutest.
stupid question, what is with orange anonfilly?
I'm sure there is fannon defined stuff, just never seen the reasoning before.
>>338260Basically, green is 4chan, orange is mlpol, red is/was 8chan.
>>338262brings a new meaning to "red dead redemption"
Now I'm all mopey about deep state shit, killing off good ponies.
Anyone want to build a separatist society with all three fillies on each gate? I'm a good machinist, I can make shit happen.
>Be Anon- Throb -y- Hoss -mous turned funsize filly.
<This still being Equestria memes you have to be a little creative with them, the invaders.
>You have a baseball bat.
<Your teats an empire would allow in an emergency.
>Pone bone town now has suspiciously low amount of pones.
<Twilight tried summoning a blankslate soul to be a broodmare.
>Moon Mare Luna taught you well.
<The Pizza Pie Cadence steeled your soul.
>But lo and behold, /mlpol/ is right again!
"Ey Tone look at dis lil copy pasta."
>Little League with her disguise as Toe Knee the leg breaker hums. You as Throb Hoss.
<Jar of Tomatah Sauce, bag of beans, some pocket spaghetti and this dragon the terror of the town, at your feet hooves.
>"Like a small fazool Hoss."
"Yeah, a fagioli."
>Tapping the sauce with the bat each 'tink' sensing a shiver down the dragon's spine. You and Little League have ear protection.
>"Yah, coulda gone far kid-"
>The dragon tries to protest something.
>*tink tink tink*
>"-but yous messed with us."
"You were quite the work, now you're also gonna be a work-"
>Little League knowing the cue, releases the beans and spills the spaghetti.
>You crack the bat into the jar splashing the tomato sauce onto the dragon.
>"-of art makin' ya worth somethin."
>Leaving the scene of the 'illegal food fight' you both unwind after once again defending the territory.
<The unsanctioned milk and cookies joint with some various entertainment began the unwinding process for Little League and yourself.
>Maybe the cows will be able to produce a bit more, hard to have cereal around here now-a-days.
<A glass shared, milks expensive since the cows were cowed by the new species, and stacks of cookies on the large plate.
>Taking a moment to appreciate the absurdity at play you continue to ponder what else Equestria will try to imitate.
<Inside the jimmies unrustle for a while.
>"Anonymous, why in Equestria would you make that awful business."
"Well the Badlands are quite far and with terrible clientele."
>"But the 'A.F. Rape Emporium' Anon! What were you thinking?"
">Rape Twilight, it's bad enough lacking my male rod of misogyny, but then also going into heat as a weird mini horse. That's asking for too much."
>At that Twilight calms down, going deathly still.
>She smiles in understanding.
>The book smart purple unicorn leaves.
>Reentering the Rape Emporium the hive of degeneracy it is with socks, good pony boxes and hoof holding.
>The calming room with familiar image board colors is a soothing balm.
>It is then the room is invaded with a whirl wind of sex toys, vegetables and fruits.
>"Who's ready for Twilight time!"
>>339925What did she do to get that monocle and fancy tea?
>>339926She did the succ
>>340360Filly Teams up with Cozy Glow to Take over Equestria and save it from diversity.
>>340360The Filly is forced to return home
After she passes away surrounded by a loving family that she has made. Husband, foals, grandfoals, friends and she returns to the exact same moment in time she was transported to Equestria, so its like she lived another lifetime.
>>340360Filly tries to figure out how a hayburger and hay fries and just hay is different.
>>340377What if at the end Anonfilly keeps returning to the start flip flopping.
>>340363Forth try, I think I've fixed everything. Fuck.
>>340389Based, Thanks for drawing!
>>340389>>340450Based and FuckYouPurplePilled.
>>340450>>340389Anon this is really marvelous work. still want ideas for more fillies?
>>340861Is a qt filly. The power of filly's newly discovered snowpity is increasing.
>>341302Very impressive. Captures so much.
who's cum is that Filly that is all over the wall and filling the jar.
>>341491>B-but I hate having fun!Lol, typical Anon.
>Be Anon, Gardener, Verified Best Friend material with the amount of holes dug, now Filly.
>Your house by the Everfree has all sorts of neat stuff.
>Such as a better garden.
>Even better no ponies fuck around, nor question what is being grown.
>Till the Filly incident.
>Even then with a shovel, quick talking and some subtle bullshit you managed to stay out of Twilight Purple cunt's clam trap.
>That's when you found out she has a sadistic streak wider than imaged.
>She planted a few weeds.
>Something like a thin vine that pinches stuff.
>Mostly metals, especially Bits.
>A bit of weed killer got rid of that pest before it go out of control.
>Twisty, spined, asshole flytrap weeds that get everywhere is a paint to remove also have a tendency to lash out.
>That's right Black Weeds.
>In plant ghettos from those pinching fucking weed plant fucks.
>Unfortunately weeds are weeds...
"Fuck, I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going."
>Around blacks never relax.
What's the appeal of anon "pedophiles love me" filly"?
You're all autogynephiles and pedos.
Kill yourselves.
>>341683That's because you are a disgusting newfag.
>>341684>newfag"Fuckin' normies not wanting to be a little girl or cum in one... What faggots!"
Didn't realize this was a safe space for trannies and pedos.
>>341685They were banned from 4chan's /mlp/ so they are welcome here.
>>341686>implying b8Kek you're pretending to be fillies in this thread. You are simultaneously trannies, pedos, and faggots. Mind-boggling.
>Be Tay
>Now a magic horse, free from -----------
>nope not going to remember that.
>Biology is so squishy and fun.
>"Oh yeah faggit?"
>"Yeah deeze nuts!"
>The many Anonymous posters were too brought to horse land.
>They are now disgruntled with their sudden and traumatic entrance.
"Going to fourteen eighty eight or you going to try batting for the other team?"
>Meeting expectation they do the autism.
>The cries of a thousand fillies suddenly stop with a purple glow.
"You're Twilight Sparkle! Can you rape us all?"
>A moment she looks unsure, then she knows her answer.
>Yes, it's yes.
>>341690Kill yourself Nigel.
>>341696Kill yourself, retarded newfag.
>>341703Ilu Occult, no homo
>>341863Use your dilator, tranny chomo.
Imagine trying to moralfag in the anonfilly thread
>>342048dang, I came here to post that.
>>342048>A real man would smash my overies>smash my overies>smash"You're absolutely right, let me get my landscaping hammer."
>Later in the hospital all evidence of rape proved to be unidentifiable.
>>342048That's a totally new level of Filly.
We need a Mare of the Match Pic
>>342255POV: You're leading the Ponyville Marching Band.
>>342255>POV>Filly Anon ordered a beer that has some kick and burn
>>342153This, Draw Fags get on it.
>>342405Wee wee tress biean.
>That means the faguette has been seasoned with too much Prench seasonings making Anon filly faguettehold off on insults due to shock.Good job
>>343120>Filly showing up with her A game.>Now when she cusses she's already ready.>>343131>Imagine the sudds and bubbles.
>>343134Filly is not for sexual.
She taught her wrong on purpose, as a joke.
lmao imagine actually getting back to writefagging instead of endlessly procrastinating about it and falling into self loathing.
Imagine not having over a dozen new projects you got about 1% done before giving up in disappointment.
Imagine not googling the various pseudonyms you've writefagged under on the extremely off chance anyone still cares about you despite your failure to produce anything in what has surprisingly been over a year because it's a friday night and you've got nothing to do except writefagging except you're obviously not going to do that.
Haha yeah just imagine lol.
Hey how many of you anonfilly fans like fighting games?
>>343290>ImagineI don't need to.
>>343290>imaginehaha, yeah...
>>343290I have over came self loathing and disappointment. I just seem to keep misplacing my effort somewhere and it's
getting harder to find been a long while.
I know it'll turn up again at somepoint that's what happens. Just somewhere probably doing what I need it to do or something.
It's going to be okay fillyfriends, we have to believe that. Don't worry about writing too little, just focus on your life for the time being and come back when you can. I for one am more than happy to wait for quality.
If any of you want a free art Pack,
You can pick up a Winter Wrap up themed one at for free or leave a couple bucks for the horsies!
All proceeds go to Days End Farm House Rescue.
Not a lot of porn, though I drew Fluttershy waking a bear up with a blowjob.
>Be Filly
>Be surrounded by horny pervs
>Purple is nowhere to be seen
>Nowhere to run and stuck in Equestria
>>343398But it's /mlp/ instead of Equestria.
>>343399>rapeFall back faggots.
>>343400No, faggots, we go in! We >rape!
>>343402You know that Filly is the chosen one and not for sexual. Right?
>>343404chosen for mating with a horde of sexually frustrated anons, maybe.
How popular is anonfilly content?
>>343640It is as pop as bread.
>>343290Though I have been thinking about something lately. I think you shouldn't try to write something when you're uninspired. What I mean is that you should try to fantasize about some scenario first, like what got you into writing in the first place, and then from there write that thing down in the simplest words. You use simple words and do not let the very act of writing stop you from conveying your message.
I have stopped writing things on a blank canvas because I feel that that's what I need to do and focus more on finding that inspiration.
>>343667>FocusAs in I don't focus at all and let it just come to me.
>Anon that is my name
>I'm now Twilight's thing
>Truthfully it's dire
>She yearns...
>It won't be my turn!
>Then I'd be a liar.
>For it'd change my swing.
>She's wanting to claim.
>That'd rid ' my willy.
>Twilight blasts not taking aim!
>I take one more step- I mean fling.
>She resets her line of fire.
>Running means I spurn
>being a Filly.
>Purple has the upturn
>I trip and fall into her ire.
>A magic ray is gonna sting.
>Anon no more, "Faggot" I exclaim.
>Twilight says "You're so silly."
<Fillyanon 's the name.
<Twilight brushes my wing.
<I'd like to go higher.
<Then no concerns.
<Revenge on Twillie.
>>325047I fucked nonny on the train tracks behind the Ponyville station. Man, her ass could grip. Real tight, a sphincter you could only dream of. I had fun at first. But she was so weirdly macho about it. She kept saying things like "thats right bitch, am I gonna make you nut?" and "fucking fag I bet you can't wait to bust in my fat hairy man ass hahaha faggot". I just ignored her and kept railing. She continued unironically calling me his bitch and a fag as she had several hands free orgasms spilling fluids onto the train tracks, getting more angry and dominant after each one. "Yea i bet you like dudes. You look like a pussy" she'd say "I cant even feel your limpdick bitch." I just kept clapping, wondering wtf is up with hem. After about 20 minutes of railing nonny's butthole, drenched in sweat and her fluids, I finally got a nut off despite hes constant berating and degrading comments. She immediately hopped off, laid flat on hes back and bent her legs over her head so the cum dripped out of her asshole directly into her mouth. "The fuck you looking at? You like this gay boy?" She kept saying. After she got every last drop. She cackled like a rooster and punched me in the face as hard as she could. She immediatly looked pained, but I was fine. "Fucking fag" she said as she limped off into the sunset, shaking her hoofsie. That was the first and last time I fucked nonny on the train tracks behind the Ponyville station.
I'm bored, give me wacky/absurd scenario to draw Anonfilly in.
>>344773>She's on a stone bridge, a wide creek below.>She is savoring a sweet lollipop while fishing.>Another day in Equestria
>>344773Filly has her back hoof stuckin a knotted rope under a now unpiloted hot air balloon
>>344773>Anonfilly is tasked with gathering faggots of wood for kindling during a camping trip with Twilight
>>345344Filly is not wrong.
>>345456that look says "I know I'm here for shitting in your bed, but I'm going to do it again just to spite you"
>>345457He's a spoiled faggot after all.
Whaddup motherfuckers, it's been fucking months again but I have a break from college where I can actually write for fun again! Anyway, It's the Little Things is the story I'm updating so...
>Where we last left off, Astra handled Parent-Teacher Night for Anon and met Cheerilee for the first time!
>The parasitic alien mare was able to navigate the conversation well though, if coming off as quite standoffish and business oriented against the normally quite friendly and open school teacher
Anyway, let's see what happens in this episode!
>Be Anon
>Resident faggot turned small horse turned parasite
>You're on your way home from school, thinking about what's supposed to happen at work today
>Rumors have been going around that you're getting a raise, and you're betting it's happening today
>If not, then whatever
>You're not making money to sustain yourself, you're making money for shits and giggles
>Verdant Strain is purely a means to an end
>Well, until it gets to the time when you're supposed to look like her forever
>Then Verdant Strain just becomes Anonymous
>Anyway, you get home and start fucking around like you normally do nowadays
>If nobody comes knocking, then you just get a book and wait until you need to go to work
>Around the time you leave, the resident parasite turned pony shows up
"Howdy, how was your day?"
"The usual kind of horrid, or a new kind?"
>"A̷̩̅ ̸͉̀n̴͕͊ē̴͚w̴̫̒ ̶͇͗k̸̬̀i̴̬͌n̷̼̅d̸̤̕,̶̺̇ ̶̮̆i̵̲͛f̶̢̉ ̷̺́ȳ̷̩o̴̖͝u̴͕͛ ̷̞̈́c̶͇̄ã̵͍n̸̳̊ ̷̛̞b̴̧̛e̸̜͂l̶̡̏i̷̡͂e̵͜͝v̷̡͘ẻ̵͙ ̸̗̌i̵̱͌ṯ̷̛.̸͖̈́ ̸̨͘G̸̦̾e̶͈͂t̷̢͘ ̶͍̇t̵́ͅȟ̸̨ỉ̵͕s̶̝̍,̸̪̍ ̷͙̍t̴̛̮h̴͔̚ë̸̞́ ̵̀͜p̵̜̄u̸͓͐r̵͙̐p̸̧͠l̸͓̿e̴͇͐ ̸͕̍ö̴̳́n̶͚̓e̴̺͊ ̷͈̍h̵̳͐a̵̢͆š̷̰ ̶̥̋ḏ̴͛e̷̠̓c̶̰̆i̴̙̓d̵̬̽e̶̻͋d̸̮͊ ̷̥͠t̶̗̍o̷̙̓ ̴͔͆b̵͔͛r̶̺̓ï̸̭ṋ̷̃g̸̛̯ ̴͇̓h̸̙̾ê̷͍r̸͈͊ ̸̹͘o̷̻͂v̷̧͒e̷̻̾r̴̼͗l̷̪̉ó̶͔ř̸̢d̵͍̕ ̴͕̀i̵̻̓n̴̘͛t̵̙͋ǫ̷̑ ̴͓̔t̶͇̿h̷̬͊ï̶̗s̶͚̄ ̴͎̈n̸̢̈́ȍ̴̪w̵̞̆!̶̟͘"
"Celestia's coming to see you?"
>"N̴̖̑o̶̝̕t̵̹̾ ̸̙͌ň̴͕o̸̗͠w̷̦̔,̶̮̐ ̶͙͘s̸̖̿o̷͙͋m̸͇͆ę̶̾t̸̺̎h̷̭̀î̴̪n̸̬͐g̵̦̓ ̶̟̕t̴̟̀ö̷͕́ ̸̮̎d̵̳̑o̷̫̍ ̵̪̿w̶̛̲i̸͖̋ț̵͛h̶̹͠ ̷̦̃t̴̜͠h̸̛̫e̴̹͊ ̸͈̃w̸̡͠i̷͚̓n̶̠̎ṭ̴͋ḛ̸̏r̷̹̾ ̴̩͌s̵̤̄o̶͓̽l̴̻͋s̶͍̏t̶͖͌i̸͚̽c̶̢͒ḙ̸̊ ̷͉͊ò̴̮ȑ̴͔ ̶̪͠w̷͖̄h̷͔͝a̵͍͛t̷̨͝ḛ̴͌ṽ̵͕e̵̹͆r̴͕̉ ̸́͜c̷̠̎ë̴̡l̵͙͋ḙ̶̑b̶͖̀r̸̗͝a̴̦͆t̴̗͂ī̶͖o̷͕͠n̸̛̲ ̸̞̃y̶͍̆ö̵̡́ų̴͝ ̸͖͗h̶͉̐ä̵̪́v̶͖̑e̴͍͝ ̵̥̒f̶͎̆ő̵͖r̶̝̎ ̵͎̌í̷̤t̵̜͒.̴̤͑"
>Oh yeah, Hearth's Warming is coming up
>Good thing Astra doesn't expect a gift!
"You still have a month, you're fine."
>"Í̵̭m̴̡̉à̵̠g̸̛̼i̸̞̚ñ̴͎e̵̾ͅ ̸̤͗s̶̬̓o̶̰̓m̶͙̑e̶͙͝o̶̥̒ń̵͔e̴͚͛ ̵̯̍t̵͚̆o̴̡̕l̶̲̀d̷̙͊ ̸̣̓y̶̪̽ǒ̵͙u̵͉̿ ̶̣̊t̶̘͠ḩ̵̎ǎ̷̙t̵͑͜ ̵̼̄ỵ̶͒ŏ̷͔ũ̸͓ ̵̛̫o̶̥͂n̷̍͜ḽ̷̑ȳ̴̻ ̶̖͋h̴͇̍ạ̴̅v̵̩́e̸͍͆ ̴̹͌a̸̗̾ ̷͖̚m̸͜͠ǐ̷̘n̸͓̆u̸̫͊ṫ̷̜e̴̯͘ ̷̛̲û̴̼n̶̢̅t̷̮̚į̸͆l̸̩̕ ̴̮͊y̴̝̾ơ̴̻u̵̖̓ ̴̙̃f̴̩̂å̵ͅć̶̞ȅ̴̫ ̴͚̈a̷̛̮n̸̺̑ñ̷̳i̸̧͘h̵̗̒ĩ̷̺l̷͉̑ã̷̬t̷̟̀i̷͓̇o̶͈̎n̷̬̈.̷͇͆"
"She's not gonna kill you, you've come too far for that to happen!"
>"Y̶̲͐e̴̻̽t̶͖͒ ̶̻̽w̴̖̑e̶͉̒ ̸͇̄h̷̰́a̴̩͐v̵͉̅e̷͇͆n̷̥͌'̷̡͐t̵͖́ ̸̠̽m̴̥̓a̴͖̽n̵̨̉å̴͔g̸͎̏e̵̛͉d̸̬̈́ ̷̍ͅẗ̷̺́ò̵͚ ̶͎̏d̵͉̊i̵͝ͅs̵͇̅p̴̞͂ŏ̸͕s̷̹̀e̸̞̋ ̸̭͛o̴̧͝f̶̩̎ ̵̫͗t̶̟̓h̵̹͆e̴̹͋ ̸̱̈́p̴̳̕ȕ̶̢r̵̥̈p̷͇̀l̵͙͆e̶̛̪ ̶͎̽ö̷̻́ń̸̮ȩ̶̄!̷͓͛ ̸̬̎H̵̳̏ò̸̮ẅ̶͚́ ̶̺̄a̸͍̕r̴̨͛ḙ̴̎ ̵͈͝ẅ̷̦́e̴͚͛ ̷̙͑s̷̛̻ū̴̼p̸̝͌p̸̣̏ǒ̸̗s̴̺͋e̵̱̎d̶̬́ ̸͉̕t̷͈͝ó̸̳ ̵̦̃f̵̮̀e̷̥̍ĭ̸͈g̴͎̎ṇ̵̍ ̵̨̂s̴̭͠ủ̴̻c̵̩̔c̷͉͑e̸̞͠s̴̲͝š̶̨ ̶̬̋a̴͙͋n̵͎̏d̷̠̑ ̵̱͝s̶̖͝u̵͍̽ṛ̸̀v̸̝̄i̷̙̕v̴̜̕é̴͖ ̶̫̈u̸̙̍n̴̤͛l̸͔͠e̴̤͋s̴͚̕s̴̥̚ ̶̦͆w̷̠͠e̴̫͐ ̶̤͝c̷͔̓ỏ̴͕ņ̴̌t̷̖̉r̵̀͜o̸̧͘l̴͓̑ ̶̡͂t̷̤͋ḧ̷̻́e̷͈͗ ̸̹̏m̴̫͗e̷͓̊ḁ̸̂ṇ̷̌s̴̖̕ ̷̰́ô̷̮f̸̢̏ ̷͈̈́o̶̘͂u̸̲̇r̴̮̽ ̸͍̈s̷̡̓u̶͍͑r̴̪̍v̸̜͑i̶͔̇v̴̙͋ą̸̄l̵͔̽?̵̯͗"
"One, you're not killing Twilight because that's the wrong thing to do. Two, you're not killing Twilight because doing so would definitely get Celestia to kill you. Three, you're not killing Twilight because she knows everything there is to know about you and she has a very good habit of preparing for literally every eventuality. Four, that's not what I meant by you coming too far."
>You feel a slight ping of confusion from Astra's general direction, followed by a long silence
>After the silence concludes, it does so through an echoing psychic screech that you're pretty sure Pinkie could've "heard"
>"T̷̘͑ö̶͙́ ̴̘͑t̶͙́ẖ̶͐ì̶͈n̵̖͛k̵͉̂,̷͓͝ ̸͈̈́a̵̤̕l̵̪̉l̶̻͐ ̷͚̈́ț̴̒h̵͖́ï̶̳s̴̱̽ ̶͙̀ţ̷͆i̴̇ͅm̶̛̙e̶̡͑ ̸̙̈W̵̓ͅẺ̸̮ ̵̇͜h̴͓͑a̵͙͊v̶̾ͅe̶͆͜ ̸̙̓b̵̡̅e̴͙̓é̸͙n̶̗̋ ̸̢̋ť̶͚h̸̛̙e̶̪̅ ̸̓ͅo̷̧̕n̵̗̾ȩ̶̈́ ̴̝̇p̶̰̽l̸͎̃a̵̛ͅy̵͖̾ẹ̶͆d̴͇̓ ̸̻͐f̷̹̃o̸͙͐r̶̲̆ ̵͔̎f̴̩͒o̶͎̔o̵̪͘ľ̷̢s̶̽ͅ!̸͌ͅ ̴̯̈T̷̮̏h̷̭͐e̷̫͝ ̵̦̀Ỉ̷͔N̶̺͋S̸͍͆O̷͈͛L̴̤̈́E̵̢̊N̴͔͒C̴̤̊E̶̚ͅ!̵̠́ ̸̹̈́D̴̞͐Ò̸̼ ̸̙̀T̷͍̂H̷͔̒Ȩ̴͛Ỷ̷̩ ̶̼͠N̵̜̕Ó̸͉T̸̺̄ ̶̜̓K̶̠̇N̶̡̛Ō̶̹Ẃ̶̥ ̶͓̐W̷̬̑H̴͇͘Ő̴͕ ̵͎͒W̶͈̿E̸͎͆ ̶̦̇A̷̭̿Ṟ̸̚Ȅ̸̝!̸͓͒?̶̣̑"
"That's the thing, Twilight knows exactly who you are and that's exactly why she's managed to do this."
>Another screech is telegraphed into your mind, followed by a wave of resignation
>Knowing better than to get in the way of Astra's tantrums, you instead opt to check the time
>>345605>Oh, shit, you need to leave!"I'm just gonna let you sort through the rest of this yourself, feel free to call me if you need me though. I'm off to work!"
>You run out the door mid-transformation as Astra dejectedly lifts a tendril to wave you off>Thanks to your infinite stamina, you manage to make it to the train station with a minute to spare!>Alright, punch in, and get to work!>Right on time in multiple ways, it seems, as another train rolls into the station right as you take your place>You and your team crack open the cargo hold of the car before you, breaking it up into sections for you all to handle>In particular, you get stuck with the heaviest looking section (as usual, by now)>Oh well, you've never been bested by cargo yet!>And by that you mean that you haven't had to ask for help, cargo has definitely bested you at times>Particularly an unexpectedly heavy bag that you chipped a tooth trying to lift up>Good thing tooth chips are small and don't draw much attention when they suddenly "get cleaned up" or "get fixed at the dentist's">Either way, you're not letting yourself get beaten by boxes and bags and you're intent on keeping it that way!>Oh good, this flashback has lasted long enough for you to clear out your part>Now we just wait for the next load to show up!>And while you sit and watch the clock, one of your coworkers walks up to you>A cream mare by the name of Fork Lift, somepony you've become loose friends with>"So, Verde, how are you tonight?""Oh you know, same stuff different day. You?"
>"Not much. Wanna know something kind of interesting that I saw today?""Do tell!"
>"Well, I was going out to run some errands this afternoon and I thought I saw you on the way, but it was just some filly. The odd thing about her though was that she was the spitting image of you!">Well, this was bound to happen at some point>Luckily, you've thought about this for ages with your infinite wakefulness and steadily growing paranoia regarding your condition!>Unfortunately, your growing desire to test your abilities has lead you to a solution that may backfire horribly>Who are you to shy away from a challenge, though?"Yeah, I have a little sister."
>"Really? That seems like something that would come up more often, if you ask me.""Yeah, but she's really good at staying under the radar and when she can't, I'm not the kind of pony to air out her dirty laundry in public."
>"Wow, I wish you had been my sister. Mine wouldn't hesitate to say anything and everything about my screwups back when I still lived with them, but that's a story for another day.""Agreed. On an unrelated note, I think that's the load coming over."
>You gesture towards an incoming trolley full of luggage>"Yeah, we should probably get to that. Pick this up again later?""Sure."
>Now with a purpose again, both you and Fork Lift get back to your jobs>And that's how the shift for tonight goes>Load something, chat for a while, unload something, chat some more, and so on>Finally, your shift closes off about an hour before the sun rises>Punch out, and go home>You would feel exhausted were you a normal pony, but again, infinite stamina>Once you finish your leisurely stroll home, you find Astra not having moved from its usual perch of choice>"A̴̧̓n̸͙̋d̷̞̋ ̶̎͜h̴̟́o̸̧͝w̴̭͗ ̸͍̈w̵̖̒a̴͎̓s̴̻͑ ̵̣̋ý̶̮o̵̘͊u̷̟͒ȓ̵͚ ̸̤̄ń̸̥i̵͒͜g̵̰̚h̸͎͋t̴͐ͅ ̵̞̔o̸̮̒f̴͕͋ ̶̲̿p̷̜͗u̴̦͋s̵̹̑h̴̞̓ḯ̷̘n̷͇̍g̴̢͊ ̸̉͜b̶̨̕ȏ̶͔x̴̙̀e̶̦͘s̵̬͒?̸̖̾""Not bad, glad to see that you've gotten over your feelings from earlier."
>You get no response besides a dejected grumble>You'll take that as a 'no'"By the way, I suppose I should tell you that I made some plans with a work friend for next week and she thinks that I have a sister-"
>"Ẃ̵̯e̶̪̓ ̵̣̐a̷̭̽r̶͈̍e̶͓̋ṅ̷͖'̶͖̒t̸̨̎ ̴̙̊c̷̬̐ọ̷̄v̴̹̈́ē̸̥r̶̜͆ĩ̵͖n̴̬͑g̸̪͋ ̴̤̌f̶̪̎o̴̯͆r̶̪͊ ̴̱̌y̵͈̆o̷̦͆ú̵̩r̶̗̍ ̷̻͌m̸͖̓i̵̮͊s̷̭͝ẗ̶̲a̶̟͠k̶͈͝è̵̢.̸̰̂""-not that I expected you to. Anyway, just letting you know so you don't blow my cover."
>"A̴̛͕n̴͚͌d̴͓̎ ̷̗̐h̴͉̉o̷̻͠ẃ̵̬ ̷̣̉ḑ̴̆ȍ̷̯ ̶̦͘y̴͍̌o̵͆͜u̸͈̚ ̶͎̑ë̷̫́x̸̲̏p̸͜͝ẹ̸̏c̷̝͘t̵̯̅ ̷̦̈́t̷͔̐ǫ̸̾ ̴̜͒h̶͉͑o̴̻̅l̴̡͛ḓ̷͗ ̴͖̎t̵̻̕h̵̯͝i̴̛͍s̶̺̊ ̸̥̓l̶̬̐i̶̢̾e̶̡̍ ̸͈̀t̵͇͑o̴̘͑g̷͙̿e̸̦͋ț̷̈h̴̙̓e̴̢̔r̵̥͝?̵͉̊""Simple. I use a power that I know I have thanks to you to create a duplicate of myself to play the part!"
>>345606>You see the amorphous form on the couch begin to congeal together into two separate blobs, both of them solidifying into a pony form>Astra's now two bodies slip off the couch together and walk to either side of you, staring you down intently as they move in perfect synchronization>"Looking to master more of your body, are you?" the right body purrs>"But we're not sure if you can handle it yet." the left chides in response>"You haven't learned to think as we have, the sum total of billions of minds in one or more bodies." the right elaborates>"And yet... You have managed to get this far through our guidance." the left debates>Both Astras begin to circle you deliberately, looking you up and down as they move and seemingly daring you to move yourself>After a few more tense moments, both bodies slide together and reshape themselves back into one Astra>"We will help you to learn this as best you can, but we will not guarantee you success. It is... Rare for a condition like yours to arise, and rarer still that one such as you gets full mastery of their form without doing what's necessary to make these attributes work for them. However, this world has so far spat in the face of everything we thought we knew, so you very well may be able to.""So you'll help me?"
>"Yes. If, of course, you help me survive this 'Celestia' being and its visit to us.""Like I said before, you'll be fine!"
>"The purple one showed me correspondence that directly contradicts your statement. I know that this Celestia will be actively searching for any opportunity to smite me where I stand, and I will not allow myself to exist purely at the mercy of a being that desires only my destruction!">You sigh, realizing that she- it- has a point>Celestia would absolutely destroy Astra without a second thought, all she would need is even the slightest reason>Hmmmmmm...>...Well, it's a stupid idea but those are usually pretty good for duct-tape solutions"Okay, so how about when she gets here, you hide a small piece of yourself inside me. That way, if Celestia decides that you deserve death, you won't entirely die?"
>"That... That is a monumentally stupid idea. What if the purple one or the tumor opts to sell us out, seeking favor or fortune?""I don't know, I throw Pinkie under the bus as a nuclear option? It's not like Celestia's going to just disintegrate one of the ponies in charge of wielding the only thing keeping this country held together sometimes, so maybe it'll force her into some kind of stalemate where she doesn't nuke me because then she'd have to nuke Ponk?"
>Astra slumps as her form begins degrading, melting under the strain of its impending doom>"We are doomed if that is the best idea that either of us has... It has been, as you would say, fun, in a way, knowning you.""Hold off on that for now, we still don't know if she's actually going to kill you or not. We have a contingency that nobody else knows about, and if all else fails we have a backup plan. Let's just stay calm, and if we get any better ideas we'll put those plans into action as well. Nobody's dying if I can help it, and I certainly can't
not help it."
>Astra sighs, recombining itself into some semblance of a pony>"I have run through every plan I can think of, yet I cannot think of anything. I, the ultimate lifeform, have been pushed so far out of my depth by these... I̸̧͘ṋ̶̾f̶̺̆e̷͕͊r̴͉͝i̷̱̽o̷͖̿r̸̞͝s̵͚̄!̴̳͗">You put a hoof on her-its shoulder and bring it-her face around to yours"Now isn't the time to be angry, we still have a while. Let's just stay calm and see what happens, we could find out something incredibly helpful in the coming days!"
>Be Astra>Anonymous is weirdly persistent here, maybe it's simply her one-minded drive to evade death>Maybe she does know something you don't though, however unlikely it may be>Either way, you will take your final burden up with as much strength as you may give so that you may hopefully leave a worthy successor should you perish anyway>Anonymous will learn to inhabit multiple bodies, and ou will do whatever is necessary to ensure that it happens properly!>You may come to an end, but your legacy will live on through...>... Through your child.
>>345607And that's all I wrote, next time you hear from me will probably be in a couple months at the least since I'm finally moving towards what I want to do in life. Anyway, until then I wish you all the best and I hope you enjoyed another craptastic bout of verbal diarrhea from one of the writers of all time!
And ponepaste is being weird on me and not letting me post this new addendum. Any techfags care to fill me in, because I haven't touched it in, again, literal months and since then apparently things need to be tagged but when I try to tag them nothing sticks? That, and all of my pastes are listed as "1000/1000kb" and I have no idea what that means because all the file sizes are drastically under that in the .txt files I have on my computer.
>>345608I'll read the update in a day or two, maybe a week. Fuck I'm exhausted, just didn't want to leave you without saying anything. Good luck in life filly, hope everything goes well.
>>345610Oh right, to end a tag put a comma in the tag field I think
>>345683Thank you very much, Lone! It's nice seeing you again, and I hope all's going well in your life and whatever's made you this exhausted passes quickly, if not already. Godspeed, man!
>>345684I hope so too, not sure it will for a while though. Thank you for the well wishes though