Maybe if the horse drawing is nazi enough our ancestors will approve of us masturbating to it
>>312123Is this the continuation of
>>223714 → ?
The ultimate question for this thread is what is more degenerate, mares with accurate horse genitals or with human vag? Personally for me I only go with true mare bits, if you are going to admire all of the beauty of a mare then it should be as Celestia intended
Also going to contribute with examples to examine in great and close detail
>>312186Fully accurate horse genitalea or bust
>>312190Anything less than full horse IS degenerate.
>>312203Sir, those are correctly called teats. Never compare glorious equine anatomy to shitty human wymynz anatomy.
>>312186Horse pussy is best pussy.
>>312190Women have roast beef vaginas.
>>312210Putting hairless monkey pussy holes on sexy mares is semi-anthro in both concept and design.
>>>/go/mlpol/3498 "How is it to be labelled a horse fucker?-thread
Leaf has left for good, hasn't he?
>>313136Most likely gone, but not forgotten. That leaf will forever blow onward through his greens.
First pic from that thread.
Dont know why but i kind of like adult flurry heart. I feel like she as a lot of green potential.
>>313796It's funny but the leaf I talked about
>>313136 had a green about a prince Anonymous getting together with princess Flurry that he never finished.
>>313926Ah damn, she really does not have a lot of content its a shame.
I'd thought I try to post greens here once everyday from now on. I just gotta keep my perfectionist from controlling me and accept that what I write might not be God's gift to litterature.
>Be Anon.
>You're wearing an apron and a white chef's hat or as you degenerates like to say, ”Horsecock hat,” so it's in a way symbolic for what will happened in this story.
>”There Anon, I'm ready,” chirpes, a high-pitched voice.
>A pink mare bounce into the kitchen with her deeper pink mane and tail tied into bums.
>She also wears a chef's hat which spends more time in the air than on her head.
>As she touch-down next to you, she takes of her hat.
>”What do you think of these bums, Nonny,” she says and for the briefest moment you think you hear her say, ”I like yours,” and see her lick her upper lip and aim a look towards your groin.
>But that moment is already over.
>She place her hooves on your chest pull herself up to you and shove her mane-bum into you face.
>Her normally, huge puffy mane have been slicked back into cotton candy like bum.
>”Touch it. Touch it,” she encourages you and use one of her hooves to guide your hand to the bum.
>You squeeze it a few times.
>So soft.
>So squishy.
>She leans in and whispers, ”Do you like it.”
>She pushes herself away from you.
>You look into her half-lidded blue eyes.
>Her face is just an inch or two from yours.
>Your eyes widen a bit but you say nothing, What's the matter, Anon? Cat's got your tongue?
>The moment is over and she steps down on her fours again.
>It takes a little second before her energy resurges again.
It was because you, yes, (you) were too much of a faggot to make a move on her; remember mares say no only in the begining...
>Then she spins around and arch her back so her ass is pushed up.
>She wiggles her plot in front of you.
>>315615Actually, this doesn't make sense it's spelled buns not bums. Yeah.
This set is so good I had to post it twice
>>315304Incest is degenerate pro-kike garbage. Stop being a shill for (((them))), you utter dipshit.
>>315863Kek. This entire thread is degenerate but incest is too much? That's so dumb.
Make me.
>>315863On the contrary, the vast majority of marriages in human history were cousin based, and because being genetically closer to your spouse means your kids will be closer, we invest more into them. 3rd cousins have the most amount of kids, and they even mention lowering genetic homogeneity to lower birthrates., people way overestimate the harmful effects of incest, thanks again to kikeish media
>While pregnancies from sex between first cousins do carry a small risk of birth defects, this risk is often exaggerated:[419] The risk is 5–6% (similar to that of a 40-year-old woman giving birth),[419][420] compared with a baseline risk of 3–4%.[420] The effects of inbreeding depression, while still relatively small compared to other factors (and thus difficult to control for in a scientific experiment), become more noticeable if isolated and maintained for several generations.[421]And once you get 2nd cousin there are basically no negatives >>316065>iceland, where they need an app to tell if their gf isn't related to themlel, of course YOU want incest to be ok
>>315909Imagine meeting someone less stupid than (((You))), goy.
>>316065I have never stated this thread is degenerate, moron. What I did state is: "Incest is degenerate pro-kike garbage." Is your capability to comprehend somehow impaired? Do I have to explain simple words? Regardless of that, incest is an immoral 'religious practice' with zero positive end results.
>sex between immediate family members which result in progeny are fine becuz muh pro-kike media source sez so!>links wikishit, a kike owned, run, and managed site to "confirm" above
Genetic biology states otherwise. In specific there are 7 'distinct' populations which continue to show disproportionate plethoras of negative genetic defects due to consistent historical bottlenecks. Care to name them, or are you simply sidelining to prevent from getting called out?
>>316073More like 10th since male children are expected to have marry and have sex with their sisters/mothers/daughters once per generation, depending on how rabbis interpret the various midrashes/midnashes. Which is hilarious since genetic studies on kikes have been consistently buried since 1984 to prevent goyim from learning the facts that over 40% of juden are stillbirths and there are OVER 80 chronic genetic diseases, not 31 (or 37, depending on 'source').
>>316292>I have never stated this thread is degenerate, moron.And
he never stated that either in his post, if you check.
I said this thread is degenerate. Why? Because if the reasoning for why incest porn is degenerate because it endorses such behavoirs in real life than what does "
horsefuckery" do?
But even
I didn't say that you stated that this thread was degenerate, which
anyone here also can check.
So it's extremely funny that you go on to say this:
>Is your capability to comprehend somehow impaired? Do I have to explain simple words?> Wikepedia is always wrong cause kikeSo I assume you think this entire wikipage: is bs and that this RusAnon
>>314526 → was wrong in using it for his argument then, yes?
>>316325>I said this thread is degenerate. Why? Because if the reasoning for why incest porn is degenerate because it endorses such behavoirs in real life than what does "horsefuckery" do?It came off a bit weird. Basically, I think all porn is degenerate because of a multitude of reasons. What I mean is that usually the argument is, that certain porn encourages irl acts of that kind. So if one where to use that argument to claim that incest is bad then what about horsefuckery?
Should fapping to horsepussy be considered as failing non-fap?
>>319579Well, there are two possible states here: either you are fapping, or you are not fapping. The only way to succeed at non-fap is to maintain the state of not fapping indefinitely. Thus, if you are fapping, you have by definition failed non-fap. What specifically you're fapping to doesn't really factor into it.
And now, here's some more horse porn.
This is the only protection we have from the fools of the internet, e.g. woman. Thusly, I, a knight of horsepussy, makes this humble but not meager offering.
>>322772>page 5F
Yeah, this thread needs more attention.
Got any art of mares being comforting?
So we have a lot of horse pussy, I think it time to have a foal pussy dump. The little ones need some love too after all. Anatomically correct of course though
>>322791kek at the dialogue on the last one
>>322791Bring mares instead, the fillies are for wholesome!
>>322834>>322801>>322791Only stupid chumps like 'em old
>>322921that Bane was gonna troll me
I ain't the biggest guy on the plane
>>322930if you're gonna be a faggot and post non-ponies, then at least make it something lewd like this.
>>322996With a finger and a thumb,
My question is how come there aren’t more threads like this where we discuss pony-related stuff. This is /mlpol/, not just /pol/.
>>324294Because there aren't enough people that post those kinds of threads.
>>324300No, actually forget that post. I was trying to suggest that instead of complaining you should be the change yourself but now when I think about it that might not be the only solution. While it is definitely part of it, there miht be other ways to prompt pony posting.
>>324301That are worth considering.
>>324302Would we allow b&thro? Humans are cute and ponies with human parts also seem to be cute.
Seriously though, does anyone know what happened to that Leaf who wrote porn between Anon and different poners on this board? I'm a bit concerned. Does anyone know if he is still alive? Does he visit /mlp/, I know he had written there before and that he had a pastebin. Is there some update on anyone of them that would indicated that he's still around?
>>324427I know he took a long internet break at some point before he was last seen on the board so it's possible that he just stopped browsing the web but still.
Does anyone think that either Mom or Imalou clops?
Does anyone know of artists with similar styles as pic related? I'm trying to work on my style and need something for research purposes, of course.
How many of the people posting foalcon here would actually fuck a kid? I feel like its high.
>>325031It's disgusting. /mlp/ is even worse and I hate it. People who like foalcon are chomos and I feel no sympathy for them. I just want to fuck adult mares. Anonfilly shit goes right into that same bucket. I would fuck Anonmare, though. P.S. Apogee fans are pedophiles.
>>325033I don't think foalcon is that so much a problem as lolicon, for obvious reasons. I've known people who developed an addiction to lolicon and developed pedophilic urges. They got out of this downward spiral and now have a vendetta against loli and loli artists, but who knows how many people were irreversibly perverted by it.
>>325031I would say none as that sexual perversion is mostly seen in fags with liberal and lefty mindset.
Lurk moar faggot.
>>325031In what mindset can you connect "pastel cartoon horse porn" with "child rapist?" Lay off the boomer juice and lurk, faggot.
>>325036>>325037Your anger at the mere suggestion of an overlap between pedophiles and people who enjoy foalcan further helps me think I'm onto something.
>>325038>Your angerActually it is contempt at your faggotry.
>>325039So do you get off to foalcon?
>>325041It's a rather simple question.
>>325038Less anger and more incredulity.
>>325035Fucked up my reply due to mobile posting.
Have you ever listened to MATI? It's an e-drama podcast ran by Null from KiwiFarms, a former 8chan super janny. He's sincerely said that the same people posting loli were the fuckers posting cp there and he seemed genuinely fucked up from having seen it. I can easily believe that there's an overlap between loli posters and pedos and I don't think it's too much of a stretch to think that there's a floalcon-to-lolicon-to-cp pipeline.
The foalcon poster is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scourge, degenerate, pervert, it all runs off him like water on a raincoat. But call him a pedophile and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out!"
>>325108And do you get sexually aroused by children?
>>325109That was quick. Glad to see that bait is this easy still.
>>325114Trap answers aren’t exactly enticing as denying makes you claim that it is coping and affirming for laughs will only make you reee, but please keep pushing because it is amusing.
>>325116It's an easy question to answer, yes or no.
>>325119Let’s play your game then.
>>325120Still waiting for an answer, yes or no.
>>325127Yep, just trying to see if there's an overlap between pedophiles and those who jerk off to foalcon. I get whatever information I can.
>>325128The answer you look (want?) is
>>325036Not because I say it, but the psychological profile of jews and commies match 100%.
>>325128>>325088Pretty sure josh loved loli
>>325131>Don't look at me, look at them!This isn't about them, it's a commonly known fact that they do that - no one denies it, but if that's your only response to an inquiry about another community then it's really telling.
>>325135Glad you recognize the menace. So, tell us... do you suck negro cock?
>>325128>>325135Definitely no confirmation bias, but I do find it funny that you are doing research in a porn thread. I hope you get the statistics you are looking for.
>>325139Upset? This is starting to get good.
>>325140Of course my fellow sperg.
>>325145>>325143That’s the good stuff thanks lads
>>325151Who is the one with the swastika?
>>325152Yanking my leg upside down Anon?
It's mare hoersler.
>>325157Ponedolf hoofler? So it’s literally just Hitler as a magical talking horse?
>>325162No, that was sarcasm. That's my fault for not clearly delineating that.
>>325152Aryanne, all around best horse around.
>>325162Even better. Literally just Hitler but a magical taking pony.
>>325164Well either way i like her
>>325165She’s my favorite one so far
>>325169Glad to hear it anon. I assume you are new around these parts, so lurk around and you might find some even better images of her that I forgot to save.
>>325173I am new. And I like this place a lot more than 4chins
>>325177It is pretty comfy. Hopefully we can pick up a little speed soon and get projects rolling along.
>>325182It’s a lovely place.I would definitely like to help however I can.
>>325116>>325119While I don't know if foalcon leads to loli, which leads to cp (I'm not saying this couldn't be the case either, idk is the point); he has a point with trap questions. It reminds me of the, "Are you a racist?" question. There is no good answer. Say, "Yes," and you're evil; say, "No," and you're clearly denying it. The best wayto deal with such a question is to do what he did and call it out.
That's essentially why Kyle always followed his answers to questions by explaning himself in further detail. Binger's questions, I'm not really talking about (you) here but I guess I'm somewhat comparing you, were all trap questions and if left on commented the jury would have gotten the impression that he was a killer. Now, Binger did it so bad that it was transparent what he sought out with his questions but an attempt was stilll made on this part to make Kyle look bad by answering quick on certain questions and why he repeated his questions when he didn't get the desired answer.
You know when he say the same questions over and over again at some point, which Kyle repeated his answer to. He expressed a question dressed up in ugly clothes and answering it with just "Yes" would have made Kyle looked bad since he'd admit to point which weren't true so he explained himself.
Point is that Binger repeated these questions though everyone could read between the lines and tell that, Kyle's answer was basically, "Yes, I shot him but not in the way you describe it."
Anyway, I just wanted to give my thoughts on this specific part of your argument. I don't really have any stakes in this debate because well I don't. I really don't feel like I know the answers to these questions yet so I'd rather not give an opinion.
>The picture show us the sledom seen occasion of love between a shark and a mare. >>325212If I'm reading this right, then I think you've got this guy mixed up with me. I'm the one who replied to the guy who brought it up initially. I'm the one that shit on /mlp/ and later posited the pipeline theory based off Jewsh's incel-tranny pipeline theory. I take full credit for my shitty theory and didn't post the trap questions or bait. Just a theory- a gay theory.
Please be patient, I was drunk then and am drunk now and also retarded.
Please enjoy the cartoon horse pussy as a gesture of good faith, frens.
Cartoon horse pussy must never be forsaken.
>>327666And so it mustn't ever, Mr Satan.
Horse pussy prevails! Horse pussy over all!
Could any of you faggots imagine letting horse pussy fall back to page five? I know I couldn't.
>>330408I’ve mentioned this on another thread, but why not separate this thread into multiple threads by pony, species, or whatever it is? This site has become too much about politics and not enough about ponies and not everyone wants to clop to the first random thing they see, but I could imagine keeping this thread for those who do.
>>330413Because we're a small chan. You will get cartoon horse pussy and you will smile and you will be grateful for it. This is the law.
>>330414Thanks, Anon.
>>330598>pic 5Sauce on this semen devil
Man I dont know why anyone would prefer show accurate art over these HD flattering reinterpretations of how poners look. Just fuckin look at that shading.
>>330598Have you ever given thought to the idea that we are a small chan because we don’t cater enough to waifuf
*ggotry? I mean, the Anonfilly and MLH threads had to be moved here because there was nowhere else to go, but this site moves pretty slowly compared to 4/mlp/. Perhaps if we had more pony-based threads, we would appear more attractive as a site. But if there is a reason for staying small, such as a small allocation of cloud space or a slow transfer rate, then I may see the reasoning.
>>330639Even after the Anonfilly thread here was made essentially useless when the 4/mlp/ mods allowed them back? That site was essentially the backbone of /mlpol/’s site traffic and was the fastest thread on the board by a wide margin. If /mlpol/ wants to remain the site it once was, it needs to change its marketing strategy to attract more internet traffic.
>inb4 “Muh offboarders! The site is meant to be this way!”You see, it costs money to run a site like this and it costs the owners of the site money to hire admins and mods to run it. If site traffic drops, then the people who run the site could possibly see no reason to run a site that sees such low traffic or charge subscription fees to the few who do use it, especially if they have to pay out-of-pocket to run the site.
>>330645Ask me how I know you're a newfaggot
>>330641If you don't like horse pussy, you're in the wrong place
>>330645I used to complain about how slow this board was, then 8chan fags flooded in after it was nuked, and low-effort slide-threads became increasingly more prevalent.
I can only imagine what would happen in the event of a massive newfag-wave, gate-keeping it's the only way.
>>330648>Low effort, non-sensical shillingThey're not sending their best i see...
>>330652>gate-keeping it's the only wayThe way we gatekeep is to post horse porn everywhere.
It shouldn't even be concentrated into threads like this, tbh. Earlier in this sites history it was within the politics threads themselves.
>>330654>It shouldn't even be concentrated into threads like this, tbh. Earlier in this sites history it was within the politics threads themselves.This, i am not even into cloppin, not even hentai and am a fucking zoomer btw, but i've seen it work as a repellent so why not.
>>330652>>330654>>330657It really does seem to work well on most, including the Qshills.
I just think its hilarious.
Its funny.
It works
What could go wrong? (don't ask Derpy)
Should (((You))) have a problem with horsepussy... the problem ironically starts and ends with: (((You))).
>>330694>>330654>>330715Then how come we don’t have more pony threads? If this is somehow supposed to deter us from people like whoever put that CP picture on the board if he were a total stranger, then why not have more of them? Or is that incident the reason, since it may mean Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, etc. threads are likely now forbidden?
>>330970>how come we don’t have more pony threads?Honestly, I don't know. It might have something to do with the low speed. There really should be more though.
If you want to make pony threads, be my guest.
>>330978Do you think having more pony threads could increase speed and/or site traffic?
>>330970>>330989Besides the obvious fact that CP-niggers will most likely not be scared off by horsepussy.
Why do you insist so much about bringing in newfags?
Do you realize making this place larger will only put further strain in its security?
What is it with this constant "security concern questions" you endlessly talk about, pointing out vulnerabilities for all shills to see is not going to help anybody but the fucking shills!
Everyone with a cumbrain knows what you're doing, please, just fuck off, tell them you've failed and just take it in the ass like a good lesser-beta kike
>>330989Yeah, I think so.
I don't make nearly as many threads as I used to, but I'm a lot busier these days...
>>330998>Why do you insist so much about bringing in newfags?I always thought of this site as an alternative to 4/mlp/ and 4/pol/, especially since the Anonfilly thread was here while it was forbidden on 4/mlp/ and the MLH thread is here because it is.
>Do you realize making this place larger will only put further strain in its security?So network and site security protocols need to be updated first? We are already in need of a network traffic monitor and we may also need machine learning-based content moderation anyway, so maybe we could get more traffic once those are in place, no? Or are there still more steps to take?
>>331002Look at that!, you get it, now let's follow the steps shall we?
>>331004It appears as though 4/mlp/ is trying to get a jump on us by doing the exact thing we are doing. How necessary are those fixes if we want the other pony threads?
>>331126Man, that topic evolved pretty well. While we are on the subject, what is your opinion of the matter?
I never really got how mlpol is so based and also so degenerate at the same time.
Have some pone pussy I guess....
>>332878Some people sink ever-further into degeneracy as they overexpose themselves to today's extreme high and search for something worse tomorrow.
Some people stay where they are upon finding something they like and enjoying it responsibly.
What separates horse pussy from human pussy? Horsepussy looks better, feels better, and is attached to something with more value.
>>333149Is stroking a unicorn's horn like that gay?
>>333151Hmmmmm, i need more gifs to give a final ruling on the matter.
>>333150If you thought of it as gay, now it's hay and will forever be gay for you.
Otherwise, it would have been no different from sexualized tickling.
>>333155Hmmmmm i need to see more.