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Antifa Mugshots and ugly motherfuckers
358155 364986
Does anyone have any images of Antifa mugshots, subhuman primates with promiment sloped foreheads and distinctly missing prefrontal cortexes, and other ugly leftist motherfuckers?
450 replies and 583 files omitted.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Okay, chief.
2060710 - Christmas Friendship_is_Magic My_Little_Pony Twilight_Sparkle alcor.jpg
2772999 - Fluttershy Friendship_is_Magic My_Little_Pony alcor.jpg
>But this was never really about the fiction, it's about the in-group and out-group.
Actually niggel it's much simpler than that, it's about (You) being an obnoxious faggot who can't get it through his retard head that nobody wants to read your endless walls of text. whatever tho, here's some horse porn for your dead gay-ass thread, don't forget to kys.
While I'm not gonna talk about the past since I feel it requires context, I will say that I have done things towards you that I didn't feel was right in the past, which I feel guilt over. For whatever it's worth, I'm sorry.

I still like a lot of your opinions and think a lot of good about you, so I wish you the best of luck with whatever you're put your mind to. We're similar in that we both seek to fulfill artistic dreams, so I can relate.

Anyway, that was it. Have a good life.
"I saved incase of inflation"

Does she know what inflation is?
371349 371350 371351 371354 371367
By hosting antifa dox, this thread harms the left. Removes their anonymity. Doesn't matter much when those with power in society don't prosecute leftists properly, but this might change some day. This thread has done more to harm the left than anything anyone on this site did last year. I didn't post the antifa dox. I made a thread for ugly leftist motherfuckers and somebody posted antifa dox. But that doesn't matter to people who hate me more than they hate the child-molesting genocidal leftist cancer raping the planet to death. Why am I hated? Because I'm not part of the in-group according to petty reddit-level bullshit and discord circlejerkers. People say I post off topic too often and those same people say nothing when others post off topic more. Usually those same people calling my posts off topic are the ones trying to derail threads by making personal attacks against me or anyone else with a british flag. I can see why so few british users bother using the site. Whenever mods do something petty to me, my haters celebrate and say "mods = gods". They are leftist where it counts, they are defined by the petty abusive leftist spirit that celebrates when power is abused to abuse people they hate in small petty ways. Remember that time somebody lost his moderator powers because he was accused of using his moderator powers to violate anonymity and point out whether a british user is me or not? What a joke. What a motherfucking joke. You just wanted him gone. But why? Was he inconvenient to you and your vision of how this porn sharing and boomer meme sharing circlejerking public discord of a website should be?
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Oh, just stop. Don't you ever get tired of doing this?

Here, let me show you something:

>>>/mlpol/173470 →
>It's funny. I'm just some guy on the internet who likes anime. The darkest and most degenerate secret I have is that I liked FIM when it was good. These "People" have tried their hardest to find dirt on me and they've failed because I am seriously that boring and ordinary.
>People who hate that I don't like their favourite pony (and that I made a fanfic they don't like. Oh, the horror!) are currently treating me worse than they're currently treating the enemies of Western Civilization.
>They could be doxing and harassing Antifa members, or hyper-liberal pro-terrorist student-radicalizing professors, or anyone else on the planet. They could be doing something good for the world. And instead, they are here, in this containment thread I set up for them, to keep their Glimspam concentrated in one thread.
>Unfortunately, they cry "REEEE NIGEL REEEE!" at anyone with a british flag who posts anywhere on the site. But hey, that's the sacrifice you have to make when you're doing a public service for a site whose mods are so terrified of being called a Battlebrit-sympathizer by the Hclegend army, they'll add bigger green text to my post and call me childish names until they think the leftists are done throwing accusations at them for now.
>This sad, pathetic army is desperate for people here to join them in their anti-Battlebrit crusade, and they are desperate for people here to not look at why they want this anti-Battlebrit crusade to happen.
>You know what else is sad? I can't think of anything left for these invaders to say that'll expose these invaders as exactly that: Invaders. Terrorists, trying to intimidate me. They certainly succeeded in intimidating the site's mods for a few posts.
This is from one of the original Glimmernigger threads you posted back in September 2018. Compare the above text to any random post you've made on this site between then and now. Can you tell the difference? I sure can't. For literally five and a half years, you have been singing the same sad, tired old song, over and over: "waaah, I'm being picked on, these horrible bullies are all just haters who are obsessed with me, we'd all be having a good time if it wasn't for them, etc etc etc." It never ends, and the tune never changes. The specifics occasionally change, but the basic thrust of the narrative has always been the same: (You) did nothing wrong; you're just an innocent victim of a Discord hater conspiracy that follows you around the internet. That, in your weird, twisted little mind, is the explanation for why your posts elicit no responses other than trolling and shitflinging. Not your unintelligible, stream-of-consciousness walls of text about nothing, not your constant non-sequitur references to obscure niche media only you are familiar with, not your endless grousing about "haters" every time someone (justifiably) tells you to shut up and fuck off and stop ruining the site. Nope, it's none of that. It's just that dang ol' hater conspiracy.

> Why am I hated? Because I'm not part of the in-group according to petty reddit-level bullshit and discord circlejerkers.
Wrong. The reason you are hated is because you are an inarticulate, obnoxious ass who has spent the last five years of his life spamming this site with gigantic walls of text about absolutely fucking nothing. You have been asked repeatedly to stop, and you haven't. Everyone hates you, and everyone should.

>I can see why so few british users bother using the site.
The reason for this is because (You) have been such a consistent, toxic presence on this site that now, anytime anyone sees a UK flag, they immediately assume it's (You) and start piling on. (You) are single-handedly responsible for this phenomenon. Not mods, not the great hater conspiracy, not the userbase in general. (You). (You) have single-handedly destroyed your country's reputation on this site. Any British person who still posts here probably shelled out for an American VPN years ago just to avoid the shame of being mistaken for (You).

>People say I post off topic too often and those same people say nothing when others post off topic more.
This is not just about off-topic posting. This is about your posts being unintelligible walls of text filled with self-fellating, self-pitying nonsense that nobody wants to read, even if any of it was human-readable. Nobody else on this site does this.

>Remember that time somebody lost his moderator powers because he was accused of using his moderator powers to violate anonymity and point out whether a british user is me or not?
If you're talking about the person I think you're talking about, the moderator in question lost his moderation powers (temporarily; they were later restored) because he got into a fight with the site owner. He was abusing his mod privileges by editing the text of user posts, which the site owner considered an abuse and disciplined him for. It had nothing to do with violating anonymity or calling out British users. He later quit on his own.

>antifa dox
Literally the only content in this thread worth saving, and much like the writing threads you also ruined with your endless autism, said content is buried under a giant mountain of turds. If it makes you feel any better, I am planning to scrape that info and post it in a new, better-organized thread before this one drops off the catalog.

>This thread has done more to harm the left than anything anyone on this site did last year.
Any harm done to the left was done by the users posting antifa dox and other useful information. You've done nothing except dump random Twitter screencaps and nu-pol memes, along with your usual walls of text about how mean everyone is to you. What's sad is that this is probably the most on-topic thread you've ever been the OP of.

>Mori Calliope
Literally no one but you knows who this is. Literally no one but you cares.
I really thought that you had left this time. Haha, woah, I'm not the brightest, huh?
I will give you some advice, take it always with a grain of salt since it's just me, but I think you should either leave this site behind or leave the past behind.

If you just chose to forget about everything, kinda like how I try to, you could be posting stories, reviews on media, and critical threads about the left, etc.

I mean despite everything, not even you seem to think the GG's reviews of your stories are unfair so why not show up one day with a burning hot story to prove that naysayer what for. Of course you don't need to prove anything, all you really have to do is to not blogpost where it doesn't belong and stay on topic. Let your 'haters' out themselves by just posting normally and have them get mad over nothing.

But I still like to circle in on GG because you and I know that if your wrote something good, no offence, regardless of his bias against you, he'd had to accept it's merits and you do enjoy the creating things and you do enjoy typing.

Though, I'd give out a note of caution against my own advice; storytelling, imo, should be done for the joy of storytelling in itself not to prove anything.

But maybe you can, like, next time your thinking about how a movie sucks and how you'd change it is you could, use that as your jumping off point to formulate a scene in your mind that you later write down. Just a scene will be a kinda unfinished worked but, usually, if it's interesting enough an excerpt from a story can be enough.
371353 371367
>Morí Calliope
She's a Vtuber. She originally got into trouble for calling her superchat's money "shekels". Dunno what's the deal with her now.
Heh, you said you were done with Vtubers, Nigel. What happened with that?
At least she's a horse-appreciator.
I just know that a kike (or a crypto-kike) took offense on the shekels thing.
>At least she's a horse-appreciator.
News to me. But based if true.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Actually to be fair I did google her when Nigel first posted her name. I remember because as soon as I looked her up and found out she's a "vtuber," I then had to google "vtuber" because I didn't know wtf that was either. I've pretty much checked out of nu-internet culture completely, so I have no idea who's famous and who isn't these days. Either way, though, it sounds like she's just some literally-who e-celeb that only a sperg like Nigel would consider important enough to name drop for no reason, so I stand by my original statement.

Also, Nigel, this is unironically good advice. Since you were given more or less the same advice five years ago by many different people, myself included, and you didn't take it to heart back then, I have little hope that you'll do so now. However, it remains good advice. I'll repeat what I've said to you before: if you took even a fraction of the energy you put into being angry on the internet, and put it towards some of your actual creative projects, you might eventually accomplish... something.
371411 371415
Saw a really ugly motherfucker and wanted to post it here in the ugly motherfucker thread. Might be shopped but not by me. But I think I should stop coming here. I wish there was a button I could press that would delete all my gay posts on this site.

I thought I was going to be a father, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Has anyone here ever been in that situation? When a pregnancy scare turns out to be a false alarm? I had no idea what to say in that situation. But my thoughts were of her and how she might feel. That mattered more to me than how I felt. Let me know if anyone here has advice for how to help your woman through whar can be a stressful emotional time for her.

Years ago I thought about trying to go back to writing pony fanfiction. I could probably write better pony fanfics now than I could when I was a socially stunted isolated teenager surrounded by bad influences specifically writing for his perception of what bronies said they wanted and seemed to like. Writing for what you think will get you popular, not from the heart... That's a recipe for disaster. Plus I sucked at writing back then. I really was fucking bad at writing. And shit at telling good writing ideas from bad ones. But FIM doesn't really interest me any more. I'm no longer the person who fell in love with that show's few good characters and few good episodes and hyperfixates on it. I considered trying to make a spiritual successor to FIM that tries to keep my favourite ponies in an ongoing story arc. But taking time to write pony fiction takes time away from things that could help the people I care about. Could you imagine if I had a son and my son looked at this site one day and saw posts from me talking about my penis? He shouldn't see that. Nobody should. How can I justify taking time away from the game I'm making to try and write something good about cartoon ponies? I'm still writing but if I posted it here haters would say I was trying to prove something and earn their respect instead of looking for legitimate feedback. When was the last time a band went back to their high school reunion to play in front of all the people who never thought they would make it?

If you don't know who one of the biggest names in worldwide modern entertainment is, you don't need to. She collabed with Metal Gear Solid, feel free to pretend nobody knows what that is. Knowing Mori Callipoe is hated for BS reasons by unreasonable people is enough to understand the reference instead of complaining about it being a reference to some new fangled thing the kids these days are into. I don't watch hours of vtuber streams but a short clip now and then is fine.

I know this one guy who is obsessed with a lolcow who commited the heinous crime of being bad at video games on the internet. I know. The horror, the horror. When I hear this guy rant I think... the politicians do kids and leftism is a self terminating paradox of ever changing excuses for evil used by evil people to do evil. And this man focuses on this. This man has a parasocial relationship with this man, a hateboner, an obsession, with someone who does not know he exists. Hating is this man's life. This man feels better about himself because he does not make the mistakes the lolcow makes, but he only avoids making mistakes because he never seeks to create something of his own and take risks and try to accomplish something. It's like a drug for this man, he huffs it daily. He's an addict. It's the comforting anger of righteous indignation over something it is safe to hate and be seen hating. But too much hate hollows you out. He makes me want to better myself, but his obsession makes him think he shouldn't try to better himself.

I looked up an old ex-friend with TDS. He's unrecognizable physically, sort of. Yet he hasn't grown a day from when I knew him. Hate trapped him.

The world really is full of things more important than hating. I want to make a clean break with this site and move on with my life, move on from the person I used to be. I will stop looking up news stories about criminal leftists and stop posting pictures of ugly leftist motherfuckers and stop watching ragebait youtube content.

Thank you to the users who are not haters. Thank you to everyone who sat through my gay posts over the years and wanted to help me improve my writing. Thank you to the frens who told my haters to fuck off when they got too annoying. Thank you to the reviewer of my dogshit fanfiction. Sorry I got mad when I wanted advice for making propaganda stories. Now that I know more about writing I know there is no silver bullet secret writing advice that can make a story perfect. It's an interative process. I'm going for a more organic approach now where I work on story ideas I am interested in instead of trying to work backwards and find excuses to write stories that try to cover all political issues relevant in current year. That shotgun approach is one of many things that made my Fallout Equestria fic shit. Also sorry about the gay AI generated stories. I will continue to work on improving my writing and I will continue to write stories that are important to me.

Thank you all, and goodnight.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
Aaaaand...you still don't get it. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

>I think I should stop coming here.
Speaking of sad old songs we've all heard a million times before...

>I wish there was a button I could press that would delete all my gay posts on this site
You could have just not made any of them to begin with, saved us all some time.

>I thought I was going to be a father, but it turned out to be a false alarm. Has anyone here ever been in that situation? When a pregnancy scare turns out to be a false alarm? I had no idea what to say in that situation. But my thoughts were of her and how she might feel. That mattered more to me than how I felt. Let me know if anyone here has advice for how to help your woman through whar can be a stressful emotional time for her.
Nobody asked, nobody cares. Talk to your therapist about this shit. If you don't have a therapist, get one. I have a personal life outside of this place too, but I don't come here and jibber about it like a mental patient because that's not what sites like this are for.

Seriously, my dude: you spend literal years churning out reams of word-vomit about your personal life that nobody asked for, then you get pissy and ask us to delete it, then you get pissy when we won't delete it, then you go right back to churning out the same exact kind of word-vomit. This is not normal human behavior. Seek help.

>Years ago I thought about trying to go back to writing pony fanfiction.
>But FIM doesn't really interest me any more.
>I'm still writing but if I posted it here haters would say I was trying to prove something and earn their respect instead of looking for legitimate feedback.
Write about ponies, write about space-Jews, write a dark fantasy novel, write a video game, write whatever you want. Or don't write anything. It's entirely up to you. If you want notes on something you write, post it. If it's good, you'll be told it's good, if it's not good it will probably get shit on. This is just how the process works. The choice to write or to not write is 100% yours, and it always has been. Nobody here has anything invested in the success or failure of your creative endeavors either way. What part of this are you still not comprehending?

>Could you imagine if I had a son
Thanks, now I need a therapist.

>and my son looked at this site one day and saw posts from me talking about my penis? He shouldn't see that. Nobody should. How can I justify taking time away from the game I'm making to try and write something good about cartoon ponies?
Fucking lol. Never change, Nigel.

>If you don't know who one of the biggest names in worldwide modern entertainment is, you don't need to.
Good; I literally never heard of her before you posted and I still don't care. I've been watching the gradual dumbing-down of pop culture and public discourse for the last several decades, so I'm not even remotely surprised to learn that some YouTuber with a virtual avatar is one of "the biggest names in worldwide modern entertainment." As I said, I mostly just tune it out these days.

>Metal Gear Solid, feel free to pretend nobody knows what that is
Played it 20 years ago, it was a fun game as I recall. The sequel was also good. They're making another one I take it? And Mori-whoever gets to "collab with" it? Neat; thanks for sharing.

>Knowing Mori Callipoe is hated for BS reasons by unreasonable people is enough to understand the reference instead of complaining about it being a reference to some new fangled thing the kids these days are into.
No it isn't, because as usual you provided no context; you just name-dropped someone into a long, autistic stream of gibberish and assumed everyone reading would know who she is and why you brought her up. We've had this conversation before.

>I know this one guy who is obsessed with a lolcow who commited the heinous crime of being bad at video games on the internet.
Cool, thanks for sharing. I know this one lolcow who has an unhealthy co-dependent relationship with a site full of anons that he thinks are stalking and bullying him, but who really just enjoy messing with him whenever he shows up because they're bored and it's funny. I wonder if your guy and my guy have ever met?

>Now that I know more about writing I know there is no silver bullet secret writing advice that can make a story perfect. It's an interative process. I'm going for a more organic approach now where I work on story ideas I am interested in instead of trying to work backwards and find excuses to write stories that try to cover all political issues relevant in current year.
Good for you, best of luck.

>The world really is full of things more important than hating. I want to make a clean break with this site and move on with my life, move on from the person I used to be.
>Thank you all, and goodnight.
Sure, Nigel; any time. See you again in a couple of months.
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Just play Star Rail or whatever. There's so many other places to aspie yourself into oblivion.
>Mori Calliope is doing a Collab with MGS
That's cool tho.
371471 371513
I can't go back in time and unmake those posts. I'm sorry for making them, they are gay and cringe.

You have the power to unmake those posts.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
>You have the power to unmake those posts.
Sure, but I'm not going to. You posted it, you live with it. Stop playing the victim all the time, it's by far your worst quality. The mess you made is 100% your own fault.
## Admin
When I asked for one of my fics to be reviewed, my other fics were reviewed instead because someone wanted to upset me. I expected that. Turns out the fics were AI trash and I didn't care about them so calling them shit didn't bother me. I am hated, so my haters want to upset me. That would make them feel in control and give them power over me. There is gaslighting, projection, verbal abuse, but my haters will never admit they are in the wrong. Even though they have the power to ensure I have no reason to come back here and check if posts that could potentially screw over me or other people are gone. It'd be worth it to my haters if they screwed over innocent people because that would upset me, and that's their priority. It was never really about ideology. How can one white person justify hating another this much? I'd be gone if they really wanted me gone. What they want is for me to suffer because they hate me, even though their excuse for this is childish and inconsistent. They are in the in group, and I am not, and they have the power on this site, so they abuse it however they see fit. They're allowed to post off topic, they're allowed to derail threads, because they said so. The peak of maturity. Holding against you what you said a decade ago is something redditors do when they go through your post history. But at least reddit lets you delete your post history and account. That's what I want to do here. To walk away and never have a reason to come back. But if I get to do that, the bullies can't have their fun. Their priorities are clear. Forum drama is more important to them than the wellbeing of innocent people.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
>When I asked for one of my fics to be reviewed, my other fics were reviewed instead because someone wanted to upset me.
Gaslighting. Here's what actually happened:

After getting BTFO'd and piled-on by multiple anons in the writing thread for the umpteen-bazillionth time, you got pissy and announced that you were "leaving" for the umpteen-bazillionth time:
>>>/mlpol/367203 →

You sharted out one of your typical long, incoherent screeds, berating the site and its users, because obviously it's everyone's fault but yours that nobody on the internet likes you. You also left us one of your fanfictions to review. You openly stated that you put no effort into it, and that you don't care about the opinions of anyone who might review it. Unsurprisingly, no one took this request seriously. Everyone ignored you, and the thread went on.

Roughly two weeks later, you came back with this:
>>>/mlpol/367703 →

Unsurprisingly, you were told in no uncertain terms to fuck off. The reasons are quite plainly outlined here:
>>>/mlpol/367718 →

You shot back with another one of your long, pissy, incoherent screeds about how it's everyone's fault but yours that nobody on the internet likes you:
>>>/mlpol/367741 →

So at this point, in fully-justified retaliation against your persistent and unrepentant attention-whoring and faggotry, you were BTFO'd yet again, for the umpteen-bazillion-and-oneth time. Every fic on your stupid fake fimfic profile you created to troll Chatoyance was reviewed, except the one you wanted reviewed:
>>>/mlpol/367930 →
>>>/mlpol/367934 →
>>>/mlpol/367936 →
>>>/mlpol/367938 →
>>>/mlpol/367939 →
>>>/mlpol/367940 →
>>>/mlpol/367941 →
>>>/mlpol/367943 →
Incidentally, despite this obviously being done out of snark, these were serious reviews containing actual advice you could have learned something from. Unfortunately, it proved to be something of a wasted effort, since it turns out all of these stories were also AI-generated slop that you didn't put any serious effort into. In retrospect this shouldn't have surprised anyone. Pretty much the only thing you ever put serious effort into is dreaming up elaborate narratives about how it's everyone's fault but yours that nobody on the internet likes you.

>I am hated, so my haters want to upset me. That would make them feel in control and give them power over me.
For the umpteen-bazillion-and-twoth time, literally no one here gives a shit what you do or don't do. Other than Sven and sometimes the Mexican, I am the only person here who still bothers to even reply to you.

>There is gaslighting, projection, verbal abuse, but my haters will never admit they are in the wrong.
Have you ever had anyone say something to you that was so deeply ironic the irony actually caused your eyeballs to eject from your skull, and you had to spend the next ten minutes crawling around on the floor looking for them? Asking for a friend.

>Even though they have the power to ensure I have no reason to come back here and check if posts that could potentially screw over me or other people are gone.
>It'd be worth it to my haters if they screwed over innocent people because that would upset me, and that's their priority.
>What they want is for me to suffer because they hate me
Waaaah, poor you. Why don't you cry about it some more, see if anyone finally comes to your rescue? I'll lay this out for you one more time: whatever you posted here, you posted it yourself, of your own freewill. Nobody here tricked you or cajoled you into word-vomiting page after page of personal information, and nobody told you to keep on doing it for actual years. In fact, you were repeatedly told to stop. You didn't.

You have been told to shut up and fuck off many times over, by damn near everyone who uses this site. Any normal person who had been told to shut up and fuck off as many times as you have, as consistently and as often, by as many different people, would have shut up and fucked off years ago. You didn't. If you regret what you shared, that's on you. 100%. You are not a victim.

>They are in the in group, and I am not, and they have the power on this site, so they abuse it however they see fit.
More gaslighting. I dare you to find one tangible example out of your entire five year history of using this site that justifies this statement.

>But at least reddit lets you delete your post history and account.
There are no accounts here, dumbass. This isn't reddit, and it isn't your personal hugbox. This site's owners and staff have no obligation to protect you from your own stupidity. Maybe you should have taken ten seconds to google what an imageboard is before you decided to start using this one as your personal livejournal. Or, failing that, maybe you could have listened to any one of the hundreds of people who kept telling you to shut up and fuck off and stop using this site as your personal livejournal.

>That's what I want to do here. To walk away and never have a reason to come back.
Feel free to walk away if that's what you want. You're the one who keeps on coming back.

>But if I get to do that, the bullies can't have their fun.
Do the bullies look like picrel?

Seriously, dumbass, for the umpteen-bazillion-and-threeth time: there are no "bullies," nobody is following you around, and nobody here gives two shits what you do when you're not here. When you're gone, nobody here thinks about you or talks about you. What is happening to you is a very simple phenomenon, that goes like this:

>Nigel says something stupid
<Nigel gets BTFO
>Nigel says something obnoxious
<Nigel gets BTFO
>Nigel says something stupid and obnoxious
<Nigel gets BTFO
Seriously, how is simple pattern recognition the one trait of autism you don't have?

tl;dr, nobody here owes you shit. Staff doesn't owe you shit. The community doesn't owe you shit. If you want to leave, leave. Nobody is stopping you. Nobody is forcing you to keep posting here. If you want to keep on making an ass of yourself, that's up to you.