>>345920>all my life I have been lied to by media and the scientific community. for sure, but it's mixed in with enough truth that nobody will ever separate the lies from the truth.
take FBI race statistics for example, you say rare case of truth, I say Operation Paperclip operatives. perhaps there never was truth to begin with.
>In school, I watched movies with silly and heavy-handed narratives about "poor black people" and "mean whitey"sounds nice, in school I had to watch fucking Darkest Hour, jerking off about fat old Churchill who killed 3 million Bengalis and then made a joke about it afterwards. but then, I imagine you're not a massive fan of the guy either.
>Jews created internet porn yeah, thinkmind or whatever it is, that parent company that owns all those porn thingies.
I don't watch 3d porn, I find real-life women unbelievably ugly, though white women are by far the most unappealing.
>Have black people ever had a civilization outside of the segregation in America? I'm asking, genuinely curiousyes, Ethiopia and Mali are the two big ones that come to mind. you'll say this was Arab influence, but every developed civilisation besides the native American ones have had contact with other civilisations. the only isolated example of African civilisation I can really think of is Great Zimbabwe, the remains of that city.
the wheel meme really puzzles me incidentally, the whole "blacks not even invent wheel", because neither did the Inca and such, except as a cheap trick for children's toys, and those South American civilisations were building fucking pyramids. the wheel just seems like an odd example to single in on, especially as there were decidedly uncivilised groups that developed the wheel too.
>even the left seems to acknowledge this with their need to make fictional countries like Wakanda.I thought Wakanda was a satirical reference to Afrocentric theories.
>but this was dismissed as racism and explained away by other thingsmaybe, but there is a trend when measuring iq that they had lower iqs, so it's not really something that can be validly dismissed in and of itself, it's only really the efficacy of iq as a measurement that can come into question, which incidentally it does, but still not enough to dismiss the trend, just enough to make it uncertain what the trend really indicates and to what extent it indicates it.
>Maybe if they had listen to those racists, they could have saved a lot of blacks from the plights of retardation,maybe, but UNEQUAL segregation caused it to begin with. a lot of people are saying the left has a double standard with emerging black safe spaces, that it's segregation again, but as far as I'm concerned the issue with segregation was 1. it was involuntary and 2. the housing and services in black zones were of much lower quality. equal, voluntary segregation, even if subsidised by, say, paying people to segregate, that I don't really see an issue with.
>If immigrants have higher birthrates than the original population and that population has high percentage of old people, then they will eventually be replaced so they replacement will still happened and therefore, they're meaningless to me.it depends on whether those birthrate trends will continue as they have, which I doubt since that would lead to a much bigger problem than replacement which is colossal overpopulation, which if we assume consistent birthrate trends that don't flatten out for migrants - well, it'd be exponential growth, wouldn't it? in a few generations forget the population of the original UK, you'd have too many people to physically fit on the island. besides, the number of actual white people isn't dropping as a result of immigration, it's something that would be happening with or without immigration. I don't give a shit about the economy and in fact I actively want to harm the UK's economy specifically, so please do restrict immigration as much as you want, I don't think it's an important issue for the left to fight.
>"You whites used to fight against each other and 'white' is a new social construct." white is a literal biological distinction, yes, but the idea of what that means is quite different, which is why people can say that Italians, or Irish or Slavs are or are not white. it's variable, all I can say is that I certainly do not feel any more affinity with an Estonian than I do with any, say, African foreigner. I don't see that I and Estonian have a single damn thing in common, and as a matter of fact that has become an issue here, with violent Polish immigrants coming here in droves, not speaking a word of English, and snatching many more jobs than most immigrants do, all to send it home to Poland.
>You, on fucking anecdotes, have decided that anglos deserve to die. we don't literally deserve to die, I want us to reinvent who we are such that the British identity is exterminated utterly - all the people living, unharmed, but no longer being British people, becoming a different kind of people altogether.
>Yeah, it's very clear that just wants attention and validation. he ASKED if I was Jewish, I assumed he wanted the nose
>>345927>Seriously nigger, no other race, not a single non-white individual on planet earth would go to such ridiculous lengths to try to make up for their ancestors' sins.well, the old European consensus was that we were the best. in my mind if we return to just excusing ourselves with "well other races did that" and "other races did this", then we can't claim to be anything special, certainly not a torchbearer of a pioneering western civilisation. a society not unique enough to be first to live up to it's own crimes is not unique enough to be worth being proud of, to my mind.