/mlpol/ - My Little Politics


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Archived thread

115524 115529 115560 115644 141193 141959 180699
>What is Internet Bloodsports?
Internet Bloodsports is where E-celeb cancer, lolcows and trolls come together for some of the best entertainment on Youtube. It all started after the fallout of the Kraut fiasco, and ever since then le Skeptics have been forced to confront with the alt-right, and have been constantly losing. It really began with the infamous Spencer v Sargon v Styx debate (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiUH-tWHbr8) [Embed] in which the stream reached the top trending stream on all of Youtube.
Internet Bloodsports usually take place on a variety of streams, mostly on Adam "Race" Warski's show, Baked Alaska's show or on Tonka Saw's Morning Kumite show.

Here are a bunch of important links from the 4pol thread.
>trs guys vs. libs on warski
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC45HGhF34E [Embed]

>Shittalking and debating a prognog (Warski, JF, Enoch)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRQS6qiCbJI [Embed]

>Alt Hype's destruction of Sargon
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1-Tm4T78Nc [Embed]

>Sargon gets triggered by comment
https://youtu.be/xUkIVny3rDw?t=1h22m12s [Embed]

>Why Demographics Matter (JF & Matthew Drake):
[YouTube] Why Demographics Matter | Jean-Francois Gariépy [Embed]

>Mike Tokes Goes Full White Knight For Laura Loomer On Baked Alaskas Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRjHfkOojxM [Embed]

>Naked Ape BTFOs The Skeptic Community [Mirror]:
https://youtu.be/UDo14wksbGo [Embed]

>An important message to the Skeptic Community:
https://youtu.be/3ELmrC0hfJM [Embed]

>Old links:
https://pastebin.com/qKT6FR8u [Embed]

Very soon Tariq Nasheed and Jared Taylor will have a debate on Baked Alaska's show, here is his channel
Didn't Sargon rage quit because of one of these?
Yes he did.
He left because he was "tired" and then went and made his own hour long stream about how well he did in the debate.
It's been all downhill for him since.
115530 115532
>Non-Newsworthy E-Celeb bullshit
Unless it is something noteworthy, like the Trout and Killroy nonsense, this isn't really a topic to be discussed here.
I dunno watching the skeptic community burn to the ground is pretty fun. I say we allow a containment thread for bloodsports.
>Trout wasn't eceleb bullshit
Internet Bloodsports are hilarious, I don't give a damn who's participating in it.

It's funny, don't get me wrong. What I ask is does this transcend simple e-celeb faggotry, and have a reason to be discussed here? My answer is no.
>does this transcend e-celeb faggotry
that is a question that is difficult to answer.
But when the SPLC is mad about it it's certainly a good thing.
forgot archive reeee
Tariq v Jared starting soon.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdrrqS6IBnA [Embed]
115610 115616
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdrrqS6IBnA [Embed]
This argument and the thread about Nigel.
Is this real life?
I can't deal with this.

115614 115615
I can't even
Tariq is a conspiracy nibba and Jared is just going allow smiling and laughing.
>Africa has low crime rates

Sometimes I doubt if something this retarded can even be real or is it me that is missing something.
I just gonna read something and start drinking until I pass out.
This stream has been hilarious
I can't wait for all the cuts to be made.

alkaline noses
The KKK should employ this guy.
There is no more effective way to make people in white supremacy.
*believe in
"You need us to kick around"


The white supremacists that rule the world meet up on yahoo message boards, reddit, and 4chan.
The smartest white people are white supremacists
I wonder what makes /mlpol/
The smartest whites also have another group they hate
I know e-celebs are generally cancer but I've enjoyed the last few episodes of race ware now with adam "race" warski, plus the surrounding drama
Watch the latest stream on baked alaska with Tariq Nasheed an Jared Taylor, it's the best thing I've watched in forever
This steam was fucking amazing
still fairly underground
Stay safe germanon,we dont want mama merkels gestapo arresting you.
haha you funny indian with your religios symbol as flag
I meant anti-semites. Every smart man hates anti-semites!
Also every post on this board is ironic. haha

And Kang Tariq won the debate! He got himself invited to prove that the white supremacists just want him around to beat him up in the aftershow and by doing so proved that blacks are smarter than whites!

And having multiple agencies and foundations what the citizens is only a conspiracy theory!

haha ha

bomb us
>e celeb rule can be broken now
Can I post cuckoldry now then?
I will avenge germany do not worry.
E celeb shit is relevant to the political landscape of the internet right now. Let's just leave it in a containment thread.
Not to be rude, but the thread should be nuked. Or moved to >>>/sp/.
Jim put out a new video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkkNYc4NGN8 [Embed]
Thought that nigger died. Thanks for posting it.
TL;DR twilight.png
Are we allowed /pol/ e-celeb threads if we turn them into thinly veiled /mlp/ threads?

[YouTube] TL;DR - MTV Doesn't Understand History [Embed]

[YouTube] TL;DR - Of Women & Ponies [Embed]

[YouTube] TL;DR - r/K Selection, Life History Theory and More w/ Aydin Paladin [Embed]

As a brony, this "race realism" thing sounds interesting I wonder if there are other youtubers who have spoken about this, I wonder what happened to them...
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Andy Warski New Liberalist Trap Enthno State.jpg
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2 Noteworthy Kumite streams from yesterday and today, i hi9ghly recommend you give them a watch. Check out Kronos and American Pride for highlight clips.

https://youtu.be/UjIWYkEkRI8 [Embed]

https://youtu.be/c0ERUU9JWjc [Embed] (pending)

- Andy Warski unironically copyright trolls IRL Soygoy of a Cuck and becomes the official international Owner of the term "Liberalist" for 1.000 Dollars. The butthurt of the Sargonites wents weapon grade, Soygoy himself holds three streams in response, the Soygoy subreddit has a seizure about it.

- Warski ironically founds a "Liberalist Canada" discord on stream that instantly gets bombarder with gore, tranny and childporn. Warski delcares himself the king of the Liberalists and vows to found a Trapnostate for Futa girls, segregated by skin color.

- Soygoy comes to Kumite as a watcher, refuses to come into the show and officially quits the friendship with Jim by Calling him a coward and a cuck.

- Dean Esmay aka Red Pill Religion (that fat MRA fuck who got blown the fuck out on a 2016 Metocast over the Rapefugees) talks shit about Metokur and challenges him to a new debate on Bloodsports

- The foreman woman from Moneybaders (who publicly embarraded herself ~2 weeks ago) had a drunken shitfit over another stream yesterday on twitter and dragged Jim into it, got severaly butthurt over not being let on on Kumite again to un-shit herself

- A British White Nationalist (Godwinson) exposes Count Dankula in a debate as a naive Liberalist and proposes the virtues of culturally processed philisophies. Good channel, recommend you look it up.

- A decent Jim Impersonator fucks up Vee in a debate

To help avoid the pesky no e-celeb rule, I say that is talking about the founding/incoming destruction of a political party. Thus, should be allowed.
Also, for giggles we should start the Horsefucker Liberalist Chapter.

Wait, really? I'm IN that server. Oh well, time to leave it I guess.
You don't have to leave somewhere just because CP was posted on it as long as its not tolerated by mods and gets quickly deleted. Otherwise it'd be easy to shutdown a site, shills would just need to spam CP once to kill anything they disliked.
here's the link to andy's Liberalist Canada discord server if it isn't here yet discord.gg/HYuv4a
Would we try to taunt Sargoy with it, or would we just let it exist and wait for the shitstorm to come?
A highlight clip of the copyright coup.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uHWDBREwWg [Embed]

Sagrons Leddit Drones are foaming at their fucking mouth, they are threatening to drown Andy in aavalanche of Maddox Lolsuits.

Turns out the term "Liberalist" exists since the 18th century and has never been copyrighted before. Soygoy doesnt own dick and Warski now owns the biggest most active Liberalist server worldwide.
he's also planning to write a book and sell merchandise, hold events, and I think they have a website, race warski is in his full legal rights to do this
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrvzgaw_gWg [Embed]
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very true. Warski is in full swing in being a meme machine with jim sitting on his shoulder.

also, Soygoy is now unironically threatening to pull a Maddox on him. He's been raving on fakebook all day about it deleting comments.
on what grounds tho? he didn't invent the term and andy is using it properly.
bakery opossum.jpg

i dont know yet, but leddit wont let go of it and soygoy seems to have lost both his sense of humor and his connection with reality. Theres constantly now called "Liberalists Lite" on the Kumite who publicly complain that this isnt funny, stop bullying us, this is serious, we are triggered etc. its seriously impressive how much it bothers them despite most of them claiming it doesnt really matter and their have their own sub sect of liberalist lite anyway since sargon """refuses""" to be the public leader of the """movement""".

I am no expert on copyright law but as i see it Andy should have no problem copyrighting this if he really wants to.
Kumite is LIVE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6f_1ebJcXVE [Embed]

Seems like they are railing on the Liberalists Lite again.
129422 129423
Kumite Is LIVE.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_b_4lVd4Hc [Embed]

Jim just announced that Soygoy of a Cuck challenged the host of the Kumite, Tonka Saw himself, to a debate on stream. Naked Ape is currently live talking shit about Richard Spencer.

The Stream is supposed to take place in 3 hours from now.

Tonka had a screaming match with King of Pol yesterday of KOP going around with the guardian doxxing random people they suspect of misbehavior. KOP got scalped severaly in the fist encounter.

The second encounter was kind of a failure, though. KOP challenged Jim to a match in Street Fighter 5, which will be live streamed next week.

Furthermore Jim casttrated a Nu/pol/ ledditor yesterday who begged him to come on stream but was to incompetent to just Twitter correctly. The ledditor was quickly BTFO'd. Also Jim and Tonka announced that they will soon feature speaker from the We Wuz Kangz community to come on there live.

Last but not least, Warski, Baked Alaska and a third streamer by the name "Asian Andy" (not related to Warski) went to Los Angeles and did a IRL Livestream with speakers blasting Donations with Nigger and Hitler Soeeches through the strees. Baked was challenged by a Kang to a fistfight but pussied out. They later got detained by LA police for alleged """Hate Crimes""".


- Sargon is on in 3 hours
- Street Fighter Streams
- Kangz on Kumite
- IRL Kumite in LA
Sargoy is going to be talking with Tonka Saw, presumably about the Liberalist movement within the next few minutes.
sargon mutt.jpg

Soygoy is online on Kumite as of the writing of this message.

stream is now almost over. it was pretty underwhelming. No screaming, Soygoy going full Pilpul again. He admittet he now has to make normie content because of channel growth and change in watcher demographics, said the Internet Bloodsports wont last, wont matter and will be removed for harassment as soon as some shitty marxist website runs a smearing camapign against it. Sargon apologized to Tonka for something trivial and continues to shill to the alt right to support him.

Also, apparently Discord Killed Andys Liberalist Server.
Tonka was just making a point about how he's not alt-right tbh, that was his whole point. Too bad we didn't get any blood though
Kumite is LIVE.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1NDhezUeN4 [Embed]

Jim also made a new video in which he essentially declared war against the MRA Community and the moneybaggers under Karen Straughan, who are infamous for ebegging and moralfaggint during Gamergate.

The video can be seen here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElXBhGhiRfQ [Embed]
dankula in chains.jpg

Kumite is LIVE.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrZOfjatOH4 [Embed]

Count Dankula aka the ugly tattooes scotsman with the disgusting nigger ear rings has been found guilty by the scottish court for (((hate speech))) and will now go to jail for 6+ Months for teaching his dog nazi salutes.

Dankula is a former communist and a Sargonite.
He may be a degenerate but attacks on free speech strike against all of us. The Britbongs should have known that without a 2nd Amendment they could never defend against the destruction of their non-existent 1st.
Kumite is LIVE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsWmYylNJcM [Embed]

Seems to be a new Liberalist Stream today. No real news regarding Dankula either. Not that i really care as far as i cam concerned this wasted degenerate can die in jail.

Theres been a somewhat interesting Warski Stream Yesterday. Since Jim is now gunning against the Man's Right Activist Movemoment of the Money Badger Bridage under Karen Straughan, Dean "Asthma Attack" Esmay (a Islamo-Communist who converted after a Metokur stream in 2016) now came out of the woodwork to support Warksi and Jim against Straughan. Apparentl he's out for revenge. Some people say this is a redemtpion arc, but i doubt that. Given Esmay is not a lying sack of shit (which he might as well be, knowingly or unknowingly) he may turn out to be an insider who will help keep up digging dirt against the Moneybadgers.

A yesterdays highlight stream from Kronos with Jim and Esmay can be seen here.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kz8Agy0n6ac [Embed]
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[YouTube] Brittany Venti hits her arm on table then starts to cry live [Embed]

this stream was pretty degenerat. Brittany Venti was cohost and argued with Andy warski about Masturbation for over 90 minutes. It got so bad that Andy had to call Jim for help because he couldnt handle Venti and her Transnigger Thot powers.
I would bleach the fuck out of her desu.
Dude she’s a octoroon... I mean I wouldn’t gas her necessarily but I wouldn’t want my kids having a nigger great great grandfather...
Your right, i wish taylor swift browsed here.
Kumite is LIVE.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SCI9xKW8bE [Embed]

Not much to say about the designated wankign stream from yesterday besides that warski outed himself as a borderline addicted masterbaiter.

Since the topic is kind of neboulous today, heres some more fluff on Jims Grudge with the MRA's. Seems like this is getting personnel. IF Jim holds true to his promise, he will deliver something in the likes of his "That Guy with the glasses" series on the Moneybaggers and their head Strawman.

Interview of Jim and the Gypsy about the MRA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-FEObiP-04 [Embed]

JF laying the smackdown on Straughan after she personally insulted him and his autistic wife.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0eTHOzQTMY [Embed]

King of Pol and Straughan have a drunk bitchslapping about Jim on Gypsie's.
https://youtu.be/0ZIQsx6f65M [Embed]

131815 131852
destiny death.jpg
seems like Destiny is getting busted by the FBI at this moment in time. Word in Kumite Chat and from King of Pol is they are trying to confiscate his Computer for posession of Child Pornography.
But he'll just explain to the Judge that it was ethical.
can he prove that his daughter consented to the porn?
>bigotry in 2018
Can you prove DESTINY didn't?
>trying to confiscate his Computer
Can we talk about how this is nonsensical?
How does the FBI 'try' to confiscate something and how does that become announced? If a local American 'defender of welfare' officer can get a warrant ez pz how is this sensible?
Bismarck cosplay loli.png

Kumite is LIVE

My guess is they will talk more about Destiny'S CP today. And maybe more about Andy's VR Porn addiction.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BspQ7wSGOlA [Embed]

More on the Destiny under Child Porn Arrest Thing here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77QYNfnA2rY [Embed]

Jim helps Andy with his Porn Addiction
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmyvGAqITEQ [Embed]
131910 149387
Hey kraut you should make a lewd anime thread.

my hentai is scattered and i dont really post on /1ntr/, they are transniggers. maybe i will make one on /sp/ one day, but don't get your hopes up.
Id contribute if you made one on /sp/
Was a pretty low energy stream, not much to report on. No Jim or big screaming matches there either.

Destiny is now on a rage filled flagging spree, taking down everything on the internet calling him a pedophile. There was a lot of brainstorming new Bloodsports matches. They talked about some pedophile/Destiny Fan who shot himself after sending people CP IRL (who may or may not have been Shotgun Tarp from R9k),talked about VR Porn, They had some underage troll on and thats about it. Not much to see, doubt there will be much highlight videos from this.

Guess this was also the last Kumite for the week, should something come up with Warski, Jim or anything IBS related, i may make a small update.

Have you covered the baked Alaska experience?


you mean where Andy, Baked and the asian guy went to LA and did IRL STreaming with a speaker? No i did not, so far. I wasnt all that interested in that. A lot of the highlight channels did though.
His old show got shoah'd, so he made a new one, its like the old one but different(?), i watched a little bit of richard spencer debating a (((libertarian jew))) its pretty good.
Frumpy and The Chin.jpg

i see, i vaguely heard about that but did not know any details, i was never subscribed to baked in the first place.

feel free to post some of it here if you wish. could be of interest.
Not IBS put maybe of interest
132280 132481
moby the cat face.png
So, i found something. Don't really know where to post this since our Youtube Censorship Thread from last year seems to have vanished.

Those of you who browsed that thread may remember a certain guy by the Name of "Sassy and Opinionated". A young man who made videos about 4chan and 4chan boards. At one point last Year Sassy made an about 3 hour long video about Right leaning political history.Some would Say Sassy jumped the Shark, had red Pill rage or was crying out against the blatant jewery of youtube

Guess what he did now. He made another of those videos. That one is however not 3 hours long.

It's almost 9 hours. Yes, you read this correct. almost 9 hours of the same that got his last channel destroyed and banned. Sassy formerly had a 6 digit number of subscribers and was censored for no longer allowing youtube to mute him for calling them out.

If you wish to take a look at this biblical beast of a video, click this link. Warning, has a voicechanger.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cam3BZ8thNY [Embed]

oh also heres a 1:30 clip of Jim BTFOing Soygoys gypsy butler.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QmY0NisyD6Q [Embed]

Vee being greedy and dumb
the ugly spurdoling.gif

highlight clip of a 2 hour video where Vee made a Jackass out of himself having a debate about the dankula sentence with a known Bloodsports Troll "Fake Ross", who is larping as a leftist brony.

Vee got several warnings about this from other streams and his chat, but chose to ignore it and proceed with a fake discussion.
[YouTube] Vee vs Fake Ross despite warnings from Sinatra & KOP, Mister Metokur joins [Embed]

Good god not only is this thing eight and a half hours long the information is dense!
Jim after the Skeptic series.jpg
Jim gives some insight into his own internet history
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOH_g4zHMNI [Embed]
IBS """Highlight""" clip from Monday March 26th
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Aryannes pet lizard.jpg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QRQP-aPhBo [Embed]

TLDR Warski is a turncoat (to nobodys surprise) and may or may not drop Bloodsports mid term.

Yesterdays IBS was a disaster and a half if I ever saw one. Did not bother to make a post about it until now. Warski was always kind of a lolcow but this was one of his worst displays i have seen so far.

- Jim was on for 2 hours, even JF later on, but that did not save the show though

- Warski has sworn a NO FAP oath after he had been publicly ridiculed by Venti for his VR Porn addiction

- According to Rumors he has also laid off the Marihuana

- Warski got into a bitchslapping with JF after JF told him on Warski Live to shut up, Andy feels like he lost creative control over his show, contemplates to "fire" JF as cohost

- Warski insults the audience and goes full Seven Dollar Sanchez

- Andy publicly brainstorms new show concepts and names on air. His new Show will likely be called "Purple Dragon". The mockery writes itself.

also, on a lesser note, Hard Bastard was on and challenged David Pakman to a match. Seemingly Pakman talked shit about IBS or is in collusion with (((people))) who do.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF4n4edxD2I [Embed]
sargon with rifle.jpg
1 minute clip of Soygoy gloating at the Warski Drama.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4o06fKRfdw [Embed]

Soygoy an undercover gov agent now?

Comment from the video

"Sargon has been visited by the english authorities and asked to work with them to "deradicalize" the "right wing extremists"."
133295 133302
Andy Race Warski Smile and Optimism gone.jpg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXO4CFzqOU8 [Embed]

More on Warski's Purple Dragon Tism Drama, he seems upset again
JFG had a stream where he went over the Kumite yesterday. He gave the ultimatum that he remains on 3 times a week or he quits. JF really ripped on Warski, and is probably why Warski is pissed. We could be seeing the end of the bloodsports debate format.
https://youtu.be/nz7ffwSrunI [Embed]


Warski freaked out for on JF for getting trolled once live on his show. This, his drug addiction, the NO FAP situation and his overall boredom with the Bloodsports format could be the nail in the IBS coffin.

Andy is going full ballsdeep Maddox now. He says the chat upsets him again.

If you put the gun to my head, i will stick with JF. Warski is misbehaving for irrelevant reasons and the dumber of the 2. He's tearing the whole format apart with this shit.

3000 watchers, chat is going at the speed of sound shitting all over Andy, he just literally said "JF hurt my Feelings."


4pol now claims Andy has a Meth addiction as well.
Unless sourced, that is meaningless. 4/pol/ is at it's most unreliable right now.
Traitor and Enemy.jpg

apparently theres a thread up about that on 4chan. also some cat guy just came on and said, the chat is dogpiling against Andy due to an organised Psy-Ops directed by 4chan and /cow(.

Chat is calling Failure a snake for lying to move himself into the position of co-host, theres allegations of people trying to doxx him f or it.
Jim just got on to the dumpster fire. He's playing Psychotherapist analysing Warski Childhood bullying Angst.
Andy Warski about to get indicted as Lolcow.
DSZM_VKWsAAnukF.jpg large.jpg

/cow/ is not happy with the recent IBS developments, The changed into high gear and made new threads about Andy.


JF Thread on Kiwifarms


There are claims Andy now has a Thread on Kiwifarms too, but i did not find it so far.

Andy's freelance public relations represent and showbooker Queen of Bantz just quit live on stream.

Apparently Andy will hold a Warski Live tonight. It is expected he will be FUBAR'ed in it.
This should be fun to watch unravel. I only watch the shit that Andy does for extra Metokur. JF honestly sounds like a cunt and bloodsports are hit or miss.
Can I have a quick rundown on the latest developments?
133387 133405

>Andy gets tired of hosting bloodsports several times oer week on his channel
>Jf books guests to Andy does not know to topics he cant discuss
>Jf told Andy to shut up on his Show
>Andy gets emotional
>Andy wants to only host 1 IBS per weeks
>Andy also wants to make a new channel with non-IBS content
>Andy quits drugs and VR Porn in the same week
>Andy washes dirty laundry live on kumite
>Andy gets BTFO'd by Jim, JF and Chat
- Andy is on full damage control and claims he was planning this, nobody believes him
>/cow/ and kiwifarms get angry at him and indict him


Warski is breaking apart live before our eyes, perhaps for good as far as IBS is concerned, he may even get his own Internet Insanity from Jim.
this actually sounds worth the time
he's headed for a redemption arc, this is how he becomes the authoritarian military dictator that canada needs
133487 133714


That's from the potato nigger edit of the merchant meme. Maybe Jim is Irish?
IBS is not dead yet, but maybe soon.
adam warski vest.jpg
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Kumite is LIVE

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMbfzYFMrQI [Embed]

After the almost show ending blunder and Andy sperging out for 2 days they hosted a make up stream last night.

Here are some highlight clips:

https://youtu.be/tb0_wSZmK1c [Embed]
https://youtu.be/tVA97_KO63c [Embed]
[YouTube] Jim talks sense into Andy (Tiny Militia/SoyArmy OPs disrupted) [Embed]

According to JF and the """Concentration Cat""" this recent development was caused by some kind of 48 hour psyOPs directed by left leaning troutist Skeptics, DesTinys manlet Militia and salty Sargonites. Pretty sure leftypol, ED, Cow and Kiwi have their fingers in this as well, but for other reasons.

While i am willing to believe there are politically motivated Counter operations going against IBS, in my opinion Warski, his low IQ and his insecurties with this project are at large to blame for this Ruckus. Although they claim to have made up, i do not believe this will last long. Warski is unstable, prone to errors and has the argumentative competence of DarksydePhil.

Further negative developments are to be expected with harsh courses of retailiation from Metokur if Andy fails to stand his ground. He's lacking both the mental capacity and the foresight to be a leader. We may be looking at the next Maddox here.


very good and accurate picture to sum up the Purple Dragon drama in one comic.

Also, Metokur is said to have irish ancestors, at least in part. Which is why i assume they went with the irish jew to represent him. He is kind of the grand puppet master of the Right Wing of the Internet.
mister Metokur Skeptic cleansing.jpg

Also according to Tonka Jim will upload a video about the MSM Jew Demagoge "Journalist" and Hentai Connosoir (((Kurt Eichenwald))) in a couple of Minutes.
133719 133721
HELLO THERE! An active board? What are y'all doing?
Oh you know.. This and that....
Who's Tonka Jim?
133723 133725
Just chilling and brushing up on events.
Do you know where I can buy a Chilean stahlhelm? It looks like it may be made of kevlar like a modern military helmet but I'm not sure. Also, d'you know where I can get a custom armband made?
133727 133736
Ebay and military surplus. Now never use that watermark ever again.
CIA Nigger.jpg
File (hide): B580E88FDD5716422FD094EE33CE2D1D-7515535.mp4 (7.2 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:02, Jonathan Ross freaks out LIVE on stream.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Jonathan Ross freaks out LIVE on stream.mp4
CNN jew.jpg

Apparently """our""" CIA Nigger is a new poster. He started posting yesterday in the Aryanne thread and made a new one. I can't oconfirm his identity yet, claims to be a chan virgin. Might be just a CIA Nigger. Stay cautious. His bevahior is unusual.

On another note, Kumite is currently trying to get the gentleman and scholar Jonathan Ross on Air, who is famous for his exploits as a DSP Community Leader, Brony fanfiction author and childs rights activist. A thread on this fine specimen can be found on /sp/.

Lastly, Jim claims that Eichenwald is hounding him with the FBI, who are trying to stop him from posting his video, which is why it is being delaying. Eichenwald is getting sweaty in the oven.
I tried Ebay and they don't have any, and I have no military surplus stores even remotely nearby. Also, I couldn't get a custom armband from either of those I think. Anyone know a good stahlhelm shaped helmet that isn't just made of useless aniquated steel, and instead is actually able to protect your head?
133736 133737
How about this? https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a230r.1.14.7.d14d90c7P2Llku&id=564129107029&ns=1&abbucket=2#detail
It needs to be touched up a bit but at least it's not rusty.

If you want something more modern, I'd recommend just getting any military surplus helmet that is based off the stahlhelm design. https://www.sportsmansguide.com/product/index/new-us-military-kevlar-pasgt-helmet-olive-drab?a=984596

You either have to make an armband yourself or find a tailor you trust/is willing to take strange orders.
Mon nigger I ain't defiling an original. Thanks though, guess I gotta try to find a tailor. I just really want a stahlhelm-shaped kevlar helmet I can paint and put custom shield decals on.
Fuck, sportsman is temporarily down
133740 133742
Esdeath cute.png

Anon if you insist an talking about military items i strongly suggest you make a new thread, you are derailing our precious Internet Telenovela Drama.
But y'all were inactive, I just came here because you had the newest post and I was thinking it was gonna be active here.
But y'all were inactive, I just came here because you had the newest post and I was thinking it was gonna be active here.

Also, thanks for the pic, it gave me an idea for a new uniform design
Bison Yes Yes.png

MLPOL is not always a fast place, you need to bide your time and wait for a good thread to latch on, eventually topics that gather of lot of interest will gain traffic.
Jim claims the Eichenwald Video may get his accounts killed
Jim Eichenwald Drama Metokur Ban FBI Jews.png

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/979063735074656257 [Embed]


I just wanted to make a fun little joke video about a spaz but now I have to cover some of it in a more serious manner. Expect delays; I want to make sure I follow this through as deep as I can. It'll be a weekend vid. This will probably get my account killed. Inshallah.


Kurt Eichenwald is trying to take down Jim with the FBI for real.

Jim is at this point in time chainposting on twitter, follow him there live if you want to see more.

apparently this is about the new york times funding child porn sites, did not expect Jim would dig up shit about (((Eichenwald))) now that he was busy with the MRA's
Kumite disabled by /cow/
134124 134132
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yer a faggot harry A FAGGOT.jpg

https://youtu.be/BpFNIOSvF6M [Embed] - Cow user comes on
https://youtu.be/O6Ue6CNAnyk [Embed] - Cow user comes back
https://youtu.be/ee01CUvBeKQ [Embed] - Ambassadors arrive
https://twitter.com/Tonkasaw/status/979236619160117249 [Embed] - Strike tweet from Tonka

So this is interesting. /cow/ just managed to do in one night what 4 months of SJW's, Skeptics and MSM Agencies failed to. They disabled the IBS and maybe permanently damaged it.

Yesterdays stream was kind of a mess with IBS being on a downwards slope since Andys sperg outs. Yesterday was mostly spent of him and his potato hamplanet gf being abused by chat while he tried his hardest to play butbuddies with his online friends in the hangout.

The stream was later dragged in another direction. In all my years i did not expect this to happen, but it did. Someone from a chan site came on. Not just any chan site, but 8chan. And from /cow/ of all boards.

I thought at first this was a strawman, theres no way a chan board would publicly embarrass itself like this. Sadly I later came to find out that this was, indeed, a genuine cow board user. As you can imagine, the /cow/ Anon had a shameful display and got absolutely obliterared by Tonka himself. Sadly, Tonka also made the grave mistake to shittalk his board and chan culture in general. As you can imagine with Tonka being larhely a normie this lack of awaress bodes poorly with people who do live ruination as a part time hobby. Later, one of the cohosts went on to stage a "raid" on the board.

/cow/ did not like that, as you can imagine. They did not like that one bit. After sending an ambassador group to the IBS stream to clear the name of the board (lul, why?), the board was raided by IBS fans. /cow/ grew more enraged. After disavowing the sperg of their own that publicly embarraed them said Poster was quickly thrown into a meat grinder, stripped of his Anonymity.

Of course, /cow/ did not stop there. Later that night data was unearthed about the Host of the Kumite, Tonka Saw.

Turns out that Tonka allegedly goes by the of Robert Pilkington, 32 years old, from Oxforder/Alabama. Looks like a low-muscle Manlet Goblino with an uncomfortably long chin beard. Former Amateur Wrestler too. His phone number and hoem adress were found out, with the phone number being taken down by the network in less than 15 minutes after publification. His family members were doxxed too, they aren't that nice to look at either. Seems to be a hot lead. Also, his Youtube channel was striked, most likely also due to a revenge act from /cow/.

Seems like this indian tried to push over the wrong cow.

Also on a sidenote during a Warski stream i laid eyes on Tonkas co-host Failure. He looks like a morbidly obese Haggrid with short hair and beard and has an alcohol problem, when he showed himself able to down a half a bottle of hard alcohol in 3 swigs.


- Tonka was doxxed
- Tonka was striked
- Most likely no Kumite today
- If the Strike cant't be disputed, no streams for 3 months.
- Tonka is a goblino
- Failure is Haggrid

134127 134180
alarm freidenker.png
something less doxxy for the time being

https://youtu.be/1a8HGjS9o6Y [Embed]

Metokur talking with Low IQ BLACKED Alaska about how he met his new (((manager))) (an ethnic jew) of 1 month. Pretty sure Blacked it getting fucked soon. His uncontracted manager already bought him a broken phone and made him move to Los Angeles.
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drug pony.jpg

oh my god Baked is talking in this clip about his alcoholism and how he tried meth from a stranger while being coked up in las vegas. what the fuck is this addicted swine?
The Kumite folks are having their own stream on Failure's channel.
https://youtu.be/BE-gzsyROTI [Embed]
Jävla svensk.
I'm living too deep under my rock to understand most of the bloodsport stuff, but this video is an absolute delight.

Entertainment rated N for normie
seems pretty regular for the alt-right tbh
134294 134297 134305 134308
We're alt-right you fucking nigger
>We're alt-right
Speak for yourself mate.
Alt-right is what the liberals call thoughtcriminals like us. We wear that label with pride to spite them.
What, are you supposed to be one of the "Good" communists?
>We're alt-right
Sorry, I am not a meme.
>we wear the alt right label with pride

Hi r/the_donald
go back to TRS you homojew
>posts on Mlpol
>"isn't a meme"
if it is at least /mlpol/ isn't a niggerfaggot meme started by hillary clinton
444956__explicit_grimdark_artist-colon-kinkypinkie_applejack_rainbow dash_fall weather friends_blushing_bondage_discipline_disembodied penis_face down .jpeg
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Hi there, le redditor! Welcome to /mlpol/!
Here's your complementary horsepussy and minutely reminder to fuck off back to the hellhole you crawled out of.

IBS Drama as of March 30th 2018
DSP Phil Begging on Youtube after Twitch suspension.png
dsp phil twitch ban.jpg
sargon IA hair.jpg
metokur eichenwald email.jpg
IBS Tonka Action Games Youtube.png
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC4Swd5zFAg [Embed]


After cows Doxx and flag spree, the second incantation of Failures Makeshift Kumite with Tonka is currently ongoing, they seem to talk about Sargon and Democrat driven Censorship.

Also in other drama news,

DSP got banned for the second time on twitch for harassment.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GumdMNy6Q_8 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/979559838161260544 [Embed]


>He accidentally viewed the Youtube chat and realized he has no power to moderate there.

He went on to make 2 UNMODERATED streams on youtube trying to explain himself and begging for more money for about 90 minutes. The chat spoke volumes about Phils actual audience, but it was a great joy for all. DSP is for now suspended for circa 3 months on propation after personally insulting a viewer/streamer in his chat live on stream. People are currently trying to get Phil permabanned, others are trying to drag him into IBS.

Also, A new Down the Rabbit Hole has been released JUST NOW FOr Noah Antwiler aka Spoony1 from That Guy with the Glasses.

[YouTube] Noah Antwiler (Spoony) | Down the Rabbit Hole [Embed]

Lastly, I took a look at Andys new Gaming channel.


Its pretty boring. I dont think this thing will make it far. Andy is pretty bad at giving interesting game commentary

IBS stuff for the weekend

since its weekend theres no bloodsports, so heres a collection for related links for more khantent.

/cow/ threads - Includes Bloodsports Mega Thread


Youtube channels

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC27K_KwS1abA5vSpbsanAmw - Scrubs Backyard Bloodsports
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOaPjXfRZ3RV7wBqJ77_jhg - Failures Channel, current place of the Makeshift Kumite
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEbfPFTLrczazET4rZvz-dQ - Warskis shitty new gaming channel


- Warski took an Internet IQ Test Live, result was a score of 110, JF had 130+
- Geekthulu got gutted live on stream by /cow/ and King of Pol for invasions
- Geekthulu is now committing internet suicide
- Scrub is hosting surprisingly entertaining Backyard IBS

[YouTube] Failures 'Morning' Kumite - Mirror [Embed]

mirror of the Failure/"Kumite" stream from yesterday, includes Failure drunk dancing and screaming himself into a koma and Geekthulu sperging out over the /cow/ retailiation.

fast forward about 2-4 hours for the interesting parts.
cow girl with dress.jpg
/cow/ thread on Geekthulu

Mister Metokur Vid Internet Insanity: Kurt Eichenwald IS LIVE. Thanks for the anniversary present Jim!
https://youtu.be/yRcpuMM51lQ [Embed]
A Short Update on World Autism day.
Jims SECOND Video onm Kurt Eichenwald
https://youtu.be/0y5ptWIDxhw [Embed]
They are talking about Jims new video and the failure of Kilroy, which is supposed to happen in less than 1 month, but nobody knows where. The location is no longer disclosed. Scam inbound.

Kumite of Today, they succesfully disputed the Strike.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhs9TDffEZA [Embed]

Kurt Eichenwald having a meltdown in real time, posting a 24+ part war and peace twitter chain on tentacle porn

King of /pol/s video on Britbong returns, a famous YOutube/4chan lolcow.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dB8dqah0DXY [Embed]

Also, Veegor has Birthday today. Send him an abusive message to put him in his place.
eichenwald weaboo.jpg

I am currently getting conflicting reports that Jims channel is being taken down by youtube and the FBI. people cant access it anymore, furthermore JIm suggestes that he may or may not get sued, possible leaving youtube twitter again like he did in 2014 during Gamergate.
Reporting that Jim's vids are still up, but the channel itself is having a 500 Internal Server Error. Too early to tell anything.
136141 136143 136448
So much for no eceleb threads.
Yeah. On one hand bloodsports produces interesting political debates, on the other it is sort of against the rules...
Meh, I don't read it, but it's not like it's taking up space.
IBS Website

IBS seems to have a new website now where they host new streams, IBS related youtube channels and announce new IBS events.

Consider a look.


IBS is an outgrowth of the Trout Discord/Kilroy Scam Drama from December 2017 and widely regarded as a countermeasure to existing left and centrist leaning youtuber content.

In all honesty it is more of a perpetual E-Celeb Abuse Project where people are publicly defaced by right leaning audience, the guests on the show and the hosts included. SO if you do really hate E Celeb Drama, there is a chance you will enjoy IBS. All these events happen in loose cooperation with lolcow and chan culture related websites, so fun is almost had by all if you aren't some kind of toesucking ledditor.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8vcEk3qqH4 [Embed]

a 15 minute live reading of Kurt Eichenwalds 24+ Part Twitter Meltdown from Yesterday, narrated by Scrub.

Scrubs Channel



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ctdk3A0JPu4 [Embed]

seems like the stream has technical difficulties. the broadcast keeps crashing, people claim someone is DDOSing.

i will post a new link should it be required.

stream is dead, either El Goblino did not pay his Internet bill or something shady is going on.

new stream link

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAmARiWHWr0 [Embed]

Kumite Striked again.
Kumite Flagged Again. This time for Bullying.

Failure is currently attempting to set up a new show for today on his channel.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNdKmEjsnQc [Embed]

https://twitter.com/Tonkasaw/status/981565025897926657 [Embed]

Vince Bischoff

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/981566106413535232 [Embed]


>Pretty sure he only said that to be smug because Tonka got his account flagged which is weird because just saying it out of the blue before Tonka said anything makes it look like him or his friends had a part in that.


Replying to @realradiobrain @WeWuzMetokur
>I want to see it, are you actually going to go on this time?
9:16 AM - 4 Apr 2018

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t3wKnzUvw8 [Embed]

>uses the image I posted
You like it don't you?

im on another machine with less images to choose from, but i would not have bother to save it if it did not speak to me.
This stream was pretty shit. Brittani Venti was hogging most of the screentime after she had been banned from twitter yet again.

- She also admitted to cheating during the candy contenst on 4chan promising fake noods (who were never delivered) if people vote for team peanut.

- Mundane Matt dodged the kumite like a coward despite a crowdfund reward of 1.500 dollars. Keemstar is now picking up on the drama and will start a shitflinging with Matt.

- Todays Highlight was Jim curbstomping a Skeptic whiteknight related Stalker by the name Radiobrain (wgo seems to have flagged the Kumite and is friends with Jeff Holiday and Kraut & Tea). He was drunk and was trolled by Venti beforehand, maybe also has autism. Audio quality was complete trashcan tier.

- Kumite will maybe make a new channel to escape the constant flagging attacks

- Jim gave insight into his current working table. He is currently working on the following. MRA's, WingsOfRedemption, A New That Guy with the Glasses video, possibly a third part on Eichenwald and maybe a Video on the Nasime, the Youtube "Spree Killerette"

Keep a look out for Scrubs streams , i foudn them to be a lot better than Kumite recently.
IBS Highlights from Yesterday on Failure's.
turns out there were some spicy bits in this after all

>Warski goes full brideburner and tells his former skeptic friends to die in a fire for 20 minute, with jim stoking him.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7mZFpccLZE [Embed]

>JIm smacks down a drunk autistic SKeptic whiteknight who stalked him for 4 months. - Part 1 (includes venti trolling)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TX1zNkqqdQ [Embed]

Jim smacks down Drunk autist - part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSIz-XAGhfg [Embed]

>Keemstar calls out Mundane Fatt for sending the FBI to him and shittalking his advertisers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nIeD5TaFFzc [Embed]
>Still no anime tiddez thread
For shame kraut!
137377 137383

i will maybe make one this or next month, fingers crossed

( . Y . )

Bless you hans.
Huh this is an actual thing. I saw metakurs vid on it and thought it was about people hating on his internet insanity vids
After looking at anime bobs and being bored, 3d bobs look boring and bland as well. I mean look at her sag

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqD2cVgPd64 [Embed]


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIW8YHGX_C8 [Embed]

Highlight clips from yesterday

IBS talks shit about Mundane Matts E-Books
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgrsfIYVeto [Embed]

Bearing destroys Mundane Matt facade of mediocre lies
https://youtu.be/tR-eDwTICDs [Embed]

>Announced for tonight on Warski Live

TGWTG breaking apart
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Internet historian Channel awesome.jpg
laughing cruise.jpg

since this is tengentially IBS related i will mention this here too.

I guess most of you all have seen Jims Series on That Guy with the Glasses and the several Contributors. Doug, Spoony, Joe etc and the Management.

Guess what channel just got one imcriminating document releaded that was livestreamed by one of the biggest internet history channels and now is getting camapigned against? You probably guess it right, Channel Awesome.

>Possible video from Internet Historian inbound.

A short-ish video from some fat bloke about the document
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkmL4aQ9fi4 [Embed]

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/981742155868921856 [Embed]


Former contributors - 63 pages of allegations
>Channel Awesome response - 4 paragraphs

Oh also

Kurt Eichenwald on suicide watch.


>What a saga this man's story has become.

Joe Simonson, Atlantic Planned Parenthood Fellow

Verified account @SaysSimonson

>just got off the phone with kurt eichenwald and let me say this: he is extremely unwell and people should seriously consider not mocking him further

137787 137795

@Atlas & Staff

Keep it Secret, Keep it Scrub
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpT6RBM0E18 [Embed]

Just heads up, this guy from IBS is doing both amateur music and voiceacting, if you are looking for people for the animation. As long as it isnt sexual hes fine with it.

Contact him on twitter if interested.
NEW Jonathan Ross Video confirmed.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/982356166327009281 [Embed]


>New video this Sunday - Ross 3: Return of the bathtub.

additional source - Video from Ross himself
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJKrB_4QglA [Embed]

We should get atlas on ibs. He should debate gookmoot.
FLat Earth Stream
seems like they re-booked the flat earth warski stream with some tranny bullshit. pretty terrible

heres another flat earth warski stream from april fools, still enjoyable.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8u9y6ikvJnM [Embed]
Good job posting updates German Anon.
You’re doing God’s work.

its just a little drama coverage i do on the side, who doesnt like a little public e celeb abuse?

Glad you are satisfied with the coverage but i would lie if i said i am trying hard to make these posts. If someone comes along more competent than me in that regard i will gladly step aside and let them have a go.
No loli.PNG
since there seems to be noting going on for now before jims new video on sunday, heres a more in-depth less bullshit video about the channel awesome document and its contents

[YouTube] The Cautionary Tale of Channel Awesome [Embed]
i sighted an Aspiriring new lolcow
take a gander at this moonpie

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCM6JqNksM [Embed]

his name is WIngsOFRedemption
A super fat bald guy from USA
he was famous once
now he just cries a lot
and begs
he is like if ReviewtechUSA ate Phil

the Godwinson channel is pretty nice, btw. belong to some british white nationalist.
thats the guy who filmed Soygoy at his Liberal autism party
was also on ibs too i think

also, Jonathan Ross is now engaging in Censorship again. He unlisted his latest video trying to wash himself clean of all self inflicted pedophile allegations, removed the like bar and deleted all unfavourable comments on his video.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHO8yRHLyr8 [Embed]

Something that happened this weekend, went pretty much over my head.

Some guy called Christopher Cantwell (who i never heard of, but seems to be a somewhat famous alt Righter) had a big fight with Coach Red Pill on Baked Alaska. The thing escalated pretty hard with both of them screaming and Cantwell yelling repeatedly at coach being a Kike.

One of them was later banned on Gab i think, allegedly for doxxing (?).


one of Wing's detractors made a really nice song about him. would not want to hide that from you, has a swanky tune to it.

[YouTube] Mr. Big Guy - WingsOfRedemption [Embed]

Hope we can drag one or several of these ebeggers in bloodsports somehow. perhaps the money incentives they offered mundate doormatt will do the trick here.

[YouTube] Jim vs The Ross (Tub Teacher Catholic Preacher) [Embed]

Jim v Ross from the kumite
Ross admits he's a "virtuous" pedophile volunteering at an elementary school and doesn't see anything wrong with that, and that he lied to the police when they questioned him because he reported that he had anger issues and was unstable, but didn't tell them he was a pedophile, schizophrenic, or prone to violent thoughts. He's the victim though apparently because metokur is attacking him even though he hasn't harmed and/or raped any children as of yet and isn't concerned about poor Ross' future or wellbeing. Please contact the state, local, and federal authorities his dox is out there
He also works as a teachers aid. They usually help by bringing the kids to the bathroom.

This fucking pedo deserves to be flayed alive and rubbed with salt and lemon juice, then he should be raped to death.
New IBS/MetokurRoss Drama - The Compilation -
SO, IBS is now full on over Jonathan Ross' Cocks and Balls. So much material has been accumulated (as expected) that it is hard to get a good grasp what is actually happening. I will try to keep it accessable.
This might either be one of the most sophisticated Catfishes we have seen since the Darksydephil Escort Catfishing, or a MassRape-Schoolshooting waiting to happen in the foreseeable future.

If you dont know who or rather WHAT Jonathan Ross is, consider looking at this thread



Here's Recap.

>Metokurs Third Video on Ross, Fourth Video confirmed some time int he future
https://youtu.be/EmfgehHsbFA [Embed]

Late Night Kumite highlight clips from munkeefonix

>Real Jonathan Ross On Kumite VS Metokur (this happened after the third video)
[YouTube] Metokur vs The Real Ross - Late Night Kumite - 4/9/18 - 🌵💀🌵 [Embed]
Includes a clip with Jim saying "If i was in charge of society, people like you would be lined against a wall."

>Real Jonathan Ross on Kumite - ACT II
[YouTube] Real Ross II - The Afternoon Kumite - 4/10/18 [Embed]
Ross threatens to dox the seven year old sister and mother of his """friend""" and threatens to kill King of /pol/ for accusing him of having sexually touched a child. Also he was recorded REEEEing IRL somewhere there. Warski was quoted with "This is like a Horror Film happening in real time."

>Well now we know who "IHateMyGrandson77" was in chat.
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/984042516000509953 [Embed]
Ross' grandmother confirmed for having watched at least one stream with Ross LIVE.

>Response video from Ross himself
https://youtu.be/99GEPevNcig [Embed]
Around the Seven minute Mark Ross states "he gets a raging boner from the internet abuse, just like from those children."

People all over the internet (including Kiwifarms) are now trying to get Ross unironically reported to the Police and FBI to be arrested and/or removed from his Job at the Elementary school he claims to be working at. A continous flow of death threads and doxxing attempts go from both sides. Ross regards himself as a victim, is siding with the Honeybadgers (who defended him) and says each and everyone who is harassing him are mentally ill A-log that discriminate against him. He is an innocent victous victim and will have none of this.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuMIpJLb6hE [Embed]

People on Scrubs 24 hour Pokemon stream claims the Police has responses to the numerous calls about Ross. Allegedly they were told the Californian POlice KNOWS that Ross is a self-admitted pedophile. However SAYING you are a pedophile AND working at a school is seemingly not against Commifornia Law. SO, for the time being, it seems the Law can't and refuses to do anything UNTIL Ross actually rapes a child.


Checks out. Also thanks for posting these updates. I don’t think I’ve ever replied (maybe once or twice) but I read all of them.
I must also thank you for these updates Anon, I also never reply but I always read 'em
I just found out Harmful Opinions is back on youtube. He is going back to the old style he was doing before he was hacked and banned.

Here is one of his new videos:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxnJy7DO5rY&index=6&list=UUhvaKDUWqEE-uwTa5SebBxw [Embed]

If you don't know who this is lots of his old content can be found here which is worth a watch

He was doing this type of thing years before bloodsports. Similar to Mr Metokur he is well known for exposing candid.

Also new Murdoch Murdoch is out https://cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/Burqas%20in%20Bongland.html

IBS Drama as of circa April 11th 2018.

Jonathan Ross seemingly got his computer and internet acces taken away due to police investigations, he currently only has a smart phone on hand, uploading unitelligable videos. He uploading a 13 second clip in which he proclaimed, people will never take his internet away, which was shortly deleted later. His "Aftermath" video has now been unlisted, but can still be wacthed with the link above. Further police and FBI investigations seem to be going on with the help of Rosses grandmother.

According to Kiwifarms he was also recently quoted with "Even If i were to touch a child you could not do anything about it anyways."

Scrub was holding a 14 hour Pokemon stream and later went on to a cocain fueled chat reading spree on kumite. later on they were talkjing life calls from discord where Andy Warski has been publicly disavowed for hosting Trap Grooming Gang Servers.


>Case File: "To Catch a Predator" - Jonathan Ross

https://youtu.be/v8m5KibpmWI [Embed]

New video about Ross and his homicidal pedophilia from King of /pol/.
Keep in mind King of Pol/ Bryann Dunn is an attention whore, a liar and a lolcow himself who has private grievances with Ross over employment loss. Contents are to be consumed with caution

https://youtu.be/gkosR0V32E8 [Embed]

Channel Awesome aka the Company of Doug Walker/Nostalgia Critic find themselv unable to douse the grase fire they set ablaze. they release yet again another inappropriate response to the unending criticism. The channel lost over 10.000 subscribers by now and over three quarters of their content creators and featured shows; including seven dollar sanchez. Dougs brother is rumored to have nuked his facebook in response to this. Channel Awesome might actually be dying right now before our eyes.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/984244337054797825 [Embed]

>Trolls, hacks, baiting, mic spam and the funniest thing of all is they can't respond to any of it in anger. It'll be a game for trolls. With corporate sponsors and hosted on Twitch if they even step out of line a little it'll be a world of shit. Such a supremely bad idea.

Feminists try to make a Anti-Bully channel, BULLY HUNTERS for girls where they """fight""" male players online. THe Thing is a big Trash Fire waiting to be set ablaze, with the youtube channel already getting censored to hell and back. A LIVESTREAM is set to take place tomorrow and will be expected to turn into a catastrophy. See more here https://www.twitch.tv/events/VrLu-FqsS8uTF7HAUxztrw


https://youtu.be/6j9ryg_H2_8 [Embed]

Godwinson, the british Jane Goodall of Autism, got his channel taken down by a concentrated effort of a kabal of YOutube skeptics. His Sargon, Boogie and Matt video all got strike within less than 2 days, with this channel being once again ending up terminated. The Mundane Matt video in particular has been blacklisted and can not be reuploaded.

Godwinson made a new channel and is attempting to rebuild. I highly recommend you check him out, his Alexander Jahans video seems especially sseems very promising for a new Triple A Grade leftist Lolcow.

https://twitter.com/JunkMediaTweets/status/983848350654128129 [Embed]

NOT ReviewTechUSA
>Rich couldn't handle some REAL free speech, stick to your safe space fat boy!

Review Tech USA aka Richard Masucci, a known obese ebeggar & Scam Artist with a failing Youtube Channel, released yet again another video about him being """harassed""" on social media be his detractors. Kepe in mind this was after his fans went on a crusade to censor a notable Detractor Channel, Anny Doyle. This lolcow might soon turn terminal.

>WingsofRedemption explains his life in 32 seconds
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=32&v=mi0a1DlIwD8 [Embed]

This is the live that awaits most "professional" twitch streamers after their career has ended. Let this be a lesson to you. Internet Celebrity is not a viable career.

butthurt faggot twitter mad at mister metokur channel awesome.jpg
channel awesome April 2018 meltdown before and after.jpg
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File (hide): BE18995B3DA93F7180D7844BCDBC29C4-4571602.mp4 (4.4 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:32, Wings of Redemptions life in 30 seconds.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Wings of Redemptions life in 30 seconds.mp4
youtube skeptics abominations.jpg

Who cares about World War III when you can have unending E-Celeb Drama? I go where i please and I please where I go.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPholvCuYE0 [Embed]

"Elite female gamers"? Should be funny. Everyone knows women can't game for the same reasons women can't fight or be trusted in politics.
Does anybody else here watch Luke Ford's channel. It has had a lot of solid content of late.

Currently streaming
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D--R1ntJ_tg [Embed]
Bully Hunters
bully hunter empty lounge.jpg
File (hide): F231C6F3C24121DA901D743CBE4ECE5F-590649.mp4 (576.8 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:15, bully hunter host faggots.mp4) [play once] [loop]
bully hunter host faggots.mp4
bully hunter reading stream chat.jpg
bully hunter samefags.jpg
bullyhunters audience.jpg

>30 Minute Recording on the Live Stream WITH Chat.
[YouTube] My Name is ZombieUnicorn and This is not a Drill (BullyHunters) [Embed]


As Expected the Bully Hunters Stream on Twitch turned into a public shitshow of unexpected proportions. This Organisation might have taken the title of fastes failing event before launch this kilroy, Lolcow status was achieved start to finish in less than 2 weeks.

At first i thought this was an intnetional joke. Then i thought this was a publicity gag from some company to sell shitty headsets. By now from the material I have seen i am of the opinion this unspeakable public disaster was in fact AN UNIRONIC ATTEMPT from feminists and SJWs to open a new can of Gamergate Worms, about Girl Harassment in video games.

A "quick" rundown on the events

>Pink haired SJW Feminist Cow founds bullyhunters to fight female exclusive """Harassment"""
>Youtube channel is completely censored
>streamchat is flooded with spam and trolling 2+ hours in advance from a dozen different groups
>host has a meltdown on twitter and blocks anyone talking to her. AT ALL. threatens everyone with DMCA takedowns
>"Hunters" were caught samefagging and using wallhacks
>Hunter Lounge has 20+ computers, only 3 are occupied by hamplanets
>Stream is set to go on for 1 hour, but its in fact les sthan 40 minutes
>Host called people FAGGOTS in other streams
>Found to have lied about their harassment data
>audience is destroyed by the poor entertainment, has likely been lured in under false premices
>hosts and gusts stutter like retards
>jews and feminists for guests
>Linked the wrong twitter via their website that leads to a male rape victim unrelated to gaming
>Allegedly their website is illegally downloading userdata from facebook
>Stream is being recorded and restreamed by dozens of people
>This organisation will likely never be taken serious and will probably disband from the horribly publicity

What a shitshow. Truly for the ages to behold, modern western entitlement and incompetence condenced into one SJW Stream.

Jesus Christ. I feel bad for women that actually know how to think. It is bad enough that there is feminist "men". But they are basically no longer men, so they distance themselves from other men by default; therefore we don't have to distance ourself from them. Women by default through gender have nowhere to escape. SJW women cry that they are victims. Men that more or less have become a female SJW because they see women as victims bitch and moan about how women are victims. It has to be hell.
styx hood.jpg
in other news,

STYXHEXENHAMMER666 is now officially running for GOVERNOR OF VERMONT.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-Q8t7K6Sas [Embed]

"I, Tarl Warwick, throw my hat in the ring. My platform has these planks: 1. I will accept no pay as governor, and no pension. I have my own income. 2. I will, if elected, refuse to enforce gun control as recently passed in hopes the legislature will help to reverse it. Vermont has no crime problem. 3. I will, if elected, fight the opiate crisis by instructing the legislature to consider decriminalizing all drugs within the state for minor possession so that addicts can seek treatment without stigma. 4. I will never join a political party while serving in office and will remain an independent. If elected I will not stop doing my normal gubernatorial work to campaign for re-election and will simply tell people whether or not I am running (I would attend scheduled debates however.) 5. I will veto any tax hikes and any opaque legislation that is overly long or convoluted. 6. I will use my online presence and presence as governor to argue in favor of the debate commission opening up to minor party candidates, and encourage the abolition of super PACs and corporate campaign donations to try and save our Republic."

Styx made a presence on Kumite yesterday and explained his platform. Further highlighty may be posted later.
Styxhexenhammer666 Tarl Warwick Governor of Vermont 24 hour campaign April 2018.mp4

Styx just announced that he has """canceled""" his Governor campaign less than 24 hours in with the Campaign video being deleted. THe main reason given was "Odd Campaign Financing Issues".

To proof that this was actually a thing, here is a 2 minute highlight reel from Godwinson.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=it0MAyZXXd0 [Embed]

small weekend update before the nukes drop
DaumW-kUQAA2_1K.jpg large.jpg

>Who will Bully Hunt the Bully Hunters?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xAdg-s28K4 [Embed]
Jims new Video on the Bully Hunters Disaster boiled down to 11 minutes.

>1 hour Metokur stream on /BYBS/
https://youtu.be/8EndkeMc5wY [Embed] [Embed]
Jim talks about The Trap Discord Server, World War III and watching Naruto Porn with HBomberGiraffe. Jim gets accused of Starfall/"Not Reiko" to being responsible for him getting chain SWATed.

>CHANEL AWESOME has no more left than 2 Contractors, Brad Jones and Guru Larry
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/985063911740379137 [Embed]
Who will win the Battle Royale of second rate nerd cringe?

seemingly no real news on Ross, he keeps trying to upload shitty videos on hois phone and deletes them shortly after, all police and FBI investigations have to seemingly led to nowhere and have now been canceled. also i just had a huge deya vue.

Baked Alaska goes full retard and is called out for it
140863 141034
File (hide): ADD9D3DC725A0C6B891EC7F5AED90537-511031.mp4 (499.1 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:13, Baked alaska WHY AM I TOXIC.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Baked alaska WHY AM I TOXIC.mp4
Baked Alaska VS His Chat 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbfOjvQgJe0 [Embed]

Baked Alaska VS His Chat 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IDmVt_jY1Q4 [Embed]

seems like Baked Alaska has now achieved full on lolcow status. The struggle with his chat is real.

Jim is currently in the process of publicly excommunicating him. Moving to Los Angeles, getting a jew manager and getting a thot girlfriend seemed to have ruined his life and career in less than 2 months. I even think his nose grew.

(((Who))) would have guessed.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/985242021517459457 [Embed]


>Telling your own audience to fuck off, deleting comments, demodding people for "problematic language", telling them to stop being "toxic". Baked did you open a tumblr blog recently?

>"Stop picking on him he is sensitive". Nice job sending up a signal flare to every troll on the internet. gg

>I have no interest in checking out the full stream. I've seen enough.

>Just wow.

12:42 PM - 14 Apr 2018

140874 141287
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I know I don't post in this thread often but I want to thank you for collecting all these resources german anon.
gnomechild alert.jpg

I wish I had more useful interests than reporting on petty drama but its just my guilty pleasure. Thank you for the acknowledgement though Anon, but there are so many threads on this site that deserve your eyes more than this.
140997 141034
Baked Alaska Career Suicide Live Stream

Metokur on Ralphs stream - LIVE Dumpsterfire

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIxuBrVgqlo [Embed]

Baked has gone off the deep end overnight and called in a 6 People intervention to ward of toxic internet trolling, disavowing Jim.

alternative link on Scrub's with /bybs/ guests

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ptePdsKTFMU [Embed]
The wonderful destruction of BLACKED Alaska
baked alaska shitstream 1.jpg
baked alaska shitstream 2.jpg
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baked alaska shitstream 4 shut discord down.jpg
baked alaska shitstream 5.jpg

meme pictures by Scrub @ Scrubbolgy

A compilation of Yesterdays stream.

METOKUR ON BAKED ALASKA'S SHITSTREAM - 30 minutes highlight clip
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5EfvBVaAVk [Embed]

Type 1 if Banned
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Oqf33uBcKM [Embed]

“Dear RalphReTort” - BA
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VwhY12Fnaw [Embed]

some highlights from Jims Twitter


So Baked Alaska and Ralph Retort are shit streaming each other and a third stream that is in baked's apartment is filming it all. Welcome to the clusterfuck, pick your poison:

Keemstar is now in the chat. Fun times.

Oh this just keeps getting better. She's a "relationship coach". Move over gender studies degree we found a more worthless profession.

I've changed my mind Baked. I don't want to debate your manager anymore, I want to debate your thot. Hit me up when you'd like to schedule it.

It's been a bloodsports kinda night lol.

Greentext of events

>Baked Alaska gets a meth addicted single mother thot on his stream
>gets trolled by his chat as usual
>goes full SJW mode
>we only want "positive influencers" in this community
>"the chat is toxic!"
>thot intervenes with "Baked is sensitive."
>Chat is having none of it, mods start to Rebel
>Baked has terminal freak out, unironically calls in an intervention team to deal with it live
>a fat mexican, another mexican thot, his gay jewish manager and his crack dealer
>Stream is an absolute drawn out cringefest shitshow with Baked embarrasing himself, the intervention team talking stupid shit
>Jim last minute attempt of talking sense into baked failed
>Baked Disavows Jim unironically, says
>"you are just Jim Memes with cartoon avatars, you cant tell me how to live my life."
>some guy smells a dogs ass
>Please Clap Moments, over 1000 Dislikes, Baked Unmods people and bans chat, nukes his Discord
>Several Restreams of Bakeds stream, including on ralph retort and Scrub's
>Baked snorts cocaine and is in tears
>IBS collectively watches Baked do the worst stream of all times
after 5 in the morning they end it
>Baked says "it was the best stream i ever did." Claims it was just intetional "performance art".
>Streams are taken offline short after, but have been recorded and now being cut up and reuploaded
>Baked alienated his core fan audience
>almost cries on stream asking if IBS members betrayed him
>He will likely never recover from this self inflicted pulic humilation, his career permanently ruined

I've never been a fan of Baked, but i always had a bad feeling about him. He seemed unstable to me, could not handle shit talking in chat, i heard rumors of thought control in his community and his content was miserable. now he sold out to commiefornia normies against the people who made him big. He will pay for this, one way or another. His reputation is ruined. And if he wants already a lolcow, he most definately is one now. He might be forced to move back to his parents home or even end his life over this.

baked alaska best stream i ever done.jpg
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his smile and optimism gone baked alaska.jpg
justed alaska.jpg


That guy in the polo was a colossal faggot during the stream, taking selfies as soon as he thought he had told Jim off.
Post Baked Alaska Fallout + Extra News

Theres usually no IBS on the weekends. This one was an exceptional. Or should i say "Exceptional". You dont see a confused man destroyed his lifelyhood and betraying his fanbase over the course of 2 days that often.

So Baked and his bandwaggoners are trying their hardest to salvage anything from his diminishing reputation, going as far that he sees himself as a Talent scout now that Erin (the Meth Thot, who made him tank his stream) was his discovery and that this dumpster fire was a "event" which he provided to the community. As it turns out, Baked is by far the cringiest Low IQ Abomination the alt light has spat into IBS so far. He constantly steels content ideas from other people, self-inserts himself into drama, has terrible content quality and caters to MAGA-Pedes.

During a Ralph Stream on the weekend i had the misfortune to pay witness to Bakeds Wigger Rapper career, something i hope i have never have to listen to ever again. Furthermore Baked claimed that he was at one point Milo Yunapolous """Manager""" and despite his vow to other streamser he constantly loses his spaghetti over mainstream censorship, selling out and his victim complex. This goose is cooked. Kumite and Jim already disavowed him, dont think he will be around much longer.

Video Links

>Jim on Scrub Secret Stream (Aftermath Alaska II)
[YouTube] Jim on Scrum Stream (Aftermath Alaska II) [Embed]
1 hour highlight clip from the Endless Scrub Stream. Metokur sums up the trashfire, bakeds actions and its ramification.

>Baked Alaska Gets Cucked by Erin in Front of Thousands on Warski Live
https://youtu.be/ebnNYCjG-1k [Embed]
Highlight clip #1 of Baked Alaska on Warski Live. Baked accuses Jim of being a bully and a doxxer without evidence.

>Taking a Break Baked? Advice - WarskiLive
https://youtu.be/usEGoagrHnQ [Embed]
Highlight clip #2 from WarskiLive. Baked is told to quit youtube for a while to improve his content, seems like hes not taking the advice.

HONORABLE MENTION to Empty Hero and his 6 hour JQ Stream with Mike Enoch and Joachim Hoch.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jor5tXzMLos [Embed]
Give it a look, good channel. Famous for his Feude with BritbongReturns/Manly Tears.

in other news, Bully Hunters seems to have completely evaporated not even 3 days after its first twitch stream. The host has temporarly left Twitter for "toxic mass harassment", the website and the twitch channel have been deleted and the Main Sponsor of the Event (Steel Series) is trying to sue Bully Hunters for severe Brand Damages. gets a golfclap from me for the extra effort.

No real news on the supreme pedosexual rights activist Jonathan Ross. he seeemingly has still access to a phone where he tries to have a feude with KIng of /pol/, who accused him of having confessed to actually having sexual contact with a child. NO hard evidence has been presented yet, and wasnt this KIng of /pol/ involved, i would be inclined to believe this story. Sadly, KOP is an attention whore and so autistic that he has been recently perbanned from Kiwifarms.

Kumite claims that Jim will go in the ring today to fight some guy named "White Elephant", who is rumored to be some kind of Gay Rights activist.

no man could be this retarded, baked is just a paid actor that andy hired to make himself look smart
"Highlighty" from the "IBS"-Subreddit
141174 141186
BA fake IBS subreddit Thread 1.png
BA fake IBS subreddit Thread 2.png
BA fake IBS subreddit Thread 3.png
BA fake IBS subreddit Thread 4.png
I cant breathe.png

Threadly Disclaimer: I DO NOT browse Reddit, do not have a reddit account and disavow of anyone who uses that site unironically.

some highlights from r/Internet_Bloodsports/, which is OWNED and moderated by Baked Alaska himself (without sanction from other parties). A very scumbag move in my eyes, he even went as far as to plaster his channel banner on top of it. SHows that baked only cares about money.

The subreddit had been temporarily privatised after the recent shitstream and is mostly populater by BA bandwaggoners. I am not going to link directly to it, but you can find it easyly yourself if you wish.


oh btw, Harmful Opinions is RIGHT NOW Hosting an IRL Stream on his channel with a donation speaker.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2LV-wLZf48 [Embed]
why are redditors do retarded it doesn't matter who he sold out on, whoever those people are and however they act they're the demographic baked advertised himself to when he was "alt-right" but now he's trying to get a new audience and the old one goes in the bin because they act the way he should expect them to. He knew what the alt-right's position on jews and niggers was when he got involved with them he's the one who says he's redpilled on the JQ. Baked has no one to blame but himself for any of this.

Baked is horrendously dumb, greedy and lusts for attention like few other people i have seen on IBS. I too would believe he is a troll or an actor, but he tried that already before the trump election. He wants to be a career youtuber so bad he falls over his own feet. He does not care what he has to do for it, but killing off his own core audience is probably the worst move. Sadly, he chose to do just that. Reminds me of other people who did that, like Ice Poseidon. Also, why would you "hire" a manager with a channel at 36.000 subscribers. Pure delusion.

Reddit is an unpresidented trashfire circlejerk, perahps one of the worst on the internet. But who am i telling this, most people using this MLPOL are well aware of that. What i find unironic is that Bakes Bootlickers unironically complain about "toxic trolling" and "lack of socratic reasoning". On a Forum dedicated to IBS. You can not make this up. How willingly these people toss their own in the pit to please their overlord is disturbing. I think this is as close to cultism as it gets. Baked says "Toxic" and Toxic witchhunt it is.
>muh 12 year old edgelords
>to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Baked Alaska
141291 141529
Mister metokur anime pony when?
I would just like to echo the sentiment of this >>140863 anon. Your autism in compiling all of this here is appreciated and admirable. I would also like to take this time to say that your 2d collection is impressive and of very high quality. Keep on keeping on.
141292 141295 141529
We have the anime part, and he did defend horsefuckers before.
[YouTube] The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 4 [Embed]
jim has always been best pony tbh
141296 141529
Huh, I missed that episode. I imagine Jim'd have a field day with Mlpol tho
141299 141529
it was a while ago, hugbox chronicles about princess molestia. Jim is obviously an anon so he probably knew about last year april 1st
Yet he (and others) can't pronounce "Molestia" right?
that's fine jim is a sweetheart and a gud boi he dindu nuffim
Metokur and MLPOL
148659 155033

A brief collection of my own knowledge towards Jim in relation to MLP.

- He is obviously NOT a brony
- Jim is into anime and videogames unironically
- He used to hate bronies, not so much anymore (just the SJW/Diaperfur tier autismos)
- He made a video about the Molestia Situation
- He visted /mlp/ in 2015 or 2016 for research of said video, left a vocaroo to confirm his identity. (This vocaroo does not exist anymore but i can testify that i heave heard it myself)
- Jim a bout with 2 SJW Bronies in Autmun 2016 over his DA videos, one of them named "ForNoGooDReason". A Metokast was planned which said brony backed out of.
- Jim browses 4pol on a regular basis
- used to browse 8chan up until 2016, left it because of technical difficulties
- Jim DOES know /mlpol/ existed and likely browsed /mlpol/ last year
- He nameddropped /mlpol/ briefly in a stream in early April 2017
- when someone said in streamchat "Jim is best pony" he responsed with "that makes me want to put a bullet in my head." (cant seem to find the link, it was before the neogaf and Ross streams.)

I do not think jim knows MLPOL exists and i would advise against trying to shill it to him. For one I think Jim might actually die, second he would probably not like what he sees. Last time some faggots from endchan tried that he shat on them in a 1 hour stream so hard i think they never recovered from it, essentially achieving the exact opposite of what they hoped for. I think that stream was called "Globe-Alist conspiracy.

Video Links

>The Hugbox Chronicles Episode 4 "My Little Molestation"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uojqKHrEtR0 [Embed]
Jim speaking about the Censorship drama with the infamous pony blog

>Hugbox Chronicles: Episode 7 - The Tism Storm
https://youtu.be/IuAeF_aWZMw [Embed]
FNGR gets a summary execution

>Globe alist Conspiracy Stream
https://youtu.be/p7idV-j64ZE [Embed]
endchan ends themselves with a gone-wrong trolls OPS


It is but a small service on the side. It does not take a huge chunk of time out of my schedule and if i can do it for myself i might as well share the drama intel with more people while i am at it. The very nature of greater IBS is fickle so i can not foretell how good the quality will be or how long i will follow it before my own interest burns out. But for the time being It is what it is and I will likely keep at least one eye on it as long as Jim is waving his E-Peen around in that sphere.

In regards to the anime art, i honestly never really had a dedicated hentai folder, so i am just picking these up as i go. I usually dont know either the franchise or the characters i am posting, its just extra eye candy i sometimes forward to other people who may have more constructive uses for them.

Baked Alaska Trashfire gone Nuclear - Point of no Return Reached


The blazing trashfire that is the life and career of Baked Alaska has gone from terminal to collateral. Despite pleads of his own community and other IBS members Baked did not take the L and walked away for a break, he did the exact opposite as anyone would have expected by now. Essentially, Baked poured some Gasoline in the grease fire and threw a stick of dynamite in for good measure.

My apologies for the lenghy clips. All these events are, as always, very recent and the shorter clips currently in cutting. The main event is currently trimmed to -2,5 hours. So watch that on your own discretion.

Video Links

>MAIN CLIP - 5 minutes
[YouTube] Brief Update BloodChella 2018 - Tonka Saw sets Conditions [Embed]
Summary of Events post Stream. watch this if you are on the clock.

>Baked Alaska VS IBS - Act I
[YouTube] Baked Alaska - Part 1 - The Kumite - 4/16/18 🌵💀🌵 [Embed]

>Baked Alaska VS IBS - Act II
[YouTube] Baked Alaska - Part 2 - The Kumite - 4/16/18 🌵💀🌵 [Embed]

Clips include Baked VS Ralph, Baked VS Warski and Baked VS Tonka.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/986102576016916480 [Embed]

>Today's allegations rollercoaster:
>*Drug Use
>*Drug Deals

>It's like a VH1 Behind the Music episode.

The names Ice Poseidon and Microchip are being thrown around along with allegations on Cocaine Addiction & Cocaine Dealership. Warski Faimily has been doxxed live on stream after Warski threatened to Destroy Baked's career with alleged "insider Knowledge" of their LA IRL Streaming trip. Baked is now unironically running an anti-IBS Doxxing Server, tries to get Jims Patreon shut down, Warski called police and his lawyer and Baked is now permabanned from all IBS events. Tonka Challenged Baked furthermore to an IRL fight.

This is what capatalism does to people.
dsp phil tax begging face.png


I am not much of a fan of unregulated capitalism myself. It is a breeding ground for corruption and antisocial behavior in people as well as corporations. Just look at where streaming is going now. Endless begging all day every day from every bloke without a real occupation. People only notice you when you pay out of pocket. Pure Parasite culture.

https://youtu.be/WHA6pYcsTgk [Embed]
Dsp deseves scud.
141573 141574
397827__explicit_artist-colon-bloss_blossomforth_anatomically correct_anus_both cutie marks_contortionist_contortionista_controlled dislocation_crotchb.png
Did Baked dox Andy Warski? I'm so far outta the loop.
That is way too much flexibility.

Warski claims ALL of his family members were doxxed live on stream during his argument with baked by Baked's doxxing server. Baked denies all allegations despite taken screencaps him asking for assictance of hackers in this dispute. I have no further information yet.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tba-69ct-6Y [Embed]

1 hour secret quickie stream from Scrub. listen to the first 5-10 minutes for an impression on the baked drama.
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Did all this shit have to go down when normal people are trying to do their fucking taxes.
dsp phil leg scratching live on stream.jpg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5CXbcr_DE68 [Embed]

I am sorry to hear you are still troubled by the feds over your non-business, Phil.
Larry Bundy WINS Channel Awesome
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https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/985969847359205376 [Embed]

oh before i forget about it...

Larry Bundy Jr. Aka Guru Larry won the Channel Awesome Hunger Games. He even won the honoary captain awar and stayed even after Doug walker himself left the company for good. I guess the channel now belongs to Larry officially. He was so proud of that, that he even changed his Bio on Twitter:

"Larry Bundy Jr

>Retro Gaming YouTuber, Comedian & Champion of the first annual Channel Awesome Hunger Games. Pity me with your dollars here: https://www.patreon.com/Larry"

YOu can support Larry "Last man Standing" Bundy and his gaming channel here.


Larry is the Talleyrand of Youtube.
Baked Alaska false flagging Youtube
Baked Alaska is once again in total meltdown mode after crying to his discord. He is currently on a flagging spree tryint to take down IBS and clip channels.

The Snake has shown its true intentions.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/986328163935498242 [Embed]

Just tuned in to the kumite. So do I have this right?

>-Styx got an email from Baked about accusing Styx of making death threats against Baked
>-Kronos got Main channel AND second channel got flagged
>-Andy got the emails forwarded from Zoom (a hacker who knows Baked IRL and from before he joined IBS)
>-Andy has a 45 minute recording of BA's discord conversation with compromising evidence
>-Kronos second channel just got striked, the channel had only one video and got flagged in less than an hour.

Also threadly reminder I wont be able to make a thread update TMR on wednesday 18th. Feel free to post news if you wish.
141746 141787
found this on twitter, jim and andy ponies when?
141762 141787 141958
What prize do I win?
Holy shit! Some mad bastard has done it!
[YouTube] Goodbye Horses - Q Lazzarus [Embed]
141854 141958
141861 141958
doesn't mean he's not funny
what it means is that bloodsports is just a Machiavellian scheme to supply him with endless eceleb drama and autism for his entertainment
Baked Alaska gave me a copyright strike, for a video that he mirrored
https://youtu.be/gxQdSDeFukA [Embed]
Looks like this drama is spreading and killing shit.
germanon can i get an update on erin the thot? i've heard she broke down after being rejected by asian andy and has now deleted her twitter and youtube
metokur scrub child book reading.jpg
metokur hitler.jpg
As far as i can tell there wasnt so much happening yesterday except more of the unending BA circlejerk. But i will try to deliver a small highlight post after this one.

>>14174 →

I dont know where you found this, but if you have admiration for the Kumite consider sending that to him. They might even end up using it for background art.


I feel like I've seen that before some years ago. Still, good work digging this up. Hope the Anime Art i posted will suffice as a reward.


Many people suspect that Jim has some kind of secret agenda after which he operates. It might just be a thinly veiled joke, but If Jim actually turns out to be an IRL Freemason, he must be one of the rudest Freemasons to exist. Or, perhaps, all Freemasons are assholes, which could also be possible.


There are people who claim Jim was born with a gift. Or rather, a curse. Not unlike the Hand of King Midas if you will. But unlike Midas, everything that Jim touches does not turn into gold. It turns into 99,9% pure autism. And he eventually managed to make a living off of it.


A very interesting piece of evidence that is. I do believe this is some kind of fan channel of Baked Alaska, or some kind of mirror channel. Baked allegeldy gave this guy explicit consent to post videos from him, in that case he even ended up posting said video himself. Now, that he is in full traitor mode he seemingly has retracted all agreements and flags down his own people. This does not bode well.

BA may end up being scrubbed from Youtube History if he continues to go after the Archivists like this. If there ever was a case to advocate for him, that stand is now gone.


I am aware of the exkistence of Erin. Some people say she is the Helena od Troy of IBS. While i have never read that epic, i think this essentially boils down to the notion "the woman is a devil". Not because Erin is smart, quite the eact opposite, but how she goaded BA into falling down the stairs over less than a week worth of contact.

Erin herself seems to be a nutcase on her own. I will try to make a small summary about her for You, although to me she is barely anything but a one-dimensional plot device.

Lol I know, being a deep state shill is a fuckin joke, isnt it
Rise and smell the asses of Baked Alaska
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Image Material Provided by Danbooru, showing the Raifu KAR98 from GIRLS FRONTLINE.

So, this whole BA Drama is starting to turn Stale after day six of the ever-accelarating Drama. More and more people get dragged into it, but aside from BA losing brain cells and progressively shitting himself nothign really comes of it. Since BA went out of his way to FALSELY STRIKE DOWN most of the Clipping channels (which i highly disavow) i have to offer you full clips for the time being until this issue with this con artist is resolved. I will try to keep this small since Baked should be deplatformed and purged for all i care, so i will try to only involve thing in which Jim has some interest in.

Video Links

>What Is The Baked Alaska Experience?
[YouTube] What Is The Baked Alaska Experience? [Embed]
summary video from Wild Smile consensing the BA Traitor Saga down to 13 Minutes, as of April 17th 2018. Includes an insight in Baked attempts at e-whoring in different communities and his bad relationship to Milo's Alt Light as well as recent events. Second Part Planned. Highly Recommended for watch.

>#Killstream: Baked Alaska Leaked Audio, + Warski & Allsup
https://youtu.be/n4PKTbUeR80 [Embed]
Ralph stream with incriminating Discord records of BA. I recommend a watch of the about first 30 minutes.

Includes a clip of BA's new mexican manager, Somalia, verbally smashing Erin into the ground like a rusty nail.

>Super Secret Stream - April 19th
https://youtu.be/jGj5XRaDg-0 [Embed]
Scrub Stream with Metokur in Audience, he hosts a radical Anti-Circumcision Activist in the last hour who redpills the audience on the JQ and Genital mutiliation.

>#Killstream: Zoom Faces His Accusers
https://youtu.be/trm6-Ayfdg8 [Embed]
Another Ralph Stream and seemingly, a very dramatic one. This piece baited Jim into making a series of posts on Twitter. I have not watched it yet, but word is this turned into quite a shitshow.

TLDR - Zoom, "The CIA Superhacker" that sold out Baked Alaka is being accused of being a raving pedophile for 5 hours - the stream.
Multiple quests (including King of Pol, who got shitcanned), more 24 OPS, a lying woman who is jealous of her BFs sudden internet fame and a Ted Bundy wannabe in the center of attenion. WARNING - This stream is rumored to be a PSYOPS by Zoom.

>Erin VS Samaria on Warski Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZEMVDCF0fts [Embed]
One of the last clips from Kronos before his clip channel went temporarily defunct. Unless some Anti-Flagger can remove the strikes from him and American Pride, they will be incapacitated for ~90 days.

What i know and heard about Erin, aka The BA THOT

>circa 26 years old
>lives in or near Los Angeles
>fake blonde hair
>fake tits
>rumored to he a meth- and cokehead
>single mother
>has a bf
>hypergamist attention whore
>dumb like a loaf of bread
>degree in PR and gender studies
>has a fetish for public humilation
>fucks e-celebs for attention
>lives with her parents
>livestreamed arguments with her parents for views
>showed her tits to people on scrubs stream after 5 minutes
>is now temporarily co-host on WARSKI LIVE
>is being whiteknighted by Andy and JF
>no job or income
>dresses like a cheap prostitute
>pretends to be a "Relationship coach"
>behaves like a low IQ 12 year old girl
>everybody hates her
>she barely cares that she is responsible for destroying internet careers
>has barely (if any) self-awareness of what she is doing

141967 141986
>is now temporarily co-host on WARSKI LIVE
no she was supposed to have a debate with nick fuentes but she deleted herself off the internet, her twitter/youtube are gone and warski confirms she is never coming back

>her twitter/youtube are gone and warski confirms she is never coming back

really now? I welcome this move. Hopefully she won't change her mind. That explains why i had difficulties finding material to her parents argument stream.
apparently she was trying to get that asian andy cock and he rejected her and she subsequently lost her mind, her last youtube video before deleting everything was allegedly a 20 minute rant about it

also there was a bit of serendipity with Ben&Jerry's
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/986701125905801222 [Embed]
Her bf is a nigger. Warski said it in one of the streams i watched.
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trad thot.jpg
todays KUMITE Stream summarized in a greentext, stolen from /cow/

>99$ superchat with half a paragraph of text
>andy embarasses himself
>ice cream sandwich/chinese talk
>talk of wanting the show to end today
>half the show is talking about yesterday's show
>Tonka says he hasn't heard about something
>"how many time i told you i don't care" - Tonka
>"hold on hold on hold on" -failure in lisp
>munching sounds in the background
>Venti comes on: "you're so much better than failure" -Tonka
>Venti's mug on screen
>press 1 if
>Failure can't read
>dicksucking superchat from yt'er trying to get famous
>35min intro (empty space)
>scrub sings
>kumite sucking jim's dick
>Andy joins and talks about his upcoming show
>Failure talks about vidcon
>Venti joins
>chat spams begone thot
>More than 5 viva la raza superchats
>Failure talks about his drunk stream
>Awkward silence when running out of topics
>Talk about drug usage
> Failure and Tonka say they want to leave jim alone, then minutes later invite jim
>THOT Joins Stream

the words unoriginal and boring come to mind. this is alarming, so short after a big cancerous habbeding like the baked saga. IBS may turn terminal soon. Prepaer your rocket chairs to leave behind the jimm leeches.
personally I think it will get better now that baked is gone, but they need to either take a short get back to actual bloodsports this drama has really mucked things up
Why did you ever think that something that shares initials with a condition that makes you shit yourself constantly would turn out well?
General Intel on /BYBS/
IBS character chart.png
metokur chain of command.jpg
neoliberalists plus.png
meme lifespan graph poor quality.png
sargon confronts Metokur the greentext.jpg
>Archived Thread on Joachim Hoch

A couple of IBS material I have found on /cow/, this mostly regards Joachim Hoch, the former head of Backyard Bloodsports. /bybs/ recently immolated after they ousted Joachim for being an incompetent drama whoring celeb. I will try to keep an eye on /bys/ and similar small scale formats though regardless since the contents are original, the actors fresh and the contents uncensored.

Jim is an outspoken supported of this format and since he is now actively distancing himself from IBS, i think this has a chance of becoming the next ore vein of content for this sort of entertainment. Keep a look out for QWaffen, Greatest Goyim, Aqua, Hattington and Anal Vape.


>joachim meltdown

I don't have full details on this.

>coalburner paladin debates jew on how the hollohoax wasn't that big of a deal but it still happened aka into the trash it goes.
>halsey the kike m'lady's infertile paladin and after a while the 3 jews leave.
>spic fuentes likes a tweet shitting on ralph
>ralph tells fuentes he isn't white
>spic fuentes points to ralph's paki wife and tells him his kids won't be white and also shows ralphs criminal record.
>ralph spergs on twitter about spic fuentes posting a pic of his wife he posted before.
>ralph starts talking about spic fuentes sister saying she's a coalburner
>ralph and spic fuentes on warski show
>start talking about the twitter spat
>ralph gets a sick burn about his wife because he fel insulted by spic showed her photo.
>spic fuentes white knights baked
<y u buli baked? he didn't deserve this scalated harassment!
>JF sides with spic fuentes because he's above laughing at retards
<topic switchs to pedo zoom adventures and warski's take on it.
>JF autistically criticizes Warski on his coment about Zoom and Tabby because muh semantics
>Ralph starts interrupting JF
>JF grows impatient and frustated with the constant interruptions
>JF says he owns the show so he can kick him.
>JF calls ralph a slimy piece of shit and kicks him.
>warski gets mad because of it.
>Ralph bends the knee to JF and kisses the ring on twitter
>JF forgives him
>the JFshow ends with JF and warski making up while reading superchats.


>Joachim is a sperg
>helps Zoom dox but Zoom gets Joachim's dox
>Ralph's Zoom stream happens
>Joachim admits on his stream that he shouldn't have helped Zoom dox but he's afraid of Zoom now
>deletes his shit
>bybs has a stream about Joachim and reading some discord screenshots
>joachim comes in and doxxxxes himself
>gets butthurt about it and rage quits
>bybs will continue without joachim


Joachim's Official Lore.
>Joachim claims to be a white supremacist while he has a mexican boyfriend.
>Joachim's name derives from the Hebrew >Yehoyaqim (יְהוֹיָקִים) and means "raised by Yahweh"
>Joachim has anger problems.
>Joachim can't spend a day without screaming to his microphone.
>Joachim used anonymous boards to launch himself as a e-celeb.
>Joachim is a normie pretending to be an old fag.
>Joachim claims that he doesn't browse /pol/ anymore.
>Joachim hides from Chris Hansen.
>Joachim's previous job was native american nob polishing.
>Joachim doesn't want to be a leader, he just wants to make things and hurt people.
>Joachim likes to roleplay in discord while he hides in the bathroom in his workplace.
>Joachim wants to turn /bybs/ into a gay multicultural TRS.
>Joachim disavow the official /bybs/ discord just to reavow again and then disavow.
>Joachim considers Jeffstiny, a neet weeaboo, his rival.
>Joachim's biggest enemy is AnalVape.
>Joachim made his own discord server because everyone laughed at him.
>Joachim lacks self awareness and is turning himself into a potential lolcow.
>Joachim will ban and block everyone that laughs at him.
>Joachim says that anime is degenerate while he watches anime.
>Joachim orbits roasties and give them mods in hope to get some e-pussy
>Joachim vapes irl and vapes e-dick.
>Joachim was friends with Geekthulu. Was.
>Joachim knows when you talk shit about him. He'll call you on your phone.
>Joachim's friends are all minorities.
>Joachim wants to fuck Nikiboo's neghole.
>Joachim fucked a midget.
>Joachim is a degenerate advocating for traditional family values.
>Joachim will scream to your ear if you smear his name.
>Joachim takes his "internet career" very seriously.
>Joachim fears Qwaffen, a fucking autist in the internet.
>Joachim's best day of his life was when he appeared in the Kumite.
>Joachim won't doxxxx himself to demonstrate HardCarlos that he is right.
>Joachim has lost every single debate since february 21 of 2018.
>Joachim has spend more than $400 dollars in the Kumite.
>Joachim acts tsundere towards the official scholar.
>Joachim is everything wrong with bloodsports in a nutshell.
>Joachim denies writting his own pasta.
>Joachim will be like britbong in 5 years a failed youtube career, lonely and bitter.
>Joachim lives rent free in everyone's head.



So when can IBS die?

I think we're starting to see the beginning of it for real. Notice Jim distancing himself from it more. He knows it's imploding, and he's stepping away before the blast. All I can say is that it's gonna be a hell of a day on here when it finally happens
on the Kekistanification of IBS
There seme to be structual and ideological rearrangements going on in the IBS sphere. I can not say yet who will come out on top or how relevant this will stay, but for a more detailed view on the whole subject i strongly recommend you take a look at the dedicated /cow/ thread. Personally i am sensing something is going down, and it is not good.

>Cow Cycle thread on IBS
keep in mind this thread auto-deletes old replies.

>Ralph had a fight with Nick Fuentes and lost.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B08b9sfeJYA [Embed]

>Jim is making new videos as we speak, most likely about Wings of Redemption and Channel Awesome
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987144422499475456 [Embed]

>Jim has appeared on a stream with someone i do not know, the video will be avaiable on saturday.
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987144789769547776 [Embed]

>sample of a freelance BYBS Stream/Discord raid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMFDBdVmyJo [Embed]

>Ralph is now banning people who call him out on his stream (aka Diogenes, at Natsoc from /BYBS/)
>Kumite is talking shit about /BYBS/
>IBS is turning into an E-celeb circlejerk
>people have started to make a kekistani tier IBS twitter channel
>Kumite is starting to have a feude with Ralphs format and blocking people over it
>Ralph will likely get fucked over soon
>Kilroy will supposedly happen in a couple days.
>Failure might be an undercover Jew agent
>King of Pol now has powe over /cow/
>the mod staff of /cow/ is compromised, deleting content of persons of interest
>Baked Alaska is streaming again, begging gor money as an awakened Christian. His comment section is a minefield.

IBS - the historic picture
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Internet Bloodsports Encyclopedia post.png
Everything you always wanted to know about IBS, but never cared to ask.

A comprehensive encyclopedia post designed for history books, adviced and written by the unmatched lolcow masterminds of 8ch /cow/.

SAFE YOUR COPY NOW to be able to tell people about stupid internet drama shit nobody will care about in a year from now.

tbh one of the only notable things to happen with bloodsports has been the public embarrassment if not career suicide of several e-celebs; kraut, jeff holiday, sargon, destiny, the honey badgers, and now baked. It's the perfect trap for e-celebs too because they're all attention whores with hills to die on
Kilroy is here - and it is already dead.
kilroy event 1.jpg
kilroy event 2.jpg
kilroy event 3.jpg
small current event update for Kilroy - Skeptic convention in Arizona.

Picture material - Jeanne D'arc from Fate - Grand Order & Queen of Sunlight Gwynevere from Dark Souls I

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987783942920196098 [Embed]


The absolute state of this event LMFAO.
*Show up to register
*No registration area
*Walk around confused
*Wait for 3 hours
*Get told to come back the next day
*less than 100 attendees total (not counting speakers)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11yZjCdLywo [Embed]


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987779435423240192 [Embed]

>When Kilroy said it was standing room only they meant they rented the chairs at Rent-A-Center and your ass would be standing because they don't have the budget to keep them all day.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987781847252955137 [Embed]

>Has anyone taken a shit in the ballpit yet?


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987782564650930177 [Embed]

Matt Jarbo @ Kilroy

Replying to @WeWuzMetokur

>The guy who took that picture Jim shared is here predominantly to critize the event. So take with a grain of salt


WeWuzMetokur Retweeted Matt Jarbo

>Matt he didn't make people leave the room to stream. He sat with his camera facing forward for over an hour.

Toad Mckinley
Replying to @WeWuzMetokur

>He's not wrong, Jim. There are quite literally tens of people at this event.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987791802173415424 [Embed]

>The Q&A portion at Kilroy was a smashing success. The one guy there got to ask all the questions he wanted.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987793951561277440 [Embed]

>By the numbers: Dashcon attendance vs Kilroy attendance


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987799176258957318 [Embed]


>The Phoenix police department is asking those that are filing missing persons reports to please stop. They don't know where the people that were supposed to attend Kilroy went either.

New Metokur stream regarding future lolcow videos etc
Pictures shows Lady Priscilla, the Dragon Maid from Dark Souls I.

Jim on PKA stream talks Wings of Redemption, Internet Pedophiles, IBS and More

[YouTube] Jim on PKA stream talks Wings and More [Embed]

Kilroy 360 live stream

from the perspective of Jeff Holiday

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYHQhyCUlTU [Embed]
More Kilroy Day 1 Material
Kilroy Event 5.jpg
Kilroy event 6.jpg
Kilroy Event 7.jpg
kilroy event 8 mundane matt superchat.jpg
kilroy event 9 ghost town.jpg
According to local attendees and Jim total headcount is about ~50 people, all staff and speakers included. They are hopsting the thing in some sort of repurposed old theater. Toad and Scrub are there live, vowed to take a shit in the audition hall before the main event tmr. according to tumors they spend 20.000 sollars on security, but there seem only about 2 normal mall guards there. Theres no Antifa there either, probably because of the multiple live camera feeds. It's a ghost town, really but at leats they have a ballpit with stress balls. Seems like people dont care about the opinions of E-Celebs on Mundane Topics. Good Riddance.

>Muckrake Doormatts post Kilroy Day 1 stream in the Hotel
[YouTube] Kilroy - Day 1 Post Stream [Embed]
Jim enters at around 40 minutes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsSGsB25zls [Embed]

>Kilroy Is Looking Like an Epic Disaster
Article about Kilroy on Ralphs website.

>Kilroy - Last Panel For Tonight (And Security)
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987876109579640832 [Embed]
30 minute Live Video of an attendee from the guest rows during a panel with 3 speakers and 6 people as audience.


>"Based momma didn't even watch any panels today." To be fair no one else did either.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/987859006315053056 [Embed]


I feel like I'm watching a stream for a PTA meeting in a town with a population of 200 rather than an 85 thousand dollar event.

old but gold
Mundane matt face.jpg

Jarbo the Hutts video on the nazi brony playboy article

[YouTube] Have Alt-Right Bronies infected the MLP fandom? [Embed]

he namedrops aryanne around the 15 minute mark. I think we should consider officially declaring Mundane Doormatt a persona nongrata.
Kilroy Aftermath and what fat folds lay ahead
Image material featureing Champ Shirona from Pokemon Diamond and female Inklings from Splatoon.

So, Kilroy happened, bored everyone to death and left.

At this point in time there is not much else except some life stream recordings i Can offer to show. The coverage posting in this thread on saturday mostly covers the whole event on its entirety. The Internet Historian and maybe Jim will maybe make videos about this some time in the future.

If you still insist to watch additional material for this (although i would not know why you wanted to) consider looking up "That is just my opinion" aka Rodger, a boots-on-the-ground IT guy who streamed the thing for us and of course Thomas Ellington, who hammered Kilroy LLC into the ground since Winter to the point where they were trying to ban him.

>Rogers channel live on Kilroy
[YouTube] Kilroy 2018 - Mundane Matt: The Mundane Method Put to the Test Against Kilroy Security [Embed]

>Ellington's channel
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mkkh7glhQhM&list=UU5ft8escJDZqT-QIWkHsImQ [Embed]

Here's a bogpill on the thing.

>85.000 dollar were raised during kickstarter + undisclosed amounts of ticket sales and merchandise
>about 400 people bought tickets for Kilroy before december smackdown
>100 of those requested refunds after the December shitshow
>total attendee numbers including all staff and speakers was around ~50 people
>KILROY LLC spent about 20.000 dollars to pay for speakers, 20.000 dollar for "security" consisting of 2 old men & about 10.000 dollars for hotels
>there was a registration area that was closed prematurely last week due to poor attendance
>Kilroy currently only has a bout 2 employees, one of them being """Based Mama""", who is also the CEO and owner of the company
>Biased Mudslime and/or her 6 children seemingly did not attend Kilroy herself
>The Kilroy Twitter had a meltdown
>BM has likely increased her debt beyond the already existing 300k
>the event was hosted in a private wedding chapel in Arizona or something
>most of the audience during streams gave an impression of disinterest and boredom, most played with their phones or even fell asleep.
>Youtube streams had more attendance and downvotes than the actual show
>most people who actually went there did not bother to go to the speaking halls, they stayed in a hotel enjoying the swimming pools since it was hot as fuck
>It is very unlikely that there will be a new Kilroy Con in the future
>Mundane Doormatt is completely deluded about everything and considers Kilroy a success
>there was no ballpit, but 3 boxes with stress balls. they were later removed

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/988385052823359488 [Embed]


>I've never seen one man break so many controllers. And at this point I've watched enough CoD matches to make my fucking eyes bleed. Still worth it though, this upcoming video is gonna be a good one.

Memewhile Jim is working on his Jordie Jordan aka Wngs of Redemption Video.

Jordie is a former successful FPS streamer from 2010 who now seemingly has turned into a terminal lolcow. Jim went on a 2 hour Stream with WORs former friends who equipped him with dirt on Jordie. If you want to see this glaring mistake of nature in his unnatural habitat before the Jimperium rains down Exterminatus on him, consider checking out this playlist from one of the most relevant WOR Detractors, Sean Ranklin.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiZwAmb2Xfk&index=1&list=UU1pdtIJKbEYt7zEdie34EHA [Embed]

Recommended for watch
>Mirror of 6 minute video about the Kilroy Scam
[YouTube] The Kilroy Scam (GODWINSON) Mirror [Embed]
Original made by GODWINSON.
It's afraid.
jordie jordan wings of redemption fear of metokur.jpg
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/988411617762258950 [Embed]

the fat worm squirms in anticipation of the hook
chlorox chan and tide pod chan.jpg

Reupload of Godwinsons recent WOR video, before his channel was struck down by the skeptic mafia.

https://youtu.be/tCyK20OXP9s [Embed]
why is all of this such a freakshow?

The Internet is a gathering place of social outcasts, degenerates, freaks, clinical retards and people with literally no fucking life whatsoever, where they shit out all their mental feces at once.

This shitshow is but a speck of the actual insanity that is hidden in this terrible network of lunacy.


**FILE TOO BIG FOR MLPOL - https://imgur.com/a/HbRufK9
Strange if you got message that it was too big (should be able to uploads quite big files as I understand it).
>I'm testing if I am lucky and it uploads for me (file size was tiny)
I wish Dankula was dead, Car Rentals in Canada and more IBS filler.
2109993 - For_Honor Shadman Warden.jpeg
2114098 - For_Honor Shadman berserker.jpg
2450537 - For_Honor Peacekeeper tinkerbomb.jpg
Image material featureing various player characters from FOR HONOR

Not much to report on these days if you ignore that one alleged Armenian in Canada who mowed down people with a car (allegedly hes an Incel from /r9k/ or /pol/, thats at least what the Fake News Spin). Seemingly every fuckwit can request to get that site frozen these days.

There may or may not be coming more drama out of this, I recommend you keep an eye on that and browse the 2 threads on /mlpol/.

In other News, Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad and tje Liberalist Party of England held a Rally in London to Protest the imprisonment of the Nazi Pug Guy (Aka Count Dankula). There were People with Kekistand and Gadsen flags with taped mouths. It was really embarrassing to look at.

At this opportunity id like to point out that:
- Dankula lives in Scotland, not England
- Protesting in England has literally no effect on Scottish Law
- Dankula was never put in Prison, he was fined something around 1.500 Pounds and is now free
- Dankula is a member of the alt light Sargonites
- and a gay communist with a feminist girlfriend (see the updated IBS guidebook)

I personally disavow anybody on MLPOL and beyond who was gullible enough to have feel pity for this worthless subhuman or went out of their way to """"protest""" for his e-celeb ass.

>Liberalists on the Streets | GODWINSON (Recommended for watch)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfRVBV9cPjY [Embed]
GODWINSON coverage of the Sargon March from Yesterday
(should this video be unaiable, look up a mirror)

Since i am already running out of video material heres a little something
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_2zkxsLzHg [Embed]
2 hour interview with Jim on Internet Dream Lounge from August last year. As if we already didnt have enough of this content.

They also have a interview on Chris CHan and Dankula, should you be interested in that. Jims new video on WOR is taking its time, i expect it to roll around at the end of the week.


the file from cow had ~10.000 pixels lenght, i suppose imgur shrunk it down.
142986 142989
>I personally disavow anybody on MLPOL and beyond who was gullible enough to have feel pity for this worthless subhuman or went out of their way to """"protest""" for his e-celeb ass.
The protesting was gay and Dankula is a faggot but the law he was tried under is still shit. The possibility of 1 year in jail for a stupid joke is absurd. .

Even the fine over a joke is retarded.

Reminder that when this happened in the nazi courts they dropped the case due to it being retarded to try someone over a joke

Agreed, and saluting pugs make a good meme. I'm pretty sure normies still couldn't care less about Dankula, they only care about the free-speech aspects of it.
CWC now sucks literally, Clintons new woman trafficking ring and some more Kilroy lies
Picture material featureing Zero-2 from Darling in the Franxx.

In todays IBS News:
- Hollywood Actress Allison mack arrested over allegations of supporting woman- and child sexslave trafficking ring together with political Jews from the Clinton Foundation, tries to rat them out for lower sentencing

- The Pope of Autism, Christian Weston Chandler, continues to beg for money after a mental breakdown on twitter, offers sexual services to appease credit sharks and his Bisexual Love Triangle

- Big Kilroy Revelation Stream on Rogers YOutube CHannel tonight

- Jim is still working on the WIngs video, no new project announced as of yet. there will likely be no coverage of the incel truck driver in Canada.

Twitter Links

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/989010089188167681 [Embed]


>Life comes at you fast. One day your son is a happy kid playing this new game called Sonic, the next thing you know he's offering people blowjobs on Twitter.

>I can honestly say that 8 years ago if you had asked me where ChrisChan would be today I wouldn't have said sucking dick to pay rent. What a wild ride.

>Chris's life has turned into some alogs fanfic at some point.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/988879429668691968 [Embed]


>Smallville Actress Alilison Mack found dead in jail cell with three bullet holes in the back of the head. Authorities rule it suicide.


>With the money and people involved that wouldn't surprise me tbh.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/988881707985235969 [Embed]


>So some goofy marketing fuck runs a child sex cult or some shit with celebrity involvement and the people helping him are members of shit like the Clinton Global Initiative. 2018 is gonna be an interesting year.

Video Links

>The Horror Of Christian Weston Chandler
https://youtu.be/agytmRqQBvU [Embed]
A seven minute showcase video from March 2016 that comprehensively shows the inhuman perversion of the Mind of Christian Weston Chandler. Recommended for watch if you can stomach it. Contains nudity.

>Andy Warski Causes Trap Grooming Gangs
https://youtu.be/UjoHsWRljjo [Embed]
Andy Warski gets accused by Not-Kraut&Tea for being responsible for the suicides and Trap Mafia on /r9k/

>revelations from Roger's Kilroy interview
https://youtu.be/L9nEV6kwv8A [Embed]
Ellington teases tonights stream in of which Rogert the IT guy will release an interview he had with Based Mama herself and her right hand post Kilroy. Seems like she is still lying her ass off.

>Barbara Chandler Dances next to Dog Poop
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVThBa1XQlM [Embed]
Chris Chan films his demented Mother dancing to appease a troll.
THe Absolutely State of CWC - April 2018
143301 143499
CWC Chris Chan Blowjobs for Bronycon April 2018.png
CWC Chris Chan Twitter Insanity April 2018.png
CWC suck dick for bronycon.jpg
CWC and serife.png
Recent Image Material concerning CWC, including his public offer for blowjobs as well as his 9 Part Twitter Admission to not only being retarded but also perverted. He was so ashamed of this that he claimed someone "hacked" him afterwards and deleted everything. As of the time of this writing CWC is alleged in a 3-Person relationship with a retarded woman and a man, who likely ween into his daily activity, resulting into a slew of fake apology videos. Theres also a new video of him licking penises he drew on a wall.
Drawing this idiot into the world of sexuality was a mistake. He should just stick to his shitty comic.
>a /BYBS/ Stream from yesterday i found consider a watch.
https://youtu.be/lrXD8j3FmHQ [Embed]
talks about the impeding death of IBS, South Africa, The Incel Trucker, Chris Chan and more. Wild Smile as a guest for a while.
This is actually a pretty good argument for why access to internet porn should be restricted from certain people. This guy was pretty messed up to begin with and I doubt isolating himself in various online subcultures that cater to deviant fetishes has done much to help him.
Not just internet porn, but it is a good argument as to why some people shouldn't be allowed on the internet, ever.

It's also a good argument for making gas chambers real.
IBS will be fine as long as they get more debates and arguments, i'm tired of the never ending melodrama between the same cast of characters but i'm still interested in listening to people start yelling at each other during a heated debate

As someone who was enganged heavyly with the Kilroy Saga and this thread, I strongly disagree with this observation.

IBS has been visibly cannibalizing itself while being co-opted by external e-celebs, bleeding content, innovation and quality all the way. Jim jimself has beeen distancing himself visibly from the internet slaughtering. The bomb is ticking.

It is time to move on or lay claim to new territory.
IBS continues to eat Itself, Add money Sniping and shitty """influencers""", shit adds for shit game
143613 143798

Picture material featureing a Tarantula-Oni and a Hellhound-Manticore from Monster Girl Encyclopedia.

Theres seems to have been another moderate sized fallout going on Between Andy Warski and HIs co Host Jean-Francois Gariepe. Apparently this happened during a recent stream with the controversial Ancap-Figure Christopher Cantwell, who expressed his radical ideas(and is rumored to be an undercover CIA Nigger)

The stream turned so sour Warski decided to take it down due to the poor contents and bevaior of all parties, himself included. It is rumored that this was a scripted sketch, but piblic opinion points to this being a genuien struggle that may further damage the already shaken relationship on the program.

Also, as a happening of Inteother rest: Youtube introduces a new content claim tool for creators to forcefully leech add revenue from channels who use their content. Depending on the overall Percentage, an increasingly higher amount of money will be funneled to every creator whos content has been used in any video the tool is employed on. This is especially devastating for monetized reupload channels. The likes of Darksydephil and similar are rumored to be profiteers of this event. Expert say this tool is horrid and will excessively damage smaller channels, as a similar attempt at this in the past has spectaularly failed.

in other news, Game companies fail at advertiesing with inept E-Celebs, Chris Chan celebrates DLC for Sonic Mania and Jims WOR video delayed to Friday this week or later.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/989312884923650050 [Embed]


>Ouroboros hungers

>If it's real tensions will increase, fray away relationships and things will implode and viewers will split. If it's fake eventually it'll be exposed, people will be annoyed and viewers will split.


>Jim, you're a grim reaper. When you show up to anything, it the first ring of a doomsday bell. I LOVE the chaos you produce with your mere presence.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/989277242256740352 [Embed]


"YouTube is lauching a tool to claim percentages of videos that use your content as their uploads. "

>So this new ad revenue sniping tool that Youtube is releasing... DSP must be doing fucking cartwheels through the streets right now in celebration.

>*Snort *Honk "Wait you mean I can take all the ad money from every troll video on the internet about me" *Snort "Ack Ack Ack Ack Ack"


>Andy & JF On Removing the Cantwell Stream and their Relationship
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ri11EO3VRU [Embed]
20 minute highlight clip about the gone-wrong cantwell stream

>RalphRetort agrees w/ WarskiLive - Cantwell video reupload
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouqU_H7UC1U [Embed]
7 minute damage control video where Andy tries to reason why he took down the cantwel stream, Kumite from 2 days ago was taken down as well for unknown reasons TLDR Andy kind of turns into Baked Alaska

>Everspace Dev calls Streamer “Fucking Moron” - When E-celeb Marketing goes horribly wrong
[YouTube] ​ Everspace Dev calls Streamer “F***ing Moron” [Embed]
​Game devs, publishers, or people and marketing folks generally need to have good relations with Twitch Streamers and YouTubers or “influencers” as they are now disgustingly called. According to Rumors the streamer in question is DSP, but this is unconfirmed.
andy stream alone.jpg
Cantwell stream Warki-Gariepy bout.jpg
youtube add sniping tool.jpg

The Breakup of WARSKI LIVE
Image Material featureing Pipimi and Popoko from POP TEAM EPIC.


"JF constantly uses negative memes to hurt me and make me look bad. For being the guy who hired You, who pays you, I expected a little more respect." - Andy Warski

"This is the way i talk. There is no reason for me to lower my standards for You, Andy. I never sacrificed my intellectual integrity. This is the end between the two of us." - JF

The conflict over the Cantwell Controversy Stream has turned terminal, Andy and JF have seemingly cut their professional ties permanently in an unscripted event. JF refused to be silenced by his employer over defending Cantwell against Warskis defamations. The disagreement could not be amended after JF released a video about this argument because Warski retracted an apology towards Cantwell. Warski regarded this as a personal attack rather than criticism and demanded more respect from his employed co-host, which the latter refused to obey to. It is suspected that Warski is being wormtongued behind the scenes by Kumite hosts with an anti-Right Agenda who may or may not have goaded him to act against Cantwell and perhaps even JF himself.

As of the writing of this post no future cooperations are planned between Gariepy and Warski/Kumite. The IBS Diaspora is in full effect now. From the general reaction of the audience it seems like Warski is largely blamed for the situation, with the white nationalist crowd sticking mostly with JF.


>JF Gariépy Quits Warski Live After Andy Confronts Him
https://youtu.be/oIPOcQgxr1E [Embed]
15 Minute highlight clip that explains the falling out, no screaming. Andy confronts JF why he called him out for slandering Cantwell. recommended for watch

>Andy Warski On Slandering Cantwell With JF Gariepy (1/2)
https://youtu.be/SbmhVRQ9fZk [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI1b4SemN1k [Embed]
Andy Warski On Slandering Cantwell With JF Gariepy (2/2)
total length 15 minutes, 2 highlight clips from Kronos 2

>JF On Leaving Warski Live
https://youtu.be/cLcZniAmBts [Embed]
30 minute clip from American pride, JF only.

>Andy's Post Breakup Monologue
https://youtu.be/v-ekFUBbr3s [Embed]
16 minute clip from American pride, Warski only.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/989695114766376960 [Embed]


>I'm on my own side. I always have been.

>New market emerges >All the shows implode >Only one thing to do >Steal those superchats >See you this Sunday.

>Jim who is your cohost? There is no cohost. Jim who are the mods? There are no mods. Jim what gets you banned from chat? Nothing. Welcome to Metocast.

>"We got a superchat for a nickle here you all know what that mea...." *NOW THAT'S FUCKING BASED *VIVA LA RAZA


billy the antibully burns down IBS.jpg
cantwell controversy in a nutshell.jpg
metokast logo.jpg
File (hide): 906F6DF241384225F661FC074290BCB3-4317678.mp4 (4.1 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:45, Mister Metokur girlfriend Jade Fox webm.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Mister Metokur girlfriend Jade Fox webm.mp4
the absolute state of warski live.jpg

jim has been following the whole thing on twitter as always and still turns up on the streams as it suits him, he's even proposed resurrecting the metocast which could make him more involved than ever. The e-celebs thing is a necessary evil given that they need guests, and I agree that all the recent drama has put the quality down but there's no reason to expect that to be permanent. This whole narrative you have about it dying doesn't hold out outside of your head
JF was the one who suggested andy take the stream down

I have always perceived IBS as a highly volatile format. With the exception for Jim i literally knew none of the actors engaged in it. To me, it was largely a rat race for money and attention on the back of the dying Skeptics. It is poorly organized, there is no ideological cohesion and the very nature of the format can not take itself serious. IBS is but a tool that is about to break.

although willing to say that I am surprised that it lasted as long as it did, but there is no denying that the cracks in the facade of the hosts are now breaking down. I for one vouch to put this beast in the ground before the kekistanification has been completed. And reading the IBS cyclejerk on /cow/ i don't seem to be the only one who is reaching for the gun.
Extra Mini Update - Kumite treason
143867 143919 144125
Tonka Saw attacks Metokur leaked discord conversation.jpg
mundane matt flags cognitive thought for a mirror.jpg
Small Update since its weekend and thers seemingly nothign but jims video and stream on the weekend

According to Rumors Jim will be burning down Internet Blood Sports on sunday.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/989904750379495425 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/AxisCult/status/989912773713891329 [Embed]


>If you were going to leak something why would you black out your own name when the person you are leaking the convo on would instantly know who you were anyway?


>Wait that wasn't his pic yesterday. I though the screenshot was fake.
Seems like he is covering his face.

>Are you sure?

Leaked Discord Conversation between Tonka Saw and someone else, who may or may not be Godwinson.

There was an suspicion that this account was fake, however people from /bybs/ brought counter evidence that reconfirmed that this is allegedly in fact the real Tonka Saw talking shit about Jim.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/989894142263250944 [Embed]


>Place your bets. How will this end?

>1) He'll remove the flag
>2) He won't remove the flag

Mundane Doormatt flags channels for mirroring his Kilroy Streams.


>/byr/ the end of Andy and JF
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3DsYSVrdLs [Embed]
2 hour BYBS stream talking death of IBS, Kumite slandering campaigns, Alt Furry, Natsoc Programs and more
with LeoPirate as guest

>Styx, Nick Fuentes, and Benpai Talk To JF About Leaving Warski Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0jDOKIsCNI [Embed]
JF talks about his departure from WL, which was seemingly initiated per advice of the co host of the Kumite, Failure. Andy Warski was said to have fired JF if he did not quit by himself due to internal manipulation.

>The Inspirational Degeneracy of Jim Sterling | GODWINSON
https://youtu.be/rpGVPoLBcQQ [Embed]
Godwinson Video about one of the negatively biggest Hedonistic Cuckholds in the Gaming Press, James Stenton, better known as Jim Sterling.

Tonka Saw real discord id confirmed by Vamp Candy.jpg
Tonka Saw real Discord ID.jpg

Jim is overrated.
143877 143881
You shut you're whore mouth. Jim is best pony.

It's like the only one to come out ahead was jim


Anon her qt mark is backwards
143924 143925
>Jim is an orbiter who feeds off other peoples' work
>implying Jim isn't the reason people gave a shit about bloodsports, let alone the Kumite, in the first place
143925 143949
falling for obvious bait


>Archive of the controversial Godwinson Tweet about Treasonous acting in the Kumite.

I have a degree of respect for Godwinson and would not expect him to attempt to manipulate Jim on the IBS questions or trying to perpetuate fake news. When i first read this, i too suspected this to be a blatant fake. However, Tonkas and failures recent actions combined with recent happenings make me believe this to be real. Also taking into account the general hostility of the kumite crowd towards chan culture audience and white nationalism. (as seen before in the Geekthulu Situation)

Furthermore, Aqua provided material that furthermore reinforces this to be a real conversation. It would be in the best interest of Kumitiers to attempt damage control. There seems to be no definitive proof on either side to completely veryfy this a real or fake. i leave that up to the readers.

What bait? There's nothing to bait.
144125 144143
jim himself has tweeted about this, you're fake news
Kumite pulling a Baked Alaska
144140 144197
Death of IBS Bingo.png
king of pol analysis.jpg
kumite reddit.png
ralph retort analysis.png
tonka saw analysis.jpg
some material for the impeding death of IBS Metocast on Sunday, including a Bingo as well as body and face analysis of several characters, inclunding Robert Pilkington aka Tonka, Ethan Ralph and Bryann Dunn aka King of Pol

Additionally, JF had a IBS stream against Tonka and failure which seemingly went pretty sour for the latter. they now focus on bitching at peope on twitter and blocking people who make them look bad.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odi-iNXcR54 [Embed] - 2 hour video from American Pride

The comment section on the video is full of IBS oldfags splitting the Kumites ass open. heres some samples. Seems like not only is Andy getting the blunt of the impact, but his inept puppeteers are burning alongside him.

The Widow's Son
>Tonka is a soccer Mom.

Jesse Curle
>Tonka speaks a lot and says very little.

Mr Spelling
11 hours ago
>I haven't seen an Indian take a beating like this since the discovery of the new world

Call me Carson
>Tonka might not realize this but what he's doing is a betrayal of his fanbase.
The only reason the Kumite got out of the 20-30 viewer streamer hell they were stuck in for months is their coverage of the Kraut drama. That was JFs fight and he won. Kumite rid the coattails of that victory and cashed in on the fanbase that JF established.
No one came to the Kumite for the FUNNY XDDDDD meme slide show full of inside jokes.
No one came to the Kumite for VIVA LA RAZA spam.
And they damn well didn't come to the Kumite to see some brainlet trollshielding hugbox filled with LITERALLY WHOS just there to fill a timeslot they were too lazy to fill.
They came because the Kumite set up interesting fights while stealthfully aligning itself with the Alt-Right. They may not admit that now but they know exactly whos money they were accepting.
Tonka might not realize that what he's done is a betrayal of his audience yet but he'll soon realize that he's lost a few pay pigs from these antics. The past few days of Kumite have made that clear to everyone.

Notorious Pepe

Bleached Whiteoid
>Waching JF colonize Tonkasalt in realtime was a treat.

Bob Arctor
>I don't know what Tonka was thinking with this, There's hours of audio of him and failure passively poking andy to try and get him to 'confront' JF, but here he constantly tries to claim that he's dissappointed that their show ended, and even blames them both for it. When JF was fully willing to work with Andy up until Andy cancelled the scheduled stream to have a "Talk with JF" which is exactly what Failure and Tonka had pushed him into doing earlier that day.
The whole thing makes me sick, I really enjoyed the Kumite but I don't know if it will be worth listening to now that Tonkasalt born.
Even Failure had tried to extend an olive branch at one point in this stream, but Tonka went ballistic the entire time, and it was sad to see Tonka blow up at Failure earlier in the day over foiling some gay "plan" that the redditors were concocting.

>Andy is an empty vessel begging his daddies Failure and Tonka to fill him up.


precisely, i linked the very same tweet in >>143866 which was to my knowledge the one and only time Jim has talked about this at all.

If you have any further evidence concerning the Kumite Discord leaks feel free to provide them. Until then I will side with my own conclusion i gained from the archive link.

144168 144327
This stream with Emily and JF should cheer you up anon.

https://youtu.be/UO0pQ55NnSY [Embed]
You're not making any sense. All I said is that a lot of people only watch Kumite for Jim.
can't tell if she is serious
144199 144241
jim didn't he said more than once he preferred watching to going on himself and enjoyed their content, and you only said that got baited by that fake discord chat which vampcandy and kingofpol disproved

I think a lot of people are predicting the metocast to be something it's not actually going to be, all and all you just sound like a salty JF fan. The obvious reason that the metocast won't be what you expect it to be is that Jim doesn't care about the Alt-right and has already said he's on no one's side but his own so that means not JF's. Tonka also has said repeatedly he does this for fun and doesn't care about the numbers nor does he rely on superchats for his income your assessment is all over the place.

JF seems like someone who needs to be right and constantly re-contextualizes everything he says and does to the point where it's annoying. Andy is only mad because he took JF seriously and expected things out of him, Tonka is only mad because JF won't ever admit even the most basic things.
Again, all I said is that a lot of people only watch the Kumite for Jim. I didn't imply that Jim, vampcandy, KoP, or anyone else did or did not say anything related to it. I don't care who made the Discord post; it's completely unrelated. Just leaving an offhanded remark about the Kumite's popularity.
I find that ironic, because Jim watches it and doesn't like to go on
Baked Alaska at it again right now.
https://youtu.be/t5i0gSgiQQ0 [Embed]

This might come as a surprise to you, but I was never subscribed to JF before kilroy blew. I didnt even watch a single video on his channel before he left warski live.

What I am going to say is, that I never liked the kumite. Something about how these people talk, act and handle their fame rubbed me the wrong way. It was so bad in fact that eventually I unsubscribed from their channel back in December because I could not stand them. I only felt forced to resub in february since ibs was somehow still going.

I will agree that it is uncertain what the next metocast will be about. But lets not kid ourselves here: Jim did not stream in over 6 months. And usually when he does, shit was going down. Unless he has wings of redemption as a guest I doubt he will be talking about the weather.

Lastly, to my knowledge the discord leaks have never been disproven. King of pol is a certified lolcow who is constantly being caught lying for attention. While vampkandy is low iq kumite orbiter. She even leaked tonkas real discord id, which was later found to be identical to the one seen in the godwinson tweet.

When ibs will be nuked, most likely sooner than later, there will be winners and losers. And I myself do not see the kumipedes on the winning side.
the Burnell Tax Saga - Part Deux
dsp phil old.jpg
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phil bald.jpg
Phil flapjack.jpg
phil just.jpg
Since Jim fails to get his fucking act together and finally post the WOR video, heres a filler interlude:

[YouTube] This Is How You DON'T Play Bloodborne Redemption Run Part 1 (0utsyder Edition) [Embed]

i just found this tax section in the latest 0utsyder video about DarksydePhil.
turns out he owes just about 4.000 dollars to the US government
+ 1000 dollars for his tax attourney
apparently there is a chance he will have to pay a penalty in june
none of this has been proven by documents
according to estimations, phil currently earns about ~100k Dollars per year, or more.

Expect more emergency begging streams from June onwards.
I dont know if Jim drank himself into a coma, but his video is not coming. Anyways, heres a video about the WOR VS Keemstar Feude.

https://youtu.be/PrUsCfp2hBU [Embed]

Includes secretly recorded scenes of Jordie threatening to Doxx Daniel.
>not understanding jim time
Tonka Saw Discord leaks.png

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/990624529071427585 [Embed]


>So @TheExceptionalD Myg0t used to fuck with idiots by making them bake a cake. However I don't like cakes so if you take a pic of yourself on your knees, with your mouth open like a slut, and Jim's Bitch written on your forehead I won't play the audio. Glad I could help.

>lolcast episode 4: Battletech n chill
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N5ww8zCbx8 [Embed]
King of Pol Stream

King of Poil currentl stream. on the topic of the Tonka Saw Discord leaks, i met people in chat there and asked them about it. They reconfirmed that the Discord leaks are most likely real and that Tonka was caught chaning this discord avatar around the time the sceenshot was taken.

Furthermore, KOP claims Tonka Saw is currently having a drama metldown on twitter shittalking other IBS people, thinking him and The Director are leading an anime avatar mafia with /bybs/ to destroy IBS.
>according to estimations, phil currently earns about ~100k Dollars per year, or more.
Are the glow-in-the-dark IRS niggers going to take him down?
IBS Nuke Stream
144330 144344
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FP2phQ9eSB4 [Embed]

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/990659376099848192 [Embed]


>Tonight's gonna be fun.
anime girl ss uniform boot.jpg

Emily is cute. I like her, hope she becomes cohost. I like me a fash woman.
If you can, continue keeping us updated Germanbro. Some of us don't have the luxury of watching tonight's dumpster fire.
Youcis Approves.png
I agree she is delightfully autistic and provides authentic cute edge-lording.

Stream has begun.

>8000 People watching

>Jim is getting dozends of 10-100 dollar superchats before the show even began.

I think Jim is pulling the trigger on his pet project.

hes already railing on Baked, now on Warski. This thing seems to be going up in flames tonight.


i got about 1 hour to burn before i have to let go,lets see what i can do.

10.000 viewer metokast
metocast 10000 watchers ibs nuke stream April 2018.png
"IF i have to listen to Viva la Raza one more fucking time i will shoot failures fatt ass over the wall." - Jim

"King of Pol, you cant be going around using my name like a kudgel pretending this is going to trollshield you from criticism. after the audio i am going to play you will probably hate me, but that shit is funny. And chat likes funny shit."
144342 144347 144372

Jim is currently playing a 30 minute secretly recorded audio clip

a drunken King of POl aka Bryan Dunn is admitting to being a homosexual, cheating on his girlfriend, trying to have sex with a married man.

i repeat King of Pol has been outed as a homosexual just now.
metocast 13000 watchers.png

13.000 watchers now, i think jims stream is now globals stream leader.

superchats are not stopping
I havent been keeping up on this shit but this stream is fucking funny. What kind of a fag would call themselves King of Pol?
This seems like Metokur really is making his move. This just cements my opinion that he really was the puppet master after all.


JIMS STREAM NOW AT 14.500 watchers

wannabe-mister metokur
famouzs lolcow from Gamergate
Fandom hopper
and attention whore
he was so autistic he got legally banned from kiwifarms via a seize and desist order
mundane matt kilroy streamchat.jpg
Jim is now reading the endless superchats hes been getting the past 1,5 hours.

he just announced that the Wings of Redemption video is still not finished, expect a released some time this week. I estimate about wednesday. The video is apparently really long, about 1 hour.
It's not enough that KoP was a figurative faggot, now he's a literal one. I only saw him in one stream a couple weeks ago, but holy shit he was a sperg.
King of Pol Bogpill
King of Pol cow guide.png
king of pol nude.jpg
/cow/ THREAD ON KING OF /pol/



KOP is a spic from florida

KOP pretended to have a wife

KOP lie ended when said woman denied it

KOP got friendzoned by every female gamergater to ever exist

KOP lied about having nudes of a GGer because he was bitter about being friendzoned

KOP got trolled into believing some fake nick denton (gawker ceo) facebook posts to be true

KOP lied to hotwheelz/copypaste (ex-8chan admin) to back him up

KOP got humilliated for sucking at verifying information

KOP got officially disavowed by copypaste/hotwheelz

KOP was caught sockpupetting in foxdickfarms

KOP was even too cancerous for foxdickfarms

KOP got a c&d from Null to stay away from his site

KOP was retarded enough to search Null's site live on stream after the c&d

KOP is hated by every imageboard he goes to

KOP browses /cow/

KOP loves /cow/

KOP is unanimously hated by /cow/

KOP denies browsing /cow/

KOP has been caught defending himself on /cow/

KOP doesn't know how to use fotoforensics

KOP doesn't know how ids work

KOP pretends to be /cow/'s representative

KOP loves to namedrop 8chan's admins, BO and mods for attention

KOP is a cuckold

KOP is raising 2 kids, none of them his

KOP loves sucking eceleb dick

KOP can't stop stalking them either

KOP can't stay away from drama

KOP can't help but sperg everytime he's on a stream

KOP is a literal faggot

KOP has a crush on danny, a married dude

KOP wants to suck danny's dick

KOP would Kidnap danny and rape him in the ass

KOP wants danny to 'come down here for all the wrong reasons

KOP isn't gay, he's 'the right kind of gay'

KOP was sexting NAKED APE

KOP has pics of NAKED APE'S DICK

KOP is afraid of people finding out he's a faggot (too late lol)

KOP watches feet pictures

KOP asks men for dick pics

KOP Is the man you don't want to have a sleepover with

KOP loves it when men are rough with him, it makes him hot

KOP lies about having an 8inch dick

KOP is into traps and femboys

KOP likes sub boys

KOP doesn't want to ruin his friendship with the man he just told he wants to suck his dick

KOP doesn't like hairy bois

KOP loves eating boipussy

KOP doesn't want this info to be in foxdickfarms

KOP, even after all these facts, STILL THINK HE'S NOT A DEGENERATE


KOP is married to fat syrian woman
Metocast in a nutshell
>jim shits on andy
>shits on jf
>shits on baked alaska
>jim softballing on kumite
>audio leak of kop wanting to suck some danny guy's dick and more homosexual behavior
>2hours of reading supachatz

Bryan has set his twitter on lockdown.

Kumite and leftypol have flagged JF streams with Emily into isolated state..
beard girl.jpg

>Metokur recaps Season 1 of IBS - Metocast -
[YouTube] Metokur recaps Season 1 of IBS - Metocast - [Embed]
17 minute clip of Jim tearing IBS down.
144651 144652 144911
>The Mundane Matt video in particular has been blacklisted and can not be reuploaded.
I have uploaded an Archive, changed the title a bit and i have gotten nothing in regards to takedowns.
[YouTube] Godw_inson 'I Hate Mund_aneM_att' [Mirror] [Embed]
ice poseidon arrested live on stream for thot drama.jpg
thot who arrested ice poseidon for throwing her out his house.jpg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JblrQGhdXVw [Embed]





thank you very much Aussie Anon.
144720 144790
Don't know what to make of Jim.
I know he got a lot of groupies here but honestly every time I see his streams I think of some crazy wh40k harlequin god.
Just laughing at anything and nothing just to laugh.

One vid he is pro IBS because screaming matches and retards and the next day he tears the very same thing down.
As long as someone laughs everything is dandy.

I personally don't care about IBS but I fail to understand the metokur hype.
144723 144851
mister metokur internet aristocrat jim 2 face batman.jpg

I am familiar with Jim loosely since about the time of Gamergate. i only ever noticed him shortly before he nuked his channel. it is hard to put him in a box. one time he is all laughter, the next day he is talking how the west will destroy itself. he might suffer from a mild case of shizophrenia, but there is no denying he has some kind of agenda and a nose for happenings. Thats what made him so attractive to chan posters in the first place i guess. People like to think he is one of us. But he is just himself.

Jim is a man that eventually came to a lot of influence and fame on this corner on the internet. Someone even people in real life fear. But will he change the world? Probably not. This is all a game to him. As it maybe should, after all, what else could be happening on a computer screen.
He is good at what he does, there is no denying that.
When he said he would stop his patreon because he couldn't keep up with it because of personal/health issues that was something that gave me a lot of respect for him.
But in general he is not someone I would follow and perk up every time he drops a vid.
I guess he is more like a reporter of sorts. If he drops something on a topic that is of interest I do listen but I don't "follow" him.

>Someone even people in real life fear.
Yep. I would not want him making vids about me. He is brutal.

>As it maybe should, after all, what else could be happening on a computer screen.
Maybe. Maybe not.
It is all information. If you have compelling arguments people are willing to listen. The little dots on the screen can have a big impact.
Not saying that this is the holy grails but I wouldn't underestimate the cybersphere either.
He's the quintessential chaotic neutral. He's smart, talented, and a force to be reckoned with when he applies himself, but he only talks about things that make him laugh (like Tumblrisms/Deviants) or get him really riled up (generally isolated cases, like Ross). It's a shame; I get that he certainly has no obligation to do anything, but he'd be a great "Internet leader" for lack of a less autistic term (like people wanted with GamerGate) if he put his mind to it.
Post Ice Poseidon Arrest and "Not-IBS" IBS Drama

Picture material including various characters drawn by the Hentai Artist Asanagi Fatalpulse.

So, IBS is dead. Dead like a horse. But not really. it just shifted hosts and shambles on while the meat of its last incarnation is being chopped up. theres still hope though, if you want to call it that.

For those of you that have missed the Ice Poseidon Arrest Stream or did not watch it yet, heres a quick rundown on the character and event.

Bogpill on Ice + Drama

>Ice Poseidon is a former twitch streamer
>claims to not be a jew but looks a hell of a lot like one
>got repeatedly banned from twitch, now seemingly permanent
>now Youtube Streamer
>500k subscribers on jewtube and a subreddit
>derailed normie tier shit humor
>does IRL Streaming
>got accused by Andy Warski for being a drug dealer
>likes to invite dumb whores on his stream for his buddies to fuck with
>2 days ago he invites baked alaska and 2 thots
>Baked is one of his buttbuddies since he burned his channel down
>Corinn Esque, one of the thots, is a 50 year old attention whore from Beverly hills
>has the IQ and attention span of a gold fish
>((("""radical american feminist""")))
>one of the thots gets put in a straight jacket in a backroom
>Ices men are setting up her youtube channel with text to speech donations so she can earn extra money
>Corinn gets jealous of the attention and money
>people start yelling
>Baked Alaska comments how he thought this was all a scripted act when the situation grew from bad to worse
>Corinn goes in the backroom, start yelling "wahmen abuse"
>gets told to leave several times by the house owner Ice, refuses to
>Corinn gets handcuffed and wants to call police
>Ice lost the keys to the handcuffs
>a last ditch attempt is made to mend the situation, fails because ice does not cuck to the thottery and corinn is dense as a brick
>Corinn eventually leaves disavowing Ice
>Baked alaska films how Ice steals Corinns Ipad
>Corin has a meltdown in a cab drivers car and goes nukular
>Thot calls the LA police 5 times in a row, accuses Ice of abuse, theft, and harboring illegal weapons and drugs
>Repeats Ice's IRL name and real adress several times
>repeatdly requests her stream watchers to SWAT the adress unironically
>gives out her own phone numbers and gets called 100s of times, her phone eventually breaks
>police comes on scenes, Corinn is in full damage control bulshitting them with her 1 digit feminist thot IQ
>Police enters Ices house
>Ice has to ask his viewers for providing video evidence so he doesnt get arrested
>they do
>the evidence is played live in front of the cops on scenes
>"Context Matters."
>the "evidence" is so bad and unconvince that the cops are not buying any of it
>Ice gets unironically arrested for Thot Patrolling his own house
>Stream has to be ended abruptly
>Jim makes a surprise morning stream about this with 10.000+ watchers and 100k + views
>Corinn is not thotting on youtube, her videos have 90%+ Dislike ratio taking live phone calls
>Ice is later released and is now streaming with Erin of Troy


>Metokur’s Stream inspires Vigilante - Ice Poseidon
[YouTube] Metokur’s Stream inspires Vigilante - Ice Poseidon [Embed]
11 Minute Highlight Clip from Tea Clips. an IRL Troll Confronts Ice Poseidon in person at a Labour Day Rally, asking the hard questions. including evidence of the ipod theft, Ice being a drug dealer/addict and if Ice is an ethnic jew.

>EmptyHero & Fwends Live 4/27/18 with the Bad Guys, KoP, and CRIMINALS! from April 27th
https://youtu.be/6BDJ7A9ZXbE [Embed]
4 hour stream of Smegmaking/EmptyHero and a variety of different quests who are tangetially related to Dominic Vanner aka BritbongReturns/ManlyTears. Topics are mostly related to current /cow/ drama and IBS. Recommended for watch.

>TheRalphRetort - #Killstream: Corinn Esque LIVE, Ice Poseidon Stream Review (5/1/2018)
https://youtu.be/0eToSgw_zlA?t=1h54m17s [Embed]
Reupload of a nuked Ralph Stream about the Ice Poseidon Drama, 2h20min long. The Eternal Gmilf Thot joins in at around 1h54min


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/991287862602752000 [Embed]


>"Bro put down the gun, I know you're upset but context matters."

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/991327371054731266 [Embed]


>Now she's talking about how she was whored out to streamers associated with ICE. She is trying to burn everything down.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/991496503360475136 [Embed]


>"You're a dumpster fire. I like watching you burn." lmfao

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/991542784506187777 [Embed]


>"Ice Poseidon is a zero, a nobody, he has no fame, nobody knows who he is." If that's true Corrin why were you hanging around him like a fly on shit begging for attention and camera time? This lady is nuts.

actual streamception ice poseidon trainwreck 6.jpg
corinn esque ice poseidon trainwreck 5.jpg
erin ice poseidon trainwreck 2.jpg
erin ice poseidon trainwreck 3.jpg
where is the ipad jew ice poseidon irl troll trainwreck 1.jpg

I've liked metokur for a while. He's internet savy , roasts and toasts people but also does his own thing and doesn't care what others think. He was never political so i don't think it matters if he's a fence sitter. He's like the jester, shitting on everyone.
But if you haven't watched him much I'd recommend his earlier videos, he used to do a lot about Tumblr shit and other communities rather than e celebs.
he has political views and has talked about them, it just doesn't come up a lot because he's not an activist and it's not what he's really interested in
The Godwinson video about Jimquisition just got shoa'd for 'bullying,' top snek.
DSP's Final Grudge Match Versus Ludwig + Jim and Ice Conference Call

Image material featureing a variety of characters drawn by the Hentai artist Lolicept.

Not all Battles for supremacy are fought between people. Sometimes They are fought between beasts in an ethereal plane. Today I will present you something that has long been awaited by the Detractor Community. A 3 Year Legacy of Grudge, Failure and Public Humiliation.

Phillip William "Darksyde" Burnell VS Ludwig "the Accursed" of Yharnam.

DSP has a history of being bad at video games. But few have demolished his reputation, pride and income as Hard as the First Knight of the Healing Church. Phil initially confronted this legendary adversay in 2015 in the infamous game Bloodborne. He was foolish enough trying to best him on a hrder difficulty (for a lack of a better option) and paid dearly for it. Hardly has one ever seen a professional Video Game stream so utterly destroyed, no less someone with 7 (now 10) years of experience at the time.

Today you can pay witness to this historical event, where a man tries to win his broken ego back, stolen by one of Japans most cruel machinations.


>DSPGaming vs Ludwig
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymhU4hyTY5Y [Embed]
The Re-match of the Old Hunters DLC on NG0 in 2018. 30 Minute Highlight clip provided by Memology101

>This Is How You DON'T Play Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (0utsyder Edition)
[YouTube] This Is How You DON'T Play Bloodborne: The Old Hunters (0utsyder Edition) [Embed]
2 hour highlight video of the Original Fight from 2015 made by the 0utsyder, which was also covered by Jim in a Stream around the same time.

>Mister Metokur Goes On Ice Poseidon's Stream and Talks With Baked Alaska
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GveyAQs6Wkk [Embed]
30 minute highlight clip from Swedish Mate. Jim, Ice, Baked and Ice's Manager have a Skype conference.
Includes Ice spastically freaking out several times for seemingly no reason (other than maybe his cocaine addiction) and people snorting cocaine live in his house around the 17 minute mark.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/991855210728427520 [Embed]


WeWuzMetokur Retweeted weebgun

>He'll figure it out for himself. Baked has been thrown out of so many communities by this point he's become an internet gypsy traveling from place to place trying to park his caravan and getting trash thrown at him.

>lol, I'm not attacking Poseidon. Just watching the shitshow that occurs when Baked shows up. The man is like a nuclear trashfire.

Got you Fam
[YouTube] The Ins_pirational Deg_eneracy of Ji_m Ste_rling GODW_INSON [Embed]
DSP VS LUDWIG Promo Poster.png

>2015 Jim Stream on the Ludwig Bout
https://youtu.be/QxNc2nHa0AE?t=17m42s [Embed]
Starts at about 17 minutes, ends at about 45 Minutes.
145016 145072 145100
I will be reuploading stuff from both harmful opinions and Godwinson and changing the video names with underscores to avoid detection while also having a backup on my hard drive. recommend me some stuff that might be good for having an archive off (mostly shit that will get taken down by the (((Skeptics))) ) and ill save it.

>inb4 why not mister metokur
He has a big enough following that there would be quite a bit of outrage if he went 404. and from what I can see he has about 4 others clipping/archiving his stuff. Ill focus more on the smaller channels that (((they))) keep going after

See above


when it comes to archivers, i recall jim at least having 2 and harmful having one. i think godwinson does not have one reupload channel yet, just people who randomly reupload. Jim probably wont need much more support than he already has. if his channel disappears there will be dozens of people mirroring his stuff.

i used to watch a lot of harmfuls videos since about early 2016 when i lost touch with him. that was about the time when his second channel was nuked. if you plan to reupload more highlithed HO videos i would recommend the Candid Saga and the stream he did with TLDR. After all, most of the skeptics backing Candid are still on NDA for at least 2 years. And Corruption never goes away if you dont burn it out. I have a particular belief that Godwinson might be a force to be reckoned with in the future so pretty much all of his lolcow exposés are worth a documentation.
HO is now posting his shit on patreon/vimeo. Ill be archiving that
Do A archive channel for MustacheMatt, poor guy gets shoa'd daily by the ADL just because he is a small target.
>a gypsy looking for a place to park his caravan
>getting trash thrown at him on every turn
Baked is the Trixie of real life except Trixie is cute, lovable, charismatic, charming, great and a magician -not gypsy.
>pic related
>why not mister metokur

145287 145399
coughing merchant.jpg
Not bloodsports related but something that could result in drama - Gamer From Mars exposes that Ethan Klien is probably loaded, estimating that his kikey podcast could potentially be making about 100 grand per episode despite how they're always crying the poormouth.

[YouTube] Yes, The H3 Podcast Can Make $100,000 an Episode - GFM [Embed]

H3h3 fanboys are losing their minds, posting things like

>o-okay but why would you make this?
>who cares how much he makes >:L

It's pretty funny because I fucking hate Ethan Klien. I always knew he was a fucking liar and cheat.
145293 145538
gassed dot com.jpg

i never watched Ethan Klein and his ugly wife, i blacklisted them immediately the second i learned both of them are jews from Israel. I am not surprised this faggot is somehow involved into a financial scam, i would have been surprised if he wasnt.

Gamer From Mars is one of the most generic Content creators on Youtube and as far as i can remember neither a political nor a drama channel. I suspect he will fail to bring the hammer down on this jew and actually manage to damage his bottom line or reputation. I do hope for the opposite though. I dont think he will find his way in an IBS stream (he has too much of a stick up his ass for that) but good find.
yeah GFM even said himself he's not bring it up out of malicious intent but you never know who else will pick it up. My greatest dream is a Content Cop or Metokur video on Klien, but I know he's always been really chummy with Idubbbz and I'm not sure Metokur even follows his antics.
As a Payday 2 fan the whole H3 character pack convinced me that his jewishness was no coincidence. Come on man. You seriously convinced them to give you charity for the court case based on players buying it? And of course it had to be RIGHT after the promise of no more paid DLC in PD2, fucking of course.

Fuck you Ethan, you unfunny, degenerate e-celeb kike. Go fuck your braindead invalid girlfriend. Or better yet let her get fucked by Casey Neistat.
of fuck don't even remind me of that shit. Looked cringy as fuck.
It is cringe. Character models are disproportionate (most recognizable on Hila's Treblinka-diet frame being clearly based on other heisters). The airbow is a straight upgrade to the light crossbow, the two-handed yardstick is another melee nobody likes with animations ripped straight from the zweihander, the vape perk deck is basically Gambler but onl works when you play in pairs and heals way slower, Hila's lines have no character behind them, Ethan's lines are just the same as his videos but without the context or straight-man parts, and JESUS CHRIST SHILL YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA A LITTLE HARDER!

Fuck H3 Character Pack, even more than the Alesso Heist.
145446 145453
How did this shit even happen? How did he get his own dlc pack in a fucking game? This man is a total jew and people don't even see it, he already showed his colors when back in 2016 he voted for hillary while spewing "yeah guys, sjws are so outrageous and crazy now lets vote for the candidate that they want in lol". The bad thing is he won't be exposed since he is best buddies with the youtubers that would expose his jew tricks.
145450 145453
Some autismo should gather up all this information and send it to Jim.
145456 145505 145557
I'm some autismo but I don't have a twitter or anything. Ethan Klien has also:

>admitted to selling drugs at one point
>ripped off Sam Hyde
>threw another fag under the bus some time ago that basically made the same content as him over an autistic kid
>tried to cash in on Pewdiepie's nigger incident and when he was called out on being a hypocrite by Keem he went on a drunken rant during a soyboy pizza party
>also tried to screw Jon Tron at the same time
>when he came back to Youtube after this he got a dog obviously to lighten his image
>Is such a fuck up that he tried to "expose" the wallstreet journal for faking screenshots once during the ad crisis but it turned out they weren't

I'm almost sure I forgot something but he's completely fucking retarded.

people worship the cocksucker for some reason. I have no idea why.
>ripped off Sam Hyde

This fucker knows not who he fucks with but he will soon know. but will he get away with it again?
>not shit
top kek


For further info on this, Harmful Opinions delivered during the Leafy controversy fuckin' forever ago.

Ethan's so slimy, it makes even the Happy Merchant meme seem tame
Baked Buried by Ice's jewery, Warski attempts reboot and Foreskin vengeance
Image material featureing the Huntress Lady Maria from Bloodborne.

A small Update for the past 2 days. Jim's "Wings of Redemption" video IS STILL NOT RELEASED as of the writing of this post. Hope it will be out this weekend. Baked Alaska has seemingly been banned from Ice Poseidon based on Fake News, which is poetic Irony. After betraying his own Fanbase trying to thought police them based on Neomarxism, he now gets culled by the bigger fish for the very same thing. Not saying Ice is a good guy, i quite despite him, but i think Baked is now also professionally done as far as his alternative connections in LA are concerned.

I would have Included a clip from an Empty Hero Stream from yesterday here where he failed spectacularyly in Dark Souls 2 for over an hour to the degree where he made DSP look good, but sadly Empty decided to be a cunt and deleted the video.


>/byr/ male body rights
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkWiW8kc4bo [Embed]
2,5 hour Backyard Bloodsport stream with the radical Anti-Circumsicion Activist Gregory Malchuk. If you care about Jewish Agenda in medicine or are a victim of Penis mutilation yourself, consider a watch.

>Erin hasn’t been paid & Baked Alaska banned from Ice Poseidon Streams?
[YouTube] Erin hasn’t been paid & Baked Alaska banned from Ice Poseidon Streams? [Embed]
12 Minute highlight clip from TeaClips. Ice Poseidon Disavows Baked Alaska based on fake news for being "toxic" for his brand. Ice is quite the scam artist. Takes one to know one i guess.

>#Killstream: Andy Warski On Returning to Youtube Without JF (5-3-18)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIyE26JpI3E [Embed]
15 Minute highlight clip from American Pride, Warski returns after 1 week emergency break to announce his new stream format of impending doom. Warski lost over 3.000 subscribers so far and continues to roll downhill.

Here are some comments from the same video.

The Fat man
>Omg get over it Andy. JF has moved on and is killing it.

John Galt
>Andy's week of "hard work on his new show" ended up amounting to hiring graphics designers and making an intro. This is a brilliant idea as we all know that the most important thing for a radio show is the graphics!!!!
And yet people have the nerve to call him "low IQ"!!

>I think Andy is handling the JF thing very maturely, but I also think he’s done. I could be wrong, but I don’t think he’s a very interesting commentator or “entertainer.” What will his shtick be?

TsundereRaven (TLDR)
Andy can't get over the fact that the split had nothing to do with creative differences, it was about not being ethical in representing the position of your own guest.

You walked back on your admission to fault, and you thought you could get out of it by shaming JF for criticizing kumite for having such an influence on you. The split was bullshit Andy, bullshit because all you had to do is nut up and be a man about the shit you did wrong.

The truth is you lacked a spine, you lacked direction,you lacked the humility and frankly the comprehension to understand JFs ethical concerns and his responsibility. If anything JF was trying to save you.

I hope to be pleasantly suprised and you prove me wrong, but I doubt your new show will be anything special and if it is it sure as hell won't be consistent with you managing it's direction. You lack the discipline and organization that JF had. He was your backbone. You were just a cool personality that clashed with his in such a way that it created a pleasant sweet and salty dynamic.

You threw that away Andy, and I think you'll regret it after a while when it really seeps in.


Peter Peterson
>I won't watch

robert white
>17 hours ago
I feel like Andy is setting himself up for a huge disappointment.


https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/992205780484018176 [Embed]


>"I don't research anything about the people I represent." - Scruff Steve Jobs, Manager of Ice Poseidon (and briefly, Baked Alaska)
>Well I know who I'm calling if I ever need a manager.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/992215790547034112 [Embed]


>He got hoisted by his own petard; it's funny as shit. This is a guy that kept telling Ice he wanted to get rid of racism and antisemitism in his chat and told him "fuck nazis" and now he is getting banned for the same thing he was banning people for.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/992207599058804737 [Embed]

Vicious Kanid

>So did Ice Poseidon kick baked out of his group? Was the manager also behind the coke deals?


>Yeah Baked is gone now and the manager apologized for bringing him around.

>never watched
>ugly wife
>blacklisted them the second I learned both of them are jews
Based IBS Kraut is double-based.
Be fucking ruthless boi.
Andy's new show is pretty interesting, maybe it's the contract but andy got more redpilled than I expected https://youtu.be/u-neqYTzkiM [Embed]
>also tried to screw Jon Tron at the same time

When did that happen? I thought they were friends.
145634 145640
Its not my cup of tea, I am sure he will attract a large enough crowd of low IQ semi-normies to keep himself going for at least a little while though. Andy lacks direction, self-motivation, and self-discipline which are fatal flaws when it comes to self-employment and trying to monetize creative ventures. I have moved over to JF's show as he has none of those flaws and knows it is about providing consistent quality content over trying to appease everyone and achieving the highest subscriber and view count possible. I wish Andy luck but I won't be viewing his content any longer.
I agree with all of your criticisms about Andy, but also think that your praise of JF is misplaced.

JF is an egoist who is very quick to burn his bridges with people who don't appease his sense of self, and places all too much emphasis on ingratiating himself with semi-attractive females on the alt-right. This makes him fairly unlikable to a growing number of people like myself, who think that people who try to use the Internet to play egotistic power games are cancer to any movement and especially one like ours. I like what he has to say, but don't like him enough to spend my free time putting up with him.

JF does have plenty to offer from his background and his willingness/ability to discuss more in-depth topics, but has demonstrated himself to be unreliable in certain general cases like when you put some pussy in front of his face. Unless his pressuring of Andy to take Erin onto an episode and beta-orbiting her throughout the segment was just some sort of prank, it's clear why he's selecting the sorts of guests/co-hosts he is for his show.

To compare the two, I think that while JF has good content to offer, the way he conducts himself within a community and over (not within) his own community means his engagement will probably drop over time as he burns more bridges. He's just plain bad at making his viewers feel like their input matters, and makes it clear that it doesn't by having his mods slam the hammer on anyone who disagrees with him in his chat.

Andy's the opposite in that while he's still working out his organizational ability and content quality (which ranges from meh to excellent), he's shown himself to be a genuine person who has a very good sense of holding a community together and making guests/community members trust him enough to provide contributions. He encourages very open dialogue on all channels, which has been the main appeal of Warski Live for over 5 months now. Though Andy is naive, as demonstrated by the whole thing with (((Tonka))) and (((Failure))) and (((Blacked Alaska))) trying to manipulate him, it kind of speaks volumes when you have someone like MisterMetokur even speculating on his most second-to-most-recent Metocast that Andy wouldn't turn on his fans after the reboot (which he clearly didn't).
I'd like to add that I've also been following the whole saga going from the Ralph/Cantwell crisis. So yeah, Andy has made some pretty bad mistakes, but they mostly seem to be due to him losing his composure or being manipulated by the (((Kike-mite))) parasites trying to make a quick buck by having him around.

So I'll take back what I just said about Andy being very good at holding a community together. I think it's honestly because he's a semi-normie who's taken the red-pill, that there's so much interest in seeing where it goes.
He was also friends with leafy and Pewdiepie too, that didn't stop him. Don't remember what it was about but it was around the same time as the Pewdiepie nigger thing.
145704 145711

BYBS Stream

https://youtu.be/B6og1mLM6Xo [Embed]

Leo Pirate as guest.

They talk about Andys rebooted show (where he disavowed racists and anti-semites), the cuckening of Star Wars, Controlled Opposition/Troll Shielding in degenerate Alt Right Leaders and Loli Nationalism.
I watched andy's new show and he definitely didn't he was arguing in favor of the alt-right and getting mad at Chris Warski for not understanding ethno nationalism
>Andy disavowed racists and anti-semites

I watched a good amount of the new stream, and I watched the beginning and end of it. In-between was pretty meh so maybe I missed something? But Andy was practically frothing at the mouth when his co-host wouldn't argue fairly with him about ethno-nationalism and whatnot.
145731 146181

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/993159350523973632 [Embed]

Schlep ️

>Where is the video?


WeWuzMetokur Retweeted Schlep ️

>Tonight; tomorrow at the latest. It's been a wild few weeks with all the different shit going down. It's been hard to keep up with all the trainwrecks taking place simultaneously.


I have in fact not watched a video or Warski stream for a while (including his contorversial reboot from a few days ago), but i trust the people at BYBS enough to not make baseless asummptions out of thin air.
Yeah, I'll need to go through the full Warski reboot and see if he says anything. But he even flaunted his redpilled nature as a joking point in the intro (because his co-host was last around when Warski was just a pro-Trump entertainer).

I'll watch BYBS and the reboot to see what the heck is going on.
146183 146550
I heard Andy pulled a Baked tonight and had a couple niggers on his stream, rage quit and deleted it. Is that true?
The video has been released and boy is it a fucking ride.
https://youtu.be/u3mHr9dsyxg [Embed]
146185 146210 146550

Top fucking kek

146550 146692 146736
so andy is having a pretty spectacular breakdown and there's clips of it

on the ralph retort: https://youtu.be/WN6VdlnvylI [Embed]

on the kumite: https://youtu.be/HTGkjTdsweU [Embed]

vs the kumite chat: https://youtu.be/9Qfm7G_v6dU [Embed]

with JF: https://youtu.be/F6V7dcWQs20 [Embed]

vs his girlfriend: https://youtu.be/y7bWUHY65AQ [Embed]

with asian andy: https://youtu.be/25PsU0YgMQc [Embed]
I hate to say it, but I think Warski is done for. It's pretty clear that TonkaWarsaw and Failure were planning to leech off of Warski since the first JF breakup, and now they've fully succeeded in getting the largest possible platform to leech off of.

Andy really could have revived his show if he had talked to the right folks and let them yell at each other. Just like Spencer v. Sargon v. Styx, all he had to do (as Metokur has said many times) is sit back and let people throw money at him. Really? What the fuck?

Bloodsports are, for the time being, dead I think. Fuck the Jewmite and the inbred 56% face goblins running it.
Listened to it all now, and honestly, while I still think Andy's a basic bitch youtuber at times, he doesn't seem like he's dying. Seems like just a rough patch.

At the same time, I think I speak for most of the audience when I say JF > Andy in the end and the Pooblic Spayz is looking great.
Sounds like andy "the walking holocaust" warski might have done to much cocaine.
so andy and the kumite finally pulled it together and hosted a good bloodsports with Amos Yee on, Jim showed up and everything

https://youtu.be/l5ExN4TZbgw [Embed]
pedophile ricenigger needs to hang
I thought amos was a troll.
IBS - The Final Battle, End of a Lolsuit and Rise of a new Lolcow
Part I Update

Picture Material related to Tanya Deguechafffrom the Anime "War Chronicles of a little girl" aka Youjo Senki.

First off, I want to apologize for the lack of thread update. I was bound to other obligiations and had no time to either follow Internet Drama in General nor much of an opportunity to report on it. Don't get your hopes up though, with what I have to report you will also understand that this might be one of my last Updates to come here. But no time for tears now. I have quite some ground to cover. Lets get roid into the noose!


Maddox, the Former Co-host of the Dick show, lost his infamous 20 Million "Hurt Feels" Lolsuit against his former employer and friend Dick Masterson.

https://twitter.com/imwithdick/status/996796968600031232 [Embed]

Peen Weinerstein

>Who has two thumbs a head full of acid and just made $380 million dollars. MADDOX LOST

Background lore on the lolsuit by Internet Lawyer French
>[YouTube] Maddox & Masterson in "Dick vs Dick" [Embed]

Maddox Lost
[YouTube] Maddox Lost [Embed]

Jims video on lolsuits
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11WUsAJ3T_w [Embed]



Short Fat Otaku, a left leaning sargonite from Gamergate, starts a feude with Jim, talks shit about him, invites him to his stream ON AIR on Friday and runs away like a coward, turning himself into the FNGR of the current year.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/996403270640918528 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/996398611096358912 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/996393282140803073 [Embed]


>"I'm running away", The liberalist cries out in pain as he strikes you.

>They literally set up a time and date at the end of their stream. He is now running away from the thing he set up.

>ShortFatOtaku runs from Mister Metokur Showdown
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzlzEUnp80Q [Embed]
10 Minute video from Thomas Ellington



A New locow star is rising on dark skies of the Internet:

Enter Phillip Reisenbauer, better known under his Internet Alias Inspector Heavy the Squid.
Heavy, as he is usally called, is a mildly retarded morbidly obese 26 year old manchild from Austria. Speculated to suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome & Liberal Trump Hater with the attitude of a Demagogue. Think of a low key Chris Chan who attempts to be the next SMG4, but without the humor or talent and add Pedophilia. He seems to have a tendency to not only poorly cover his tracks, but also trying a bad comeback.

Former TF2 NOW Professional Splatoon Player, Gmod Pooptuber, Erotic Rolesplay Enthusiast and charmer of teenage girls, and Childrens Entertainer with his GMOD puppetshows with formerly 40.000+ subscribers. He even roleplays depression. *shivers*

2 Videos from MediExcalibur2012, which i highly recommend for watch.

>To Catch a Squid - A WARNING about Heavy the Squid / Inspector Heavy - Act I
[YouTube] To Catch a Squid - A WARNING about Heavy the Squid / Inspector Heavy [Embed]
>Heavy the Squid SNEAKS BACK IN?! - The Destruction and Aftermath - Act II
[YouTube] Heavy the Squid SNEAKS BACK IN?! - The Destruction and Aftermath [Embed]

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/994594270605692930 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/994595814247993344 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/994602189166440449 [Embed]


>I wonder how many of these have been leaked. Every one of them is funnier than the last.
>Lucky girl, she gets to see this staring at her every morning. No wonder she ran for the fucking hills.
>Looks like he burned down all his accounts already. Not surprising with the numerous exposed videos with his name attached. It'll be interesting to see if he pops back up again in a month or completely fucks off from online shit.


Part II coming soon!

File (hide): 5918E7675CD9EC99D5948AA3F75AFBBC-1221091.mp4 (1.2 MB, Resolution:360x640 Length:00:00:15, Dick wins against Maddox.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Dick wins against Maddox.mp4
Heavy the Squid busted.jpg
Phillip Reisenbauer Bath Coat.jpg
File (hide): FAC3437C70F3130251362F254CA2D1C9-1527758.mp4 (1.5 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:55, SFO coward.mp4) [play once] [loop]
SFO coward.mp4
Short Fat Creatura.jpg

File (hide): A8777F3B035981D70E99496CBA84E540-429674.mp4 (419.6 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:20, No Mercy Sir.mp4) [play once] [loop]
No Mercy Sir.mp4



Backyard Bloodsports VS The Kumite VS Warski Live VS The Ralph Retort

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/996949187383218176 [Embed]


>This Sunday prepare your popcorn.
20.000 watches on twitter, 120 notes, 180 retweets and 980 likes.


6 Minute JQ Video from American Pride that got hounded by the Jewtube Thoughtcrime police.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxoEsZojKeU&bpctr=1526660014 [Embed]


Flash News

- Andy Warskis new Show is a failure, the new episodes get miserable ratings, Fans are leaving in drobers. Andy already lost over 5.000 Subscribers since April. Several Streams have been deleted out of rage and shame, like the mention Nigger cuck double feature.

>JF Is Still BTFOing Andy Warski
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BL-2mBa46E [Embed]


- Jim got himself into a feude with several agents from Backyard Bloodsports and got repeatedly accused of Trollshielding the Kumite, hyprocrisy, selling out and being a leddit tier e-celeb. Jim attempted to retaliatethe accusations, to little avail. These Attacks finally culminated in Jim announcing the IBS Battle Royale this sundar and will likely be a big subject on stream.

On a sidenote, BYBS/BYR was recently hosting several 2+ hour long streams about Israel, the JQ and the second world war. Aside from the fact that they seemingly associoate with Bryan Dunn aka King of /pol/ i do consider them one of the more trustworthy factions on IBS, with their roots being in Chan culture. Consider a look.



- Low IQ-umite is the new snakenest,harboring the brown people ledditors. Failure coup succeeded. Due to the terrible absolute state of Warski live, Andy saw himself forced to Conjoin the shows. Warski Live is now the host to the Kumite patasite.


- Darksydephil once again ended being the pig chased through the streets.
After a blanket statement before his May Staycation "That all people on twitch with early (review) copies of games are paid shills..." a significant shitstorm brew that spiraled the professional manchild sphere into immense butthurt that still goes on as of the time of this writing.

[YouTube] DsPgaming--addressing the twitter drama [Embed]
>36 Minute Coverage Video from Snort Burnell


Jordie Jordan aka Wings of Redemption (That Obese Redneck incarnation of Cartman Jim made his latest video about) now is phased with a new gut punch. People are now legally re-streaming his channel on youtube with uncensored chat. His viewer attendance and donations are plummeting as we speak. For more uncensored WOR Restreams consider subscribers to "Jordie Jordan - Professional E-Begger", Who will now server as a public Stream Archive.

"Look here *bans people from chat I fucking hate Call of Duty *throws controller It ruined my life *sniffs fingers And these god damn trolls *falls out of chair Won't stop fucking with me *sobs uncontrollably" - Jim on Twitter

https://youtu.be/TmCeIW8keNk [Embed]
Restream Highlight Video from Lord of the Wings


Erin of Troy, aka the dumb Crack thot that destroyed Baked Alaska career, streamed herself Masturbating on a Camwhore site while drunk. She proceeded to stink her fingers into her vagina, pulled something indescribable out of it and proceeded to Sniff her fingers.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/995679671026159616 [Embed]


>The entire thing is up on Vimeo and someone threw up a download link though I don't know why you'd want this permanently on your computer. (DISGUST WARNING) (btw last time i checked, you can also find some leftover heavy the Squid videos on vimeo if you want to watch those, although i dont know why you wanted to...)

https://vimeo.com/269457540 [Embed]
https://vimeo.com/269457807 [Embed]


This concludes my coverages of Part II of the Greater IBS Cinematic Universe Drama for the past ~2 weeks.

I for one can not say if and what will happen this Sunday, but it might turn out to be something of great significance that will (at least in part) determine the future of this entertainment branch and with it, my personal coverage of the subject. I hope you found these posts to be as Informative as Entertaining and that you will enjoy this possible last big sacrifice to Khorne. Good Fortune to us all. (^._.^)/)

Some video i forgot to link in the Kumite section of the flash news. I recommend a watch.

The End of the Kumite | Halsey English, TPS #16
https://youtu.be/9d1CwfFrzkw [Embed]

JF's new IBS show, The Public space. Guest is Halsey English, A self-admitted radical Zionist Jew. (got got deplatformed for advertising a nuke on Mecca)

Jean-Francios and Halsey Talk about the future of the IBS brand & the failure of the Kumite among other things.
Amos Yee finally exposed as troll.
147840 147921

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUErjOjXC2E [Embed]

Jim exposed Anus Yee as a Troll during a recent Warski Kumite. I find it highly egregious that Jim attended this stream in the first place (which reinforces the allegations of trollshielding in favour of this group) but sadly he did. And what we got was this.
https://youtu.be/ysxWh63oxCc [Embed]
Hmmm really makes you think, its almost like everyone in Hollywood is a different race then us.
Pff, are you - pffwhaaaaat? Naaawwwwwwwwwww.

[Puts on mask to cover a massive nose, tears down Israeli flag and places it back up on a part of the wall outside the camera]

Now that - that's absurd. Don't be silly.
>On a sidenote, BYBS/BYR was recently hosting several 2+ hour long streams about Israel, the JQ and the second world war. Aside from the fact that they seemingly associoate with Bryan Dunn aka King of /pol/ i do consider them one of the more trustworthy factions on IBS, with their roots being in Chan culture. Consider a look.

they're just a horde of 56%er /pol/ larpers
how is going on their stream trollshielding in any way? do you even know what that term means?
On the subject of Trollshielding
147874 147875

I have learned to despise the Kumite and all people associated with it. The overinflated egos, the manipulation, the newfaggotry, the creatura supremacy, the retarded audience.

I was never a big fan of this program and only accustomed to watching it to keep up with the content. now that this format is dying and they are corpsegrinding with warski, there is no need to hold that back.


Here is the best result i could find for Trollshielding. An ED Article written in Mid 2015, unedited ever since. Jim was the person who introduced me to the concept of trollshielding in the first place and i have developed a lense for this phenomenon ever since. I do however not fully agree with the ED definition of it, i think the meaning can be applied a little broader since it is essentially a minor form of social engineering. Trollshielding happens on MLPOL too, mind you. Some of The mods are engaged in it.

To a degree, Trollshielding is the selfish opposite of A-Logging, which is common in the lolcow scene. People with certain interest or agendas engage in protectionism of certain inidviduals or groups in a secluded community, for one reason or another. Often this interest is egoistical. The Enabler trollshields a group of people from bad influence or exposure in an attempt to save his own skin from criticism or attention. It is, if you will, a tool for preemptive damage control. You make people not go ballistic on others similar to youself to make your own likes look better and less open for attacks.

And this fits Jim like an ass on a bucket. The Kumite was and is being trollshielded, by several groups. Sadly Jim happens to be the most influential one. If he would not do that i am pretty sure the Kumite would have already been burned to the ground and got its earth salted weeks ago. Jim got his hands a little too bloody with this IBS business and it seems he has some dirt to hide. The Kumite may not have been his "fwiends", but they have been his henchmen.

The Wedding of Prince Harry - An Absolute Joke
Royal Family England Wedding of Prince Harry May 2018 No Chat No Likebar No Comments 300k watchers hugbox safespace youtube sellout.png
Also looks at these aritocratic lolcows how they try to shield themselves of from the filthy common peasants watchting them.

No Chat, No Likebar, No comments. The Ultimate E-celeb hugbox.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N42MQJX4KoY [Embed]
>And this fits Jim like an ass on a bucket. The Kumite was and is being trollshielded
no it doesn't you fucking brainlet, you just don't understand the term. When has Metokur ever asked or prevented anyone from trolling the kumite? Just because he doesn't happen to make fun of them much himself it doesn't mean he's protecting them. The thought that Jim's mere presence alone protects them is the most pathetic hero worship I've ever heard, jim isn't your personal hero and you can still make fun of people even if he doesn't happen to dislike them. He also has no obligation to dislike the people you dislike or see any person or situation the same way you do. Lurk more newfag.
for fucks sake the man is literally hosting a stream explictly so that people can criticise the bloodsports community to it's face
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/997798386979000320 [Embed]
>I had complaints brought up to me along with the point that the people involved don't get a fair chance to say them. So I offered to let them air their grievances. I also offered the chance to the people accused of shit to be there to answer to it.
tell me again how he's trollshielding?
IBS Trollshielding, Act II
147898 147969 147973
the best line in EYE Cybermancy.png

First of all, I'd like to state that I fully stand by what i said prior to your responses. Mister Metokur is engaging in trollshielding, and a number of addtional people because of his actions. In part to protect people in his relative proximity but mostly to protect himself and his "brand". Jim never wanted to be a leader, but ironically enough he is now almost as much related to this mini-industry like Sargon is related to the Liberalist Movement.

The very fact that the Battle Royal Stream this sunday is happening AT ALL can largely be attributed to BYBS, who kept exposing Jim for his favouritism among the IBS League. This stream is an effort on Jims side to wash himself free of the accusations. Will that be enough to prove his neutrality? I don't know, we shall see i guess.

Secondly, Mister Metokur Is invested Into Internet Bloodsports to a far greater degree than he wishes people would know. He has personal bounds, financial gain and reputation to lose. Take a look at his IBS video from February and compare it to his KIng of Pol Stream now. A more expansive failure of IBS and Jims personal failure to restrain his interaction with it's actors will most likely leave a mark on him.

Such a radical heelturn I remember last time only when Jim set up a Patreon account in early 2017, despite him ragging against it for all time prior. Jim is losing his edge, he is getting old. He is not destroying people as efficiently as he used to. To this day i do not support him having one, it made me almost unsubscriber. Not because i dont think he deserves the money (he does as far as E-Celebs go) but the fact that he is indulging in this level of monetary hypcrisy that is makes DSP turn green in the face.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-83nEuXTjBE [Embed]

If you want any proof on that compare his Steven Asssanti video to Wings of Redemption/Jordie Jordan, which was basicly just a rehash of his PKA stream. Jordan is argueably a lot worse than Assanti, yet the video is missing Jim tearing into him for his obesity and character. Jim is no Internet god or hero and I will reserve myself the opportunity to kick him in the pit along with his Newfag fans should he continue to wander down this path. How he bragged about his income and subscriber count in his recent dialog with Yee made me shudder.

There are more questions to be asked here:
- Why did Jim bring up King of Pol out of thin air at a time were IBS was having a mayor breakdown, although he was okay with it for alost 4 years prior
- Why are the documents on IBS hosts disappearing on /cow/?
- Why does Jim never talk negatively about Tonka/Robert Pilkington? Or his recent twitter meltdown?
- Why does Jim not speak out against the parasitic relationship Andy has with the Kumite?
- Why did jim attempt to troll /cow/ with mentions on twitter?
- Why did he rarely engage with BYBS actors prior to this weeks events
- Why did Jim encourage or allow Cringe Tier Leddit Fanart or Lore to be created in relation to IBS, to people he later disavowed?

My Answer to this is: Jim wanted this to be his pet project. Despite his better judgement he engaged with strangers he'd rather should not have to make someting that turned out to be a mid term failure, since none of the people in it could sustain the content on their own without his direct support. Now everything is falling apart, he got shit on and wants to get rid of it.

Lastly I want to say something directly concerning (You),976d4.

I admire the gall you have doing all these Low IQ Interventions in what is essentially an overglorified shitposting thread. You contribute little to the discussion (save for your coverage of the Warski Nigger Stream, which i genuinely thought was good), you get yourself entangled in trivial details and produce often nothing but nonsensical disruption. It's rich that (You) of all people tell others to lurk more when your own contibutions lack so much to be desired. Not really surprising to be honest, since you seem to be invested in the Kumite program for some reason.

Im am cautiously optimistic that if this was /cow/ or Kiwifarms (and the Admins actually gave a shit about the drama content) that (You) would wind up being threadbanned for this prolonged display of faggotry.
>I admire the gall you have
You might have opted to take off that Aryanne Brotherhood flag, krauto, but you've every bit the egotist that the very worst of tripfags are.
I mean, all that talk about valuable contributions to your name, on an anonymous imageboard? Talking about banning people for faggotry, when your very thread breaks rule #8? Oh, how highly you must think of yourself!
If I were you, I'd straighten out, drop the USI post-haste, count your blessings, and keep posting about this topic until it dies out.
Or don't, whichever you prefer. Lord knows I enjoy the meta-schadenfreude as much as the actual schadenfreude.
Put a willy in your mouth leaf. This thread is the only thing of value here lately.
One issue I have with this is wehn Jim says "look at that smile you know that I'm right because you are smiling"
Isn't that a bit stupid?
If he was angry the same thing would apply "you're angry because I'm right" and if he was stone faced it would be "you're putting on a poker face because you know I'm right"
This looks like a cheap trick to me.
147970 147972 148344
yeah no, you literally just don't know what trollshielding is. Go back to fucking reddit you larper. "Favourtism" isn't protecting anyone, Jim never claimed to be neutral and he doesn't have to be.

He's also not invested in shit he never cared much about making money off of this nor his reputation

honestly he addressed a lot of the nonsense you're on about on the killstream recently
https://youtu.be/pOMJe_QD47w?t=850 [Embed]

overall you're just a newfag who doesn't understand metokur and honestly you really don't understand much of anything especially to the degree that you think you do. Jim is doing whatever he wants as he always has and you're really just overanalyzing him
idk if the embed will pick up the time, skip to about 14 min in if it doesn't
This entire argument over Jim and trollshielding is so obnoxious. Like you said, it's overanalyzing what is nothing but shouting and shitposting at someone. The only valid criticism I've heard thusfar is >>147921 - he's doing a mind trick there to persuade the audience and make a scene, nothing more.

I still cannot fathom what's so interesting about most of this kind of stuff. IBS is just e-celeb and drama central, no real political or scientific progress is made except in this proxy-redpilling with Adam Warsky and the honest and calm discussion that seems to go down most often with JF around.
also it's very telling that you're such a big fan of BYBS a bunch of dumb 56%ers that larp as white nationalists. Makes sense when you consider the fact that you're a larper yourself given how you keep insisting Jim is trollshielding even though you still can't give a real example of him doing so. Must be hard given that a redditor like you doesn't understand the term
it's not supposed to be interesting as much as it is supposed to be entertaining. I forgot again that all imageboards are fucking reddit these days where politics on the internet is super serious buisiness with no fun allowed. Fuck no wonder I'm drunk right now. shitposting and trolling used to be a good time, politics used to be a good time.the internet used to be a good time, imageboards used to be a good time. Kill yourself you joyless piece of shit, goddamn reddit cancer
Ddp1UxIVAAEVU-b.jpg large.jpg

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/998239294555938818 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/998241815991144450 [Embed]
https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/998239604770820096 [Embed]


What is happening?
>Well today is the day of the shitshow holocaust; the IBS apocalypse. Starts at 3pm CST.

How much time do i need to set aside?
>Based on stuff people sent me and what they want to talk about I'd guess between 2 to 3 hours. Maybe more. Hard to say to be honest.

How many people?

>Circa 5 parties with several actors. Everyone has said they will so I believe so.

>Stream starts in 10 mins.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0opTMige2I [Embed]


State of the stream
IBS Apocalypse Metocast II.png
1 hour in, Stream is expectedly very convoluted, started off weak but got intense very quickly. 10.000-11.000 viewers at a stable rate. There are several E-Drama Youtubers in CHat as well. I see Queen of Pol, David Davidson, FullBenderTV among others.

Zoom and Joachim Hoch are currently screaming over each other trying to destroy the others credibility, with Zoom calling the shots. Jim is playing BYBS videos as background evidence while BYBS people released deleted /cow/ data in the chat.

Tonka, Failure, Warski, Leopirate and Jim Stay mostly completely silent. Jim has trouble keeping control over the conversation.

Money is rolling into high gear, all i see is 5 Dollar, 20 Dollars and 100 Dollars Superchats.

I am uncertain if and to what degree Jim himself or his Trollshielding will be adressed in the heated conversation, as there seem to have flown a lot of preparation and evidence into this thread that mind end up never being read live on air.

oh on a sidenote, Jetrex, one of the friends of Jonathan Ross (the guy with the spiderman costume), who was caught holding back incriminating evidence about Ross, was apparently arrested for raping his 8 year old niece. Zoom claims to have a news article in his posession covering this.
>100 Dollars Superchats
just why
second hour - State of the Stream
IBS Apocalypse Metocast III.png
Stream is still at 10.000+ watchers, superchats still come in, but less high and less often.

Almost everyone but Joachim, Diogenes, Zoom and Jim is silent.

They are currently going through the evidence concerning Zoom being a pedophile, doxxer and swatter. Also the Brother of Conrad Collins/Digibro was just mentionedand along with allegations of Tonka covering Doxxing for Joachim.

It is hard to tell if this stream was set up to be a barfight/internet court room and if Joachim VS Zoom was the main event or IF any of the other actors will later have anything of relevanve to say.

Not going to lie, this is getting tireing, but depending what the other people there may present, this can easiyly go on for another 2-5 hours (if not more, not including superchat reading).

I Myself will drop out once this reaches the third hour, which i currently have no doubt it will.
I feel like this stream is giving me cancer. What a bunch of fucking faggots. I need to start listening to something else for background noise.
You could read Siege or something, you know. But I guess that's not fun enough for the IBS audience.
third hour - State of the Stream
148157 148235
IBS Apocalypse Metocast IV.png
Stream is now shifting between 9500 - 10.000 viewers.

still a superchat every now and then. chat is active and hostile.

Currently theres a conflict between Tonka Saw and Zoom/Hansome Autist (aka the Hacker/Pedo/swatter). Conversation swings between load screaming and foreboding silence. Jim obliges this action, but he seems less enthusiastic about it.

They are currently, after much screaming, playing a 36 vieeo from Zoom about Tonka/Robert Pilkington. According the video evidence with several wrestling promoters in 3 states, Robert Pilkington was never registered as a professional wrestler OR MMA Fighter in his residence state, never hosted fights in other states he claimed (under his real and stage name), does not own a wrestling company and seemingly all his fight statisics are fake. The only fights he attended to were scripted backyard events. The uncensored video is avaiable on twitter.

Tonka attempts to defend himself against these allegations (poorly), with Failure trying to whiteknight him. Chat is chewing him out pretty hard for being a fraud.

Also, (((Thomas Ellington))) was exposed as a jew and doxxed after he went after BYBS for acquiring insider intel and told them he dares them to doxx him. Which turned out to be unwise.

Also, I will leave for the night now. If you continue to watch this, have a good stay. Reaching hour 4 now. seems like this will be a long last night for IBS.

SIEGE - by James Mason.pdf

kek, I'm enjoying hearing Tonka getting fisted at least.

What hellish beast is that? Holy shit.
I'm pretty sure they're right about Johaim or whatever but they're way off on Tonka, Zoom just doesn't understand what pro wrestling is there's amatuer "pro" wrestling events held at small venues. Tonka as far as I'm aware never actually claimed he was involved with WWE. Although they might be right about the MMA shit idk anything about MMA
anyway the main takeaway from the Metocast is that the BYBS people are freaks they used to associate with Joachim, and still associate with a bunch of other doxers who they're in discord with. One of whom being Zoom who's a fat autistic pedophile. They pushed for this stream but Zoom barely let them get a word in edgewise and what they did get in was mostly agreeing/siding with Zoom or defending his arguments against Joachim/tonka. So basically not only do they hang around with someone like Zoom he also cucked them out of their chance to confront Joachim and the kumite.
The Death of IBS - Post Apocalypse Stream summary
Anime Art featureing Neo from RWBY. Picture Material and Partial Text Documents reappropriated from /cow/.

06:19:00 now that the IBS Apocalypse is over what is your final judgement


" ah I...I..like i said, I just wanted a some entertainment. A little Jerry Springer. And annoy the Liberalists. So that was a win-win for me. But... eh... I dont know what the fuck happened. Again. I dont know where everything went so wrong. Is it just a giant shitshow? Was there merit to it? That's on you, guys.

... You know what i actually liked? i liked doing tumblrism. Just go through the website, have a few laughs and make a video about it. Deviants was like this as well. Maybe i just need to refocus and pick a new website...." - James William Tristan, May 2018

What lead to this stream?

TLDR - Joachim Hoch VS BYBS VS Kumite, discord drama escalating, Doxxing camapigns and counter doxxing, People associating and platforming doxxers, Whiteknighting, Character defemation, lies and actual hackers. Pretty much the Kraut Discord Server Drama 2.0 just internally in IBS.

Quick Dundown on the IBS Apocalypse stream

>5:30 hours runtime with circa 8 people live, 1 hour superchat reading
>concensus is this was the worst stream Jim ever did, Jim agrees with this
>Jim shit his pants and did nothing which is good
>Donga sperged at Zoom
>Jewchaim sperged at Zoom
>Failure sperged at his Blood sugar monitor
>Andy Bing Bing wahoo'd
>Zoom deliver a decent B.T.F.O, sloppy but decent
>Diogenes didn't really do anything
>Jeffstiny could have done better
>And once again Ralph was the Ellen of IBS
>Dоnka got BТFО
>Lowiqski got BТFО
>IBS is dead
>Jim shielded his fwend
>Read out 1000+ dollars in superchats

https://youtu.be/1VebehHgHrU [Embed]

"i caught the last 30 minutes of the IBS Metocast and i feel violated."
- Naked Ape, May 2018 (homosexual with a nigger lover) on the weekend chimpout

Winners of the IBS Apocylypse

Sargon - The stepfather Carl Benjamin Didnt even need to attend himself, His Liberalists are now mostly unopposed on the right wing and on youtube. Now runs campaigns IRL, has become a Government agent and a growing influential youtube channel

Destiny - the communist manlet looks now good, Won his debate with Tonka/ Robert Pilkington and proved him a fraud before, will now be known as one of the actors who faced and tore down internet nazis. Never had to face any consequences for his peodphilia or character defamation.

JF - grew a bigger audience, connections, stream attendance and revuenue thanks to IBS. Now runs his own program to host argueable one of the highest quality high IQ political programs on youtube at the time of this writing.

Zoom - Fooled Tonka twice and Became the eternal Champion of IBS , dominated other IBS hosts with his unapologetic hacking and shittalking abilities, including Jim. Not bad for a Overweight autistic jewish Pedophile who claims to work for the FBI. Might have been a Kraut Mole all along, but succeeded with his OPS. Was doxxed live on stream by the Kumite knowingly and consented to Jim for it. Legitimate Sociopath and maybe the single most dangerous person in all of IBS.

Jim - earned himself over 4000 Dollars with Paypig superchats on top of his patreon income with 3 streams in 3 weeks with low effort work. Permanenelty disassociated himself with IBS in it entirety. Is now looking forward to do more content with Furries.

/cow/ - Board was saved from enveloping obscurity and is now ripe with the fresh content, new lolcows and on-board infighting it has not seen in months.

Godwinson - Independent Lolcow Researcher and NEET coach, engages in IRL campaigns as well as Internet investigative research. Puts out quality content without a want or desire for fame, now more approachable for a wider audience since he gets mirroredm regardless of Liberalist Takedown Campaigns.

Ethan Ralph - Former Gamegate E-Celeb. IBS made him somewhat relevant to a moderate degree, one of the more bearable remnants that will likely continue to stream with semi-dramatic content.

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Failure Fat Ass Bitch Failure accomplished Kumite Obesity Fat Cuban.webm
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Zoom - Handsome Autist - Cory.jpg

Losers of the IBS Apocalypse

Tonka Saw - Robert Pilkington was exposed as a liar, faking his sports career and all achievements connected to it, was unmakes as a racemixed shitskin Goblino, Trollshielder and failure at life by accord of his family and associates. Confirmed of being anally traumatized by his step father. Launders a secret Blacklist for Online actors together with his transgender girlfriend Jennifer Jaspers/Vampkandy.

Failure - Morbidly Obese Cuban, puppetmastered himself into a corner after transplanting his dead air radio show on a dying channel with a brainlet audience, suffered recently a heart failure from his excessive eating and drinking habits,
Andy Warski - Lost 7.000 Scubribers in the last month. Burned down the Bridges with most of his former interne friends, business partners and channel supports to engross himself into a short term pet project of jim. Failed to sustain working business relationship, repulsed his new audience with absurd content, incompetence, poor entertaining skills and childish behavior.

Joachim Hoch - Seth Wallace, Failed career E-Celeb who took this whol campaign seriously. Was ousted from by bis peers for poor leadership skills, fame hunger, infighting and toxic behavior. Confirmed Doxxer who was later pardoned and platformed by the Kumite, only to lure his detractors to new targets. Claims to have not been doxxed, did a face reveal to Jim which was not verified by third parties.

King of /pol/ - Former Gamergate and loosly BYBS associated, Attention whore with a failing YOutube channel. Got exposed for being an undercover homosexual and was utilized by Metokur as a False FLag to distract from his internet Trollshielding campaign in IBS. Will forever be butthurt over Jims Canceled Internet friendship.

Jim - Lost respect, reputation and content quality in turn for money, fame and fake friends. Is now oppenly associated with normies , leddit-tier online communties and the worst brand stream that was ever hosted on his channel. Lost the power struggle to Sargon and was exposed for trollshielding lolcows for his own ends, for which he will likely not have to answer for some time to come. Cried out for help live on air and may have damaged himself permanently.
/cow/ mods - Cow mods have been exposed as biased in favour for E-Celebs, Deleting Vital Data from the Site that was accumalated to run camapaigns against Persons of Interests. Send its board community into disarray with a display of untrustworthy behavior

BYBS - Got publicly defamed by Kumipedes and associated hosts for doxxing and swatting campaigns, which were enforced to retailiete Joachim Hoch and his associates, Did not get a foot in in the Apocylspye stream to nail their adversaries. Channels got struck with Strikes. Small community with niche audience and an uncertain future.

Geekthulu - Kumpede Toesucker orbiting Tonka, Doxxed himself and blamed /cow/, staged a raid attempt live on air that send /cow/ into damage control and densorship. Had to leave the Internet out of shame and idiocy.

Cow Threads Resources

IBS Cycle Thread


https://8ch.net/cow/res/459450.html - https://archive.is/IB9lS


King of Pol/ Bryan Dunn

Joachimg/ Seth Wallace

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a bunch of shit you said was blatantly wrong, but I'm still stuck on this. Give one actual example of Jim trollshielding, all you've alleged so far besides simply going on their show which isn't trollshielding is a vague feeling of preference and favoritism which even if that's true it isn't trollshielding. Show me a tweet or clip where Jim tries to protect the kumite by saying anything along the lines of "don't make fun of my friends"

If you can't prove this point which you've asserted 3 times with full confidence recently that should be sufficient for showing that you're a liar who has no idea what he's talking about because you're a newfag larper who doesn't understand the words you use
My case of Trollshielding of Mr. Metokur on Robert Pilkington - Act III
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Kumite Doxx Bounty.jpg
Here is the evidence you demanded. I make my case that Mister Metokur is hereby guilty of Trollshielding Robert Pilkington. Pilkington and his orbiters are exercise similar behavior patterns to Another subject Jim covered in the recent past. Namely here Kraut & Tea and his doxxing server, of which Jim was bothered enough to make 3 whole videos about.

Jim has helped the IBS brand under Tonka grow, supported the hosts directly and indirectly, is willfully ignorant to their abrasive behavior and turns a blind eye to the consequences . Metokur did not and likely wil never again touch on the subject to not damage his already broken relationship and shaken reputation with these people.

Of course Jim is not naive enough to incriminate himself verbally over this, but his deeds speak out louder than his words. I find it faily amazing how much fame, money and laughter can blind his senses when it is Jim's """friends""" shoveling shit. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Main Twitter Links

https://twitter.com/Youkai_Bunny/status/996096012312858624 [Embed]
Good thing JF didn't take control over Andy's show, now he can have his chill stream smoking weed and letting Tonka talk for 3 hours.

https://twitter.com/Youkai_Bunny/status/995979406639337472 [Embed]
Tonka paid for "doxes" and use his goons to do the work, 2 days after talking about it with people in DM Joachim is paying for it

https://twitter.com/Youkai_Bunny/status/995911915628040192 [Embed] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBtiyKT-TO0 [Embed]
Diogenes defamed by Tonka.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3&v=3Yp5D2mdE-0 [Embed]
Tonka lying about quitting internet, and more

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqYhEboo9B8 [Embed]
Podcasts to Sleep to LIVE #8 Super Stream w/ Thomas Ellington

https://twitter.com/Youkai_Bunny/status/994696389132275712 [Embed]
Thomas, QoB, Tonka and Joachim, every sources you believe you had were us, you don't ask for proof and don't give any when claiming anything, you have no credibility! Anime win again!

https://twitter.com/Youkai_Bunny/status/996854270367535105 [Embed]
How will your blocklist help now? LMAO Tonkasaw, join so we can call you Robi on stream and talk about how your father played with your boxing's ring

https://twitter.com/Youkai_Bunny/status/992092502000779264 [Embed]
0001 @Tonkasaw Thanks for the block



Internet Bloodsports - The Metokur Video from February
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkkNYc4NGN8 [Embed]

Note the tone how he talks about IBS compared to now and how it has eventually changed.

Killstream with Jim - Talking About ShortFatOtaku
https://youtu.be/pOMJe_QD47w?t=15m35s [Embed]

This is the video You yourself linked as counterevidence that Jim adressed Trollshielding in the Ralph Stream. As it turns out, he did not. The only thing you do however is parroting his "I dindu nuffin." defense.

Funnyly enough though not even 2 minutes later Ralph asks him about his stream attendance which cumlimates in him saying "I like the Kumite, but...". Straight from the Horses mouth.

https://youtu.be/FP2phQ9eSB4 [Embed] - Metokur Stream about King of Pol

Cobra Kai do or die. - the first 30 Minute section of the Queen of Poz Stream and the fact that it was even made at that time.

https://youtu.be/YSnwJSKyrzM?t=32m45s [Embed]
Metokur VS Ross on Kumite (FULL)

Jim admits that he is lying about things when it suits him after Ross accused him of being a sociopath who wants to shoot people.

Last part of my evidence is the entirety of the Zoom BS Tonka Section on the IBS Apoclypse Stream from 2 hours onwards. The only thing i will give Jim credit for here is that he actually platformed it, but was it not to the efforts of BYBS and Zoom, none of this would have been shown to a wider audience.

Addiotional Factors Jim enabled or is guilty of in direct correlation to his trollshielding:

- allowing Pilkington to sell commercial merchandise with Metokurs likeness on
- Pilkington unironically putting up videos of Metokur on his imdb Movie resume
- considering Jim himself as a regular asset to his proogram to reel in audience and revenue
- Pilkingto having secret Blacklist on opposing factions that gets handed around by his orbiters
- encouraging espionage in his own and other communities with malicious intent,
- Pilkingtons business partner staging a hostile takeover of another IBS actors format, which Jim previously gave advice to
- Open Manipulation of IBS hosts and audience
- Publicly Defaming people that do not support his format or compete with him

Over the time span of just 6 months Jim went from openly supporting IBs, participating weekly in it, associating with the hosts, contents and communities to staying absent, distancing himself from it and ultimately now disavowing it for his own good.


My closing statement towards This posting series and the Argument with 976d4
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Jim IBS Trollshielding Cow IBS Guide crop 05 2018.png

At it's core your last posts were perpetuating a meritless argument accusing me of misinterpreting a fluid terminology, which I have disproven 2 times already. Only to have my replies brashly rejected by you for "not being real evidence." It is hard to take you serious when the best (You) can do is throw out a hasty 2 liner every other day after a big event. Unlike what You would like to believe, your opinions expressed here are not representative for the majority of observes, you are merely very obnoxious about it. Oh and by the way I did notice your disgraceful behavior after I called you out just once on your bullshit. Your immediate response to that was flying off the handle on me and a random bystander. Good job, 976d4.

If the majority of the IBS subsection of /cow/ can independently agree on the matter that Mister Metokur is a trollshielder to the point where they include it in their official handguide, that is enough ground for me not only to have confirmation that I am factually right about this and should stand by it, but that you fail at deflecting reality.

At that opportunity Id' like to point that due to my occupancy I have not browsed /cow/ in over 2 weeks prior to my recent update a few days ago. I was not aware of the collective decision to publicly brand Jim as a Trollshield. I myself have come to this conclusion by reviewing recent events and their background on my own. /cow/ usually happens to go above and beyond my call, and i didnt even browse the place that much prior to this thread. Really makes you think that I happen to go similar direction as the professional cowboys do without actually associating with them. I will keep these events in mind when the appointed day comes when Jim once again quits the Internet.

There is no doubt in my mind that You will discard this post and its contents in a similar fashion as you did several times before thoughout this threads lifespan. Regardless of that I decided to create it to point out to this threads audience that (You),976d4, are an insatiable contrarian who engages in partisanship out of spite over a failed program. Your opinions are highly objectionable, your arguments poorly constructed and your very own thread participation here comes closer to a dog chasing passing cars than genuine contribution.

>Jim has helped the IBS brand under Tonka grow, supported the hosts directly and indirectly, is willfully ignorant to their abrasive behavior and turns a blind eye to the consequences . Metokur did not and likely wil never again touch on the subject to not damage his already broken relationship and shaken reputation with these people.
you keep deflecting and listing off other shit and all these random theories you have but none of it even pertains to trollshielding. Again I raise that this is because you clearly don't know what trollshielding is and you use terms like that to signal an understanding of topics and internet culture that you don't actually have.

The most you're even alleging is that Jim likes, and goes on, and helps the kumite, more than you think he should, that he doesn't go after them or call them out on things he did other people, as well as that he lets them get away with using his name to sell merchandise and build their brand. Which is sort of fair criticism but it's so subjective that it doesn't matter. Again my point hear is that you keep saying Jim is "trollshielding" but nothing of what you're talking about actually fits that term even if it's all true. Which brings me to the point that you don't understand what the term means and yet you're using it anyway to try to seem like you get it.
Troll shielding is basically what it sounds like it's shielding people from trolling. i.e. imagine if the mods of /cow/ deleted threads on people that they personally knew or people that paid them or something. You keep going on like somehow Jim's mere presence on, or involvement with, a livestream somehow protects them from criticism, or that somehow because he doesn't personally call them out or go after them himself that keeps other people from doing it? he doesn't have to troll them himself to not be trollshielding and even if he likes a person or a group of people it doesn't mean he actually does anything to protect them or that he even would. This sort of indirect ethereal trollshielding you keep referencing doesn't exist it's something very tangible and easy to point out. i.e. "don't make fun of my friends" "these guys are on our side don't fuck with them" "don't mess with him he's one of us" etc. Jim has never actually said or done anything that could actually be called trollshielding, if you have other criticism for him whatever. Idk if you're pushing this narrative or if you just fell for it somewhere else but you're wrong and anyone who actually knows what the term means could easily see that
also he's explained more than once that he's not "distancing himself from IBS" that's another narrative you picked up somewhere I linked the killstream here >>147969 where he literally addresses this point in so many word and says simply that he's found more interesting shit in watching ice posiden's content and that he's been busy doing his own thing in particular fucking with furries. This whole thing you try to drum up with his grand plans for bloodsports and all his subtle movements and subterfuge is just absurd. He found it interesting and participated and then he moved on to other stuff that he at the time found more interesting. If we just apply Occam's razor here this is both what Jim has said himself and is a simpler more plausible and in-character explanation than all this nonsense you've dreamed up

it's pretty blatent that you're critical of jim and that you don't like the kumite and any number of other biases. When you're so obviously not objective about this maybe you should step back discard a lot of this speculation and actually try to confirm what the facts are?
gonna have to agree he should be harder on Andy. He might be holding back though because that's what the liberalist faggots want. Either way though I think the problem with Metokur right now is that's he spreading himself too thin. You can quickly lose your way like that. Weather you're priorities change or not it can seem that way if you get involved with other people's bullshit too much.

>He visted /mlp/ in 2015 or 2016 for research of said video, left a vocaroo to confirm his identity. (This vocaroo does not exist anymore but i can testify that i heave heard it myself)
Found it ya lazy faggot
Heres the link to the vocaroo but the file is 404: https://vocaroo.com/i/s1yhdfUZcOe7 [Embed]
148752 148828
Kumite dead because tonka quit it's been going for an hour so probably not a joke this time
https://youtu.be/AoGy3RIXCNc [Embed]

degenerate homofag (probably furry) starts show over the weekend
https://youtu.be/1VebehHgHrU [Embed]

killstream with Jim and Corrin (old insane thot from Ice Posiden) in 1 hour
https://youtu.be/lhSaQM0_S3U [Embed]

also warski is doing his own show with Jay Dyer as cohost seems better than kumite tbh
https://youtu.be/13wb4UPwuPU [Embed]

How is tonka such a weak fuck? How's this random pedo getting to him this much?
Tonka is actually doing a lot better today than sunday
this is the most blood we've gotten in a while honestly, JF v andy makes match 3.
tbh why couldn't the kumite be this every day?
JF got Zoom to admit he's just fucking with them and trying to get a rise outta them but Tonka keeps engaging with him?
I understand the whole ethical stance on swatting Tonka is trying to bang on about, but this was honestly the best kumite in like a month
JF actually managed to lose an arguement to tonka of all people and then went running to do damage control on the killstream, he's honestly above this kinda shit sad to see. Corrin v Jim was funny but anticlimactic
Honestly i think I'm done with these ibs faggots. They turned out to be just as cancerous as other youtubers who couldn't let the drama go. Or even be fucked to put somekind of structure into the show. At least this Jay guy brought topics with him.
they beat you to it, Ralph doesn't call his show bloodsports and idk if warski live does either so with kumite down ibs is over. Except for that faggot naked ape's weekend show I think that's supposed to be bloodsports. Not withstanding the rise of a new show it might be time to let this thread die along with the kumite
The Funeral of the Kumite, Incoming Liberalist Lolsuit & Thot BTFoing
Picture Material featureing General "Esudesu" Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill.

So, the Morning Kumite woith Tonka Saw "Pilktington" and "Heart" Failure is finally dead.

And if the general consensus of the hosts, viewers and chan sphere is to be believed, it will now rot in the ground for good. Good Riddance. After Twitter and Discord Drama, Tanking views and ratings, Chat Censorship on stream and agitation against their own audience this was not unexpected. What was unexpected is how fast it happened after Corey "Zoom" Barnhill asserted his dominance over a screaming wheelchair driver in front of a live audience. What follows now is a documentation of the public reception of the event ob curtesy of the Youtube comments section and the IBS cyclejerk on /cow/.

For additional video Material on this please check out >>148738 for uncut source material.


Kumite Funeral Stream bogpill

>donga gets rekt in the jim stream
>donga's grandma gets pizza sent to her home
>donga wants to quit the internet because he's afraid of the white man's food.
>andy tell him to not be a faggot and quit
>donga to scared of the internet now, his rep is crushed and nobody likes him.
>andy seeing his internet fwend acting all faggy he tells him to stream 2 days instead overyday.
>andy pulls the plug on coomitai since there's no reason to keep it alive if the faggot who host the show is running away from the internet.
>andy makes a gubai coomatei stream
>zoom joins in
>donga spergs
>zoom humiliates donga one last time, says bye and gets kicked by failure.
>dong cries about zoom for 50min.
>JF joins in. says donga's facebook post saying he's a pedo and rapist make him look weird.
>donga spergs hard
>JF tells donga he killed his own show
>donga doesn't get it because he's a brainlet and spergs
>JF tells him he wasted his chance because he's a failure at entertaining and points he made andy's channel bigger while donga made it shrink
>donga tells him he didn't join warski, warski told him to join as if this justified him destroying andy's channel.
<yeah i did.
>JF leaves because he doesn't want to explain court shit to retarded people.
>JF joins ralph's stream and explains he doesn't want to bother explaining court papers to donga nor cares about being called a snake because business deals are snake eat snake.
>meanwhile andy is crying about JF being a snake.

>Zoom went on, bt-fo thomas because thomas is an exceptional detective that takes his internet job very seriously
>Then triggers the fuck out of Dongo, Dongo comes back just to get bt-fo by him because he can't walk away from the internet
>JF comes, just to tell everyone Zoom is a roach and process to bt-fo Dongo by telling him at least he is sincere about being a snake unlike him, Dongo also is destroying Andy's channel
>The rest of the time is Dongo doing damage control and inviting cock suckers so they can "confirm" via private message that Robi Vio guy is in fact not Tonka (chat turns against him)
Overall a more compact and less chaotic metocast, 8/10


Cyclejerk posts

- Late, but that Kumite paypig LARPing as someone upset with current Donka being proven wrong with "private dox" is the most unconvincing shit I've ever seen. He managed to do the Joachim "feign ignorance" defense even worse than La'Heim himself.

- Man I actually got a little enjoyment out of the goodbye kumite stream up until donga sperged into the stream. Made me realize that despite warski and spicski being worthless boring fuckups, they could still be hosting some decent bloodsports (failure hating bloodsports aside) if it weren't for the injun ruining everything.

- Despite always trying to compare themselves to Opie and Anthony, all three of them always wanted to avoid being called the Opie of the show. The obvious joke was that all three of them were the Opies, but now I think the truth can't be denied, Tonka is the definitive Greg Opie Hughes of The Morning Kumite.

- Consider how uptight and miserable the other two got as soon as donga got on, despite actually having some fun and laughs on a tucking FUNERAL show up until then, even going so far as to have a decent chat with the Kumite Slayer himself. All of that instantly over and ended, replaced by a complete dumpster fire at all of the hosts own expense after mr sister molester got on.

- The fucking Opie of the Kumite.

- Andy sucks but the common denominator between all of this drama is Tonka. Even Failure, as dumb as he is, is nice enough of a guy that he could have hosted his little normie show and probably would have been fine. Everything around Tonka goes to shit and not just that, he digs the hole deeper and deeper while claiming to not only care but demands respect from everyone as he pisses on their bodies.

- JF really earned a lot of points in my eyes. He is such a gentleman. He knows that if he will not restrain himself now poor Andy will just kill himself.

- JF is supreme gentlemen.

- there was also the emmy's dox stuff and even when emmy said herself she wasn't doxed Tonka refused to admit he was wrong.

- Most of the shit he got from zoom and the spics was because they had a beef with jewchim and donga protecting him just made him collateral damage till donga went out of his way to engage with zoom and the spics hence becoming a proper target.


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the end of ibs in one picture.png
tonka daddy no Heidi.png
Top VIDEO COMMENTS - Warsli Live Kumite Funeral Stream

Hiro Asoko
>Who will Andy turn to for validation next?

Jay Grot
>Andy is legitimately a very dumb person. I don't know whether to feel bad for him or dislike him

Collin Monser
>Andy's show fell flat partly because of the JF separation but partly because he's just dumb and lazy. JF was putting out consistent continent after the separation while Andy reeled between Kumite and Warski Live with no consistent schedule

Joseph Todd
>How you can't see that Tonka and failure were a net negative to your channel and emotional state is beyond me.

Valerie Svaldi
>Just imagine being as stupid as Andy, Tonka or Failure Careful don't hurt yourself there

Jacob Kemp
>lol Andy is so dumb

>Andy's background is falling apart...again...

Blake Jones

John Loki
>JF didn’t “admit” to anything. He did a really good job of handling himself while being unfairly attacked by tonka. Instead of being defensive he just accepted the ad homonym and made them look bad. Unfortunately he is just far more intelligent than Andy and tonka.

Therdina Zinastina
>So when does Jf come on?

Mr. Clean
>Hey Andy I’ve sent that super chat in Ralph’s stream but I’ve should of been more specific with what I said. What I meant to say is that what made IBS great (to me at least) is getting two opposites and putting them together in the arena to rip each other’s throats but with words. Tons of people digged the Spencer and Sargon ripping each other. That’s what I think made your show really good(Enoch V Bronx commie was very good too) . But I get it if you want to ease up on that stuff I get that too but to me that’s what made Warski Live for me. Sincerely a Fan since the first IBS

Mr Whale
Andy, do you have an agreement with Sinead that she can stay fat if she lets you snort coke ?

Mr Whale
This episode really lived up to the Low IQmite name. A fitting ending.
The JF "admitting to being a snake" was JF sarcastically accepting Tonka's butt-hurt, moronic characterisation of a mutually beneficial relationship JF and Andy had on Warski live to make Tonka look even dumber. How this flies over anybody's head is beyond me.
Then Tonka, not being able to face his own failure, goes full retard with the court case and puts a bow tie on Andy's dying Youtube career.

>I love how Thomas Ellington bailed as soon as Toad gets brought up.

P. D.
>So.....Sargon was right, right ?
Kraut and Tea Lolsuit VS Braving Ruin and Mister Metokur
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Kraut and Tea came after hiding after the Death of IBS and is now attempting to state an international defamation lolsuit together with his designated doxxing server and a jewish journalist.

I am no lawyer myself, but i do think the case has poor ground to stand on and will likely get dismissed like the Maddox lolsuit for being frivolous. Word is, Joseph Lancaster the Split Cock aka K&T himself is doing this also to get a legal hand on Jim's doxx.


Twitter Thread Link
https://twitter.com/BravingRuin/status/999351579391209476 [Embed]

Main Twitter of Braving Ruin


RUIN™ Retweeted WeWuzMetokur

Well, Jim, if you're seeing a pattern you're not exactly wrong.
You know that hit piece video that @Veeh_Ro showed you? The one that just so happened to include everyone Kraut would want revenge on? Strap in, bucko, it's a thread

Do you think people are blind or just stupid? Your ass follows half the people in his discord as well as him. You like tweets from them daily and bitch about this shit consistently.

Well, according to this fellow, Kraut's goon "OneSpecies" was behind the edit. We already knew Kraut had to be connected to it, given the points (lies) being made were all the same old shit that's been addressed before, but this looks like confirmation. @WeWuzMetokur

Mycroft tells me that he "wants this shit to stop" despite the fact that everyone else has moved on, while Kraut & Co are still sitting in a Discord doing their autistic ops. There are some new additions from left twitter, including our pal Robinge Thing

In fact, I did a little experiment to gauge how closely they're watching. I privated all my videos on my second channel for a day, and this happened.

Also, they allegedly have a bot cataloging people's tweets, mine among them. I can only assume @WeWuzMetokur is on it as well.

If the bot has the capabilities described, it has to be against @TwitterSupport rules. Maybe look into this @innosflew fellow?

In fact, they think they're going to sue you, @WeWuzMetokur, as well as myself, in order to get our dox. Mycroft says it's just you being sued, but this was contradicted by someone else who says that I will be sued as well. Not with the intent of winning. Just getting dox.

Kraut has also apparently contacted a journalist to write a new smear piece on me, so if any such smear piece comes out we know who's behind that too. It's likely that he was also connected to the smears against @Andywarski, @JFGariepy, and IBS, writ large. @WeWuzMetokur

Remember that he was proven to be in contact with a NYT journo last time around, so this isn't surprising, either. @WeWuzMetokur

Now, the bottomfeeders will probably come out of the woodwork to say it's all a joke, it's all a meme. Well, a few days after Mycroft told me this stuff, they tried to do fake "leaks" of obvious joke info to people who know me. @WeWuzMetokur

But they let something slip here. Since they don't have enough info on either of us, their plan is to sue/subpoena a company like Patreon or YouTube who -do- have our info in order to try and get us that way.

Time will tell, but if any of this happens, we know who. @WeWuzMetokur

My take on all of this is that Kraut should buck up and just make normal videos again instead of hanging out with these losers who think they're going to get e-famous off of him, but what do I know? @WeWuzMetokur

I tried to make amends with Kraut a few weeks back, and he seems to think that he absolutely dindu nuffin at all. But if he's really gone to the media, and is really going to spend bank on a lawyer just for dox, that just validates everything I said six months ago. @WeWuzMetokur

Video Clips for the last 2 days
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File (hide): 687F552AAB20FE6E0DB70DC7E13528B0-1809029.webm (1.7 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:00:20, cow hates scrub 2.webm) [play once] [loop]
cow hates scrub 2.webm
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cow hates scrub.webm
reddit larpers in cow keywords.png
Video links provided by Metokurist Murdochian Archiver - Subscribe for Jim highlights and Murdoch Murdoch mirrors.

>TonkaSaw addresses Zooms wrestling allegations with Ralph
https://youtu.be/VGhn90-6w3s [Embed]
3 minutes

>Jim and His Youngster Besties (Wasted Talent/Dox Edition)
[YouTube] Jim and His Youngster Besties (Wasted Talent/Dox Edition) [Embed]
15 minutes

Short Fat Creatura and Scrump talk with a former "childhood" friend of Jim, Latviman, who claims to have a complete Doxx on Jim.

>InternetSoySports (MundaneMeth vs The Quarterpounder) vs Skeptic™ (Candid, Liberalists, Stepfather)
[YouTube] InternetSoySports (MundaneMeth vs The Quarterpounder) vs Skeptic™ (Candid, Liberalists, Stepfather) [Embed]
30 Minute video

Jihadi Jarbo, """the Administrator of Kiwifarms""" and the Qartering have a 30 Minute talk on Ralphs Killstream.

>Jim The Minotaur vs Corinne of Old (Super Secret Law Suit and other topics)
60 minute video

Mister Minotaur (!), "the owner of Kiwifarms", talks with Ralph about Corinne "Coco" Clifford aka Corinne Essque. Corinne dodges out of the conversation for being exposed a thief, a fraud, a boomer and "not wanted to be with a fake mkister minnaker who uses bad words", so she keeps "not understanding" ralph.

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Last video link got lost
[YouTube] Jim The Minotaur vs Corinne of Old (Super Secret Law Suit and other topics) [Embed]
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Mlpol should host an ibs show.
It would be a great way to attract new members.
duncan idaho daniel rule Bloodsports news network DNN Doxxed.png

People like to ignore or glaze over the fact thet IBS wasnt just about fun. It was always tangentially political, encouraged tribalism and thrived on public character assasination. Once the sheep ran out to bring to the slaughterhouse, the wolves eventually turned on themselves when there was no more game to hunt.
Bloodsports should not have picked Khorne as their Patron, rather the Oroboros Hydra of the Alpha Legion. Because that is one of the few things IBS did great. Eating is own tail.

pic related - former host of the BNN Twitter who got doxxed and deleted his account. Disavows Tonka now and approves the death of IBS.

I hope MLPOL will never attempt a host a selfcannibalistic format such as IBS. It will be the beginning of our end.
kek, that was amazing.
Kumite Post Funeral Fallout



>Got work but I may stream about this later...(Oh and I'd only be showing this live anyway)

/cow/ cyclejerk currently posting screencaps of Heart Failure having a falling out with Tonka and his orbiters live on air in a VampKandy Stream. Dirty Laundry seems to go around. Seems like these internet friendships are about to get ruined as well.
more internal shitflinging

BNN said he is going to leak the DMs with Tonka to /cow/

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmPsyxr2EMk [Embed]

Fallout - Call-Ins - Andy and Failure


more tonka DM leaks from BNN, /cow/ got access to it and is securing it now
TotalBiscuit is dead. [NO PRANK]
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File (hide): 01ABB8F0F3AB3B3CDF3A563035300B97-3744467.mp4 (3.6 MB, Resolution:854x480 Length:00:00:21, respect on the internet.mp4) [play once] [loop]
respect on the internet.mp4

This post in a nutshell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKTJb2KtDH4 [Embed]


https://twitter.com/Totalbiscuit/status/999787845127634944 [Embed]
‏Verified account @Totalbiscuit
>John Peter Bain
>July 8, 1984 - May 24, 2018

https://twitter.com/GennaBain/status/999785407087808512 [Embed]
Genna Bain (TB's wife)
>Rest in Peace my Dearest Love
>John @Totalbiscuit Bain
>July 8, 1984 - May 24, 2018

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/999790225546252288 [Embed]
>Wow Totalbiscuit is really dead. I thought people were just doing the "Boogie died tonight" thing. I thought his surgery/new meds or whatever worked. What happened?


John Peter Bain died in a hospital yesterday ag age 34 from Stage 4 Terminal cancer in his colon, liver and lungs. after a 3 year cancer treadment struggle he received his final doctors notice in April 2018 after failed surgery and medical treatment.

Bain was better known under his Internet Alias "TotalBiscuit", under which he build a career as an Online video game Critic for First Impressions. Eventually, he became the biggest Critic on not only YOutube, but also Steam as a Curator.

I myself was a subscriber to John Bain from 2010 to late 2016. I met him in a match of the game Warhammer 40000 burning crusade in ~April 2017, where he played a chaos space marine, in which he got carried by a premade group without doing much himself. I missed out on an opportunity to properly adress his colonial cancer, his unironic cuckholdry or his opinion of the current US President in person, which I regret now.


Bains life accomplishments are long and awe inspiring

- earning a university degree but doing nothing useful with it
- working at Gamestop
- having a steam account with more than 1.000 games along with giant steam groups
- playing world of warcraft for over 4 years
- becoming an SJW
- hating Trump
- hating Trump voters
- giving himself cancer from hating on video games for a living
- making jokes of trannies
- sexually identifying as a toaster
- defending trannies and homosexuals
- getting offended by trap jokes
- being friends to ledditors and cuckholds alike
- thinking his political opinion as an e-celeb matters
- never having children on his own
- raising another mans child
- marrying a divorced hamplanet
- being involved in gamergate
- being the abused internet wife of Jim Sterling
- being a patron of Jim Sterlin
- being bald before his 30's
- doing bad podcasts
- being the buttend of jokes made by Britbongreturns, a neet manlet who scames children for money
- becoming fat from his bad american lifestyle, although he was born in england
- hosting a convention for Jessie Cux to feel good about himself
- turning against his own audience and telling them to unsubscribe from him
- making fun of games and game devs
- having pointless feudes with other e-celebs and taking it seriously
- becoming an emoji on Twitch
- getting sued over dumb shit nobody cares about
- having twitter wars to the point where him and his family hired a psychotherapist
- living a cookie cutter millinial life
- telling people to go die from cancer on twitter

John Bain is survived by his wife, his wifes son and and his own critic media empire that can't be run without him.


[YouTube] The Bore Z (now renamed Infestation: Survivor Stories) [Embed]
[YouTube] ► WTF Is... - Guise of the Wolf ? [Embed]
[YouTube] ► WTF Is... - Day One: Garry's Incident ? [Embed]
[YouTube] ► WTF Is... - Day One: Garry's Incident ? [Embed]
[YouTube] ► WTF Is... - I Wanna be the Guy Gaiden (WTFree edition) - STRONG LANGUAGE [Embed]
[YouTube] WTF Is... - Death and the Fly ? [Embed]
[YouTube] WTF Is... - Warhammer 40k : Space Marine ? [Embed]

The third pic

total biscuit in the ground tonight.png
MLPOL now has an Anime board.
Wyald on happy horse.jpg


As a general notice and For the Anon who keps asking me to make an Anime thread:
As of Yesterday evening MLPOL now officially has an Anime board.
I suspect with was done to accomodate the new 8chan users due to the recent ruckus there, but generally speaking I am not really opposed to it.

I will make a thread there in a few minutes and maybe more, depending if this board will be kept and be useable for Hentai as well.
Heard he was healed. Please tell it's not true.
do you fear death.jpg

Unless John and his wife are pulling a "I wanted to see the news articles after my own death" - prank, it is unlikely for him to still be alive.

According to /cow/ he was diagnosed with liver failure in late April, with is a death sentence in itself. He lived only shortly past /cow/s estimations. My condolences if you still were a genuine fan of his. I have had it with John and his death wasnt exactly a surprise to me.
Good. Especially after (((Blizzard))) ate the denbtgibs you sent me just to go beyond super-SJJW yesterday. Very appropriate timing for their SJW darling to succumb to the very asscancer he brought upon the gaymer community.

>hating Trump
There is nothing wrong with hating Jews.
You're the jew, nigger
Program Recommendation, because why not
nigger bodyslams feminist.jpg
jew nigger hand racemixing.gif

"I am french and I have never been tought this." - JF on his own stream

What Black Majority Rulership does to a country - case study Haiti

>What's to Come | w/ Frame Game TPS #31
https://youtu.be/bqWxn5EjvyQ [Embed]
3 Hour JF Stream - The Public Space

i was never really much of a watcher of JF
but he really is one of the few people going out of IBS as a winner
his new program makes a good impression on me
its like tv on the internet about things the tv wont talk about

currently watching the related stream to this from yesterday, they are drawing an example how black majority rule in Haiti ended in violence, destroyed the rest of the white population and eventually the whole country

More than 50% of the white french settlers in Haiti got brutalized and murdered during the events after the french revolution

there was a big split among the white settlers
- those who openly rejected the decree of the new french government, well aware that free blacks will lead to tyranny
- and those of the while population that embraced the new liberalism and said that class rule was against nature effectively supporting their own genocide through the black haitians.

"in the time frame of just over 100 years between the violent uprising of the black haitins enforcing their rule in 1804 and 1915 no white man has set foot on the island. with near 100 percent black population and exclusive black rulership, Haiti went from the pride of western colonization, the breadbasked of the caribics, into absolute squalor and dysfunction."

An IBS Drama Channel that posts Recap videos.

>MundaneMatt's leaks, Lolsuit Update, Metokur sued? and more! Is the SoylessMatt show #4
[YouTube] MundaneMatt's leaks, Lolsuit Update, Metokur sued? and more! Is the Soyless Matt show #4 [Embed]
~20 Minute video from Dame Pesos.

I think You will enjoy it.

Includes a funny compilation of Totalbiscuits Cancer Posts before he died.

On a sidenote, I have recently (once again) discovered material about a certain indie game developer who may grow terminal soon, so I will maybe end up indicting him on /sp/ in some time.

The Gout, The Blacked and The Retarded.

Picture Material featureing the Crusader Lalatina "Darkness" Ford from KonoSuba.

So the formerly rotten host of IBS has been sufficiently disected by nature, with it's nutrients flowing back into the earth. After a minor period of settling down in the greater IBS cinematic universe it seems there are some new tsunami tides beckoning from the drama ocean. A small Update is now in order.


>Jim on TRR w/ Dick Masterson, Kiwi Owner, Corrin (Part 1, 2)
[YouTube] Jim on TRR w/ Dick Masterson, Kiwi Owner, Corrin (Part 1, 2) [Embed]
3 hour Ralph Killstream cut from Murdochdian Metokurist from June 1st.

Mister Metokur, Dick Masterson, Mumkey Jones and Ralph talk various subjects, including Soygoy, Maddox being a cuck, IRL Text to Speech Terrorism and the Alt Furry. (also no, i have no idea where to get that image for jim in the chair, i want it too)

The Real Owner of Kiwifarms, Joshua "Null" Moon, joins at about 45 Minutes.

Stream gets majorly derailed for all the right reasons when Corrine "Esque" Clifford joins at about 1 hour 15 minutes, and Dick acts like a hollywood producer for everyone to throw rocks at the old retarded goat. Also feautureing Andy Warski as a soundboard.

+ + +

>SoyFather gets Trolled, blames The AR and Jim (Self Ownage is best Ownage)
[YouTube] SoyFather gets Trolled, blames The AR and Jim (Self Ownage is best Ownage) [Embed]
6 Minute highlight cut by Murdochian from JF's Public Space.

The John Locke Foundation under Corey "Zoom" Barnhill publicly decries Carl Benjamin as a left wing terrorist in an attempt to cancel all his booktours in the USA. Allegedly one Public Meeting has already been canceled due to terrorist threats. Sargon immediately swoops in to blame the Alt Right and IBS for sabotage and character assassination.

+ + +

>Journey of the 56% Documentary (Godwinson)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fErDi4pSJ6E [Embed]
45 Minute Documentary Reupload from Godwinson

An insight into the attempt of 1 fat american and his 2 obese roommates to become professional e-beggers. If you ever wanted to see the living incarnation of Fat Spurdo Creaturas unirocally riding mobility scooters through Walmart while streaming, this is the video to provoke your absolute disgust.

Minor Drama

Phillips Burnell's Youtube channel along with his 50.000 videos (!) got temporarily shadowbanned from Youtube for shitspamming Street Fighter Matches on DSP Gaming.

>DsPgaming--suspended-|-a lot of whining and begging-|-the return of the infamous channel
[YouTube] DsPgaming--suspended-|-a lot of whining and begging-|-the return of the infamous channel [Embed]
40 Minute clip from Snort Burnell.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/1004377390456410113 [Embed]
>What did DSP do now?

+ + +


Dale Wilson (aka the black DSP) recently got unbanned from Twitch when his 2 year suspesion for toxicity and racism. Sadly, his new reign on the Amazon mindcontrolled platform did not outlast a single day worth of Internet Gibs.

LowTierGod was immediately raided by detractors upon his re-emergence on twitch, who exploited a leak in his steaming setup. This lead to him getting Permabanned for Life due to him indirectly showing pictures of penises (in the avatars of the detractor followers) shortly afterwards.

Unless Twitch decides to change their policy on bans it is unlikely Dale Wilson will ever have his own Account in this lifetime again.

>Lowtiergod Got Banned On Twitch!!! (Then we watched WingsofRedemption)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whzbtQQNumU [Embed]
1 hour stream from full bender. LTG timestamps are about 15 Minutes and 40 Minutes.

https://twitter.com/L0WTIERGOD/status/1003859243596800000 [Embed]

Dalauan Sparrow
>I got suspended on twitch for literally doing nothing people just mass flagged my fucking channel and i did nothing wtf man god damn!!!!!!

+ + +

CWC/Chris Chan

After publicly threatening Natsoc Bronies, unironically offering his sexual services to male clients as a bisexual transbomination and even receiving a full donation covering his bronycon expenses, Christian Weston Chandler once again find himself in severe financial distress.

This time, the bank is threatening to foreclose his rundown residence in Branchland court for 2 missing payment rates for his mortgage. Chris is doing his (worst) best to guilttrip his """fans""" into buying rubbish from him on ebay and donating funds and/or food stamps to his household, even going as far as to turn his mummified maternal figure into a monetary asset for his clowning acts.

Chris was also featured on a recent stream of Count Dankula, which i will not link by choice since i do not support this degenerate communist manwhore. Which, to be honest, technically also applies to Chris Chan. But he's generally speaking on the other end of the stick and unlike Marcus CWC is at least funny, although admittedly in an unintentional way.

>Chris Chan and The Homeless saga!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXHYaOc-cK8 [Embed]
5 minute preview trailer of the homeless saga from Number 5

[YouTube] 2018 05 08 Please, HELP US! FORECLOSURE RISK HIGH [Embed]
1 minute highlight clip from a CWC Archive channel, CWCville Library. Speaks for itself.

>2018 05 10 Happy Birthday, Nick
[YouTube] 2018 05 10 Happy Birthday, Nick [Embed]
1 minute archive clip of the dement Barbara Chandler whoring herself out.

+ + +

Lastly I want to say that my new subject's of choice's condition (of which i planned to make a new thread about) worsended greatly not even 3 days after i posted the last notice. This new Crack in the Facade is indeed so significant that it will likely permanently damage his public image. I guess this is what happens if you empty a bathtub full of kerosene into burning tar pit.

Due to these exhilarating circumstances my hand will likely be forced to cover this on time, So i may end up making a thread about Him and his work hopefully before next week.

Sargons Discord Party Server
sargon sexy.jpg
sargon the peoples champion.png
Brittani Venti Kekistan Autistic Screeching Sargon Jew.png
Sargons philosophy in a nutshell.jpg
Sargonites in a nutshell.jpg

>Exposing the Sargon's Liberalist Discord (Godwinson)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOeaJK4nnhg [Embed]
50 Minute Mirror of a google hangout provided by American Pride 2

a small addendumto yesterdays update if you will. You might find this less entertaining than the regular drama posted here, but if you have an interest in the subject (specifically Carl Benjamin and the bootlickers in his 24/7 fanclub), consider a watch. At the end of the day Sargons fangirls arent much better than your garden variety discord drama server. I find it ironic how they need to enforce center left ideology with the obsessive control disorder of a Communist. Everything has a committee and a security clearance there, although those are just over 90%+ white male neckbeards.

Simply Amazing.
Yandere Simulator/ Alexander Mahan
Lolcow Thread on MLPOL

save the pig.png
hour long snort Brunnel about DSP's new excuse - crippling depression.

[YouTube] DsPgaming--new monetary emergency & my depression is the culprit of everything I do wrong [Embed]

Apparently he's getting fucked financially in another way too pretty soon but he was being a vague faggot about it.
JF's treason, Internet & External Skeptic Drama, Inside Incels & SCP POZZED
155074 155261
Image Material featureing Princess Satania McDowell from Gabriel Dropout.

A moderately sized Update since the material quality qarrented it. Cover a whole slew of different topics, Political and Nonpolitical. But who am i kidding, anything is political these days. Still worth a look though! Also it seems this DSP Depression Drama seems to devolve into its own mini-saga.

Soyless Matt Show

>FreeSpeech Skeptic™ Mafia Strikes Again! New Kraut leaks! FBI Meltdown, is the SoylessMatt Show #5
[YouTube] FreeSpeech Skeptic™ Mafia Strikes Again! New Kraut leaks! FBI Meltdown, is the Soyless Matt Show #5 [Embed]
20 Minute Drama Show from Dame Pesos-. Recommended for watch.

Highlights are new Audio leaks from Joseph Lancaster, Venti exposing Showonhead, Chris Ray Gun cucking for Maddox and Destiny getting hilariously owned by his mother and coverage of the Faggot Butthurt Insecurities.

Also apparently someone released the 1999 Beta of Pokemon Gold with never-before seen Monsters. Maybe worth a look.


>Jim on Warski/Dyre split, JF vs World and Other Topics
[YouTube] Jim on Warski/Dyer split, JF vs World and Other Topics [Embed]
2,5 hour stream from Murdochian Archiver.

Andy Warski broke his working relationship with his latest co-host Jay Dyer, Jean-Francois Gariepy pulling a baked Alaska and banning mods and donaters over Drama involving his co-hosz (((Lauren Rose))) (aka not the Nazi Comic Thot), Jim talks about his political leanings.

Honorary Mention

>TL;DR - Social Isolation and Involuntary Celibacy
[YouTube] TL;DR - Social Isolation and Involuntary Celibacy [Embed]
28 Minute Video from Teal Dear about Incels, the "Fucking White Male" of the current year

SCP Project Cucked up beyond all recognition - Pull out now!

the semi-famous sci-fi Horror writer project SCP Foundation (and the SCP Wiki) is currently having a meltdown on twitter. After shitting on 4chan, its origin site, and mass blocking followers and random people, it is now obvious that SCP has been coopted by literal homosexuals. Death of the project is expected soon.

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/1007766662244917248 [Embed]


>Secure, Contain, Protect, Block
>He nameddropped /mlpol/ briefly in a stream in early April 2017
need a sauce on this please


As far as i know Jim used to have a habit before 2018 of deleting most of his livestreams a few weeks after doing them.

All i remember is said stream was some time in April 2017 and i think it was fairly near the start, but i could not find a fitting video on archive channels. Did not really bother to look into it since it was really just a name mention with nothing else. There was nothing else to it.
If anyone is interested,there are a few scp spinoffs that arent pozzed by nigger faggots.

And i think it would be great if we come up with a pony themed scp spin off.
Uncle Dane confirmed cuckhold by amateur Mario actor
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stupid mario bros group photo.jpg
Cucky official Sonic character.png

>The Rise, Fall, & Decay of Stupid Mario Brothers
https://youtu.be/gtn7LiVmHGg?t=23m33s [Embed] [Embed]
1 hour long video from Mumkey Jones

Dane Kevin Cook, better known under his Tf2 Youtube alias Uncle Dane, was unironically cucked out of his girlfriend by Richard Alvarez, the Main Actor and producer of the formerly famous Youtube Show "Stupid Mario Bros" in 2013. Cook up until this point was enlisted as the character Ash Ketchum in the show, but was quickly removed from staff after the cucking incident.

The same Mumkey Jones video about this topic is currently generating a moderate amount of drama between the 3 fanbases of the engaged e-celebs. A Stream about this can be seen here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_n4uDGatwk [Embed] [Embed]

Also, Mumkey Jones and Emp Lemon are going to do a collab video soon.
Mumkey Jones is the guy Cool Cat scammed money out of for his shitty "Cool Cat stops School Shootings" video, right?
Digibrony Suicide over youtube channel termination.png

Yes, you are correct. Mumkey Jones is a can of worms on his own. I would put him somewhere between a troll, a jackass re-enactor and an amateur film maker. I never followed him before end of 2017, but he seems to be a rising star in his branch and his content is, in it's own way, worthwhile.

If you want to read up more on him i suggest looking at the Digibro thread on /sp/
Never seen this before
>TL;DR - Social Isolation and Involuntary Celibacy
This was actually worth the time.

This could be part of the reason feminist man are so vocal. Since they are in their feminist group they have a higher chance to find a mate due direct contact and with shifting what the top 20% males are they move themselves into that category.
It is kinda sad to see these women get old and alone just like the men they rejected. If you rely only on your looks you're gonna have a bad time as you age.
Something for the Weekend.
>The SoylessMatt Show #6
[YouTube] Matt Cries Again, Soygon Runs Away, TYT Rants, DesTiny's Banned. Is The Soyless Matt Show #6 [Embed]
24 Minute IBS wrapup video from Dame Pesos.

MundaneMatt Cries Again, Soygon Runs Away, TYT Rants, DesTiny's Banned

NEW Soyless Matt Show
>Sargon Fails, Homosexual Voltron, FBI robot! Is the SoylessMatt Show #7
[YouTube] Sargon Fails, Homosexual Voltron, FBI robot! Is the Soyless Matt Show #7 [Embed]
33 Minutes

- Dame Pesos was guest on the Dick show
- Soygoy of Cuckad and his e-celeb henchmen fail their hostile takeover of the UKIP party
- young turks report fake news on a nigress beating a senila mexican with a brick
- Donald Trump plays an anti-young turks video on twitter
- SJW drama over a homosexual character in a japanese mech anime
- Andy Warski has an acid induced breakdown during an """IBS""" stream
- desTiny now has genital warts

Important note: This video includes a segment of the Strozok bot FBI hearing, total lenght 23 (!) minutes. Be aware of that if you want to skip it. features a lot of Deep state corruption, inappropriate court behavior and general coonery.
peak bloodsports.png
wasn't that like a week ago? I'd watch the video but I hate that faggot's voice.
Oh wait never mind, I was thinking of someone else.
https://youtu.be/z_mp7P87WFQ [Embed]
Mundane Matt outed as an absolute liar during a livestream. Apparently he flags every video that disparages him for any reason
The Matt Jarbo Bloodsports Roast that never was, until now
Matt Jarbo Killstream Screenshare.png
baked alaska mundane matt.jpg

Jesus Christ that video.

video includes Keemstar and Metokur
someone told the stream there is a way to show your report history on youtube
(much like the steam data collection i posted ealier this week)
Mundane Matt failed for submit a screenshot OR a screenshare of his screen for 5 minutes

screenshare goes live at 10:30
Matt Jarbo lied straight to the stream for over 1 hour
not only did he lie about flagging ralph
he also flagged 4 videos
and many others
his defense for that was he is "mentally not in the best place" and sometimes he" gets angry".


Matt lied about everything, flagged several videos from Ralph, got called out for it live on stream. Essentially he flags everyone being ciritical with him, like Adam "Godwinson" Black. Confirmation for all the lies and liberalist corruption we already suspected.
Metokur Video on Mundane Matts Flagging Suicide this Sunday
Opera Snapshot_2018-08-12_105447_twitter.com Mundane Matt Video Metokur 1.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-08-12_105447_twitter.com Mundane Matt Video Metokur 2.png
Mundane matt face.jpg
The rotten corpse of bloodsports rises from its grave to drag Matt Jarbo with it back to hell.

Many consider his professional Youtuber career to be over after being exposed in a TRR stream. Metokur will drop a video on him THIS SUNDAY evening.

>MundaneMatt admits he is a false flagger. Witness the end of a YouTube career.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQATl_hYiw8 [Embed]
14 minute video from yellow flash comics

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/1027926994703527936 [Embed]

>"Zoe Quinn flagged my video"
>Fast forward 4 years
>"I'm in a bad headspace flagging people"

https://twitter.com/WeWuzMetokur/status/1028048714416439298 [Embed]


>Poley the polar bear will not be denied his throne.

Pek with sun wheel.png

No new Metokur video + new anti matt jarbo video taken down for graphic content
Jim fucked up his schedule again, video was only 25% done and will likely be an hour long (or more), i dont expect it before end of the week, earliest wednesday.

Also, Dame Pesos made a wonderful new Soyless Matt show. Sadly i cant post it here because the guy fucked up and got flagged for literally having a piece of scat porn in his video.I am sure a repost of a more censored version will be avaiable soon.
https://youtu.be/lkUaJyBh8zE [Embed]
Metokur's video on Mundane dropped
Emergency Update - Jim BANNED on 2 Platforms
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Opera Snapshot_2018-08-28_093647_www.youtube.com Mister Metokur Banned Twitter & Youtube August 2018.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-08-28_093839_twitter.com Twitter Ban Mister Metokur August 2018.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-08-28_100100_www.youtube.com Downfall of JF Youtube comments on archive channel.png
metokur gun to head.jpg


By the looks of it, all the bans are permanent.The youtube ban happened just about 2 hours ago.
Allegedly, Jim was Banned for Harassment, Bullying and Death Threats.

It is unknown which party did this, if he was subjected to skeptic mass flagging or something else.
The 3 suspects are Mundane Matt, SJW furries and Jews. (see the cyberjiff and David Katz video)
Also Trout and Tea and his lickspittles are active again making videos. Word is they had a hand in this too.

>Jim on TRR (On David Mad Katz/Trout Returns/McCain) With Chat Part 1/2
[YouTube] Jim on TRR (On David Mad Katz/Trout Returns/McCain) With Chat Part 1/2 [Embed]
[YouTube] Jim on TRR (Mister Metokur YouTube Terminated) With Chat Part 2/2 [Embed] (Part II, the speed is fucked here)
~45 Minute stream cut provided by Murdochian Archiver


Jims 2 last videos before he was banned
>CyberYiff 77 and David Katz: 2in1 Video (MIRROR)
[YouTube] CyberYiff 77 and David Katz: 2in1 Video (MIRROR) [Embed]

>The Ballad from the Quarry (MM Mirror+Extras)
[YouTube] The Ballad from the Quarry (MM Mirror+Extras) [Embed]
Reupload of the Mundane Matt Beatdown

EXTRA - The Downfall of JFl

Jean-Fancois Gariepy is about to go the way of Baked Alaska and Mundane Matt. He has lost both his female Cohosts Emily Youcis (The Natsoc Animator and fan favourite) and Lauren Rose over Drama, Mismanagement and "Creative Differences".

JF's is now actively censoring both his youtube channel, his guests, his streamchat and his community. He now employs an Anti-Hate Speech Policy (going as far as to mute speakers and censor certain words like retard and nigger) and removes White Nationalist talking points from his program and mass bans people taking opposition against him, even jokingly. Furthermore he came forward as a Libertarian and Feminist. I

have not been a regular Public Space watcher, but I can no longer in good consciousness recommend watching this channel, despite guests like Erik Striker from the Daily Stormer and David Duke of the KKK. It is clear that JF has not the well being of White Nationalism and a healthy community in mind and is only interested in PC corporate fame.

>Emily Youcis Speaks her Speech - Censored by JF - RalphRetort #KillStream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7dKrxZReutk [Embed]
31 minute Killstream cut from Tea clips

>Extra Salty JF responds to Cohost drama - JFG LiveStreams (Damage Control)
[YouTube] Extra Salty JF responds to Cohost drama - JFG LiveStreams [Embed]
27 minute cut from a solo public space stream, by Tea Clips.

TLDR JF does not understand entertainment value, humor and thinks everyone who disagrees with him is a troll that wants to shutdown his channel. also his massive ego and self-censorship.

Jims Streaming Channel/Backup Channel/Possible new Main Channel (formerly known as Brightsidebob)
I wonder what YT actually hopes to achieve. All they will accomplish is to drive away users. Then they will end up with only YT Kids and all the grooming videos.
keemstar gnome child.png


Due to an intervention from Daniel Keemstar and his high ups contacts on Youtube, Jims channel has been reinstated. It is unknown if the inlegitimate Brigading Strike for "Spam" on the Mad Katz video has been removed or if the streaming ability is intact.

As of the writing of the post, the twitter account has not been reinstated and it is unknown if it ever will be the case. According to the Admin of Kiwifarms, one of the people responsible for the twitter ban is a female obese SJW professor who accused Jim of enabling terrorism by publishing humorous photoshops.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AV3-joHFDfI [Embed]
>Mister Metokur Banned off YouTube! The Conservative Purge Continues.
Proof video of the Youtube ban from earlier this day.
Shame you need to have high up contacts to be able to get anything done.
Also Google AI must be shit when it can't detect targeted mass reporting.
Susan Wojciciki, CEO of Youtube.jpg

Jewtube is complete and utterly fucked, just like google and twitter, but that should surprise noone who followed the social media coverage during and post trump election. Youtube itself doesnt even turn a profit, its in the red since 2008. Its now ruled by a commiefornia jew who has no idea what the fuck she is even doing. Google doesnt care either, they are now in full Marxist Skynet mode. THis site is only valueable to them because it is a giant propaganda tool. They dont care about the users or the creators.
Can't wait for the day YT dies.
Also Google/Alphabet can go down too for good measure.
File (hide): 0B3F1D48A431BE5C514F40549E526035-1840934.mp4 (1.8 MB, Resolution:468x360 Length:00:00:23, offshore banking.mp4) [play once] [loop]
offshore banking.mp4
Jim is doing a Youtube ban stream tonight.

>The Great WhoDunIt Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAXXneKe_no [Embed]
goes live in 2 hours from this post onwards

Stream chat is already live with 1.200 people.

Metokur Doxxing Stream this Sunday, new SMS, shitload of new arc videos

Anime Art featureing The Kamoi Oiltanker from Kantai Collection.

>Streams are set to take place aproximately on the evening of September 16th, on 2 undisclosed channels. The Stream will be promoted be KEEMSTAR, expected are circa 30.000 viewers.

As expected the recent Skeptic Sunday Stream and the A13 controversy spiraled out of control into its own new IBS arc. This time Carl Benjamin is getting involved. And its getting personnel, Kid.

Yes, You read that right. Sargon got so angry at his capos getting shit on in the 2 past weeks, he decided to announce a Mister Metokur Doxxing Stream this weekend, in which he claims he will uncover the identity of Jim with illegally acquired doxxing files. Sargon has been at it for month, with secret Skeptic OPs, conspiracy theories and now claims that Jim is trying to destroy his IRL politician career. Allegedly, David Shitrat and Donga Pilkington will be involved in this as well. Doxx of Jimbo were flying around before, lastly there was an OPs on cow that exposed Jim as a former gay porn actor.

Jim announced that Ralph or himself will be doing a Stream at the same time for live reactions and to compete with the Liberalists. He anticipates the doxxing and is asking for the participants to hit them as hard as they can. This weekend could meme the end of his anonymous trolling era if Carl Keeps word on his promises. seems like this is turning into a bleud feud over internet careers, reputations and jobs.

Also also Robert Donga Pilkington from the Kumite is now claiming Jim leaked redacted files about Roberts relatives after the IBS apocalypse stream that were for his eyes only to confirm indentities.

and finally Count Dankula aka the Nazi Pug Guy (whos an actual homosexual communist with a SJW gf irl) went to the EU senate in Brussels pretending to help with the A13 contorversy.shoutout to his tailor though, his suit looked really good.

+ + +

>>> https://www.mundanemattisafatfaggot.com/ <<<



Soygon's book, Tacos in Games, Matt loves babies! Is The SoylessMatt Show #9

[YouTube] Soygon's book, Tacos in Games, Matt loves babies! Is The Soyless Matt Show #9 [Embed]

+ + +


>Jims new secret Twitter handle

>Jims new streaming channel

>Current Killstream channel due to Strikes and Skeptic OPs

>IBS /cow/ thread (Seizure/headache Warning due to birthday celebrations)

>Shitrats ED article
IF you want to read up more on the puppeteer of Trout and the CEO of the gay Skeptkics OPs, An incel MGTOW gone SJW because Lauren Southern would not fuck his anglo jew ass.

theres a lot to watch here, highlight clips exist but i think this wraps it up best

>#Killstream: Skeptics Last Stand - Sargon Seems to Threaten Metokur Dox Stream
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7dms0sS_z8 [Embed]
yesterdays 3,5 hour killstream with Jim, Ralph, Keemstar and others. lines out the scenery

>ReseTerrible Video + Sunday Stream (TIMESTAMPS)
[YouTube] ReseTerrible Video + Sunday Stream (TIMESTAMPS) [Embed]
3 hour full leghn Skeptic Sunday Stream, Bunty Kings unironic cuckoldry among other things.

>Jim on TRR - Sceptic Stream Aftermath (NO SUIT)
[YouTube] Jim on TRR - Sceptic Stream Aftermath (NO SUIT) [Embed]
Skeptic reaction to the Sunday Stream, Joking about Soygoy, Shitrat and Cunty Kang.
1 hour stream archive

>Jim on TRR with Vee - S'OiGoy, Shitrat, Suits
[YouTube] Jim on TRR with Vee - S'OiGoy, Shitrat, Suits [Embed]
more skeptic spergouts about the sunday stream, 28 minutes

>Let's Laugh at Europe Stream (WITH CHAT)
[YouTube] Let's Laugh at Europe Stream (WITH CHAT) [Embed]
2 hour stream about the Illegal Meme Law controversy, apparently this whole situation and stream added significant damage to Soigoy and his platform.

>The Great Copyright Saga of The Salty Sea (NOT JIM)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJnNnVAk0w0 [Embed]
Extra 11 minute highlight video from Murdochian Archiver, how one of Soygoys Capos (((Louis Oy'Vey))) is now going on a rage filled flagging spree to protect his don and his views. Louis is a weaboo and a commie btw.

Donga Cow Meme 1.png
Metokur Cow meme 1.png
Metokur Cow Meme 2.jpg
Sargon Cow Meme 1.png
Sargon Cow Meme 3.jpg

Sargons doxxing stream confirmed
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-14_231941_www.youtube.com Sargon Doxxing Stream.png
what is metokur.png
Link to Sargons doxxing stream, streamchat is already live.The Stream will take place sunday evening on Sargons Thinkery Channel. As for Jims counter stream, I think it will go up on Church of Failure (aka Killstream backup), but i am not sure yet.

[YouTube] Hello, Jim [Embed]

citied doxxing sources as per video description
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGjY4fyrDmc [Embed]
[YouTube] Jim on TRR with Vee - S'OiGoy, Shitrat, Suits [Embed]

By the looks of it he will read some 4chan archive and kiwi threads and play some imcriminating videos, also Jims health problems will be discussed, Jims Internet history, his face and his alleged identity.
The fuck?

I don't follow Sargoy and I don't follow Metokur much anymore either, what the fuck is happening?
171621 171623 171662
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-15_145234_www.youtube.com Mundane Matt pitiying himself Killstream.png
Sargon lusts after Milos gay cock.png
sargon of Akkad movement involvement.png
Trumps opinion on Sargon.png

as i see it this is Sargons great revenge to get back at Jim and the alt right for making fun of him, his politician career and his political movement. Sargon never forgave Jim that he joined his detractors via supporting the IBS movement back around christmas 2017. what we see here is the culmination of 9 months of Skeptic-Atheist Drama cooking over. What Sargon probably doesnt realize is that he will taint his already stained profile with this act even more. If he actually succesfully doxxes Jim he will come off as a traitorous internet terrorist who sold out his friends, if he fails he will lose his credibility and his leftover fans support will wain.

the culprit of this whole situation seems to be settled in the IBS apocolypse stream, where Zoom """doxxed""" Tonka, and this is now being reflected back upon Jim for allowing it to happen. Sargon will probably attempt to smear him for that among other things. I get the feeling there is some sort of existential fear behind this as well. Jim said this is going to be early christmas. I myself am not so optimistic. But i do hope we get a ruckus worth the drama.

TLDR Sargon is butthurt at IBS for making fun about him ant the liberalists and by extension his skeptic friends - the big stream
pic4 is fake news
Screen Shot 2018-09-15 at 7.03.47 PM.png
but Sargon has always been a cuck. He may have been against the far left, but he and his movements never never ever ever gave a solution. His movements are guilty of the same hypocrisy and evasion tactics they demonize.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwC1UI9gyhs [Embed]

It's a shame I ever liked him.
moar liek faggit blodspots
Precisely why I don't like following this IBS stuff in its current form or any of those involved anymore. Even Metokur's lost most of his comedic material in favor of e-drama that is only funny if you already hate the targets of his scorn.

>What Sargon probably doesnt realize is that he will taint his already stained profile with this act even more. If he actually succesfully doxxes Jim he will come off as a traitorous internet terrorist who sold out his friends, if he fails he will lose his credibility and his leftover fans support will wain

Stream roadmap
jew shekel kike.png
Sargons Doxxing Stream on the Thinkery will go live in circa 10 hours from this post onwards.

Ralph confirmed that they will hold a killstream on church of Failure AFTER Sargons and JimS Stream Snipe Doxxing Stream has concluded. depending how mucvh sargon can dish out i think it will go on for 1-2 hours, maybe more if the tism is just right.

It is still unknown to me where Jim will host his streamsnipe, i guess it will be on his main channel since he wants to hardball Sargon with his staggering views, but who knows. pretty sure it will be archived on Hal afterwards though.


its the dawn of idols, at last we can truly see that none of these E-celebs could ever help anyone but themselves.
Sargon prematurely ejaculated
sargon of akkad carl benjamin dankula protest london april 2018.png

Id like to inform the thread that Carl Benjamins Metokur doxxing stream took place 1 hour ago. This was more than 10 hours earlier than expected. I guess Sargon could not hold onto his erection any longer and had to blow his load. Or Sargon wanted to dodge negative attention from Jims Stream Snipe and others.

Hello, Jim- streamed at 1pm Central European Time
[YouTube] Hello, Jim [Embed]
70 minutes

NOTE: - Sargon Had technical problems and did not notice his sound was broken up until 20 minutes in. skip that moment. if you dont care about streamchat (streamchat had slowmode on)


Ralphs Reactionary Stream to the surprise Doxxing stream, currently still live. 1+ hour long
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rgYVxePCSE [Embed]

comment from sargon on the video

Pinned by The Thinkery
The Thinkery
1 minute ago
Hey kids! Here are some sources for you to ignore!

Damage control/lies from Wild Smile

Wild Smile doesn't like bullies

Ralph thinks doxing is lulzy

Habermann's description of Metokur's paranoia

Habermann believes Jim is a pathological liar

One of Jim's grooming victims speaks out
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGjY4fyrDmc [Embed]

Jim in the process of grooming a 17 year old

Jim's sick, you guys. Real sick. Send superchats

Jim's questions for me
[YouTube] Jim on TRR with Vee - S'OiGoy, Shitrat, Suits [Embed]

Jim "traps" himself
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6YSdUQUwRE [Embed]

Jim talks about his own personality for 2 minutes
[YouTube] Let's Laugh at Europe Stream (WITH CHAT) [Embed]

Sargon the Soyfather.jpg

i am about half an hour into the sargon stream
i am not assuming anythign said here is true, nor do i say it is a lie. i am just quoting

as far as i can tell this is sargons attempt at a smearing campaing
he tries to strawmen Jim, his supportes and fans
as an internet harassment group
of which he is the leader
jim is circa 38 years old
he likes to be in the company of underage boys
might be a homosexual and is grooming them
sargon is now bragging about his eu visit
and says jim has no idea how politics work
and jim is not sick
hes just pretending to be sick for money
tldr sargon is doing a sarkeesian on jim
jim is a harassing liar and doxxer and a pedo
and a cult leader

"The difference between me and you Jim is, I am saying the truth. and you say things that might be true."
"You are just a fucking liar, you lie to yourself and your audience. You montized being evil on the internet for your own ego."

owner of kiwifarms joshua moon.png

"This was a lot worse than i expected.

This entire stream was a humblebrag. Its the Tommy Wiseaus "The Room" of IBS streams. Sargon comes from the Eu Senate, the highest Power in Europe. And the first thing he does is breaking of a feud with an Internet troll who. All that time while complaining about doxxing while using my own fucking website"

- Owner Of Kiwifarms, about Sargons doxxing Stream.
metokur autism hat.jpg
"People, big and small, are going to pick this apart for weeks."
"Its so hot in here, Sargon is self-immolating. Its burning through the screen."

Id also like to mention that Sargon disabled streamchat and is now actively censoring the comment section. His viewership was sitting at about 3.500 viewers with the same amount of dislikes. People have also already send this to UKIP. and maybe the BBC too.

Jims response to Sargons Stream was "Boys, I hope you are hungry. Meat is back on the Menu. Sunday Sunday Sunday = FUNDAY"

Jims stream will be going live on 1pm Central US Time.
This slap fight may actually have further reaching implications than what's on the surface. If this was just an internet autism fest, the worst that could happen is the end of a Youtube career. It sucks, but one can then just go back into the workforce doing a real Job.

Sargon of Akkad is trying to get into politics, and has sided with the opposition party (UKIP). If this autism reaches critical levels, Sargon could be ejected from UKIP for being a liability. Worse, if traditional media picks up this story than it will be a pain to get an actual job. No one would employ an autistic sperg that sided with Le Literal Nazis.

Jim might be right, Sargon is doing this for ego. That, or Spencer is right and Sargon is not not as smart as he thinks he is.
gabe newell child porn.png

took us 9 months but we finally have the stepfather on the hook. Worth the weight. Love me some life and career destroying internet drama. This could get even bigger than the recent mundane matt drama with all the irl consequences. Once again the corpse of IBS drags a skeptic back to hell. And not just anyone. Argueably the King of the Skeptics.
Holy shit! I thought that was Gaben for a second
Vees and Sargons relationship in one picture.png
Jims Butcher Stream goes live in 2 hours, allegedly with an unknown co-host.

Killstream goes live at 8 pm tonight US eastern time.
Guest are Keemstar, Dick Masterson, James Allsup and others.
171766 171767
What's the Killstream about? If it has to do with the Metokur/Sargon drama, why's Dick involved? M-m-muh husbando, please no bulli...
Doxxing Streamsnipe
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-16_192309_www.youtube.com Metokur doxxing Stream Sargon of Akkad Carl Benjamin.png
Metokur-Sargon Doxxing Streamsnipe

going LIVE in 35 Minutes.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BADl13XGZFk [Embed]

>currently 3.200 people waiting

ever since the Maddox lolsuit and the Mundane Matt Drama (Matt was friends with Maddox), Dick is considered a supporter of the Killstream. He has also been recently been dogpiled on by skeptics. He was at least once on the killstream before. maybe more often, i dont watch every episode.
dick masterson maddox lolsuit crisis in one picture.png

>What's the Killstream about?

Ralph said this new Feude Betwen Sargon and Metokur is so juicy, it will probably stuff the streaming schedule for the rest of September, if it grows cancerous maybe even the whole fall.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BADl13XGZFk [Embed]

10.000 Watchers
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-16_200245_www.youtube.com metokur doxxing stream.png
stream is now marching towards 20k viewers

expected stream lenghts 2-3 hours
Sargon has joined the streamchat.
currently sitting at 25.000 viewers

they are currently going through sargons doxxing video
stream might get talen down due to instant copyright strikt from sargon
NEXT UP in circa 3 hours
Host Ethan Ralph "Retort", Daniel Keem"Star", Dick Masterson, James Allsup and Sargons cum toilet Quarterpounder

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ13tSJgxWk [Embed]

stream is wrapping up, Jim is now reading superchats for 30 minutes. Stream peaked at circa 27.500 viewers. I dont think Sargons anus will recover from this assfucking anytime soon. Jim called him a fat retarded asshole, on the intellectual level of diaperfurs, all skeptics are unironic cuckholds, and anita of akkad kills any movement he joins like a soul vampire.also never forget this was all kicked off because sargon got angry at jim for retweeting a murdoch murdoch clip that made fun of him.

Screen Shot 2018-09-16 at 7.11.16 PM.png
Instantly Deleted
171804 171805
What was deleted?
171805 171821
The Mister Metokur stream
171819 171821
the one that happened today, exposing sargon.
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this?
>"UKIP is a liberalist party now!"
>"I'm going to change the world! I'm going for an interview on CNN and in one year's time I'll be shaking hands with Trump."
>Having this big of a head

Jesus christ. This is frustrating even with Masterson's commentary.
171821 171822
I missed the stream, plz tell me that there's some vids of Sargon gettng BTFO ;_;
Metokur deletes his streams when he is done. You can find it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IuZFKSh6ueY&t=4003s [Embed] with no chat. Others will mirror it with chat eventually.
https://youtu.be/IuZFKSh6ueY [Embed]
Fuck the chat, I love u no homo
I'm surprised at the lack of commentary here after Metokur, Sarg'n and the Killstream guys have all said their pieces. What's goin' on?Have you all come to realize the truth: that IBS is a waste of your time and this is nothing but squabbling while the next generation cries for your contribution to their survival?
mundane matt dancing.gif

yes and no. its just a throwaway entertainment breadcircus.

that said its kind of a big deal since we are likely witnessing a power shift taking place here.

Why are there no more replies? Well. MLPOL is kind of dying more by the month. thats about it. Look at other more important threads. they barely get any replies at all, many of them oneliners. thats a sitewide community issue.
Post Jim Stream - Sargon Spergs out at Teal Dear, Subloss and Killstream
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-16_230831_twitter.com sargon of akkad carl benjamin doxxing stream wojak cry.png
jim sargon markiplier stream viewer numbers youtube.png
>You Gotta Pump Up Those Numbers, Rookie
[YouTube] You Gotta Pump Up Those Numbers, Rookie [Embed]
Sargon tries to strawman Jim quotes against himself.

>TL;DR Hunting
[YouTube] TL;DR Hunting [Embed]
Sargons spergy response video to Teal Deers BTFO comment on his horrendous Doxxing video.

>#Killstream: Bloody Sunday Supershow
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZ13tSJgxWk [Embed]
3 hour Killstream from tonight. Allsup and Quarterpunder did not show up, Dankula, Dame Pesos and Null however did, among others. Call night included. Dick Masterson is now officially an enemy of the stepfather.

Also Short Fat Creatura and Arch Cuckhammer Suggested Sargon should challenge Jim to a boxxing match. Sargon agreed. Keemstar said he will now try to said this up.

Also Sargons sock twitter "War Plan Purple" is trying to make fun of jim and fails. Sargon lost almost 2.000 subs on his main channel as of the time of this writing
171895 171899
>site has the highest UID# ever, at just shy of 3.5k
>still claims the site is dying cuz ppl aren't replying in the threads he thinks are important
Oh Vril, we've been going around in circles about this since June of '17. Posts are aren't super high cuz Mlpol anons are more interested in reading/comprehending the material on their own than discussing it to reach a conclusion.
171899 171954
mlpol posts per month november 2017 - july 2018.jpg

to my knowledge Vril has barely (if ever) posted in this thread. he does not seem to be interested in IBS. I would suggest Vril either gets himself a flag fitting his nationality or we globally turn flags off.

Also those are all time IDs, not recently active ones. i doubt those are still in the triple digits if the football poll thread was any indication.

Shoutout to Vril for this chart.
I visit the most active threads and they have long periods of silence quite often. And as he mentioned, one-liners are very common. I know we have more people but it seems like a technicality, not a true improvement.

Also can you not with the smug reaction pics? I'm struggling to breathe in an atmosphere so inundated with reddit. This issue is not a simple "haha, Vril's so stupid" - it's a serious and complex topic of community activity and as >>171895 shows the posts are still nowhere near their past peaks.

Vril may be obsessed with minutia, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about the same things.
>all-time IDs
Wrong, that number is based on the last 30 days, if you watch the number it goes up and down frequently
>one liners
Because as I said, anons do their own research and make up their own minds, often posting simply to implicitly contest/agree with previous posts without advocating for one position or another.
Sorry that our posters have jobs, lives, aspirations, and responsibilities that limit their participation to less than 24/7. You're right though, it is a serious and complex topic, and writing it off as "Posts are down, Mlpol is dying" is missing the point.
Realize that Mlpol was founded in the wake of the Trump election/inauguration, where the chan activity-level was high and excited. Realize also that anons are far too heavily abiding Rule # 1&2 which have long since been removed. Realize further that with lulzy exception, shill threads are nuked almost on sight, and shills are called out and trolled to death (often without horsepussy, for some reason). There's far more too it - again it is a serious and complex topic - but one to which a disservice is done by writing the board off as dying/dead cuz 'muh post numbers'.
>no smug reactions
>pic related
Killstream curbsstombs Sargon Edward Norton Style
Carl_the_cuck_Benjamin meme.png
sargon dont make me run.jpg
File (hide): 08F0116545E83F014C68DAFA154EDCD3-5724657.webm (5.5 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:03:34, Hotline Miami 2 Roller Mobster.webm) [play once] [loop]
Hotline Miami 2 Roller Mobster.webm

>Killstream from last night
https://youtu.be/WMYYbPZRcLY [Embed]
3 hours, recommended for watch

>Why People Hate Sargon Analyzing His Smug Arogance and Lack of Self Awareness
[YouTube] Why People Hate Sargon Analyzing His Smug Arogance and Lack of Self Awareness (Edit Version in Desc) [Embed]
90 minute stream from Argent

>Based Dalai Lama | w/ David Duke, TPS #142 <<< - not Sargon related
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4wC6d-vMNM [Embed]
2 hour Public space stream, JF and Dr. David Duke talk about the head of the Buddhist Religion supporting white nationalism


TLDR of what happened

This was argueable some of the most destructive material i have seen about Carl Benjamin in a long time, argueably even worse than Jims last stream about him. Ralph and his cohost dug up so much dirt about him, this is suitable for its own ED entry.

- Sargon hosted was on a Stream with Anus Yee
- Carl Defended Pedophilia on top of being a tranny chaser and public Niggerdick spammer
- Said Age of consent "depends on the child" (this is now being turned into a meme). It seems him saying Jim was "living the dream" by being sourrounded by teenage boys was genuine
- was recorded on stream allegedly snorting a line of cocaine
- had a 3 hour interview with the BBC (aka British fake MSM news)
- they will onyl use 4 minutes of it, it is very likely they will character assassinate him
- The BBC likely has access to all the dumb and politically incorrect shit he did and said in the past
- was secretly in a recorded conversation with a an actual educated UKIP party representative
- Ukip representative politely BTFOd him
- said his followers are not serious, sargon has poor knowledge of John Locke (aka the guy he based the liberalist party on) and normal voters dont care about his youtube/kekistan shit
- said his actions could damage the parties reputation and membergrowth
- Carl was whiteknighted (in a private conversation) by Vee
- according to himself he indentifies as Center-Left ideology wise
- Carl admitted to have only joined ukip for attention and to "influence" them, not because he supports the party
- Sargon admitted to being War plan purple on twitter, will likely get banned soon for ban dodging
- theres a rumor of his wife having left him
- declared his own liberalist movement to be dead
- Ukip leadership has been informed about his recent actions
- Teal Deer will make a retailiation video in response to the Carls Comment Section Video
- his henchman Vee seems to be an animal abuser, recorded himself squeezing a cat on youtube until it made noises
- David Shitrat aka the guy who kicked of the skeptic doxxing server with trout, is not only an SJW incel but also a confirmed autist and was active in an autism forum

this just in
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCKOzUzB_fw [Embed]

Tim Morrison aka Harmful opinions is being accused of Slandering Carl Benjamin as a Pedophile, without proof.
Murdoch Murdoch Sargon Debates dr. Murdoch Dopamin.png
the infamous Murdoch Murdoch video that kicked off the Sargon VS Jim Controversy, when Jim Retweeted a clip from it. Becomes more true by the day.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2-W9za0fF8 [Embed]

11 minutes reupload
Teal Deer on Carl Benjamin
Teal Deer Skinwalker in suit.png

sorr for the disjointed posts today but i keep finding context sensitive material
I think i posted this in the Killroy thread before, but this is relevant

>TL;DR on Sargon Of Akkad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi5Izn5E8sY [Embed]
20 Minute video from Summer 2017, Teal Deer talking Sargon and his incestuous relationships with the Skeptic Cabal/Fellowship of Akkad/Anti-SJWs/Atheists/Candid Supports etc.
Sargon Cow Meme 2.gif

>Secret Recording Between Sargon and UKIP Official Mauritian Struggle
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoaCLf_pwGM [Embed]
34 Minute singular segment from the Killstream, Sargon getting told off by an established UKIP Member while Vee is whiteknighting him (in a private conversation)
Sargon getting nervous about him being called a Pedo, and its just tuesday
Sargon about fucking children.png
Teal Dear Comment Chain on Sargons doxxing video.jpg
File (hide): 9F2A6A8891D10CD38C561E4BAB336F06-10531354.webm (10.0 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:02:06, The_absolute State_of_The_Kumite.webm) [play once] [loop]
The_absolute State_of_The_Kumite.webm
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Despite advising his community and others not to engage with IBS and alt right, Carl Benjamin has just sent a request to Ethan Ralph to come onto a Stream on Sagons channel. I suspect the pedophile allegations, that he himself threw out against Jim, are now bothering him enough to disregard his own directives when he is on the receiving end.

Ralph probably wont go on since sargon dodged every single last offer to come onto his show. Also a screencap of the ENTIRE comment section of the teal dear comment on sargons doxxing video and a webm about dongas dead dream.
MSM smarpiece on IBS and Skeptics
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something i found on jims new twitter

https://twitter.com/zyntrax/status/1042092948811403265 [Embed]

Material on some sort of globalist funded online study/smear piece against thought criminals on youtube. They call this whole shit the "Alternative influencer network"

it should be pointed out that the normies and MSM unironically think that the skeptics and the alt right are the same and that Carl Benjamin is a white nationalisti collaborator supporting internet extremism.
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Full PDF
>Roller Mobster
I fucking love Carpenter Brut so much. When I heard that in Hotline Miami 2 and Hacknet I was in love.

Anyway, holy shit man. That's some spicy shit.
>Despite advising his community and others not to engage with IBS and alt right, Carl Benjamin has just sent a request to Ethan Ralph to come onto a Stream on Sagons channel. I suspect the pedophile allegations, that he himself threw out against Jim, are now bothering him enough to disregard his own directives when he is on the receiving end.

I hope Sargon never lives this down. I don't even care about Metokur's reputation but fuck Sargon's, after all the shit he and his centrist cabal have been pulling this last year.
>"Saaah-gon, Saaah-gonnn, Sa'gon Sa'gon Sa'gon..."
>I-I-I-I'm done with this debate! Humph! I think I've shown your dishonesty, gatekeeper!! This debate's over. *continues to talk*

He sounds like he's explaining to a child that liberals and conservatives hold different values
third day after the sargon-metokur doxxing streams
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Author of the anti IBS PDF, no lip.png
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smart man sargon statue.jpg

thank you for the PDF Anon, Although the document is trash propaganda this is helpful to have. I will say more about it later.


I played Hotline Miami 2 as well. For some reason i keep stumpling over music from this game. I am pretty sure 8pol also used it in their famous anti Rapefugee video from 2015. there was much drama about it.

Sargon repeatedly fucked himself very hard for years. how he can think that someone with his public profile is even fit to be in a serious politcally party is absurd. therer is so much dirt about him avaiable. And Sargon isnt just a youtuber, he is objectively speaking a thought leader in his sphere and beyond. so whatever happens to him has consequences for more people than just him. I myself used to be subscribed to him since Gamergate, i stopped watching him around 2016 since i noticed he wasnt radical enough and did nothing for white nationalism. eventually I unsubscribed in 2017 when i realised he was trying to sell out to MSM. I must note that i considered blacklisting him already during the Candid controversy but decided to keep him on tap at the time since he was - well, the Don of the Skeptics. So ive been disillusioned about Carl Benjamin and his schemes for years. His intellectual fence sitting, his lies, his failure at leadership and getting shit done my interest sphere.

The Guy from UKIP who BTFOd Carl will soon be on the Killstream as well (again) together with James Allsup. he was already there in august but i guess these are changed circumstances. Ukip would do well kicking Carl out before the BBC mini docu hits the scenes. Their party could get hit by a serious blow if it turns out this clown is in their ranks.

Speaking of James Allsup, he is now being accused of being the culprit of the Kilroy Controversy. More on that later.

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>Killstream from tonight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fB8uKVIJxeg [Embed]
3 hours

>Styx' dumb Fencesitter video about the Drama (more on that later)
[YouTube] The Unhelpful Nature of the Sargon/Metokur "Feud" And Other Such Similar Creator Infighting [Embed]
11 minutes


- Keemstar invited Jim and Carl to a drama Alert Stream, possible Charity involved.
- Jim agreed, Carl did not (yet)
- Sargon attempts to deflect the pedophile material with increasingly desperate (((pilpul))) (aka the jewish craft of professional lying and speechbased manipulation), but keeps failing
- Mauritian Struggle, aka the UKIP guy who had a talk with sargon about his grand delusions, will soon be on the killstream
- James allsup will soon be avaiable as well, i strongl suspect he will talk about the Kilroy revisionism

- Jim apparently saved the life and professional likelyhood of an Anime artist September 2017
- Apparently some guy who ran a scam patreon for cancer teamed up with a fake news site and blackmailed him, Jim blew it all to bits when he tweeted about it
- the anime artist now makes over 10k a month. anime art related - https://twitter.com/Merryweatherey[/og - consider a look
- Ralph will NOT go onto a stream with Sargon unless Chat and Superchats are open and the earnings will be delivered to a cancer charity
- Sargon keeps trying to pilpul his way out of the pedophile material about him but fails

- Tarl Warwick aka Styx Hexenhammer 666 made a poorly researched opinion piece about the whole Sargon-Metokur Drama in which he calls for cohesion and community. It should be pointed out that Tarl selfadmitted in this video that he didnt do research on the topic, that he usually does not dabble in Drama and that he - once again- outed himself as the ultimate fence sitting centrist by not taking sides.

Id like to mention at this oppurtunity that Tarl was one of a handful of people who clung onto Kilroy back inD ecember 2017 until it almost was to late and the Jim videos about the kilroy controversy started hitting the seen. I get the impression that Tarl not only thinks like a collectivist who expect everyone in his circle to act like sheep but that he also seems to be socially handcicapped when it comes to conflicts in his close proxmimity/interest groups. I knew of these tendiecies of Tarls along with the allegations of Crossdressing and homosexuality, but i will state that i found this video not only uninformed, but also dumb since he fails to realise that it was Carl and the Skeptics who sold the Ringt wing youtubers out to the MSM and started campaigning against them first. Tarl needs to drop this neutral centrist bullshit act.

- Based Mama from Kilroy Event is now a confirmed SJW, collaborating with NGOs and MSM
- She went to a radical Antifa prpoagandaist to write a revisionist history article about Kilroy
- Obviously the monetary scams, lies, false advertisements, backstage collusion, refund scams and censorhsip against guests, topics and patrons were never mentioned
- most of this is now being deflected against James Allsup, who is framed as a harassing racist
- of course BM claims people tried to kill her children and foreign guests at the snorefest

- IBS/AltRight/Ring Wing Youtubers are now called Alternative Influencer Network (short AIN) by the MSM
- People coined the slogan "AIN is as a whole." (speak it out loudly...)
- the peopel who put out that Smearpiece are a Neomarxist NGO called "Data and Society" and are funded by George Soros
- Almost all fake news who reported about this are jews or feminists
- the CEO of this shitheap is the same obese Walrus that Accused Jim of "Sourcehacking" a month back and was suspected to got at least 1 of his accounts banned
- the Data and Society NGO is unsurprisingly openly advocating for thought crime screenings, Bans and Deplatforming of Right Wing Youtubers and their guests

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Merryweather thicc anime bunny girl 11.png

more anime art from Merryweather, aka the guy who was saved from being blackmailed by a cancer scammer

Could you elaborate on that

Merryweather called into the Killstream yesterday and told his story how he was blackmailed by a charity scammer. This happened some time in September 2017. i dont remember it but several people in the audience backed it up. He said after Jim tweeted about it, the problem was cleared. now the guy can work in piece drawing anime tits for money in japan.
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Carl Benjamin Secret Tape Sargon of Akkad UKIP.webm
Carlo Soiavelli has an Important Message (NOT JIM)
[YouTube] Carlo Soiavelli has an Important Message (NOT JIM) [Embed]

Murdochian is Fackelmanning Carls shit up.
triple kek
I am dead. That is wonderful.
New Trout Leaks - Antifa-Kilroy Reports, Allsup talks revisionism, New Jim Stream Sunday
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File (hide): DA99EAD444E86F49F106F366DC462655-2692531.mp4 (2.6 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:00:20, metokur doxxing thread in 20 seconds.mp4) [play once] [loop]
metokur doxxing thread in 20 seconds.mp4
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>FouseyTube: An Alternate Reality [2] - recommended for Watch
[YouTube] FouseyTube: An Alternate Reality [2] [Embed]
30 minutes

Collosal is Crazy has broken his 2 year hiatus and is making lolcow videos about E-Celebs again. Watch him tear apart an insane sandnigger demagogue. If you never watched this channel before, the guy does regular streams with Keemstar, is from England and has better edit skills and equipment than Jim. Most of his videos have over a million views, but hes also a lazy cunt.

>Killstream from tonight
https://youtu.be/wltlTMmq_oA [Embed]
3 hours


That stream was very grating to listen to, did not really enjoy it, some sections were really bad.

- Jim was on
- New Metokur Sunday Funday Stream this week on 5pm Central US Time confirmed
- Encyclopedia Dramatica retweeted some disgusting chatlogs from a harccore Furry who fucks roadkill, Jims next video might feature that soon
- Talked briefly about the new Trout leaks

- Ralph had birthday
- killstream was temporarily unbanned from youtube trending at rank 2

- no real news about Sargon Drama for now

- Allsup was on
- talked about the new revisionist allegations against him From Based Mama and Kilroy
- talked about Sargon
- no real news about Sargon Drama for now
- he and baldy manlet tim Pool are now being accused of being extremeists for associating with right wing youtubers
- Kilroy and Right Wing Watch try to strawmen everyone who brought down Kilroy as an extremist harassing right winger

- some guy who owns a 3D gunprinter company was seemingly set up by the FBI and fucked a 16 year old
- that girl was registered on a sexworker site for people age 18+, also had a fake ID saying she was 18

- David Shitrat is a crowdfunding scammer
- Shitrat roleplaying as Halal Desert Rat on twitter, that one exmuslim who helped Basedf Mama rake in money

- Trout has a new twitter
- Trout is running a new Discord OPs server
- 30 Minute Leaked Audio segment
- Trout seemingly kicked off the Hitpiece an Antifa Website wrote about Kilroy and Based Mama
- Based Mama confirmed having incetrous relationships with Trout and Antifa,colluding against Right Wingers
- of course they are an absolute disaster and they had audio leaked from an inner circle call
- Trout went to 2 different lawyers and spend money to win internet arguments
- The audio quality was shit tier, people constantly screaming over each other
- they are larping as Gulag prison keepers

- Fake Ross Aka Dreamstar is in Trouts new OPs Server
- Fake Ross is allegedly an underage puerto rican SJW that threatened terrorist attacks on trump rallies

- Bronx Blogger aka Pozzed Blogger was on
- Pozzed Blogger is a radical Antifa Propagangist and a homosexual, recently got infested with AIDS after gay buttsex.
- is for some reason ashamed when people say he got fucked in the ass
- blocks people easyly
- BB tried to whiteknight Fake ross for his Terrorism and tried to get Ralph to Ban Zidan as Cohost
- sperged out about the alt right planning serious mass genocide and Ralph is enabling it
- Antifa is now siding with Kilroy and the Skeptics
- Zidan is now running with the gay Genocide meme
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Sacre Bleu.jpg

how horryfying awoo.jpg

Metokurist Murdochian Archiver
>Jim on TRR - Septics/Trout Leaks/Fake Ross/Sunday Fun-Day (WITH CHAT)
14 minutes jim clip from TRR about the new Trout leaks

>OP;ED - Hollow Gestures
[YouTube] OP;ED - Hollow Gestures [Embed]
Teak deer

teal deer on ukip and sargon
this was before the recent doxxing stream drama i think
teal deer is also suspected to have leaked the mauritian struggle UKIP call

[YouTube] Jim on TRR - Septics/Trout Leaks/Fake Ross/Sunday Fun-Day (WITH CHAT) [Embed]
Holy shit dude, that's a lot of happenings. I'm especially happy to see Colossal coming back for FouseyTube pt. 2. Also:
>David Shitrat being a shitrat again

Oh noooo, who could have ever suspected such a thiiiing. Ever since the whole thing with EdgySphinx's initial leaving of jewtube I knew that David was a filthy fink. The Kraut drama only further incriminated the little fucking rat.
I love the porn lawyer and Gamergate pic. 11/10.

Also that's a QT3.14 blonde maid.
Person of Interest
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Pew die pie Obama nigger.webm
soy goku.jpg
Kero the Wolf without fursuit.jpg

I give to you, the quintessential Furry.'
Metokur video coming circa this Saturday evening.

EXTREME FURRY DEGENERACY, 3D Printer Gunsmith Legal Case, Spergouts
Liberalists are the fat kid.jpeg
Mister Metokur IRL real face with gf James Triston.jpg
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russel whiteknights baked alaska against jim.jpg
trout hillary shitting himself.jpg
"The furry story is completely fucking nuts. These people need to be agressively and violently sunsetted" - Ethan Ralph, September 2018

>Killstream from tonight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bf53F4Zqys [Embed]
3 hours

No famous guests, Calls were taken.


- no new Sargon Drama
- Ralph Plays Murdochians UKIP Video
- Mundane Matt turns of Downvotes on his channel
- Kurt Eichenwalds claims he is getting raped when he has GIF seizures
- Trout spergouts after new leaks have been played
- Tommy Robinson will be put in Jail for 30 months
- Trout uses Natsoc terminology against detractors despite being a SJW who colludes with Antifa
- Killstream talks about Kero the Wolf, aka the Hardcore Furry Necro Pedophile that will be in Jims new Video
- Stream disavows Furrydeam and needs more gas
- Stream talks about the independent 3D Printer Gunsmith who was set up by the FBI with an underage whore
- the guy fled to Taiwan with a million dollars, will probably never return to the USA
- A lot of legal Yapping about the Gunsmith Case

The gunsmith and the furry sections made up about 80% of the stream. No in depth coverage today. If you want to get ahead of Jims videos, read up more on this subhuman here and in the cited resources >>172929

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in other news

Dame Pesos/Soyless matt show got flagged, Mirrors of the video were taken down within 1 hour.
Dame is contemplating to rename his program.

Gunsmith 30 minute interview
>Cody Wilson Calls into The Dick Show Between the SugarDaddy Incident and his Arrest
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWDuxho3KKg [Embed]
the 3D Printer Gunsmith calls in, fled to taiwan afterwards

Google and Youtube purged all his accounts off the internet too
Mister Metokur has released a new video on the furry fandom. If this is their history, no wonder they are hated.

https://youtu.be/sbzUOajs2d8 [Embed]
Good fucking god.
whats the matter.jpg
>Killstream from tonight
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJgInOiN4Fg [Embed]
3 hours

Weekend Edition - Call in Night
have not watched it yet myself, will maybe later post a summary

Topics are yet again new Trout Leaks and - of course - Jims video about the Furry Extremeist.

short summary
this is heresy warhammer 40000 exterminatus.mp4
really makes you think.jpg
Im about 2 hours into the video. Ralph and Gator talked almost exclusively about the new Trout leaks. They are mildly entertaining. Several callers were on, no other guests, no Zidan, No Sargon Drama.

Cody Wilson was arrested in Taiwan and will likely be handed over the US Authorities.

Veetarded Elmar Fudd fucked Trouts server pretty hard while they attempted to dogpile him. Lots of Liberalist spergists, ad hominems and attempts at smearing, more rage and shittalking. Also Mouthy Buddha came forward whiteknighing trout. Seems like the Skeptics are trying very hard to restore Trouts youtube career. Its not looking good and i would say they are making it was then it was before. It seems like 90% of Trouts 200 man server is Killstream trolls fucking with them. Some people think Trout is leaking this audio now by himself to stay relevant.

The rest of the video was pretty much laughing and being disgusted at Keros Furry Shit. If you want to delve deeper into that Heresy, check out his dedicated Thread on /sp/. Doxx is now avaiable too if you want to help to peacefully sunset Joshua Hoffmann.

Oh also, Cody Wilson was arrested in Taiwan and will likely be handed over the US Authorities. He will likely go to jail for at least 8 years and never be able to work with guns again.

before i forget it, Jim seemingly stil plans to make a Sunday Stream in circa 30 hours.
Does he still take callers, or is it still all super chat money grubbing now?
Furfag Blood for Khorne (reupload).mp3

Ralph does a call in stream once a week, sometimes during the week via Discord. i am not really familiar with ralphs stream, just getting into it myself.

Jim does Call in streams too but on a much less regular basis and only via Skype. i have seen him do maybe 4 or 5 of that type. Since jim seemingly is now doing these sunday streams weekly for the foreseeable future, he might include this as a regular part of the show.
Sundar Funday Stream starts in circa 3 hours., most likely on Jims main Channel. By the looks of it he will probably talk about the damage control from the furry degenerate and maybe the linux tranny takeover.
Sunday Funday Stream starts in 5 minutes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQBmdiFpVSw [Embed]
Sunday Stream Summary
Bunty King Metokur.png
Reupload of Jims stream
[YouTube] Sunday Funday Stream (WITH LIVE CHAT and TIMESTAMPS) [Embed]
100 minutes

- okayish stream, first half is good
- 40 minute superchat reading
- Sargon gets made fun of
- Sargon is now being shredded by the british press like he attempted with Jim
- Sargons politican career and reputation are getting assasinated in real time
- Cunty Kang gets made fun of
- has a fetish for piss, shit and smell
- pretty disgusting section fit for a loopooer
- that makes up the most part outside of the superchat reading
- Jim now has a feude with Tommy C from the Baited Podcast
- Jim now has a feude with Donga from the Kumite
- Jim will not attend anymore Kumites
- made a Holobunga impression of Donga
- Jim will NOT make a video on the SJW HBomberGuy from the Metokur Website
- Jim did amateur sports as a school kid

- Next week will be a new Sunday stream. Main Topic will be david Shitrat, his exploits in an autism Forum and his 10.000 Dollar crowdfunding scame.
y2mate.com - poo_2_the_loo_Ll0GCPFpNQs.mp3
[YouTube] "Poo 2 The Loo" [Embed]

featured song
Sargon Retires, Matts dead Career, Charity and more
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-- Image material featureing Princess Bowsette Koopa, a viral fan character from New Super Mario Bros WII U Deluxe. For more content, check out the dedicated compilation thread on /a/ -- https://mlpol.net/a/res/339.html --

+ + + SARGON OF AKKAD Announces Partial Retirement + + +

Not even 2 weeks after a personal attempt at character assassination with pedophile and cultism allegations against James William Tristan (along with a doxxing attempt), Carl Benjamin announces that he will partially retire from his Internet career and go on an Internet vacation of undisclosed lenght.

The Main reason Cited by Him is """Burnout""". It is quite obvious that there are serious problems going on behind the scenes. On top of the increasingly common and harsh hounding Mr. Benjamin now receives from the british press it is also suspected that he has been threatened with extortion from the UKIP party. Several people have come forward starting that Carls participation is ACTIVELY DAMAGING the parties reputation.

It is expected that this "vacation" and its ramifications will deliver a long term blow to both Carl's Internet and IRL career, tanking his viewership, channel metrics, personal accountability and Job opportunities permanently.

The great takeway from all of this is, That Richard Spencer was not only right about Sargon "Not being as intelligent as he thinks he is", but also that this prominent white Nationalist deliver the Death Touch to the Don of the Skeptics. A public disgrace that Carl Bejjamin may fail to outlife.



Quick Rundown-ish video on the situation
>Sargon Pulls Plug on TWIS | It's Afraid, TPS #153
https://youtu.be/1MuNE__2MD0 [Embed]
26 minute Public Space from JF

>Jim on The Killstream - Sargon Quits/Furies/Donka/Keemstar (WITH CHAT)
[YouTube] Jim on TRR - Sargon Quits/Furies/Donka/Keemstar (WITH CHAT) [Embed]
40 minute Stream highlight from Killstream tonight by Murdochian Archiver

>Transitioning From Online Activism to Party Politics or Sargon vs Mauritian Struggle on Joining UKIP
[YouTube] Transitioning From Online Activism to Party Politics or Sargon vs Mauritian Struggle on Joining UKIP [Embed]
1 hour stream from Argent, reviewing the retirement and the Interview with Mauritian Struggle

#Killstream Mirror [9/24/18]:
https://youtu.be/MoW2br_BY7U [Embed]
Killstream from tonight - 3 hours


Quick Rundown on the Sargon Retirement

- The Partial Retirement is effective IMMEDIATELY
- Sargon got BTFOs after his Doxxing Stream
- Press is hounding him, all his dirty laundry has been aired out
- BBC is making a smear docu on him
- Ukip hates him
- Ukip members exposed him as unsuitable
- Sargon will no longer be covering News events
- his long time series "This Week in Stupid" will be permanently abandoned
- Sargon will significantly reduce his internet activity
- this counts for all his youtube channels, streams, social media and other activity
- Sargon vows that he WILL NOT pursue an office in Ukip
- he will now take on a passive role in the community
- asks his followers to supports other "Culture Warriors" from now on
- it is unlikely he will participate in any more streams or other leakable conversations or perhaps even IRL events
- he will suspend or discontinue several other small projects
- his content will likely suffer a significant drop in quality and quantity mid term

Short Summary of the Killstream

- Ralph, Gator and Zidan were on
- Jim and Keemstar were guests
- Calls were taken
- Topic was obviously Sargons retirement in great lengh
- a clip was played where sargon screams several racial slurs during a video
- Mundane Matt made a terrible apology video
- didnt even apologize to Ralph despite flagging him
- Matts channel is dying.
- Jim reconfirmed Shitrat Stream on Sunday
- Ralph announced a charity Stream for Child cancer
- Keemstar will join this
- Kumite and Tonka were made fun of
- Jim announced that he will never attend a Kumite again and that he enjoys Donga Posting
- Jim calls out Styx for being a cowardly centrist in the Boomer Groomer controversy
- Jim declares he is not part of a community and will not not start drama or defend himself to "not damage" such a thing
- Tommy C, one of Keemstars former podcast cohosts, gets made fun of
- Furries are butthurt over the Kero the Wolf video and are now partially defending him
- People are now going full CSI on Kero to prove he is guilty and that his deflections of guilt are based on lies

Absolutely btfo. This is what he gets for ruining kekistan. What a Boomer.
mlp catgirl human porn.jpg

epic triple hitler get check. Justice is served. with Monster energy.

>Killstream from tonight
https://www.bitchute.com/video/yaukZSDZxdM/ [Embed]
3 hours

Stream got taken down due to a copyright complait by the BBC. tried 4 different VPNs, none worked, although the original video is still up. also the comments are closed, this is not normal.

This is a reupload to Bitchute with Chat.

Short Summary

- no guests
- lotsa calls were taken

- Jim will maybe put out a new video before the end of the week.
- Ralph confirmed charity Stream for this saturday.
- Bill Cosby is now in prison
- Some leftycuck feminist fake news peddler raped a bitch and seemingly got aay with it because favouritism
- no new trout drama
- Sargon will likely not attend a killstream anytime soon
- Donga hosted Soygoy as a guest (no link since i am boycotting the goblino cuckmite)
- I did not watch the stream, but according to eyewitnesses it was considerably boring even with Carl on
- Due to the contempt Donga now has for Jim, he seems to be trying to tingle soygoys balls with his tongue hard
- Donga will likely NOT attend the charity stream due to competition and need for money
- Quarterpounder spergs out about bristish fake news about Soygoy
- some stuff about Cunty Kang and his disgusting sex talks with overweight female Sjws
- some stuff about a Natsoc Restaurant in Taiwan
- Rallph spilled some spaghett about the holocaust, chat disavowed and declared the holocaust never happened
- Gator now has an afternoon stream


oh also, Styx got butthurt over Jim calling him out over the Boomer Grommer controversy for not picking sites despites soygoys agression, also they talked about the Kavanaugh Case and the Porn lawyer getting trolled by 4chan.
soygon needs to be gassed like the dirty nigger he is.
Kavanaugh Rapetrain, CRP destroys KOP, BBC goes full retard

>Killstream from Yesterday
https://youtu.be/Isi9GX7KVxA [Embed]
3 hours

>#Killstream Special: The Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZP0Kw1OLY8 [Embed]
Experimental Afternoon Broadcast for current event

no guests
calls were taken


- Ralph reconfirmed Saturday Charity Stream
- confirmed guests are Metokur, Keemstar, Dick Masterson, Harmful Opinions, Jay Dyer, The admin of Kiwifarms and others

- no new soygoy drama
- no new trout drama

- Talked a lot about the Kavanaugh Case a lot for over an hour
- some democrat cunt complained about going to 10 rape parties in a row as a teen
- someone called into a radio show and trolled them that the liberalists controlled 4chan
- Ralph confirmed the BBC copyright striked him yesterday, banned the video worldwide except the usa
- Secret Discord recording was played from the Killstream Discord
- in it Coach Red Pill went beastmode of King of Pol/Queen of Poz for doxxing him on Kiwifarms
- CRP is now respected again while QoP was BTFOs hardstyle by an angry screaming boomer
- several minor lolcows and e-celebs are in the public Killstream Discord. Enter on own risk.
- Tariq Nasheed trolled Cunty King in 2017
- Tariq will probably not attend the charity stream because hes a greedy nigger
- the BBC twitter reported fake news about trump declaring war against Iraq and did not take it down for a day, did not own up to fake news reporting
- some gay draq queen muslim tranny explained Quantim Physics on a BBC broadcast I cant believe they made this. Still disturbed.
- claimed Quantum physics is gay and literally said "Reality is just a (social) construct."
- a video from Soygoys Gypsy pet was played
- Veetard admitted to being a furry and being part of the furry fandom, furries groomed him in his teen years
- Veetard claims hes no longer a furry, but was very knowledgeable about the subject
- girl scouts in england get fucked over by trannies
Upcoming Weekend Schedule

There was no Killstream tonight.

>#Killstream Special: The Kavanaugh-Ford Hearing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZP0Kw1OLY8 [Embed]
9 hour livestream of the Judge Kavanaugh Rapetrain hearing.

If you dont care about interal US politics i dont recommend you watch this. It was pretty boring in most parts, especially when the senile feminist jews kept ranting on about rape culture.Stream guests were the Kiwi Admin, CRP, King of Pol, a number of callers and others. Kavanaugh seemed to have pulled a crying incel beer defense. The whole thing was pretty retarded but i think he won he struggle against the listen and believe bullshit.


- Ralph Retort Cancer Charity Stream this saturday with many guests.
- confirmed are Jim, Keem, Dick and many more. slots open for surprises guests.

- Jims Shitrat Stream sunday afternoon

- No news about the new Metokur video yet, release was supposed to take place mid-week

- Jim may or may not do his his NSFW Furry porn Stream some time soon


Cancer Charity IBS Stream starts in 7 hours
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Vh7ldZcdo [Embed]

>Sargon Walks Away - A Cautionary Tale
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAe1tHzjNxY [Embed]
15 minutes from Mark Collett

video about sargons retirement
i think the guy will also be in the cancer stream tonight
not sargon - the guy talking,Mark Collett
claims to be a career politician of 18 years

calls out sargon for being naive and a fence sitter
The term unwarranted self importance is not thrown around any. I hate Twitch with a passion. Why the fuck would I want to watch someone else play a fucking video game?
Teal Dear SS.png
>Teal Deer Talks about Sargons IQ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClT09j8EH5c [Embed]
15 minute highlight clip from killstream last night

sorry for the lack of summary, they were almost exclusively talking about kavanaugh anyway. Also according to Chat Teal Deer was playing Warhammer Deathwatch.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8Vh7ldZcdo [Embed]

14 guests confirmed
Time for some salt.
Quality Stream
176386 176393

I am not trying to preemptively praise this thing, but this might be the single best IBS stream that ever was.

the guy i linked earlier (which i had no idea would attend the stream) Mark Collet has gone on for about an hour debunking the holocaust against this slimey spineless kike lickspittle Autism is unstoppable. On top of that pointed out the nagtive influence of holocaustism on the white race and how its overblown compared to communist mass murder. Also defende Natsoc Germany against Vee.

AIUs best defense for believing in the holocaust was "We need evil to exist." and thats about it. This Collet guy is very good, almost baited Soygon out of hiding.

They raised 12.000+ dollars already and the stream is barely halfway over.

also Nick Fuentes is now on.
oh shit they're going to sing the MLP theme song to end the stream, it's fucking happening boys
1117535__safe_edit_edited screencap_screencap_twilight sparkle_the crystalling_alicorn_auntie twilight_blue_female_good end_happy_image macro_i pity th.jpg
I hope this is archived for future generations.

Cancer Stream Summary
Opera Snapshot_2018-09-30_142655_www.youtube.com.png
>Stream hit ca. 6.600 watchers live, was almost the entire time tending #2 on youtube, later #1. They raised about 25.000 dollars total

It is suspected that several SJW and NGO outlets will decry this stream publicly for being homophobic, racist and antimesitic. People suspect the charity will relay the money they got to the ADL, but this is unconfirmed. Furthermore people expect several big time yputubers to make videos about this stream.

No Soygon, No Trout, No Donga, No Moonman song
Did not see keemstar either i think he bailed out after the Holocaust debunking for Marc Colette.

Can confirm Sam Hyde was on stream briefly, was invited by Dick.
talked about killing children who left negative comments
and building a nazi strike force
They also collectively sang Ram Ranch

Andy warski is talking about how he could punch out a whole ladies section in a supermarket alone if he wanted to
i am inclined to be blieved him, given he has access to coke
"I have to murder a few people soon. I am out of the game."
"its like beating up a guy in the hospital. who cares?"

"Count Dankula is a fucking degenerate. If i was the king of england, i would have put him in jail. not for the dog, but for him being a fucking freak." - Dick Masterson
i strongly agree

Mundane Matt announces partial retirement in the wake of Sargon
he will in his own words no longer pursue news and political events
in favour for entertainment, movies in particular

The Owner of Kiwifarms is currently talking about the Admin of Inkbunny
he has a thread there
allegedly he also owns e621 and bad dragon, the dildo company
not only is he allegedly a pedophile
but also an irl animalfucker
Jim will likely make an update video on this in regards to Kero the Wolf
The Alt Fur aka the nazi Furries are supporting them in this effort

"Oh god no you guys should NOT sing that song." - Dick Masterson on the music choice of Jim during stream
"Mundane Matt (Dame Pesos), yo you want to sing THIS?" - "No."

now JF is singing gangster rap

Jade aka Jims gf reconfirmed Natsoc watching hitler speeches at 3 am.

Jims Shitrat Autism Scam Sunday Stream starts at circa 4pm EST today.

New Furry Degeneracy Video post exposed coming probably by early next week
Redpill me on Sargon of Akkad. Why have we always been at war with him and what does he have to do with UKIP?
>"Count Dankula is a fucking degenerate. If i was the king of england, i would have put him in jail. not for the dog, but for him being a fucking freak." - Dick Masterson
I'm pretty sure nick fuentes said that
he's a quadroon
>a quadroon
A fake one at that. In fact, he made it up just to say "I'm 25% black, do you white nationalists want to deport me too?"
i thought he did it so the sjews couldn't call him a "rayciss".
even if he's part nigger isn't he still racist for hating white people?
Kero the Wolf Part II
https://youtu.be/D2okzfx1k0I [Embed] [Embed]

Jims Follow up Video on the Kero the Wolf controversy. NOTE: there will be a third video about the animalfucker group he was a part of. Allegedly that stuff was even worse than was he did. Release is some time this week.

Also i dont know why Jim did not do his shitrat stream yesterday despite announcing it himself since last week. No statement was released.

- Furries came out of the woodwork to whiteknight for him,
- Kero did 2 interviews with 2 different youtubers in the same day. Only to get into fights with people afterwards
- People are now CSIing his shit up to prove he is guilty.

Kero entangled himself in contradictions, destruction of evidence against him, admitted to faking evidence and partially confessing his crimes against animals, only to retract them later on twitter.

Includes 2 clips from videos, one from some dragon faggot and the other one that was recorded in person. If i did not know better i would say this was a therapy sessions in an insane asylum where the doctor walked out to take a piss. On top of all the factual evidence and admissions, you can clearly tell the guy is lying by his awkward behavior and body language alone.

as mentioned before, Furries, the alt Fur and Kiwifarms are now CSIing all the stuff they can get they hands on to drag him before court. a REAL police investigation against him has already been initiated. He was also banned from furries conventions due to animal abuse.


To nobodies surprise Joshua Hoffman is a fucking liar and most likely guilty of all charges that have been level against him.
Do you know where to find the chat logs are and clips?
I think all sources are listed in this post (I have not dl'ed the mediafire content myself) >>>/sp/9086 →
Thanks fam
EXTREME Degeneracy Autism Stream - Part II
Mundane Matt leaves the Skeptic community October 2018.png
Trout shits on Mouthy Buddha.png
File (hide): 0880B60603CFCB031ACD50910558E655-1445820.webm (1.4 MB, Resolution:480x360 Length:00:00:16, YOUR ALL FUCKED.webm) [play once] [loop]
"You are a fucking bitch." - Fake Ross' witty response to Metokur after explaining him the history of the ED Singers

"I think my brain is melting at this point from this shit." - Jim about the gay Antifa Furry Lobotomy OPs

"Well, the good thing is, this shit is going to give us content for weeks. Unfortunately i was not drunk, this is the kind of nights you want to forget." - Ralph

"Exposing these people would be my pleasure" - Vee

"I am no longer a libertarian. This Furfag shit made me a Stormtrooper." - Superchat message

Very autistic stream about jaw dropping society destroying sjw degenracy, Tranny OPS, Furry Jew Lobotomies, Antifa-Furry partisans and more. First half Fake ross is making an ass out of himself and other half a Drama war room meeting to line out the next campaigns against Tranny Twitter and Jew Furries.

>Killstream from tonight
https://youtu.be/qDwKiJG8O8Q [Embed]
4 hours, i recommend watching it on 1,5 speed if you want the full experience on the clock. i may or may not post highlight clips later.

Extrended Summary

Guests were Joshus "Kiwifarms Admin" Moon, Jim, Fake Ross and others, including Vee towards the tail end. No calls were taken, but Negro Joe the Flag god and "Hubris" were on. Ralph also pointed out that the Holocauster bit of the Healstream was not an accident, it was intentional and planned.

- Metokur was on and had an IBS interrogation with Fake Ross, talking about Killing trump supporters, doxxing Shitrat and Trout. Fake Ross completely failed at banter, went often dead silent, brought of trivial third party shit and made himself and trouts discord once again like complete retards. It should be pointed out that fake ross insisted to come on after bothering the killstream discord. Apparently the whole reason was that he was trying to shame Jim into making videos against the alt right. Jim also explained that the name internet aristocrat was based on that one gilbert gottfried joke.

- someone made a fake screenshot of the NGO (((Right Wing watch))) writing an article (as expected) about the Cancer Stream, calling it a Hate Charity. The Soyo of NGO replied to that personally and did not write about it so far, personally out of fear it will negatively backfire

- Quarterpounder complained about the Cancer stream being gay and asked them to donate money to HIM instead

- Mundane Doormatt officially quits the skeptic community. furthermore he aired dirty vidcon laundry about the skeptics (wizard of cause and based mama in particular) & and repeated that he hates the alt Right BUT would probably move to a white ethno state. also hes is now UNIRONICALLY selling Boulder merchandise on this channel. Blair white (the jew tranny) quit skeptics as well. this whole community is dying like flies.
Fake Ross Face Killstream self doxx October 2018.png
Unironic Furry Antifa.png
File (hide): 1409F281D2B1FBFBB96473DB211225E9-244400.webm (238.7 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:03, WHY WHY WHY.webm) [play once] [loop]

- Fake Ross aka the guy who treated terrorist attacks on Trump Rallies facedoxxed himself in Ralphs Discord. Jim himself is unsure if this guy is just a troll or unironicyll this retarded. I suspect he is learning towards clinically retarded, but i will admit it is at times hard to see the lines of stupidity. TLDR Fake Ross is an low functioning autistic retard larping as a left wing concern """troll""".

Even if you ignore all the dumb shit he said he is still siding with skeptics, harassed people and put out terrorist threats under his name. If he thinks of himself as a troll, hes a really bad one that damaged himself with his actions.

Incoming Mini lolcow indictment:

As mentioned before hes some goblino niglet leftycuck. he fled his homestate and is now in hiding. Claims to be writing a book on the alt right (lol), hes working on a video game too (hi Nigel) and likes to draw Trains. Negro Joe read a passage of it and it was Jason Godwin tier terrible. Gator pointed out that Fake Ross admitted to crime on stream before almost 4000 people. Called the stream attendees incels depite being an unemployed virgin himself. Fake Ross was adopted IRL and, in his own words, admitted that he has aspergers syndrome. Apparently theres a difference between aspergers syndrome and "crippling autism". During steam his phone rang and played communist music. Allegdly he has a tranny boyfriend and likes scat porn. Claimed to be asexual,browses reddit, watches tranny sjw youtubers and His Internet Endgame seems mass censorship. Reminder this retard/troll was whiteknighted by pozzed blogger

- Joshua "Null" Moon went on briefly (Aka the owner of Kiwifarms. They talked about the camwhore that got trolled to death IRL after a thread has been made for here on his site. pointed out that 40-50% of trannies who chop their dick off kill themselves after surgery. Null claims the activity on the Furry Forum on Kiwifarms "Animal Control" id DOUBLING iin activity every month for a time now. We may or may not be witnessing the end times of the furry fanbase. This is happening on an international basis. According to Null it is legal in West Virginia to fuck animals, create animal pornography, own it and to distribute it.

- David Shitrat was caught lying after he disavowed Fake Ross in public, but still associates with him behind the scenes. Also fake ross called Kiwifarms a doxxing website that causes homocide, despite him associating with Trout who uses it as well for his gay OPs. Allegedly Shitrat is Fake Rosses future tranny girlfriend.

- some guy called Hubris who was doxxed by Fake Ross was on and claimed he will soon release a video about internet pedophiles that may or may not be related to Fake Ross and the Skeptics.

- Someone leaked a possibly faked Twitter DM of Trout shitting all over Mouthy Buddha, who recently came out to whiteknight him after he made a destructive video about trout last year. Trout declared that he resents him now and will maybe make exposed videos about him.

- apparently there exists some kind of hardcore leftist twitter for blue check mark trannies

- Prince Hubris said also there exists some other secret white genocide BLACKED discord server that purposely invites 13-15 year olds to indoctrinate them. Half of the leaders of this server are JEWS. allegedly he was banned about 5 times on public social media for exposing this. There seems to be pedophilia trafficking going on here too. If i understand this correctly this server is composed of Alt Furry Outcasts. Again, the leaders of this are furry lgbt jews trying to get teens to get brain surgery so they become trannies.

- Jim mentioned that both the furries that interviewed Kero the Wolf (aka the gay dragon and the fat tard in the blue rick & morty shirt) have their own dirty laundry going on. Jim and Null blame the Bronies for indirectly causing this and now all this EXTREME furry shit is catching up at once after years of distracting Brony Faggotry. The gay dragon was cited with saying "20% of the furry community is fucking animals. Only moralising SJW fuck care for that."

- Vee claims that he was bullied out of the furry community by leftists. large parts of the Furry Community are either part of ANTIFA or supporting ANTIFA. they are strongly partisan (goings as far as to attend ANTIFA rallies in fucking fursuits), ban trump supporters at their conventions and host furry events for children. including panels like "How to prepare for anal sex". ON CHILDREN CONVENTIONS. "There are no more non-left leaning furry conventions. When the non-leftist furries tried to make their own ceonventions, the leftist furries started protesting and it got shut down." Furry Websites and Conventions have blacklisted 1000 people for this thought crime alone


>Troll Confirmed - Fake Ross vs Mister Metokur #Trains #Killstream Live
https://youtu.be/P_KBP1QdU8Y [Embed]
13 minute tldr highlight clip about the fake ross shit from tea clips

>Jim vs Fake Ros on TRR - Furries/Josh Kiwi Owner/Vee (With LIVECHAT)
[YouTube] Jim vs Fake Ros on TRR - Furries/Josh Kiwi Owner/Vee (With LIVECHAT) [Embed]
2,5 hours "highlight" clip from Murdochian Archiver

>BoulderLeaks - Consider the Source - #Killstream
https://youtu.be/nh9RgpaSrRo [Embed]
Mundane Matts new mini meme video, from tea clips, 4,20 runtime. blaze it.

>Dick Masterson’s Shocking Confession!
https://youtu.be/jTrwZ27HHJI [Embed]
5 minutes, Dick confesses that he raped Garth

>Cognitive Thought vs The Kumite #BrokenTelephone
[YouTube] Cognitive Thought vs The Kumite #BrokenTelephone [Embed]
12 minutes, Cognitive thought, a low IQ Kumite Orbiter that got BTFOd by Teal Dear for not getting jokes, complains about how the Cuckmite wont let him on anymore after HIS ENTIRE CHANNEL GOT DEMONETIZED. Apparently the Kuckmite is dying from all the dead air and viva la goblinos, Heart Failure and Donga have bad relations now too.

Secret Furry Degeneracy Stream due to Takedown Threats
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-03_114427_kiwifarms.is Jim Rozolowsky Ashley Jim Fox Babyfur Animalfucker Tranny Furry.png
Gay Husband vanterry-linkedin-pic.jpeg
Diaperfur picture drawn by Ashley.png
Glowfox Animalfucker Furry giant nigger dildo Furry Artist.png

"I find these people disgusting. They are not people to me. And i find it indefensible theres a community rallying around them, trying to excuse it or pretending to ignore it. Its just wrong. You are disgusting people. Get fucked. Jiff in hell. " - Jim before he aborted his Zoo Crew Stream due to absolute disgust.

Jim held a secret morning stream today du to threats of illegal DMCA takedowns made against him by Furries associated with Kero the Wolf, led by the blue blob that interviewed him.

>Handicapped Mascots Stream
https://youtu.be/BMk8faJy9bg [Embed]
~90 minutes

>The 421 Furry Incident + Jim’s Response to the DMCA Claim - Mister Metokur
[YouTube] The 421 Furry Incident + Jim’s Response to the DMCA Claim - Mister Metokur [Embed]
8 minute highlight clip about a drug induced BDSM crossdressing diaperfur spergout at a furry convention, starring a drug addict who fucks dogs


ASHLEY KIWIFARMS Thread - see pic #1
less than 1 week old

Ashley Jim Fox aka the fat tard in the rick and Morty shirt that did the second Kero Interview
threatened a DMCA takedown to jim because he used parts of his Interview in his last video
got into a twitter fight with Jim and deleted all tweets
begged Jim not to do this stream and failed
Jim also announced that he will file a counter claim if the fat tard tries any shit and promised he will take him to court over this.

- Powerword Jim Rozolosky
- his twitter - https://twitter.com/AshleyZoeFox/
- his youtube channel - https://www.youtube.com/ashleyzoefox/
- changes his legally Name to Ashley Jim Fox
- white
- probably from the USA
- circa in his mid 30
- homosexual
- overweight
- transsexual
- crossdresser - see pic #2
- gay married to a male furry named Van Terry, circa in his mid 40's. Obviously also a Furry. see pic #3
- got married at a furry convention
- unemployed/ living off his husband
- low IQ, suspected to be clinically retarded
- is staffer at furry conventions
- usually the only thing he does it going to furry coventions
- got several plastic surgeries, including face femenization, breastamputation and vasectomy
- some of the surgeries got botched, explaining his fucked up face
- a furry commune lives in his house
- they are diaper/babyfurs (aka grown men in fursuits shitting themselves pretending to be underage animals)
- draws shit tier diaperfur """art""" (note the injection of leftist politics in the picture) - see pic #4
- whiteknighed Joshua "Kero the Wold" Hoffman during a controversy about zoophilia, necophilia and animal abuse
- got lied to his face on his own interview several times and still continued to defend Kero
Secret Furry Degeneracy Stream + Killstream
Big Daddy Goliath theres no anus like dogs anus.png
File (hide): A145E3294557D91F65E1F5C002C4FD6A-1358047.mp4 (1.3 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:16, Curse ye hame ha Chris Chan.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Curse ye hame ha Chris Chan.mp4

- some guy named Glowfox was mentioned - see pic 5
- absolute faggot fucking and sucking every man in his proximity, including his stepfather and his coworkers
- reappropriated his mothers dildo
-"""furry artist"""
- fucks his husky dog on the regular, or rather, rapes him
- got pissed by his scared dog into his ass and mouth, drank it
- bragged about his degenerate gay escapades
- has interest in pedophilia and pedo pornography "I want to see a cub get fucked by his daddy." (Allegedly Refering to a human child in a fursuit)
- talked with Keros friend snake thing about Secret Pedophile Furry Sex parties at conventions
- "definitely need more Zoo(philia) in kids stuff though, theres never enough of it."
- claimed he orally and anally molested an 11 year old boy he was supposed to babysit
- seems to work for some kind of corporate dog breeding station, sells sexually training puppies to rich people for livelong anime sex slaves. Note: is is also possible he was talking about HUMAN children, this guy was charged with human trafficking after all
-"its a downer when the kid doesnt want to get molested."

- Snakething aka Keros Zoophile friend, was briefly mentioned but Jim aborted stream before he could get to him


Killstream from yesterday
https://youtu.be/smoOwc_CDw0 [Embed]
4,5 hours

the size of the killstream is getting out of hand. they need to cut down the stream size or stream less often. no one sane is going to follow this at this volume. Joshua Moon was one, as well as some callers.

short summary

- more about the kavanaugh rape case
- apparently Kavanaughs friend mike judge or whatever his name is was involved in gamergate
- Anita Sarkeesian now seems to be tangentially involved in this

- rare Mundane matt leaks have been played, who were bought
- Mundane matt is probably gay and wants to fuck trannies
- hes also a Socialist, supported clinton and Bernie during the election
- has no idea how politics or economy works but talks like he does
- hates mexicans

- Youtubers are doing a new mass scam, basicly Candid 2.0 but with depression. The company/service seems to be called "Better Help".
- they are now pushing some wannabe- psychotherapist online service, essentially monetizing mental illness
- despite being now attached to dozens of big time youtubers, this company does not seem to physically existm with a Post box at best
- apparently the customer service is fucking horrible, they have like ONE licened psychotherapist and ask for over 250 dollars before they even help you
- they dont even do background checks on their councellors, thats the responsibility of the user according to their terms of service
- included people like h3h3, boogie and a lot of other scumfucks on jewtube
- youtubers are now mass pretending to be depressed and suicidal for money, more than usual
- if this topic interests you i strongl recommend Memologies new Multipart Series "Why Youtubers are depressed".
https://youtu.be/smoOwc_CDw0 [Embed] - Part 1 of 9
>far-left lgbt furries, trannies, Rick and Morty t-shirts, zoophilia+necrophilia mix
>Jim somehow blames bronies

Why am I not surprised?

Youtube Mental Health Jew Scam and Boogie Raid
177168 177824
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-04_113224_www.youtube.com Influencer Company.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-04_113532_www.youtube.com Better Help Scam.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-04_135015_www.youtube.com Boogie on killstream with Keemstar and Jim.png

Main topic was the "Better Help" Youtuber Scam (directed by DeFranco and the Jews), Guest was Memology1010
other guests were Null, Jim, Boogie, Vee and Keemstar

about 80% of the stream was the Better Help Scam & Boogie getting raided on twitch live. he later came on as a guest. As far as i could tell they did not talk about the Necro Pedo Furries. the Twitch raid was kind of funny, the scandal moderately interesting. But the stream was way too long. i dont think you miss much if you skip it.

https://youtu.be/F6nU_q0kn2I [Embed]
>11 minute highlight video of the boogie twitch raid

- democrat staffer Jackson Cosko, who worked for Fords lawyer bitch and doxxed multiple republican senators during the kavanaugh hearing, (also shouted "Fuck You" to Donald Trump at a rally) was fired for his partisan conduct while employed by the Dems

-Wired Sources, a conservative alternative news media group that was retweeted by Trump Jr., was banned from twitter. They had millions of views and never received a warning. it is suspected this was done on behalf of the MSM to kill competition

- Autism is Unstoppable was banned from twitter again for tweeting "Its okay to be jewish."

- Joshua "Null" Moon confirmed that Kiwifarms is now OPting against the the Better Help Scandal

- Better Help took down their media mention board where several outlets were listed that reported them
- apparently Better Help is only a branch of a larger corporate Internet Influencer network or "Influenced Logic"
- they are mostly targeting medium sized youtube channels for addvertising
- they are legally allowed per their TOS to SELL YOUR THERAPY CHATLOGS/PHONECALLS for advertiser marketing
- Keemstar made an exposed video about Better Help and the youtubers that pushed this. Keem did not cite Killstream or Memology as a source as far as i could tell.
- Warski made an exposed video about Better Help, cited Memology as source. This will also mean that DSP will get a new wave of detractors his way.
- Better Help is currently addbombing all mayor websites, including youtube, twitter, instagramm and leddit
- according to Null the CEO of Better Help, some guy named "Joel", has relations to the US Airforce and the Army of Israel.
- the same guy is also censoring his forums and reviews of the service
- Shane Dawson, some big time youtuber, was alerted towards the BH scam, and despite agreeing to investigate it failed to disavow the company. Memology did the same work in less than a day.
- it is suspected that several bigger youtubers have financial stakes invested into this

- Boogie is pulling some cowardly spineless shit about this again, Jim was cited in chat saying "Fuck Boogie. What a piece of shit." His stream was cringy as fuck too before the killstream raided it.
- theres a group of Israel Defense force jews in California currently colluding in tech
- they played a series of fake video tesimonies of people giving positiv reviews, many of them sounded like they were reading from script
- Boogie was later roastes by the killstream when he went on by Jim, Null and Warski
- Jim thinks this is all a Pyramid Scheme Phillip DeFranco is pulling with the Israelis, and DeFranco is sitting on top of it
- Boogie talked briefly about his beef with Quarterpounder and the argument he had with Anita Sarkeesian at vidcon 2017
- Boogie came out as a furrie, his fursona is a wolf. He usually plays furries in MMOs, he also might have homosexual tendencies
- Vee went on later to talk with him about Quarterpounder
- Boogie stageplay on the Killstream was overall well received openly saying he has more balls than Soygoy, he somehow earned Jims respect, although pedophile allegations are still floating around
- Boogies chat was mad as fuck for him attending killstream and tried to shut it down

- Keemstar was on shortly but did not really say a lot
- he also admitted that he dodged out of the Charity Stream due to Colletes Holocoaster Debate with AIU

R.I.P Boogie
More Better Hel Scam, Shane Dawson is a faggot, possible Kavanaugh stream
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-05_124141_www.youtube.com Shandw Dawson Kero Video tweet.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-05_131920_www.youtube.com Shande Dawson with Necro Pedo Furries 2.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-05_135921_www.youtube.com better help sells pills on tv.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-05_141431_www.youtube.com Keemstar better help twitter reply.png
File (hide): 50403C840B8A6AC571F0678C93E6F168-8017332.webm (7.6 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:16, the gayest place.webm) [play once] [loop]
the gayest place.webm

Ralph announced that he will likely do a Kavanaugh stream on Saturday if he gets confirmed to catch the live spergouts.

>Killstream from tonight
https://youtu.be/u5rHmHjak0A [Embed]
3 hours

>Oof Cast
[YouTube] Vee says Boogie was Right - Furry Persona Reveal & the Evilness of Furries - Oof Cast [Embed]
20 miute highlight clip of Vee talking about evil furries, statistics, relations and others. Warning, Thomas Ellington is a jew

Calls were taken, no guests besides Null.

- Ralph is still sick
- due to the Better Help Controversy Phillip de Franco will visit Better Help Headquarters in Commiefornia and make a video about it to shill it even more during damage control
- yesterdays Stream with Boogie was seemingly very well received, many say this was Boogies redemption stream. I am not as optimistic.
- some people called it the best Killstream in some time, at the least the most entertaining
- Boogie got some shit from blue haired twitter feminists for attending and turned back into full centrist fencerider immediately
- talked about Cuck Norris, aka the Canadian SJW that kicked a women in the face for not supporting abortion
- apparently the same guy also assaulted another woman, also thinks kicking people for disagreeing is okay

- Kavanaugh is about to get confirmed as judge, final confirmation vote is most likely on saturday
- they talked about the anti Kavanaugh protests with celebs
- Nick Fuentes got banned from Streamlabs by Jared Holt from Right Wing Watch. Also it seems his credit card has been barred for political reason. I am not fully familiar with this service, but i think that means he cant make money with his youtube channel for a time until he finds another service or gets unbanned.
- Null called it and shared new Intel about The Network behind Better Help. Turns out they have affiliations to some Data Mining company, which is also led by some guy with a jew sounding name
- Better help also seems to be involved in a set up of a new company that sells medication via telephone

- Shane Dawson is likely at the head of this Better Help scam along with Phillip DeFranco, he aint doing shit to help after being repeatedly told this shit is rotten. every single video Shane posts links to Better Help.
- apparently Shane Dawson took down his video he did with Kero the Wolf in 2017
- i never watched shane dawson before, i knew he existes since circa 2014 when jim mentioned him in the shadvig the shithog video, but fromt he deleted video they played i get the impression that guy looks and talks like a total faggot who takes it up the ass. Allegedly hes also friends with Onision
- they watched videos of him dressing up as woman and niggers, theres also allegations hes a pedophile
- "I am starting to believe all the furry conspiracies, we watched 2 minutes of this and it went from fucking people in the ass in fursuits to Satanic Animation." - Null on the Dawson Furry video
- apparently Kero is not unemployed, but worked as of recent as a Frycook/Dishwasher

- Harmful Opinions made a video about Better Help, pointing out theat they dont check their concellors for qualification and that their service essentially is just relaying people to "councellors" of uncertain qualification, essentially not offering any mental help for their subscribers at all by themselves.
- they had RekletaLaw on, a Lawyer with A youtube channel. he talked about the fraudulent terms of Service of Better Help "I would not want to be Better Help if anything of this ever gets taken to court."
- Mastercard kicked Bitchute off a payment service

Kavanaugh sperging, Better help on fire, Niggers and more
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-06_111218_www.youtube.com Anti Kavanaugh protests in a nutshell.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-06_114739_www.youtube.com Primal REEEE.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-06_120845_www.youtube.com Mundane mtt announces new Twitch Podcast.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-06_124707_www.youtube.com the rogue racket.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-06_130727_www.youtube.com Mundane Sargon.png

Ralph announced he may or may not do a Livestream some time this saturday if and when Kavanaugh gets his confirmation vote in senate.

>Killstream from tonight
https://youtu.be/RAUUZyhSpFc [Embed]
3 hours 30 minutes

calls were taken, Mauritian Struggle was a guest (that one UKIP guy from the sargon leaks)

talked about the impending kavanaugh confirmation and sosors orchestrated protests
- other topic was Van Dyke, the cop from chicago who shot a dindu with a knife in 2014, got jailed
- they shot him after the did a quick spinning motion that suggested he would throw the knife

- trump named soros in a tweet
- Jordan Peterson recommended Kavanaugh to step down if he gets confirmed
- radical leftist wahmen and paid soros protesters are now mass harassing senators and republicans
- the dude in the screenshot BTFOd the Ford sickophants in a tv interview
- holy shit, remember that democrat intern that doxxed republicans, hes facing 50 years in prison
- Boogie gets more backlash towards his Holocaust comments on the killstream, deletes tweets and faces attempts of character assassination. also he apparently believes anne frank was not fiction. i never was a fan of boogie or believed his stageplay on the killstream, so good riddance to that
- Mundane Matt announces new morning podcast on twitch in an attempt to flee from his detractors. if he thinks this will work he should ask how that went for DSP.
- De Franco made a video about the better help scam
- said the company will change their TOS and he willd rive with a journalist to their HQ
- Keemstar made a video about the Better Help Scam, it was watched live on stream, effectively setting this whole controversy ablaze
- the chinese have developed face recognition/tracking software that will be used to crack down on wrongthink, killstream suspects we will soon be living in a metal gear 2 dystopia
- talked about niggers failing on IQ tests/Race Realism
- Mauritian Struggle came in at about 02:40:00 talked about Sargon, Ukip, Vee, locke, imigration, islam and sargon sargon sargon
- one guy from the liberalist server started harassing him after the leaked video happened back in the day.

Keemstars video about the Better Help Scam and shane Dawson feeding into it, hes namedropping several IBS actors. currently sitting at 2M views.

starts at 08:20

[YouTube] YouTubes BIGGEST SCAM! #DramaAlert Shane Dawson 's Jake Paul Doc Breaking RECORDS! [Embed]
>JF covering the Kavanaugh vote
>Also talking about why Rarity is best pony

https://youtu.be/JdYI95PnfJw [Embed]
Clip please
Rewind about 53 minutes back.
hell yeah he is, fuck soygon
[YouTube] Eat a D ~ (“Meant to Be" Parody) ~ Rucka Rucka Ali [Embed]
Jims Sunday Stream starts in ca. 5 hours

cant tell the topic yet
, could be shitrat, could be furries, could be better help
who knows

also yes can confirm JF was hosting a Kavanaugh Spergput stream, he also talked about ponies briefly.
Just left Jim. Gave him the LULZY KEKKLES ™ TREATMENT!
>(°≥°)<•••{i h8 Dog torturers!}

Jims second Furry Degeneracy Stream
Metokur Sweetie Squad Furry cleansing with Fire.jpg
Communist Trannies destroying themselves.png
gay furry art for tv auction in 1992.png
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-08_140659_www.youtube.com poor parents disappointed at retarded son with fursuit.png
snake thing about fucking his nephiew.png

New Better Help Video on October 10th, Shitrat Stream comes up next Sunday.
Jim may or may not still do a Smorky stream with Lowtax from Something awful, as announced in December 2017

"3 puppies have died on my cock" - Necrofurry from the Zoo Crew Leaks
"When the feels are so reals you pull out the steels." - Superchat
"These people are cartoon super villains level of evil. A basic part of their brain must have seized function that turned them nonhuman. And all of this was enabled by toxic Inclusivity culture that ignores Morality. My suggestion how to deal with these people would be bordering the illegal, so ill keep these opinions to myself" - paraphrased, Jim on the overall topic

>Fursecution Sunday Stream
https://youtu.be/6m_MUSseTS4 [Embed]
3 hour stream

short summary

This stream was essentially a continuation of the furry stream jim started midweek and aborted due to disgust and possibly time contraints. the material in it was just as disgusting (if not arguebly moreso) than the last stream. Superchats from last stream were read as well. This stream was a little piece of hell the Jew World Order has sown. This whole session was not only highly disgusting but also depressing, made me lose a bit of faith in humanity i didnt even know i had left.

TLDR All the Furry Leaks are not only real but also a lot worse than everybody expected, and that is just a minor leak with 8-9 people. this is probably just the peak of the iceberg. The entire chat was pretty much perpetually calling for them to get doxxed, tracked down, deported, tortured and killed the entire time. There will likely not be an additional video about this unless theres a new habbeding.

Fore more details on Furries, Explicit material, Doxxing files etc, consider visiting Kiwifarms Animal Control subforum for soul scarring experiences. These people are not the exception. They are the rule now. People have started alogging on them pretty hard out of pure rage, to the point where now Police and intelligence Services are getting involved as well.

- 2 hours furry stream
- 75 minutes superchat reading
tranding number #1 in usa streams
- circa 20.000 watchers

- played hell march, furry blood for khorne and a death grips video
- made fun of Donga several times
- got Jim Sterling to make a video about him when be put out a fake review tweat about mario Odyssey
- Jim has a dog named Eva Braun
- Jim gf is according to him of chinese/mongolian decent
- played a 2009 video about 2 retarded lesbian furries buying a roll of construction foam and behaving like complete unhinged retards while doing so
- an alleged former employee of bad dragon send a superchat. he may or may not get into contact with him on twitter for leaks about their degeneracy, may or may not be guest on the next sunday stream
- someone noted jims avatar kind of looks like Cobra Commander
- briefly mentioned the kavanaugh spergouts but no content was put up about it
- contrary to jims avatar his favourite TF2 class is not Scout, but Heavy
- allegedly Milo Yunapolous now has AIDS
- Jim mentioned the historical Cycle theory of societies. Shoutout to Vril.

- the fat blue rick and morty tranny """surrendered""" and. Deleted almost 1.000 tweets and is using a Sock account called Ra1nfox now to cover his ass. Also according to a superchat artist Kero is a Vorefag.

- the communist party of the usa (in california) was compromised and hostile takeover by trannies
- effectively turned female party members into second class rightless citizens
- they are forcing women to have sex with trannies (reminder its now legal to infect people with AIDS in california)
- spend most of their party money on sex orgies, drug parties with excessive amounts of alcohol and stole the rest of it
- the women have had kangaroo trials held against them by their molesters (true communist justice)
- its so bad that they fear other communist parties would kill them if they knew what was going on
- most of the party members were rich white suburbanites and/or university attendees

- talked about Snake Thing
- Key Organiser of the Zoo Sadists
- produced animal porn in which the subjects are killed
- including (but not limited to) Crush porn, where a woman in high heels stomps kittens and puppies to death in great detail
- has access to children, produces child porn per requests
- talks about drugging and anally molesting children
- the mother of the child is aware of this

- Talked about some guy named Woof
- from what i can tell this guy is the worst as far as animal torture goes
- secretly molests & tortures random animals from friends while they are away
- molested a female dog with a wodden stake that was covered in Fire Ants
- dismembered a female dog while molesting and fucking her

- played a video from a 1992 tv art auction of some furry who sold Furry art of 2 gay rats fucking each other

- Jim talked about his experience as a teacher in elementary school
- how the children with learning disabilities were fucked over by the administration and the nigger quotes
- in a nutshell the schools dont give a shit about children only about money and statistic

[YouTube] Jim's Fursecution Sunday Stream (WITH LIVE-CHAT & Timestamped) [Embed]

one of the few highlight clips, perhaps one of the biggest Neo Nazi streams this site of youtube.
Clip from Murdochian Archiver who recorded this with chat with 20k watching

Shilly Defraudo, Brazil Duterte 2018, Cuckmite Drama, Stalker Kenny Saga
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-09_141359_kiwifarms.is Kenny Jones Margret MacLennan Powercord Stalker.png
Philly D better help damage control.png
Brazil elections right winger wins first round.png
Samantha Ness Kavanaugh Kill Tweet October 2018.png
Baited podcast Phillip DeFranco.png
- jims video about Better Help will drop by tmr on world depression day
jim reconfirmed a video with a former bad dragon employee and maybe null as a guest on stream soon in regards to furry art sites

Kennys Kiwifarms thread


>Jim and Josh on KS, shitting on Kumite, Kenny Saga
[YouTube] Jim on TRR - DONGA, KENNY VS Ralph about (Josh Stream - Margaret SAGA), DeFranco, Boogie [Embed] -
90 minute highlight clip with Jim from Murdochian Archiver

>Shilly DeFraudos Pyramid Scheme
[YouTube] Baited! Ep #37 - BETTERHELP SCAM AND PHILIP DE FRANCO ! [Embed] - Link to Baited
30 Minute Baited Podcast with Keemstar and Colossal

>Response to DeFraudos damage control
[YouTube] Philip DeFranco's BetterHelp Debacle: A Response (Narrated by DanteCrysis) [Embed]
13 Minutes from memology

>Failure Lied? Vamp vs Andy Warski?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p8rjbAXJsc [Embed]
45 minute "highlight" clips of the latest cuckmite gripes, use of timestamps is recommended. the last 20 minutes are probably the best, screaming starts at 38 minutes.
Failure talks shit about white nationalists and the depression post IBS apocalypse stream.


Guests were one, name Jim and Josh.
several Calls were taken. Rand Bot and Dark Vee were on. later also Kenny himself. see more below.
The stream strongly overextended, going over 2 hours overtime at over 5 hours total.

- talked briefly about kavanaughs confirmation

- talked about the brazilian elections. apparently the right wing populist candidate there is about to win the elections at ~46 points, with his sons also winning positions. the guy gives off some strong trump or Duterte vibes. Said political correctness is leftist propaganda and said he would not rape a leftist politician because she was ugly. lul

- talked about better help scam and Phillip DeFranco
- Shilly DeFraudo is obviously on full damage control now denying all allegations against him, his company and better help
- Zidan explained how companies can pull down negative reviews for money
- allegedly Philly also cheated on his wife, according to a friend of Asian Andy (that IRL streamer) and an audio clip from the same woman (Aria Nina), allegedly shes a stripper/cosplayer and is a celebchaser. her tagline on twitter is "I have a tight pussy"
- played a clip from the last BAITED podcast with Keemstar and and Colossal trashing Philly D, Keemstar called him out for beign a millionaire froma rich family mass scamming people with mental illness for profit
- Some Phill D fans raided the stream and were butthurt

- played a new video from Boogie, he is now being accused of having lied about better help while on the killstream
- damage control towards his own audience in favour of the company, boogies manager is now getting involved too
- pulled the "I am an idiot" defense and literally said, if you need help, get it somewhere if not here.

- GhostieGhostie, some furry woman was on advertising her services to draw fursonas for people

- played a video about some journalists (Mike Nayna) who submitted fake SJW studies to universities that were intentionally bullshit, but PC Culture approved. turns out, almost all of them were approved with excellence.
Absurd and Scientifically incorrect bullshit propaganda can be submitted, peer reviewed and approved with NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER.

- some pink haired sjw bitch who worked in a retard school put out messages on twitter asking for people to kill Kavanaugh
- looks literally like that one laughable bitch from the sjw meme with the "right side of history"
- might be a tranny, real name is Samantha Ness
- she wasnt fired immedittely by the school or reported to an intelligence service as far as i can tell
- will hopefully lose her job soon over inciting terrorism against government officials

- Warski has arguments with the Kumite again
- played a 27 minute video clip
- turns out the Kumite now hates Andy because he makes morning streams in their time window "stealing" audience
- Jeff Holiday has problems sexually satisfying his lesbian wife
- some drama about Geekthulus doxxing saga was brought up again
- has beef with Donga and Heart failure as well
- Kumite is croaking from its last hole with about 200-300 viewers per show, compared to ralps average 3.000-5.000 per night
- also has a renewed feude with the tranny (((Bleh White))) after HE abandoned his alt light audience
- vamp candy accused him of having secret twitter ops and deleteing DMs
- Andy called vamp candy a dumb pink haired whore and told her to shut up, very spicy but sadly short lived
- Failure doesnt have good relation to donga anymore
- general kumite faggotry
- Jim made fun of Donga and other former IBS players for not being capable of hosting drama streams of youtube due to internal drama

- some retarded stalker named Kenny Jones was on
- stalker of some small time maga thot with 17k subs that was somewhat popular in 2016 and worked for Milo
- goes by the name Margret and has some deadly colon dissease
- threatened to shut down Ralphs Discord server, was banned at least 15 times
- turns out this stalker is a nigger, my niggerdar was right again
- apparently this guy is an internal lolcow from the kumite/killstream
- this all happened over a gifted power cord, 5 dollar patreon donations and deleted youtube videos
- somehow this is all justified in his mind, impersonated Margret on other streams
- lost his job as a scientific snake wrangler over it, apparently that guy works as a field scientist for snake poison
- has now a thread on kiwifarms about himself after being secretly livestreamed by Null, his family has come more shit coming their way because of him
- is suspected to be a serial killer, 3 women in his region went missing

Warski Cucks, Better help sucks, Dio fucks up
178277 178317 178365
Opera Snapshot_2018-10-10_200015_8ch.net Ralph 4.png
ralph 5.png
Ralph 6.png

https://youtu.be/mh9x9BYnzkI [Embed]
4 hours

>/byr/ dio's hugbox
https://youtu.be/LZK_T17zSN8 [Embed]
2 hours

Short Summary

guests were on, including Jim and Diogenes from Backyard Bloodsports/Anime Clown Mafia
calls were taken

first 100 minutes are didicated to Dio

- Pewdiepie made a fencesitter-esque video about better help
- he got striked for the same video. eithe rby youtube or someone preteding to be his company
- Keemstar got banned from twitter for 1 week for shittalking Better Help

- talked about the genocide of whites in south africa in relation to the Zulu king forging an alliance with the boers, which was financially motivated
- talked briefly about Better Help
- long section of superchat reading
- Warski fucked up his redemption arc against the cuckmite
- Ralph spent an hour making fun of Dio with google
- Killstream streamsniped Mundane Matt and downvote bombed it

Before I elaborate on the next section id like to disclaim that i do not have any affiliations with Backyard bloodsports, Diogenes or associated discord groups. I am well aware of his perfomance instream and that this is an unpopular opinion to have, but since this is controversial i want to point out that i formulated my opinions on this months ago independetly without other sources. See this thread above for more on that. I have not watched a BYBS stream since the IBS Apocolypse and was surprised to know that they even still exist.

- this is about as much Peak IBS one can expect at this time
- Diogenes broke off a twitter fight with Jim succesfully over meme copyright and baited him into a killstream argument
- immediately got into a screaming match mit Ralph for about 30 minutes
- had a chat with Jim for about 60 minutes
- while i think that Dio was morally right, this fight was obviously stacked against him so strongly there was no chance he could win the encounter. that would have required a lot more preparation, evidence ond most likely support from Zoom.
- King of Pol recommended to Dio not to do this stream, but Dio did it anyways despite better knowledge
- he made mostly bad speeches the evidence to his claims was either nonexistent or ignored
- Ralph handles the situation more poorly than i expected despite the obvious nature of the setup
- The overall performance was received overwhelmingly negative by the audience, personally i can understand that, the second half however was a lot more bearable
- Dio brought up a lot of good topics, like Jim appropriating chan culture/memes to alien audiences, his declining production quality since he launched his patreon, his kumite trollshielding, ralphs secret ban list managed by kumite orbiters or Jims responsibility for the death of terry A davis. Sadly few if any of these were elaborated On and Jim was deflecting like a motherfucker in the matrix
- Sections of /cow/ are now after Ralphs hide for this

My impression of how Killstream handled the Diogenes situation was bad. My trust in the host is shaken. Not to the point where i will stop watching this, but enough that i am considering to become a detractor.

File (hide): 3C76A48FC22E985D62054B915C82ADEC-5914790.mp4 (5.6 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:28, Andy Warski Vamp Tranny is a dumb whore.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Andy Warski Vamp Tranny is a dumb whore.mp4
Brittany Venti Tkits.png
Joachim new face doxx.jpg
Ralph 7.png
ralph jim 3.png

_clinton Husk.png
are furfags,villian npcs? i mean how can someone do this degenerate shit and Brag about it.they have to be npcs.
>while i think that Dio was morally right
morally right about what? are you retarded?
it's the fucking internet and him and his ilk are a bunch of spergs. Jim's morally right about youtube not fucking mattering and their shit being retarded. He also got called out and proven to be a redditor larping as an oldfag. These stupid faggots care more about jim and his video's than jim does himself and it's fucking gay.
can you qualify any of these statements?
>declining production quality
in what way has the quality declined?
>his kumite trollshielding
when has he trollshielded anyone? can you even define this term you fucking redditor? you probably never heard of it until metokur said it himself.
>Jims responsibility for the death of terry A davis
are you fucking serious?

Carl Benjamin on Killstream
>#Killstream Special: Sargon of Akkad Live
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0RBAF8SrnRI [Embed]

Ralph claims Soygoy will be on in ~10 minutes.
thinking smiley anthro furry version.png

>are you fucking serious?

Indeed I am. If you insist on getting my personal take on this situation i ask you to wait. I have not caught up with yesterdays killstream yet and now this alleged sargon thing is going on. should be done in the next ~24 hours


Furryism is for all intents and purposes a mental illness, more than 50% of the furries support communism or other radical left ideologies and circa 20 percent engage in sexual practices that involve animals, minors or corpses. its a a vapid ground for degeneracy and those are just some randos from a secret chat group. there are thousands of thousands more out there.

confirmation its the real Carl Benjamin in Stream
how internet faggotry was supposed to safe the west.jpg
Jims now in too. Sargon keeps talking about new Gamergate press i think hes attempting to forge some sort of political alliance. That sounds stupid.
you unironically think mister metokur had a hand in terry's death? I mean there isn't much of a "take" to get here; it's are you a retard, yes or no? and it sounds like the answer is yes
Sargon wants to get Trump to tweet anything positive about Gamergate because of the smear campaigns by the media in order to trigger the lefties. He had no problem with explaining this plan to 7000 people but conveniently backed out of explaining particularly how he would get Trump to do this.
we need to get trump to redeem gamergate's name in the public narrative to le troll the journalists, we can do it reddit.
Google Thoughtcrime Directive, Venti Breakup, Dems cheat in Tenesee
Ralph Report in a nutshell.png
Boogie1488 socialblade.png
brittani venti mutt glasses.png
coach smells blood.png
sargon satan.png

"This is some Halloween shit. God Damn." - Gator on the Venti leaks

Killstream from wednesday
https://youtu.be/99241H0FgrY [Embed]
3 hours 15 mins
calls were taken, including Coach Red Pill and later Retarded Elmar Fudd

>Warskis new Kuckmite Intro
https://youtu.be/SYRx6jahl5c [Embed]
3 minute highlight from teaclips


- one of the callers/trolls by the name Retarded Elmar Fudd in the killstream/killstream discord claims to be suicidal now, he was exposed jacking off to disney furry porn, may or may not be related to be pedophila

- Heelturn news, Joachim Hochs Youtube channel, was copyright striked and cant stream for 3 months. According to "Underwater Alex Jones" this strike was issued by a french company with a youtube channel with ~49 subscribers.

- played a satyrical kumite intro from Warski he made to make fun of Donga
- includes mostly people in wheelchairs having accidents

- played a new Cunty Kang video
- its about him discovering pornography at the age of 12 with his dad
- took his pants off and rubbed his dick over the tv while an attractive female news anchor was on while his father was watching
- Ralphs mods were mass time outing people because allegedly someone wa sposting doxxing documents, Ralph failed at damage control

- played a video about some democrat senator candidate named Bredesen who allegedly lied about his potential vote during the confirmation to appeal to moderate republican voters. According to a poll circa 74% of the voters in tennesee supported Kavanaugh.
- Wiki leaks is involved in this, seems to me theres some attempt to cheat in the upcoming 2018 election on the dem side.
- This is by the way one of the corrupt Candidates that the musician Taylor Swift is now openly supporting. Celebs getting bought in to support lying politicans once again.

- Brittani Venti broke up 4 months ago with her boyfriend 4Chad at the time
- now her ex bf or someone related to him aired some dirty laundry about their relationship
- if those are to be believed venti is a fucking slob that has trash piling up in her house and her cat shitting in her bed. Seems like shes a cat lady in training.
- her bf is also getting shit on pretty hard himself, appearing like a whiney beta male
- according to UAJ venti is a psychopath and at least of 30 percent nigger decent, cant get dick if she tried
- her ex bf is a male model and gets pussy all the time since they broke up

- played several vocaroos of Ventis ex bf raging at Venti for calling him fat at the dinner table. smashed some dishes and started crying.
- some serious freakouts over being called fat, incoherent screaming and more smashed dishes
- these vocaroos were hard to listen to. sounded fake to me. 4Chads/Masons screaming reminded me of Headcrab zombies from Half life (that was also superchated)
- Venti was asked to come on stream and had to deny for that night, but claimed these leaks are real.
- several chat members claimed they dealed with similar freakouts before, compared it the the pretty boy rats in rat utopia
- 4Chad came off as an unhinged Narcissist, Venti on the other hand came off as cold hearted bitch. If i didnt know better id say Venti was the man in the relationship
- Jim gf got fuming mad at these clips and intended to call into the stream live to scream at Ralph

- read an article from Breitbart about a new Google leak. Pozzed Blogger was in chat while this was read cheering it on.
- i was titled "The Good Censor", 85 pages long, a paper that was made with help of the MIT
- in it it was pointed out that Google and several other companies now have absolute control over speech and news flow on the internet, a de facto westwide monopoly
- they intend to abandon the concept of free speech and the "marketplace of ideas" in an attempt to preserve the dominance of the western liberal world order and protection of addvetisers from controversial content
- google said they strongly favour the european concept of strikt speech regulation over american traditions which they now consider to be dangerous
- Google Plus was recently deleted due to a massive user data leak
- Google recognized that they are legally speaking editors and publishers of opinions, which the wish to control, but refuse to be legally liable for these positions before a court.
- google is now actively constructing a new worldwide search engine to actively suppress dissenting thought from being supported by their algorhytm, including the abolition of anonymity on the internet

Sargon Killstream Special
sargon ingsoc.jpg
jims groomed boy.png
short fat otaku pothead gamer.png
sfo gamergate two point zero.png
jf 100 % jew.png
+ + + Update on the Missing Video - Jims video about better Help/ De Franco is delayed due to technical problems. He claims his hard drive crashed and destroyed his finished video, he will now either make a new one on his laptop or do a stream about it. + + +

>Sargon Stream from Yesterday
https://youtu.be/0RBAF8SrnRI [Embed] - when link expires check killstzream archive for reuploads - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvxovSqUsgNqU3CAoAhgmTg/videos
3 hours 40 minutes

Sargon section is about ~1 hour
shittalking Sargon and his idea afterwards for almost 2 hours
Superchat reading for about 40 minutes

Sargon Section was about 1 hour long, rest was taken calls and groupstream with other IBS players, Warski, JF and Josh were on among others.

- Out of nowhere Saron of Akkad went on stream
- according to Ralph he send him some messages on Skype
- allegedly Sargon did a 1 hour interview with Steve Bannon of Breitpart, Trumps former campaign manager
- i have not seen the interview, but people claim Bannon looked uncomfortable
- According to Null, Soygoys Patreon sunk by ~4.000 dollars since he announced his "retirement" and canceled "This Week in Stupid".

- Jim came on pretty much instantaniously
- Sargon unironicaly proposed he, Ralph and Jim should start Gamergate 2.0
- for the sole purpose of getting Trump to tweet about it
- how this was supposed to be achieved in detail was unknown, but it was clear Sargon wasnt willing to do the Bulk of the work
- the end game of this act was to get people on twitter mad about Trump, most likely to the benefit of Sargon himself
- apparently was motivated sargon to do this was the resurfacing of gamergate during the kavanaugh controversy

-the idea was obviously not taken well
- stream instantly made fun of Sargon where even Jared Hold of Right wing watch acknowledged this
- even Sargons Capos did strongly disapprove of this act
- it is unknown if Sargon was just poorly trolling or if he has actually lost his marbles if he thinks he can use his detractors as work horses for his gain

-Jim cited a capo from Soygoys inner circle who informed him that they were trying to make start a new Gamergate for months, so it is likely that sargon was in fact serious about this. This will likely never happen since Trump hates videogames and thinks they cause violence. Sargon would be lucky if he could get one of his sons to talk about it.

Rest of the stream was pretty much just talking about the idiotic proposal, making more fun of Sargon and talking about Gamergate.

Ventis Victim Defense, Jim VS gay pedofurry sargonite, Quarterpounder gets bitten
ralph cucked to death.jpg
ralphs pornhub.png
ralphs pornhub 2.jpg
Korusi Fur Affinity favourites.png
Lee Collins Korusi Pedo Furry Killstream October 12th 2018.png

+ + + Jims DeFranco video has not been released yet due to technical difficulties, destroying the finished footage. may end up being streamed. + + +


regular Killstream from tonight
https://youtu.be/V5cbzHy8sVI [Embed] - - when link expires check killstzream archive for reuploads - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvxovSqUsgNqU3CAoAhgmTg/videos
>3 hour stream
half hour superchat reading

>Venti rages at Zidan over EX BF Leaks
https://youtu.be/dLogFRT4GMc [Embed]
4 minute highlight clip from tea clips

>Soygoy of Applebees grand Gamergate 2.0 delusion
[YouTube] Jim vs Sargon of Applebee’s - TRR (GaymorGate 2.0 Filibustering) Josh/Andywarski/JFG [Embed] - check the channel later for a highlight clip of Jim VS Korusi (not avialable at the time of this post)
2 hour highlight clip of the soygoy special from murdochian archiver


guests were had, Jim, Venti, Quarterpounder and Drumr828 were on
calls were taken, including Caligula, Randbot and Negro Joe among others

- /cow/ found Ralphs Pornhub sock account
- the name was identical to an old twitter sock he used to promote material for Ralph Retort, JCeasar something
- turns out ralph likes Nigger and BLACKED porn
- Killstream was mass time-outing people in chat who posted the link
- Ralph later went on damage control, muted himself and stalh deleted content on his pornhub account
- /cow/ estimates the Fallout of the Killstream to circa early 2019

- Venti talked about her failed relationship with her nutcase 4chad/Mason
- claimed the vocaroo leaks were not fake as assumed, they were real despite sounding out-there staged
- Zidan brought up why Ventis house was such an unkept garbage heap
- Venti explained Mason was pretty much a "stay at home mom" and was supposed to to clean the house, which he often did not, partially due to his mental issues
- claimed the catshit in the bed story was untrue, the kitten was new and she cleaned it up the morning it happened
- "Mason slandered me, i told nothing but the truth."
- "I fear for my safety if i came out with that. He is insane and will send his mother with a lawsuit after me."
- Venti thinks Mason was NOT on steroids, as suspected by chat
- Venti claims she had to call the police several times when Mason had breakdowns over his body
- "You need to listen to me, I was abused."
- Chat was more fired up about Venti than they were about Sargon earlier

- play a clip from sargons latest stream on the thinkery
- it pretty much confirms that Soygoy was breeding this Gamergate 2.0 idea for real
- kept going on about Trump tweeting gamergate and smugly chuckled about the outrage this would cause
- stream assumed the number of the us populace knowing about gamergate is probably below 25 percent, while the press is at circa 80-90 percent
- Ralph called this episode of him Manic. In fact i agree with this, Carl laughing so much it was disturbing.Something must have broken with him.

- Quarterpounder came on and talked about Gamergate 2.0
- apparently Quarterpounder was the secret Capo Jim mentioned as an informant the same evening
- Quarterpunder claims to be an Ally of the Kilstream despite his ties to Soygoy and the general dislike towards him in streamchat
- Drumr828 came on (small time youtuber related to keemstar, made detractor videos about Keemstars former cohost Tommy C)
- told Quarterpunder hes a two faced fake bitch
- Quarterpounder didnt really know who Drumr was, argument got fire up but reached a dead end pretty quick
- Discord failed during the talks, effectively ending the conversation
- Ghost of Caligula came on and had an underwhelming beatdown with Quarterpunder, calling him unfunny
- QP talked about why he was not on the Cancer charity stream
- QP also talked about the tragic Loui LeVau stream, which he initiated by baiting Jim in the stream
- more angry callers came in and called QP irrelevant, disavowing Gamergate 2.0
- Randbot came on and explained why Trump wont and should not talk about Gamergate 2.0

- some angry sargonite Furry named Korousi1985 came into the Killstream discord
- demanded to fight Jim after getting into a fight with him on twitter, blocking him
- escalated things to the point where this actually happened
- apparently this guy is a sargon fan who screamed about Jim being a pedophile
- turns out this furry like cub porn, which is essentially furry child porn
- /cow/ later posted his account gallery, its full of gay furry porn
- accused Jim of being on the sex offender list as well as dogpiling his fans onto him
- the furry literally asked Jim for his IRL name on stream to check if hes a sex offender
- told Jim hes a Sycophant with a Bully Cabal
- said Jim wa sa stalker for googling his username, which lead to him finding his Furry art account with the pedo art
- the furry also said Anita Sarkeesian was harassed during gamergate
- this guy had a really faggish attitude, reminds me of a furry poorly reading fiction from a Bad Guys Second Life Trolling video
- Negro Joe later came on and said they have the doxx on the furry, he was smart enough to link all his social media under the same username
- apparently he works for an Apple Store

- Warski came on briefly while he was drunk and pretty much left immediately without doing anything whatsoever

- played a video of Kanye west meeting with Trump in the white house
- talked about wellfare, single parent households, racism and his own insanity caused by "sleep deprivation"
- general coonery to appease "based" magapede niggers

I would donate all my money just to clone a hundred copies of Jim. There's so much degeneracy to smack down.

Also, I can't decide if Google or Goldman Sachs is worse. Can we just save some employee lists?
BYR comment on Jim.png
Jim IBS Trollshielding Cow IBS Guide crop 05 2018.png
metokur reddit.jpg

>morally right about what?

I understand the general hostility towards the Backyard Radio/Bloodsports people. As someone who has watched them a couple of times I will say that i think this hatred is unjustified. BYR has hosted some decently good IBS streams when i watched them to the point that i favor them over most competing formats outside of the Public Space and the Killstream. They were some of the first that picked up white nationalist talking points when others were openly decrying them.

The fact that they are a smalltime channel that originated on /pol/ makes them more sympathetic for me then most other programs. I was most surprised to see they are still active and i will consider watching more of their material. They are competing with giants in a hostile environment and somehow still survived, despite all the sabotage, smearing campaigns and internal backstabbing. i find this admirable.

>declining production quality

Jims video production peaked in my opinion in circa 2015 and 2016. Those videos had the most production quality to them, were handling hot topics and had the most amound of research and new material to them.

I dont know if this is Jims declining health, him being sick of talking about nondrama stuff or just one of the drawbacks of his Patreon welfare, but most of his videos have a gradual decline to them i never noticed in his older weeks. These days i would even say most of the parts of his deviants series are better than the majority of his new content.

This is however not the only point that makes his videos bad. in 2015 Jim was streaming commentary over DSP videos, back when Phil was still together with his old girlfriend. He ripped into him pretty hard on many fronts, but one of the things i remember was that he brought up Phils bad production quality. Metokur suggested Phil should get Leanna to take a course in video editing, so she could contribute to his main source of income in a positive manner. That never happened obviously.

But heres the thing. Jims videos, outside of the writing and the spoken commentary, suck as far as the presantation goes. He admitted that himself in his older videos, namely the shadvig the shithog. Theres no fancy intros, animations, backgrounds, music samples. Pretty much anything that makes the difference between a small youtube channel and a medium sized channel like his. So my suggestion would be, Jim takes his own advice and makes his gf Jade do a video editing course to pimp up his patreon funded videos. DSP had the assets and so does he.


I was familiar with the concept of agenda driven protection of undesireables by greater powers before, but i will give You that Jim was indeed the person who put a label on this action. And i will use this gladly as a kudgel against him. Because that is precisely what he did and does. He even admitted to it vocally, that he "Will Trollshield JF to the end of time."

Now i dont have that much of a gripe with JF as other people. Hes a can of worms on his own even after he broke apart with Warski. But Jim confessed he is doing this and it is documented fact that he was alarmed to Kuckmite spergery weeks before the IBS Apocalypse stream escalated everything. But that was at a time where hating on Donga wasn't the "hello fellow children"-thing, so Jim refused to engage in it out of fear for his Jerry Springer. Now he does after the thing has been hammered into the ground.

Ive had a candid discussion about this subject with another anon in this thread around May this year i think. Feel free to read it up if you wish. My Standpoint has not changed substantially and this whole Jim Defense force act of deflecting allegations of Trollshielding against Papa Metokur has been going on my nerves for a while now ad nauseum.

>Responsibility for the death of Terry A davis

I recommend you read up Terrys Thread on /cow/. The first time someone brought this up i too thought this was stupid, but as i thought about it, it made more sense to me.

Now i am not saying Jim literally grabbed terry by the collar and threw him before the train that tore him apart. what i am saying is that he argueably did somethign worse: He exposed an otherwise innocent mentally ill man to an audience of triggerhappy trolls, thousands upon thousands of them.

Let me ask you a question: How many people do you know that posted or memed about Terry A. Davis before May 2017? I know literally no one. I dont think i even saw anyone posting about this anywhere before this date.

within the 15 months of Jim video on Terry
- he turned this man into a humeme practically overnight
- A-logging against him peaked
- ops were run against him like never before
- peopel mass catfished him via e-mail
- he lost residence in his parents house and had to live in his car
- he lost his car and had to live on the street with a backpack
- ultimately lost his life in a train accident, which may have been a suicide

Ultimately it doesnt matter what Jim thinks of himself or why he does not matter. At the end of the day he has the pull of a small radio station. Actions ultimately have consequences. By reporting about Terry he painted a giant target on the man, contributed to the destruction of his livelihood and ultimately to the loss of his live. And in his own words, this was a man "Jim respected". If this is what Metokurs Respect looks like, i want to have none of it.

>general hostility towards the Backyard Radio/Bloodsports people.
it's not hostility it's annoying they're a unch of stupid moralfags that think youtube has any meaningful effect on the real world much like sargon and his ilk. Generally nobody cares about them or even knows that much about them because they're a bunch of nobodies whose only appearances on populated channels consist of them screeching and sperging out such as in some guy's most recent appearance on the killstream.
>They were some of the first that picked up white nationalist talking points
see this is where you and they have your heads way up your own asses it's fucking youtube nobody cares, it was dumb and gay when sargon tried to use youtube as a political platform and it's no different for you I don't believe in double standards.
>that originated on /pol/
weren't you just giving jim shit about taking chan culture to an alien audience, if you didn't have double standards you'd have no standards at all
>They are competing
>i find this admirable.
I found it cringy and gay when the liberalists did it, you get no special dispensation

>Those videos had the most production quality to them
based on what?
>were handling hot topics and had the most amound of research and new material to them.
any examples? he seems to be researching furries pretty extensively and children/animals getting abused and raped is a pretty hot topic to handle
> but most of his videos have a gradual decline to them i never noticed in his older weeks.
>i never noticed
so you admit this is subjective and you're just talking out of your ass based on your feelings about it
>was streaming commentary over DSP videos, back when Phil was still together with his old girlfriend.
"those videos... were handling hot topics"
>suck as far as the presantation goes. He admitted that himself in his older videos, namely the shadvig the shithog. Theres no fancy intros, animations, backgrounds, music samples. Pretty much anything that makes the difference between a small youtube channel and a medium sized channel like his.
so his production quality is the same as it was, and you're wrong

>I was familiar with the concept of agenda driven protection of undesireables by greater powers before
give me one example of metokur stepping into protect anyone?
>He even admitted to it vocally, that he "Will Trollshield JF to the end of time."
see this just proves you're retarded he didn't say that, he only said that he himself won't make a video on JF in what way does that protect JF when has he ever tried to stop anyone else from trolling JF? you're wrong about this because you're a dumb redditor who doesn't understand what trollshielding is despite trying to use the term like you do.
> so Jim refused to engage in it out of fear for his Jerry Springer.
>out of fear
you keep asigning all these motives to jim out of your own ass you can't read his mind, and again choosing to do nothing isn't trollshielding, other people could and did go after the kumite and jim never stopped them, you're just using the term wrong.
>act of deflecting allegations of Trollshielding
you haven't actually made any allegations of trollshielding you retard, the most you've alleged is that Jim didn't personally go after JF and the kumite which isn't trollshielding. Jim not taking any action against them himself doesn't shield them from trolls in any way. Go back to fucking reddit.

>The first time someone brought this up i too thought this was stupid, but as i thought about it, it made more sense to me.
no you were absolutely right the first time
> He exposed an otherwise innocent mentally ill man to an audience of triggerhappy trolls, thousands upon thousands of them.
where do you think Jim heard about terry? the trolls and the imageboards already knew about the man and he was already being harassed before metokur did anything.Again this comes back to your sargon of akkad belief that youtube videos matter and affect the real world in meaningful ways, it's fucking youtube and you're a retard.
>within the 15 months of Jim video on Terry...
terry was a meme before Jim's video, he was already on the recieving end of ops and a-logging etc.
you do realize that you're literally making the "bully cabal" argument that a retarded furry tried to bring to jim yesterday, Jim isn't his audience, he doesn't control them and he's not responsible for their actions.
>Actions ultimately have consequences.
truly consequences will never be the same, we live in a society afterall. Do you not realize how gay, retarded, and cringy this all sounds. You ramble on about politics, morality, respect, etc. but Jim is a youtuber the shit he does doesn't matter and he doesn't care, the fact you and all these other faggots care so much is the gayest thing in the world, again go back to fucking reddit. You belong there.
>adults arguing about cleaning their apartments
I liked the memes from Venti but man this shit is retarded. Who gives a fuck?

she's still a thot either way you can actually hear her breathing in one of those video clips she leaked
More dirty Venti Laundy, Mundane Matt - Ceo of Gaymergate 2, Toxic Toilet Jews
File (hide): 1D2C43FEE26D203365BE68274683AD74-193668.mp4 (189.1 KB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:00:04, Mundane Matt i got trump elected.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Mundane Matt i got trump elected.mp4
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4chad mason nude he will not divide us new york.jpg
Mundane Matt Gaymergate 2 October 2018.png
George Soros ADL Kraken.png
+ + + No news on Jims Defranco Video yet. Status or release/stream date unknown. Jim may or may not include it in the sunday stream along with the new Mundane Matt stuff around Gaymergate 2.0 + + +

Dame Pesos will make an about hour long video about the """retirement""" of Soygoy and Doormatt. Release is circa next weekend.

+ + +


>Killstream from october 13th 2018
https://youtu.be/rheEmISNSMg [Embed]
3 and a half hours

>Jim vs Korusi (Sargon's Furry) on The Killstream - TRR
[YouTube] Jim vs Korusi (Sargon's Furry) on TRR [Embed]
1 hour clip from Murdochian


"This was a comedy of what the fuck" - Gator on the Mason call ins
"Your Racemixing caused this, Ralph." - Superchat
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" - Ralph on the "Society of Professional Journalism"

Zidan was not on because busy
Guests were on, including Ventis exbf Mason/4Chad, Dame Pesos
calls were taken, including Caligula, Negro Joe, Dr. Rockzo

- Facebook mass banned Libertarians on their platform for """Spam"""
- Tom Arnold, some washed up libcuck celeb, retweeted a Killstream video, talked shit about gamergate and offered to visit ralph with a camera team from Vice
- Gizmodo wrote a hitpiece on the helicopter ride meme and called trump a neofascist
- according to Coach Red Pill he gained access to Instagram leaks that prove Sargons wife left him. Apparently she had a miscarriage in recent time.
- The gay pedofurry/Sargonite Kurosi1985 commited internet suicide and deleted all his accounts off the internet after the stream encounter, this was after he said he loves the attention

- Mason/Ventis ex bf was on
- he was one of the pretty boys the the he will not divide us trolling meet ups in new yorks
- hes from georgia and was raised most likely by a single mother
- said Venti doxxed him
- called himself a faggot and a little bitch for reacting like this
- "I need to stop being a fucking faggot"
- admitted that the apartment was dirty and disgusting despite his efforts to clean it, there were also cockroaches there
- didnt know venti was recording these breakdowns
- thinks Venti has borderline disorder
- theres now allegations he choked her and pulled a knife on her
- was out of the relationship with venti for month, these videos were brought up by anonymous leakers out of nowhere
- Ventis knows the indentity of the leakers but did not disclose their names or intentions
- talked about the dirt in their apartments
- He quit school over the relationship and eventually lost his job
- he currently has a new job and is going to church again and recommends it over therapy

- Negro Joe called in and roasted him
- Dr. Rockzo called in later, got a little spicy
- some superchat said he has the same voice as Randy Stair, the aimless tranny phantom spree killer
- apparently Masons friend Underwater Alex Jones is a Nazi, has 2 kids, beats his wife and doesnt pay child support
- Chat wanted to know if the venti nude leaks are real after Mason left, which colorshade her nipples are (posted above)
- Ralph had a boomer moment while handling it, mason went on with his real Discord ID "EthicalRapist"
- Mason confirmed that Ventis nipples are pink
- he was also asked via superchat if venti had a bush on her cooch or was shaved and if she enjoyed anal
- however Mason refused to answer anymore sex related questions

- played a new video of venti where she talks about dirty laundry with mason
- claims she had to call the police several times with 10 officeres standing in the staircase
- claims she had to call the suicide hotline several times

Destiny is the next Stalin.png
gizmodo helicopter rides.png
google CEO Chinese Censorship for the the west is great.png
ralph loser emperor.png
NPC Jim.png

- Ralph went off for a while to get alcohol during the show (i dont know what he was actually doing, cow suspects theres some bullshit going on)
- Dame Pesos came on impersonating mundane matt again
- refused to came on while Mason was talking because he was suicidal and he feared he would push him over the edge

- was asked when he will make a new soyless matt show - will be done ca. next weekend
- Matt Jarbo is now the chairman of Gaymergate 2.0, supporting Soygoy
- Mundane Matt also made a new video about Gaymergate 2.0
- Matt suggest that Steve Bannon put this idea into Soygoys head when they held an interview
- this may also be related to Soygons upcoming BBC smear interview, he wants trump to whitewash his name indirectly
- this is all after both of them have "retired" from politcs and/or the skeptic community
- it is suspected that these washed up e-celebs are supporting this prospect to boost their relevancy
- "We are heading back into this fight one way or another." - Matt Jarbo October 2018
- in the case of Matt this might be the last call to save his channel
- TLDR the skeptics are trying to give Gamergate the Kekistani treadment
- Matt is trying to get onto Fox News with this shit
- the """Society of Professional Journalists""" was brought up (i personally never heard of them but i guess they were involved in Gaymergate too)

- general fuckery with Dame on stream with streamchat
- In regards to Sargon trying to get Trump to tweet about Gamergate:
- Dame Pesos pointed out that Trump reposted clips from his young turks election night highlight reel
- he proved it by listing the anime music playing in the background and that TYT deleted the stream out of shame the same night

- Destiny was talking shit about the killstream
- played a clip where he said he supports political and regular violence against Conservatives and that they need to be deported from the USA
- Cenk Uygurs nephiew has a twitch channel with 100 watchers hugboxxing him, was guest on DesTinys stream. it was fucking terrible
- some libcuck Soylo Starwars book writer was fired for talking shit about republicans and Bernie sanders fans

- the NGO (((Anti Defamation League))) wrote an article to defend George Soros
- they barely talked about it
- saying rich powerful jews being globalist masterminds is """hate speech"""
- fighting globalism means supporting antisemitism
- tldr if you hate soros you are a conspiracy theorist nazi

- read other tech news articles as well
- including new Google Pro Censorship propaganda and Discord Charlottesville Smears
- left wing tech journois say Discord has no right to allow its users to use racist slurs (the author of the article was a jewess)

- Briefly talked about some Better Help shit with the Jews from Hehe
- tries to excuse that nobody reads Terms of service
- calling out people for this jew scam is making youtube """toxic"""

Veeh facts from /cow/
ibs political compass october 2018.png
killstream activism.png
Kurosi commited internet suicide.png
ralph confirms pornhub account 2.png
zoe quinn circa 2018.jpg
Veeh Facts
Veeh is a gypsy
Veeh is a NEET
veeh is gay
veeh is into lolicon
veeh is a furfag
Veeh lives with his parents
Veeh has called Sargon his daddy
Veeh is a degenerate vore fetishist and basic sexual deviant
Veeh roleplayed he had a kid while being a gm in wow
Veeh thinks that Romania only has communism as culture
Veeh was playing a hentai on christmas
Veeh wants to have his mom in a gangbang with sandniggers
Veeh lurks here because of Veeh facts
Veeh is a personal lapdog of the Stepfather
Veeh shitpost more then most people
Veeh was on twitter for 20 hours to do damage controll
Veeh was wearing a 3day old shirt while doing a 20 hour twitter defense
Veeh larps as doctor while in fact being a nurse
Veeh larps about being a Microbiologist while in fact he was washing the the beakers and vials in a microbiology lab
Veeh lies about having a law degree
Veeh was 4-6 years old when the Iron Curtain fell
Veeh raged quit on Baked Alaska stream when he is usually the last to go off
Veeh is the new leader of libarlistism
Veeh raged quit on Baked Alaska stream when he is usually the last to go off
Veeh made videos on how to pick up women
Veeh claims/lies he ghosted women
Veeh is afraid of Mike Enoch
Veeh steam id-username is a digimon monster
Veeh thinks /cow/ is an alt-right board
Veeh has no shame and proudly shows his mother on youtube
Veeh can't stop comparing /cow/ to feminists and radical Muslims
Some anon-senpai got into Veehs head while having some fun with him
Veeh is such a newfag to imageboards he only used them to shill gamergate videos in 2015
Veeh can't wrap his prehistoric head around reddit spacing
Vee is a meme thief
Vee thinks South Africa is an example of National Socialism
Veeh is still a newfag
Veehs debate tactic is pure strawman
Veeh still has no shame he talks about his mom and cocks for twitter virtue signal points
Veeh would rather defend The soyfather then his own mother
Veeh likes to discuses masturbation to Millennial Woes for some reason
Veeh fears Strawman
Veeh went to cry to Tonka to get the meany nazis to stop making fun of him
Veeh retweets himself all the time
Veeh retweets and likes his own tweets all the time
Veeh cried when he was on the kumite and talking about the ebil political movement that is /cow/
Veeh was on /cow/ several times to defend himself and the stepfather
Veeh does not know that Asgard is in Norse mythology
Veeh compares Asgard to Wakanda because booth showed up in Marvel cinematic universe
veeh only has a bunch of books behind him too look smart
Veeh unironically hates Gypsies
Veeh thinks a nation's culture consists entirely of popcorn flicks
Veeh is probably a JRPG "poser" gamer because he claimed he played Valkyrie Profile but does not know of the Norse mythology that is in the game
Veeh does not understand art and made a video about it
the book collection veeh has in the background is his fathers
Veeh dosen't understand the distinction between HIV and AIDS while he claims to be a doctor
Veeh believes that masturbation is the only way to get high levels of Testosterone out because of his masturbation addiction
veeh don't understand how twin studies work even tough it was his supposed field as a microbiologist
Veeh has spent 10-13 years in secondary education just to make 2k yt videos
Veeh was only pretending to be a retard when it came to microbiology and J.-François Gariépy
veeh stream on 24/02/2018 he is looking uglier and dirtier then usual
Veeh believes he looks better than Cenk Uygur
Veeh life is made up of movies,tv show and modern pop culture
Vehh believes that mister metokur aka Jim is afraid of the evil nazbol gang and /cow/
Veeh's mom was afraid of a bad photoshop of veeh being shoot in the head
Veeh had a 3 hour defense against Tonka and tonka called him a bitch and veeh agreed in the end
Veeh sees the horseshoe in everything not just politics even Zionist Jews stopped using the horseshoe since 2005
Veeh was on a sperg out on /cow/ for 6 hours his was ID:9f4d33
veeh claims to have a girlfriend while living with his parents
veeh has wasted 199 days / 477.70h per year of playing video games on steam
veeh was a janitor in a microbiology lab
Veeh fanatically defends a 40 year old british neet called the stepfather who lives in social housing despite making almost 10k a month being a fucking NEET
Veeh whorships chink pussy especially the ladyboys from Thailand
Veeh treats said 40 year old british neet also known as Sargon as his sugar daddy
Veeh giggled like a school girl when senpai Jim noticed hin
Veeh is committing financial fraud in Romania with superchats
Veeh doesn't pay taxes from paypig shekels to the Romanian government
Veeh claims to have played with the ass hair of a "woman" he fucked
Veeh favorite artist made a guest appearance in one of Jim's vids called Deviant's 2 : get in my belly
veeh is shilling his version of bloodsports that is going to be a commercial for liberalistism
Veeh is not even white but is most likely what is known in Spanish as Criatura de la noche
Veeh made a 50min re-video that made the most tolerant Frenchmen named J.-François Gariépy say fuck this gypsy
Veeh is afraid of JF Geripy
Veeh is still shilling for his new bloodsport platform
Veeh lazily posted a women he thought to be Spanish in an attempt to prove white people didn't exist, but it turns out shes Ukrainian, a well know nude model, and white as snow
Veeh started to claim he studied psychiatry so now it makes it the 3rd field he has studied which includes Romanian law and Medicine he must be a really special boy for all that knowledge
Veeh hates the fact that Andy Warski owns liberalists as a trademark
Veeh believes that a 1000 dollars is allot for a trademark or copyright he should not have gone into medicine where a trademark costs tens of thousend if not millions of dollars
Veeh does not understand what freedom of speech or what hate speech is
Veeh uses more semantics then a negro at a bookclub
Veeh is a gigantic attention whore

178679 178684
>pic 5
y'know even if you pretend to be an imageboard anon when presenting them sargon's dumb arguments about how Jim is grooming teenagers or how he should be doing more worthwhile things with his time, or this bullshit that everyone tries to bring up about how he should be held accountable for the actions/behavior of his audience are still retarded. When you're agreeing with sargon and furries unironically you should just give up and go back to reddit where you belong. The reality of the whole bloodsports thing is that Jim has president trump general'ed /cow/ and it's now full of dumb redditors like yourself using terms they don't understand to pretend like they belong there. The one criticism you brought up before that I actually will agree with is:
>Jim appropriating chan culture/memes to alien audiences,
because that's the only thing you've really presented evidence of, the evidence in question being yourself.
thats an impressive amount of autism.(no bully)
>Veeh is afraid of JF Geripy
J.F ins't threatening at all
>Veeh hates the fact that Andy Warski owns liberalists as a trademark
really warski owns it?
178680 178684
>Jim appropriating chan culture/memes to alien audiences,
i would argue that's a good thing because it could wake some normalfags up.
ideally, but usually we just end up with faggots from reddit pretending to be anons and oldfags by tossing around terms like "trollshielding" that they don't understand and can't properly define. The backyard radio guy got called out on the killstream the other day by jim for pretending to be an oldfag, and Veeh literally said jim's video's got him into politics. The normalfags you're talking about are people like veeh unfortunately
Jims videos helped me turn more right than I was.
Also the people complaining about the Sweetie Squad are huge bait taking faggot that deserve to be trolled harder.
Sunday Stream live soon
File (hide): 54C030F86647DB009FC8D1BF75AD11E3-9088649.webm (8.7 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:54, I am Gamergate Gamediviner 2015.webm) [play once] [loop]
I am Gamergate Gamediviner 2015.webm
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File (hide): 5C33486CD757557F5719CB2777631072-4912943.webm (4.7 MB, Resolution:640x360 Length:00:01:02, skeptics power puff girls.webm) [play once] [loop]
skeptics power puff girls.webm
Sunday Stream starts in ca ~4 hours

Topic unknown, possible contenters include:
- the shreddered DeFranco/BetterHelp video
- Gaymergate 2 starring Matt Jarbo
- the Shitrat Crowdfunding Scam
- JCaesar187's BLACKED adventure starring Ethan Ralph
- more furry OPs

heres some appetizers while You wait.

>famous SJW Tranny Speedrunner gets trolled by /v/
https://youtu.be/l6s6MHvO0Bs [Embed]
16 minutes, from August 2018

>New Mini Baited Podcast
[YouTube] Baited! Ep #37.5 - Philip DeFranco Betterhelp Response (BONUS EPISODE) [Embed]
Collosal plays a faggot solo for 16 minutes harping on Shilly DeFraudo

>BetterHelp E-Celeb Supercut (Parody) - Nightwave Live - Mirror
[YouTube] BetterHelp E-Celeb Supercut (Parody) - Nightwave Live - Mirror [Embed]
6 minutes by tea clips feature John Cena and Reviewbrah

Sunday Stream was Killstream Recap
Ethan Ralph blacked hooking up with niggers jcaesar187.jpg
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Jim wins again.webm
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Ralph vendetta on cow.png

+ + +New regular video will be out by Tuesday-Wednesday. I think it will be finally the De Franco video. + + +
+ + +Stream next Week will likely be about Furry Websites with Null as guest. + + +

Stream consist mostly of Jim reading superchats after an uninspired Killstream week recap.
If you already saw tat content you probably wont be thrilled, but it's good enough to listen to while doing other stuff.
If you missed all of this shit, its fine i guess.
TLDR long killstream clips with minimum commentary. one of the laziest streams ive ever seen him do.

>Jims Sunday Stream
https://youtu.be/1UN7BAMhlik [Embed]
4 hours

2 hours 40 minutes killstream recapp
1 hour 10 minutes superchat reading


- 3 Big topics were Sargon and Matts Gaymergate 2
- the gay pedo furry debate
- sargon interview with millenial woes + boogie ripping into veeh

- unironic Shoutout to Sean Ranklin, a major Wings of Redemption Detractor. According to fans the new videos are even more toxic after the surgery
- Jim may or may not get a sponsorship for Logitech headsets (lul)
- shitrat scam was delayed once again, may or may not be brought up sunday in 1-2 weeks
- reference to Jsaesar187 and his lust for nigger dick with screenshot
- superchats were read all throughout the stream, most of them towards the end
- breaks were taken
- ~20 superchats about Goblin Slayer, apparently because of the suggested Jew Genocide, mass goblin rape etc.
- Jim doesnt own any guns but isnt anti gun
- Jim got a superchat about Q and the Cicada cult, he basicly things they are both larping mostly
- Brittani Venti got a 30.000 Dollar donation on stream. it is unconfirmed if this was real money or a fake donation with a stolen credit card
- Jim watches Arlo for Nintendo reviews (child friendly swear free channel with a literal blue muppet for host)
- Sargon uploaded a thinkery video talking about the now almost banned NPC Meme. The Meme is being called dehumanizing by libcucks and removed with increasing hostility from both twitter and 4pol. Russian Bot propaganda is totally not the same thing. Its now more or less dead.

- talked about gaymergate 2
- played clips from the soygoy killstream
- stunned silence was plenty
- sargon wants trump to tweet about gaymergate 2
- thinks this will somehow undo hate speech and the addpocalypse
- the end game is to do history revisionism on gamergate and pull all those e-celebs back into relevance, while somehow trolling all sjws in the mainstream
- apparently this stream was secret but somehow Carl thought it was a smart idea to lay this out in front of an audience of 7.000 people
- turns out that one obese dickgirl picture of the gaymergate mascot was made by jims gf
- this is all likely related to Sargons interview with Steve Bannon of Breibart and Kavanaughs friend writing positively about gamergate

- Sargon has said on other stream this is not a troll, he was serious about it
- theres now a gamegate 2 website that was set up in august 2018
- sargons capos have reached out to jim about this weeks in advance, its real
- according to skype leaks laid out on a zidan stream sargon had plans for a gamergate 2 since at least late 2016

- played mundane doormatts new video
- Mundane Matt will be the chairman of Gamergate 2.0
- he was not convinced of the proposal at first, but was immdiately hooked in again by the soyfather
- this was all AFTER matt left the skeptic community and said he wanted to stop doing political content
- he wants to go on fox news and revive his channel
- reminder that matt hates niggers, spics, the alt right and watches female jews for news
- this whole project is pretty much his only chance to revive his dead channel
- unironically said the majority of gamergate supprters were left wingers, completely ignoring the audience of /v/ and /pol/

- Jim doesnt know the Goblin Slayer manga or anime, received several superchats about it and was completely oblivious to it

- Jims chinese gf was a ledditor before she met jim
- started browsing /pol/ and became a natsoc within a month
- she also got extremely butthurt over the venti leaks, dont know which side she was on

- did a sunday funday art contest, time frame is 1 week
- topic is the donga tribe dancing for "superberries"
- 50 dollar for first place

Sunday Stream Recap Part II
Destiny prepares for Communist revolution.mp4
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File (hide): F0291C15ACE6B3BB85E9154BA5397E36-3662039.mp4 (3.5 MB, Resolution:1280x720 Length:00:01:20, metokur ralph nigger dicks.mp4) [play once] [loop]
metokur ralph nigger dicks.mp4
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- Korusi1985 was topic
- he commited internet suicide after that stream, deleting all his accounts off the internet
- killstream, cow and kiwi already got his doxx, he works in an apple store
- aka the gay pedo furry again
- hes also a sargonite and a liberalist
- started a twitter fight with jim,
- repeatedly called him a pedophile in like 30 tweets
- turns out that guy has a furaffindity account full of gay/borderline child porn for furries
- got butthurt over jim googling his identical username
- it was unclear if this guy was upset about jim going after soygoy or the Kero Zoo crew, i suspect a little bit of both

- Veeh and Sargon held a Gamergate 2 stream couple hours before Jims Sunday Stream
- it was basicly just a giant felating session while doing damage control

- Jim played a video from another sargon interview
- that one was held by Millenial Woes between circa Christmas 2017 and early 2018, it is unclear if this was before or after the Richard Spencer debate since youtube put MWs content usually into hate speech mode
- apparently this was that one stream where Soygoy suggested to the Alt Right to act just like SJWs unironically to reach their goals, as in decapitating muslims in the street screaming deus vult
- Jim pointed out why anyone would listen to a vocal enemy of a movement who came to you and said "This is how you win."
- also Jim repeated the fateful loui leVau stream in early 2018 only happened because he tweeted out the Dopamin clip from Murdoch Murdoch
- there seemingly was a point where sargon suggested the alt right should gift the entire state of california as an ethnostate to the niggers as reparation for slavery
- "I dont think you will ever see a white ethnostate in your lifetime." - Carl Benjamin
- "If the Alt right is a vehicle, would the alt right be open to the idea to switching cars?"
- "The alt right is dilapidated and will not get you to the destination."
- "I got lots of ideas and could concoct scheme to bring you guys to the forefront."

- Jim pulled up a highlight clip where boogie and veeh were on the killstream
- they were arguing about the beef between boogie and quarterpounder
- Veeh talked about internet harassment and hitmen
- Boogie told Veeh to his face he thinks hes mentally retarded
- Veeh got pretty much obliterated by the obese man not taking shit from him

- Mauritian Struggle will make a stream about sargon tmr evening

- "Jim why is it that the people who hate us defend Phil's (Phillip deFranco's?) scam lean left or are far left?" - Superchat
- "Eh I am not sure." - Response

- "Jim if you could gas an entire community on the internet, which one would it be?" - other Superchat
- "Now that is an interesting question." - Response. Continues to not answer the superchat, derailed by video game talk

- "what is your official opinion on jews." - Superchat
- "I do believe that jews are dominant in media and Finance and that that causes some issues. thats my official opinion on that". - Response

>hehe I was just trollin'
>*deletes twitter*
>dude I owned those libtards so hard
>*deletes pornhub*
>based ralphamale r-right guys?
>*bans any mention of jcaesar187*

- Ethans Ralph's response to the jcaesar187 leaks.

Sargons BBC Interview
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While i was compiling this summary i was informed by /cow/ that Sargons BBC smear interview was released. The video is allegedly behind a paywall.


16 minute audiocut reupload

Apparently they unironically think Sargon is a big leagues right wing extremist demagogue.


">Gavin Haynes, editor-at-large of VICE UK, goes in search of this new wave of political thought.

>On the internet, and on YouTube specifically, a huge new political movement is taking shape in the shoes of a very old one. Some are calling it classical liberalism, the intellectual dark web, anti-SJW, or the skeptic movement.

>It’s on the right of the political spectrum - but not the right as we knew it. It’s socially libertarian, economically centrist, nativist - but anti-identitarian. It's sympathetic to Trump and to Brexit - yet large parts still don’t consider themselves to be right wing.

>The phenomenon has American roots, but a British contingent has found massive online support.

>The 36-year-old self-styled classical liberal Paul Joseph Watson, a man from Sheffield who used to broadcast from his mum’s basement, has over a million followers on YouTube. He also has more twitter followers than any UK political journalist. Another, who goes by the handle Sargon of Akkad, preaches to 850 000 subscribers from a converted garage in Swindon. Thanks to his patrons, he makes £20 000 a month. A Glaswegian free speech activist called Count Dankula has in excess of 350,000 subscribers.

>The traditional press doesn’t matter to these people – in fact, they style themselves as its enemies. They call themselves the Alternative Media. They don’t consider themselves journalists, but Activists. And one thing they know above all else is that they are warriors in a culture war.

>Gavin Haynes explores how the new media are shaping a particular kind of message, and how the blind spots of the old media may have allowed this ideological land grab to occur in the first place."




>An SPG production for BBC Radio 4
These people sound legitimately scared of Sargon and Dankula and think they want to march on the streets for white supremacy.
To these people, Sargon is the hip internet kid who's on the edge of counterculture.


>from a converted garage in Swindon
literally cuckshed garage


>white men are failing in society
>there is institutional discrimination against white men
>I am the vulnerable minority
If he gets labeled alt-right then he's just done it to himself


>broadcasts from his garage in Swyndon
<makes over 20k a month
>leading light of alternative news media
>they are all on the Right
>yt is a bastion of the right



>I heard his speech at the conference
>I was impressed by his ability to use the internet in order to communicate
<records a fucking video and sends it
<deep grasp on using communication technology to communicate with people
>I was also impressed by his deep and well thought out political position that he has
I………no…….wait, what?!

>right wing
It's easy to forget even the soggiest soyboy is still a threat to (((their))) power and narratives if he isn't leftist enough.
De Franco quits BetterHelp.png
BrittaniVenti 30k dollar d….png
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Quartering Stream Snipe Oc….png
+ + + Mid Term Election Night Killstream announced in November + + +

guests were on
Keemstar, Coach Red Pill, Metokur ("by accident"), NO Quartering

calls were taken
including DarkVee, Randbot, Dongwave, Moonman


>Killstream from Monday October 15th

https://youtu.be/NJLNmP_CT2A [Embed] - look up killstream archive channel when unavailable
3 hours 45 minutes
ca. 25 minutes superchat reading towards the end

>Jim on the Killstream - Quarterling Chicken, BetterHelp, DeFranco, Rome, GaymerGate 2.0

[YouTube] Jim on TRR - Quarterling Chicken, BetterHelp, DeFranco, Rome, GaymerGate 2.0 [Embed]
highlight clip of the accidental Jim section, 25 minutes

>Philly D's Victory Royale

https://youtu.be/Bb5gS8LQ6Do [Embed]
3 minute video from memology about Defrancos secret Bail out

>ReviewTechUSA Joins DeFranco Elite

https://youtu.be/7LKvZKXlqzk [Embed]
9 minute video from Memology1010

>Sargon continues his GamerGate 2.0 Tour #WarPath Warski Live

https://youtu.be/gqupvuIqDs0 [Embed]
11 minute highlight clip from Teaclips

>Dear Sargon: Please Stop, You're Not Landing Any Punches (A Sincere Appeal)

[YouTube] Dear Sargon: Please Stop, You're Not Landing Any Punches (A Sincere Appeal) [Embed]
14 minute video from Argent
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- some fish restaurant from baltimore called Jimmys seafood is now trolling PETA with crab adds
- this happened after PETA was attempting a campaign against seafood in the region
- they responded previously to ralph on twitter thank thanked him for the mention on the killstream afterwards
- this may turn into a sponsorship
- Donga is now deleting every Kuckmite stream immediately after the broadcast due to the bad view numbers, ratings and comment section
- Ralph is once again contemplating to Nuke the Killstream Discord permanently
- /cow/ is contemplating to make a blacklist of Warski Live/Kumite/Killstream donators
- an australian senator brought up Its okay to be white during a congress speech positively along with anti white racism, congress was kind of shocked. this was not elaborated on during stream
- Ralph also doesnt know what goblin slayer is, will now watch the anime as well

- talked about Ventis 30.000 dollar stream donation
- its still unknown if this was real, fake or charged back afterwards.
- claims she will be deactiviating her 3,5 year old twitter account with 40k follower before october 17th, allegedly permanently
- if you are a fan or want to save some dirt on her, this is maybe the LAST opportunity to do so
- she got into the a fight with Zidan as well, went on a a series of angry twitter posts about the dirty apartment comments
- compared herself to kavanaugh
- it is rumored this twitter shutdown is related to the negative backlash she got from the Ex BF Leaks and/or as a condition for this giant donation
- Nick Monroe claims the 30k dollar donation is legit, Venti relayed a screenshot of her bank to him
- the donater might be ventis new sugar daddy, some rich guy

- Washington Post called ralph an alt right leader and one of the people who founded gamergate
- called his designated neanderthal Nora his Paki wife

- Trump was sued for demation by some butthurt porn actress called Stormy Daniels
- he made fun of her on twitter
- she lost, judge said trump was within freedom of speech limits
- she must now cover Trumps legal fees

- some female democrat Senator called Warren did a DNA test for some reason
- turns out she may have had an 1 Indian in her family 100-200 years ago, which is about genetic relevance scale of 1:60000
- general amerimutt creatura faggotry for brownie points i guess
- got trolled into doing this by trump because she made a career out of being a Cherokee
- the indian in question might not even be from north america
- Ralph talked about his micropenis being 2 inch, not 1 inch. no proof was provided of this claim.

- talked about Sargons New BBC Interview
- total lengh of sargons clips was less than 5 minutes
- as far as i can tell they just included him, as expected, to paint him, his movement as and his fans as extremists that oppose the status quo in England
- BBC complained that e celebs like soygoy and dankula have hundreads of thousands more subscribers than """journalists"" from MSM newspapers
- some communist woman said, "these people present themselves as jokes, but their ideas are serious"
- did an interview with Soygoy in a pub
- Soygoy advertises his Liberalism movement (which is now more or less defunct and abandoned by him)
- BBC admitted that no one wanted to talk to them except sargon
- "I am the minority." - Carl Benjamin
- his "i would not even rape you" - tweet against a female british politican was brought up
- the BBC called his way of talking a """BODYSLAM APPROACH"""
- Zidan called him "Swindler of Swindon" when asked for a wrestler name
- "they are on the wrong side of the argument." - Sargon
- BBC accused Sargon of having a midlife crisis into Toryism
- "Everybody is obsessed with identity politics" - Female SJW activist

- Dark Vee was on
- talked about Gaymergate 2
- talked about Matt on Fox news as a joke
- better help was mention

- Keemstar was on briefly
- Keemstar now talks about Gamergate 1
- said he lost respect for Soygoy
- Soygoy has no respect for Gamergate and is just doing this for trolling, giving the SJW Journalists another win for free
- "I lost so much respect for the guy. (Sargon)" - Keemstar
- "Is this desperation? Does he want to be relevant again?"

- all this constant fake nervous laughter

- Philly D called off his Better Help Sponsorship
- released a TLDR post on twitter
- NO VIDEO WILL BE MADE, meaning the majority of his viewers will never know about this
- all links for better help and de francos company are still working as of the writing of this post
- a livestream of this was leaked
- seems like the public pressure and the impression of the offices was too bad
- apparenntly their headquarters was so poor it made him say they need "to do a lot of work" in his official response
- "We will be fully ending our relationship with BetterHelp."
- Boogie said he felt thrown under the bus by philly D
- Keemstar pointed out that Phillip De Franco has a networth of over 20 Million dollars, yet somehow he still has a patreon
- someone made a twitter gif with the NPC face overlayed on de Franco
- Richard Mazucci from ReviewTechUSA, a DSP Tier Business cow with a bad Drama/News channel whiteknighted Philly D and his business only 2 days before Defranco abandoned the partnership, he was also later seen on Warski

- some caller came in, talked briefly about kavanaugh
- also mentioned, theres a critical bug on playstation consoles
- if you get a private message from someone with an unsupported unicode, your console will shit itself
- this might be fixed now

- Coach Red Pill was on
- talked about Sargon and UKIP
- talked about Mauritian Struggles new Sargon stream tonight
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Godwinson example for the ….png
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laughing jews tom cruise s….jpg

- "Sunset these fuckers in the streets. this is heinous." - Zidan
- "And these fuckers like Bronx Blogger say nothing is happening in South Africa, its all sensationalized" - Ralph
- 21 year old white studen female in south africa was kidnapped, gangraped and killed by a bunch of 4 gang niggers in a vineyard near New Cape town
- apparently this was the daughter of a magistrate in the region
- was described as as brilliant student with straight As
- attackers armed with knifes lurked in bushes when she diriving by in her VW Gold at night
- a man was with her in the car, they broke his arm and smashed his head with bricks until they thought he was dead. he survived, woke up after the attack injured and alerted the police
- attackers dragged her away, raped her, smashed her head with a rock and stabbed her in the neck with a knife
- the nigger gang stole the car, raped 3 other women and went on a robbing spree
- the niggers later went to a drug dealer to smoke crystal meth

- Warski made a video about Gaymergate 2
- Geekthulu aka that guy who thought posted his doxx on /cow/ was smart was Andys cohost
- Sargon and Ian Miles Chong were guests
- Sargon suggested they should flood twitter with gaymergate 2 mentions
- In a rare moment of clarity Andy responded with "But wouldnt they just block us?"
- Sargon had no response to that
- "You are being stupid as fuck men" - Soygoy to Warski + cohost
- Andy now partially supports Gaymergate 2 for the lulz
- they want to get Matt on Fox news so he can have a breakdown
- Sargon is now coOpting/Killing the NPC Meme
- Sargon accused Warski of pandering to SJWs
- Warski responded with "I said NIGGER 5 times already."
- somehow geekthulu thought it was appropriate to compare this to World of Warcraft.

- Kurt Eichenwald is at it again
- posting long tweets about Anti-Liberals who cause him seizures online
- threatening his detractors with police and lawsuits

- Killstream talked about interal italian politics
- Italian Prime Minister is displeased with rapefugees
- they will now close small shops hosted by rapefugees
- they are a den of crime and drug trafficking
- rapefugee children also no longer get free meals in italian shelters
- shelter food is limited to italian citizens, the rapefugges often cant veryfy their statehood

- Moonman was on
- said the Sweetie Squad interrogated some guy
- theres voice recordings
- they will maybe be played tuesday night

- some Saudi Prince/Journalist was torturted, murdered and chopped apart in an embassy in Turkey
- was critical of important saudi politicians
- allegedly the saudi arabian """just""" wanted to abduct him, but things escaleted from there and they seemingly could not stop themselves
- Turmp is unhappy about it, but not unhappy enough to cancel an arms deal with Saudi Arabia

- Quartering was streaming on youtube while Killstream was going
- Streamchat claimed he was talking shit about killstream and Jim while playing JRPG
- Ralph raided his gaming stream live, got angry and started shouting immediately
- seems like he was also talking about that famous comic artist guy from Comicsgate
- "what am i scared of? fucking retards on the shilllstream? Your are ultra low IQ. I go on the killstream all the time. If he has 5.000 people there why is he coming to me begging me to come on. Its so easy to rile you retards up." - Quarterpounder
- "Ralph, if you are not correcting these people (Streamchat Raiders), You are kind of a bitch. I've done videos defending You."

- Jim was shortly on
- Ralph meant to send Quaterpounder an invite but accidently got Jim
- QI got the link but did not come on, chose to play his game while getting raided
- "I dont know why Quartering is so angry. I was watching HBO Rome and that made me angry"
- Jim pressured ralph with the Jcaesar187 Niggerporn leaks several times
- Ralph uncomfortably laughed at it
- Ralph admitted on air the Pornhub account with the Nigger porn was his
- Jim admitted again watchign Homosexual Naruto Hentai with Hbomberguy (an unironic anarcho communist SJW) on the Metokur website back in the day, "We bonded over it."
- Gator whiteknighted Ralph, said he was a socialist Obama water 6 years ago
- theres new leaks about Andy Warski
- allegedly he had an underage girl on his snapchat
- this was tracked back to Anal Vape, a former member of Backyard Bloodsports who was doxxed by Joachim Hoch, the now Host of Heelturn News working with Underwater Alex Jones
- "This is why i dont interact with people, you potentially get OPs pulled on you." - Jim
- talked about Quarterpunder being a two faced snake who talks shit behind peoples backs, but is nice to them on air. He did that with Warski too when he was relevant in IBS
- This is now called "Sargon Derangement Syndrome"
- Jim thinks the 30k dollar donation for Venti is a troll and that it will be charged back
- this is now unlikely due to the bank intel that was publishes
- Jim said the Recap sunday stream was intentional since most of his audience doesnt watch killstream
- shitrat stream is planned for next sunday
- Zidan pointed out that both sargon and matt are selfidentified liberals, with matt watching (((rachel maddow))) religiously and sargon supporting sanders in 2016
- why are these liberals so intent to "triggering and own the libs" as matt said
- "good job Sargon, it only took you a week to kill the NPC meme." - Gator
- Jim confirmed he will still do a BetterHelp/DeFranco video after Deftrancos abandonement
- "If i was a big youtuber or one of those agents, i would make sure that my client never works with deFranco ever again. Who knows how many people he fucks over like this."
>"Sunset these fuckers in the streets. this is heinous." - Zidan
>"And these fuckers like Bronx Blogger say nothing is happening in South Africa, its all sensationalized" - Ralph
- 21 year old white studen female in south africa was kidnapped, gangraped and killed by a bunch of 4 gang niggers in a vineyard near New Cape town
- apparently this was the daughter of a magistrate in the region
- was described as as brilliant student with straight As
- attackers armed with knifes lurked in bushes when she diriving by in her VW Gold at night
- a man was with her in the car, they broke his arm and smashed his head with bricks until they thought he was dead. he survived, woke up after the attack injured and alerted the police
- attackers dragged her away, raped her, smashed her head with a rock and stabbed her in the neck with a knife
- the nigger gang stole the car, raped 3 other women and went on a robbing spree
- the niggers later went to a drug dealer to smoke crystal meth
Niggers were a mistake.
new metokur doxx october 2….png
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Social Media Supreme Court….png
"Internet Bloodsports is the "Count of Monte Christo" of Internet Drama. Its full of obscure, interesting subplots that distract from each other, but also filled with boring characters." - comment from the IBS mega thread on /cow/, paraphrased

Overall mediocre episode, if you dont need it you can skip it, lots of spergery during the pozzed blogger section, kind of underwhelming rest.

+++ THIS JUST IN ++ YOUTUBE IS NOW CENSORING LIVE CHAT DURING ALL STREAMS +++ this is regardless if the host supports this or has a bot on +++ this includes supershekels

>#Killstream: YouTube Died Edition

https://youtu.be/Nef3IK4Y58M [Embed] - Killstream for October 16th / 17th
4 hours

gator was missing, went some time during the first hour in

Guests was
Pozzed Blogger

calls were taken
DarkVee, Randbot, That SouthAfrican Guy BlackOni323, Dongwave


- donga is now friends with traut and anal vape, 2 people he was previously enemies with
-Qaurtering/Jeremy now has beef with Killstream, Andy and CRP
- Quarerpounder may fight CoachRedPull IRL soon
- according to cow Jeremy is a millionaire
- King of Pol/Bryan Dunn is running new ops
- hes infiltrating/destoing discord server of people who talk behind his back
- Warskis new streams are some of the worst hes ever made since the end of IBS Apo, i dont know how he manages to pull 1.500 viewers with this uninspired content and repulsive cohost, he lost about ~25.000 subscribers total ever since
- Kumite is now barely hitting 200 viewers daily
- Jonathan Ross was recorded having fantasies of fucking ponies (he is/was a brony and wrote fimfiction)
- after getting trolled on voicechat he also threatened suicidebait again (Ross already fake-suicide attempted with Febreeze, which is neither deadly nor permanently damaging. it just made him have explosive diarhea)
- Maddox from the dick show wants to punch nazis now, said so on his show with Bleh NonWhite 76 viewers. (he has been using a che guevara avatar with his face on for years)
- there were recent leaks on cow that suggest Maddox might be a homosexual or fucking trannies, with him being the bottom
- despite being a jew tool, AutismIsUnstopable got temporarily banned from Youtube again
- Supreme court will hear a case about social media censorship
- cow contacted the alleged exboyfriend of Metokurs current gf/wife. turns out he does not like Jim very much and is now helping to find doxx intel on him and Jade

- Youtube went offline worldwide tonight
- for about 2-4 hours
- killstream was almost canceled but people bothered ralph to do a show anways after it went up again
- it is unknown what cause this error
- it is possible this is related to the shutdown of google +

- Donald Trump Called Stormy Daniels a horse face after he won the defamation lawsuit against her
- Michael Avenatti was very butthurt about that and posted a video on twitter

- Kurt Eichenwald released a new book
- dont know what it is about but apparently he has everyone from the killsteam blocked
- theres a section in it where an emergency room doctor asks eichenwald if he had anal sex and he responsed with "please Stop" several times
- read some passages from his book, it was a mixture of boredom, cringe, insanity and professional victimhood
- some people in chat claimed they read it and said it was fucking terrible, suitable to destroy the rest of Eichenwalds smoking reputation
- its already doing poorly on Amazon
- killstream raided kurt on twitter with PLEASE STOP

- Dark Vee was on
- talked about Gaymergate 2, Horsefaces and NPC memes

- Randbot was on twice, so was Oni

- played a video from the latest Maddox Stream with Blaire White
- talked about general Tranny Faggotry
- also "Authenticity" of Youtubers
- "Blaire White is proof that Youtubers can be fake and gay at the same time."
- "It funny that after all the surgery sje got she looks even less like a woman now."
- Despite having a channel with 280k subscribers, Maddox channel is pretty dead, most of his videos barely get any views and most of them are overwhel,mingly disliked

- Some guy is getting a supreme court hearing to challenge social media censorship, it was accepted last friday

- that one Saudi Journalist that was murdered in a turkish ambassy apparently recorded his last living moments before he was tortured to death
- there were "horrendous screams" witnessed in the embassy
- they injected an unknown substance into him, likely drugs
- it was clear that they did not intent to kidnap, but to kill him
- his killer put in headphones while they were murdering him to listen to music
- he was dismembered with a bonesaw

- Hillary Clinton had a car accident in new jersey while doing campaigning for a democrat senator there

- Ralph told a story when he was with a women who blew him, puked, but insisted on finishing the blowjob, causes a lot of cringe

- Trump threatens to shut down monetary support for countries who allow or ignore illega immigration to the usa, this inclusind practical the whole middle america travelling route
NPC Matrix.png
antifa wheelchair.jpg
maddox x bleh notwhite.png
Saudi Journalist 7 minutes.png
File (hide): BC534F5EA5ACD4BDC7D6C20342F4E0E8-2368252.webm (2.3 MB, Resolution:1856x944 Length:00:00:11, average Kumite stream pos….webm) [play once] [loop]
average Kumite stream pos….webm
- played a video from "They Live", with a spoof on the NPC Meme
- also the New York Times wrote an a fucking article about this shit
- Twitter banned 1.500 accounts associated with the NPC meme
"For Election Interferrence" aka Russian Bot Propaganda
- this is completely unironic, left wingers go raving mad about this shit for some reason
- every single sjw complaining about the NPC meme is using the word """dehumanize""" when describing it, its like a script
- twitter will soon develop a new censorship bot that find and bans antimarxist memes
- "this meme is visceral, it hit them so close to what they really are that they can no longer allow it to continue." - Gator on the anti NPC campaigns
- apparently Dr. David Dukes has reposted the NPC meme as well

- Bronx Blogger was mentioned, he has thousand of people blocked, but keeps responding to ralph daily

- Some other Democrat Senator candidate got gutted on twitter with a political add painting him as a pedophile

- Bronx Blogger, (racemixed quarterspic/quarternigger Antifa Twitter homosexual with Aids, no joke) came on after getting made fun of by the previous caller
- talked about the NPC meme, thinks banning it is stupid
- BlackOni came on again when Pozzed was talking
- talked about the white genocide in south africa
- Pozzed Blogger is in general in denial of it
- Pozzed said its a crime problem not a racial problem
- claims the communist black majority government is responsible for poverty, which leads to black on black and black on white crime
- Oni brought up examples of horrendous family torture/gang rape cases with power tools, involving infants
- the conversation was quickly derailed due to poor conduct of both speakers
- i dont know if Oni was in a bad mood of if he was emotional about it due to being a Boer himself, but the chat was very emotional
- that Oni stuttered all the time didnt really help the case either, yelled NO NO NO and told pozzed to shut the fuck up didnt really help either
- Oni wanted to post pictures about it
- Pozzed admitted that he sucks dick and swallows, despite being embarrased when someone says hes bottom gay
- pozzed laughed most of the time and made fun of Zidan for being an illegal chinese immigrant, also called him an anchorbaby
- Randbot later came on additionally when killstream realized Oni could not pull his weight
- despite the important topic neither of the guests was really able to hold a presentable conversation. it was pretty much a trashfire
- apparently pozzed cant make a living of his marxist activism
- Pozzed continued to make strawman arguments and laughted at boers and white farmers
- "this is white scientology death cult shit." - Pozzed Blogger
- Pozzed told the Boers to go back to europe, to which Oni replied he wants to but cant because the EU does not accept white africans or any white europeans on the planet for that matter
- Pozzed unironically said "Nothing personell" when he left
179358 179371
Louis Farrakhan Anti Termi….png
twitter auto mass flagging.png
Walmart Fursuit.png
Warski VS Trout-Tonka-Zoom….png
Youtube should ban alt rig….png
+ + + No DeFranco Video yet, Jim once again failed the deadline, ne date is supposed to be before sunday + + +

Meh stream, if you care for Warski worth a watch for the expanding snapchat drama. NEar end interesting if you care for the Metokur doxxing drama.

Ralph may or may not keep streaming on this killstream throwaway channel to keep the algorhytm momentum even when the last strike on the original channel expires.

guests were on
Warski, Zoom, Thomas Ellington (?), Metokur

NOT on
Tonka, Vamp, Quartering, Zoom and Andy at the same time

calles were taken
Negro Joe, Moonman,Flamenco,


>Killstream from tonight

https://youtu.be/qRST76jW5pU [Embed] - killstream from october 17th 2018
4 hours

J<im VS Anakin Crackhead - Doxxing proxy battle
[YouTube] James P. O'Shaughnessy almost Faces a Jedi On TRR (Jim) [Embed]
28 minutes

Salty Quarterpounder gets raided live by killstream
https://youtu.be/YTmOrRxfLaw [Embed]
10 minutes

Woman complains at Dick Masterson for getting raped
https://youtu.be/nxpXx7NhW3I [Embed]
18 minutes

The Quartering Discusses Metokur & Sargon’s Appearance
https://youtu.be/DSA6_T89ZwQ [Embed]
7 minutes


- Youtube is now mass censoring streamchat automatically
- they censor out swear words, anti white insults are still permitted
- this is currently not happening on all channels, but seems to increase by the hour
- all messasages with racial slurs are auto deleted, leaving a message "this message was deleted by the youtube moderator team"
- this seems to happen almost exclusively to english speaking US streamers or those with majority US audiences

- Twitter will also now autoflag tweets that """violate""" twitters terms of service
- this include things like the NPC Meme

- Kurt Eichenwald called his detractors neckbeards.

- Trout & Zoom are currently doing OPs tying the tight the noose arounds Warskis neck that hes a pedophile

- Warski came on
- he must have been on cocaine again, was very riled up
- Warski talks about his recent history with IBS, post apocolypse, his drug induced breakdown and events until now including all his detractors
- told he broke up with his obese irish gf Shitnead
- told he had to change phone numbers this week due to getting strange messages on the phone from someone pretending to be him
- tells about his broken friendship turned hatred with Tonka Saw
- the pedophile leaks came from Anal Vape and Corey "Zoom" Barnhill (aka the fat rich pedo jew who screams all the time loudly and who destroyed the Kumite with the fake wrestle)
- Zoom is currently strongarming a pedo camapign against warski on Kiwifarms
- said he asked a 16 year old girl to make an OK sign
- "Tonka wants me dead basicly."
- according to Warski, Tonka also wants to destroy the Killstream and Metokur
- the OPs is trying desperaltely to get dickpics from from andy by spamming him with hot catfishes
- "Tonka, you like gay OPs? Well you ARE a gay OP! YOu are a walking talking caveman. You are retarded. I hate You!" - Andy Warski
- Warki claimed he mataphorically fucked Trouts ass
- Warski and Gator said Trout is pressuring people behind the scenes to stop talking about him in public
- Gator also confirmed with screenshots provided by anonymous sources that confirm Tonka is working with Analvape against Warski. Tonka back in the day offered a 1000 dollar bounty for Zephanarions doxx (aka the cuck alien guy)
- Andy offered to send Ralph Dickpix for confirmation of his penis, so people cant make fake photoshops
- Warski Purple Dragon Gaming channel was deleted after a beatdown with zoom
- called zoom a psychopath and refuses to debate him again

- Ralph got a superchat requesting to ban Vamp Tranny from the Killstream Discord, he claimed Vamp is no longer a mod but will not be banned

- Zoom went on the stream
- Zoom said andy is high and constantly lying
- will go back sucking dongas dick in a few weeks, like he did 3 months ago
- "hes alwas full of shit."
- "TLDR Andy is a faggot." - Gator
- Zoom explained how they got warski pedo leaks on snapchat
- there was a video of an underage girl who was masturbating for Warski
- andys real (now deleted) username was visible in the video, the one with the icecream cone
- called Anal Vape a piece of shit
- played a video zoom relayed to ralph
- people claimed this was fake, zoom replied how do you fake the recorded icons on an iphone, there were other conversations visible on it as well
- this would require IOS emulation software just to troll with Warski
- "It weird, first he said the leaks were fake, then that his account was suspended." - Zoom
- "I have not talked to Andy since April."
- "I think its paranoid to think that all these people that hate each other suddenly work together to get back at Andy."
- theres now also allegations that Analvape tried to romance a 15 yer old girl online as well

- some techie guy came on and explained how the warski leaked could be faked
- it would take a software engineer with experience ca. 40 minutes to do that, would cost circa 150 dollars

- Tonka and Vamp were mentioned and offered to come on air to talk aboiut the snapchat pedo leaks
- they ultimately did not, ralph said they have gotten cold feet
- Chat was angry at Ralph for bringing Zoom on

- Some guy who i assume was Thomas Ellington on a sock came on
- asked if Zoom was trolling, said he wasnt

- Negro Joe came on and said Warski was a pedo

- Flamenco came on
- one of the democrat senator from Missouri that was exposed before the election is now trying to Sue O'Keath from Project Veritas
drug addict with metokur d….png
Kati Morton sociopathy vid….png
Sargon eternal anglo.png
trout versus IBS tweet.png
white supremacist milk chu….png
- read an article from that one female New York TImes journalist that was in Trouts Discord server last year
- complained about milk drinking and white nationalism
- was essentially a rehash of the he will not divide us drama with milk
- only almost 2 years late wow

- Walmart is now unironically selling Fursuit head pieces for wear
- "Mentoring fursuiters for the next generation? Nicely done lucky." - Official walmart twitter

- Quartering was streaming but shut his stream down when killstream wanted him to come on 30 minutes prior to the invite
- gator now has a chicken song for people who dodge invites

- talked about some guy from the "Nation of Islam" called Lousi Farrakah
- was accused by Buzzfeed for being anti jew when he compared jews to insects
- responded with "I am not Anti-Semite. I am anti-Termite."
- Killstream is now trying to get farrakahn on stream

- Tom Arnold was talking shit on twitter again

- New Smearpiece from Paul Mason against the Alt Right and Youtubers based on the Soros funded AIN propaganda to ban all groups for promoting fascism, the abuse of free speech leads to totalitarianism
- TLDR ban these people because they have ideas i dont like

- second to last Final section was a video about the Better Help scam involving a famous therapist called Kati Morton
- this was the woman that helped shane dawnson make a documentary about sociopaths on jewtube
- Shane dawnson himself is also heavyly involved with BetterHelp
- people who watched the videos said Kati morton had poor knowledge of the subjects he was cited as an expert on
- according to one of the creators of the video, morton did little to no research for the content she helped produce
- she spoke unprofessionally and provided harmful, wrong information about other youtubers to millions of watchers
- it is suspected that Katie Morton is also the undisclosed cofounder of the BetterHelp company
- which would make this shane dawnson series some sort of promotion piece

- Jim was on during the last part
- some allegedly drug addict named "Anakin" found his irl doxx and was trying to expose him
- beat around the bush a lot but ultimately did not publish anything at the time
- jim insisted he did it on the killstream
- Jim said he was disappointed in the killstream that night
- according to this Jim is a secret SJW, his father is an oil tycoon and hes afraid to go after podesta
- streamsniped him while he was smoking crack
- called Jim an irish swindler
- streamchat raided him and spammed chicken emojis
- he got angry at chat
- the drug addict was unsurprisingly high as fuck waving his arms yelling
- he probably did not thought about the consequences of livestreaming himself consuming illegal substances
- talked about warski getting catfished with pedo bait on Snapchat
- talked about the new youtube censor bot fucking up chat
- unironically said "you underestimate my power"
- "No one told me to do this, this was my choice. If i am wrong you have nothing to fear, right?" Anakin
- "this reminds me of the baked alaska stream." - Jim
- Anakin continued to dodge the stream while smoking drugs, talking shit while he was being streamsniped.
- Jim left when it was clear this was going nowhere, may go on tmr when more Veritas drama is on or more Snapchat drama
- theres also now allegedly a new jim doxx out on Kiwifarms, which may be talked about on thursday killstream

- some woman who i assume was nora raged at ralph while he was reading superchats towards the end
Niggers get The Gas Too.
give me a quick rundown is andy really a pedo?
179371 179390
Doxxing Intel Posted on Ki….png
Doxxing Stream Announcemen….png
Jim81Jim Old account.png
mister metokur alleged fac….jpg

+ + + reupload of the Doxxing Stream not avaiable at the time of the writing of this post, link will be deployed later +++

As of the writing of the thread the Intel presented in this post has been recognized by Kiwifarms Administration as Mister Metokurs Official Doxxing Data.


>Metokurs ED Article


>/pol/ doxxing thread from Februarary 2018


>Toothless Crackhead on youtube


>Kiwiposter who published the Crackhead Intel


>Metokurs Kiwifarms thread, starts where the doxxing leaks begin



James Patrick O'Shaughnessy
DOB: 10-9-1981 (Record in above post)
Address: 19838 N Forest Road Apt#302, Forest Lake, MN 55025


JIm did a 1 hour long stream in respondse to doxxing leaks
- the details of the doxx were posted on kiwifarms and announced on /cow/
- if the documents are to be believed, jims identitiy capture was achieved via 2 means
1. His girlfriend/wife Jem "Jad3fox" Lee registered in Forest Lake Minnesora in 2016 to vote for Trump during the election, his home adress was saved in the registry
2. Jem Lee bought items online, send them to the Adressed of James Patrick O'Shaughnessyand produced doctumented marketing data that were cited
3. Criminal records were shown suggesting that Jim lost his driving after moving and had several incidents of parking ticket violations

Site Staff of Kiwifarms, including the Metokur Thread OP, the Site Owner and the Chief of Doxxing said that the resources presented and the information held in them are relaiable and suitable to confirm the identity of Mister Metokur.

Doxxing Data was edited into the Thread OP Post, with the thread being locked by the site owner temporarily so it can be properly updated

Mister Metokur admitted during the stream that the doxx was indeed his. He pussyfooted around it to elude around the fact, but at the end of the day the documents were reconized by both him and the officials of a lolcow website.

There was no face reveal during the video, although photos of James Patrick O*Shaughnessy have circulared, see pics related.

during the stream it was pointed out by Metokur, the the previous originator of these sources was a toothless youtube crackhead by the name "As told by Anakin Skywalker", as mentioned in the Summary of the Killsteam from Wednesday.

Metokur said that this data was (at least in part) avaiable on Encyclopedia Dramatica since circa 2014, meaning whoever found out his identity was a contributor to that ED article and did so 4 years prior.

I myself am not sure what to think, Kiwifarms has a history of getting things wrong, with the infamous case of veryfying Darksydephils Prostitute catfish in December 2017, which was later to be revealed a private Scam OPs. /cow/ and other parties are now looking forward to raid the Adresse in Forest Lake for confirmation.

also accordintg a superchat who called the adress an asian women went on the phone and said "No Jim here." before she hung up. No phone ringing was to be heard during the stream either.

Jim was seemingly doxxed by Kiwifarms, Youtube and Ed, The Doxx is allegedly real despite all faggotry and joking sourrounding it. Jim may get swatted soon. The culprit of this all was his Girlfriend, Jem Lee.
andy warski naked, bald an….jpg

he might have been baited into it now when it came out, but people say he was having snapchat nudes and videos of several underage girls before while he was still with his girlfriend. It is probable that they are now fabricating fake evidence, but consider Andys drug addiction habits, likeness for porn and general low IQ i am not ruling out he jerked off to teens snapping him their genitals being stimulated.
179375 179410
This is depressing. Either Warski is indeed a degenerate or a sophisticated defamation campaign was organized against him. Either way it's a big loss and threat to the Youtube community.

Also, why is Jim even being doxxed? Just for the lulz? The guy's one of the greatest trolls out there and has provided a massive net benefit for the internet by exposing retards and degenerates. Intentionally compromising him when there's no one to really take his place is a great (((evil))).
James Tristan Metokur alle….png
>Its Over
[YouTube] It's over - James P. O'Shaughnessy Stream (With LiveCHAT and Timestamps) [Embed]
Reupload of the Doxxing Stream with Chat, provided by Murdochian Archiver
75 minutes
tonka saw anime reality.png

as far as i know doxxing ops were run against jim since 2009, maybe even earlier, he made so many enemies over the years, theres no shortage of people who want to take him offline or into the ground. Putting out fake doxxes doesnt help when you have a gf that never cared about privacy issues. As stated before i myself am unsure if this is indeed his real doxx, despite the quick confirmation from Kiwi. But eventually it was bound to happen. He better gets a gun or 2 now. The adress in forest lake is already getting pizza bombed, a swatting is expected anytime now.
Jim said he would continue to make videos even if he was doxxed.
With the company account I have I can confirm the dox contains real data. Be aware all those that want to fuck with Jim though, that the number provided on the original dox is wrong. It belongs to some 70 year old Asian lady. As a PSA please do not call that number expecting Jim to pick up. I also have a whole bunch of data on the family, who seem to have been influential in Minnesota. Nothing on Jim himself though. He seems to have taken serious effort to keep his anonymity.
how does someone doxx someonelse? i would like to take some precautions to be more anonymous.
hasn't this information been on kiwifarms and ED for a while tho? this is probably just another fake dox.
Your information is out there, all one needs to do is find the right string to pull. Once that string is pulled everything falls apart. so either avoid that string getting pulled, or make damn sure the string if pulled is a dead end.
Right, but the smoking gun is finding Jade/Jem. That seemed to help pull all the peices together. It was the string to "pull" if you will.
179407 179567
Mister Metokur Doxx Reconf….png
Mister Metokur Doxx reconfimed by Kiwifarms staff
Jem Lee was the string.
Jim got doxxed because his asian voted for Trump.
179410 179567
Remind me again why this guy deserves to be named and shamed, along with all of his friends and family members?
I thought we weren't liberals. So what did he do that makes him (((Fair Game)))?
Some people just dox for the lulz. Having your personal information out there can make people feel uncomfortible. There are also a lot of autistic NEETs that have nothing better to do. Jim has pissed off enough of them to get get this response eventually.
Is Kiwifarms down? I cant access shit.
it's the same info that's been on ED for years don't be retarded
because salty retards haven't ever been able to beat him in an argument so they dox him
jim new and old face compa….jpg
null reaction to metokur d….png
stock invester with the sa….png
youtube livestream chat ce….png
JIms alleged Father James ….png

""I dont curate or censor the content on my website, the users are responsible. The Doxx was verified by our best credible doxxer. There is no such thing as ethical doxxing and there is literally nothing wrong with doxxing people. Buy a gun." -Owner of Kiwifarms on the Jim Doxx, summarised.

The real Dr. David Duke, former grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, will come on the Killstream soon.

>Killstream from october 18th

https://youtu.be/RebhWbADLO0 [Embed]
4 hours

Metokur was NOT on Air. The Doxx was not disproven or denied. Killstream community now hates Kiwifarms.
Joshs Section is about 2 hours 30 minutes long
It is unknown if Josh will appear on the sunday stream.

guests were on
Null/Josh (Admin of Kiwifarms)

calls were taken (with Josh on)
Flamenco, Negro Joes, King of Pol, Fake Ross, Randbot

Killstream chat killed the Google Mod bot in one night, but they suspect it will be back soon.
Gator was mentioned in an acticle about the Mod Bot.


- Played a video of James Patricks alleged father. I have to say he has a similar looking face and speaking habits
- hes one hell of a storyteller

- Josh was on
- said it was an awful day
-"I never had a day before like this."
- said this happening split his site
- people are now argueing furiously for and against the Metokur doxx validity
- said the crackhead got the best superhacker on kiwifarms, some guy named ZED, to doxx jim, the guy who doxxed Briana Wu and confirmed his former male identity
- Zed is one of the most credible people on kiwifarms, may work in law business
- the crackhead send ralph doxx data since september in DMs
- brought up that Jims gfs was tracked down via vorintg registrations
- also brought up the marketing data
- "never post your real birthdate anywhere" - Null on doxxing
- the birthday of james was identical to old profiles metokur had
- "Jim never denied the accuracy of the doxx."
- "Jim is just not undoxxable. its not the case."
- "i make sure that all the data posted there is accurate, especially when it comes to important cases like this."
- "i have no benefit in having James information on there, but i can not censor it either because this is what the site is about."
- the crackhead leaks prior were intended as a joke by the original commissioner of the doxx
- the guy who posted the metokur doxx on kiwifarms was banned for incompetence in the release and sowing division on the site
- mentioned the Jcaesar187 leaks on air
- new leaks for Jem Lee were shown
-"this was probably the first time since 2013 ever since i did not enjoy running this site."

- caller came on and questions where this claim came from James was rich or froma rich family
- "the jade doxx is more concrete than the Jim doxx." - Null
- "Jims fans are ravenous Sycophants" - caller
- played a clip from a guy with james same name
- another caller came on said he was skeptic but thinks that stocks guy is the real metokur

- someone went to James house in forest lake
- called in
- he was just trolling sadly

- another caller came on saying this was a fake dox
- null explained what he got wrong about fake doxxes and data confirmation
- said he also thinks it might be real
- someone linked jems birth certificate

- Flamenco called in
- said if the doxx is real or not doesnt really matter to him
- said Minnesota is going to hell anyways
- metokur will probably move to texas
- said 2 republican candidates were assaulted in minnesota

- Negroe Joe went on briefly and shot a mexican at his door

- King of Pol came on
- hes banned from kiwifarms
- said the OPs was gay
- "I thought the Pedo Andys OPs was interesting" - KoP
- "as far as i know, no one who was involved in the metokur doxx was involved in the Andy OPs." - Null
- "His stream was so convoluted i could not tell if he was taking the piss out of it or not."
- reminded that Sargon bullied computing forever in 2016 over marxism

- Ralph pointed out that jim said during a stream in summer 2018 he would allegedly no quit youtube if he was doxxed
- the neither deny nor confirm strategy is being used on purpose to make the doxx look doubtful and not feed into more ops against him

- "There is literally nothing wrong with doxxing." - Null
- "Complaining about doxxing is like complaining about gambling. You can complaing about it and say it immoral, but its still going to happen." - Ralph
- Null told the story how the founder of bitcoin was doxxed by the department of defense
- told a story when one of nulls friends tried to doxx metokur and ended up prank calling a guy who worked with the founder of bitcoin, who might have gotten him killed
- people complained abouts Nulls take on Doxxing, he in turn asked what kind of moral standard he should impose on the site to censor it
- "its a comedy website for gossip, not a crusade website. when the furries were being trophy hunted no one complained."

- Fake Ross called in and called Null a fucking bitch
- "i am working on an article."

- Randbot came on
- apparently hes 50 years old natsoc from australia with wife and childrne, his child was audible in the background
- he was disappointed in Null and the James Dossier
- Null explained his stance on free speech on his site
- unironically talked ethical doxxing
- Null said ED has fallen apart

- Played an old soundclip from Jim before he got famous
- it was hard to listen to, jims voice was barely audible and the background music was really loud
- apparently that was some kind of add for foot fetishes

- Ralph Announced that David Duke will come to the killstream
- Dr. Duke is very hyped for that
- Zidan welcomed this as awesome
- Gator claimed Erik Striker of Daily Stormer is a """Nazbol""" (aka that fake meme ideology composed of Natsoc and Stalinism), which i think is inaccurate
new jem lee intel.png
Rabbi Schwuli rages at Lou….png
Bigoted items in the shop ….png
Fetus Deathwatcher 2000 ki….png
- Most of the Killstream chat now hates kiwifarms and Null despite the fact most of them all knew well before that doxxing is what kiwifarms does on a daily basis for 5+ years now and that is suddenly now a massive problem when it happens to Jim.

- talked shit about trout and called him an idiot and a fake intellectual
- "a lot of the skeptics are a lot of the same thing." - Gator
- "he blames everybody for his problems but himself."
- Praised Coach Red Pill

- talked about he missouri democrat senator who got fucked by Veritas
- "the demoacrats are now deepthroating a gun and pulling the trigger" - Gator
- talked about the 2 republican candidates getting attacked in Missouri
- one of the democrats officials said they will be "bringing the Republicans to the Guillotine in Novemeber".

- talked about an Kotaku article
- Maplestory 2 shop is selling "Bigoted items"
- theres hentai porn in there too
- they unironically complain about Maga hats and proud to be white shirts
- there were hitler shirts and a trump truck
- "Hentai and Racism at the same time? Now thats my kind of game." - Chat

- played a clip from something called the blunt stream
- i think it was a nigger
- the guy sounded drunk or high
- rambled about being scammed by liberals and jews
- apparently that nigger talked about ralphs book about e celebs

- Ralph read the Boku no Pico Review Copypasta
- Ralph admitted his cat cleo scratched his Paki wife

- the better help video from mumkey jones was mentioned where he was larping as Elliot Rodger (i saw that but thought it was kind of boring)
>people are now argueing furiously for and against the Metokur doxx validity
>- said the crackhead got the best superhacker on kiwifarms, some guy named ZED, to doxx jim, the guy who doxxed Briana Wu and confirmed his former male identity
>- Zed is one of the most credible people on kiwifarms, may work in law business
again you can ramble on about super hackers but this info was on ED for years. Mere weeks ago you were still insisting his name was James Tristian if a brainlet retard like you says the dox is valid a reasonable person should doubt that it is.
_unironicly furry.png
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWrMuSnG4OQ [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ90lAzPOR8 [Embed]
Andy "race" Warski is becoming a furry
The Ralph Retort was fully taken down today. Multiple channels, completely down.

They refunded the 27k he raised for Charity and the WSJ hit piece about him and a few others was released today.

They've migrated to https://dlive.tv/theralphretort

Today the hashtag #WJSKillsKids actually managed to get to trending before being removed.

JF managed to survive it, he made an appearance on the new Stream and rubbed that in.

I don't have an Archive link for the article, but I'm looking for one.

Kraut and his cronies celebrated up until the new stream site ended up getting 6k+ viewers and crashing the new site.