Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1862 replies and 81 files omitted.
>>91813Indeed, that is a pleasant surprise. He might find himself suddenly missing his cranium
after he gets Blue her books, but Silver supposes that's something he'll have to deal with in the future.
>>91815That’s future Silver’s problem. Well, he’s gotten away from her for now
>>91814So... he’s into healing old wounds and forgiveness?
>>91819Indeed it is. Onwards to Silver's Tavern room!
>>91820>>91820The journey there is mostly uneventful. When he gets to his room, he opens it up to find... weren’t there supposed to be changelings there or something?
>>91462Brie adopts a comfortable gait that would accompany his appearance and approaches the ticket booth, inspecting it.
>>91823The stallion at the ticket booth - Dark orange earth pony - looks like a fairly typical worker of the Celestial Railway
[1d20-1 = -5]>>91821"Sorry I...wait...Kerr? Wesley?" Silence. His eyes widen, hoping now this is just some prank, or that he was put under a spell, or something. What happened to the changelings? Did somepony take them? Where are they!?
Search: Silver starts looking around the room for signs of the changeling drones as he continues to call out the them. "Kerr? Wesley? Kerr...Wesley!?"
>>91825Well, Silver’s search isn’t the most thorough. There is nothing under the beds, and no suspicious “rocks” or anything in the room, but there is s crumpled up note:
“Took the changelings to get help. Will be gone for several days. Hope we don't die. - EEE"
>>91827"..." He stares at the note for a few seconds, it shaking in his magical grasp. He lets it fall to the floor as he raises his head to the ceiling, letting out a screech of pure anguish. "BRIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
>>91828What kind of horrible person would just take somepony else’s NPCs from them? Don’t they know that those are his?
>>91828Onyx wonders why the pony upstairs wants cheese so bad, but decides that he isn't paid enough to deal with screaming customers.
>>91830Are you shitting me? That’s exactly what they are paying him for. Chop chop!
>>91824"Good day to you gentlepony. I would like three tickets."
>>91829"Этот идиот! Что, черт возьми, эта летучая мышь пони!? Кого, черт возьми, он пытается получить в качестве помощи!? Для чего!? Луна, черт побери! Он собирается убить дронов!" He lets out another cry. "AHHHHH! Я понятия не имею, куда они пошли! Они могут быть где угодно, они уже могут быть за городом! ЗАЧЕМ!? Почему сейчас!? Селестия, черт побери! У меня нет времени на это, я должен достать для нее книги Блю! БЛЯДЬ!" And thus, with little choice at his hooves, Silver angrily begins the process of putting his armor and equipment on in Cyrillic. "СУКА!"
>>91831He's paid to serve drinks and clean dishes, not run around cause someone is screaming for cheese. He'd never get anything done.
>>91834If I’m understand this correctly, this music starts playing:>>91836True... but what about tips? Do people who ask for cheese tip?
>>91833"Vracks. Vracks?" He asks, looking back. "Yes, that was it." he says, reaching in his coat pocket for a bag of bits,...
... and a knife.
>>91838>>91838In America, restaraunt waiters a d bar tenders are not paid by the hour or by flat salary. They are given a very low hourly wage, and are expected to make most of their income from customers leaving tips, which is a culturally mandatory practice. Thus, Onyx, as a Bar Tender, could be expected to make most of his money from customers leaving tips. Including those who ask for Cheese
Do your research>>91839“We don’t run trains into the Hegemony”
>>91840I somewhat knew that, but it's more likely he's asking for cheese dip than what you're implying.
>>91837It's a fair assessment, even if it's the wrong ideology. "Я клянусь, если я получу свои копыта на этом пони летучей мыши…" He takes a few seconds to compose himself so at
least he won't frighten everypony he passes by looking like your typical angry Stalliongrader here to invade and convert their foals with his dangerous communistic ideas. Once he looks at least semi-cordial, he heads out, with two stops to make before heading to the catacombs: first to a general goods store to buy a simple cheap pocket watch, second to the potions shop to buy four Potions of Hide From Undead.
>>91840"Well surely you must have trains that pass
near it?"
You act like this is babbies first RPG
>>91843"You can take a train to a border town, then cross and take a rail service in the Hegemony. Be advised that coming back is not as easier as going in"
>>91842As he browses the pocket watches, he remembers he should also pick up a flashlight, and adds one to his list of purchases.
>>91847"Yes, well, I have family that borders the area and it is a most important engagement. It is imperative I be in attendence and we'll be safe in hoof, rest assured. So tickets then?"
>>91850"Well... I can get you on a train to Canterlot... There's the Crossings at Ponyville, Hoof city, and Hoofington. There's also Bales, but Bales is further north..."
Fun fact, the name for Severyana comes from the Russian word for "Northerner": северянин. Pretty neat.
>>91848So... a Flashlight and a Pocket watch
>>91852I think it's more than that. There was a tribe named "Severyana" I believe in an area around the Ukraine
[1d20+5 = 12]>>91851"Bales, I think that wa where I stopped years ago. I was very young then but it was still a delightful trip."
>>91854"Alright, that's another 4 hours further away"
>>91855"Its a remote estate, its actually more convenient for us."
>>91853Yup. A flashlight and a pocket watch.
It's still interesting that the Russian word for Northerner is "severyanin". >>91856"Very well, two tickets to Bales? I take it you want the Overnight train leaving today?"
>>91857"20 bits"
>>91858"One adult and two colts, please, but yes."
>>91858Silver pays the pony 20 Bits, taking his new acquisitions and moving on to the potions shop for his four Potions of Hide From Undead.
>>91859just so we're entirely clear, going to Tall Tales, Vraks, or the Border via Bales is going to take longer than going to any of those destinations via Canterlot"Alright. What sort of accomodations do you want? Roomette, Compartment, Family Bedroom, Coach?"
>>91860"2 Strong 4 You" is a reasonable nearby Potion shop
The Zebra asks "What would you like to buy, my big armored fighting guy?"
>>91861Cuz Brie knows that,..."A Family Bedroom is preferable. This is the Colt's first train ride and I would like for them to have the chance to fully enjoy it." Brie says with a smile, glancing back at the two totally not changelings.
>>91861Silver smiles slightly, finding a minor bit of enjoyment in the odd custom displayed by this zebra, even if the cultural reasons behind zebras rhyming are lost to him, and seem just a little odd. "I need four potions of Hide From Undead. I am going into catacombs beneath Curwhinny Farm, and I would rather not become next meal for those monsters Curwhinny made."
>>91862"Very well. 100 for a bedroom, and three tickets for the lot of you. The train leaves soon"
>>91863"When travelling through an old abandoned tomb
Don't let them see, else you'll meet your doom
I have just the thing that will keep you from harm
when travelling underneath that ancient farm
one shot of this hide from undead potion
just take a swallow and keep in motion"
>>91865He nods. "Exactly. Here, I think four of these is...200 Bits, yes?" He takes a very large portion of his remaining Bits, 200 of them, in a sack, and places them on the counter.
>>91865"Excellent. Are refreshments available on the train?
>>91866"If four potions is what you need
The price will be 400 bits indeed"
>>91867"Of course. The Panamare Limited has a two-part dining car, and is known for its services"
>>91868Silver gives the zebra an odd look. "
400 Bits?"
>>91869"It appears when I 400, it was in err
The price is 200 bits, as you declare"
>>91868"Splendid." Brie says, piling 100 bits on the counter. "Are there any,... extra services available?" he asks with a bit of emphasis.
>>91871"What do you have in mind?"
He doesn't seem to understand Brie's meaning
>>91870Silver sighs in relief. "Almost had stroke there. Yes, I do actually have 200 Bits for four potions." He motions to the sack of Bits he's placed on the counter.
>>91872"Forgive me, I was thinking improprietously. I used to take train rides with my wife before she passed, and the thought of taking such a trip invoked feelings of desire. This will be my first such trip alone, and wistful thoughts,... you understand."
He says, adding 5 extra bits. "I appreciate your consideration."
>>91873“With these potions in hoof, you may begin
Your work in safety, so please, come again”
>>91874“Thank you, sir”
>>91875"Thank you. I will most certainly keep this establishment in mind." With his shopping needs fulfilled, he finally makes his way towards Curwhinny Farm.
>>91875"No, thank you sir."
Brie ligtly bows, before gently gesturing the 'colts' toward,... the indicated departure point, which should be indicated on the tickets,... grumbling internally about having should have bought the disguise cloak when he had the chance, but not allowing it to distract his demeanor.
>>91878Wesley asks: “haben wir auf der reise etwas zu tun?”
>>91877Directly there, does he?
>>91879Not directly. First, he heads to the quarry, finding a way down to the other side of the tunnel he blew shut.
>>91879"Ja, ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Ihr Jungs hungrig sein muss" Brie whispers back.
>>91881“Ein kleines Ja. Dies kann jedoch eine lange Fahrt sein und es kann mir langweilig werden”
>>91880Not too long past noon, the light allows a view into the quarry, which is half submerged, and half above water. There is a pathway going down, even if its upper most area had been blocked. He can see the rubble of the damaged hole
So.... It may not be the best time to finally get a couple of days off glancing over all I missed... I am completely lost to begin with.
>>91882"Nun, wir haben einen ganzen Raum im Zug, und sie neigen dazu, ihre Gäste zu unterhalten. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wenn Sie etwas finden, das Ihnen gefällt, aber essen Sie bitte keine anderen, ohne mich vorher wissen zu lassen. Ich sage nicht, dass Sie nicht sollten, ich möchte nur darüber Bescheid wissen."
>>91883Ash sperged out during negotiations over a foal, forcing them to leave without the goal, then went to find the other goal where she *immediately* sperged out, and whether she fucked herself over by doing this like she did last time remains to be seen. Silver tried to claim Blie Skies as his own personal waifu, eventually penetrating her without really asking her permission first, possibly impregnating her, and ultimately seriously pudding off Dark Star’s player and Blue Skies. Brie foalnapoed the two changelings, bought them bulletproof fancy suits, and now is evidently about to embark on a trip across the country with them.
>>91884Begrudgingly, Kerr says “okay”
Wesley: “Was ist mit all den Spielsachen, die das nette Pony uns gekauft hat?”
>>91885Well... not sure what I should do then. Seems like everyone is completely split up now. I can't tell where I am in relation to all of this. Last I remember I was being dragged somewhere, but then Silver made it seem I was nearby or something. I'm just completely confused...
>>91887For context, you're currently being dragged by Caleb. You're in a sort of shop with Ash, Iron, a blue-maned unicorn and maybe a renegade nun whose motives is unclear for now as to why she's here.
Silver doesn't know this. He seems to think you were at the room still, but Brie took your place as the foalsitter, therefore setting off Brie's current story path.
We'll see what he does. Will he sell them? Will he be succ'd? The outcome is currently unclear. >>91887>>91888Oh, and there's one of the fillies.
>>91885Was away for about a week. I knew Silver had the hots for Blue Slut but I wasn't expecting >rape. I was expecting the spergery though. I'm wondering if this party is using TGWTG as a role model set.
I wish I could catch up but due to rather urgent commitments I cannot just yet. Glad to see our intrepid band of autists isn't disappointing.
>>91888The trips suggest truth, but it only leaves me more confused. I guess it will make more sense if I ask for info about the place to the GM.
>>91886Spark looks around his current position. Can he see anypony from where he is?
>>91890>>91891>>91892>>91893>all of this dramaYou guys aren’t going to piss each other off over this are you?
>>91896Uh, no? At least I won't actively throw shit apart from simple in character shaming if Iron ever found out.Not much of note. It's a simple shop. The point is that the filly we're tracking is here.
>>91892It was
not intended to be open, especially when there’s a massive difference between sex with a condom (or anal) and unprotected vaginal sex
I can't tell anyone apart without names...
>>91909You could try clicking their ID
>>91910Yeah, I just keep getting mixed up..
It's no biggie though.
>>91912I’m retiring that character. No more
Purple platypus
Reposting this requested build, so I can find it on my phone.
"Sister Ash": lvl 5
Class: 5th level Druid
Alignment: Neutral Good
Total XP: ???
HP: 30
Race: Kirin (humanoid; reptilian?; dragonblood?)
Sex: Female
Age: complex
Religion: Druidism (worships gaurdinals and the good aspects of nature)
Languages: Ponish, Draconic, Celestial, Sylvan, Druidic
Wis 18
Str 8
Char 10
Int 14
Dex 10
Con 13
>Love Of Nature (must make a will save every time to attack any animal, plant, or vermin; or else lose the action; prone to get eaten by wolves)
>Unreactive (-6 to initiative; hesitates because she hates fighting)
>Sacred Vow
>Vow of Poverty
>Subduing Strike
>Nonlethal Substitution
Exalted bonus feats:
>Nymph's Kiss
>Vow of Nonviolence
>Holy Subdual
Skills: (56 points)
Concentration - 8
Spellcraft - 8
Knowledge (Nature) - 8
Diplomacy - 8
Handle Animal - 8
Knowledge (Arcana) - 5
Knowledge (Religion) - 3
Survival - 8
>>91900I have been waiting for some time for what this roll meant, but maybe it was just an internal choice that I wasn't meant to see until it unfolds.
>>91911>>91912I look to see if Iron or Ash are nearby.
>>91916They went inside the shop.