Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1862 replies and 75 files omitted.
>>92531Blue Skies’ face lights up
“Oh, Dark Star. I wanted to tell you. I looked into your brother. White Star, right?”
She reaches down, and pulls out a piece of paper tucked under left wing”
>>92533Dark Stars Face shows his Disbelief and his voice is a bit shakey as he says "yea his name is White Star. W-What Did you find?"
>>92534She looks down from Dark Star’s face, and proceeds unfold, then read, a sheet of paper
“White Star, Equestrian native an citizen, volunteered near Saltmane February 2, 1012. After brief training, he was assigned to the 32nd Infantry Division, newly arrived, to Battallion 4. On May 23, 1012, the 32nd Infantry was advancing northeast in a salient in sector 18 of the Tenochtilan Basin, when the division was ordered to retreat Southwest to avoid being outmanuvered by the Advancing Equestrian 92nd Onhooves Division. On the morning of May 24, 1012, sector 17, the 32nd Infantry met the Equestrian Infantry in combat 8 kilometers from the village of Cualtzin Cahuayoh, the 4th Battalion encounting the Equestrians on its flank. The battalion, as well as the division, was ordered to retreat. White Star’s C Company fought a rear guard action as Dive Bombers and artillery covered. White Star’s platoon encountered heavy fighting. His Seargent, one Caper Roof, reports that White Star volunteered to provide covering fire for the retreating troops. The position became obscured by smoke and dust from exploding artillery rounds, and White Star became lost in the fog and foliage. White Star was not counted among the regrouped Infantry, and was listed MIA-Presumed POW, under the theory that was captured, although with a suspicion that he may have defected to the Equestrians. Come the surrender, White Star was not counted among the released Prisoners of War, nor among the disarmed enemy combatants. He is still listed as Missing in Action, pending either confirmation of status or the passage of three years, as per usual MIA policy.” She pulls the paper down and makes a comment
“Probably because they have to pay a pension to the survivors of those Killed in Action. They aren’t enthusiastic to list anypony KIA” she pulls the paper back up
“Caper Roof recalls seeing White Star enthusiastically shooting his sub machine gun towards the enemy, before the position was eventually engulfed in artillery fire. He rejects any claim that White Star May have defected, and believes that what is more likely is that he was killed by friendly fire from the surpressive barrage.”
She pulls the paper down
“I’m sorry Dark Star”
>>92530Brie takes a look around the car, glancing at the Lings he whispers "Denken Sie daran, halten Sie das Geschwätz rund um Ponys", then gestures wide and exaggeratedly around the car. "Well colts, take a look around. Let me know if you would like anything to eat, we will be here for a couple days." Brie beams sincerely at the two, knowing they didn't understand a word he just said.
>>92536Wesley nods, and Kerr looks around, taking in the environment. Further down on the bar, a grey earth stallion with dark black mane and black jacket sits down and lights a cigarette. Presumably, the dome is behind them, and the dining car before them
>>92535The Disbelief in Dark Star's Face Gives Way to a look of Intense Sadness
"So It was like i thought then. i'm saddened he's gone, But i also feel a relief in so much as, that i don't have to keep wondering if he's out there somewhere being tortured.And the Fact that he died helping his unit get out of there,it makes me even fonder of his memory. i'll have to inform Father Mareon about this news, im sure he will be devastated as well."
Blue Can see tears welling up in Dark Stars eyes,as he is lifting his Cup of wine to his mouth he wipes his eyes with his other hoof.
"Thank you for telling me Blue. I Don't know what i would do without you."
>>92537Brie, keeping one eye on the Lings, approaches the bar, ready to nod his head in the direction of the gray stallion (if he should turn in his direction).
>>92538She reaches over to a hoof to place on Dark Star
>>92539>one eyeHe sees one Changeling. The pony inhales his cigarette and leans back. He hasn’t looked over yet. This bar is actually not opened yet
[1d20+8 = 25]>>92540Is there a sign he can facetiously look at to 'determine when the bar opens'?
bluff (pretending to not know should be low enough DC that his modifier will be an automatic success)
inb4 1 >>92541Well, it looks like Brie is definitely looking for a sign
>>92540"i often wonder if,this was supposed to happen. was this fate?" dark star touches her hoof with his.
>>92543“Technically, we don’t know his fate” he says, oblivious to how that isn’t better
>>92542After a moment, he turns to the stallion. "Excuse me gentlecolt, would you happen to know when the bar opens?"
>>92545He blows out a long blow of smoke from his mouth, then answers in some sort of northern Equestrian accent:
“little less than an hour”
>>92544Dark Star lowers his voice to not be rude to the other customers
"his C.O Saw him get blow to pieces it sounds like we do."
>>92547She looks at him, mouth open in part
“... Obscured by dust and smoke. That whole area is jungle anyways. Visibility is poor”
>>92546"Thank you my good stallion." Brie nods and returns to the Lings. "Shall we we continue?" he says, gently pressing them toward the dining car with his wings.
>>92549The bat pony colt moves forward. The other one...
>>92551Well that’s just the thing. Where is Wesley?
>>92548Dark Star takes a bite of his pizza
"maybe. he could still be alive. but where would he be? why wouldn't he have came back by now?"
>>92552Brie guides Kerr up the stairs first.
>>92555He doesn’t have to look far. On the glass on the dome is Wesley, both hooves on the glass, his muzzle firmly pressed against it, and his little wings occasionally buzzing. He looks almost like an insect trapped inside of a house, gravitating towards an invisible pane of glass and trying to fly out.
This area has some fixed chairs, and swivel chairs. The color scheme is reddish
>>92554Dark Star Sips some more wine.
"So this is Nimbusian wine, its very good. and i don't generally like wine."
>>92557Dark Star Puts a somewhat happier look on his face
>>92558Wesley wags his little tail, although he still looks like a bee buzzing against a window pane. The passing land outsight looks slightly swampy, with a bog rushing by, then some cleared farmland. Another pony is up here. A younger Unicorn stallion with yellow coloration. He is in a swivel seat, looking out at the passing landscape
>>92559>>92557Blue Skies is obviously fond of it, as she has drunken quite a lot of it as they are sitting there, while not eating that much of her salad
"We make it well." She says. She pats him again with her hoof, and tries to smile at him
>>92560"Nimubusia seems to make all the best stuff."
Dark Star's eyes wander over her then he Smiles Affectionately at her
Brie sits down to wait for Wesley to finish his excitement.
>Wesley's new disposition,... fug I already used that picture, >pic related is me trying to use the Billy image again
>>92561Most of her is obscured by the table, but her soft, kind of fluffy coat can be seen in its blueish hue of white, as can her wings, which are not quite neatly folded, but spread a little for Dark Star to see. She takes another sip, then looks up at Dark Star with warm, turquoise eyes
>>92562If Brie wishes to wait for the wonder of this little ersatz pegasus foal to fade, he will be there a while. Kerr moves up slowly, and sits in a seat next to Brie
>>92564"you are beautiful, you know that?"
She smiles at him, leans forward, picks up her glass next to her, and looks at Dark Star with half closed eyes - 'bedroom eyes'
"I do"
>>92564Brie smiles at the younger unicorn. "It his first time on a train."
>>92567The Unicorn had not been previously looking. But he looks over now. He's whereing some sort of white shirt, semi formal. Brown mane. he smiles
"Oh, I remember my first time on a train. All those years ago. Canterlot to Manehattan. i loved watching the mountains go by. Is he yours?"
>>92566"Nothing in all of Creation Compares to my baby blue. not even to beauty of the land."
Dark Star leans towards her and stares into her eyes with the same look then he drinks some more of his wine.
>>92569She giggles, then lets out a *coo* and takes yet another sip
>>92568"No, this here is my son, they're close friends. He's been like this since the train started moving."
>>92571"Oh, heh. Great to see him like this. It's a long ride to Canterlot. Even longer if you're getting off at Bales"
>>92572Her fur raises, and she backs her muzzle up
>>92573"Bales, as it turns out. I take it you're headed for Canterlot?"
>>92573Dark Star Giggles.
"You are even cuter when angry."
>>92521Heyo, back from the sleep.Iron nods.
"It is like the other mademare we visited. It is of no concern. The nuns probably have no power to takem them home even if they tried. I do not think there is anything to lose by letting her reconnect to old friends back at the abbey, is there?"
>>92574"I am. I just completed medical school at John Haykins last semester. I'm going to Canterlot to start further studies in Medical science there"
>>92576"Well, no...."
>>92575“I am a proud descendant of fierce warriors. My glare is supposed to strike fear in the hearts of griffins and rebelling Earth Ponies. Not be cute”
*angry fluffy Pegasus noises*
>>92577Iron nods.
"I will leave it up to you."
His heads turns to the nun and back, cocking his head when the motion ends.
"Why is a nun here though? Was she given to you like the foals?"
>>92577"That's excellent, congratulations. We're traveling for a family reunion at our family's estate outside of Bales."
>>92579"No, wasn't she with you? She came marching in demanding to see Golden Rays"
>>92581I already used that gif this thread>>92580"Oh, that's so nice. Is this the first one you've taken him to?"
>>92578"You're Adorable."
Dark Star seeming a little drunk,does in fact cup the cheeks
>>92582He shakes his head.
"No, the other nun. I definitely saw another one with you and Rays."
He looks around just in case he mistook the other pony for Ash.
>>92582"Yes, he'll be meeting the family for the first time. Its my late wife's family and I'm not expecting a warm reception, but I'm just hoping he and his friend have a good time."
>>92583There would be a gif for it if I hadn't already used it in the thread
She does indeed look cute like this, with her ears angled down
>>92585"Aww... I'm sorry to hear about her passing." He looks over at Wesley. "So what's he coming up for? just to come along?"
>>92584"I don't know who you are talking about" she responds
Spark takes a look around. I believe I was still in the sleeper with Onyx, but I have lost track.
>>92586"They've been good friends ever since they were foals so an exception was made."
>>92586Iron shakes his head.
"I suppose she was not here to begin with."
He now looks at her, a smile on his face.
"But it is fine. Well, I suggest you consider letting Rays to reconnect with some old friends back at the abbey. You can even ask Rays who they are and maybe either go yourself or send a scout of sorts to check them out if you want. I will leave it up to you."
>>92586Dark Star smiles at her devilishly then he gives her a kiss.
>>92590Her ears spring back up, as the kiss takes her by surprise
>>92588"D'aww, that's really sweet. Are you looking forward to meet with the former in-laws?"
>>92589"Why would I do that?"
>>92591"As long as they don't end up beating me!" Brie laughs unironically.
>>92591"You can always not go there and make them come here, I suppose. It is simply a suggestion. In any case, Rays seem fine."
Iron looks at the presumed filly that's still with the unicorn mare.
"Is that right, little one?"
>>92591Dark Star continues the kiss
>>92592He laughs along with Brie
"I have a wife myself. She's back somewhere in her room. All of her family is back in Baltimare."
>>92593She makes eye contact with iron, and silently nods
>>92594Now, she gets into the kiss, pressing her own lips to his, and moving her tongue aside to invite his inside of her
[1d20 = 11]>>92595Just in case.Iron tries to get a feel of how truthful is that nod. Rolling sense motive.
>>92595Dark Star accepts the invitation vigorously,Sticking his tongue into her mouth,and wrapping around her tongue.
>>92598Well, having a wolf-head wearing pony looking at you does that, I suppose.He nods.
"Remember to visit the abbey if any of your friends are there. Do not tell me when, unless you want me to escort you there or something."
He turns to the unicorn guardian.
"Well, she seems fine to me."
Should I drag Ash back to the abbey? Is Ash still in the scene? >>92595Brie smiles, and begins to stand. "Well its been pleasant talking to you. My name is Brie," he says offering a hoof "And this is Kerr" nods to "And his friend Wesley. Perhaps if you and your wife are up to it, we might catch each other at the bar for a drink. But for now, there's plenty more of the train I would like to show these two."
>>92598He can feel her mouth vibrate slightly, probably form a purr. She is soft an warm. Her half open eyes lie on Dark Star.
>>92599She nods
Saint Germane says
"She does better and worse"
Sure>>92600He smiles "My name is Needle Pusher. See you, and have fun"
>>92597He can feel her mouth vibrate slightly, probably form a purr. She is soft an warm. Her half open eyes lie on Dark Star.
>>92601Iron nods.
"Understandable. Well, I will leave you be, unless you want me to do something for you."
>>92601Brie looks to Kerr, who I assume is paying attention, before calling "Wesley?"
>>92604Wesley looks back to Brie, hooves still on the glass. He says nothing. Kerr is besides Brie, though still sitting
>>92603"Do something for me? Like what?"
>>92605Brie trots over and sort of nudges him away from the window. "We can come back and watch the sights a bit later. Do come along now."
>>92605Iron shrugs.
"I am a rookie thug. Maybe guard something, beat somepony up. It does not matter, as long as it is strength based. I will probably have to make a short trip to the abbey. I think I left something there."
It's actually to transport Ash there. >>92607She contemplates
I actually do have an idea>>92606Wesley comes down, as does Kerr, who stands up
>>92602Dark Star Looks passionately into her eyes,and Continues Exploring the inside of The Beautiful Mares Mouth with his tongue,as he strokes her cheek with one of his hooves.
Brie nods to Needle Pusher (an odd name,... a few errant thoughts run through Brie's head about where Pusher's parent's heads were at when they named him,... especially since his cutie mark wouldn't have surfaced at the time,... come to think of it alot of the ponies he's interacted with have had strangely appropriate names for professions that would have been unknown at the time of the pony's naming,...) and leads the colts back to the lounge and then further forward on the train, to the dining car.
>>92610Well, this isn't quite one of the Racketeering Made mares"I
may have something for you"
She has a fairly wide grin, and narrowed eyes
>>92609With the Vibarting sound she's definitely purring. Her lips are soft, her mouth tastes like wine, and she moves her tongue upwards to meet Dark Stars, trying to wrap hers around his. Her cheeks, are fluffy and soft, and he might even be able to feel his tongue through her cheek if he pokes at it. Her eyes are very close, her muzzle is slender and long. Her ears go back down as she leans over to Dark Star
>>92611I would link a video except i can't find exactly the clip on youtubeThe little foals follow him. Through the corridor, through the vestibule, and past another area where the corridor is off to the right, Brie enters the Dining Car. A large number of tables already have cloth on them, which combine with the light blue floor to give a blue and white color scheme. It's mostly tables of 4 for the first half, then some tables of two on one side after another half. This long seating area takes up the entire remainder of the car until bathrooms next to the vestibule at the end of the car. A crew pony - young earth pony dressed in white - tries to straighten up table cloths on some of the tables
>>92612Iron cocks his head.
"Oh? What is it that you have for me?"
(Why does this smell like a sexual favor? I seriously need a masturbation session to rid me of these thoughts.)
>>92613unfortunately, the Waterfront Gang has a strict no-sex-with-merchandise policy. That's why Abby Willows was implied to be a virgin, despite being held captive for weeks or a month"In the back, I have a caged tiger. It's come free from it's bonds, and now it needs to be moved to a truck to be shipped off to a customer across the seas"
>>92614Phew. For some reason, I was expecting something worse. Although the tiger will do some damage unless I pass some intimidation rolls.Iron nods.
"I see. Do you mind showing me the way to said tiger? I think I can help a bit. What exactly do you want from it?"
>>92612Dark Star Fights Back Against her tongue,wrapping around hers more aggressively. she can also taste the wine on dark stars tongue. He also Pokes her cheek with one of his hooves.
>>92615Still smiling
"In the back. Rechain it, then move it from its cage into a cage in a carriage upstairs and outside. And feed it if you could"
>>92616he can feel his tongue there, right on the other side of her cheek. The two tongues wrap, then as dark Star advances, she pushes her tongue back against his. It's slippery, but she holds
>>92617For some reason, I feel like this has some negative ramifications. But eh, grunt work is grunt work.Iron nods. He attempt to go to the back, trying to guess from intuition where to go to reach it.
(Tiger, huh? I wonder how they caught such an animal.)
>>92618What do you mean?As Iron tries to go back, she moves forward. "Let me guide you there" She looks to Golden Rays
"Golden rays, go upstairs" She nods. She takes Iron back through the first door, past a stairwell that goes upwards, past a room that has a large number of odd items stored - is that a unicorn horn? - and past a sewing room. Then, to a door.
"It's down stairs through here. The carriage is over here" she points forward, through another door. It's right next to it, basically
>>92620It's a sneaking suspicion. Don't mind it for now.Iron nods.
"Where is its food? If my assumptions are correct, then it might be hungry."
>>92621"A refrigerator. Off immediately to the right. You'll see it"
>>92617Dark Star wraps his tongue Around Blue's With more might this time. he grabs the back of her head pulling her deeper into the kiss,
>>92623She gives way, and her tongue is almost melded into his. She is pulled in, and her lips press against his with more force than before
>>92622"Got it."
A deep breath.
"Are you coming in with me or am I going alone? You can use my shield if the former is correct."
>>92625"You've got this, big guy"
>>92626A nod.
"Just in case. I would hate to see a mare hurt."
With armor and shield equipped, he opens the door to the tiger's den, ready to pacify a beast with either intimidation or natural strength.
>>92627Through the door is mostly dark, and immediately the smell is bad. It leads into a damp basement with cement walls and a single lamp
>>92624Dark Star has a prideful look in his eyes as he feels her tongue almost meld into his. He goes even harder into the kiss.
>>92629Now, he presses up against her teeth, which look so white in her smile. He can feel her breath coming out of her nose upon him. She moves her lips up, as she receives him. And now, she places a hoof over his shoulder
[1d20 = 20]>>92628Closing the door behind him, he moves into the basement. He tries to look around to see if the tiger is around.
Was he only without a leash or without a cage around it? >>92631N-Nice
>>92630dark star Thinks of the scene they must be making in the restaurant. but continues the kiss anyway.