Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where Chrysalis chose a different approach to her second attack on Equestria. The Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures thank to their dealing with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
Silver is learning about foreign pony cultures, Dark Star is preparing to put on a play for the children of the Saint Prancis Orphanage, Onyx has received several possible missions from the government, Brie is buying clothing, presumably for a long journey. Ash and Iron are leaving the office of a now enraged gangster... or not.
1862 replies and 80 files omitted.
>>92118>>92119Alright everypony. Spark and onyx follow behind Brie and the two colts and approach the train described in
>>92089. Both characters should make Intelligence rolls
>>92114"Well.. not so clearly. It was at an odd angle, moving, and far away. but what we did get, is this"
She pulls up the photograph of the Unicorn mare
"This pony here, is suspected of being 'The Lady'"
>>92117Ill be home in a little bit.
>>92125"She is believed to be the Headmare of all of the Waterfront Gang. The boss over all underbosses. She is from Manehattan, but left to join the operations here"
>>92121I'm here, but I've got 5 things going at the same time so I might not respond immediately
>>92122What's his modifier? I'm not sure that is high enough
>>92128This train looks kind of familiar. Didn't it used to travel all the way up to Crystal City?
Glad to see that settled.
>>92129No modifiers. I have none except for -1 strength and +3 charisma.
>>92132>>92129I'm assuming I have no knowledge.
>>92135That’s kind of what it looks like, though it’s obviously a large, full sized train from a proper passenger carrier. Many ponies ha e luggage with them
>>92136I guess I look around to see how many guards are around the station.
>>92137‘It’s a passenger train station, pre 9/11
even if after the Canterlot Wedding. There are no guards standing on the platforms, at least that are visible
>>92138Whew. Then I look over to Brie.
>>92127"So, do we already have tickets or..."
>>92139"You mean, aside from the tickets I just bought?" Brie gives Spark and Onyx their tickets. "We've got 2 compartments, a larger one and a smaller one, but the smaller one is still big enough for 2 ponies comfortably."
>>92140"Great. I'll take the smaller one with Onyx most likely so the little ones have some room. They seem to trust you most so it would make sense for you to stay with them."
[1d20 = 12]>>92142Not again... I must have fucked something up.
>>92143Why would there be only two ponies to a compartment for a daytime excursion?
>>92140>>92144"So... why are the compartments so small, Brie? I thought they would be bigger."
>>92145"Its just what was available. Additionally, I hadn't anticipated running into the two of you when I planned the trip."
>>92146"I might have gotten a big enough compartment if I had planned it further in advance"
>>92146>>92147"Ok... but shouldn't there be more ponies to a compartment?"
>>92148"If you want to sit on each other's lap, sure." Brie replies, giving Spark a slightly weirded out look.
>>92126Quick Question, you know how jews call non jews goyim. what do Griffons call non Griffons?
"Wow. what about the Dragon? is he anyone special?"
>>92151Get back to me on that one
“The dragon, we are less sure of. Presumably she’s either from the badlands or the dragon isle, as both are in or near this district. We’re rather surprised to see dragons involved, and at this moment we are not sure if they are just involved in trafficking, they are planning partisan attacks, or if it’s just a random dragon”
>>92149"So, do you agree with the plan?"
>>92154"my guess is on both. and your telling me that's a female dragon? no way."
>>92155"Of course. We can operate in one another's rooms, but as far as slee,... as far as being comfortable and enjoying the scenery, we have ample space."
>>92156“Haha, they aren’t exactly the best looking bunch. Given the fact that the dragon took part of the payment, it looks like they are on the trafficking side. Not surprising, given their greedy natures”
>>92157"Great to hear. So... how do we get by with our... tools?"
>>92159"Act natural, don't draw attention to yourself, and if needs be I'll bribe whoever complains."
>>92158"Any info on the captain and the boat?"
>>92160Spark proceeds to act as natural for a pony with a glass of alcohol for a friend can.
>>92161“Do you mean captain Windshere of the Jungle Express? We know he a regular small boat captain for the Fire Sea service of the Tall Mast transport company. He used to be assigned to intercontinental routes, but seems to have been reassigned after an incident”
>>92163Dark Star looks if hes contemplating something. "interesting. what was the incident?"
>>92164“It doesn’t say. If you want my guess, I think he either ran a ship aground, got drunk and said something stupid to a superior, or messed around with a superior’s daughter”
>>92165"So he's not connected to pony trafficking then? because believe it or not when i talked to him he seemed like a nice colt."
>>92166“Pony trafficking?” She looks a little either surprised or confused
“No, this is
arms trafficking we are concerned with here.”
>>92162"Well come on then, if we're not on board the train will leave without us." Brie urges the group forward.
>>92168I follow Brie onto the train, helping Onyx along.
>>92167Dark Star looks a little embarrassed. "oh, thats pretty bad, still not as bad as pony trafficking though."
>>92167>>92169"Komm mit, Colts, lass uns unsere Sitze finden. Dies sollte ein unvergessliches Abenteuer sein." Brie jubilantly guides the Lings in their posh suits onto the train.
>>92170“There’s a cottage industry of ponies trying to smuggle ponies out of west Equestria. The government is more supportive of that, if anything. But arms trafficking... do I need to say what harm a hundred rifles can do? Or even more serious weaponry? At this moment we can’t really say if it’s destined for communist insurgents, for bandits, or even if its for separatists of another nature. But it can’t be good for the public order”
>>92171Wesley looks around the seen with a bit of fascination of the train, and then eyes a mare standing near one of the cars with the same look a dog gives a steak.
Kerr is hesitant to get on
“Wohin bringt ihr uns?"
>>92172"yea, you are right about that. what can i do to potentially interfere with this shipment of arms? does Sea Breeze know about this yet?"
>>92176“Of course he knows. The shipment already sailed. What you were seeing was the return trip. Presumably, it was connected to the shipment on the dicks a few nights ago, just sent earlier. We are trying to figure out all participants involved at the moment, so as to prevent further shipments, and take them down”
>>92173>>92168"Do you know what they are saying?"
>>92173"Nur eine Sekunde," Brie whispers to Kerr, stepping in front of Wesley and addressing the odd mare. "Something I can help you with my dear?" his words are polite, but there is an implicit threat to his tone of voice and the set of his jaw.
>>92179He looks back to Brie
“Nein ... Ich habe nur mit so vielen Ponys zu kämpfen”
>>92179I think I interpreted that wrong. The mare is a little further away
>>92177Dark Star seems Melancholic. "HorseHockey. you're probably to busy for lunch then huh?"
>>92182She looks to him
“Lunch you say? Well... maybe I
could go... I mean, if you need the company”
>>92181I misinterpreted the distance, but I was going to momentarily forestall Kerr's question and take the mare's attention off of Wesley and present himself as a threat. I'm assuming by your description that Brie noticed the mare's look, and would make implicitly clear that she risks certain demise should she have any designs against the 'unicorn'. Not assuming he can prevent her from doing whatever nefarious action she might have planned, just not on those in his group.
>>92183"i do need the company." Dark Star Blushes. "i also got you a present."
>>92184Uh, it was Wesley who was staring at her weirdly, not her looking at him
>>92185Her eyes widen, then she smiles
“Now what could it be?”
>>92186Oh, sorry, I misinterpreted that. I assumed that he was getting eyeballed by a thief. He is wearing a posh suit,....
In that case, strike the "One moment" comment to Kerr. Instead he whispers:
"Der Bienenstock"
>>92178"Not me, the... yes, I know what they're saying."
>>92186Dark star reaches into his satchel and pulls out the bouquet of flowers. "i was passing by a flower shop on the way here and i thought about you." Dark Star Smiles At her. "the Guy at the shop told me the flowers have different meanings so i picked out an Assortment of roses, that show how you make me feel."
>>92187Wesley whispers to Kerr, softly enough that no pony standing around could here it. No pony without bat-like hearing, that is
>"Sie sehen Kerr? Sie werden uns gegen Lösegeld eintauschen""Oder sie verkaufen uns an einen anderen Käufer">"Dann einfach fliehen, wenn nötig. Wovor hast du Angst? Was ist in diesem Zug, den Sie nicht bewältigen können? Steig in den Zug"Thus, the two walk onto the stairs and into the train
>>92188She looks at the big bouquet of a dozen roses, and blushes. Then, she takes them in hoof, and pulls them towards her
"D'aww. What do they mean?"
>>92189Brie rushes forward, intent on getting ahead of the Lings. "Now wait here just one moment!"
>>92190They tilt their heads at Brie, and continue moving forward
>>92189Dark Star Smiles warmly at blue and strokes her mane.
"he said the red roses symbolize beauty, passion, And desire. the orange ones mean passion. Attraction. Desire. and the Dark Red one means unconscious beauty, and the pink one represents admiration, happiness, elegance."
>>92192She closes her eyes, then lets out a "coo" at the stroking
"That's quite a large proportion of passion"
>>92193"well its how you make me feel. i love you Blue"
Darkie Doesn't know >>92194She smiles in her wicked way, comes closer to him, and nuzzles him
"Shall I go place these in my room? What did you have in mind for this late-lunch?"
>>92195Whats the Equivalent of olive garden?
>>92191Brie scans ahead and around the area, then whispers harshly to the Lings. "Nun warte nur eine Minute! Ich bin viele Dinge, ein Schurke und ein Dieb, aber ich bin nicht die Art Fledermaus, um Sie loszuwerden oder Sie zu verkaufen oder was Sie sonst noch denken. Ich wende mich sehr viel und persönlich aus, wo ich diese Reise vielleicht nicht überleben würde, aber ich bezweifle auch, dass der Schwarm nicht lange sitzen wird, wenn er Ihre Geschichte gehört hat. Was auch immer Ponies mit den Changelings anstellen, nichts entschuldigt das, was die herrschende Klasse von Baltimare getan hat und tut, und ich bezweifle ernsthaft, dass dies nur in Baltimare geschieht. Sie müssen bestraft werden, und um dies zu erreichen, brauchen wir starke Verbündete. Das ist, wohin wir gehen, und wenn alles gut geht, werden wir in einer Woche zurück sein und bereit sein, Comte und seine Leute in die Hölle zu reißen. Hier, nimm diese." He reaches into his vest and produces two of his prized blades. "Wenn Sie ehrlich glauben, dass ich vorhabe, Ihnen jetzt oder in der Zukunft Schaden zuzufügen, dann schneiden Sie mir die Kehle durch. Du kannst dein Aussehen leicht ändern, so dass du leicht fliehen kannst, aber ich gebe dir mein Wort, dass ich dich bis zum Tod verteidigen werde, solange ich dazu in der Lage bin." And as he gives them the knives, hooves down so to prevent anyone from noticing what he's giving, he tilts his head back leaving his neck exposed, and breathes a long sigh.
>>92196A local Wingbardian Style would be sufficiently tasteful
>>92197"Eine öffentliche Plattform ist nicht der beste Ort, um sich ohne Zeugen den Hals zu schneiden">"Nur wenn Sie vermuten, dass er Verbündete in der Menge hat"The two stand there. Wesley is kind of awkward, and Kerr seems to be considering it, before a stallion walks up and says
"Move along. You're blocking the stairwell"
>>92199"Yes, of course. Come along colts, and put your toys away so you don't lose them," Brie says standing up and leading the way toward their designated room.
>>92199"yea go ahead and do that.i was thinking something from the wingbardian place Down the street from here."
>>92200The ticket shows that the room purchased is in the car known as "The Clover Grove," nearer the end of the train. Through the narrow corridor on the edge of cars, through several cars - including the dining car and a lounge car - they end up by their destination, a quadruple bedroom. When Brie opens it, he sees it to have a rather large window, a nice little green-covered couch to his left, a small bathroom to his right and closer to the door, and then a little seat under the window, also green colored. The room has pale yellow floor, and a little painting on the the wall of the Canterlot Castle
>>92201"That'll do. Let me just go put these up..."
She Takes the big bouquet of floors, and looks at them again, then starts to head in the direction of her room
>>92202Closing the door behind the Lings, removes his fancy cloak and drapes it over the window seat. He turns and faces the Lings. "Da bist du, keine Zeugen. Du könntest mir die Kehle durchschneiden und relativ leicht fliehen. Ist das die Art von Angebot, das Sie von einem Entführer oder Ransomer bekommen würden? Ich weiß nicht, wie ich Sie sonst davon überzeugen kann, dass ich Ihnen die Wahrheit sage."
>>92203Dark Star heads to the main lobby and waits there. if anyone is around he would probably ask about rumors and stuff like that.
>>92204Kerr backs away and into his seat a little
Wesley, likewise, lowers his ears and his head
Both are rendered silent by this display
>>92205What kind of rumors?
>>92206Anypony Going missing, anypony acting strange, anypony new hanging Around the headquarters. stuff like that.
>>92207Non-pony immigrants seen by the docks who are not seen there after. Visitors to the headquarters. Unease amongst former labor union members
>>92206"Gott sei Dank. Ich werde mich kurz mit den anderen treffen. Schließ die Tür hinter mir ab, lass diese Klingen bei dir (sie sind nicht nur dafür, mich zu schneiden, weißt du), und sei misstrauisch gegenüber jedem, der anders klopft." He knocks on the window twice, pauses, and then knocks once.
"Du hast es?" He repeats the sequence again for emphasis. "Wenn ich zurück bin, können wir den Zug erkunden, wenn Sie möchten, oder wir können im Zimmer bleiben. Oh, bevor ich es vergesse, brachte ich diese auch mit." He says producing the 2 pillow cases of toys. "ich werde bald zurück sein." and with that, he exits the room, placing the disguise cloak around his shoulders.
I need to sleep >>92208"Tell me more about these missing po-Creatures on the docks."
>>92210"Non-ponies live near the water for obvious reasons. It's where they come from. But some ponies who visit those areas report seeing more faces than are believed to actually live there. Like, 9 griffins and zebras will be seen in a home over the course of several months that, when searched, has only 6. We suspect that they are moving around, only staying in Baltimare temporarily. Maybe they are going back home. Or maybe, they are moving to other port cities. Or even further inland. We do not believe any of these creatures to be registered with Immigration Services"
>>92211"that Sounds very concerning. if i get a chance ill look into it,next time im at the docks. who has visted the HQ?"
>>92212"Two ponies visited Blue Skies actually. A grey unicorn and a coal-black... pony"
>>92213Dark Star seems a little flustered for a second
"that's intetesting Any idea who they were? why are the unions uneasy?"
>>92214"I don't know their names. Presumably they had business with her. As for he labor unions… They lost much of their power when the Black hooves shut the unions down, but the union leaders stick around the social democrats. Recently they have been… Anxious. just anxious. Afraid of something only they know"
>>92212>>92214Blue skies arrives into the lobby, with a warmish smile, wagging her tail
"Ready to go?"
>>92216"that sounds...ominous. i might need to investigate the unions then."
>>92216Dark Star smiles at her.
"yea i'm ready. was just shooting the wheat with this guy."
>>92217She smiles
"It's good to make friends were you work. Show me this place"
Now, I have to sleep >>92209Wesley is standing on the floor between the couch and the chair. He wags his tail and reaches down to pick up a toy
"Ich habe es verstanden. Wir werden dich sehen"
Kerr remains still and silent, sitting back in his seat on the couch, and staring as if a hundred yards past the bathroom wall
Brie sets out back down the hallway to find the room Spark and Onyx are in.
>>92221>>92221The ticket he bought for them says that the bedroom is located in the "Canterlot Mountains" pullmare car, which is only one train car closer to the front of the train. Brie goes through the narrow corridor, at times having to barely squeeze by ponies going to their rooms, then through the Vestibule into the new car. Whereas the Clover Grove is characterized by deep greens with occasional soft pale yellows, Canterlot Mountains has purplish greys, shades of blue, and white. 3rd door down
The question is, are either Onyx or Spark available? >>92221Spark, glass by his side, is searching for his compartment.
>>92222Spark is here, but only for a few minutes. I’ll be back later tonight
>>92223Looks like he entered the train perhaps a bit too far up. Through a dining car - past a kitchen, and through a set of white-clothed tables, through a lounge car - past a bar, bathrooms, a set of stairs, couches, and swivel chairs, and into the "Canterlot Mountains" pullmare car. Blue carpet floors and walls that interchange white and grey. The room itself, when he opens it, is kind of small, but completely privet. There is a blue couch to his left and a wall to his right, though there is a door in the wall closer to the window, which is large and rectangular. The floor is lavender, the walls white, and a painting of a waterfall hangs on the wall. A knock is heard on the door shortly