Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>73431"ah ok i see, i thought you meant equality in a different since."
>>73432"Which enemy lands, may I ask?"
>>73433"Oh hell no. I've seen what those communists have attempted. No respect for tradition, the family. For any sense of the natural order of things. They are why I had to come here"
>>73434He seems a bit confused by the question. "You mean their enemies' lands, where they use disguises?"
>>73435"After I left Nimbusia I tried a new home. But they started to adopt communism. A forced integration into one system, one way of doing things. Quotas and regulations. The village I stayed with did not comply. Elders were replaced, the military replaced. Anyone of the conservative order hanged"
>>73436"Oh yes, I see. I am too old to have fought, but damn it is a shame"
>>73437"Thats awful. those ponies need to be gassed"
>>73438"Indeed, someone crack out the insecticide"
>>73437He is still confused by the wording of the question, but tries his best to answer as far as he understands it. "Changelings only feel safe to trot around undisguised when surrounded by other changelings. Usually, that is when they are in their hives, marching in their armies, or when in Changeling Lands themselves. When surrounded by non-changelings, or in foreign lands, even if there is no one around, they will take all measures to stick to their disguise."
>>73440"As I figured. I can't even begin to imagine what the other half of Equestria is experiencing
>>73441"It was...not pretty, even in beginning of war, when they overran places like Vanhoover."
>>73442"I take it you were active the whole war then"
>>73443He nods, and takes another sip of his whiskey. "Nearly. From loss of Vanhoover to Equestria's capitulation."
>>73444"I spent the whole war right here in this bar. Quite a bit away from the front lines. Until the front lines came to us"
>>73435Um, Dark Star. May I ask you a question?"
>>73445"yea sure what Do you want to know?"
>>73445"New Mareland…" His voice adopts the tiniest bit of venom upon uttering the words.
>>73446And now, she blushes, too embarrassed to ask
>>73447"Came right into the center of the city"
>>73448"Ah come on you have to tell me now."
>>73449"Stabbed us in back. In our greatest time of struggle and need. Took away only home I knew. Only home we had." He glances back at the old recruitment poster, his glass shaking slightly in the grasp of his magic. "And is now trying to destroy it further."
>>73450And now she's too embarrassed
"Well, it's not what I was going to ask you... but will you buy me a drink?"
>>73451He pauses
"It's only going to get worse from here"
>>73452After a couple seconds, he lets out a sigh. His glass slowly stops shaking as he takes another sip. "I do not like thinking of Great War, much. Makes me angry. I try to focus on here and now, and how to make all...this..." he gestures all around him, "...work."
>>73452"BarColt a maretini for my mare friend here, and get me some apple whiskey"
>>73453"Here in Baltimare especially it can be hard to make things work. We don't have quite the industry of the more northerly cities. Certainly not the culture."
He moves over to take the order of another pony
>>73454Bartender: "Coming right up"
Blue: "You consider me your marefriend?
>>73455He looks back at the pony who ordered, pausing as he sees Dark Star, and the mare with him.
"...Is that...?" >>73457He waves back slowly, before turning back around to face the bar.
>>73458"So then, would you take me home tonight? Or treat me to a nice hotel room?"
>>73459"Careful, that guy will argue with you for hours about politics if you want to bring up the Great War"
>>73460He chuckles. "Noted. But, I also heard he was in here earlier with that same mare, throwing around Bits like they were made of paper."
>>73461"Oh yes, he will do that"
>>73462"Heard he hired pony right here for decent sum. To do what, I do not know."
>>73463"For that much money, it was either illegal, something noponyelse could do, or both"
>>73460"Hmmmm i dont know. maybe if you're good."
>>73461>>73463"it was for a math camp."
>>73465"I haven't really been known to be a good girl"
>>73465He turns around to look at Dark Star at the interruption, speaking with his trademark Stalliongrader accent. "...Math camp? What is this 'math camp'?"
>>73469Blue Skies made a hissing sound at Silver after he spoke
>>73470Okay, now I understand.He looks taken aback at her sudden hiss. "...Is there problem?"
>>73466"Even better, Good Girls arent really my type."
>>73467"well,they volunteered at the camp to help Little ponys get better at math."
>>73472>>73473He partially listens to Dark Star's explanation, instead focused on Blue Skies' reaction. "Oh, right. Accent." He just sounds tired of the reaction, as if it's not nearly the first time he's heard it. "I am not Communist as you say. I was just born in Severyana."
>>73474She takes a drink
"What are you doing down here?"
She, too, has an accent, harder to place
>>73475"Looking for employment." He matches her drink, while trying to place the accent. As far as he knows, it's not one common to Equestria.
>>73476"Not enough on the collective farms?"
>>73477"Seemed like city rich with opportunity." He lowers his eyes a little, but it's more part of the growing look of confusion on his face as her accent stumps him.
>>73478He eventually starts to think that it may be a hybrid
"What kind of employer are you looking for?"
>>73479This opens up an entirely new level of fuckery for his mental faculties. "Something suiting my...talents."
>>73480"What kind of talents?" She asks
>>73482She takes interest
"For whom, and what kind of fighting?"
>>73483"For whoever hires me. For what kind...I see myself as being like tank."
>>73484"Hmmmm.... What's your experience?"
>>73485"I have been fighting for well on 50 years, now, since I was still young milk-drinker."
>>73486And now she's a bit surprised
"I don't think even my dad, er, stepdad is that old. You sure you still have it?"
Her coat is an ice-blue, almost white, with a blue mane. Her cutie mark is a sword between a pair of yellow wings. Her belly is slender, though she widens at the thighs. Her eyes are blue green
Fucking hell, I just realized that if you switch Tracy Cage's mane and coat colors, you've got more or less Blue Skies' color scheme, if a slightly darker mane Alright, I am going to sleep. For those of you just reading in the morning, here's what you missed:
No one diedNo one got laidNo one got a job or moneyOnyx and Spark both went to sleep
Ash and iron hate walls for some reason, and so both went to sleep in a forest in a non-sexual way. Things seemed like they were going to get very interesting when Ash rolled a 1, and 4 to 6 dire wolves approached them. However, they were persuaded to back away.
Blue Skies and Dark Star went to the tavern and began to talk and sort of cuddle. This seemed to escalate until Blue made a very explicit proposition - and was rebuffed.
Silver decided to go down to the tavern and talk. Dark Star and the rebuffed Blue started to talk to him, and it seems Blue was unsuccessful in exposing Silver to be a communist. And Silver, for his part, is still unemployed despite talks
>>73487Actually, the color scheme thing is kind of true of Trixie as well, just with one color on the mane [Read more] >>73487He gives her a firm nod, a shimmer of his resolve showing through his eyes. "These old bones may creak from time to time, but it has not stopped me once from performing my best, and it has not once caused me to fail in my duties."
His coat is a light grey with a single dark grey dorsal stripe running along the back, while his short-cut mane and tail have been almost completely turned silver from age, leaving only a few dark grey streaks here and there. His cutie mark is a sword in mid-swing. A few scars on his muscular body are deep enough and big enough to have avoided fur regrowing over them. His eyes are a deep blue.
>>73488Sleep well. It was great actually being able to do something this time. >>73488I don't think Ash would even let herself get laid even I help her with that child problem she has, but I might be able to fish for a kiss after that. If I pushed too hard, I might break her innocence, and I don't want that. Besides, having sex on the first date is not a good sign for Iron, it just signals that the mare is not to keep.
Most degenerate thing I might do is
hoofholding >>73490That's just too lewd, Iron, DELET.
>>73497>spoilerWhile I'm not going to pretend I experienced the mare in question... I can see that Silver will be knife-happy.
>>73499*replace silver with "that mare
>>73501You remember you told her you were his marefriend? I think it's that.
>>73502in my Defense i wasnt thinking and was falling asleep at that time.
>>73503It's hilarious from a player's perspective.
>Be Blue Skies>The plantation boy got you a coltfriend>A gentleman, maybe he needs some "reward" for his boldness at the boat>She gives many hints to get down and fuck>"Say we can go to a hotel and spend time there.">Star, the oblivious bastard, takes up on her offer and when they get there, he lays on the bed, snoringHoly heck, if this was IRL, it would be depressing.
Also, divine casters are underrated.
Arcane casters take up lots of time, because they need 8 hours of rest minimum to regain spells. Sister Ash doesn't have that kind of time, but she'll still be able to regain her spells upon sunrise?
>>73488Is it too late to say I wanted to use my prepared Animal Messenger spell to send a letter to the orphanage? I reserved it all the way through combat just so she'd be able to do it in the evening.
Sister Ash just wants to let them know that she hasn't gotten herself killed, and that she's working to find the foals.
I wrote her as a virgin, fyi.
Was going to take the Vow of Chastity feat, but I didn't have the space, so who knows.
>>73511Seems like it is just for roleplaying purposes, I'm guessing.
>>73489If the set of dialogue had kept up, Blue would have tried to ply out of Silver more or less what he told the bartender. That is, she wanted to hear about experience with Changelings and when they try to be sneaky. But the statement he made to the bartender about hating New Mareland would have been all she needed to know to know this wouldn't be the best agent to hire
And thus she exits stage left
>>73517He finishes his drink and heads to bed, thinking he's at least got his hoof in the door somewhere.
>>73517"Hey Blue The Real Reason i Dont take you back to my house is i dont have one... anymore. But i Have enough bits For a hotel room if you still want to go."
>>73507She doesn't lose her previous days spells until she prepares her new ones, so if it's too late to have sent the letter last night, she'll send them a bird with the message right before she prays.
[1d20+12 = 16]
Last I knew it was going to be cloudy for this day and the next.
Rolling Survival to predict the whether for the next couple days (I'm picking my wether-dependant spells).
>>73523I dunno. Just felt weird when I read the post.
>>73524Think about it
Why keep up with Silver when he is politically opposed to the faction? Any agent you try to hire is a potential spy or leak of information, besides other more basic problems with motivation like a lack of loyalty. They hire foreigners because they don't have a dog in the fight, and they are indifferent to the old political order.
And she's definitely not going to press Dark Star, because "any mare that would have sex on a first date is not a mare to keep" and "a tramp." How much lower is one who presses for this?
When you have a losing hand, walking away from the table can be the best option
>>73525The first paragraph is enough context to clarify. I had no idea that Silver was opposed to the Black Hooves. I don't know how to react to the second paragraph, while I do agree with what it's said. Thank you for the clarification nevertheless.
>>73525It takes a lot to focus on a conversation someone else is having while having a conversation of your own.
>tfw no decent damage spells
Fug, I wish I had aready summoned that animal companion...
>tfw a poorly timed joke stopped you from getting that sweet,sweet Horse pussy.
[sleepy kirin noises]
*Wakes up*
[1d20 = 2]>>73517>>73530Iron wakes up 15 minutes later after Ash. He stretches his body, making popping noises. After this, he puts on the wolf hide armor and decides to search for some kind of food around the vicinity of the forest for him and Ash. Rolling survival to see what he finds.
>>73531Must have been next to nothing. Or he found some poisonous berries.