Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>This IronXCauldron drama
Shit, I thought Onyx with 5 charisma would be the first to fuck up like this.
>>73937There's no way for that to happen. She would be a hypocrite for that shit, after all "no snitch policy" and she is involved since she has 1500 bits of that purchase that I have given her. So yeah, it's pointless for her to do that unless she becomes suicidal or something.
>>73938It's on purpose. Somewhat.
>>73939Don't underestimate the GM. He can pull the strings to make something happen if you don't play it carefully. You are in a crowded bar. Maybe somepony there puts two and two together. Who knows?
>>73940The purpose of suicide by zeeb?
*treats wolf*
"Poor boy... You're just lonely aren't you.."
>>73941I'm not. I just pointed out that the GM should not use Cauldron herself as a conflict-maker. Or a snitch. Maybe this is more plausible, maybe have some of Cauldron's friends from her gang come and try to beat me up or worse, shoot me for angering her.
>>73942Eh, it's not THAT suicidal. At least not that much. Oh, you are all giving me so many possibilities of consequences. Maybe in jealousy, she sends a hitmare at all kirin I come across in an attempt to shit on me. I sure did open a giant floodgate of consequences. Let's see what he picks, if I do not defuse the situation of course.
>>73943"All alone in the woods with no pack..."
*Brushes gently*
>>73941>>73947>>73946Maybe you should resume the conversation at the tavern you all are.
>>73949Got it.
>>73947"Bartender. Another drink for my friend, Silver, on me."
I pay the bartender, tipping one bit as always.
[1d20+1 = 14]
Rolling to appraise gold bars
>>73951He raises his eyebrows at Spark, smiling a little. "Well, thank you, friend."
>>73952I suggest you don't try to catch the GM's attention. I think I screwed something in the narrative and the GM needs to improvise with the bullshit I threw on the table. I guess it's a good roll to increase value by 150%.
>>73954I was only rolling, because I was considering cutting it, to offer some of it to the farmer.
I want to bring this wolf to the pack down South. I wouldn't be a very good Druid if I failed to do that.
>>73954It will be ok. Just think through what you say and work it out in character. You will do fine.
>>73953"Anytime. So, where are you from originally?"
>>73957"It depends. You mean from where I was before now, or from where I was born?"
>>73959"Which ever you feel like you can discuss with us. I don't mean to make you uncomfortable."
>>73954My phone doesn't have the capacity to view more than 50 posts at?
Can I get a quick rundown?
>>73958lolno, this has worse connotations than
>no pussyhere. We're talking about a criminal enemy whose emotions are in havoc due to Iron's Stonehead and lack of emotional awareness here. I really hope she goes on a tirade after a storm off since then she could basically explain what is wrong with what Iron had said.
>>73961Basically I told Cauldron "u sexy mare. i could fuck u but there is someone more worth than my dick and feefees"
>>73960He waves the sentiment off. "Ah, it is alright. Nothing for me to hide. I used to live near Manehattan, but I was born in Severyana. Though you would probably know it better as Stalliongrad."
That had to piss her off.
>>73966"Ah. A mighty long journey to get here then. What's it like there?"
>>73968"I did not live in Manehattan itself. I lived out in countryside, in house I built myself. It was nice place, and I have many good memories of it." He turns towards the counter leaning over it. "But Severyana? It has been so long, but from what I remember back then..." He lets out a long, forlorn sigh. "...it makes what it is now a tragedy."
>>73969"The takeover of that region was a shame. If only the princess didn't let it fall. The whole thing was handled so poorly. I guess looking back, this whole war was the result of stress proving too much for the royalty to correctly address each issue."
I pause a moment.
"Sorry. I guess I got side tracked there."
>>73970He once again waves it off. "It is fine, I understand."
>>73971"I'm glad you have made it this far, but what drove you here? I am new around these parts, so I don't know if this is the go-to place for work or not."
>>73972"I am mercenary. I go where work is most likely to be found. I may not like all options available, but there are plenty of opportunities from various groups around Baltimare city. More so than anywhere else in occupied Equestria."
>>73953>>73951The faggot controlling Onyx finally gets back, and Onyx gets the drink.
>>73973"Do you mind which groups hire you?"
>>73974"Thank you." He takes the drink in the grasp of his magic, and sips from it.
>>73975"I always personally mind. But you do not get far as mercenary by picking sides. You remain loyal to contract, and to whoever purchases said contract. Even if I disagree with those who hire me, I will still work to best of my abilities to fulfill contract."
>>73976"I suppose there is little choice anymore. Are you looking to save up and move somewhere else, or is this where you plan to settle?"
>>73977He stays silent for a couple seconds before giving his answer. "I suppose smart ponies would try to leave. Look elsewhere in world for new home. Maybe in River Federation." He takes a drink from the beer Onyx handed him. "I am not smart pony. And I am too old to move so far away, anymore. I suppose I will try to make best of what I have here, for as long as I can."
>>73978"I heard the River Federation is debating a bill of rights for all creatures. It will be not much different than here soon enough."
I look around.
"It looks like our recruit is a no show."
>>73979"Is this recruit you mention named 'Dark Star' by any chance?"
>>73920She gets up from her seat. By this time you can see that quite a few bar patrons are staring at the scene, from the bartender to ponies passing by to the big burly Minotaurs and Diamond Dogs playing pool in the back. She yells
What was that for? You tell me out of the blue that you love someone but you want to fuck me? Do you think I am some tramp? Do you think I am some cheap whore you can have sex with when the little Celestial girl doesn't want to sleep with you?>>73928She is a bit surprised by this, but she quickly leans into it, and places a hoof around Dark Star's neck. She continues kissing him, until she pulls away and says
"I guess we could find a hotel room, if you're not too tired"
She has a very big smile, and her eyes damned near glow with enthusiasm
>>73943Rover is a bit happier now that Perro Sin Nombre has acted sort of playfully infront of him. the healing is start to take effect, and he is in less pain
[Read more] >>73980"Yeah, have you met the guy before?"
>>73982"The other bartender mentioned him hiring Onyx and some random patron for some kind of job, throwing money around like it was nothing, along with his blue-coated pegasus mare companion, when I arrived. Then I somewhat met them late last night in bar, though his friend seemed more interested in talking to me than Dark Star was."
>>73983"Don't worry about that. Dark Star is a good pony. He will hire you for a nice sum."
I whisper "And a share of any other goodies we find along the way. Lots of illegal trade going on we interrupt and lots of ways to get your cut one way or another."
>>73984He seems interested as to what "illegal trade" could refer to, but doesn't ask about it. "It sounds good to me."
>>73985It seems we have another session without the correct characters to make the story proceed. I don't think Dark Star is going to make it, so is there anything you wanted to do in the meantime?
"Well if you guys are set on booze..."
Onyx sets out to look for somewhere to exchange his gold bars.
>>73987Now where would he go to exchange the bars?
>>73985Damn it I will think of something for Silver. Making fighting encounters that make sense within the context of the story, are reasonably balanced, and won't just result in characters being persona non grata is far more challenging than you might think >>73988The pawn shop...
Or maybe one of those bits-4-gold shops
>>73986*shrugs* You got any ideas?
>>73988Perfectly understandable. I haven't exactly been much help in that regard, either, so I have to apologize there.
Also, my internet is crapping out on me hardcore, so if I appear slow to respond, that's why. >>73989Hmmm... Do you want to commit to going to a pawn shop?
>>73990Not a single clue. I am honestly stumped on what our characters would be motivated to do besides work for the one character with ties to the main source of quests. I suppose we could explore for a place for our characters to stay and the local shops to gear up...
>>73990>>73992Characters that know what they want to do and proactively seek that get more encounters. For example, Ash wanted to find an orphanage, and found the Order of Saint Prancis with all of its various sisters. Onyx wanted to get a loaf of bread, and so found a colt shilling communism, then got roped into protection duty, and then murdered someone, then went to the hospital, then got arrested, and then got arrested again by a different agency. Ash went to find Iron, rolled a 1 on tracking, and found a guy with a dire wolf she is trying to heal. And so forth
>>73993Well obviously there are jewelers. So what does he want to find?
>>73995Onyx finds a jeweler two streets over. It is in a line of shops, and has a diamond over it.
Talon jewelers
>>73996He walks in
"Hello, do you buy gold?"
>>73994Yeah, that's true. Silver's primary concern right now is just "find a job", so it would be best for him to just look around places of interest for any one in need of help. But that's pretty bog-standard, and fairly boring.
>>73997"Hello there. I take it you are selling old Jewelry?" The voice comes from an at least middle aged Griffon of white and brown standing at a counter. there are display cases of jewelry. There is a diamond dog behind the counter at his own desk, looking at jewels under a light, and currently facing the opposite direction
>>73999"Uh, maybe? I don't know where it all came from."
Onyx slaps a bar onto the counter.
>>74000"Let me take a look at that. My name is Elijah Talonberg, by the way"
He moves the bar over, and then sits down in a seat a little over to his left and your right. Mr. Talonberg picks up a monocle, and starts to inspect the bar
"This is a mine's ingot. It's the way they cast the gold before it is sent over to goldsmiths or to mints. Where did you get this?"
>>74002Yes. Sorry. I was trying to think of what to do now.
>>74003"A friend gave you this brick? This much gold?"
>>74005"Yeah, he's a strange guy"
>>74002"Why don't we find someplace a little more suited to talking than here. It's getting crowded and I don't like the feeling of being overheard."
>>74004I mean, we could always just explore. It's better than nothing.
>>74006"Did your friend tell you that this bar is probably either stolen, or was used in an illegal transaction?"
>>74011"Very well"
He now takes the bar and places it on a scale. then he places it in a tank of water. This takes a couple minutes
>>74007He nods. "Let me just grab couple things from my room, if we are heading out."
>>74012>>74014He then inspects the bottom of the bar, which is imprinted with numbers and symbols, and writes them down
"We can give you 3500 bits for the bar"
>>74016"Then I take it I can get 3500 for this one too?"
Onyx slaps down the second one.
>>74017The griffon rubs his claws together and makes what seems to be a smile by pulling his lower beak back a little
"Indeed you can"
>>74019Elijah Talonberg then pulls out a very, very large set of bits, and carefully and painstaking counts them in front of Onyx. He then offers them over in a number of bags
"7000 Bits"
>>74020"Thank you sir, and have a nice day"
Where do I go if I want a magic weapon?
>>74015After about a minute, he comes out wearing a white button-up shirt, a sturdy nylon saddlebag, and a greatsword in a leather sheath, strapped to his side. "I am all set, I believe!"
>>74021"I happen to know several very trustworthy Griffins who are very good at keeping their beaks shut when it comes to the police. If you want old fashioned, Josef Silverwing operates a shop on East street called "Tails of Yore." Don't be off put by the mundane merchandise he keeps in the front, any enchanted blade you could want is there"
>>74022"Great. Let's go."
I lead the way out of the tavern.
"I suppose we should just head out of the city a ways."
>>74023"Thank you once again sir." Onyx makes his leave towards Tails of Yore, already thinking about what he wants.
>>74024"I only just bought map of city, so you might have better idea of where to go."
>>74025I know that feel. >>74025Welp, may as well turn in.
Goodnight, Anons.
>>74027"I don't have any idea of where to go either. May I see that map?"
>>74031"Of course." He fishes it out of his saddlebags, opening it up to show the city of Baltimare.
>>74026This shop is a building all on its own, with a large raised roof. When he goes in, he can see tapestries of Griffon knights, display cases with swords, armor of both Griffin and pony variety, and poleaxes, longbows, so forth. A griffin stands at a wooden counter, more slender than Talonberg, but of a similar age and coat scheme
>>74032And so it is
>>74032I take a look at the map.
"Which place sounds good to head towards?"
>>74033I believe the GM is still here.
>>74035"Good afternoon. I've been told that if I have the bits I can buy what I need here. Is that true?"
>>74037I hate when that happens.
"Should we just head out toward the city limits and find something out there, or do you feel like exploring deeper into this place?"