Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>74144Dark Star powers on with his enthusiasm, but between the gunshots wounds, whatever was in that needle the doctor gave him, the 2:00 AM time, and the very energetic sex, he is definitely feeling physically tired. Not to imply it could slow him down.
Blue Skies pushes herself up off of him to where she is now sitting up. She has a happy smile on her now. “I like this energy, but there is just too much liquid here.”
She pushes herself off of him, where he is now completely out but touching her. “Let me fix this.” She moves herself forward slightly, and now tries to push herself down on him with a different hole. This one is a hell of a lot tighter, but the semen lubricates it.
“I think we’re getting to know each other reasonably well here”
>>74142And it is so
>>74143The area is a bit crowded or trafficked, and in nature is similar to the watering hole. Iron comes upon s blue roofed building that seems to be where the pony told him Ash was. It looks like it must be a restaurant or bar establishment, or something of that nature
[Read more] >>74145Why was she here? Guess there is no time like the present to find out. He enters the supposed restaurant that Ash was in.
Dark star falls back then catches hiself and then puts his hoofs on her hips
>>74141She gets to work assembling a tower shield (basically a wooden door), and two small bucklers.
>>74146Well, there’s a piano, there are tables, there’s a bar, and there are stairs. The room is largely wood with many ponies in it. He doesn’t see Ash yet though
>>74148It is so
>>74147“That’s how you ride” she says, and she presses down against the bed with both her wings and her hooves. She seems to like the touching of the hips, as she has liked all affectionate touching so far. She keeps up the pace. Her eyes almost glow now with satisfaction, and her expression returns to wicked
However long it takes to tire Dark Star out, and take from him all he has, she keeps up. Dark Star requires more stimulation at this point, but the grip is tighter and the pace faster. When Dark Star has finished a second or third time, she carefully dismounts him, and kisses him.
He is sure as hell tired now. She moves off to go to the bathroom, and after a minute returns with a wet rag to start wiping Dark Star. Her smile is back to happy. “That was fun. I hope Sea Breeze lets us have an ongoing working relationship.” She moves some covers, and then curls herself up next to Dark Star, pressing her coat against him. She is demanding to be cuddled
[Read more] [1d20+1 = 7]
May as well as a medium shield to that, while I have the time.
Rolling craft to assemble some flax (padded) barding for the dog.
[1d20 = 7]>>74149He keeps looking for any indication of that dragon mare the pony was talking about. The sooner he finds out what he was talking about, the better
>>74150*cuddled pony noises*
With a happy smile and contented sounds, it seems that the bitchy Pegasus has been tamed beneath Dark Star’s foreleg and leg
He wakes up at 8 AM to find himself feeling like shit. Blue Skies is gone from the room. Maybe he shouldn’t have drank alcohol after taking whatever the hell drug that shifty doctor gave him. Maybe he shouldn’t have had so much sex after so much blood loss. Or maybe that’s just what it feels like when you get shot twice and stabbed and then only sleep 5 hours. He doesn’t have anywhere to be immediately and it kind of looks like he can stay here. His body strongly recommends sleeping in.
>>74151She’ll craft ‘em next time
>>74153Well shit, is that her over in the corner? It’s a Kirin
[Read more] >>74154Iron approaches the kirin. "Excuse me. Are you Ash?"
[1d20 = 20]>>74154rolling to get out of bed
>>74156Master of getting up off bed. That's a good feat.
>>74156trys to find some food and water
>>74159>>74159>>74156Well, it looks like Dark Star is ready to begin his day. His wounds have not fully healed. He is in a room on the fourth floor of Blackhooves headquarters. Does he want to go outside and look or stay in the hotel room?
>>74161Dark Star leaves the room
>>74163As he goes out he passes a pony in the hallway. When he gets to the lobby a pony at the desk, as well as a Minotaur guard, look at him as if not expecting him to be there. It is not very crowded at this hour
>>74155She speaks with a very heavy accent “um, no, I am not Ash. I am a Kirin”
>>74162Without divination magic or a tracking device, no
>>74164Iron scratches his head. "Strange, Ash told she was the last of her kind. At least that is what I remember." Iron ponders, maybe there are more of her? "Who are you?"
>>74164"Hey buddy. wheres the best closet place i can get some food?"
[1d20+14 = 23]>>74164>tracking deviceThat's what I summoned the dog for.
Rolling Survival
>>74165She didn't say that.
She said she hadn't seen one of her kind in years (i.e. she was living alone in the wilderness for quite a while).
>>74168Chalk it up to ignorance and forgetfulness.
>>74166>>74166He speaks with a deep voice and a foreign accent
“Are you supposed to be here?”
>>74170Disregard previous answer.
>>74170"I guess so? i completed my mission."
>>74173“Uh... alright.” He seems unsure about that response
“They sell waffles at the place just five blocks to the left”
>>74165“My name is a Bellawood” says the Kirin mare
>>74174"I have small little questions about your kind, if you do not mind." Iron sits down in front of Bellawood "Firstly, Where is your kind from?"
>>74174"Thanks bull."
Dark Star heads to the waffle haus
>>74175She is dressed in a fairly fancy outfit
“Um.... I come from the land of Zebrica, east side.”
>>74176Waffle Mania is a nice little shop. He can swiftly sit down and order coffee, orange juice, and all manner of breakfast foods.
>>74179Iron finally notices her clothing. "Why are you wearing that many clothes? It does not seem to be protecting much of your body."
>>74178You are better off looking through gather information than survival. It's really hard to miss a big boi like Iron.
[1d20+0 = 14]>>74181Rolling because he said so.
>>74179Dark Star Sits in a seat and Calls over a waitress
>>74180"Um... I am a dancer here"
>>74167If that dog had ever smelled Iron before, and if he were less than a mile away, that would be enough
>>74181There are dozens of huge natives like him
>>74183The waitress is a middle aged Golden Earth Pony with her hair in a bun.
"Welcome to Waffle Mania. What can I get for you?"
>>74182Where would she be doing this exactly?
[Read more] >>74185>If that dog had ever smelled Iron beforeI still have the campsite where he slept. Is that enough?
>Where would she be doing thisOn the toads where she thought he might have passed.
>>74185"I see. I suppose you are on break. Have you seen one of your kind like you? She had charred religious clothing, which I think she keeps using it at the time being, hopefully. I need to find her."
>toadsDid she lick one?
>roadsThat could work, to ask agricultural workers there
>>74187"Um.... I have not seen another kirin. No."
A big fat earth pony in a suit comes up
"Leave the dancers alone"
[Read more] >>74185"Id like 40 waffles Soaked in syrup and with butter on them and your biggest glass filled with water. Its Been a wild couple of days."
>>74188Iron cocks his head. "I guess I could ask you. Maybe you have seen a kirin similar to her with charred religious clothing. Have you?"
>>74188Do I roll to ask the agro ponies?
>>74188>>74190Yes, I'm talking to fat boi
>>74189The mare is a bit astonished by the request
>>74190"No, I've only seen about 3 others like her, and none had religious clothing" says the fat pony, clearly not expecting this response
>>74193Iron put his hoof on his forehead in clear frustration. "I guess I cannot trust these ponies, nowadays. Sorry for the disturbance." Iron starts leaving the restaurant.
[1d20 = 15]>>74193Rolling to ask if anyone has seen the big Iron.
>>74194The mare brings back a large glass of water. Later, he receives four waffles (yes, 4) with syrup and butter
>>74196Indeed some have, They give you a general direction that heads into the city. Ash begins to understand that this is information she knew earlier before the dog hairs lead her astray
>>74198She finds herself in the same position she was 2 hours before, unable to determine which direction he went from here
[1d20+14 = 28]>>74199Rats...
Rolling survival to try to pick up his scent.
>>74197He leaves a 100 bit tip for the waitress after hes finished and he leaves and goes to the General store.
>>74201Did she actually take the dog to the campsite to identify the scent first?
>>74202"Why... Thank you"
And so, he finds a general store on the same street after a fairly short distance
While she was gathering wood.
>>74204Iron, completely and utterly demoralized for the day, decides to stay put in front of that restaurant. It is better to be a stationary target to be found more easily.
>>74202That's enough for a 10 person banquet.
The dog's tracking eventually leads her to a disreputable looking establishment known as "The Watering Hole." A crowded bar
>>74206If only there were like a location they could meet at. Iron can see that the restaurant has dancers in a risque manner, including the Kirin, They serve alcohol but also more normal foods
>>74207I know right? That's at minimum 100 USD in 2018, probably a hell of a lot more
Well, that took longer than I expected. Did I miss anything?
>>74208I see what you are implying, good sirIron decides to head to the last place he was in: The Waatering Hole, since he may be lucky and she found information that may lead Ash there... with Cauldron... He better be quick.
>>74209Somepony finally fuckedAsh did not buy a dog, but did get a shield
Iron did not get jumped in a bar fight and killed or knocked out like I was fully expecting that encounter to go
Dark Star still has time until he can meet up at the tavern.
I was hoping he would sleep in until Noon, but instead he got out of bed and rolled a 20, avoiding fatigue but still not fully healing>>74211From behind, he hears a very familiar "Hello"
>>74210The pony behind the counter does not immediately engage him, but there are plenty of goods in the store
[Read more] [1d20 = 12]>>74208Hmmmmmmmm
She goes inside, looking for Iron.
Rolling gather information to ask around for The Big Iron.
>>74213Iron turns around, spooked. Hope it is not Cauldron. "Hello."
>>74214"I take it you mean the giant native pony who tries to intimidate ponies and isn't familiar with Equestrian moral values? Yes, I work with him"
>>74213He looks for a flash light and some candy
>>74213Right. I think when we last left Silver, there was something about a protest at city hall? I was so fucking tired by then, I can't remember.
>>74220Right then. Give me a minute to get settled, then I should be able to continue with more oomph this time.
>>74220"Cauldron. I am back, for now. I may have done something wrong here. I did not set up a place to meet up with my employer, hope you do not mind I came back so suddenly."
>>74219"Yes. He left after he told me he was in love with some soft spoken Kirin mare, and wanted to go on some mission to find a cannery. Something about a lost foal and wanting to be a fairy tale knight. Then he said though he loves her, he wanted to take me upstairs and fuck me.
I take it you're the soft spoken Kirin"
>>74222"That'll be 20 bits. Is there anything else I can do for you?"
>>74223"Are you speaking about the Waterfront Gang?"
>>74225Sister Ash steps back, a look of confusion crossing her face
".. I.. I-I don't know.."
>>74226"What? No. Nevermind. I will stay here until she arrives." Iron fidgets a bit uncomfortably.
>>74227"Wears a wolf hide? I suspect that he didn't tell you that he worked for the Waterfront Gang. Do you happen to know how he got those gold bricks?"
>>74228She stares
>>74229Iron looks at the horizon, clearly not intending on doing something stupider than before.
>>74229Sister Ash takes another step back
"..Ummmmm.. I'm not sure.."
Wait, are we in the same room?
>>74225"No Thanks sir. thats all i needed for today. have a good one"
Dark Star leaves and Heads back to blues bed to sleep off my gunshot wound
>>74235Who are you talking to then?
>>74236I actually have no idea. I thought it was Cauldron. Maybe I am inside after all.
tfw spaghetti clouds perception Forgive me if I'm slow to reply. I'm in the middle of stuff, and the Internet is still a little wonky.
"A protest? Was this outside when I got here?" Silver steps outside to watch.
I'm going to need to go eat within half an hour.
>>74233When he goes back, it's something like 9AM. A pony stops him before he goes to the hallway
"Excuse me sir, may I see your ID and ask your business here?"
>>74236>>74230>>74231Did you think you could just arrive at the same building from from miles away at exactly the same time? They are speaking to the same NPC but at staggered times
>>74231"Teach him some manners if you can. He expressed sharp disappointment saying 'is that the way it is now' when I told him polygyny is frowned upon"
>>74238A group of protesters, many of whom are not pony, protest against brutal police action. They think massacre on the wharf last night was caused or instigated by police
[Read more] >>74241Iron relents. "Have you seen the dragon, then?"
>>74243"She's inside"
Her expression is still not friendly
>>74241"So, which way did he go?"
>>74241"Im Dark Star, I finished a mission for Sea Breeze. im here to sleep off this gunshot wound im feeling really exhausted."