Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>73128"Till who caught me?"
Onyx grabs the dolphin, looking a bit shinier than he did when arguing.
>>73129Iron is lifted by Skies. "Wow, I can feel the power of love already." Iron laughs
>>73131I hate this fucking timeline tbh.
What the fuck, how do we get good rolls now that they won't die,.
>>73133"Do not act so coy, you did not have a plan. The fact that you jumped out of a boat like that proves that."
>>73136Onyx shrugs
"I don't remember jumping out the boat. I just remembered getting mad, then appearing in the water."
>>73127"..." He firmly plants a hoof in his face before realigning the panels oh so gently with levitation. "Hmm. Might need to keep this in mind. Could be decent hiding spot."
>>73137Iron looks at Onyx a bit funny. "Sure. Whatever you say."
>>73137"If you want to get rid of your anger, we can spar it out, hoof to hoof if you want."
>>73134>>73132“Dark Star wanted to save you”
She swiftly beats her wings and drops Iron onto the boat
>>73139>>73140If Onyx notices the dripping sarcasm or confused looks he doesn't acknowledge it.
"So... Where exactly is the boat right now?"
>>73142"I guess I gave him some guidance that paid off, huh?" Iron has a shit-eating grin.
[1d20+7 = 18]>>73142Drives closer to oynx and the Dolphin thaat appered
>>73146Iron turns to Ash "Do not think I did not notice your attempt to save me." Iron strokes her mane. "Sorry for that little scene. I will still help you if you need it."
I am away from my keyboard, so I am not going to be able to respond very effectively
>>73144“And now you are learning. What’s that old expression? ‘You can catch more changelings with niceness than rudeness”
Now she is left trying to think
“No, that’s not how that saying goes”
>>73145It is so
>>73143“A location on the shore north where we could drive to a doctor that won’t ask questions”
>>73138The area above the panel is at least six inches deep, and two feet by two feet
[Read more] >>73148"You catch more Changelings with honey than you do with vinegar." Onyx comments as he flops on the deck.
"Am I allowed to nap?"
>>73148"Yes. This could work." He makes a mental note of this. He then makes a mental note to get a notepad so he doesn't have to keep so many mental notes.
>>73148Iron nods, smiling. "Anytime, Skies."
I'm sorry. I'm really busy and won't be available for quite a while.
>>73149"Do not forget to give the second brick back to Skies." Iron has a serious expression. "Do not perform the same stunt."
>>73150Well he certainly has enough money to buy a notepad now
>>73149“I was going to tell you not to risk bleeding out. But you’re not injured”
tfw I want to have her say changelings don’t care for honey, but I am not certain about that part of Changeling lore>>73145Blue skies goes up next to Dark Star
>>73154"Hey Skies. Question. Is the medical care paid for us?" Iron tilts his head, somewhat confused as to why she isn't trying to take the second brick back from Onyx.
>>73155"Oh yeah... It's quite fucking paid for around here"
Onyx looks angrier than he did before.
>>73155Oh, she's probably not taking it cause Onyx isn't next to them and claiming possession.
>>73157"Well, gunshots do tend to do that"
>>73157"Well, you have a marefriend now. I say it is a victory if you ask me."
>>73158I fite u 4 dat gold boi, don't test me
>>73160U wot m8, 1v1 irl. I'll bash ye mum
The boat approaches a small dock near the north shore
>>73155“Getting a bullet removed is free courtesy of the taxpayers. Getting a bullet removed without the police being notified is a bit costlier. I can secure a payment from our benefactors”
>>73157“We will get you to a hospital soon enough. Be proud, for with your pain you have bought the entire province perhaps an entire month of freedom from the Changelings”
>>73162"I know. Does that mean you will pay for the expenses?" Iron is tilting his head at Onyx, clearly trying to tell her something.
I put in enough ranks to take 10. All she needs is a quiet spot to do it.
>>73164>>73165Iron ruffles her mane. "That is very nice of you."
>>73162Dark Star puts His leg around blue
"im not gonna bleed to death before we get there are we?"
>>73168Iron strokes his chin. "Why are you dressed in those... remains of cloth?" Iron ponders "They seen special for some reason."
[1d20+5 = 9]>>73170"Oopsie. Let's try that again."
[1d20+5 = 14]>>73172"Jeebuz, it really is deep in there.."
>>73170This is the part where Ash shows her true colors, amputating the wrong leg of Dark Star, pretending to extract a bullet.
>>73174>Lots of painful pulling later"Haha!" She declares, with the bloody piece of lead between her hooves.
>>73169“No, you will be fine.” She presses down a rag on his wound
>>73174>>73170She seems to have sealed the wound. Only after cutting a hole into the wrong leg.
>>73167Blue Skies takes interest
>>73173>>73172>>73170"uggggghhhhhhhh this is worse than being shot."
>>73178Dark Star ruffles blues mane
"i really need a drink after that."
>>73180"I would advise against it. You've lost a lot of blood, and your kidneys could fail."
>>73180Iron smirks at the interaction. Star is learning.
>>73180Blue seems to like the display of affection.
“We can go to the tavern after you are safe. Reporting back to headquarters can wait until the morning”
>>73181Blue seems a bit angered by this statement
>>73181"Hey Ash, what is with the charred clothing on you? I know you told me that you were on a journey of sorts, but you never told me much about it."
>>73180"Luckily one of us is a bartender"
>>73180"You should drink some water. Like, a gallon."
>>73184"... It used to be a nun's habit..." She says sadly
"I was volunteering at the orphanage on the hill."
>>73187She just shakes her head in disapproval.
>>73188"Ohr-fa-naj"? What is that?" Iron ponders for a bit. "What is a nah-n?
>>73190"I'll what the clergy devotees call themselves in this country."
>>73192"Ah, so you are an elder? They were the ones who speak to the gods, though I have never heard of female elders."
>>73186"Yea Hydration is important."
>>73183rubs her wings
>>73185"im glad i didnt have to shoot you."
>>73191>>73193>>73185>>73189“We’re here.”
The boat stops at a dock. There is a truck waiting.
“Who here needs a doctor?”
>>73194She gives a cute smile, and a sort of purring sound
>>73195"I could use one when the rest are fixed up."
>>73195Iron perks his ears up and proceeds to step down from the boat to the docks. He offers a hoof to help Ash to climb down.
>>73193"Well, not in this country.. I joined to help the poor, and to learn more about the Equestrian clergy."
>>73195"I think everyone but me needs a doctor"
>>73199>>73200"My pleasure." Iron thinks for a bit. "It is noble to help ponies who are disadvantaged, just do not coddle them too much or they will become independent of you." Iron motions to follow. "What have you learned so far on the religion?"
[1d20+13 = 21]
Also, rolling knowledge (nature) to see if I know what color changeling blood is.
>>73204Iron nods. "I suppose you have your reasons." Iron ponders "Any good experiences with animals?"
>>73205I’m not sure if I want to include Changelings under Nature, when they are sort of mysterious creatures
>>73205[]I roll for this, because I assume Changelings, being arthropods) vermin, would have blue/green/yellow blood. I want Ash to know in advance in case she ever needs to prove she's not a changeling.
Knowledge (nature) applies to vermin as well as monstrous humanoids.
>>73207What creature subtype do they fall under?
Nature cover monstrous humanoids, fey, fairies, giants, animals, magical beasts, vermin, seasons, weather, and plants.
>>73206"I have a bot of experience."
>>73207Also, she watched a changeling get squished in front of her own eyes.
Was it green and icky?
>>73210"Come on, there must be some special moment of joy when interacting with one." Iron thinks. "I remember many of my tribe told me there was this small tiger cub one of the tribesmen brought back when I was not born. It was named "Claw". They told me that he was a playful rascal, snuck off during the night, stole food and hunted mice."
>>73214"That sounds like quite a bit of fun."
“Alright everypony, get in the back of the truck. We will go to a doctor first”
I am still away from my laptop>>73212The dead Changeling she saw had green gooey blood. Also note that Ash has gone through one of the Changeling tests before. (She passed)
>>73215"They always told me it was fun playing with it. Claw was energetic, pouncing on everyone to start playing. He had to leave later on as his pounces became too strong for the tribesponies."
>>73216The sorcerer gets in the back of the truck.
>>73216Iron starts the trek to get inside the truck.
>>73216Dark Star helps Blue onto the truck
>>73216Noted for future reference.
>>73217"That's just how it is sometimes." She says with a sigh.
"Does anybody else need a bullet removed?" Sister Ash says, levitating a pair of pliars she founds out of nowhere
>>73222"Some ponies say that he still lingers around our tribe, acting as protection against other predators. I personally do not believe it."
>>73223Looks a little nervous.
"I think I will wait for the doctor."
>>73224"Hmmmmmmmm.. interesting." She says with a smile
"They can get clingly."
>>73223"I do not have bullet wounds, but thank you."
[1d20+5 = 12]>>73225"And get blood poisoning?! No time."
*Tries to grab bullet out of wound*
[1d20+5 = 21]>>73228"I'm sorry, I'm so clumsy.."
>>73226Iron nods. "Maybe it is true, then/"
>>73220She likes this
“D’aww, thank you, but I have things to get from the boat”
>>73218>>73219It’s a military style, with seats on the back