Welcome back to Occupied Equestria, an RP set in a conquered Equestria, using D&D 3.5e mechanics, and based in large part on the My Little Pony mod for Hearts of iron 4, Equestria at War
The party has successfully stopped the Communists of Baltimare from importing guns and foreign advisers in preparation for a revolt. They have also raided a Griffin freighter involved in arms trafficking, and are prepared to leave and end their long night.
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>>74241He frowns, having not heard about a massacre of any sorts happening last night. He trots up to the nearest protester to ask. "Excuse me, what is this protest about?"
>>74244She got to her first... This is going to be hard pain to overcome. "Thank you. You sure there is absolutely no hard feelings, right Cauldron?"
>>74245"He went off to find you"
>>74246He doesn't seem to trust this, but looks to another pony, who nods
"Alright, go on"
>>74247"This is a protest against the oppressive fascist government and their collaborators in the city government. They mistreat non-pony races in Baltimare and across the world. A whole griffin crew was slaughtered last night, and whether or not the fascists actually did it they didn't protect them"
>>74248She stares
"You tell me what you think"
[Read more] [1d20+14 = 26]>>74249".. I guess I'll take my leave then..."
She leaves and continues down the road.
Rolling survival
>>74249Iron is unconvinced. Here I thought we were on at least neutral terms. Iron heads off inside, following the lead of the zebra, which he hopes she didn't cock up anything.
I walk in and as im passing by the minotuar i say
"Those Waffles were great, i ate 40 of them."
>>74250The dog tracts to a position to the North
>>74251Ash is not inside
>>74252He's a little confused, but he appreciates the friendly intent. Dark Star is able to go back to the room without any more harassment
He should have a badge on him >>74253Time line is
>I leave>You come>You leave>I comeBasically GM is fucking up Iron's chances of dragon mare pussy from Ash through Cauldron, which I believe she is doing it because if she can't have Iron, then no can type of shit.
>>74254How far apart are these events occurring?
>>74254>spoilerhe puts it on his jacket and then takes it off and goes back to sleep.
Iron is not feeling well. This is like a bad dream for him. He decides to crash at one of the rooms upstairs until he composes himself. If he stays still, then she could find her and sort out this issue.
>>74249He raises an eyebrow. He can't recall if he's ever heard the word "fascist" used before. "Fascist? What is that? Name of some city?"
>>74261I guess you'll go to bed, so night.
>>74256Hard to say, really. I think it would have been natural for a delay of 20 minutes? I don't know
>>74257The bed is comfortable. He can sleep now until 12:30ish, which is at least in total the 8 hours required to heal. He wakes up normally feeling more or less okay, awoken by what seems to be the sound of a door
>>74260"The Blackhooves! The Duke and His goons"
>>74258He seems to be able to do so well enough, and finds a bed
[Read more] >>74264"Oh! So, they are fascist...what does that mean, then?"
>>74263I'm going to dinner.
>>74264Is that enough time to have crossed paths with him on the road he came from
>>74265Blue Skies has entered the room. Her steps are light, but the door gives away any sort of stealth. She is wearing a full Blackhooves police uniform, and this she seems to be in the process of removing as she enters
>>74266"That means that they support an oppressive hierarchy. New Mareland above equestrians, ponies above all non-ponies"
>>74264Iron sits there. He breathes in and out, clearly not dealing with this very well. While he waits for Ash, he tries to compose himself by steady breathing. Maybe Cauldron did not tell her anything and was saying the truth. Maybe she did. His posture is rigid and his eyes dart all across the room. If what Cauldron said was true, then the mere fact that he admitted to having sex with a zebra as well as being in love with her is going to destroy the small progress he made to woo her. And Ash is quite a catch, already accostumed to living in nature and all. Breathe in, breathe out.
>>74269She sees him at about the same time as he says this. She's a little surprised at first
"You're still here?"
She takes off the uniform
>>74270Iron vaguely recalls that rogues are masters of stealth and striking when you are weak
>>74268He nods, having finally understood what they mean. "That does seem like them. So, you say they killed bunch of griffons? Where did this happen?"
>>74272>tfw you realize that your normal NPCs have more dialogue than most leftist protesters, so you have to lower their breadth of knowledge"On the Northern-most pier of the seaport last night, in a ship anchored off shore. 8 dead and 1 wounded"
A different protester interjects about rampant gun violence, and the fact that illegal weapons were involved
Signs include statements like "Larry Berry is not a true socialist" and a few protestors wear red and black bandannas
>>74273"Uh, I guess you're fine there. Hey, did you have that Changeling head? Come to think of it we have quite a bit to go through from last night"
>>74271fuk u d00dShe definetly did it. She absolutely did, the bastard. I knew she was into it. She was just so selfish to grab all romantic attention for herself. And here he thought that she was strong as she told her after that debt collecting business. Now he knew that after all that talk, she was still a mare. A selfish mare at that. He has a big urge to strike her, but he recalls his dad's advice when at the jungle. 'Son, if you actively seek revenge, your success will be hampered. You have to live better than her. That will show her.' That is correct. He knew that the moment he overcomes this setback and obtains what he wants anyways, she will suffer from it. Oh, and will she suffer. He was willing to take both mares as equals, now he knows Cauldron's true colors. She will cut ties after this bullshit.
>>74274"Yea, its in my pocket on my jacket."
>>74274I'm not sure if I've ever known that feel.He takes their bandanas as just a strange modern fashion statement. "Northern-most pier?" He looks around, realizing he's lost sight of Spark, but after he can't find him, he makes a decision anyways. "I think I will go see this for myself. Thank you for help." With that, he heads for the pier, using what he remembers from the map to make his way.
>>74275I must admit that this block of internal dialogue confuses me immensely
>>74276She reaches in, and pulls it out. A severed head
"Yep, this is a worker alright. Western hives"
She continues going through his jacket
"Hey, about last night. I'm not sure if that was really appropriate professional from me. I'm sorry."
>>74277The Northern Most pier is reachable from Blackwood road. When he gets there, he seems a still smoldering building, fire crews and police tape. The police wear black and not blue uniforms
[Read more] >>74279"A massacre, AND a fire? Would the police really cause this?" He heads for the nearest police pony. "Excuse me, officer. What happened here?"
>>74279Dark Star looks a bit nervous by her statement
"You Don't Regret it do you?"
>>74279In summary, he explains to himself that kicking the zebra's ass for what she's done will hamper his chances of success at most things, like Ash's favour. So he essentailly reasons that getting Ash as a marefriend will hurt her may more than physically hurting her in any way. That is what it is supposed to mean.
>>74281She too, looks nerovus
"No. I just don't wanat you to. You said that that was your first time and I don't know if you were lying to me about that. I mean, it's okay if you were, but if you were telling the truth I thought that maybe you should have had... like a highschool sweetheart. A nice girl to remember fondly"
>>74280"We believe that members of the Waterfront gang contracted to bring in guns from Griffonia. Insiders within the group must have staged a mass robbery of the transaction, which went badly and left more than a dozen dead. At some point in the fight, two police officers were murdered by a foreign automatic weapon. The weapons dealers must have lit the warehouses on fire to try destroy the guns as evidence"
>>74283To Silver, the explanation certainly makes more sense than the police doing all of this. "Waterfront Gang? Who are they?"
>>74283"it was the truth. i don't regret it. i never had the Chance to go to school."
>>74284"The Waterfront gang is a term used to refer to an organized crime syndicate that operates here in Baltimare. We call them that because they tend to operate mostly near the Seaport in the east side of town, and recruit from the lower classes. But to them, it is just 'our thing.' They must be conducting arms imports"
>>74282>Throwing away a fairly developed and painstakingly created NPC that was a faction liaison, and created specifically for the Iron characterThis shall be remembered >>74285She sits down at a table in the room
"Aww. Why is that?"
>>74287"My Family was very poor when my father was still alive and after he died the bit situation got worse and worse and then after mom got killed my brother and i Had no chance at all then."
>>74286I guess it's okay to think that. Who knows, maybe Cauldron has a change of heart, but I think you did it on purpose to cause strife for bad decisions. I don't really know how to change Iron's heart because in his mind, he already explained himself and now he thinks she is just malignant or some shit like that.
>>74286He nods. "Thank you, officer. And I am sorry to hear about your fallen comrades." Silver then heads for the location the officer described, getting more and more curious as to what exactly happened here.
"It's too bad I lost track of Spark. This would have made for a fine adventure." Would Sister Ash have crossed paths with Iron, since she was following his trail?
>>74292I'm just trying to find him.
>>74288"Aww. I also lost family. Well, they are alive somewhere, but it didn't end well. So how did you and your brother get by after that?"
"I'm on lunch break, so I don't have to return any time soon"
>>74289>Not apologizing for bad decisions rather than suffer the wrath of a mare scorned>>74292Nope. Going North
>>74291Press F to pay respects for fallen Spark. Gone, but not forgotten
[Read more] >>74294Have our timelines lined up yet?
Actually, fuck it.
Sister Ash goes all the way back to her campsite and waits for Iron there.
>>74294"well, he got a job in the iron mines and..... i stole things so i could eat so he wouldnt have to spend his small ammount of bits on feeding me."
>>74294I thought I did already. What? Why do these mares want apologies so explicit? Godamn.
>>74298Iron will be kind of stuck there for a few minutes. Don't move too far after that, ok?
>>74299"I see. How'd you come about these big wads of cash you are tossing around now?"
>>74304Having a small mental breakdown, give him some time.
>>74301You should try with a real female
>>74303"it was all the money my brother was able to make. he left it to me before he fought for the black hooves in the war. i dont think this was all from his mining job, i think he might have been doing something illegal."
[1d20+12 = 26]
Rolling survival to set up a hut.
>>74308"An equestrian fought for the Blackhooves? Now that's new. I take it he didn't come back for his money"
[1d20 = 5]>>74294Iron, after a few minutes of deep breathing, now feels composed enough to face Ash and not fuck up. Noting that she has not come to pick him up yet, he decides to meet up where they were supposed to: at the forest. He walks outside the tavern and tries to head out to the forest camp she set up, trying to go south all the way, like Ash said. Rolling luck to see if he reaches the camp set up before because this crisscross of bullshit might be averted by this.
>>74307>>74310Maybe he will >>74312Uh, it's better than a one, honestly.
>>74312Not quite. As he walks out, a voice behind says "Do you have anything to say to me?"
>>74311"he Had a pen pal in New Mareland, she was in the Party would send him books, and pamphlets, and news papers. i think her name was Hoof.. Hoof something. and he never made it back, i was waiting for him for 2 days before i had realized that... he was never coming home."
>>74316Iron turns around to see who said that.
"Am I even heading the right way?" Silver stops, pulling out his map to check that he's actually heading for the eastern Seaport.
>>74319That's exactly where he just was
>>74318Well who else?
>>74317"We should have pretty good records to see what became of him"
>>74320"I would like to know if we could find out."
DarkStar puts his hoof on hers
"And uh thanks for talking with me about it, i feel a little better about it."
>>74320"I am. Neat." He looks around at the buildings in this part of town, being unfamiliar with the area.
>>74327Well, Spark has already lost track of Silver because he's gone on an adventure, so...
>>74323She smiles, warmly
"It's good to have somepony to talk to. They'll have a list of names. We can find out"
>>74329"Well, since i told you so much about me, tell me a little about yourself."
>>74328Well... I guess I will hang around the hall then.
>>74329I go inside the city hall and look around.
>>74320Iron is really not feeling guilty. "I already said what I meant. I have no idea what you want from me now." Iron looks sternly at Cauldron. "I never said anything that made you look less than what you are, which is a mare and a great one at that. Not a whore, not a slut, not a tramp, none of those are applicable to you. I told you are better than other mares by virtue alone and I told you that the concept of coitus is more important than what you believe it means, which is a lot more than fucking you and leaving you on the side of the road while I move on from you. What else am I supposed to say?"
[shaman noises]
*Sweeps hutt*
>>74334Oh shit, didn't notice that.
>>74332"I guess that is enough." She smiles
"If you want work, come back. If you want special potions that do special things, or just good food, go to 35 Elk street
>>74330>>74331>>74333I'll get to all of you>>74335Would this happen to be the Hutt Dynasty that once controlled a substantial portion of the known galaxy?
[Read more] [1d20 = 14]>>74338"Noted." He walks away from Cauldron, heading towards the campsite Iron and Ash were before.
Rolling luck to see if he finds Ash without much fuss of direction.
>>74330"I was raised into an aristocratic Pegasi warrior family in Nimbusia. We were among the homioi, or citizen class there. My father was a little distant and my mother was hard. My older brother, I think he suffered some sort of brain damage as a result of a jousting incident that pierced below his eye. He would make fantastic claims about me. He never accepted me as a part of the family. But they trained me in the warrior tradition. Not just direct combat, but stealth as well, and ranged combat. When the time came I went into the trials, the agoge, and became a full citizen. But there was this worker helot. A crafts stallion serf, who had a grudge against me. I think he thought I was in a relationship with his son? Anyways, he made some accusations. Now, no one really trusts the helots, but combined with my delusional older brother – and the alleged relationship with the Earth pony serf – I was chased out. The government changed later that year, and the old social order based on apartness was dismantled. I lived in another place for some years, before that place fell to Communists. The Baltimare governate under Halcyon shores let me in here, and I try to make this my tribe to fight for and defend"
>>74333The district has warhouses by the water, and industry near the water as well. There are large amounts of multi-family apartments and crowded stores. It is a lower class area, mostly, especially compared to the west, and fairly industrial
>>74331The city hall is described in
>>74054 >>74056 >>74058 >>74060 >>74063 >>74065 >>74067 [Read more] >>74343All of the industry is an unfamiliar landscape to him. As he heads further into the area to look for anypony who might be a lead into this "Waterfront Gang", half of his time is spent gawking at all the smokestacks and industrial architecture.
>>74343I go left I suppose and listen in on conversations, to get a clue of what goes on in these departments and offices.
[1d20+12 = 29]
Rolling to gather fruit.