Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1642 replies and 99 files omitted.
[1d20+4 = 22]>>71662"Looking to make a new headdress."
>>71660Iron, now that the plan is essentially ruined and cannot believe he can hide decides to bolt it around the warehouse to the right, leaving the crates and going to the nearest side of the burning building.
>>71663See, that's the kind of roll you want to make with a statement like that.
>>71663Hey, the good rolls make an appearance
>>71663>Player was absent for a week straight>Suddenly gets back and rolls a near crit after a rather small missYeah, you seduced the dice to your side when you weren't at the session. I know your dirty tricks!
>>71669Fuck off, if it wasn't for the dice that would have been a flat-footed sneak attack with hella extra damage
>>71661“What orphanage?” One says, touching her burnt clothing
“Which colt?” The other says, lowering his gun
>>71663Well, it sure as Hell hits. Rolling damage. The hit griffin runs towards the super structure, while the other turns around and yells “bandits from the sky!” In an outrageous accent towards the pier.
>>71665He is now by the side. The fire isn’t mostly inside, so this area is safe unless an unexpected explosion happens
>>71670No u fuck off, I could've gotten the damn birb if the dice didn't cock up in my grapple check.
>>71671Iron, believing he is safe, continues walking around the side. He needs to regroup with his companions.
>>71671"The orphanage on the hill. The colt is named Ollie: gave you seen him?"
>>71671Flying in pursuit of the injured one
[1d4+1 = 4]This time I will actually roll damage
>>71674>>71674“I don’t know any Ollie”
“Do you mean that overly energetic colt the Mulbearies keep in that soup kitchen at Main and Vine?”
>>71673It is so, but it will take a while because the distance is great
>>71677"I think that's him. Have you seen him? I'm afraid he may have been injured after the explosion."
>>71677Iron keeps on walking until he reaches the edge of the building he is travelling and turns around the corner.
>>71678“I think the mulberries brought him. They were leading the first check point. Maybe they were arrested, maybe they left. I dint know, I haven’t been that way.”
>>71679When does so, he can see and hear the following from the far end of his vision: two military trucks entering, one already parked with 10 griffins and 2 ponies standing out side of it. The griffins have tan military uniforms and rifles, while the two ponies have submachine guns and black uniforms.
The pony says “two officers were killed here earlier, and a Changeling found. Now I don’t know if this is gang activity, a rogue hive, rot Chrystalis’s own right hoof, but we are NOT going to be taking any chances here! The rules of engagement are weapons free. If it moves and if it doesn’t wear tan or black, shoot it. Subversives and gang members wear civilian uniforms. There is no one with any good reason to be out here. And never go in groups of less than three. I don’t want a Changeling jumping one of you and taking your identity.”
He places a magazine in the top of his gun, and cocks it
“Proceed slowly and with utmost caution. Those buildings house gasoline and explosive fertilizer. They could blow any minute. Right now, we are placing this area on lockdown, no one gets in, or out. In a few minutes, we advance to close the circle”
[Read more] >>71680Sister Ash looks visibly distressed.
"I hope he's okay..."
>>71680That is not good. Iron could be shot on sight by the slightest motion. He retreats to a side where they cannot see him and nears his hooves to see if he can touch and climb it.
>>71680*climb the wall of the burning building
>>71682>>71682Roll for it, strength modifier
>>71680"I need to see if he's still here. He said he wanted to go to the docks. No foal left behind."
She says as she passes them
[1d20+7 = 16]>>71685Iron attempts to climp the burning building.
>>71688W0t? Isn't that good? It's a 16 total
>>71689it was supposed to be a 20, Seduce the dice.
>>71690I'll need it later. Not now.
>>71686They look at her funny, but do not stop her
>>71687He is able to find a ladder leading up, and climb to the top. The area of the roof closest to Redclaw look unstable, although most of the roof is stable
>>71684So what is Dark Star doing?
[1d20 = 18]>>71692He scouts the area from his vantage point, being careful not to step on the loose roof tiles near Redclaw's location.
>>71692She proceeds to move into position as planned.
>>71692"Come on comrades we can crush them!"
hes trying to lure the communist working on the docks closer to where the explosion would be.
>>71693He can see have s dozen ponies on the ground. There is Redclaw, next ti the crates and the trucks. Dark Star is there too, biding in plain sight. Ash is advancing. Three of the ponies are going over to positions by the ship - something must be going on
>>71695He responds””Aye comrade, we shall drive them back.” And the another pony speaks
“Comrade, the police are surrounding us! We saw a truck passing by driftwood street, going to Blackwood probably.”
Redclaw considers this. “Is our original plan B still an option?”
“Aye, they haven’t blocked off the south exits yet.”
Another pony adds “I can drive that truck with the lights off and lose any trailing Pegasus. I can get those truck out of here if we leave in less than three minutes.”
Redclaw now yells, “Comrades! We load the trucks now and leave now! The original plan B is in play!”
Redclaw himself picks up a crate
[Read more] Iron, suddenly feeling lucky, decides to place a single rock on the ground such as when he hits it, it goes straight to Redclaw. If he staggers him, maybe he'll drop the crate and die, so he can complete the mission. Before that, he should even check if there's a possible place to put the rock in position.
>>71696The sorcerer is completely confused at this point and decides to carefully walk over to what sounds like Dark Star.
[1d20+7 = 11]>>71696"comrade im an excellent driver. ill get it where it needs to go."
[1d20+3 = 15]Alright, I am finally able to use my laptop for this
>>71699Redclaw considers the wisdom of this. Rolling
>>71697And so it is readied
>>71699>>71700Redclaw responds "I believe that Moon Skipper here is a more seasoned driver for the second vehicle"
[1d20 = 12]>>71700Iron inhales deeply. He needs to be precise more than fast. Iron exhales. Then shoots at Redclaw with the rock when he has a crate on him.
>>71703>>71702It appears that Iron is able to hit
>>71701Dark Star walks over to help with the crates
if he can [1d20-3 = -15]>>71704>>71705Redclaw gets hit by a large rock, and drops his crate. He looks over in the direction the rock came. Negative modifiers because it's night
[1d20+6 = 19]>>71702Dark star looks over,and then shoots redclaw with his shotgun
Aw. How come there's no damage from dropping the crate.
Damn it all
[1d20-10 = 1][1d20-5 = -6]>>71707Yes. But it appears that Redclaw was able to get some semblance of the area from which the rock came. Redclaw replies back with his rifle in a sort of blind shot
>>71709Do you want to do that with so many armed ponies around you?
>>71710It's a crate that was on his back, it won't crush him. The rock sure as hell hurt him though
[1d20-4 = 1]>>71708I guess I'll roll hide with a -4 modifier... greatIron backs away from the scene, trying to blend into the night.
>>71710Redclaw can't see Iron that well through the night sky, given that the red flames nearby prevent his eyes from adjusting to nighttime vision. But he did see
something up there
>>71714Like 3 of them could reply in the next action even if Redclaw cannot
[1d20 = 16]>>71711Iron prepares another shot. He breathes in and out, not wanting to miss a shot. He exhales and shoots the second rock (with I'm guessing the +5 modifier goes to damage).
>>71716Damn, I'm just wondering if a second range modifier would apply to this. It would miss if there are two range increments, but hit if there is just one
>>71717Go with one range increment, I guess.
*Wink Wink* [1d3+10 = 11]>>71718Well, I guess we could assign a full +10 to damage then
>>71718Woo! Reached the 40 damage threshold!
>>71719>>71715Dark Star ponders his previous statements from before
>>71413yes he shoots him
>>71721I'm gonna leave a preemptive F.
>>71721Alright, well the only way he could avoid getting killed from that almost immediately is if Onyx, Ash, Brie, and Shimmer
really help him now. So I will pause this sequence
>>71723Does my shot even down him? 26+7+11=44
>>71724No, that is not enough. Maybe the shotgun added to that might be enough
>>71725Can I be cheeky and throw another rock again?
>>71726No, we need the other players to move
I really hope they're awake and ready to attack.
>>71729We are so damn close.
I'll just attack one of the grunts when they spring up and kill Redclaw with more rocks.
>>71730Maybe i should have said no.
>>71731>If only Skies was here*sad emoji* This is so sad, can we hit 50 likes?
I guess Dark Star has a decent chance of not dying immediately to 3 mooks shooting rifles at him all at once. But a bad set of dice rolls, and he certainly will
>>71733I think Dark Star was wounded somewhere. Don't know current HP as of yet.
>>71732This actually has
much further reaching implications
>>71734I believe that he has 25 HP, but lost 5 in total, and so now has 20 HP
>>71735The sorcerer is still walking toward Dark Star.
>>71735I can smell I have a rival/nemesis on me. Too bad it had to be a mare. He can't really take her seriously, but thematically it's good. If I succeed, I prove that true strength beats her guns, If I not, she proves that mares are more capable than stallions.
>>71737*Mares are equal to stallions
>>71733Like I said, I'm putting in my F just in case.
>>71736Spark, I implore you, please do not let Dark Star die here. I would believe that Skies will blame it on me somehow.
>>71740I will do my best. However, I have no more offensive spells. Just a warning.
>>71741If I say kirins are just fluffy pones, do you think Ash will come?
>>71742I don't think so, but it may give you luck if the dice like kirins. Worth a shot.
Hey, you think this poner is decent?
>>71744It's supposed to be my backup character or a rouge character if there is another campaign like this.
>>71746If we ever make another campaign you are more than welcome to join. As for backup... let's hope it doesn't come to that.
I must say I am more than a little bit saddened by the course of events today. I had hoped to and was excited to make Blue Skies a permanent liaison to the party for the Black Hooves faction, providing jobs for the party and even filling in as a rogue where necessary. I had very much liked the character, and planned her as being the unrooted and displaced stateless mare who longed for a loving family, while having an important secret. But her neuroticism, sarcasm, and tendency to reply to Iron’s constant insults with equal insults ran out her welcome very quickly. I knew she couldn’t stay, so she had to be removed. Oh well…
>>71748I liked the character. Why can't we keep her?
>>71747Honestly, I'm falling for the idea of using heavier armor. Think I'll buy the equivalent of half-plate armor and a big fuck-off hammer or any bludgeoning two handed weapons. Don't worry, he'll still be a stubborn pony and fight with honor, but now he'll give the enemy no choice.
>>71748Damn. I did feel sorry for her. She was actually a decent depiction of a woman who had actual trauma and had to toughen up emotionally. I guess Iron's presence forces her to ignite her emotional side since he always looks down on her.
>>71748Hey, GM, can I have a big fuck-off hammer for me, please?
>>71753Well, I'm guessing everyone gave up on getting Ash and Onyx back, so I'll head off to bed now. Good night everyone.
>>71754Goodnight. See you tomorrow hopefully.
>>71756Don't worry, I passed out too 9 hours ago. Dark Star won't appear until it is the afternoon, more sure than not, and Onyx maybe appears at midnight for the duration of a shooting star and dissapears again. Spark would enter the Dark Star timeframe. Brie? I really hope he comes daily after that week hiatus.
>>71744>>71746Flying Rogues seem to be popular.
It's a pretty powerful combo.
>>71758To be fair, I chose a pegasus since I though it could give me 2+ charisma so I could have 20 of it.
Also wingjobs >>71759Pegasi don't have a stat adjustment. They can just fly, and get the cutie mark skill benefit.
I too expected Kirins to have a Charisma buff, but you can't have everything ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
>>71760Now that I think about it, do I have 8 more skill points apart from the 72 I had to place on my skills?