Dark Star has been contracted by the occupying government to lead a team to infiltrate and stop a meeting of the Communist party in Baltimare. He discovers that they are importing arms, and more importantly, special forces advisers from foreign nations. Things reach a literal boiling point when a warehouse of gasoline drums is set on fire, and now we will see who will live and who will die
Welcoming Silver, the unicorn fighter
1642 replies and 94 files omitted.
>>72566>just a starting point to find party members and equipmentWill I have time to summon an animal companion and maybe get some class-friendly equiptment?
>>72577Can Confirm Shotguns are very loud
>>72579>>72579I intend to avoid that all too common trope in video games where you casually kill literal hundreds of enemies. Take for example the excellent Uncharted series. Being sort of a video game adaptation of Indianada Jones, it’s great adventure and in a way was inspirational for this campaign. But the main character killing an entire army of 200 mercenaries in one game feels a little unrealistic. I want even the lowest level opponents, who have no business fighting, to give at least some sense of danger when they are in number or have guns.
In non-lethal instances, you will probably have fewer opponents and they will not be as well armed
>>72580Yes, I don’t think I want to move out of the city yet
>>72582You think Ash is Desmond Miles there?
[Read more] >>72583¯\\_(ツ)_/¯
Not exactly the archytype is was going for.
>>72583It's fair. I'll try to cope with just unarmed for the time being. Do you think I can place more than +3 for unarmed? If so, it's not such a big problem.
>>72585+3 Damage for power attack
>>72583>Desmond MilesGot that name completely wrong. Desmond Doss is the Desmond I was thinking of
>>72587Well, maybe a little bit. Or at least as a religious ethic. It's part of her pratice to try to help ponies in need.
>>72588And it was mostly just what I considered to be the most in-character thing to do at the time.
>>72590>>72583>>72587Alright, I'll prod the thread like last time. Pretty sure we'll continue on a new thread anyways. Just hoping that the GM doesn't have to create a thread on the phone.
Well, I've got the rest of the night to dialogue if there's time.
>>72593Well, since you offered, as a level 5 cleric and chose my domains to be healing and protection, am I in the 5th rank of both of these domains?
>>72593What would you have had Ash say or do with the encounter with the griffin that occurred while you were not online?
>>72595Well, if she were there she would have patched him up, I guess.
>>72594Typically, your Deity has a list of domains granted to Clerics of that deity, as well as an alignment his/her/its worshipers can have. If your diety provides only one domain explicitly, you may be allowed to select a second one that fits with with that god's portfolio.
Both your domains and granted powers are equal to your character level. The number of bonus domain spells per day are listed under the class advancement table.
>>72596Did you backread? I’m talking about that very long series of dialogue that spans 20+ posts and took 2 irl hours where Iron, Dark Star, and to a lesser extent Shimmer spoke extensively to a white griffin who had killed at least one crew member and was rummaging through a cabin looking for something
>>72594>>72596In addition, most Clerical orders (and insitutions for most divine casters) have a code of conduct that their followers must abide by. This may involve alignment restrictions, religious taboos, or purchasing ranks in particular skills. Things like that vary setting by setting.
>>72597Let me check again one more time.
Ash is less than concerned with plundering or politics, but is looking increasingly anxious about the gunfire outside.
She makes her way towards a window to see what's going on in the first warf.
>>72599"Ummmm, don't you all think we should be leaving? I don't really want to get caught in another fire exchange.." she says nervously
[1d20+5 = 9]>>72599Spot check to see how many guys are tailing us
>>72600I guess I could answer this while I'm leaving for the boat"I do not know either. All I know is that the bat is in here and probably is looking for that mare advisor." Iron is walking down the stairs. "I am going to wait on the boat with Onyx. If you need me, I will be there." Iron continues his path towards the boat.
>>72599Against the light of the burning buildings Ash can see a number of griffins and ponies standing and moving around all across the wharf, mostly with large guns and in fairly organized groups. It appears that fire hose are being deployed to try to put out the fire. Further, it looks like at least two ponies on the wharf have guns pointed at them. The burning truck has a couple ponies putting out the fire with an extinguisher, while another truck comes up next to it as if to wench and move it. A fire truck has come into position near the warehouse, and a pair of griffins can be seen moving along the top of the rolling mill
>>72603"The mare advisor is dead. I saw her go down with my own eyes.
It turns out she was a changeling. Mr. Dark Star still has her head in his pocket."
>>72605"Oh. Then I have no idea why we are still here. I feel someone is being greedy."
>>72604Can I even go outside to the boat without starting a firefight?
>tfw you find inspiration for (what you would hope to be) an excellent character after you've already created one
I guess I thought of a backup if Silver ends up ded.
>>72607Great minds think alike, am I right? Also have two backups if things go awry and my char dies. One for the super sneaks and the other for healing everyone.
>>72609I really hope you're wrong. I basically fried my brain to create a basic cleric that I don't even think is that great anyways.
>>72610I've made like a dozen characters that I'll probably never get to play.
>>72611I even made a lvl 45 Orc, just so I could get a full understanding of epic progression and qualifications for Divine Ascension.
>>72609>>72611>>72612Even if I don't end up using her, it's good for stirring up the ol' OC creation juices.
>>72612Well that is a bit more understandable.
>>72613True enough.
You guys could always try keeping your characters alive,....
I'd be really bummed if any of the characters vi'm playing died.
>>72615It's not like I'm going to TRY to get Silver killed (though with how little I know about the game's mechanics, it's highly likely). It's just that I've got a potential backup now, for if he does end up croaking.
>>72615>>72616I don't plan to suicide my character just because I have better ideas about characters. I'll accept the role. That's why it's an RPG and all.
>>72617You have really good stats. Don't let him die.
>>72617>>72618Here's the thing. Unless your character is psychologically reckless, you have to assume they have a self-preservative streak. To them 'its not a game, its real life'. Do with that perspective what you will.
>>72606"I don't know either, but we'd better leave soon if we're ever going to get out..."
>>72620Iron cocks his head. "How many ponies are outside? Have they reached the boat?"
>>72617What is your backup?
>>72606Between the darkness, the fire, the dead bodies, and their cautious approach approach to close quarters clearance, the troops will not be handling the Ship until they have completed essential tasks on the wharf, like taking prisoners or clearing the area for fire crews. They are saving the ship for last, with the intent to simply rake the ship with machine gun fire from a truck should anyone try to snipe at them
>>72622"There's quite a few.. They're preoccupied, but they'll reach us soon. They're angry."
>>72624"... We should leave.. NOW."
>>72619I can't guarantee he won't. Like I've said repeatedly, I'm a noob. Shit will occasionally happen that, while you might normally have complete control of, I won't because I won't know what to do.
>>72620I know, it's not the first RPG I've played, and I know how to role play. I'm just saying, because I don't know the mechanics of THIS game, there is always that chance that my lack of knowledge will lead to me making a poor decision that could end up killing Silver.
>>72624A changeling rogue. An infiltrator from an exiled hive that didn't agree with Chrysalis's plans or ideals, and was forced further and further back as she made her advance.
>>72624>>72625>>72626Iron furrows his brow. "We must warn Dark Star of this. Onyx is already at the boat. Don't know about the unicorn." He retraces his steps back towards the room. "As long as nobody shoots, they will not shoot back... At least I hope so."
>>72627I kinda feel that type of character will be vilified by most of the cast, as well as the organization we are currently helping. If you have decent charisma, I say you can go for it, since you'll probably spend points on charisma and dex skills mostly.
So last I actively posted, Brie was staring down an angry (cuz he just got stuck with a dagger) Griffon that apparently speaks a foreign language
>>72629That was my intention. Plus, as a changeling, she could just remain disguised for as long as she needs to when in the party. Keep her identity a secret.
>>72630Yes indeed. Brie’s next action?
>>72632That depends, aside from getting mad, is the griffon doing anything?
>>72631The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world she never existed
>>72633He is in a bed partly under covers. One claw is not visible to Brie and one claw is up in a “don’t shoot” kind of gesture.
>>72632Sister Ash goes to get Dark Star and Shimmer
>>72634Brie bows to him in an apologetic gesture, and then backs out of the room (not taking his eyes off him). With all the gunshots, he decides to backtrack and retrieve his throwing knives.
>>72632Iron follows Ash. "Say, can you use any magic to swim out of here if the boat is unreachable from here?"
Dark Star's player may not be back for a while
>>72636The griffin does not pull out a gun from under the covers with the claw Brie never bothered to check. Brie comes upon a scene about like this.
>>72604 >>72604Just a question. Do Griffin's and ponies just mix freely in this Society? They seem to work together a lot more than I expected.
>>72639"Can it last long? We may need to carry our companions out of here through common swimming if they surround the dock." Iron checks how far the drop is from here.
>>72642".. To carry several ponies would not be practical.. I did not prepare to have to swim for my life.."
>>72644"It is just a precaution." Iron checks if the way to the boat is safe from here without anypony noticing.
Brie retrieves one of his daggers from near the griffon corpse, and then bee-lines for the one that's got 2 sticking out of his eyes.
>>72641The Occupying government of Baltimore is not very popular among the Equestrian ponies, and so a substantial portion of the garrison need is supplied by troops brought in overseas. New Mareland has a substantial griffin minority, both from the aboriginal population and immigrants. These griffins are not exempted from the draft, and are forcibly recruited. These griffins are generally considered unmotivated and unreliable, and so are placed in garrison duty in location where they have no loyalty to the natives, instead of being sent to the frontlines against the Griffin nations of Griffonia. Some reservists are also recruited from conquered territories
>>72647It is so
>>72646It’s very dark. They don’t seem to be looking in Iron’s direction
[Read more] >>72646>>72648>The Occupying government of Baltimore is not very popular among the Equestrian ponies, and so a substantial portion of the garrison need is supplied by troops brought in overseas.Fug. This really irks me. Equestrian pride ftw.
>>72646Sister Ash follows him, having found no trace of Dark Star or Shimmer.
>>72648>>72650Iron turns to Ash. "The way is clear. I will try to move the boat around the ship and everyone can jump from the ship to the water and get on, or maybe just get on without the jump if possible. You can come with me, see if you can spot areas where we can board the boat without much effort. I really cannot see very well outside." Iron starts the journey up to the boat, where Onyx is.
>>72651Sister Ash nods in response
>>72648Technically speaking, there 3 daggers in/around that one griffon. After retrieving, Brie assesses the progress of whatever group is on the docks.
>>72649Irked that the Black Hooves are not more popular, or that they have the audacity to be somewhere they are wanted?
>>72651>>72652The journey to the boat is uneventful. When they get to the boat... well hello. Who is that familiar face sitting on the top of the closed cabin?
>>72654Iron looks closer to the familiar face. Is it the griffon? He gets on the boat while trying to recognize it.
>>72648>The Occupying government of Baltimore is not very popular among the Equestrian ponies, and so a substantial portion of the garrison need is supplied by troops brought in overseas.Understandable. I imagine many Equestrians, even if their government was the one to strike first, feel like New Mareland stabbed them in the back by invading Equestria at the same time as the Changelings. Combined with the hostility of the Black Hooves towards Restorationist sentiments, they likely seem more like foreign invaders than benevolent peacekeepers in the eyes of the average citizen.
>tfw it helps me to understand a little how Poles must have felt during WWII when Germany invaded >>72653>>72653They seem preoccupied by the fire, and by the live captors they find on the wharf. He sure as shit doesn’t have another 30 minutes, but another few minutes, certainly. These governate forces are pretty cowardly, and won’t go into an enclosed space like a ship until they have enough free soldiers to do so safely
>>72655It’s none other than Blue Skies, smiling
>>72657This, tbh.
And when a government starts using foreigners to fill in shortages that should be supplied by its own citizens, you know times are bad.
>>72659Brie takes flight looking to land on a tall building (that's not on fire) and observe the troops from a hidden position, hoping that their perimeter passes him by and he can approach them (at least one of them) from behind.
>>72659Iron feels slightly uncomfortable. He wonders if it is a bad smile or a good one. He cautiously gets on the boat and starts fiddling the rope it held it in place.
>>72659I probably need to wait for the others, but can I look in the other rooms while I wait?
>>72663I think you will probably flee for your life when you notice what's outside the ship.
>>72663A whole bunch of guys are very pissed off and are about to kill us. It's time to go.
>>72664Yeah, but my character doesn't know about that yet. Here's hoping it won't be too late before he can figure it out.
>>72665I think you said you were near or on the ship. You would have to tell my character about that if your character knows.
>>72666She was looking for him earlier, but then she gave up.
>>72667Good to hear? Looks like I'm going to find out the hard way.
>>72661He’s given up on the gold, I take it? Brie sees that the fires, particularly the gasoline fire, have created s sort of circular “no go zone” where the sky is illuminated and he would lose all stealth. Further to the north, he can see that groups of griffins - who can fly too - have taken position on at least the roof of the rolling mill
>>72663Finally, someone interested in exploring. Yes, there are several places he can go
>>72662She stares at him with that smile as he does so
>>72670I guess start with that open door and the end of the hall I didn't get to check before.
I don't have the energy to stay up all night tonight guys...
>>72670>given up on the goldRiiiiiiiiight. So there's Griffons, there's this armed force thats slowly making its way through the docks, and there's Brie. What's a batpony to do?
Is it possible to make for the ground level, in advance of the troops?
>>72671This leads to the bridge of the ship. The room has great big windows that allow a view outwards. A Griffin is on the floor next to a central control, dead, having evidently been shot in the back of the head.
>>72673Before they went to the shore, they closed off the land routes out of it. He could fly around them, certainly, if he flew far enough, but they extend along the shore line for further than just the immediate area that has preoccupied the party thus far
>>72670"Are you going to shoot at me or something? This is slightly uncomfortable..." Iron tries to turn on the boat like last time.
>>72672I'd say get on the boat. It's basically a "go with the flow" position where others can take you anywhere.
"They just had to blow shit up didn't they?" Brie laments, before taking flight, headed *away* from shore, intent on gaining altitude, to attempt to fly high enough to circle back around at the rear of the advancing forces.
>>72674Is there anything of note in the room? I look around to if anything was left behind, like instructions for the crew or something.
>>72675"Are you going to leave without your friends? Dark Star can't pay you 200 bits if you leave him here"
>>72677Further away from the shore are more police - regular baltimare police, not MPs - and the city of Baltimare. This is on the edge of a mixed industrial and commercial area
>>72678In this room, no. If there was, it has been snatched
>>72679Darn it. On to the other door then, to the right when I entered the hall first I believe. I open that door and look inside.