>>31199 >Thez pokes her head in the stables "Infernius flipped out, he may be hiding somewhere in the tower. He hasn't tried to leave by the front or by the dais."
>>31206 Torc recoils a bit "Gah, oh hey Thez. So he is still in the tower?" >remembers sense chaos "Hey come wth me, we need someone who can get through to Infernius" Torc casts Detect Chaos adheads that way.
[3d20 = 35] >>31176 → >he may still be somewhere in the tower Casts Detect Good Again, to find his aura. Spot+5 Listen+5 Track (via the scent of his blood and diarrhea, since he was bleeding profusely, and hasn't bathed since then)
>>31209 Trumpaladin orders Fae, who defaults to 11 ranks each in spot and listen and has a +4 racial bonus for each, to continue searching new areas with Spot and Listen checks
>>31219 I won't be here for that. Thez is defaulting to monitor the main entrance and the dais, not letting anyone leave. (stunning fist into submission)
>>31220 A couple days ago I intended Trumpaladin to "take a walk around the world to ease his troubled mind," that is, go to a different part of the map as yet unexplored as a way of getting away from the party members. Relations have improved since then so the rationale isn't as strong, but the mountain range to to the South is barely explored, and going the way we went to the Troll encapment, going in the direction the trolls (tried to) flee, is another mountain range, and also what looks like an Elf city just a little ways to the north in the valley. I figured it would be worth exploring these areas, for tribes or monsters or whatever.
Now here's the issue. Fae can fly, can fight, and can track, but Large Dragons can go a hell of a lot faster than she can (or Tracy, for that matter), and if Trumpaladin is attacked by a large dragon, she can't teleport or jaunt away.
So I thought I'd ride Trollestia, who can do most of the same things, but also can teleport. However, I think Trollestia's teleportation only works in certain familiar areas. Which means only Tracy (who is usually too busy to be used) can do everything that is needed for the exploration
tl;dr: Go exploring, maybe murder some things and loot them.
Detect Ebil/Good still works on the Ethereal plane, right? Could the two change planes, detect the auras, and then immediately phase towards his location?
>>31229 When they're split, they split into two pairs of chopsticks. One of those pairs continues the chain of duplication, the other splits seemingly as normal.
>>31232 You're seriously just going to sit there and ask? You're not going to "Identify" or "Analyze Dweomer", or something that eliminates my ability to be vague and non-descript?
>>31232 But two days is such a very long time! I could just have him go out on Fae or Trollestia But if a great wyern Red Dragon or something like that finds him, then he is dead, and he cannot be saved by fight or flight. Tracy could Ethereal Jaunt if that happened. GM would punish for escaping danger us by sending a huge devourer after us in the Ethereal Plane, but quite frankly I'd rather take my chances with the devourer.
Trollestia has the disadvantage of being of Good alignment, which means that she might disagree with Trumpaladin as to whether an encountered monster should be murdered or not, where as Fae, loyal follower, recognizes that Man is the Measure of All Things, and Trumpaladin is her man
>>31245 I mean kind-of like a sustaining Spoon. http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Sustaining_spoon (it makes cucumber rolls instead of gruel, the gruel of sushi) Even if the enchantment on the duplicated pair wore off after a day, it could still be used to feed a large number of starving people.
>>31246 >Sustaining Spoon Odd, it's called "Myrlund's Spoon" in my books. Yes, that's exactly what they do. If placed in a bowl, they're like instant instant ramen (single use).
>>31247 >tfw you spent 6 gorillion hours drooling over magick items your character could never craft >>31251 >that's exactly what they do Really? Wow, I guessed right. >>31253 It was going to be a remark semi-clever, semi-jestful about why you'd be better off trading-in your class levels due to alignment inflexibility, but I gave up on it after I accidentally posted without typing it. It was mostly trolling though, so don't bother worrying about it.
>>31258 When you first obtained the rod, I was under the impression that what it did was caused a targeted opponent to sneeze, and thus lose a round, or at least a standard action, or at least was unable to cast verbal spells in that time. That's an absolute godsend when you're fighting an extremely powerful opponent like a high level wizard, which can one hit kill any player character within 60 feet in a single round with something like the Implosion spell. That's why I wanted it so badly
>>31259 What you just described is identical to the affects of Dust of Sneezing and Coughing; however, it's considered to be poison (even need the Poison spell to craft), and would break Code. I thought it'd do something like that too, but it seems I was wrong. I wonder if it could be modified to something like that, or even be used to Transmit Contagion.
>>31259 Also, normally, wizards need to prepare their arcane spells in advance, so they're not at all impervious to combat. A well-aimed sword or mace would do just as well if not better for what you described.
>>31261 >Breaks Code of Conduct because a sneeze inducer is "poison" Oh hush. I'd rather fall than be broken into pieces by an OP verbal wizard spell anyways.
I noticed you used it on Torcuil when he was confrontational. That's precisely how I think it should be used, although in that case it seemed a bit premature, since it hadn't yet degenerated into violence.
>>31262 >well aimed sword or mace I think a wizard can still cast a verbal spell even after half their health is drained by melee attacks and they'll be out if their opponent gets one more round in. I'd prefer the ability to disrupt spells, especially if I'm sixty feet away, within spell/wand range but a round away from melee range.
>>31263 >I noticed you used it on Torcuil when he was confrontational. I used it on Infernius too. I didn't know what else to do to them that wasn't lethal. I'd promised not to stab them. >sixty feet There's no way any kind of rod has that much reach. Better off shooting arrows to fuck-up their Concentration.
Trumpaladin spends the time waiting for Inferius's faggot, or someone else to come, by tattooing into her skin (not visible above the fur) the numbers "571." He designates these as a Mark of justice. Should she consume Human Flesh, the Mark will burn through the fur and be visible, and she will be cursed to lose 4 points on several kinds of rolls.
He tells Tracy exactly what he has done after concluding
>>31266 No! Fuck that shit! If I can't rip Infernius's guts out while his faggot isn't here, you can't cast freaking curses on Tracy while I'm not around. I've never tried to curse you, wtf. She'd bolt as soon as she felt the needle saying she wanted to check on her birds, and promptly disappear until Infernius's faggot gets back.
I gotta fix dinner for my cousins, so I can't deal with this autism.
>>31283 I would recommend going to Ben's, since that is the only location I can think of, besides a place to start a get away, that Jewfernius would want to go to. I think there's also some way of tracking teleported objects, but I am not sure how that works
>>31272 See THIS is why spontaneous spell-casting for mages is bullshit. Anyway, from that, it's evident that he's teleporting to a place he's been before and/or a place he's very familiai with. It's also apparent that he has to be on this plane. >>31286 Nope.
>>31287 It's either in the proximity of the tower as a point from which to stage a retreat, or it's a place he actively wants to go to like Ben's office. I still recommend going there
And yeah, this is way the fuck OP, so we'll see if GM lets him take the Travel domain after waiting more than 2 months to specify it
[6d20 = 89] The Trash Man Class: Monk Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Stats: rolled in order: str, dex, con, int, wis, and cha. Special skill: eating trash increases str and dex This monster is a temporary summon, it doesn't last long but is good for low strength characters. Stats are different everytime, and is determined by die roll >>31296 Fuck
>>31297 >inb4 Butterfly tattoo or penis on his face Well, the tattoo would be completely invisible below her fur, so it's not an embarrassing feature. It's only there to be the vessel of the Mark of Justice spell, which while technically a curse, is only activated by very specific conditions.
She can't Mark of Justice him, but she can make him Mark of Justice himself, which he is then stuck with and can't just break free of.
>>31289 >this is way the fuck OP I believe the original justification for removing the praying-to-cast mechanic was "Your god like you, and he will grant you spells"... On that note, do Clerics still fall if they break their codes under control of something else? I reading books that Paladins still fall when they're in lose-lose situations (as in the "Drop your sword, or the baby gets it!" kind of shitspot), but I haven't read that much more about parasitic control. Clergy doesn't usually provide very much lenience for technicalities though, as gods may immediately seize to empower their Clerics once they see that they are not fit to carry out their will, whatever the reason that is. We don't have another Cleric to cast Atonement if he falls, so he could be fugged if he does anything to disappoint Hitler while under influence. >>31299 Monks have to be Lawful. Trash man should be a Barbarian. >>31307 Paladin's fall for lying, so a verbal agreement is as good as a binding contract.
>>31311 In my personal opinion, Hitler would not give spells to a person under the control of Judeo-Bolshevism, simply because those spells would obviously be used by the Judeo-Bolsheviks. Even if the person under the control were blameless
>>31191 >I have failed again in joining the fun. >Somehow time has slipped away and prevented me from participating in the fun. >I will still try to better myself and wake up. >I just hope that time comes soon...
>>31315 It will sadly only be a short session before I need to enter "bitter sweet" sleep this day too >bitter because I will miss out on this game, sweet because I will be in another land of ponies
>>31317 >>31318 Thanks. Will try to get in the game more often. >On the upside my I have served my three week grounding because of my wingboner incident
>>31327 Trash Man don't care life is a gaant wrestling match to him And Trump threw the first punch TM> DON'T MAKE ME GET MY MOSTER CONDOM, FOR MY MAGNUM DONG
>>31329 She'll have to rescue him from the grips of the Trashman first.
Pretty much. There are certain specific quid pro quos that because of the importance I'd demand further concessions from Tracy to make the sides equal, but basically
>>31367 His roll was really high, so low chance of success. My prefered plan was to have waifu with super buffed grapple remove me and jaunt out of there, but that didn't happen
Sadly I have to enter sleepmode and welcome the night before it becomes day. >hope to be back tomorrow for more candy and fun. >bad clock telling me it is 3am
>>31372 "I still believe that his single most likely next move is to seek out a Jewish person - the only known candidate is Ben. If he isn't doing that now or hasn't done it already, I think he will do it eventually"
>>31384 Fuck >>31385 "WAIT" Torc teleports him and Trump back to the tower. "I have some of his hair around here somewhere, don't ask, help me find it"
>>31386 "Where should I look for it? I also want to say, maybe check Gestapo headquarters? I know if I were hiding, I'd probably go to the Stadium, and call in Fae and the Generals"
>>31406 >>31420 Arcane Material Component: The eye of a hawk, an eagle, or a roc, plus nitric acid, copper, and zinc. I wonder where torc got the eye from.
>>31423 Yeah, but he can still acquire those, while you jumped the gun and rolled ahead of time, and failed. >go to mess hall >synthesize Hawk Eye soup.
>>31437 Like legit Infernius if I weren't here behind the scenes I would believe that an Admin cursed you and made your flag or IP produce worse than normal dice rolls
>>31473 >Implying That's not what the books I've read have suggested... But we diverge. *Slobbers all over face again* "Hmmph" >She wants you to do something in return for the mark
>>31503 She likes having him where she wants him. *Gets comfy on hoo-man* >'can you feel our foal, Flashy?' She beams into his skull, all his other senses still blcked-out
>>31509 I know, right? After she implied that she was going to Torcuil me for trying to get her to have sex with me, I basically stopped talking to her accept where necessary
>>31511 She's only full size when mounted, which she lost when she went off to the infirmary and stables, so she can only do so much to him
A heavy warhorse is still as big as a Clydesdale. This may ambiguously count as mounted too. Either way, she's still 1,600 pounds of hoers, and he is royally pinned.
>>31515 Thx m8 >>31516 >Implying Infernius could bring himself to cheat on Thez >>31518 >Torcuiled Fuck you >Aw hell no, then I will have to try to get her to have sex with me Fuck you, and have fun when Tracy kills you
>>31521 >>31523 >>31522 Y U all bully Torc? He never tried to get in the way of your marriages. There's an old Japanese saying that goes something like " those who meddle with others' romantic relationships, shall be kicked to death by a horse".
>>31535 >he tried to go after me I asked for something back That you stole >distrupted I just expressed that I didn't approve of it, Mr. Thesunandmoonandstarsanfgalaxiesorbitme >>31538 Fair enough
>>31533 >'...... I can feel it, Flashy. I don't know if it's a filly or a Colt, but I can feel our foal.. It's amazing.." >>31540 *Tries not to lactate*
>>31546 Infernius and I were placing a Mark of Justice on Tracy. Which by the way I think she broke when she stabbed you an Infernius... something to think about
>>31549 >"Is it possible, Tracy, that you don't really like being destructive? You don't really want to be ebin le ebil first page of reddit destructive? Is it possible that what you really want to do... Is create? And create life?" \r
Trumpaladin finds that Tracy has fallen asleep with his head still in her mouth, her jaws clamping defiantly whenever he tries to remove himself. He remains safe due to the Necklace of Adaption, but is still nonetheless helplessly pinned under 1,600 pounds of pure edge, unable to even wiggled an inch under the hold of the heavy but comfy mare, the equine's limbs curled protectively around the two
See y'all tomorrow morning. I'll resolve the cursing bullshit then.
>>31557 I've literally never used Reddit even once and don't intend to try it. What's it supposed to be like that it's similar to how I play her? >>31562 Lol no >>31565 Goodnight.
*Turns off phone and reads responses the next morning*
>>31561 When Tracy awakens, she finds that husbando has been replaced with a full length body pillow. There is a handwritten note beside her. It reads the simple words "I'm sorry"
Torc teleports to his cave for the night. He considers reading but decides to sleep, because he know he won't get much looking for Infernius. Good nights fellow faggots
>>31258 Nope! >>31263 A spellcaster who takes damage during casting must roll a concentration check, dc 1/2 the damage taken. >>31272 >Animal and Good Don't be a faggot >>31281 I'm gonna need a quick rundown
Gawd u guys ~_~
>>31520 It wouldn't be cheating, there was no declaration or assumption of monogamy. >>31536 e_e
I,... I don't even know where to begin. You guys,....
So my biggest question is "How did Infernius teleport FROM the tower?" The reason that's my question is because the tower has a number of fields in effect expressly to prevent unauthorized teleportation in and out of the Tower. One could say that Infernius was/would-have-been authorized, except last time he was talking about going to the NEP, so he would not have been authorized, for safety's sake.
I'll let it play out, but next time please check with me before anything off the wall.
By the way there's a better spell for finding people.
>>31608 I mean she's not about to go shacking up with anyone (the Trump thing was a one-time necessity), but you might be surprised at how undisturbed she would be if she found out Infernius did it w/ someone.
>>31611 Well, Infernius is currently brainbroken, so no worries there. Besides, I think you're misreading the situation, due to my abbreviated description cuz I'm still trying to figure what all has happened.
Thez declared her union to Infernius, under the authority of her existing household (with all rights and privileges thereof), which he reciprocated. If he shags someone other than Thez, it is of no consequence, so long as the doing so does not infringe upon the development of their household, which it wouldn't because she's from hell and dgaf. She's already quite seeded, so she's not concerned about what he may do in the interim.
>>31621 My thoughts as well, but I'm still not sure the capabilities of the worm.
Spoiler alert, its a brain worm,....
Anyhow, yeah. Does the worm have independent class levels? I was thinking something like Dax from Star Trek DS9, except ebil, so class levels would be applicable.
>>31623 So then, "It's" options are limited. The travel ban is still in effect except against direct summons. There are several factions which might help "it", but none immediately available (even if it knew of them previously). "It" would surely know that its efforts will be doggedly pursued, and that stealth and secrecy would be the order of the day, but it also knows its in a particularly distinct and descriptive body.
Other players - Tracy, Trump, Torcuil, Norfilly, and Taylor - now would be a good time to casually suggest the sorts of items you would want for going on a quest.
Also Sad Alex,... who is still a statue at the moment. Incidentally, the Fight Club was very distressed to hear that Thez would no longer be administering the beatings, and they are most suspicious and critical of this "Yak Lee" guy.
>>31607 Yeah but -15 modifyer on greater scrying I just wanna try that first >>31622 I'm still on TOS, whats Dax? >>31634 Do you mean things like new gear? Or rations?
Animals with black horns have iron in them to strengthen them, right? Anyone think the horn Infernius left behind would make for a good Iron Horn of Valhalla, for Taylor? She's squishy, so she could use the man-power. https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Horn_of_Valhalla
>>31636 >thinks its going to make sense somehow >>31638 >what's Dax >condescending intensifies Yes. New gear. You just got a duplicating chopstick so rations are not really an issue. >>31641 Who? >>31651 How many nifty machines do I have to throw at you? >>31655 Just hold onto it for a bit, it will come up in conversation.
Thez snaps out of her trance and immediately makes a bee-line for the library and starts writing, scribbling notes, making sketches, amd throws a whole bunch of books down on the table around her main work.
>>31656 Uh, 420 machines >condescending Rude, I haven't gotten there yet >New gear Uhhhhh, I can't think of anything Torc would need. Any sugestions faggots?
>>31661 Murderous glare, continues working. (I know, that was for the condescending bit, but still). Dax is a symbiotic life form that merges with the organism it is paired with, where both consciousnesses unite. The host gains the full knowledge and perception of the parasite, while the parasite gets a new body to operate in. The parasite maintains its disposition regardless of the host it is placed in (there was an episode where Dax was forcibly taken and put into an antagonist, but after doing so assumed Dax' affable manner and perception), and the host personality takes a back seat.
>>31664 Essentially. In the series, there are a number of training proceedures that allow the host to maintain its self better, in preparation for the joining, and which allow Dax a more 'stable' environment to operate in (which amount to "Sort Yourself Out Anon!"), but yeah. Dax is several thousand years old and its presence is rather overwhelming.
Thez continues working, her fancy broom has been largely dis-assembled and is laid out on the table. Her pretty-shiny plates are stacked neatly in another spot. She loses composure incrementally, and several of her notes and diagrams are dotted with tears, but she continues to work, sketching/compiling/working on something.
She reaches her hand to her forehead for a moment, and curses herself for a moment. "Please excuse me," <whoooof> About a minute or so goes by and she <whoooof> reappears wearing those ruby goggles that Lenos was always wearing (they were hers to begin with). As she reappears and resumes her 'work' she says to Torcuil. "In chess, one doesn't ever win by accident. One doesn't stumble into their opponent's checkmate, not to any reliable degree anyway. Someone has done this deliberately, and they have the element of surprise. I don't know who it is, and I don't know why, but before I even make my first move I am going to ensure that every move is a winning move."
>>31663 >symbiotic life form >life form Then why didn't it fix the problem when Tracy burned Infernius's entire body and grew a new body from his balls? I suspected he had some kind of brain worm.
>>31676 "So, military stradegy?" Torc pulls up a chair across the table "What exactly are you planning to get him back? I should be able to find him, and I still have plenty of his hair for spells."
>>31681 Hmmmm. So you did. But, Infernius' player disregarded that as being effective. I can think of a few reasons for that (fire resistence, momentary etherealness of the invader, etc.) but it seems that its still Game On.
*walks into room* (that she's only ever used to store body parts) *inspects Soros's Arm* >blood is probably dried up >disappointment.png >claws and look wicked though >would make for great unholy blades or gauntlets >maybe even a full plate of demon armor *inspects troll and hydra skulls* >one could plausibly make for a great enchanted mask >this was a comment I typed earlier but never posted
What can Tracy do during this time? Her first action would be to feed her birds.
>>31684 "I'm designing a device, a compass of sorts, that operates on the principles of Locate Creature. It won't tell range, or actual location, but as long as we're on the same plane, it will point toward his direction," she says holding up the hand that has his bull-horn ring on it. >class (kek) L14 Fighter L20 Monk L9 Shadowdancer L6 Horizon Walker >>31685 Thez has an item creation hax. Tracy doesn't know that yet, but get creative.
>>31682 Just say that the Dax didn't have enough room in the stupid bull's tiny brain, so it decided to control him via his balls. >>31686 Kek. I guessed everything but Horizon Walker. Actually, that's a really alluring class, now that I look at it.
>>31687 Horizon Walker is a prestige class based on a nomadic lifestyle, where the benefits are more to do with the environment that one inhabits than the specialty of a particular class. Shadow Dancer is a rogue-ish class that is more about being elusive and trickster-ish than about stealing and backstabbing; its a largely performance (read: circus) based class. >prod "Yes."
>>31690 Oh.... >yes to the prod It better be enchanted in the name of Mike "shock the gay away" Pence. "Thanks Thez, and don't worry. We'll get infernius back"
>>31692 These boots are made for walking And that's just what they'll do Someday these boots are gonna walk all over you "Oh, I meant the ranger aspect... But okay, I understand.
I have a whole list of items that I want someday, but the one that'd be most useful would be those animated Abyssal Demon Claws, so Tracy could function as if she had hands, and deliver devastating effects with a extra effects with them during her sneak attacks.
>>31691 >prod https://youtu.be/OCCjzN8Mghc >>31694 Well, Thez is gearing/strategizing up to find Infernius, and she plans on making adjustments to her own reportoire, so when the opportunity permits, say "Hey, I could use sum of deez."
Tracy lumbers through the hallways, in nightmare form, (her body is covered in 'affectionate' pecking wounds), dragging the Remains of George Soros's severed arm by her chains, headed towards the forge. "Does anyone know if Lenos has gotten back from his date yet? I haven't heard from him in days." asks to anyone around
>>31700 >>31702 Pretend that one of the party members just flipped out and went apeshit, and that characters are thinking "Hmmm, if I were gonna go after him, I'd want a, <fill in this space>"
>>31702 Mask of the Skull is just too much Haxxor, way too much
>>31704 Well, for starters, I couldn't help but notice that I am the only party member who can't poof out of trouble. So I most want a Helm of Teleportation. I want a Belt of Giant Strength as well
>>31714 "Ish," She bundles the shiny plates together, and the sword/broom parts. as well as several of the diagrams. "I don't know what is happening, though clearly something 'is'. By the scenario, I would guess that the trail will lead to other planes, and depending on the plane, who knows what could be in store. I'm calling in a favor. If, as you currently are, you found yourself faced with having to venture into places that were literally designed to eat your soul, what would you want to have with you?"
"What's worse, I can almost assume that there is some degree of counter-measure in store. This most likely isn't an isolated incident, and while I'm still trying to puzzle out "who", I would assume that upon any departure there will be a counter-offensive against the Port and any surrounding allies. Tl;dr Infernius was just the first move."
Well, if I were to have anything I wanted like a kid in a candy store, I'd want: >Animated Abyssal Demon Claw Guantlets (effectively +4 keen weapons (1d10/19–20) that afflict the target as if she had been struck by an energy drain spell (Fortitude negates DC 23) or Contagion (Fortitude DC 14 negates) >Everwhirling Chain of Flame >Mask of the skull >Shapeshifter's Armor (studded leather) of Shadow and Slickness >Horseshoes of The Peerless Steed >Mace of Blood and Terror >Berserking Sword Unholy Despoiler >Ring of Spell Turning >Eyes of Doom Headband of Epic Intellect Unholy Despoiler Luck Blade Of course, that's freaking ridiculous, but it felt great to finally let it out. >>31705 Dream bigger (but not as big as me because I'm just a massive faggot).
>>31716 "Should we mobilize the Generals and the Spartan Trainees for a home defense? Try to take over the Gestapo as well? Maybe send a pigeon to Baz to do the same in Sparintenar?"
>>31720 What are the stats for your suit of Chain Shirt? It could be upgraded to a Invulnerable Coat. Also, get a freaking shield. >>31719 One of those unholy despoilers was actually supposed to be a ring of animal friendship. The other was vorpal. Just daydreaming. >>31723 It's got a DC, and quite a few attacks in game are effectively "one-shot kill", anyway.
>>31719 8O "You're lucky the circumstances." >>31721 >trash man I don't get the meme, but it worked alright. I don't know about the attribute rolling, but for a story element it worked well. >ring "Maybe, but there will be a cost for it, a "to be determined" sort of cost (read, a 'favor')." >>31722 "Yes," >>31723 Oh plz, Skull Masks r babbies first ebin magic items. They suck. >>31720 "K." >>31724 His suit is already plenty buffed. Its based on Celestial Chain, except neutral-aligned.
>>31724 >What are the stats for your suit of Chain Shirt? Already pretty enchanted. I think +8 AC. And I have Korak's "Bee" magic ring shield which is functionally a heavy shield. I don't have a tower shield, but I am not rated for it or for wielding the bastard weapons one handed either
>>31725 Is there a Horseshoes of Speed we can make as paw pads for Fae that allow her to have those but still use a claw attack?
Um... a Cloak of Charisma is another good thing, especially since the bonus can be added to saving throws. A Stone of Luck is also good for saving throws
>>31725 Whelp, Trumpaladin prepares a note: "Demonic Incursion reported in Port Barry. A Brain worm that is capable of controlling its host, how the infection came about and what is to follow is unknown. Mobilize your defenses and beware of demons" Is sent by pigeon to Baz
Essentially the same is sent to Sechs via pigeon, telling him to consider ways of protecting the citizenry
Fae is called in and asked to mobilize the Generals, and also now the Spartan Trainees, for a possible attack on the city.
A messenger is sent to Gestapo headquarters, telling them they have been transferred in their control because of the temporary incapacitation of their leader, and are ordered, likewise, to mobilize and prepare to defend the city
>>31725 REEEEEEE! GET A REAL FUCKING SHEILD! It's inconvenient if you die! Get a Lion's Shield, of Great Reflection: You don't even have to hold that. >>31729 You'll want a Circlet of Persuasion. We could also bind Fae's soul to the Shield and make it Intelligent, after she dies.
Or just fuck everything and ask of an Artifact, like an Iron Gauntlet of War.
>>31744 Just for the record, can one wear a circlet and a headband at the same time? >We can just leave him, right? Oh come on, man. You're the freaking Paladin.
>>31733 >bind Fae's soul to the Shield and make it Intelligent, after she dies The worst part about this suggestion is I'm not even wholly convinced it's bad
>>31745 You're the one who made all of this bullshit happen. GM should have flunked your teleportation suggestion
I will take the opportunity to point out that the literal weeks and months of inter-game planning is all moot at this point. All the careful strategizing and planning for in-world shenanigens is all taking a big back-seat, cuz of recent. I cannot stress how much you,... wonderful players ^_^`,... have pushed the envelope of GM responding to player input and activity. >>31744 >cutting losses That would be inconceivably out of character for Thez, but its up to everyone if they want to make a moral/dispositional decision. >>31746 Nope, just one >freakin' paladin IKR?
Thez finishes her diagrams and shite by writing a lengthy scroll, which she 'stamps' by drawing a small drop of blood, smearing it over her moniker. "Any last requests?"
>>31753 The mystery is part of the fun. >>31757 >>31758 I thought she'd go with Torc..
Tracy, in the mean time, explains to Trollestia that she has to go catch the stupid bull. She gives her a long-ass lecture on how to take care of them, how often to feed then, when to make them sleep... etc. She sounds like an over-protective mother ranting-on to a baby-sitter She can cast Sending right? Tracy will want status updates. >>31761 There are always more requests.
>>31764 I thought she would too, but what the hell. I don't care anymore >>31765 You'll now die first for saying that >>31766 Seig Heil -Some German Guy
>>31733 >Lion's Shield of Great Reflection Fun fact, the last paladin had one of those,... his is one of the heads on display in the mess hall. So I've got: Pence Prod Resistance Cloak Animated Demon-Murder Claws Funky Flaming Chain Mask of Skull (4 spoopy) Shapeshifter's Well-Lubed Shadow Armor Haxxshoes Ebin Murder Mace Rage Sword Unholy Despoiler (???) Ring of Spell Turning Eyes of Doom Headband of Intellect (no ebin) Unholy Despoiler? Again? Luck Blade Bracers of Speed (Fae) Lion's Shield of Reflecting Circlet of Persuasion Periapt of Wisdom Helm of Teleportation >>31767 Uhm,... you might want to re-think that position
What do you think happens amongst the 'natives' when a being that is the embodiment of natural and unadultered purity shows up in their midst? Its almost like what happens when an overly sexy young female arrives. Thez inconspicuously adjusts her mask.
>>31772 >>31770 One of those Unholy Despoiler Was supposed to be a ring of Animal Friendship Vorpal Unholy Despoiler of Luck, in place of the luck blade? I jest, of course. Unless… >>31761 >last requests Alright, can she have a Figurine of Wondrous Power (Obsidian Steed edition), in the form of a Pendant, so she can carry everyone home when they all fucking die? She may as well put a shrinking carriage in her bag too. >>31772 As an Outsider with 15 HD and two levels in Blackguard, what's the magnitude of Tracy's Unholy Aura?
>>31783 >animal friendship No, friendship is definitely outside the purview of Thez' haxx. >figurine Maybe,... he says to the hoers. (a pity Infernius has Uatchit) >aura Decent, but everyone has one where I think we're going. >>31784 >>31785 ???
>>31787 >>31787 Is there some sort of Magic "Oh Fuck" button or scroll or whatever that allows a nearly dead Trumpaladin to return to a plane he's meant to be on?
>>31786 Where do you think this is leading? The 7 Heavens? >>31789 Newp! >>31788 >steelhand Nah, thats fine >>31790 Thez tosses Bob's Ghost-Touch composite bow at Trump. Its +2, and says "Swift Defeat for mine Enemies" whenever it's drawn.
Thez continues by grabbing up all the loot she can before <whoooof>,.... <whooof> she grabs up more and <whooof>,... <whooof> to be followed by more of the <whoooof>,... <whooof> same. (She's looting the vault FYI)
>>31787 I was thinking about a pendant in place of the figurine, since I guessed it was based off of a Nightmare in the first place. Something that could allow her to Plane Shift once a week; the benefit would be that she doesn't have the 10% chance to carry her rider to a lower plane and leave them there.
>>31797 No aura that I'm finding, but they are distinguishably good so still has a target. >>31796 "There's nothing about this that's 'advisable'. Whoever goes on this venture does so at their peril." Thez <whooooofs> again, and momentarily <whooof> reappears. "Well, its done then. By my calculations, we should have a response in the next hour" (game-time, I will need to run for a few minutes tho).
I need to leave in a bit more than 30 mins, to go to a parade my brother is in... >>31802 Ah, wait. I was mistaken for Fae's aura. Idk what Tracy's is though.
>>31801 "Good, I will prepare Mr. Trash Man for summoning. In the meantime..." Torc begins to walk towards the stables, hoping to catch Trollestia before he leaves. the sound of spaghetti launchers cocking can be faintly heard
>>31800 Brings a shaking hand down to pet pony, but is entirely unable to look at her. He appears to be shaken and disturbed, with a sort of thousand yard stare
>>31802 Technically, everyone has an aura, but most auras are only discernable by detection spell/ability, except where specifically indicated. Fae, as an example, does not have a specific aura, so her aura pertains to her alignment, the intensity determined by HD. Tracy has an obvious (and in some cases visible) aura, of a particular distinction and intensity,... but its nothing next to Thez'. Xp >>31804 21 Spaghetti Salute
Alright, I'm gonna do some meat-space for a bit. When I get back, Thez is gonna have the I'nis compass in hand. So, Infernius' player, I hope you have an idea of where he went, where he's going, what he's been doing, what he is doing, what he will be doing, etc. Alot of this is going to be on the fly on my end, but you've still got creative license on this. I'll open up rabbit then too so we can have sekret discussion about where/what next.
>>31811 That's a bit much.. actually.. Idk if repeating hand crossbows even exist. She could just make a hand crossbow. and use it with the claws. Lightning claws would be awesome though. Just like in 40k. >>31813 Me too....
>>31811 Uhm,... just,... how do you plan to operate said repeating hand crossbow? Realize that the demon claws don't offer much in the way of dextrous precision re pic >>31694
Wup, looks like the parade's cancelled, for me that is.. I can still post, but I have to do some stuff, so I can't commit my full autism for the next 30 mins. >>31819 I was mostly shitposting/daydreaming there... Can the Claws be retractable though? I feel like that's a bit necessary, considering their effects.
>mfw all I want to do for the weekend is Game, and everyone around me is like "Hey, since you're not busy, can I get you to <blur>?" "Oh, since you're off, could you <blah>?" and I don't even have my phone so I can't use the correct image to accentuate the point.
Close enough Okay. Thez <wooofs> moments later with a huge chest. Opening it, she digs out a pair of bracers, a modified, double-bladed glaive, a pair of rings, and 2 bracelets. No rage sword, no murder mace, no despoiler, no lion's shield. Otherwise everything is there (funky chain can be assumed to be Tracy's previous one modified)
>>31835 I just want to know the location we are going to, and basic intel on it soon enough. I still haven't resolved the question of which mount I'm taking, but there are certain locales that make the choice a no-brainer
>>31840 When a Paladin falls, besides seeking the atonement spell, they are usually also tasked with completing a quest in order to regain standing with their deity. This also works well for the basic idea behind crusaders, which is that many of them wanted indulgences, and the Church specified fighting in the Holy Land as the price of the indulgence.
>>31836 I still don't know where we're going. "Hey Tracy, you still got those bottles?" She means the spherical bottle and the wee skull-shaped bottle, both of which have 1.5k jeweled corks.
>>31845 Kek, the Blackguard in Pic 2 is still wearing his Knights Templar uniform.
You keep suggesting this like twice every thread, so I think it deserves a serious answer. There are real benefits to the Paladin class and Good alignment that would be lost if alignment were changed. The most severe loss would be the loss of Vanderiem. Vanderiem can only be wielded by a Paladin and bestows negative energy on Evil characters, but he gives +5 on all attacks against Good and Neutral, a +7 against Evil, besides critical hits automatically succeeding and other benefits. (Even if he is reluctant to kill children). I would also lose Fae, who would be missed. The Paladin Spell list, while not great, is still meaningful. And I'd lose Smite Evil, which is also a considerable loss.
Having said all that, after I get to level 20 of Paladin, I'll probably go for multiclassing rather than Epic Paladin levels
>>31850 11th or 21st is best level to fall under normal game rules; although if he traded in all of his levels now, he's get an Epic Bonus Feat. What's his base attack bonus, as of now? >>31849 >I'll probably go for multiclassing rather than Epic Paladin levels If you're going to take it all the way to that level, just fall, worship a war god, and then level up in Divine Emissary. Then you'd get Domain Spells. https://dnd-wiki.org/wiki/SRD:Divine_Emissary
>>31849 >The most severe loss would be the loss of Vanderiem. Vanderiem can only be wielded by a Paladin and bestows negative energy on Evil characters We'll use a Wish to corrupt him into an Unholy Despoiler, and invert his alignment-base powers.
>>31851 What will we need them for, and where are we going? *Scared Paladin Noises* Pic related sort of
>>31852 >Base attack bonus +16 +11 +6 +1 If you asking for the class prequisites, he should have that covered. He'd need to grind to get the feats. The ranks are probably the hardest part, although obtainable if he advances in classes. He'd also need to summon an Evil Outsider with whom he is in peaceful contact, but I feel like I should also know the answer to that.
>Divine emissary Okay, how could I do that? Because Magic is the thing I am craving most
>>31853 That's... an interest idea. I would want to Try to retain Fae too though. I haven't tried having sex with her, I feel like that should do something
>>31856 Vaderiem is a remnant from a previous campaign who has been used before. My guess is he meant either that Vanderiem was originally evil alignment and then switched by wish, or that some other player tried to do what you suggested to him
>>31855 "He told you, he doesn't know!" >>31856 Definitely funny >>31856 He's an infernal slaying bane sword of quickened sharpness, who isn't actually holy, <HEY!> that's just what he tells people <SHUT IT YE!> and that he can be wielded by any class of good alignment. <G'AAAAH>
What I do know is that I can employ random encounters, as well as plausible consequences and affects per the environment in question (and will), and: "Oh yeah, you'll want to leave a drop of blood in the entertron. You know,... "In case of bloody murder."" she says over-exaggerating the possibility of getting slaughtered.
>>31870 If Trump goes apeshit-blackguard? I'd so allow it. Besides, he wouldn't have to change alignment at all; he'd still be Trump Good! >>31869 "Good. Also, I had these made," she coughs up the two bracelets (of friends). She has marked a charm on each of them.
*polishes helmet for the 6 gorillionth time* I've spent more than enough time on this thing. >>31871 "Flashy, would you like to try this helmet on?" She says, holding out a goldsteel helmet that looks like a Trojan/Equestrian helmet, with a football helmet's cage-visor, and a red crest. "I made it specially for you."
>>31873 >he wouldn't have to change alignment at all; he'd still be Trump Good Stephen F. Austin sent a group of several hundred immigrants illegally into Mexican territory. When they found that the Mexican government had abolished slavery, they started a rebellion against the Mexican government with the intent of taking the territory and ultimately admitting it into the Union as another Slave State to balance out free-state power in the senate. Stephen F Austin is celebrated in our Fourth Grade history classes as the hero who more than anyone created the world we live in today.
The Paladin class seems to be modeled on the Catholic Military Orders of the Crusades. And my specific character, or rather his Patron, is modeled on the America of James K Polk, William McKinnely, Richard Nixon, and Donald Trump. From a certain perspective, these are heros worthy of praise and bringers of Good. From another, they are villains and oppressors. And both claims have more than enough basis in fact to be valid
>>31874 *stares at pony strangely* *Takes helmet though, but does not put it on* "Uh... what is this exactly, little pony?"
>>31876 Of Failure, maybe. Fucker created the welfare state, started a draft to fight a bush war in South East Asia yet held back the B52s and... Just don't get me started.
>>31877 "Uh... Thank you, Tracy..." *smiles nervously* *Still hasn't put it on*
>>31890 There is a flash-step helmet in the chest, but it provides no armor benefit. It looks very much like a cheesy super-hero mask, made with brightly tanned and dyed leather straps.
>>31897 "I'm a divegrass player, Flashy: it'd be ruined if I wore it. Besides, you couldn't tell it's affect unless you were wearing armor." (stop making me spoil shit, and wear the helmet, pussy)
>>31898 "Divegrass is a relationship deal breaker, Trixie" He says this as if not focused on his words Have we not established that he and I are pussies?
>>31900 PLADINS CAN'T BE PUSSIES! Wear the fucking helmet! "I haven't played it since we got here, but it wouldn't change that I played it before... Please put on the helmet."
>>31916 You guessed correct; you win the bonus prize: That curse only works once though, so you can still continue to use it as a Hat of Glamering (a creative take on a Hat of Disguise): When donned, it can change into a MAGA hat of any color, and changes any armor the user is wearing into formal, casual, or ceremonial business attire.
*takes a couple steps back to admire the armor that has changed into a dashing black suit* "You look sharp, ~Flashy."
The hat was originally meant to be used on Infernius first before it was given to Trumpaladin, so that he could become LE more easily, but I gave up on that after he went AWOL.
>>31918 *Is delerius, because he just avoided being fucking cursed in a way that would force his faggot to rethink the character* "Thank you... Tracy" *places thumb up*
Wouldn't he have to reroll to avoid the curse each time it is put on until the hat has actually imparted its curse on someone?
[1d20 = 18] >>31930 *returns* *sees the fucking wizard drinking her milk* *stabs him in the back, with the Merciful Dagger* "You fucking NEET! That wasn't for you!"
>>31907 So to allow things to progress, Thez now has the I'nis Compass, complete with a note promising a ridiculously and unnecessarily complicated favor to make up for the inconvenience of crafting so many items in such a small period of time.
>>31931 Kek. The combined forces of the other side cannot withstand Trump. But a lot of those Bernie supporters, who were treated so unfairly by the establishment, they are attending Trump rallies now. Believe me
Pence Prod Resistence Cloak x2 Animated Demon-Murder Claws - No Contagion but can b poisoned Tracy's 60' chain is now funky-fresh Hollow-Ichigo Mask (Mask of Skull, but no, its the Hollow-Ichigo mask) Ring of Spell-Turning x2 Kamina Shades (Doom Eyes) Fae's speed bracers Circlet of Persuasion Periapt of Wisdom Javelins of Lightning x12
>>31949 >Hollow-Ichigo mask Hollow Stripes are great, but can it also be shaped like a troll's skull too? >>31950 As well as Tracy's horseshoes and Leather Armor. >>31953 >you can make the decision for me pic
>>31958 >>31959 >>31955 Well, I was not sure how much was reasonable to ask for and what was too powerful, so I asked for a Stone of Luck, a Cloak of Charisma (I'm aware this stuff can't all be worn at a time), a helmet of teleportation, a Mantle of Faith, and Bracers of Armor.
>>31954 Just have her hump his legs furiously while wearing the saddle if "ride Tracy" and feeding her birds a third time if "ride Fae"
>>31960 Finding/taking the Steelhand ring, it'll be just a moment >>31961 Stone yes, cloak no (extra cloak of resistance instead) no mantles (infernal artisans) and bracers yes.
If he's riding her, her orders are to "Try to track down the bull, but please make sure our family makes it back - intact. Don't feel the need to be heroic if you're not saving a party member"
Once everything obvious (and less so) is retrieved, Torcuil rummages for the Steeland ring which he finds eventually, along with some paper. >>31965 The hoers still wants a steed >>31966 Not universally, but generally
>>31976 Why, its a trio of cards. One shows a skull, one shows a moon, an another shows a star. >>31977 You're about to. I was waiting on direction from the I'nis compass, but I threw this in for good measure. >>31978 Done, fukking kek
>>31978 Just don't use it on Trumpaladin. Ever. I've been trying my best to buff the hell out of his saving throws, but I am still spooked by these kinds of weapons
>>31981 Sure, but only when planted >>31982 As soon as he kills the massive grim reaper that materializes before him, no matter which direction he looks. The chest in question appears to have housed the Deck of Many Things at some point, and 3 of the cards appear to have fallen out, which are the cards that Torcuil just found.
Legit question, how valuable is Trumpaladin's life to Tracy, either for itself, or as a value for giving statistically better outcomes for her foal/being used in the creation of new foals? \r
>>31985 Really bitch, you had to do this Lets see >Moon: You are granted the ability to cast the wish spell 1d3 times. Not bad >Skull: You summon an avatar of death-a ghostly humanoid Skeleton clad in a tattered black robe and carrying a spectral scythe. It appears in a space of the DM's choice within 10 feet of you and attacks you, warning all others that you must win the battle alone. The avatar fights until you die or it drops to 0 hit points, whereupon it disappears. If anyone tries to help you, the helper summons its own avatar of death. A creature slain by an avatar of death can't be restored to life. I hope you get fucked in the ass by a cactus >Star: Increase one of your Ability Scores by 2. The score can exceed 20 but can't exceed 24. I guess this is good IF TORC DOESN'T FUCKING DIE
>>31988 I've told you a billion times that I do not understand your character's motivations. So either give me some hints or never complain that I'm being a bad husbando
>>31990 >cackling hysterically It seemed a fun thing to do. I don't know how long its going to be before the I'nis compass starts pointing, or even if its going to at all. It could be that Infernius has already jumped plane, and it would be up to Torcuil to figure that out with his scrying. There doesn't have to have been the deck at all, I'm just visualizing.
[1d20 = 16] Torc suddenly has the worst idea ever known to man. He pulls out his magnet rod and attempts to steal death's sythe. I really don't want Torc to die. Roll for succsess
"Tracy, before we go out on this quest, I want you to think about the life inside of you. Think of the life ahead of this foal. Think of your foal's younger brothers and sisters, who don't even exist yet, but should. Tracy, it's very important that the three of us return. Please bring us all home safely"