Its meta AF atm, but the last thread is sooooo stale. The Game surprisingly continues! Infernius is borderline suicidal with a stalker, Trump and Tracy finally got engaged, Torcuil is in hiding, Norfilly is eating candy, Taylor is getting praise and adoration, Alex is a statue, Yak Lee is the surprise contender in the Fight Club,... yeah so stuff.
>>26919>>26920Are those euphemisms?
>>26920I started working on this goldsteel helmet three days ago, right?
Can specific magic items have extra enchantments added to them? Like Glamour?
>>26921They weren't meant to be...
>>26922>unintentional sexual euphemismsKek. I figured
>gold steel helmetYou were saying up until four hours ago that are refusing to remove the metal you need to make it
>>26922>can specific itemsThey can, but as players get more fluent with the mechanics I'm inclined to be less helpful. ^_~
>>26924hypotheticly could a sword have more than 1 enchanment?
>>26923I was referring to the sword and the mace (figured they'd need moar).
>>26925Of course, but increased enchantments increase the difficulty, time, and resources necessary.
>>26926>law of diminishing returnsHave you figured out where the dark elves are going next yet?
>>26923Troll and Torc's date summed up in a picInfernius' faggot, are you on?
>>26929>Did not think ahead of how being the mother of two CR 9 animals would consume all this attentionI'd like to have another crack at Darky.
Also, unless they'bve got some epic transportation magic (which they could), they couldn't have moved far. It'd be best to scout surrounding settlements.
Tracy investigates Port Barry's urban planning and surrounding areas, looking to see where they could've fucked-off to so quickly.
Could be anywhere, but my money is on some clue to them being semi-nearby. They may have gone through the sewers, into the forest, or surrounding areas like Pip.
Who's in charge of the Gestapo force now?
>>26931Okay, good.
Torc uses the excese of hair Infernius gave him to teleport to his location.
"Now what in the nine layers of bloody hell do you think you're doing you flapping cunt?"
>>26932Considering Torc is an Admiral, I wounld say him? Maybe?
>>26932does port barry even have a sewer?
>>26933"turning me self in."
>>26935Idk. But I can imagine a hidden area under the docks.
>>26936"You damn walking stick of beef, No. Why would you even consider that?"
>>26934>AdmiralChain of command says you're the sheriff. Go down to the office and have them sweep the city.
Also, pls go pick-up those Assassin tools.
>>26940First I gotta talk Infernius out of suicide
>>26939"No, just, no. WHY DO YOU WANT TO DIE?"
>>26941"me close to breaking point me fear what me may do. me do this for everyone's safety."
>>26940Wait, what Assassin tools?
>>26943"whats the point? thez no want anyway."
>>26943Darkie's knives, poison, etc.
Please pick them up from the detainment center.
>>26944Why the hell did you say that Thez?
"How do you know she was talking about your child? How do you know she didn't mean if it was Trump's?"
>>26946she didnt techincly say it. it was deduced from body language.
>>26946"me saw how she reacted, me know either way she no want."
>>26946The sandnigger who worked with the Drow who stole all of our loot.
Also, Infernius is a fucking Cleric. He should devote his life to clergy/monastery if he's that hopeless.
>>26948Torc is highly considering smashing his face in on a wall.
Torc regains his composure
"You are making assumptions, that is very dangerious in a marrige"
>>26932I will seriously beat you about the face and torso with the information I've already given you several times (as in the info was given several times)
>>26952Oh, I'll figure it out.
[1d20 = 6]>>26954GRAPPLE
"thez not bitch she love of me life you discount merlin."
>>26953Oh? I've deliberately said "Nearby city, swimming in wealth" like 6 times now,....
[1d20 = 20]>>26955HAHA IT WORKED
Dodge check
>>26957>20oh okay.
"me never claimed to not love her. but if you haven't noticed me not know where she is.""
>>26958>>26957Damn, this just keeps working in my favor
>inferius admited he loves Thez still>20 on dodge check
>>26959Uhm, you were the one who said you didn't want to see her,....
>>26961that don't mean he don't love her.
>>26961This, and this would also be a good time for Thez to appear
>>26962"She's your fucking wife, just talk to her"
>>26964"I meant when she shows up"
Tracy is still alone in the stables, right? No other player characters are present in the tower?
>>26966Don't answer. I'm a big boi.
>>26965*continues walking untill thez shows up.*
>>26970Oh god, I'm gonna regret this
Torc waits until infernius is just about out of sight
He then runs like a bat out of hell
*mind breaks*
>>26972"OH SHIT"
Teleporting commences
>>26971>Fightclub is a literal whorehouseI get the feeling that she wouldn't be as offended as you think.
You had better run though.
>>26972>seconds before I was posting.. yep... Guessed right.
>>26972Unstoppable laughter echoes from the surroundings
>>26977"Nice try, you want Dimensional Lock." <whoof>
>>26972>>26971and with that infernuis changes alignment.
>>26977Just, stop rolling
>>26980"implying she could stop darth infernuis."
>>26977>4For a player who gets power from his god, Infernius doesn't have very good luck...
>>26979No staph, I was going to fix him, but changing now will fuck up muh plan.
>>26981>inb4 neck snaps
>>26981"As above, so below"
Infernius is incapacitated
>>26983Torc catches his breath.
"Thanks Thez"
>>26983"let me go wench."
>>26985Shush, you're incapacitated. Incapacitated means 0 hp and unconscious.
>>26987"Thez, can I talk to you?"
Does Torc know any spells that cause penalties to Will saves?
>>26989A shadowy silhouette of Thez materializes nearby. "Speak." the sound comes from an indeterminate location, but not the shadow.
A random stick from the brush and surroundings pokes Infernius, and he springs awake. <whooof>
>>26991"Talk to your damn husband"
Teleports away
[1d20 = 14]>>26992*charges torc*
>>26993"Hmmpfh." The shadow evaporates.
>>26995"kill it i don't care anymore."
*heads back toward the tower.*
>>26995"and kill tracy's while you are at it."
>>26996>>26997Fucking edgier than bismuth
actually i go to bens jewlery shop.
>>27001Stupid bull is stealing muh gig..
>tfw so focused on motherhood that you forget to be edgy
>>27002That will take you a while,... you did walk/run a good deal,....
>>27005She appears, Thez is done using GM haxx
>>27006i get on and head to bens.
>>27007As Infernius flies off
geddit? "flies"? Thez can be heard goading "Oh NOW you decide to use rapid transit,...."
>>27009META time: what the hell are you trying to achieve?
>>27010youve made him snap. youll see what happens next.
If Trump is here, how hard would it be to place a word-filter so that "meta" was translated into "I'm a faggot"?
Come on. Even I a chart-cuck like me could figure out how to fix the situation.
Let's play the fucking game.
pic unrelated
>>27011Well do it quickly, m8.
I had a whole laundry list of irrationally-destructive/edgy shit for Tracy to do when she heard that, but none of them would've taken this long.
Also, if Infernius became CE, wouldn't he immediately lose all of his Clerical powers? We don't have another Cleric, so he's fugged if he loses Hitler's blessing.
>>27017What was on the laundry list?
>>27018I'd rather not say
(it was some really retarded shit that would've fucked-up a lot of stuff..)
>>27019Please tell some. GM answers our "what would have happened if" questions
Are we doing anything intresting tonight? Or is it just gonna be more drama?
Holy Shit, if hadn't've killed you I fucking would have
That's... Really impressive. I was thinking about reviving Korak, to try to reason with him as an ally. Although that would have required going back to the tower, which is not where I wanted to be
>>27026Is the theme "reviving people Torc has killed" now?
>>27012This I think I can do, although I'll have to wait until a dev comes on. If we still had the naked and editable configuration I could probably figure out how to do it myself tonight, but a dev turned that off
>>27027He died in my custody, or maybe Tracy's but sure, why not.
>>27029Or perhaps in Leno's custody?
>>27029Torc is the one who killed him: it ended with a duel.
>>27031He was barely alive after that, but still conscious because I wanted to ask him questions.
>>27030Lenos just tied his corpse to a pole so he could use him as a punching bag.
>>27032Torc shot him in the head.
>>27032>Torc put the gun to his head to fire>still conscious
>>27034I had a conversation with him after Torcuil relinquished him to me
>>27036That was before he was shot.
>>27036Bullshit, I dumped the corpse infront of you and said "do as you please"
>>27039He was alive at the moment you did that. That's why I wanted him. To ask him questions
>>27040How the hell was he alive?
He was shot in the goddamned skull
>>27041Because it's D&D, if you haven't figured it out by now
>>27042He still dealt the killing blow
>>27043>>27044I had an entire series of questions for him after he was delivered from Torcuil and the questions were answered
>>27044Also this.
Torc finished-off the duelist: that's why he got the gunz.
>>27046Because he begged and begged and begged to be allowed to duel him and GM obliged even after you kept trying to attack Korak.
>>27045Then who killed him?
>>27047>begging>putting this shit in my mouthThis is why I call you an ass
>>27048Not sure, but he was dead when Lenos put him up. Tracy was after me in the chain. He may have died of wounds or was killed by Lenos
>>27049And I call you an ass because I can't even talk about Kefka being killed without you interjecting "oh you mean the guy I killed." You've done this like three fucking times when there was no cause. Fuck off
*Tracy finishes polishing her precious eggs, and decides to work on a Disguise Self scroll (for glamouring armor)*
Where are the characters atm?
>>27051I literally said that I was joking and fine with it.
>>27049Stop bragging "oh I'm the one who killed kefka and Korak." No one else does that, only you. All of the larger kills are a collective effort. We all usually play at least some role in killing them. Stop interjecting out of character because it's infuriating
>>27054You said that on one occasion. Not just now or the first time
>>27047>>27049>>27054>>27050ladies , ladies you both look pretty in the dress.
Let's cut the meta arguments.
It doesn't even matter who finished him anyway: he's just as dead.
>>27056So you gonna buy your thez something nice?
>>27053Inferius is heading over to Ben's, I know that
>>27056Kek, I desrve this
>>27057But I look better in the dress!
>>27056Go make up with your waifu in space or something.
>>27060Of which Tay does not respect the boundries of
>>27061This should work
I mean it worked for the Physcopath, and Tracy too
>>27062You're really lucky your waifu doesn't drag you to the edge of space and keep you hostage there until you've proposed to her
>>27062I already did that.
Catch up already.
>>27063You keep that up and I'm making you go with Tay to the Moonbase
>>27062I hate to say it but
>>27065 This
>>26997Hey! You stay away from my son! He's my heir
>>27069Did you just assume xer gender?
>>27069>>27070jej. he was serious too.
>>27070Oh no, not this shit
>>27071Oh no
>>27070I need a son. Only males are proper heirs
>>27071You stay away from him. If anyone is going to abort him it's going to be me, which I'm not going to do now that Fae has assured me he is not the Anti-Christ
>>27068Well do
something now.
I want to get past dramatic stuff for now.
>>27072>not this shitIt was just an ironic meme, poking fun at the fact that he didn't actually know what gender his kid would be yet.
>>27073>I need a son.If you get a daughter, you could always roll again.
>>27074i cant the gm is gone.
>>27074...After a year, that is..
>>27075Thez is angry at Infernius for being a bitch.
>>27074>roll againKek
If Imfernius doesn't do shit with his wife to fix shit I'm going to sleep.
GM where are you?
I guess maybe a female could do it? She would be of partial English blood, and that's a stock that produces strong female leaders
>>27074>roll againI'd probably do that anyways
>>27074Good point. Trumpaladin summons Fae and his army, to track down and destroy the troll vilage.
Tracy's invited too if she leaves the eggs for long enough\r
>>27079I threw out the booklet because I loike this game, but I swear I'll write a new one if you do that crap intentionally.
Torc decides to use his authority at the gestapo to have them scan the city for any suspicious activity, he also put four men under temporary compand of Tracy
>>27081Is he a Mcdouble combo?
>>27083Have them bring her Darkie's tools.
>>27083c h e c k y o u r p o c k e t s
>>27083Most of the gestapo should be in Durpistan
>>27082Ugh, I swear to god you two are gonna kill us all with your relationship
>>27084>under temporary comand of Tracy>>27086Where?
>>27085McRib? Big mac?
>>27082I just want one more waifu...
>>27087That city you people sacked
>>27089Quarter pounder?
>>27086They wouldn't be very good Gestapo unless they left an adequate force in the town.
How many are there?
Tracy orders one of the guards to bring her the tools confiscated from Darkie at the detention center.
>>27090You can barely handle one waifu.
>>27092We need precise numbers settled.
Now you better share if you want to remain top waifu
>>27091no it weighs a few pounds,probably growing magic mushrooms by now desu.
>>27086wrong a small number is there.
>>27090why do you feel the need to have more than one?
>>27098A couple reasons, but mostly character goals
>>27099That's a very large number
>>27101thats because they are mining metal so lennos doesn't burn down the tower.
>>27095He got a new robe.
There's probably a low-level spell he could use to clean it too.
>>27104I'm not fucking using the damn robe of pockets
Why would you even want it?\r
>>27107>I'm not fucking using the damn robe of pocketsWhy not? It's no worse than the robe he had.
Since GM is kill, I'm retiring for the night
>>27107Can I have the robe of pockets? I carry a lot of things
>>27112Its just a bunch of pockets with mini pockets
>>27115Take it, I never wanted it
>>27117*takes robe of pockets, collects mushrooms for totes not recreational consumption, then thoroughly washes robe*
>>27119Where is your character?
>>27120Fuck if I know, GM is kill. I just know he left the stables
>>27121Where was he going?
>>27122I'm not sure exactly. I would say the first thing would be to get a marriage license, but then Tracy's last words ("Have a nice day, ~Flashy") just sounded sarcastic in context and a little too much like Trolestia's "come back any time," so he'd probably delay that. I'd say to do something productive, either investigating the Bizarre again, destroying the Troll village, or something
>>27123>marriage licenseI doubt there is such a thing in Port Barry.
>>27123>sarcasticNo. You're overthinking it. I was basing it off of some old sitcom where the wife sees her husband off to work.
>>27123>something productiveTry crafting. Idk why you haven't made a shield yet.
>>27126>shieldHis sword is two handed and he has the ring shield
>sitcomWas it ironic or sarcastic in the sitcom?
>No laws in Port BarryHe'd have to make them then
>>27129You'll want a sheild at some point, trust me. Even a wooden one could help.
>two-handedA bastard sword is one and two handed.
>sitcomIdk it's name and I never saw anything other than that scene. It was so old it was in black and white, with grainy footage. I just remembered it feeling "traditional".
>>27132I think GM has stated Vanderiem must be wielded two handed. Do you mean one to create cover?
>>27136Definitely something smaller than a tower shield. Really, just try making things. You don't really use very many of your spells per day, so it'd be good to put them to use somehow. Right now, you're character's head is unprotected, which isn't good if you want to do heavy infantry or cavalry.
I could've sword he was a bastard sword.. Maybe I'm mistaken.
>>27137>>27142>>27141>>27140>>27139>>27138Both of you stop your bickering.
>>27143>could've swordSworn*
>>27143The new suit of armor includes a helmet, but I'm sure a better one could be located. I don't really know what items to craft...
I think the issue of whether Vanderiem could be wielded single handed was brought up and GM said two hands only. The magic ring shield is a real shield, that while not as big as a tower shield still counts as a shield
why do get to meta game when i cant?
>>27149If I'm meta-gaming then that's a bad thing
>>27146>I don't really know what items to craft…I've been drooling over all the shit mudponies can't craft/use for a while now, so here is a few things your character can make on his own. Trumpaladin casts Divine Spells, and Paladins have the Craft skill for a reason. You don't need a new sword/armor, but there's other shit that you could use:
In four days, you could craft some gauntlets of Ogre Power: wish I could use some)
You could also craft a Cloak of Charisma, in the same amount of time, like the one Tracy's working on. I can be increased in power over time. The same thing would go for a circlet of persuasion (which I
know you want) one day, if Infernius helped, or you bought a scroll, you could craft a Phylactery of Faithfulness, and gain the giga-haxx power (for Paladins) to be able to tell in advance if an act will cause you to Fall (you still fall, even if you commit certain evils by accident). I don't think you ever designated a holy symbol to turn undead either (Infernius has his brand), so you'll need something to show them if you want to stop the zombies in their tracks.
>>27153i thought only liches have Phylacteries.
>>27153Damn... These are nice, and pretty cheap too
>>27154As far as I understand, the liche's Phalactery is only a certain kind of phalactery that the spellcaster must craft to become one. It requires item creation feats.
(I wonder if Torcuil or Infernius could become one...)>>27155You character could craft other stuff too. I only bothered to list the stuff I thought you might actually try.
>tfw mudpony
>>27156Just start listing all of the things that could be made. Like I said, we can trade items now
>>27156im not sure if infernuis could since he use divine magic, but torcuil most definitely could.
>>27157M8, just make that stuff first: those are the things you'll find most useful.
>>27160anything useful for me?
>>27158I'm NOT suggesting it by any means, but any spell-caster (except paladins, because of their Code) of 11th caster level can do it. The phylactery costs 120,000 gp and 4,800 XP to create.Idk if I should even tell you this, but Infernius would have to become Lawful Evil first to accomplish it, in order to remain within one step of his Lord's alignment (some gods prohibit their clerics from casting evil spells, but Hitler didn't bat an eye when Infernius cast Contagion to try to infect Torcuil, so I guess he's the kind of god who lets his clerics cast everything on the list); Hitler is definitely Lawful, and the mere act of creating the phalactery is as good as an all-out conversion to Evil. If Infernius ever became anything other than Lawful while Evil-aligned, he would immediately lose all of his Clerical powers and there'd be no way to restore said powers, and there would be no in-game way for him to get them back with what is known in this world (that I can think of).tl;dr: He could do it, but it'd be super edgy and would cost a lot of shekels.
>>27161I just listed for Trump you can create.
I mentioned the Brass Horn of Valhalla Earlier, although that'll take a while.
What are you looking for? You're a spellcaster: you can craft a LOT of stuff.
>>27163Make it.
>>27164Everything I just listed*
Ask, and I'll look some stuff up.
>>27164>i need to go from 9 dex to 15 to get access to two weapon fighting.
i want a dragon horn of Valhalla to replace my other one. ill work on that after i talk to ben and then thez.
>>27165Would you like the ability to cast "Cure serious wounds" on yourself once per day?
>>27162I only bothered to look that up because lichs are another one of my favorite monsters.>>27166GM says crafts will take 1 day per 1000 gp, fyi.
First and foremost, it'd be best to find the shekels those sandniggers stole. I'm thinking Cardishore.
>>27165>>27167Or remove disease
>>27168liches are so fucking cool desu.
>>27167>>27169>would IEveryone could use those.
>>27168they weren't in durpistan.... wait a second a communist town would be a pretty good hideout for thieves.
>>27170Woah, woah, woah. Don't get any ebil ideas. Becoming a lich is more than just looking like a skeleton: it's turning into a lifeless monster that barely remembers what it used to be.>>27172Cardishore is the wealthiest settlement I can think of around here.
>>27173darth infernuis seeks a way to destroy the multi verse, becoming a lich would help.
>>27173what about spartinater?
>>27175I doubt: too militaristic and too uniform to leave spots for sandniggers to hide. They're not "swimming in wealth either".
The security of Cardishore is airport-tier, but high-level Assassins could slip through pretty easily.
>>27176they don't just have to be sand niggers you know.
>>27174Pay for it yourself though.
>>27178jej but really though why just assume they couldn't disguise themselves as Aryan or Anglo.
>>27174Hey! That's my multiverse!
>>27177They don't have to be, and yet they are
>>27180They obviously would've.
I just gathered that Drow kind of look/act like Arabs. You read how eager Darkie was to die: he was like a jihadist. They're certainly more intelligent and clever than niggers, but they also have an overall violent/sinister disposition as a race.
>>27181>>27182hey im just trying to cover all our bases here.
I need to hit the hay soon.
>>27181hey dude im sorry about earlier are we cool?
>>27078I went to sleep
>>27099There's 15 in total
>>27136>>27146No, I didn't. Its a bastard sword, meaning one OR two hands.
>>27182You're not even in the right ballpark.
I need to explain something: I'm not going to explain everything. Earlier on in the story I would offer tidbits and anecdotes both to stimulate progress and to illustrate that that there is a wealth of back-story and context that leads to "This guy" acting in a particular manner, or how shit ended up there, or whatever. I will still offer explanations, but more in the aftermath than anything because doing so in advance gives characters an artificial disposition that doesn't make sense. Also, those explanations will pertain to what characters show an interest in. I haven't said shit about Krenshall, because so far no one seems to give a fuck.
Take Darkie for example, I could explain his disposition and the reasons he is how he is, but that would bias the characters in a particular way. In the absence of such an explanation and rather than assuming he's a jihadist, you could try asking him. I mean, I made it pretty clear that he's vain as fuck right? Right. His head is still in the bucket, next to the Entertron if anyone wants to ask him questions.
On the subject of Dark Elves in general, if you want to disregard them as 'sand nigs', thats a player's prerogative, but it would be more accurate to regard them (behavior and habit-wise) as russian mafia. I think I mentioned that once,... oh yeah I did.
I realize these threads get pretty long-winded, and some details are easy to skip or forget. If I respond to questions with a bit of cheek, its probably 'cuz I've already answered that question.
>>27186hmmm i need to recruit some more.
>>27187yea i was gonna talk to him. its on my list.
>>27188Are you sure about that?
>>27186Ah.. I guess I just associated them a bit with the Garuda from Zelda, so that's why I got used to calling then sand people..
>>27191But really, I found them similar to the old Nizari Assassin tribe (the one from which the term "Assassin" comes from) of the Middle East. The way they value stealth and cunning, but also have a cultural leaning to distrust others out of principle, because the notion of betrayal is so prominent in their society.
I also thought of that because of the thought of how they're not an inherently evil race (like orcs or whatever), but become evil early-on because they're brought up in a society/culture that suffocates good; which is why I associated them with Jihadists. Likewise, the Nizari sect of Shia Islam was practically an Assassination religion: trust/family didn't exist in their society; they too tortured their children from childhood to train them to toughen the fuck up, and their only medium of prestige/respect was in their admiration for the lethal and the cunning, with clergy being the closest thing they ever had to loose social organization.
I just have a habit of trying to find real-world allusions in media, even when they don't actually exist...
>>27192Yeah, I fucked up. Nizaris we're actually Persians.I'm rather interested in this races and the surrounding published material. They seem incredibly edgy.
Wait, whats a phalactery?
>>27194>Shouldn't have said anything>Now all the spellcasters are getting crazy ideasA phalactery is a religious/spiritual vessel of some sort. For a lich, it's the vessel that houses their "true" existence, and the only way to permanently kill one is by destroying it. It's typically a little box with a scroll of text that encompasses the memories of its past life, but could be any item. It's uber-expensive to craft.
Becoming a lich is Voldemort tier though. It's
>>27195So, its a box that basically contains their soul?
And they can't die unless the box itself is destroyed?
>>27188Infernius's player should first focus on how he's going to develop his character to fix all of this dramatic BS, desu. It's getting in the way of things.
>>27196>soul>ImplyingTechnically yes, to both questions.
Don't plan on doing it. Even if you could afford the cost to craft it, it's a horrible thing to do.
>>27166>Two-weapon fightingA single fash-axe would suffice too.
>>27198I was just generalizing.
And trust me, I don't wanna do it. But it could make for an intresting boss...
>>27200Lich is best boss.
>>27197I'll admit that that's quite hypocritical though....
>>27202>Posting the Blasphemed one like it's nothing
>>27203I'm kind of impressed that you found a solution that was so I character for her. It makes it look like her initial breakdown was triggered because the news made her wonder if Trumpaladin was really committed to her, so the solution is to resolve the commitment question.
One flaw in the way it was done though is that Trumpaladin was carried up to 5000 or so feet to do it. It's scenic and all, but it makes it seem like proposing was "an offer he can't refuse," like the only way she'd let him down is if he proposed. I guess he could call Fae, jump off, and then see if she could make it on time/if Tracy would then one after to murder them both, but really he didn't have much of a choice except to propose. Yeah I know, Tracy is a >rapist and doesn't give a shit if her victim is actually willing or not, but it leaves open the question of "did he really mean it" and "will he try to break the engagement before the ceremony?"
For example, after the formal mounting and the scene in the grove, after Tracy (and (you)) went to sleep, I had Trumpaladin place himself in a position he could have murdered Tracy in her sleep, or easily had she woken up. This made proceeding with Tracy more of an affirmative choice, because he had tried to kill Tracy before on like three occasions but was stopped because of Inferius, Torcuil, or Thez, and was resentful for that. He was left muttering "I should have killed you when I had the chance" although it's not clear that he actually did have the chance. But by seeing an opportunity then deciding against it, it makes the kill or marry decision actually meaningful, because it's his choice, and he can regret the consequences if he gets it wrong.
>>27192Of course, that feminist/matriarchal social structure elliminates most chances of direct Middle-Eastern allusion.. I guess I just tied them together because of the emphasis on psychological warfare and use of poisons in their society.
I can see now though that there appear to be very few if any real world history allusions in thes books. Paladins though seem to be largely based off of Christian crusaders, with their healing skills and code of conduct.
>>27205I wrote that thing in-part ahead of time (I wrote a lot of action plans), although I wasn't entirely awake while I was typing it. I'm glad it turned out the way it did though.
I'm not using any more math for this stuff though: it was a retarded system to use in the first place. I've already figured-out how to play her in character, so I threw-away the booklet. From here on out, I'm making decisions on the fly.
>>27161Did you ever decide what your two Domains were? I figured Hitler's Domains would at least have War and Community under the list, but idk what your character chose.
GM is there something for those of us to do who don't wanna be a faggot wanna do something other than Meta game and deal with realtionship drama?
>>27190its on the list after talking to the drow
>>27161The list of stuff your character could craft is too long to bother with listing desu.. It all takes time anyway. What does your character need in particular?
As for me. I'm only going to have Tracy work on a few basic things while she's incubating these eggs, and then just steal everything she can get her hooves on, because mudpony Rogues can't really craft much at all. Thief lyfe 4ever (Pic related).
>>27212Oh hell no you're not loot hording again
>>27212i wouldn't mind a wisdom boost.
>>27215I saw that last night and was intending to craft one
if I can find an additional level 2 spell to cast today*goes to pony*
"Tracy, may I see one of the pearls from Kefka's jewelry?"
>>27217You have the spell capacity for almost any item crafting
>>27213I wouldn't consider personal, non-collective kills/bounties to be loot-hoarding, but I never said I was going to keep it all for Tracy. If I steal something useful to other party members, I'll
redistribute accordingly. Half the stuff she's working on right now is for distribution.
Would you like a Mummified Elf Hand? Tracy has some other things in the oven, but they'll all take time. It was supposed to be a gift for Ponimaru, but you can have it if you really want it.
>>27218Did he have any pearls? I never saw any.
*gives pearl, if it exists*
>>27221And you should craft something and or help Tracy and I in crafting
>>27220>collection>redistributions accordinglyI wasn't aware Tracy was a Socialist
>>27222Well I guess he is at the tower
"Tracy, I heard you needed help crafting"
>>27220i mean we live in a port city pearls aren't that rare most likely.
>>27222He isn't required to do anything, m8. Don't put pressure on him. Just ask him or Infernius for spells on an individual basis if you want something, rather than impose normatives.
Like I said earlier, I'm playing a Neutral Evil Thief: I'll get loot through stealing. The last two loot-able characters were Rogue-types, so I lucked out there.
Dem digits though...
>>27223She's not. She's just a robber.
I just said I'd do it from now on because Trump's faggot will get upset if he doesn't get a cut of the stolen loot.
>>27226>robber that redistributes>socialistWhat the difference?
So what is Tracy crafting?
>>27223"Careful, that's my waifu. And she can get pretty rapey. Don't get raped. Or I will kill you. And your faggot will have a three day ban"
*gives internet hug*
>>27226Well no shit he doesn't have to craft, but he's complaining about being bored, and he has a clear comparative advantage when it comes to crafting
>>27228*accepts internet hug*
>>27223What spells can he cast?>>27227It's not like I don't want to keep everything..Right now, the only arcane spell she needs are Rage on the hilt of Berserk Sword. Everything takes time, and I didn't start any projects that'd require arcane spells.. You character has the Scribe Scroll Feat as a bonus, so he should be able to write them more quickly. If he could scribe a few low-level spells, like Rage, those would be appreciated.
Magick items require 1 day per 1000 gp, so having scrolls in advance could help with future crafting.>>27229>advantageIt's not a contest, m8..
>>27232Lets see, Torc can do upto lvl 7 clerical and wizard spells.
Anything though if he has a meme
>>27234you can do up to 8th level.
>>27233Okay, I make you a club that looks like a section of curb, for curb stomping
>>27235Even better
>>27236I can make you*
I ain't making it yet
>>27238Moon man would be more of a summon
>>27232>not a contestComparative advantage is a term from economics that refers to the ability of one nation to create goods of a certain kind better than another nation, or the ability of a person to produce a particular good or service better than another person. It's a term that refers to specialization in the division of labor. For example, if we needed some one to do something stealthy, Tracy would have a "comparative advantage" to the other members of the group, because she could do that better than anyone else.
I was saying Torcuil is better at casting spells than the rest of us
>>27234>>27235I'd like Finger of Death, if Tracy is ever going to craft one of these out of the Troll Skuklls:'ll also take Animate Object and Fly though, and would have to be cast on each day, if I'm not mistaken...
>>27242Fucking hell thats great
I'll do it free of charge
>>27241Okay, Torc I know for sure can do fly, Finger of death is possible along with animate object.
"You got the skull?"
>>27239moon-man would be a deity.
>>27240I know what comparative advantage is; I was just a bit confused by what I thought you were implying.
Anyway, before
anyone even thinks of crafting, the party needs to find the metal that the Drow stole. My best ideas are Cardishore and maybe Krenshal if not that, but Tracy is preoccupied with Animal-Rearing atm so she can't investigate... When the chance comes someone outta resurrect Darkie and try to milk some answers out of him (he'll be hungry too).
>>27243"Thanks, Torcuil."
*produces troll skull*
>>27239Sounds like a Construct.
>>27233>anti-negroLike a Bane weapon?
>>27246could a get a dual bane weapon?
>>27246Wosh, spells are cast
"Here you are murder horse"
>>27247Did you not like the curb stomp club?
>>27248i do but i was asking if i could get 2 of the same enchanment.
>>27247I think Bane weapons only work on one favored target, but idk. Either way, it'll take time, and your character
claimed he was going to the capital all by himself, last we heard from him.
Anyway, try to figure out what your character is doing next before asking more meta stuff. The scene was left in a really bad spot last time.
>>27250im headed to bens jewlery shop.
>>27249I guess I could think of......
A peice of curb that can shoot smoke bombs full of tear/death gas
Now with opptional swasticas
[1d100 = 43]Rolling for eggs
>>27252That sounds like it'd take an epic feat, desu.
>>27255I guess it could be a flaming curb
+2 oven damage
>>27240I take it you don't want the Drow hand?
>>27259Smoee grenade launcher club or flaming club?
I can only give you it now if you want the fire one, the launcher would require Lenos' help
>>27260i can wait for the launcher.
>>27261Launcher it is then
>>27262i vow to not make any party member put their mouths on the curb.
>>27261>>27262>>27260This'll still take ages to craft though, fyi. I'm trying to make a special Mace, but it'll still take another 14 days to finish.
>>27264Luckiy all Torc has to do is set some rebar and concrete
Does anyone know where I can find some drawing of elves with Dutch braids? I'm trying to meme, but google doesn't help very much...
>>27266i couldn't find any when i looked.
>>27266which program did you use again?
>ms paint a shit.
>>27269heres the only good image i found.
>>27270I said drawing. I can't meme a photo.
Also, I don't think Thez really looks anything like that.
>>27272like i said m8,im looking but all i can find is shitty cosplays.
>>27271 isn't far off except for the skin-tone
ill continue my search then.
>>27275>>27274Would she be lighter or darker than that? I know she's gray, so I can just desaturate pics I find.
>>27275I can't recolor that. I'm not that great.
>>27278>Would she be lighter or darker than that?>>27271are you talking about this one?
>>27279What shade of gray are Duergars usually? Like concrete?
>>27281So like a stoney slate. Got it.
>>27282Pardon the lewd, but this is the most accurate depiction I can find on a quick search.
...of skin-tone
>>27283Eh, still not a pony, but I could cum inside of that
>>27287"grey-skinned elves" in Duckduckgo. I dunno honestly
>>27290of course its from tumblr.
>>27289>Duckduckgo.Idk why I don't use that more. Noted for future reference.
>>27292its hosted out of isreal.
still run by a jew though.
>>27192Drow elves are something else. Its a matriarchal society based on affluence and extreme cunning. Houses are constantly engaged in
barely civilized war against one another, except that any
overt (read: sloppy and therefore reportable) aggression is met with swift and exacting vengeance, but otherwise its anything goes (and 'unreportable' acts are quite encouraged). Non-drow are referred to as 'iblith' (fecal matter) and there are no prohibitions against maligning them for any reason (though please, have some dignity).
>>27196Often times the phylactery is a ridiculously valuable and custom-cut gemstone, but yes
As for the rest, you're all very silly
>>27271When I tried to saturate this meat-creature's hair it just divided nto blue, green and a bunch of colors that ruined the pic even after I swapped them to red.. I'll post it anyway though, since its just a draft idea.
>>27296have i made it to bens yet?
>>27298>>27300This. Thank you
>>27299You will when I finish cooking
>>272983D elves/dwarfs are not important.
Does this look like her?
>>27303>Red headI think that places her firmly in the "Danger Zone" on the Hot-Crazy chart
>>27304Idk. She's half wood-elf, so that a normal color for them.
Then again, idk how crazy the average wood elf girl is...
Alright, I'm pretty much good to go from here on out.
>>27305IDK about the piercings,... or the suspenders
>>27304Def crazy
>>27303Nice, but dainty. She's not
BTW, I appreciate all the effort, but all you're doing is feeding the ego of my dissociative identity,... Xp
>>27308>>27304nah definitely marriage material.
Alright, where are we and what the hell are we doing tonight?
>>27308did the best i could.
>>27311Well last I checked, Tracy was working on a plethora of magical items, Infernius was just getting to Ben's shop, Torcuil was contemplating several items (including Lich-dom) and Trump was,.....
>>27313I alredy said no to the Lich-dom, but I am trying to think of some new shit for Torc
>>27313Tracy ordered one of the Gestapo (temporally put under her command by admiral Torcuil) to bring her the equipment that was confiscated from Darkie. What did he bring back?
*polishes eggs*
>>27313>>27314torc was going to get lennos help making a curb club.
>>27315*spit-polishes helmet*
>>27316Uh, what is it? Torc is still happy with his fully body kilt, but that may be changing soon...
Maybe, but he will always have a normal kilt
>>27317I haven't forgotten, I'll do it before the night is over
>>27314Yes, you
said that,....
>>27315Rapier of Puncturing +2, Throwing Short Sword +3
>>27317e_e Yes, I saw that,... I was hoping to avoid speaking about it
>>27313Trumpaladin has procured a pearl from Tracy, and casts "Owl's Wisdom" on it
If there is a way to get another level 2 Paladin spell inTrumpaladin also takes a stone
Or Football and calls upon Elway to bestow upon it his favor
*Adds to bag* (unless a certain Paladin needs it that badly)
>>27322You really want to try and carry around a curb e_e
Also, what are my choices for items to increasing Torc's strength. Not to Trump and Infernius levels, but regular levels so he can use his sword decently.
>>27324Not a full curb, more like a 2-3 foot section is what I envisioned
>>27324i need a portable curb if i want to curb stomp faggots jews and ziggers.
>>27324Can clund be made of concrete/stone?
I agree though: he should work on his deity's favored martial weapon first, since that's what he's actually proficient in.
>>27325You have two guns and an absolutely insane list of spells, why do you want to use a sword?
>>27325Uhm,... Infernius just dropped to on you, and one of them doesn't eat you.
>>27326Define curb stomp
>>27327You're not helping
>>27323No claim. Do you have the "weapon finesse" feat, because that would allow you to use your plus 4 dexterity modifier on the rapier or a whip
(regretting using that up on Dex.
Should've put it into Int)
Alright, math time to prove this isn't completely unreasonable
It is but I dont careAverage curb height: about 5 inches
Assuming the club is square in heigth and width: 5in x 5in x 30 in
Weight: about 64 lbs
This is reasonable for a minotaur
>>27330Plan C
>>27330>Infernius just dropped to on you, and one of them doesn't eat you.?
>>27337Does he mean the armband things?
meant in game context. Ur not going to be able (OR allowed) to wander around shoving a concrete club in faces and then curb-stomping.
What do you hope to accomplish?
>>27339What I meant when I brought it up was an actual club.
Something he could smack people around with
>>27339could i do it on a successful grapple attempt?
>>27334Are you planning on pursuing Black guard or assassin class next upgrade?
>>27342It matters if I can foresee a way to increase her Int.
Can existing animals be made into Fiendish Servants, or does that only apply to summoned fiends?
>>27340Clubs are fine. Concrete-curb-clubs, no.
>>27341As a coup de grace perhaps, but otherwise no.
>GM wonders if this hasn't just been a very long, very drawn out troll
Is there anyone left in the tower who could interrogate Darkie again? His body-cast should be finished.
>>27346Goddamn it, its reasonable size.
Now, about the strength items
>>27347I'd assume Tracy could
>>27347We have the entrotron, right?
And that will revive anything, right?
Also, Torc could help.
Magic might be useful
>>27346>>27345>>27348what about a regular concrete club?
>>27350Shit, if you want to try talking to him, go ahead
>>27350fuck you, dont put him in there.
>>27350Drow have crazy magic resistance, but feel free to help.
>>27347>>27353>>27352i can talk to the dead.
>>27352WOO HOO
>>27355Does he have bullet resistence?
>>27353But what if I kill him, then revive him?
>>27356>>27349Fug it then.
Tracy kisses both of her eggs, wheels the body-cast into the Entertron, and wakes-up Darkie.
"Good morning, sunshine. How was the trip?"
>>27356He's still at Ben's place.
>>27358>kill himAlready did that. Waste of time.
>>27353We need to revive him. Should have done that yesterday
>>27359Damn it...
Does he say what alot?
>>27361He doesn't afraid of anything
>>27363That is not what I fucking asked
Trumpaladin joins the Blue One.
He says to Darkie:
"My associates stumbled upon your spiders. Pretty impressive little trap you had there, if I say so"
>>27364True, but if you approach interrogating him that way you'll discover as Tracy and I did that that's the only answer you'll find
Does anyone in the party have acid?
Tracy, Thez and I already tried to inflict pain - he's perfectly immune or something. I think making an elixir of truth or flattering him or something would be more effective
>>27369Well its not like you guys told me this.
I didn't even know darkie existed till this morning
I didn't even know who he was until tonight
>>27370Well, I'll give you the quick rundown then
Darkie is a drow elf, probably one of the elves who stole our money, who was masquerading as proprietor of the bazar. He was captured by Inferius and the Gestapo when he ran, tied up, and brought back to the vault. We tried various methods of inflicting pain, but nothing did anything. Tracy killed him accidentally while trying to paralyze him. The guy is insanely cocky.
I would like to note, a bit off topic, that they way Inferius traced him was to imagine the location of the treasure itself, which suggested the market. I think the gold may actually still be there, or was there
GM, is there anyway that spell resistance can be overcome?
>>27371Thanks mate
>>27372To overcome spell resistance is 1d20 + Caster level
>>27372Spells aren't going to work on this guy, from what I can tell, or at least not to the point we can get what we want out of him.
Try checking the magic overview pages on a wiki. Spell resistance is pretty basic.
>>27371it was gone by the time i got there.
[1d20+15 = 22]>>27373Infernius is the backup if I fuck up this roll
May kek have mercy on me
>>27374Cleric spells level 2
>>27376>infernius is now our hope for this shitFuck
>>27374Detect lies and Zone of Truth have already been used on this guy successfully, although that latter spell I think is cast on an area and not a person. Why not try Charm Person or Suggestion or what have you on him though? Couldn't hurt
>>27376>>27377You know he's miles away right?
>>27381im at bens im not that far.
>>27382Far enough, depending on what you are needed for
>>27378Zone of truth is an area
Well, no magic, so I am fucked unless you need him shot
>>27384You can try to ask him questions when GM comes back from the dead. I can cast Zone of Truth (barely, I'm almost out of spells)
>>27385Well, neither of us really passed that roll
>I am fuckedOkay, strange ass question incoming.
Have we tried hiring a prostitute to fuck the truth out of him?
What effect would that have on him being from a materarchiel (spelling) society?
I swear I'm not stupid or insane
>>27386dont waste it ill detect lies on him.
>>27387That's... A bit far, but I think maybe having Thez or Tracy sex talk him might be worth trying to see how he responds, even though it may just make him cockier. Tay would be perfect for this, but unfortunately she's out
>>27389Fuck using Tracy or Thez.
Get Trollestia with a banana
>>27390>>27389>darth infernuis
>>27390I'll grant you Trollestia is pretty scary but I'm not sure this guy can be scared
>>27391Is Darth Infernius going to try to seduce him?
>>27392why dont you have one of your countless do it?
>>27393>have one of my waifus do itWell, Torcuil has just suggested Trollestia, who I would generally say is a Grade A tormentor but I'm not sure this guy feels fear. I suggested Tracy do it, though I should know he's already met Tracy and probably already doesn't like her. As for Slovenia, she's a delicate flower, and not really the honey-pot type
Since GM is dead, I'm leaving.
See y'all tomorrow
Fug. Sorry fam, but Im lit falling asleep at the keyboard. I thought i was gonna be ready/able, but I seem to have over-extended myself.
>>27390>>27393>>27394Actually, there's at least a chance this guy isn't into beastiality, so it may be worth having Thez - who is half-elf and actually humanoid - try it
>>27397infernuis would sooner fuck him before he would let himself be cucked again.
I thought i would - hoped even/ratjer - to have been more readily responsive, but I'm drwing a blank here. I don't want to waste any (more) time, so I goota ask: where does everyone wanto to be when i can better "be here" to engage?
>>27398No sex, sweet talking. Like Rarity does to the stallions in The Best Night Ever. Using female powers
Part of me wants to suck it up and keep going, but I know my ingenuity is compromised, and at best I can do a C+ effort. With all that's gone one, you guys deserve a better show.
>>27403Tay? We've got a captured Drow Elf we think you could try to honey-pot. He stole our gold and we need to know where it is
>>27401I don't know, this is now consuming an insane amount of time. I'm entering Finals season, and I'm going to need to spend more time reading and preparing for that over these next two weeks
>>27404I could help by sudecueing him.
>>27405Hell yeah! I have no idea if that would work at all, but we tried "enhanced interrogation" and the guy is immune to pain. Let's see if he is immune to pleasure as well
>>27406Are we still on for tonight?
>>27407Unfortunately it looks like GM is kaput for tonight, but there is tomorrow
>>27401>>27408Sleep tight gm.
>>27406Not to be contentious, but you didn't really ask him anything, you just started cutting him up, assuming he would spill his guts (no pun).
>>27416they didnt ask any questions at all?
>good job guys.
>>27416>>27417>>27415Im going to rape Infernuis.
So here's the situation with Darkie. He doesn't seem to (cuz he doesn't) respond at all to negative reinforcement. It's almost as though he's been ripped apart piece by piece before, and is thoroughly unimpressed. Murder/torture/brutality is how Drow operate, particularly by females toward males. Even the most useful and diligent male is a second-class citizen, and Darkie is arrogant and insubordinate.
His head is in a bucket, which is a new experience for him though, and if I hadn't fallen asleep while sitting at the keyboard, I would have began the dialogue. My advice (consider it an intuition thing) is to make him a better offer.
>>27420they put him in a full body cast and revived him last night.
>>27420That's alright, I fell asleep too.
I actually figured that negative reinforcement wouldn't work; although Tracy isn't necessarily the best negotiator. I'm going to let the professional deal-maker (who put all his ranks into Diplomacy) speak first, before I jump in afterwards.
>>27421I'd have left him in the bucket, but okay.
>>27323Stop. loot. whoring.
>>27422Also. I gotta eat breakfast
>>27423*drops-off blades in the armory before head back to the stables*
>>27418Get back from Spartintar before we start another circus fire.
K, so Tracy is in the stables, Infernius is talking to Ben, Taylor is,... last I checked was still in Sparentinar, Torcuil is, going to try and get a concrete club made,.... Where's Trump?
>>27429Can i be in port jerry?
>>27429Trump was outside the Entertron, greeting Darkie as he woke up.
>>27428Yeah, that would have worked well desu.
>>27430jej yeah, that's fine.
Thez (when did she get here?) who is upside-down on the ceiling remarks, "I liked him better in the bucket, but since he's both alive and immobile, you could try a Geas that compels him to help us."
>>27428Can dead people lie?
>>27433i can detect lies.
>>27433Speak with dead doesn't produce the soul of the person, it accesses the memories contained in the body. The spell wouldn't allow Infernius to talk to "dead-Darkie", it would temporarily animate dead-Darkie's body.
"Detect lies, zone of truth, those won't help you get the information out of him, it will only prevent him from telling lies. He can simply refuse to answer unless some form of compulsion is used on him, or someone can think of an incentive that he would actually go for."
We can just kill him again, if he doesn't want to make a deal.
>>27438>implying he wont break out.
>>27439This. I'm not sure how a body-cast was made without either reviving him first, or going into the vault, both of which would have been more problematic than anyone realizes. For sake of the game not grinding to a halt, I'll just say 'sure, he's in a body cast', but there's far more to those little spiders than just "squish, they're gone now".
[1d100 = 9]
Rolling eggs before I g2g for a while
>>27442"Yes, what can I do for you?"
>>27443"ben you jew right?"
>>27445oh not this again"Did the yamulke give it away?"
>>27446you don't even yes? what yamulke?
>>27447Don't kill our shekel-farmer.
>>27447Please avoid attacking the jew with the money-hack contract, you'll only make matters worse.
>yarmulkeThe jew hat
>>27447>>27449"so yes? what yamulke?"
>>27451"The one on my head, yes."
>>27452"me want covert to Judaism."
>>27453Dammit. It's even more retarded than I thought...C-can Clerics even convert..?
>>27454Yeah, I don't even know how to respond to that one
>>27454>>27456>darth infernuis riseshes the antithesis of regular infernuis i even did a recolor last night.
>>27457Okkay, I can wrap my mind around it now. You're essentially doing a dark-side conversion, in the same sense that a Blackguard is a dark-side conversion (in some cases) of a Paladin.
>>27458Not necessarily
>>27457Sithlords are Lawful Evil.
dont worry this is a multi part plan.
it might help.
>>27459Can Patron deities be traded?
"ben what do you know of lord soros?"
Good Morning fellow losers
How are we Today
>>27461If you became Lawful Evil, you could still be a Nazi Cleric.
>>27464Infernius is having retarded ideas, again.
>>27469You stupid bull...
>>27463"I hear that he is an all-but unstoppable force in the Abyss, and is positioning himself to claim it in entirety. Its also said that if successful, he plans to finish the war with Hell. He basically wants full control over everything infernal and diabolical."
>>27470ive been waiting so long to drop this bombshell
>>27471"summon him for me ben, outside port barry."
>>27473"I can't do that, and I wouldn't even if I could. My contract has an exclusivity clause."
>>27474"ben you dont want to make me angry,i know you can."
>>27475"No, I can't."
He actually can't. Even if he wasn't bound by contract, he's no spell-caster.
>>27476"give me a vial of your blood. ill do it myself."
"ponimaru i know your here come out."
>>27477If you had waited one level, you could have cast Gate.
>>27479Staph. He's my toy.
>>27477Dude, just 'cuz he's a jew doesn't mean he worships Soros or has the 'key' to getting his attention. It doesn't work like that. If you really want to go down this route, you should try and track down some (((rats))).
>>27482oh i know like i said this is a multi step plan, i still need some of bens blood (if i casted something on his blood could it lead me to more jews?)
>>27483A clever idea, but no. To give perspective, the (((rats))) are the equivalent of the Ashkenazi jews. However, the missing Jew gold could.
>>27484Don't rule him out yet, I think I know where he's going with this. He'll have to make some damn fine bluff and deception checks if I'm right though.
>>27466What kind of ret...
>>27485"ben and ponimaru if either of you tell anyone what ive said here today ill be back. trust me you dont want that."
>>27487this is your fault.>>27488>I'll be backHey, saying that tgen driving a car through a wall is my job
>>27489Torcuil: the party's official strawman of blame
>>27488Okay, this is getting good.
May I remind players that this entire dialogue is unknown to anyone outside Ben's shop, which is everyone.
>>27490"Do jews name all their children "Satan"? No!"
fukking kek
>>27491Yeah I figured
>>27492Wrong image
>>27490i can link the post that made him snap.
>>27495>>27494so i reiterate THIS IS ON YOU.
>>27495I can't find the lie.
And I'm sure GM would agree.
I mean, hell, hhe first thing she did when we found port barry is find the whores
>>27497you shoved a repressed thought out into the open.that was just enough to push him over.
>>27498Damn it, even Trump is calling you out for becoming a Jew
>>27497No, its cuz Thez is a pimp
>>27498I can't find the Twilight Scepter pic, but let's see where this goes
>>27502Can I make one for Torc?
In the mean time, pic related
>>27505>>27506well this is awkward.
>>27504No, you may not make Twilight Scepter
>>27501How many magical items is Tracy working on right now?
>>27505>>27506Yeah that one
>>27504By that, I mean you can't make a sentient scepter that controls the minds of everyone. There IS a magical item that controls the minds of everyone, but I will not permit it to be made sentient.
>>27509"ben where did the rats go?"
detect lies.
Let me summarize. The party currently has the following options for story progress.
- A dark elf in a body cast, and a reasonable assumption about the "next" target, which would lead toward/to the missing party treasure AND jew gold
- The Court City: completely unknown, likely lots of swag
Sidequests (party) include:
- Kill Trolls
- Fix Durpistan Mine
- Spread Football (Sparintenar)
(those in addition to individual character sidequests)
>>27512"what about you ponimaru i know your good at tracking."
*infernuis sounds alot smarter post break*
>>27507He should've finished the Helm.
She was working on a belt, a cloak (finished), and a heavy mace.
Plus a greatsword, if she can get help casting spells on it.
>>27513If present, Ponimaru has yet to reveal himself.
>>27515"Damn it i know your here come out before i get mad."
>>27516He doesn't come when I call him; why would he come now?
>>27516A grey-form attempts to streak past.
You have an attack of opportunity.
[1d20+14 = 32]>>27518grapple
[1d20 = 1]>>27518You succeed in catching Ponimaru, attempting to flee. Actions?
>>27519Reminder, you took off the sleeves, and the belt, and whatever else.
>>27521i get up and walk out the door.
"ill bring him back alive dont worry."
>>27522right. that's only plus 5 then
hes still got the ring on.
[3d20 = 35]>>27523P> Flurry of blows
[3d10+6 = 15]>>27523You assume 'grapple' means 'pick up and carry around'. You're currently engaged in a contested grapple, and Ponimaru just successfully landed 3 blows.
>>27524those all miss my ac is 17.
*ears twitch*
"I feel like someone is touching
my weeb boi...
.. I must've been my imagination..."
*returns to polishing eggs*
>>27526He's a monk: even at that level, you won't easily beat him (alive) in unarmed combat.
>>27526Oh? Aside from the bracers, what armor does Infernius have? Ponimaru has a base attack bonus of +7
>>27527I forgot to add the bonus for the belt, but yeah this
Trumpaladin isn't really anywhere else, so I may as well place him in the stables
*rubs pony ears*
"Why you polishing Tracy? Do you want them to look pretty when they get cracked open?"
[1d20 = 14]"why in such a hurry poni?"
"the only reason i havent snapped your neck yet is because thez is fond of you but if you continue struggleing ill do it."
intimidation check.
>>2752810 +dex(-1)+4 from bracers+dodge feat
i think i mathed wrong
>>27529>bonus for the beltRIP, Infernius.
>tried to grapple a fleeing hoers>got kicked brutallyDon't mess with hoers.
>>27530"~Hmmm.. Well, kind of.."
>>27531Staph. Bullying Ponimaru is Tracy's thing.
>>27533>succesful grapple,thot
>>27534You're going to die in your sleep, Jude.
[1d20 = 15]>>2753110(base) + -1(dex) + +4(bracers) + +1(dodge) = 14
Intimidate check (what's infernius' intimidate score?)
>>27535ill skin you alive starting with your stomach.
[1d20 = 17]>>27538Intimidation fails
P> Break grapple
>>27538Roll opposed grapple check
>>27537Don't touch her (non-sexual) boy toy.
>>27541Success, he doesn't break free. Action?
>>27545Can Clerics spontaneously cast even while grappling?
>>27542You're allowed to talk with stallions, but you are most definitely not allowed to have boy toys
[1d20 = 12]>>27548okay i snap his neck then.
>>27547She just likes to pick on him for fun. Consider it part of his edge training.
>>27549I'm going to kill you.
>>27549Leave Ben's pet alone!
>>27549LOL no, you have neither the feats nor the position to pull that off. Infernius has the advantage in the form of HP and size, but Ponimaru has the advantage in unarmed combat ability. Its actually a pretty decent match, all things considered.
You can unarmed attack, attempt a pin, or leave the grapple, those are your options.
By the way, next time I say LOL no, consider your action wasted.
[1d20 = 19]>>27552>>27553ok i throw him hed first into the wall.
"sorry kiddo you should have listened."
>>27556>inb4, Hitler strikes him with a bolt of Blitzkrieg, and confiscates his clerical powers
[1d100 = 19]
Wow fail, how bad?
[1d4+5 = 9]
Ponimaru is stunned for 1 round and takes damage
>>27559i wish, hitler would barely even speak to me.
*senses disturbance in force*
*Feels suddenly angry*
*steam rises*
[1d20+5 = 20]>>27562regrapple
Trumpaladin leaves the stables to go to kitchen, prepare a cup of chamomile tea, and deliver it to Slovenia.
"It's been an eventful last 24 hours. How about for you?"
>>27565Success. Ponimaru regains his senses as Infernius takes hold again. Next action?
>>27563Normally, Clerics need to pray daily to even cast spells at all. You also have divination spells to receive certain answers/guidance from him, which you never use.
>>27557"you gonna co-operate boy? i dont want to do this you are making me"
ready an action to knee him in the head.
>>27569"I don't answer to you, and by your latest, you've lost your way anyhow."
>>27569Don't you need improved unarmed combat to knee your opponent in the head while grappling?
>>27568nigger ive been trying to talk to him basically the whole campaign. its been radio silence except for one time.
>>27570"lost my way? i think im alot better now. i mean jews are the master race right?"
>>27573i feel dirty even saying that.
>>27572Hitler doesn't exactly fit the standard mold of "God", so pardon me if I have been at a loss as to how to approach him as such. I haven't even read Mein Kampf.
>>27573"I neither know nor care if or which race is 'master'. I know who
I work with/for. That is all that matters to me."
>>27575"you work for my wife that means you work for me now."
>>27572>Divination>Augury>CommuneAnd if you wanted an alternative, there was always the talking Elway shrine.
>>27566hey do me a favor and change my flag to Israel for the time being.
>>27577I need to talk with him
>>27577>implying hitler and elway are the same being
>>27579I was afraid of being disintegrated.>>27580Of course they aren't, but it's better than just becoming Jewish.
>>27581Change your ways little pony, and become worthy enough to stand in his presence, if you want to be worthy to stand beside your groom at marriafe
>>27583B-but.. muh class levels..
>>27584You've already messed those up quite decently, you won't be at a loss. It's time you learn the special joy that comes when you are not just severing a guy's head, but severing it in the name of righteousness\r
Goddamn, this is just like that Jewish/Muslim prophecy with the red heifer...
>>27584>>27581>>27585look at me, look at me! im the edgey one now.
>>27584Ur a rogue, you won't lose class levels
>>27576"I am not property, I serve who is worthy."
>>27586wait thats a real prophecy? i thought it was a meme.
*Finishes polishing helmet*
>>27588What about those levels in Blackguard and Assassin? Evil Alignment is a requirement for them.
>>27589All prophecies are memes.
All memes are prophecies.
>>27588"im the worthiest out of anyone. i wish to bring about equality to the citizens of this world."
>>27590what if someone looked into the future and saw infernuis and made a prophecy?
>>27590To acquire them yes, but you can be a risen blackguard
>>27591Now TRUMP feels a disturbance in the force
"I sense Bolshevism"
>>27591"You're a fool, inflated by his own ego. You know nothing of equality, else you'd not be attempting physical coersion. You'd have snapped my neck moments ago,... if you had the skill."
>>27595"that's because you are racist."
>>27594>empathetic link*ears perk*
"Is it time for The Ride?"
>>27595Get there first.
>>27596"Is it racist to be loyal?"
>>27599"oy vey. of course it is. now lead me to the fucking rats!"
>>27595>thought that was TrumpaladinIs this still Ponimaru?
>>27597Kek, we're not gonna meta game that hard
*grabs pony fur*
"Not yet. But it may be soon, my little pony"
>>27602Good point.
*puts finishing touches on helmet*
[1d20 = 5]>>27600"Then I'll die a racist."
P> Stunning Fist
>>27604Tracy needs to teach Ponimaru some lessons on not fucking up when you're trying to look awesome/honorable...
>>27603"Little pony, I really don't think those eggs will hatch while you are away... There's something that needs to be done, and having an extra tracker would be very helpful"
>>27605*ignores the fact he tried to do that*
"there are plenty of ways to burn a cat. ill let you go but if you ever tell thez or tracy or any one else im not just going to burn down bens shop ill burn down the entirety of port barry."
>>27608"You expect me to believe you'll let me go?"
>>27609"yea i do"
*sets hores down*
"remember what i said boy or the blood of the people will be on your hands."
>>27610"goodbye goyim."
*goes to trump tower.*
Come on, Ben. Stop staring, and use one of your Jewish tricks to press the button to the Jewelry Shop's robbery alarm, or send out a pigeon.
>>27509Thats not even what I wanted.
I want it to sbe able to to shoot high powered lasers with a long recharge.
>>27511Can Torc help fix the mine?
Also, I'm Infernius' target, aren't I?
>>27614>can torcuil help fix the mine/get away from Darth InferniusThat's actually an excellent idea. Try it
>>27613Ben took off long ago, Infernius failed his spot check
>>27614>Twilight Scepter>LasersHow was I supposed to intuit that these were supposed to be the same thing
>>27616This, but that's besides the point. The Twilight Sceoter is too powerful for any mortal
>>27617that heretic better not fuck with me.
>>27619Ben is far too much of a coward than to try and oppose Infernius, after what he's just seen
>>27616You weren't, I just always forget to specify shit.
I mean Twilight shot lasers at times so can I get that going for me>>27615Yep, to the mine for me
>>27619I do have to ask, are you trying to get him killed?
>>27615If we could gather the material Quickly enough to craft a Lyre of Building, Taylor could excavate the entire mine in half an hour. She could build a new stage castle for herself every week.
>>27621is that a bitch i smell?
>>27622no, but he really shouldn't cross Darth Infernuis.
>>27624Yeah, you really need to take a shower and get that off you
>>27624I mean, are you trying to get
Infernius killed?
>>27627oh, no im not anymore. hes moved past that.