Read "Corny Nuts"
Which brings us into the next edition of the Game thread! For newcomers, this is an RP thread thats been ongoing for,... shit, 3 months now. How time flies.
Anywhow, its based on a very loose and permissive rendition of classic D&D 3.5 edition as a baseline, and includes whatever additions can be effectively (and not too ludicrously) included; basically whatever players want that also makes some sense.
The party has just made some character and story developments. Trump and Tracy discover that when their powers combine they form Captain Planet,... or rather, Tracy gets uber-sized and most ferocious.
Infernius and Thez have successfully tracked down and captured a Dark Elf who had been masquerading as the proprietor of the Bazaar (there is no proprietor) who were responsible for jacking all their shit.
What happens next? I have some idea, which probably means its not going to go anywhere near how I expect.
808 replies and 42 files omitted.
>>25385I'll have Tracy scrape their crud off of the cave floor when she gets the chance...
>This thing was at the top of the page when I google searched the phrase "baby tarrasque". >>25391Tracy went crazy and moved two giant eggs into the stables, so it's more crowded than it used to be
>>25393At least wait until Trollestia is sitting on them or around
He wiggles uncofortably
"Help" he says to no on inparticler, considering no one is around
Can I get a TLDR of what the ever living hell I missed?
>>25395Mom hormones
>>25401Oh good heavens. It would've killed her to miss it.
>>25399Trumpaladin went on a wonderful date with Slovenia
Tracy discovered a bolshevik mining city
Inferius discovered a Tree orc city, and was beaten back
ALL of our gold was stolen by those damn elves
Tracy went out and took bird eggs on some crazy adventure
Trumpaladin formally made Tracy a mount and they fugged, so she has full cauchemar super powers now
Inferius tracked down and found a Drow elf, and captured it
Tracy managed to kill the elf during interrogation
Tracy and Inferius were attacked by spiders from the elf's suit
Trumpaladin went to Sparintenar to try to open a football franchise - that went horribly botched, but Tracy and Tay showed up, and now dealing is happening - that's where we ended
Btw, what's the party doing in Scarintintingalin' (idk how to spell it) right now? Where exactly is Tracy atm?
>>25400>Tracy feels a wobbling in the force, and suddenly feels anxious to get back to her eggs.>>25405Trollestia has the eggs, calm down
Is anyone else in the stables, Torc can't get out of this shit
>>25407No, but Thez and Inferius are fucking in the infirmary
>>25399So Thez went and killed a Roc to make Thanksgiving dinner, which inspired Tracy to run off and find the nest. In doing so she pissed off the Roc's mate who was alive and guarding the nest. Thez popped in and spoke to the Roc, bonked it on the nose, and sent it packing while Tracy got all preggo-hormonal about the eggs, so they were brought back to the stables. As feasting ensued, Thez informed Infernius that the Tower's treasury had been looted, don't tell Lenos. Infernius did his best at magical forensics, but didn't find out a whole lot. Trump acquired a few choice items from the bazaar, including a matching set of letter openers. Later on, Infernius decided to investigate in and around the Bazaar, only to determine that the bald guy from the Bazaar was actually one of the Dark Elves in question who 'may' have been responsible for robbing Ben AND the party. A chase ensued, but while Infernius and Thez captured the bald guy, his distraction and misdirection stalled long enough for the other elves to escape with all the loot. After a day or so of attempting to interrogate the elf, one Darkemter Vrees who Thez knows from a previous reboot, Darkie would have his head severed and welded to a filled iron bucket. His torso was hollowed out, and many parts of his leg have been severed, but in the process the tiny magical spiders that inhabit his armor nearly killed both Tracy and Infernius. His remains are now locked in the vault with
hopefully all the little bastards. The party has since ventured to Sparintenar, which is a spartan city run by a squirrel with a combat-helmet and a modified bazooka. After a tense exchange where Trump had to negotiate from a position of nescience (Thez was busy saving asses), Trump has established a favorable and negotiable position with the squirrel, while Taylor has made inroads for a successful singing career.
>>25352So long as the Cloak is still worked-on every day, can it be worn as a +2 cloak, and then still be gradually increased into a better one?
>>25406I has to jump through arithmetic hoops to get her to trust Troll with them long enough for Tracy to answer the call. Tracy doesn't really like her...
>>25408That... is true
>>25407What's the trigger for that knife of his?
>>25410Can I get her to stay in Sparintinar long enough to be a trophy-waifu at the banquet and then fug in the hotel room?
>>25410Serious, dead serious, just place the eggs next to a fireplace or space heater
>>25413Is there room for a fireplace in the stables?
(Torc, pls halp so Trollestia can get off of them and help you out of those bindings)
>>25408Oh god I didn't need to know that
It grows, it doesn't move on its own
>>25410Yes. Also, fun fact. I was wrong about being unable to add magical effects to existing magical items, however with each plus (or plus equivalent) the item progressively increases in cost and therefore time. Turning a +1 sword into a +2 sword takes 6 days, but turning a +4 sword into a +5 sword takes 28 days.
>>25415No, but if there's a verbal trigger you could always say it and hope it doesn't kill you while cutting through the bandages
>>25416So, I can make my sword Vorpal?
>>25414Well I need some pony to be with me as a show waifu
>>25418Vorpal: Caster level 18; Circle of Death; Keen edge(dur)
>>25419A Holy Sword can't be Vorpal, because vorpal weapons require unholy magic to craft. Sword of Sharpness is the best edge that a Holy Avenger can have.
>>25420Tracy could do some Perform/Diplomacy/Bluff checks. She can be presentable.
>>25421Tracy's faggot is the one who asked for Vorpal, not me. What enchantments can Vanderiem be given and how?
>>25422Scream and moan until Trollestia finally gets bored of laughing at your helpless state: she's been in the stables the whole time.
>>25423Kek, she's already made a favorable impression
>>25424Vandereim is an artifact weapon, and literally of such cost already that it would take,... over a year to modify with even the slightest effect (faerie fire, for example)
>>25426Sugoito on the other hand, aside from being a master-craft weapon, is magical only in materials, there are no enchantments or effects on it.
>>25428What is Vanderiem's strength? I only recall a two handed sword with +2 bonus against Infernals
>>25429Can Sugoito do more basic smashing damage? For example, against Roc shells
>>25430Vandereim (he knows all this, so he can readily tell you):
Keen (x2 crit threshold)
Sharpness (severs a limb on nat 20)
Mighty Cleaving (unlimited cleave on kill)
+5 reg/+7 vs ebil
Weightless (Feather Fall 3x/day on sword)
Detect Alignment @will
10 ranks in Intimidate
Stats: Wis 10, Int 14, Cha 14 - Ego 24
Absorbs alcohol; -2 atk +2 dmg when drunk, can spray vomit when drunk (flammable, can cause nausea)
>>25430>Roc shellsNo, for some strange reason it wouldn't work on that. "Ah canna' kill bebes lad!"
Yeah, I know, forget I said it
>>25431Oh hell fucking yeah that's awesome!
I figured he had detect alignment
Remind me to get Vanderiem drunk
even if alcohol is degenerate Also, can Tracy, given time, engineer a hand-crossbow that works for her? Two of her classes are proficient in it, and longbow isn't really her style..
>>25435Not to be a dick, but you'll have to figure out - and I mean this literally - how she can manage to craft a hand crossbow that CAN be operated by hoof, but which will not go off at the wrong time. I mean, you could say 'take the trigger guard off', but I think we both know what is gonna happen if you do that.
>>25434... Wanna go find and genocide a Troll village in full Cauchemar form with me soon?
>>25436Build a giant trigger guard?
>>25439That's almost been our motto. It's certainly Tracy's
>>25409What do the rooms back in Sparintenar look like?
>>25437Sure. That sounds like fun.
>>25436... S can use gunz.. though. Maybe a trigger that pulls back?
>>25439It wouldn't be too difficult to craft "Horse Shoes of Speed," right? I think even Nordfilly could provide the enchantments?
Are we going to advance the campaign tonight? I want to know if I should reserve some time for it (could do cinematic now though).
I'll be here, so I don't see why not
>>25442Do you mean the listed item, or some equivalent to boots of Speed? Her flight speed is much higher than her ground speed
when transformed (also, technically counts as flying if you're 4 inches above the ground).
>>25447That's good to hear.
Can I get a better description of the city/buildings? What kind of rooms did they lead them into?
>>25447I kind of want
>>25449 too. I want to know just how ornate the buildings are, what kind of items they have, and how fancy their food is.
>>25449Fairly simple, primarily wood with some stonework. Minimal embellishments (an occasional symbol or design but no fancy sculptings like elves do it). An almost Bavarian style of architecture with steep roofs, suggesting that in colder climtes that snow is a problem. Fireplaces of varying size, also suggesting that climate control is a consideration. Emphasis on wood stains and laquers, rather than paints.
>>25451Sparintenar is to the south, away from the mountains right?
>>25352>the metric is 1 day/1000gp in costOkay, so as long as a character spends enough time crafting a non-epic item, and their character meets the prereqs, they can craft an item in the crafting room?
>>25452>north eastThe map is upside down. I didn't invert it, cuz that would make the names all upside down, but yes I know what you mean, Sparintenar is the orange spot.
>>25453A percentage of the listed cost must also be covered by appropriately fine materials (I think it's 1/4), but yes that's generally the case. All items are subject to approval, but that's more to determine if there was something obvious forgotten (meaning it wouldn't work) or something minor (meaning, I can fuck with whoever uses it)
>>25454>All items are subject to approvalBefore or after crafting? Is it fine if we just post the listed requirements from the books, before hand?
>>25455Lesser items aren't a problem, but with greater items there may be some additional requirement I want to apply, as I disagree with some of the magic item classifications and/or descriptions. Additionally, with some items I may require that PCs be more specific about resources, intentions, effects, etc.
Example: with the cloak that Tracy is making, I could require particular materials (sack-cloth would NOT do), as well as other considerations (gems? embroidery?). I'll let Tracy continue with the cloak as is, but the more I think about it the greater level of potential detail I intuit.
>>25425Aw fuck, I can't believe shes done this.
Aw who am I kidding, of course I can
Additionally, there may be penalties to certain items. A Cloak of Charisma is generally described to be a royal/fine article, which means it would stand out, potentially causing a negative to checks to hide while wearing. Just some things to think about.
>>25457T> "Oh my, I didn't realize you were thrashing about there good wizard. I am pleased to see you are not kill, allow me to help you." Proceeds to tear at some of the wrappings, loosening them enough for Torcuil to work his way out.
>>25456Okay then.
>lesser itemsIs there some cut-off for Craft Level before something is considered greater than that? Maybe something like level 15?
>>25458>being niceStrange...
He falls over, still not completely out of the coma
"Ow. Fuck."
>>25460>niceHow long has he been wriggling there? And she only 'just' noticed? Xp
>>25459Its not so much the Caster Level (I thought it was Craft Level for a long time too), as it is the general/specific effects, magical nature (nice/ebil, law/chaos), etc. Items of Blah +w/e aren't a problem, but several others (particularly the ones requiring Wish, Miracle, etc.) that are more restricted.
*pets pony or perhaps warhorse while waiting for the banquet*
>>25461Okay, just not the ones that require drastic spells then?
>>25462*happy equine noises* (idk if she transformed or not)
>>25463Just don't get carried away e_e
With Tracy gone, Thez wanders into the stable to check on the eggs, beaming with satisfaction (of several varieties), to find Torcuil collapsed on the ground. "Hey. HEY!" she runs up and wraps him in a bear-hug and carries him around for a bit. "You survived! Are you hungry? You haven't eaten in days! Did you have a weird mind-portal dream?"
>>25464Really, the reason why I'm not fond of declaring stuff all of the time is because I don't want to spoil stuff that badly. I find it so much more interesting to reveal stuff at the last moment for maximum dramatic effect, and it doesn't help very much if a;ll of the characters can read what I'm doing.
pic unrelated, but you get the picture, Sometimes it's fun to keep things sekrit.
>>25465I see your point, and some things cannot be unseen no matter how meta. I'll try and come up with a good way to allow for that, while keeping the excessive majority of interactions on-board.
>>25466Thanks, m8.
>in gameTracy is sitting idly at banquet table, as patient as a neutral Evil pony can behave. She dangles her hooves above the ground (hoo-man sized chairs?) as she sizes up the locals;in the while, wondering how her eggs are faring without her.
How's the company? Have any other important-looking figures showed up?
Torc stands up and checks out his surondings
"Uh Troll, what the hell is up with the eggs?"
>>25467We're getting to the banquet, but we're not quite there yet.
>>25464"Hi Thez, I wouldn't mind a bit of food. Thanks"
>>25471Are the characters still outside? That'll determine whever or not she's transformed.
Also, how many guards are there around? Do they seem readily aggro, or are they just frightened?
>>25473"K!" <whooof>
>>25475That reminds me, is Torcuil wearing his new robe?
>>25474I had the characters getting situated in their provided rooms. Not frightened, but clearly not knowing what to think about a blue warhorse with a flaming mane (it is like a Nightmare, but its
blue! IKR, WTFE)
>>25476Well shit, if we're alone in rooms...
Did Troll like the bananas?
>>25478Troll loves bananas. ^_~
Thez <whooof> appears with a plate piled with all sorts of Thanksgiving-type stuffs. The bird is,... well it was a Roc. "There's
plenty more! Stop being so skinny!"
>>25479"thez come back me still horny."
*throws horn into stables*
>>25479"Thanks Thez."
Torc then stuffs his face
>>25480"Thinking he can boss me around," she mutters "What are you, a damn muslim?!"
>>25483"is this your way of tellong me i smell?"
>>25481Thez turns back to Torcuil. "Please help yourself, there's more in the mess area. Also,... don't go in the vault," she smiles, before heading off toward the infirmary, her body language showing the slightest hint of peeve.
>>25483Infernius catches on fire
"So how have you guys been while I was g..."
He turns to trollestia
"So, repeating the same question"
>>25486"we engaged!"
*infernuis says ecstatically*
>>25486T> "That bird you're eating, it was discovered that it was of a mated pair. Upon investigation, Tracy discovered that it had 2 eggs in its nest, and after a bunch of foolishness she decided to bring them back here and mother to them herself. I thought it was rather adorable, if ill advised."
>>25477Yeah, go ahead. I don't really feel like typing it though.Will the banquet start tonight?
>>25482"Little pony, will you come with me?"
Holds her hooves and motions for her to come into his room
Empathic link suggests "love"
What kind of weapons can Returning be applied to? It says commonly range, but idk.>>25487Thez arrives in the infirmary, and crosses her arms in front of her. "LOOK here, I know you're excited and all," she blushes and looks away a bit, "I certainly am," then back to direct glaring, "But don't think for an INSTANT that you can just wag your finger and have me whooof to the spot!"
>>25489I don't mind starting it soon, is Taylor lurking?
>>25491Range weapons, including munitions (bows/crossbows) throwing (knives, darts, axes), etc.
>>25492"if me could whooof me would use it like that."
Can maces, hammers or axes be considered throwing weapons?
>>25493>>25494Trumpaladin and Tracy test out the strength of the bed in Trumpaladin's room
>>25495Thez walks over to the entertron and presses the "Clean/Sterilize" button. "I'm sure you would! There will be PLENTY of time for that later!" she mutters something about other abilities. Still glaring, she announces "I need some coffee dammit! And to kill something!" and she storms off. Then storms back in, "Oh, and Torcuil is awake!" storms back out.
>>25496Typically, only hand axes are considered throwing weapons.
>>25498"hey wanna go kill some communist with me?"
Taylor? Is Taylor in the house?
>>25492>is Taylor lurkingIt doesn't seem like it...
Taylor are you there?
>>25505We should probably wait then, she'll be a central figure in the dialogue.
>>25498*walks to the stables trying to find torc.*
>>25507Well then. As everyone settles into their rooms for a bit,... some more vigorously than others, a neatly dressed staff member makes their way down the corridor, individually knocking on each of the rooms and declaring (without entering) that the banquet will begin within the hour. Guests are invited to make their way to the hall as they please, which is conveniently the large room at the end of the hall. Its a long hall with a variety of doors, all unlabelled. The indicated room at the end has a set of double-doors, that have been opened.
>>25509Give me 20. Then ill be free all day.
I'm not sure how committed I can be to this. Definitely not for the next hour. I will definitely be busy at least part of the night and I REALLY want a full negation scene...
>>25513I mean an hour game-time. All three present have their own distinctive element to the the coming exchange, and it wouldn't work without everyone.
>>25514Spell check. I'm on a phone, and will be much of the night...
I wanted to write full speeches... >>25510>>25512>Tfw ready to play.I put on my natsoc uniform then head to the dining area.
>>25515>>25517Technically, Trump and Tracy would be the last to arrive cuz 'reasons' anyway.
>>25518You can proceed if you like
>>25516>in bed"Oh shoot, I guess I should wear something.."
*rummages through saddlebags*
>only black hoodies, striped panties, latex, kneesocks, and lingerie"...I'll wear the robe over the sweater.."
*Dresses to the point of presentability and walks out*
>>25518I can play for a bit more.
>really wants to join in but is busy
(Translation: Hi demon of hell)
Torc decides to play with Mr. Snek for a while.
At least, until someone fucks everything up and he is needed
Taylor is first to arrive in the banquet hall, which its self is a huge area. The tables are remarkably simple, with only a thin cloth covering them. Not many have arrived, only a few individuals engaged in conversation, while staff mills about carrying trays, plates, and a variety of other banquety prep things. As Taylor enters (with Tracy not far behind) one particular fellow in a neat beard lights up. "I see, you must be Miss Swift, I've heard a great deal about you from the soldiers who were present earlier. You put on quite a show, especially without any planning or preparation! My name is Sigmund, and I'm the Minister of Entertainment," he says offering his hand, looking appreciatively at her uniform (in a non-lewd sense). He himself is dressed - like most of the people who have been seen - in sturdy, simple clothes, and though there's a degree of discipline to him (as there is everyone) he doesn't bear any of the observable characteristics (posture, etc.) of a soldier.
>>25523"hey torculi im here to make sure the coma did not lasting damage."
>>25523Well, Thez and Infernius are gonna kill some commies before too long.
>>25523She's in another city atm.
>>25521Is there a way for the two of us to progress a little bit just for now? I might be busy in a bit.
>>25525"Thanks Infernius. How are you?"
>>25526Torc still has his helicopter lisence.
>>25528So long as I can write in single sentences, yes.
Trumpaladin goes to banquet with Waifu
>>25521>>25528>>25530There won't be time for speeches yet, its all NPC introductions and interactions leading up to the banquet.
>>25529"me great me engaged to ana!"
>>25524May as well do a search and Sense motive check.'
What's he have on him (items, weapons, etc.)?
What does he want?
>>25523Aww i love you too.
>>25524Hello fine sir, thank you for your words[blushes]. Takes hand.
>>25536"thanks big man torc, wanna kill some communist?"
*does check up on motor functions and senses.*
>>25535"Well, truthfully I am only echoing the words of others. Still, your fashion sense alone speaks well of you. We haven't had a skilled talent arrive here in,... well since before I was minister. We get the occasional act or circus troupe, but no one who can operate independent of a musical group or a crew."
>>25533Nothing apparent, he's wearing a simple outfit, no bells or whistles, though he (again, like most, even the staff) has a hefty knife sheathed to his waist. He seems intent on discussion with Taylor, and is open and optimistic.
>>25537"Saying no would be lying
>>25538You are too kind herr sigmund.
>>25540"Not at all. If it pleases you, might you be available later on? A business arrangement, if you don't mind my saying, could be profitable and useful both to a talented young woman such as yourself, in addition to enriching the lives of the citizens of Sparintenar (Spartans Xp)."
>>25541*smiles confidently, waits patiently, and pets pony*
>>25545[affectionate pony noises]
>>25545As Trump and Tracy arrive, they are immediately set upon by a handful of individuals, who respectfully wait upon eachother to speak. There is a clear and established hierarchy they are appealing to, and the apparent oldest one is the first to speak. "We had heard that a Paladin has made its way here. You certainly look the part." He's not aggressive, but he is clearly weighing in his speech and observations. "Perhaps, with a bit of novelty," he says, turning his gaze to Tracy. "I'm surprised you brought your steed with you."
"Thank you, I am indeed Trumpaladin, and this is my associate Tracy Cage. To whom do I have the honor of speaking?"
>>25547*puffs out chest a little bit*
I am his lawfully-wedded waifu, but steed is fine too."
>>25549*puts hand on pony to stay and to calm her*
"Well I don't know if I'd say..."
>>25548>>25549He raises his eyebrow. "Novelty indeed. I am Renquist, First Commander of the Spartans, second only to our leader, Bazooka Squirrel. That is his name, but we call him Baz for short." he looks to Tracy. "How came you to speak Mrs. Cage?" he asks, a little surprised to be using the term "mrs." in this context.
>>25550"... Only legally though.. We still haven't had our ceremony.."
>>25551>>25549Trumpaladin watches with genuine curiousiry to see what surname Tracy claims
>>25552*ears twitch in the distance*
>>25556Kek. Now now
>>25552He seems puzzled by the idea of being legally married without a ceremony, but awaits Tracy's response.
>>25551"I am an Equestrian; all of the volk of my race are able to speak your tongues. Being able to stand on two hooves though, that's a bit more complicated.."
Ah shoot, I g2g for a while..
A sudden cold chill runs down Trumpaladin's spine, like he avoided a clear and serious danger
The thought appears in his mind, "I'm glad my faggot editted the configuration again last night"
>>25551"A military man? Is the military situation of Sparinitar... Interesting?"
>>25560Renquist leans over to one of his entourage and directs him to make a note. "Interesting," he continues. "And you Mr. Trump; You haven't been witnessed in battle, but I can gather by your attire that you've seen your fair share. I trust you're not the sort to bear arms against your allies?"
>>25563"Sir, Sparintenar is entirely a military civilization. We pride ourselves on discipline, loyalty, and honor. Our active servicemen train year-round, and even our civilians are given periodic instruction and training. There's not a man, woman, or child here who cannot and would not take up arms for eachother and for the city."
"Rehnquist is quite a fine name. Reminds me of a great man of my world..."
*fondly remembers a Supreme Court Justice who always voted for the Government in criminal procedure cases*
>>25565"Your world?" I'm not sure I follow. Are you not from
this world?"
>>25566>empathetic link*gestures not to give too many details, lest he become suspicious*
Do characters roll for Will, Ref, and Fort DC Saves, or do they just have what's listed on their character sheets?
>>25568Yes. Saving throws are a D20 + whatever modifiers from class or w/e else
>>25566"No, I am not of this world, nor are the other members of my party. I came from a world where I was a loyal law enforcement officer and then a civil servant. I was betrayed, but I received a second chance here.
I have taken Port Barry as my protectorate, and they have taken me. I and my party have fought off rats, George Soros, mechanical beasts, and more. I personally have cleaved an arm off of Soros, dealt strong blows to kefka and his tarasque, and fended off trolls. Which reminds me."
Trumpaladin reaches for his bag, and produces the head of Kefka, right before Rehnquist.
"Was this guy bothering you? My party killed him, and his Tarasque. He won't be demanding tribute from you anymore"
Puts head back in bag
"I am very impressed by your description of Sparintenar. Sounds very well disciplined. Wish I had that back on my old world. And no, I am not one to attack allies, at least so long as they do not attack me"
>>25567*doesnt notice until after he's said everything because mobile phone*
>>25570Renquist ponders Trump's words. "We shall have to talk more. I have many questions. Also, please refrain from further presenting severed heads in the dining hall," he says tactfully.
"You did just tell him you were Equestrian*
>>25574>link'How's he supposed to know what an Equestrian is?'
>>25573"But of course. Just afraid you would not believe me"
>>25569can items give us bonuses?
>>25577Yes, in a variety of cases. Other items can grant feats, such as the ring Tracy crafted for Trump (Evasion)
>>25577I've seen some that do.
>>25569Are racial/species modifiers a factor?
>>25573"If you have questions, ask away"
>>25580"I shall, in time. For now, you will have to excuse me. I must usher in my men."
>>25581A staff member approaches and begins to prod her. "Ma'am? Are you okay? Are you okay?"
>>25582"May I ask for what purpose?"
>>25579Through link if possible, or whisper,
"Prepare your cane, prepare to transform, prepare to run"
"So when can we kill commies?"
>>25583"Purpose? Because I desire two things. Strong men, and strong allies."
>>25584Soon, but I do have to run an errand for about 15 minutes.
>>25586"I like your way of thinking"
>>25582[Gets up]
Oh my so ungraceful trumpadin.
>>25589"I mean, if you don't want me to help get you contracts and material, just say so"
I'm going to have to go for a couple hours very soon
>>25592Also this.
I've got a bit of time though.
>>25595i think all you would have to do is find a ranger to teach you.