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Occupied Equestria: Through the mist
In the south in the Kululu Forest, Posey searches for a lost instrument of war. In Baltimare, Kira establishes herself, while Silver enjoys a brief respite. In Hellquill, Amber prepares to play her music to the dictator of Hellquill. Elsewhere, trouble brews.
1357 replies and 94 files omitted.
Amber Sunset
"Oh, that's awful," Amber consoles. "Next month ought to be quite nice, though."

She tries to put away her own interests and engage more sincerely with the customers. After all, she can't trot around meeting them outside, so might as well do so here.
>He looks up towards Posey as she comes into the room, not reacting much other than to acknowledge her.
Oh no. Emotional independence.

Posey walks up to Gloomy slowly, speaking softly and quietly. A look of subtle confusion and
"Hello, my little sweetie pie..." she says, reaching out with her horn to pet his mane
"How was your day? Were you lonely? Momma's sorry she had to be out during the day. It must have been scary..." she says, the last part plausibly more to reassure herself than him
174791 174798
"I wasn't lonely. Well I was a little lonely but uncle Lick came by and let me stay in his library and I opened the books and started looking at the pictures. It was a little scary at first but I pretended there were ghouls hiding inside the cabinets and ran away from them and it was kind of fun."

Another mare, an older one, starts talking about her granddaughter, Button. That's surely not her full name, as Amber is pretty sure it is Button ____, but she missed whatever that second word was. Amber learns that Button is just the cutest little thing, and she looks kind of like Amber but with even more and cuter freckles, and with an even more lemony coat. And she just made filly scout. Why has Amber never made filly scout?
Amber Sunset
"I didn't live close enough to a scout chapter to get involved…" Amber remarks regretfully, as she is not much of the envious sort. "But your granddaughter really does sound cute as a button. Does she have her cutie mark yet?"

The mare sits down and clops her hooves together

"Oh! Hehehehe! Yes! It was a Tuesday at the racetrack after school let out for the summer. Well, I should back up. I should explain why Uncle Simeon was there. Also, it had rained the night before, and the ground was rather wet and there was a smell of mildew in the air. ----"
Amber Sunset
"Sorry–your total is 34 and a quarter bits," Amber blurts out, looking apologetically at the customer behind her. "I'd love to hear your story next time you visit," she continues in hopes of avoiding giving offense.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
174796 174797
Diplomacy: Kira does her best to look as sweet and cute and innocent as possible: like a big ol', scaly teddy bear.

[1d20-1 = (15-1) = 14]
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Possibly. As far as anypony knows, this house is still owned by Maakie. If there is no evidence that we live here, at least while I am gone, it will be much, much harder to find us."
174800 174801
And opposed:
[1d20 = 11]
[1d20 = 12]

The mare pouts, but pays the money and buys the stockings.

High Sewn ventures out and looks around. 5 PM approaches
"Well... okay..." Both stallions move closer to Kira, coming within striking range of a hug.
174799 174804
"O-Okay then..." Posey says, laying down beside him
She pats his mane, and his back
"It must be rough coming to a new country all of a sudden, sweetie. You're such a brave young colt..." she continues
"Momma is... I am going to spend some more time with you in the coming weeks. I'm going to be working nights on my research for the university, so until my next... mission, I can spend the day with you. No more graveyard shifts (note, this term has a completely different meaning in Magehold), sudden summons, or week-long exclusions to the front. Just you and me..I'll even try take you into the city for some treats. How does that sound?"
If a clever eye were watching Posey for this moment, they would notice by the lack of glow in her eyes that she hasn't defaulted to charming the colt, as she usually does the first time she sees him on a given day
174802 174803
Mala flops an ear
"Maakie certainly would not have wanted them to know where he lived. The car would be the biggest sign, yes."

The colt tilts his head and looks up at Posey, as if a follow up elaboration on the details of a precise plan were to be expected.
Amber Sunset
"How is everything right now? Are you looking for somepony?" Amber asks High Sewn when the two aren't busy. She tilts a hoof back and forth somewhat impatiently.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira - practically squealing in delight - gladly hugs both of the stallions, wrapping her copious coils around them and giving them a firm but not overly tight hug with both her snake tail and her pony forelegs. It doesn't feel like she's trying to constrict them for consumption, but is rather a nice, surprisingly warm and comfy hug on all sides, which is difficult for non-lamias to pull off. Her scales are nice and smooth, and her pony half feels for all intents and purposes like a real pony. She makes a happy little "sssssss" sound and her tongue flicks out rather cutely as she gives the two ponies a nice, friendly squeeze.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Even better, then there is no connection that can be formed between us and Maakie. We just move car somewhere else for time being, and we are safe."
I have to sleep. Later.
174805 174806 174810 174811

High Sewn looks over.

"No. It's my business. I like to check in on things sometimes. Participate." She looks outside, and then back to Amber
"But I've completed the order. Well, not all of it. The last design needs to be embroidered but... it's mostly done, anyways..." She again looks to the side, and then back to Amber with a grin

"So tell me more about him"

The poor stallions... They could not have known. They do not escape. Kira grabs them both. There's an "Ahhh!" as they fall victim to the hugs. One is grabbed by her forelegs. Another is grabbed in her tail. Both are unprepared for what has come, and the one further down on her tail falls down onto his rump and places his forelegs over her body. Their eyes widen in shock.

The pony on her snake body feels rather similar to her usual prey, in size and general body shape, as well as the feel of his fur. It isn't an exact comparison: the legs are much thicker, the head bigger, and the fur softer. The pony between her hooves feels similar to a lamia. There are, however, fewer ribs on his chest, and the bones don't move quite as much. Even in comparison to the ponies she hugged earlier, she can feel the difference. There are of course no wings, and these ponies have more muscle than any she has hugged before.

"Yeah yeah, of course she gets the hugs."

"Well that sounds like a pretty good idea" Mala says, and moves his tail back and forth.

It doesn't have to be details. Gloomy just has an expression along the lines of "I am listening," like he expects Posey to continue talking because she has something specific in mind.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira giggles, the vibrations from which can be felt all down her pony body and snake tail. "Wow, you two feel strong! I guess you have to be to move all of this heavy furniture all day, but still!"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver pets his hyena/gnoll friend between his ears.

"I do actually know of place like that, little bit outside of city but also still technically inside it. It is abandoned farmhouse near quarry. It is out of way, known only to select few creatures. Maybe if we can get car out there it can stay there until I get back. Unless you know of better hiding places in city."
174808 174809
"Thanks..." says the pony on her tail. He's the pony who was initially helping Kira, and he seems to have an easier time accepting his fate. He lowers his legs onto her body and touches her, but then raises his legs again.

The other stallion wiggles his arms about as if he could get free. Kira has her hooves around him, however.

Mala closes his eyes and smiles. His ears twitch, moving away from each other and then closer together.

"Well..." He says, opening his eyes and looking forward for a few seconds in silence.

"No... I don't know anywhere better... We could put it there. Where you said."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver tilts his head at Mala.

"Do you think it is good idea? Bad idea? I genuinely want your input."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Her tail is smooth and shiny, on account of her scales. She doesn't seem to object to the touching, and in fact she makes sure the pony is extra snug and comfortable in her coils. The pony in her forelegs, however, is rendered helpless by the improved hugging abilities of the lamia, which gives her the opportunity to give him a friendly squeeze. Thankfully, it seems she does not desire to eat either of them. At least, for now it seems.
Amber Sunset
Amber gives a shy smile.

"Well, have I mentioned how smart and hardworking he is? He really puts himself into his studies, and he works to put food on the table for his family. They don't really appreciate what he does which is a cryin' shame, but he really does care for them, though it doesn't leave much time for a social life."
Her expression turned a little more dour. "I do worry for him sometimes though fer all that stress he goes through. He wears himself thin yet always wants to spend time with me. Bless his heart for that, but he ain't got the time nor money to be going out as much as he offers. I want to return the sentiment, but…."
After a brief pause, she remembers something and the smile returns. "Oh, and he really likes model ships. He wants to get into woodworking or construction, and I think he'll do well at that. I forgot whether he's graduating this year or next, but his plan is getting into that business right afterwards."
174814 174863
Behold, my rambling, deranged, sleep-deprived attempt at writing dialogue for what should normally be a very important interaction with Posey to express her character development and charisma score. It's been a busy week, but fuck it, I have to keep things moving.
"For starters, we'll go on trots around the city. I'll wear a dress and a sun hat, so we could even go during the day. The streets aren't restricted here like in Magehold: we can trot wherever and whenever we like, regardless of who owns us, and barely anypony will try to eat us. We'll see all of the sites and structures for Momma's... job report. We'll go around the entertainment districts too- n-no, not that kind of entertainment! There won't be very much killing going on there, but there's still lots of places to eat. Momma is going to buy you something sweet; no, not one of those nasty blood-sweeteners, but something like one of those Farbrook imports you like, the one with the chocolate sprinkles. A lot of those imports are produced here, so you could eat them every day. If you're good, Momma will even buy you something salty too; I think it was called a pretzel? The food on the ship didn't do you any good, and Momma's begun to tell the difference. ~Oh, you are going to be so plump..." Posey trails off a bit, wiping her lip
Oh thank fuck. I saw this halfway through this trainwreck of a monologue.
>Posey to continue talking because she has something specific in mind
Posey goes into detail about how she needs to survey this city for her mission, and how she intends to take him sightseeing for that. She wants to take him out to eat various foods that are rare in Magehold, and maybe to take him to movies.
She intends to tutor him on the development of his powers while she works on her own, which is her main priority between new from missions from Magehold. She even suggests she might take him with her on a mission once he learns to Suppress Signs, "just like she used to". She appears very excited for the two of them to be able to practice without the masters watching them.
She says that she'll be able to spend some time with him, as for now she's only going to be submitting research to the university at a slow pace (rolling the Craft skill to make some money) to work on her reference book, until or unless they give her more intensive work. Her cover research is studying mana poisoning, so she intends to submit a reference book about Gloomy's conditions (counting this as Aiding Another to craft a reference book).

After this, Posey tells Gloomy that it's his bedtime, and she brings him to his room, puts him to bed, and sits beside him until he falls asleep. She considers meditating to recover her spells, but decides to instead do so during the day tomorrow.
Afterwards, she returns to the manor.

This was basically going to be the point where I describe my intent to take some downtime, as many weeks as it takes for the next mission to arrive.
Exhausting all possible modifiers, Posey can just barely take 10 to make the DC of 18 to craft a reference book in one week, which can be sold for 32.4 gold pieces in one week, spending 2 gold pieces on parchment and ink to do so.
This is a research book, so I would also like to make a check for the Research Skill, making the same check of 18 with all relevant modifiers. What Posey is researching is any local reports of the effects of dark magic, undead activity, or similar Necrologist-relevant topics around Baltimare region, historically or recently.
Posey would like to use her charms to barter some of her medical equipment to some colleges at the university in exchange for research equipment relevant to her studies (masterwork tools, paper, ink, etc).

Since Posey leveled up, she has to send a Tribute of 100 gold pieces to her Mentor in Maghold. She intends to mail that alongside the cylinder.
174815 174824 174825
A bit seriously, she replies. "Don't put much weight on that desire to spend time with you. If he's worth anything as a stallion, his heart will be with his work." After a couple seconds of silence, a smile returns

"No, that's not what I meant. I mean how does he make you feel? Do you feel the spark? How did he ask you out?" And then with a tilt of her head and a sly expression

"And the smooching? You must share"

"I..." He lowers his head "Think it would work, yes."

>seems she does not desire
That's how they get you

With that wide, toothy smile, the stallion in the coils pets Kira's scaly body. The other stallion, however, continues to meekly wave his hooves around, like a tortoise on its back.
Gloomy stands up, moves closer towards Posey, and wags his tail. It won't be so easy to put him to bed now. He's too excited to sleep.
Amber Sunset
"It's a little hard to describe. More than anything else, he makes me feel relieved that I know somepony here who I can trust. But I feel other things too. Whenever he's around I feel tingly and warm–no it's not nervousness–and I want to be close with him. I never felt this way with anypony else before, and I'm convinced the feeling is mutual. He likes to take me to places he's been, like that cove out of the city, and wants to go to places built for fun like the moving picture screen–I haven't been to one since I was a little filly–and the carnival. We'll do that sometime but I think he ain't got the bits to spare yet. We don't need money anyway, he's perfectly happy being at home with me."

The younger mare visibly blushes at the second question. "Must I divulge e'rything? He's, heh, a good kisser, please don't judge me for knowin' that…."
She smiles and shakes her head, lowering her muzzle but keeping her eyes on Amber.

"Young love. Appreciate it while it lasts. Just don't become too attached."

She turns her head, again still looking at Amber with a wide smile
"Alright, I'll let you have a secret or to for now, hehe."

She moves over towards Guy, and starts talking to him. This conversation is also fairly personal, asking about his courses and his mother.

And at last, 5 PM is here.
Amber Sunset
Amber has to wonder what she means by that. Mustard doesn't seem to be going anywhere. Her thoughts become more occupied by wondering how typical it is for employers in Baltimare to be so personally interested in their workers and their relations. She doesn't really mind it, but in novellas she's read they tended to be more distant and professional.

There is one reason for Amber to be grateful for all the chatter though, and that is the softening up of High Sewn. Once her shift is properly ended, she approaches the boss, who is probably still talking with Guy. Amber still feels a little awkward.

"Excuse me. I was wonderin' if I could possibly have an advance on my pay? I'd hate to bother you with this but I really have nuthin' for food and it's downright maddening. I'll make it up to you somehow."
>It won't be so easy to put him to bed now. He's too excited to sleep.
Nothing a little hypnosis and anemia can't fix.
Posey isn't in a hurry to get him to sleep, as she's going to be awake all night anyway, and she's in the process of transitioning him to a nocturnal sleep cycle.
174821 174854
Gloomy dances around "Ice cream and pretzels and chocolate sprinkles?!" Then he stops, and looking up at Posey asks "Are you sure nothing will try to eat me? Not even the batwing ponies?"

High Sewn turns towards Amber, her eyes sharpening, then narrowing, and her mouth widening. She looks as if Amber had insulted her. Or her mother. After a pause,
"I suppose..."
>Are you sure nothing will try to eat me?
"Oh, well, you can never be sure..." Posey says nonchalantly, speaking softly as she moves in to embrace him
She gently kisses his neck
"After all, you're just so sweet."
The little pony is embraced

He doesn't seem to understand or appreciate the joke.
Probably because it wasn't a joke.
embracing intensifies
"Are you getting enough water, sweetie?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver continues to pet his hyena/gnoll friend.

"Okay, if that is what you really think. I still have one or two things to do before I head off. Let us go downstairs and see how everyone is doing, yes?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
The stallion in her coils can feel her body relax around his petting hoof, the firm muscles loosening up at his touch. It's strange, seeing a creature who must surely be stronger than even he is be so gentle and kind and with him. Kira tilts her head at the stallion in her forelegs, and asks him, "Is everything alright?"
174828 174829 174831
"Yes" He says, sharply

"Just... we best be on our way. You know?"

These ponies really like showing their teeth


"I... don't... know?" He replies

Mala keeps his eyes closed, and opens his mouth, letting his tongue hang out.

"Okay" He says

Mala gets up to follow Silver once Silver stops petting him.

Going down stairs, Silver smells burning bread
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Understandable, they do have really pretty teeth.

"Oh, right, sorry! I just...really like pony hugs."

She lets the two ponies go.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Uh oh.

Silvers hurries downstairs to see what's up.
174832 174833
The one in the coils casually hops out. The one in her forelegs tries to move forward onto his hooves, doesn't quite make the landing and falls to the floor, his fall likely broken by Kira's body, and then gets up, and darts off.

"Uh, enjoy your new home, ma'am!" the first one says

Khoi is standing up on her hind legs, with her forelegs on the edge of the counter. She is blowing air at the toaster with her mouth. There is visible grey smoke coming out of the toaster, and black bread inside. Once Silver is around, Khoi stops, drops to the floor, and covers her head with her forelegs crossed.
"The doctors said you need 8 glasses every day; that's two for every hoof." Posey chides
"Are you hungry, sweetie? Can I get you anything?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
From range, Silver uses his levitation magic to flip the lever on the side of the toaster up, ejecting the burnt bread prematurely. He goes to the window closest to the toast, opens it, and begins wafting the smoke towards the open window.

"Did you try getting toast even more toasted?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
She waves at the two extremely helpful moving ponies with a happy smile on her face.

"Thank you! Have a wonderful day!" She turns to the jealous deer. "So, ready to go get food for the house and a radio?"
174835 174836 174841
Neela is scrunching, and was looking up and away prior to addressing Kira

“About time they are done.” Then she addresses Kira
“Yes, I think we should go now.”

A hoof shifts, and a lone magenta eye looks up and over towards Silver.

“A little” she says meekly

“Yes” gloomy says.

If he has any familiarity with equestrian food, especially unhealthy equestrian food, he suggests that.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira gesture to her back.

"Want me to give you a lamia back ride? I don't know if you're getting tired from walking yet."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver levitates the poor burnt bread over to take a look at it.
174838 174839
Noe’s probably a good time to mention that the food Kira ate earlier wasn’t enough, and doesn’t perfectly agree with her either.

Neela looks over
“I think I can walk…”

It is indeed very burnt, being completely black. If this were all that remained if the Silver household, investigators could indeed discern that a Kirin was responsible.
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver wonders why kirins get such a bad rap as he takes a butter knife and attempts to scrape off the upper layer of blackened burnt crumbs into the trash.

"You can use that lever on side to eject toast before it gets this burnt. Go ahead and make yourself some more, Khoi."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Hmm...Kira should probably find something to eat, then.

"Alright then, let's go." She starts slithering out the door before turning back to look at Neela. "Uh...do you happen to know where a food store is near here?"
>If he has any familiarity with equestrian food, especially unhealthy equestrian food, he suggests that.
He logically wouldn't have a familiarity, but Posey accommodates. She takes very important care of keeping him well-fed.
Gloomy's favorite food is rose oatmeal, so let's go with that.
I would prefer to skip the detailed logistics of procuring a meal for Gloomy in character rn. Idk what I can feed him at the manor, but to account it over I'll subtract a ration from my sheet, representing a can of oats and dried rose petals.