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Occupied Equestria: Through the mist
In the south in the Kululu Forest, Posey searches for a lost instrument of war. In Baltimare, Kira establishes herself, while Silver enjoys a brief respite. In Hellquill, Amber prepares to play her music to the dictator of Hellquill. Elsewhere, trouble brews.
1140 replies and 91 files omitted.
"Not unlikely, considering it was likely one of their ilk responsible. Then again, I don't know if they go bragging amongst themselves about the harm they bring to others. Though they likely do... They have nothing else to brag about."
Amber Sunset
"Nothing? What do you mean?", Amber asks, already making a mental note of this conversation.
"Ponies of great talent and accomplishment don't become anarchists, and they certainly don't go around smashing windows."
Amber Sunset
"True, I suppose. What I'm trying to figure out though, is how we can stop them."
"How to stop the anarchists? What a lovely question to have answered. The Progress Monarchists, the Communists, the Fascists, and the Social Democrats have been combining their efforts for more than a decade now to stop the Anarchists. Though I suppose you could say the former lot are winning, seeing as how the Anarchists have been foiled at their every attempt thus far. Still, tell me when you have an answer."
Amber Sunset
"Well…" Ambers says as she looks away and sways a hoof on the floor, "More about stopping them from hurting this shop specifically. It's best to start small."
"Stopping shoplifters and vandals would be very much appreciated, yes." She responds, a bit more firmly.
Amber Sunset
Amber will take whatever encouragement she can get. "I'll figure something out," she says with a small smile.
"Well, that'll be lovely. Now if you could, get a start on checking the inventory."
Amber Sunset
"Right away!" Amber answers with no hesitation. There's now an objective in mind and it helps motivate her for the tedious work.
The little pony may be busy as a bee, going about her work until Guy arrives. Or she can engage with High Sewn, who will spontaneously try to talk about either politics or Amber's love life. Either way
Amber Sunset
Amber strives for a balance, getting important things done but taking brief reprieves. After all, she has another job after this one.
All the same, High Sewn goes on a tangent about the unions mentioned earlier claiming they were mainly intended to try to keep bats from working in Baltimare. Amber may be concerned that her employer is a bat-lover. Likewise, High Sewn tries to probe Amber for information about Mustard Trim and Amber's relationship with him. Why this mare who is around Amber's mother's age is taking interest in such things may just be beyond Amber.

And either way, time moves nearer to 1 PM
Amber Sunset
"B-bats? What makes you think that?" Amber is at once both intrigued and skeptical, as well as a little worried.

"Oh, he's nice…we went on a date last week, and I met his family…well, most of them. He's smart and focused on his studies but not too ambitious. If you ask me, that's rather cute." It's a more pleasant sort of conversation and it doesn't occur to her whether such questions by her boss would be inappropriate.
High Sewn spews forth unsolicited opinions on political matters
"Bat ponies, from the south. When they began to come to Baltimare in large numbers, the Unions felt threatened, claiming they 'compete for jobs' or what have you. Of course this isn't the case. The bat ponies don't even work during the day. They work the night shift, which allows for an extra one third of productivity out of the same machines. Of course the unions said that meant less work for them. That's how they like to see things. No concern for the whole, only for what benefits them."

And when Amber talks about Mustard Trim, she is not detached and dictating to Amber, but rather moves closer to Amber, leaning in, propping herself up on her fore knees, hooves on her cheeks, listening intently and smiling widely. The middle aged mare is still a school filly, it seems.

"Oh, that's so charming! Where did you go? What did you do? What are they like? What did you do afterwards, hehe. Not too ambitious? Now that isn't right. A colt ought to be ambitious. A refusal to accept reality as it is is the great virtue of the youth. There's something wrong with the colt who doesn't imagine himself as the next Flash Magnus, I think. But is he cute. Like, what does he look like?"
Amber Sunset
Amber flatly replies, "I'm surprised they can operate the machines at all. I ain't sayin' they're stupid or anythin'. You know the expression, 'blind as a batpony'? Don't they see with their voices somehow? It can't be easy to run loud equipment in a room like that."

The conversation revolving Mustard is a little warmer though, as she feels the attention is a form of approval and enjoys it. "Well, we first chatted at Coconut Cove, if you know where that is, then one day we went down the coast to the south where there's an actual cove and a restaurant away from the hustle-bustle, where we ate and explored the surroundings, and, uh, the mornin' after that I went with his family to church, before going home with them. They're nice and gave a lot for Equestria, and were wondrously hospitable towards me. I helped him study…." Amber then visibly blushes and avoids looking directly at Sewn. "We, er, um, did some kissin'…." She clears her throat and continues, "He looks similar to me in color, except a bit darker in mane and coat, and with bluish eyes, no nose marking, and he's taller than I am. He has a woodworking cutie mark too!" Amber avoids mentioning any of her believed causes of Mustard's lack of ambition, and decides to not contest Sewn on whether there's something "wrong" with him.
Does Mason react?
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver smiles upon seeing Mala wake so quickly.

"Good morning, sleepy heads. You sure do wake up easily, Mala. Anyways, there are pancakes downstairs if either of you are interested in breakfast."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Well, I'd like to follow up on that lead for work, so I can start working towards meeting the governor. I don't know if you'd want to come along for that or not. You'll definitely need some food and entertainment if you don't want to, but even if you do want to come along, it'd be nice to have some in the house."
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The priest flatly waves with a single spliced hoof. Posey feels another cold, sandpaper rub against her fur.

Mason is low in the chair in his car, and does not react until Posey taps on the windows. It would be easy to think that he fell asleep, but he looks over to Posey rather quickly. He rolls down the windows.

"What in Tartarus is that? And what is that you brought back? Is that a hostage?"

To some degree, High Sewn seems vicariously offended
"Now where did you hear that? Bat ponies can see just fine. And they can tolerate loud noises well enough. They wouldn't work in the factories if they couldn't."

It's too distinct points in time, however

"Coconut Cove? I know that place. Interesting choice of live music there. And a cove? Oh, that sounds lovely. Interesting that he would take you to his parents so soon. Usually stallions don't want to have to explain to their parents 'where did that mare go?" And after a pause, and her leaning in with a playful smile
"Was smooching all you did? He sounds handsome. Don't correct me if I'm wrong on that. I like to imagine it my way."

After Mala turns himself over, Mint Marine's head falls onto the bed, and he makes a "Myah" sound as he continues lying, trying to sleep. Mala stands up and jumps off the bed, revealing a pistol lying on the bed that was previously underneath him.

But then, Mint Marine shoots up
"Pancakes?! I want pancakes!"

"Oh, the governor won't want to meet you." Neela says, probably to herself. "But food, yes. Let's go get that." And after a pause "Can we get a radio?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver looks at the pistol, and tilts his head. He asks Mala a question before he address the excited colt.

"Where did that come from?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira gasps, and her pupils dilate a bit. If Neela looked, she could swear she sees sparkles in Kira's eyes.

"A radio!? I've heard of those! They read words sent through the air to you, right?"
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"I've had it since yesterday" Mala answers

"Uh, kind of" She answers. "You use them to listen to music, and to radio programs. It's basically required in every house."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Oh, right, I remember that...event. Did you sleep with it?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira claps her hoofs together very excitedly, and does a little "bounce" with the front half of her body.

"Ohohoho! That sounds amazing! I don't want to be breaking the requirement, let's definitely get one!"
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"Yes." He says rather bluntly, lowering his head but still looking up towards Silver

There's a "Thump" sound and the floor vibrates as they are not above solid ground. Neela's legs move a little apart and her ears go down as she's startled by Kira's movement - or more accurately, she's startled by the shaking floor.

"Yes, you should get one." She looks down towards the wooden floor, but then back up towards Kira "but aren't you afraid you will run low on money?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"I've still got plenty! And I should get more from that job, so no worries."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver shakes his head. "Not very good idea. You are lucky it did not go off. Put it somewhere safe in future, okay?"

Alright, he's made the colt wait long enough. He looks to Mint Marine, and smiles. "You want some pancakes? They should still be warm, and we have plenty of stuff to top them with."
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She tilts her head, one ear pointing towards the ground
"And again, what kind of job is it exactly you want to do?"

Mala pulls his lips together, his ears go down, and he leans back and lowers his head

"Yes!" Mint Marine says, hoping off of the bed and standing in front of Silver. His tail wags, but then stops

"What kind of toppings?"
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Fruit, preserves, peanut butter, syrup. All kinds of things, you would have to look for yourself. You can Frankenpony your pancakes any way you want, as long as you think it would be tasty!"

Silver comes over to Mala, and gives him some reassuring headpats.
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Neela looks just a bit cuter than normal in this style of pose.

"Oh, anything really, as long as it gets me closer to my goal. Money wouldn't hurt." She rubs her foreleg. "Well...I do mean anything, but...I do hope it's nothing, you know...unseemly. I want public opinion of lamias to improve, and the only way that will happen is if I serve as a shining example for my tribe and species."
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Mala's head is pat. The ears go a little higher

"You have all of those things?"
Mint Marine does not wait for an answer. He instead gallops along the wooden floor, leaving through the door, skidding on the floor in the hall and grazing the wall as he turns to the left and towards the stairs.

"But I mean, what would you do?" She asks, evidently not satisfied
"~I got the cylinders." Posey says, visibly dripping with vainglory
>What in Tartarus is that? And what is that you brought back?
"I brought friends!" Posey declares
>Is that a hostage
"Something like that. She was like this when I found her, so I brought her with me."
"Friends? I can't fit that thing in the car." Referring to the bone lurker. He says. He looks over towards the diamond dog. "You want to take her back?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
"Oh, uh...give an example?" She smiles sheepishly. "I suppose that would be easier for me to answer than just listing off every time of job I would do."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver hugs his gnoll/hyena friend as the excited colt runs excitedly out of the room towards the object of his excitement.

"I hope you know I was not trying to berate you, I just got worried about your life and wellbeing."
>I can't fit that thing in the car."
Fuck, I thought we had a truck. Need a new plan....
"Well, I suppose I could order it to bury itself and wait to be picked up some other day with the truck... Or perhaps order it to fly above the clouds and follow us... No, that would be too risky, better to bury it here for now." Posey says, a twinge of disappointment audible in her voice.
"As for you..." she says, referring to the ghast
She gives the undead monster a little boop on the snoot, and it's rotten flesh shimmers and warps a bit as its appearance is replaced by that of a handsome, comely blue living stallion with a well-groomed yellow mane.
"A little makeover, for the time being."

(Posey has used on of her new spell slots to cast Disguise Undead on the Ghast. It has a duration of 24 hours and magically glammers an undead creature to have a new appearance.)

The two dreads, being only severed skeletal arms, fold themselves up in a way that makes them easy to conceal as luggage.

>"You want to take her back?"
"I think I will. She shouldn't be too much trouble..."
Posey gives the diamond dog a sharp look
[1d20+13 = (7+13) = 20]
Followed by an attempt to Charm her with her Gaze (Will DC 19)
"Is that right, dear?"
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He's rather large, with a lot of fat, muscle, and the second highest amount of fluff in the household. His fur is coarse, but still fluffy, and arches up along his back. But while Silver is hugging Mala,

"I know how to handle a gun!" Mala yells with more than a tinge of anger. He's actually kind of intimidating

His ears go down.
"I wanted to protect Minty... Everyone... to be the protector..."

I believe that this one is in a car, while the pervious one was in a truck which Mason would logically still have access to

The Ghast now appears a stallion, albeit a rather confused one

The diamond dog tries to sit up, and nods towards Posey in affirmation.

From the front passenger seat, there is a "Now who are you?" It comes from Turn Card, who is now sitting in the seat next to Mason. Mason yells, opens the door and gets out of the car.
"Where the fuck did you come from?"
"You are looking to kill for the occupiers, aren't you?" Neela says bluntly
>"Where the fuck did you come from?"
"Oh, he does that sometimes." Posey says with a giggle
"This is Turn Card, one of the soldiers I befriended on my journey." She says, glancing at her saddlebag if any of the other ghosts reveal themselves
>bitch nods
"Excellent." Posey says, with a less-menacing smile
Amber Sunset
In the first conversation, Amber folds her ears back and looks down in an apologetic way. Batponies might be good customers, or High Sewn might just favor them for personal reasons. "Sorry, I didn't know about that, I haven't met many…."

When it comes to talking about her own dating life, she's much more relaxed and chipper. "Isn't it great music there? I wish I could play as well and as vividly, and it's a bit of a shame such a talented griffon can't find a better patron." As questions get more suggestive however, Amber's face becomes flushed and she laughs nervously. "He's plenty handsome to me, and sweet and caring as well. You'd like to meet him."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver, surprised by the sudden anger and yelling, takes a sudden step back, his ears folding back. After the initial surprise goes away, and he hears Mala's reason, he relaxes again.

"I did not mean to imply that you did not know how to handle firearm, Mala. You are fighter, warrior like me. You are protector." He smiles at him. "That does not mean I will not worry over your health. You are my friend.
Of course I will worry."
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Still sheepishly, Kira replies while rubbing one of her forelegs with the other, "Well...can I be honest? I don't...really want to kill anyone. I'm a hunter, sure, and in my tribe hunters also double as warriors and protectors of the tribe...but I've never actually...you know..."

She goes from rubbing her foreleg to rubbing the tip of her tail between her hooves.
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Next to the car and to Posey's right, the blue form of Carried Pack takes shape, and looks towards Mason. Mason looks back, and then steps back, still uncomfortable. To Posey's left, the unicorn medic - Posey hasn't gotten his name - also takes a translucent blue form, looking over towards Mason with an electric blue shape that lacks distinct features like eyes.

"Are you two dating?" Turn Card asks, though Posey may not hear it well

Irritated, Mason asks
"Anything else?"

"And be nice to them if they visit the store. Sometimes they will come through before going off into night shift, especially security guards, or janitors, here in the city center."

"It's an odd flavor for a club. Makes it feel fancier than it is, like you're in a Canterlot theater rather than a Manehatttan night club."

"'Handsome to me'. Well, that tells me what he looks like. Why did you have to dispel my illusions like that? Makes me feel better though, being single over here. Sure, you can bring him by. See if he needs a sweater."

Mala lowers his head further, and looks up at Silver. Mala's shoulders are taller than an average pony, but he tends to hold his head out level with his shoulders, making him at once both taller and shorter than the average pony.

She starts to smile rather widely
"Really now? Not even zebras or deer?"
Kubana "Nope Noodle" Kirafiki
Kira shakes her head.

"Nope. Never zebras or deer, or anything else that talks."
Amber Sunset
"I will, I will. Y'know I won't trade insults with a stranger unprovoked."

"I haven't been in many night clubs, so I ain't sure what to expect from one. The music just carries me away. It was hard to believe that what I was listening to was coming from right in front of me. I should go back and listen to more of it…."

Now Amber is struggling to not look offended. "No, he is plenty handsome! He's just a bit wiry, and it's nothing a better diet wouldn't fix. I haven't seen him wear a sweater, only jackets."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
Silver continues to smile at his friend.

"You really care about Mint, huh?"
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"Well, certainly don't do it with customers. They need to feel welcome." And after a pause. "Unless it's another vandal or thief, then they can go hang themselves."

High Sewn tries to lean back on her back in the chair, with her head extending over the armrest. If she were a normal sized mare, this may have worked well enough. But her frame is too big, and she extends too far over in each direction.

"Oh, it's nice enough to try. I've been a few times, more so in the past, of course. Not that it was quite my fancy, but I will go with others." She looks over to Amber, now trying to sit up again. "Aren't you some kind of musician?"

"Sure, he just needs a diet change" She smiles and nods, and then looks away as she says "Oh of course he thinks he is too good for sweaters. Bring him over here, we'll find something to put him in."

"Those Customs agents, the military, the police... they are not very nice. Even if they don't have you killing creatures they will have you rounding them up." She blinks "Do you really think they'd accept you?"

His head lowered
"Well, yes. I mean... he was interested to know things... to have a big... to have someone strong on his side... to protect him..."
Amber Sunset
"Mhm, I play the mandolin and it's my hope–when I've saved enough, of course–to apply to music school. Music is…" and she pauses for a moment to find her words, "…magical, and it improves everypony's lives. I think in these times it's needed more than ever."

"But so are nice clothes," she continues with a giggle, "So when he's free I'll invite him here. I think he'll appreciate it."
Silver "The Floof" Sword
"Then he is very lucky to have someone like you, Mala."