>>158999 →Cover them with something
>>159001Real quick, what does he have that could serve?
>>159001>>159002well, theres my trench coat
>>159002Uh… he out to have a jacket or something. Dark Star has a coat.
>>159003If he doesn't mind some blood on it, that would work.
>>159005Dark Star takes it off and throws it to him
"you can keep it, i'm get the sense it makes me look like a flasher at college."
>>159006Blue Skies giggles
>>159005Silver takes the coat, and it covers his wounds. The stolen items and the guns have to be carefully set down to avoid being visible.
>>159007Dark Star Flips through the notebooks we got
>>159006Silver looks down at it, then smiles at Dark Star.
"Thank you, my friend."
>>159007Definitely. Once they're out of danger they can stop and sort things out.
>>159009It’s difficult to define “out of danger” with the police so near and with the vehicle having been seen - with Dark Star and Silver having been seen.
>>159011Well, hopefully they give up and return to the scene of the crime before too long.
>>159012>>159010Presumably, they drive far away. Far, far, away
>>159014>>159015The vehicle comes to a stop, though where is ultimately up to Silver.
Blue Skies speaks:
"Okay... what the fuck was that?"
>>159016Silver lets out a sigh when they stop, though the emotion behind it is unknown.
"I managed to get one at gunpoint before fighting started and intimidate them into bringing me to Bargain Strength. But they thought they saw opportunity to try to wrestle gun away from me, and then...rest is history..."
>>159017"History? I suspect we'll be dealing with it in our futures. Looks like you never got to speak to Bargain Strength. Do you feel you accomplished what you set out to accomplish?"
>>159018"He is dead, so...I do not know."
>>159020"We Did get his notebooks."
>>159019"The entire set of events that went down" She answers
>>159020"Well... I suppose
they won't be engaging in any witness tampering, or foal selling."
>>159022>>159021"These are both true. What do notebooks have in them, anyway?"
>>159022"Well, i thought it was prudent to get to him as fast as i could. Turns out i was right."
He Turns to Silver
"You're welcome by the way."
>>159023Dark Star Flips through the notebooks
>>159024A number of notes. Best guess is that a majority of it pertains to who owes who money. But the remainder is hard to determine from a casual glance
>>159025I Check the Envelope he had
>>159024>>159025"Yes, thank you my friend. And thank you, Skies."
Silver also looks at the notebooks, especially looking for an entry on the Orphanage.
>>159026The larger envelope seems to have a map.
>>159027Blue Skies closes her eyes, smiles, and nods
>NotebookConfirmed. There is a note about them borrowing money on several dates over 1011, and how much was remaining in the balance/
>>159028Silver mentions these entries to Skies.
>>159028"A Map? theres a map in here?"
Dark star looks at it, trying to make it out
>>159030It looks like a map of the greater Baltimare area.
>>159029"Maybe there's something to correspond to Comte's payments." She says
>>159031"It makes sense. His payments would have reduced balance, and would give time period in which he had them..."
>>159032"Yes... that does. Makes me wonder who is selling live changelings as well."
>>159033Yes. There are a few spots marked. Some in old tow, a couple far outside it.. There are also big, sweeping arrows across the city, heading towards the harbor.
>>159034"Kerr and Wesley said they lived around and were captured by Changeling Colony at Tall Tale. Do Black Hooves have intelligence on criminal elements around area?"
>>159034"Do these areas mean anything to you blue?"
I point out the marked locations
>>159035"Over there? ... No. I don't think so, anyways. I meant who sold them here."
>>159037"Oh, that. It is certainly something to think on."
>>159034Silver takes a look at the map.
"That looks like battleplan."
>>159038"I Don't know about battle plan, looks more like....Gang Warfare?"
>>159038>>159039"It does... I think it's the initial invasion of Baltimare. Maybe the revolt."
Amber sees that the three griffins are left alone in the room, and for the moment, they are silent. It's rather nice room, with hardwood paneling, a fireplace that is currently the main source of warmth for the room, and a wall that has a painted portrait of a griffin in fine dress holding a violin, and a mounted, taxidermy goat head on another wall. A shelf of books is at least half empty.
>>159042Dark Star Raises an eyebrow
"Maybe, but why would somepony have this?"
>>159044She leans over, and takes a closer look at the map, remaining in silence for several seconds.
"I don't really know" She says
>>159043The goat head strikes her as odd in some way.
"Do you mind if I play something while we wait?"
>>159046“Of course not.” Holder answers.
“I have… I need to make a phone call.” He says, nods, and excused himself from the room.
>>159047Nodding, she gets out the viol, and holds the bow…with talons. Feels weird for some reason, but she makes do. She thinks about what to play….
>>159048Endless variety, from among songs known and unknown; those played by many, those played by few, and those played by none at all
>>159049"Meditation from Thaïs" it is, then.
>>159050Amber begins to play, softly, then sharply engaging the string.
>>159051Amber concentrates on the music, but it seems second nature to play. What sadness there is of a whole life being swept away by the capriciousness of politics.
>>159045"He was connected with comte,Right?"
>>159053"He was the one who provided the two pony colts to Comte" She says. "Anything else, we don't know."
>>159052Oh so very many more than one life has been uprooted, overturned, or extinguished by the caprice of politics in the past two generations. No matter. There is something deeper and higher in music. A connection to something at once more advanced and more basic, more complex and more fundamental. In the moment the music is played, it is like the soul speaks into the bow, and expresses itself.
Dark Star Grinds his teeth
>>159054Music allows one to transcend the worst and the most petty concerns of life. Perhaps that's why all times and all creatures have their form of music, serving as a release for their peculiar problems.
>>159056What is the emotional expression of the piece Amber is playing?
>>159055"Well... At least we won't have to worry about him again? I don't know. That was very inelegant back there, and I don't think we can keep it a secret."
>>159057Very melancholic, yet hopeful. Slow and melodic, with some high notes.
>>159057"Yea this is going to be all over the radio, and on the newspapers."
>>159058Amber has never played like this. She must have gotten better. Erich sits there on the sofa, anxiously looking down and waiting.
>>159059"Yes... that's... that's a problem."
>>159060"I Should have shot that Griffon"
He Rubs his Temples
"This....is not good"
>>159060Something about all this feels off. Not necessarily in an ominous way.
>>159061"Maybe you should have" She says
"So... what's your story to explain this?"
>>159062Helder comes back into the room, himself looking both anxious and relieved. He speaks over the music playing.
"Okay, I've confirmed that we will be meeting at Montierter Helm's house, along with the others. There's a 13:30 train to Griffenheim." He pauses. "Heh. Honestly it was just good to hear someone answer the phone."
>>159063"Explain? to who?"
He Looks a little more worried
>>159063Amber stops the music. It was almost over anyway.
"Well, there's hope at least." What does the clock say on the wall?
>>159064"Well to Seabreeze, most obviously, and to the relevant authorities. Like the police."
"Yes yes, let us get our things and leave at once" He says
>>159066He Rubs his temples even more
"I....Have No Idea, what im gonna say. Sea Breeze Isn't Going to be happy."
>>159066"Waiting here would be the worst course of action," Amber concurs. She puts the viol away and grabs the luggage.
>>159067"No, I don't think he will. Worse things happen in Manehattan every day. But there is a reason Manehattan is in media blackout, and Halcyon Shores boasts to his superiors of Baltimare
not being like Manehattan. I would start preparing now." She says
"Yes it would be." All three griffins are very quick in their action, grabbing things. Erich has the least stuff, and Amber and Helder both have much. They grab things, and head to a door towards one of the gardens.
>>159069What is the rest of the building like?
>>159070Amber can’t see until she leaves it.
>>159071Are the hallways more of the same? Were they on the first floor the whole time? When she does leave, she looks back toward the edifice.
>>159070>>159072Not until Amber has left the building does she have even the slightest idea of what she was in. Even now, looking back at it, she cannot see the whole of it, but only a small part. The building is utterly massive, and Amber finds her self at a portion that must be a set of rectangular wings of the larger building. It appears as three, sometimes four story buildings with rectangular windows, a white facade with lght green stripes that run between the windows up to the high, red tiled roof. Most of what is visible is crew quarters, some is a work shop, and some chimneyed section is the porcelain factory. In front of her is an open area of grass, trimmed hedges, carefully pruned trees, and smaller two story houses with green tile roofs beyond a ring of hedges that extends far beyond the wing of the building.
>>159073Wherever she ends up, it won't be nearly as grand as this. It may well be her last look at such a building, a testament to the former glory of the Katerin dynasty. She follows the others, feeling conspicuous in the wide garden.
>>159069He Sighs
"How much trouble am i gonna be in?"
>>159074Moving further out into the lawn, looking back Amber can see that the south wing was a rectangular construction, and recessed a hundred meters further back is the center of the Palace. There are larger squares five or more floors in height, with pointed pyramid-like red tiled roofs that stand up above the rest - one especially tall one right in the center, and two to each side. The construction of the south wing is mirrored on the other side, with the whole front side more than a third of a mile in span, and not visible from her vantage. In front of the center is a large pond, or pool, placed in front, and the few clouds in the sky, as well as the top of the roof of the north wing can be seen in its reflection.
This is not the castle from which the mad princess spent her final years. That distinction belongs to a special construction right out of a fairy tale, located on a hill that sits above the swamps some miles away. This is not the location where the final sane heirs of the Grimclaw - The Katerin - Dynasty were lynched by a mob of peasants. That belongs to an undistinguished town square a few miles into town. But this last relic of the Katerin dynasty, built 250 years ago as the summer home of the Grimclaws, then given the title of "Von Katerin" by the Emperor, lies as a perfectly embalmed corpse of yesteryear, even as the whole principality rots away around it, and even as the minds of the dynasty's last still living ignoble heirs decay and deteriorate.
>>159075"Well.... that's the question. Exactly how caught are you, and how are you going to spin this?"
>>159076"Investigation into Foal Trafficking went wrong?"
>>159077“Well, maybe. But remember. This was about protecting the witnesses in the Comte case.
>>159078"Yes, that's what i was going to go far."
>>159079"Good, good... And it was an unfortunate escalation after they resisted..."
>>159080"Are you sure he's gonna buy that?"
>>159081“No. I think we’d be safer if the Blackhooves thought they had to own it, and if the police wanted nothing to do with it.”
>>159084"Yea, i think you might be Right."
>>159085“Well… put your mind to it, because you don’t want your description on a wanted poster.”
>>159086"I....Hadn't thought about that. There Goes my College plans...."
>>159087Blue Skies reaches over, and pets Dark Star
>>159088"did you see that female diamond dog? i blew her brains out. i can still see it when i close my eyes."
He Grimaces
>>159089She grimaces.
“I saw the last part of that, yes.”
She pets his head.
>>159090"I-I Had to do it, she....she was an enemy combatant...right?"
>>159091“Sort of. She had a knife.” She answers.
>>159092"She Would have chopped up silver...."
Dark Star Stares at the floorboard replaying what happend in his head
>>159092>>159093Silver remains in silent contemplation.
>>159093The timeline is as follows: Dark Star first encounters the diamond dog as an outgoing and friendly hostess for the restaurant. She greats the male diamond dog after he enters, and has an extended conversation with him. There is a sound of gunfire from within the building. The male diamond dog, and then the female go upstairs towards the sound of gunfire, taking an extended amount of time as the male diamond dog was wounded. As a second gunshot rings out, the female gives the male a pistol, and he walks towards the shooting. Dark Star pretends to be an ally, and walks right past her. Then Dark Star shoots the male right in the back. Silver finishes him off with a shotgun burst. The female doesn't see much, but she does see that the male falls. Dark Star yells "it's that one with the shotgun who did it," and the female runs to the male, collapsing and crying at his side. She remains there a while until she stands up, in a fit of rage, and runs towards Silver (a shotgun wielder) with a flip out knife. Dark Star provokes a shot from the zebra, which shoots right through the wall, and hits the leg of the female, causing her to stumble and fall, and stab the ground. Then Dark Star levels his rifle, aims at her head, shoots, and her brains are scattered across the floor as she lies on her belly.
>>159095Dark Star is silent as he recalls the events, the emotions building up in him. he continues staring at the floorboard.
He cuts himself off and continues staring as he recalls the moment she Greeted him in a friendly manner and then at the moment dark star took her life. a tear rolls down his cheek.
>>159096It's a fairly limited amount of interaction. Her only words to him were the question ""would you like to go to the bar, or be seated?" and "Okay, have fun," until later saying "You miserable bastard!" to Silver
Dark Star told her "I'm here to meet a friend," he wished her to "have a nice night," and then later "let's go get this bastard" and "That Bastard with the Shotgun! He Got Him!"
And that is all, really. He did not see her face as she died. She faced the ground.
Blue Skies looks at him. It's clear that she does not understand what is going on with Dark Star.
>>159097"I Don't.... She probably had a family. She.......I..I wish she wouldn't had drawn the knife.. Why Didn't she just stay at her friends side. I Don't know why i feel this way about her in particular. Maybe because she was a woman? Maybe because i lied to her and then took her life. does this make me a murder? Did i have to pull that trigger? Would she have Murdered Silver if i didn't? Did i Do the right thing?"
>>159098"Does it matter?" Blue Skies asks.
>>159099>>159100"It is not always glamorous, this line of work."
>>159100She pets him
"Two of the creatures were married, and you don't care for that. All of them were alive, with their own dreams and feelings, childhoods and futures that will never be. It's the same with most who die by violence, really."
>>159101"Yea, i mean its not the first time i've taken a life but this just feels dirty."
>>159102He Moves his head closer to her hoof
"Yea, Well, at least if there is an afterlife they can be together."
>>159104"It is because it was unnessecary slaughter. All started because one colt tried to be hero and stop big bad pony..."
>>159104"That's kind of sweet" She says, petting his head. "They get those moments to play over again in the well of souls" She says
>>159105"Yeah... This is
not how it should have been." She says
>>159106"Regardless...it is done. I do not think you two will be in so much trouble. Myself, I am less sure. I am not member of Black Hooves, so if you need pony to throw under bus, that is option."
>>159107Blue Skies looks up, and contemplates this answer.
>>159109"I am not sure how much can be done, at least for me. I am not sure enough of Dark Star was seen to implicate him. Perhaps get our stories straight?"
>>159106"Yea, while i don't believe in that i hope for their sakes im wrong."
>>159105"So What exactly happend?"
>>159109"Well, Dark Star wasn't seen there per say."
>>15912 →"What do you believe in?" She asks
>>159113"True, but Solar Night was. I was."
>>159114"When we're dead, we're dead"
>>159114"Yea that is true. Maybe the blackhooves can have it swept under the rug? i mean no unarmed ponies were harmed. it was self defense in a situation that went wrong."
>>159115"Well, the body has both a material element and a non material element, and that non-material element persists after death. Whether or not it is conscious, I don't think can be proven with science, but it is there."
And she answers
"The actual killings can probably be defended. The problem is that we were there in the first place."
>>159112"I lured gang member outside into alley and at gunpoint intimidated him into leading me to Bargain Strength. It was going well and I thought we might actually make it through without violence, until we encountered that zebra only short way away from office. When I tried to tell him to stop, pony I had at gunpoint tried to wrestle shotgun away from me, and fighting started."
>>159116"If that's right then Good, But im not convinced."
"I Think the best option is just to say that we were protecting the witnesses."
>>159117"Stupid Bucking Ziggers, Every time something goes wrong its them to blame."
>>159118>>159117"Alright, I've thought about it. That Zebra had a big, bolt-action rifle, didn't he? A military caliber?"
>>159119"Uh yea i think it was military. didnt really get a good look, but it sounded like it when the bullets came through the wall."
>>159120>>159121"Alright. Well that's very fortunate, because then it's a firearms case, and the Blackhooves can be directly involved and can take over the case. That'll get the police off. The police have generally looked the other way in gang violence anyways, and kind of just let it happen so long as it's between criminals. When there are so many creatures killed, and when it happens in a public place they sometimes make a crusade against organized crime out of it, but hopefully we can stop that here. The newspapers are probably still more concerned about the whole cult on the wharves thing, or the shoot out at Black Briar, or the pedophile politician to spend all of their time on a single shootout. So maybe it will be okay.
I think I will go back to Seabreeze and explain everything to him. I will explain that there was an attempt to silence witnesses, and that after that was stopped, information was gathered as to who the hostile actors were. When they were confronted, they acted first to kill us with illegal weapons, and six creatures were killed, each one in justifiable self defense. This is probably going to involve both of you two again, but not necessarily right now."
>>159122"Good.....Good. Involve us how?"
>>159123"Questioning, among other things."
>>159122Silver nods yet again.
"That would work. We may still need to get our stories straight, but this is good explanation. I am just glad neither of you got hurt."
>>159126>>159125Blue Skies is indeed entirely intact.
"Okay, get your stories straight. You're probably going to have to write a statement eventually And Silver, you should probably make this car not look like a car that was stolen from ponies who are now dead. And fix yourself up, you are shot."
>>159127"Those...are both good ideas. Know of any place where I can get this car repainted? Where do Black Hooves go for theirs?"
>>159128"We only have a few vehicles that are marked. Those are mostly brought in from overseas. I think there is a shop or two around here that we contract with, though. I'm sure there's someone who will do it."
>>159127"Yea. So we went in to protect mint marine and white orchid, as an attempt was made on their safety earlier, and then...."
>>159128"You might want to see a saw bones too, those bullet wounds might not help very much."
>>159129>>159130"It may have to be different hospital than one I saw for my earlier wounds."
He looks down at himself.
"It is bit worse now than other time."
>>159132Yes. He has been hit by a rifle bullet, and shotgun pellets.
13 damage. Pretty high.Blue Skies:
need to get that treated." She says
>>159131"Not pony, Zigger."
What is that clip?>>159132"where are you hit?"
"i have some whiskey if you want to clean it now."
>>159134"I see. A zebra reached for the gun."
It's from the film "Chicago." A woman kills a guy who promises her a role in a theatrical production and sleeps with her, then doesn't give her the roll. She is arrested. Her lawyer insists on changing the story to say that they both reached for the gun. This song is about the lawyer trying to create a story about her to sell to the press, so as to manipulate the jury pool. >>159135"Yes, much more believable."
He smirks
Sounds like an interesting one. >>159136"Yes, yes. And what about the others?"
Yes. It's an amazing film. >>159136>>159137Silver looks confused between his two racist companions.
>>159138Blue Skies looks back to Silver
"What else do we need to know?' She asks. "To understand the full story."
>>159137"What about the others? they opened fire first. we were defending ourselves."
>>159140"Yes." She nods. "And they were foal traffickers. They had it coming."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00oBK-x1pVk >>159141"They Got what they deserved."
Dark Star Nods
>>159142“Yes! We acted prudently in response to a threat to an investigation deemed critical by both the local and central authorities. We took the reasonable steps… they acted with violence and illegally obtained weapons, and well, we didn’t kill anyone that it wasn’t strictly necessary to protect ourselves from imminent lethal force. And they were traffickers, so really, we improved the quality of creatures in Baltimare.”
She smiles widely and giddily
>>159143"The way i see it, we did everypony a favor by cleaning up the streets of foal nappers and gangsters who had Firearms they shouldn't have had in the first place. And not one innocent pony got hurt."
He grins too.
"We did nothing wrong."
>>159139"I do not know. I think you both have it covered, if I may be honest. Whatever I could add may just make story worse."
>>159145"There we go. They may still want to question you on what happened though, as you were there for it, and we were not there for much of it."
>>159144“Yes, exactly! We made Equestria safer for the Equestrians. Diamond Dogs… not so much, snd maybe not for three ponies, one of each race, but safer overall.”
>>159147He's Happy Blue sees it that way, but at mention of diamond dogs he frowns for a split second remembering the act he carried out
"Yea, You're Entirely right. We have nothing to worry about."
>>159148"Uh... well, there's always something to worry about. I'll tend to that." She says.
"Silver really needs to tend to his wounds." She adds.
>>159146"I think I can cover basics. We were there to confront criminals trying to silence witnesses, and they got violent with illegal weapons."
>>159149"Yea, i could use a drink as well."
>>159150"Yes, precisely. You'll talk to them later. I think now you need to tend to your wounds."
now you want alcohol."
>>159152"Yes Now i do. its better to wait until the blood has been spilled."
>>159152"I will, I will. I would, admittedly, like to see what else we got. Colts asked for candy and snacks before I left.
Lot of candy and snacks."
>>159154Blue Skies tilts her head.
"You picked up candy?"
>>159155"I have not yet, but I am going to. I just do not want to go broke from buying it for them."
>>159156"I Don't have much money left, but i'll chip in."
>>159156"Candy...? Drugs? You have been shot, you are bleeding, and your vehicle is stolen and was spotted near a sextuple homicide."
>>159160Blue Skies leans over, and pets the wounded, silly unicorn.
>>159160>>159158"I think he's delirious from losing blood. we should get him to the doctor as soon as we can."
>>159162"Yeah, I think we need to. Should I drive him to the veterinarian?"
>>159164"Can you drive?"
She asks
>>159165"The doctor we usually use when we need discretion." She says
>>159166"Ah. I will have to remember that."
>>159168"Or less? How do you use a clutch?" He asks
>>159167"Alright. Let's go." She says
>>159169"You pull it and the car goes."
He says trying to sound convincing
>>159171"Put it in.....First? Yes First."
>>159170Silver whispers to Dark Star.
"Clutch is left most pedal. You depress it to be able to change gears." >>159172"You can't drive." She says. "Screw it, Silver will just have to drive."
>>159173"Silver, go to 12th street and Shetland."
>>159173"Well there was never any time for White Star to teach me...."
>>159174>>159175Silver nods, and once everyone is ready drives for the address.
>>159176>>159175Blue Skies pets the orphaned pony
"Alright, let's go."
The car pulls away, and starts driving towards its location. Blue Skies changes the direction more than once. "This way... no. No. That way. Left. No right. Okay keep going straight.
Eventually they get there.
>>159177Dark Star looks at the building they pull up at
>>159177>>159178Silver puts the parking brake on and turns the car off.
"Alright, veteranarian...I suppose you would be better to introduce me to him than if I just went inside myself?"
>>159178It's a single story building. It has a white, stucco façade, and one office.
>>159179"Yes. Let's all go in." She gets out of the vehicle, and goes into the building through the front door.
>>159180>>159179Dark Star helps silver inside
>>159180>>159181"Thank you. It is good to have friends like you."
With Dark Star's help, he's able to get inside.
>>159182"You would do the same for me, plus if i had acted faster you might not have gotten hit so many times."
>>159181>>159179>>159182Going inside of the office, Blue Skies notes that there is no pony there.
She walks over, and knocks on a side door. An orange unicorn answers.
"More business." She says.
"What is it this time?"
She answers
"Gunshots. Front chest and shoulder. Looks like bird shot and .303 both. The bleeding has been held back, but the wound has not been cleaned."
>>159184Dark Star raises an eyebrow at this but says nothing
>>159182>>159184"Okay, come on back." He says to Silver
>>159186Silver nods, and follows her directions.
>>159186>>159187Dark Star Helps him into the room
>>159187The unicorn stallion takes Silver back into a room with posters of the anatomy of cats and dogs on the wall, and has him lay down on a steel table. He examines Silver's front chest.
"My. You've been really cut up around there. It's a good thing you have all of this fur to cover over scars."
He uses his magic to pull fur aside, places a light above Silver to see the wound, and uses a wet towel to attempt to clean it.
>>159188>>159189Silver nods, and wonders just how many ponies this vet has taken care of.
"It is very good. When it gets too hot in summer for thick fur and I have to shave, my body looks like work of abstact art. You must have experience with thick fur?"
>>159190>>159189Dark Star leans against the wall and lights a cigarette
>>159190>>159191"Of course. Malamutes, Samoyeds, sheep with full coat... I have plenty of experience with thick fur." He then pours half a bottle of rubbing alcohol over the wound, creating a burning sensation. He pulls out a set of forceps.
"Okay, I need to extract the objects from the wounds." He says, and starts to place the forceps into the wound.
The doctor is horrified at how Dark Star lights a cigarette in what should be a sanitary environment. Blue Skies is horrified at Dark Star lighting a cigarette.
"Darkie! Don't you know that those are bad for your health? The party has taken a position against smoking. They do not recommend it."
>>159192He Grins
"I'm sure its fine. plus how can something that feels this good be bad for you?"
>>159193She frowns, with both ears down.
"So is fucking a zebra" She says
>>159192Silver steels himself in preparation.
>>159195"The party has its image." She says
>>159197"Now who's no fun?"
He puts out his cigarette
>>159196The doctor looks ready to light a cigarette himself
"You've lost a lot of blood. I have some plasma to give you. Let me set up an IV. I wish I had a nurse for this." He says. "Some morphine... Okay, here we go." He inserts an IV into Silver, and then goes around again with the sterile instruments to try to pry into Silver, and remove the lead pellets. It's a very painful process, as the instrument is often bigger than the wound.
>>159199[1d20+2 = (20+2) = 22]>>159201Blue Skies moves closer, and pets Dark Star's shoulder.
"How are you feeling?" She asks
>>159202>>159199Luckily, the veterinarian is able to pick and remove every individual pellet from Silver's wound without complication. The rifle bullet shot right through.
"Okay, now I need to sew you up." He says, using magic on the internal wounds
>>159199>>159203"Ngh...almost done..."
Silver is familiar with how it feels to get operated on while conscious, even with a bit of morphine. It's still not very fun.
>>159205No, it isn't.
"Yu really ought to have a proper blood transfusion, don't put strain on the chest, let's just add some topical antibiotic here..." He starts stitching up the wounds. It takes him several minutes
"And... here we go." He finishes, and applies another antibiotic, before removing the IV.
"I won't say it's good as new, but it'll heel, mostly, and it shouldn't get infected."
>>159204She is pet. She closes her eyes, and leans into the pets.
>>159206"Admittedly, I have been shot many times recently. I may be quart low on blood. Thank you, doctor."
He sits up, examining his work.
"What do I owe you?"
>>159207She leans into him, rubs her head against him, and purrs.
>>159208"500 Bits" He says.
It's not quite as good as the public hospital. But his stitch sewing is decent.
>>159209He Puts his arm around her
>>159209Sweet Celestia! Hopefully they got at least that much from the money in Bargain's office.
>>159211Probably? It hasn't been counted or accounted for.
>>159210She lets him wrap his arms around her, and looks up to Dark Star with a smile, and her big, turquois eyes.
>>159212Probably a good idea to do, then.
>>159212Dark Star Kisses Her Cheek
>>159214"Hehe" Her cheek is kissed
>>159213Is Silver going back to the car?
>>159215Probably not a good idea until the vet gets paid.
>>159214"Dark Star? Could you get rolls of money out from car, please?"
>>159216"No Problem."
He trots out and brings it back
>>159215>>159217Once he brings it back, Silver counts out what they got.
>>159217>>159218In bills, mostly 20s, there are 1760 bits
>>159219Silver counts out 500 Bits and gives them to the vet, effectively taking it out of his share of the loot.
>>159221>>159217Silver looks at his companions.
"Alright, ready to go?"
>>159222"Yea, I'm ready when you are. Need some help back to the car?"
>>159223>>159224"No, I think I have it. Thank you though. Let us go."
The trio had back to the car. Silver gets in the driver's seat.
"Alright, did you want to fence and split what we got from...that place, before I take you two home?"
>>159225"Yea that would be a smart idea."
>>159225>>159226So the items will be liquidated and
then the money is split, rather than splitting the items and later liquidating them?
>>159076Alas, so much beauty had to have had come from a dysfunctional royal family. At least the pitfalls of griffon folly throughout history provide the basis for works of art and music. Amber only wonders what music will be made to commemorate these tumultuous times, or if they are bad enough that even the arts themselves aren't immune–as what's happened to this unlucky party.
>>159229Dark Star Drives to the Griffin Pawn Shop
>>159237Or, at least, Silver can be given the directions to go there. Or even he could try to instruct Dark Star in how to drive.
>>159242Silver looks at the car, and considers giving control of the vehicle to Dark Star, who cannot drive. Dark Star gets in the car seat, Silver gives direction on how to change gears. After a minute, Silver decides that he's only a
little high on opiates right now, and it's okay to put a
little stress on fresh wounds, so he's good to drive right now. He takes the drivers seat, and starts the car, going to the location of his favored fence.
>>159242>>159240>>159243Dark Star, however, can go in. The store is marked as belonging to a Jeweler. I believe he's been there before.
Are there any particular items Dark Star will be fencing or not fencing?
>>159244>I believe he's been there before.i think so, yes
>Are there any particular items Dark Star will be fencing?Yes. the jade dog, the silver coins,
the wedding bands from the diamond dogs Assuming Silver doesn't want any of these items
>>159245Dark Star enters, and sees what is familiar as a jewelry store, with stainless steel display cases. There is a grey minotaur off to the far left, working at a desk behind the counter, examining something with a magnifying glass. But he is not the one who greats Dark Star. That would be an especially fat, white feathered griffin, who looks directly at Dark Star with a very much please smile.
"Nice to see you again." He says
Is Dark Star not exchanging the gold coins?Undertoe's gold chain (admittedly he probably wouldn't have thatThe women's jewelry that Blue Skies got? >>159246"Hello, I have some stuff for trade, today."
I think the coins would be more valuable the way they are.
I Don't think its on him
She can keep that >>159247"Ah." He nods
"Well, let me see" He says
>>159248Dark Star walks over to the counter And places the Goods on it
>>159249He takes each in kind
"1 bit silver coins, Equestrian Canterlot Mint." He turns it. "Actually, Dodge Junction Mint." He counts them out
"One, two, three.... eighteen coins in total."
He picks up one of the wedding rings.
"Oh. One that still has the diamond set in it. This is a rather nice one, by comparison." He examines the wedding ring that was pulled off of Bargain Strength. He looks inside.
"Oh. It's engraved. We'll have to burn that out." He says. He spends a little more time looking at the ring, and then picks up the other one, the ring that belonged to the Diamond Dog.
"This looks like an engagement ring. Simpler. Metal, no gem." He looks at it, then sets it down. Then he picks up the jade dog. "This... What is this? Some sort of Equestrian artifact. That, I do not specialize in. You'd be better off taking that to someone who sells antiquities.
He looks up at Dark Star.
"850 for the lot. Except for this." He pushes away the jade dog
>>159250"850? seems a bit light for the Good Stuff I brought to you here."
"I Think 1,000 would be much more fair."
He puts the jade dog back into his bag
>>159251"Heh" He smiles
"Hardly. 850 is well over a month's income, as is, and for what? A mundane band, and a few silver coins? 850 is more than fair."
>>159252Dark Star smiles as well and looks him in the eyes
"Mundane? My dear griffin these are no mere bands. they date back at least 50 years and were owned by a very powerful creature. I could do 950 bits"
>>159253"Do they?" He picks up the engagement ring.
"Simple gold. Markings are..." He picks it up. "Out of Baltimare. I estimate of recent make." Then he picks up the wedding ring. "This one is out of a jeweler in Manehattan. I'm not as sure as to when it was made, but that jeweler is still in business, and has certainly not been around more than 50 years."
He looks over to Dark Star
"Does the name 'Graceful Vine' mean anything to you?"
>>159254"Are you calling me a liar,sir?"
>>159255He closes his eyes, and slowly opens them, looking away.
"I only mean that in these changing economic times, my appraisal may be a bit more accurate."
>>159256"I have no doubt in your abilities my friend and these times are very much changing economically speaking. Perhaps 950 was too rich for your blood, I apologize. but the lowest I can go is 900."
>>159257He takes a moment, sitting there in silence
"Alright... 900 bits." He says
>>159258Dark Star Extends his hoof for a hoof/claw shake
"It was Good Doing business with you"
>>159259He shakes Dark Star's hoof. His grip is strong. His shake is not. He counts out 900 in bills, and tenders them to Dark Star.
"See you next time." He says
>>159261He gives a thin but pleased smile with his fat face, and nods
>>159262Dark Star Takes his Bits and the jade dog then heads back to the car
>>159266Dark Star reenters the car.
There is now 900 bits, plus the 1760 bits from earlier, minus the 500 bits from the surgery.
There is still the gold coins, the meteorite, the jade dog, and the vials, a watch, handcuffs, a telescope, the two pistols, pistol magazines, shotgun shells, the notebooks, and the map.
>>159265>>159266Silver looks at his companions.
"Did it all go well? Any other place we need to go?"
>>159267 for the accounting of the goods.
>>159268>>159267Dark Star Steps back into the car smiling from ear to ear
"I Out haggled a griffin."
He sets the bits pouch down on the console of the car,between the 3 of them
>>159270>>159267Silver considers what else is left.
"Know of any other places that would take what else we got?"
>>159271"Well, he said we might try an antiques dealer."
>>159271>>159272"You want to sell everything?" Blue Skies asks
>>159272>>159273"Well, is there anything you would rather keep?"
>>159274Dark Star Takes out the Meteorite
"This Rock looks neat."
>>159274"I'm not really sentimental about that whole experience." She answers
>>159276Silver nods in agreement.
>>159275"It does look very unusual. I have never seen rock like that before."
>>159277"Want to take a look? Theres also this."
He Takes out the Jade dog
>>159278Silver does inspect the mysterious rock, but also comments on the dog.
"Hmm...it looks like it is made of jade. It must come from East Zebrica near Kirin lands. Very valuable."
>>159278>>159279"That is kind of pretty" Blue Skies says
"I don't know what it is." She says
>>159279"The Griffin said it might be an Artifact from Equestria"
>>159280>>159281"Maybe, but I have never heard of any jade in Equestria before. I think it is not from here."
Silver gives the rock back to Dark Star.
"There are ponies who study rocks at college, right? If we can not or do not want to sell it, maybe one of them will know what this is."
>>159282Dark Star touches his hoof to his chin in thought
"I Think there are some ponies that study rocks."
>>159280>>159283"Anyways, we can go to antiques for jade dog if we want to."
>>159284"Fine by me, i'm curious about it now. Seems much more mysterious."
>>159280>>159285Time to drive to the antique store, then!
>>159286>>159287Is this a trip specifically to sell the jade dog?
>>159286>>159287There are multiple possible antiquities stores, but one is recommended for discretion: Curio's Corner. Over on Westhaven.
>>159296The shop can be found not that far from the waterfront in Cowtown. The location is a one-and-a-half story building with a high, sloped roof, and a wooden board exterior. The name appears in white letters over the entrance.
>>159297>>159298Anytime a shop has "Curio" in the name, it sounds fancy. Silver parks in front.
"You want to go in on your own, Dark Star, or everyone go in?"
>>159300>>159297"I guess I will go. You stay here."
Silver grabs the jade dog (as well as any other possibly antiqued item) and goes inside the shop.
>>159301Inside are a number of shelves with... well, curios. A porcelain carousel. A taxidemied wild cat. A vintage lamp. A zebrican shield. A pulley from a sailing ship. Some kind of... Saddle Arabian(?) cap. There is a counter at the far end that is unattended, but nearby, looking down at something obscured from view by the counter, is an adolescent unicorn filly, white in coat and with a burnt orange mane.
>>159303The filly turns her head and looks over to Silver. She has wide, bright purple eyes.
>>159304Silver thinks she will one day grow into a beautiful mare. For now, he wonders about the filly's position in the store.
"Do you own this place?"
>>159305She is old enough to be sexually mature, but young enough to be a felony, and will remain so for several years.
“No.” She answers.
>>159306gaspSilver wouldn't dare do that with her! Fillies are for pure!
"Who does?"
>>159300Dark Star is left alone in the car with Blue Skies
>>159307Uh huh
"The owner is in the back" She says
"Why do you ask?"
>>159308"I have something to have appraised, and maybe sell."
He pulls the jade dog out of his bags, and shows it.
>>159309The filly moves away from her position, and walks over towards the counter. She places her hooves on the counter, and leans over to look at the jade dog.
"What is it?"
>>159310"I do not know, not entirely, but I believe it is artifact made in far East Zebrica. It is only place I know of where jade is mined."
>>159311She moves in more closely, with her muzzle leaning over the counter, looking at the artifact.
"I see..." She says. She adds, "I guess I can ask the owner to look at it." She says
>>159308Dark Star looks out the window if the car
"Do you really think those two diamond dogs are together?"
>>159313"Kind of... yes, I think so. Or in the same realm, at least. Floating about."
>>159314"Why do you believe that?"
He asks with curiosity in his voice, still looking out the window
>>159315"It's the wisdom our ancestors gave to us." She says. "We know that what we are, is something unlike what we see. And though what we see is corruptible and destructible, what we are can never perish."
>>159316He turns and looks at her
"That sounds interesting. i don't think i've ever heard anypony think something like that before."
>>159317The filly moves away. She says, "I'll see if she's available." And moves away from the counter, into the backroom, although she looks back towards Silver first. "Just a minute."
A little time elapses before the filly appears in the room. She looks at Silver, and the way she looks at his side and what he's wearing makes it clear she is afraid that he stole something. After more time, maybe 30 seconds, a unicorn mare enters the room. She is peach in color, and with a bright blue mane that she wears long and straight.
"There's something you want me to look at?" She asks
>>159318She tilts her head
"Really? No one has ever spoken to you about these things?"
>>159319"Not really, The Priest at the church tried but i was always there for food. i wasn't really interested in hearing about it then, starving has that effect."
>>159320She shakes her head.
"It's for this reason the philosopher recommends the citizenry not work, or work as little as possible, and share everything equally."
>>159321"That sounds a little like communism."
>>159322She rolls her eyes.
"Not even remotely close. Obviously this only applied to the citizens. Not to the workers or the slaves. And all of this was for a spiritual aim. The communists would have everyone be a slave, and the only purpose be to obtain what could be had with money, since they can't perceive anything else."
>>159319Silver nods, and shows her the jade dog.
>>159323"Very Intriguing. what else would your philosophers say?"
>>159324She looks at it, and says
"Oh, that's a Neighuatl, maybe a Coltec statuette of one of their gods."
>>159325She smiles, and actually laughs.
"They said a lot of things. You're going to have to be more specific."
>>159326Silver looks surprised.
"Truly? But why is it made of jade? I have only heard of jade coming from East Zebrica."
>>159326He Smiles
"Well tell me your favorite thing they say, i guess,"
>>159328"That everything that is and ever will be has a purpose. That that purpose is inherent in what it is."
>>159327"There's a source in the Yucoltan. Just one. They would trade for it. There was a set of materials they considered important; jade was one of them."
>>159329"Really? What's my purpose then?"
Dark Star Touches his chin
>>159330"For an earth pony, it's usually till the soil and extract fruit from it, while continuing the earth pony race. It's more nuanced than that, but close enough. Just look at your cutie mark, and remember what makes you happy, and what makes you feel alive. That will tell you all you need to know."
>>159331"Yea i can see that, but we don't live in the 7th Century anymore though. the world has changed."
>>159332"Ponies haven't" She says
>>159333"I would say that we have. along every since industry became a thing."
>>159334"How has that changed anything?" She asks
>>159335"Life and death is easier now, you don't think that hasn't had an effect on our minds, at all?"
>>159329"That is amazing! I wonder where that source came from."
>>159336She blinks
"If anything, fewer ponies die now than before. Disease, famine... even violence. It was all more common before. I don't think the fundamentals have changed, because what is fundamental about a creature is and has always been its needs. Needs haven't changed, even if what is around to satisfy them has. I would say it's all the same. Your purpose is the same."
>>159337"It's like... volcanic, or something, I don't know, I'm not a geologist." She takes a closer look at the statuette.
>>159338Silver lets her do so. As she does so, he asks, "So, what is with your young assistant?"
>>159339"She's an apprentice. Sometimes, I let her tend the store while I am busy."
>>159338"Maybe, Maybe. but what is an Earth pony without any fields to plow?"
There seems to be some sadness in his eyes as he asks this question
>>159340"She seems quite dedicated from what little I have seen."
>>159341"The same as a seed without a plowed field." She answers. Her expression is a little dampened compared to her confident assertions just a few seconds before.
>>159342"Good." She says
"This one looks a lot like one I gave to a friend." She says
>>159345"Yes." She says, squinting at it
>>159346squeakyPony is hugged. She is soft, and smells of lavender.
>>159347He sighs, but doesn't let her go yet.
>>159348"I don't know how to make you understand," she says, "but when the philosophers ay it out, it all makes sense." The pony is still in Dark Star's embrace
>>159347"Did Neighuatl make multiple of them?"
>>159349Dark Star says nothing, while hugging Her tighter
>>159350"They would have made many statuettes, but each is hoof made." She continues staring at it.
>>159351squeakyShe sort of just lets him do this, hugging her intensely.
>>159352"I Understand what you are saying, but there's not really a place for me anymore."
>>159353She doesn't reply. At first. But then,
"There wasn't for me either after I was disowned. I had to look for a place. I had to make one."
>>159354Dark Star Lets Her go and sits back in the seat.
"We are very much a like."
>>159355"Maybe." She says
"We ended up paired together here, didn't we?"
>>159356"We did. maybe you are right about everything having a purpose, even the specific events that brought us together."
>>159357"Well that's.... not quite what I meant..." She looks away for a moment. "Things have purposes, but events don't." She looks directly towards Dark Star, with her hooves close together, and smiles.
>>159352"Well, that explains it. I do not know your friend, but I know this is not theirs."
>>159359"Where did you get it?" She asks. "May I see it?"
>>159358"I'm not so sure about events not having purposes as well. We would never have met otherwise."
Dark Star Smiles Back at Her
>>159361She smiles to Dark Star. She raises a hoof, and start petting him around the shoulder.
>>159360Silver hopes he can come up with plausable explanation.
"I am bit of adventurer. I found this in holding of bandits to south of city. Gave me something to remember them by."
He showcases his treated bullet wounds.
>>159363She looks at the wounds, and nods
"I see... well, I would guess a value of in or around maybe 300 bits at the higher end, and 200 bits at the lower end."
>>159362Dark Star kisses her on the cheek
>>159365She closes her lips in a wider smile
>>159364"Hmm...300 sounds fair, I would say."
>>159368"Do you buy such items, or do you only do appraisals?"
>>159369"I sell and trade them, including overseas." She answers
>>159366He takes out his bottle of whiskey and takes a sip, before offering it to blue.
>>159371She looks down at the whiskey, and then picks it up, and takes a swig.
>>159370"Would you then be willing to buy this one?"
>>159373She looks at it a little closer
"I swear, it looks just like his... Perhaps." She says
>>159372"My First Day of college went pretty well."
>>159374"Well...perhaps we can make trade, then?"
>>159375"Oh really?" She says
>>159376"Alright, 200 bits." She says
>>159377"Yea, i mean i learnt about some ancient pony kingdoms in history. that was very interesting. the professor talked about An Earth Pony empire."
He grins
>>159379“I said it might resell as high as 300. I can’t pay for rent, taxes, and worker salaries by paying 300 bits on an item that might sit on the shelves for eight months before finally selling at 250.”
really?” She repeats with a different inflection, and no grin.
>>159380Silver scrunches.
"It was bit misleading to mention 300."
>>159380"Yea really, he also talked about a Pegasai nation."
>>159381“Well, I didn’t know why you were asking. If it were for insurance, I’d appraise it for 300. If it were for estate taxes, I’d appraise it for 200.” She pauses “I kind of want to put it side to side to his to compare them.” She says. “Makes me wonder…”
>>159382She smiles. “And what did he say?”
>>159383"Well then, I suppose 200 will work."
>>159383"Well he mentioned that they re were governed on honor and Military glory, as well as having a military rule."
>>157694 →Very Interesting spoiled text that i found here
>>159385"Well, let us make deal."
>>159386She pulls her lips back in a confident, almost malign smile, and nods.
>>159387Blue Skies pets the yellow earth pony
>>159388“Alright.” She pulls out a set of notes, and counts them.
“200 bits.”
>>159389Silver gives over possession of the jade dog, and takes the money.
"Thank you!"
>>159390And so, Silver has 200 bits.
>>159391Silver better return to the car before the owner starts investigating the matter further. He waves goodbye before going back out to the car.
>>159389"Seems pegasi have a tendency to do that wherever they are."
>>159392She waves s hoof goodbye, examining the jade dog, while Silver enters the vehicle. Both Blue Skies and Dark Star are in the back seats.
>>159393She smiles wide, and nods slowly. “Everything has a purpose that accords with the sort of thing it is.” She says.
>>159394>>159393Silver gets going rather shortly after getting in the driver's seat, going away from the store without a clear destination.
"I managed to get 200 for statue. It turns out owner was friend of Bargain Strength and gave it to him as gift, but hadn't yet realized it was same one."
>>159394"Yea it truly seems that way."
>>159395"Really? That is a shock. although she probably does know."
>>159395She closes her eyes, and nods confidently…
>>159395… until she hears what Silver has to say
“What?! She saw you?!”
>>159398She looks over with a frightened expression.
"You didn't mention us, did you?"
>>159398"What happened in there?"
>>159399"Of course not, I said I got it from bandits' store in jungles south of city."
>>159400"Nothing bad happened, my friend."
>>159401"How did she react when you told her?"
>>159401"You know she's going to realize it's the same one. And that you stole it."
>>159403"Me, but most importantly not you or Dark Star."
>>159402"She seemed to accept it."
>>159403Dark Star glances over at the windows
>>159404"Hopefully you are right."
>>159405They are well on their way away by this time, fortunately.
>>159403"O... kay..."
>>159405>>159406"Well, what had it been you or Dark Star who went inside instead of me?"
>>159407"I Do Not Know."
He Sips some of his whiskey
>>159407"Then they'd want to kill us." She says
>>159410"Well yes" She says.
"Do you think that organization would want to take it lying down?"
>>159408She takes his whiskey, and takes another drink
>>159411"No, except they don't know that we did it though."
>>159413"I Don't follow, are you speaking of the Blackhooves?"
>>159414"No. The Waterfront Gang. They will go after Silver, as they have reason to believe he is connected."
>>159417"That is worrying, Silver might need to get a dye job."
>>159419"What color do you think he should be? Orange might look Good."
>>159420"Hmmm...." She looks away in contemplation
>>159422She does not avoid grinning
"Hehehe It's perfect."
>>159418>>159419>>159420>>159421>>159422>>159423Silver gives a concerned look at his two companions.
>>159424>>159423"It's settled. Pink it is."
Dark Star laughs
>>159424She looks over to Silver, closing her lips to make a plain expression.
>>159425>>159426"Could you at least pick something like my father's coat color? I think bay would look rather good on me."
>>159427"Hmmmmm. Well, how about bay then?"
>>159428>>159429"Or perhaps dark grey. Change my name from Silver to Steel."
>>159430"Not a bad idea. the place i go to does a great job."
>>159432>>159430"Although the pink would still be better."
>>159431>>159432Silver smiles.
"I do not think it will be wholy necessary. It may be Bargain Strength was set up as fall pony by someone above him, or that other branches of Waterfront Gang will simply absorb their former properties and prune what remains."
>>159433>>159434Silver scrunches.
>>159436"Maybe Not, although it might be a good idea to keep in the back of your mind."
"You could be like pinkie pie."
He laughs
>>159436"I don't know how they'll take it." She says. "But I would very much hate to be the target of their vengeance."
>>159437"I don't think the Military will offer as many guards and as much overall protection as they do for Pinkie Pie. He'd be hard pressed to get any protection."
>>159437>>159438"I am big strong pony, I can protect myself."
He tries to flex while driving.
>>159439Defensive Fluff Mode: Activated
She giggles
>>159441"I need to go back to headquarters." Blue Skies says
>>159438"Most likely not. The Mare Was one Tartarus of a fighter"
I Can Protect him though."
Dark Star Also Flexes
>>159439"Are you implying pinkie pie Isn't strong?"
>>159441"Good Question."
He looks at his near empty bottle
"You could drop me off at the east side."
>>159442He looks slightly sad
>>159442>>159443Silver smiles at Dark Star. He's lucky to have a loyal and strong friend like him. He also gives the 200 Bits to Dark Star.
"Alright, I can do those things. Go ahead and split up money three ways. Also remember it took 500 for my injuries, so remove that from my cut."
>>159443"Hehe" She giggles at the small earth pony
She tilts her head at his sadness
"What is it, Darkie?"
>>159444She raises her leg
"I do internal investigations. I'd rather not have a large set of cash on me, lest it look like I'm taking bribes, selling information, or stealing and selling weapons."
>>159444He takes the bits happily
Dark Star places the bits he got between the 3
"I'll let Y'all do the math on it, i don't care to."
>>159445"I'll miss you."
>>159446"Do you sell weaponry though?"
>>159447"No." She says
She leans closer in, and nuzzles him
"When and where can I see you again?" She asks
>>159446"So, give your cut to Dark Star so he can spend it on you?"
>>159447>>1594441760 Bits in the initial set of cash. 500 bits spent on the surgery.
900 bits from the wedding bands and the silver coins
~12 gold coins
A telescope, a meteorite, ammunition, and multiple vials that seem to be potions.
>>159450Hmm...does the telecope look like it could be used for stargazing?
>>159451It's most likely a nautical telescope, but... probably?
>>159448"Either later tonight or tomorrow."
He Nuzzles Her
>>159449"Not a Bad Idea."
>>159453"Okay..." She says. She leans in, closes her eyes, and nuzzles him.
>>159453>>159454Hmm...it could make a nice gift to Mint Marine, Silver supposes.
"Remember to treat her like Nimbusian queen when you two see each other again. Dress her in fine silks, hoof feed her grapes, wait on her every need."
>>159456>>159457Silver takes whoever is closer to their destination, to their destination.
>>159458I'm not sure who would be closer
>>159458>>159459If Dark Star is going to his therapist, then Dark Star would be dropped off first, and then Blue Skies
>>159461The car pulls up and stops next to the Eastside Tavern.
>>159462Dark Star hugs Blue and Kisses her goodbye. and then says goodbye to silver.
>>159463The blue pony is hugged, and Dark Star gets another feel of her fur and feathers. She smiles, and kisses him back. It’s pretty clear that she would prefer to kiss for longer, but she lets him go all the same. And a moment later, her smile is gone, and she resumes a worried expression.
>>159464Before he goes inside. he says
"What's wrong? you look worried."
>>159465“I didn’t have permission.” She says
>>159466"Permission for what? the event that went down?"
He says to not give away their involvement in said event
>>159469"That is worrisome indeed. but you shouldn't worry about it. Everything will be fine."
He smiles at her and gives her another hug
>>159472pony is kissed againShe gives a stronger smile
>>159473"There's that smile I love."
>>159474Unfortunately, she can’t quite muster that smile that betrays a malicious intent.
>>159476But still, Dark Star must leave.
>>159477Yes he must. and so he does
>>159478The car starts off, with Blue Skies at least being left with Silver's strong and capable hooves to safely get her to where she needs to be.
Dark Star is now at his therapists' office
>>159231Oh, there are things more worthy of commemoration. Things more basic, and more fundamental. Things that have been around long before the Grimclaw Dynasty, and will be around long after their last, unworthy heir is no more.
The group quickly walks along towards the hedge row that forms the outer perimeter of the immediate palace grounds, It stretches along quite a distance, in a half circle pattern away from the palace. The wide stone-pathed walking paths have since in some places been converted into parking spaces. The group passes a number of such cars. The griffins are not the only ones on the palace grounds, and both Erich and Helder look over their shoulders at the griffins who pass further away.
They come across a silver and black automobile, albeit one much more basic and angular than Amber is familiar with.
>>159480"Why did those prideful fools have to use up a whole field? This isn't good for my tired bones," Amber grumbles.
Is the automobile currently occupied? Apparently the others knew which one it was and where it was.
>>159479Silver can very much do that.
"It seemed lie a nice feature, until you have to carry several loaded suitcases across it."
There is no one else at the vehicle when they come up to it and all three start to load their possessions
Erich is silent, moving faster than Helder. He looks back, and becomes frightened. "That group over there. Do you see them? They are headed for the crew quarters." Amber can look back and see that there is indeed a small group of five headed towards the South wing. They are not in marked police uniform. Nevertheless, both Erich and Helder are spooked, and place their larger items in the car.
>>159484Silver may then drop off Blue Skies, and go about his night.
>>159494Dark Star walks into a bar...
He sees there are a number of patrons already there. Glistening Glass is serving up a couple ponies.
>>159495Amber exercises haste in stowing her luggage, taking care only that the precious instruments are not jostled. She sits on the passenger bench in the back.
>>159496Amber is the last to have all of her equipment in the vehicle, mostly because of the viol, which needs special care. Erich looks over his shoulder and says “come on.” The one group of plain-clothed griffins continues its way to the servants’ quarters, while a separate small group nearer the entry to the palace has evidently turned heads and seen them. Both Erich and Helder are spooked. They get into the car, and start it after a sputter and one failed attempt.The car is cold, like the sounding crisp air, and vibrates with the engine. He places the car into gear, and starts to drive, driving right past the front security gate and onto the road.
>>159494>>159484But before Dark Star leaves to his therapist….
Blue Skies:
“Wait. Where the fuck is the gun?”
>>159497Amber jitters in nervousness as they get the automobile moving none-too-soon. As they drive off into the great unknown she looks around the landscape, hoping nopony–or nogriff–will stop them.
>>159499Helder does not stop, or even slow down, as the vehicle passes by the guard post and out of the palace grounds. Moving away from the baroque-style palace, the car passes a number of what are presumably homes in the gothic, style, though the constructions seem more recent. These are timber-framed constructions with high sloped roofs, mostly two or more stories, with naked timber frames in-filled with what appears to be white-washed wattle and daub. These buildings often have windows of opening the size of full doors, sometimes rectangular, more often circular, with a wooden beam perched in the area within the triangle formed by the roof, and the roofs are tiled with red ceramic. The deciduous trees that predominate, presumably mostly oak and birch, are losing their brown leaves, with some limbs largely bare and piles of leaves beginning to appear on the ground. Elsewhere, spruce trees remain bright and green, and more than a few fruit trees are covered in apples and pears in the gardens and yards.
>>159500Stucco houses? Are they really so common? Amber wonders to herself.
Amber wouldn't mind having one of those succulent apples. Although the inhabitants of these houses are quite well-to-do, it wasn't long ago that a court musician would have been far above their station, and it would have been easy enough to befriend them and gain access to bountiful gifts of fruit. Now though, Amber is a fugitive and has essentially dropped in status to the lowest of the low.
>>159503“The one the Pegasus I shot in the back of the head had.” She says
>>159505“He should have had some sort of weapon on him. Shooting a plain clothed civilian isn’t exactly allowed.”
>>159505>>159506"I think he still had it on him. I do not think pistol you two grabbed was from him."
>>159506He Gets back into the car and closes the door before pulling out the model 978 auto pistol
"This one?"
>>159508>>159507She looks at the automatic.
“Which one was that from?” She asks
>>159509"The male Diamond dog.....the female handed it to him shortly before the incident."
>>159510“What about the Pegasus?” She asks
>>159512>>159511She looks at him for an extended period of time, but finally says
>>159513"Was there even a pegasus in there? everything happend so fast."
>>159514"Yes. I pointed him out to you in the bar. He was a grey stallion, late 20s or thirties, with a white mane, and a heavy jacket. I pointed out that I thought he had a gun or some other weapon. When the shooting started, he got up and went to the back, while you got up and went to the front. He went to the right, up a set of stairs. I followed him closely behind. I think he was reaching for a gun, I don't know. There was another shot just down the hall. Before he turned, I took my pistol out, and shot him right where the spine connects to the back of the skull, once."
>>159502As they drive further, the buildings change. They pass grand stone temples with green colored metal domes and brass spires, and then rows of connected brick buildings five stories tall in a baroque style that form the center of a town. They pass an open square and a market, and then the concrete pillars of a neoclassical government building. Not every building is occupied or recently used.
>>159514>>159515"It was very clean kill. I am ashamed to admit, I stolled to check him on our way out to make sure he was not my eldest son."
>>159517“What?” She says, clearly not expecting this response
>>159517"Just commenting on it. Do not know what else could be said."
>>159515"Ah yes i do remember him now that you mention it. Very Tactical ,as always."
He smiles at her.
>>159519She looks at him with a blank, someone sad expression.
>>159520She smiles, then returns to frowning.
>>159521"I never found his body. so i didn't take his gun."
>>159523"Probably would have grabbed that too"
>>159524“Well, if there is no gun on his body, it will be hard to explain why he was shot in the back of the head.”
>>159525"Should have burnt down the building..."
>>159526“Heh. Maybe.” She answers
>>159527Dark Star Hugs Her and kisses Her then heads inside the Bar
>>159528pony is huggedpony is smoochedAnd as in
Dark Star walks into a bar...
He sees there are a number of patrons already there. Glistening Glass is serving up a couple ponies.
>>159529He walks over to the bar and sits down
>>159530Glistening Glass looks over at him, and takes a moment of tending to some other pony and looking over, before coming to Dark Star. “Well hello.” He finally says, moving over to him
>>159531"Hey. Mr.Glass."
He says trying not to sound totally depressed
>>159532It takes him another moment.
“Hello again. What can I do for you?” He asks
>>159533"Give me some of the Good Stuff."
He says Remembering the moment the female diamond dogs head exploded
>>159534She falls down, catches herself on the ground with her forelegs, and gets shot in the back of the head, scattering brains and skull fragments across the floor and the wall before falling down.
“One whiskey, coming up.” He says, pouring a glass, and then passing it to Dark Star
>>159529And thus Silver takes the blue mare home.
>>159535He barely manages to catch it.
The scattering brains and skull fragments sticking in his mind like a jpeg on a screen
>>159536Silver keeps the revolver.
She is completely silent as Silver drives her to the headquarters, looking forward, and sometimes out.
>>159537Dark Star still sees that glimpse of the inside of her head. It's not much, but it's enough to make a mark.
>>159539"So....Gruesome.....Poor girl."
He whispers, possibly loud enough for Glimmering Glass to hear him
Dark star Immediately Drinks his Whiskey
>>159538Kek Perfect
>>159540Glistening Glass looks over at Dark Star, frowns, and then continues into another customer.
Nearby, evidently not hearing the remark, a porcelain white Pegasus mare looks over at Dark Star, smiles, and looks to the mare to her left.
>>159541the smiling mare shakes the image from his mind for a minute
He smiles back
>>159542“No.” She says
>>159543She looks over, separated by a couple seats, and giggles. She is clearly with another green colored Pegasus mare.
>>159544Dark Star Gets Mr. Glass's attention and says to him
"Two drinks for those two mares. Something sweet."
>>159545He sees Dark Star, smiles, and pours shots, which the two mares gladly accept.
>>159546She narrows her eyes and shakes her head.
“I could be facing murder charges, you know. Or at least suspended.”
>>159547He orders another drink for himself
>>159548"Ah. That kind of stuff on your mind. I am sorry to get you involved in that."
>>159551Her ear twitches. She does not say anything, and continues looking forward in silence with a sad expression.
>>159552The light pink mare scoots over to the seat next to Dark Star.
"Hi." She says
>>159516What a lovely city. So much more beautiful than Baltimare. Wait, I have never been to Baltimare before… Amber ponders as they drive on. Does the car look out of place in the town?
>>159554The car proceeds down streets that are either very narrow, or wide open boulevards. Neither seems intended for automobiles, and there are very few other cars on the road. The model of automobile is more angular and older than almost any seen in Baltimare. It is true that the average heighth of building is much higher than in Baltimare, but there are no high rises. The tiling of the roofs is certainly nicer than the often flat topped buildings of Baltimare, and unlike that city, there are no bombed out buildings. But often and everywhere, the paint on buildings is old and worn, and windows are shuttered. Griffins wear clothing far more often than not, snd although it only seems to be autumn, it is as cold or colder than Baltimare at the height of winter.
>>159555Truly a foreign country…how Amber will explain how she dreamt all this will be tricky.
But for now, what concerns her is how it's colder than Baltimare. Perhaps the area is inland?
>>159556It feels pretty real right now. From the vibrations of the car felt through the thin seats and the nearly-absent suspension, the sound of the air moving past the sharp angles of the car and the wheels on the road, the crisp feel of the air, the smell of leaves, coal soot, and the wooden case next to her, and the palpable sense of dread, it all feels very real.
No body of water had been seen thus far, besides a couple ponds.
“We are almost at Helm’s house.” He says. “More should be there.”
>>159557"Are we all taking this car?" Amber asks.
>>159558“No.” Helder says. “They have cars and carts. But we will walk, or fly if need be. He is not that far from the train station.”
>>159559"Good. It wouldn't be ideal to stay in the same vehicle."
>>159553"Offer is still available. I do not think you will get in serious trouble either way, but if you feel that you need to shift heat onto somepony else..."
>>159561Is Silver not going to hand over the revolver that he pulled off of the dead Pegasus?She looks over it him with a more neutral expression, making contact with her turquoise eyes.
>>159562Holy shit, I completely forgot that he did until you said that.Silver has a sudden realization, and using his magic pulls out the pegasus's revolver.
"I legitimately forgot that I had grabbed this."
>>159560"No. It wouldn't." He says. The vehicle has passed the six story buildings with their brick exteriors, the open platzes, and now begins to see even more of the two story waddle daub residences. But smore structures are larger, and further apart. The automobile finally slows down near one such residence
"We're here." He says, slowing down. The building is in the late gothic style with baroque elements, two and a half stories with sloping roofs, stone façade, and a pair of round "tower" elements. It's a mansion and nothing less, but the grounds of the location are surprisingly small, at most two acres (likely less), with the house still located within a dense area. The few ancient trees on the property are helpful in obscuring the several vehicles parked there.
>>159563She looks down at it.
How do you forget-"
She takes a closer look, and with or without Silver's consent, she takes her hoof, and yanks it away from him
Obviously Silver can roll to stop herA wide, malicious grin slowly forms across her face as she examines it, and with her hoof mediated by her sweater, she places it in a pocket.
>>159565Silver doesn't stop her, as a matter of fact.
"I lost fair amount of blood, was in pain, and was still little bit loopy from opiates doctor gave me after I was shot first time. It kind of distracted my mind." He chuckles. "So, does that help you at all?"
>>159553He looks over t her
"Hey there, like the drink?"
>>159564Very nice. How can anygriff claim the country is being run poorly when griffons are living in houses like these?
"Hopefully we're welcomed," Amber says.
>>159566She takes a moment, looking at him. Her grin grows.
"Yes. Yes it does." She says. "I do think I will need you to speak at some time." She says
>>159567Her mane is a fire yellow, ever so slightly tinted orange, and her coat is a white tinted ivory or porcelain. Her eyes are golden.
"Why yes. Apple Whiskey." She says
"A bit of a shame there was only so much of it."
She smiles to Dark Star.
The other mare, lime green in coat, moves to the seat formerly occupied by the porcelain mare. She too, looks over at Dark Star
>>159568"We will be" Helder says.
Going upp the stone steps, and knocking on the big wooden doors, a griffin in a dress vest answers. "Helder? Are you here from the Summer Palace?" There is a short exchange, but the griffins are allowed inside.
Looking inside, the floors are a darker hardwood. There is a portrait painting of a griffin in armor, and an old grand father clock, all to the left of a staircase, and underneath railing of a second floor hallway. Near the entrance is a statue of a griffin. To the left and right run hallways.
A griffin in black dress vest, the same who answered the door, leads the group to the left, where there are sounds of more griffins talking.
>>159569He smiles and looks back over a Glimmering Glass
"3 More Apple Whiskeys, Sir."
He looks back over at the mare
"It's my favorite."
>>159571This pleases both mares.
Glistening Glass pours three apple whiskeys, although he goes down in a line with Dark Star last.
"I like it too. It's one of my favorite whiskeys." She say
>>159572"You have Great tastes then."
>>159573She giggles, and then takes another sip. She likes it, though the other mare clearly has difficulty swallowing it.
>>159574He looks at the other mare
"Would you like a smoother drink?"
>>159575cough“I’m not used to hard alcohol. Maybe a mixed drink.” She says
>>159576"Not a Problem."
He Looks over at Mr.Glass
"One Manehatten,please."
He Sips his whiskey
>>159577Glistening Glass:
"Sure thing"
He starts to make the Manehattan, and the lime green mare looks over as this is done. The porcelain white mare raises both of her ears high as if surprised.
"You just here to drink alone tonight?" The mare asks Dark Star
The whiskey has a nice smooth flavor to it.
>>159578"Yea. unwinding after a.....Long Day."
He Sips it more
>>159579“Unwinding?” She says. “This stuff gets me wound up.”
>>159580"Yea, it helps me Relax."
>>159581She smiles.
“Is that all you’re here for? To relax?” She asks
>>159582"well not the only thing. i thought i might be able to strike up some conversation with some interesting ponies."
He Smiles Back
>>159583“Oh really?” She says, leaning onto the counter.
“Well, we’re from Central Equestria, but we like to travel around.”
The green mare adds,
“We’ve only been around Equestria so far, so reasons, but we hope to leave some day.” She says
>>159584""Central Equesrtia? Thats the Bee's Knees
is this time appropriate slang? i know it was popular back then Seen anything Strange or Interesting on your travels?"
>>159585“Oh yes.” She nods.
“Like this pony just standing on the side of the road with these giant… I suppose they were flip flops. Hoof flip flops. But sized for a giant. We never got to see what was behind that because we passed by so quickly.”
The other mare adds:
“We’re from Hearthswarming. It’s kind of a companion town of Cloudsdale.” She says. “In that area.”
>>159586"That Does sound rather Strange."
He says to the one Mare
"Harthswarming? I Think my mother used to mention that place. What's it like?"
>>159587She leans over to answer.
“It’s a quaint little town. It’s built on the ground, for the Earth ponies and unicorns. Otherwise it’s a part of Cloudsdale. Maybe middle sized. There’s not that much to do though.”
>>159588"Sounds like a wonderful place."
He Smiles
He Sips his whiskey
>>159589She waved her hoof about.
“There are plenty of wonderful places in Equestria.”
The porcelain mare leans a little close to Dark Star.
“What about you?” She asks
>>159590"What about me? I'm quite boring. lived here my whole life."
He Grins
>>159591She presses her lips together in a scrunch.
“What do you do that requires hard liquor to relax?” She asks
>>159592"Oh you know, a little of this and a little of that. Studying at the university mostly. some times exploring abandoned farm houses and finding spooky things."
>>159594"You might not believe me if i told you."
He smiles before taking a drink
>>159595“Let’s test that.” She says, likewise taking a drink
>>159596"Have you ever heard of, the undead?"
>>159598"Well...i've seen them."
He laughs before taking another sip
>>159600"Yes, Out by the old quarry."
>>159601“Heh. A Nightmare Night costume? Or on a moving picture screen?”
>>159602He Laughs more, accepting her disbelief and deciding not to push it anymore
"Those movers look pretty realistic now-a-days."
>>159604"So what are your names? Mine is solar night."
>>159605"Tricky Truffle" The porcelain mare says, smiling
The green mare leans over
"Sorrel. Succulent Sorrel."
>>159606"It's Good to meet you two."
He Smiles at them both
>>159607Tricky smiles, while Sorrel gets up, and walks around, past Solar Night. She wears a simple blue shirt, and has a blue mane. She moves up, snd sits on the side opposite Tricky, immediately next to Solar Night. Solar Night is surrounded.
Tricky raises her mostly empty glass.
“Nice to meet you.”
And now Sorrel,
“Nice to meet you.”
>>159569Silver nods to her.
"Absolutely, especially if it will help you avoid trouble. You and Dark Star are my closest friends."
She leans in, and hugs Silver
>>159610Silver slows down to be able to hug her back with a foreleg, keeping one on the steering wheel to keep the car straight. It's only a bit brief though as keeping attention to the road is important.
"Also make sure to remind him to treat you sometime. After all, wonderful pegasus marefriend like you has fine tastes and needs that must be fulfilled."
>>159611Is Silver not there yet?
"Of course" She says with a malign smile
>>159612Wait...okay, now they are, as Silver parks in front of Blue's destination, and gives her a proper hug.
"I know how things went, but...thank you, for being there. There is nopony in all of Southeast Equestria I trust more or would rather have watching my back than you two."
>>159613Unless you wanted Silver to have a significantly longer conversation, though I suppose that's possible while parkedNot too close, lest Silver's car be associated with the headquarters.
pony is huggedsqueakyShe smiles more warmly and awkwardly, showing teeth, and even blushes.
"Thank you." She looks away. "You've... probably figured out by now that I move around a lot... But it's nice to have you two here." She leans in, closes her eyes, and nuzzles Silver around the neck.
>>159614Silver giggles a bit in response. The unicorn is still very floofy everywhere, even around the neck.
"H-hey, that tickles!"
>>159608Dark Star raises his glass in turn
"So how are you ladies enjoying Baltimare?"
>>159615This just encourages her to dive in again, nuzzling more.
>>159616Dark Star will now have to chose which one he wants to give attention to at a time.
"It's different. Not the neatest, but there's life in it."
"Yeah, more, well, more non-ponies than inland."
>>159617"Heheh, s-stop it, stop!"
Silver gently and playfully pushes her away to avoid the tickle-nuzzle torture.
"If I ever find coat-growing tonic in my travels, I will have to give you some to give to Dark Star. He is already perfect for you as he is, imagine if he had fluffy coat like this to top it all off."
>>159618She moves away, and frown, ears going down for a moment, before coming back up.
There is a pause.
"Where will I find you when I need you?" She asks
>>159619"Oh, just one second."
Silver gives her his address, written down on a piece of paper.
"Do not be afraid to come and find me for any reason. You are always welcome in my house, friend."
>>159620"Alright" She says, and she looks at the piece of paper. Then she looks back up to Silver
"I still may need you to explain yourself." She says
>>159622She turns her head
"I'm not sure. Later, I suppose."
>>159623"Alright then. Just let me know when you need me."
He gives his friend another hug, giving her another chance to be in the floof.
>>159617He says to Tricky
"I could imagine, there's some...culture shock?"
He Says to Sorrel
"Yea there have always been more on the coast."
>>159624She nods, and is hugged. She is enveloped by the floof, snd perhaps did a moment, Silver fears she is lost in it.
>>159625“A little, yes, but I was ready to leave Hearthswarming.” Tricky says. “It’s nice to be in new places. Different experiences. Different ponies.”
“There’s Diamond dogs inland, many of them. Some zebras and zonies around New Horseleans. I don’t know, if just stands out to me as different.”
>>159626A little worrying for the only slightly-high Silver. He feels around in the floof to make sure she's okay.
>>159627And… wait, she’s there. She lets herself out of the floof.
“I’ll come get you when I need you.” She says to Silver, opening the car door.
>>159626To Tricky
"Yea I Can see that, Traveling does sound...Exciting."
To Sorrel
"Not Many Griffins inland?"
>>159628Silver is relieved. Nopony has been lost in the neverending floof today. He smiles at her one last time before she leaves.
"I will be there, my friend. Have great night, Skies!"
“Some” she shakes her head. “Not really though.”
Her forelegs are crossed.
“Yeah. New experiences, new ponies…”
She raises up her empty glass. And then so does Sorrel, who has a pouting expression.
>>159630No pony is lost to the floof… but the night isn’t over yet.
She smiles back, though weakly.
“You too.” Is all she says, and she walks off.
>>159631Aww. Before she disappears out of range, Silver says to her, "Next time us three hang out, we should do nothing but have drinks and relax."
>>159631To Sorrel
"Yea its a very interesting species, the Griffin."
To Tricky
"Heh seems like you two are out of alcohol"
To Mr Glass.
"Another round over here."
>>159632She turns, and looks to him with a smile.
“We should do that. When things calm down.”
“I can’t say I’ve really gotten to know a Griffin before.”
Both mares light up, as they happily await more alcohol.
Glass pours the drinks, and they drink them.
>>159634"They are Definitely.....Interesting."
He sips on his whiskey
>>159635"What's interesting to you?" Sorrel asks, taking another drink.
>>159634With a smile, he replies "When things calm down."
Alright, now the two can part on a good note. He waves goodbye at his friend before slipping it into first, and with his share of the loot (which, if I'm counting right and the others agree, is 353 Bits, ammunition for his shotgun and revolver, ~4 gold coins, the telescope, and maybe the potions) goes to fulfill the other things on his list: namely to get groceries, candy for the colts, make preparations for his date, and maybe see if there's a store that sells items to help Clip achieve sexual relief.
>>159636"Well, I'm in college for political science. but Equestrian History is also Very Intriguing. "
>>159638"You're in college?!"
Both mares are surprised, and Sorrel grabs onto his right foreleg, leaning over with wide eyes and a mouth open in a smile
>>159637The bits should be more. Much more. About 830. The rest is most accurate.
Silver is in a position where he is either going to have to significantly postpone, cancel, or blow off his date, as he has very little time for much else.
>>159639He was not expecting this response
He Chuckles slightly
"Well, I go to Jim haykins university, I actually just started."
>>159639Well, it would have been without the 500 payed to fix his injuries, but Silver wouldn't argue against more Bits.
Hmm...if he cut it down to just making date preparations, getting candy, and some alcohol, would he have time?
"That's the nice one in town."
"What's it like?" She asks
"You must be smart."
And now she's definitely hanging on him. Just Sorrel though.
>>159641Depending on the definition of "date preparations," yes.
>>159642"Yea it is very nice. Well it's Amazing if I'm being honest."
"I Like to think i'm pretty smart."
He chuckles
>>159644To Tricky
"The architecture is wonderful, There's a nice courtyard, the staff is a little iffy, Some of the professors are Great."
To sorrel
He Grins
"You're looking at the future mayor of Baltimare."
>>159642Making a reservation and getting Khoi something nice to wear.
"Oh really?..." She leans onto him with both hooves
"What're you gonna do as mayor?" She asks
Tricky asks,
"What do you learn there?"
>>159646Reservations where?
>buying dressesUh... that normally takes a while
>>159647To Sorrel
"I'm Gonna Clean up baltimare. Help out the ponies who live here."
He grins
To Tricky
"A lot of stuff. I'm taking a few different classes. Philosophy, Hippology, Equestrian History, Myths of Equestria and my major is political science."
"It's good to clean it up. This is a very dirty city. It could use a cleaning."
Tricky starts to place a hoof on his shoulder.
"And what are those like? I haven't studied... any of those. Like, what do you do in those classes?"
>>159647>Reservations where?Somewhere fancy that would impress the kirin.
>Uh... that normally takes a whilelooks up at >>159650Um... Well I have another idea
>>159649To Sorrel
"You are absolutely correct. Its filthy, Somepony has to clean it up."
To Tricky
"Well they are all kind of different, but all kind of the same. there are seats that everypony sits down in and then a professor comes in and starts teaching you about which ever subject you are there to learn about."
Are they Both Earth Ponies? >>159652Both are pegasiTricky:
"Are you living on campus?" She asks. "Or with your parents?"
>>159653"No I don't live with my parents. they are no longer with us. I stay nearby in hotels."
>>159654Both of them lean in and hug him, so that Solar is sandwiched between them.
"Awwwwwwww... I'm so sorry"
>>159655"It..It's Fine."
He smiles at them.
He takes a sip of his whiskey
>>159656Sorrel sits up now. She no longer leans on Solar
"Are you atone in the city?" She asks
>>159657"What do you mean by Alone?"
>>159660They enter through a threshold, into a large, wooden themed room. In some ways it isn't terribly different from the one Amber was in earlier, with a fireplace on one end, wooden floors, upholstered furniture, and book shelves. It is, however, even larger, and though it too has many windows, the angle of the sunlight and preponderance of walls lined with rows of books leaves the room in relatively dim light. On the walls are portrait paintings of griffins in armor, a suit of armor on the opposite side of the rectangular room away from the fireplace, and so many rolls of books. There are many griffins there, including several in dress vests and several female griffins, though most seem paired to some other male griffin. Two griffins stand out - an old griffin in green dress, standing and with a glass of presumably some hard alcohol in claw, and near him, an even older, fatter griffin in full black formal wear, still wearing his top hat.
>>159658"Well, are you living with a wife, I mean." She clarifies.
>>159659Well... Silver can return home, and find out.
>>159662A noble house, perhaps. Best to wait for Helder to introduce Amber to these fine folk. A mere musician cannot simply go up to them and talk casually, after all. Isn't that how it works?
>>159664Ah, but Amber
does know who these two griffins are. The gentlegriff in the green is Monteirter Helm, owner of the home, and a member of their social group. The griffin sitting down in the white chair with green floral pattern is a professor Emeritus from the Rectorate, a griffin by the name of Weit Grünerhügel. Amber doesn't know him well. Still another griffin, standing on the other side of Weit, is a much younger griffin in a striped vest and a bowler hat, whom Amber knows to be named Mason.
>>159665Who is the griffon in the formal wear?
Amber goes up to the gathering. With a polite nod, "It is good to see you again, Herr Helm. Hello again, Herr Grünerhügel, and Mason."
>>159666Weit Grünerhügel, the professor, is the Griffin in full black formal wear. He is the only one sitting down.
“Gutentag.” Mason replies, though one briefly looks to Amber, and nods.
>>159667"It's briskly cold today, isn't it? How are you faring?"
>>159668Weit does not answer, but Helm does.
“We have the fireplace going. That helps keep the room heated, or it will. We will have lunch served soon enough.”
>>159669Evidently they don't want to jump straight to the crux of the issue.
"Ah, very well, that will be good." Amber tries to start some small talk, bringing up a recent orchestral performance or somesuch.
>>159670Now Weif speaks
“And what does it mean to you?” He asks
>>159671"It speaks to the soul, its motifs a cry to be resolute and true to oneself in a disordered age."
>>159672He nods
“Continue. What does it mean to be resolute, why must we be resolute, and how does the music help?”
>>159674"To be resolute means not to cower in the face of history's caprice. Great creatures are not driven by history, they drive history themselves, and although we cannot all be great creatures they are models to follow. As for the music, it's a message from a composer, not simple but designed to be uplifting and inspiring."
>>159675“Tell me, have you read much philosophy of history?” He asks
>>159676"Only a few tracts, here and there. I can't say I have any serious academic understanding of the
philosophy of history," Amber confesses.
>>159677“Well… nevermind that. For now, at least. What
is music?” He asks
>>159678"Is this a trick question?" Amber asks flatly.
>>159679He smiles
“Not one for the abstract?” He asks
>>159680"Well…music is auditory art. It's an expression of emotion, or some deeper truth, with the use of unique sounds from instruments played to unique notes and chords. The variety is endless, from soloists to orchestras, concertos to arias, tonal to atonal…."
>>159681“Good, good.” He nods. “Yes, yes.”
“Now tell me… how much do you care for… ‘deeper truths’.”
He forms a wide, almost malign grin.
“But I suppose you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t care for deeper truths. Truths deeper than any school teacher or priest cares to tell.”
>>159663He laughs
"Not exactly, No I Don't have a Wife."
>>159682Amber raises an eyebrow, or the griffon equivalent of that.
"I care quite a bit, which is why I'm a musician. A symphony can convey as much as a thousand-page tome, and much more eloquently for it. Music speaks far better than words."
>>159684“And why is that?” He asks
>>159685"Words are ponderous and have to filter their way through one's eyes and then the brain before one can think about them. Music reaches the soul directly, it has a power underestimated by many, yet because of its tendency towards beauty it has been cynically used by only a few."
>>159687“Good. Then if seems like you’ve reached a conclusion it took the philosophers centuries to understand. All that our consciousness receives is experience, pure and simple. Reason, logic, words, forms - all are inventions of our reason, forced onto that which they are unlike. Mere symbols. And our perception? Representations, but not the thing itself.”
He smiles, still somewhat malignly.
“Do you want to continue, or shall I?”
>>159686"Yea I have a Job, I can't really get into what it is i do though. Top Secret"
He Grins
>>159688Nodding, Amber says, "Go on."
>>159689They take his words seriously, both staring at him, as if waiting with bated breath.
>>159691"It's all very, Hush Hush. I can't really say anything about it. I can say, It Does involve helping ponies though."
>>159690"Well, as we've both come to understand, words cannot convey truly new information themselves. Rather, our reason distills a portion of our experience, and matches to that experience a symbol, a word. And that word is conveyed to another, who, with luck, has experienced something similar, and has matched hopefully the same word to a similar enough portion of his experience.
The logical conclusion is that I cannot tell you what is 'true', I can merely tell you my interpretation of my experience, and hope that my symbolic representation of that interpretation allows you to distill your own experiences a bit better.
You will not believe me unless you already know what I am saying to be true. I hope that you have enough experience in such matters that you will, if not believe me, at least understand me.
So though I hate to waste your time with rhetorical questions, they are asked for a reason. So I shall ask: all of those arias and orchestras. Sound, generally. Are there not those who cannot hear sound at all?"
>>159692"Is that where you are getting your money from?" Sorrel asks
Amber has never heard of this line of thinking before and cannot come up with a response other than, "Well, that's…interesting."
"Yes, there are griffons who are sadly deaf and are unable to experience the same."
>>159695"Yes, yes. You hear music that they cannot. And likewise, are there not wide ranges of sound that certain other creatures can hear, that you cannot?"
>>159696"And you're paying for that all by yourself?" Again, Sorrel asks.
Sorrel either can't or doesn't want to sit upright, and instead leans over, and physically grabs onto Solar Night, pressing against him. Tricky sits upright, but she also has a hoof on his other shoulder.
>>159697"Certainly. Bat ponies are capable of hearing much higher pitches, and they say they have their own peculiar form of music."
>>159697"It's Hard Work."
He nods as he sips his whiskey.
>>159698"Yes, good, very good. I think it follows that your view of music, your experience of it, your knowledge of it, is always going to be less than total, as there will always be more out there that you cannot experience and cannot know. Does that sound right?"
"But uh, what is the work, exactly?" She asks
>>159700"The Dangerous Kind, The Kind I might not walk away from if things go wrong."
>>159700"Perhaps, though music has reached a stage where all discoverable forms have been found, and there is now merely refinement and experimentation with these forms."
>>159702"Perhaps my larger point has been lost." He says. "Knowledge of music and sound is only an example."
>>159701"Oh..." Tricky leans in, and almost whispers,
"Care to tell us any stories?"
>>159703"You are saying it's possible to meaningfully communicate with others only when they have had the same experiences as yourself?"
>>159703He Smiles
"I can tell one or two."
He Whispers
"What do you know about changelings?"
>>159704"Unfortunately that is true, probably, but it isn't where I am going. It's... well, let me say this.
Have you heard of the Cloudbury Interpretation of physics? Probably not. No matter. You see, well, you probably already know that scientists have long considered that the matter that we see is not solid as we see it, but is made up of much smaller particles with much space between them. Recently, based on new evidence, physicists have come to the conclusion that these particles are themselves actually waves. Matter isn't solid at all. It were as if it were made of sound." He says, smiling, and giving Amber a chance to respond."
>>159705Her ears perk up.
"I know a little." She answers
>>159706"Matter? Made of sound? Next you'll be telling me how the ponies are right to worship their 'Tree of Harmony.'"
>>159707His tone and face turns stern and serious
"I've Found and killed a couple of them. If I didn't react quick enough it would have been me they would be talking about taking down. the bastards scared me."
He shows off one of his bullet scars
He sips his whiskey
>>159708"Ha! No. No not at all. Most likely you've heard of the other famous physics theory of our time. That of Noble Stone, that time and space are not really distinct, but are integrally related. Indeed, he comes to the conclusion that time doesn't exist in the way we experience it. But rather, everything that has every been, and everything that will ever be, is as real as the present."
>>159709Both mares move off of him, and move their heads around to look at the scars, clearly surprised.
"How?" Tricky asks
>>159710"How what? How did it feel to get shot by one? Not Great."
He grimaces
>>159711"No no. Well, yes. I mean.. how did you find and kill them?" Tricky asks.
"Really? Are you sure?"
Sorrel moves in so close to look at the wound left behind by that police officer Changeling that she almost falls onto Dark Star.
>>159712"There's a trick to finding them, Not sure if i can say what it is or not."
He Says to Sorrel
"Yea its quite the wound ,almost did me in."
>>159713Tricky tilts her head
"But you've... killed them?"
Sorrel rests her forelegs on Dark Star's lap, as this is necessary for her to maintain balance.
"Wow. How long ago was this?" She says
>>159714"Yea, It was them or Me. You shouldn't be afraid, I made sure it couldn't hurt anypony else."
To Sorrel
"A week or less."
“Good. Fuck the Changelings.”
Tricky says meekly:
“They are living creatures…”
Sorrel is still leaning over into Dark Star’s lap
>>159716To Tricky
"So are we. They are Predators."
To Sorrel
"What do you think of them?"
>>159717“Well, I’m sure we are to plants.” Tricky says. “It just seems a bit, I don’t know….”
>>159717Sorrel looks up towards Dark Star. She has orange eyes.
“They should get away from our home.” She says
>>159718"I Don't Take Joy in it, Tricky. It's a Dangerous Job. But Somepony has to protect everypony."
To Sorrel
"I Agree, if they weren't here there wouldn't be any problem."
>>159719Tricky nods, and she has a more solemn expression on her face
“I see…”
Sorrel moves forward, and presses her muzzle into Dark Star’s belly.
>>159720He flinches slightly from her pressing her muzzle into his stomach
"Hey whats going on down there?"
He says in a surprised tone