442 replies and 317 files omitted.
>>168024According to my mom and the hundreds of people she goes to church with, Zionism takes precedent over American nationalism. Nothing matters because the end times are here and we shouldn't interfere because the third temple needs to be erected so we can be Saved(TM).
>>168022Good and evil. You wanna bring good and evil into this? Have you even read the book of Job? Judges 19, the book where God sanctions a war involving all the tribes of Israel in which hundreds of thousands are conscripted, an entire tribe is slaughtered and neighboring women are abducted from a festival to be married off, in response to ONE rape? Gimme a fucking break. God or no God, I can count on one hand the number of actually moral laws written in the bible. Hint: only half of them are in the Commandments.
>>168024>Don't we all want the same thing?Yes, I believe so. But some fags cannot help themselves flying shit to Christians and that has the mark of a kiked commie.
>>168026Oh yeah I'm such a communist that I reject a Jewish fucking hippie who tells us everyone is the same and the all world will be ruled by one government.
>>168027>I reject a Jewish fucking hippieYou might rejected him but at the same time your are carrying water for the kikes.
>>168028All you've done is claim I serve kikes because I'm not arguing with the Talmud (since nobody here is a kike). Quit being obtuse, dickweed.
>>168029>All you've done is claim I serve kikesNot to serve, but perhaps unwillingly waving the flag of judaism. Better if you leave the Christians alone.
>>168030Fuck off. Go back to swilling your corn syrup and working your corporate nine-to-five, and leave the shitty preaching to your sanctioned Sunday Jewish dick sucking session.
>>168032What's disappointing is that Christianity for the last hundred plus years has been a lightning rod for MIGA Zionists and scam healers.
>>168033What's disappointing is your low IQ and shortsightedness. Being angry to Christians is kind of retarded. By your own proclaimed standards your are better and more enlightened than them. So, why bother, huh?
>>168034By numbers, by political influence, and by money, Judeo-Christians have been and continue to be larger. I bother because you people piss me off. Copping a dogshit religious order from a dogshit race of people, changing one rule of doctrine and dusting your hands off like your job is done, like Judaism isn't a shit foundation for any system. Oh but comparing Christians and Jews is totally unfounded right? Because you added four books of magical Jewry into the mix.
You push egalitarianism, universalism, and reverence toward Jews to the lemmings. The best you can do is try to highlight Martin Luther's stance on the Jews and the history of Protestantism, but in reality, that only goes to show that that outrage means nothing because in the end the pews are still being lined with Zionists who would happily get fucked up the ass until they go to Heaven, where they get to wait on usurous, treasonous, globalist money changers hand and foot in the afterlife. Just like they did in their waking life.
>>168035>You push egalitarianism, universalism, and reverence toward Jews to the lemmings.>YouChurches push that indeed, not Christian Nationalism. Nation is not universal, but exclusive; traditional Christianity never was egalitarian and by the Bible words, jews are cursed and the seed of the serpent. That said, do not confuse the traditional true doctrine with the modern judaized one.
>>168037From the very beginning of the religion, Christianity was meant to spread globally and unite all races of people under one government. The only thing you're supposed to do to be a Christian is swear fealty. Any time a Christian """nationalist""" is pressed on this, they either admit this part of their universalist, globalist book, or in most cases, fucking lie. Unlike the walking fucking paradox that is the average Christian nationalist, I don't believe wholly in a text that touts that everyone is the same or should be governed by one authority figure ordained by someone we can't see. I don't believe in any afterlife that anyone can put down on paper because whatever's past the mortal realm is unknowable to us and therefore out of our hands. To punish people for their ignorance on that which they cannot truly know, any god would have to be a fucking sadist. Therefore, either the afterlife does not depend on belief and instead by action, or the big daddy who runs it is amoral or immoral and not worth worshipping. That simple. It doesn't take an "Enlightened Intellectual" to do that math.
>>168038>Leaf.I'm a leaf living in leafland. I am content.
You are an anti-White infuriated with Judeo-Christian values living in the USA of all places. You can't walk to get your Starbux without being surrounded by that which enrages you. You even curse like a 'groid so we can only assume you are indeed of a browner disposition.
>>168038Look, take it easy, religion is a effective way to get moral values into the NPCs skulls. Granted, current churches have been taken over by masons and outright satanists but attacking the dumb flock is having the wrong target.
>>168039Irish, may as well be a nigger. I don't hide that.
If opposing Judeo-Christians makes me a Judeo-Christian then fuck it. Up is down. Black is white. Hell, maybe that's how you thought I was a nigger, because you have a pair of negative-vision shades on.
>>168040My beef from the very start was that the retards among you use their personal propaganda arm to spread dogshit like
>>167978 which changes no minds, actively misinforms on the theology of the faith you claim to believe in, and yet they do it from a position of allegedly knowing better than to do these things. I don't claim to know everything, but when the people allegedly fighting the good fight are using all their mental faculties on "shucks buster why aren't you fighting Jews on this non-Jewish site, must be a Jew," yeah, I get a little fucking miffed. What do you think that mythologizing and making shit up wholecloth about other site members actually does for your people? Fucking police yourselves. Call it out when your thread-mates spread bullshit to support you, because they make you look worse and actively worsen other Christians' understanding of themselves and others.
>>168042>My beef from the very start was that the retards among you use their personal propaganda arm to spread dogshit like >>167978 which changes no minds, actively misinforms on the theology of the faith you claim to believe inYou are pissing into the wrong bucket anon.
>>168043I really don't think I am. You guys were supposed to know better. You aren't supposed to be sharing the memes of the enemy and their shabbos goys. You're supposed to be J-woke, to believe in free spreading of information as a tool for social change. And yes you guys utilize the same thought terminating cliches like treating any non-Christian as a Jew, while ignoring the misinformation or dismissing it as "popular Christianity" even when people using this site to spread the True Word of God(TM) can't even sift out the trash from the aluminum.
We all share a planet with each other. Whatever happens after death, the shit you leave behind will be consumed by your progeny, or the progeny of your neighbors. And the shitty faceberg memes you share will be seen by your shitty faceberg using family members. That's how people like my mother end up surrounded by ZOG worshippers. It's disgusting and those who allow dogshit into what's supposed to be a based environment disgust me just as much as the content does.
>>168044>Whatever happens after death, the shit you leave behind will be consumed by your progeny, or the progeny of your neighbors.Nope.
We are not saviors neither leaders, we are just anons properly understanding the situation. Everyone has what he deserves.
>>168045Right wing leadership is a spook. Messianic wishful thinking, hoping against hope that we can keep biding our time until we get another Marcus Aurelius.
>>168046>Marcus AureliusKeep wishing on a virtuous man, they are all already bought and paid, and the ones who didn't get the memo soon will be kidnapped on trumped charges.
Attached is a pagan point of view, which doesn't mean I endorse to shit on Christian at all.
>>168048>posting a dude who burned down churches and fled into the forest to avoid conviction>video goes out of its way to point out the messianic nature of seeking a political solutionIntended by you or not, sounds like dabbing on Christians. ^:)
>>168049>Intended by you or not, sounds like dabbing on Christians. ^:)Well, I insist, Christians should be left alone, as they are led by zionists larping as pastors, most are a waste of time.
>>168050Left to aid in the spread of ZOG? I'd much rather air my grievances.
>>168051>Left to aid in the spread of ZOG? You can't stop it, just try to dodge it and adapt to what's left.
>>168052It's just disappointing that the same kinds of people posting to a site with a dig at Israel literally right below their reply text who claim to be opposed to ZOG are quick to jump to the defense of one of its satellites. Like finding out your best fucking friend is in the hospital after overdosing on heroin. And all I want to do is shake you people awake and smack you for making me worry.
>>168053>And all I want to do is shake you people awake and smack you for making me worry.KEK
Wishful thinking won't take you far anon.
You have to unlearn most of what you already know, then you'll realize that you don't have a country, but a worker position in a plantation.
I'm a bit disappointed by the 'Christian' posts. Missing the mark. I get it's bait to pull replies, but that didn't sit well.
>>168038>One GovernmentIn which a righteous ruler rules. ZOG or any of (((them))) can't fulfill that role.
The structure of that government is left quite nebulous besides the role of the ruler (Jesus). As a public servant who can be everywhere and all knowing and is always doing good things.
I could speculate. But that's not as helpful.>>168054You pray for the 'leaders'. Even with all of (((them))) sucking evil the metaphysical jurisdiction is with the king of kings.
>Praying wow what mumbo jumboIt's akin to filling out proper paper work on the behalf of another or yourself.
With the Holy Spirit it's filled and filed properly with many more documents and details.
Belief is personal, but the truth ought to be in the life of the one who believes and that testimony.
>>168042>>168044Here's some ponies.
>>168046>Marcus AureliusOverrated. He raised commodus, which is the equivalent of raising the baby boomers. The stoics tend to forget how much of Commodus' attitude and behaviour. Can be traced back to his father being kind of a softie compared to other emperors.
>>168038>I don't believe in any afterlife that anyone can put down on paper because whatever's past the mortal realm is unknowable to us and therefore out of our hands.If God is omnipotent and he wants us to know. We'll know.
>>168041Kek. First time?
Stuff like this is why I believe Christians need to burn in order to be born anew.
Predictions of the Kali Yuga.
The infection or poisoning of the food supply via prions is (((their))) back up strategy.
Mass cognitive degradation.
What (((they))) hate about this plan is the wait time is heavily variable.
The various other ailments they've considered tends to be either ineffective or too obvious.
(((They're))) reaching a point where (((they))) just don't care how obvious they are.
Yet the vectors they could use would backlash too fast and too furious having them be wiped out one way or another and possibly by their own hand.
>>168157>Source My AssAmong many saying exactly the same, this one resumes it all:
The now not so secret covenant.
back on 4cuck last year, some anon found out about 3D porn videos having "demons" in them. (specifically, this thread -
https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/392982875/#392983333 - Protect yourself if needed.)
I'm curious as to what software he's using to project these images. Using Audacity to make a spectrum analysis of some porn videos has been inconclusive to me. I know that artists do lace porn with purpose-made sigils (womb tattoos are the most obvious), I'm curious if a demon-laced sigil on a porn video is re-encoded if it affects the "demon" (or demon-related audio, or sigils in the spectrogram) in any way.
>>168475Yeah, I saw the news. That woman died after the fourth glass.
>>168563>four bottles in 20 minutes>literally not even a day's healthy average in water>they're seriously calling this just another case of overconsumptionI'm calling tainted water, myself.
>>168564>I'm calling tainted waterNope. Too much water can indeed kill.
>>168565I've had a gallon in an hour before. No ill effects aside from pissing like a race horse. And she specifically said she was still thirsty before her death. 100% foul play.
>>168566I suspect you are a football player if you drank that much in an hour, or otherwise do strenuous athletics or work. In that case it's normal.
>>168567>>168568I'm 6'3" and definitely overweight, and when I'd drank that much I had finished shifts at work stocking heavy shit at a car parts shop. Sure that affects things but I cannot see anyone keeling over after
four glasses' worth of water while still proclaiming how thirsty she is.
>>168569>I'm 6'3" and definitely overweightThere you have it. I think toxicity is about the relation Kg/l (kilograms/liters).
And you are close to a hippo. KEK
>>168569>I cannot see anyone keeling over after four glasses' worth of water while still proclaiming how thirsty she is.I think she has a preexisting dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, nutrient deficiency, drug problem, or disease/parasite that set the conditions for her to crave water in addition to being close to death, and the sudden dehydration may have just given her just enough shock it pushed her over the edge, which would explain why she still felt thirsty. It could be like the cases of people who drink a ton of water after fasting in the desert, and then get their innards messed up because their bodies aren't ready for it.
Any substance can harm you if ingested too much too quickly, and water is no exception, but the prior circumstances usually matter.
That being said, most people have problems with dehydration more than they have "water poisoning". Don't drink a ton of water at once, but drink it regularly over some time.
People latched onto The Matrix as a symbol of counterculture and conspiracy because it's easy to get into and it's low-effort to read.
It's fun movie, but it's neither a bastion of truth, nor a good translation of the spiritual landscape at large. The low-effort-premise is both what caused it's rise but its ultimately it's greatest weakness too. The premise of "the modern world" being a simulation, while "the real world" is a post-apocalyptic hellscape runs fundamentally backwards to the Astral Plane and it's existence.
"The real world" in the matrix is a sterile, broken, shattered world where there is nothing but ash, blackness, scattered rocks, and machines dependent on humans to keep them powered. The Astral is a multidimensional, flourishing, complex, vibrant, and varied infinite that contains just as much good as it does evil. The "agents" of the Matrix are malicious entities whose only goal is to destroy dissident, they are emotionless, unfeeling, and seemingly-all-powerful. The Astral is spectal in it's entity hierarchy, there are beings that range in all power-levels from weak little insects all the way up to literal-not-hyperbole-gods, their nature of good and evil being all over the place, from black and white to all sorts of weird shades that seemingly make no sense to mortals.
Even then, the entire premise of the matrix being about "needing humans as a power source" is completely insane, given that nuclear energy could power the entirety of the machine network without the need for test-tube babies and their "perpetual warmth". But then again, this is a fault of low-effort writing looking to make things more cyberpunk-dystopian-conspiracy rather than actually thinking a universe through.
Despite all the spiritual themes and all the religiousness of humanity in "the real world" the rest of humanity seems to have forgotten about all the mental work that spiritual gurus from many religions have taught. This would allow them to effectively work around or even nullify the whole "your mind makes it real" problem that causes people to get hurt or die in the matrix, the only problem is, this would basically a cheat code that undoes any stakes the series needs for plot convenience.
Believe it or not, the "balancing the equation," stuff in revolutions, which is criticized as one of the dumbest parts about the matrix franchise, is low-key one of it's better ones, spiritually. If not because of dumb luck on the writing's part. The thing about "the equation," is actually that IRL it's Karma that is equivalent to "the equation" in the matrix. Karma is also, really, really weird, and is often given credit for doing things that justice should be given credit for.
Also, Mr whats-his-fuck who programmed the girl in the red dress, and his spiel on "tastes like chicken" is dumb as fuck, because anyone who actually eats different meats knows that most meats usually have distinct tastes on their own. The "tastes like chicken" trope only exists either as a shitty joke in movies or television, or because people actually, functionally have no taste.
>>169278>Even then, the entire premise of the matrix being about "needing humans as a power source" is completely insane, given that nuclear energy could power the entirety of the machine network without the need for test-tube babies and their "perpetual warmth". But then again, this is a fault of low-effort writing looking to make things more cyberpunk-dystopian-conspiracy rather than actually thinking a universe through.This has always been the stupidest part. The machines could just use nuclear or geothermal energy to power themselves. No matter how much energy that humans bodies produce, it would take more energy to keep them alive.
The Matrix is based on Plato's allegory of The Cave, with the machines being the Form Holders. The "humans as fuel" world-building may be lazy and stupid, but the point is to create a motive for the matrix to exist: the concept that somebody benefits from keeping you in the cave and stopping you from experiencing the true reality.
>>169278>anyone who actually eats different meats knowsIn his defense, he's never eaten real meat. Maybe in the matrix chicken really does taste like everything. I thought he was funny.
>>169281It's actually middle managers and looming bosses saying that machines use Brains as processors or RAM is too complex for the small brain audience to understand.
So forced to change from what makes sense to that or else.
>>169286Why would they use brains when they could just use computers?
What would you guys think of Kundalini?
>>170159I think the sacred science of kundalini has been lost or sequestered away, and outside a thorough initiation to some highly-privatized group or tradition, what we know of kundalini is he McDonalds version
>>170555>HI3rdUnfathomably based.
>>170597VIsari's and Stalh's speeches are timeless.
Got some old 8-/fringe/ reposts on satanism that I'd like to share.
>>171520Ah yes, nature morality. Niggers and kikes are the most moral of all creatures as they only operate according to their nature as the post even states. The thief is entirely moral by being true to the nature of a thief. Stealing, killing, and subversion is godliness. After all, those that desire to preserve their material possessions and backwards Christian systems are ensnared within their spiritual chains, refusing to break free of the societal norms.
They also strive for nothing but the growth of their life experience towards consciousness, breaking free of the material existence of their racial enemies to live in eternal peace (godhead). Society has already been restructured to bring this about. I'm glad we are achieving enlightenment at such a fast rate too by releasing moral criminals and building a puppet Zionist government. May we all arrive at the gnosis through the work of white genocide. Black Shalom, my rabbi. Satan be with you.
>>171521Dude what?
That's a repost about ex-satanists, not jews.
>>171522Let me help you a little bit on reading comprehension. I stated that this was about morality, as per my first sentence. The image shared displays a moral system with bullet points numbered 1-4. I am commenting on the logic bound within this morality system by using a hyperbolic example.
I'm holding off until it goes on sale for $14.88.
This will never bring more people to the site. You have to shill on 4chan ever once in a while.
>>173495Why are you posting it in this thread?
>>173496Why would I start a new thread in order to say
>The "Post to this thread every time you visit /vx/" thread will never bring more people to the site. You have to shill on 4chan ever once in a while. im just here to check all the image boards that can be accessed with my job wifi, since every other post is pony porn migth as well post this here, this is an interesting place to say the least.
>>173635Welcome. Hope you have fun time here.
>>173635that bitch look like April O'Neil, except she has a real job
not journalism