Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
1697 replies and 139 files omitted.
>new thread
>doesn't tell us
>>103007IKR? I was waiting in the other thread
>>103008Alright, so is Brie ready to go?
>>103007So that's why I didn't hear anything more.
>>103009Back to the hotel, or en route to
contented sigh the Hive?
>>103011Lets have the characters meet first at the hotel
>>103014Hi, how are you?
>>103015So.... is Onyx dead? Maimed? In a coma?
>>103016If I survived, then so did you.
>>103016Are you a big dumdum? GM wanted you to talk to Brie in character.
>>103016Onyx has sustained no damage. Since he's been on autopilot, he's been removed from the actual killing. At this point, if he's either in the foyer or outside the hotel, he would be greeted to the sight of Brie hauling an impressive (both in size and accoutrement) carriage.
>>103016 By this time, he has finally recovered from his hangover
Next time, be sure to drink plenty of water, and eat a greasy breakfast
>>103018>big dumdumExhaustion will do that to you
>>103019Okay then, Onyx steps outside and looks over the carriage that Brie is hauling
"How much did this cost?"
>>103021Looking around to make sure nopony is near enough to overhear, Brie winks and says "About the price of a pair of carbines and a shotgun."
Brie silently curses himself for not having the foresight to make himself appear as a young pony, just to fuck with onlookers.
>>103022"I'm not sure if that's the best price, but oh well. I assume I'll be hauling it?"
>>103025"We can take turns I suppose, but," he looks down at himself. "I suppose I'll be alright on flat ground, but anything more adventurous would require either you or perhaps tandem. And what do you mean 'not sure that's the best price'? This thing is weatherized against cold, rain, and even flooding. I'm told it will float away if the wheels lose contact with the ground,... but that aside its got mud-traction wheels, reinforced axles and frame for offroading,... honestly pulling it is probably going to be the biggest difficulty.
>>103026"And, pray tell, why did we need all of that?"
He walks around it a few times for inspection
"Hauling it won't be a problem though, that was my whole job in the army"
>>103028It’s pretty big, fairly blocky, and has both metal and wood on it’s black painted exterior. The ground clearance is high, and the wheels are wide, have a large radius, and are wooden at the point of contact
>>103028"I don't know that we do to be honest. I have no idea the terrain, weather, and situations we might find ourselves in. Besides, the firearms were free, bloodletting aside."
>>103031"Fair enough, I guess. When should I be ready to leave?"
>>103032"That depends. Have you seen Sparks, and the little ones? Last I saw them, they looked ready to eat him. I told them to ask nicely, but I can't guarantee they listened."
>>103033"I'll go up and check, gotta grab my halberd too"
Onyx heads up towards the room
>>103034You see this cutie. What do?
>>103034You should find a pony in there still petting two changelings in disguise completely equally... as long as they didn't eat me.
>>103035"Uh, um, hello ma'am. Can I help you?"
>>103037"Don't be a knob, that's Wesley."
>>103038It’s a colt, there are just no cute colt pictures
>>103037It continues looking up at Silver mud with big, unblinking blue eyes
>>103038That would have been nice to know before I said ma'am>>103041>a coltthanks for specifying that
>>103039"Sorry, can't really see it... him that well"
Onyx turns his not blind eye to the colt
>>103041>SilverONYX. Damn it, it looks up at ONYX
>>103044*silently Hi anons Onyx*
>>103048*silently closes his eyes, and enjoys the pets*
>>103046Wait! HEY>>103050"So... uh... Spark? You around here?"
>>103051"Yeah? How goes it bartender?"
>>103041Here's one
>>103050"Wesley, you should remember Onyx. Yes, he's been catatonic for most of the train ride, but you recognize him don't you?"
Brie then remembers himself, shuffles close enough for a whisper, and reiterates:
"Wesley, du solltest dich an Onyx erinnern. Ja, er war die meiste Zeit der Zugfahrt katatonisch, aber Sie erkennen ihn"
>>103052"Ah good, the gang is all here. I'm doing well, yourself?"
He continues to pat the colt
>>103056"Good. The changelings haven't killed me yet, which is always a plus."
>>103050While I'm waiting around, I'm trying to figure out some universe-appropriate names for firearm manufacturers. What would be the pony version of Winchester? Would the name play off of the -chester part of the name, like Chestnut, or would it play off of the Win- part of the name, like Windigo?
Please wait, while GM translates shit
>>103053>Wesley, du solltest dich an Onyx erinnern. Ja, er war die meiste Zeit der Zugfahrt katatonisch, aber Sie erkennen ihnJa, er ist der große rußfarbene. Er hat weniger Aura als der Knochenkopf.
>>103056*Is pat*
Oooh! I've got a good ponified firearm name!
>>103057"I see they're just full of surprises...."
He noogies the colt a bit
Gimme a minute and I'll think of a Mossberg one
>>103062"Welches ist der Knochenkopf?"
>>103067Spark gets the impression he is being talked about... and not in a positive light.
>>103067"Warum ist ER der Knochenkopf?"
>>103071"Wegen des Knochens, der aus seinem Kopf wächst"
Wesley places his right hoof over his forehead
>>103072Brie thinks about it for a moment, looks over at Spark, nods twice, and turns back to Wesley.
"Ja, das macht Sinn"
>>103073The little ersatz pony sort of smiles, and nods at Brie
>>103075Hmmm.... on to the wagon?
>>103077>>103076He/they can get hitched up. Do they feel like they have adequate supplies?
>>103076>>103077>>103078Brie doesn't, luckily he has other bit-notes that he swiped from the safe. He just hadn't gotten around to provisions yet.
But no, I won't be able to get to that tonight, unless its super-brief.
>>103080Oh noes!
>>103079>>103077Anything else they wish to do in the city before heading West?
>>103081Nope, Onyx would just have to grab his halberd and hitch up to the wagon before they leave
>>103081Acquire provisions. Brie has 100+ notes gaffled from the safe, he would use those to get noms.
Too late, passing out
(do we really need to role-play groceries anyway? Dried meats, dried rations, dried fruit)
>>103086Nah, just take note of expenditures
>>103087>>103086>>103082>>103079Will the horned fellow, the utensil-throwing rockhorse and the bat orphan ling sympathizer be able to carry out the mission set out by themselves?
>>103088That’s the question we all have
>>103087Will do. Brie still has (iirc) about 100 bit-notes from the train safe, and the Lings should each have 600 bit notes from Comte's safe, which he gave them when he thought he was gonna get killed during the revolutionary's train attack.
>>103088>>103090>pic related >>103092That sounds approximately right, although I may need to revisit the earlier threads to verify. Be sure to leave money for
other expenditures that arise, especially if the group wants to ever leave the Changeling lands
>>103094Alright. I'll be ready to continue in a couple hours, though I can't speak for Sparks and Onyx, who's participation would technically be more essential going forward.
Alright, so we're at the Hotel, we've got the carriage, we've got the food,... ready to disembark? Oh hey, maybe a map would be good.
>>103100Maybe there is somepony who has intel about the place you want to go, but it could notify the bugs of your arrival.
>>103101Well, its not like we're gonna sneak up on them,....
[1d20-1 = -4]
Gather Information - Seeking a map or directions
[1d20-1 = -12]>>103103Well thats lovely. 2nd attempt
could set up an ambush to capture you and make sure you're not a threat or something along those lines.
>>103105*bap* Bad! Stop giving GM ideas!
>>103105>>103106More likely a Partisan group would approach them and question as to whether any of them are changelings, I'd think, especially if none of them showed any interest in being escorted safely out of Changeling-occupied territory at that moment.
>>103103Upon obtaining a map, Brie can see that a Bales itself is pretty much perfectly on the border.
The area is defined by the convergence of two Rivers, where the Unity river meets the Wye. The Unity runs south from the Crystal border and the Neighagra, while the Wye runs West and slightly south, until the Wye and the Unity merge, and the Wye continues running South and West. The city of Bales is located on this convergence, with the main commercial area and the great train yards being east of the Unity and North of the Wye, an industrial area south of the Wye, and residential areas on all sides.
The Border between the Changeling Lands and the Bales District of East Equestria is West of the Unity, and North of the Wye, right across the river leaving most of Bales in East Equestria. A portion of Bales located West of the Unity is also in East Equestria, but sone little satellite communities are in the Changeling Lands
>>103088>Utensil throwingIt was utensil whispering unless something happened while he was in an alcohol induced coma that I don't know of
>>103112So can I assume that the map directs toward the hive?
>>103114To Brie’s West are 2 million square miles of formerly Equestrian and Crystal Empire land, and only then the Changeling Core Lands. It’s peobably safe to assume their are new Changeling hives in the occupied Lands, but those are not on the map. The closest big pony city is Whinniapolis at around 150 miles Northwest, but there are closer, smaller cities
>>103115Brie shows the map to Onyx and Sparks.
"So how do we want to do this? Its not too late to back out."
>>103116“No backing out, but maybe let’s not go in the most obvious spot to get caught.”
>>103117"Fine by me. I doubt we'll be able to make the trip without trouble, either from the Hegemony or from native creatures, but I'm for minimizing the threat."
>>103116>>103117>>103118"Well I can't very well back down now. I'm not sure what would be the best route. But preferably somewhere we actually can take the wagon without it being more trouble than help."
At this point, the main concern should probably be whether they want to enter the Changeling Lands by admission by Customs, or whether they want to enter without admission. Also there’s the question of where to cross
>>103120I meant preferably no minefields, sharp rocks, forests are out, and I suppose mountains are too. Why I say the paved road sounds wonderful!>>103121Without admissions sounds easiest/best
>>103121>CustomsYou can do that? I assumed you had to sneak in like it was Mordor n shit
Look what you fags have done. Now he's thinking.
I'm calling it now, one of the three won't return from this trip.
And if they all do, then it's not gonna be easy
>>103122>Minefields, sharp rocks, forests, and mountainsThis region is relatively flat, so no mountains
>>103123>MordorI had initially intended the colony territories, if not necessarily the hives, to be little more threatening than the Soviet Union. But now that you mention it...
>>103128>FlatWew, Onyx can manage the wagon on plains. Prepare the little house on the prairie references.
>Little more threatening than the Soviet Union>Implying the Soviet Union is better the MordorShame
>>103129What? No Oregon Trail references?
"You already made one"
Quiet you
>>103131You missed my post about fording the river then
>>103132I was going for another reference, but that, too.
>>103130Should they stick to more rural areas, they may want to avoid certain water sources, as well as be certain they avoid any sort of lice
>>103130I mean we can shoot buffalo until we have too much meat to carry back, but I think that's murder in this world
>>103134Hopefully one of us has survival as a skill...
Just kidding, no one takes survival ranks.
>>103135"So we're going where there's roads
kek then? Fine by me. Is there ANYTHING we might need that I haven't acquired?"
>>103134I'm assuming that Water is included in those provisions, but if not, consider this my bid to have water available.
>>103136"Roads or plains, I can work with either. As for supplies all I need is good for the trip."
>>103138>Parrot NPCsOh shit, that’s a good idea
>>103143I like the idea of smol pegasi that act like birds
>>103144Like pic related. I remember there was one where she'd ask for breadcrumbs to a nigger but I can't find it.
>>103145I'm more afraid it'll try to perch itself on somepony's shoulder, making them fall down.
I'll be unavailable for a bit
>>103148True. The actual movie parrot had a way to perch on others' shoulders.
Honestly, it's a better pick.
>>103143>>103144>>103145Meanwhile, in Severyana...
Alright, so what are we doing?
>>103159Iron's having a marem full of ponies he barely interacted with.
Don't know about the others.
Batty fellow, know that it is a joke and you don't have to puke into the toilet. >>103159Loading up everypony into the wagon to start.
>>103159Silver's currently taking a pair of colts to the zoo, like the good pony he is.
>>103162inb4 they're disguised changelings
>>103159I think we're ready to disembark. Is tipsy full up?
>>103166Able to be balanced easily in one hoof I hope. I pictured a shotglass originally, but it is sort of up to what the bartender in the first bar on our first mission passed out that day. I don't recall that the moment.
>>103164Alright, declare your next action
>>103162They come upon what seems to be the zoo - a beige stucco wall with trees belong it, a ticket window in a little booth, and an opening with a white, arched sign that says "Baltimare Zoo" on it
>>103168"Это зоопарк, если я когда-либо видел." He trots up to the little booth. "Three tickets, please. One adult, two foals."
>>103171I approve of this action.
>>103170The yellow earth pony, with orange mane and a red uniform says
"Alright... 3 for a foal, and 5 for an adult... That'll be 11 bits."
>>10317310 Bits in notes and a 1 Bit coin, it is. Silver addresses the colts on his back as he's (presumably) hooved his tickets. "This will be fun!"
>>103175Probably a good idea to head inside and see what they have and where, first. Maybe they have a zoo directory, or an information booth with maps.
>>103175Can we see the chained ponies at the other end of the zoo?
>>103175Legitimately, the next action would be to head out on the most well established and stable road that is indicated on the map, that leads toward the Lings' home-hive.
>>103179Oh no. I'm in a temple with more metal bits from taking down a group of bandits several times making sure Cauldron gets more than her metal bit she received.
You're at the zoo.
>>103178This is a difficult question to answer if taken literally. Let's start with the issue of simply crossing the border. To do so, there are two separate bridges that go across the river where the border is on the other side - one in the North over Unity, and one in the South over Wye - and one that crosses into Red Fields, where the opposite side is in the same country, but there is a land border three quarters of a mile away. There is of course also the river itself, which may be crossed, though probably not with the carriage, at least without a ferry
>>103176The mundane, the exotic, and the dangerous
>>103181What about the VIP changeling chambers?
>>103181Hmmm. We could float the river,....
>>103181Wasn't it said that the wagon would float away in a flood?
>>103184That's true of a regular car, You still wouldn't drive it into a deep river, especially because you know it won't float for long
>>103183Unless maybe it
can be made to float for a while
Silver turns again to the colts on his back. "Well, this is your special day, after all. I feel like you two are more qualified to choose what to look at first than I am."
>>103186They bolt straight out of the gate
>>103187"...Дерьмо." He chases after them as best as he can. "Wait! Hold up!"
>>103188White Orchid to the left, a little further away, and Mint Marine to the center, a bit closer
Brie goes catatonic cuz debates
Iron is in limbo for the time being.
>>103191Mint Marine is outside the Winterchilla exhibit, looking at the little fuzzy creatures through the bars
"Uh... Oh... okay"
>>103193Silver silently curses the likely-bad decision to let them choose where to go. "Okay...
be safe!" He chases after where White Orchid went.
>>103194Down a little stone path, past some trees, he can finally see white orchid, on a fence overlooking an encloser where some foxes are kept
>>103195Oh thank goodness... Silver lets out a sigh of relief as he approaches Orchid. "Splitting up and bolting right out of gate was not exactly my idea."
>>103196>>103197Come on, Silver.
They only want to have fun looking at the animals
all alone and without supervision >>103197"That you two would come up with ideas and we would go to see them. It is alright this way, I just want to be able to make sure you two are safe, and that you do not get lost." He ruffles White Orchid's mane and looks at the foxes.
>>103199It's a family it seems. A male, a vixen, and at least one pup is visible, sitting on a section of grass near a little pool of water in the enclosure. The pup is playing around, or trying to
White Orchid closes his eyes and enjoys the mane ruffling
>>103200What happy-looking fox family. Hmm. I wonder if there is any deeper meaning as to why Orchid choose this enclosure to look at. He pauses in the ruffling of the mane, no matter how nice it may be. "Should we go look for Mint? He might like having company while looking around zoo."
>>103201He continues staring, now somewhat more sadly
>>103202"What is wrong, little one?"
>>103203"Many things... let's go find him"
>>103204"Hey." He puts a hoof on Orchid's right shoulder. "It is no use to go find Mint if your own business is not in order. Tell me what is wrong. Even if I can not do anything, acknowledging what is wrong is good idea."
>>103205"You say Mint Marine needs a companion... all of the sisters and even the other orphans place the two of us together. And in a way we are. But it's for all the wrong reasons"
He is definitely tearing
>>103206It doesn't take long at all for what the colt means to hit him. "Oh...OH! I apologise, I did not think...I am sorry, really." Silver sits down, putting himself more at Orchid's level as he stands.
>>103207"And on top of that, even the little foxes have a mommy and daddy"
Now he's crying, holding his head down
>>103208Silver feels like this is good time to hold the poor colt close, and give him a shoulder to cry on. "Just let it all out. It is okay."
>>103209White Orchid is the larger and more muscular of teh two ponies, but even so, he is soft and fluffy on the outside. Well, a little
*crying pony noises*