Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104898There is the audible click of a lock locking
>>104898Iron simply rubs his temple with one hoof, a light blush from feeling like a colt.
"Look. Me and my partner are going back to the metal jungle, and I did promise I would take you back there. Now, do you want to be taken back there or are you capable of going back on your own now?"
>>104898"Can you take me to him?"
>>104899And thus, the little foals are locked in
>>104901"I think he was... this way"
Eventually they walk to a sulking stallion, standing on the corner of a road
>>104900"When are you going?"
>>104902Iron exhales, thankful.
"With the cover of the night, so right now."
>>104902Spark tries to get the attention of the stallion. "Hello there."
>>104900She blinks
"You are going to go at night. While you are nearly dead from blood loss at at risk of infection. When you haven't rested?"
She blinks again
"Good luck. Even Dr. Grant thought that was foolish. And Dr. Grant was neither on the brink of death, nor loaded down with coins"
>>104904He blinks
"Oh. Hello. Yes"
>>104905Nodding at her rejection, the invisible weight on his soul being lifted, simply walks away towards Cauldron.
"Good luck to you too," he replies.
When reaching Cauldron, his blush is evident, but he has a small smile.
"Let us go."
>>104909"That's several miles up and down hill. Then what?"
>>104910Iron cocks his head.
"Are we not going back to the metal jungle to sell the pots I have on me off?"
>>104911"The nearest railroad is at least 20 miles from here"
>>104912Iron blinks, scratching his head.
"I assume you want to stay here and rest before going out, then?"
>>104911"We are"
>>104913"I mean... maybe? You've taken a hell of a beating today"
>>104914Sensing the loose nature of this conversation, he decides to simply shrug and lay down right there.
"I suppose I will fall unconscious for this blood loss thing again if I do not rest now. Might as well fall unconscious now."
>>104906“No. I was separated from my family as they crossed earlier today”
>>104916"We plan on crossing. Want to come along?"
>>104918"I have a medical excuse to cross. Bring others with me is going to take a bit of convincing, but it is a risk worth taking. We don't have anything left to lose."
>>104919"Okay. I will follow you. Anything is worth trying"
>>104920"Excellent. Do you know anypony else that didn't make it through?"
>>104922"Well, then let's head back."
Spark motions him to follow.
>>104923And thus, Spark has a small heard following him
>>104924"Ok, so the plan is follow close behind me and avoid prolonged eye contact. With as my ponies as go through here, hopefully they won't recall you. I'll handle the rest the best I can. Ready everypony?"
>>104925Unfortunately this will have to wait until tomorrow...
>>104926Night, GM.
Hopefully next day will be as productive as today.
I would've thought by this time everybody would be relatively free.
>>104936I am, but I'm not sure about everyone else.
>>104936I'm free, I was just waiting for everyone else.
If GM still wanted me in the game, that is. >>104939Are you sure you're here?
We can only hope.
>Trying to manage Iron's story has been about as fun as riding with the Grande Armee down muddy Lithuanian roads in Autumn.
Well shit.
I don’t know. I am sad and unconfident. Gib encouragement
>>104947I'm not exactly full of courage myself at the moment, but I trust you to do well by us. You haven't led us astray this far, and I don't see any reason why that would change.
>>104947Sure thing.
GM. Even though you borrowed the setting from a mod that focuses on the dehumanization of the individual and the strength of nations, I can definitely feel this place and its individuals are alive, have motivations of their own and fears to struggle with.
I'll base this on Cauldron, since it's one of the characters that were fleshed out more than most (almost equal to Skies in a way) and it is central to my enjoyment of the game, since it drives my character to do what he does. Anyone can see Cauldron's struggles of not being able to follow their passions because of responsibilities out of their direct control. Who didn't sacrifice their own dreams just to maintain the lives of their relatives? It's a very human emotion that most go through when thinking where to go and what goals they set themselves. This is why she's so endearing to me, because I can empathize with her and want to help her out and ease the weight of the choice by granting her more options to choose. To cause such a feeling to surface for something that I can't even see or touch is quite remarkable, and shows you have ability in your craft.
Now that you've added Pear into the mix, it creates a clever twist of Iron's heart, as he sees the mare losing her innocence to what the world can really be, which upsets him in a deep way. He believes that she shouldn't suffer in this way and therefore he will try to make things better for her
although his plans are cooking in order for her to regain that gait, that radiance that he sees in his mind is the perfect mare. Now he'll have to balance two hearts in order not to hurt himself with seeing one of them break down when he knows nopony else will care.
I hope with what I wrote can transmit the complex feelings you have given me through the use of your storytelling, and therefore encourage you to keep it up in order for both me, you and the others to have fun and great experiences full of emotion up ahead.
I sure hope this doesn't come out as autistic. >>104947I'm excited about your story. I love all of your characters. And I am having a great time for my only my second experience with this type of game style. Great doesn't even come close to fully describing the job you have been doing. You have gone above and beyond to give us detailed descriptions of environments lore, politics, happenings in the world, and the mood of the story. Not to mention how unique this kind of setting and story is for a D&D campaign. You are amazing.
>>104952No problem, my GM person.
>tfw no eeeing due to no mango powerup. >>104955N-nani?This must be a trick of the gods! Mangoes don't exist!
>>104952Might be pushing my luck here, but I don't suppose it's gaming time/resting time for Iron today, right? >>104951Brie should consider a certain difficulty in crossing the border...
>>104954 >>104957No! Stay back, you eeeing beast! You shan't corrupt thee to taste the non-existent fruit!
>>104958Truly a sad fate for the lone wanderer of the boards >>104959EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
>>104965Elaborate on what exactly?
>>104971That’s why you should join in. It’s pretty autistic, but
you can make it worse
>>104971>genuine autismThat's one way of putting it.
>>104972>WorseOh I can make it worse if that's what you want.
>>104973Ah don't worry, we're all autistic around here. Just... Some more than others.
>>104976>>104977I don't think anyone up until this point has been calling it bad though.
Whelp, not much to do except play some vidya and watch the thread until the GM arrives.
>>104978Hey, the GM said I can make it worse. I'm just following his orders.
>>104982>'elloIs GM from Australia? More info during the 11 o'clock news
>>104982Nice to see you, GM. You ready/wanting to play, or are you just wanting to relax right now?
>>104984*tap tap tap*
From behind Onyx, in the carriage, there is tapping
*tap tap tap*
It looks like a little green crystal pony colt is locked inside
>>104986"Bucking changelings...."
He turns around, doing his best to ignore the tapping.
>>104987Changelings?! What Changelings?!
Onyx's words do not seem to worry the little colt inside the carriage, as it isn't entirely if he understands Ponish
*tap tap tap*
No Changelings are visible in the vicinity
>>104988Onyx was just getting nibbled on in there, and he knows that mission is about.
He places his hooves over his ears.
>>104989As Onyx sits there, a Lilac colored mare with a glistening coat and puffed up, tied down brown mane passes, then walks a couple steps back, and starts looking at Onyx
>>104990Onyx uncovers his ears and shrugs before looking to see what the changeling is doing now.
>>104991Well, who knows what any Changeling is doing, but the new pony that walked up is looking at Onyx, as is the smiling little foal whose hooves are pressed against the glass from the inside of the carriage
>>104992>Glaring at GM intensifiesAnyway, Onyx sighs as he realizes how strange this looks resuming is position of sitting by the door. Hoping the mare won't give him any trouble.
>>104993The glistening mare now speaks to Onyx directly:
"Are you a Crystal pony?"
>>104996"About as much as you are. May I help you?"
>>104994>Onyx has been told they're helping two changeling foals>he saw two foals in the wagon that didn't look like thatAre you sure that it's meta?
>>104997"I haven't seen very many Crystal ponies around, outside of Neighagra at least. I thought I'd talk to you, since there are not so many of us in Bales."
>>104998Okay, now I'm curious how THAT was meta>>104999"Oh... Well that would be... Nice. I'm Onyx."