Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>103948“It’s been a
long day.”
Cauldron actually doesn’t really feel that soft. Her hair is short and slightly course, Iron can definitely feel that she has been sweating, and under her skin she has tangible muscle. All in all she is built more for work than for show. Her skin fits on kind of loosely, but not
too losely.
>>103949Cold Stone is left in skeptical silence
Pink mare:
“Oh thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!”
>>103950Spark smiles at the pink mare.
"Now hurry and see about that visa."
>>103950That's more akin to smooth. Still like. Iron is most likely sweaty too, so no issue there."'The biggest rewards are always at the top of the mountain'," he chuckles to himself. "That is what my brother told me once."
His goofy smile is still plastered on his face.
>>103951“But the consulate is in downtown. At least I’ve heard it’s in downtown. I’ve never been here before and I’ve never spoken to a consulate...”
>>103953"Well, if you would like, I can tag along to make sure we get to the right place."
>>103952“Did your brother give you any advice on fighting entire hordes of bandits? If it were just me, I would have let them be”
>>103955"Oh, my brother would have simply rushed them, dodging everything they threw at him. Perhaps grapple one of them to use as a shield or do some flips, bucking down at an unsuspecting bandit."
He smiles.
"He is really,
really hard to hit to begin with. He would have made defeating these bandits a dirtwalk."
(I would have done the same if I did not leave my armor and shield at Cauldron's place.)
He frowns.
may not like the idea of taking this for profit, though."
>>103957“Hmmm.... I don’t know about all that. What do you mean ‘taking this for profit’?”
>>103958He shakes the pots on his pony body to highlight the thing that might annoy his brother.
>>103960“No, I know
that. I mean why would he not like it?”
>>103961Iron looks up, a bit uncomfortable
"His master made him a goody-four-horseshoes. Help the weak, punish evil-doers and the like."
He ponders a bit.
"Now that I think about it, this situation would probably stumpt him if it happens with the results we have gotten. Sacrifice your brother's work to make the expedition ponies happy or make the weak ponies sad by allowing us to leave with the gains we have rightfully gotten by combat."
>>103962“Oh, so he fancied himself a knight in shining armor”
>>103963Iron nods.
"He most definitely would not agree to help if this was the outcome."
He pointed at the expedition ponies.
"If he had cleared the place of bandits himself, he would have gladly given almost everything to the expedition ponies, escort them back home and even do any special favors they would ask later."
>>103964“Oh really? You say his ‘master’ made him like that? What do you mean?”
>>103965"From what I managed to witness back when I was a foal, my brother would always commune with one of the younger elders. He would give some sort of rule of his moral code, then go on to teach them his techniques."
He yawns.
"It was as boring as you would imagine. Laying in place for half of the day, repeatedly punch the air and other silly stuff like that."
>>103966“And what made you different?”
>>103967Iron deadpans.
"Do you think
I can lay still for half a day, doing nothing? That is
He pulls his free foreleg up and flexes it.
This is the result of endless fights and other competitve activities from young. Only through brawling and
having fun I learned."
A sudden pain from his chest forces Iron to stop flexing.
"I should not have done that... Ow."
He rubs his chest.
>>103968Iron should have
quite a few pains in his chest. Billets have not been removed and are still lodged inside of him, and he is not fully healed by any means. At best, the bleeding is stopped
>>103969I know, but flexing only amplifies said pain. Mostly used as a joke.Iron pokes his collection of bullet wounds, now wondering what they are doing in there.
>>103968“But why do you not agree with him on helping the weak, or whatever moral issue it was?”
>>103971Iron cocks his eyebrow.
"I never said that. I only said that the elder's method of training is boring. I would not simply punch a harmless pony without reason. You even saw me not attack a mare with a stupidly powerful weapon until the last second."
He sighs.
"I suppose it is because of how rigid his teaching was that made me dislike his methods. Punching the air 50 times in the same way numbs my mind."
>>103972“No, I am asking you why you say you would take the coins as profit, but your brother would not. Why are
you okay with it?”
>>103973Iron simply cocks his head.
"I do it because I got through all the bandits and therefore should get a big compensation for my efforts. Not to mention your share of work that you did, and I did promise you would get life-changing money"
He lays down.
"I am okay with it because we got them through a fight, however unequal it was against us. To the victor goes the spoils. Meanwhile, my brother simply decides to give almost all of his belongings out, as if his efforts does not need any sort of compensation. He just does it because 'it is the right thing to do' and gallops into the sunset."
His head lays down, a frown on his face staring ahead.
"It is like he does not care for himself at all."
>>103974She nods to Iron, with an expression of uncertainty upon her face
[1d20 = 9]>>103975Iron looks up at Cauldron, standing up again. He uses the power of empathy to see what makes her uncertain.
>>103976She’s conflicted, although what about, Iron cannot tell
>>103977Internal conflict? Not on my watch!Iron initiates physical affection, hugging the zebra.
>>103978Cauldron by this time is laying down on the ground. But she’s still huggable, with a neck and ears that are extending upwards
>>103979I don’t know
>>103980Awwwww. Can't I just do this mission and catch back up with the rest? Who knows how many more times I will miss them.
>>103980If that's the case...Iron lays next to her, wrapping a foreleg around her neck.
"Is something the matter?"
>>103982“My father had me raised as a strict Harmonist... we are supposed to help the weak. It kind of feels like a betrayal of his values.”
>>103984"Do you mean you have never helped the weak before?"
(So does she care about the debtors?)
>>103985"... Maybe not as often as I should have"
>>103986"Are you able to help them without risking your own livelihood?"
>>103988Iron squeezes Cauldron lightly.
"You cannot help the ponies you want to help because you are not in a position to help them."
He smiles.
"Now that you will have the opportunity to better your life, you will be able to help the ponies you want to help more often."
>>103989She smiles briefly
“I guess that is true... I still feel like I don’t understand. Why do you disagree with your brother on his... morality?”
>>103990"My brother simply... helps others because it is what a good pony does. It is strange to simply help without having an ulterior motive behind it."
He frowns.
"He will never stick around anywhere, as he will simply wander almost aimlessly forever and doing good deeds as he goes. Help a colt down a tree? He does it, then leaves when he ensures the family is well. He cannot stay with others with his moral code."
>>103992Cauldron blinks, then twists her head
“But a good pony sticks with friends and family, and helps them above all others”
>>103993Iron sighs.
"He thinks all ponies are family, one way or another."
>>103994>>103994Her mouth hangs slightly open, and her eyes are wide.
“Huh” then a laugh “he!” And then “I can say safely that all ponies don’t think I am a part of
their family”
She looks away
“Not that I would expect a random pony on the street to fill in for my shift, or pose for an art project anyways...”
>>103996Iron squeezes her some more.
"I do not know about you, but I think
you are part of my family."
He smiles.
"You are the most reliable pony I have ever had the pleasure to meet."
His smile turns mischevious.
"You can draw me as one of your Prench mares if you want to. It is only fair."
>>103997She blushes a little, and gives a full laugh
“Hahaha, it’s Obere who is the artist, not me”
>>103998Iron ponders.
"So you pose for your sister?"
>>103999She laughs, and lightly pushes a hoof back at him
“He’s my brother, and not like that! Just so he can practice drawing faces”
>>104001Iron strains to contain a laugh.
pfft-Alright. I think I get it."
He breathes in, feeling the firm, smooth hoof on his body while containing his laughter.
"And you offer your face every single day?"
>>104002Cauldron, previously laying down, sits up
“When she needs it”
>>104004Wait, so the artist is a she now?Iron follows suit, nodding.
"What about the shift you mentioned? You mean in your family's restaurant?"
>>104003Doth mine eyes deceive me?
>>104005You hush“Well, yes”
>>104006Soz"Have you proposed looking for a replacement, maybe using some sort of sign on the door asking?"
>>103858“But what about it feels strange?”
>>104008“Oh, my father has hired help before. I am talking about when one of us needs a temporary to fill in. He likes to have us around because he knows he can trust us, but not necessarily a stranger. Besides, we sometimes need part-time employment”
>>104009Iron lights the mind torch.
"Ah, so you only work there periodically when one of the ponies he hired are not available?"
>>104010“When my father asks me, or my brother or sister”
>>104011“Well, trust your gut, but know that only solid info can keep the area stable and safe from infiltrators”
>>104012Iron ponders.
"Do you like cooking or potion making more?"
>>104012"Was there anything else you wished to know about the shooting,Sir?"
>>104013“Potion making. There’s more complexity to it. More artistry. More science. More precise measuring abs compounds too expensive to mess up a batch, and more reward from making a successful potion. But I don’t discount cooking either. It too, has an art to it, and a feeling of
making something good.”
>>104014“What did the stallion tell you? I’ve heard from Blue Skies, but not from you.”
>>104015Iron smiles.
"Your food is enough testament to that."
He unfocuses his gaze on Cauldron.
"Would you like to do potion making as your job?"
>>104015"Well it Began when i Told them "I Knew what you did." i wasnt expecting to Hear he was a part of the WaterFront Gang."
>>104016The stripes mix together, and she becomes a blur
“I think potion making”
>>104017“It’s far from surprising. The Baltimare police system has been corrupt for some time. Mayor Larry Berry was just below the Chief of Police before he was voted in to replace High Tower, who resigned in a scandal. The police have been taking many bribes, and generally tolerate organized crime where it doesn’t kill anyone or overstep its bounds. They think that the gangs can’t really be stopped, and fighting them will cause violence, so they let them continue practices like loan snarking. That may have been what you stumbled in on. But there is more to it than that. More recently, the gangs have taken a role in supporting partisans, mostly by means of weapon smuggling. We don’t know the exact field of relationships between the Baltimare Social Democrats, the gangs, and the left wing partisans, but we have reason to believe it is more than nothing.”
>>104019Blinking multiple times, he nods, smiling.
"With this amount of money, you can definitely afford to make potions as your job."
>>104020“Well, there’s more to it than that. Starting up my own shop would be like running a business, which has its own set of issues”
>>104022“Dealing with customers, accounting, finance, employees, advertisement, and so forth.”
>>104023"The potential of potion making should make dealing with these issues simple. You only need to showcase the benefits of the potions to skyrocket your work."
He pokes his chin.
"Maybe give out potions to increase someone's ability to think, spot and other enhancements to the body. That would surely be useful, and profitable."
>>104019"well,Sir. If i may Speak Frankly. it sounds like they are a bunch of Treacherous Pussies who Don't Have What it takes to Protect our Ponies. they should be treated just like the communists for letting them operate at all."
>>104024>>104024She smiles
“Maybe I will open my own potions shop.”
Then she adds
“If you want to advertise enhancements...”
>>104025This makes Sea Breeze laugh, and he closes his eyes and leans down, until he leans down to a position that must hurt his old wounds. He composes himself, and sits up, all in the span of a few seconds
“I think you may misunderstand our directives. The Caretaker government’s purpose, above all else, is to achieve stability in the lands under its control, with secondary goals of providing raw materials and exactions for metropolitan New Mareland. We have sought stability by leaving continuity in the government and society of the administered territories, even by allowing democratic elections and letting officials stay in power who would not be acceptable under different circumstances. I understand that you wish the rot in your homelands to be pulled out by the root, but unfortunately the Caretaker government is not able to do that with our current directives and resources.”
>>104026Iron simply smiles back.
"You know I am going to accept your request. We always stick together."
Another wrap of the foreleg on Cauldron's neck.
"We are the dynamic duo!"
>>104026Dark Star Frowns And Then Looks Down.
"I See."
>>104027She laughs awkwardly, then says “what?”
>>104028“Dark Star, I understand your frustrations. I do not want to see Equestrian society, nor any part of Faustian Civilization fall into its Long Night. But the rot is very deeply rooted here, and the ponies will likely be resistant to, or perhaps even appalled by, the measures necessary to eliminate the decay in society. Imagine you have a home where terminates have eaten away at every wall. Imagine you have a family living there who cannot go away, even for a weekend. How do you fix the problem? It is going to take some time at least, and perhaps a change in the overall situation before a full change is possible.”
He pauses, then continues,
“Look at it this way. So long as the caretaker government is in power here, the situation cannot deteriorate much. The Griffins are held at bay, the Communists are kept out, the worst excesses of International Capitalism are held in check, the Changelings-“
“Hegemony,” Blue Skies interrupts
Sea Breeze gives her a condemning glance, but does not stop speaking “are kept from dominating Free Equestria, and the worst parts of social liberalization are also kept from their terrible advancement. So long as the Caretaker government reigns, Baltimare May be saved from its Long Night”
>>104029Dark Star Keeps quiet. But he returns to looking at Sea Breeze.
>>104030“Well... any further questions?”
>>104031She gives a half smirk, and and a playfully corral expression
>>104032"None Particularly,Sir. Actually, is there anything else that needs to be done?"
>>104032Iron blushes a little bit.
[1d20 = 11]>>104035Iron does the unthinkable, booping the zebra on the snoot!
[1d20+7 = 19]>>104037Reflex save!
>>104036“Everything. It’s like gardening, always tending to something. There’s investigating attacks upon the military, investigating tips about partisan activities or espionage, cultivating community watch programs, talking to locals, setting up sting operations for local government officials believed to be corrupt, investigating the loyalty of territorial soldiers, surveilling areas, taking part in raids, and so forth. There are a few tasks for the civilian government as well that may be necessary.”
>>104038"Talking To Locals about what?"
>>104040“Talk to them about their issues with the caretaker government, what their wants and concerns are, who they are afraid of, and ultimately, any subversive activities”
>>104041So... I'll just... take that as a yes.Iron barely boops the zebra mare next to him.
"Do not act silly. You were definitely thinking something."
>>104041"Hmmmmm that sounds pretty light. maybe i wont get shot again."
He Laughs
>>104045"You said 'nevermind' just a second ago."
Iron squints his eyes in mock determination.
"And I will find out what you meant."
>>104047“You just said you got excited, and it was strange. That is all”
>>104046“Maybe not. It’s very different work”
>>104048Iron blinks.
"What is so strange about being excited?"
>>104049“Oh, nevermind. There is nothing to it, really”
[1d20 = 16]>>104050Emapthy time!
What is Cauldron thinking about?