Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics
In the North, in Bales, Brie has just aquired a carriage with which he shall make the journey into the Changeling Occupied Zone, alongt with Spark and Onyx. In Baltimare, Dark Star recouperates from injuries sustained in a near fatal encounter with a Changeling opperative. Silver helps treat two traumatized orphans, and Iron examines ancient secrets in the Jungles
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>>104474>>104473Did... did you just boop yourself?
>>104472I haven’t played Dread League since the Northern Lights expansion. I would bet that would make it more difficult since the Northern Tribes are always conquered by a neighboring, stronger nation, putting you at war with them immediately. Watertowns and Farbrook being guaranteed by the River Federation is annoying enough
>>104476Hmmm, what nations do you enjoy?
>>104478>>104479Olenia (Rike), Lake City (Holy Pony Empire), New Mareland (State), and Changeling Lands form the majority of my plays. Aside from those it’s mostly Hill Ponies and Riverlands nations like Nimbusia, Firtrees, or Greneclyff
>>104481Interesting, I may have to try out Lake City sometime.
>>104484Now I don't know if the glare is for not noticing sooner or for assuming things.
What did I tell you? I can get into problems like myself! >>104484>>104486Well, duh,
obviously the zeeb's stripes were helping her to blend in.
Nice Xenith vector. If that is Xenith, that is. Does anypony want to play tonight?
>>104492I think Dark Star was asking Blue Skies where his bestest best friend went off to
>>104491Silver was paying off a bribe to the damaged children to not report his harboring of Changelings, then dumping them back at the orphanage
might be able to squeeze in Iron’s next scene tonight. But I might
not >>104493That's one way of putting it, yeah. Last I know, Silver was just telling them at he had a fun time.
>>104493I don't think Iron's Dark Star bestest friend, but he does embody part of what he wants to be.Alrighty. I'll be on the lookout.
>>104494Something seems incomplete about it, but sure
"Have you seen spark lately?"
>>104496Eh, there probably is, but I don't know what it would be.
>>104498Their little hearts only partly mended, Silver leaves them behind
>>104499"Shimmering Spark, the unicorn."
>>104499Yeah yeah, Silver messes up another scene with his incompetency, I get it. Are we gonna play, or are we just going to bash Silver?
>>104500“Oh. Right. The pony with the glass of Jack and Coke. No, I haven’t seen him since after the raid of Comte’s house.”
At this point, Skies looks irritated
>>104504“That was the night we brought back the Changeling nymphs... which have since gone
>>104507“They went missing. Silver had them in a room. Then he left them. Then they were gone.”
>>104508"Silver Lost The Little Monsters? How Exactly Did this Happen?"
>>104503So, we're just...skipping back to the quarry, I guess?
>>104512I don't want
anything in particular except to know what we're doing. I was expecting Silver to say his goodbyes to the colts, maybe have to explain the mountain of toys to one of the nuns, but if we're just skipping forward to Silver getting back to the quarry that's perfectly fine as well. I just need to know.
Boy this is a swell beginning to the day...
Unless Blue has been snooping around Silver's room, I don't think Silver's gotten around to telling her, yet.And by that, I mean I personally have forgotten to have Silver let her know. This silence is unnerving.
But I consider most things unnerving, so...
>>104517Personally, I find most of them funny.
>>104518Wait, do you mean things weren't going well for you at work, or were things in the thread not going well while you were at work?
>>104519It's funny until you actually see them outside of the screen.
Dangit I missed GM post. I feel that the squeezing ain't gonna happen. >>104520Eh, it's not a far-fetched possibility. I swear to fuckin' god, there's a ghost living with me, and my folks claim they saw bigfoot while they were driving a few years back. Siren Head and that weird dog-head snek aren't too far removed from those.
>>104521Ah, everyone has a ghost in the house at some point in their lives. Bigfoot is just hairy man and I don't know about those last two you mentioned tbh.
All I know is that they were in the video. Don't know anything else about them, though I imagine they're just a couple spoopy things someone thought up in their free time.
>>104524Most likely.
Poor SCP Foundation. The gay breached containment and infected all the staff.>>104523I dunno, mang. I never seen one.
Okay, so maybe a second attempt at doing something?
>>104529Sure. We left off with Onyx buying paper, right?
>>104534"Thank you. How much will that be?"
>>104535>>104536"Don't look at me, I gave you all my bits"
>>104536I have lost track of Spark's funds, so I hope that I have enough for this quest.
I pay the bill and tip a bit.
"Have a wonderful day."
>>104537"Got everything you need?"
>>104540"This should work, now let's get back to the wagon so I can try writing us some papers."
>>104541"Alright then."
>>104539We head back to the cart.
>>104542>>104541Thus they are back at the Cart
>>104543>Pic related>>104544How many forgery checks should Onyx make?
>>104545What is he trying to make?
>>104546Any types of documents that can get them across the border. Fake letters, references, etc.
>>104547It really varies. For example, if Onyx wants to forge a Friendship Visa, that would be very difficult, at least without a typewriter, because if the specific details of those documents. If instead Onyx wants to produce a fake hoof-written affidavit from Cinnamon Heart’s mentally retarded half-brother who lives in Bales and is unable to take care of himself- this needing Cinnamon Heart to support him - forging that document might be rather easy, although the guards may expect the dim witted brother to have shown up in person. Something like a letter from an employer should be in the middle
>>104549Fine, letter from the employer. Will everyone need on or just one letter?
>>104550Each pony crossing needs one
I kind of wanted to see onyx pretend to be retarded, insane, or some other sort of dependent
>>104551So two are going across, three are coming back. Does that mean I need three letters?
"Hey Spark, who's the pony we're saving anyway?"
>>104552>Implying Onyx has to pretend to be insane >>104554"Cinnamon Heart. Her sister asked me to get her across."
>>104554It may be worth inquiring into
Onyx’s Immigration situation
>>104555"Gotcha, she'll probably need papers too"
>>104556Yes, he's an illegal I'm aware.
>>104557Not just that, but the procedure for crossing and how onyx can come back
>>104557"We are going to need to make a few more in case we can rescue some other ponies as well."
Okay, figure out what you want to do
>>104562Ooh! You think I'll get the next scene today, then?
>>104565Firstly, ensure that both him and Cauldron rest enough to regain half-health for Iron and full heal Cauldron (since she only got shot once all this time so damage is low). Since you mentioned you want to do something during the resting, I'll leave it that. If not, a simply getting up with the attached pots and exiting the temple with Cauldron will suffice for the time being.
Objective? Get to the river and follow it back to civilization and reach a seller.
>>104566I believe what Iron is doing is laying on the rocky ground of the part of the cavern trail seen the apex of the trail and the treasure room. Is that correct? If so, how long does he remain there before getting up?
>>104567Correct. He was with Cauldron enacting the extremely normal reaction of being booped in the snout.
The time needed to regain half-health (aka 21 HP), which should also be enough to get Cauldron in optimal shape.
I have no idea how long I should wait for that. I guess about 2-3 hours? Maybe even 4 maximum.
>>104568Okay, roll die, and roll listen
[1d20 = 2][1d20 = 20]>>104569>roll listenOh boy. Hope this doesn't turn bad.
>>104570I don’t know which is which
>>104571Uh, let's go with the roll die the top one and the roll listen the bottom one.
I think previous message of mine didn't clearly convey the message.Also no wis to give me an edge here so it's essentially rolling two dice. >>104573After a period of perhaps 20 minutes, maybe half an hour, Iron can hear unambiguous movement in the other side of the cavern. Cauldron must hear it too, because her ears perk up and rotate in that direction
>>104574I assume no health regenerated.Iron's ears rotates to the source of the noise.
"Strange. What is going on over there?"
He starts to slowly back away from the noise, being essentially vulnerable with all the pots on him and seeks a place to hide or at least deposit their pots away from hungry, greedy eyes.
>>104575Hiding the pots depends on Iron’s faith in the blackness, though there are some nooks in the rocks. Cauldron appears irritated