Set six years after season 6, Occupied Equestria presents an alternative history where the Changelings have conquered half of Equestria, while a former Equestrian colony - soured to Princess Twilight's notion of harmony with all creatures because of their encounters with griffins - Invaded and took the other half. In Baltimare and the Equestrian Southeast, the magic of friendship has weakened, as Communists, Changeling infiltrators, Fascists, gangs, and corrupt creepy politicians threaten the city. This role play is based in large part upon the Equestria at War mod for Hearts of Iron 4, and uses D&d 3.5e mechanics.
The long train ride to Bales is over, with Brie, Onyx, and Spark reaching their destination a little bruised but not dead or arrested. Before them lies a new and unfamiliar city and world, at the crossroads of Equestria's past and present, and also the Changeling Occupied Zone and East Equestria. In Baltimare, Dark Star prepares to set out on a mission to track down and arrest unfaithful and unreliable local law enforcement that have been leaking information to rebel forces. Silver may finally have a new toy he can use to clear the Catacombs of their undead presence. Iron, meanwhile, has drifted further into an temple in his search for a treasure sough by an archaeological expedition that was ambushed by bandits.
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Around two weeks ago I was finishing making up the story for Iron, I realized that the story actually could take several different turns, and have several possible endings. And further I realized, to my horror, that I had not yet even thought about adapting H.P. Lovecraft’s greatest work. There are so many more stories to be told, so much more history to uncover...
>>101622Talk about a deep dream sequence.
So, how exactly would the water impact that third plan of yours? >>101622Oh, so that is why the story was halted. You're drowning in wondrous, potentially infinite possibilities.
>>101623Water is dangerous. >>101623It's questions like would they fall into the water and sink to the bottom if it's deeper in some areas than it looks, would the water impede their progress and prevent them from reaching the bomb, will it absorb the blast and shield them, will it make spotting them harder, would it result in ghouls with limbs missing still roaming about in the lake in a way that's hard to get to... so forth
>>101625Is the pump equipment still down there, or would he have to find a way to acquire one?
>>101626It was never removed from the scene, though it's not necessarily clear if it is workable
>>101627Hmm...well, I think I'm ready. Are you?
>>101628As ready as I am going to be
Video is what I think of when asked if ready"I am ready! How 'bout you?" >>101629Press F to Pay Respects.As Silver trots by the quarry, ideas flowing through his head about how to deal with the undead menace, he catches a glimpse of the unexploded bomb's resting place and the abandoned drainage equipment.
Hmm...that might work. He swiftly unhitches himself from his cart to trot back to the front office, giving the door a good ol' knock. "Hello? Anypony home?"
>>101631A scarlet mare with a big, sangria bun mane prances into the room
"How may I help you?"
>>101632"Yes, I am part of group that was contracted to deal with undead infesting catacombs. I saw there is still pump equipment in flooded part of quarry. Is that still operational?"
>>101633“What? Oh, do you mean the development project on Silver Lake? Let me check”
The mare turns behind herself and pulls out a booklet, with her hooves as she is an Earth Pony, and looks into it
“Well... they were turned off after complications arose... unless the hoses were cut, they should run just fine”
>>101634Silver nods. "Do you mind if I go see if they will run?"
>>101635"Are you already authorized to be on that property? If so, than no"
>>101636Silver nods again. "Thank you for your assistance. With luck, we will be finished with this business today."
>>101638Silver excuses himself from the office to go to the pump equipment.
I wonder where everypony else went. Seems like I am only one who is interested in getting this done. >>101639I know right. To the Victor goes the spoils, anyways...
The lot is empty, as per usual, with the fence surrounding it. In the lots around there is active work, with at least one construction machine operating.
Besides the edge of the quarry is a machine with a round cylindrical hood that looks most like a pot-pan turned upside down. There is an exhaust tube, another fat circular cylinder going underneath, and the whole contraption is located on sort of parked cart, with legs on one end and giant wheels on the other end. A hose feeds from the device into a long depression in the ground that seems to be a dried creek bed running away from the quarry
>>101640Was this creek bed around before quarry began, or was it made specifically for drainage? Silver looks around at the strange-looking drainage pump.
Черт, where is on switch? >>101641Looks like I described the creek wrongThe creek eminates away from the quarry, before turning nearly perpendicular to a line parallel to it, and away from the property. The hose extends even further, all the way to near the edge of the property where the little creek meets a drainage ditch
There is no obvious switch
[1d20-1 = -6]>>101642Search: Silver's snout scrunches up as he takes a more in-depth look as to where in Tartarus the on-switch could be.
>>101643Only a little handle thingy on one chord... Actually, a couple smaller switches
>>101644Any identifying marks or labels for the switches or cord?
>>101645One switch, small and on the top portion on the "pot-pan" is labelled "fuel." the chord, also near, is not labelled. A level on the bottom section is labeled "pump"
>> goes nothing. Silver uses the level on the bottom section.
Hope this works... >>101647And it moves... Something, inside the machine. So he did something. But he definitely didn't start any process
>>101648Дерьмо. Well, better than blowing it up. Maybe if I try hitting this switch?Silver flips the switch on the top portion of the machine.
>>101650...Maybe I need some help with this. Silver turns both the switch and the lever off before heading back to the front office.
>>101652"You would not happen to have some kind of instruction manual for pump out there?"
>>101653"Uh.. sure" She looks through the desk, and it takes a while, but she pulls a small one out
Among other things, the instruction manual gives the following information for starting the device
"Make sure there is petrol in the tank
Turn on the fuel line by placing the fuel switch in an up position
Make sure the pump is NOT engaged
Pull the starting cord repeatedly, until the petrol engine is stable and running
Engage the pump"
>>101654Silver quietly mumbles the instructions to himself before giving it back to the mare. "Thank you."
>>101655Thus he does so, presumably returning to the lot
>>101656Indeed he does so.
Okay step one... Silver looks for a fuel cap on the device, and/or a way to check on how much fuel it has.
>>101657Black cap. The smelly liquid is at about 40% according to a mark inside of the tank
>>101658That should work. Okay, step two... Silver flips the switch on the top portion of the pump.
...step three... He makes sure the pump isn't engaged.
...step four... Silver begins to pull the starting cord.
>>101661Well... it doesn't turn on. Not even close, actually
[1d20 = 17]>>101662Well, come on, now! Silver tries again, because he's
totally not insane.
It is on now, vibrating and making a pretty loud sound
>>101665He engages, and the engine slows down as more sounds are produced. And then, the hose distends. It looks like it is pumping
>>101666Spooky trips.Silver looks down into the quarry to watch the progress being made.
>>101667You're damned rightIt looks like this pump will take... a while, to drain several acre-feet of water
>>101668That gives Silver the perfect opportunity to get someplace to buy some fishing wire.
>>101669"Hallo" greats a dark-gold furred griffin with a clear scar blocking out his left eye at a fishing supplies shop
"Vat kan ik voor je doen?" realizing he's said that not necessarily correctly, he says
"Vat Kan I do voor you?"
>>101670Griffonian griffon? They certainly do have wealth of different peoples and cultures here. "Fishing wire, my friend. Lots and lots of fishing wire."
>>101670"Hoe much you vant?" asks the griffin
>>101673He looks at him with a blank expression for a moment, then consults down to a paper next to the desk. Then he says
"Oh ja, honderdvijftig meter. I vill get it for you." He goes into a back room, and comes out with a relatively large spool of fishing wire
>>101674"Ah, right, you use meters in Griffonia. Apologies, my friend. How much do I owe you for this?"
>>10167616 Bits it is. "Have yourself good day."
>>101677Not so fast little pony,
What is the method of payment?
>>101678I would assume he'd use 16 of the regular coins he has.
>>101679Smart cookie, as not only would the Griffin be unwilling to accept worthless scrip in payment, he might be offended at the thought of being asked to exchange 4 good coin in change for a 20
"Thank you, kom again"
>>101680Silver nods, and heads back to the pump at the quarry to see what progress it's made.
>>101681Well, let's see. A large Chinese made irrigation pump I found on the internet can move 3600 liters of water in one minute, which means it could move, let's say, 5 acre-feet in 28 hours. Without very much to say with specific number's, let's just say that it would take a while, but still get the job done in what would be a reasonable time for the construction workers
>>101683An american version that moves 60,000 gallons an hour would take 27 hoursThe lake is not consistent in depth, with sort of "rings" being excavated at different depths. The southern, or right portion is higher, the left/northern portion is lower. Obviously Silver can reduce the depth without removing it all
>>101687I'm just saying the water becomes more shallow as time progresses
>>101689What does Silver consider acceptable?
>>101690Where the water won't conceal any ghasts, whether they're standing or legless.
For some reason I'm feeling a sudden urge to increase Zebra representation
>>101691Hmmm.... Probably some hours, and of course portions are already above water
>>101692Watching the Anonfilly thread, too, I take it?Looks like Silver has some time to kill. He thinks for a moment before deciding to visit a newspaper stand and getting caught up with current events.
>TFW My Sleeping Schedule is so fucked, im awake when no one else is.
>>101692I wonder if this is meant to trigger someone>>101694Dun worre. You with me, although I can't say you can RP with me unless you can both dream travel and currently not be on mission.
>>101697Heyo GMo, nice to see you alive and kicking at this time of day.
>>101696Focus on your mission to improve your position with the Black Hooves, then you can dream travel.
>>101697I'm Sorry. I'll Try to Stay awake all day and go to bed at night.
>>101698Hmmmmmmm, But Luna isn't in the BlackHooves
>>101700Sudden GM. Lunch break, I take it?
>>101700>>101701I believe it's more likely that he returned to his home.
Unless he's been GMing a horsefucker D&D session at work all this time. Got a joke for y'all:
What do you call a mare who was born in Sunset, lived in Baltimare, and died in Detrot?
>>101706No idea. What do you call them?
>>101708I laughed at that more than I should have.
>>101708Well, that was quite an unexpected anti-joke.
>>101709>>101710My little sister came up with that one, if you can believe it. I just made it related to the game. Got another one, here:
If a plane crashes on the border of Equestria and the Crystal Empire, where do you bury the survivors?
>>101711>Bury the survivorsDepends on which government had it out for those survivors.
>>101716Hello, kind sire. It is an honor to see you with a happy face.
>>101721Just Barley, can hardly keep my eyes open.