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Narcissism Thread
3957 4370
Hey /üb/, how much do you know about Narcissism?
I'd like to direct your attention to Dr. Ramani Dursavula - clinical psychologist, professor at CSU LA, author, youtuber etc, and arguably the leading authority on Narcissism.
The problem with Narcissism as a clinical disorder is that it doesnt bear any of the classical signs of a disorder; the people who bear the symptoms of a narcissistic relationship are not the narcissist themselves, but the people around them. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that narcissists are over-represented in otherwise successful, prestigious, and competitive professions, fields, and careers, effectively calling into question the idea of dysfunction and disorder.
Narcissistic abuse is real, and it's a problem that is not getting any better by the cultural shifts brought about by mass media and technology. What's more, it isnt just the narcissist one has to be on the lookout for, there are plenty of people out their doing the bidding (they're called 'flying monkeys', ala the Wizard of Oz) of narcissists.
Arguably the worst trait of narcissists and those who work on their behalf is that of Gaslighting, which is the deliberate undermining of a person, their perspective/experience, reputation and standing, and other social interactions.
As an easy example, let's look at CNN. Let's assume for a moment that Brian Stelter, Rachel Maddow, Chris Quomo and Don Lemon arent malignant narcissists. I know, but bear with me.
It doesnt matter for those mentioned to not be narcissists if their job is to gaslight on behalf of Jeff Zucker. And what are some examples of gaslighting? Russian hackers, Quid pro quo, Epstein killed himself, Hunyer Biden, and of course muh Covid. A person can be gaslit hundreds or even thousands of times a day just by watching the TV, and that says nothing about their interpersonal interactions.
Let's look at things from a broader scope, and I'll throw out a few names. Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey, Er8c Schmidt. How many times has one or more of their companies abused one or more individuals on their platform, and has publically denied it even in the face of evidence?
The purpose of this thread is to provide examples of narcissism as well as resources and information that can enable a gradually emerging /üb/erpony to better navigate the world and some of the more nefarious players they may come into contact with. To start things off, here are some good primer videos to broach the subject, by Dr Ramani. She has hundreds of videos ranging from 6-20+ depending on how deep she goes with each topic, all relating ultimately to Narcissism, abuse, awareness, and healing. As one who has lived with narcissistic abuse for years and am only now becoming better able to identify/detect and mitigate the presence and practices of narcissists (most especially malignant ones), my hope is that the content is as informative and actionable to the viewer as I have found it.
116 replies and 39 files omitted.

The following video was taken during an interview with Paul Bernardo, a convicted sex offender and murderer.
This video takes place 17 years after his conviction and was conducted in trying to investigate for any info that might help solve a number of associated cases.
But where it shines is by it making a stunning case for the incorrigibility of a narcissist, regardless of the circumstances they find themselves in. Observe how he avoids any acknowledgement of responsibility or fault, even though his guilt has long since (17 years) been concluded.
This is the level of honesty and responsibility one can expect from a narcissist. Any apparent consolation is a manipulation int3nded to try and control the situation by.
Obviously, not all narcissists are so heinous, but the manipulations and the why (control) are the consistent variables.
Narcissists are sexy.
I want an emotionally-unstable mare with a crystal ego who refers to herself in third person.
I want to crush Trixie's fragile ego like a soda can.
>A scapegoat is a person who is blamed for the mistakes or sins of another person.
>Scapegoating is often done to get the scapegoater off the hook, leaving the scapegoat holding the bag, and the beat goes on.

This video focuses on scapegoating in a family dynamic, specifically in childhood; however, in observance that - outside lengthy processing and individual work - people tend to play out the roles in adulthood that they are familiar with from childhood, it can equally apply to the environments that narcissists foster whether professionally, economically, socially, etc., as well as the permissiveness a scapegoat may apply when finding themselves in such a dynamic later in life.
>Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic
>Is There A Narcissism Epidemic and, if so, Why?
Loved it, thanks. Alot of good info and observations, but the cherry was
>positive and negative ethno-centralism
as a concept and how it relates to whether a society or group is socially adaptive or maladaptive. In a historical context it beautifully summarizes alot of what made Nazi germany successful, and I also feel it is essential to creating and establishing healthy networks in our communities by which to prepare for and adapt to many of the sociological changes that (ahem) many of us see 'coming down the pipe'.
Yup. Dutton has the talent to be eloquent, concise and go straight to the point without to enter into obscure terminologies.
While not sold on his test, theres some valid analysis here of a more generalized narcissistic approach that is especially easy to detect through digital (text, chat, post, etc) conversation if one knows what to look for.
4888 5096
Today's video covers the Covert Narcissist, sometimes known as the Fragile or Vulnerable narcissist. This is a narcissist who is NOT an 'alpha' or a domineering narcissist, and who's position of power is either tenative or uncertain. This type can be especially confusing because they WILL make admissions, convey guilt and vulnerabikity, bit as a manipulation tactic in order to achieve control over their situation in a goven context, bit once their narcissistic supply is achieved, they will then display the classic traits of a grandiose narcissist until they reach a position of depletion. This one is especially tricky because to the untrained eye they will cyclicly go through periods of 'improvement', but those phases are lapses in supply, and the efforts to seemingly improve are periods of manipulation to prime the targrt for later exploitation.
>Common phrases
'I need you', 'I depend on you', 'I cant do this without you', etc., geared toward incrntivising, coercing, and guilt-tripping the targrt into compliance.
Narcissists often behave like babies. I think they ARE overgrown babies, people for whom neural pruning has pruned the ability to grow the fuck up and behave maturely due to disuse.
Out of the narcissists who were actually studied (sorry, don't remember the study's name), only 25% of them grew up in "normal" families. 75% had narcissistic, abusive, or similarly incompetent parents.
So yeah, it's mostly caused by bad upbringing.
Can you admit that you, personally, to no one else's fault, fucked up? Can you accept your own fault when it's to your own detriment as opposed to benefit?

Narcissism is a self-sustaining pattern of behaviour: to change the pattern requires admitting first that there's a problem, and narcissists are physically incapable of doing so. They will do absolutely anything in their power to avoid experiencing the feeling of being in the wrong.
"Attempts to manipulate/control others" aren't a good self-diagnosis indicator either because a narcissist will just dance around and try to redefine words.
Honestly, nothing is a good self-indicator: a narcissist will never do anything that will stop them from being a narcissist. Said attempts to weasel out are however a good indication of narcissism to others.

If you CAN admit fault, but still have behaviors matching a narcissist, congratulations! You've got fleas from being raised by dogs. It's fixable but it requires getting the fuck away from the actual narcissists so they can't sabotage and undermine your efforts to grow up.
>because they WILL make admissions
No they won't. They'll make up bullshit that SOUNDS, to the uninitiated, as an admission of guilt, but if actually looked at, blames others. The "nonpologies". Stuff like "I'm sorry you got upset with me". Not "I'm sorry I did [shit] that upset you".
A genuine narcissist (i.e. one who is incurable) is completely uncapable of saying "I have fucked up by doing [x], I am sorry that I've done [x] and will try to avoid doing so in the future".
Someone who can say that, but still does narcissistic behaviours, has them learned and thus can have them unlearned, if (s)he actually faces, analyzes, and makes an effort to change them.
First off, those digits.
Your post is virtually uncontestable. The only point of contention is to do with the degree of sophistication that could (unlikely) be employed in the nonpology (great word btw). A true apology involves corrective effort over time in aftermath of the admission, and in that one can differentiate the sincerety
Sorry, what I mean is that there are certain narcissists who can appear entirely genuine and sincere, and only by analyzing the degree that their actions are more or less consistent with the conviction of their words.
Not to say all who so err are narcissists, but it then falls in the realm of unrefuted possibility.
>75% had narcissistic, abusive, or similarly incompetent parents.
Getting shit on doesnt excuse shitting on.
>A true apology involves corrective effort over time in aftermath of the admission, and in that one can differentiate the sincerety
Yes, I just can't actually remember the full list of parts of the genuine apology, so every time I mention it, I forget some of them.
>Getting shit on doesnt excuse shitting on.
True, my point was that narcissism is very much nurture AND nature, and runs in families.
It's not even getting shat on, most narcissists are the golden children, who were outwardly pampered and placated and hence grew up to be spoiled assholes even less fit for child-raising than their parents.
5078 5081 5098
You're an idiot, Starscream..gif
Starscream from Transformers is the perfect example of a true narcissist, he is highly selfish and deceptive with his own goals as his first and foremost important above the lives or interests of anything else. His egotistical self importance matters more than whether his incompetent leadership is successful.
5086 5091
There is no 'perfect example' of a narcissist, and a cartoon for an example is of little use as its a caricature.
If you want a glaring contemporary example, look at Juicy Sommoulier. Or Alec Baldwin. Or Nigel.
5083 5091
How is starscream a narcissist?
Starscream is as much of a narcissist as Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh. Its counter produtive and muddies the water to psychologically analyze fictional characters, as everything of them is literally dictated by the author.
But for those who wish to, I found a video that should appeal for a variety of reasons.
For further clarity, Starscream is a caricature of what passes contemporaneously as a narcissist in popular culture. The depiction of narcissism as having an overblown sense of vanity and self-importance isnt inaccurate, but Starscream is far more in the neighborhood of a borderline personality, in that he cant differentiate between what will benefit his agenda versus what will satisfy his ego. While this is a behavior pattern observable in SOME narcissists, it has alot of overlap with other disorders and condititons, and a determination based only on those characteristics is premature and invalid.
Tl;dr Starscream is as 'perfect' an example of narcissism, as Ginger Beer is of what different flavors of soda taste like.
How often do you feel the urge to remind people Trump is blonde? You would not have spent five years reminding people you think I am a narcissist if you did not feel it was necessary to wear them down over the years before they agree with you.
>inb4 "denouncing nigel isn't off topic but it is off-topic for him to reply with anything"
In any case, while fictitious characters can display traits of real-world mental problems, an authentic depiction of these problems rarely takes priority over the story being told with these characters. People are still arguing over whether Powder/Jinx from Arcane has schizophrenia and PTSD or bipolar/borderline personality disorder or abandonment issues and whether her clingy behaviour pre-Jokerfication behaviour means anything.
I havent promoted the idea of you being a narcissist (an idea that seems so overwhelmingly consistent with the literature that even I as an unlicensed individual can make the determination) except for the last year and a half.
Stop lying.
I havent worn anyone down.
Stop lying.
I HAVE however, strategically explained your behavior (directly and indirectly) for sufficient consistency and duration, achieving comprehensiveness such that people who used to disagree and contest can now only accede to the accuracy of the overview I have detailed. Moreover, I havent even argued the point, I've taken the time to assert authortative info at interval and have allowed the content (and your behavior, thanks for that) to argue on my behalf.
Next, Trump ISNT blonde, at least not naturally. He used to have dark hair, so any appearance of blond is artificial; whether hair implants, dyes and treatments, I neither know nor care.

Now then
>In any case, while fictitious characters can display traits of real-world mental problems, an authentic depiction of these problems rarely takes priority over the story being told with these characters. People are still arguing over whether Powder/Jinx from Arcane has schizophrenia and PTSD or bipolar/borderline personality disorder or abandonment issues and whether her clingy behaviour pre-Jokerfication behaviour means anything.
Please explain how this is in any way on topic.
>There is no 'perfect example' of a narcissist, and a cartoon for an example is of little use as its a caricature.
I believe that fictional representations of narcissism is worthy of consideration than that of real people who are insufferably full of themselves, since a character is more of a canvas for what a narcissist could be rather than actually is, such as Starscream. Even Megatron could be classed as having similar features but more so to a further extreme.
Either that or one can completely disregard any and all characters that aren't real for the sole purpose that they do not exist.
>If you want a glaring contemporary example, look at Nigel.
Of course this place has it's very own self obsessed attention addicts, him and several anons here exhibit such personalities.
I'm referring to the original Generation 1 Starscream, by the design of him he is obviously cunning and has ulterior motives that are fueled by his own desires. If you wish to differ than that is by your own personal choice of disagreement.

>a character is more of a canvas for what a narcissist could be rather than actually is, such as Starscream
I encourage everyone to marvel in that amalgamated phrase. I dont know, but it it is amazing.
Meanwhile, reminder that this is the Narcissism thread, geared toward providing actionable information and material of/pertaining-to narcissists, and NOT trying to tag random cartoons with otherwise definitive and severe terms to muddy the water, waste everyone's time, or otherwise insert an unwarranted (((nose))) into the mix.
>somebody had to rope Nigel into what was otherwise an informative conversation
It's all so tiresome.

pic unrelated
I know I shouldn't give you the time of day if you're going to talk to me like that. I know it's "feeding the troll" to waste my time trying to reason with somebody in this state. You're shit-slinging hysterically again, trying to wear everyone down again, hoping it will upset me. Maybe you'll feel validated if somebody joins in on your shit-slinging by calling me a faggot, how tiresome. I don't have to explain why you're wrong. But fuck it, your bait is just too fucking stupid. Might as well get this over with.

Allow me to explain.

It would not matter if Starscream was or was not a good example of narcissism. And he is not a good example, because he is a one-note meme character to sell pieces of plastic to little boys and bad movies to boomers who want to cum inside Megan Fox. Replying to a topic conversation someone else is derailing not mean I am posting off-topic, especially not when I am trying to get the topic back on topic. When a writer writes a story about something other than mental illnesses, accurately depicting the mental illness is not the author's top priority. The topic of whether a toy-selling cartoon character depicts a mental illness accurately or not, or even the pop-culture nigger's view of it(which nobody was talking about) is irrelevant to a discussion on real-world narcissism, how to handle narcissists, how to deal with narcissists in the real world, and so on.

It's like blabbering about Phoenix Wright and How To Get Away With Murder in the middle of a discussion on real-world courtroom bullshit. Talk of narcissism in media is off topic in a thread about real-world narcissism and dealing with narcissistic people IRL.

You want to talk about TV? Does someone else want to talk about TV? Whoever brought up Starscream, do you really want to talk about TV shows on this site? There are shows about narcissism. There are shows with more narcissistic characters. There are shows with characters who personify real narcissism better. Like that bitch mom from Arrested Development, or whatshername from this video, the old hag of a mother. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2Tg-OmOztM Starscream is a faggot who exists to suck and fail 99% of the time, just as the Decepticons exist to suck and fail and betray each other to make the heroes and their friendship and kindness look superior. Even though Optimus is kind of a bitch for letting his people die "nobly" instead of trying to make more of them like Negatron(At least I think that was the lore last time a gf candidate made me sit through a lore video). Loki is a better discussion topic for the pop-culture view of Narcissism as a trait intended to be "Endearing". Loki has the "Sanitized" pop-culture version of Narcissism where it serves as a character quirk rather than a character flaw. And isn't that a strange thing? Narcissism is something unhealthy. It's the sin of pride, really. And yet Hollywood loves to glamorize it as something the truly successful, stylish, cool characters are allowed to have because they've "earned" it.

There is also BBC's Sherlock, an obnoxious narcissistic prick who gets away with everything because he's a Gary Stu with bullshit Bat Deduction levels of "Intelligence", being an intelligent character written by retards who view "Intelligence" as something magical. If you want to talk about Narcissism In The Media, we can talk about it. Perhaps we could talk about it in a separate thread, specifically about Narcissism In The Media? I could rant about BBC's Shlock for hours, but I can't imagine anyone would want to see that here.
I'm tired of that guy trying to drag me into shit-flinging contests too. Doesn't he have a job or life to get back to? And to think, he calls me the crazy one.
>>Common phrases
>'I need you', 'I depend on you', 'I cant do this without you', etc., geared toward incrntivising, coercing, and guilt-tripping the targrt into compliance.
I've witnessed this in the behavior of people I've met who I anecdotally consider to have gone through narcissistic phases.
It's also a common behavior in domestic among abusers.
The term "narcissist" might not be the best term, because it implies that the mentality is easily categorized. Narcissistic mindsets and behaviors can occur in varying degrees and for varying periods of time. There are people who behave narcissistic, people who do so chronically, and people who are painfully messed-up (this could be considered a narcissistic personality disorder). The problem with the term "narcissist" is that the concept of a negative label drives away the very people who need it the most to consider it for themselves.
Narcissist of any kind is a mental health struggle, and although any person can struggle with behaviors associated with narcissism, some struggle more than others.
The fact that you seem willing to ask it shows that you have the self-awareness to consider yourself one. In the end, the only person who can answer the question is you, through periods of self-reflection.
Instead of asking yourself if you are "a narcissist" consider asking yourself "How can I be less narcissistic?"
>I encourage everyone to marvel in that amalgamated phrase. I dont know, but it it is amazing.
You flatter me, it is simply my expression of interpretation.
>Meanwhile, reminder that this is the Narcissism thread, geared toward providing actionable information and material of/pertaining-to narcissists, and NOT trying to tag random cartoons with otherwise definitive
Of course this was never meant to be fixated solely on fictionalization of narcissism but instead the noticeable signs to look out for among everyday people that one may come across.
I don't really like using cartoons as examples of narcissists, because they're not really useful as examples, and it echoes reddit-tier Marvel/HP references in real life.
Especially Starstream, who is not only a non-human character, but a robot character who's inhuman mindset is an aspect of his concept. He is clearly meant to be narcissistic, but his narcissism isn't easily compared to real life people in any useful way.
File (hide): 5E37EF7AA655F5F864FE5D5FF7ED20CC-3421860.mp4 (3.3 MB, Resolution:320x240 Length:00:01:17, Transformers Megatron vs Starscream.mp4) [play once] [loop]
Transformers  Megatron vs Starscream.mp4
>I don't really like using cartoons as examples of narcissists, because they're not really useful as examples, and it echoes reddit-tier Marvel/HP references in real life.
Suit yourself. In whatever manner the plebbit capeshit referencing has to do with this, it has no significance for it's mentioning because it is irrelevant to what is happening here.
>Especially Starstream, who is not only a non-human character, but a robot character who's inhuman mindset is an aspect of his concept.
Although it is very much akin to several other personas in the real word, like the other Transformers are characterized impersonations. This could go on and on yet it would invariably be a waste of time due to it's irrelevance to the baseline topic.
>He is clearly meant to be narcissistic, but his narcissism isn't easily compared to real life people in any useful way.
It boils down to whether someone can compare or not the similarities between fiction or reality in a useful manner to their own evaluation of other humans in a analytical way, not everyone can be easily deduced if their actions and words have not been thoroughly studied in retrospection.
>Prof. Edward Dutton: The Jolly Heretic
>Can You Tell a Narcissist Just From His Eyebrows?
Short video on the overall method and interpersonal dynamic with a narcissist
5327 5352
The most glaring example of a narcissistic dynamic and how tox8c it can be that I could possibly ask for is the now-notorious scenario that culminatez with Will Smith bitch-slapping Chris Rock.
I'd like to say 'nuff said' since it would be preferable to going into detail about how this bitch is crazy and the real source for alot of the shit to do with the situation, but I will go deep into it if really desired. Theres just so much to cover, and yet I dont want to leave it at 'Iykyk'. I also dont want to have to go back and find all the memes and videos and photos which display the obvious (if youre looking) social, behavioral, body-language and facial tics, and other red flags/cues.
The sbort version is, she's a vulnerable narcissist in that relationship, which is only made worse by his overwhelming success. Im not calling him a victim, he made his bed and she slept with another man in it.
But you can see over-done gestures like pic 2, which can seem innocent enough by themselves but collectively paint a very predatory picture.
Dont be Will Smith, they be hella Jada Pinkets out there.
If anons are interested in authentic fictitious depictions of narcissism
If you were will smith how would you have handled the situation?
I think that whole situation is a shame. Guy gets in one little fight, and suddenly his wife is sending him off to live with his auntie and uncle in Bel Air.
>what would you do if you were a multi millionaire hollywood celebrity
Nigel, please. We all know you love intellectually-masturbatory questions of 'what if'. Kindly keep your masturbation to yourself.
5357 5370
File (hide): AD17ED1742ACF0873CA3D769F4A69C17-2403632.mp4 (2.3 MB, Resolution:640x640 Length:00:00:12, AD17ED1742ACF0873CA3D769F4A69C17-2403632.mp4) [play once] [loop]
You were all talking about glorified niggers acting like niggers anyways.
>zero discernment
>cant see the narcissism, only sees the niggers
>mad about it
Some day, you will realize that the correct thing to do when you have nothing to say is to say nothing.
Are these narcissists in the room with us right now?
Wow, gaslighting in the Narcissism thread. How poetic
It's just me screwing around again, nothin' serious.
>Its just a joke bro
This pretense was covered in narcissism 101. The ahort version is, you're full of shit and dont know how to act, so you veil your shitty demeanor in 'excusable'/'nonchalant' pretense.
(You) should fuck off.
5364 5365
pony - peace.jpg
Would the poners tone it down a bit.
The topic hasnt changed, and neither will my posture. You intuit upset, where there is resolved opposition. The two are not the same.
In any case, am neither noigel, nor transformerfag. If anything, this is a bit hilarious from my perspective.
Whatever you want to believe mate. I get why you reacted that way, don't worry.
>literally depicts narcissistic abuse in the literal narcissism thread
No one knows or cares who you are. If not for your posts, you wouldnt even register. Congrats, your only significance is shitposting on mlpol. Hope it was worth it.