Previous thread:
>>15547 → →
>Internet Alias:
PonySeb, Seb the Pony.
>Real Name:
Sébastien Lévesque.
Canada (Quebec). Presumed Montreal, as that is the location of his precious McDonald's. The beast was birthed in Laval though, at least according to his own testimony.
Seb is a fat fuck high-school dropout who is as of now twenty-one years old. His first language is French, which soon becomes apparent when you look at the horribly translated captions on most of the images. His art is atrocious, and he typically responds to any sort of genuine criticism with hostility, along with pretty much anything else his French-Canadian autist brain can't comprehend but can still perceive as a personal attack. Following multiple bans from DeviantArt, Seb has, as of now, relocated to FurAffinity, where he is currently headquartered. However, given his repeated offenses on the site and penchant for pissing off everyone around him, his time there is likely wearing thin. Expect him to migrate again soon. Seb enjoys practically every cartoon, regardless of quality. You will see equal amounts of fanart on his various accounts for decent cartoons like MLP as you will for unwatchable Cartoon Network garbage. Seb smells awful, as an alleged classmate has attested to (unconfirmed, but extremely likely to be someone who attended his school). Seb has also complained about people not wanting to be around him because of his odor, and in many photos of him in public you can see other people giving him a decent amount of distance.
Interests include:
>Corporate entities
>Cum inflation
>R63 versions of his own character (Might be a good indication of a budding tranny complex.)
>Collecting stupid fucking lanyards
>Furfaggotry and being a furfag
>Fat fetishism and being a fatass in general
>Confirmed to idolize Chris-Chan
>Pedophilia (has openly admitted to masturbating to foalcon)
>Bringing about the autist singularity by befriending almost every random pony autist on Facebook
>Being angry at Anonymous, Anon and Filly Anon :^)
>Threatening people who laugh at his shitty artwork with death
>Stealing drinks in the most disgusting way possible (collecting large drink cups from fast food trash cans, washing them out in the bathroom, and filling them up at the soft drink dispensers)
>Stealing items from other stores (admitted but then refuted in a 'dindu nuffin' sort of fashion)
>Hating the homeless
>FurAffinity profiles:
>Inkbunny profile:
>Personal website:
(Still can’t archive the site for some reason. Too much concentrated autism, I guess.)
>ArtStation profile:
>Furbooru profile:
>And of course, his Facebook: ̿ ̿ ̿'̿'\\з=(•_•)=ε//'̿'̿ ̿
(Haven't been able to get to save his current FB account.)
I've chosen to remove the links to his old accounts as they no longer work (save for his old FB account), but kept the archives of them for documentation's sake. Here they are for those who are interested:
>His old Facebook:
Credit goes to the OP of the previous Seb threads for letting me update the thread.
>>16973>disgusting SebThanks OP.
You are doing Anon's work, literally.
To kick off the new thread, Seb has returned from his ban and already made quick work of all the mean comments left on his page. Where there once was a wall of negativity, there is now merely an echo chamber of support.
>>16978>there is now merely an echo chamber of support.>sneaky SebWhy I'm not surprised?
>>16978 Well, the dumbass forgot about his other FA account and hasn't deleted all the comments calling his bs I went ahead and took a screencap before that fat fuck went ahead and deleted it. Thought it was nice way of starting a new thread by giving hope to everyone here that the internet is slowly is starting to hate Seb (And rightfully so).
>>16981Also why does he draw horses like they're fat fucking hamsters with stubby fucking limbs?
>>16983Why must you ask questions you already know the answer to>>16984and then break them up into multiple posts that make you look like a fucking casual?
>>16981So it's official now. Seb is into scat.
>>16987There was doubt? It's pretty thoroughly established in the
first previous thread
dear god, this is the 3rd thread
>>16988>dear god, this is the 3rd threadLet the fun begin.
So Seb has decided that he's going to make a new foal OC. Seeing as how he hasn't come up with a design for it yet, I decided to share the picture here, since some pretty good edits could come out of it.
Seb has a Reddit now. No site is safe from the disease that is his """art""".
>>17001>LedditOh boy, he doesn't know what he just done.
>>17003Now. I hope I didn't go too crazy with the bruising.
Second image is the "official" design that Seb claims to have made himself (highly doubtful, given his love for blindingly bright colors). The third image was taken from FurAffinity (where Seb uploaded the second image), and is quite possibly one of the biggest grammatical train wrecks Seb has ever written.
Looks like Seb little dip into Reddit isn't going so well. His "introduction" has been up barely more than a day and the comments section is melting down pretty hard.
>>17006I'm wondering, at some point Seb has to realize that it is him who is in the wrong.
>>17007The odds of that happening at this point are sub-zero.
In a not-so-shocking turn of events, Seb has ultimately resorted to getting his "enemy" Nathan/AldutheCat (the guy he essentially doxxed on FA a few months back) unfairly banned after he challenged Seb to a verbal confrontation on Discord (first image). Following what I can only assume were a series of trigger words (read: irrefutable evidence of Seb's many fuckups) from Nathan's mouth, Seb then took to Facebook to bitch, moan and whine about how hard his life as an autistic, art-stealing retard is, "threatening" suicide for the god-knows-what time now (second image).
Also included an edit of one of his "memes" (third image), because one can never shit on him too much. Seb, if you ever find and read this post, heed these words carefully: grow the fuck up.
>>17010I'm thinking.
Seb fits the sociopath description.
Homer doesn't deserve this punishment...
>>17015Homer really
is dead now.
call the police. this retard has threaten to kill an innocent animal!
>>17019If left alone, Seb is able to abuse and murder every pony around.
What a disgusting creature.
>>17020agreed. let's shoot him dead!
Shit, guys. Looks like Seb pulling a 4D underwater chess power-play on us: he's adding watermarks to his art now. Now we can't steal his art and edit it. It's not like doing a reverse image search of his garbage will reveal the background he uses, thus making his stupid watermark irrelevant. Oh, wait...
>>17026that edit looks great
>>17026>watermarks my ass.pngThat's the best fucking file name, holy shit.
>>17026agkandvideomaker2000 is going to love this
Saved this little gem from Seb's FurAffinity, though he's since deleted it. He posted it with the phrase "Let's see how many people are scared by this" or something like that in the description, as if he genuinely expected people not to laugh at him for being a fat, delusional retard. I went ahead and edited him into what I call "Captain Autismo", based on a Captain America-esque vibe I got from the original.
Get a load of this horseshit. So, Seb, in response to something AldutheCat said to him, made this monument of all his moral failings. All the "counterarguments" are basically:
1: "You can't talk about these things which I've committed/said publicly; those are private matters, and you are violating my right to privacy!
2: "But muh autism."
3: "You can't criticize me for mocking someone's death."
4: "I've never used my autism as an excuse for why I'm a shitty person. Clearly, it's YOU who's fucked in the head."
"Talk to me like a real grown man." Says the one who's constantly making excuses for his shitty behavior, and can't ever accept responsibility for his own fuck-ups. If you're such a grown-ass man, Seb, why were you so eager to run away from Aldu's challenge to a debate? Was it because you knew you were going to get cremated?
>>17036>you can send an email via [email protected]
I don't think I even need to point out what's wrong with this.
>>17046>They all love meTell me this is not real.
>>17046The cringe is strong with this one...
>>17046Wait that's Lilac from Rivals of Aether
So I started a troll account on DA dedicated to shitposting and dumping various Seb edits, and it looks like Seb has finally learned about, and is fucking melting down over it. I'm borderline crying right now.
>>17055Fucking checked.
>>17055what if you used this to attract more people to the cause?
>>17057That's also something I'm hoping to accomplish, hence why I've provided info about Seb in the bio.
This is probably one of the most hideous things Seb has posted in a while (second only to his porn). Traced from the leaked G5 designs and posted on his Facebook.
>>17061Fat, slovenly, derp-face
more than now edit when?
>>17062Done. Went through the extra effort of making him a brainlet as well.
>>17061disgusting! why the fuck does seb like to draw something creepy?
Looks like pony seb 2.0 is wanted for his tracing crimes.
Introducing "EvilSeb 2.0". He's PonySeb, but even shittier. Now with more red-on-black edginess.
>>17068Pychosis is acute in this faggot.
>>17068oh wow, how fucking shitty seb made his pony pony seb 2.0 looks, seriously seb, fuck you because you're so retarded. you made him look like satanic
>>17071>they tots wont know it's me, I english so well
Imagine getting this upset over a stupid fucking GIF that you didn't even make yourself.
>>17071Hi again, Seb. I made you a gift. I hope you like it. Also, weren't you supposed to be done with the trolls or something? Or did BlockSite shit the bed?
more stolen artwork
this retard sure has some nerves to be editing other people's artworks.
Seb's melting down over my troll account again, this time going as far as to make "parody" art of the fat, sweaty PonySeb I made a few days ago. Funny how he treats it like a completely different character and not just a caricature of himself.
"It looks like a sweaty, diabetic hippopotamus with an unshaven neckbeard!" - Seb to his reflection.
>>17078>It looks like a sweaty, diabetic hippopotamus with an unshaven neckbeard!It does, it does indeed. But dont worry Seb, that's not at all how the world sees you
But it was
>>17078what an idiot seb is.
>>17079I don't think he's smart enough to click the blacked text
Btw nothing pisses pretentious artfags off more than drawing terrible things happening to their characters. It reminds them that they have absolutely no power over others and no ability to control how their character is drawn. Someone could draw Bruce Lee beating the shit out of Ponyseb and nobody could stop him
I made an edit of this retard dancing.
hi, I'm seb levesque, and I'm here to get murdered. so kill me.
Request denied, degenerate.
/sp/ is a board of peace.
>>17086Why did he give himself an oversimplified company logo and stupid slogan?
This nigger ain't skype
"Tell me why I'm stuck as a virgin with rage."
>racists of autism
>>17090>racists of autism>anti-White buzzwordSeb shilling for the invaders again.
>>17090Is quite ironic how in the same post (More specific, the second screenshot), he is showcasing how retarded he is, by not knowing the actual meaning of "Racism" and totally not even being aware of this little word: "Ableism"
But I doubt that even if he saw this post, the fat fuck would still not bother to do research.
>>17090Did... did he give human anonymous a pair of tits?
I made a funny edit of seb the retard.
>>17095Why would hating niggers make someone retarded? I'd edit it to say something less reasonable.
and this asshole keeps complaining about us as anonymouses. man, fuck this guy man. he's still retarded.
>>17101With what looks like an original filename, no less
>>17100Why does he keep furiously demanding that others "help him stop us"?
That isn't how you ask someone for help.
>>17103because he's still a stupid canadian retard! that's why.
>>17104Canada is like America's retarded cousin in law
Just looking at this makes me feels like I've been put on a watch-list.
>>17106oh yeah, he's definitely a pedo.
I hate seb levesque because he's a stupid canadian retard! especially his stinkin' friend pony seb 2.0! fuck you seb! go kill yourself! 😡
>>17111are you here to talk shit about yourself seb?
>>17111Yeah, we know you're retarded, Seb. We established this three threads ago. By the way, I made some more art for you. Do you like it?
>>17112I'm not seb you idiot! he's a faggot and a criminal!
this idiot looks like a ripoff of dipper pines from gravity falls. fuck this retard!
Seb tagged this on FB with "#Myimprovementinartchallenge". Can anyone tell where he's improved, because nothing about his art looks any different now than it did then.
>>17125I think he considers learning to use photoshop an improvement. His art style is still fundamentally hideous because he has not improved in any way that actually matters, ie learning form, composition, etc. The only thing that's changed is he can now utilize technology to polish his turds, instead of relying entirely on his own talents and ending up with Chris-chan-tier looking pencil and marker autism.
more stolen artwork.
he's been stealing other people's artworks and posting this on facebook.
Like the internet brain tumor that he is, Seb's still trying to infect every art site in existence with his art. Now he's taken root on a site called "Pixiv".
>>17133You know, nothing pisses off egotistical artists more than drawing gore art where their OCs die horribly without the permission of the oc's "Owner".
It reminds them they are powerless.
>>17133>pixivNo comments.
>>17137Holy fucking shit, has it already been a year since then?
Not doing so well, I live in a crack den now.
>>17144Thanks, I found it on the road.
>>17142It has been very, very long.
I haven't been on mlpol for like 8 months too, things seem to be going fine for you guys tho
>>17143I hope you find yourself in a better situation soon.
All the best of wishes to you Anon.
Looks like seb is just getting started to have fun with underage kids, he just posted this abomination on facebook.
worst artist ever!
>>17147This tbh.
>>17143I still remember the original pic of you holding that mug, always wanted to get one but the store closed before I could.
>>17140>Seb calling other people degeneratesI made an edit as well.
what a faggot this retard is.
I made a nice edit of his instagram post. I hope you enjoy this seb you stupid canadian retard/motherfucker!
also tell SebastardTheAutist to post this shit.
>>17154As much as I would like to post this, I'm not going to. Between the filename and the use of the phrase "stupid canadian retard", this post
reeks of bait, and I'm not convinced this isn't Seb trying to get me to self-destruct my own account.
Seb now seems to think "his" "art" is worth paying money for.
>>17159Tell me this not real.
>>17160I wish I could make up shit like this.
>>17159is he trying to scam people into selling his shitty artwork?
disgusting! he's having sex with an animal again! 😝
>>17165I don't think so, I think it's just him being so delusional that he thinks people will genuinely pay for his stolen art.
>>17159How much you all wanna bet this plan will just be the bases for his reputation going more down the drain, even though it’s already way too down
Seb posted this about a week ago, decided to edit it, lol.
>>17182It's good, but maybe add in a line about Seb not even being strong enough to strangle Anon
>>17186As though Seb has the means to strangle anything but his chicken? Does anyone rly think that?
>>17186How's this? Made some pretty radical changes to Anon's dialogue, but I think it turned out alright.
>>17188I like it, thanks Anon
look at this shithole, he's broken up his new samsung tablet. get a job already you stupid canadian retard!
>>17191>scratchesI wonder how.
>>17191To Seb: maybe stop beating the shit out of your equipment like a fucking caveman.
>>17191yeah shithead, get a job already or suck my dick!
>>17198Shut up seb, you're not fooling anyone
Have some regularly scheduled Seb narcissism.
seb drew the most grotesque picture of pony seb 2.0 on his furaffinity page. disgusting.
Would it be worth making a thread on ThiccerWaifus?
He's a faggot on deviantart who's paid to stretch out screenshots of female characters to make their tits and asses and thighs bigger. He's even got a patreon for this. Even though he's not an artist, just an editor. Anyone could do what he does. He doesn't even redraw the tits when expanding them fucks with line width.
Seb decided to "redesign" his characters for whatever reason, but this new design looks suspiciously close to Sans' design. Maybe it's just me, but I'm not convinced this is a coincidence.
>>17208Why is there a weird horse-him hybrid when the horse is already a horse version of him
>>17210What the hell would ponyseb 4.0 look like? Human seb on yellow horse body? A reverse centaur that's a human man but from the neck up it's an upside-down pony body joined at the necks, its legs in the air? Cerberus but with Seb for all three heads? Hydreigon but with Seb for all three heads?
>>17211I imagine it's like a hydra of sorts: all three fused together into one monstrous abomination, and if you cut off one head, the heads two other shitty OCs would take its place.
>>17211Srsly? Cant you post in a single thread without mentioning Pokemon?? Ffs
seb really drew the most ridiculous thing I have ever saw on his furaffinity page.
god I hated his artworks.
>>17208You feel your Seb crawling on your back.
>>17212>and if you cut off one head, the heads two other shitty OCs would take its place.Gave me a chuckle.
I made a nice edit of his instagram post. I hope this stupid canadian bitch likes it.
>>17217I can imagine the screeching levels going out of scale.
mf traced his micropenis and then posted it publicly
>>17220Ngl, that took balls
Seb's Twatter account is now up:
>>17227Time to mass reporting his KKK links and racist activities.
Seems like people don't want Seb on Twitter, who would've thought.
>>17223Why is chris chan in hell
>>17230It's where sodomites belong.
Aww, guess I gotta go make another alt
Why don’t we just shitpost in his comments?
>>17234If you do, send this his way. I'm sure he'll love it.
and this idiot tells us to be nice to him? shit that man. when the fuck is the whole Internet ever gonna ban him. because nobody on twitter likes him the most.
is he trying to make himself look like anime style?
>>17239>the rules you must follow>no criticism will be tolerated>my anger is terribleNarcissism turned to 11.
>>17240Perhaps it's the most slim character he found to trace.
>>17241Don't forget
>if you draw my OCs, you MUST credit me, otherwise it's art theft>"I don't have to credit other people when I steal their art, but you MUST credit me when you use MY characters"Seb's got some fucking nerve saying shit like this.
Look at this shit. it's disgusting and creepy how he drew his fucking artworks. this is the fucking reason why I hated seb so much. he's like the worst artist ever! ridiculous.
>>17245You speak strangely.
>>17246Seb, or one of his
gag "fans" has been false-flagging for months now. Pay attention ffs
>>17247Why would anyone spend time on that?
>>17248Cuz his/their time is otherwise efficiently and effectively allocated? Have you SEEN Seb?
Seb isn't an artist. He is a shartist.
>>17252what the fuck is "shartist"?
See what I mean? Anyone actually from this board wouldn't need a spoonfeeding for an obvious and pretty basic contraction
>>17253Get out of here, normie.
Jesus fucking Christ, how many waifus does Seb feel the need to have? Are his 500 other fucktoys not good enough?
>>17259The Seb Sinematic Universe is retarded. She has a shit character design. He has shit taste.
Seb seems to have taken a liking to Furbooru, as none of the retards over there are downvoting any of his garbage. Perhaps we could correct that?
>>17261I don't think you should correct that. It speaks volumes to furbooru's quality.
seb is crying over his "art" getting stolen after he has stolen so much art and traced it
hahahaha! looks like shitty seb gets what he fucking deserve for being the lamest artist ever.
to seb:
oh my god man, get the fuck off of this underaged pony's ass you pedophile!
Another example of Seb (or whoever it is) falseflagging. You can tell by the lame attempts to emulate what he/they think his detractors think. Also, most of his detractors change the filename, and those who dont are obvious by their tone.
Protip: if you can insert an 'amirite guys?' without disrupting the tone of the post, it's probably Seb.
Human PonySeb makes me want to chug an entire keg of ipecac syrup. I don't know how Seb does it, but this abomination is even more hideous than regular PonySeb...
>>17271>picI noticing something extremely odd... a flat belly and a prominent chest.
nice, seb just got insulted by a facebook user for being a retard.
>>17271ridiculous, makes me wanna shit on it.
Holy shit, I didn't expect Furbooru to actually do something about the tracing
>>17277The thief is getting karma. Good.
>>17277yeah baby. I'm so glad that this stupid asshole just got banned from furbooru again 👍
let's celebrate.
Yeah, shame it's only for two days. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the next one will be permanent...
Seb's take on that one Mordetwi meme. Not only did he somehow manage to completely fuck up Mordecai's line, but he clearly doesn't understand how legs are supposed to work. He also seems to have made Mordecai into a fat fuck as well, because why not.
that is the most disgusting thing seb has ever drawn! so stupid! 😝
Is seb trolling everyone here by pretending to be a detractor and posting his godawful art here right after uploading it?
>>17291He's not trolling anyone, because everyone here can tell it's him. He's been trying to LARP as one of us since the last thread.
>>17292Yeah but if he posts his art here it means everyone here sees it
>>17293So? If Seb doesn't post it himself, then someone else on the thread will. How is he "trolling" us by posting his art to a thread that exists solely to laugh at him and his terrible art?
oh shit. looks like we made seb angry about this fucking thread. 😒
holy shit, looks like seb just got in trouble with a girl's mom for having sex with a female pony.
>>17298The chad from Friday Night Funkin' rap-battles the parents of his GF to earn the right to bang her.
This cuck's so pathetic.
creepypasta seb.
that's just nightmare fuel man. wtf.
I have a furaffinity account so I can troll mrsgrouparts2009 here. wanna come and see my hate art?
fuck! my fucking furaffinity account is disabled!
fuck you FA! 😡
Tangentially related to Seb, I just found out that Aussie Seb has a YouTube channel. Go show him some love, if you feel like it.
Introducing Seb's latest brainchild, Sheila Emerald. While not his most hideously-designed character by any means, her tolerable design is undermined by her complete lack of character. She exists solely to be Seb's newest cum dumpster. That's it.
>>17335>Seb is on PT nowLooks like it's finally time to earn a permaban for harrassment
Please for the love of god, someone make an ED page out of him! The fucking site is back and the admins are looking for new LULZ!
Seeing as though all these threads became somewhat of a documentary about him, it would only seem fair to plague ED with SebTard's bullshit AMIRITE?
Tonight, Seb finds himself in very hot water as he just got exposed for tracing someone's YCH art. Naturally, the original artist isn't happy, and asked him to take down the stolen piece. Seb, as per usual, didn't comply, and instead opted to hide their comment (like a pussy). The entire show is still unfolding at the time of writing, so go check it out on Twitter while it's active.
Expect at least one of these of two things to play out in the near future:
1: Seb goes fucking nuclear and has a meltdown on one of his pages
2: Seb gets banned from FA, which would then trigger the above option
I have a twitter account if anyone wants to follow me here.
>>17374IDK smells kin'a fishy...
can you imagine if seb levesque was arrested for this kind of shitty crime? 😂😂😂😂😂
>>17368Should we tell Seb about it, or would it be better to let him find out about it himself?
>>17383And the meme went main street.
For one reason or another, it seems Seb is starting to retcon his old characters out of existence. First it was Sarnia, now it's Émy, and her replacement is this "Jessy" guy. I guess Kayla's a gay butt-baby now, considering she's Émy's daughter.
I just found this funny shit on twitter. and it was hilarious.
>>17392That's really the best he can do? What a fucking clown. No, the entire circus. And the entire circus fucked his mom.
>>17386IDK, I think we scared Seb with his ED page... I commented on one of his IG posts with a link and he removed it.
>>17401Seb taking the poison is actually good news.
With luck he will develop clots in the brain and die.
>>17400Just a quick follow-up post. Seb's just received his first dose, and time will tell how it affects him. Of greater interest should be the effects of the second dose, assuming the effects of the current dose, should he have any, don't convince him to skip the second one. Until we find out, though, keep a closer eye on Seb to see if he posts anything pertaining to the "vaccine". The coming days or weeks might be particularly interesting for him health-wise.
>>17403You think his hygiene will improve by then? ;)
>>17403what a stinkin' guy he is, what's he trying to do, show his smelly armpit hair? gross! 😝
that is the most ridiculous thing seb has ever drawn. look at this abomination! it's hideous! and it's disgusting! fuck it!
Have some free shitposting material, courtesy of Seb's FA. It's like he's asking us to shit on him (not like he needs to).
>>17420Seb, did you take the vaccine? Hurry up!
>>17421Your false flagging attempts to emulate your critics are as sad and pathetic as your artwork. Please please KYS
I have a slight suspicion that anon400 might just be seb
I was perusing Seb's Shitter when I found this little shitstain. Good God this is pathetic. Imagine being such a fucking failure as an artist that you have to beg random people on Twitter to make fanart of your god-awful self-inserts.
>>17423 No shit is him, an actual anon would be more smarter and cheeky with thier comments and trolling.
maybe seb should have a warrant for his arrest so he can go to jail and never be released. 😂😂😂😂
>>17426Of course, Seb! We all wanna see you get locked away for all eternity. Isolated from the internet AND the general public!
It'll be a win-win for all of us! Well... except for you of course, Seb!
>>17424The image of Seb in a pony's body but with human flesh and hair gets more grotesque the more I try to visualize what it would actually look like.
Don't mind me, just sharing another case of Seb's density.
I don't think Seb is very happy about his ED page...
>>17435This oughta help stop that "Meen Spirited Cyberboolie"
>>17435Why though? It's not wrong or inaccurate
At this point, this kind of concentrated autism is deadlier than regular brain cancer. I think we're approaching autism critical mass.
>>17446Autist on autist action
>>17446 Funniest part is that the RD drawing is nearly 4 years basically Seb is screaming at someone who may or may not act like this as of today
>>17448Imagine shrieking at a man's shadow from four years ago and holding it against who he is now
this is some twitter shit
Keep your eyes peeled. If what he's saying is true, Seb is about to make his move to return to Derpibooru (yet again). He claims he's going to ignore the haydurs and dang dirty trolls, but we'll see about that.
>>17450>Attention whoreWorst than a woman.
someone has quite the mouthful... XD
>>17454this faggot really bent the knee to SEB
>>17454God, that's fucking pathetic. Imagine being such a little bitch that you kowtow to some random sped on FB because he's mad that you insulted his waifu.
It seems like Seb is still unhappy with our blessed offerings to him... ;(
>>17457>please, please, censor it
It seems PonySeb 3.0 is now canon. When I first saw this, I immediately thought of that one GLaDOS quote:
"It clung to my brain like a tumor, generating an endless stream of terrible ideas."
Thought it was a fitting description of the relationship of this thing's heads.
>>17462oh god that looks ridiculous 😒
>>17454I hated that artist so much.
>>17467Wow, Seb. Never knew you'd stoop to that kinda low...
>>17466>>17467>anonymous>Not autofilled with a capital A>Manually typed out>Seb
>>17470Cope harder faggot, ur mlpol's bitch no matter how hard you sperg. Welcome to thunderdome bitch
>>17470Silly Seb, people with autism aren't a race.
I'm racist towards black people because I am sick of niggers.
>>17473I'm surprised Seb hasn't made a Friday Night Funkin mod yet.
That game attracts autists.
>>17474I doubt he's capable of modding a game, let alone anything other than Pony Art.
I made a nice edit of two sebs farting and peeing on mr s. I hope that this stupid frenchy likes. eat shit you canadian retard! fuck you!
>>17470>liking your own post
>>17478You aren't fooling anyone, Sebby-boy!
>Heart Angel has become my new mother and she's going to take care of me!
I hope he uses his lanyard collection to hang himself
>>17482>lanyard>A word we only ever heard out of Seb...
>>17483mf I don't know what else to call them
Plus do you really thing Seb has the iq to figure out how to turn the text green?
>>17484>We can just call them 'straps'.
>>17483Lanyard is a pretty well accepted term on the west coast. That one
>>17482 isnt Seb.
ffs, can he please just drop the 2.0? No one cares. No one even acknowledges it. Even his 'followers' dont care. It's not like Windows, where the version number is relevant. Stfu and just call then all 'Faggot', cuz that's the gist.
Apparently using one base to shit out two traced pieces of shit is being "creative to the max". That's not even a term that I came up with; Seb actually fucking said that himself. That's just as autistic as Chris-Chan's "zap to the extreme".
>>17487If you think that's autistic, try this one on for size! "Intelligence 2000 (Invented by Mr.S)" has to be the most unoriginal name for a condition I've ever fucking heard. Even my autistic mind can come up with a better name for a bullshit medical condition.
>This is in regards to his underaged OC, BTW...
>>17488>Intelligence 2000That's just an indirect way of saying "they're just mature for their age". You know, that one excuse that pedophiles always use to justify raping children.
It's almost like Seb is a disgusting degenerate who wants to fuck children... interesting.
>Intelligence 2000™ ©Mr.S>she likes: her stomach gurgling (her fetish)These go without saying, every seb OC has the exact same "characteristics" aka fetishes, which are shared with seb.
>>17490haha, this is so true! Mr S is a sick person and his autism makes him eat shit all the time! I can't even imagine what his shit might look like! 😂
Please kill yourself Seb, you couldnt be more obvious
>>17492Haha, Seb doesn't even understand how to write words. I think if someone pooped in their mouth it would teach them a lesson. I sometimes like rub shit in my eyes just to get rid of the disgusting sight of Seb, it would teach him a lesson if we did that to him in his mouth. 😆💯😆
>>17491>Mr .S eats shit>Mr .S = Seb self-insert>Seb admits that he eats shitYou're just a black hole of degeneracy, aren't you, Seb?
>>17493>ANonymousAre you fucking serious right now? You're not even trying. How are you this much of a failure, Seb?
>>17494Ikr? Imagine unironically using emojis on a chan board
Why ARE emojis enabled? I get the pony ones, but beyond that we're better than that
Seb needs to poop peepee in his own mouth to show how bad he is! Internet would have to stick a banana in the anus which would show him! Seb and his way of eating poo, he should eat poo with a woman and a fork
>>17498Hi, again, Seb. Decided to ditch Farcebook in favor of poorly shitposting on here some more?
>>17498You can't shit piss into your own mouth, dumbass. If you had a better grasp on how human anatomy works~ fuck, who am I kidding?...
>>17499>>17500I saw seb once in real life and it was disgusting! He used to assault children and eat shit and even had his finger in his own butt! Repugnant! Sometimes I wish someone would poop in my mouth so I could forget about the disgusting sight of Seb! 😝😝😝😝😝
>>17500Is... is Seb actually here trying to make us look bad?
Seb is a hateful individual who loves big bellies and hates vaginas! If only an anonymous person would urinate and poop in their mouth they would quit the internet forever! Unlike me who loves vaginas! I hate poop but seb only eats poop!
>>17501>Again with the uncapitalized A
>>17502Would appear that way. All while admitting to his Scat obsession, apparently...
Someone needs to screencap or archive Seb's delirious babbling. His incomprehensible, borderline-unhinged rambling would make for stellar content on his ED page.
>>17504Have you ever walked past the Seb house on the internet and seen how crap it is? He's a very disgusting pedophile, I hope he's bored forever. If only the internet can give his nipples a good slap, he can go away forever and take on their horrible smell! A smelly man!
>>17508>AnoymousHoly shit, Seb, your inability to properly spell "Anonymous" is absolutely hysterical. I know you're holding back tears of unbridled tard-rage while hastily slamming on your tablet's screen, but at least
try to proofread your shit before you post it.
>>17509Anonymous is a really good person, having seen seb for what he is! seb is disgusting and should leave the internet forever. I wish anonymous would poop in his mouth haha we should all do this!
>>17511>Seb, still unaware that Anon is more than one person
>>17512I'm the real Anon! I hate Seb, Seb is the worst smeller! Like Mr. S I am also poop, but at least I'm not a stinky person like Seb! I myself am the worst !! Stinky man!!
>>17501Where did you see him exactly?
that has got to be the most ridiculous thing seb has ever drawn. I hate this artist a lot.
>>17516>that has got to be the most ridiculous thing seb has ever drawn traced. I hate this artist thief a lot.
>>17516Lmao he forgot the "never make a female character's waistline wider than their tits" rule
>>17501>"I saw Seb once in real life and it was disgusting!"Yeah, I imagine your reflection is pretty gross to look at, Seb.
Context: none of Seb's friends wanted to go through the effort of giving PonySeb a new hairstyle when Seb could do it himself. How does someone have any friends when they're this entitled?
>>17523Maybe they pity him?
>>17523Are you implying that they even are "friends"? I could DM any one of them about who Seb really is and they'd ditch his ass instantaneously.
>>17525>I could DM any one of them and they'd ditch his ass instantlyMost of them, definitely, but I wouldn't say
any of them. Seb's got some cult fart-huffer loyalists in his inner circle who'll willingly ignore/dismiss anything bad he does (just look at Aussie Seb).
I once heard Mr. Seb's parents say that he was kicked out of school for pooping! have you ever heard something so disgusting?
>>17527One day, you'll figure out how to spell "Anonymous" correctly, Seb. Maybe...
Probably not, though.
>>17526Assume a few of y'all tried?
Where the ass is everyone? Goddamn, the "Canadian Retard" really has nothing new going for him, eh?...
What a tragedy. Seb's been having a bad night. Anyone wanna help cheer him up?
>>17532holy shit, I've never seen such a retard getting this angry at us for a long time? 😮😂
Oh no, Seb put the thread on his BlockShite list! How long do you think it'll be before he returns? Personally, considering the fact that cows like him can't stand people talking shit about them, I'd wager it won't be very long. Didn't work for him on the last thread, and it certainly won't for this one.
>>17537Think its the site that prints his traced art on shirts and sells them.
>>17538>and sells themWTF
holy shit, is that retard really breaking up with rainbow dash?
She's clearly telling you ahem Seb to kill himself for imposing his fat, slovenly, shit-smelling, unhygienic, contemptible, (and yes) retarded ass to stay the fuck away from her and her friends
Seriously Seb, kill yourself
>>17544I don't wish death upon anybody. When it comes to Seb, I just wanna see these kinds of people come and take him away and throw him into a room he can cry himself to sleep in.
>>17543Lmao, "breaking up". Like that would ever happen. She would've told you to fuck off as soon as you began trying to force her into a "relationship" with you, Seb.
You put this thread on BlockShite so you could "continue your creativity without being interrupted by stupid shit". Yet you couldn't go even a single week without posting here. Weak. Thanks for proving me right, though, lol.
oh look, the retard just got married with a whore who is really a prostitute. anyone else wants to crash the wedding party?
I messed up seb's face 😂😂😂😂😂
Do you think Seb posts here because he likes self-harming like a gay emo kid?
>>17549Wouldn't surprise me
>>17547>>17548You still ain't fooling us, Sebby-Bebby!
>>17547>a whore who is really a prostitute>a prostitute who is a prostituteGee, Seb, you never told us you graduated from the Department of Redundancy Department! I guess you really
do learn something new every day.
Free edit bait, brought to you by Seb's Shitter.
>>17554>(that counts for you, Anonymous on mlpol)Attention whore.
I made some nice edits of this fatass' face.
I hope you like it shitbastien losersque.
>>17556Seb over here crying as he edits his own face so he can get sympathy from his autistic hivemind
>>17558>my old yellow and almost black mattress.
>>17558He forgot to mention the ticks and fleas.
>>17560What about the streaks of shit and piss?
>>17557>Notice how the third pic is smaller than the others
I can't even... For fuck's sake!
>>17538>>17539As much as it disgusts me that someone is unironically selling Seb's art, it is somewhat satisfying that he isn't getting to see a single penny of it
provided it even sells at all.I'm really proud of you guys for holding this thread together so well. I kinda dropped off for a few months when schoolwork picked up and most of the replies were just Seb himself, but coming back and looking back at all the shit brings a smile to my face. (especially the ED article). I don't have much in the way of OC to contribute, other than a pic that a good friend of mine made when I introduced him to the hilarity of Seb's continued existence.
This is the text that accompanied it:
>they're like little garden gnomes>you put them out for good luck!
>>17570>I'm really proud of you guys for holding this thread together so wellThanks poner, much appreciated.
Oh, and some more truth...
>>17569That's an insult to thieves.
Seb is an open ass-bandit and is too retarded not to be proud of it.
>>17572>>17573>self admits to bullying>needs blockshite crutch in order to stopWe were the victims all along of the cruel Seb.
>>17570Oh my god, I can't unsee him as a fucking garden gnome anymore. thanks for blessing me with this mental image anon
>>17565I love those funny comments dude.
nice, I quite like it how anonymous gotten seb really angry on twitter. 😂😂😂😂😂
what's the matter retard? don't like having your drawings edited?
>>17577>Still believes Anon is more than a single entity
>>17577>he loves to edit my stuff into his favorite passions, e.g. nazi, shit, hitler>favorite passions, e.g. nazi, shit, hitler>shitThat'd be among your favorite passions, Seb. Go sniff a pile of shit, maybe the fumes will enhance your art skills for an hour or two.
there's the fucking reason why I hated june. because it celebrates gays and I hate gays a lot! I'm a christian and I don't support faggots! fuck the lgbtq+! I'm a homophobic person! 😡
look, retard is celebrating fag month!
>>17582>>17583brb Seb, I'm gonna go tell all your gay friends that you think they're faggots and are self-admittedly homophobic.
>>17583>anonymousBy the way, Seb. My name is Anonymous, and I'm Queersexual!
Seb just tweeted this, and good God he couldn't have worded it any more damningly. Not sure what the context is behind this, but I thought it was worth sharing. Went ahead and archived it as well in case he deletes it.
>>17589Good God, Seb can't help but self-admit to every evil he's accused of. Truly a troubled soul. Mistranslated French is no excuse for this constant theme.
>>17589that frenchy should be terminated for posting this ridiculous tweet.
>>17589Congratulations Seb, you played yourself
Of all annoying "thx for the fave" comments, you don't want to receive this one
>>17596If you receive that comment, it actually means there's something wrong with you for faving a "Seb Original" in the first place.
>>17598If only he'd thought about deleting it
before it got archived...
I just trudged through Seb's favorites on FA, and I'm both glad that I did, and feeling quite sick as a result of it. It now appears that Seb might be into incest. I had to take two screenshots in order to fully show off the horrors that dwell within. I've highlighted the images of interest, and they are color-coded accordingly:
Red: Explicitly incestuous and/or tagged as such.
Yellow: Potentially incestuous, but not certain.
>>17602>Cadence's sonWhy does he look like her true husbando?
>>17603Lazy character design/lack of imagination on the creator's part, perhaps?
>The Best Artist Ever
Change the name "artist" to "tracer"
>>17608already done my friends
>>17608>The Best Artist Ever
>>17609Make it say shartist
Snagged this from Seb's FB. While the original post isn't all that interesting, I opted to include it for context. Of greater interest is Viola: she genuinely looks severely mentally unwell here, like she's one nanosecond away from losing her shit and butchering her entire family. Which, to be fair, I would do too if Seb forced me to start a family with him.
>>17612What an original colour scheme that has never been used before ever.
>>17618Tbh, it's unfair to call color scheme unoriginal because every color scheme has been used before.
The sole goal of OC creation is to make a character that doesn't look like shit.
>>17612>she's one nanosecond away from losing her shit and butchering her entire family.I'd like to see that
>>17595The truth is, the game was rigged from the start.
>>17621Why does fallout attract troons
why can't it be something else like Digimon?
...speaking of which why does Magic The Gathering attract troons while yugioh doesn't?
>>17622Not sure about Fallout, but I'm pretty sure that the reason MTG attracts more trannies than Yugioh is that it has considerably less memeable lore to fall back on. Then again, the fat fuck AGDQ tranny seems to be at least somewhat familiar with Yugioh.
>>17623That troon plays Pot Of Greed, which lets it draw two new genders.
I made a troll account on furbooru if anyone wants to follow me here.
>>17625This is just fucking sad Seb.
seb just drew the lamest shit ever. is he trying to have sex with applejack's mother? what a pervert he really is.
>>17632Nobody cares, Seb...
>>17632suspicious, given that this was uploaded to his ig three minutes after he posted it here, and has yet to post it on his other socials
I'm honestly just getting tired of Seb posting the same shit in this thread. Wanna bet that if we report one of his posts he can't figure out how to circumvent a ban? They're extremely low quality so I don't think the mods would have any issues with banning him, but I'd like to hear your thoughts before we take any action.
>>17635Please do. It was a little bit funny pointing out Seb's idiosyncrasies/calling him out at first, but the novelty has since worn off. He's not contributing anything of substance to the thread, and we all know it's him, so there's no point in keeping him around anymore.
Seb reported his anon alt on furbooru, getting it banned.
Proceeds to get a power trip out of it
>>17635Technically, /sp/ has no rules in the spirit of old /b/. Hence, staff could likely respond with a 'lol no', though conversely, they might ban him, telling HIM 'lol no'
this of course assumes that staff is enforcing the rules, which doesnt fit with precedent
Seb posted this on a automated forum post about a database migration
I wonder if you can hear the gears turning in his head as he writes stuff
>>17640I can't believe they bought that
man, I hated seb so much because he keeps making some nightmare fuel. seriously, when the fuck is he ever gonna leave the Internet forever? 😡😠
I'm never gonna sleep so well after seeing this shit!
will someone please make edits of this retard's ugly face?
Ngl, I'd have banned his ass long ago, except Pupper would have none of it
>>17635Nah, I find it entertaining. Not like he's taking up any space.
>>17648>t. Nah, we cant afford to lose any more posts per month, we need all the posts to pretend that the site hasnt died already
>>17649What are you saying?
>>17650I'm saying, as I have said for some time, that mlpol isnt being honest nor consistent with their intentions. Whether its policy, or rules, or the application of any such. It's all in the policy page thread, if you havent noticed.
But to reiterate, theres a definite interest in allowing as many posts/day as possible, including Seb's (cuz his posts are guaranteed to bring counter posts), because if one accounts for other recurring, wont die under any circumstances cuz reasons, threads, then mlpol is at about ~2k posts per month. so about 6posts per day.
But nothing is broken, it's all fine, move along
by all means keep trying to raise your personal army, Ninjas, it’s clear that lots and lots of anons are really interested in joining
>>17651>all these words you're putting in my mouthThat was absolutely not my intention. I've never been concerned about things like "posts per month". Idk wtf you're going on about.
I was just saying that I find it funny when Seb posts here because it means we're in his head rent free. I didn't think that banning the lolcow himself from a thread about him was appropriate, since it's not like he's really broken any rules. He's kind of like the feature guest in a way.
As for not taking up room, a handful of shitposts on a lowcow thread does not drastically reduce the quality of this thread or /sp/.
>>17653Assuming you're the anon I was replying to, you are correct. I was not intending to put words or penises in anyone's mouths. Any penises that were found in mouths were appreciated, but entirely accidental
>>17645>some nightmare fuel
look at this shit. this is not the seb we all know. he looks more like a piece of shit to me. I hate that hairstyle man. 😝
>>17660>hairstyle man.Knock it off, Seb. We all know it's you!
I remember the first time I saw Seb. I was eating my own poopoopeepee because that was all I could do to not remember Mr. S. Then he passed and I couldn't forget him! What a waste, its stench, such a stinky person! 🤣
Why does this site even enable emoji posting?
>>17665Because that makes it more like dickswored
>>17664>poopoopeepeeSeb, the more you keep aluding to your own Scat kink, the less we even bother to care.
>>17666I don't see any value in having emojis on an image board.
>>17664>AnonyomousYou do know this site has a built-in spellchecker, don't you, Seb? How are you
this consistently terrible at spelling "Anonymous"?
Also, it's good to know that PonySeb's hairstyle change was completely fucking pointless and a waste of time. I bet your friend is super glad they wasted their time making those changes for you.
>>17668Emojis are small images tho
>>17670He has faggoted taste in pony hairstyles. I'm glad my OC has better hair.
>>17671It's not a question if category, but of quality. Images count as content; emojis don't.
>>17670Seb's complete narcissism strikes again. Changes his mind in less than a day about a dumbass hairstyle for his shitty ponysona and includes a sideways swipe at this Noi Kincade.person, who is a apparently a friend.
You'd think his supposed friends would tire of it, but it's apparent they've been completely whipped by Seb. Doesn't hurt that they all have their own issues holding them back, probably find comfort in gathering around to Seb as a form of two-way enabling.
>>17672I agree, but none of us use them anyway. Thankfully they make Seb stick out like a sore thumb even more on top of his misspellings and piss/scat obsession.
>>17674That pic explains why Seb keeps getting comments from the "hot women" on Furaffinity. They love this shit.
>>17674Women's comments? They are probably men in fact! It's because he's homosexual, haha! I bet he eats poo, everyone poops on seb! 😂🤣💯
>>17677>>17678yes bruh Seb had a boy in the army, he sent him salami and built a castle from his own shit. If I were Mr S I would kill myself, and only then would I be free from its terrible stench. 😣
>>17675>hot womenSmoking crap again.
>>17679Poetic nigger
Tattoo that on your back and you'll earn our respect at last, Seb.
>>17682>Another case of the lower-case "A"
>>17679>oh, there's also "Anonyomous"
holy shit man. he's such a nightmare fuel. what a hideous freak! 😨
>>17685Literally nobody else on this entire site uses emojis.
What are you even trying to prove by larping?
This site needs a new lolcow.
>>17685hey look canadian retard im parody to you. smell like poopoopeepee
>hideous freakWe all know you're hideous, Seb. Thank you for your concern.
At this point, it's pretty safe to say that we have people false flagging as Seb to shitpost/troll
my masterpiece. a remake of
>>17674 . I hope you like it. enjoy.
>>17693>Yet another case of another lower-case "A"
>>17689Yeah, I'm beginning to suspect that too.
It's rather tiresome, ngl.
It's probably best if we just ignore any posts that look like they were made by Seb, just to be safe. By acknowledging them, all we're doing is going in fucking circles and saying the same shit over and over again. "lol Seb can't spell 'Anonymous' for shit" can only be funny so many times before it becomes grating.
>>17696Shouldn't we just make a new thread? This one's looking a little full...
>>17697Seems a little early, but I can start on one if the sentiment is shared with many of the other thread members.
>>17700He says he misses the downvotes, but does he really? He made this exact promise a few weeks back, only to fall through on it. Chances are, he flaked because he was (and likely still is) terrified of the idea of being downvote raided again.
>>17701If he does return, it's likely he won't be staying for long, for that exact reason.
>>17704Did he ever get banned off of Derpi? If so, I'd report him for ban evasion.
Quick status update on Seb's page: two out of three of his posts already have negative scores, despite not being up even a day. I don't think people are very happy to see Seb again...
>>17706Why doesn't he just practice art
>>17705AFAIK he left Derpi on his own.
>>17707Cuz he prefers stealing them?
>>17710>AFAIK he left Derpi on his own.Perhaps they don't know yet about his nazi ties.
Okay, Seb, since I know you'll read this eventually, I'm going to break this down in a way that your pea-brain can understand it:
1: None of us have said you don't have the right to sign up for Derpi or post your garbage there. Quit strawmanning.
2: We very much do know your OCs; we've had two years to document and make fun of them.
3: Keep telling yourself you're not bothered by the downvotes, but the next time go on a manic tirade about the haters, and amass a score of negative fifty or lower, just be sure to remember how much you're not "bothered by the haters".
Well, that didn't last long.
>>17713IQ 45 on display.
His parents need to take away his internet connection before he gets in serious trouble.
>>17715That is, unless they're spoiling enablers... In which case they'll just bail their juvenile son out as soon as he inevitably gets in trouble.
>>17716Highly likely. As someone who lives/works with a learning disabled adult, you absolutely cannot pander to their infantilism. The longer he goes without facing consequences, the less chance he's gonna be anything other than a special helper at McDonalds who needs at home care
Apparently, being seen as a brother isn't good enough for Seb's tumorous ego.
>>17718This song is entirely his future after his parents pass away, should his notorious line of bullshit continue:
>>17720And this is why Seb keeps his somehow more pathetic Aussie half around as his buddy. Nothing but full-time enabling of that tumorous ego.
>>17713We know your love of prepubescents is a fact, Sebophile, but thanks for repeating it for posterity.
>pic 3
I like to imagine how that conversation would go, and how Seb would respond to be told all of his problems come down to him being a thin-skinned bitch.
>>17724>Die of diabetesGuess what Seb - Derpibooru is running on it
>>17726>Not even pretending anymore>Still can't spell Anonymous correctly
>>17726This fat faggot is literally just fucking with everyone in this thread at this point because he's learned to love the attention.
He will show you his stomach and when you react with disgust he laughs at you.
What's next? Will he show you his armpit? His cock? What clownish thing will this faggot do for attention and your reaction?
>>17726go lose some weight you stupid canadian retard. you're too fat!
>>17729Didn't he like... trace over his cock in one of his 'arts'?
>>17729UPDATE: Found it...
mrsgrouparts2009 and CartoonAnimeFan2000 are like the worst artists ever. because they draw shitty stuff and it really reeks my eyes. so don't follow these assholes and report them and block them immediately. so fuck those two canadian retards.
>>17732I know, that's the joke
This thread is laughing at a man who's laughing along with us
He literally traced over his cock and slapped a horse face on it. We have seen his face. And he fears nothing.
>>17732I thought I knew the meaning of the word gross. But this is sick and off the degeneracy chart.
>>17729Yes, you have been defeated. This self-admitted bully, tracer, and pedophile has won and you are powerless to stop him. I'm glad anon and anon filly have finally recognized this and have given up.
>>17737>Yes, you have been defeated.
>>17737Seb really is pathetic
T. A Neet
>>17737>we're powerless to stop youWe'll see about that. Just be sure to remember that the next time one of your accounts gets nuked from the orbit of Pluto.
>>17741That fat homo still doesn't get the power "Anonymous" and his friend "Anonfilly".
I don't want to think about what he did to celebrate Father's Day, I only pray it has nothing to do with the small child in his OC's hooves.
>>17745>Noticeable filth on bed>Brand logos all over the fucking wall for some reason >Not a single book of substance or academia, looks to just be magazines and kids books>Canuck flag printed out on printer paper>Constant fan to keep his lard ass cool because the AC won't do it>The lanyards he goes on and on about collecting (not even that impressive of a collection desu)>MicroUSB just fucking bundled up on the shelf Yep, it's Seb's room.
The only thing that surprises me is that there actually look to be bottles of some dubious substance that could be soap on the chest of drawers, though I'm unsure about that.
Thanks for sharing Anon, dare I ask where you found it?
>>17748>>17745im surprised theres no piss bottles.
>no books of substance.I Know right. imagine not having the prince.
>>17748I found it on his Facebook. No, I'm not joking. He's not even trying to hide how much of a pigsty his room is. In fact, in Seb's own words, that picture is his room
after he cleaned it up a bit. Let that sink in.
>>17750>half-sister, half-brotherThat family is weird.
>>17750His "cleaning" of his room would probably explain the bottles of (apparent) soap on top of his dresser, seeing as though Seb does nothing for his personal hygiene...
Viola's dialogue implies she's gonna break up with him for good soon.
Also why their demonspawn looks mature, yet she sits inside the shopping cart?
>>17759She won't be the first imaginary ex-girlfriend. When it comes to SebTard, she's as easy to replace as a magic picture-tron.
that is the lamest shit I have ever seen. now my eyes hurts as fuck after seeing this shit. 😝
>>17762Wow Seb is SO COOL,He made me rethink how much hate i zanz vndertale! Thanks Seb!
>>17765Holy Shit thats Fucking Hilarious. He's Coping so fucking hard.