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Could /mlpol/ Benefit From A Blue Pony Board?
6720 6727 6740 6748 6764 7074
Could /mlpol/ Benefit From A Blue Pony Board?
Posters in this community have brought of various ways to make the site more attractive to horsefuckers and content creators. One reccomended idea has been to introduce a blue board for pony content.
Is this idea worth trying?
What could the benefits be?

Express your thoughts.
Continued from the discussion in the Roe v Wade Thread >>>/mlpol/344423 →
234 replies and 119 files omitted.
6721 7027
Is it to atomize the board? The traffic is not high enough for that to be practical.
6722 6723 6740
If I understand correctly, the purpose of it would be to increase traffic to all boards, as horsefuckers would have a place to create more content peacefully, while also using the red board for red things.
>The traffic is not high enough for that to be practical
Our traffick wouldn't decrease because of it though. i hear this argument on a lot of topics, but the "we're too small" idea really underestimates the potential of this community. I also don't think /mlpol/ should deny ourselves opportunities to improve just because we're 'too small'. Smaller pony boards exist that get along just fine.
6726 6740
>as horsefuckers would have a place to create more content peacefully
Care to explain yourself.
6726 6740
>as horsefuckers would have a place to create more content peacefully
/mlpol/ is already a board of peace and friendship
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
6725 6740 6753
Guess I'll throw my two cents in.

I don't necessarily object to the idea, and it would certainly be easy enough to add an additional board. I'm skeptical that it would really bring in more users to the site proper; seems like what we would mainly be doing is providing a bunker board for /mlp/, so basically just becoming the new /pone/. This isn't objectionable in itself, but it seems like if everyone new who comes in has no interest in the political side and stays on the SFW board, all it's going to do is resegregate /pol/ and /mlp/ into separate boards again, which kind of defeats the purpose of /mlpol/. I guess my personal view is that the whole thing seems a bit unnecessary, and that if people want more pony threads there's nothing stopping them from posting more pony threads.

That said, I guess there's a lot about the horsefucker side of things that I may not necessarily understand, since I wasn't really involved in /mlp/ prior to coming here. If ponyfags legitimately feel like they're being crowded out by the political threads and would post more if they had a second ponies-only board, it's not something I'm adamantly opposed to and would be willing to give it a try.

tl;dr, I'm not against the idea if that's what people want, but I must also confess that I don't entirely understand why this is an issue.
Then what if we made the NSFW aspect of it the gimmick and just made a red board? Or do we already have the /mlpol/ board for that?
6741 6760
It wasn't my idea, I just agree with it somewhat, so I can't explain it entirely. Follow the post linked in the OP and you can see a mass-reply to some of the posts in the Roe v Wade thread that discussed the topic. I'd prefer it if that poster argued for the proposition instead.
From what I understand, some users feel like /mlpol/ is as it stands a lot like /pol/ without GR15, instead of a hybrid of both boards. Some users thought /mlp/ users who were friendly with /mlpol/ or formerly used it would be more attracted to the site if they had a SFW pony board, where they could talk about cartoon horse escapism without always being blackpilled with grim headlines about the death of the white race, and also without flags or IDs, like /mlp/.
Then I guess there's also the idea of the idea that SFW boards exist for a reason, and that having porn in the same place as regular posting might not necessarily be the best for discussion.
I have religiously visited this board every single day, without fail, since it was created April 2017: I am more than well aware of the state of things and how the site has changed since 2017.
>/mlpol/ is already a board of peace and friendship
It would be a lot easier to say that if we actually had regular pony content... Can you even remember the last greentext you read here? I think we can do a lot better, or at the very least it could be worth trying. Maybe do it temporarily for a few months and see how it works. It's not like we have anything to lose in trying.
I could see it being a good idea if /mlp/ was to ever shut down but as of now? I'm not sure.
John Elway
## HorseWhisperer
If we're going to do this, my preference would be to keep the second board SFW so the horsefuckers are at least forced to visit the main board for something. Though I will be perfectly honest, it is highly unlikely any "no porn" rules are going to be strictly enforced, so it probably won't matter.
6730 6734
Don't fall for kikes' tricks.
Subversion is their nature.
6731 6732
Sensible enough advice, but how does this relate to what we're discussing?
6735 6759
To change (re-shape) /mlpol/ has been a tendency for a while, first was the policy, now the boards.
I say fuck that.
6733 6735 6741 6754
It begins accommodating some snowflakes and always "progresses". It is to expect that soon Aryanne will be spoilered and Hitler pics will be banned to not offend the jews.
I think you're reading a little too much into this.
How is this "subversive"?
>muh slippery slope
That's absurd. Just because we make a sfw board doesn't mean we'd ban Aryanne. Aryanne is the mascot of the site, ffs.
It's not like we haven't fixed things before. Not every change has to be negative.
6741 6752
Content is king, not space. /a/ has space but is empty. The same would be true for this new board.

To tract newfags with pony we would be better of shilling GG's threads on mlp or other activities we do on the site.

This reminds me of the idea that tea time has discussed a few times: That /vx/ should be split up. No offense to that guy who suggests that but that wouldn't help at all.

Again, make threads that engage Anons in different ways and you have content, then make people aware of it.

I'm interested in anime but I never visit /a/ because there's no content. That's how simple it is.
Short version: No
Begging your pardon, but please validate how having a blue board would incentivize posters.
Fucking this
And this
>all it's going to do is resegregate /pol/ and /mlp/ into separate boards again, which kind of defeats the purpose of /mlpol/
Thank you
>I must also confess that I don't entirely understand why this is an issue
Ever worked in sales? Ever had a customer who absolutely wont buy the product no matter WHAT, but they demand all sorts of incentives just for the thrill of the game? Thats what this is.
I maintain that /mlp/ (and much/most of /pol/ while Im on) made their decision a LONG time ago, before any of these excuses were a concern. To cater now would be like apologizing to leftists; emasculating and utterly without product.
6744 6784
Is reading greentext a requirement?
This anon gets it
Care to make an argument, or are you just gonna half-assed disagree and then waifishly retreat?
Agreed, but cater to them now and see what they ask for next.
Agreed. Remind me to tell the story of how /a/ came to be
>Is reading greentext a requirement?
Well, on a pony board, it's a staple of content. That's just an example though.
>cater to them now
Cater to who? Users with ideas?
>see what they ask for next.
If they ask for something retarded, just say no.
>Well, on a pony board, it's a staple of content
From the beginning, I warned about comparing this site to 4chan 'established norms'....
>cater to whom
Well, the 'users with ideas' seem to want to fundamentally change the site structure, what with new boards and unwritten (but better believe theyre coming) expectations. Those are the ones I am urging caution in catering to.
>if they ask for something retarded
So, if they ALREADY asked for something retarded?
No, another board doesn't do anything
The core of the argument is seeing too many blackpills thus horsery on its own would thrive. I'd argue that would lead to a well known road of divide and conquer.
I would also say My Little Horsepussy Cum inside RD is an Anime as well...
On attracting people here it's a matter of choice between what is and what the alternatives are, and why that is the choice.
People can technically make their own bunker with minimal effort using key words and search.
There's nothing particularly missing, except being the first to come to mind.
The analogy of settlements there 4/mlp/ now a gentrified city past the golden glory, a Detroit. Here is a place everyone knows almost everybody else if not, the rough places where they come from.
/mlpol/ is the Christmas Hearthswarming miracle in April. Not everyone had that spirit then, but it's felt continuously. The joy in bridging two groups to face against the hoards as similar and dissimilar interests align.
Now 2022 4chin shidding street is swamped with shills and shit.
Original Idea shiller here. I want to make a direct case for how this should be implamented and what the expected outcome will be.

From the start of mlpol till now mlpol has passed up many opportunities to get users from 4chan's mlp. this generally happens when generals are shut down, when theres on board strife. the implamentation of the board wont see a huge flood of users until the mods decide to shit in their cornflakes again, which may be a while. Providing a horseboard experiance that 4chucks sucks and fucks wont. weather thats letting someone post horse images in the politics board or letting them post other shit on /mlp/. Like a youtube channel it will have to grow slowly, but keeping users is a real possibility as long as there is a place for content and discussion that the mods of /mlp/ are too pussy to allow. Weather thats meta, 4chan cup, board tan, milky, hi anon threads, etc.

I don't know if we should go the extra mile and encourage the autists who hate eqg to come here by banning eqg, but given 4cuck exists, I wouldn't complain about it if thats what the mods here wanted to do. or give op the right to remove images from their own threads. This is, as I said probably way too fucking much and truthfully I think it would be kind of faggy but theres no doubt theres a vocal portion of mlp that resents eqg, is easily trolled by it, and would come here in a heartbeat if there was a way they could get away from it.
>Again, make threads that engage Anons in different ways and you have content, then make people aware of it.
no matter how good your content, whites wont move next to blacks.
6756 6761
>but it seems like if everyone new who comes in has no interest in the political side and stays on the SFW board, all it's going to do is resegregate /pol/ and /mlp/ into separate boards again, which kind of defeats the purpose of /mlpol/. I guess my personal view is that the whole thing seems a bit unnecessary, and that if people want more pony threads there's nothing stopping them from posting more pony threads.
The problem is that the boards are already segregated, people who want to see more pony content on page one aren't going to keep hanging out on /mlpol/ and when I come to /mlpol/ as does just about does just about anyone else, we com here for the /pol/ side of things, as reflected by how little the horse threads stay on page 1.
why would we spoiler such images on mlpol.net/mlp/?
are you suggesting this site is a democracy?
>I maintain that /mlp/ (and much/most of /pol/ while Im on) made their decision a LONG time ago,
this is actually the only criticism so far that isn;t retarded and is 100% true, mlpol lost so much ground that it IS arguable on weather the ship has sailed and nothing you do will recover the reputation this site has for being politics first and horse second.
6757 6774
If /pol/ content were REALLY the issue, it is as it was with Derpy.

Just hide. Oh wait, thats really not the issue, its just an excuse.
>Well, the 'users with ideas' seem to want to fundamentally change the site structure, what with new boards and unwritten (but better believe theyre coming) expectations. Those are the ones I am urging caution in catering to.
this is exactly what i mean when I say that this site is for politics first. I don't honestly believe the vast majority of /pol/ users even understand how important our green generals are to /mlp/. why would they? the original /mlpol/ was cancer to 90% of them and their users gave up until /mlpol/ was over and /mlp/ came back. it was never going to be permanent anyway. /mlpol/ doesn't have a rule against green text, but the format of the board, the differences between /mlp/ and /pol/'s user sizes make it clear that mixing the demographics is cancer for one side more than the other. people come to /mlp/ praying for green and OC. it's one of the most if not the most creative board on the site. but as it is, with a userbase this out of touch that they would call something so essential a 4chan established norm, it's obvious how big of a divide there really is between horsefuckers and polacks.

>if accelerator really is the issue, just hide , oh wait, thats just an excuse.
Given /d/ exists with all its divergant fetish generals I don't necissarily think it would be a problem to keep red pony content in /mlpol/, as long as the greentext itself was not policed on the blueboard.

As for moderation, with increase user size, administrating the site or otherwise finding and vetting someone who isn't a giga kike will probably be the biggest issue. I don't see a problem necissarily with 4chans divide between mod and disposable jannys who do it for free though. people do like to browse mlp at work and its harder to do that with horsetits everywhere.
>It would be a lot easier to say that if we actually had regular pony content... Can you even remember the last greentext you read here? I think we can do a lot better, or at the very least it could be worth trying. Maybe do it temporarily for a few months and see how it works. It's not like we have anything to lose in trying.
>just try it once, fail, quite forever, and feel ashamed of yourself like a normal person
No offense, given you went to bat for my case in my absence, but I don't feel like treating the move as temporary would be a good move at all. either do it for real or don't bother. Putting it up and then taking it down would be worse than never putting it up at all. users aren't going to move here overnight, theyre going to come slowly each time 4chuck mods makes doing what they like difficult. Getting each influx of users is going to be an effort of will on the part of the users of this site, and where applicable, the administration, if theres some kind of technical thing that /mlp/ users would want for whatever reason. It's not something worth doing at all by people who just don't give a fuck honestly.
>no matter how good your content, whites wont move next to blacks.
Tch, what is that even suppose to me?
Clearly, polacks and horsf***ers can share the same space and you're wrong, by the way, (sadly) people stick with this society despite it's madness because of bread and circuses.
I relate to little in this post. Sure, pony thread and pol thread are often separate entities. The things that connect them are the memes and views of the anons in them that they share.

>people who want to see more pony content on page one aren't going to keep hanging out on /mlpol/
Yet, I do.
But besides that, aren't you saying what I'm saying, if there is no content, then there is no reason to be there.

Look, this could be a problem after we get a lot of trafic. Now, not so much.
I also dislike this like thinking. I have shared in the past OP so don't feel too bad. The thinking that we need to attract more people to the site. Let's not get blinkered and focus on fishing and instead focus on having fun with Anons you already have.

Even that's not completely right. Don't try to have fun or be engaging because of an obligation. Do it because you want to.

If this site becomes only for politics and horsefuckers wish to spend their time elsewhere, then so be it. The site will still have a purpose and serve some people.

Threads about ponies get at least one response but usually several. People care about pony content on this site so engage with that. I do for example. If you and I can bond over ponies do you really need a crowd?
6777 6803
Short Story.jpg
>Yet, I do.
and yet no one else does.
when big happenings of a political nature happen here, the board becomes /pol/. when /mlp/ happenings happen here, we get one or two replies. the biggest OC this board has is divegrass, which is something but not enough of something to say its in any way comparable.
>Don't try to have fun or be engaging because of an obligation. Do it because you want to.
I do want to grow this site because I genuinely want to have fun with anons without mods cucking me, faggot. My frustration comes from the clear message from the mods and I guess the community, they do not agree, they would rather sit in politics and seeth.
>just be greatful of what you have!
>threads about ponies get at least one response, actually, several!
>do you really need a crowd?
if you replaced horsefuckers with whites you would be called a jew and told to kill yourself immediately.
It is newfags who must adapt to chan-culture and not the other way around. As always has been.
Safe space denied.
Sometimes I feel reluctant to make FIM related threads because something political and important is on the front page.
Why not test out a dedicated FIM only board for a month, and see if it sucks any users and generals away from 4/mlp/?
Uncensored political discussions could arise naturally on this board that would never be allowed on 4chan.
>I don't feel like treating the move as temporary would be a good move at all. either do it for real or don't bother.
What's wrong with experimenting though?
>its just an excuse.
Excuse for what?
Yeah, I think a month trial could be worth it. I just want to try.
>when big happenings of a political nature happen here, the board becomes /pol/. when /mlp/ happenings happen here, we get one or two replies
Yeah, that's exactly the issue I see here.
I make a lot of threads on /mlpol/, including most of the political happening threads. The political happening threads get replies, the pony happening threads don't get that many at all. I want more pony stuff...
6798 6801 6806 6836
>Care to make an argument, or are you just gonna half-assed disagree and then waifishly retreat?
Does an argument need to be made? What's being proposed here is just adding an extra board for pony-only posting, nobody's talking about banning Hitler or Aryanne. The post I responded to was massively overreacting, and I pointed this out. If anyone should be called out for not making any arguments it's that poster, but I don't even think the topic is worth pursuing that far.

Honestly if there's any argument to be made for why the /pol/ side of things might be driving people away, it's not that there's any problem with the content being posted, it's just that so many /pol/ anons are paranoid to the point of it being actually comical, and it's physically exhausting to try to have a conversation with them sometimes. Someone proposes tweaking the site format a bit, and some schizo immediately jumps to the conclusion it's some kind of conspiracy to de-Nazify the site, and starts bringing up kikes and subversion out of nowhere. I point out that this is an overreaction with no basis beyond paranoia, and some third schizo, (You), jumps in and demands an unreasonably high threshold of proof for a post that was completely self-explanatory.

If anyone is being driven away from the site, it's probably just due to their being slowly worn down by shit like this. You try to have a sensible, civil discussion about literally any topic only to end up in a pointless argument against some schizo who treats every conversation like a zero-sum bare-knuckle brawl. It's not so much that people are being driven away, as that many of them are probably realizing that they're spending way too much time trying to argue with people who are too silly to be arguing with in the first place. At that point they just stop posting because it's not worth the effort. Is that enough of an argument for you, or do I need to provide a page and a half of citations?
Thank you anon, that was perfect
Nothing in theory. in practice this is not the kind of thing you do low effort to see if it works. you need to have patience and tenacity.
6805 6836
Don't entice him. Like a spoiled foal, he will come back emboldened and demand more.
6805 6856
<without mods cucking me, faggot.
>Makes thread about how users are aggressive to change.
>Is aggressive against users who don't want change but aren't aggressive.
Have I insulted you at all? No, I haven't. Not that it bothers me, being on a chan and all but I just wanted to point this out.

>if you replaced horsefuckers with whites you would be called a jew and told to kill yourself immediately.
You appeal to the site and the anons on it at the same time as you push for changing a community fundamentally. Mlpol is the conflux of these two sides, to have whitepill with the blackpill or however you wanna describe it. Point is, if we're going to start screaming, "You're the real kike," here wouldn't you who wants to change a tradition while defaming the people in it that doesn't want to, be the real kike, mah nigguha.

Reminder: You could have prevented this.
Just because we didn't want to download a hugeass file and told you why about leakage in Hasbro doesn't mean other pony threads doesn't get traffic. In fact, your thread got traffic it just wasn't well received. Seethe n' cope ;^P

Big pony happenings do get attention, like G5, PonyLife, etc. And check the catalog man. Even Political threads have poni pictures on them.
I don't know if you were talking about the mods here or on 4chan but they certainly don't cuck you here. If anything, they are hard to get started.

Again though, I wasn't bothered that much about your insults as I am about how you keep moving the conversation. My two points are:
1)Content is king so your split will not only change mlpol fundamentally but also it would just be another /a/.
2) There are a lot of people here who enjoy pony posting, myself included. Make good threads and there will be people who are interested.

I myself have been sometimes frustrated on the low engage I have had from users here at times. This really doesn't happen that often mind you, cuz people actually do care (I want to stress that I can partially see your point of view but thinks it is skewed). But anyway, sometimes that's their "fault" (Again, no obligation is for the best, I think) other times that's my "fault" for writing something subpar or creating a subpar thread.

I have posted greentexts where I got zero (you)s, where were you at those times? Exactly, sometimes things doesn't take off, marebe your fault marebe not, people have lives afterall.

What I'm trying to say in this last meandering parts is that I can sympathize with your plight but I disagree with your solution and I also think you're not appreciating what you have enough.
are you pretending to be retarded at this point? you do know IDs are on in this thread right? who am I?
>Have I insulted you at all? No, I haven't. Not that it bothers me, being on a chan and all but I just wanted to point this out.
faggot isn't an insult on 4chan.
>You appeal to the site and the anons on it at the same time as you push for changing a community fundamentally.
Because I use and care about said sites. apparently longer than you. I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume the rest of your post reads like you're a retarded zigger because you are phone posting.
> Mlpol is the conflux of these two sides, to have whitepill with the blackpill or however you wanna describe it.
and in the best of days that's never going to hold a dedicated horsefuckers attention for long.
>If we're going to start screaming you're the real kike
then stop using kike arguments.
>you're trying to change tradition
again with this narrative. I am not changing anything, tradition has already changed. 90% of the horsefuckers interested in /mlpol/? they hang around in aryanne threads in /mlp/, not here. I said it before and I said it again, /mlpol/ is not /mlp/+/pol/. it's /pol/ without gr15.

Finally, I want to take a tangent here, because the last line really genuinely pisses me off as a conservative. Conservatism isn't never changing traditions you retard. That's what causes shit like the marxist republican party to exist. Slovenly sloths dressed up as human beings who hate their lives being inconvenienced in any way or stepping outside their comfort zone. If you are a conservative and you never change your traditions, you're equivalent to a technological luddite who reprints the Iliad in stone tablet only. Whats wrong with paper books? Ones and zeros? Why should my shitty father hate computers but love guns? The only reason is because he's too prideful and too dismissive to see how it can be used as a weapon or other tool. If you run out of cool books to carve with your stonemasonry skills but you just cant give up the rock then learn to carve something other than books. Traditions are worthless unless you can use them in your day to day life. And if the magic of friendship starts to wear dull and all of your friends are leaving because you wont shut up about politics 24/7, maybe find a different way.

Or don't. Why do you think I'm so invested in changing your opinion? I'm only giving you the 4chan way; A complete lack of respect for your faggot behavior, and lotus/et all. Just as I'm sure they've done similarly to users or retards that annoy them with their brand of stupidity. As much as that happens this is yours.
>Honestly if there's any argument to be made for why the /pol/ side of things might be driving people away, it's not that there's any problem with the content being posted, it's just that so many /pol/ anons are paranoid to the point of it being actually comical, and it's physically exhausting to try to have a conversation with them sometimes.
>Someone proposes tweaking the site format a bit,
Honestly, this rhetoric makes sirens go off in my head more than the split idea does.

I'd like to know where you got this information that polacks are driving ponyfags away from this site? That's something you could give me some citations on. You don't have to believe me, but I a ponyfag have never felt like a second-class citizen.

> You try to have a sensible, civil discussion about literally any topic only to end up in a pointless argument against some schizo who treats every conversation like a zero-sum bare-knuckle brawl.
I disagree hard with this description of the site. In fact, I'd argue that we're way more civil than other chans. Sperg civil wars are not alien to mlp either, as (I think it was) OP pointed out eqg aren't that popular amongst ponyfags. Isn't that because they're stuck in their ways and being schizo?

>What's being proposed here is just adding an extra board for pony-only posting,
>nobody's talking about banning Hitler or Aryanne.
But is Hitler a pony though?
Hey hey, ponies.jpg
>I'd like to know where you got this information that polacks are driving ponyfags away from this site? That's something you could give me some citations on. You don't have to believe me, but I a ponyfag have never felt like a second-class citizen.
not that anon but it's not fucking hard to tell based on the threads that make it to the top and see the most activity, and the complete lack of OC being generated here, as well as the fact that when 4chan unbanned certain groups who made a home here in this website, like anon filly, they go right back to 4chan instead of remaining here. It's obvious to me, even without numbers, that if people are rushing back to 4cuck for their next you instead of here where people actually supposedly respect them, theres a fundamental difference between what content is obviously important here.

Ironic considering you are the faggots who keep seething and screaming kike at this criticism. you got angry at me for turning that sword deservedly back at you, and here you are doing it again and riding the hyperbole train. So I'll give you another form of measurement. My ideals suddenly have appeal. it's very obvious to me that I'm a powerless halfwit at best who tends to school on people mostly because they are lazy or don't do their due dilligence. As a result, I rarely get a following, yet people here are giving my idea some merited defense, and why not, you make my argument for me. Lashing out at other horsefuckers and calling them kikes. I'm hardly free of such sin, but I'm not the one pretending I'm an ubermench fighting off the jews. I'm a fucking retard who likes tiny horses and at best turning kike jewery around with meme magic and reverse uno cards. At worst all I want to do is read some fun escapist fantasy stuff to recharge instead of getting embroiled in another 2 hour long b8 thread. Here you are talking big about tradition and not feeling like a second class zigger but you aren't listening to other people. and all I had to do to get them to consider the idea was yell into the void one more time and have you retards attack me.
I'll get back to this but I greentexted what I thought was an intresting contradiction. I don't care if you insult me or insinuate that I'm a kike. But; maybe I'm wrong and you aren't OP for both this thread and the related thread on /qa/, I just assumed; my point was that that thread talks about how anons reacted strongly negatively towards this thread but I didn't. I just disagreed and then you reacted that strongly towards me.
Seems like that whinny-thread was unnecessary.
6810 6817 6836
That's it. Now it is about segregation because muh polaks.
Want more pony? Then post ponies, don't expect someponer do it for you.
/mlpol/ stays like it is.
I'm "OP" in the sense that I am the one who you usually find taking pot shots at lotus/mlpol mods for turning down this idea already. but It wasn't my idea to make this thread and I was surprised to see it was made and gained as many posts as it did. I don't personally think this idea would ever work without them being fully on board with it rather than doing it grudgingly.
>gets called out
>pretends nothing happened
>back to rhetoric tricks
can you rub your filthy talons any harder? this has already been answered. We do post pony. Just not here were it sucks to do so.