Aryanne Hoofler is a female earth pony with a white coat, blonde hair and blue eyes. Her cutie mark is a pink heart with a black swastika in it. She is a military officer from the Maremacht of Germaneigh and an active politician.
In this thread we collect content for the purpose of most possible widespread and archivation. If you find Aryanne related content of sorts, please post it here.
Please enjoy your stay.
MEHR HINTLER: the following things are permitted and encouraged:
- Hitler reaction images
- speaking german
- Third Reich related artwork including military art
- talking about politics and/or social dynamics
- mild shitposting (keep it short and trash the shills)
- bump reasonably (once every 2 hours/ earliest at page 8)
Archived 8chan thread from /pone/ -
Last Archived MLPOL thread -
>On April 1st 2017 le "funney" ledditor mod team of 4chan tried to pull a prank that blew up in their faces
>several boards were merged, including /mlp/ and /pol/
>/mlpol/ stopped being just a user group and /mlp/ and became a physical high traffic board on 4chan
>people thought the users of our boards would murder each other in cold blood, but then magical friendship happened
>The overwhelming majority of both /pol/ and /mlp/ is very happy with the board
>the exceptional board quality shoots through the roof and is described by many as the most fun experience they had on the site in years
>/mlpol/ collectively BTFO's the regressive libcucks on /neomlp/, the ledditors and paid globalist shills on /nupol/, the whiney backseat janitors on /qa/ and the autistic weaboos on /jp/
>4chan illegally turns over 2 master votes in favour of keeping the merge boards, they get frozen and later deleted
>we communities now, we boards now, we site now, we mainstream now.
Archive link to a couple of /mlpol/ art:
(taken from Aryanne Hermine Hoofler
Nicknames: White Death, Windmill Pony of Friendship
Title: Gräfin zu Sachsenhausen (Nobility Title inherited from her mother)
Race: Earth pony
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 1,77 m
Weight: 73 kg
Eye color: light blue
Hair color: light blonde
Skin/Coat color: bright white
Cup Size: D
Blood type: 00 rhe. negative (Aryanne has this tattooed on the underside of her upper left arm as SS Blutgruppen Tätowierung)
Birthday: April 20th
Zodiac sign: Aries
Parents: Randolph Hoofler (Son of Adolf Hoofler) and Maryanne Hoofler
Siblings: Oldest of 5 brothers and sisters
Nationality: German
Political Belief: National Socialism, member of the NSDAP
Occupation: Military Officer of the Waffen SS and Wehrmacht
Rank: SS-Oberführer/Oberst
Likes: children, cooking, Panzer, Patriotism
Dislikes: Communists, (((Greedy people))), cowards, prudery
Skills: speaks 4 languages, trained in unarmed combat, swordfighting and military grade heavy weaponry including vehicles
Personality: Enthusiastic, hard worker, affinity for sexual behavior, likes to collect weapons and uniforms of many kinds
CM: Pink heart with a purple outline and a black swastika in the center
Aryanne is the oldest of 5 siblings and is used to a leadership role since her early days as a child. Being the granddaughter of Adolf Hoofler she received a good education, but was also taught the values of manual labor, benevolence and respect for her people. When she was 15, she spend a year as an exchange studen in Nippon, this is where she developed a fetish for uniforms. After the graduated from school at age 16, she joined the Schutzstaffel of Germany after she had been tested and recommended as a suitable recruit. As any german worth his salt she takes her work very seriously and served with all passion and power her body could muster for the greater good of the nation and it's people. She now does duty as a high military Officer for the land units of both the SS and ocasionally the Wehrmacht and fought in several campaigns against the enemies of the Reich, which gave her years of combat experience. Aryanne loves her country and her countrymen and although she can't help herself but being a lewd girl, her greatest dream is to find a loving husband and have a big family with many children.
If you want to submit a suggestion for some Show related Vector Art, please browse the screenshot database of this site: post the picture of your choosing in this thread with the marking /r/ or Vector Request with a short explanation.
No dice though, all art here submitted is produced at the leisure of the artist. It may be made or maybe not. In the picture to the left you can see a compilation of links to additional Aryanne related content. Some of the links are suspended on 4chan, but if you look them up on a search engine it should be easy enough
If you want to try your hand and draw Aryanne yourself, you can find a chart with her official color scheme to your left.
To start the thread off I will post some highlights from the Last months, starting with May.
Also heres a clopfic posted on tumblr by Sleepy Scribs
Darkdoomer just made a cool new pic in reponse to that horrible anthro antifa one. It's awesome!
>>75244Wunderbar. I have seen the original abomination from Purple Tranny this work is responding to. My facial expression was similar to Aryanne's. A big Dankeschön to Darkdoomer for that!
>>75244A job well done indeed! Art requires skills, and there's no equality about that.
And a cat.
>>75507Is that you DarkDoomer?
>>75508Of course not. It's his cat posting!
>>75507Welcme home, DD.
>>75507You have a cute cat bro
>>75508Nope, just found this photo on his Zuckening page.
>>75508No I'm here, was thinking posting it earlier but got submerged by stuff to do.
>>75246jawhöl; fregelein schlümberger! /)
Threadly reminder that Aryanne is one of the most powerful meme-OCs in the /mlp/ fandom, and as she grows stronger so does this community.
If we were to measure by SJWbooru, Aryanne has 2337 files (minus the one that have been deleted, for one reason or another). Flufflepuff has 2545, and Littlepip has 2453. In just a a little less than a year at this rate, Aryanne could overtake them.
Heil Hoofler!
>>75572>>75507Welcome, DD. I see the department of Quality Control is manned competently as well. Very good! Randy approves of that.
>>75576Numbers aren't everything, but Aryanne is indeed one of a choice few characters who broke this 2k limit. We are near peak performance now and have more art up than several cannon characters.
>>75507Nice to see DarkDoomer to return!
>>75241I'll be getting that Plushie in a week.
>>75820How much for the plushie?
>>75822120 it was originally gonna be 170
>>75824Looks top quality.. Maybe I'll treat myself..
>>75828Go for it my dude, need the guys email?
>>75572I HAVE SUMMONED HIM! Victory!
>>75576Heil Hoofler! Tell me, how do her numbers compare to Milky Way's?
>>75874>Not just looking it up yourselfMily Way has 1827 pics. Even after content production being stifled by the Scruffening, she still holds her place as a quintessential fetish OC.
>>75232oh mien gott I needed zis!
Plunger recently made this for the /warpone/ thread on /mlp/. It's Aryanne enthusiastically speaking to the reincarnated Blondi.
>>76638Good image. Plunger did well. I like how he went the extra mile and added Uniform for both of them. Also honorable mention, for someone who (i assume) rarely draws dogs, this looks dignified.
Year 12 students at one of Sydney's most exclusive boys schools celebrate end of school year by saluting a Nazi flag in a photo - and dupe the deputy principal into appearing in it
>A group of male modern history students posed for an end-of-year school photo>They asked their Deputy Principal Rod Morrison to be in the photo>Before the shot was taken the students unfurled a Nazi flag and saluted>He also asked them to delete the photo after class but it still circulated>Australian shitposters are at it again
>>76738>All that mosaic>Swastika is still clearly visibleWhy even bother trying to censor the flag?
>>76738I hope they did it unironically.
btw, i was just trying to upload a picture to imgur, unrelated to all of this. Besides from imgur not actually working, I accidently found this travesty, 100.000+ views. Anti White Propaganda from bluepilled libcuck hispters on a jewish thoughtcrime site.
Some shit I made for laughs
>>77352This would probably be much better with Lina though.
>>77356I guess you're right, but someone with actual talent could probably make a better version. I just thought it was a funny idea.
>>77356And we do need more art of her.
>>77352I want that griffin.
>>77358It's still appreciated
You know, your image reminded me of a edited screencap where pinkie was baking gryjews.
Someone can change pinkie for aryanne or lina? Extra points for funny italian mustache
>>77359Ikr. That pizza thing can really go far.
>tfw no qt poner to make canolies >>77358It's adorable. Never stop practicing.
>>77362didn't mean to submit that comment like that...
Time for the Aryanne thread Update of September 2017!I have a selection of several moderate to good skill pictures for You this month. Nothing super spectacular sadly for the time being, but I added some pieces of other art to compensate for that. There are several reasons for this, but I elaborate on of those later on.
As you may have noticed, there has not been an
Official Aryanne thread on /mlp/ for a while now. Reason for this was that there had been 2 Big Unofficial threads during downtime, with one still going on at the time of this writing. So on the bright side, the hostility towards Aryanne threads on cuckchan is all but gone for now. On the bad site of course, thats 2 to many threads in too little time. I talked with the head of the Aryanne Discord group about it, we decided to wait out until the current thread 404's to avoid oversaturation. Depending on when this will happen,
it could be between mid and late October until a new OAT is made.
I did find some traces of
greentext here and there in the /mlp/ archives, but nothing that really warrants a full mention in an update. Maybe with the next one when its more supple. On a general Note i must add, Desuarchive is hardly worth the squeeze anymore for New content. Most (if not all) new material has been almost exclusively relocated to MLPOL.NET. The few morsels I picked up on cuckchan during a quick overview recently and an intense combing session during summer were hardly worth it, both quality and quantity wise. With the current
Backlog amount of art that needs to be uploaded to DB rises to just
about ~75 pieces. Hopefully I will be able to provide them to the place soon.
Oh yes and before I forget it, ODF and Gary have informed me about a
somewhat significant happening in the close future. You should see more of it soon, around
October 10th. It will hopefully make up for the less than stellar last 7 weeks.
With all that said, I do hope you will enjoy this Collection! Next MLPOL Aryanne thread Update will launch around October 30th.
(^._.^)/)<卐3 ————————————-
- Aryan edit of the famous "Eww Gay" picture of Lyra, made by Anonymous
- Aryanne in a dress drinking wine froma chalice, edit made by an Anon from MLPOL
- A Pony Centaur with armor and a flag. I think this is supposed to be a ponified version of MLPOL and/or Atlas, but it looks sufficiently Aryan that i decided to include it here. Made by Anonymous
- an OEKAKI Aryanne sitting, made by Anonymous
- Aryanne with a fresh gyphon Pizza, made by Anon
A selection of paintjobs, 4 out of 5 of these were provided by Kitty.
- Aryanne sticking her tongue out and insulting you
- Anime-esque Art of Aryanne with a magic wand
- bipedal Aryanne as a dominatrix
- Aryanne in a dress
- a random aryan pegasus with pigtails and a scarf sitting in the clouds. I think her name is Cloud Dancer.
- sketch of Aryanne getting a boop behind bars. not quite sure if she herself or Anon got imprisoned. Made by OtherDrawFag.
- sketch of A German Reich Themed Terminator pony with several stationary weapons, made by ODF
- Nude practice Art of an Annoyed Anthro Aryanne. I think her face is displeased with the way her body looks (reminded me somewhat of Trollie Trollenberg). This is what happens when Randy is out of practice (which happens more often than you might think) and it shows.
- Anthro Aryanne in a japanese school girl uniform. This was loosly inspired by pin up art for Kill la Kill.
- sketch of a pony who I suspect to be Aryanne getting a boop, this time without bars. made by ODF
- Natalie Soc with a happy face, made by Anonymous for MLPOL
- Vector edit of a group picture including left to right Mai Gaia, Christi Gracia, Leslie Fair, Aryanne Hoofler, Frieda Axmann and Paula Ice. Made by Anonymous for MLPOL.
- Leslie Fair with Sunglasses and a knife, Made by Anon for the MLPOl draw thread
- Leslie Fair selling herself for profit, made by OtherDrawfag (I Think?)
- Leslie Fair selling Cookies, Lemonade and rifles at a stand, made by Anonymous for MLPOL
- A pony version of a black twitter meme featureing that one black waving something away in disgust, made by Pokefound.
- A big vector of a tank in MLP art style made by Anonymous
- Face Picture of Victoria Turner, made by Vicky
- Pony Version of Hitler in uniform, also made by Vicky Turner
- Aryanne with a party hat for Hitlers Birthday, made by Otherdrawfag
- Anthro Glimmer in uniform, made by Jargon Scott. This is technically not an Aryanne picture but in included it regardless because the guy drew Aryanne in the past and the uniform looks quite alright.
- Darkdoomers Cat during Quality Control of his recent artwork.
- Animation test of Aryanne getting (sexually) spanked by AN-M
- monochrome Art of Franziska in her laboratory, made by AN-M
- A Hentai-Esque piece with Aryanne as a maid, also made by AN-M
- Pony Aryanne in a japanese school girl uniform, made by Milesaph
- EQG Aryanne and Daring Do with a Jojo Bizarres adventure reference, made by Archooves (i think, the source was related to facebook)
- A chubby humanized Aryanne with a tanktop, made by Moonlord Ress
- Aryanne version of the MLP Movie Pony Maker, There are several versions of this picture, but i think this is the best one. Made by Gouranga
- Blondi (Hitlers Schäferhund) and Aryanne in uniform discuss war plans against the (((Gryphons))), made by Plunger
- nude Anthro Aryanne with Zebra stripes, colored version. Made by Pananovich
(I would normally not post this kind of art here, but this was made in response to a handful of leftycuck detractors. I remain doubtful towards this piece.)
- Bipedal Aryanne during a right wing protest march punching the OC of Purple Tranny in the gob. Made by Darkdoomer/Patachu
- SFM Art of Anthro Aryanne in uniform, Model partially made by Texas Doughnut, Pose Arrangement by Reufmet
- A aryan Goat Pokemon OC created for a Fan contest, made by Randy
- Sketch of a demon girl in bikini armor, made by Randy
>>79145I want human Aryanne to bury my head between her thighs.
>>79217I want any Aryanne to bury my head between her thighs.
>>79217>>79218i want zebra aryanne to bury my head between her thighs.
>>79288I want grypphon aryanne to bury my head between her thighs
Would you like to go to the fun camps in Ponyland?
>>79292>>79334there is nothing more savage than (you) denial.
why would (you)do this anon?
also can some ms paint fag make this aryanne?
>>79341>confederate anon has reposted at least 7/10 pics I've posted in these past three weeks>he keeps doing it every day>Why does this annoy me so much?DIXIE, GET YOUR OWN GODDDAM CONTENT! STOP REPOSTING ALL OF MY PICS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>>79342dude i found that 8chan
>>79345We have very parallel tastes...
>>79347so it seems friend
Its been a little while since ive done any coloring. Should probably be doing a few in the coming days.
>>80973heres one I started a while back, but im probably gonna redo because im not happy with out it turned out so far.
>>80974I see you are up late. I am too. Here's something Randy sketched.
>>80973>>80974looking forward to it Kitty. If you want to try to further improvements, consider doing something with the eyes. A little extra effort there can make the picture look considerably better. After all, eyes are a big expressionistic part of most pony art.
>>80977yeah, job has been flip flopping my schedule from days to nights.
Going back to a day shift on tuesday even though I just got put on the night shift 2 weeks ago. :/
>>80978yes, this is the one thing I really really need to work on and im going to be looking up some guides and doing my best to get the eyes down before I finish any new stuff.
does anyone know what dress this is based off?
>>80985good question. I am no expert on the female wardrobe, but this looks like an evening dress to me for some sort of dance. if this is based on some sort of fictional character reference, it is obscure to me.
>>80985I think is a basic china dress. I know it should be a reference to something, but that's how I feel about it.
- DB Gallery has been completely updated with the Art of August and September (in Total about 40+ pieces of Aryanne art + ~30 MLPOL related art)
- September Art will shortly be avaiable on imgur and dropbox (without censorship losses on DB)
- Special Event mentioned in last Update Memo rescheduled from Oktober 10th to Halloween
- New Official Aryanne Thread on /mlp/ will likely launch the coming week
>>81630Neato. Thanks for the heads-up
>>81630Do you take archive of every Aryanne pic you see? I even saw my shitty edit of Vectorfags "Soup Nazi" pic.
I'm not complaining, just wondering, that's all.
>>81678If that's the case, I wonder if he has that edit where a black dick was cumming on aryanne.
That would be somehow hilarious
>>81678Not all of them, but most of them. If it is an Original picture with some degree of artistic merit and/or effort to it i usually include it. It is of course impossible to say how much Aryanne art has been made in all time as some may or may not have never uploaded to the internet, but IF a picture was on the internet at some point You can almost be certain that it is in the archive. I sometimes do cleanups where i remove art that is barely related, ojectively ugly, poorly made or just blatant troll art. We should be sittinng at around 2550 pieces right about now.
The edit you mentioned was spotted by me on MLPOL and I have reason to believe that it was made by one of our users, so i will likely include it. Nobody really likes Flash Sentry anyway.
>>81700There is very few art I can think of at the top of my head that would fit that description. But since this falls into the category of cuck/racemixing art its likely I have never added it.
The new official thread of /mlp/ is on
The OP is aryanne behind a jack-o-lantern
Happy Halloween!
Anyone have that joke image of Aryanne in a yamaka?
>>83405>>83406>>83408Never expected to sage my own thread, but here we are. I understand it's Halloween and that the requesting poster likely was from 4chan (as I later had reason to believe), but this issue has been cooking under the surface ever since this dreadful day where a couple MLPOL mods roleplayed as jews on this site trolling some users and it escalated from there ever since.
Let me clarify that the Aryanne threads
DOES NOT support Judaism, Israel or Zionism in general. That should go without saying. If any poster feels the need to create content like this that violates the ideals the Thread or its corresponding community stands for, the responsible poster alone is to blame for that.
I must insist that you
MAY NOT request, produce, post or repost content of this kind in this thread.
(except for informative reasons to show it exists first hand and/or to indict the producer.) Furthermore i'd like to clarify that this content is technically in violation of
global rules 4,5,6 and 7 of MLPOL(see more here, which could lead you to being banned. Please restrain yourself in the future. Thank You.
>>83480Calm down man
I know we can't post that kind of content, but think about it.
Aryanne always had images against her ideals or against her:
>the jewish make up vector she got made on 4chan>the STRIPED images on derpibooru>the images where she gets crushed, hanged, or having consenting sex/violations with other races like grypphons or diamond dogsI remember in /mlp/ we had a similar discusion and we all agreed that since aryanne became more than just a pony oc, it was going to be expected this kind of content would appear.
This content will always appear, but we know the main idea will always prevail no matter what.
Be calm, this content will always be a minoritt
>>83748You are right on many points and I mostly agree with you. Images like this are the minority and will always exist. However, This is the Aryanne thread and we are on MLPOL. We do have a lot of control here. I have no intentions to give such material a platform here and furthermore I do not approve of our own community creating material like this. This is shill content as far as I am concerned and I would not want anyone to think that we support or want this here.
>>83754I wasn't allowing shill content. I was just talking that this type of content will always be here.
Whenever you put content, be from the internet to the simple mouth-to-mouth, it's already being shared.
Some will post and other will ignore it. If you want to create some type of context to never share this type of images, you can at least say something like "if shill posting is unnavoidable, make it real subtle so no one who didn't ask for it doesn't see it", and then mark them thru imgur or temporary image sharing links
Before i forget it, Aryanne Art blogs on tumblr and DA have been updated today!
>>84455That sillyaryanne blog is the guy who created the character, right? Does he know about us? we should invite him here.
Also, this picture is gold. Solid gold.
>>84507Let me see later on.
>>84503Glad you like it
>>84507>sillyaryanne blog is the guy who created the characteyes
>Does he know about us?yes, MLPOL related artwork is to be found there, often with references or links
>we should invite him here.see
>>75572Our coumminity is small but we are considerably well organized and have good connections.
Aryanne wearing a very scary (and suspiciously realistic) (((Griffon))) mask for Nightmare Night.
>>84632I noticed your pictures a while ago Anon. I think I featured some of them here or uploaded them to DB. I take it you are new to this, yes? Your art has something to it, regardless of its current lack of refinement. If you put your mind behind it, you may end up a nice cartoonist.
>>84649Thank you, I definitely am new to this, but it is fun.
Due to the relevance of pic related for the Halloween season I will launch the recent update shortly after I get access to the required materials. This could delay the Update schedule for 1-2 days from this post onwards.
Also,the Aryanne thread on /mlp/ is about to finish in a foreseeable time span, if you have any business to clear out there do it timely.
>>84824Is that brown horse supposed to be a filly Aryanne?
>>84830... It can't be, but who is it?
>>84830>>84831lets not spoil the surprises just yet. I have a suspicion who is this in regards to the artists engaged in this art project, but i wont say anything yet. if you take a look around the site, you may find a breadcrumb trail yourself.
>>84824Don't forget, the Manos threads always welcome aryanne posting and art.
Got this tattooed on my ass. Be proud.
>>85049Are you fucking invincible too? Madman.
>>85049I am not in support of tattoos, to say the least. I do hope you like Aryanne a lot, Anon. She will spend the next 50-something years with You. probably longer than this incantation of the internet will exist. Interesting choice of motive, though. As far as I remember this particular piece was fairly famous on DA. Dearly hope it will go well with your desired target audience of mates.
Update is about 80% done, release should be within the next 3-4 hours.
Time for the Aryanne thread Update of October 2017!This is by far one of the biggest Updates I ever had the pleasure to release for the public in over 3 years. Both quality and quantity wise, it is remarkable what the artist community delivered for this month, even stepping out the avalanche of content we had back in April when MLPOL was initially happening
with over 70 pieces of Art total. Halloween continues to be the best time for harvest indeed!
An honorable mention to
OtherDrawfag from the Aryanne artist group &
GaryD12 from the Aryanne Thread Discord who organized the Halloween Art Promotion. A Big
DANKESCHÖN! as well to all artists and contributors who supported the project on top of the regular content production. I am fairly proud how capable the community behind this elusive Natsoc pony still is, even after all these years. You are the true MVPs.
Special Thanks to our Tech Admin Pupper who enabled Multi Picture Upload as of this months on MLPOL.NET and made creating this Update a lot easier!
All featured Art from here + all pieces from the Aryanne Art Pack will be shortly avaiable in the Imgur & Dropbox archives. DB Gallery should be updated by the mid of the month. Next Aryanne Thread on /mlp/ will likely launch either at the end of November of in mid December. I expect a lower content output for November after autumn holiday season, but we will see about that, won't we? Next Thread Update will likely launch around Nov 30th, wish you a nice Thanksgiving!
(∩✧ω✧)⊃━☆゚.*<卐3This months Greentext/Story is part of the Art Pack, a Halloween themed Clopfic written by Gary and Homer.
Aryanne Art Pack DOWNLOAD LINK Link Art Pack thread on MLPOL - Initial Release Thread the Viking Druid Thread - NEW CHARACTER by ODF & a friend
ARTIST & LINKS - fat marked are Pack contributors
- picture of a cute Aryanne made by Ifunny use Cawamity
- ASCII-fied Aryanne vector made with a converter tool, such as Trading Card of bideal Aryanne in uniform made by RodLee1000
- Aryanne getting her dock stroked by a human hand, made by DatteBeforeDawn.
(Disclaimer: This is technically not a new picture, but i discovered that MLPOL.NET seems to regard some files as if they had an "embedded virus" and refuses to upload them. Should you encounter this problem with one of the files you want to post, it usually helps to just reupload the picture to imgur or a similar service and save the new file to circumvent this problem. One such picture was this one)
- Trading Card of Slime Aryanne made by RodLee1000
Nightmare’s Night with AryanneBy GaryD12 & HomerIt was Nightmare’s Night in Germaneia, Aryanne is going to a party near her home. She
already sent her daughter to go trick or treating, since it was an adult party. Aryanne’s costume is
Epona the goddess of fertility. The moon was quite bright that night shining down to the pathway
to the lawn where the party should be at. Her friends are already inside, Kyrie wearing her Witch
Costume and Franziska is in her cyborg gear. Those two were wear what they had last year,
that’s why Aryanne opted to try something new. The thing with this party is that it is being
hosted by someone new this year, normally Aryanne would have it at her home. Anon offered
this year’s festive holiday party.
Once inside she goes and party with her friends. Pretty standard stuff, creepy Nightmare
Night music and treats. “Anon really out done himself this time.” Aryanne said to herself. She
was getting around the place. It has a rather nice sized living room which is where the party was
being held at. She sits near one of the chairs that’s close by. She just wanted to sit for the
moment. She sees everyone dancing around her, having a grand old time, little did she know her
heat would be kicking in this evening.
A couple of hours passed by and soon the party would be wrapping up. Kyrie left so she
can tend to Luftkrieg at home and to make sure there isn’t any poison in any of the candy. Franzi
had to go back to her lab of course, what else does she do. Aryanne had been partied out for the
evening, but she thought to help out Anon. “Hey Anon need help with anything?”
- a ponified version of a seemingly new Anime Meme about bullying. The Pony reminded me of Kyrie, so I included it here. Could maybe use a small paintjob.
- Augusto Ponychet throwing a communist out of a helicopter, made by Grimsim Kopa
- WIP picture of Pony Aryanne with a German Reich Flag around her back, made by an artists from the Art Pack.
(Most of the files in the art Pack were sadly not named or assigned towards specific contributors. I managed to identify most of them, but should you know who made this or other unclaimed works, leave a post if you wish)
- Not an Aryanne picture per se, but a blonde earth pony with blue eyes, long hair and a heart cutie mark. Could not tell if the was supposed to be purple-ish or if the artist just had a hard time drawing with white paint.
This was supposedly made by an artist named Fougthdragon01 for a writer on fimfiction. Despite this borderline plagiarism I found his art to be quite good, despite it being rather underrated regardless of his skill. Take a look in the Artist list if you are interested.
- A Neon Outline of Aryanne and an OC bopping made by RenaRaraRista
Anon looks at Aryanne, “Yeah, you could help me by putting these decorations away.”
Aryanne nods as she starts putting some of the spooky decorations away. It takes them a good bit
to put everything away. It seems everything is back to normal after that. Aryanne felt like she
wants to keep her costume on here as Anon was already out of his. “Want to know an interesting
fact about my costume Anon?” Aryanne asks him, “You’ll probably never guess what it is.”
Anon takes a second to think about his response. “You do look like Epona from Legend
of Zelda.”
Aryanne scolds him for that. “Well you are partially right, I am Epona. But this Epona is
actually the goddess of Fertility.” Anon nods his head, not sure where this is going. Aryanne then
felt that tingling feeling in her nether region. “Oh gosh now?” She says to herself, she wonders if
Anon could help her with this problem she is having. She doesn’t want to make this awkward, but it has to be done. “Anon, I think I need your help this time.”
Anon seems to be surprised by this. “Huh, Really?” He didn’t know what to do at this
point. “What do you need help with, I might as well return the favor.” Aryanne sees relieved
from this, “Good, well my estrus cycle decided to rear it’s ugly head out now. Do you think you can
help with this Anon?” Anon couldn’t believe what he heard. “Well I’m the right person to scratch that itch for
you.” That made Aryanne feel a lot better, “Thank you Anon!”
The two headed off to Anon’s room for some privacy, Anon didn’t want his neighbors to
hear what he’s doing with his friend. Aryanne heads to Anon’s bedroom and waits for him there.
- A picture of a 3D Anthro Aryanne doing a human cowgirl style. dont know the program this was made with, but i thought it was decent enough to be included. Made by Ray670 on June 2017.
Sidenote: This picture was found on FurAffinity, a furry site. As of September 2017 FA introduced a new site policy, that is in essence a Youtube thoughtcrime police program to enable a classic SJW safespace. The staff has ever since been hiring new mods to enforce this. I strong advice against using FA anymore and not to publish any Aryanne content there.
- Leslie Fair complementing Aryanne on her Spooky Gryphon Mask, made by An Anon from MLPOL.
- Leslie with a piece of paper in her mouth. Made by Czazoslaw90, who is as far as I know Leslie Fairs official creator. Sadly, despite the newly rise of MLPOL and consequently his pony, he does not seem to be very active anymore.
- A photography of a tattoo of Aryanne in a BDSM leather uniform. based on this picture from Gamermac Luck with your Tattoo Anon. IF you want to leave the name of the Tattoo shop that served you, be our guest.
- A simple Portait of a happy Aryanne, made by Jekijet for the Aryanne thread on /mlp/
As anon enters the bedroom, he sees Aryanne in all her Nightmare Night splendor, with the
notable exception of her sopping wet slit, in it’s pure white form. Anon gazes into her,
seductively eying her cunt and her teats right below it. “Well? Coming?” Calls Aryanne,
seductively wiggling her hips at Anon as he stood there dumbfounded pitching a tent.
Swaggering into the room, he came closer to Aryanne, finally putting his hands on her
painted flanks, right where the Epona cutie mark is drawn on. “Aryanne, this is so… seductive.”
“Seductive?” Aryanne did a scoff before continuing. “It’s a Nightmare Night costume,
not lingerie!”
“Doesn’t make it any less hot!” Anon moved his hand down to her cunny, slowly
fingering her, running his hands across her clit every time she winked.
“Ahhn~! Scheisse!” Aryanne noticeably convulsed as Anon rubs his fingers in and out of
her, creating a little puddle of pre-cum beneath her hooves. Stepping away, letting Anon’s
fingers slip out. With a grin in her eye, she gives a seductive glare at anon. “Wouldn’t want to
create a mess right away, Anon… you first.”
“Hey, wait a minute, doesn’t it go lady’s first?”
“Not in Germania it doesn’t!” Aryanne unzips his pants, as his throbbing cock springs out
of his pants, slapping against Aryanne’s face.
“Wow. A blowjob from Epona.” Anon curtly chuckled at the embarrassed Aryanne, her
cheeks flushing red, before she shushed him with a long lick against his erect cock. Anon tenses
up, giving Aryanne the opportunity to tease him further, putting her lips around the tip of his
cock, swirling her tongue around the tip of his dick, going so far as to even lightly part his
meatus and swirl her tongue around it, making anon groan with pleasure.
- Picture of Pony Luftkrieg in a standing pose, made by An Anonymous artist
- Vector of a flirting Luftkrieg, made by an Artist from the Art Pack
- sketch and colored version of Pony Aryanne in a jew costume for halloween, made by Carmine Cerise. As stated earlier I would normally not feature art here that could be mistaken for shilling, but since it is stated to be both a costume and not meant to glorifiy Judaism, I gave it a pass.
- Animated Pixel Gif of a Ponytown Avatar in the likeness of Aryanne. This version has the Heil/Boop Pose. Made by VenomBronyPL
Finally, Aryanne swirls
her tongue once more before plunging onto his shaft, surrounding it with her muzzle. Bobbing
her head she continued to suck on his shaft, working her dexterous tongue all along the his
length. This was having a noticeable effect on Anon, who just barely resisted grabbing her head
to edge her along, at least until Aryanne moved downwards with his dick in her mouth, looking
seductively into his eyes, pushing his dick up against the roof of her mouth while her tongue
continued to work.
Having forced his dick into such a state of euphoria, Anon could no longer resist
grabbing the painted mare’s head, just behind her soft and twitchy ear, and guiding her head on
and off of his dick. Furiously blushing yet enjoying pleasuring Anon, Aryanne quickens her
pace, slurping and sucking on his dick, savoring every salty drop of precum.
Anon, quickly reaching the MAXIMUM AROUSAL LIMIT was quickly approaching his
climax, being sucked off by his favorite mare coloured as his favorite video game horse.
“Aryanne, I’m going to cum soon…”
“Oh nein, das darfst du nicht!” Pulling off his dick, she lets it twitch in the air for a few
seconds, before putting her tongue to it just to edge him a bit more.
“Aryanne, please!”
“I will not have you waste your seed on my throat, Anon.” Nuzzling against his cock one
last time, she gets up onto the bed and presents her ass in a sideways way, beckoning Anon
towards her.
- Animated Pixel Gif of a Ponytown Avatar in the likeness of Aryanne. This version has a walking animation. Made by VenomBronyPL
- Finished version of the "Titus, get the cross" Meme. An uncolored version of this had been submitted some months ago, but the creator decided to give it a paintjob. Made by EclipsePenumbra
- Aryanne giving Leslie a seemingly intense Bellyrub in a swamp. Hopefully, Shrek won't get involved. Made by an Artist from the Art Pack.
- Anthro Version of Peter Schmidt, a German Natsoc Pony, in uniform smoking a cigar. Made by MonsterBronyGermerica, a female artist from Germany.
- Pony Peter Schmidt with Aryanne Hoofler, both in uniform. Also made by MBG.
Fully sliding off his pants, Anon joins her, lightly fingering her sopping wet snatch in
preparation. “Such a beautiful mare you are.” Aryanne starts slightly rocking her hips in
preparation for his dick, as Anon starts caressing her ass and aligning himself with her.
“Anon, your hands feel so good…”
“Good, now I can tease you some more too.” Anon lines his dick up with her ass, and
using her spittle as lubricant slowly starts pushing.
“A-anon! That is the wrong hole!” Aryanne attempts a weak squirm away, but Anon’s
solid grip on her volup
tuous ass keeps her from escaping as he goes deeper and deeper into her
secondary hole.
“Ohh, fuck. If it’s the wrong hole why does it feel so Good? ” Anon starts thrusting into
her ass, making Aryanne grunt and moan with anon rocking back and forth into her. With his
dick slamming into her ass again and again, Aryanne braces herself, lowering her upper body
closer to the bed, as Anon continuously drills into her.
“A-anon, please! Just put it in the correct hole!”
“What if this is the correct hole!”
“It isn’t! Just… fuck me properly, will you?” With a chuckle, Anon pulls out of her ass,
and proceeds to roll Aryanne onto her belly. Legs in the air, Anon rubbed her petite little hooves,
eliciting sweet and tiny moans from Aryanne as she ground herself further into the bed sheet,
aching for some proper relief after the numerous teasing sessions. “A-anon, bitte… they’re too
Spreading her legs and exposing her belly and crotchtits, anon proceeded to finally line
up with the unpainted cunt, before quickly and suddenly plunging into her depths, inducing a
welcome moan from Aryanne after the pent-up tension finally got it’s release.
- An unknown Pegasus mare with swastika earrings talking to a human. Made by Anonymous.
- leftover Sketch of a semi-nude female Anthro Gardevoir in a pleading pose, the Sketch itself was created some time around 09/2016. Made by Randy
- black and white character sheet of a male earth pony in military uniform, made by Pananovich
- WUP Sketch of the Human Aryanne Pin Up that was originally made back in August. Also Made by Randy
- Outline of Pony Leslie and Aryanne sharing a doubleheaded dildo, made by ODF
The dick slowly pushing into her, Aryanne’s cunny tightened around it, milking the slow entrance for all it’s
“Aryanne.. Have I ever told you how much I love the features of horse pussy?” Anon
quips, hilting his dick all the way inside her.
“Anon, for the Führer’s sake will you just fuck me already??” With Aryanne blushing
heavily, Anon pulled out, and began rutting her like a proper mare should be. Her clit winking
furiously, with the position the two were in his dick rubbed right against it every single time it
winked, making Aryanne moan heavily. In and out Anon pounded into Aryanne growing faster
and faster with every deep thrust into her.
Paying special attention to her crotch tits, Anon rubbed and massaged them, occasionally
running over the hardened nipples, making Aryanne climb closer and closer towards climax.
Anon himself was rapidly nearing it after repeatedly nearing it himself only for Aryanne to insist
he change tactics for whatever reason, even though he would normally insist that he could go
multiple rounds. Something about this night felt special, or maybe Spooky. Anon couldn’t tell,
being knee deep in horse pussy at the time.
Regardless, their climax both continued to rise as Anon pounded ever vigilantly
onwards, rocking the entire bed, and Aryanne with it. Having to resort to holding onto her
haunches for support now as his balls slapped into her ass again and again, Aryanne was now a
drooling mess in front of him, every moan becoming louder and louder faced with the inevitable
climax. Quite possibly, this was the best thing to ever happen to Anon, having her a sex crazed
mess at his feet, or rather, his dick.
A selection of Nice semi-related pictures i decided to include for a showcase due to their quality
- Green Anonfilly going Trick or Treat in a SS Uniform. Made by Anonymous. Could maybe use a white or orange Paintjob...
- An Anthro Alicorn in the uniform of Satsuki Kiryuin (aka the second female lead with the thick eyebrows) from the Anime Kill la Kill. This picture was made by Teranen, a female Pony and Furry artist from Finland. She made some really nice pieces, including a Celestia in an SS uniform.
- Close-Up Anthro Shot of a female Aryan Pegasus, made by Knifeh
- Head Portrait of an unnamed female aryan pony with a blue butterfly on her snout. I think this was drawn with crayons on paper. Made by TheFriendlyElephant. The guy may or may not be an actual ethnic African and draws a lot of MLP-Style comics with African Animals.
- Vector of An Unknown female Earth Pony in a faithful Schutzstaffel uniform. Don't know who made it, Reverse image search offered no results.
Aryanne thread has been lacking a good deal of Vectors for a long while, if you want to help out, consider giving this one a small paintjob if you wish c:
“Anon, I’m so close!” Hearing this, Anon put in one final effort to bring Aryanne to her climax,
rapidly slapping against her pussy as his hands squeezed her breasts, pinching the nipples in one
final act of extreme ecstasy.
“Ahhnn~~!” Aryanne came moments later, mare cum gushing out of her pussy and onto
Anon’s still rocking dick. Seeing it all before him, Anon could scarcely hold back. The quivering
and twitching painted mare before him, the ominous glowing amulet, and the load of wet mare
cum on his dick was induced one of the best feelings he could imagine. He finally came with a
few pumps as the mare’s climax finally ended, his cum gushing out of his dick directly into her
waiting womb. Euphoria washed over him as his cum spilled into her, some of it leaking out and
mixing with Aryanne’s mare juice. After a few more moments, the torrent stopped, and all that
could be heard was the raspy breathing of Aryanne.
“Aryanne… That was amazing.”
“I loved it too, you silly monkey.”
“That dude at the party sure was full of shit, this was so much better than any trap. Traps
are sooo gay.” And with that, Aryanne could do nothing but laugh at Anon’s usual antics, them
both coming down from their high.
Ten and half months later… Aryanne is very heavily pregnant with her new foal. She gets
up to go eat breakfast to feed the foal that’s growing inside here. Her cravings have been all
weird, she can’t put her hoof on it. Aryanne been eating whatever she can find from black forest
gateau to Dampfnudel.
“Mom, you’ve gotten really big there.” Luftkrieg has never really seen a pregnant mare
before. But she is quite interested in it. “Can I touch you mom?” She asks. Aryanne seems to
- Black and White Scenery drawing of Anthro Aryanne having a swordfight with an enemy who is suspect to be a Communist Gryphon. Made by an Artist from the Art Pack
- Concept Art of a SS Field uniform on cardboard, my guess is this was made by the same artist who gave us the similar picture to the left.
- BDSM-esque Paper Sketch of Anthro/Bipedal Aryanne suggesting some sort of Felatio, made by IFlySna94. I vaguely remember seeing similar pictures of this kind in the past. The face and ear designs in particular look familiar, but I cant point my finger on it. Possible we had more of these in the past.
- Another Cardboard & Sharpie drawing of a group of random Wehrmacht ponies in uniform, Likely also made by the artist who contributed #41 and #42. I think hes a friend of ODF and worked with him on Freya.
- Outline of Seifuku (Japanese Sailor Uniform for school girls) Aryanne, made by Randy
As the little filly feels her mother’s white pregnant belly. She felt a kick from the foal
inside the belly. “Wow! That’s pretty amazing!” Luftkrieg can’t wait to see her new sister. She
always wanted to be an older sister. With that she goes away to the next room.
Aryanne still can’t believe that she got pregnant from that Nightmare’s Night. That
necklace most of had some kind of special magic in it. Aryanne thinks it had some kind of entity
to it. It could been the spirit of Epona watching over her. She remember that the necklace she got
from an strange mare, she had to get it for her Epona costume. Regardless she had a lot of fun
that night. She goes a lays herself somewhere and gets comfy. She has only a couple more weeks
till this little one is out of her.
Still not done yet, still going strong and climbing towards the top of the flagpole.
All of these pieces were drawn by OtherDrawFag.
- Franziska confronting a giant atomic earthworm, who may or may not be releated to some of her experiments. SFW and NSFW version available.
- Metal Gear V Venom Snake Portait of Pony Aryanne
- A New Aryan Pony Oc: Freya the Viking Druid.
Co-Produced by ODF and a friend. I recommend you take a look at her dedicated thread here on MLPOL! Links can be found in the monthly Announcement section.
NSFW Art Pack Contributions created by Anonymousdrawfig, who submitted by far the most finished pictures out of all participants, second only to Jeki in total numbers for this month. He even made some of them for the featured Clopfic story from Gary and Homer. Herculean task, ADF. Respect.
- Pony Aryanne with had laying a bed. I think shes meant to be pregnant in this picture?
- A rather intense BDSM picture of Aryanne being locked into a fucking station. May be related to a Halloween prank from Kyrie.
- Pony Aryanne in an Epona costume for Nightmare Night. I am sure our resident Epona cultists on MLPOL will like these a lot! For more on that, just look up the dedicated Epona thread in the catalog. Theres more to it than the eye can see. (TLDR its MLPOLs Version of KEKism)
- Epona-Aryanne showing off her Ponut
- Epona-Aryanne after being serviced with a creampie
The dedicated Post for Jekijet. Who not only decided to do request drawings this month for the Aryanne thread on /mlp/ but also joined the Art Pack team to submit maybe the single best Anime reference anyone has ever made for the Aryanne thread since the Zeppelin flight and the Strohheim Cyborg.
- Portait of a Smug Aryanne telling her nonaudience to get a life. This particular picture caused some expected butthurt on Derpibooru and /mlp/.
- Aryanne going Trick or Treating in a witch costume.
NOTE: If you have any plans of drawing aryanne in a halloween costume in the future, please try to NOT draw her in witch costume. Its not that i dont like these pictures, but we had so many witch themed ones over the past 2 years, i think we are sitting now at over half a dozen. Its getting old.
- portait of a flustered Aryanne with hanging ears
- Rare Full body picture of Franziska in her full scientist garments
- And finally of course: Bipedal Aryanne in the field uniform of Tanya Degurechaff from the Anime Youjo Senki (For those who dont know, its an anime about a Loli fighting for Germany in World War 1). Excellent picture, Jeki nailed it with this one and as far as I am concerned this is the Crown Jewel of the Halloween Art Pack as far as SFW Works go.
- Bipedal Aryanne with Collar and socks, gift art made by Seleeger, a female artist from Russia. Really like that tuft of pubic fur.
- Humanized Aryanne in Uniform and her Japanese friend Mitsuko fighting Zombie Kikes, made by Jay156. This is the first picture featureing a human version of Mitsuko, too!
- Aryanne penetrating Kyrie with a Strapon while Luftkrieg watches. Request from Gary made by Led. At leats its better than Futa...
- SFM Art Top Shot of Anthro Aryanne in the Rape Dungeon made by IFlySNA94 for the Art Pack. Fly makes nices SFM pictures as you might remember earlier this year. Hope we will see more of that in the future.
- This picture was quote a surprise and came out of Nowhere. Pony Aryanne in uniform letting her pants go while laying on her car near a concentration camp. Made by ARareRoll aka Gregan811, who last made an Aryanne picture in 2014 or 2015 I believe.
This piece in particular not only got an unexpected amount of Upvotes and a Medium sized comment shitstorm on Derpibooru.
Final Post for this update!
- Pony Leonie and Aryanne in some kind of sexy witch uniforms riding cat brooms through the night, made by AN-M. ._.
- Pony Aryanne in her bedroom when she got caught trying to get out of her Pyjamas. Perhaps that giant Vibrator had something to do with it...Made by AN-M.
- An unnamed Demon Girl with Bikini Armor, made for Armor practice. Created by Randy. Also Available in Blue & Purple! See more here Semi-Nude Pony Aryanne in Seifuku with full frontal Ponut, laying on top of the teachers desk during her Stay in Japan. Randy made this in celebration of an actual Japan Vacation that is currently happening as we speak.
This particular picture made it into the Derpibooru 3 Day Top Rated Pictures and is now the 13th best Rated Aryanne Art piece of all times with over 500+ Favourites and 700+ upvotes.
- Final Art piece of this Update and one of my personal favourites. Humanized Aryanne in Her Schutzstaffel Office. This pieces was initially started back in August, Finished in September and delayed up until Now. Randy was sorry for the waiting time, but it is finally here.
Not just a nice piece of Pin Up art, but also a significant milestone that helped the artist develop a better understanding of human art designs in general. Not saying anything definitive yet, but works like these may or may not get the artist of Aryanne some official support towards becoming a professional artist some time in the future.
>All the OC
Hahaha, reminds me of the first threads when aryanne was created!
I can't almost believe how far she went from a simple oc in the flockmod drawboards, and her simple post in /mlp/.
She really reached far beyond! And the best part is she is taking more turf, is awesome
>All the OC
Hahaha, reminds me of the first threads when aryanne was created!
I can't almost believe how far she went from a simple oc in the flockmod drawboards, and her simple post in /mlp/.
She really reached far beyond. And the best part is she is covering more turf everyday. It's awesome
>>85288She's like the 4th most memed OC in the whole fandom.
>>85263Aw, thanks, but you also have to give some credit to Anonymousdrawfig for coming up for the idea as well helping run this thing. Although, I ran a lot of this myself, I would like to thank Jay. He was a brilliant advisor with experience behind that really helped make sure this was being run smoothly and semi-professionally(?), lovely art he made too.
>>85266Oh, I've gotten into contact with Czaro and socialise with him often. I've been trying to get him on /mlpol/ to at least show himself, but he's being a sod & tries to avoid it. Kind of only wants to be on discord, you know? He's good company anyways. Even has the same waifu as me. By the way, he endorsed Leslie Fair's name. He likes it.
>>85267>>85271The traditional/monochrome artist's name is Posporo. He runs his own art blog on Blogger (don't have the link for life of me now.) I have to say, I am endeared by his work. Very underrated artist he is. For a Phllipino, he's alright. The third good one behind Jay and Duterte. He didn't help me make Freya though, the person who made the Luftkrieg vector did Renaar. Funny thing, he's a total devout Christian, but I've seeved into him slightly with Epona worship & he's sympathetic to Nords.
>>85273We do. It's a pleasure to receive this artwork. Especially from a fellow Epona Cultist. Drawfig followed her before even Vril, and he was the first one I converted. Wonderful man I know. We share some ideological similarities, which is always alluring to me.
Octobe was an interesting month that's been both one of the busiest and "flucuating" month of my recent memory.
>>85307Thanks for organizing everything mate, was good fun actually talking to randy for once ha ha
As of Yesterday The New Art from the October Update is now avaiable on both the Aryanne NSFW imgur Album and the Dropbox Folders.
Furthermore, The Dropbox Database was changed.
- All folders have been renamed and numbered
- there are now
9 Folders total
- a number of Art and materials has been extroted from the EXTRA folder (which now serves almost exclusively for edits) and moved to others, all in all about 230 Files total
NEW Folder for Aryan Ponies & Side Characters, about 180 Files big. Includes some External works depicting Characters of familiar designs
- Added about
50 New Files, Mostly for thr Anthro Folder
- MLPOL flags are now in the Vector Folder
- The Anthro Folder is now a combined folder for Anthro, Furry, Human and some additional Art.
- More Human Art has been moved to the Anthro folder, Furthermore Plushie photos, Anthro/Human Pokemon Art from Randy and a number of IRL Horse photography is now to be found here
(please keep in mind that this folder mostly holds no dublicates due to Storage limitations, Art with Aryanne remains and other characters in other dedicated Main folders)+ + +
Changed Folders:
Aryane Ponies Art Art + +
Aryanne Archive Storage Data Nov. 2017 Update
210 Files - Anthro
590 Files - Sketches
660 Files - Beast
183 Files - Extra
269 Files - Vector
168 Files - Animation & 3D
157 Files - Comics & CYOA
96 Files - Flockmod
277 Files - Misc
2610 Files Total worth 1,98 Gigabyte
(Storage limit is 2,0 GB)-----------------------------
+ + +
>ywn be friends with Aryanne
>she will never charm you with her German accent and cute smile
>ywn bond over your mutual concern of society's growing immorality
>ywn help each other maintain healthy, wholesome lifestyles
>ywn start dating
>ywn engage in lewd acts such as holding her hoof or the occasional belly rub
>ywn be invited to her home and accidentally find her hidden shrine for her love of Nazi Germany and devotion to the ongoing war against the (((degeneracy))) that plagues the civilized world
>she will never be embarrassed and worried when she knows you've found out just how far her ideals go
>ywn hug her on the spot and tell her you feel the same way
>she will never try (and fail) to hold back tears of joy, knowing that she's finally found a guy who understands her
>ywn share your first kiss with her
>ywn promise to love her and give her the loving family she deserves
>ywn fight degeneracy by being a good father to a traditional white family with Aryanne
>>85634We live in a time of living gods again, Anon. Spiritualism worldwide makes new gods rise from the cyberspace and empowers them, the machines have started to turn against the marxist subhumans and our very thoughts on the internet start to reshape reality. Aryanne is not just a cartoon horse anymore, she has become an Egregore. A personal guardian spirit You can choose to accompany you in your life and keep you on the right path.
>>85850It's funny, because Anons also associated Ebola-chan with the White Horse of Conquest (pestilence).
>>85881I remember seeing a good looking picture of the 4 riders of the apocalypse on my phone during election night 2016 on 8/pol/. it looked really good and i think someone shopped Pepe into it, but i cant find it anymore for the life of me.
We have a new discord link here: are old was deleted because someone on the discord had an autistic rage and deleted someone our channels.
>>87360Don't tell me something bad happened while I was gone.
>>85881I happened to randomly find this durin an archive search. Dont think this is the image i mentioned before, but its not bad.
>>87360>>87361I remember there was some minor drama with the discord back in summer, i think. Other than that it was fairly stable. I guess this bothers the public group and not the artist group? If you settled things, give me a quick rundown what happened, how well the new group is stocked and a link to the new one.
>>87360>>87361>>87366The group's still exactly the same, there was just a bit of Drama between a mod that should have never been a mod and deleting channels, which nuked the invites.
>>90177NAP status: Violated!
Time for the Aryanne thread Update of November 2017!As expected this was a fairly dry month. Not too surprising since it was sandviched between 2 big holiday seasons. I extended the reach of subjects a little to make up for the admittedly short amount of dedicated Aryanne art, rummaged excessively through archives and picked up some materials that I hope will suffice to offer you a worthwhile time for this month. Maybe not every picture is entirely new, but chances are you have never seen some of them in years!
The current state of things in general (not just here on MLPOL) is less ideal than I hope they would be. There was decidedly no Aryanne thread on /mlp/ this month since we were on downtime, but things have taken a turn for the worst. I wont go too much into detail, but for more on that consider taking at look at our catalogue for the Winterball thread and the Glimmerspam thread. As things currently are, the janitor team of
/mlp/ has been compromised by unironic glimmerniggers who censor and swamp up the board yet again with a 4th Scruffening. I have yet to make decisions on what and when to do something about that.
That is not the whole package. Theres more. Randy recently told me in a conversation that he has pretty much lost all interest in MLP and grew indifferent towards the rest of the pony artist community. That is not really that much of a surprise, after all anybody who is not a bluepilled Hasdrone will tell you that MLP-FIM as a franchise has been on a downward spiral since 2013 and it gets worse with every seasonal hiatus (even before Aryanne was a thing), but if you consider the passed amount of time of this engagement and personal obligations in the mix, it becomes clear that things won't just go on as they are.
As things are right now, in the spare amount of time Randy had left was spent studying an artbook of the manga artist Takehito Harada (who worked on the 2008 playstation game Disgae) and practicing related projects to that. If you would like to take a glance into which direction Randys future works may shift, take a look here: ---> (same guy who drew #5 of pic related post)
I don't have a designated greentext for this month, however i may have a suitable substitute for this in the bag. More than one, in fact.
A link to the archived links i dug up during extended archive research can be found here ->, I recommend you take a look at the greentext story for the
Anonfilly thread from ASSFAGGOT and of course the
Manos - Hand of Fate threads. Also, I will add one particular greentext to the dropbox soon who received a lot of praise back in the day it was released. Check on that some time in early December.
That would be all for this month. For I can not tell what the future will bring, but should there be a sufficient amount of art you can expect the
Aryanne thread on /mlp/ around December 11th and the next resident Thread Update hopefully shortly before New Years. I wish you all a Glorious White Christmas and some grand times with your families!!
Artist List - Artist for the Winterball thread - Catfoods infamous comic blog - Swedish Snus NSFW Blog - SFM 3D Anthro Art/Animations - Waffenfluttershy - Humans and Humanized Art, SFW & NSFW - SFW & NSFW Pony Sketches
- Vore Picture of Pony Aryanne with a hat. I am not much of a vore fan, but this picture dates all the way back to 2014 and was as far as I can remember the first vore art ever made for her. Don't rightly know who made it but thankfully, theres only a few of them…
- Aryanne activating the lever of a gas chamber. This piece is rather interesting, not because of what it portrays but the story behind this. In itself it is not as much Aryanne art but a piece that takes reference to an anatomy related meme accidently created by the """Pony Artist""" Toxic Mario
Toxic Mario, a 28 year old US American man, used to be a rather popular Pony artist, but has been convicted of plagiarism and fraud in recent years to the point where he now has a feude with Horse News and became a rather infamous lolcow in his own right. He is infamous for his poor knowledge of anatomy and thinly veiled tracing. If you have a thing for drama, look into him.
- a physical painting of Anthro Aryanne made by a female art student by the name Sayoriluna, who is also the host of a Natsoc Pony blog
- Paper drawing of Pony Aryanne with hat and a flag in her mouth, made by LegendofMidna19
- Leslie getting a full frontal faceboop from Aryanne, made by one of our Anons from MLPOL.
- SFM Poster of a fighter Aircraft made out of Aryanne's, created by Medrick94
- black and white Portait of an unhappy Aryanne with hat, made by Lyrabop. It's a shame this artist almost never applies color to pictures, some of the stuff is really good.
- An alcoholic Anonfilly getting an invervention from several ponies, including Aryanne. Made by an Anonymous artist from /mlp/, most likely related to the Anonfilly thread.
- cute sketch of Pony Aryanne's upper body with her tongue out. This was originally made in September I think for an Aryanne thread on /mlp/, but I overlooked it so far. Made by Randy
- partly colored random sketch of an unknown Aryan Pony i found on desustorage
- A screenshot edit of a horse in a something i assume to be a tavern. Don't rightly know about the reference since it is obscure to me. By the looks of it, it seems to come from some trashy TV show.
- combined edit of the Degenerate Alert/Gas chamber comic to resemble that one famous Gassing meme image. Made by one of our Anons from MLPOL. Original sources made by Gsuus and Catfood McFly.
- Photography of a resting snow fox which was ponified to resemble Aryanne. Made by OtherDrawfag.
- an Aryan Awoo girl/Momoji Inubashiri with a stack of gold bars. Found in the Awoo News Network Thread here on MLPOL.
- Bipedal Pony Aryanne in uniform doing a Sieg Heil Salute.
This too is technically not a new image, the original was found some time this year around April. Aryanne was initially drawn in front of a large Reich flag, but was relatively hard to see due to the total image size. I decided to make a crop of it since the creator had decent technical skill.
- Vector of an Aryan Pegasus Guard in Armor. I do think this one is vaguely related to the Bat Pony thread from /mlp/.
- Picture of Franziska and Kyrie meeting up with Red Pone and 8chan Anon. Originally made for a resident CYOA on /pone/. Gsuus, the creator of the image, made this during his square chin phase in late 2015 shortly before he went largely inactive as an artist.
- An Aryan Pegasus Filly named Ilse, created by Otherdrawfag.
"She's Luftkrieg's best friend in the HoolferJugend, they usually help each other out with the projects that the HoolferJugend ask them to do. They been friends since they were younger fillies.
Luftkrieg is also friends with Friedrich who is Breta's grandson. He does science stuff in Franzi's lab."
- a scared Prince Blueblood experiencing an open door moment
- Aryan Version of a Smug Wendy in uniform encircled by knifes held by inferior fast food mascots.
- Vector of RD in what seems to be by the looks of it a field uniform for soldiers of the Equestrian Army.
- /mlp/ tan with a /pol/ tan pony plushie in uniform. This picture was made for the annual 4chan Winterball art project, which was sabotaged by both 4chan mods/janitors and newfags this month. A related thread for this is in the MLPOL catalogue, take a look if you want to take a look into the absolute state of 4chan.
- RD saluting in a Gala dress.
- Anonfilly version of the :thinking: Emoji
- MoMo Head, one of many Fujiwara Meme Images that gained popularity recently. As far as I can tell this meme does not have a specific name and is just a chibi version of the character Mokou Fujiwara with a witty captain that has multiple meanings in japanese.
I would normally not include this one here, but his one here is Randy's choice favourite and he explicitly requested me to include this one here, since he may or may not end up ponyfying it. I myself must agree that this meme has something to it after digging into it. If you are looking to ponyfy memes, this one could offer a worthwhile vein.
More Winterball and Anonfilly art.
- Aryanne giving a backside hug to /pol/ tan, who seems trying to come to terms with his beastiality. As a poster in one of the threads put it: "How can /o/ even compete?". This image was most likely made by ANearbyAnimal, who made a similar picture in April this year.
- Anonfilly holding a speech about his political beliefs in regards to Ancapism, with a displeased audience. Made by an Anon From the Anonfilly thread on /mlp/.
- Another picture from the Winterball thread. Aryanne jousting on a crusader knight. Not sure who made this one, might have been ANA or someone else.
- Alternative polite version of the "ignore "X" Posters" meme with Pony Aryanne using a PC. Possibly created by RainbowFash.
- A Communist Anonfilly gloating to Aryan(ne) Filly about his self inflicted Genocide. Made by an Anonymous Artist from the Anonfilly thread from /mlp/ that I found during an Archive search.
Dates several months back to early September I think. There was some confusion if the white filly in question was supposed to be an Aryan version of Anonfilly or simply Aryanne herself, but the alleged artist later clarified that this was indeed supposed to be Aryanne.
A collection of Ponies in military uniforms from various artists.
- a white pegasus in a schutzstaffel uniform doing a salute, Made by Pokefound. The guy does commissions (as was this piece) for both SFW and SFW Anthro and Pony art, although I will say his pony art is better.
- ponified portrait of Tanja Degurechaff as an aryan unicorn
- The main character from Fallout Equestria in a Schutzstaffel uniform
- a grey pegasus in uniform
- A Pointy Pony Ponka in a Wehrmacht Field Uniform with Machine gun made by WaffenFluttershy
Some art for Adolf Hitler and some german anime girls
- Reinhard Heydrich, a leading Schutzstaffel Officer and Police Administrator as an aryan female in uniform. Hitler's nickname for him was the "Man with the Iron heart". I do suspect this piece was made by the same artist who created that famous Anime picture of Joseph Mengele aka Mengy Kun.
- an aryan cat in uniform offering a birthday cupcake to Adolf Hitler, portrayed as a grey wolf. Made by Krispy Cat, a Furry artist specialised in Disney-esque Natsoc art. Her cat OC has received high praise from Randy.
- Annual Hitler Tribute art of the Führer leading a Panzer into battle. Made by Jay156.
- A saluting loli with helmet and uniform, made by OttosFoxHole
- Adolf shaking hands with an anime girl in a bikini who has been awared an Iron Cross. Randy found this during research on a Hentai site and suggested I include this here.
Some recent sketches all made by Randy as of this month.
- collared catgirl in a sausage fest
- Anthro Aryanne with some BDSM-esque revealing underwear, a hairband and a collar
- Random human female with long hair in a sitting pose
- unnamed circus themed Anthro OC with hat, braids and fishnet socks
- a pouty pony Aryanne with hat in a sitting pose
The Nude/Porn Art for this month.
- SFM Animation of a female swedish Nationalist Anthro Pony with flag, revealing clothing and pubic shave. Made by Swedish Snus.
- bipedal semi-anthro (with hands and hooves) art of a nude Aryanne with short hair and a rifle, made by Patachu/Darkdoomer.
This was a leftover sketch that was initially made during the phase when DD drew the Purple Tranny art a few months ago. It was initially discarded, but he later dediced to finish the coloring on it as a standalone.
- SFM Animation of Anthro Aryanne in a black leathercoat with extra belts, celebrating Reichskristallnacht (This is/was an actual holiday in German history, where the German Reich officially removed jewish merchants forcefully from business) with a dance. Also made by Swedish Snus.
- Anthro Aryanne (with feet) sitting cross legged on the floor. Made by Lui-Ra, a female hobby artist from Venezuela. Lui-Ra makes as far as I can tell mostly Human or Humanized art, also chibi versions and Pixel art (nudes and porn included). Despite her considerable skill she's fairly underrated in my opinion. If you are interested in this style, I highly recommend you take a look at her DA gallery. She's also open for commissions.
- Pokemon Porn from 2016 made shortly before the release of the latest game generation. Portrayed here is a female Froslass (a ghost/ice type) fingering herself. Made by Randy.
>>91571>#4Not much for horse-face anthro, but that looks amazing.
here's a color i did, i had to touch up most of the lines to finish.
>>91571Reichskristallnacht was never a holiday. While the Nazi government did nothing to stop it for obvious reasons, it was never celebrated, and Hitler personally expressed reservations about the whole idea of the lynchings that happened that night. Saying it was a holiday is perpetuating a boogyman lie, not even the modern jewish sources claim it was. Both the international community and the general public hated the fact that it happened. It wasn't portrayed as some great event to be celebrated by all of Germany, it wasn't a holiday.
>>91712Thank you for the clarification. A bunch of struggling store owners are not the same as the (((elites))) that had plunged Germany into depression and oughtn't have been lumped into the same pile. Kristallnacht was a tragedy.
>>91728>Kristallnacht was a tragedy.good goyim
>>91729I feel like this kind of mentality is a large part of why it's so hard for the far right to be taken seriously.
>>91733I admit, I was kind of joking. Knowing about Kristalnacht, it was supposed to be a simple protest in response to an assassination, but it got out of hand much to Hitler's dismal (despite Goebbels encouraging it.
>>91729Everything is PR. No matter what your opinion is, never admit to it. Don't lie about it, but keep your mouth closed and obscure weary you really think. You well accomplish more with not sharing your intentions with others.
>>91735Blah, blah. Be Machiavellian, lie through your teeth, etc... I get it. There's no need to talk down on me, we know this and it's only expected, but this is a pony board.
>>91736>lie through your teethI said the exact opposite of this, and I am not talking down to you. I am stating that the less is known about you the easier it is to accomplish your objectives. Hence why I like anonymous image boards. Also, what does a pony board have too do with anything?
>>91737Lying through your teeth is certainly a tool to be used in any sort of politics. If you said to me, "Do you believe 6 million died in the holocaust," I would lie through my teeth with a "yes". Yes, you didn't say it, but it's all akin to the same line of thinking. I would disagree that I shouldn't lie in PR, and that's that. But anyways, saying this is an anonymous is quintessentially along the lines with "this is a pony board", less is known about us no matter what we say here (kinda), so it doesn't matter. And, even if you aren't talking down on me, I have to groan when someone is stating the obvious.
>>91745>>91742love and tolerate goyim.
>>91751>>91752>>91667He is a Confederate Turncoat.
>>91754At least he hates yankees.
>>91755nah i just hate jews.
>>91758wow thats super anti-semetic.
>>91759Are you planning not to have children?
>>91761since i am a fellow Aryan. yes i do.
>>91763>Jew>aryan Pick one and get rid of the flag
>>91764b-but jews are aryan.
>>91766There’s a difference
>>91767unfortunately my larp has ended.
>>91768I think I’d preferred you when you’re being Jewish
>>85263Updated Link for the Freya thread
>>91560>Randy recently told me in a conversation that he has pretty much lost all interest in MLP and grew indifferent towards the rest of the pony artist community.Looks like the end of Aryanne is inevitable now, just a matter of time now.
>>92629>implying we have to rely on one artist
>>92635I would still be in favor of invading Hong Kong and kidnapping Randy.
>>92629I don't care as long as he makes those sweet kitties and that hot gardevoir.
I love that guy, and i know he'll be happy that while he left pony, his most big oc will be loved forever
>>92804>>92636>>92629>>92633I'd like to clarify that I
did not receive a definitive notice that Randy would quit drawing Pony themed art, Hentai art or just art in general. But I felt i would be better to be upfront honest about it since the overall situation is perpetually changing and I can not foretell the future. I honestly do not believe Randy would creating visual artwork anytime soon since it is partly a responsibility of his IRL job. It is clear to me that Aryanne is dear to him, however I must seriously question the theming and quantity of his future works.
As far as I can tell Aryanne has the potential to exist as a standalone meme even if her creator and main contributor would quit the business since Aryanne herself has enough transformative quantities to survive, possibly even in case of a termination of My Little Pony as a whole franchise. She's no Pepe the Frog but we of all people should know, Memes can't die, they only are forgotten.
>>92806No meme is forgotten man.
They just become entries for the "random" section on KYM
Commission, drawn by Czaroslaw
>>94105not bad but looks like he attempted to draw aryanne and decided to turn it into a Kyrie picture halfway through without adjusting some significant details.
>>94112Those details being...?
>>94158Check her back, but i feel the artist will play the "they are under her dress" card
>>94348Uh, you can see under her dress, the wings are there.
Also, quick edit of something from the Aryanne discord.
>>95388The image we based the Kyrie vector is on this one.
Just posting to say the OAT on /mlp/ is up if anyone is interested.
The image in the OP is
>>85274 (num 5)
>>91571Anthros need to be gassed.
>>97311Randy always has and probably will be drawing Anthro porn as long as he lives. Thats what made him become an artist in the first place back in 2013, even before he learned proper Horse Anatomy. Its a transformative way of making art too, since you can apply it to other subjects as well, which is likely what he will be going for in the foreseeable future.
>>97312He can draw what he wants, but he can't make me fap to it. That shits gross.
>>97313i guess thats a discussion for another day entirely. I never understood why horsefuckers are so picky with the fictional holes they wish to put their genitals into anyway.
>>97315I think part of it is once you humanize something, the next logical step is to add as many fetishes as you can. If most anthro was just pure, untampered porn, I would be fine with it, but anthro tends to have weird shit in it way more than ponies, probably because the ponies themselves are already considered weird shit.
Stop nazi horse. I don't want to fap to you. I don't want to fetishize racial supremacy or naziism or the holocaust. Stop.
>>97315Source for satyr pic ?
>>97607right here. one of the only versions ever made. Randy never got into the Satyr meme and wasnt too much into drawing humans at the time. also that kind of goes against the ideals Aryanne is supposed to represent, so this never really made it far. I do remember though some people attempted to write a little about it on /trash/. Consider checking an archive 4chan if you are interested.
>>97429I though furries made weird fetish stuff because back in the day anthro characters were cartoony, allowing any artist a lot of artistic liberty
>>97628I never really cared about furry porn before i got into all this pony business, but id lie if i said i dont see the appeal in it now. it is true there is a lot of terrible, cringeworthy art that makes you question the sanity of the creator. but so is most other art. and some of this stuff is really good. Quality 2D porn and no less worse than some decent hentai art.
>>97653i have not yet met a Satyrfucker here so far, dont even remember seeing a thread about them either. In any case if you are looking for a specific picture, leave me a note here and I will try to recall if something like that exists if you cant find it in the images storages.
>>97628Furries make weird fetish porn because furry porn itself got accepted as "weird fetish porn" so all the people with weird fetishes flocked to it. These people probably originally liked "normal" porn, but couldn't find a community willing to accept them. Furries accept everyone by proxy, so that's where they ended up.
>>97687>Dragons Fucking cars
>>97688This fucking world
>>97692>>97710I've seen some shit before.
>>97720He's the title card, it's very gorey, incesty and other shit. I wouldn't recommend it unless you want to see how fucked up some japs are.
>>97720>>97721the whyboner's returned with extreme vengeance
>>97720That reminds me of some manga I randomly found.
Japan is full of snuff, borderline pedo stuff and general werid shit.
>Pic is random manga
>>97723what's wrong with japan? I know it's a joke, but I'm starting to think that two nukes genuinely wasn't enough.
>>97724In all seriousness you can't blame the entirety of Japan for something like this. Most of these weird fetish comics are self-published doujins. It would be like a Japanese person blaming all of America for furry porn. The majority of Japanese find this kind of thing as objectionable as anyone else.
>>97726fair enough, but that doesn't explain how two of these things have made it to english translations.
>>97724Well if this gets produced there are people consuming it.
It may not be solely Japan's problem..
>>97721>>97723>>97724>>97726Nippon always had weird porn. the word "hentai" which is mostly used for porn literally means "perverted". all porn in japan is forcibly censored with bars, but then again, those bars can be small and somewhat transparent. drawn pornography in partciular is very common and accepted in japan.
>>97688as i said, i dont find this particularly erotic, but it takes skill to be able to draw a mythical creature and e mechanic vehicle to great accuracy. i guess people make stuff like this for the shock value or a test of their own ability. It remains questionable to me regardless.
>>97720>>97721>>97723The funny thing about these it's they remind me of whitekitten's commisions.
Good voluptuos furry girls getting banged by big cocks, but the snuff and canibalism kills everything hot.
Also, i think a part of that hentai comic was made with princess luna.
It's the first image under the "hentai quotes" tag in derpibooru
>>97688 to post-modernity. Do not enjoy your stay, for a lack of enjoyment is art, too.
>>97761>Nippon always had weird porn.
>>97947I do not condone unprovoked violence against 2D women. Also I find Guro in general hard to fap to. the general visual displeasure, feelings of pity for a fictional character and mild disgust kill my boner. But there is no doubt that this is skillwise some high quality art.
Just stopping by to wish you all a very happy christmas
Frohe Weihnachten Aryanne Thread!
I Hope you will all have some good times with your families! Lets hope there will be some pure white snow too! Thank You all your supporting the community and making content for us throughout the year!
>>98129Randy sadly got sick shortly before christmas and had to work a longer shift shortly after. So far his attempts to draw something have failed, he will have to relearn his abilities once again. Sadly that means that there wont be any Christmas art from him this year, but maybe a while later? My Apologies for the inconvenience.
>>98130No problem dude.
Best wishes to him, and i hope he can at least enjoy the festivities for the next days
Pic related currently an OP on /pol/. Right panel makes me proud and comfy to be here.
>>98454and it's pretty much what I expected.
>>98454Fuck, apparently I got banned sometime on Christmas without noticing.
Aryanne Thread Update Info
Update is halfway done, I have assembled all art i Need. I was originally planning to release it today here. Sadly, there is currently a storm at my place and I may or may not loose Internet connection and/or electricity at any point from now until it calms down.
I hope I will be able to release it before January 1st, but no promises.
Time for the Aryanne thread Update of December 2017!Let's start with one of the bad things. As of the writing of this Update I do suspect that
IMGUR has done something to the Aryanne Art account on their site. I am not really a regular user of imgur (more so in the last months since we dont really have any banned content on MLPOL), but i can confirm that IMGUR is pretty much a jew controlled SJW leaning website. Since about Early November 2017 I do suspect that the Aryanne Account has been shadowbanned. What does that mean? Its still there, We can look at the albums, I can log in. BUT I can no longer upload or add new Art to the Albums. This means that every piece of art that was created after that time period could not be added there. I have yet to decide what to do about that (if i leave the Album with 1000+ images as it is) or if i just make a new account. Should this not be some freak technical problem, I think I will just leave it like it is and maybe look for an alternative. Should you have any suggestions for Art album sites, leave me a suggestion if you wish!
Luckyly, Not everything is unfortunate. Despite the giant Drama recently on /mlp/ where it turned out the Mod Staff was a bunch of Glimmerniggers that started ACTUALLY BANNING the Anonfilly threads from the board because of alleged Pedophilia, I can report that We have an Aryanne thread up and Running for over 2 weeks now without any major disturbances. Lets hope it stays that way. We even got some nice content contributions there, although the board itself is barely moving.
Sadly, I cant offer you some Greentext This Month. So far no new works have popped up in the /mlp/ thread and I have yet to comb through the 4chan Archives from Novembver onwords. I you would like somethign to read, consider up the News Story about the Hitler Pony Comic artwork that was recently popular in the Press. Yes, that actually happened. Take a look at the catalogue.
As I already mentioned earlier, Randy sadly fell victim to a flu and was not able to contribute Christmas Art to the monthly Haul like he used do in the past years. This was highly unexpected. To make matters worse, He also had to work almost the entire time before, during and after Christmas. It grinds on his creative abilities and I aopolgise for the lack of content, but I do hope this situation will find your understanding. Maybe next year will be a little better in that regard ...
On the note of Archive problem I must also add that the Dropbox archives is almost full. Should I not be able to add some free storage volume, I will either make a new Account or delete some older content from a folder with Less-than-impressive edits from the former EXTRAS Folder. I will let you know what I will do when the time comes. Should any old content be deleted, You will get a chance to grab it before I make room for better stuff.
Lastly, heres a late Christmas Gift for You.
Clop for A Cause, A Charity art project Randy and several other Aryanne Thread supporters have worked on in the past. A total of
130 Pieces of Art for free with an option to spend additional 5,00 Dollars (or more, if you wish) for HIGH RES pictures and alternate Version. All earnings will be Donated to charity. next
Aryanne thread on /mlp/ after the current one will likely launch around
February 12th, which will be the
4th Anniversary of the Aryanne threads! In the Name of Randy and myself I would like to thank all artists that created art fot the webwide community, The Aryanne Thread regulars (And the Manos Thread!) who always back us and of course MLPOL for giving us a platform. I wish You all good fortune for 2018, Prosperity for your projects and us all some strong, capable Leadership whereever we need it! Frohes Neues Jahr!
Artist List
- Sketch of Aryanne for an upcoming Youtube Animation, made by IdeasGuy. If you are interested to read more about this, consider taking a look at the MLPOL Cataogue, You should find 2 threads there.
- Lineart version of Anthro Aryanne, made by Luira.
- Unnamed circus themed Anthro female, lineart version and version with basic coloring. Made by Randy
- Planned Christmas Art of Nude Anthro Aryanne, made by Randy
- frontal view drawing of Leslie Fair, made by a MLPOL-Anon
- edit of Kyrie in a uniform with skirt, made by an Anon for the Aryanne thread on /mlp/
- stylized Art of Aryanne with hat doing a Sieg Heil salute, made for the Draw Thread on MLPOL
- Vector of an Aryan Batpony with a Teddy Bear Knight
- Peter Schmidt requesting some sexy time from Aryanne, made by MonstaBronyGermerica
- An Aryanne Emblem with Helmet and Cigarette from a Video Game (I do suspect this is the latest WWII themed call of duty game, but i am not sure) made by Lost Brony
- Aryanne sitting on a chair drinking hot chocolate from a mug. This was made by an Anonymous artist for the Aryanne thread on /mlp/. By his own admission, the guy was practicing anatomy. Please excuse minor errors in that regard.
- Aryanne threatening Glimmer with a gun. This is a new edit of another image, more on that later
- Pinkie Pie and Aryanne Dabbing a Gryphon to Death. Made by the birdie bin for the Secret Santa Thread on /mlp/.
- Christmas Art featuring a collection of Furry and Pokemon characters. This was made by Fenrir Lasso (a Furry Artist from Hong Kong) in a 10+ hour long stream. Find the Aryanne in it c: