Post Corona-Chan stuff here.
A small compilation of normies regretting the injections after getting injured.
Igan's videos are always informative, although they're not just about the scamdemic but also the control grid being built, and his ideas on living through the upcoming challenges.
He likely would have been killed by the gov had he stayed in Ausjailia, plus he started getting serious gov/ngo "troll" attacks after I suggested his videos on another image board.
These attacks against him are unusual, since he only really ever talks about sensible things, but in a world being stolen by psycho parasites that's dangerous.
"Zero Trust Access">plus he started getting serious gov/ngo "troll" attacks after I suggested his videos
He's Alex Jonnes Plus Max edition. Trolling is well deserved.
>>357382Non sense. Igan is the real McCoy.
You cannot compare Igan to Alex Jones ever. The first is rational and idealist, the second sensationalist and commercialist. The first is pretty much solid and the second a shill who has sold for shekels. Got the idea?
>>357383>You cannot compare Igan to Alex Jones ever.Lmao, he's literally early Alex Jones. You sound like you just heard of them yesterday. Election fag.
It wasn't the disease but the cure., those good old smelly Indian troll farms. Like funny little monkeys on a typewriter, busily typing away for their banana rewards. Eventually they'll write something coherent.
<-- Anyway, Lucy and her favourite human Jeff have released a new walk and talk, which was pretty good.I can't agree with Jeff on a handful of things, nor can I still laugh about the collapse the way he does, but he's warned about the scamdemic from pretty much the beginning and has made quite an effort to try and wake people up over the years, which is laudable and impressive.
"Warpspeed Wipeout: Starring Tony The Sickle And the Jab Rats">>357414No doubt, Lucy is the star.
>>357443Too late, it has already been thoroughly debunked nearly a year ago. your sources chud.
>>357450>(((Reuters)))This is trolling. Isn't?
Also /mlpol/'s fact checkers debunked zog propaganda years ago, dummy.
>>357450>fact checkers paid by Pfizer>sources paid the governmentIt is 2023, you can't make this shit up.
>>357452>b-bUt tHe tINfoiL hAts sAid it wAs da fReaKing gUberment proPAganda aND liZard ppl!Sorry chuds, but you aren't getting away that easily.
>>357453>you aren't getting away that easily.Agreed.
Obviously you are injected. How long you think you have left before is over for ya?
>Best presentation to date on excess deaths caused by the poison injections – it’s worse than even I thought.>This guy is an engineer who decided to go to law school in his 50s. He was thrown out of the program for refusing the poison injection, so he sued the university and The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and got access to Massachusetts death certificates and injury reports. The statistics clearly show massive upticks in cardiac arrests, clotting, leukemia, “anything to do with blood” across ALL age cohorts exactly coincident with the roll-out of the poison injections to each age group. And the really scary part is the the excess deaths are ACCELERATING – exactly what the ARSH 2016 article on Moderna stated: the toxicity of the poison is CUMULATIVE.>John Beaudoin Exposes Truth of COVID Deaths from Medical Records LIVE! - (2:48:32 long)>Engineer John Beaudoin has got his hands on 460,000 death certificates and uncovers the truth!
Further reading (it was posted before, I believe):
>Thermonuclear for Aggressive Distribution: September ARSH 2016 article on Moderna that is one of the most damning things I have ever read. - (July 5, 2022)>At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m going to reprint the entire article here AGAIN just to defend against it being memory-holed, but I would encourage all of you to share the source link, and even to save it as a PDF if you can. This article proves that the toxicity of these injections was 100% known. And beyond that, as the remnant of humanity left with even a shred of moral sanity sits in abject stupefaction as a large percentage of the population continues to line right up for even more “doses” of these poison injections, it was known years and years ago and freely admitted by Moderna and other companies looking at these so-called mRNA injections that the toxicity curve increased markedly with each dose.>Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups - (Sept. 13, 2016) >>357458>John Beaudoin Exposes Truth of COVID Deaths from Medical Records LIVE! - (2:48:32 long)The beef begins at the 13:00 mark.
Good News!
Another piece of evidence is being broadcasted.
The WHO's manual to gaslight the public
>>357243 → has been picked by the alternative media up and is being forwarded to the normies.
>>357453Obvious conflicts of interest aren't something you can use to discredit a source?
>>357505Pretty sure he's being ironic.
In this case, I would say maybe, but a conflict of interest doesn't always necessitate corruption. I think a conflict of interest is only valid to raise suspicion of corruption, not to discredit the source itself. If you want to discredit something, you should probe it, because citing a conflict of interest with no proof that they acted on it is little more than attacking the character of the source speaker.
>>357507Well, you can discredit a source by pointing out conflicts of interest. It was a rhetorical question to point out their obvious bias. What you're talking about is if bias/conflicts of interest equal truth or falsehood. Obviously nothing can determine that other than objective facts about the subject in question.
When a source is provided it is to back up one of those facts using something trustworthy. If the thing isnt trustworthy then the source provided is useless and the person should bring forth the fact itself to be argued.
A fact from an untrustworthy source, like that with a conflict of interest or obvious bias is no more valid or invalid compared to a fact brought up by a random imageboard user.
So if some random anon says "fact A", and someone replies with "oh yea? fact A is false according to bias source" the reply then holds no more water than literally "no u"
Over the top Branch Covidian.
>>357513"Branch Covidian" is an unfair term. The Davidians were murdered for defying their tyrannical, treasonous government. These fools live in unquestioning subserviance to it.
>Warning - DENTIST intramuscular analgesics are administering the Nanotech and grapene oxide
>"La Quinta Columna" has examined over 400 samples, including Dental anesthetics and found the graphene nanotechnology. I can confirm from my own experience that they are indeed doing this nefariously as I have seen the direct results of it myself. When injected into the gums, the lymphatic system seems to capture it, to protect the body. Some detox methods are to use CDS and DMSO.
>>357531At this point people would be better off just pulling their troublesome teeth out.
Which medicines then are actually safe still?
Anyway, posted this elsewhere too:
La Quinta Columna showing there's graphene (di?)oxide in the brought-to-you-by-Pfizer shots. >Double Pfizer Vaxxed Dude Is Pulling Nasty Shit Out Of Lesions On His Body
>>357531Well, shit. I've got two loose fillings to be redone in the next couple of weeks. The needle they put in my gums to freeze the nerves is a different kind of thing than this intramuscular analgesics, right? I don't remember if they technically inject the numbing agent into my jaw muscle that's close to the nerves.
>>357611>The needle they put in my gums to freeze the nerves is a different kind of thing than this intramuscular analgesics, right?Same drug but with graphene nanotechnology.
Hard to believe him. Musk might be stupid, but not that level of stupid.
>>357708frenly reminder that when "american" indians who go poopoo and peepee in their own drinking water like all non-asian nonwhites got gifts of blankets from the white man, white men at the time knew nothing of germ theory and could not have intentionally tried to kill um sqwaws.
>>357709Point taken. Also that is a TRUE jewbook meme.
>>357708Why does WEST VIRGINIA (mountain mama, take me home, country roads) have such high numbers?
>>357711Who knows what deals Machin did with Operation Warp Speed.
>CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab>In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. The CDC refused. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has now forced the release of these data, and they are stunning.>The CDC’s PRR monitoring has identified several hundred safety signals, including for Bell’s palsy, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and death. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a stronger safety signal than myocarditis and pericarditis>In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and vitiligo>The proportions of deaths, which were only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines>The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA refused, only to admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to pulmonary embolism article is behind paywall but the attached PDF solves that.
Video (3:56 long):
>After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! >On behalf of ICAN, vaccine and civil rights attorney Aaron Siri sued the CDC to get their V-SAFE data. V-Safe is a new smartphone-based CDC program that allows users to register after getting a Covid-19 vaccine and provide health check-ins. Why did it take 463 days for the CDC to release this important data?>"Now that we have [the V-SAFE data] and we've looked at that data, of the 10 million users within V-SAFE, 7.7 percent of them had to seek medical care after vaccination. This is an incredibly high percentage!">“Now that we have the data we can see that getting the vaccine caused 25 percent of people who got the shot, within this dataset of 10 million people, to miss work.” Another one.
>Greek TV presstitute does the Pfizer flop live on air
>2+2=5 There are Five Fingers, Not Four - (5:30 long) is another short video of an EMPTY HOSPITAL while the government TV was telling everybody that people was dying and hospitals were overwhelmed, also the health workers taking part in the conspiracy, for money of course.
>Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?>Mattias Desmet’s theory of Mass Formation attracted a great deal of attention in 2022. In this review of Desmet’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, we argue that it manifests the psychology of atrocity – and that “Mass Formation” paradoxically serves to legitimize the mass atrocity perpetrated during the Covid-19 era. >With the declaration of the pandemic that changed the world in March 2020, an army of thought police descended upon populations worldwide. Overnight, the public face of science was transformed from a civil and civilian endeavor into a matter of law and order. In place of what had formerly emanated from research communities came edicts from government officials, bolstered by celebrity bureaucrats, enforced by censorship, smearing, and coercion, and backed up by riot squads (e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). In the process, science as previously known, a careful product of time, hypothesis-testing, collective critique, and pertinent subject matter expertise, gave way to The Science™, a kaleidoscopic, ever-changing and capricious set of pseudo-medical justifications for government overreach and violations of citizens’ rights, riding on rolling waves of public messaging and manufactured fear, in keeping with a totalitarian model.>From the earliest days, there were those who could see these developments as dangerous, and those who could not. There were those who saw that the sharp turn away from democracy, due process, and human rights had nothing to do with empirical science whatsoever. And those who did not. The former have been mystified by the latter, and increasingly so as time has passed. Why can’t they see what’s going on? is an article exceptionally long (78 minutes read) and extensively sourced, and the quality is Top-Notch.
The video below is a synthesis of it and more apt for modern fags with a limited attention span (zoomers).
>D4CE 5th Symposium: The Psychology of Covid-19 Atrocities - (41:21 long)>This video summarizes the Unlimited Hangout article, Covid-19: Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?, analyzing the abuses enacted under COVID-19 through the lens of the psychology of mass atrocity. It stresses the dangers of demonising active bystanders as 'conspiracy theorists', and the importance of holding atrocity's instigators to account. The video summary, with audiovisuals by Daniel Broudy and text by David Hughes, Valerie Kyrie and Daniel Broudy, contains compelling footage of state violence and vaccine casualties never-to-be seen on prime-time TV.>To read the article, visit>This video is part of Doctors for COVID Ethics 5th Symposium: IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS LIGHT PREVAILS. For more information about the symposium, please visit> attached.
Trolling alert>They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us? The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.>As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn't do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected. is an allegedly woke feminist outlet, however the psychotic narrative could not be more obvious.
>>357831It's very fake. It's genuinely embarrassing how half the content posted around is just fake screenshots. It's better here on MLPOL since we'll actually post links at least>We are sincerely asking all women to please spend more time smelling their poo during bathroom breaks, and to critically examine what many of our gender have to endure as part of the cost of bottom surgery. It is time for us all to do the work to truly empathize with the sights, sounds, and smells endured by every member of our large and beautiful gender community – including those with distinct transitioning odors. >>357838>It's very fake.It must be. I know degenerates are totally crazy and they proudly show their way, but this is over the top. But... who knows.
>She mocked the anti-vaxers to the grave... said she got micro chipped... thought it was funny
>Pfizer Director Assaults James O'Keefe & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recording... Nigger turns violent and tries to destroy the video evidence.
>>357867If he's not controlled opposition (he is), how long until Cucker Carlson is suicided by glowniggers?
>>357869I really don't know what to think of Tucker. I think he's in denial about things, personally, that there are a few neocon mental blocks in place but he's still willing to ask questions most of the time. Being willing to do things like question the ethics of the Federal Reserve, or in this case signal boost the work of Project Veritas, is genuinely helpful for breaking the conditioning, but it seems like, being owned by a bunch of Jews, Fox will never let him fully break it.
The game was called Area 51. A game about the future - Rotting from the inside out because of the vaccinations.
>Samaritan's Purse Phony Ambulances of 2020 Jan 28, 2023 video documenting the covid psyop.
Empty hospitals, crisis doctors, fake epidemic, fake virus.
Download it before it is nuked by the jews.
I'm know going to get shit for this, but I don't think the vaccine is a depopulation death shot. I think it was just rushed half assed pharmakike bullshit. There aren't enough people dying to justify the depopulation theory at this point.
>>358040Before people accuse me of being a shill let's do some math. There were approximately 470000 excess deaths in the United States in 2021. (Max estimate according to I can't find the numbers for 2022 but let's just use double the max estimate for the sake of argument and we will assume every single one of those 940000 deaths is vaccine related. 80.9% of the U.S. is vaccinated ( so that is 268507100
Vaccinated individuals. 940000/268507100=0.0035. So .35% of the people that took it actually died if we assume max excess deaths and that every death was vaccine related. Now yes that is clinically significant and you shouldn't inject yourself with it, but it isn't depopulation death shot significant. Billions of people took the vaccine and most of them are fine.
>>358040>>358042There is a ton of info on that and I didn't post it because lately I'm getting flak for it. Anyway, I'll post something about it later.
>>358040Tell me how many more people, even those at or near the peak of physical fitness such as footballers, need to drop dead and die of "suddenly" from clot shot symptoms before we can suspect the rich bastards who often say how much they want the world depopulated are trying to depopulate the world.
They forced the world to take poison. Not everyone drops dead from it right away. Some drop dead later.
>>358046Again most of the footballers are fine. Maybe the shot is causing the heart attacks in some of them, but the vast majority of people that took it are fine. I'm not saying the vax is safe I'm saying it's not a depop death shot.
>>358046I would say when the numbers break 2% maybe. Because it's been two years and even with assuming every excess death was vaccine related we didn't even break 1%.
>>358048Maybe most of the people who take the poison filled experimental RNA therapy jab don't die of myocarditis right away. But when the celebrities pushing the jab on everyone else and attacking those who refuse the jab die of myocarditis right away, it's really funny. The same symptoms show up again and again in those who die from the jab and those who wish the jab killed them. The jews blame this on "long covid", when the disease is barely even the sniffles to white men or anyone else who isn't chinese or highly suggestible and fully brainwashed.
>>358050Most of the people that took the mRNA jab didn't die at all. I'm not saying covid was bad here I'm just saying that the vaccine doesn't appear to be a depopulation death shot based on the relatively low number of deaths coming from the vax. The vax just looks like another pharmakike scam not depopulation tool.
>>357858>>357860>>357867>Pfizer's bioweapons conspiracy>Pfizer issue a press statement - (9:25 long) John Campbell breaks down Pfizer's latest press release in the most hilarious way.
>>358040>>358042About the promised info on depopulation stats. I'm afraid I cannot produce them today as I already invested 20 minutes digging old news without success. The allocated time has expired, sorry. Perhaps in a few days.
>>358065See that's what I'm talking about when I say I don't think it's a depopulation death shot. Thousands are dying in a country where millions took the fucking thing. It just looks like another poorly tested pharmakike product killed people again.
>>358082I don't see the point in giving jews the benefit of the doubt.
The virus was manufactured in China.
The vaccine was already manufactured and copyrighted.
Remember the period when lefties said "There is no virus, refusing to eat at chinese places is racist"?
Remember the released lab monkeys?
>>358083I'm not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. I'm saying that the vaccine was a poorly tested piece of shit that killed people, but there just aren't enough bodies to justify calling it a depopulation death shot.
>>358086Okay. Tell me what percentage of people need to die from the next clot shot, or the next clot shot, or the next, or the next before it seems like part of a Jewish plot.
Then again people aren't divided up and taking different shots in isolation. You might survive shots 1 through 6 and die to shot 7. You might survive nine shots without any of the symptoms people are blaming on the disease when they refuse to blame the "cure".
>>358087I'd say probably around 2-5% before I would call it a depopulation shot. Right now there just aren't enough people dying to say it was depopulation. What kind of depopulation effort only kills .35% of people exposed to it over 2 years in?
>>358089One intended to slow-boil the whites forced to take it and segregate the unvaccinated purebloods from the subhuman spiteful mutant sheeple population.
>>358090Seems like a really slow boil. .35% after 2 years is basically nothing. That's side effect numbers not reduce the world's population numbers.
>>358089>What kind of depopulation effort onlyt. depopulation expert
>>358091Whered you get .35% from? wasnt the all-cause overall death margin up by like 40%? and stillborns up by like more than 200%?
>>358082Could be that one that eliminates the "extremist" gene they were talking about.
Either way its too hard to tell what they did. Maybe testing the waters. Maybe the drug is designed to be much slower than a few years. But keep in mind. They're not finished with it. They're still trying to push it to be required for school attendance. They're removing religious exemption as a reason for being exempt. And this will not be the last mrna/gene therapy vaccine we see.
>>358083>The virus was manufactured in China.There is a glaring problem, when looking into the virology science, clear flaws show up together with overt fraud, and I'm referring to that viruses don't exist.
On top of that, establishment scientists refuse debate the science with those who denounce it. It looks like there is too much to hide.
>>358101I divided the raw number of excess deaths (Max estimate) by the number of people that took the vaccine. I assumed every excess death was caused by the vaccine.
You can check my math and sources here.
>>358042Keep in mind this is using America as a sample and that the true number is probably lower.
>>358101Also why use an experimental vaccine in the first place to kill off people? Why not use a bacteria? People have been modifying bacteria for decades now and they could be modified so they wouldn't mutate out of control. They could even target certain ethnic groups with it.
>>358107You're ignoring the submission aspect. The Jews wanted to see how many people would start showing imaginary symptoms of an overhyped disease, queue up to get the mark of the beast, veil their faces like ISIStani harem brides, wear paper masks and think they're just as good as masks with real filters, submit to contact tracing, stay home, and enforce the government's control by calling the cops on neighbours, dog walkers, joggers, and people lying alone on the beach.
Project Veritas trolls Pfizer.
>>357084 →>Damar Hamlin>Government employees already moved in for damage control.Well, it looks like the family could be paid to shut their trap and go away.
>Chris Sky: There Is a 'Vaccine' Death Witness Protection Program >>358110Isn't the mark of the beast on the hand or forehead? Also you make it sound more like a test rollout for something bigger rather than depopulation.
>>358129>Isn't the mark of the beast on the hand or forehead?Correct, but don't forget that microscopy and spectrography analysis of the covid vials show that it doesn't contain anything organic, so it is a lie that it is a vaccine or anything of that sort; most of it is graphene oxyde which is nanotechnology.
Covidian doesn't think is so funny now.
>>358197>Just another government list I am on.Dude I gave a finger to a U.S. Marshall the other day. Think I giver a shit about some medical code.
>>358212gay niggers can't stop time IRL lmao
>>358212We all know how that will end. You can't fix stupid, but the poison will.
>>358214>We all know how that will end.It will never end. Both sides will be the smug soyjak until the end of time.
>Warning to all humankind: what has been injected to the entire population isn’t a vaccine. guy from "La Quinta Columna" is the one who originally discovered the graphene oxide in the injections. He says that that chemical functions as a technological interface and is poisonous, that's the reason people are getting sick and dropping dead.
>>358227Neither are the vaccinated. The mass die off simply isn't happening.
>>358249>Neither are the vaccinated.Yes they are. I could flood this thread with news of dead people and even extending the cover with the current explosion of cancer cases and permanently disabled fools, the daily list is without end. And that is only the "notorious" ones, the common John and Jane have not that privilege.
If I remember well, any person diagnosed with myocarditis has a 50% expectancy of dying in the next 5 years.
>>358250You have a few people with side effects but the overwhelming majority of people that took it are fine. You are the smug soyjak.
>>358254You are playing devil's advocate out of spite for your betters. Do you realize you are aiding and abetting genocidal Jews?
>>358255It's not devils advocate. The mass die off simply isn't happening. If you want a picture of the future imagine two soyjaks staring each other down... for eternity.
>>358261The mass die off happens when globohomo jews like you are killed off for taking our weakest and our stupidest and leaving us with our angriest and fittest.
>>358261>If you want a picture of the future imagine two soyjaks staring each other down... for eternity.I concede. This is a good one.
Pfizer Targeted After Thai Princess Falls into Coma.
>The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer>A few days after receiving her booster injection, the Thai princess “suddenly” collapsed. Three weeks later she remains in a coma. The Thai Royal Family was just informed that the initial “bacterial infection” diagnosis was in fact always untrue; thus, from the very start there was a coordinated coverup by the BigPharma captured authorities.>It seems that the Thai Royal family had a Princess who was a good global citizen. She took three of the Pfizer shots. She went into a coma a while back.>The Thai Royal family was/is very distressed. Investigations were ordered.>Will Thailand Declare Pfizer Contracts Null and Void?>>358303I hope the Thai Royal family breaks Pfizer completely. If true Pfizer pissed off the wrong people, not sure Pfizer know how much power the royal family in Thailand has.
>>358303The Thai King is a faggot participating in the conspiracy, but it looks like he wasn't in the loop about the depopulation and transhumanist aims.
It looks like another psycho covidian who got high on his own stash. Kinda Karma.
>>357531>>357533>>357611>Dental anesthetics contaminated with graphene oxideA workaround is found.It is about to precipitate the graphene oxide inside the vial with a potent magnet.
>SEVILLANO-DELGADO MAGNETO-THERMAL DEPURATION TECHNIQUE - (8:50 long)> #English [With voice] - SEVILLANO-DELGADO MAGNETO-THERMAL DEPURATION TECHNIQUE. From LA QUINTA COLUMNA we warn that this technique can be used as a LAST RESORT by those who, imperatively, are forced to attend dental consultations or similar. We continue to SUPPORT FIERCE RESISTANCE TO ANY TYPE OF INOCULATION. Injuries from the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Now Being Publicly Displayed in Canada Using Trucks Driving Down the Street>Persecuted and demonized non-injected woman is angry
I'm with her 100%. This is not finished till all participants in the conspiracy are punished.
>US Department of Defence has been running the “covid vaccine” fraud worldwide>“[Pfizer] did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.” Sasha Latypova used these words to describe the basis on which Pfizer has requested the dismissal of a False Claims Act case brought against them for their covid “vaccines.”>The US Department of Defence ordered “demonstrations” from pharmaceutical companies using the same secretive framework they use to order weapons. While telling us they were pharmaceutical products, for legal reasons they described them as emergency use authorised “countermeasures.” No pharmaceutical regulation applies to countermeasures.>“They were claiming that they’re producing pharmaceutical products to the good manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew, I assure you, they were all aware of this. They perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations apply to these things, countermeasures … They’re just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals. They’re actually not,” Latypova explained.>“They were claiming that it’s a health event. They were claiming that they’re producing pharmaceutical products to the good manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew, I assure you, they were all aware of this. They perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations apply to these things, countermeasures.>“They’re just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals. They’re actually not … The government lied to us about this being a health event … [but] in reality, what they did, they organised the response to it as if it was war.”>As proof of this, Latypova cited the case where Pfizer or the FDA was refusing to release clinical trial data in less than 75 years.>“Who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer? Pfizer lawyers were not even in the room. It was the Department of Justice. So why is the US government defending presumably a private commercial interest of a pharmaceutical company?
>COVID-19 countermeasures: Evidence for an intent to harm - FULL>Alexandra Latypova - PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES, 21st- 22nd January 2023 is about the legal trickery used to put Pfizer at the front as a salesman while the American government hid behind. Also the legalese doesn't match at all a pharmaceutical product, but military ones. Meanwhile to the American people the lie was sold that the product has been tested and was safe.
>"It is with a sad heart to let you all know that my husband, David Redmond passed away on Feb 3, 2023 from a sudden illness. He went peacefully surrounded by his family. My girls and I are devastated and will obviously need some time to work through this. He was the love of my life, and the most loving father a child could ever wish for. He had a huge heart and loved his family, friends and community. He wouldn’t want us crying over him, but instead sharing memories and laughs, because he sure loved to laugh.
>No funeral is planned per his wishes, but there will be a Celebration Of Life at a later date."
>Are Fauci, Gates & Moderna responsible for the COVID Pandemic? – The U.S. D.O.D issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist – & Fauci & Moderna had a Vaccine ready in Dec. 2019>The discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for “COVID-19 Research” in November 2019 has raised questions about the permanent U.S. Government’s knowledge of the novel coronavirus.>The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine,” suggesting the permanent U.S. Government was at the very least aware of the alleged virus before it spread through Wuhan, China in December 2019. >But the findings also suggest the permanent U.S. Government may have had a hand in the creation of this alleged virus in Biolabs through Gain of Function Research overseen by Dr Anthony Fauci.>This would explain why they knew the name of the novel coronavirus disease three months prior to the World Health Organization officially naming it Covid-19 in February 2020.>And it may also explain why Moderna and Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had a confidentiality agreement for an mRNA Coronavirus vaccine candidate in early December 2019, which was developed and jointly owned by Moderna and Fauci’s NIAID. and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)'s confidentiality agreement: >Moderna CEO Caught Admitting ‘Covid Was an Inside Job’ to Inner Circle>Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel has been caught admitting to his friends at the World Economic Forum that his company produced 100,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine doses in 2019 – before the pandemic started.>In the revealing footage from the World Economic Forum, Bancel also let slip that he had foreknowledge of a little something called the Covid pandemic. Make no mistake, this is proof, from the horse’s mouth, that Moderna and the Big Pharma cartel were complicit in planning the pandemic so they could push the global elite’s depopulation drug on the masses.>According to Bancel, he shocked his staff in 2019 by telling them that production of the mystery vaccine they had been working on would need to increase to a billion doses in the next year because, and I quote, “there is going to be a pandemic.” Video: - (9:33 long)
Mirror: with the beef attached.
>>358448The microchip shit is well poisoning.
>>358621The funny things is that backfires on them with a vengeance,
>>358621There is no magical microchip. The vax is poison meant to kill whites.
- “They intend to inject each of us ten times over with mRNA ~ I think that will kill everybody”
>>358631Is there any indication they're specifically targeting whites?
>>358703Not yet.
But in previous corona-chan threads there are articles about spike proteins that target certain ethnicities and ashkenazis were immune. That said, there is a big problem with that, as the analysis of the vials show no organic material present, so there is not spike proteins at all and it is mostly oxide graphene.
>>358701>They intend to inject each of us ten times over with mRNASure, but this doctor as every spoke-person in the alternative media are pushing the false idea that there is a dangerous pathogen and the injections contain spike proteins. Science and laboratory tests say that the inverse is true.
>>358703Yes, in every single speech given by the U.N., the WEF, and every other group down the line. They have made it abundantly clear that their goal is to kill white people for the purposes "redistributing" our wealth, knowledge, and power.
Or, have you not been paying attention?
>>358709The lockdowns crippled the economy. It's pretty obvious they're sabotaging farms across the country. And they're also interested in wasting resources in Ukraine.
But none of that implies that white people are being disproportionally affected by the jab.
>>358704I am willing to believe it. But Jews and Whites are not the only ethnicities, Anon.
>>358712>I am willing to believe it. But Jews and Whites are not the only ethnicities, Anon.Sure, the article posted more than a year ago mentioned all races and the impact certain protein has on them. Notice you brought the Whites, but was that article who singled the jews out as immune.
>>358781She got a very well deserved karma.
It was easy to go with the lemmings and virtue signal her commitment to support the government's goals to the extreme of being a participant in a medical experiment. We are in a lot of trouble because of collaborators like her.
Thank God these covidians won't last long.
>My New Annoying Covidian Repeller System - Feb 14 2023
It works wonders.
>>357084 →>Damar Hamlin>Government employees already moved in for damage control.It looks like they did more than just move. They brought a double or clone to play the farce that Damar is alive.
>Just Admit it Already Twitter suppressed real medical advise because contradicted the CDC. This censorship caused disability and death.
>>358937It is an american normie boomer meme, sorry.
I'll be more careful next time.
>>358939Proofreading the meme is important. Especially when midwits place such a high value on appearances.
Hospitals killing patients for cash. Breakdown of the bribes.
MAC addresses from the faggots around.
I'm sure not even one of you niggers did a test scanning your acquaintances.
>>358963I don't have a smartphone.
If i get my hands on one, are there instructions on how to do this for android? iphone?
>>358979It works only with Android. You have to switch to Development mode and search for "Devices Without a Name".
If I remember well, the instructions with pics how to do it were posted before in these corona threads. Maybe a search for "MAC' might get some results.
French politician Jean Lassalle doubledowns on claim Macron and associates did not get vaccinated.
Keeping the belief that viruses exist is key for the next planned epidemic. Otherwise the sheeple might be not so compliant and have ideas like they are being poisoned and lied by the conspirators.
>Project Veritas and the "Virus">It’s hard to believe that we are now over three years into the COVID-19 fraud. We have exposed every aspect of virology and it is clear that the virus model is not supported by the scientific literature. >However, belief in the “virus” is necessary to achieve control of the population and this is maintained through one distraction after another. Project Veritas have produced the latest nonsense that unfortunately keeps people trapped within the fraudulent virus and contagion paradigms. >Belief in viruses is as deadly as the belief in the authority of the state. Many of the freedom community don’t seem to realise that changing the actors won’t free them from the plantation. The good news is that team “no virus” continues to gain more traction…Website:>'Died Suddenly' at '33' masons flashing the 33 number.
>>359008If viruses aren't real then how does gene therapy work and how do adenovirus vector vaccines work?
>>359028And how you know? Is it because the same manufacturers and client doctors told you so?
>>359031Agriculture also uses viruses for editing the genes of plants. Also militaries all across the globe spend lots of money researching viruses. And what of all the electron microscope pictures of viruses? Like that many people can't be in on a conspiracy to make people believe in viruses.
>>359071>And what of all the electron microscope pictures of viruses? Electron pics are always black and white and when colored they are CGI. The authors of those pics claim to be a pseudo pathogens, but applying science, real science using the "Scientific Method", that is utter bullshit as no virus has been isolated and demonstrated to cause contagion.
>Like that many people can't be in on a conspiracy to make people believe in viruses.Well, those students and researchers at universities studying viruses, know very well that if they want to go a bit further and dig into the basics of the field, their grants ($$$) suddenly will dry up and their careers will be over.
To make it short, most of the money comes from the taxpayers and administrated by the bureaucracies, any "scientist" have to toe the establishment's line or change profession. All of which give us a dark insight of what's going on: thousands of niggers make a comfy living of the fraud and therefore they do as told. It is also exactly the same case for most, when not all government employees and outsiders dependent of government funding. Think of them like a parasitical caste willing to sell their mother for money.
>>359073Pretty sure viruses are grown and isolated in cell cultures all the time.
To belive that the scientific community has been trying to fool the public into believing in viruses for over 100 years is flat earth tier crazy. I'm sorry man.
Also isn't the whole mRNA altering your DNA thing supposed to be the result of human endogenous retroviruses? The whole mechanism for mRNA vaccine toxicity falls apart without viruses.
>>359077>Pretty sure viruses are grown and isolated in cell cultures all the time.Nope. Viruses are not alive and cannot grow, but bacteria can do that. Looking at the science, what the paid scientists call viruses are actually cellular debris, or garbage. The "science" falls apart when that garbage is blamed as contagious and labelled as pathogenic.
>>359077>To belive that the scientific community has been trying to fool the public into believing in viruses for over 100 years is flat earth tier crazy.Not the "scientific community" that knows shit about viruses and most of their memebers are quacks, but specifically the virologists.
>>359082>Explain this shit.Try harder anon, it is you who assert the lies. Explain viruses instead.
>>359084Nope, if viruses do not exist, everything you said about the vaccine altering the DNA is false. It is you who must step up your game.
>>359085>everything you said about the vaccine altering the DNA is falseAccording to the Moderna CEO, his product tinkers with DNA. He said that, not me.
>>359085>It is you who must step up your game.Indeed. Go ahead, you have my blessing.
>>359089>wasted dubs.I disagree. Numbers don't lie. Anon
112d373 trust the liers, so he should go ans ask for more comfortable lies. KEK
>>359090If only I knew what he was going at. Try not to harm yourself while we wait for him. Schizoid kinga.
>>359091Dear faggot anon. This is thread #13, you have a lot to browse and study to make a solid case supporting the conspirators.
>>359092Easy, remember your blood pressure.
>>359093I sense Niggel's presence. Such a out of context answer is coming from a bot.
>>359094Why are you so obsessed with him?
In any case, he actually seems to line up with you most of the time.
>"Dood! Do you seriously not think it's the fucking Jews? Fucking retard the Jews wants us ded!"Seems to be his only response, every time, to absolutely anything regarding corona.
>>359096>Jews wants us ded!So, you think the jews want us alive and healthy. Right?
And it's not gonna work, haha. You don't teach the priest how to pray. Have a good night.
You're all acting retardedly. What the hell.
Knock it off, it's a personal preference. I don't have any authority but for fucks sake.
Yeah asking for a spoon feeding blows, but this isn't a spoon feed answer. For either side.
It's a point of contention.
You both have thirteen fucking threads of condensed information to draw from.
You do >>>>>>>> a bit of Numberinos the fuck your point is.
I made my case before that you couldn't say one way or another. Without fucking getting multiple view long timelapses because you need the fucking specific information.
And for this thread (and in general) it doesn't matter. Knowing the extract details would be just great, but the big picture is good enough.
Fucks sake go make a "true purpose of cellular debris and or virus/viri" in /vx/ or /sp/ or /cyb/ or something.
Because either way it's (these threads) are about (should be) the COOF ('sudden' illness in the populous), political mandates, and aftereffects of either or both!
On a different note from above.
'Meme' poster anon, please consider compiling the faceberg memes image macro by month/week if you must. Yes is annoying and hard, but it's (the 'meme' things) more useful that way. That's just my personal preference and suggestion.
>>359106>Meme' poster anon, please consider compiling the faceberg memes image macro by month/week if you mustNot sure what you mean. Do you want memes dumped in a weekly/monthly basis instead of daily?
If so, that is too long.
>>359107Nope. Post a zip file and save us the cringe/eye cancer.
>>359109According to this nut-house thread. The graphene in the water should do the trick soon enough, why rush it? Don't you wanna chat?
>>359111>According to this nut-house thread.That's rich. Then that begs the question and according to you... Who are the sane ones?
>>359107As in a compilation format like news articles long form greens ect.
>>359079>Nope. Viruses are not alive and cannot grow, but bacteria can do that.No they are cultured using cell cultures. The cells are kept alive on nutrients and the viruses use the cells to reproduce themselves.
>For almost three years New York Times pushed mask mandates, promoted masking and double-masking, and viciously attacked any scientist who expressed skepticism about these policies.>Now they admit they were wrong... a U-turn.
It only took three years for the judenpresse to admit what was known by “conspiracy theorists” in March 2020.
>(((Alan Dershowitz))) Walks Back His 2020 Enthusiasm For Forced Vaccination.
>“What I said was if there came a time when we had a real pandemic that was killing people and there was a perfect vaccine that there would be no constitutional right for somebody to say ‘no, I’m going to spread the disease’”.
>>359164That's another hard U-turn.
>>359108>Post a zip file and save us the cringe/eye cancer.>Imagine an imageboard complaining because of memesI missed this post.
Would you be so kind to shitpost your memes instead? Because if you won't, then all you are saying is absurd.
>Florida county Republican Party votes to ban the COVID-19 vaccine>MIAMI - The "Ban the jab" resolution passed with a majority vote in the Lee County Republican Party and will now head to Governor Ron DeSantis' desk. >Because the Republican Party of Lee County has no power per so, DeSantis can just ignore it if he chooses.'s see what DeSantis' donors have to say.
>>359229>>359255Gaslighting is already out!!!
>>359327Zero-calorie sweetener really is poison though.
>Reposting from 4pol.>Research published in April 2022 suggests that overall, myocarditis is no more likely to be triggered by a Covid vaccine by than any other vaccine. It's also worth noting that Covid-19 itself is much more likely to cause myocarditis than the vaccine is, and people who are vaccinated have a much lower risk of getting other serious complications caused by Covid-19.>According to the MHRA Yellow Card report summary, as of 23 November 2022, there were 29 reports of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis for every million second doses of the monovalent Pfizer vaccine in the highest-risk age group (18-29). For the monovalent Pfizer booster, there were even fewer reports, with just 17 reports per million doses in this group. In other age groups, there were even fewer reports. >The World Health Organisation has reviewed data from 744,235 doses of the Novavax vaccine given in Australia, Canada, the European Union, New Zealand, and South Korea up until 30 April 2022. Amongst these recipients, there were four reports of myocarditis, 29 reports of pericarditis, and two reports of myopericarditisLMAO.
>17 - 29 cases myocarditis out of 1 million for Pfizer>29 cases out of 744, 235>no higher than any other vaccine or covid itself.Go on you little antivaxxie faggots, cope and deny, because you've been EXPOSED for pushing FRAUD. >>359416>The WHO has reviewed the dataRight… I don’t believe most of what is posted here, but anyone can tell that data coming from WHO is not a reliable source because they have the most to gain from fucking with data. This wasn’t an independent research effort and they have a reputation to save, while also gaining billions in funding and boosting their buddies in big pharma just like last decade’s scandal. if true, even if it was to cure all disease permanently, I am not going to support these people and how they get given money to abuse power. I won’t take the shot. I will gladly die than take their fear porn test run of the mark, making businesses consider rejecting the ability to buy or sell based on an injection. >>359432>vid featuring Erin "Brony" BurnettMy cock is so hard that it's unreal. Only oldfags will remember her and how much better she is than mommy Nicole.
>>359417>Right… I don’t believe most of what is posted hereSure, buddy. Everything is fine.
>Tucker Carlson
>CDC wants 12-year olds to get 60 covid MRNA injections over lifetime.
Covidian has had 9 covid shots and is in Chemo trying to stay alive.
Bluetooth signals from unknown devices everywhere.
They still pushing the virus that was never isolated. Why?
Billion of cases as they say and no isolation of the thing.