The old thread
>>344150 → hit the bump limit.
Post Corona-Chan stuff here.
A small compilation of normies regretting the injections after getting injured.
Igan's videos are always informative, although they're not just about the scamdemic but also the control grid being built, and his ideas on living through the upcoming challenges.
He likely would have been killed by the gov had he stayed in Ausjailia, plus he started getting serious gov/ngo "troll" attacks after I suggested his videos on another image board.
These attacks against him are unusual, since he only really ever talks about sensible things, but in a world being stolen by psycho parasites that's dangerous.
"Zero Trust Access"
>plus he started getting serious gov/ngo "troll" attacks after I suggested his videos
He's Alex Jonnes Plus Max edition. Trolling is well deserved.
>>357382Non sense. Igan is the real McCoy.
You cannot compare Igan to Alex Jones ever. The first is rational and idealist, the second sensationalist and commercialist. The first is pretty much solid and the second a shill who has sold for shekels. Got the idea?
>>357383>You cannot compare Igan to Alex Jones ever.Lmao, he's literally early Alex Jones. You sound like you just heard of them yesterday. Election fag.
Ah, those good old smelly Indian troll farms. Like funny little monkeys on a typewriter, busily typing away for their banana rewards. Eventually they'll write something coherent.
<-- Anyway, Lucy and her favourite human Jeff have released a new walk and talk, which was pretty good.I can't agree with Jeff on a handful of things, nor can I still laugh about the collapse the way he does, but he's warned about the scamdemic from pretty much the beginning and has made quite an effort to try and wake people up over the years, which is laudable and impressive.
"Warpspeed Wipeout: Starring Tony The Sickle And the Jab Rats"
>>357414No doubt, Lucy is the star.
>Japan Launches Official Investigation Into Millions Of mRNA Vaccine Deaths>Evidence from Japan’s investigation of mRNA “vaccines” is shocking and compelling. In the vaccinated who have died, the spike protein was found throughout their body and including their skin. Elevated temperatures of corpses indicate widespread inflammation. Japanese scientists are demanding an immediate end to all mRNA vaccines. [Embed] [Embed]>"You idiot" Dr. Fukushima calls the Ministry of Health
>The COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Holocaust Now Confirmed By VAERS 2022 Year-End Data>The COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Holocaust continues unabated even in the face of so much proven vaccine-induced death and disease, injury and illness, disfigurement and debilitation, paralysis and incapacitation, infirmity and affliction.>Even the official data posted by the US government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System clearly confirm just how dangerous and deadly the various COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ truly are.>In other words, all the hard data and pertinent information demonstrates that a full-blown COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Holocaust is taking place across the USA and yet officialdom still proceeds with their ‘vaccine’ mandates as well as pushing a W.H.O.-administered vaxport.
>>357443Too late, it has already been thoroughly debunked nearly a year ago. your sources chud.
>>357450>(((Reuters)))This is trolling. Isn't?
Also /mlpol/'s fact checkers debunked zog propaganda years ago, dummy.
>>357450>fact checkers paid by Pfizer>sources paid the governmentIt is 2023, you can't make this shit up.
>>357452>b-bUt tHe tINfoiL hAts sAid it wAs da fReaKing gUberment proPAganda aND liZard ppl!Sorry chuds, but you aren't getting away that easily.
>>357453>you aren't getting away that easily.Agreed.
Obviously you are injected. How long you think you have left before is over for ya?
>Best presentation to date on excess deaths caused by the poison injections – it’s worse than even I thought.>This guy is an engineer who decided to go to law school in his 50s. He was thrown out of the program for refusing the poison injection, so he sued the university and The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and got access to Massachusetts death certificates and injury reports. The statistics clearly show massive upticks in cardiac arrests, clotting, leukemia, “anything to do with blood” across ALL age cohorts exactly coincident with the roll-out of the poison injections to each age group. And the really scary part is the the excess deaths are ACCELERATING – exactly what the ARSH 2016 article on Moderna stated: the toxicity of the poison is CUMULATIVE.>John Beaudoin Exposes Truth of COVID Deaths from Medical Records LIVE! - (2:48:32 long)>Engineer John Beaudoin has got his hands on 460,000 death certificates and uncovers the truth!
Further reading (it was posted before, I believe):
>Thermonuclear for Aggressive Distribution: September ARSH 2016 article on Moderna that is one of the most damning things I have ever read. - (July 5, 2022)>At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I’m going to reprint the entire article here AGAIN just to defend against it being memory-holed, but I would encourage all of you to share the source link, and even to save it as a PDF if you can. This article proves that the toxicity of these injections was 100% known. And beyond that, as the remnant of humanity left with even a shred of moral sanity sits in abject stupefaction as a large percentage of the population continues to line right up for even more “doses” of these poison injections, it was known years and years ago and freely admitted by Moderna and other companies looking at these so-called mRNA injections that the toxicity curve increased markedly with each dose.>Ego, ambition, and turmoil: Inside one of biotech’s most secretive startups - (Sept. 13, 2016)
>>357458>John Beaudoin Exposes Truth of COVID Deaths from Medical Records LIVE! - (2:48:32 long)The beef begins at the 13:00 mark.
Good News!
Another piece of evidence is being broadcasted.
The WHO's manual to gaslight the public
>>357243 → has been picked by the alternative media up and is being forwarded to the normies.
>>357453Obvious conflicts of interest aren't something you can use to discredit a source?
>>357505Pretty sure he's being ironic.
In this case, I would say maybe, but a conflict of interest doesn't always necessitate corruption. I think a conflict of interest is only valid to raise suspicion of corruption, not to discredit the source itself. If you want to discredit something, you should probe it, because citing a conflict of interest with no proof that they acted on it is little more than attacking the character of the source speaker.
>>357507Well, you can discredit a source by pointing out conflicts of interest. It was a rhetorical question to point out their obvious bias. What you're talking about is if bias/conflicts of interest equal truth or falsehood. Obviously nothing can determine that other than objective facts about the subject in question.
When a source is provided it is to back up one of those facts using something trustworthy. If the thing isnt trustworthy then the source provided is useless and the person should bring forth the fact itself to be argued.
A fact from an untrustworthy source, like that with a conflict of interest or obvious bias is no more valid or invalid compared to a fact brought up by a random imageboard user.
So if some random anon says "fact A", and someone replies with "oh yea? fact A is false according to bias source" the reply then holds no more water than literally "no u"
Over the top Branch Covidian.
>>357513"Branch Covidian" is an unfair term. The Davidians were murdered for defying their tyrannical, treasonous government. These fools live in unquestioning subserviance to it.
>Warning - DENTIST intramuscular analgesics are administering the Nanotech and grapene oxide
>"La Quinta Columna" has examined over 400 samples, including Dental anesthetics and found the graphene nanotechnology. I can confirm from my own experience that they are indeed doing this nefariously as I have seen the direct results of it myself. When injected into the gums, the lymphatic system seems to capture it, to protect the body. Some detox methods are to use CDS and DMSO.
>>357531At this point people would be better off just pulling their troublesome teeth out.
Which medicines then are actually safe still?
Anyway, posted this elsewhere too:
La Quinta Columna showing there's graphene (di?)oxide in the brought-to-you-by-Pfizer shots.
>Medical Profession Implements WHO’s Digital Diagnosis Code For The Unvaxxed>(Chant) We Will. We Will. Track You! There has been no clear way to identify those who chose to not take the experimental mRNA shots – until now. The US has just approved and adopted the WHO’s new digital diagnosis code for the unvaxxed.>When you make your next visit to a medical facility, for any reason, you will be asked if you took the “vaccine” and boosters. Your answer will be coded on the spot and the data uploaded to the all-seeing medical cloud. Technocrats lust for data like this. They also lust for opportunities to practice their social engineering skills.>Bottom line: Be aware of what information you hand over to your doctor, because they essentially all work for the government now. That’s who they are beholden to for reimbursement. And if your doctor asks too many questions that seem unrelated to the health issue you’re being treated for, you may want to fire them and find a new one.[YouTube] Surveillance Under The Skin | Dr. Yuval Noah Harari
>Double Pfizer Vaxxed Dude Is Pulling Nasty Shit Out Of Lesions On His Body
>>357531Well, shit. I've got two loose fillings to be redone in the next couple of weeks. The needle they put in my gums to freeze the nerves is a different kind of thing than this intramuscular analgesics, right? I don't remember if they technically inject the numbing agent into my jaw muscle that's close to the nerves.
>>357611>The needle they put in my gums to freeze the nerves is a different kind of thing than this intramuscular analgesics, right?Same drug but with graphene nanotechnology.
>Biolab in Rubezhnoe, where BIG PHARMA used Ukrainians as LAB RATS for the Covid VACS!>This is a very dark story. Want to know how the Pharma companies got to push their wares on Americans without clinical trials? They had clinical trials... bypassing animal testing and going straight to disposable Ukrainians. Even the employees there didn't want to take what they were pushing. [Embed]
>>357674Based and true konata!
Hard to believe him. Musk might be stupid, but not that level of stupid.
>>357246 →>Diamond - of pro-Trump vlogging duo Diamond and Silk - dies aged 51 at her home in North Carolina: Former President leads tributes to one of his biggest cheerleaders saying 'Probably her precious HEART just plain gave out'Moar: [Embed]
>>357708frenly reminder that when "american" indians who go poopoo and peepee in their own drinking water like all non-asian nonwhites got gifts of blankets from the white man, white men at the time knew nothing of germ theory and could not have intentionally tried to kill um sqwaws.
>>357709Point taken. Also that is a TRUE jewbook meme.
>>357708Why does WEST VIRGINIA (mountain mama, take me home, country roads) have such high numbers?
>>357711Who knows what deals Machin did with Operation Warp Speed.
>Deadly Skies: FAA Moves Medical Goalposts for Pilots - Putting Your Life At Risk>The Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), the body responsible for licensing pilots, has quietly changed the criteria for measuring heart damage in pilots.>It’s one thing for a professional athlete to collapse on the sports field as so many have been wont to do since the roll-out of mRNA vaccines, but it’s something entirely different for a pilot while flying a plane with the lives of hundreds of passengers in the balance.>Tucker Carlson clip: FAA changes ECG specs to cover vaxx injury for pilots>FAA Won't Divulge Data Behind Pilot Heart Arrhythmia Decision>The Federal Aviation Administration recently widened the acceptable range for heart rhythms for commercial pilots based on "new scientific evidence" which they won't disclose, according to Just the News, which reached out to the agency for comment. [Embed] [Embed]
>CDC Aware of Hundreds of Safety Signals for COVID Jab>In September 2022, The Epoch Times asked the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release its Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) data mining results. The CDC refused. A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request has now forced the release of these data, and they are stunning.>The CDC’s PRR monitoring has identified several hundred safety signals, including for Bell’s palsy, blood clots, pulmonary embolism and death. In individuals aged 18 and older, there are 770 safety signals for different adverse events, and more than 500 of them have a stronger safety signal than myocarditis and pericarditis>In the 12- to 17-year-old age group there are 96 safety signals, and in the 5- to 11-year-old group there are 66, including myocarditis, pericarditis, ventricular dysfunction, cardiac valve incompetency, pericardial and pleural effusion, chest pain, appendicitis and appendectomies, Kawasaki’s disease and vitiligo>The proportions of deaths, which were only provided for the 18-plus age group, was 14% for the COVID jabs compared to 4.7% for all other vaccines>The FDA is also required to perform safety monitoring, using empirical Bayesian data mining. The Epoch Times asked the FDA to release its monitoring results in July 2022 but, like the CDC, the FDA refused, only to admit in December 2022 they’d confirmed the Pfizer shot was linked to pulmonary embolism article is behind paywall but the attached PDF solves that.
Video (3:56 long):
>After Forcing The CDC To Release V-SAFE Data, Excessive COVID Vaccine Injuries Are Made Public! >On behalf of ICAN, vaccine and civil rights attorney Aaron Siri sued the CDC to get their V-SAFE data. V-Safe is a new smartphone-based CDC program that allows users to register after getting a Covid-19 vaccine and provide health check-ins. Why did it take 463 days for the CDC to release this important data?>"Now that we have [the V-SAFE data] and we've looked at that data, of the 10 million users within V-SAFE, 7.7 percent of them had to seek medical care after vaccination. This is an incredibly high percentage!">“Now that we have the data we can see that getting the vaccine caused 25 percent of people who got the shot, within this dataset of 10 million people, to miss work.”
Another one.
>Greek TV presstitute does the Pfizer flop live on air
>HERO: Utah Doctor Charged with Felonies for Destroying Experimental COVID Vax Shots, Refusing to Jab Children>Dr. Michael Kirk Moore Jr., 58, allegedly disposed of more than $28,000 worth of COVID-19 vaccines while giving proof-of-vaccination cards to children who did not receive the vaccine. Moore reportedly did so with the knowledge and consent from the parents.>Moore and three other defendants – Kari Dee Burgoyne, 52, Kristin Jackson Andersen, 59, and Sandra Flores, 31 – are accused of “defraud[ing] the United States and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).” They allegedly gave 1,937 doses worth of faked vaccine cards to help parents get around coercive mandates aimed at penetrating their kids’ bodies with poison.
>2+2=5 There are Five Fingers, Not Four - (5:30 long)[YouTube] 2+2=5 There are Five Fingers, Not Four
[Embed]This is another short video of an EMPTY HOSPITAL while the government TV was telling everybody that people was dying and hospitals were overwhelmed, also the health workers taking part in the conspiracy, for money of course.
>Covid-19 – Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?>Mattias Desmet’s theory of Mass Formation attracted a great deal of attention in 2022. In this review of Desmet’s book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, we argue that it manifests the psychology of atrocity – and that “Mass Formation” paradoxically serves to legitimize the mass atrocity perpetrated during the Covid-19 era. >With the declaration of the pandemic that changed the world in March 2020, an army of thought police descended upon populations worldwide. Overnight, the public face of science was transformed from a civil and civilian endeavor into a matter of law and order. In place of what had formerly emanated from research communities came edicts from government officials, bolstered by celebrity bureaucrats, enforced by censorship, smearing, and coercion, and backed up by riot squads (e.g. here, here, here, here, here, here, and here). In the process, science as previously known, a careful product of time, hypothesis-testing, collective critique, and pertinent subject matter expertise, gave way to The Science™, a kaleidoscopic, ever-changing and capricious set of pseudo-medical justifications for government overreach and violations of citizens’ rights, riding on rolling waves of public messaging and manufactured fear, in keeping with a totalitarian model.>From the earliest days, there were those who could see these developments as dangerous, and those who could not. There were those who saw that the sharp turn away from democracy, due process, and human rights had nothing to do with empirical science whatsoever. And those who did not. The former have been mystified by the latter, and increasingly so as time has passed. Why can’t they see what’s going on? is an article exceptionally long (78 minutes read) and extensively sourced, and the quality is Top-Notch.
The video below is a synthesis of it and more apt for modern fags with a limited attention span (zoomers).
>D4CE 5th Symposium: The Psychology of Covid-19 Atrocities - (41:21 long)>This video summarizes the Unlimited Hangout article, Covid-19: Mass Formation or Mass Atrocity?, analyzing the abuses enacted under COVID-19 through the lens of the psychology of mass atrocity. It stresses the dangers of demonising active bystanders as 'conspiracy theorists', and the importance of holding atrocity's instigators to account. The video summary, with audiovisuals by Daniel Broudy and text by David Hughes, Valerie Kyrie and Daniel Broudy, contains compelling footage of state violence and vaccine casualties never-to-be seen on prime-time TV.>To read the article, visit>This video is part of Doctors for COVID Ethics 5th Symposium: IN THE MIDST OF DARKNESS LIGHT PREVAILS. For more information about the symposium, please visit> [Embed]Clip attached.
Trolling alert>They knew: why didn't the unvaccinated do more to warn us? The unvaccinated knew what we didn't. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.>As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn't do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected. is an allegedly woke feminist outlet, however the psychotic narrative could not be more obvious.
>>357831It's very fake. It's genuinely embarrassing how half the content posted around is just fake screenshots. It's better here on MLPOL since we'll actually post links at least>We are sincerely asking all women to please spend more time smelling their poo during bathroom breaks, and to critically examine what many of our gender have to endure as part of the cost of bottom surgery. It is time for us all to do the work to truly empathize with the sights, sounds, and smells endured by every member of our large and beautiful gender community – including those with distinct transitioning odors.
>>357838>It's very fake.It must be. I know degenerates are totally crazy and they proudly show their way, but this is over the top. But... who knows.
>She mocked the anti-vaxers to the grave... said she got micro chipped... thought it was funny
>Project Veritas>Pfizer Exposed For Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via 'Directed Evolution'>Affirmative Action homosexual Director of Research at Pfizer' reveals firm is exploring manipulating COVID through "Directed Evolution" to make it "more potent" by infecting monkeys to create new vaccines.>- "Don't tell anyone this...There is a risk...have to be very controlled to make sure this virus you mutate doesn't create something...the way that the virus started in Wuhan, to be honest.">Project Veritas claim they have obtained internal Pfizer documents verifying Jordan Walker as "Pfizer Director, Research & Development Strategic Operations." [Embed]
>Pfizer Director Assaults James O'Keefe & Veritas Staff; Destroys iPad Showing Undercover Recording... [Embed] Nigger turns violent and tries to destroy the video evidence.
>FOX NEWS: Tucker Carlson Gives Incredible Breakdown of #DirectedEvolution Investigation [Embed]
>>357867If he's not controlled opposition (he is), how long until Cucker Carlson is suicided by glowniggers?
>>357869I really don't know what to think of Tucker. I think he's in denial about things, personally, that there are a few neocon mental blocks in place but he's still willing to ask questions most of the time. Being willing to do things like question the ethics of the Federal Reserve, or in this case signal boost the work of Project Veritas, is genuinely helpful for breaking the conditioning, but it seems like, being owned by a bunch of Jews, Fox will never let him fully break it.
>Pfizer Pleased To Announce Their New Vaccine 90% Effective Against New Virus They Created - (satire?)
The game was called Area 51. A game about the future - Rotting from the inside out because of the vaccinations.
>Samaritan's Purse Phony Ambulances of 2020 Jan 28, 2023[YouTube] Samaritan's Purse Phony Ambulances of 2020 Jan 28, 2023
[Embed]Another video documenting the covid psyop.
Empty hospitals, crisis doctors, fake epidemic, fake virus.
Download it before it is nuked by the jews.
I'm know going to get shit for this, but I don't think the vaccine is a depopulation death shot. I think it was just rushed half assed pharmakike bullshit. There aren't enough people dying to justify the depopulation theory at this point.
>>358040Before people accuse me of being a shill let's do some math. There were approximately 470000 excess deaths in the United States in 2021. (Max estimate according to I can't find the numbers for 2022 but let's just use double the max estimate for the sake of argument and we will assume every single one of those 940000 deaths is vaccine related. 80.9% of the U.S. is vaccinated ( so that is 268507100
Vaccinated individuals. 940000/268507100=0.0035. So .35% of the people that took it actually died if we assume max excess deaths and that every death was vaccine related. Now yes that is clinically significant and you shouldn't inject yourself with it, but it isn't depopulation death shot significant. Billions of people took the vaccine and most of them are fine.
>>358040>>358042There is a ton of info on that and I didn't post it because lately I'm getting flak for it. Anyway, I'll post something about it later.
>>358040Tell me how many more people, even those at or near the peak of physical fitness such as footballers, need to drop dead and die of "suddenly" from clot shot symptoms before we can suspect the rich bastards who often say how much they want the world depopulated are trying to depopulate the world.
They forced the world to take poison. Not everyone drops dead from it right away. Some drop dead later.
>>358046Again most of the footballers are fine. Maybe the shot is causing the heart attacks in some of them, but the vast majority of people that took it are fine. I'm not saying the vax is safe I'm saying it's not a depop death shot.
>>358046I would say when the numbers break 2% maybe. Because it's been two years and even with assuming every excess death was vaccine related we didn't even break 1%.
>>358048Maybe most of the people who take the poison filled experimental RNA therapy jab don't die of myocarditis right away. But when the celebrities pushing the jab on everyone else and attacking those who refuse the jab die of myocarditis right away, it's really funny. The same symptoms show up again and again in those who die from the jab and those who wish the jab killed them. The jews blame this on "long covid", when the disease is barely even the sniffles to white men or anyone else who isn't chinese or highly suggestible and fully brainwashed.
>>358050Most of the people that took the mRNA jab didn't die at all. I'm not saying covid was bad here I'm just saying that the vaccine doesn't appear to be a depopulation death shot based on the relatively low number of deaths coming from the vax. The vax just looks like another pharmakike scam not depopulation tool.
>>358047>Again most of the footballers are fine.For now. /s
>We spent $20 trillion for COVID lockdowns and deadly vaccines for a virus that kills 70+ year old nursing home patients deficient in vitamin D. How the fuck aren't people more pissed about this? Our dollar is now worth less. The Fed bailed out all the REPO banks tho. Pfizer should pay us all back
>36 year old Lindsey Lanoux has #DiedSuddenly from sudden cardiac arrest. She bragged on Facebook about getting her last booster and and dismissed 💉safety concerns: “F*ck the haters” [Embed]
>More details on the 6 Month old baby who #diedsuddenly 10 days after receiving the Covid 19 Vaccine 💉 >The baby experienced “Shock-associated circulatory and cardiac conditions.” [Embed]
>>357858>>357860>>357867>Pfizer's bioweapons conspiracy>Pfizer issue a press statement - (9:25 long)[YouTube] Pfizer issue a press statement
[Embed]Dr. John Campbell breaks down Pfizer's latest press release in the most hilarious way.
>>358046>Not everyone drops dead from it right away. Some drop dead later.Yup.
>>358040>>358042About the promised info on depopulation stats. I'm afraid I cannot produce them today as I already invested 20 minutes digging old news without success. The allocated time has expired, sorry. Perhaps in a few days.
I found UK death stats.
>Over 50k Brits have Died Suddenly in the past 8 Months due to falling Victim to the 5-Month Countdown to Death COVID Vaccination causes as per Government Reports>As the death toll rises, a dark shadow has been cast over Britain.>Official data reveals that since April 2022, 407,910 deaths have occurred, with 47,379 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.>As the investigation deepens, it has become increasingly clear that the Covid-19 vaccines are the most likely cause of the unprecedented loss of life in Britain. The evidence is damning, with a startling correlation between the rollout of the vaccines and the spike in deaths.>We were told the vaccines would bring hope and healing in the midst of an alleged global pandemic. But now, it seems that they have instead brought even more devastation and pain.
>>358065See that's what I'm talking about when I say I don't think it's a depopulation death shot. Thousands are dying in a country where millions took the fucking thing. It just looks like another poorly tested pharmakike product killed people again.
>>358082I don't see the point in giving jews the benefit of the doubt.
The virus was manufactured in China.
The vaccine was already manufactured and copyrighted.
Remember the period when lefties said "There is no virus, refusing to eat at chinese places is racist"?
Remember the released lab monkeys?
>>358083I'm not giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. I'm saying that the vaccine was a poorly tested piece of shit that killed people, but there just aren't enough bodies to justify calling it a depopulation death shot.
>>358086Okay. Tell me what percentage of people need to die from the next clot shot, or the next clot shot, or the next, or the next before it seems like part of a Jewish plot.
Then again people aren't divided up and taking different shots in isolation. You might survive shots 1 through 6 and die to shot 7. You might survive nine shots without any of the symptoms people are blaming on the disease when they refuse to blame the "cure".
>>358087>people aren't divided up and taking different shots in isolationNo pun intended.
>>358087I'd say probably around 2-5% before I would call it a depopulation shot. Right now there just aren't enough people dying to say it was depopulation. What kind of depopulation effort only kills .35% of people exposed to it over 2 years in?
>>358089One intended to slow-boil the whites forced to take it and segregate the unvaccinated purebloods from the subhuman spiteful mutant sheeple population.
>>358090Seems like a really slow boil. .35% after 2 years is basically nothing. That's side effect numbers not reduce the world's population numbers.
>>358089>What kind of depopulation effort onlyt. depopulation expert
>>358091Whered you get .35% from? wasnt the all-cause overall death margin up by like 40%? and stillborns up by like more than 200%?
>>358082Could be that one that eliminates the "extremist" gene they were talking about.
Either way its too hard to tell what they did. Maybe testing the waters. Maybe the drug is designed to be much slower than a few years. But keep in mind. They're not finished with it. They're still trying to push it to be required for school attendance. They're removing religious exemption as a reason for being exempt. And this will not be the last mrna/gene therapy vaccine we see.
>>358083>The virus was manufactured in China.There is a glaring problem, when looking into the virology science, clear flaws show up together with overt fraud, and I'm referring to that viruses don't exist.
On top of that, establishment scientists refuse debate the science with those who denounce it. It looks like there is too much to hide.
>>358101I divided the raw number of excess deaths (Max estimate) by the number of people that took the vaccine. I assumed every excess death was caused by the vaccine.
You can check my math and sources here.
>>358042Keep in mind this is using America as a sample and that the true number is probably lower.
>>358101Also why use an experimental vaccine in the first place to kill off people? Why not use a bacteria? People have been modifying bacteria for decades now and they could be modified so they wouldn't mutate out of control. They could even target certain ethnic groups with it.
>>358107You're ignoring the submission aspect. The Jews wanted to see how many people would start showing imaginary symptoms of an overhyped disease, queue up to get the mark of the beast, veil their faces like ISIStani harem brides, wear paper masks and think they're just as good as masks with real filters, submit to contact tracing, stay home, and enforce the government's control by calling the cops on neighbours, dog walkers, joggers, and people lying alone on the beach.
>Anastasia Weaver: 6-year-old Ohio girl dies unexpectedly; mother scrubs Facebook page after relentless attacks, finger-pointing>AKRON, OHIO — A six-year-old girl is dead, and her mother refuses to acknowledge the obvious, and bring awareness to what’s happening around the globe.>Mrs. Day-Weaver owes it to Anastasia to tell the truth. Granted admitting that you may have killed your own child is difficult. But parents playing stupid and living in denial is how we got to this point in the first place. There’s no more sugarcoating. We are in the midst of a global genocide. Silence is complicity, especially when it comes to the children.
>>358111>Anastasia WeaverChecked
Project Veritas trolls Pfizer.
>>357084 →>Damar Hamlin>Government employees already moved in for damage control.Well, it looks like the family could be paid to shut their trap and go away.
>Chris Sky: There Is a 'Vaccine' Death Witness Protection Program
>>358110Isn't the mark of the beast on the hand or forehead? Also you make it sound more like a test rollout for something bigger rather than depopulation.
>>358129>Isn't the mark of the beast on the hand or forehead?Correct, but don't forget that microscopy and spectrography analysis of the covid vials show that it doesn't contain anything organic, so it is a lie that it is a vaccine or anything of that sort; most of it is graphene oxyde which is nanotechnology.
>YouTube Insider leaks "Urgent Guidance" document sent to employees on how to handle the @Project_Veritas @pfizer #DirectedEvolution video "Effective immediately as of 27 January 2023">"Violates the COVID-19 misinformation policy" [Embed]
>The Federal Government Is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor And To The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program>'There is interest in being able to track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized'
Covidian doesn't think is so funny now.
>>358197>Just another government list I am on.Dude I gave a finger to a U.S. Marshall the other day. Think I giver a shit about some medical code.
>>358212gay niggers can't stop time IRL lmao
>>358212We all know how that will end. You can't fix stupid, but the poison will.
>>358214>We all know how that will end.It will never end. Both sides will be the smug soyjak until the end of time.
>Warning to all humankind: what has been injected to the entire population isn’t a vaccine. [Embed]This guy from "La Quinta Columna" is the one who originally discovered the graphene oxide in the injections. He says that that chemical functions as a technological interface and is poisonous, that's the reason people are getting sick and dropping dead.
>THE DOCTORS ARE IN BIG TROUBLE>Each and every doctor, who administered the extremely dangerous and deadly Covid vaccines, needs to be sued out of their medical practices before they are criminally prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for conspiring to commit genocide against the American people. the nurses too.
>>358227Neither are the vaccinated. The mass die off simply isn't happening.
>>358249>Neither are the vaccinated.Yes they are. I could flood this thread with news of dead people and even extending the cover with the current explosion of cancer cases and permanently disabled fools, the daily list is without end. And that is only the "notorious" ones, the common John and Jane have not that privilege.
If I remember well, any person diagnosed with myocarditis has a 50% expectancy of dying in the next 5 years.
>>358250You have a few people with side effects but the overwhelming majority of people that took it are fine. You are the smug soyjak.
>>358254You are playing devil's advocate out of spite for your betters. Do you realize you are aiding and abetting genocidal Jews?
>>358255It's not devils advocate. The mass die off simply isn't happening. If you want a picture of the future imagine two soyjaks staring each other down... for eternity.
>>358261The mass die off happens when globohomo jews like you are killed off for taking our weakest and our stupidest and leaving us with our angriest and fittest.
>>358264>The mass die off happens when globohomo jews like you are killed off for taking our weakest and our stupidest and leaving us with our angriest and fittest.
>>358261>If you want a picture of the future imagine two soyjaks staring each other down... for eternity.I concede. This is a good one.
>'The Scandal Would Be Enormous': Pfizer Director Worried About Vax-Induced Menstrual Irregularities>Project Veritas on Thursday released a new segment of undercover footage of Pfizer director Jordon Walker in which the Director of R&D within the company's mRNA operation expressed concern over how the COVID-19 vaccine may be affecting women's reproductive health. [Embed]
Pfizer Targeted After Thai Princess Falls into Coma.
>The Narrative is Collapsing: Thailand Drops a BOMBSHELL on Pfizer>A few days after receiving her booster injection, the Thai princess “suddenly” collapsed. Three weeks later she remains in a coma. The Thai Royal Family was just informed that the initial “bacterial infection” diagnosis was in fact always untrue; thus, from the very start there was a coordinated coverup by the BigPharma captured authorities. [Embed]>It seems that the Thai Royal family had a Princess who was a good global citizen. She took three of the Pfizer shots. She went into a coma a while back.>The Thai Royal family was/is very distressed. Investigations were ordered.>Will Thailand Declare Pfizer Contracts Null and Void? [Embed]
>>358303I hope the Thai Royal family breaks Pfizer completely. If true Pfizer pissed off the wrong people, not sure Pfizer know how much power the royal family in Thailand has.
>>358303The Thai King is a faggot participating in the conspiracy, but it looks like he wasn't in the loop about the depopulation and transhumanist aims.
It looks like another psycho covidian who got high on his own stash. Kinda Karma.
>>357531>>357533>>357611>Dental anesthetics contaminated with graphene oxideA workaround is found.It is about to precipitate the graphene oxide inside the vial with a potent magnet.
>SEVILLANO-DELGADO MAGNETO-THERMAL DEPURATION TECHNIQUE - (8:50 long)> #English [With voice] - SEVILLANO-DELGADO MAGNETO-THERMAL DEPURATION TECHNIQUE. From LA QUINTA COLUMNA we warn that this technique can be used as a LAST RESORT by those who, imperatively, are forced to attend dental consultations or similar. We continue to SUPPORT FIERCE RESISTANCE TO ANY TYPE OF INOCULATION. [Embed]
Injuries from the COVID-19 Vaccine Are Now Being Publicly Displayed in Canada Using Trucks Driving Down the Street [Embed]
>Persecuted and demonized non-injected woman is angry
I'm with her 100%. This is not finished till all participants in the conspiracy are punished.
>US Department of Defence has been running the “covid vaccine” fraud worldwide>“[Pfizer] did not defraud the government. We delivered the fraud that the government ordered.” Sasha Latypova used these words to describe the basis on which Pfizer has requested the dismissal of a False Claims Act case brought against them for their covid “vaccines.”>The US Department of Defence ordered “demonstrations” from pharmaceutical companies using the same secretive framework they use to order weapons. While telling us they were pharmaceutical products, for legal reasons they described them as emergency use authorised “countermeasures.” No pharmaceutical regulation applies to countermeasures.>“They were claiming that they’re producing pharmaceutical products to the good manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew, I assure you, they were all aware of this. They perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations apply to these things, countermeasures … They’re just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals. They’re actually not,” Latypova explained.>“They were claiming that it’s a health event. They were claiming that they’re producing pharmaceutical products to the good manufacturing standards when they perfectly well knew, I assure you, they were all aware of this. They perfectly well knew that no pharmaceutical regulations apply to these things, countermeasures.>“They’re just lying to you that these are pharmaceuticals. They’re actually not … The government lied to us about this being a health event … [but] in reality, what they did, they organised the response to it as if it was war.”>As proof of this, Latypova cited the case where Pfizer or the FDA was refusing to release clinical trial data in less than 75 years.>“Who was arguing in court on behalf of Pfizer? Pfizer lawyers were not even in the room. It was the Department of Justice. So why is the US government defending presumably a private commercial interest of a pharmaceutical company?
>COVID-19 countermeasures: Evidence for an intent to harm - FULL>Alexandra Latypova - PANDEMIC STRATEGIES, LESSONS AND CONSEQUENCES, 21st- 22nd January 2023 is about the legal trickery used to put Pfizer at the front as a salesman while the American government hid behind. Also the legalese doesn't match at all a pharmaceutical product, but military ones. Meanwhile to the American people the lie was sold that the product has been tested and was safe.
>"It is with a sad heart to let you all know that my husband, David Redmond passed away on Feb 3, 2023 from a sudden illness. He went peacefully surrounded by his family. My girls and I are devastated and will obviously need some time to work through this. He was the love of my life, and the most loving father a child could ever wish for. He had a huge heart and loved his family, friends and community. He wouldn’t want us crying over him, but instead sharing memories and laughs, because he sure loved to laugh.
>No funeral is planned per his wishes, but there will be a Celebration Of Life at a later date."
>Are Fauci, Gates & Moderna responsible for the COVID Pandemic? – The U.S. D.O.D issued a ‘COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 Months before COVID was known to exist – & Fauci & Moderna had a Vaccine ready in Dec. 2019>The discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for “COVID-19 Research” in November 2019 has raised questions about the permanent U.S. Government’s knowledge of the novel coronavirus.>The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine,” suggesting the permanent U.S. Government was at the very least aware of the alleged virus before it spread through Wuhan, China in December 2019. >But the findings also suggest the permanent U.S. Government may have had a hand in the creation of this alleged virus in Biolabs through Gain of Function Research overseen by Dr Anthony Fauci.>This would explain why they knew the name of the novel coronavirus disease three months prior to the World Health Organization officially naming it Covid-19 in February 2020.>And it may also explain why Moderna and Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had a confidentiality agreement for an mRNA Coronavirus vaccine candidate in early December 2019, which was developed and jointly owned by Moderna and Fauci’s NIAID. and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)'s confidentiality agreement:
>Bluetooth Tells The Truth - Comparative Study of Standard and Control Groups - (6:51 long)>In this video, I do a comparative study on the illegal Bluetooth devices between 2 groups:>STANDARD and CONTROL.>The results are pretty indicative. Most important of all, now you can do the same as well and help the truth to come out! [Embed]
>Moderna CEO Caught Admitting ‘Covid Was an Inside Job’ to Inner Circle>Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel has been caught admitting to his friends at the World Economic Forum that his company produced 100,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine doses in 2019 – before the pandemic started.>In the revealing footage from the World Economic Forum, Bancel also let slip that he had foreknowledge of a little something called the Covid pandemic. Make no mistake, this is proof, from the horse’s mouth, that Moderna and the Big Pharma cartel were complicit in planning the pandemic so they could push the global elite’s depopulation drug on the masses.>According to Bancel, he shocked his staff in 2019 by telling them that production of the mystery vaccine they had been working on would need to increase to a billion doses in the next year because, and I quote, “there is going to be a pandemic.” Video: - (9:33 long)
Mirror: [Embed]Clip with the beef attached.
>>358448The microchip shit is well poisoning.
>>358621The funny things is that backfires on them with a vengeance,
>>358621There is no magical microchip. The vax is poison meant to kill whites.
>CDC Adds COVID-19 Vaccines to Child Immunization Schedule>The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added COVID-19 vaccines to its routine immunization schedule for children and adults on Thursday, attracting criticism for the decision.>According to the CDC’s 2023 immunization schedule for children and adolescents, two or three doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been recommended beginning with infants who are just six months old. Children in the age group of 6 months to four years, and five years to 11 years are recommended COVID-19 vaccines from Moderna or Pfizer. Among children aged 12 to 18, Novavax vaccines are also recommended in addition to Pfizer and Moderna.>In the list for adults, two or three doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been recommended from the age of 19 years. The 2023 COVID-19 vaccine recommendation for kids and adults is included among other typically-recommended vaccines for measles, flu, rubella, and so on.
>Tragic Cost of Profit, Secrets & Lies: Half a Million American Youth have “Died Suddenly” due to COVID Vaccination; >Amidst growing concerns over the safety of Covid-19 vaccines, a shocking report from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveals the devastating impact of the injections on children and young adults.>The data shows a staggering increase in mortality rates among vaccinated children, with triple-vaccinated children being 45.23 times more likely to die from any cause than unvaccinated children. Meanwhile, mortality rates per 100,000 are lowest among unvaccinated 18 to 39-year-olds and highest among vaccinated 19 to 39-year-olds.>This alarming trend is echoed by a secret CDC report, which confirms that half a million American children and young adults have died following the Covid vaccine roll-out, resulting in nearly 118,000 excess deaths against the 2015-2019 five-year average.
>Child Playing in Sand - February 12, 2023 - (1:02 long)>Sand 70% dog poop 30%.[YouTube] Child Playing in Sand February 12, 2023
- “They intend to inject each of us ten times over with mRNA ~ I think that will kill everybody”
>>358631Is there any indication they're specifically targeting whites?
>>358703Not yet.
But in previous corona-chan threads there are articles about spike proteins that target certain ethnicities and ashkenazis were immune. That said, there is a big problem with that, as the analysis of the vials show no organic material present, so there is not spike proteins at all and it is mostly oxide graphene.
>>358701>They intend to inject each of us ten times over with mRNASure, but this doctor as every spoke-person in the alternative media are pushing the false idea that there is a dangerous pathogen and the injections contain spike proteins. Science and laboratory tests say that the inverse is true.
>>358703Yes, in every single speech given by the U.N., the WEF, and every other group down the line. They have made it abundantly clear that their goal is to kill white people for the purposes "redistributing" our wealth, knowledge, and power.
Or, have you not been paying attention?
>>358709The lockdowns crippled the economy. It's pretty obvious they're sabotaging farms across the country. And they're also interested in wasting resources in Ukraine.
But none of that implies that white people are being disproportionally affected by the jab.
>>358704I am willing to believe it. But Jews and Whites are not the only ethnicities, Anon.
>>358712>I am willing to believe it. But Jews and Whites are not the only ethnicities, Anon.Sure, the article posted more than a year ago mentioned all races and the impact certain protein has on them. Notice you brought the Whites, but was that article who singled the jews out as immune.
>Brazil's Socialist President Declares: Get Your Child 'Vaccinated', or Lose Your Welfare (Video)>Lula also criticized vaccine denialism, saying that the last government, headed by the beloved Jair Bolsonaro, “is responsible for more than half of the people who died.”
>Brazilian usurper Lula attaches govt assistance to any and all vaccine uptake - (2:26 long)
>>358742This meme also applies.
>>358781She got a very well deserved karma.
It was easy to go with the lemmings and virtue signal her commitment to support the government's goals to the extreme of being a participant in a medical experiment. We are in a lot of trouble because of collaborators like her.
Thank God these covidians won't last long.
>My New Annoying Covidian Repeller System - Feb 14 2023
It works wonders.
>CDC Data confirms COVID Vaccination knocks up to 24 years off a Man’s life>The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…>The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely.>In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.>So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.>1 jab robs 30 year old men of 13 years>2 jabs robs 30 year old men of 18 years>3 jabs robs 30 year old men of 20 years>4 jabs robs 30 year old men of 23 years>5 jabs robs 30 year old men of 24 years
>>358791Scary shit indeed.
>>357084 →>Damar Hamlin>Government employees already moved in for damage control.It looks like they did more than just move. They brought a double or clone to play the farce that Damar is alive.
>Just Admit it Already
Twitter suppressed real medical advise because contradicted the CDC. This censorship caused disability and death.
>Jackson Ball: 7-year-old North Carolina boy dies of #PfauciPfilicide; vaxx zealot father disappears from social media after excoriating critical thinkers>DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA — A 7-year-old child is dead; and the father wants other parents to follow his lead on childcare.
>>358937It is an american normie boomer meme, sorry.
I'll be more careful next time.
>>358939Proofreading the meme is important. Especially when midwits place such a high value on appearances.
Hospitals killing patients for cash. Breakdown of the bribes.
>Irregularities in Pfizer’s covid injection trials in Argentina suggest systematic attempts to cover up adverse >Pfizer enrolled 44,000 people across 270 clinical sites in phase 3 clinical trials for the Pfizer/BioNTech Comirnaty vaccine. The largest of these sites by far was number 1231 in Buenos Aires, under the direction of the paediatric infectious diseases specialist Fernando Polack. The Argentine operation appears to have been plagued by substantial irregularities and is the subject of an ongoing inquiry by the Argentinian parliament.
MAC addresses from the faggots around.
I'm sure not even one of you niggers did a test scanning your acquaintances.
>>358963I don't have a smartphone.
If i get my hands on one, are there instructions on how to do this for android? iphone?
>>358979It works only with Android. You have to switch to Development mode and search for "Devices Without a Name".
If I remember well, the instructions with pics how to do it were posted before in these corona threads. Maybe a search for "MAC' might get some results.
French politician Jean Lassalle doubledowns on claim Macron and associates did not get vaccinated.
Keeping the belief that viruses exist is key for the next planned epidemic. Otherwise the sheeple might be not so compliant and have ideas like they are being poisoned and lied by the conspirators.
>Project Veritas and the "Virus">It’s hard to believe that we are now over three years into the COVID-19 fraud. We have exposed every aspect of virology and it is clear that the virus model is not supported by the scientific literature. >However, belief in the “virus” is necessary to achieve control of the population and this is maintained through one distraction after another. Project Veritas have produced the latest nonsense that unfortunately keeps people trapped within the fraudulent virus and contagion paradigms. >Belief in viruses is as deadly as the belief in the authority of the state. Many of the freedom community don’t seem to realise that changing the actors won’t free them from the plantation. The good news is that team “no virus” continues to gain more traction…Website: [Embed]
>'Died Suddenly' at '33'[YouTube] 'Died Suddenly' at '33' February 20, 2023
[Embed]The masons flashing the 33 number.
>Moderna Backpedals, Guarantees 'Free' Covid-19 Vaccines After Demand Collapses>mRNA vaccine maker Moderna has backpedaled on a January plan to charge $110 to $130 per dose of Covid-19 vaccine (up from $26 per dose for booster shots), and is now promising that people won't have to pay for the jab once the US Government stops buying shots.
>US defense dept contracted with Chinese Communist Party to deploy COVID vaccine against citizens>‘The current war is the war of the global governments (plural)’ who ‘are partners and co-investors into 'joint ventures' against us, people of the world’ deploying ‘prohibited biowarfare agents for killing and injuring their own civilian population,’ researcher Sasha Latypova wrote.
>Articles tagged DOD Bioterrorism Series>US defense dept contracted with Chinese Communist Party to deploy COVID vaccine against citizens>How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’>‘Toxic by design’: Researcher explains why US defense dept’s COVID vax operation shows intent to harm>US defense dept.’s COVID vax operation pushed unregulated shots, deceived public: researcher>US defense dept. secretly controls COVID vaccine production process that ‘cannot be traced’: researcher
>>359008If viruses aren't real then how does gene therapy work and how do adenovirus vector vaccines work?
>>359028And how you know? Is it because the same manufacturers and client doctors told you so?
>>359031Agriculture also uses viruses for editing the genes of plants. Also militaries all across the globe spend lots of money researching viruses. And what of all the electron microscope pictures of viruses? Like that many people can't be in on a conspiracy to make people believe in viruses.
>>359071>And what of all the electron microscope pictures of viruses? Electron pics are always black and white and when colored they are CGI. The authors of those pics claim to be a pseudo pathogens, but applying science, real science using the "Scientific Method", that is utter bullshit as no virus has been isolated and demonstrated to cause contagion.
>Like that many people can't be in on a conspiracy to make people believe in viruses.Well, those students and researchers at universities studying viruses, know very well that if they want to go a bit further and dig into the basics of the field, their grants ($$$) suddenly will dry up and their careers will be over.
To make it short, most of the money comes from the taxpayers and administrated by the bureaucracies, any "scientist" have to toe the establishment's line or change profession. All of which give us a dark insight of what's going on: thousands of niggers make a comfy living of the fraud and therefore they do as told. It is also exactly the same case for most, when not all government employees and outsiders dependent of government funding. Think of them like a parasitical caste willing to sell their mother for money.
>>359073Pretty sure viruses are grown and isolated in cell cultures all the time.
To belive that the scientific community has been trying to fool the public into believing in viruses for over 100 years is flat earth tier crazy. I'm sorry man.
Also isn't the whole mRNA altering your DNA thing supposed to be the result of human endogenous retroviruses? The whole mechanism for mRNA vaccine toxicity falls apart without viruses.
>>359077>Pretty sure viruses are grown and isolated in cell cultures all the time.Nope. Viruses are not alive and cannot grow, but bacteria can do that. Looking at the science, what the paid scientists call viruses are actually cellular debris, or garbage. The "science" falls apart when that garbage is blamed as contagious and labelled as pathogenic.
>>359077>To belive that the scientific community has been trying to fool the public into believing in viruses for over 100 years is flat earth tier crazy.Not the "scientific community" that knows shit about viruses and most of their memebers are quacks, but specifically the virologists.
>>359079>>359081>>359080Try harder.
>Also isn't the whole mRNA altering your DNA thing supposed to be the result of human endogenous retroviruses? The whole mechanism for mRNA vaccine toxicity falls apart without viruses.Explain this shit.
>>359082>Explain this shit.Try harder anon, it is you who assert the lies. Explain viruses instead.
>>359084Nope, if viruses do not exist, everything you said about the vaccine altering the DNA is false. It is you who must step up your game.
>>359085>everything you said about the vaccine altering the DNA is falseAccording to the Moderna CEO, his product tinkers with DNA. He said that, not me.
>>359086>his product tinkers with DNAHow tho
Nano-machines, son?
>>359085>It is you who must step up your game.Indeed. Go ahead, you have my blessing.
>>359077Carry on you fag
>>359088Not vaxxed, wasted dubs.
>>359089>wasted dubs.I disagree. Numbers don't lie. Anon
112d373 trust the liers, so he should go ans ask for more comfortable lies. KEK
>>359090If only I knew what he was going at. Try not to harm yourself while we wait for him. Schizoid kinga.
>>359091Dear faggot anon. This is thread #13, you have a lot to browse and study to make a solid case supporting the conspirators.
>>359092Easy, remember your blood pressure.
>>359093I sense Niggel's presence. Such a out of context answer is coming from a bot.
>>359094Why are you so obsessed with him?
In any case, he actually seems to line up with you most of the time.
>"Dood! Do you seriously not think it's the fucking Jews? Fucking retard the Jews wants us ded!"Seems to be his only response, every time, to absolutely anything regarding corona.
>>359096>Jews wants us ded!So, you think the jews want us alive and healthy. Right?
And it's not gonna work, haha. You don't teach the priest how to pray. Have a good night.
>>359098>Have a good night.
You're all acting retardedly. What the hell.
Knock it off, it's a personal preference. I don't have any authority but for fucks sake.
Yeah asking for a spoon feeding blows, but this isn't a spoon feed answer. For either side.
It's a point of contention.
You both have thirteen fucking threads of condensed information to draw from.
You do >>>>>>>> a bit of Numberinos the fuck your point is.
I made my case before that you couldn't say one way or another. Without fucking getting multiple view long timelapses because you need the fucking specific information.
And for this thread (and in general) it doesn't matter. Knowing the extract details would be just great, but the big picture is good enough.
Fucks sake go make a "true purpose of cellular debris and or virus/viri" in /vx/ or /sp/ or /cyb/ or something.
Because either way it's (these threads) are about (should be) the COOF ('sudden' illness in the populous), political mandates, and aftereffects of either or both!
On a different note from above.
'Meme' poster anon, please consider compiling the faceberg memes image macro by month/week if you must. Yes is annoying and hard, but it's (the 'meme' things) more useful that way. That's just my personal preference and suggestion.
>>359106>Meme' poster anon, please consider compiling the faceberg memes image macro by month/week if you mustNot sure what you mean. Do you want memes dumped in a weekly/monthly basis instead of daily?
If so, that is too long.
>>359107Nope. Post a zip file and save us the cringe/eye cancer.
>'This is a Nightmare': New Brazillian Law Would Imprison Those Who Refuse Mandatory Covid 'Vaccination' (Video)>“This is completely insane. This is a nightmare,” journalist Karina Michelin said on the Children Health Defense roundtable about new Brazilian bills that would allow jailing and fines for refusing mandatory Covid “vaccination.”>Under proposed law PL 5555 2020, Brazilian citizens could be imprisoned for 2-8 years for refusing mandatory vaccination. In addition, the same penalty is incurred by anyone who disseminates “fake news” regarding vaccines or their effectiveness. [Embed]Video:
>Brazilian usurper Lula attaches govt assistance to any and all vaccine uptake
>>359109According to this nut-house thread. The graphene in the water should do the trick soon enough, why rush it? Don't you wanna chat?
>>359111>According to this nut-house thread.That's rich. Then that begs the question and according to you... Who are the sane ones?
>>359107As in a compilation format like news articles long form greens ect.
>>359079>Nope. Viruses are not alive and cannot grow, but bacteria can do that.No they are cultured using cell cultures. The cells are kept alive on nutrients and the viruses use the cells to reproduce themselves.
>For almost three years New York Times pushed mask mandates, promoted masking and double-masking, and viciously attacked any scientist who expressed skepticism about these policies.>Now they admit they were wrong... [Embed]Making a U-turn.
It only took three years for the judenpresse to admit what was known by “conspiracy theorists” in March 2020.
>(((Alan Dershowitz))) Walks Back His 2020 Enthusiasm For Forced Vaccination.
>“What I said was if there came a time when we had a real pandemic that was killing people and there was a perfect vaccine that there would be no constitutional right for somebody to say ‘no, I’m going to spread the disease’”.
>>359164That's another hard U-turn.
>>359108>Post a zip file and save us the cringe/eye cancer.>Imagine an imageboard complaining because of memesI missed this post.
Would you be so kind to shitpost your memes instead? Because if you won't, then all you are saying is absurd.
>GAME OVER: Medicare data shows the COVID vaccines increase your risk of dying>This is why the CDC has NEVER used the Medicare data to prove the vaccines are safe. And this is why NOBODY in mainstream medicine wants you to see this data. EVER. They ALL want it hidden. FOREVER.>In this article, I publicly reveal record-level vax-death data from the “gold standard” Medicare database that proves that:>1.- The vaccines are making it more likely that the elderly will die prematurely, not less likely>2.- The risk of death remains elevated for an unknown period of time after you get the shot (we didn’t see it return to normal)>3.- The CDC lied to the American people about the safety of these vaccines. They had access to this data the entire time and kept it hidden and said nothing.
>Vaccinated Thailand Princess Bajrakitiyabha dies suddenly at age 44>Immediate CPR unsuccessful. ECMO unsuccessful. What a tragedy. It was Thailand which PROVED that the COVID vaccines CAUSE heart injury in nearly 30% of young adults.
>Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination>Abstract>Cases of myocarditis, diagnosed clinically by laboratory tests and imaging have been described in the context of mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Autopsy-based description of detailed histological features of vaccine-induced myocarditis is lacking. We describe the autopsy findings and common characteristics of myocarditis in untreated persons who received anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Standardized autopsies were performed on 25 persons who had died unexpectedly and within 20 days after anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. In four patients who received a mRNA vaccination, we identified acute (epi-)myocarditis without detection of another significant disease or health constellation that may have caused an unexpected death. Histology showed patchy interstitial myocardial T-lymphocytic infiltration, predominantly of the CD4 positive subset, associated with mild myocyte damage. Overall, autopsy findings indicated death due to acute arrhythmogenic cardiac failure. Thus, myocarditis can be a potentially lethal complication following mRNA-based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Our findings may aid in adequately diagnosing unclear cases after vaccination and in establishing a timely diagnosis in vivo, thus, providing the framework for adequate monitoring and early treatment of severe clinical cases.
>Florida county Republican Party votes to ban the COVID-19 vaccine>MIAMI - The "Ban the jab" resolution passed with a majority vote in the Lee County Republican Party and will now head to Governor Ron DeSantis' desk. >Because the Republican Party of Lee County has no power per so, DeSantis can just ignore it if he chooses.'s see what DeSantis' donors have to say.
>>359229>>359255Gaslighting is already out!!!
>A lack of problem-solving skills and rigid thinking linked to vaccine refusal, study finds>A new study published in Environmental Research and Public Health suggests that individuals who struggle with problem-solving and demonstrate absolutist thinking, political conservatism, and xenophobia are more likely to refuse to get vaccinated. These findings indicate that a focus on improving problem-solving skills may result in improvements in public health due to higher vaccination rates.[YouTube] Another Asinine Study Published - Feb 26, 2023
>>359327Zero-calorie sweetener really is poison though.
>Unmasking Prejudice? Professor Denounces Maskless People as “Racist, Ableist, and Classist.”>From the chinkess' bio:>On UBC’s website highlights her work as “an advocate for health equity and an anti-racism educator and consultant” with expertise on “culturally-safe and anti-oppressive care with patients and families.” She has been a continuing advocate for masks where both inside and outside buildings. doubles down.
>No, “Covid” STILL doesn’t come from a lab>The big Covid news the last couple of days has been that the US Department of Energy, via the Wall Street Journal, has claimed that a laboratory leak is the “most likely” origin of “Covid”.>In some ways this is a symptom of the failure of the Covid narrative. The greatest propaganda push of all time ran out of steam just two years in, and is suddenly fighting defensively simply to hold itself together. Because the “lab leak” debate is very much a fallback position. A retreat in good order, protecting – at all costs – the fundamental lie of “Covid”, viz – there was no new disease.>Let’s say that once more with feeling….>There was NO NEW DISEASE!>There were the old flu symptoms, there was a new name, and there was a crappy test.>And that is all. [Embed]
>Evil Media Whore Gas-lighting & Runs Damage Control To Cover Up Heart Attack Deaths by vaccines - (4:20 long)>Listen to This Performance ! Its Everything but the Vaccine, the Media Are Criminally Insane and Culpable for This Genocide and They Are the Conduit of Pure Evil, Remember This Lying Bitch When the Day of the Rope Comes. [Embed]
>Canadian Vaccinators Getting Served Notice Of Responsibility For Any Future Vaccine Harm
>Reposting from 4pol.>Research published in April 2022 suggests that overall, myocarditis is no more likely to be triggered by a Covid vaccine by than any other vaccine. It's also worth noting that Covid-19 itself is much more likely to cause myocarditis than the vaccine is, and people who are vaccinated have a much lower risk of getting other serious complications caused by Covid-19.>According to the MHRA Yellow Card report summary, as of 23 November 2022, there were 29 reports of suspected myocarditis or pericarditis for every million second doses of the monovalent Pfizer vaccine in the highest-risk age group (18-29). For the monovalent Pfizer booster, there were even fewer reports, with just 17 reports per million doses in this group. In other age groups, there were even fewer reports. >The World Health Organisation has reviewed data from 744,235 doses of the Novavax vaccine given in Australia, Canada, the European Union, New Zealand, and South Korea up until 30 April 2022. Amongst these recipients, there were four reports of myocarditis, 29 reports of pericarditis, and two reports of myopericarditisLMAO.
>17 - 29 cases myocarditis out of 1 million for Pfizer>29 cases out of 744, 235>no higher than any other vaccine or covid itself.Go on you little antivaxxie faggots, cope and deny, because you've been EXPOSED for pushing FRAUD.
>>359416>The WHO has reviewed the dataRight… I don’t believe most of what is posted here, but anyone can tell that data coming from WHO is not a reliable source because they have the most to gain from fucking with data. This wasn’t an independent research effort and they have a reputation to save, while also gaining billions in funding and boosting their buddies in big pharma just like last decade’s scandal.
[YouTube] Drug firms made 'false H1N1 claims'
[Embed]Even if true, even if it was to cure all disease permanently, I am not going to support these people and how they get given money to abuse power. I won’t take the shot. I will gladly die than take their fear porn test run of the mark, making businesses consider rejecting the ability to buy or sell based on an injection.
[YouTube] 🇮🇱💉In Israel, McDonalds requires a Green Pass to order #shorts
>>359416>Go on you little antivaxxie faggots, cope and deny, because you've been EXPOSED for pushing FRAUD.Gaslighting moooooaaaar.
>>359432>vid featuring Erin "Brony" BurnettMy cock is so hard that it's unreal. Only oldfags will remember her and how much better she is than mommy Nicole.
>>359417>Right… I don’t believe most of what is posted hereSure, buddy. Everything is fine.
>Tucker Carlson
>CDC wants 12-year olds to get 60 covid MRNA injections over lifetime.
Covidian has had 9 covid shots and is in Chemo trying to stay alive.
Bluetooth signals from unknown devices everywhere.
>Pfizer: "We delivered the fraud the government ordered"
>BOMBSHELL: FOIA Documents Reveal the COVID Pandemic Was a Department of Defense Operation Dating Back to Obama>"A bombshell new report shows the DoD, yes the Pentagon, controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning and everything we were told was political theater basically to cover it up right down to the FDA vaccine approval process."[YouTube] BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris
[Embed]Mirrors: [Embed]
>Justin Bieber cancels entire world tour for 2023 due to post-covid “vaccine” facial paralysis>“Bieber is a spokesperson for Pfizer and the Hellywood music industry,” said another person. “Sickness is the new health. How’s the spike protein shedding going? Don’t worry, it’s one of 1,200 side effects of this gene therapy depopulation weapon.”
>The Lockdown Files: "When do we deploy the new variant">PSYOP-19 was from day one a One World Government global control and depopulation program.>One of the more effective assets of this “pandemic” scam was the UK health secretary Matt Hancock.>The Lockdown Files offer yet more evidence that the perpetrators not only developed the virus, but purposely leaked it in order to induce the greatest amount of fear; the lockdowns and MK Ultra mask compliance were the gateways for the maximum uptake of their slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” injections.>According to The Telegraph’s recent article entitled, Matt Hancock's plan to ‘frighten the pants off everyone’ about Covid, the UK government and its various health agencies, universities, ministers, et al. were actively running a “Project Fear” on their citizenry. [Embed] [Embed]
>Washington Post Complains That Conservatives and Libertarians Are Preventing Future Pandemic Lockdowns>The liberal Washington Post is deeply upset that Conservatives and Libertarians are standing in the way of future pandemic lockdowns.>This is an excellent reminder that the liberal media gleefully supported shutting down the United States during COVID and would absolutely love to see it happen again. [Embed] [Embed]
They still pushing the virus that was never isolated. Why?
Billion of cases as they say and no isolation of the thing.
>Will The MSM Headlines Ever Go Our Way?
>Gain of Fiction Lab Leak BS - (1:20:23 long)>My brother from another mother, Patrick and I dispel the recent research in the Psyop known as "Gain of Function" or rather fiction and "lab leak" or "variant" stories being peddled by the media again recently.>We discuss what is really going on in those labs, step by step and why people are falling for the narrative that there was an "it", that "something" out of the normal from previous years was going on in 2021 or early 2021 that really wasn't going on at all. [Embed]There was never any virus. Virology is a hoax.
>Moderna Never Had a Sample of the Virus
This video clip shows that Moderna never even has a sample of the virus to make a vaccine. It was all just theoretical computer science.
JAPAN - The Government is urged to tell the truth about the huge number of vaccine injuries and excess deaths. Stating deaths in the vaccinated are 38 times higher than after the flu vaccine. [Embed]
>Remdesivir estimated to have killed 100,000 Americans>John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America.>The US Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) authorised the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, brand name Veklury, for emergency use against covid-19 in May 2020. By October 2020, it had received full approval. It remains a primary treatment for covid-19 in hospitals, despite research showing it lacks effectiveness and can cause high rates of organ failure. [Embed]
Thank you very much for your continued efforts in posting these news stories to this thread. Threads like this make for fantastic reading and research material.
>>360059>Threads like this make for fantastic reading and research material.Thanks anon.
That was what I thought when I begun. This psyop is too big to let it go.
>WHO says COVID-19 Pandemic is Over, no longer be regarded as a Global Health Emergency>By the end of this year, the Covid-19 epidemic will no longer be regarded as a global health emergency, according to World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
>Contracts Released For CDC Purchasing Of Phone Data To Track Americans’ Compliance With COVID Lockdowns>The CDC paid two firms, SafeGraph and Cuebiq, a combined $628,000 for the data.>Both contracts were signed in 2021.>The initial reporting on the topic only had a single screenshot of a single page of a contract – the combined contracts run 71 pages in total.
Former Pussycat Dolls Singer Says She Was Severely Injured By Moderna’s Covid Jab. [Embed]
>Insider Exposes Gates & Fauci ‘Bioweapon Plot’ To Kill Millions With Incurable Cancers>Robert F. Kennedy appeared on the Jimmy Dore Show this week and dropped a series of truth bombs that left jaws on the floor as he revealed exactly why Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates must be charged with treason and crimes against humanity as a matter of urgency. [Embed]There is a big problem with the virus narrative, there is a faction of virus' researchers claiming that virology is a fraud. Given that even the so called truth-tellers refuse to debate the science, something more than fishy is going on.
>Florida’s Collier County rejects CDC/NIH grant, logging an important win for health freedom>On February 14, 2023, the Collier County Board of Commissioners voted unanimously (5-0) to reject a $1.2 million-dollar grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), including refunding the $167,000 that has already been spent. Although the grant was promoted as being for “health education,” the COVID-19 Extra Mile Migrant Farmworker grant appears to have been more focused on coercing those in poorer communities to get vaccinated against COVID-19.>And worst of all, in classic side-stepping of informed consent, the information provided about the shot made no mention of side effects or the fact that the jab does not even prevent the injected from contracting COVID-19.>Attorney Jeff Childers explained on his Substack, “the CDC’s outdated ‘education materials’ were indistinguishable from pharma marketing materials. In fact, it’s worse than that. Pharma is required by law to state their drugs’ side effects in their drug ads. But now they’ve found a way to get around that requirement: by having official U.S. government agencies do the marketing for them. It’s so simple!”
>>360112>"Not again, oh no!">she's come to work that much of a mess beforeWhat a sad way to have your death happen, with everyone thinking you're just hung over or tired. Fucking hell.
>>360114Presstitutes deserve every bit of karma going their way.
>>360115I'm not saying they don't deserve to be blasted till their asshole resembles the end result of putting a firecracker in a jelly donut. But generally, a sad way to die or be hospitalized.
>>360117Empathy is a luxury we can't afford any longer. We have been abused because of that for a long time.
>>360118>I'm not saying they don't deserve to be blasted till their asshole resembles the end result of putting a firecracker in a jelly donutStOp BeInG eMpAtHeTiC. Quit being a stuck-up cunt dude.
>Kate Shemirani
>You nurses became the paid assassins - They trusted you
The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism, the video lays out that everything about Corona-chan, from the virus (If there is one) to the vaccine, was all done for the purposes of starting the "tranhumanist" transition into the fourth industrial revolution that Klaus Schwab wants to bring about with the 2030 Reset of civilization.
Also, the guy lays out how they've been making this their goal, the genetic engineering of people, as far back as the early 1990's.
>Pfizer, CDC Withheld Evidence of Myocarditis After COVID Shots, New Documents Reveal>Pfizer and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) withheld evidence that COVID-19 vaccinations were causing myocarditis, according documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense via a Freedom of Information Act request to the CDC, and documents leaked this week to Project Veritas. [Embed]
World leading academic on Vaccination Social Sciences and vaccine mandates.
>SHOCKING: NY Governor Seeks Authorization to Detain Citizens in Quarantine Camps Without Rights During ‘Next Pandemic’>In an alarming development, the Democrat Governor of New York Kathy Hochul has been caught appealing to the courts to grant her the authorization to detain citizens in “quarantine camps” against their will, despite the camps being deemed unconstitutional.>The controversial move has sparked widespread concern among the public, as it would involve the arbitrary detention of New Yorkers without notice, legal rights, and with no set time frame, as determined by state health officials.
>NY Red Alert: Recently Passed Bill Clears the Way for a Mandatory Adult Vaccine Database >Both houses of the New York legislature passed an alarming bill (A4132/S837) on Wednesday. The bill itself is not especially dangerous. What is very alarming though is the fact that it was passed indicates that the legislature is getting ready to try and pass another bill (S1531) that will make mandatory reporting of all adult vaccines, and perhaps vaccines refused, to the New York State Immunization Information System or the New York City Citywide Immunization Registry. Currently, if a medical worker follow the law, permission must be obtained to put a person’s information in the database.>We believe that S1531 has the best chance of passing this session out of all the many very bad vaccine-related bills.>The State wants this database for two simple reasons: to know who is and who is not complying with vaccine directives, and, therefore, identify targets for enforcement measures. As we all know, this is exactly what school vaccine databases are used for.
>450 Million Doses Of Covid Vaccine Trashed In Europe Because No One Will Take The Jab [Embed]
>>360135Moar on the conspirators and collaborators' crimes:
>UK>FACT: Midazolam Matt Hancock turned Care Homes into Concentration Camps where the Elderly & Vulnerable were given Lethal Injections to create the illusion of a COVID Pandemic>Matt Hancock, the former UK Health Secretary who oversaw the pandemic response, should be in prison.>Because while you stayed at home to “protect the NHS, and (allegedly) save lives”, Matt Hancock orchestrated the mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable in care homes using a drug known as Midazolam and then told you that they had all died of Covid-19; and we can prove it…>But in reality, while you did that as you were told, Matt Hancock orchestrated the mass murder of the elderly and vulnerable in care homes with a drug called midazolam and then falsely told you that they had all died of Covid-19.[YouTube] Matt Hancock confirming the mass purchase of Midazolam
Fauci gets rejected by negro he was trying to convince to take the deadly "vaccine".
>Tucker: This new footage of Dr. Fauci is amazing[YouTube] Tucker: This new footage of Dr. Fauci is amazing
>They knew: FOIA document shows government anticipated mass vaccine injuries, then observed them from day one >We’re at the point where at a minimum, the government doesn’t care how many people die from this experimentation. Dr. Tom Merritt, who was part of the Oxford University team who developed the AstraZeneca vaccine, best summed up the sentiment of the biomedical state toward the people when he admitted that those injured by the gene therapy were "collateral damage to the bigger scheme." He added: "Some tragically died, a number had their lives changed forever. They believed in vaccines; now they don't.”
>We believe no one died from a virus Stew Peters tells Reiner FuellmichThis is a clip from: [Embed]
A Spanish third-division match between Cordoba and Racing de Ferrol was suspended on Saturday after Serbian defender Dragisa Gudelj suffered a cardiac arrest and collapsed on the pitch.
Doctors performed CPR on the field and successfully revived Gudelj. They treated him for seven minutes, including cardiac massage, until the ambulance arrived, according to Marca. [Embed]
Proof Pfizer Vaccine Contains Graphene Oxide - The Secret They Wanted To Keep Hidden For 75 Years.
Whether the vaccines contain graphene oxide is no longer speculation. Pfizer's own documents prove that graphene oxide is in the vaccine.
>>360770For anyone wondering why this is important:
> Graphene Oxide In Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines? Here Are The Latest Unsupported Claims< Yet, there are now claims circulating that the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine is around 99% graphene oxide. This despite the fact that graphene oxide does not appear on either the FDA or CDC list. For example, an Instagram post included the following statement: “99% Graphene Oxide in Pfizer V4X? Spanish scientists obtain vial of Pfizer v4xin3 and find that 98-99%.” In this case, “V4X” presumably is shorthand for “vaccine” rather than “vagina for your ex.” <As, a nonprofit project operated by the Poynter Institute, described, the post indicated that graphene oxide, “is toxic to the human body and causes a number of problems.” A video accompanying the post featured someone named “Dr. Jane Ruby.” Ruby advanced claims that over 99% of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine consists of graphene oxide and that “There’s no other reason for this to be in here except to murder people.”
>>360774>Here Are The Latest Unsupported ClaimsAs usual globohomo employees lie and lie again. Their credibility is gone.
There is a reason why ZOG shielded covid-19 injection ingredients with a 75 years gag on public disclosure. That's the time when 99% of the injected victims will be already dead.
>Footballer Ze Carlos of Ferroviário suffered a shock "sudden illness" in the game, fell to the ground. [Embed]Another one.
>U.S. Department of Defense issued a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist>The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19.>So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?>The shocking findings however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.
>>360806>the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19But, that's not true. During Autumn of 2019 there were already reports coming out of some strange "plague" happening in China:, by December, the public already identified it as a Coronavirus: is why it's called "Covid-
19" (
Because it was first identified during 2019):
>I'll Be Mocking You
Police Parody definitely not about anything medical
>>360827>But, that's not true.None of your links are dated before November 12, 2019. So the claim stated by
>>360806 is factual.
>>360060I second your praises.
Thanks anon
>Bombshell Vax Analysis Finds $147 Billion In Economic Damage, Tens Of Millions Injured Or Disabled>A new report estimates that 26.6 million people were injured, 1.36 million disabled, and 300,000 excess deaths can be attributed to COVID-19 vaccine damages in 2022 alone, which cost the economy nearly $150 billion. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>What Happened When the Georgia Governor Tried to Open the State? politics as usual and playing the hoax along.
>WHO Now Says COVID Vaccines Not Recommended For Healthy Kids & Teens>Yet another leading health institution has unveiled a significant Covid policy reversal this week... this time it's none other than the World Health Organization (WHO) saying something that might have gotten an individual suspended from social media or publicly "canceled" a mere one or two years ago. [Embed]
>Wuhan’s “Mystery Illness” is Covid’s Foundational Lie>Recently, while researching our updated edition of 40 Facts, I came across this article from Time magazine, one that I had apparently missed when it was first published and that had somehow escaped my notice in the following three Covid-centric years.>The article demonstrates how, from the very beginning, the covid narrative was a psy-op construct, that never made any internal sense.>It focuses on the work of Chinese virologist Dr Zhang Yongzhen, and how he and his team (allegedly) isolated the Sars-Cov-2 virus and sequenced its genome. The article frames Zhang as a hero whose “bravery” alerted the world to a scary new threat.>It’s just a story, of course – a piece of narrative fiction rather than journalism – but it does reveal a key facet of the pandemic psy-op roll-out.>The foundational lie, the original sin: Covid’s “mysterious” origins.>Every psychological operation has one underlying weakness – an uneven seam where the manufactured lie is forcibly joined to inescapable reality. the psyop was deployed in China, the chinks overplayed their hand and staged dead bodies and people dropping on the streets, nothing like that was ever replicated in the rest of the world.
>No brakes on Moscow's biosecurity charade>PCR tests & genetic injections will forever protect the "epidemiological well-being of the population">The masterminds behind Moscow’s Sanitary Shield—a medley of PCR testing facilities and “vaccine” development centers—met in late March to review the progress of their not-fit-for-purpose biosecurity Iron Curtain.>The ultimate goal, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is to create an anti-virus “shield” that will be able to “develop its own test systems within four days,” as well as “create an effective domestic vaccine in the shortest possible time.”>In other words: Russia’s strategy to ward off alleged biosecurity threats revolves around PCR testing and the rapid deployment of “vaccines.”>Off-Guardian recently updated its excellent COVID crib sheet, which provides numerous well-cited reasons why PCR tests are not fit for purpose. any different than in the West.
>>361068The PCR test has been shown to be a fraud and the fact that Russia is using it to test for pathogens shows unequivocally that Putin is on board with the conspiracy to hijack the People's will and impose the WEF's dictatorship.
Change my mind.
>>361070Well, everyone had a good laugh over Putin being a part of the WEF's Future Leaders programs at the time he invaded Ukraine, but no one really stepped back and realized the implications of that (
Partially because there was as potent of a "Pro-Russian" narrative being spread around as much as there was an "Anti-Russian" one) until the past few months.
>Dr. Malone: MRNA Vaccines Are Being Injected Into Our Food Supply<This could be one of the most alarming warnings yet from Dr. Malone. He wrote an essay on how mRNA vaccines are being injected into livestock and companion animals.<That means, if you consume the vaccinated animal, the mRNA vaccine enters your body.
>>361078All animals commercially raised for meat are vaccinated, so unless you're breeding, raising, and butchering your own meat, it's already inside of you.
>POISONING OF **OUR FOOD** BEGINS THIS MONTH - mRNA Going into Cows and Pigs >The food supply of every American is going to start being INTENTIONALLY POISONED with mRNA genetic modifications being fraudulently called "vaccines." >Lobbyists for the cattleman and pork associations in several states have CONFIRMED they WILL be using mRNA vaccines in pigs and cows THIS MONTH. It will actually become "vaccine food" and sold to YOU without your INFORMED CONSENT. [Embed]
>Never Trust the Science>You’d literally be better off just flipping a coin at this point. And that’s a conclusion based on statements by some of the most reputable scientists in history of the United States.
>Tucker Carlson
Alarming research suggests COVID VACCINE might suppress immune system Consequences include heart.
“Suddenly Collapsed” Live on Russian TV 3/21/23
>>361213But, Muh Based Russia isn't a part of the globalist agenda. :^)
>>361236Cope KGBNigger. didn't think you were still around.
>>361236/mlpol/ has always denounced Russia as the ZOG's eastern plantation and totally on board with the WEF conspiracy.
>>361260>/mlpol/ is one personLeave newfag
>>361261>/mlpol/ is one personIt is a fam and a community. (You) should know better.
>>361262Buddy, you said /mlpol/ has always denounced Russia, implying that the single person known as /mlpol/ believes this.
Furthermore Russia is Based.
>>361264This is the Corona-chan bread fren. Do not confuse it with the Ukrainian War bread.
>>361266You mentioned Russia to begin with.
>>361267Yes, at
>>361213The ruskies are also playing the corona hoax on their own population and injecting them with graphene and unknown substances, all of that under coercion while pushing digital IDs.
The normies have no critical thinking skills and they are dragging us all down.
>Pfizer Knew Of Over 1200 Vaccine Deaths The First 90 Days Of Rollout And Still Proclaimed It Safe And Effective
>This is the biggest biopharmaceutical safety disaster in world history," exclaimed Dr. Peter McCullough.
>Why I don’t believe there ever was a Covid virus>I’VE grown increasingly frustrated about the way debate is controlled around the topic of origins of the alleged novel virus, SARS-CoV-2, and I have come to disbelieve it’s ever been in circulation, causing massive scale illness and death. Concerningly, almost no one will entertain this possibility, despite the fact that molecular biology is the easiest discipline in which to cheat. That’s because you really cannot do it without computers, and sequencing requires complex algorithms and, importantly, assumptions. Tweaking algorithms and assumptions, you can hugely alter the conclusions.>This raises the question of why there is such an emphasis on the media storm around Fauci, Wuhan and a possible lab escape. After all, the ‘perpetrators’ have significant control over the media. There’s no independent journalism at present. It is not as though they need to embarrass the establishment. I put it to readers that they’ve chosen to do so.
Covidian did complaint about no 5G service with his injection. Now he is getting it at his own funeral.
>>361213Didn't Russia have adenovirus vaccines and not mrna vaccines?
>>361373I remember that the Russians claimed that their injections were different, however the lethal effects are the same. Take in count that all governments around the world participated in this psyop and committed terrorism against their own population. They are all guilty of treason.
>Russians are also "dying suddenly">Russian activists document "sudden deaths" among young athletes>Since the start of the global genetic injection campaign in 2021, media reports detailing the “sudden deaths” of athletes have gradually become part of the new normal.>It’s a worldwide phenomenon—and Russia is no exception, according to #HowManyMustDie, a collaborative project launched by STOPVACZISM, STOPPANIKA, and Anna Rudneva’s “Raising Awareness” channel.
>Biden Officially Ends COVID-19 National Emergency>President Biden terminated the national emergency over the COVID-19 pandemic on Monday, three years after federal and state governments initially enacted a two-week order to slow the spread of the coronavirus.>Biden signed the resolution ending the orders after U.S. House of Representatives lawmakers passed the bill despite almost 200 House Democrats voting against ending the national emergency declaration, which led to draconian social distancing rules, closures of small businesses and schools, and mask and vaccine mandates.>“The President signed into law: H.J.Res. 7, which terminates the national emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic,” the White House said in a short news release.
>>361379>Blaiming Germans for what jews are actually doingGod WEF schizophrenics need help.
>>361384Schizophrenics do need help if that is what they have.
>World Economic Forum>GermanAh. Hold it right there.
Everyone remember the dual (((Jew))). Even the (((Jew))) that says its not a (((Jew))).
Evil is Evil.
There are the puppets and know nothings and those who value worldly things above what is right.
Then there are those who knowing, actively and willingly desire Evil in totality.
I didn't expect to see this type of assery pop up here and now, yet by the Holy Ghost I am here.
Begone glow nigger for you hate the Word, you hate the Light, you hate the Truth, you hate Love. Else Love with all you have instead of serving demons and devils.
You have asked that they even in derogatory name recieve help so I posted of His Will.
>>361384He Knows What's in your secret place.
Dr. Tom Cowan
>Live Webinar From April 12, 2023 - (1:04:39 long)>I hosted a live webinar on Wednesday, April 12, 2023. I discussed the following topics: diagnosing "long Covid" - a peer reviewed proposal; anatomy of a scam; mRNA con job - adenoviruses, antibodies, and the philosophers of the scam; and anthroposophical scientists collaborate with the WHO. [Embed]On the fraud of virology.
>The UK Government has published official figures on deaths following Covid-19 vaccination and they reveal that 1 in every 482 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England sadly died within one month of Covid-19 vaccination, 1 in every 246 Covid-19 vaccinated people in England sadly died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaccinated people were dead by May 2022.
>AstraZeneca poison
Another idiot paid the toll.
>>361533You hate to see it
>TLAV Goofball Neil Degrasse Tyson vs The Highwire Del Bigtree Covid Debate [Embed]It is a clip of only 11:51 long
The affirmative action negro lies, gaslights, and attempts damage control at his best, but fails miserably.
>>361558>Le based nigger hero of reddit
>Zoo Animals “Dying Suddenly” After Receiving COVID Jab>The tragedy of all of this is almost too much to bear. WTF is wrong with humanity that people are deliberately poisoning animals, themselves and their children with these lethal injections????>Lions and tigers and bears (and many other animals) are “dying suddenly” in zoos worldwide>See how many of those creatures have died “unexpectedly” since January, 2023, after they were “vaccinated” (for no reason) list is too long to screencap but you have the idea.
>42-year-old former news anchor dies suddenly while on vacation with her family>Lesley Swick-Van Ness passed away on Monday, April 10.
>April 12, 2022 >The Covid Lies>In this comprehensive review, Dr. Yeadon argues that all the main narratives about SARS-CoV-2 and imposed “measures” are lies.>Dr. Michael YEADON PhD was Formerly Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer Allergy & Respiratory at Pfizer Global R&D. He holds Joint Honours in Biochemistry and Toxicology and a PhD in Respiratory Pharmacology. He is an Independent Consultant and Co-founder & CEO of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.
Covid-19 injections incentive program offered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Another one.
Former clerk for Clarence Thomas ‘dies suddenly’ at 38. [Embed]
>Vaxx Mandate Fascist (((Gene Simmons))) Suffers On-Stage Health Issue, Cancels Show>Continuing our exposure of rock’n’roll stars assuming the role of biomedical fascist, washed-up rock star Gene Simmons of KISS fame recently suffered an unidentified health emergency on stage so severe that the show had to be canceled mid-performance.[YouTube] KISS Abruptly Stops Show Due to Gene Simmons Health Issue
[Embed] [Embed][YouTube] Nursing homes struggling to fight loneliness and COVID-19
>Top Whistleblower Dr. Rima Laibow Warns Globalists Preparing New Bio Attack / Learn the Secret History of COVID>Longtime whistleblower, Dr Rima Laibow joins Alex Jones to talk about the genocidal COVID Hoax, which has been decades in the making, according to the elites she used to treat, who used to tell her about it.>Dr Rima says the immediate answer is to #ExitTheWHO, by visiting her website,, which is pre-loaded with forms that you can quickly fill out that will automatically generate letters to your representatives with just a few clicks – and this is not only in the US but also in Canada, the UK and all over the world. >Dr Rima Laibow asks, "How is this possible? How can every single nation in the world, 196 nation-states; how could every single one of them sign on to destroying their people? To giving up their sovereignty? To eliminating any kind of personal informed consent?>"How can any country do that – and how is it that EVERY one is doing that?>"The actual the source of the evil, the organization, the destruction comes from John D Rockefeller Sr and his son, John D Rockefeller Jr. Before the turn of the 20th century, the world's first billionaire, John D Rockefeller Sr and his son, Junior thought about the society they wanted to see.>"Now, these men were genocidalists, they were eugenicists, they were ruthless, they were psychopaths. They had the realization that they could use predatory philanthropy to shape every aspect of the world. And they laid out the world that they wanted to see – which is the world the Globalists are now moving towards.>"The social movement at that time was called Fabian Socialism, it was not called Globalism but it was the same thing: Utter, total domination, from the DNA level, out.>"They paid for the science and they directed the science and they used philanthropy and government influence, which they bought and which they created over decades and decades, worldwide.>"They penetrated every government on the planet and they created the science that would allow them to take control of our DNA, to turn us into parts of the Internet of Things; their servants, their underclass, their Untermenschen and leave them at the top, the neoaristocrats.>"This plan has been in operation, waiting only the science of genetic manipulation, pulsed microwave transmission, nanotechnolgy, etc.>"And now, they have the science and they're ready to go." [Embed]This woman has credibility, see
>>357342 →
>Russia revives Virus scam — right on cue>WHO says "jump", Russian government asks: "how high?">Russia is bracing for a wave of highly infectious Arcturus, the newest and trendiest “COVID subvariant”, Rospotrebnadzor chief Anna Popova announced on Thursday.>Fellow BRICS member India is currently experiencing an “intense” outbreak of this computer model, and Russia—which has already registered four confirmed cases!—should expect its own Arcturus surge by the end of May, Popova predicted.>The likelihood of Russia leaving the WHO—or even just politely declining to follow Collective West, Bill Gates-funded “health recommendations”—is rapidly approaching 0%.>Sorry but it’s true.
Masks. There are still some covidians on the loose wearing them.
>>361855There were some people who wore masks even before COVID, for various reasons.
I haven't seen anyone wearing them anymore though.
I wear masks because I have warrants.
Faggots wore masks because the government told them to.
We are not the same.
>>361863Based and Outlaw pilled
>>361862>There were some people who wore masks even before COVID, for various reasonsCancer patients.
>>361866Usually immunocompromised people;sometimes cancer patients.
Sometimes it's also people who have an illness that they'd rather no spread, but also can't afford to stay home.
>Vaccine injuries become the dominant theme of German reporting on the mRNA injections>Last month, German Health Minister and renowned virus pest Karl Lauterbach gave a remarkable interview in which he denounced “exorbitant” pharmaceutical profits, deplored “dismaying” vaccine injuries, and called for the manufacturers to set aside funds for those who have been harmed.>He did so amid a growing wave of reporting on vaccine injuries in the German press – a wave which his statements have now turned into a tsunami. In the weeks since, vaccine injuries and side effects have become the dominant theme of German press coverage on the injections, from local papers to national media.
>Sputnik V returns to Earth>The "safe & effective" myth is running out of gas>COVID-19 vaccines were responsible for a “significant proportion” of adverse drug reactions in Russia last year, according to the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare (Roszdravnadzor).>Approximately 60% of the 61,119 adverse events registered in 2022 were attributed to coronavirus vaccination. One third of vaccine-linked injuries were designated as “serious”, Roszdravnadzor disclosed in a 32-page report published earlier this month.
>Mother Of 7 Denied Kidney Transplant For Refusing COVID Shot In Georgia>On dialysis and potentially facing death, a 41-year-old homeschooling mother of seven young children has been rejected as a candidate for a life-saving kidney transplant by Emory Healthcare Inc. of Atlanta.>The reason? The woman, who has already had COVID-19, refused to receive the COVID-19 vaccine on religious and medical grounds.
Hannah Crook Passed Away Suddenly In Her Sleep - She Was Fully Vaccinated (2023).
>Coming Soon — mRNA Cancer and Flu 'Vaccines'>Even though the mRNA COVID jabs are the most dangerous medical products ever to hit the market, vaccine makers and U.S. health agencies are steamrolling ahead with a long list of mRNA-based shots, including combination shots to cover multiple viral infections at the same time.>If the COVID shots are the most dangerous injections we’ve ever seen, what makes them think mRNA shots for cancer, heart disease, influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), HIV or any other condition will be any safer?>It’s a science experiment gone completely off the rails. No one is safeguarding public health anymore. You could say our health agencies have sold out the public to the drug industry, allowing them to conduct wild population-wide genetic experimentation aimed at furthering the transhumanist agenda at breakneck speed.
>Mixed Martial Arts and UFC fighters are collapsing and dying suddenly - some of these deaths are very suspicious
>Doctors paid $100 billion to kill Americans>As detailed in “How COVID Patients Died for Profit,” hospitals were financially incentivized to diagnose patients with COVID and treat them with protocols known to be lethal, in part to “protect” the staff from infection.>As if that weren’t bad enough, primary care providers across the U.S. were also bribed to coerce patients into getting the toxic COVID shot. The following document was posted to Twitter in mid-April 2023 by Rep. Thomas Massie, an award-winning scientist and Republican Congressman for Kentucky.
>CLAIM: Pfizer BRIBED over 400 “independent” medical organizations and nonprofits to propagate alleged false narratives about their so-called vaccine
Bluetooth still broadcasting. It's still a thing.
>Adam and I have tested this many times with proper isolation techniques, they are still broadcasting, even stronger today than in the beginning.
>Groups Pushing Vaccine Passports, Mandates were Quietly Funded by Pfizer>Most of these groups did not disclose the funding from Pfizer.
>>362102Looks to me more like they want to move past it and pretend the despotic lockdowns never happened. Biden already declared the emergency over, and I don't see people trying to push vax/mask mandates anymore.
>>362110That's something, but in spite of variant stuff we're not seeing lockdowns or any other big ticket restrictions events anymore. It looks like the COVID story is all but over now. It appears to me they've decided that mass lockdowns and vax mandates aren't very political palatable, so they're moving on to the next big thing and pretending they didn't treat us all like prisoners for two years straight.
>>362114>That's something, but in spite of variant stuff we're not seeing lockdowns or any other big ticket restrictions events anymore.Not yet.
While the normies are relaxing and trying to rebuild what the governments destroyed, the same governments are again conspiring to cede sovereignty to the U.N.'s W.H.O. in preparation for the next mass house arrests.
>>358652 →>>359731 →>>359732 →
>>362117You're right about that, but I doubt the next wave of mass house arrests will happen within the next couple years. This is a long-term plan. Maybe at the end of the decade it could happen though.
To me, it still looks like the COVID story is coming to a close. Nobody talks about COVID anymore. Outside it's business as usual. They're done with this virus.
>>362120>To me, it still looks like the COVID story is coming to a close. Nobody talks about COVID anymore. Outside it's business as usual. They're done with this virus.Look, they can bring any "credible" epidemic at any time just poisoning some food or batches of water while claiming there is a NEW VIRUS!!! on the loose, and the normies will swallow it again like dumb animals they are.
Hey, the kikes own the whole pharma industry, control every university with a lab, have all politicians in their pocket, have total control of the news; and in case the peasants would not show proper compliance, they have on their payroll violent standing armies to "enforce" their whims.
By the way, it has been demonstrated in many posts already that virology is a fraud and anyone claiming the existence of a virus must demonstrate its existence first and foremost.
>>362122>they have on their payroll violent standing armies to "enforce" their whims.It's for your own good of course. /s
>Something’s Fishy.
>Something is just not right, about a recently closed covid testing clinic.
Under the guise of free covid testing, the doctors pay the public $20 for genetic samples.
>THE DEMISE OF QUACKCINE ZEALOTS ☠️>karma [Embed]This is good stuff.
>Bexar County officials continue to see low turnout for updated booster vaccine>Only 15.1 percent of people six months and older have received the bivalent booster shot. video report: [Embed]
>Why Are So Many COVID Authoritarians Suddenly Shifting Their Narratives?>As if to acknowledge the ultimate failure of the pandemic narrative, multiple government officials have suddenly (and perhaps begrudgingly) started to back away from their original positions. However, instead of admitting they were wrong and apologizing to the public, they are instead trying to rewrite history and claim that they were actually against many of the measures and restrictions they implemented.>The reason these staunch advocates for limiting freedoms in the face of covid are now acting defensively may be because the truth about the science on Covid is becoming insurmountable. Nearly every narrative that was originally promoted by government officials in the past three years has been debunked. [Embed][YouTube] Dr. Fauci Explains Mask Guidance Changed | NBC News NOW
[Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>362143Continuing the series, here comes part 2:
>Karma - The Demise of Vaccine Zealots - Part 2>Using social media and legacy platforms.. They wished us dead, they ostracised us, the demonised and scorned us publicly, they defriended us, they bragged and lauded themselves as morally and intellectually superior, they gloated and publicly paraded their vaccine intake, they had the self entitlement to believe they could request others to take an experimental vaccine and have the same beliefs as them. Just to name a few..>They are VACCINE ZEALOTS and now they are likely sick or dead from the very product they they so rabidly tried to push on to everyone. [Embed]
>>362223>and now they are likely sick or deadThis is an exagerration. 81% of the country took the vaccine. You'd be seeing piles of them in the streets if it just killed them like that.
>>362227Part of the whole "death shot" narrative is revenge fantasy. The antivax want to see the vaxxies suffer because they suffered for not taking the shot.
>>362230Sounds like a cope to me.
>>362122>Look, they can bring any "credible" epidemic at any time just poisoning some food or batches of water while claiming there is a NEW VIRUS!!! on the loose, and the normies will swallow it again like dumb animals they are.This anon is onto something.
I found traces of that possible scenery right here in the States.
>Feb-24-2011>Information has come to light which substantiates concern that something funky is going on with our water. >At the same time that the economic realities are keeping us close to home, the government is amassing campaigns, in cities across the country, to get us back on tap water and off bottled water.>The American’s Bulletin published an expose back in 2007, citing a cover-up involving a double line water system and the planned use of water as a weapon, authorized under Section 817 of the U.S. Patriot Act. Section 817, The Expansion of the Biological Weapons Statute, is authorizing the use of toxins (poisons) and delivery systems (which is weapons terminology) apparently against citizens of the United States of America. It is the contention of this reporter that 817 is an “umbrella” statute, authorizing a number of poison projects, including, but not limited to, the water weapon.
>Water Wars>The U.S. Patriot Act and other pieces of legislation authorize a "culling of the herds."
>763 celebrities dead after Covid injections >How many more unnamed individuals died then?>Kla.TV has compiled 17 hours of footage documenting horrifying consequences and a worldwide death toll following the Corona vaccine. If so many died among celebrities alone, what will it be like for the anonymous and unknown who are not published in the media. [Embed]
>Current events suggest Deagel’s Apocalyptic Depopulation Forecast for 2025 is not just an Estimation>Based on Deagel’s Forecast 2025, Lusk wrote: “In Deagel’s [ ] image of 2025, Russia flowers while Europe is ruined. Deagel signals that Great Britain [ ] is to be ruined most comprehensively.” forecast was published in 2014.
Deagel's forecast was posted at:
>>321956 →>>318708 →>>320952 →>>300101 →
Covid propaganda and counter-propaganda. 2023-05-04
Controlled Opposition Stew Peters Goes Head-To-Head with BBC Fake News.
>Stew Peters goes into the lion’s den and teaches the BBC a lesson>Watch behind the scenes footage the BBC doesn’t want you to see.>The BBC attempts and fails to discredit the wildly successful documentary “Died Suddenly”.>Stew financed and released “Died Suddenly” to save lives from the murderous Covid cult.>Throughout the interview Stew exposes the pro-vaxx lies parroted by the mainstream media.>The BBC continues to promote a bioweapon injection that is killing children.>The fake news “journalists” were completely caught off guard and not prepared to answer Stew’s questions about why embalmers are finding white fibrous clots inside the vaccinated dead.>Stew reminds the BBC of vaccinated Damar Hamlin’s sudden collapse on national television.>The average number of professional athletes who have collapsed during competition is 5 to 10 per year.>In the last year that number has climbed to over 1000.>The United States is funneling money into the fake construct of a country called Ukraine.>The Covid-19 pandemic was used to enact a massive worldwide depopulation event.>People must be held accountable for their blatant crimes against humanity and that also includes lying journalists. [Embed]
>Heather Walker sheds ‘happy’ tears that she is able to get another jab... next minute... kapput.
Turbo cancer and express death.
>>362425>pic 4More WEF schizophrenia, he was assainated for playing ball with jews
>>362427>schizophreniaThe funny thing is that anons like you got offended when called out as shills.
/mlpol/ is always right faggot.
>>362428We have had this same conversation numerous times sped, /mlpol/ is not one person, i browse this site too, so i/mlpol/ is always right, do the math.
>>362430>We have had this same conversation numerous times sped,Not with me and as far as I know, /mlpol/ has been always on target.
>>362431>I /mlpol/ is always on targetYes i am.
Stefan Lanka explains what happens in the BS virology experiments.
>BREAKING: Former VP at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, says there is a plan to kill millions, if not billions of people.>As this Substack has been reporting for over 2 years now, PSYOP-19 was and continues to be a global control and depopulation program. And despite the WHO’s recent claims that the “emergency” “pandemic” that never was is now “officially” over, we are still in the midst of this operation. They have simply dialed down the panic telegraphing until their next power grab. [Embed]
>Former Vice President at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, accuses his former colleagues of crimes against humanity
>"You have actively or passively allowed to come into being, a product that's been injected into billions of people on the planet. It's injured and killed lots and lots of people."
>WHO ends the Covid Hoax with the biggest Lie of All>The World Health Organisation says that the covid-19 hoax is now over and claims that covid-19 killed an estimated 20 million people.>They might as well have claimed it killed 200 million or 2 billion.>This figure is a sick joke.
So glad you have the original.
>>362567my pleasure. there's still stacks of press releases and memos on their site for covid-19 vaccine provider incentive bonus schemes.
>>362227>This is an exagerration. 81% of the country took the vaccine. You'd be seeing piles of them in the streets if it just killed them like that.Give them time. They are walking with a time-bomb inside.
>>362656>linkI found some interesting evidence about couching doctors and nurses to trick people into getting injected.
Video not to inform the patient, but to deceive:
>Empowering Vaccine Confidence: Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy - (91 MB) Guide:
>Facilitating Vaccination in your practice
Latest Spartacast. run as always...
Hey everyone, Spartacus here for a ninth Spartacast.
Things have been kind of hectic for me this past month. On top of some pressing real-life obligations piling up one after another, my main desktop PC went down with a component failure. I was down to tweeting on my phone for a little while, there. Back up and running, now. Some rather interesting things happened in the past few weeks.
Jikkyleaks called out Bryce Nickels for refusing to condemn the vaccine. I’m kind of ambivalent on this one. On the one hand, it’s great that Bryce Nickels is calling out EcoHealth Alliance and pushing for their funding to be cut. That’s a great thing, and I encourage it. On the other hand, it would be nice if the Biosafety Now people came around to recognizing that SARS-CoV-2 was not the product of either natural zoonosis or a lab accident, but a deliberate act of fraud and racketeering by a vast criminal network that includes the vaccine manufacturers themselves.
What do Moderna, EcoHealth Alliance, and their affiliates have in common? DARPA, DTRA, In-Q-Tel, USAID. Read Whitney Webb’s report on how a CIA-linked company called Resilience was manufacturing the mRNA for Moderna’s booster shots. Read Andrew Huff’s whistleblower report that Peter Daszak was a CIA asset. Read Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova’s breakdowns of the bizarre legal frameworks that were used to justify the military-like deployment of medical countermeasures as prototypes under an Other Transaction Authority, without proper testing, as revealed through Brook Jackson’s lawsuit against her former employer, Ventavia. They are dosing people with so-called vaccines that are not even legally considered pharmaceuticals, with the FDA providing them with the false appearance of an Emergency Use Authorization under color of law. Again, I must stress this, SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines were both products of the same exact military and intelligence racket. The reason why Bryce Nickels and the rest of the people aligned with Biosafety Now like Edward Hammond and Richard Ebright don’t see this yet is because they still think this was a mere lab accident. It wasn’t. It was rehearsed. Planned. Deliberate.
Go to the Political Moonshine blog and read the COVID-19 enterprise fraud construct timeline article. Read it from end to end. Now, tell me, with a straight face, that COVID-19 and the lethal vaccines that accompanied it did not both constitute a singular act of bioterrorism by the Biodefense Mafia.
Also, Kevin McCairn debated the Mutton Crew on a Twitter space, where they spent most of it talking over him and not letting him get in a word in edgewise. The Mutton Crew don’t have an argument. We have definitive evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause amyloidosis and severe inflammation. Arne Burkhardt and others have done the histopathology examinations of tissue slides and Congo Red staining and found Spike distributed throughout the body, as well as evidence of amyloidosis. COVID-19 vaccines can potentially elicit such a severe immune response to the cells all over the body generating Spike proteins, lymphocytes will actually try and bore a hole through the aorta, and then someone collapses to the floor with aortic dissection and that’s all she wrote.
The most common pro-vax argument is that the Spike protein is a two-proline substituted laboratory construct locked in the prefusion conformation. Their argument is that the amyloidogenic peptides of SARS-CoV-2 Spike can never be revealed by cleavage, because this modification makes it so that the protein can’t be cleaved proteolytically. This is an absolutely asinine argument, tantamount to suggesting that the Spike protein generated by the vaccines is not digestible by enzymes in the body. News flash, it is, and if it comes in contact with trypsin, neutrophil elastase, or cathepsin, guess what? It’s getting busted into amyloidogenic peptide confetti. QED.
Jikkyleaks also posted today about an article on the Broken Truth blog entitled NIHGate, about how a paper entitled SARS-CoV-2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro was deliberately suppressed by Eric Freed and Oliver Schildgen, and how HHS rejected the author’s FOIA requests by claiming the information constituted trade secrets. Trade secrets of whom? Whose trade secrets? Which companies? Absolutely galling.
As I walked through a Lowe’s Home Improvement store yesterday, hypnotized into whatever the shopping equivalent of White Line Fever is by the endless aisles of smart thermostats, Flex Seal, and paint rollers, my trance broken by the occasional march of a serviceman in full uniform taking advantage of sweet deals, I had a strange epiphany. Why do we work and pay taxes, just for our leaders to give that money to CIA-affiliated NGOs who fund PLA-associated biolabs to concoct artificial microbes to murder us with? We live in a system that is a lie, layered atop another lie, spackled over yet one more lie. It’s like an onion of lies. You peel it back, layer by layer, and all you find is another, older, more deeply entrenched lie underneath....
>>362661I'll check these out shortly. I'm all over "Vaccine Hesitancy" and have been able to trace from where that shitcunt term originated from (WHO SAGE group 2012-2014 then boosted and heralded by lesbo cunt slut Assoc. Prof Katie Attwell of University of Western Australia).
>>362675>I'm all over "Vaccine Hesitancy" and have been able to trace from where that shitcunt term originated from (WHO SAGE group 2012-2014I believe that buzzterm might be traced back to Bill Gates' GAVI which introduced it widely through the WHO.
>>362677No time to look deeper but if you look at the button of that link you'll find some interesting documents.
For example:
>Mapping vaccine hesitancy—Country-specific characteristics of a global phenomenonThe link has a referrer (token) associated to ID the visitor, be warned.
>>362661>evidence about couching doctors and nurses to trick people into getting injected>Video not to inform the patient, but to deceive>Instructions GuideRelated:
>Pediatricians Have a Financial Incentive to Vaccinate Your Child [Embed]
>M. Bonn - Graphene in the (Terahertz) Microwave>Nov 6, 2018 >Mischa Bonn>Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz, Germany.>Graphene is an attractive candidate for many optoelectronic applications because of its vanishing bandgap and high carrier mobility. An essential process for such applications is the dissipation of the energy of photo-excited charge carriers in graphene. Two competing energy relaxation mechanisms for optically excited carriers exist: They can (i) thermalize with intrinsic carriers near the Fermi level, heating them to higher energy states through the process of ‘hot carrier multiplication’ ; or (ii) the excess energy of the optically excited carrier can be lost via emission of phonons. With ultrafast terahertz spectroscopy, an optical method for probing photoconductivities on ultrafast timescales, we quantify relaxation pathways, and show how branching ratios can be tuned. Carrier heating is also highly efficient when intrinsic carriers are accelerated by a strong electric field, which can be used to uniquely efficiently generate harmonics of terahertz radiation.[YouTube] M. Bonn - Graphene in the (Terahertz) Microwave
[Embed]Mirror: [Embed]This is a highly technical presentation but very relevant as graphene is an ingredient in the Injections deployed for the Covid-19 psy-op
>You were just a Lab Rat: Covid Vaccines have caused a Dangerous & Deadly Alliance between Graphene, Nanobots, mRNA, and Nanotechnology>As we unravel the chilling secrets and delve deeper into the dark underbelly of graphene nanobots, mRNA technology, and nanotechnology, a bone-chilling truth emerges—the dystopian nightmares we once dismissed as mere fiction are becoming our harrowing reality.>The consequences that lie in wait are nothing short of a cataclysmic descent into a world marred by unimaginable horrors. We must brace ourselves for the impending storm and unite against those who seek to enslave and extinguish the flame of human freedom, as the sinister machinations of the Establishment reveal themselves in all their grotesque glory.>Graphene nanobots, injected into the bloodstream, may well be the harbingers of our undoing.>These microscopic entities, once unleashed, could wreak havoc on our health, causing unimaginable damage to our vital organs and leaving us at the mercy of those who control this technology.>Every organ, every nerve, every ounce of our being will become their domain, subjecting us to an insidious form of surveillance and manipulation.>With every passing heartbeat, we inch closer to a nightmarish reality where our thoughts, our desires, and our very identities are no longer our own.>The insidious nature of mRNA technology cannot be understated either.
>>362748>TFW Still unvaxxed
>[Covid Retrospective, Vol. 1] Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum[YouTube] [Covid Retrospective, Vol. 1] Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum
[Embed]A short compilation.
>Official Report: Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients>Nearly all COVID-19 patients who died in hospital during the early phase of the pandemic were killed as a direct result of being put on a ventilator, a disturbing new report has concluded.>A new analysis suggests that most patients who were forced to be hooked up to a ventilator due to a COVID-19 infection also developed secondary bacterial pneumonia. This pneumonia was responsible for a higher mortality rate than the COVID-19 infection.>So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually a secondary infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that caused their deaths.
While You Were under house arrest.
May 2020
New York City Overwhelmed War Zone - Elmhurst Hospital Mayhem
"The epicenter of the epidemic" where the hero health professionals were giving everything to save lives"
>COVID-19 Vaccine Depopulation Continues
>No signs of the global depopulation program stopping
B-but, people are not dropping dead around me. /s
>NIH director nominated by "Joe Biden" has 116 grants from Pfizer totaling over $290 million>So she's the perfect choice to manage NIH—a WOMAN, comfortably in Pfizer's pocket, and, as head of the National Cancer Institute, all for cancer patients getting jabbed-and-boosted.
>He said he would kick unvaccinated people in the face but the vaxx kicked his ass
The J&J Vax was just deemed unfit l to administer, and all doses must be destroyed immediately.
>>J&J was known to be unsafe from the start>deemed a *last resort* for those who are too high-risk for the others (????)>It was the one sent to poor countriesHehehe!
>>362971>Hehehe!WOW. We both posted it at the same time!!!!
>>362973Pureblood hivemind. Vaxbots will never know this feel.
>>362974>Pureblood hivemind.YAY!
NIH begins testing of universal flu vaccine based on mRNA.
>>362972Wasn't the J&J the one non mRNA vaccine?
>>363014*one non mRNA vaccine available in the west
>>362659How much time? Two more weeks maybe?
>>363016You remind me of all those faggots who laughed when the psyop begun. Most are not laughing anymore and those still smirking soon won't.
>>363036>desperate to die in two weeksI wish you the best and long life anon.
>>363037You people have been saying two more weeks for two years now. It's time for the depop death shot narrative to die.
>>363046>You people have been saying two more weeks for two years now.Huh?
Heart attacks, suddenly death with no reason stated, turbo cancers.... is that not a cause of concern?
>>363047It's a fraction of a percent of the people that took it. No one is saying there were no side effects, but the depopulation event clearly isn't happening.
>>363049I really want you to be right. Let us hope most covidians will be with us for many, many years.
>>363050You would see bodies in the street by now if it were happening. It's been over two years.
>>363053>You would see bodies in the street by now if it were happening.You have a very good point, no bodies on the streets could be seen during the "deadly" pandemic. Except in China, the chinks went over the top on participating in the psyop and released many clips about corpses on streets, airports, and even buses.
About the poisonous injections, all the action is happening right now into hospitals as
>>363047 said and a lot of post above this one documenting the happenings.
>>363054Hospitals reaching full capacity would be hard for the news media to hide.
>>363056>Hospitals reaching full capacity would be hard for the news media to hide.That's a funny thing to say. During the covid psyop all hospitals were empty while the news media said they were overwhelmed and a war zone, not to mention all health employees, police forces, and similar gangs that played along because of the money.
Be nice and go back to jewbook please.
>>363057Say masses of people are dying and the media is just faking all of it. Yeah I call bullshit. take your meds.
>>363058>Say masses of people are dying and the media is just faking all of it.I didn't said that. You did.
It doesn't look like "masses" are dying, but indeed are dying more covidians than babies are born; no doubt about it.
>>363060>stopworldcontrol.comYeah this looks legit.
>>363063Nigga if anyone is a shill here it is you. You're either a retarded boomer that spends too much time on facebook or you are a disinfo shill.
>>363060This website of yours links vids from David Icke (the reptilians dude)
The bullshit you believe is from people saying that white supremacy is a thing, systemic racism is real, and a man in a dress is a woman. course it is run by an evangelical Christian. Two more weeks before Jesus Come back.>The Second Coming of Jesus, also called the return of Christ is the doctrine that Jesus Christ will soon return physically to the earth. According to this doctrine He will then set up a political kingdom on the earth, with His headquarters in the military state of Israel. Christ will take up residence in a stone temple in Jerusalem from where He will reign over all of mankind.
>>363067The science I believe in actually works.
t. biochemical engineer.
>biochemical engineer.
Wanna play the REDOX game with me, huh?
>>363069Dude, I have no idea about that site. It released a meme that it is factual true. Trying to undermine credibility by playing character assassination doesn't change the facts. Your jewy tactics won't work in an chan, newfag.
>>363070>t. biochemical engineer.C'mon, don't be shy, I promise I won't charge you more the money I get from the Uni.
Wanna posture with me? Bring it on.
>>363071Oxidation reduction reaction game?
>>363072Then don't link to those sites. This kind of shit is disinfo and it's a huge problem on imageboards. My bullshit detector goes off whenever I see shit relating to lizard people, nanobots, or the rapture. Good rule of thumb is that any websites talking about that kind of shit is disinfo.
There's jewry in this thread, and a lot of it - posting on chan boards since before they became cool and also being a literal dog has given me special powers to detect it.
Sharpen your senses, dear stallions - satan's synagogue and its souldead allies are working extremely hard to bury any mentions of nanotechnology/graphene (di)oxide inside the deathshots, as well as burying the links between the deathshots and the "jews"/edomites/khazars' very well and long planned out transhumanism/"biodigital convergence" "roadmap" for all life on Earth.
It's almost as though "they" would rather have people/stallions/etc. focus on the excess physical (dropping to the ground/getting buried or cremated) deaths caused by the deathshots (by mocking those pointing them out, etc.), instead of focusing on the much bigger and infinitely more disturbing picture - the contamination, culling and replacement of all living things on Earth (by means of outright murder/killing but especially transhumanism/"biodigital convergence", and genetic modification and poisoning. DNA is God's creation, and it's being synthetically and maliciously tampered with on a global scale.
With every fiber of their being, these psychopathic fuckers want absolutely nothing to remain in God's Book of Life.
What is the meaning of the word "death" anyway? What if those (or most) who took or administered the deathshot are already dead to God because they've proven that they've turned their back on Him? There are different kinds and layers of death.
What if the "death" is the replacement on a DNA/cellular level of God's work with satan's synthetic counterfeit, that would then be unable to maintain/contain the pure soul? If that's the case, there are already billions of dead people and animals all around us - them being "animated" doesn't actually "prove" them being alive.
Once you can see (and come to terms with) the bigger-picture intent of intentional targeting, altering and replacing of all of God's creations/life with (satan's) inferior counterfeits, then you'll realise just what a huge (intentional) distraction and energy-drain these "battles" over pointing out the excess (body-count) deaths really are.*
Even if you don't believe in God or what's written in the Bible, these deranged psychopaths either do believe, or "work" according to its prophecies, because their wicked behaviour can so easily be explained by better comprehending the Bible.
Clearly, the "jews"/edomites/khazars fiercely hate the Bible, obviously shown by their attempts at contaminating its "DNA" as well - how many hundreds of versions of the Bible are there, all with alterations, corruptions and removals of vital words and concepts?
All these multi-layered attempts at corrupting and destroying Christianity in every way imaginable... this is much bigger than just "bodies dropping from the deathshot".
Just a thought - what if the nanotechnology inside the deathshots isn't there to "merely" track people, or even to remotely murder (by releasing poisons inside nanotubes or corrupting normal neural activity, etc.) the AI-algorithm-identified individuals who may pose a threat to these wicked plans?
What if there's a remote-controlled death-switch that would (seemingly) make real the almost unimaginably shocking scene described in Matthew 24:40-41?
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
I know there's (((debate))) about the meaning of the word "taken", but it's pretty clear that it means their bodies will die/cease to move (and they won't be saved).
*That doesn't mean "don't spend energy arguing" - rather it might be better to invest more effort in collecting and documenting sources to counter the (((subversion))) for either the purpose of better responding to lies/deceit or "saving" facts from being "buried".
Especially important however, would be investing energy into oneself (emotionally, physically, mentally, spiritually) so that one can better survive and help save those within ones' own circles of influence. Discernment is so incredibly important.
Most people will likely "fight" the reality that the "vaccine" they (and/or their family) took has a "negative effectiveness rate" at "fighting covid".
So, even if they still believe in the "vaccine", when one points out the reality of the "vaccine" not being "effective", then there's a big risk they'll shut down and close off their minds to any further reality/facts because no-one wants to admit a huge and irreparable mistake.
It's possible however that people will still be more open to learning about a "bigger picture" type of evil being real and dealing with it constructively, but that's another huge subject with all kinds of (((traps))) - peoples' minds have been screwed up in all kinds of ways, and they might instead invest their dwindling energy into some kind of false saviour such as a politician and/or the antichrist, etc. rather than collecting their strength and actively rejecting any evil (and allowing themselves to be guided by only good/God).
TL;DR: Collect and save your sources and evidence, earn/become more confident and stronger in every way, if you're able then assist those around you who are genuinely receptive or reach out(, optional - pray for those who won't or can't reach out, to find the ability to do so).
>>363078>posting on chan boards>chanFuck off!
>>363079Well to be accurate I actually did mean "image boards", but also happen to enjoy your delicious raeg. Throughout the last two decades, witnessing it erupt thanks to my presence has only over made me harder (and tingly). I'm like Nanny McPhee in a way - the more people/whatever hate me, the more I post. :3 Thanks for your input. Anyway... back on topic.
Always remember that they said your freedom wasn't as important as compliance.
>If Covid and long Covid is causing excess deaths, myocarditis, disabilities and an increase in absences & lost worktime time why did The Who declare Covid pandemic over on May 7th? Why did CDC Director Walensky resign the same day?>Why is Pfizer’s stock hitting new 52 week lows? >I mean these safe and effective vaccines should be flying off the shelves. [Embed]
>Official Report: Ventilators Killed Nearly ALL COVID Patients>Nearly all COVID-19 patients who died in hospital during the early phase of the pandemic were killed as a direct result of being put on a ventilator, a disturbing new report has concluded.>A new analysis suggests that most patients who were forced to be hooked up to a ventilator due to a COVID-19 infection also developed secondary bacterial pneumonia. This pneumonia was responsible for a higher mortality rate than the COVID-19 infection.>So while COVID-19 may have put these patients in the hospital, it was actually a secondary infection brought on by the use of a mechanical ventilator that caused their deaths.
Nurses dancing in empty hospitals.
The older this gets the more embarrassing.
Covid-19 injections. The animals all died in the vaccine trials
>THE UNVACCINATED | "Nobody is Safe!" - (11:24 long)[YouTube] THE UNVACCINATED | "Nobody is Safe!"
[Embed]Compilation of propaganda, coercion, profit-making, fear- and hate-mongering on ugly display.
This is a good one to download and archive for documentation purposes.
>The Virus Hoax Debunking The Fake And Gay Covid-19 Hoax>No virus has ever been proven to be contagious. You cannot transfer a virus from one person to the other. It doesn't work like that.>In short: A virus is a cellular response to overexposure to toxins like chemicals, electricity, bad food etc. How do you define "overexposure" you might ask? Admittedly, that is a subjective term but that's because - it depends. It depends on the susceptibility and the susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body and the quality of the water in your cells. When your cells are poisoned their response is to purify themselves by creating a solvent, called viruses, to fight the toxic intrusion. Viruses are not the cause of anything and they cannot be transferred.>During the Spanish flu of 1918 they tried injecting voluntary prisoners with the "virus" and they even tried with horses. Not one single person got sick, and not one single horse got sick. Not even by injection. So people who suggest that you can simply exhale and transfer a virus that way are lying to you - to put it mildly.>Viruses are basically RNA/DNA and proteins. They are dead microbes and they have no digestive system. For this reason it would be impossible for your dead microbes (or micro organisms) to somehow kidnap or capture other people's RNA and replicate themselves. That's ridiculous.>This is also why you will never see them try to isolate the virus and transfer it to a rat in order to prove contagion. It would be so easy to prove by isolating and purifying the virus and then transfer it to an animal. Ask them to do this, and get back to me. Because I promise you, it cannot be done. [Embed]
Easy Money - 1.5 million Euros (~2 million dollars) for anyone proving that ANY virus is contagious.No faggot has came to take it, and for sure no one will.
>>363191Why do you people never link the articles?,of%20one%20million%20in%202013.
>The BHF said the reason for the sharp rise was likely to be a result of better recognition and diagnosis of the condition.Also this is over a 10 year period not an immediate rise after the vaccine.
>random fag gets cancer>ITS DA VACCINEYou people are just as bad as the hospitals counting every death as a covid death.
Look I get that you suffered for not taking the vaccine, but schizos just look desperate for confirmation of the depop death shot at this point. Just because you suffered and the depopulation event didn't happen doesn't mean it was for nothing. You shouldn't get anything with a liability shield and the pushback broke trust in a lot of societal institutions.
>>363192>ITS DA VACCINEThat's right.
>You people are just as bad as the hospitals counting every death as a covid death.It is fair to point out that all these sudden deaths and turbo cancers are from the injections. You cannot deny the victims.
>>363194>It is fair to point out that all these sudden deaths and turbo cancers are from the injections. You cannot deny the victims.Do you have some convincing evidence for this? Maybe cancer rates before and after the vaccine?
>>363195It has to be at some post above. Dig it out.
>>363196Just went through all 12 threads (ctrl+f cancer) couldn't find the data on cancer rates. I saw all kinds of speculation that it would cause cancer from shit sources like the epoch times (they are run by a crazy religious cult not the best source of data), but no actually cancer statistics.
>>363189>viruses aren't contagiousGo get bit by a rabid animal and get back to me.
>For this reason it would be impossible for your dead microbes (or micro organisms) to somehow kidnap or capture other people's RNA and replicate themselves.Prions have no problem replicating themselves and they are even less complex.
>>363200>they are run by a crazy religious cultC'mon, Falun Gong is about breathing, nothing crazy about that.
>>363202>Go get bit by a rabid animal and get back to me.Got any proof of a virus causing an illness, or is it just faith on what you were told?
>>363204I mean the fact that the antivirals treated my shingles is pretty convincing.
>>363205>antivirals treated my shinglesMake your research anon. Antivirals don't treat neither cure, they just smooth physical discomfort, consider them like aspirins.
>>363206No their mechanism of action are very different from aspirin. The antivirals used to treat herpes viruses competitively inhibit viral DNA polymerase.
I'm curious, what do you think is causing diseases like rabies and chickenpox if not viruses? What is the alternative hypothesis?
Also why do you believe that viruses can't be pathogenic based on the fact they are pretty simple but you don't seem to have a problem with prions.
>>363207>Also why do you believe that viruses can't be pathogenicSee
>>363189 to begin with and then search for Stefan Lanka and the episode when he was put on trial by the German government for "dangerous disinformation" when he denied the existence of the Measles virus. Spoiler: Lanka won, neither the German government or the European pharmaceutical industry could prove in court the existence of such a virus.
>>363207>I'm curious, what do you think is causing diseases like rabies and chickenpox if not viruses? What is the alternative hypothesis?It might be many things like bacteria or poisons, then to blame an invisible pathogen that only a few "authorized" laboratories can analyze is just fair game to terrorize the gullible population.
>>363189If viruses are caused by electromagnetic fields then why are the countries with the least amount of electricity the most likely to get viruses? Also smallpox caused all sorts of devastation long before radio.
>>363210>then to blame an invisible pathogen that only a few "authorized" laboratories can analyze is just fair game to terrorize the gullible population.So the entire field of virology is just a conspiracy?
>>363215>If viruses are caused by electromagnetic fieldsNope, microwave radiation and ionizing radiation, the first is found in radars and high frequency telecommunication spectrum, the second in radio-isotopes.
>Also smallpoxDid you think about poisoning? This has happened before when the jews attempted to genocide the European People by poisoning and attempts to erase history followed, see
>>307651 →>>363216>So the entire field of virology is just a conspiracy?Yes according to people questioning the virology pseudo-science. Speaks volumes that not establishment virologist or even the WHO employees will debate them, instead they resort to censorship.
>>363218Microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
>YesThen why do governments sped so much money researching viruses for military applications. China does it. America does it. Russia does it. You really think they would spend all that military research for nothing?
>>363219>Then why do governments sped so much money researching viruses for military applications.You should ask them. Who better than them to answer and to give a factual rebuttal to the allegations.
>>363220Why use viruses for things like gene therapy and genetically modifying crops? Seems strange that "cellular debris" would be able to insert genes into host cells.
>>363218>This has happened before when the jews attempted to genocide the European People by poisoning and attempts Why would the Jews only poison corn monkeys and not the Europeans in the America's?
>>363219>Then why do governments>>363221>Why use viruses for things>>363222>Why would the JewsSpoonfeeding is over, you have eyes and a brain to process information, if they are not to the task, I'm sorry but I believe you should go back to Wikipedia.
>>363223Your model doesn't accurately explain reality and you know it.
>>363225>Your model doesn't accurately explain realityYou have to go back to the Flat Earth bread faggot.
>>363226The Flat Earth thread is for people that think virology is fake.
>>363226the scientific method doesnt require models, you homosexual
period, causes cancer and mutations to the body. Some types (Nuclear) are just more harmful than others (Solar, microwave).
>>363223>SpoonfeedingNot an argument. If you cannot back it up with sources or facts, then all you have is a theory, and not a very logical one at that.
>>363223>Spoonfeeding is overFunny way of saying you don't know wtf you're talking about.
>>363189If you think pathogens can't spread at all, dip your cock in a blood sample from an AIDS patient and see what happens.
>>363236This anon is right. Where are the answers?
How much do you want to bet that the virology denying anon is also the flat earth anon?
>>363237>dip your cock in a blood sample from an AIDS patient and see what happens.Dude, it is 2023 and widely know that the AIDS scare was a hoax.
There wasn't any virus and the AZT medicine promoted by the same Anthony Fauci killed tons of homos.
>>363247First of it's GRID (Gay Related Immune Deficiency) not AIDS. AIDS is the politically correct name. Second the dead fags were a blessing not a hoax.
>>363254>Second the dead fags were a blessing not a hoax>failure to comprehend a sentenceThe hoax was the virus existence.
>>363256So now viruses don't exist?
>Fundamentals of Molecular Nano-Communication Networks>Published: Oct 10, 2022>Ian Akyildiz>Broadband Wireless Networking Lab>School of Electrical and Computer Engineering>Georgia Institute of Technology>Abstract:>Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools to the engineering community to design and manufacture devices in a scale ranging from one to a few hundred nanometers. At this scale, nanomachines, which are the most basic autonomous nano-devices able to compute, store data, sense and actuate, will cooperate and share information through their interconnection into nano-communication networks. In this talk, the MoNaCo project is presented which is recently funded by the US NSF. The project is focused on investigating the use of molecules to encode and transmit information among nanomachines as a viable solution to the communication needs at the nanoscale, by taking into account the limitations of the nano-devices in terms of energy consumption, computation and application environments (e.g. intra-body nano-medicine). Unlike traditional communication technologies, molecular communication represents a radically new communication paradigm, which demands novel solutions, including the identification of existing molecular communication mechanisms, the establishment of the foundations of molecular information theory, or the development of architectures and networking protocols for nanomachines. The MoNaCo project will make contributions along four broad directions: the theoretical characterization of the molecular communication channel for a network of nanomachines, the definition of suitable molecular communication protocols for the transmission of information, the engineering of a standard tool for the simulation of molecular nano-communication networks and the realization of a testbed for their experimental validation. Since to date the realization of artificial nanomachines is still under development, the MoNaCo testbed will be based on genetically engineered bacteria and their molecular communication capabilities.[YouTube] Fundamentals of Molecular Nano-Communication Networks
[Embed]Mirror: is a lecture by Ian Akyildiz in Oct 2022 on nanotechnology and how we can replicate nature to create intra nano body networks / nanomachines, as well as what the current limitations are (good to know), how graphene is wonderful (omitted how toxic it is), and how having zillions of nano devices in our blood cells is a “huge revolution” that will “save humanity” and make us live longer. (yeah, right).
>>363269B-but... this is schizo shit and meds are needed to shut it down.
>>363269>This is a lecture by Ian Akyildiz in Oct 2022 on nanotechnology and how we can replicate nature to create intra nano body networks / nanomachines, as well as what the current limitations are (good to know), how graphene is wonderful (omitted how toxic it is), and how having zillions of nano devices in our blood cells is a “huge revolution” that will “save humanity” and make us live longer. (yeah, right).Scientists over hype their research all the time. This shit isn't mature and it won't be for a long time. He even said in his lecture that nano machines are not in existence yet at 9:12. Take your meds.
>>363272Did you even watch the lecture? He estimated some of this shit was 30 years away. You are worrying over nothing.
>>363273Then why to inject mammals with graphene if this tech is not ready? It doesn't make any sense, unless the WEF conferences where they affirm the tech is indeed ready are true.
>>363276Because nano materials are of extreme interest to the medical field. They want to start testing early.
>>363276Also graphene is not a nanomachine it is simply a 2d sheet of carbon atoms. That alone isn't going to have a lot of functionality in the body.
>>363278>Also graphene is not a nanomachine it is simply a 2d sheet of carbon atoms.>nanomachineDon't play dumb and misdirect. Graphene is not about nanobots, but a wireless sensor network inside human bodies.
>Interviewed a Psychiatrist at Elmhurst Hospital May 23, 2023>Elmhurst Hospital's residents and doctors are on strike today 2023-05-23. These are the same "heroes" who took "bonuses" to fake the Covid-19 pandemic three years ago.[YouTube] Interviewed a Psychiatrist at Elmhurst Hospital May 23, 2023
>>363301Graphene alone will not act as a sensor either. Pic related is a diagram of a graphene sensor. Also I highly doubt they are putting it in the vaccines. I get concerns over rushed half assed new technology I really do, but nano particles are expensive and no one is going to give those away for free.
>>363307That graphic shows a silicon oxide transistor which it is not the case of the graphene injected in human bodies. The graphene in the injections are meant to relay data to the always in close proximity smartphone and from it to the network.
>>363307>but nano particles are expensive and no one is going to give those away for free.Well, Bill Gates and the WHO couldn't care less. The bill is paid by the same taxpayers.
>>363308Show me a diagram of said graphene sensor. Graphene alone will not act as a sensor.
>>363310You're just making this shit up as you go along now.
5G/microwave radiation doesn't look harmless.
>Shock: Top Insurance Analyst Says 600,000 Americans Per Year Are Dying From COVID Shots>The global war being prosecuted by proponents of Technocracy is validated by the pileup of dead bodies. It simply cannot be argued that these excess deaths are just coincidental or due to bad luck within Big Pharma. Rather, the world is being brazenly assaulted. The fact that mRNA vaccine programs are not being halted is proof of malicious intent. [Embed]
there are fags on mlpol that still believe in germ theory, for whatever reason
>>363354Sounds like a cope for brainlets like you who believe in miasma theory
>>363355>Sounds like a copeProjecting darling?
>>363355be a good goy cuck, wear the mask, social distance, and take the jab. might as well since you believe in authoritative pseudoscience
>>363359Still coping Miasma cuck. Just because someone doesn't agree with your retarded world view doesn't instantly mean they are vaxx maxxed.
>>363355Yeah. Get injected as many times as you can. And don't forget the variants.
>>363361>Reeeeee everyone who disagrees with my retardation is vaxx maxxed65 IQ moment
>>363363>65 IQ momentAbsolutely, imagine to choose to get injected with unknown substances laced with known poisons for made up pathogens because pathological liars told you so.
>>363364Yea it's got to be tough for those people. Must be hard being dumber than you miasma fags lol
>>363366See ya later anon. I've got customers.
>>363359>t. regret he got the vax
>>363359What would you consider a good source for scientific research? Alex Jones?
>>363390The CDC may be? The W.H.O. perhaps?
>>363386>>363385Lol, keep coping brainlet, just because i don't agree with you, doesn't mean i got the fauci special
>The Amish Rejected Covid Vaccines, Lockdowns and Masks. The Result? 30X Less Deaths>Amish communities rejected Covid vaccines, refused to wear masks, and went about their normal daily activities while the rest of America was turned upside-down.>According to the CDC and mainstream media, the Amish were set to suffer from excess death due to Covid. In reality, the exact opposite happened.>The mainstream media will not touch this story because it completely dismantles the entire establishment narrative. It shows that all the COVID interventions were completely unnecessary.[YouTube] Amish Covid | Full Measure
[Embed] [Embed] [Embed]Another control group demolishes the hoax.
>Hank Green: 43-year-old social media influencer who inspired millions of fans to get the injections diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma>We’re all going to die someday. We could get shot, stabbed, in a car accident, etc. tomorrow. If you’re obese, diabetic, and eat McDonald’s everyday, there’s an increased chance for spontaneous heart disease that kills you sooner than normal. But the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections cause people to drop dead or die in their sleep “suddenly and unexpectedly.” There’s no denying this fact.>The other common cause of death among vaxxed people since 2021 is hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancer. Social media influencers seem particularly prone to this paradox, particularly when they use their platforms as marketing tools for Pfizer and Moderna.
>Ian Bell: 60-year-old Australia disc jockey calls the non-vaccinated "belligerently stupid," dies 30 days after his fifth mRNA/viral vector DNA injection>Mr. Bell was the epitome of a virtue-signaling vaxx zealot. He fully committed to the COVID religion at the very start of it all.>Mr. Bell deserves respect, however. Few people are truly willing to die for what they believe in.>Dying for truth and justice is one thing. Dying for Fauci, Gates, Schwab, etc. is sheep-mania. But again, Mr. Bell died for his beliefs. More power to him and all other vaxx zealots.
>Friday Update III: first full autopsy of post-injection death and new mainstream propaganda campaigns launch as we chronicle 35-plus more sudden deaths>Permanent mass psychosis>Meanwhile a huge swath of humanity is now psychologically damaged beyond repair as a result of this three-year COVID charade. Granted most of them were already sheepish, obedient slaves before 2020. But social media posts like the following are now completely normal.
How to detox from graphene oxide.
Mail delivery lady has 19 people who died on her route in 4 months.
>>363392i assumed you took all the boosters because of how braindead you are
>>363412Because i refuse to believe in a retarded theory that was abolished in the 19th century? give your head a shake.
>>363413>i refuse to believe in a retarded theory that was abolished in the 19th century?I'll post about it late tonight.
According to expert researchers, viruses are a scam.
>>363415>According to expert researchersAccording to quacks anon. Those are quacks.
>>363418>Those are quacks
Vaccine injury gaslighting.
>What is long COVID? 12 defining symptoms revealed >Scientists may be one step closer to developing treatment options for long COVID after identifying 12 of the debilitating illness’ key symptoms.>“This study is an important step toward defining long COVID beyond any one individual symptom,” said study author Dr. Leora Horwitz, co-principal investigator for the RECOVER Clinical Science Core, at NYU Langone Health.>“This approach — which may evolve over time — will serve as a foundation for scientific discovery and treatment design,” she added.>Long COVID is the series of conditions that persist after a person contracts the coronavirus.
>Long Covid is just a fancy word for mrna experiment back lash... [Embed]>Americans are suffering with long-term illnesses due to Pfizer's experimental Covid jabs [Embed]
>>Dr Robert Young explaining how viruses have never been isolated meaning all vaccines are fraudulent.
Viruses are a scientific fraud.
>>363437Robert O. Young is a literal quack. The dude was convicted of practicing medicine without a license and everything.
Also here's an example of measles being isolated from brain tissue.
>>363439>The dude was convicted of practicing medicine without a licenseYou mean to cure people without to pay the bureaucracy's cut, right?
>>363439>Also here's an example of measles being isolated from brain tissue.Not according to the German Courts' ruling.
There it was established that such a virus does not exist.
>>363441Link it. Courts are not scientific bodies, but I want to see what you are talking about.
>>363440The dude killed a cancer patient.
>>363444>Link it. Courts are not scientific bodies, but I want to see what you are talking about.Just make a simple search anon:
>Dr Stefan Lanka Measles Virus On Trial >>312490 →
>>363444>The dude killed a cancer patient.Are you serious? Millions of patients are killed by doctors every year but they are not persecuted because they paid "protection" to the mafia as anon said at
Russia and the covid injections.
It is just a cohen_cidence.
>Doctors blackmailed to lie about covid or lose their jobs
Translation: they chose money over their patients well-being.
>These Vaccines Saved No One - Dr Pierre Kory Unloads the Truth on the Wisconsin State Legislature
>>363445Ok so I looked into the ruling and this was a dispute between Lanka and an other biologist named Bardens over $100,000. Lanka had a contest where anyone that could prove the measles virus existed with a single paper would win the money. Bardens used six papers so he didn't get the prize. The court did not rule that the measles virus doesn't exist. The court ruled that Lanka ultimately gets to decide what he wants to pay for. “…this is ultimately a matter for the awarding party, who alone determines what he is willing to pay a reward for.”
>>363463What about the following bounty?
>>363190>Easy Money - 1.5 million Euros (~2 million dollars) for anyone proving that ANY virus is contagious.
>>363481Whats the criteria? I can't seem to find what they are asking for, but it seems like they want scientists to isolated a virus without using a cell culture which is impossible because viruses need to hijack cells to reproduce.
>>363497>without using a cell culture which is impossible because viruses need to hijack cells to reproduceViruses don't reproduce. They are cellular garbage created by the same cell. Cells expel that garbage all the time along their lives and the variants are counted in the billions when not trillions.
Also, the trick of cultures doesn't apply if isolation is the goal. Just get a cell, isolate the particle the hoaxers say is a pathogen, purify it from assorted debris, and inject it in an animal to demonstrate that it causes a disease.
Spoiler alert: The hustlers never have done that and they will never will.
>>363499Viruses don't reproduce; they force cells to produce them, at the expense of the cell's other functions.
>>363502Nope, according to researchers, cellular garbage is the direct result of toxicity. Cells excrete that garbage (aka viruses, aka exomes) to cleanse themselves. If you swallow toxins, the natural cellular response will be to purge that poison.
That said, the myth of contagion is non-sense.
>>363503>according to researchersWho?
>cellular garbage is the direct result of toxicity.What does that even mean?
>Cells excrete that garbage (aka viruses, aka exomes) to cleanse themselves.Why would a cell produce a specific strain of RNA in its own protein parcel to "clean itself", if the process results in cells selfdestrcting?
>the myth of contagion is non-senseWe've known diseases were contagious for years even before viruses were discovered. Other forms of diseases are contagious too, like bacteria and parasites.
>>363499>isolate the particle the hoaxers say is a pathogen, purify it from assorted debris, and inject it in an animal to demonstrate that it causes a diseaseYou realize that viruses need a medium to be effective, right? They're very fragile structures that are aligned with the organism's cell signalling systems. They can't function on their own.
>>363506>You realize that viruses need a medium to be effective, right?That's the part where viruses should be injected to a test subject to demonstrate their supposedly pathogenic properties.
It is called the Scientific Method. Unfortunately virology doesn't apply it and therefore is quack pseudoscience.
>>363507Injected without a medium?
How do you even get enough material to fill a syringe if that's the case?
>>363508>mediumOkay, then you meant vector. And the target is a cell.
>>363499>Spoiler alert: The hustlers never have done that and they will never will.Why would they need to? Look at the researchers that got infected with HIV after being exposed in the lab with no other risk conditions. People working with viruses have to take safety precautions for a reason.
You Cannot Catch a Virus.
>Tom Barnett
You Cannot Catch a Virus.
Take 2.
>Aajonus Vonderplanitz
You Cannot Catch a Virus.
Take 3.
>mf can't answer without half an hour worth of video
Never change boomer nig
>>363521Educating shills and zombie Americans is almost, yes almost, a lost cause, but at least boom-boom is giving them a chance.
>No virus has ever been proven to exist - not even one!>This might be a shocking fact to many, but still: No virus has ever been proven to exist - not even one! Mere pseudoscience supports the claim that viruses exist, and so it goes that the existence of for instance the measles virus is but an unfounded claim. That is also the case for HIV. Here Andrew Kaufman providing all the details for you... [Embed]
>>363520>muh new world order So that's what this shit is about. Typical boomer Alex Jones bullshit.
>>363531>Alex Jones bullshitUntil now the gatekeeper Jones has been using 90% true facts mixed with 10% shilling and misdirection.
Overall, he has been on target most of the time and the ones that say it is bullshit and conspiracy theories have been always zog shills and commies. Go figures.
Just saying.
>>363524He should be working on his communication skills then. He shouldn't need to post a half-hour long video to prove a point. Not when his detractors can reply to him in a few lines.
Facebook is just not a good place to learn tho
>>363517You can call them "cellular garbage" or whatever, but they are very clearly contagious.
Its amazing that some of you retards cant fathom the idea that virology institutions are billion dollar scams run by devil worshippers
>>363558The amount of people that would have to be in on it makes that pretty unlikely.
Do You Remember The Swine Flu?
>>363560Only the directors are needed to be in the loop. All the rest just take the money and shut up.
>>363562Wouldn't all the people with virology degrees need to be in on it too? Surely they would know.
>>363567According to the people denouncing the fraud, they positively know that their experiments are more than questionable, but as long as the money keeps flowing they will keep going.
It is exactly the same case than nurses, doctors, ambulance crews, police, and everyone designed as "essential" did; their steady incoming was on the line and all of them shut up and did as told. This tells you how corrupt our neighbors are and that there is no fix for this.
>A town with a population of 13,000, Wynnum in Queensland, Australia, witnesses an alarming rise in vaccine injuries and fatalities. [Embed]Creepy as fuck.
>Kim Dotcom>This is the most important video you will watch this year. Millions were killed with Covid-19 for profit. >“Covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetrated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked.” [Embed]Kim Dotcom is the owner of the web hosting
>>363574Video mirror with better quality:
>International Covid Summit III - part 1 - European Parliament, Brussels - David Martin - (209.0 MB)
>Victoria Brownworth: 63-year-old Philadelphia journalist declares that all vaxx-injured people are faking, now perpetually sick after her "wife" dies from hyper-aggressive, post-injection cancer>All vaxx zealots are unintelligent and lack critical thinking skills. It’s hard not to feel sorry for some of them because they have no freewill whatsoever. But some of these people are so vile and evil towards the non-vaccinated that their vitriol needs to be documented. The instant subject crossed all lines of human decency by insulting, belittling and dismissing millions of people across the globe suffering from debilitating adverse reactions as a result of the mRNA and viral vector DNA injections.
>Pfizer Data attached 393 pages of Adverse Events ! Shame!!! Shame!>Order of Magnitude of Adverse Events off the Charts>Pfizer Appendix 2.2 Cumulative and Interval Summary Tabulation of Serious and Non-Serious Adverse Events from Post Marketing Data Sources BNT162-B2>Why are they sitting on disastrous data that shows their product is lethal and dangerous to health. Why are they even a publicly traded company. Can you trade in death and disease on this level and be on the stock exchange as a legitimate institutions of capitalism. Its like having a publicly traded company that allows you to hire their hit men for a fee.>I do not know how to estimate the under-reporting factor with this data. This data is reflective of December 19, 2021 to June 18, 2022.>Total Number of Adverse Events 1,591,026 (Interval) and 4,964,106 (Cumulative)!>- Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders Spontaneous Adverse Events: 100,970>- Cardiac Disorders Spontaneous Adverse Events: 126,193>- Congenital Familial and Genetic Disorders: 1143 >- Ear and Labyrinth Disorders: 47,038>- Endocrine Disorders: 4,115>- Eye Disorders: 61,518>- GastroIntestinal Orders: 317,811>- General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions: 1,605,985>- Hepatobiliary Disorders: 4,380>- Immune System Disorders: 31,895>- Infections and Infestations: 167,382>- Injury, Poisoning, Procedural, Complication: 241,342>- Investigations: 24,038>- Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders: 539,299>- Neoplasms Benign, Malignant, and unspecified Cyst: 1,391>- Nervous System Disorders: 696,508>- Pregnancy, Puerperium, Perinatal: 4056>- Product Issues: 15,910>- Psychiatric Issues: 77148>- Renal and Urinary Disorders: 13,647>- Reproductive System and Breast Disorders: 178,353>- Respiratory, Thoracic & mediastinal Disorders: 190,720>- Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders: 224 633>- Social Circumstances: 9414>- Surgical and medical procedures: 87073>- Vascular Disorders: 73,542>The sheer number of terrible or ADVERSE EVENTS, its horrendous and mind boggling. Do you know what silence on data like this is? I cant find the words. Maniacal genocide in increments through time. Have a more accurate way to describe it? Feel free to discuss.'s PDF with 393 pages.>Michael Flynn Unveils ‘Online Community’ to Help ‘Covid-19 Unvaccinated People’ Find Blood, Sperm, Egg Donors>The company advertises that the full website, which is set to launch by June 12, will offer a directory to find sperm, eggs, breastmilk, and embryo donors who are unvaccinated against Covid-19. The full website will also allow members to find friends, dates, jobs, and employees. “4thePURE” claims all members will undergo national and local background checks, social-security verification, and sex-offender screening.>“Until now, there was no safe dating site for COVID-19 unvaccinated singles. 4thePURE is an online community where COVID-19 unvaccinated singles can safely connect with like-minded individuals who are also interested in meeting other unvaccinated singles,” the current website states.How long until this website is hacked, assuming it isn't already?
>>363625>Michael FlynnAn ex-military masonic satanist larping like a patriot and a Christian. Beware of the judas goat.
>Covid-19 Unvaccinated PeopleA list painting a target on all of them
>The company advertisesA grift.
>“4thePURE” claims all members will undergo national and local background checks, social-security verification, and sex-offender screeningIt cannot be more obvious, zog will be behind it.
>Hundreds of YouTubers Who Pushed Covid Vaccines During Pandemic Now Have Turbo Cancers>Do you remember all those YouTube social influencers pushing the experimental Covid-19 vaccines during the pandemic? Many of them were paid by government and Big Pharma to influence their followers into thinking the vaccine roll-out was a good idea.>Well, hundreds of these young and healthy YouTube influencers have been diagnosed with cancer now – and many of them have admitted they are suffering from rare and aggressive turbo cancers.
>>363637Seems like a cope to me, but go off.
>>363638If only.
>>363638/mlpol/ was right again.
>93 biochemical weapons to decline whenever a medical mercenary offers them to you or your children
>>363638Eugenics is based though. Hitler did nothing wrong.
>>363666Checked those satan's numbers.
>>363666Well, the jews are culling the low IQ crowd, but for sure they will come for the smarter ones, those are the dangerous to them.
>>363670>the jews are culling the low IQ crowdSee this is the part that makes the whole eugenics death shot argument fall apart. The people being forced to take the shot were the professional class. Engineers, scientists, and doctors were all forced to take it. Walmart employees and burger flippers were not told they would lose their jobs if they didn't get the shot. The police and military were also forced to take it. Why kill off the zog bots and professional class while leaving only customer service if the goal is eugenics?
>>363676More importantly, why kill of compliant people, when all that's left is people who refused to take the vaccine? What you would be left with is people who don't listen to you, which is definitely not what they want.
Imo, this is where the eugenics argument actually falls apart. It doesn't make sense to cull the compliant population if the goal is social control. What I really think is that the deaths are a side effect of the untested and experimental mRNA vaccine, and that the deaths are caused not really out of overt intention to kill, but extreme indifference to the wellbeing and safety of those who took it.
There's definitely a significant number of people who died from the clot-shot, numbers high enough to suggest that it can be traced back to the vaccine, but compared to the number of people who actually took it it's close to zero: if the point of the drug was to kill the subject, it's doing a pretty lousy job.
I'm not discounting that there's something really nefarious going on, but the claim that "it's eugenics/depopulation/poison" doesn't really hold water because almost everyone who took it is still alive 2 years later. It has to be something more complex than that, because COVID has basically left the public media narrative but the supposed eugenics plan hasn't manifested.
>>363670>jews are culling the low IQ crowdIt their goal was to cull the low IQ crowd, they wouldn't import millions of niggers, feed niggers in Africa, and promote racemixing. The IQ of the general population is clearly not a priority for them.
>for sure they will come for the smarter ones, those are the dangerous to them.That's more likely.
>>363666Hitler wasn't the only one to do eugenics. Hitler had good ideas, but the American eugenics movement was infested with elitism, pseudoscience, elitism and confirmation bias. American elites and inbred aristocrats used the ideas of eugenics to reinforce their existing worldviews that they were superior to working class people, and used the positivist "science" driven approach to claim that people less fortunate to them were inferior, despite the conditions they grew up in. Anemic, blind, crippled manlets of the American elite unironically claimed that they were genetically superior to healthy, tall, athletic working class men by virtue of having more money than them. It was bullshit, and it hardly had a shred of real science at all.
Sure, it hurt niggers, but everything hurts niggers. Just because it hurts niggers doesn't make it a good thing.
>>363677This is basically my narrative on the shot.
>>363677My tinfoil hat conspiracy for the shot is that it wasn't to kill people but it was to one test new technology and two condition the public into taking experimental drugs. Pretty soon AI is going to replace a lot of jobs and we are going to have to find some way for all the "useless" people to earn money. Many of the elites are transhumanists and what better test subjects for new tech than other human beings? Mark my words guinea pig and bioreactor will be the jobs of future.
So here's a multifactored conundrum.
But the end goal for them remains the same.
>"The Great Reset"
Making a world only for them and the enslaved.
As discussed above, the death count fell flat.
The economic impact is someone getting a chainsaw now watching the slow leaning to the collapse, and at the very least cut out enough for it to no longer live.
They got many to participate.
But (((they))) expected more. However it's just enough to get people to enter into the gulags and force people by proxies to enter them and keep them there.
It's enough to build 'five-minute cities' and gulags while unleashing the bio-payloads and psychological payloads to force people to submit or die.
It's enough that cutting out the food supply and opening the gates for the violent is a key component.
As they always do (((they'll) divide and then conquer.
They want everyone's spirit and willpower to break or die.
(((They))) will go to excessive lengths.
>>363681Why use humans as bioreactors when a tank full of algae can do it hundreds of times more efficiently?
>>363676>The people being forced to take the shot were the professional class. Engineers, scientists, and doctors were all forced to take it.>FORCEDLook it this way, they were blackmailed, no jew put a gun on their heads. Those niggers picked money over common sense.
Are they the smarter ones, or just the most educated/brainwashed ones?
>>363683Algae can't produce everything a human can. The reason we use humans for blood, bone marrow, certain antibodies, ect is because we don't have anything else that can produce them.
>>363685>Are they the smarter ones, or just the most educated/brainwashed ones?Scientists, doctors, and engineers are definitely smarter than the average burger flipper or Walmart employee. It doesn't make sense to put pressure on the professional class and not the burger flippers if the end goal is eugenics.
>>363692>Scientists, doctors, and engineers are definitely smarter than the average burger flipper or Walmart employee.Yes and no.
The degradation of the worker stock with noticeable IQ have been steady for decades. An important quantity of Whites have been replaced by non-Europeans and others with ethnic mixture. For example doctors, most of them follow the script the have been trained for, but their skills for problem solving are missing, under these conditions, most burger flippers can be trained to be doctors.
>>363693>most burger flippers can be trained to be doctors.No. Doctors' coursework includes upper level chemistry and biology. Not everyone is capable of that.
>>363691That's not a bioreactor. That's a tissue farm.
>>363693You're missing the point.
>under these conditions, most burger flippers can be trained to be doctorsThis isn't even close to true.
>>363693>most burger flippers can be trained to be doctorsAffirmative Action for example.
If the reward ($$$) is high enough, most burger flipper will take a shot at that if they are given the opportunity, sponsored by government of course.
>>363696>This isn't even close to true.See
>>363697Even affirmative action hires still have get through medical school. Not every burger flipper is capable of that.
>>363699>Not every burger flipper is capable of thatSure, but an important percentage of them will pass, to later kill a lot of trusting patients and with zero consequences.
>>363698>linking to the post directly above>>363697>If the reward ($$$) is high enough, most burger flipper will take a shot at that if they are given the opportunity, sponsored by government of course.The reward for finishing medical school is already high, as opposed to a burger flipper's lifestyle, and yet you don't see them signing up to become doctors en mass.
And the debate about doctor IQ aside, even if they're not significantly more intelligent, they're also not the least intelligent, so targeting them in particular for eugenics makes no sense.
>>363700>an important percentage of them will passYou're really oversimplifying how easy it is to get a PHD.
>>363701>and yet you don't see them signing up to become doctors en massGo to any hospital in America and count how many shitskins, how many niggers, how many spanish, and how many Whites are... them from the Whites find out how many of them are jews (actually most of them). Then you might realize the deadly mess the health profession is.
>>363703Were those people previously burger flippers?
>>363703There are still shitskins on the right side of the bell curve. Those are the ones that become doctors. Also you didn't respond to his main point.
>And the debate about doctor IQ aside, even if they're not significantly more intelligent, they're also not the least intelligent, so targeting them in particular for eugenics makes no sense.
>>363706Let us see.
With proper couching and training. Would Seb become a doctor?
Surely a hack, but a doctor nevertheless perhaps.
>>363560thats what they also say for things like the holocaust hoax
>>363725The holohoax was done during a time before mass communication and there was an obvious political motivation.
>>363712You didn't answer the main point in
>>363725If you're not going to accept any IQ statistics, why even bring up IQ at all?
>>363693>For example doctors, most of them follow the script the have been trained for, but their skills for problem solving are missing, under these conditions, most burger flippers can be trained to be doctors.This is what the Maoists thought when they murdered all middle class doctors and to gave random farmers crash courses in medicine on the basis that medical expertise was a myth, academic excellence was a lie, and that anyone could be a doctor if given training. Classic communist logic.
The program did not go well at all.
>>363732>This is what the Maoists thought when they murdered all middle class doctors and to gave random farmers crash courses in medicine on the basis that medical expertise was a myth, academic excellence was a lie, and that anyone could be a doctor if given training. Classic communist logic.Your right and that's exactly what has been going on in the States for a long time thanks to Affirmative Action and now the next step: Equity.
Totally unqualified individuals are larping as medics. The compartmentalization of science, and medicine in particular (specialists), has allowed a stream of low IQ individuals to fill the ranks just following a script.
>>363718 shows is true for doctors in a trauma center, or old school independent doctors, the rest are mostly hacks following the hospital's regimented script. This is exactly the reason why is said that doctors will be replaced by machines executing an algorithm.
>>363737>that's exactly what has been going on in the StatesAnd yet the medical industry hasn't completely disintegrated.
Anyway, you're still missing the point. Their intelligence is not on the left side of the bellcurve, so they would not be targets of eugenics.
>>363742>Anyway, you're still missing the point. Their intelligence is not on the left side of the bellcurve, so they would not be targets of eugenics.My point is that many of them, perhaps too many, are well below the score for doctors shown at
>>363745>My point is that many of them, perhaps too many, are well below the score for doctors shown at Do you have anything to back up that claim? The people making it through med school have to have at least above average IQs. They don't just give medical degrees away. It's not like a humanities degree.