We like movie nights on Fridays. These movie nights are usually prefaced with a Pre-Stream event before we watch a movie or two, which is then normally followed by several episodes of Ponies.
Registering an account on the streaming sites we go to is not required.
The Pre-Stream for the Movie Night usually starts at 7:00pm EST.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactyl is the normal room for the Pre-Stream.
The Movie Night proper usually starts at around 8:00pm or 8:30pm EST.
Location varies depending on various factors.
Last full Movie Night thread: >>34962
Previous improvised Movie Night thread: >>349623 →
This new thread was made almost entirely because the change of OP image to something that was not a theatre screen, or anything that implied watching a movie was bugging me. We hit the bump limit on the second movie night thread, so someone quickly made a new thread so that the Movie Night announcement could be at the top of the catalogue.
Also, I fucked up the link to the last full Movie Night thread. It should be
>>316007 →. I'm not sure how that mistake happened.
The Pre-Stream room will be opened at 7pm, and the pre-stream will begin once people start to arrive. That's 30 minutes from now.
To go with the MILF theme of last week, the Pony of the Week this week is Button's Mom, Cream Heart. MILFposting is encouraged.
>>350058I whole heartedly approve.
>>350059>Trying to contain excitement
Currently continuing the movie night with Totally Legit Recap episodes while I try to fuck around with OBS and get something running on Pon3.Stream.
The Pre-Stream + Main Stream night seemed to go well. I never did get Pon3Stream working right I think the problem is on their end but we watched a bunch of the Totally Legit Recap playlist. We ended the night on the Season 8 finale about Cozy Glow. I don't know off the top of my head how much time is left on the playlist, but I doubt it'll be much more than an hour and a bit.
If I can get Streaming from my computer to a third party streaming site to work properly, then I can pull up movies, but I can't guarantee that. If people can figure out how I can point CyTube to my computer's files as a direct download link, or if they know of any way on the internet that I can make a direct link work, that'd be great. Otherwise, all I can hope for is that someone who has a better understanding of how to stream comes around again.
See you horsefuckers next week!
>>350079Goodnight Flappy. Thanks for the stream.
Alright, so I think I've got the technical side of Pon3.Stream running on my end. Last Friday, it just wouldn't work for some reason. I'm still not sure why. I assume it was a problem on Pon3.Stream's end, since all I did to test it today was click the "Go Live" button on my streaming program.
I was able to stream video from my computer to Pon3.Stream, and watch it simultaneously in a browser that was tuned to the stream channel.
With luck, we'll watch through our normal hour-and-a-bit of pre-stream content, and then a movie or two before it's time for a few episodes of Ponies Proper.
If the regular movie streamer is absent again this week, then just know that we'll be ending a bit early, since I usually can't stay up late enough for the full stream length.
Pony of the week is Cozy Glow.
Major animation for the Pre-Stream will be "The Folly Of Celestia" by FOB Equestria.
After approximately 1h 15m of the Pre-Stream, we will continue the rest of the Totally Legit Recap playlist. We'll start with the Season 8 finale, starring Cozy Glow.
If the Stream group wants, I'll then aim to stream stuff on Pon3.Stream and send the stream to the CyTube room, so we can keep shitposting with our expanded emotes.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylPre-Stream will start when people arrive.
Sorry, it completely slipped my mind but I am at EFNW this week and will be absent from movie night again. Next week we should be back to our regular schedule. Sorry about the late notice.
>>350468>EFNWWe still have meatspace conventions going on?! God-damn. Now that I have money and can afford to travel a bit, I've been itching to go to one.
See you next week. Post some of the Pony Merch you picked up after you're done.
>>350470This is my haul so far.
Out of curiosity, is anyone joining the movie nights only on pon3.stream? We could probably easily plug it in to CyTube if we want to have access to more chat options.
>>350795If it works, don't fix it.
More work for the host, negligible advantage.
>>350795Sounds like a great idea.
Movie is still TBA, but just letting everyone know that I am back and will be resuming hosting duties for movie night, unless anyone strenuously objects. Unless I hear something different, I'm just going to assume that Flappy will be doing his pre-show and we will switch over to my stream for movies and whatnot whenever he wraps things up.
Also: I haven't really been paying attention to the programs during my absence, so I'm curious where we're at with the pony episodes. If you guys have continued to watch the series we can start wherever you left off; otherwise I'm just going to continue with the Japanese dub from my last stream I will have to check the previous threads because I forgot where we left off.
>>351025The Pre-Stream will continue this week as normal.
There was some difficulty with getting Pon3.Stream to work right a week or two ago. I'm reasonably confident the problem was on their end, since I used the same settings and got a test stream to work. Last week, we ended up watching a puppet/comedy show after the MLP stuff.
I don't have the later seasons of MLP in an offline copy, so we didn't watch episodes. (I just don't know which version of the season to download from yayponies, since I don't really understand the differences. Analysis paralysis is a bit of a problem for me.) We've watched through the whole "Totally Legit Recap" series in order over a couple of weeks, and that's run out.
ETA for the beginning of the Pre-Stream is a bit over half an hour. See you horsefuckers soon.
>>351025>I'm curious where we're at with the pony episodesI think the last episode we watched was the one with the stupid fucking breezies, during the first stream where you weren't here.
>>351034>Breezie episodeOh, right. I used a link to ponytube or something like that to play the episode.
>>351034Alright, I'll start up after the breezy episode then. I think that was only one batch ahead of where we were. That should put us at Eps 17-20 of S4 for tonight.
>>351031>I just don't know which version of the season to download from yayponies, since I don't really understand the differences. Analysis paralysis is a bit of a problem for meIf it helps, the ones I have are the iTunes Raw US version, which is just the episodes in 1080p without anything extra added. I don't know what the Scootaloo Remastered version is, the TV Rips I imagine are just ripped directly from TV broadcasts
probably nostalgic for people who originally watched it on The Hub. The Color Corrected by ZR version is (I think) just the episodes in HD with the saturation cranked up past eleven, which I guess is fine if you like your cartoons to give you insulin shock but personally I think it looks a bit weird. If you are okay with the versions of the episodes we were watching when we first watched through the series in English, go with the iTunes Raw.
Pony of the week for this week is Maud Pie.
The pre-stream will have about an hour and twenty minutes of content. The major content of this week's stream is a documentary on SoGreatAndPowerful. I've also placed a new SGaP-style PMV right after it.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylStream will start after arrivals show up.
Alrighty, here is the full program for the evening:
Merrie Melodies: Don't Know What You're Doin! (1931)
Our Gang: Moan and Groan Inc (19...30 I think)
Strangers on a Train (1951)
An Alfred Hitchcock classic. Not affiliated with Hitch's cock.
In Glorious TohoScope™
Eps 17-20
>>351043Program will commence following Flappy's stream.
SGaP Documentary is on now.
>>351043"Strangers on a Train" is a fable about avoiding verbal contracts so you don't get taken advantage of or have misunderstandings. Whether it's giving money for a divorce or agreeing to do each others' murders, always have it in writing.
>>351070I never kill anyone without a written contract that has been signed and notarized.
>>351070Would get hors lawyer and contract pone for all contract needs.
While we're still a ways off, I wanted to take a quick opinion poll and see how you guys feel about something I've been contemplating. Once S4 wraps up, we are officially out of moon-rune pone episodes, since no further seasons appear to have been dubbed into Japanese. I'm probably going to see if I can find another foreign-language dub of the show we can watch, and if all else fails we can watch the remaining seasons in English, but when S4 concludes I was thinking of making a slight change to the program and I wanted to see how you guys felt about it.
Instead of watching 4 MLP episodes per evening, I was thinking of cutting it down to 2 pony episodes, and 2 episodes of something else, probably something else animated. At one point, someone proposed we watch the old Samurai Jack series, which I would be 100% on board with since I loved those and haven't seen them in years. Powerpuff Girls had occurred to me as an option as well, and I also have a large collection of anime and quite a few other things we could look at.
I wanted to get you guys' thoughts on the subject. Should we continue watching all-pony for now, or would you be amenable to doing a pony + some other cartoon?
>>351263>I was thinking of cutting it down to 2 pony episodes, and 2 episodes of something else, probably something else animated.It sounds good to me to introduce variety. I don't know about the samurai, but I'm willing to watch.
>>351263Sounds like a good idea to me.
Tonight's Schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Love a Parade
Our Gang: Shivering Shakespeare
Sphere (1998)The prequel to Cube.
マイリトルポニー~トモダチは魔法 ~ KAWAII PONY DESU ~ S4 eps 21-24
Presumably we will start around the usual time, following Flappy's preshow. Hope to see everypone there.
>>351638>The prequel to Cube.KEK
>>351638>SphereNoice. I'll do my best to be early.
Putting the playlist together now. Show will start in about half an hour.
I'm going to be dipping out after the pre-stream to meet up with some of the guys from work, so I'll at least miss a few hours of the rest of the stream.
Since I'll be dipping out, I'm thinking of trying to give mod privileges for the CyTube room to either Occult or Elway.
Pony of the week is CommieHoers.
>>351263I'm happy to watch non-pony content along with Pony content. Maybe even watching some Equestria Girls stuff, too. I always thought the reason we were watching random movies that were usually old and not the current popular thing was to avoid the deeper internet Intellectual Property bots.
Samurai Jack is a good pick. I still haven't gotten around to watching the new season yet. I'd also like to suggest the 1997 Berserk series, because it's largely about the bonds of friendship, and hope. I also have a modest collection of fan content for Berserk similar to my MLP stash. One of those things was a telling of Berserk's story using all available video media that could be found, from the 1997 animation, to the 2012 movies, to the 2016 adaptation (when necessary), to the videogames, and I don't know if he added fan animations to it.
The one thing that I would like to push for here is that no matter what we keep Pony as our primary anchor here. I worry a bit that without that core theme, this will just be a generic movie stream that'll lose it's identity. Getting more pony content in general (and fan-made pony stuff in particular) was part of what motivated me to start the pre-stream. Another thing was that I often have a hard time sticking around and staying awake to the end of the streams when they go really late.
>>351643>Since I'll be dipping out, I'm thinking of trying to give mod privileges for the CyTube room to either Occult or Elway.Occult is probably the better choice for that since I don't really know anything about how cytube works.
>>351644>I always thought the reason we were watching random movies that were usually old and not the current popular thing was to avoid the deeper internet Intellectual Property bots.That actually hadn't even occurred to me, but we might actually be benefitting from that. I usually just show the kinds of movies I like, which tend to be old classics and pre-2015 stuff. There's been very few recent movies I've had any interest in seeing, I think the last thing I paid to see in theaters was Joker.
>The one thing that I would like to push for here is that no matter what we keep Pony as our primary anchor here. I worry a bit that without that core theme, this will just be a generic movie stream that'll lose it's identity.I'm in favor of this. I think the pony content is a good anchor, I'm mostly just trying to add a little variety so we don't start to burn out watching the same FiM episodes over and over. EqG had occurred to me too, I think there was a whole series made that I've never watched. There is also apparently a second batch of G1 episodes that we didn't see because I didn't know they existed, as well as a G3 cartoon we could check out. The new G5 series might be worth doing as well. I also have a bunch of anime and random cartoons we can add to the list for the non-pony part.
Winning ideas in the stream chat so far: Twilight getting drunk and changing everyone to look like G1, and the shenanigans to undo it.
>She can't undo it because she isn't drunk like before, so they're stuck like that. (Ending 1)
>She undoes it, but turns everyone to earth ponies. (Ending 2)
>She gets drunk again to try to get in the right frame of mind to undo it.
>The same, but paired with Starlight Glimmer
>Then Starlight says "Let's go back in time!"
>And goes back too far to the time of the laser raptors
>And they fuck up the timeline and have to fix it.
>But they are once again too drunk to remember what they did.
Next time, they try this, but with a dedicated Tard Wrangler who tries to keep them on task
[19:55:14] I imagine either Celestia as the Tard Wrangler or someone like Fluttershy
Celestia is used to dealing with a Twilight that's young and not super-smart yet, and Fluttershy has the vibe that she'd try to gently keep people on track and otherwise be unobtrusive, which is important for channeling creativity
[19:56:31] Celestia might have the issue of triggering Twilight's hero worship
Fluttershy trying to babysit her drunk friends would be pretty funny. like that episode where she had to babysit the CMC, but it's a bunch of foul-mouthed drunk adults instead
[19:58:42] soapone: johnelwaynigger: it wouldn't bother her, because of how often she is around animals talking about fucking
A relatively unedited idea worth preserving, I think.
Everyponer, the stream continues at Cytube:
Main stream has moved to JoshWho
https://www.joshwhotv.com/live/1/_60a86255e9759/1You can also watch in cytube if you want, that seems to be where the main chat is
I have an hour and thirteen minutes in the playlist for this week.
Pony of the week is Shining Armor / Gleaming Shield.
What ended up happening last week? It looks like there was a fair bit of shuffling around.
Wow, it's surprisingly hard to find solo Shining pics.
>>352202What we basically came up with is that going forward, I'm just going to use JoshWho for the movie stream since their service tends to be a little more reliable than Pon3. However, we are going to just pipe the stream into cytube and use that for viewing/chatting since it's a superior shitposting environment, and doesn't require people to create a login to participate in chat. So basically, we won't have to switch rooms anymore; you can run your stream, and when you're finished we add my stream to the playlist and I run through our usual program.
Anyway, I'm still getting things together, but I should have the program for tonight's movie stream up in a minute.
Apologies for the lack of a full 5 images. I've been trying to have 5 images on announcement posts, but I'm a bit lacking in organization of my image folders today.
Stream can begin:
Alrighty, here is tonight's program:
Loony Tunes: Ride Him Bosko
Our Gang: The First Seven Years
The Three Amigos (1986)Chevy Chase is perhaps the most underrated comedian of the 20th century.
マイリトルポニー~トモダチは魔法 ~ KAWAII PONY DESU ~ Tonight will sadly be the final episodes of Nipponyos, as the Japs only dubbed them through season 4. We will be watching episodes 25 and 26 of S4, which are the last two episodes of the season.
Samurai JackEpisodes 1 and 2. Figured I'd start SJ this week since we only have 2 pony eps tonight anyway.
Flappy's stream should be wrapping up at around 5:30 and then we will begin. The entire stream will be taking place in cytube tonight, here is the link again:
I have the playlist ready to go now. We should have a good variety of music and some short animations and shitpost videos. The highlights of this week include a special album. Do you remember the AcoustiMandoBrony songs? Kindness, Loyalty, et cetera? Well, one of the artists is going by "RE:MAKE" now, and ended up finishing the set of songs. I was waiting forever for the rest of that song series to be released, so I grouped them all up in the pre-stream.
Here's the link to the playlist for your own bookmarks:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kRFWkOfUtzrn5RypmAHG8rTQtOma4ZDpYPony Of The Week this week is Cheerilee.
As to why I nearly always post SFW images for the Pony Of The Week, it's because I often download a bunch more images just before making these posts, and I store my SFW images and NSFW images in different parts of my computer.
The Pre-Stream will begin in approximately 30 minutes from now.
Evening all, here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Bosko in Person
Our Gang: When the Wind Blows
Suicide Circle (2002)
Korean movie, someone recommended it a couple of times.
Pony Tiem
Back to English pones for now. We will be watching S5 eps 1 and 2.
Samurai Jack
Episodes 2 and 3
We will once again be using the cytube room for everything, so the movie stream will begin once Flappy's playlist concludes.
Thanks everyone. Goodnight!
I nominate "Project Grizzly" which is about a giga-chad who builds a special armor suit to get up close and personal with grizzly bears.
I nominate Real Steel, a cool movie about boxers and robots.
>>350055I Nominate Jin Roh it's an animated movie about if the axis won ww2
I nominate Hotel Transylvania because it's the last day before spookymonth, it's a cutesy childfriendly thing like MLP, and while I have a lot of serious films I'd like to recommend they just doesn't seem very appropriate for a spooky season bronytard intewnet fwen movie night. If you want something serious though and not Halloweeny since it's technically just spooky season and not spukmonth I'd nominate Under Sandet/This Land of Mine which is about young German POW's forced to clear mines off the coast of Denmark after WW2 under the supervision of a much older more experienced Allied sergeant.
I nominate myself to be early to catch the movie from the very beginning.
I have an hour of Music ready to go. I can add some animations to the end of this playlist later if the room wants.
The Pre-Stream room is open, and we are ready to go. Your spot is ready.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylPony of the Week is Photo Finish.
Hello all, sorry about the late notice. Here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Mountain Men
Our Gang: Bear Shooters
Ravenous (1999)
MLP: S5 e03 and 04
Samurai Jack: eps 5 and 6
Stream will be in the cytube room as soon as Flappy's playlist concludes.
I was late again but at least I've got my pone doze. Thanks.
I nominate Disneyland–Mars and Beyond (1957)
For pre-movie cartoons, I nominate Swing You Sinners. Bimbo's Initiation and Minnie the Moocher would also be good picks for October.
Afternoon, gents. Tonight's movie schedule is:
Swing, You Sinners! (1930)
Our Gang: A Tough Winter
Disneyland - Mars and Beyond (1957)Suggestion from
>>353484 . Since this feature is only 52 minutes long, there will also be a short surprise feature in between Mars & Beyond and the pony segment.
My Little PonyS5 eps 5 and 6.
Samurai JackEps VII and VIII
Show will commence at the usual time, following the pre-show.
Pony of the Week is
Redheart [After Dark] I ran out of time and wasn't organized, so now I'm dipping into my nsfw folder first.Stream room is open!
Scoots can't fly. On to other stuff!
Time for the Movie section of the programming, detailed in this post:
>>353548The streaming room is still CyTube
https://cytu.be/r/mlpanniversarythis weekend is the /mlp/ anniversary, over 300 peeps right now
Another night where I don't have a set of Stream Pony images ready to go. Guess you're going to get some more clop again.
I'm not apologizing. This week, it's all about the Human-Obsessed Lyre-Musician herself, Lyra.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylStream is ready to go when you are.
- - - - -
There are some videos / albums / animation series' that I want to put in that could take the time for the pre-stream to over an hour. I'm thinking of a particular audio drama that I stumbled on this week that's mostly 35-45 minute episodes. What's the thread's verdict on putting those longer things in as the mainstay of the pre-stream before the movie? It could be like when we were watching the Anthologies in place of one of the two movies.
What up, chumps and chumpettes. As usual I'm a late sleeper and running behind schedule, but movie night will proceed on time and under budget. Programming will be announced shortly.
If no one objects, I think I'm going to show a bit more of the Dark Eye playthrough, and I will try to find a reasonably spoopy movie.
Things have started, but the stream is still in the early stages. Lots of promise, but the real meat of the Pre-Stream for this week is still to come.
MLPOL Presents: Nightmare Spoopy Night, Episode 2
Bimbo's Initiation (1931)
The Dark Eye (1995) Episode 2: Annabel Lee (short poem), The Cask of Amontillado (part 2), The Telltale Heart (part 1)
Due to time constraints I'm going to hold off on the Our Gang shorts for October in favor of showing The Dark Eye. This is a judgement call on my part; TDE is a brilliant little-known game that I think everyone should experience, but it's extremely difficult to install and run on modern machines. I remember there were some people who were trying to install it on my recommendation a couple of years ago and they couldn't get it to work. Anyway, unless there's a huge public outcry about it, I'm going to run The Dark Eye for spooptober, and we'll resume with Our Gang next month.
Nosferatu the First Vampyre (1979)
To kill the goth kids, you must first kill the original goth kid.
My Spooky Little Pony
The ghost of Lauren Faust rises from the grave to bring you these terrifying tales of terror: S5, episodes 7 and 8.
Samurai Jack-O-Lantern
Episodes IX and X. The Roman numerals make it extra-spooky.
Program will commence as soon as Flappy's very frightening pre-stream wraps up. WoooOOoOoOOOoOooOooOoooh....
Putting this week's pre-stream playlist together now. Haven't picked a Pony Of The Week yet.
>>354154These dubs say the pony of the week is Bulk Biceps.
Movie list will be up shortly.
>>354155Hell yeah. We're all gonna make it.
Room is open now. I have some spooky themed content, but I'll save the barrage for next week.
Here is tonight's very spooky program:
Minnie the Moocher (1932)
The Dark Eye (1995) Episode 3: The Telltale Heart (part 2), The Masque of the Red Death, Berenice (part 1)
Murders in the Rue Morgue (1932)
Starring Bela Lugosi. Bears almost no resemblance to the Poe story but is still a fun movie.
My Terrifyingly Small Pony (666 AD)
S5 eps 9 and 10
Samurai Jack of the Damned
Eps XI and XII
Program will commence at the stroke of the witching hour, or the conclusion of Flappy's playlist; whichever comes first.
Stream will start soon. In related news, I should get back in to the habit of putting the playlists together on a day other than Friday.
Pony of the week is anything spooky!
Stream Room is open.
Maybe we should have another stream closer to Spook Night so I can put a different playlist together.
Either way, come and gather round so we can all have a good time.
Pony theme here is "Halloween Costumes".
Movie playlist will be up in just a minute.
Here is tonight's terrifying playlist:
The Skeleton Dance
The Dark Eye Episode 4: Berenice (part 2), Conclusion
The Mummy (1999)
My Terrifying Pony
OOoOoOOoOOo Eeeepisoooodes 12 and 13 of Seeeeeason Fiiiiive OooOoOO
Samurai Jack the Ripper
OooOooOOOoooooO nuumbers 14 and 15 OOoOoOooooo
Program begins as soon as Flappy's wraps up.
Today I watched "on Western front no news" aka PoV of a young student, aka black pilled forest gump. Very sad movie that showcases the tragedy of war and people involved in it. I recommend watching it at your leisure. You don't watch this movie. You live through it. Through every body turned to shreds and every comrade lost. It mesmerises you to the point of feeling great emotional pain for other people.
>>355020Just out of curiosity, are you talking about "All Quiet on the Western Front?" Because that was also a novel, and the novel is good too.
If you don't mind watching something >Fr*nch, I recommend Les Tontons flingueurs.
>>355020>on western front no newsDo all english movie titles get fucked with in your language? What's the funniest example of that?
>>355224That's how it is in many eastern european countries. One of my favourites:
They Live --> Elpusztíthatatlanok --> The Unexterminatables
The playlist is up and ready to go. As usual, the intent is to kick things off at 7pm EST Approximately 12 minutes from now, but we'll start things off once we have a handful of people in the room.
Pony of the week this week is Zecora, because why not.
Evening gentlecolts, here is tonight's film schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Shuffle off to Buffalo
Our Gang: Pups is Pups
Les Tontons FlingueursSuggested by
>>355216 . I don't know anything about this movie, but from the title we can infer that it probably has something to do with French people flinging tontons around.
My Little PonyS5, eps 14 and 15.
Samurai JackEps XVI and XVII.
Show will commence at the usual time, following Flappy's stream.
Stream Night is on. Forgot to post the update here. As an apology, please accept these lewds of the herbalist zigger.
We're running content, so get here before it's gone!
>>355231That makes the jew angle even more obvious. Nice! I wish the UK had its own funny language like foreign places or the simlish brits speak in Age of Empires.
I hear Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance in Slovenia was called Invisible Horse Rider, Weekend At Bernie's was called This Dead Person Is Very Alive in Spanish, and Boogie Nights was called His Powerful Device Makes Him Famous in China. That last one sounds like the title of a shit youtube storytime animation/chinese comic dub/shitty anime recap that somehow has 2 million views.
Most ironic of all, Lost In Translation's name was lost in translation when they decided to call it Lost On Tokyo in Spain.
>>355355>I wish the UK had its own funny language like foreign places
>>355355>I wish the UK had its own funny languageNorthern Ireland, Scotland and Wales? Basically three languages that can be summarized as "English, but funny".
>>355355>>355357>I wish the UK had its own funny languageKek. That's a good one.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVL5pA2XXns>Most ironic of all, Lost In Translation's name was lost in translation when they decided to call it Lost On Tokyo in Spain.Spanish-translated movie titles are generally pretty nonsensical. I think Spain is just a little ahead tho. Kamehameha was called V I T A L W A V E or some bullshit at some point.
>>355381Always wondered how they'd translate Kamehameha in other languages. The pun "Total Destruction Wave/Turtle Destruction Wave" works in english, in japanese the joke is that Kamehameha sounds like the Hawaiian god Kamehameha.
Puns like Roranoa Zoro's Oni Giri (Demon Slash. But Onigiri are those sugary dumplings on skewers) are usually lost in Translation. Or Lost In Tokyo.
Movie tiem once again.
Merrie Melodies:
Our Gang:
I think I may have found a viable English subtitled version of The Tonton Flingers, but I have to check it to make sure it plays correctly. Assuming it works, our movie for tonight will be:
The Tonton Flingers (1963 or something I think)
Something something France, something something we surrender.
In the event that this movie is not playable, I have another surprise backup feature queued.
And either way, we will finish up the evening with:
S5, eps 16 and 17.
Samurai Jack
Eps 17 and 18.
Program will commence at the usual time, following Flappy's stream. Hope to see you all there.
Pre-Stream will be a bit late tonight. I'm getting a bit held up.
Power outage. Posting from phone now. I'll call it a night unless I get power back soon.
I watched the /mlp/ anniversary stream on cytu.be and have stuck around for the afterparty stream but it kinda sucks because among the few regulars are:
A gaynigger/niggerfaggot
A halfnigger racemixing faggot
A tranny turned femboy
A spic
A pedo who says they aren't
A fillyfiddler
A supposed IRL-horse-fucker
A bipolar lesbodyke
Some of the other regulars are cool but there's too many degenerates there. Why don't we have our own notfag 24/7 cytu.be room?
>>355799Average 4chan meetup.
>>355799I think it accurately reflects the state of the fandom at this point, especially on 4trans.
Bronydom has always been an all-inclusive group that would embrace just about anybody. Now that the fandom is nearly dead and 90% of those with any sort of normalcy have moved on to greener pastures, we're left with the dregs of the dregs. I've noticed that /mlp/ has become significantly more degenerate in the past few years and only seems to accelerate it's death spiral even more every year.
Things like nigger shit, troon shit, blatant pedophilia and zoophilia, etc., have come to be openly tolerated by many anons there and the janny trannies that quietly encourage it all.
>>355802I still use it, tbh.
>inb4 just use /mlpol/Well, I use this place a lot too, but I also like reading fresh greentext and saving cute mare pics to my folders, in abundance.
>>355807>I also like reading fresh greentext and saving cute mare pics to my foldersUnderstandable. If you're patient enough to sift through the trash to find gems, then more power to you.
I, too, am hopelessly addicted the dopamine-oxytocin rush of seeing a cute mare and then saving said cute mare.
I love mares.
So, uh, have you guys watched "The Last Unicorn" yet?
>>355911I haven't, but I'd like to.
>>355911I saw it back in middle school.
>>355911I saw it in the mlp anniversary afterparty stream.
>>355911We've watched a few times I think, but I don't think anyone will complain about watching it again.
Sure, what the hell; it's a good movie. Tonight's movie will be:
The Last Unicorn (1982)I'll have the rest of the schedule up in a couple of hours.
>>355950Apparently I wasn't signed in, but this is me.
Anthology 7.20 came out a little while ago, so I'm making that the bulk of what we'll be watching tonight, after the traditional music stuff that we normally start the stream nights on. I'm also putting on one video that I saw today about how abjectly retarded many people in the public here, but I'm willing to skip past it if the room finds it too irrelevant or un-fun.
Pony of the week is Screwball.
>>355950For whatever it's worth, I haven't seen The Last Unicorn yet. I think I vaguely heard a plot summary or discussion about it, but I don't have any mental images that get conjured up when I hear that title.
Here is tonight's full schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Bosko's Picture Show
Our Gang: School's Out
The Last Unicorn (1982)
My Little Pony
S5 eps 18 and 19
Samurai Jack
Eps 19 and 20
Program will start as usual at the end of Flappy's stream.
Room is open. We'll start once we have a few active users in there.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactyl>>355799I left the CyTube room unlocked the first time, and I came back to find dozens of hours of Chinese propaganda videos queued up on repeat. It was also empty when I came back to it.
What I think this means is that vandalism is too likely, and that there wouldn't be enough interest to keep the room populated at all times. Is the afterparty stream still going? I thought they said they were going to close the room after only 3 days.
I can see about making a separate 24/7 room for general horsefuckery shenanigans, but I'd prefer keeping my main room dedicated to this movie night. I can make and manage multiple rooms with my CyTube account.
Aaand That's a wrap for the week!
Thanks again to Elway for running the second half of the stream.
See you all same time next week.
I nominate "A Boy and his Dog"
Happy post-Thanksgiving, gents. Here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies:
Our Gang:
A Boy and his Dog (1975)Suggested by
>>356088MLP:S5 eps 20 and 21
Samurai JackEpisodes 21 and 22
Stream will begin as usual after Flappy's concludes; same bat time, same bat channel. Hope to see you all there.
I'm a little late on the stream tonight. Sorry about that.
You know the drill, the room is open, and festivities will start when we have a good handful of people there. Looking forwards to chatting with you soon.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylPony of the Week is some slides of a barely-sorted clop folder.
>>356152>>356154Thank you both for everything.
I found a cytu.be room, how long has it been dead and can I become a mod of it so I can queue shit?
Hi guys, Flappy here. Movie night will start a bit late. I got my car today and have been running around for a while. I'll be ready for movie night shortly
Hey all I’m really sorry for the late notice, but something came up and I can’t show a movie tonight. I will be back next week.
>>356293Noted. I'll see what I can whip up.
>>356293Thanks for dropping by to give us an update.
ANNOUNCEMENT - I'll be livestreaming the movie stuff tonight as well.
Terry Pratchett - Hogfather [2006]
For our primary feature, I picked something Christmas-y. Also, it's Terry Pratchett's stuff. I have high expectations for this.
Miniature Horse Adventures
We'll be watching two episodes from Season 3. Too Many Pinkie Pies [S03E03], and One Bad Apple [S03E04].
Surprise Anime
Then, we have two episodes of a surprise anime. I think this would be a good submission for the regular nights once we've run through Samurai Jack. You'll really see why once we see the second episode. I'm putting in Episode 1 to establish the setting and characters, followed by Episode 9, because that one has a specific scene I think was funny.
For future movies I nominate:
Nope by Jordan Peele
Violent Night
Silent Night, Bloody Night
Will you play 'Gay Niggers from Outer Space' next time?
It's the only movie that my autistic grandson likes and he just loves your streams.
It would mean a lot.
>>356329Playing news clips is a bit over kill dontcha think?
>>356333Yeah, but the little rascal just keeps hollering about how he wants to watch the gay niggers with all the cool Internet guys here. He really looks up to y'all.
He's still grounded because he missed the last 'stream' and just kept screaming and kicking the walls because of it. I don't even know what a snowpity is; he just kept screaming and crying about it for almost an hour!
Please, can't you watch the movie for Jason?
>>356335Are you trolling here, or are you serious? I'm actually not sure. Depending on how old your grandson is, I'm not sure these streams are entirely appropriate for a child to watch. Not really for the movies that we see, but for the chat. Even in this thread, I just slap porn on my announcement posts sometimes. I've even sometimes put some explicit music in the pre-streams.
I've heard of the movie before and don't think I'd mind watching it. From what I understand, it's a very cheesy and cheaply made science fiction movie. Cheaply made in the sense that they use a LOT of tin foil in the construction of their sets. I don't know if the movie contains any nudity or what the plot is.
For the record, I only streamed last week because Elway was out of commission for Life reasons. I don't mind streaming again, it just might get to be a bit much to the Pre-Stream and the main movie night all together. I sometimes have a hard time staying up to the end of the movie night for scheduling and time zone reasons.
This week, I'm assuming that Elway will be back as usual unless I hear otherwise. I'll try to get something ready so we have a smoother transition from the YouTube stream to the livestream this time just in case. I like how Elway has the animated background and lounge music as a transition, and how his media program plays through the playlist like it's supposed to. I think I need to tinker with mine a bit more before I can get it to work. I'm using MPC-HC right now, and I might check to see if I can substitute WinAmp in there or something.
>>356380>nu-fagThe autistic britbong's name is Jason.
>>356380Jason just turned twenty last month. He can watch adult content as long as he's well behaved. It usually isn't a problem as long as the stuff doesn't "inspire" him. I let him watch the angry clown movie and he got so mad the next time I took away his laptop that he hit me in the head with his "uno hole" or something and it almost knocked me down. He kept screaming "you get what you frigging deserve!"
He's not allowed to watch that movie anymore.
Thankfully the gay niggers haven't inspired him to do anything inappropriate yet. LOL!
He's been terribly upset because of the midterms lately, but the gay nigger movie always makes him laugh and y'all have been such a good influence on him. It means so much and I don't know what Jason would do without you lovely young men as mentors.
Thank you.
>>356384>Jason just turned twenty last month.I see. For some reason, anytime I hear "grandchild", my brain imagines a kid no older than 12.
>>356392You are genuinely retarded aren't you?
>>356392It's okay. I guess it's just how most people see things, even here. I just spot in from time to time make sure Jason isn't getting sucked into something crazy. Yes, he's older than one might expect, but he really can't help it.
He's a good boy with a disability and he just loves it so much here. He talks about all the time and show me all the memes from so often. It makes him so happy that he almost seem "normal".
I really hope you can watch that movie with him. He really thinks the world of you guys. I was mortified about his internet history at first, but I see how accepted he feels here and I just hate to seem cut off.
>>356392>>356393Cultural connotations.
"Father" sounds fancier than "Dad" for better or worse, while "Baby" and "Daddy" sound too much like a sex thing thanks to those fucking degenerate jews raping our language.
>>356395No thanks, brit gg. I'd rather continue using your language like I use ur womenz.
>>356400You will never be white
>>356401Damn it, Jason. I taught you better than to take obvious bait. A more appropriate response would be:
>using your language like I use ur womenzPoorly and not at all irl.
>>356401>>356402Language evolves over time. Think of it like white genetics with immigration.
>>356412So, our language will degenerate into spicoid garbage if we don't control it?
Based Nigel keeping things pure, unlike your ancestors.
To manage expectations, I haven't managed to get a copy of the Gay Niggers in Outer Space movie yet. I'll quickly see if I can find a copy of it after I get home from work, but I make no promises on it being streamed tonight. The next backup plan after that is grabbing those other Terry Pratchett movies from that mega link and watching those. If I somehow can't get the download done in time, then I can put something together like last week.
That's all assuming that Elway is going to be busy or indisposed again this week. Otherwise, the Pre-Stream should go on as usual.
>>356438Well I'll be a monkey's uncle. It's even on YouTube! No wonder I wasn't finding any torrents on PirateBay!
That'll be a really easy add on a technical level. It's logistically simple, since I can do this without needing to co-ordinate with Elway. That it's only half an hour makes it easy to fit in the schedule, too.
I'll put it at the end of the normal pre-stream, and we can watch this before the main movie.
The room is open, and the stream will start once we have a good crowd going.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylI'm trying to get things ready for the second part of the night where I might need to stream, but the technical details are probably best discussed in the stream chat.
The Pony Of The Week for this week is Nasapone.
With no word from Elway, I'm going to be doing the streaming again. The selections for the night are as follows:
Highlander 1 [30th Anniversary Edition] [1986]
It involves swordfights between immortals in the modern day, or so I've heard. Also, it's an 80's movie.
Exploring Tiny Equines
Two more episodes from Season 3. Magic Duel [S03E05] and Sleepless in Ponyville [S03E06]
Ghost Stories [2000]
The surprise anime from last week, we'll be watching episodes 2 and 3.
>>356448Well it looks like my ISP or some connection from them has fucked up so probably means I can't come back on. Hope you enjoy the rest of Highlander though.
There can be only one!
I've got the Pre-Stream Playlist set up, and now I'm prepping a Stream playlist in case Elway is going to be out of commission again.
As usual, we'll start the Pre-Stream at 7pm EST, or whenever we have 4-ish people in the room.
Ponies of the week will be various odds and ends ponies.
Evening gents, here are tonight's selections:
Merrie Melodies: Buddy's Day Out
Our Gang: Love Business
Bubba Ho-Tep (2002)
My Little Pony
S5 Episodes 22 & 23
Samurai Jack
Episodes 23 & 24
Program will commence following Flappy's stream, same bat time, same bat channel. Hope to see you all there.
>>356546Welcome back!
I'll save a playlist for the next time you need me to cover for you. I've got the rest of the Highlander movies that I want to get to at some point.
>>356547Awesome, thanks again for handling it last week.
The Sonic Boom episode "The Biggest Fan" parodies Chris-Chan.
Can that be shown on movie night some day?
>>356550I've seen a couple of those episodes. The show is surprisingly decent. I wouldn't mind watching through that show some time.
>>356550Oh I remember that episode, a really good one it is
>>356551As someone who watched it through, it is pretty good.
I stumbled across All Levels At Once's content earlier today, so I'm putting his MLP stuff, which is his The Pony Way [2012] album plus one or two other songs by him. I also mixed in a couple of songs by other artists. No animations this week as a result. I assume Elway will be here to do the main stream, but I believe I have a backup playlist prepared in case I need to step in and do the movie night portion of the stream myself.
I think I'll try making the stream night visible on the main page instead of leaving it unlisted. With luck, that'll mean more lively chats.
As usual, the pre-stream will start once the room populates.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylPony Theme of the week is Kirins
Movie list will be up in just a sec, still throwing stuff together
Movie Tiem! Since it's Christmas in a couple of days, tonight's program will be slightly different.
Here are tonight's selections:
Merrie Melodies: Got to Sing a Torch Song
Couldn't find an appropriate Christmas cartoon so we'll just be doing a regular short.
Mickey's Christmas Carol (1983)
I've elected to show this in place of the Little Rascals shorts tonight. Tis the season.
Die Hard (1988)
Bruce Willis maintains that this is a Christmas movie and I agree with him.
My Festive Pony
In lieu of our usual cartoon segment, we will be watching the G3 Twinkle Wish Adventure special + The Best Gift Ever, which evens out to roughly the length of our usual cartoon segment. FiM and Samurai Jack episodes will resume next week.
>>356740Wow it's Friday again, I forgot till you posted something
>>356741I've got news for ya, buddy. Friday's here AGAIN!!
As I haven't heard anything that would make me change my mind, I'll be running the pre-stream again starting in about 45 minutes. I'm making this early post so that people casually scrolling the front page of /mlpol/ and the /overboard/ will see it.
As our good friend Canada has so astutely pointed out, Friday is indeed upon us once again. Here is tonight's schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Buddy's Beer Song
Our Gang: Little Daddy
The Adventures of Ford Fairlane (1990)
The thrilling action-adventure thriller that, along with Stephen King's "Christine," later inspired the Disney-Pixar classic "Cars."
Horse and Samurai Segment:
-MLP S5 eps 24 and 25
-Samurai Jack eps 27 and 28
Hope to see you all there.
...And it is now time to open up the room. As usual, we'll be watching some YT pony music, PMVs, some animations, etc. The feature of the night will be a playthrough of Moonrise: A Symphonic Metal Opera with lyrics on the screen.
The Pony Theme of the week is Flying. However you gotta do it.
>>356908It's ducking happening! There's pones an' frens!
That's a wrap for this year, folks!
>>356907I recognize that red robot horse from something. Who is that?
>>356957Neat. I recalled seeing him in a few other pieces of art and was wondering what he was from.
Hey guys. I'm booked tonight, so I won't be able to host. Occult has the permissions to run the room. If something is needed from me, I'll be checking the thread now and then throughout the day.
If anyone has suggestions for the prestream I'll load them in.
>>357147Can you play Taxi Driver?
>>357148That's a good idea, I was thinking of stuff that's easy to load up on cytube.
If you know a youtube link or somesuch sure thing.
This weekend is /mare/con
https://cytu.be/r/mareconOpening just started
The Pre-Stream for the Movie Night usually starts at 7:00pm EST.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylRoom is open whenever anyone wants to join in.
Hey everyone, I'm running a bit late again and didn't see Flappy's notice until just now, but it looks like Occult got the usual prestream going. I'll have a movie schedule up in just a few minutes.
Alrighty, here's tonight's schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Sittin' on a Backyard Fence
Our Gang: Bargain Days
Taxi Driver (1977)Suggested by
>>357148Ponies, Ponies, PoniesS5 Ep 26, S6 E1
Samurai CackEps 29 and 30
Bonus: Flapper mares
Thank you for movie night! I have a recommendation, after we complete Samurai Jack and Ghost Stories let's watch the old cartoon Redwall.
Can we watch Brave Heart? Mel Gibson is based and rides a hoers.
Excuse my lateness. I'm putting a playlist together right now.
Ready and waiting to go.
As usual, the prestream, with music, animations, and other videos from YouTube will be how we start off, then a little over an hour after we start the pre-stream will be when we start the movies.
Pony Theme of the week is Guardsmares.
Movie schedule will be up momentarily.
>>357392I don't have a copy ready to go, but we can do it next week probably.
Alright, here is tonight's schedule:
Merrie Melodies: How do I Know it's Sunday
The Little Rascals: Fly My Kite
The Boondock Saints (1999)
My Little Pony
S2 Eps 2-3
Samurai Jack
Eps 31 and 32
Flappy's stream will be starting once more people show up, the movies will begin once that concludes. Hope to see you all there.
Goodnight. And for the record, there is no light at the end of the tunnel. And the only way to disprove that in my eyes is to live in a ted shed and find happiness there. If the authorities don't evict you from there first.
>>357398Make your friends the light, anon. Then you don't even have to wait around for the end of the tunnel. We will be here for you.
>>357399What fucking friends.
Last time I checked, my only friends were a worthless NEET who I spent a year trying to help be an adult while living in a car, and someone else who has a university education and can't manage to settle down either.
>>357400Then network out. You probably won't find much better with us, but it's a start.
>>357401Don't talk to me like I'm not probably older than you, fucknugget. How's driving cross country, making ten different discord handles and identities, joining a dozen forums, making plans and meetups, and straight up doxing myself on a regular basis sound to you? Is that "networking" enough?
>>357402Sorry for not mindreading. But in all honesty, I am not trying to talk down to you or anything. I want you to not feel like shit. If you feel like you have hit a dead end, then that mindspace is going to keep you from feeling better. I know we have some anons that own their own small businesses around if you are looking for tips or maybe even work if you are interested in that. If not, I'm not trying to pressure you or pretend that I know the magic solution to your troubles.
>>357398Ah, glad to see you're alive. Alcohol is one of the inventions as a cure all for everything. Both good, bad and strange.
When a person is spread out too thin usually mounting a defense or expansion is nigh on impossible. Too thick there is a solid ever continual achieving, yet solely concentrated on a singular target.
There is the path that is not too thin nor too thick and it's just right. Any approximation nearing that is good enough.
The subconscious unless taught and grows, repeats and obsesses. When confronted with a conundrum it'll try making do with the easiest yet wrong answer. Because that's a flawed answer it'll continue to obsess over it.
The answer boils down to everything and the cards delt with what was known then. The subconscious needs direction that's its purpose. Otherwise it'll go around trying to go provide a direction and like a spinning top keep spinning around changing direction.
It can do all sorts of things, the consciousness has one real job technically two.
First is to experience stuff.
Second is to provide conundrums.
If the subconscious has no conundrums then 'lack of conundrums' is a conundrum so it'll make problems so it'll work on them.
The subconscious wants to play what if games, the more brutal they are the better. It's specialized for certain types of work. The moment exhaustion creeps in is the point where the subconscious is most excited to do your bidding, because it is then a person can kick over the near complete sand castle really twisting in the metaphorical knife providing two bigger conundrums.
Anyway it's all fun and games no matter the 'fun' or 'games'.
>>357406First off, ENGLISH. Second, what part of homeless, financial destitution and burning hatred for everyone in my life doesn't qualify as conundrum-worthy?
I made the pre-stream longer this week mostly by accident. The result is that I'll try to start it earlier than usual. As has become habit, we'll start off with a good chunk of music, then there will be small animations and PMVs to space things out.
I've also added a partial radio play to the next few weeks of the pre-stream. Different voice actors and even added sound effects and music. I haven't seen the videos in full, so I don't remember if we get visuals to go with it.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylI'll be ready to start the stream as soon as a few people come by.
Pony theme of the week is WindWaker style.
Alrighty, here's tonight's program:
Merrie Melodies: Buddy's Circus
Our Gang: Big Ears
The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day
Sequel to last week's feature.
My Diminutive Equine
S6 Eps 3-4
Samurai Jacques
Eps 33 and 34
Program will commence following Flappy's pre-stream. Hope to see you all there.
After Braveheart could we watch The Guardians of Altomare? It's widely considered the best Pokemon movie and is still regularly rescreened in Japan even 20 years after release.
>>350055Let us see what OP has.
Alrighty folks, it's that time again. Here is tonight's program:
Merrie Melodies: Haven't Got a Hat
Our Gang: Shiver My Timbers
Braveheart (1995)
The story of how based Mel Gibson defeated the Jews of England and saved England from the English
Smol Pony Hour
S6 Eps 6 & 7
Future Samurai Hour
Eps 35 & 36
We haven't heard anything from Flappy yet, but presumably he will be doing his usual prestream. Movie program will begin as usual once that wraps up. Hope to see everyone there.
>>357687Eh...probably we could. I have a couple of other movies I wanted to show first, but I can add that one to the queue if you like.
Also if anyone is interested, I made a recording of a couple of those pony-themed waiting room animations I put together. There were a couple of people last week who requested them.
>>357896Very comfy. Didn't expect it to be so comfy, in fact. Kitchen Nightmares is primo kino.
I think I'll just advertise this just in case it ends up being a regular thing too -- the ancient /mlpol/ party room on cytube is in use for miscellaneous videos and music for each other. No restrictions on it, except common video posting courtesy. I think I'll be there nightly with music while I game and stuff, just in case anyone pops in and wants to share in the fun.
>>357890>>357896>>357923I'm sorry I closed the playlist yesterday leaving you guys hanging.
The theme of the week is "Terrifying Decisions" ie: images that show something happening that will have terrifying results somehow.
Room is open now. We'll start shortly.
On the menu for this half of the stream tonight I copied one of the "Best Brony Music of January 2022" playlists, that Abraham Lincoln Rageaholic video mentioned last week, and two shorter pieces of music just as a palette cleanser from the longer video.
Movie schedule will be up shortly.
Here is tonight's schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Cartoonist's Nightmare
Little Rascals: Dog is Dogs
Grosse Point Blank (1997)
The point is actually not as gross as the title would lead you to believe.
Tiny Collectible Horses
S6 Eps 8 & 9
Samurai Jack
Eps 37 & 38
Program will commence following Flappy's prestream as usual. Hope to see you all there.
Also, Twilight has made the terrifying decision to become a banana
Putting the playlist together now. Will have to shitpost worse than last week to get the Pony / Pony theme of the week.
Here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Hollywood Capers
Little Rascals: Readin' and Writin'
A Scanner Darkly (2006)
Incredibly Tiny Equine Creatures Which Can Be Owned By (You)
S6 Eps 10 and 11
Japanese Guy With an American Name Who is Also a Samurai in the Future
Eps 39 and 40
Program will commence following Flappy's prestream, around the usual time.
Regarding the emotes we have in the chatroom, I'm thinking that that database could use a bit of work.
If you can think of some sort of emotes we should have images for to express things, then I'll see what I can do when I do maintenance on that. Post your suggestions and requests in the thread.
Can you play the original Planet of the Apes? It features a hoers.
>>358596>emote suggestionsWe need moar Leslie, she's a cutie horse.
>>358713I think we watched it a year or so ago, but I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
The way CyTube does emotes is with hotlinks. That's part of why I put PonerPics's thumbnails as the suggested way to get images in the chat, since those use "our" site and they're thumbnails, which minimizes server strain (I hope). I'll quickly try to find some of those leslie images on
For emotes, I didn't mean just more pictures to post, but rather tools for communicating something. Honestly, I think I need to purge a lot of the less relevant images so that it's easier to find the relevant ones. We've got some broken links, too that I need to prune.
The playlist is ready to go, and I found a YouTube source for The Tick so we can continue watching that.
Leslie is going to be the Pony Of The Week, and I'm working on the emotes now.
Here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Gold Diggers of '49
Our Gang: Free Eats
Rebel Without A Cause (1955)
A poignant film about urban decay, inspired by Kid Rock's seminal album "Devil Without a Cause" and featuring the fabulous acting of a man who would later go on to make a fortune selling microwavable breakfast sausages.
S6 eps 12 & 13
Eps 41 & 42
Program will commence as usual following Flappy's stream. Hope to see you all there.
Oops. Got caught up in emote pruning. I'll have my stuff up shortly.
>>358713>>358721We did do Planet of the Apes, but it was awhile ago, and as I recall we had some stream issues on the night we showed it. I'm open to showing it again. There were similar issues the night we watched American Psycho, and I think someone requested we show that one again as well.
>>358883I second American Psycho
The Pre-Stream Playlist today came out to two hours, including the two episodes of The Tick I dropped in at the end. Just letting Elway know in case it affects how he wants to build his playlist.
Pony Theme Of The Week is Celestia with Cake, as I just celebrated my birthday the other day.
>>359153Happy Birthday Flappy!!!
>>359129Alright, so that's two votes for American Psycho I think, plus I'm in a mood to watch it, so that will be the movie tonight. Since Flappy has a slightly longer playlist, I've decided to drop Our Gang this week. We will resume it next week. So without further ado, here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Alpine Antics
American Psycho (2000)The long-awaited prequel to Canadian Psycho.
Hoeres:S6 eps 14 and 15
Smamaurai:Eps 43 and 44
Program will commence as usual following Flappy's stream, same bat time, same bat channel. Hope to see you all there.
Also, Happy Birthday Flappy
I'm back here with two important news items!
First is that the streaming room is open for this week.
Second is that the Pony Theme of the Week is Guardsmares.
See you soon!
Seems like a slow night so far...
>>359453>GuardsmaresClippity cloppity, feds stay off my property.
Sorry everyone, t'was another late-sleep day. I'll have the movie schedule up momentarily.
Here is tonight's schedule:
Merrie Melodies: Page Miss Glory
Our Gang: Spanky
Planet of the Apes (1968)Requested by
>>358713Hrejoeresoers:S6 eps 16 and 17
Smamaruje:Eps 45 and 46
Preshow is in progress, movies should start in about an hour.
>>359455The sunburnt part caught me off guard.
>>357580 →
It's that time again. Here is tonight's movie schedule:
Merrie Melodies: I Love to Singa
Our Gang: Choo Choo
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966)
Suggested by someone in the last chat, I believe.
S6, eps 18 and 19
Eps 47 and 48
My numbering was off in the post from last week, but these are the current episodes for both shows. Anyway, show will commence at the usual time following Flappy's stream.
>>359837Thanks, Elway.
The Pre-Stream tonight will consist of the same pattern of MLP Fan Music, some videos, some PMVs, and then the next episode of The Tick.
The Tick
Season 1 Episode 6 - The Big Leagues - The Tick and Arthur are invited to join the League of Superheroes. Captain Liberty, jealous that she wasn't chosen, hires a top notch lawyer with the help of Batmanuel to sue The League. Unknown to either The Tick, Arthur, Batmanuel, or Captain Liberty, her lawyer is actually the Champion, the racist and misogynistic leader of The League of Superheroes. The Tick and Arthur soon figure out that The League is more of club when they won't spring into action against minor crimes, so they renounce their memberships and leave. The pair then help Captain Liberty by exposing the Champion's true identity in front of the entire law firm which results in the League opening a new group without the Champion.
Title: The Big Leagues
Air Date: December 21, 2001
Runtime: 30 min
Genres: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
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Pony theme of the week is "injury", as I had a little emergency room adventure last week due to work. I'll be back on Monday, but it still feels like a major life event just happened.
I can hang out in the room early, but I should wait until the normal time
7pm Eastern before starting the playlist. That means that I'll have an open playlist until then for watching whatever until the Pre-Stream starts. If you want to mention this stream in some of your other Pony chatrooms to get a bit more movement in the chat, feel free to do so.
I've also got a different video I'd like to experiment with after the movie and Smarmara are done, if anyone's still interested in being up after that.
https://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylhttps://cytu.be/r/FlappyPterodactylThe room's open with an Open Playlist until the normal Pre-Stream starting time.
>>359838B-but what happened to those mares?
>>359840I'd say it was the dragon episode where they had to work a little harder to win the day.
Also, the Pony Theme for this week will be Safety Squad.
>>360023>Safety SquadYAY!
>>360025Ouch. Here is the pony.
Hi guys, quick update: Due to an unexpected after work get-together, I might be a bit late assembling the playlist and getting things sorted. Today's been a bit of an adventure.
As a result, tonight's theme will instead be St Patrick's Day. The Safety Squad will be nearby, and will have the spotlight next week instead.
>>360076Quickly heading out to buy some Whisky and Rum. BRB.