>Spoonfeed me. What's this thread about?This thread typically consists of Anon gone filly, as he's thrust into a new life as a cute little pony.
>What's to be expected?Fillies, cuteness, Anon-tier shenanigans, bitchy Twilight, desires to be the little filly, etc..
>Any archive of photos or stories?Dropbox (Photos):
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BP6aPchH3lGIRdzd78IWykMCXuKLrNABi6bxZGVTy9c/edit>I'm a contributor.Great! For writers, just notify All Nighter Fgt Lone15, so you can have your green added to the Doc. For artists, animators, or any other content makers, you can store your fillies in the Dropbox for future viewing pleasure.
Some especially based faggot also recently compiled nearly every filly image ever created, which you can check out here:
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AowOdwFzlbRk0FVZsRGRYe2hyKhzo2h3?usp=sharingAssess how well you fit into the filly hivemind:
https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/personality-quiz/?group=-LdS-38NvfIG9PHPrYB8>I don't like this thread because of reasons.You'll never know how it is unless you try a dose of filly.
Old-mare Thread:
>>276120 →
”First!” you shout as tackle your green sis out of the way and slide inside the dinning hall.
>Purple, who was in the middle of levitating a large plate with a upside down bowl ontop it towards one the large and long dinning table, qwuickly puts it down and with a scared looked runs passed ou to check on your sis
>Meanwhile, you jump up in a tall chair and seat yourself at the table
>With your snout, you nudge off the bowl and witness steam pour out
>You mouth water as you see the newly roasted pancakes
>Nudging over a pancake onto your plate and then throw spoonfuls of strawberry and blueberry jams on it
>Then you roll it and then you take a bite
>You feel a presence on your right and turn to see purple standing over you with a scowl on her features
>Worth it?
>>282605>Pancake>Roasted>JamJesus Christ, how horrifying.
>>282605Would get body checked again for Twilight points.
>>282609A breakfast only Purple could concoct.
It's probably not bad at all. Twilight could have done a switch-a-roo and replaced the jams with mystery gelatine, and a dummy pancake that's only partially edible.
>>282541 →So I'm actually continuing this. Because... I couldn't leave well enough alone?
>The maid nods and the carriage rolls off>Yours and the pink filly's gazes meet >You give her a blank look, at first, then an image of a purple alicorn demi-god waggling her hoof at you flashes through your mind, and you force a small smile in the direction of the other filly>She goes from being somewhat unsure how to behave in your presence to beam from your smile>She looks down and her cheeks gets flushed red"Heh," she says and moves away a bang of her blonde mane out of the way. "I'm sorry. This is a bit embarrassing but I haven't seen pictures of you yet so I'm sorry I didn't recognice you earlier."
>You shrug with your front legs (cartoonponyanatomy)"Mmm, that's fine and completely understandable. I became a princess a week ago after all. So, you know, ponies have lives, right?" you say, tilt your head forward, and gesture with your hoof.
>She smiles back at you but then looks away and brings a hoof up to her cheek to cover it"Mmm, " comes ouf of her mouth but sounding more glum than an agreeing, `Mmm,´ should be. "Well, to bad that excuse doesn't really work for me, right?"
>She gives you a smile of half self-depricating mirth and half embarrassment>Ah>You're probably suppose to know his pony >Tch>You sigh and mirror the other filly's expression >You scratch the back of you neck "Yeah, perhaps but then we're even... because I don't know who you are either." You look up at her
>She shines up at that "Hehe, oh. Well, that does make me feel better about myself. But I don't blame you. The week after your coronation must have been busy. I understand if you hadn't time to learn about all of your new..." She grins and pauses clearly for drammatic effect. "Relatives."
>Your eyes widen and you stare at her "Who-" you start.
"Well, according to the idea that all the princess are sisters. We're almost cousins. I'm prince Blueblood's daughter, Golden Circlet."
>>282609 >Stabs a pancake roll and roasts it over the fire.
>Be Celestia.
>Currently at the secret labs.
>Mostly a place to make stuff if the Elements for some reason failed and friendship isn't a option.
>Better safe than sorry.
>But in your greed you did commission something from them.
>A filly, just a little filly you could take care of.
>Immortal of course, don't want to go through losing something you get so attached too afterall.
>All around she was and is very good.
>Exactly what you asked for, Nonny was perfect.
>Say for one tiny issue.
>You enter the cloning labs and the two guards stationed inside salute.
>The scientists notice you and bow.
>"Princess Celestia! We were not expecting your oversight today!" The head research mare says with a hint of excitement. "But wonderful as always, I must show you some of our latest breakthroughs in gen splicing, we-"
>You raise a hoof.
"In a moment, I'm actually here with a question about, my personal clone."
>She thinks for a moment.
>"Oh, you mean 1-14-15-14?"
"Yes, Nonny. There seems to be a issue."
>She looks worried.
>"Dr. Code, could you bring up clone case 1-14-15-14, class royal?"
>"Yes ma'am." Another mare says typing into a computer making a bigger screen with Nonny as a filly pop onto the wall.
>"What exactly was the problem Princess?" The head research mare ask.
>You scuff the ground with a hoof, hating the idea of Nonny having a 'problem'.
"Well, more of just a issue. She's a bit... big."
>She raises a brow before tapping at the computer herself.
>"Yes, she should be the same size as Cadence. We did use her DNA for that part."
"You used Cadence's DNA?"
>She nods still typing.
>"Yes. The perfect filly made from the perfect mares." She says as she begins to roll a hoof. "Luna's magic natural ability, your wing mobility, Cadence's height, Luna's voice mixed with Cadence's, your quick thinking, your taste mixed with a bit of Luna's, your muscle strength, your eyes, Cadence's compassion, some of the other docs genes to fill in the gaps and give even more intelligence, ect. The perfect mares, for the perfect fill-"
>She is in a dead stop as she looks at what must be Nonny's DNA.
>"Uhhh, hey you other doctors want to look at this?" She says as the others look up from their work and see whatever it is they see.
"Is there something I should know?"
>They just look with dread.
>"How did we miss this...?"
>You're starting to panic, this is your filly they're talking about.
"Miss what?"
>She looks at you with a worried smile.
>"Well, uhh, heh, we may have found the issue..."
>You look her dead in the eyes as your worry peaks.
>You put a bit of venom in your tone if her flinch is anything to go by."
>"W-Well, it would seem Cadence's family has a slight case of gigantism, while normally this wouldn't be a issue, but with Nonny being a clone, not a birth, this may have a one hundred percent chance of having full body gigantism... how big did you say she was?"
"She's eye to eye with Luna now."
>The doctors all get to work writing up all sorts of things and bickering.
>"W-We'll be a moment princess, would you mind waiting outside for a bit?"
>You're still terrified for your poor foal so you simply nod as stress takes over and you walk outside the room.
>As you were waiting you heard ponies inside yelling at one another as 'they bucked up hard'.
>As it goes on a excited scientist had saw you and was eager to show you their new projects.
>Anything to take your mind off the current situation.
>There was a little friendly competition between two branches of who made the better weapon.
>Archaplazmor and the BFG.
>While the Big Friendly Gun was effective at mass of targets, it was really limited on ammo, while the plazmor was less impressive but more interchangeable with more ammo.
>You really couldn't decide and thought some friends having competition would be good for them.
>By this time the clone team had gotten you back.
>"So, we have figured it out princess. Nonny will be healthy, b-but about twice your size." The head mare said.
"Oh... oh my..."
>"B-But! But, we have a solution! All you have to do is inject her with this-" She says hovering a needle to you. "Twice a week for about two months. It will stabilize her height if not make her about the perfect Cadence size!"
>She says happily.
>"If that's what you want for 1-14-15-14."
>You think for a bit.
>You never really did tell Nonny how she really came about...
"Alright, thank you miss, keep up the good work."
>She takes the needle from you and puts it into a foam lined saddle bag and gives it back to you.
>The doctors and scientists bow.
>"Anything you request my princess." The head researcher says as you trot away.
>You really hope Nonny takes this well...
>Should you even tell her?
>You feel like you've betrayed her trust...
>You sigh as you trot down the hall.
>>282615What a massive setup perfect for a punchline.
>"This is growing out of proportion! If we don't act soon it'll be extremely painful-">"She's a big filly.""For you."I now desire my massive filly Nonny the Princess of Extreme Friendshipinating.
"Yes she really is my daughter."
>>282614Hooray! Now things can get royally screwed, and it might be how she came about.
>Be Anonfilly
>After school is over, you walk out of the classroom to your locker and gather your things but before you can manage start your journey to your next destination
>The reason for that journey comes to you
>You feel a slight tap on your shoulder
>You turn around and give the teal filly with short and curly green hair and round glasses your biggest smile
”Are you done already? I thought was fast,” you say
>You expect to see her smiling back but she isn't at first
>You catch a look of worry to the point of sickness
>It's quickly replaced by a forced smile but her eyes remain sad and her body tense and on edge
>Ever since you became a green little filly in magical cartoon horseland, you have notice that your specific female body has the female trait of noticing emotions but really heighten above average
>Too bad it only tell you the emotional state of somepony not why they are in that emotional state and their thoughts
>Now you have to settle for...
”Ocean A, what's wrong?” you say and looked at her with a concerned face
>Her eyes widen for a moment
>Be Ocean Algae
>[i]Tartarus and Nightmare Moon!
>Of course, she would notice something was off
>Nonny was supersensitive to others
>You realize that you should have perpared yourself mentally better and calmed down before you met
>You force a nervous smile
>You see that she is not buying it
”It's nothing,” you say and you wave a dismissive hoof
”Please, Lisa talk to me?” she says while making ridiculous gestures with her hooves while grining
Greetings homosexuals. It's been a while since I've visited the thread.
What's been happening the past couple months? Gimme the tldr version.
>>282618Is a (less than 28 degrees)-E.
>>282651The >rape only now has just begun.
>>282653>Desire to know more increasesDon't stop at the cliff hanger. I want to see where this goes.
>>282655I'd say the biggest happening I witnessed was ASSFAGGOT returned to complete his Anonfilly feat Abusive Twilight story. Much jubilation was had there. Besides that nothing much that I spotted I'm afraid.
>>282655They guy who wrote super anxiety filly fucked off and never updated his story.
>You're alone.
>Just a little earth pony filly that nopony wanted.
>You wish you weren't.
>You wish you were a pegasus.
>They are truly free.
>You watch as a big white mare soars so free, so happily through the sky, her beautiful mane and tail flowing so openly in the air behind her, like a stream of light chasing after her, only with a hope to touch her beautiful clean fur.
>You wish you were clean.
>You really wish you were a pegasus...
>>282661>jubilationI don't know how to feel about his ending really. It felt a bit like a cop-out, didn't really tie up any loose ends except for the basic plot, and some characters changed relations pretty much on the fly for seemingly no reason but plot-convenience. It felt somewhat like the final nail in our coffin.
>>282684I did wish it was a bit longer as well and recall people pointing out how the CMC relationship changed in the finale. Only read it twice so far and that was after not reading the prior content for a long time so any of that stuff would have flew over my head.
Would talk about stuff I liked in more detail but I'm a mobilefag and newfag so don't know how to spoiler text or do green text. Speaking of ASSFAGGOT and a few others have made me really want to take a crack at writing some of my own. Seen some threads on /mlp and this thread that can use some fresh blood to get things rolling stronger.
>Be Filly
"Move boitch."
>"What did you say young filly."
"Mmmm, mooove, beeiiatch."
>The opens her beak.
>It's hanging low, like sweats on a zigger.
"Caw! Krrakkk caw!"
>"Alright thats enough of that."
>Ooo a spanking.
"Harder daddy!"
>Be Applejack
"Y'all going to be in massive trouble ya hear!."
"Ill count to four, you know what happens when I reach four..." let them imagine a fate worse from thems.
>Then a red and green fillt trots out of the bushes.
>Half blue too.
>"You should see the other guy."
>>282697Every sort of text modification you can do can be found in the options under help, newfriend. Greentext is as it is on 4chan, just
>Do it, faggot.
>>282697Please, fresh blood is exactly what we need. There isn't really a consensus on whether or not my greepn is
good, but I can help you get started if you need any info.
>>282717>There isn't really a consensus on whether or not my greepn is good,It's good for me.
I'm a silent reader and rarely give any feedback, sorry; but greens are always welcomed and silently thanked.
>>282717>There isn't really a consensus on whether or not my greepn is goodNigga don't doubt yourself! You're good enough that we like seeing you back whenever you show up, just keep making content when you can!
>>282722>bad companyPurple knows how fix that faggot.
>>282717>There isn't really a consensus on whether or not my greepn is goodAh, so even the proven doubt themselves. Gives me a little bit more confidence to fall from.
>>282717>There isn't really a consensus on whether or not my greepn is goodI'll concensus this foot up your ass until you get that you make good shit Lone man.
There's always room to improve, but don't unnecessarily hammer yourself constantly. You do good work. Have these poners.>>282724Just gotta write. That's the first step.
>>282722They look good. Would get spritzed by Purple's love musk again.
>>282734That's just regular water, and Twiggles is gonna dunk you in the cold water next unless you stop being so horny
>>282735You think Twiggles wouldn't use her potent lovemusk as an effective filly remover? She knows she's like your mom now.
>>282735She has to catch me first.
>>282737Effective? No. Social isolation because a filly is covered in mare goo? Yes.
>>282713>This lazy as cracker(me) just learnt how to red text by spoonfeeding Anon what you have done is unethical. Only true horsefuckers should be able. I'm not worthy...
>>282739Kek, never gets old.
>>282722Sure, I can make something from this pic.
>Be Anonfilly >Its just an average day at school during recess>You walk around in your black hoodie>You haven't really been able to make friends in ponyland yet >There are many problems in your friendship making that compound on each other >You are an alien so even if others think you're a normal filly that is expected to know common things about the world and have common interests, you do not >You're an adult so you don't really care about the same things you did as a young person but then you rememeber that that's not really true >You stiill play video game you fucking manchild!!!!111>Or played video games since hooves have made you disabled so even though there exist games you haven't been able to play them yet>The other foals have definitely noticed your lack of motoring skills >And to add to this list, your sex is wrong now >You don't care about making friends with fillies because they only talk about girly stuff and the guys act differently with you now that you are a filly, not girly filly-ly? you remind yourself>So now days you just walk around on the school courtyard while the other foals play >Your walking towards the back corner of the building where you see a thin trail of smoke slither out behind the corner and upwards into the sky as you suddenly hear a voice behind you"Hi, Anon," a female voice says and you turn around
>Its Diamond Tiara and Silver spoon who both have twisted smirks on their faces "Oh, I'm sorry," Tiara continues and cover her mouth with a hoof in a mock gesture of guilt. "I mean to say, `Hi, fumble Hooves.´"
>Silver Spoon giggles >You give them a blank look and a sigh >Tiara continues "Is your name Anon because ain't got no parents? Nopony wanted you? Not even a
real cutie mark wants you," Tiara says and points at the question mark on your flank
>You roll your eyes >These guys sure are eager"Are you done?" you ask
>She gets something dark in her eyes, walked up to you just an inch away, and tilts her head up while her eyes glare at you "How said the ogre could talk?"
>You shake your head "Isn't it a bit embarrassing to still wear a plastic tiara?"
>Her eyes widens and her visible teeth clenches before a grim scowl enters her face>She jumps on you but you're on it and simple shoves her back and then jumps back>You then hits her in the face with a well placed punch>While you have poor motor skills, your physical ablities translated into that of a filly when you became one>You're fine in strength, at least you had trained more than an average child has done >Does this math make sense? >Silver spoon makes herself small and looks at you with a scared look on her face as you give her a blank look >Down on the ground Tiara rubs her red bruised cheek "I'm gonna tell Dad about this. You will so pay," she says
>You climb down upon her and punchs her on one of her hooves leaving another small bruise "Who are you gonna tell, huh?" you asks with a bit of darkness in your voice
>Small teardrops start to well in her eyes and a few runs down her cheeks >She hiccups"I- I- I'll tell no-one," she answers after staring into your dark eyes for a while. "I won't tell anypony about this I swear."
>You nod "That's good because otherwise you know what will happen to ya." You make a small bone cracking sound with your hoof against the other hoof.
>You step of the filly "Now get lost," you tell them and gestures away with a hoof
>Tiara crawls up on her hooves and they start booking it >As you watch them run away, you weren't naive tothink that this was over, or maybe it was, but most likelyTiara's ego would lead her to try to take revenge on you >Probably gossip about you being somekind of maniac around the school >But then again, a filly like that must be known for her bad behavior, it was more likely that it would give her street credit on the school yard >Whether this was respect +1 or -1 was up in the air but you had no doubt that Tiara would tell her parents and they would probably side with their daughter "Woah! You're buckin´ awesome filly," a female voice says behind you
>You turn around and blonde unicorn filly in sunglasses, red jacket, and a fucking half-finished, glowing cigarette at her hooves looks at you with an almost giddy expression
>>282743> a fucking half-finished, glowing cigarette at her hooves "on the ground at her hooves" as in she dropped as she was awestruck by the fight on the ground
And something short to finish up this 45-min shift.
Anon the cutie was pushed on the swing by her mom, Twilight Sparkle.
"Higher, Purple! Higher!" Anonymous shouted back to Twilight who wore a content smile.
As the swing return to Twilight, Anon readied herself to be pushed again but instead she swings to about the swing's highest point and feel herself get grabbed by two forehooves. She was then lowered back to the swing's lowest point where Twilight's body and chest floof is pushed into her face by the powerful embrace Anon finds herself in.
Twilight craned her head around Anon and caressed Anon's right cheek with one of her own.
"Uhmmm," Anon said while flushing red on her cheeks. "This is very cozy and I kind of wanted more speed, mommy."
Anon's nervous gaze met Twilight's loving and content gaze as Twilight draggeda hoof through Anon's mane.
"Oh, Anon, my foal. I love you," she said and planted bit kiss on your forehead.
>Too bad this wasn't (you) but just another Anon
>>282745>>282743Not taht it matters to anyone here but I didn't mean that I did these two in one 45 min shift.
from /mlp/
>"I said, can I get a fuckin' Travis Scott burger, retard?"
>That's the last straw.
>This fucking ugly-ass dog keep showing up at your door every week doing stupid, annoying shit.
>But enough is enough.
>The Travis Scott burger is a piece of shit, and if this pony thinks it can get away with mentioning it's unholy name in your house, much less asking to /buy/ one, it's got another thing coming.
>In a fit of rage, your grab the filly by the scruff of her neck and carry her inside
>"P-put me down, nigger-faggot!"
>You toss the lil shit onto your couch, and lock your door
>Stomping over to your kitchen, you grab a flyswatter you keep around the house to shoo away the pegasi that sometimes fly into your dining room whenever you have sushi
>Walking back into your living room, you march over to the filly on your couch and flip her over so her ass is sticking up.
"That was for the time you chewed up my car's tires!"
"That was for when you pissed on my leg that one time I let you into my house!"
"THAT was for sitting outside my window on Sunday for 4 hours doing that weird fucking mating call when I was trying to sleep!"
"And this..."
>You stand up
"...This is for having the GALL to ask for a god-damn Travis Scott burger."
>You unzip your pants and pull down your underwear
>"W-what are you going to do?"
>Despite the shakiness in her voice, the growing smile on her face betrayed her faux-fear
>Grabbing the bastard, you flip her over onto her back, and slip your erect cock into her virgin fillyhood
>Shouting out, she wrapped her forelegs around your shoulders and you started to speed up
>Her tongue started to stick out of her gapping mouth
>Taking the opportunity, you embraced her in a deep kiss, licking her tongue and sharing as much saliva as you could with her.
>Breaking your locked lips for a moment, the green mare shouted in your face
>You grab the tiny pain-in-your-ass by the thighs, and lean back so that she was sitting on top of you instead of you lying on top of her.
>She begins moaning as she bounces on your dick, doing everything she could to cum.
>Lunging at your face, she sticks her tongue into your mouth and pushes as much of her spit down your throat as she can.
>You two share in each other's warmth for a while, fucking like animals and making out.
>The pony's eyes shoot open and she arches her back, pulling away from you as your groin is soaked in her marecum.
>The sensation is too much for you to handle, and you follow suit, blasting thick ropes of semen into the depth of her uterus.
>She falls onto your chest; both of you panting as your hold each other in your arms.
>The tiny horse in your arms is immediately asleep, snoring like an alarm clock.
>God damnit.
>Well, might as well /try/ to get some sleep.
>>282753>itcanholdtentimesherweightincum.gif>This is it, the end of the line.>A quick check by everyone and it's ready>A camera pointed right at Anonfilly>times have gotten tough and dough doesn't turn to bread by itself"Sup, sluts, ready for some-"
>The microphone is being throated by her"Pussay."
>A Blip for the donation>a buzz for the filly."Getting an early start faggots? Let's see how long you can last."
>Marathon streams to temp them for a task they can never win.>Pretty sweet that all of you sound the same.>like a well lubed hole you went in and out of the spotlight for hours on end"Next time hoersers you'll get there one day. See yah latter tonight. Oh, and mr. Megadick, tell your spawn to finish her homework next time."
>"Hmmm, just barely. We're saving up slowly.""Fuck, how much longer can we take this."
>"Until Twilight gives up her excitement, or the statistics prove to be too much.""It's retorical."
>"Suck my dick.""No you faggot."
>"Turn it off! It's still on!""Fuck!"
>The stream cuts as the internet's greatest mystery is almost lost forver.
>>279439 →//------------------------------//
// I Do Not Like Them
// Story: Trust Once Lost
// by Greenhorne
“Well, that could have gone better.” Applejack sighed.
“How is she doing?” Twilight inquired.
“Well, I got her to calm down, finally.” Applejack said, “It looks like seeing Scootaloo’s eye set her off again, and then there was Rainbow - ugh, ah really shouldn’ta yelled in front of Green, that was stupid.”
“I can certainly understand why you were mad at Rainbow,” Twilight consoled, “But she wasn’t entirely honest with you about why she was there.”
“Ah could figure that one out on my own thanks, Twi.” AJ fumed, “Dash had her all alone ‘an terrified, and then Green was trying to apologize for getting Dash in trouble.”
“What I mean is, she didn’t tell you the real reason she was up there.” Twilight explained, “Rainbow just wanted to keep an eye on them in case they started fighting. She wasn’t trying to ambush Green.”
“Well that’s still not a good enough-” Applejack stopped and sighed, “Ugh, fine. Maybe Ah did jump to conclusions, but Dash should be completely capable of explaining herself. Anyway Green's in bed now an' - aww shoot."
"What is it?"
"She hasn't eaten anythin'." Applejack said. "Ahm the worst foster parent ever, I've had her three hours and ah've already frightened her half to death and sent her to bed without dinner."
>>282819My stomach ached from hunger, and it was my own stupid fault for not eating that cake when I had the chance; Of course, the ache could also be the guilt I was feeling for screwing everything up. Not eating the cake was just one mistake on a list of many and at least hunger was a burden I could bear alone.
There was a soft knock at the door and my heart seized. What had I forgotten? Did I mess something else up without even realizing it? Maybe I had made someone feel so bad that they felt like they had to apologize to me.
My eyes widened. What if somepony told Pinkie that I didn’t like her party and it crushed her will to live because she wasn’t able to fulfill her cutiemark talent and-
I exhaled sharply and took a slow breath in. Now my chest hurt.
“Green, are you still awake?” Asked Applejack.
I breathed a sigh of relief that it was Applejack and not somepony else; and that her voice didn’t sound upset.
“Yeah,” I called back, “I’m awake.”
Applejack walked into the room and in the dim light I could make out that she had something balanced on her back.
“I noticed you didn’t eat anythin’ so I brought ya somethin’”
“Thanks, Applejack,” I said
“Ain’t no trouble,” Applejack replied, “ can’t have ya goin’ ta bed hungry now can we?”
It smelled like... apples. Of course it was apples. I didn’t like apples, but I couldn’t very well tell Applejack that now could I? I’m pretty sure she was still in a feud with the last pony that had dared admit that in front of the apple farmer.
The apple fritter was no doubt leftovers from the party, but Applejack had gone to the trouble of reheating it and not just in a microwave (did ponies even have microwaves?). She was an excellent cook and the pastry was buttery and crispy - if it wasn’t for the filling it would have been a real treat. As it was, I was hungry enough to just eat it, so I did. I thought happy thoughts as I did so - Applejack would be able to tell if I wasn’t happy, and she would think she had done something wrong.
“Thanks Applejack,” I said, “It was really nice of you to be thinking of me.”
“Y’all were really hungry weren’t ya?” Applejack noted.
Oh no, had I eaten it too fast? I tried to feel around to see if I’d dropped any crumbs in the bed; it was too dark to see clearly.
“Ya know ya can tell me if yer hungry, right?” Applejack said, “I won’ get mad.”
Damnit, now she thinks I’m too shy to even ask for food. I mean, to be fair, I didn’t ask for food when I was hungry, but that was only because I’m tough and I didn’t want to bother anypony; and I didn’t tell her I don’t like it because disliking food which someone gives you is immature... right?
Oh god, I was shy wasn’t I?
I managed to suppress my immediate urge to say I was sorry.
“Thanks,” I said levelly, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
>>282820A few years ago Fluttershy couldn’t have imagined herself willingly going to a party, but so long as her friends were there it really wasn’t so bad. She had hoped to see how the filly she’d met with Luna a few nights back was doing, but it seemed like the guest of honor was too shy to make much of an appearance. Fluttershy could certainly relate.
The party had ended a little while ago, but Fluttershy stayed behind to help tidy up a bit.
“Hey Fluttershy.” Applejack greeted.
“Oh,” said Fluttershy, “Hi Applejack.”
The farm pony looked more worn out than she expected at the relatively early hour.
“Ah was wondering if you could help me with somethin’” Applejack said, “When I’m dealin’ with Green Ah’m honestly a mite lost an - well I don’t mean any offense, but you have experience with this sort of thing, don’t you?”
“Oh the poor little thing.” Fluttershy responded, “I noticed she was looking very frightened, but I didn’t want to say anything in case it embarrassed her. I’m afraid I’m much better with animals than I am with children.”
“Ah’d ask you to talk with her tomorrow,” Applejack said, “But I’m not sure if introducing her to more ponies at the moment is the best idea. Ah know she’d agree to it, but Ah honestly don’t think she has it in her to say no.”
“Oh, we’ve actually met before.” Fluttershy admitted.
Applejack gave a confused look. “At the party?”
“Oh,” said Fluttershy, “No I saw her in a dream.”
“Princess Luna?” Applejack surmised.
“I was very surprised when Luna contacted me in my dream to ask for help, but when she told me there was a filly lost in the forest I just couldn’t say no.”
The pegasus shrunk in on herself.
“She knew who I was but she was still afraid, trying to make herself look smaller.” She explained, “I don’t want to be mean, but she was acting like a little bunny, I think just having us be so much larger than her made her freeze up. When I was down at her eye level she was much less afraid.”
The earth pony had a thoughtful expression.
“She knew who Ah was too,” Applejack explained, “An’ she thought I had magical honesty powers that would make her spill all her secrets. She was so frightened to speak with me that she threw up.”
“Oh!” Fluttershy gasped. “My.”
“We managed to get that misunderstanding cleared up,” Applejack explained, “But it makes me wonder what ponies have been saying about us. Are we really that famous?”
“I had no idea,” said Fluttershy, “We should probably ask Rarity about that I’m sure she would know.”
“Well that troubling revelation aside, what I wanted to ask you about was how I can help with her anxiety.” Applejack said, “What helps you when you’re feeling anxious?”
“Oh,” Fluttershy traced a circle on the floor with her hoof, “I mean, you know I like animals. Animals don’t frighten me like ponies do because they’re not cruel.”
She paused, realizing what she was saying, and started to backtrack. “I mean, not that all ponies are cruel, or even most ponies-”
“It’s alright Shy,” Applejack consoled, “Ah know what ya mean.”
“With animals I can understand what they want from me, and I know I won’t say the wrong thing and embarrass myself, or hurt somepony’s feelings, so I can just be myself.”
Fluttershy slumped a bit.
“I don’t know if Green likes animals though,” said Fluttershy, “I know some ponies can find them scary because they don’t understand.”
“Is there a way I should be speaking with Green when she’s anxious? Things Ah should be sayin’?” Applejack questioned. “Ah got a whole bunch o’ advice from Dayglow but Ah’m not sure Ah understood all of it.”
“Well when I’m feeling overwhelmed I like to wrap myself in a blanket and drink some tea. I like knitting too, it helps take my mind off things.” Fluttershy explained before looking down at the floor, “To be honest, when it used to get really bad there were weeks where I could barely make myself get out of bed. Rainbow came to check on me and bring me food - she was really worried about me. I’m really glad to have friends like you I can talk to now, when I was just relying on Dash I felt like such a burden sometimes.”
“So Ah need to find Green some friends?” Applejack asked.
“Oh, no!” exclaimed Fluttershy, “I mean, yes, but... I don’t know. I certainly know I wouldn’t have appreciated anypony trying to force me to socialize with other ponies, but... maybe if they had I would have been better off? The first time I was really forced to interact with other ponies my age was at flight camp, and I got bullied because I wasn’t a strong flier, and because my legs were too long, and -”
Applejack could see Fluttershy was starting to get distressed and placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder.
“Ah get the picture.” Applejack said, “Children can be down right rotten to each other. Maybe if ah help Green with her coordination and strength it will help her feel more comfortable around ponies her age? An’ if she’s comfortable being around you maybe y’all could drink some tea together? She’s having trouble picking things up with her hooves so she’d prob’ly find knitting a mite frustrating.”
>>282821I had a much easier time falling asleep than I had expected. So much anxiety, so much uncertainty but, as soon as I had food in my belly, my body decided it was time to sleep and I had no desire to fight it.
When I saw Luna, still in her filly form, waiting for me in the dream I just felt tired. I’m not sure how you can feel tired in a dream, but I did. I just wanted to be alone and here was another pony I had to interact with.
“Princess Luna.” I bowed. “I, er, good evening.”
“Rise, my little pony.” Luna commanded. “We have much to discuss.”
>>282819>>282820>>282821>>282822Good to see an update. I'm excited for what happens next, those feels were felt.
A qt is a qt. Of course
>>282827Just because some faggot modeled her as a negress doesn't make it canon. Eqg isn't canon, and cuck headcanons aren't canon, so that's not canon^2.
If humans went to Equestria as humans, would the ponies there immediately think they could be eaten by him and be scared to be around him?
>>282834>If humans went to Equestria as humans>diversityNo thanks we're full.
Fairly sure these two went unposted.
>>282865Thanks for bringing filly home.
>>282866It might be her new home, but there's truly no place like home...
>>282867I know that feeling. The energy and community is nice here, but we're so few. I've been going back to /mlp/ frequently ever since the rona picked up, the first time I've done so since this site came into being. Sure you have the niggers and jews shitting up threads, but with the deluge of people threads are far more likely to sustain activity. If we were on /mlp/ with the activity we have right now, we would die.
>>282868The ride never ends.
>>282868Worry not Anon I'm working on writing a bad green text that isn't even green. Will hopefully add a few more embers to the flame. I frequent both sites but I'll say this place is way more comfy and will always be the home in my heart.
"Oi! Purple," you say.
>Twilight sparkle puts the tome she is reading down on the crystal table and turn to you
"What is it, Anon?"
>You swipe your hoof from your chest and high up in the air till it stops in high, extened position
"Seig heil!" you shout
>You then give Twilight a shit-eating grin
>She raises her eyebrows at you
>Her pupils dart from side to side
>And then she shrugs and return to reading her book after mumbling, "...Okay... Anon?"
>You frown and rests your elbows on the table while your head rests in your hooves
>You look between your legs and then qucikly away
"Haa-hah-haaa..." you gasp out as your eyes get watery but no tears fall
>You embrace yourself tightly
Why did this have to happen?
>You mange to get your tail to cover your crotch
How I'm I gonna get a wife now?
>It's nighttime, and you are the filly
>The second filly, to be exact
>Twiggles accidentally making one of you was enough, but two?
>Anon's gonna have a hell of a time
>At least you know you're gonna be less of a shid from your... his? experience with Nonny
>That and you don't have broken bullshit magic
>But that isn't either of your problem right now
>Your problem is this recurring nightmare
>You start to drift off for the third time tonight, and it starts all over again
>A swirling mass of black and grays chasing you through the Everfree
>You start to see your house, and the edge of the forest - relief floods you
>But you trip, and fall onto all fours
>You remember that you're a filly now, and can't run like a human anymore
>The swirling mass is inches behind you
>Despite the nondescript nature of it, its existence shakes you to your core
>It jumps on top of you...
>And you wake up in a cold sweat once more
>Fear grips you like the cold, unfeeling mass that was chasing you
>It takes a while for you to calm down
>Wasn't it Luna's job to stop that kind of thing?
>Maybe you'll have to convince Anon it's the moon that's a celestial cunt, not the sun
>Either way, you've had it with this bullshit
>And you are not showing up to yourself like a scared little kid
>...even if you are now exactly that: a scared little pegasus filly
>Then it hits you, the perfect solution.
>You are a filly, but not the same filly
>Must be Nonny
>And your wonderful dream involving Luna and some lessons in flexibility is interrupted when your door creaks open
>Damn, her reactions were realistic for a dream
>Cracking open an eye and lighting up your horn, you search for the offender of your fantasies
>Standing in your doorway, red in the face, was Green
>What in the hell?
>What could-
>The nightmare
>You acutely remember it, the first three weeks or so were a special kind of hell
>That thing chasing you through the Everfree
>But you refused to go to Anon
>You can't have him thinking being a little filly made you a little bitch
>Might have attributed to you becoming more abrasive than him, but still
>Gotta have standards
>So why is she here instead of her room?
"You too, huh?"
>Even in the near darkness, you can see the surprise on her face
>"What? Me too? I just-"
"Had a horrifying, recurring nightmare, right?"
>The bewilderment on her face grew
>"How did you-"
"Relax, faggot. Like I said, 'you too.'"
>You're both silent for a few moments
>"You never told me."
>The smidge of fear in her voice is masked by the unspoken accusation
"I'm not five, can't go crying to an adult over a bad dream."
"I'm not gonna argue this. C'mere, it's probably less embarrassing if it's another filly."
>You lift some of your covers, the implication obvious
>Green just sighs, and crawls in next to you
>Damn, she is soft and fluffy
>Anon would probably kill to be you right now
"And no lewd stuff until I figure out the psudo-moral implications of a clone."
>"I wasn't-" Green cuts herself off, and sighs. "Goodnight, Nonny."
"G'night Green."
>"And uh... thanks."
>You wait until she's asleep to snuggle up closer to her
>You are definitely going to savor this
>You are the one, the only, the great and powerful Anonymous
>In reality, the only thing great and powerful right now is the pain in your back
>Couches are not meant for sleeping on
>But that's your situation until Twiggles builds a new section onto your house for Green
>Fuckin' how do you manage that two times?
>Well, at least the sun isn't in your eyes this morning
>Saves the burning fuck from your morning ritual, this time
>But if you're up, you should fetch Nonny
>She fuckin' hates it when she's woken up
>Not that you're any better, but that's the fun part
>Her door's cracked open
>We hate having the door cracked open
>Peering through the crack, you see something that rivals that sleepover last week
>Nonny and Green are snuggling together
>Yeah, you're not stopping that
>But it definitely solves the couch problem
>And unlike a week ago, you know where your camera is
>Tiptoeing around the house, you easily locate it
>Tiptoeing back, you line up the perfect shot to capture the adorable scene
>Oh yeah, you're puttin' this one in a frame
>You leave them be, and go on your way to make your morning coffee
>Yeah, today's gonna be a good day
>>282925https://pastebin.com/xrqSjzQ4 [Embed]And a pastebin link, beating KYS filly to the punch
>>282926>>282925Would comfort a clone, and abuse the fact with evidence of qtness. Nice.
>The comfy fur of the ponies remind you of a dream.
>A living ever changing one.
>A wing brushes over your withers.
>sparks and lightning flash through your vision
>You're now careful enough to not make a sound.
>"mmmm, good filly."
>N-n-n-n- yes you too.
>Zecora, and Spike are truly blessed to actually live in pony land
>You are too.
>"Nonny, you've been such a good filly. It'll only be fifteen lashies from Dashie."
>She hears your sniffle
>The tears well up.
>"There there, you're almost a real pony. Let it out."
>All this time.
>Almost there.
>"Remember what it means to truly be a pony?"
>A quick nod.
>"You'll have to say it while Dashie does her lashies. Then just the mystery surprise."
>if you were a real pony would ask more, but you're not yet.
>"Yawn, ready for a day for some pony crackalackin'? That looks like a yes to me!"
>It'll be a joy to hear your own voice once again
>The voice of a real pony.
"But then... I... No, what have I done?" you asks as you fall to your knees
>With your hand, you motion with a blue amgic aura around it for Pinkie to be pulled out of the blue glowing sphere and be placed back onto the ground
>She is unhurt
>You look up at the face of the purple alicorn that removed the the blindfold around your metaphorical eyes so that you could see the truth and a new perspective on them along with it
>She looks at you with pity
"Anon..." she begins softly.
"Take me to my execution," you says and the mane six along with Spike gasps. "It's what I deserve as an evil villain."
>Twilight looks at you with pity again
>She extends a hoof and places it on your shoulder
"Anon, you're not evil," she says
>You swipe her hoof away
"Yes, I'm. You of all ponies know what I have done!" you shout melodramtically
>She stubbornly puts back her hoof on your shoulder and looks into your eyes with a pair of strict eyes
>She nods
"Yes, Anon. Your actions were evil-" Even though you just declered it for yourself, you wince at her words. "-but you-" With her wings, she cups your cheeks and lifts them up to meet your gaze. "-are more than just evil. There's good inside of you I have seen it. There's hope for you."
>Tears wells up in your eyes faggit
>Your chest heaves and you gasps
"And yes, you will have to live with what you have done but I believe in you. I'll offer you a road to redemption," she says
>Your gaze fall to the floor of your sanctum
"Anon, look at me," she speaks again and your eyes meet again. "If you didn't care about right or wrong and begin in the right why then did you save Pinkie right now? You could have used her as a hostage and prolonged our battle of ours but you didn't because-" She takes a breath deep breath. "-when I finally got through to you, you saw the errors of your ways, didn't you?"
>You don't answer
>You don't feel like you deserve to defend yourself, regardless of how wierd that sounds
>Then you realize something
"Even if I took what you purpose, the ponies of Equestria won't forgive me for what I have done. So I don't think you redemption road can be a reality, your highness. But thank you, but...."
"Yes, that's true but if Anonymous, the dark sorcerer, where to die then, the vengence these ponies seek would have been fullfilled, right? So what if we faked your death?"
>You look glumly at the floor but nod
>Beggers can't be choosers afterall so if you were to live your life in exil then so be it
"That's sounds okay. I can live with exil," you look up and give her a weak smile
>She shakes her head
"Anon, I'm not talking about exil. I want you to come and live with me at the castle. We could work on magic together and I and my friends-" She nods to the other mares. "-could work on your rehab and redemption."
>You shake your head
"Twilight, Ponies will eventually notice that me and then your subordinates will never trust you again. You have already done enough for me. I don't wanna cause yo anymore trouble."
>She smiles
"Yes, ponies will notice if you stay in that form. Yes, but I have another idea in mind..."
I feel like I shouldn't ask for this knowing my history of a constant string of failures but could I ask for a prompt? My only condition is that does not involve someone or some character that I'm not familiar with. I don't wanna do research.
>>282978It won't be big or anything but I'll do what I can with it.
Hello qt!
>applefilly green>banjo music starts playing
>>282978If you're looking for something to do in general, finish this please.
>>282967I've been aching for a green like this, and it's the perfect start.
If you're looking for something new to do though,
>Filly gets booted out of Twilight's place>Has to live on the streets>Has wacky and/or horrific homeless adventures
https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/35873499:>"I'm gonna jump.""Uh-huh."
>You and Floor Bored are sitting on the ledge of a rooftop, plastic shopping bag crinkling with the intermittent gusts of wind whipping over the skyline of the city, several bags of chaaaps lighter than you came up here with.>"I'm serious.""I know."
>You shove more pork rinds into your filly face, too many to close your mouth. You make loud and gross chewing noises as Floor Bored gets on all fours and peers over the edge to the street below.>Parked cars line the treeless streets, some with boots. Old Carnival Food sales papers do dervish dances over the gravely asphalt. A stray dog pants in the shade of an apartment stoop.>"Do you think it's tall enough?""Seventy feet tall enough?"
>"How many hooves is that?""Like three hooves per foot?"
>"Human feet aren't that big...""Tall enough if you land on your head."
>"You think?""Well,"
>You stretch, stand, and peer over the edge with her. Your manes touch, brought together by another blow of wind."That's concrete, right? You're not aiming for the road."
>"No, that's too far. I might land on a car and break my fall.""Right. So if you land on your head, you'll probably break your neck."
>"Don't some ponies just get paralyzed, though?""Some people do, yeah. I don't think we're high enough for a sure-fire kill."
>"Mmmmnnnn...">You turn back to the get more pork rinds.>"I wrote a note.""What's it say?"
>"Uhm..." Floor digs through her hoodie pockets, scattering crumpled Milkyway wrappers to be carried off to parts unknown. She pulls out a napkin. "I've exhausted hope/I've nothing left/My flank is not blank, it's marked for death." Her green eyes waver, searching you for approval, "Too cheesy?""Nah, I dig it. Short, sour, simple."
>She's kinda cute when she smiles.>"Thanks. B-But I don't want to jump and not die...""Shame we don't have a gun."
>"Yeah...">You sit down again on the ledge, looking around the rooftop for anything that could help.>You look down."What about the bag?"
>"If I'm unconscious, I won't be able to make sure I hit my head.">You root around in the bag."Didn't you buy some gum? Maybe you could choke as you fall."
>"They were out of cinnamon five.""That sucks."
>You pull your head out and look around the rooftop again. HVAC units, some radials..."Oh, hey. There's some broken bottles over there. Repairmen forgot to clean up after drinking on the job."
>"Hmmm... do you know where any arteries are on a pony?""Nope."
>"Maybe I could swallow some glass...""That sounds hard."
>"And painful.""More than cutting open an artery?"
>"It'd take longer.""True."
>Floor Bored sighs, looking back over the ledge again. "I-I should've been more prepared...""We could find a taller building?"
>She shakes her head, "Anywhere else would be too imponyal, you know?""Impersonal."
>"Imponyal.""That's stupid. You're stupid."
>"You're stupid.""Why does it need to be personal?"
>"I'd like to feel at home while dying...""Then off yourself in your home."
>"I've already tried that. It's hard to do alone.""So you want me for moral support?"
>"Yeah. And this roof is basically our home together, so I thought...""That's nice."
>"Yeah.""We could go to your place?"
>"It's... dirty.""You're dirty."
>"Yeah, but...""And you're gonna die. Why do you care?"
>"I'll still be alive when you see it!""... Eh, point."
>She starts to tear up. "Why does it have to be so hard to kill myself? Why can't I just press a button and be done with it?""If it was easy, everyone would do it."
>She doesn't respond. She just lays next to you and cries.>You put a hoof on her greasy, tangled mane and pet her.>The two of you stay like that for a while.>Afternoon turns into evening.>She stopped crying a while ago. She's just laying down, now.>Rotting."Wanna go watch some porn?"
>"... nnn.""We can eat each other out."
>"... okay."
How does the filly feel about rbg being dead?
>>283060In Equestria she doesn't give a hoof.
New fillies from ponerpics
>>283068Much appreciated.
Bonus points if you can guess what game I've been playing recently off of just this.
"Oh god..."
>"H-hey, it's, uh... everything will be over soon."
"I know I've been a little bitch about it all..."
>You hug her close, but she pushes you away.
>"Sorry, I just... it'll get pretty close and I don't want anything to happen more than it needs to."
"I understand, I don't deserve it."
>"No, you know I... fuck it."
>She pulls you in for a tight hug.
"D-don't stop..."
>"You know I have to, Nonny."
"Mom, I don't want to die..."
>"Nopony does, sweetie. I... I'll see you there soon."
>You can hear clanking on the cold metal floors of the compound, fast approaching.
"Don't let go, please! Did I ever tell you how much I love you, Twilight? I don't-"
>She pushes you to the floor, tears welling in her eyes as you watch her shut them.
>You can hear that infernal screaming now.
>Why the fuck did you have to be a biologist before you came to Eq-
>Be Twilight Sparkle
>"Nine-tailed Fox Commander, are you okay doctor?"
>"We've bagged 096, but there are several escaped artifacts left in the facility. You should come with us."
"Of course."
>You turn back to look at your baby, but one of the gruff stallions puts up a hoof, stopping your head's rotation.
>"Not now. Wait for the undertaker."
>You whimper softly as you tag along behind the group of soldiers through the darkened facility.
>Why would someone keep that photo lying around?
>>283068That's a qt forehead goblin
>>283024>Banjo music >I think this is refrence to that one movie that I haven't seen>Oh, well here we go anyway>You wake up as someone moved around and in their movements strokes and poke you>Or somepony"Ugh, Applebloom," you mutter as you open your eyes to a yellow face belonging to a filly with a red mane
>She smiles contently and then she nuzzles you >You know better though; this isn't your first rodeo - she is still asleep>She untangle yourself from her hooves and your shared blanket and stand up from the pile of hay that the two of you are sleeping on >You stretch and yawn as you walk passed the game board with piece and their positions saved from yesterday on the floor of the barn's loft >You tremble slightly>Its cold so you look around till you find a pile of what looks like a green and yellow blanket >The "blanket" looks is a square and whose hems are green and in that way forming a green square>Its colored so that it alternates between large green squares and smaller yellow squares on its surface >It also has a hole in one of its corners >You hid dive your head under it and then the rest of your body >Soon enough, you find the hole and sticks your head through it >Now, when you finished wearing your pony poncho, you find your black stetson hat edge resting on the radio >You put it on and start the radio and change the channel to one with clam music but not too loud to wake the other pony up >Just enough that it would eventually wake her >You hear the calm shredding of banjo strings >One final touch - you put a straw in your mouth and leave >Climbing down the laddar from the loft with hooves sure is scary>After walking the trip from the barn to the house's garden, specifically to its row of currant bushes >Clusters of red bearies hang from the branches underneath empty several platic bowls stand
>You had placed them their yesterday evening>You begin to stand on your hindlegs and with your front hooves shake the bushes so that the bearies fall into bowls bellow >These bearies are too small to be picked by bearies >Or well, that's what you think bu Granny smith appearently can do it >You look passed the foggy fields to the east and over the everfree forrest into the horizon Hope Braeburn holds them keeps them there longer than planned. He has a talent for that afterall. >You snicker at your own comment "What are you laughin' about?" a filly's voice asks you from behind
>You turn to se Apple Bloom walking towards you dressed in a yellow poncho with giant red apples with extending green leaves on it and light brown stetson >You smile at her and she smiles back "Heh, I was just thinking about how the others might have it right now," you say
>She nods and walks up to your side>She nuzzles you and nuzzle back "Brrrr. Its cold today ain't it?" she says as you break from each other. "And the dew in the grass ain't helpin'" She rubs her front hooves together
"Yeah," you say, nod, and continue with your work
>Apple Bloom also starts to shake the bearies off >You quietly work for a couple minutes until two bowls each are done >Then Apple Bloom bites down on the edge of one of the bowls and places it on your back >You make sure to balance yours as you put the other bowl on her back >The two of you remove the key from its hiding spot and enter the quiet house >You walk to the kitchen and place the bowls on the counter "Ah, start with breakfeast. You want porridge, right?" Apple Bloom says
>You nod "With apple purée and milk, yeah." you say and smile at her
>She looks at you for a moment "What'cha smilin' at?" she asks, smiling as well.
"Well," you say closing the distance,"how can I not smile when I get to spend tiem with such an incredible filly, sis?"
>Your lips met and for a moment you just enjoy the other >Then Apple Bloom pushes you back with a hoof and giggles while shaking her head "Get out, Anon, and maek yerself useful by bringing in another bowl, we can't waste this day like we did yesterday," she says and blushes
"Alright, M'lady," you says and tip your hat at her before leaving
>As you walk out, back towards the bushes; a specific song comes to mind and even more specifically a certain lyrical part of it You're just a bunch of incest lesbian hookers~ you sing in your head as you bob your head from side to side but then you realize something
Wait, I'm I a hypocrite?Inb4 eternal debate about filly being gay or not I hope this was to your liking. Don't know if it lived up to the request or not.
>>283079Nice. Should have gotten a doctorate in badassery. Any hints for the game played?
Probably a horror game. Maybe it's that scp game.>>283086Yeehaw.
>tfw your new job as lesbian incest pone hooker pay the bill and the thrills.>>283068A legion of epic sax filly.
>>283093There are multiple SCP games. All I'll tell you is that it was updated fairly recently.
>>283079>>283116Is it SCP: Secret Laboratory?
>It's been three months and three years for being a little filly.
>A cunt is between you and your manlyness.
>It's THOTery at its pinnacle.
>Surprisingly it isn't Twilight.
>The scientists and mages are getting fed up, but it's slow. It'll be another three years till they figure out what the hell they almost did.
>If only there was someway to go back in time and see what was erased...
>Maybe a memory spell...
>It's time to gather the science team. The longer the delay the harder the magic will be to cast.
>RIP good filly points instead of mommies milkies and tendies it'll be freshly served whoopass and freedom.
>"It's really not that big of a deal we'll just go back a little see what it is, and head back. Stable closed time loop."
>Aw their going to jinx it.
>"Easy peasy, nothing can go wrong."
>"We'll supply you with as many retries as required, give the word. I should mention this the timelines you're going inti technically don't exist so things may change between them. Gather at least a dozen finished equations then we'll see what fits here.
>I want my lumps, and cake, but first an impression.
"I'll be back. Hasta la vista, bayby."
>What do (You) do with consequence free timetravel at your hooves...
>Day number in place.
>Why had you thought that you would change when you went to Equestria?
>Why would you think you would change even after you got turned into a filly?
>You had tried to turn over a new leaf and be outgoing, but one doesn't change at the drop of a hat.
>It was only a few days until you slipped right back into your quiet ways, and you didn't even have the internet for some modicum of living contact.
>Twilight didn't even have any lewds in her library.
>So, your days grew into weeks, rarely leaving your room.
>When you were dragged out, your steadily lengthening mane was a convenient shield from the world.
>None could know what thoughts drifted about your head.
>It was another of those days of getting dragged out.
>This time, it was fortunately somewhere away from the general public.
>Animals mulled about nearby as Twilight poured some tea for herself, Fluttershy, and you.
>At least she wasn't as noisy, even if they were all nice.
>Twilight's friends, that is.
>The tea slowly creeps down, sip by sip, in silence.
>About halfway through, Twilight and Fluttershy exchange a look, then turned toward you as they set their cups down.
>They must've been planning something...
>"So... Anon..."
>Here it comes.
>"We've been talking, and we've decided. I know you're a quiet pony, and don't get out very much, even though you're a very nice pony..."
>Purplesmart didn't know what went through your mind.
>"Since you're so quiet, we thought that maybe living with Fluttershy for a while would help you learn how to cope and flourish in Equestria? She's had some experience with that after all."
>The butter pony smiles slightly and rubs one foreleg against the other as the two watch you.
>They must be expecting a response.
>It didn't make much difference to you, and they both looked happy to hear it.
>"Wonderful! We can all pack up your things, then you can come back here and get settled in."
>Your things?
"I... don't really have anything to pack, though."
>The two blinked a little.
>"I'm sure there are a few things you have."
"Nothing... important..."
>You shrink behind your hair.
"I'll just... stay here. Can I go inside?"
>Fluttershy considers it for a moment.
>"Well... I guess it's okay. Twilight and I will just get whatever you may have forgotten. I'll be right back, okay? Just try to get along with my animal friends."
>You tensed up a little as they headed off toward Ponyville.
"Y... yeah..."
>Nopony around to hear that, dummy.
>Quietly, you slip into Fluttershy's home and make your way upstairs to her bed.
>The whole place smells of wildlife.
>It seemed like you had just hopped up and laid down before you felt a thump on your head.
>Prying open your eyes, you spied Fluttershy's white hellspawn scowling at you.
"Uh... yeah. Hi. I'm... gonna live here now..."
>You could feel your breath get just a bit deeper as you laid your head down again.
>Three more rapid thumps, and you looked up to see the rabbit gesticulating wildly and making odd noises with a scowl.
>Rabbits were kinda cute.
>You look around. Fluttershy was going to be gone for a while, right?
>Quickly, you scoop the bunny up in your hooves.
"L... look. Angel... We're.. We're gonna have to get along somehow."
>The rabbit struggles, and you lean in and sniff lightly.
>Fluttershy must use some nice pet shampoo on him.
"We... we can do things the hard way, or..."
>You give a bit of a squeeze for emphasis.
"...or we.. we can do things the n-nice way."
>Your breath gets quicker as you lightly rub the rabbit's tummy with a hoof.
>Glancing around again, you give a grin that you hope isn't too unsettling toward the frozen pet.
"Y-you're... a rabbit, right? Hehh... heehhh... I... I hear you guys know a lot about that kind of stuff..."
>You can feel your own breath washing back off of him from being so close.
>Your hoof travels lower.
"I... I can be real nice, y'know..."
>Oh... my.
>Be Fluttershy.
>It hadn't taken long for you to gather Anon's things at all.
>A plush pony of some sort, and a blanket.
>Twilight was nice enough to detail some of Anon's favorite foods, but... apparently there was one that she didn't know about.
>You could feel your face burning as you saw the green filly on your bed with Angel.
>Angel's little paws were gripping Anon's mane as she... um...
>Oh goodness...
>Her green hoof was between her hindlegs and...
>Oh dear... um...
>P... perhaps you should... just go make sure the chickens have enough feed and water.
>Quietly, you sneak back downstairs, feeling a bit like when you stumble across your animal friends in the spring.
>Rabbit squeaking catches your ears as you sneak out the door.
>You'll just... not bring this up.
Felt like making a slightly lewd fic, and also felt like making a Fluttershy oriented fic. Sorry for long lurk. Hope you enjoyed.
>Be anon
>You get transported to Equestria
>Pretty fucking cool until you realize that ponies aren't xenophiles
>Ponies reject you for being a human and an asshole
>You live with Twilight for the time being, mostly because ponies want her to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't eat or rape anypony
>You try to rape Twilight at some point, but fail miserably due to magical countermeasures she put up
>Most of those you're pretty sure was fucking lethal
>You and Twilight both kinda hate each other's guts at that point
>Enter a series of tense moments that slowly escalates into fights without either of you trying to understand one another
>Twilight eventually had enough of your shit and decides to reform you
>By turning you into a filly
>You try chewing out Twilight, but you are a defenseless filly now
>You are unable to protest against this because she's a fucking princess
>Twilight actually puts the effort in making a cover story for you and forcibly attempts to adopt you through legal and psychological means.
>You resist at every single turn she puts you in, misbehaving and trying to sabatoge Purple's reputation to earn your freedom
>Eventually your attempts at making Twicunt's life a miserable hell has taken it's toll
>Purple actually reaches the breaking point and cries about why can't you just be a good filly and be happy with your life
>You protest that you were happy with your life before and that you are a **fucking adult** and that you aren't a **fucking filly**
>Twilight is silent
>You smile believing that you've won the battle and got Twilight to cave in to your demands
>Twilight agrees that you aren't a filly and that you're an adult
>You are overjoyed by this sensation that you're finally going to become human again
>Twilight goes over to a drawer and says that since you're an adult, you should be able to do adult things
>Yfw you are puzzled and asked what she means by that
>Yfw when she pulls out a strap-on
>Yfw she puts it on
>>283164Very nice. Didn't expect a shy Anonfilly or a ... I mean it's technically xenophillia because they are actually intelligent. Well played. I'm looking foward to more greens from you. Good job. Have a cute poner or two.
>>283171Well you made a... green of sorts that's for sure.
>>Ponies reject you for being a human and an asshole>>You live with Twilight for the time being, mostly because ponies want her to keep an eye on you to make sure you don't eat or rape anypony<make sure you don't eat... anyponyYou have to explain that.
>>You try to rape Twilight at some point, but fail miserably due to magical countermeasures she put up...
>Most of those you're pretty sure was fucking lethalGood.
>>You and Twilight both kinda hate each other's guts at that pointUhhh, Twilight has good fucking reason to hate the actual rapist.
>She then goes to do a morality righteous thing>Dum fuck nomnom Rape Anon makes her life hell>endingThat's a light punishment for the crimes of pony committed. Especially if nomnom Filly rape is just one of those things dicks generally do.
>>Ponies reject you for being a human and an assholeYou had one job. Don't fucking rape the ponies, the pet dragon, or the fillers. Rape Anon here is the full self deluded self righteous shtick. Being rejected for actually raping, and abusing poners that makes sense. If rejected because you're human and that's it even with full support of the princess, her friends, and those your in close contact with daily.
Everything is constant because anon doesn't have a grip on reality or a connection to others.
You need context otherwise anon is a generic npc stand in. It follows the arching beats and commonalities of Anon turned Anonfilly, but it doesn't connect. Twilight, and the poners are the heros in the story. They properly engage with the world.
Anon has no motive. He could have one and that changes everything, but he doesn't here. If you're going to do something you might as well do something right.
>>283172>first picI'd gladly let Fluttershy do me
>Be Twilight Sparkle
>You just got another report.
>anonymous the resident crazy alien just molested and verbally abuse another foal, and her mother and father.
>He insisted heavily his name be exactly as he wrote it.
>Just like everything.
>Then Rarity barges in.
>"T-the brute he lifted my tail up and- and-"
>She starts to break down.
"He had his chances at society."
>Spike comes in.
>Then Big Mac looking furious.
>For the good of everypony I'll lock him down, give him one more chance.
>In the coming hours you relocated anon to a relatively unused part of the castle tower.
>He's unable to leave.
>"it's anon! Get it right you stupid purple whore. I love ponies, but damn you all are so so... delicious to look at."
>You're not sure if he's playing up being a sentient eater to be scary or if he's genuine.
"Listen here fagatron you've been a right cunt you cock gargleing foal touching creep. You're this close to being turned to stone."
>He finally looks taken a back.
>Using whatever words he said seems to work.
"Shape up, and be a better being."
>Thank goodness BBBFF got that military drills sound the world book for you on short notice.
"One last chance you're going to learn the magic of friendship or so help me I will unleash a rape storm of fury all over your anal cavity."
>He had a dangerous look in his eye at the word of rape.
>For the rest of the day you try to educate anon.
>It's slow, and it's awful.
>"So, everypony wants me to eat them."
>"They fear the power I have that I could eat them."
>"They would helplessly collapse if I threatened to eat them."
"No. Just stop. No eating ponies. No threats. Just follow the checklist."
>First contact with alien life and its this thing.
>"Just stick it in my mouth and rub my tongue over it."
>With the lessons a bust it's time for a practicable application if he learned anything.
>A sleepover where he could reach me.
>As the light of the moon highlighting me.
>As I pretend to sleep.
>He stands nude.
>penis dangling
>pulling back my sleeping bag.
>Then the blanket.
>He moves me carefully, slowly so he is all lined up.
>then he attempts to thrust.
>The smell of roasted sexual organ lingers in my mind.
>"AHHHH! You cunt bitch ass-"
>One more chance, but he can't ever leave here before that.
>"You did this to me! This is supposed to be MY paradise! Mine!"
>He'll never be able to get it working the same.
>Weeks of verbal nastiness from him turns to months.
>But today. Today is a picnic with my friends.
>"Twiahlight, ah- don't burn yourself out over that no good feller."
>"Yeah! Meanie pants mcmeaness isn't who matters most to us it's you."
"But, I'm the princess of friendship..."
>-a worthless purple cunt who can't even teach an average joe the meaning of friendship what a-
>Yellow wings gently shake me.
>"Oh my."
>Rainbow Dash faces me. Her eyes tearing out the doubt in my soul.
>"Come on slap yourself out of it. You saved Equestria time and time again, what did the alien do? Nothing."
>Rarity just places her hoof on my shoulder.
>I understand.
>One last chance.
>To the castle, to anon.
"Anon! I have a something for you."
>"It's anon! Bit-"
>A cute filly is now in anon's place.
>"WAHHHHH you whore!"
>Then she tries to bite me.
>Her rants grew to shrill screeches.
>She should be more pliable now.
>A few weeks pass
>Nothing has changed.
>I can't take this anymore.
>"You took everything good about being an adult away from me! I am an adult!"
>took everything good away from me
>oh I will get it back
>I documented each step, recordings video, audio, and reports.
>If I can't save this alien I'll help others with their urges.
>But first to prepare the test subject.
"OH. Yes, you are most definitely an adult."
>She smiles smuggly.
>A painful looking strap on dildo is brandished.
>It vanishes in fear
"Yes, an adult."
"You insisted. In the butt."
>What a sweet sound of victory.
>It won't change what he did, but he'll make amends on his end.
>Months pass
>Another one of anon's kind apeared.
>"Howdy Twilight! Another fine day in poner land."
>There was the accidental social misunderstandings, but he always made amends.
>"What did you call me over for?"
>Today, is the day he learns the truth.
>A year since Anon, the second human, came here.
"A... well I'll show you."
>I've never seen a human look sickened like that.
>Like a pony.
>Then he has an idea.
>"You've delt with the... criminal already, so what if you turned me into a pony as well and see if some of my friends actually make it here. They would really love that."
>"This is going to suck. A fresh start though..."
"I can do that. Let's get any personal business out of the way while you're still looking as you do."
>"Yeah, good idea."
>Months pass, and another person apears.
>A different personality, a different person, even the one's that are dicks aren't hateable.
>Some of them were creepy, and weird, and disgusting, some seemingly normal, some hiding things below, some with issues they try to tackle.
>but not all the time
>and not to a terrible degree.
>Troublesome is their name, and fun is their game.
>I've worked out a way to turn them back to who they were before, but I don't know what will happen to them.
>But they all have became my friends.
>I'm glad the first one came here.
>I wish I could have acted sooner, but seeing everypony with a smile and hope...
>my friends all being friends with everypony
>it's magical.
>No matter what happens they will stay near and dear to my heart.
>>283086>bunch heh, a pair
hehe, a bunch
>>283172Hmm yeah, totally forgot to mention that omnivore part and how anon prefers meat to literally anything else the ponies comes up with.
>Everything he does gives them a sense of unease>Like when someone smiles with their mouth but not their eyes>The way the grass doesn't spring back up when he walks>The way the doors always creak when he pushes them open>How he never breaks into song during celebrations>His touch is warm, yet cold at the same time (magically clammy)>Nopony can feel the friendship coming from himEverypony acts like he's a monster and anon craves the affection he delusionally believes he's entitled to since coming here. Yet he makes no bother to change himself by consistently being a complete asshole.
Still doesn't justify anything he does.
Anon's a complete dumbass.
>>283172As for the "eating ponies" part, it may involve him being hungry enough to joke about eating a horse. Ponies weren't the same after that.
>>283172I could also make a convoluted reason or series of misunderstandings or events that could lead anon to rationally rape Twilight. How the fuck could I do all that just to make the punchline of Twilight raping anonfilly.
>>283189>>283191>>283193Ah that makes a bit more sense.
>How the fuck could I do all that just to make the punchline of Twilight raping anonfilly.By doing it. You don't have to, but sometimes going the extra mile for a punch line can be pretty neat. It hard, and time consuming. No doubt about that. It's tough for me to get around to doing much of anything.
It's alot of work for a few sentences/lines of green.
Not sure where the hell I put the green about a guy getting punched. Here we go this'll do.
Lived some where kinda near these events. I heard it in through the grapevine so to speak.
>I grew up in a small Midwestern town with a close knit group of friends. Among those friends were my current pastor, Joe, and current fiancé, Stacey. It was the type of town where everybody knew everybody. It was the one school, one restaurant, one church type of town. Due to the small population, people usually dated within their group of friends. Now I always had a crush on Stacey, but she had been dating Joe throughout high school and after. Joe was my best friend, so I kept my true feelings to myself.
>Ultimately, Joe decided that he wished to enter the seminary and broke up with Stacey as a result. Seeing this as my opportunity, I comforted Stacey post break-up and eventually asked her out myself. Years passed and Joe was now a priest while Stacey and I were considering marrying. The pastor we had all grown up with in our hometown church died, and Joe was offered the position. Thrilled, he took it. It was his chance to give back to the town that raised him. Stacey and I went to church every Sunday. Joe was like family.
>I asked Stacey to marry me, and we began the process of planning the wedding. We were excited to hold the wedding at the church, as we had been going there for decades. We were even more excited to have Joe as the celebrant. It was all very fitting. The perfect wedding. I visited Joe to ask him to celebrate our wedding, assuming the answer will be of course. To my surprise, Joe flat out refused. Told me to go somewhere else. It was a "conflict of interests," according to him.
>I went to see him several times more, but the response was always the same. Bewildered, I demanded to know why. Our conversation erupted into shouting and Joe confessed that he, not me, was the right husband for Stacey. I felt betrayed not only by my best friend but by God, considering that I had always seen God through Joe. Without thinking I punched Joe. His eye puffed up like a cotton ball.
>Within hours the whole town knew. Even after explaining the story, Stacey was furious and walked out on me to console Joe. I received a call from her that night stating she was staying with her sister and wanted to call the wedding off. I fell into a deep depression and locked myself inside. A few days later I received a knock on my door. It was the police. Apparently Joe hadn't been seen since the incident. Being the last person to see him, I was a person of interest. They asked why I had hit Joe. I told them if it hadn't been for cotton-eye Joe, I'd been married a long time ago, where did you come from where did you go, where did you come from cotton-eye Joe? Even worse I found it on plebbit. Where did you go greentext pic. [YouTube] Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe (Official Music Video) [HD] - RednexMusic com
[Embed]Not quite the green. It does have hoers though.
[YouTube] The Worst Thing I've Ever Done
>>283216Sorry that's not filly related content. Here we go, hopefully it's only slightly shitty. I don't think this quite counts, but here we go.
>Be me Anonymous>It's Nightmare Night>Shame there's so many 'chores' to do afterward the following week.>Being an immortal filly is one hell of a rush.>They never expect the same filly to outlive them.>Decide to wear the most horrific costume I could come up with that's kid friendly.>pic related.>Since it's a costume it won't ever get too kid friendly.>Fucking fags-"Whoa."
>Stilts are a pain to use, but it'll be worth it.>"Careful Anon don't want to ruin you're costume. The yearly tug-of-war challenge hasn't even started yet.">Still think it's an advertising propaganda campaign to make sure costumes are sold every year.>Whatever, winning again this year will be fun.>"Hey! Hey you I bet I'll beat your flank!">Ugh, it's Caged.>Never quite got around to finding out if she got a family name and don't really care to."No, no I think not."
>Looking down at her from my stilts she looks small and puny.>"Yah hunh! If I win you have to obey everything I say for a or two week.">Hold on."Sure thing kid, and if I win you have to do what ever I say for two weeks."
>"Deal!">Easiest way of getting out of chores, if only Tom Sawyer and Huckle Berry Fin could see me now.>"You have to use thw stilts though!">You poor poor foal.>Physics is my ally.>First candy, then winning.>The moon caresses us.>It's time.>"Okay everypony. This year It's The Mighty vs. The Champions.">Oh, hmm which one do I pick.>Caged goes for The Champions.>The Mighty it is then.>Still being in stilts.>Biting the rope.>It's awful, but victory only tastes sweet afterwards.>It's vicious.>Just have to get into position.>"Hah! It'll be our victory Anon!""Grrr."
>Hard to talk with rope in your mouth.>Come one one last pull.>"You'll see it's inevitable it even is visible-">Now!>The flag goes clear over the line.>She has her eyes closed.>"of someone who was blind.""Open up your eyes. See the world from where I stand. Me, among The Mighty. You, Caged at my command."
>audio file related
>>283216Oh I see. Thanks anon for the advice!
>>283228You're going to have to explain that.
>>283216My post here doesn't have a filly. Even if it's about filly in a meta write fag level. It should properly explain that.
>>283223My other post here has a fillified example of quick, low, and dirty quality. Using the MLP movie song lyrics. The wtf factor is to fill it out without deeper contexts. It does solidify a line and it's a distracting side note. Mostly a distracting side note.
>>283243>doesn't have a fillyHave a filly.
>>283191>As for the "eating ponies" part, it may involve him being hungry enough to joke about eating a horse. Ponies weren't the same after that.But horses do have a real-life fear of being eaten by pretty much everything there is, possibly including humans.
return of the fuckin' king
I want a filly but I can't get pregnant.
Wat do?
>>283313Duct tape solves all problems, and super glue.
>>283311>nohooves vs hoovesCan't say I blame them. It's a rational superior choice.
For the memes, and poners but people are fine too in their own ways.
>>283179Not bad, nice interpretation of the prompt. Wonder what happened to the rapist filly in the end though.
Fresh OC from /mlp/.
>"Anon, you know you were supposed to be home by 6:00 for dinner."
"You know how playdates are, heh."
>"It's 6:20. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?"
>You laugh a bit.
"I'm a grown man Twilight, you don't have to-"
>You freeze.
>As in, you quite literally can't move.
>Even your eyelids are locked in place, and your lungs are still.
>You can only plead to nobody that the effect will pass.
>After ten seconds you're beginning to lose hope.
>Twenty seconds later, and your life is flashing before your eyes.
>Why isn't Twilight doing anything? Surely she sees you by now but everything is silent.
>Maybe you just can't hear anymore, she's coming to help you.
>You black out.
>You burst awake, whimpering as you feel the fresh sweat all over your pajamas.
>It's that same nightmare again, drowning in air.
>It always feels so real, the loss of your ability to breathe...
>The first night, you tried to bear it alone.
>But sitting in bed with the covers pulled up over your head made you feel smothered.
>And of course you needed the covers over your head.
>Sometimes there were things out there, in the dark.
>You hadn't seen or heard any in the castle yet, but that didn't change the fact that some day there may be.
>So you swallow your pride do exactly what you did that night.
>You don't want to die.
>That one woke her up, you can hear her hoofsteps coming, cantering at a worried pace.
>"What's wrong Nonny?"
"I had another nightmare..."
>"Another one? Really?"
>"I'll have to talk to Luna about that, she should be intervening. Do you want to sleep with me again?"
>She lifts you up by your midsection, hugging you with the warmth of her magic.
>Tucking you in next to her, just like all the other nights.
>It was humiliating at first, a grown man snuggling with 'her' 'mommy', but as time went on you became more accustomed to it.
>Now you just appreciate her warmth as you get in close enough for her to wrap around you.
>Your worries of asphyxiation are gone.
>Your worries of monsters in the dark are gone.
>Is this what happiness feels like?
>Be Twilight
>You're going to have to stop dosing Anon's portions with neuralase, any more and she'll start taking on brain damage.
>But the amount you've given her is completely safe for a foal her size, other than the emotional damage she's suffered.
>It hurt you to see her in pain like that, but she was so cold at first, so distant...
>Now she's on-track to becoming your perfect daughter.
>>283313Steal one and blame it on a zigger
>go to school as filly
>Hate it except you have a really nice filly friend
>As you become teens she starts getting flirtier, casting more glances your way
>You're noticing her hips and flanks are filling out more too
>One day she asks, red in the face and stammering if you want to practice kissing. For boys, of course
"Hey, Anon... I was just wondering like... Have you ever had feelings? Like for mares? I just know, um, a friend who says that might have happened to her so I was just wondering."
"Sounds a bit gay desu."
"Oh... I mean yeah, pfff. So dumb, right? Yeah totally... weird. Only a freak would fall for their best friend."
Imagine accidentally torturing your best friend by only dating colts and asking for advice all the time
"W-Well if it were me, id just be thankful for every second i get to spend with you a-and you know... We could stay up all night and do... Stuff."
"Huh, thanks sis. I guess I'll just break up with him. He isn't right for me."
"Wait, you will! Oh i mean, that's sad. Sorry it didn't work out. So um... What do you think about erm, maybe going out sometime maybe?"
"You know, after Chad, i could go for that. You're a great friend."
"... Oh. Yeah. Totally. What are friends for, right?"
Eventually she breaks down and just goes full Yandere, tying you up and aiming to prove how much she loves you by eating you out and feeding you
"If I'm the only source of good things then maybe you'll learn to look at me as something more."
>>283348>>283349>122k words
>>283351It doesn't feel like it.
>>283144Yeah. There's a thread up on /vm/ if you all want to play, just be subtle if you namedrop horse shit.
>>282717It's very good filly, and you're improving with every post
>>283347>not unleashing the filly faggotry on friendsDon't be a dense anime protagonist, you're a filly, and Anonymous, and a normal protagonist. Foal founding and fondling is at your hooves to become the perfect poner waifu.
If you could summon Twilight, Angery Bookhoers, Sparkle from anywhere with a few words when and where yould you use them?
>Be Anonymous, the filly
>Empirical testing has shown it works everywhere
>Now the final test is at hoof
>"Why? Why did you enslave, rape, and pillage Equestria?"
"Suck my teats."
>"So, you like mmmm bananas?"
"Hunh? WAI-"
>Friendship beam to the moooooon!
>well so far so good.
>nothing but moon rocks and dust
"Reading books is for the weak."
"I said, reading books is for the weak!"
>Well shit.
>Hearing an explosion of rocks behind me.
>It's at this moment I knew I figured up.
>>283359Just reposting from elsewhere, sorry.
>>283430Sure Filly, on it.
>>283430And the blanket and the hug.
>>28342910/10 Twilight hoofing my face.
>>283430I have something else that's just as good it's time for
>rape>>283445Would poke the deadly infectious bug just to hear the squeak toy sound. Also fire. Fire works.
>You're just the way you wanted
>Green, four hooves, out of your old life
>It's exactly how you imagined it
>So, why aren't you happy?
>You've tried to connect with the other ponies
>It just doesn't fit
>Something's always off
>It feels like they only care as far as they can see you
>You haven't really been outside in a few days
>Did they even notice?
>You stand up, ready to end yet another unproductive day of sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself for no reason
>Walking back to your bed, you think you might've heard a knock?
>Eh, probably just your imagination
>Effects of semi-self imposed lonliness
>At least you're here
>At least you're a pony
>It's better here than there
>...is it?
>>280456 →>Be Soul #6"Okay, so all we need is to fill this contraption with some stuff now."
>Twilight's presence makes being near the machine of destruction almost peaceful.Almost looks like a teapot.
>"Specifically, the death sun's fire, doom moon's light, and souls to ensure maximum effectiveness.">More souls and stronger souls the better got it.The notes did say it could run without being fed souls.
"So what's the other problems besides using souls."
They don't have to be willing, but a strong target that can withstand it all will ensure it get's strong enough to take it out.
>Twilight continues to smile.>"-SHALL DIE!"That sounds like us.
>Then a vicious glow emanates from within.>Sunset Shimmer's voice echos from the fire.>"Use the elements of harmony!">ow ow ow ow>"OH! Of course! Quick go get Pinkie Pie.">Twilight teleports away.>I'm running away from the screams of myself.>"Car-""NOPE, Lalalala can't hear anything."
Pinkie Pie.
>Be The Book Soul #2>Therapy actually helped this time.And we made a friend.
"So then I said-"
>A pop, as something that feels like me enters.>"Sorry for the interruption, but you're basically indestructible right?">A girl begins shuffling through a manual.>Luna looks alarmed.>our manualShe sounds like us!
>"This might sting a bit.">Then there was fire.>Be Soul #3>The maze>these white lightstearing at us, and our resistance our bitter sudoku
>Fucking cult pansy ass gods.>A flash of something.>Screams>a pulling sensation>it's feeling warm in here.>Be Flaky Crust>The worldly elite walk among us.>They ask for strange things, but Fancy Pants keeps deflecting for a certain time.>When the celebration really starts.>Be Princess Celestia standing with Daring Doo and Student Sunset Shimmer>Carefully Daring do pushed the letter out of the blast area with gusts of wind.>The note she left is apparently for Discord.>How strange.>Be Occult Facade>The plan is coming along perfectly.Nothing could go wron-
>Be Fancy Pants>The plan is going well, they have now brought out their 'goods'.>Those poor foals.>It's be over soon.>It'll end.>Occult is being touched by claws and beaks.>Kr-thoom.>Be Princess Celestia watching her foal as the trap is set."Now."
>Fire erupts.>Shock tries to reach my face.>The whole of Canterlot is caught in the fire.>Then to the furthest horizon.>darkness>Be Sunset Shimmer>Everything is ready>The fire licks and tickles.>A rainbow beam apears.>I'm sorry Anonymous this might hurt.>The container cracks.>The best revenge is living well.
>>283453>Be Occult Façade on the run.>"You've been running for a long time. Causing mayhem, and destruction everywhere you go."We can't go on any more. We're done.
>"You may have forgotten that I knew your plan the whole time. Your little souls dancing about at our pleasure.">"It may have worked on a foolish powerless ant, but you did entertain me. Even if that was under the pretense of free will.">Dead tired.>"Now you may wonder why I am speaking to you at all. I see entertainment from your suffering, but I do like to change the method as I please.">"A final farewell if you will.">He forces me back into a pony like form. As a tendril starts to dig into my skull, and soul.>"I'll put you back together again. You. Will. Watch.">Ending of multiple worlds. In horrendous methods.Oh Hastur.
>"All that you have done and strived for has failed.">I'm going to be sick.>"You have betrayed everything you have for what you thought to be a modicum of time.">Memories, experiences flooding in.>all of us togther>Fancy Pants, Sunset, Twilight, Maze friends, All the fillies, Anonymous...>Everyone.>I'm sorry.We failed you all.
>"That's right. You were the direct cause of their extinction.">"Satisfying expression.">"Your purpose for existence has been fulfilled.">Waiting for the end that I deserve.>and waiting>"You really didn't think I wouldn't do anything about this little situation that's been brewing?">A crock pot bubbled?"Discord?"
>A raspy breath.>Snappin->"Ah, ah ahh!~ Don't spoil the imagination.">Everything frozen in a heavily seasoned lamb sauce. Thyme stood still.Wait what?
>"Watching everyone grow more. Even have a character arc in there as well.">"Did you know I've gotten the script early just for this occasion? Multiple unseen rewrites, and I may have pushed a few revisions through.">Unbelievable. I can't stop the exhausted grin."Ha... Haha. Hahaha!-"
>"Theres a reason I didn't come to mind as a cure all.">He brushes the monster under the chaotic rug of static, and something else"Ah... Wha-?"
>It's over?>"Despite this being a cross-dimensional hybrid I am the Lord of Chaos."
We helped cause alot of chaos...
"All part of the plan?"
>"Of course not! Who do you think I am?!"
>Those are some badass shades, and cape.
>Everything is going dark.
>A fire licks the timeless landscape moving faster and faster.
>It touches the static.
>"When I said that changing the past wasn't feasible I ment it."
>"Obviously, this is the opposite we're moving matter, magic, and space. Then we rewrite the Laws due to the massive amounts of energy we have procured."
>"So what we make the Yellow eldritch god's prison become all Equestrias."
>"That's the jist of it."
>"Look swapping fake desolate worlds with into a pocket dimention in a book is one thing, but placing everything so close to that place?"
>"Then time travel is possible. More importantly we'll turn the eldritch to our friends, as equals."
>"Can we get to the exciting part already."
>"One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to-"
>we shatter
>Be Fancy Pants
>The breaching team is here.
>The drugs in the wine is working, as they take a few seconds to realize that something is wrong.
>A clean operation thankfully.
>Occult starts to shake.
>I'm by her side.
>"What have I done."
"You did it. They're all captured. I'm here."
>She breaks down crying on my shoulder.
>>283454Well it's over.
Paste bin is now fully updated.
https://pastebin.com/GNP9EePY [Embed]
>>283461Oh shid I thought I was done, but the ride never ends.
>>283457I'll get around to reading this from start to finish soon, congrats man.
>>282926Finally got around to adding this to the doc, sorry it took a bit.
>>283465Thanks feels good. I'm sure the adventures could keep on going on. On and on, like a slice of life genre.
So an kinda epilogue thingy is in the works. It probably won't be satisfying, but it has to be done.
An abrupt end without being fully explored.
So I wouldn't expect Occult Facade 2: Electric Boogaloo any time soon or at all in the near future. Plus other obligations are creeping in. Feel free to do whatever if anyone wants. I... I'm glad that it actually reached an end, that it has a finish line. It all could be much better, and more eloquent.
Maybe something where it's not a choose your own ending sort of thing. Maybe something deeper. In any case it's been one hell of a ride.
Thank you everyone.
>>283454>>283457>>283469To whom it may concern (AKA all my friends and you faggots as well)
Living with my sister is going well. I've closed off some emotional loose ends. We no longer have to worry about it being a royal pain in the
flank ass.
We've opened up diplomatic ties with many other
ponies people. More importantly living life free from the constant fear.
Our weekly food fridays have turned into a competition, and it's expanding our circle of friends.
Me? Well it's been rough. The sudden change, achieving my revenge, it's all everything I could have wanted. It's hard not to smile, and it's a time where I have to get to know myself.
Little Shimmer? Well since she isn't a target for any dastardly plot everything is going well.
Sure am writing well alot I think it's about that time we went camping On point, she gets nightmares some times, I do what I can
I have a wide array of tools at my. We're doing great.
Others? Oh, so Occult Facade is
going to therapy having an intervention. Last I heard it was near a tree or something. Her mother Fancy Pants found out about her opposite gendered self.
Principal Luna? Oh Princess Luna. Well with further modifications the book Anonymous should have a real body. They're thinking of opening up a VR MMO. It's an interesting thought. It's mostly to keep the
hmmm not in a letter I suppose at bay. In any case it's a useful interesting endeavor for heroes and guards to hone their skills.
Flakey Crust? Sorry, you're going to have to... ohh that pony. Well she became obsessed with the princesses. Mostly, she's just lost. Also something about baking.
Caribou... ahhh, that place. Let's say without external support and with ally forces things never have gotten desparate. Outside influences make a pony or caribou do strange things.
Cults? Less said about that the better.
Best Cult Leader
and Idol of Worship,
Lots of love, no homo
Sunset Shimmer
Not (MLP) Canon:
Occult Facade. (Plus subconsiouses) [Green An Anonfilly]
Pony/Filly Subconscious
Dream Director
Forbidden Knowledge
Dictionary Thesaurus
Decision Maker
Heals Right
Human Subconscious (Just Façade)
Referred to by Real name aka ANONYMOUS or by job or by title or by action.
Flakey Crust
Mother and the Mother Cultists.
The Mother of The Darkness beyond Order and Chaos! Want's to eradicate the humans. The Utopia is nothingness ('pure' 'darkness' everything is 'her'). Isn't all that powerful considering.
Anonymous Foals.
List of parents. Princess Celestia, Nightmare Moon (Reuben), Twilight, Hoity Toity, [The Crazy Blue pony], Fleur De Lis, Derpy Hooves, Trixie Lulamoon, Queen Chrysalis, Cheeraliee[The Ponyville teacher](Lone15), Vinyl Scratch [plus Octavia?], Berry Punch, Apple Bloom [Not sure how this fits], Gilda [The female Griffin ex-friend of RD], Lyra (ASSFAGGOT), Mr. Mrs. Cake.
Rosie the Riveter "Grandma Rosie" "Rose Wright"
Grand Master
Old, but still powerful, and skilled.
Rosie's Husband.
Turned into an eldritch horror. Hitched a ride through Occult. Is currently with Rosie.
Olden Time warrior.
Sorta kinda dead ish.
Occult's soul fragment
#1 Others are unable to see her as she witnesses monsters, and horrors. Taken by something.
(61)Turned into a zombie after being stabbed in the heart bone by Auizotal in the ruins.
(64) about to be burned alive for eating everyone
#2 banished by Twilight to the north to stave off the Caribou. She then finds a cape, and map off of a dead stallion. That helps her survive to head toward the ruins. Inside she gets caught, goes through some fun times, and gets turned into a book.
Sceptical of main soul.
#3 trapped in a 'deadly' maze with others they try to survive as long as possible to stop others from joining them. Light is scary. Beware the light. They notice the bodies are unmoving. Selected as a speaker she can't go on until everything else has left. She is caught by the light.
#4 Royal Foot Cushion. Unable to think about doing the Prince (male Celestia unnamed) harm. She plots to kill him. Failing she cures The Sun Prince from his curse freeing the The Moon Prince (male Luna unnamed). Promoted to Royal Concubine, and used as a sex slave more often she continues to plot their demise. Sunset Shimmer requests her. Togther they flee to the (EQG) human world, and she free's #4. While there they save the books, get a place to sleep. Make it into a home. Get's a job, and goes to school.
#5 an partial inverse of the subconscious, and conscious dynamic. Unknown place with grotesque monsters/blobs.
#6 Final Soul Fragment. Is slow.
Fancy Pants (Rule 63: Female)
Fleur De Lis
Confirmed Friends with Fancy Pants.
Princess Luna
Has a background in making creative works. Enchanting/Artificer.
Has a team of specialists that deal with cultists and problems
Also deals with problems
Princess Celestia
Has special places throughout the castle for discrete actions, and privacy.
(MLP) EQG Spliced Canon:
Sunset Shimmer (related to Occult's soul fragment #4)
Horror Stuff that came from somewhere probably:
Pink (Magenta) Slime Thing. It 'eats' it's victims. Their memories are plagued by a Slime that chases them doing terrible actions both to the victim, and those the victim remembers. It then goes back slightly in the past memories, and continues. It loops back again. It does this to consume the victims soul. Eradicated via Overkill.
Gift(s) they come from Hastur (Occult can now produce them since Part 40.) Occult claims to be able to make anything with it.
Horror Mythos:
Hastur/The King in Yellow ect.
Carcosa is both Him and his prison.
Inside His/Her pony body is known as Amber Sagacity Façade. Massive Target for Nar
>>282598>be anonfilly>magic translates your human speech into Equestrian and vice versa>so everyone can understand you>and you can understand the ponies>but>when you try to swear, you sound like Gizmo, that annoying kid from the original Teen Titans cartoon https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Gizmo_(Teen_Titans_TV_Series)What do?
>>282598>be anonfilly>magic automatically translates english to pony language and vice versa, so you and Twilight understand each otheridea.png
>try saying some weeb shit in broken japanese>ponies understand it just fine without even noticing you switched languages>but words that lack an Equestrian equivalent are left unchanged>this means you can say nigger 24/7 and nobody knows what it means but youlife is good
I wish for filly to pee in my mouth.
>>283483My mouth pee to wish in, filly for I.
>>283528coping weebcuck pedokike.
>>283531>EstoniaHaven't seen you around here before. Besides, I just repost shit that I find, I didn't make the image.
>Be Anonymous
>Hot air balloons are cool, but that isn't the awesome part.
>We're heading to Cloudsdale to bet on a horse race and hookers and blackjack!
>Mostly the gambling on flying hoers.
>Even if the ride here was crowded with the elements of harmony.
>"We're here everypony!"
>Twilight leaves, as does Ponk
>and Apple 'background' Jack
>and Rarity.
>I step off the hot air balloon onto the cloud.
>and through the cloud
>and falling
>Maximum surface area, don't be a flailing cunt.
>No one is coming.
>It's a long fall to almost certain demise.
>The flat plain of grass grows ever closer.
>not ideal
>So this is how it all ends.
>Twilight forgot to put the cloud walking spell on me.
>My whole new life.
>Fuck this shit, if I'm going out I'm doing it with style.
>Break the legs and start to tumble convert the speed into horizontal energy.
>A cripple for the rest of my life.
>One fucking shot
>It's getting too close.
>Fuck no one is here.
>How the hell will I get to the hospital.
>Worry about it later it's coming.
>luck please be on my side
Well it's been a long while, but I'll start reposting random greens into this paste bin.
https://pastebin.com/7eK8r2Me [Embed]
>>283538Oh shit, she just fucking died?
>>282598>be anonfilly>say nigger a lot>lie to ponies about what nigger means>twilight sparkle pats your head and tells you you're a good girlrate and review my fic plz
>>283569>not twilight pats your head and tells you you're a good nigger3/10 shows some promise
>>283571Don't encourage Nigel, it's low-effort schlock.
>>283569>lie to ponies about what nigger meansNo reason to do so.
Even Fluttershy taking care of every beast in Equestria would be appalled.
Plz rate my story
>Be Anonfilly
>bee anonfilly
>defy all known laws of aviation
>smell that sweet sweet nectar
>see purple horse watering flowers
>sting her
r8 h8 masterb8
>>283579Sad and a wasted bee.
>>28357710/10 would be Anonfilly again
>>283579Just bee yourself lmao
Anonfilly trying on a wedding dress just for giggles, only to be stunned by how beautiful she is in one.
>>283569>be anonfilly>say nigger a lot>ponies join in>friendship
>>283595Wew, I have the desire to see that now. Thanks I didn't know I needed to know that, and now I do.
>>283598which is funnier
>ponies hear you saying nigger and copy you to make you "feel more at home", but ponies misunderstand and misuse the word>Pinkie yells "Nigger!" happily every time her baking is doneor
>tell ponies stories of the monstrous niggers in your world>ponies, familiar with the old "evil version of the heroic species" cliche, fully loathe niggers now>some hug you and call you a brave survivor for surviving in a world so infested with niggers
You just made death super scared what did you do?
>>283606figure out how to clone souls
>>283605Absolutely the first.
>>283605>>283607My god Nigel, you're not fucking funny. Your prompts are low-effort garbage, your writing has never been good, and we don't want you in this fucking thread. Even if we had no writefags whatsoever, we still wouldn't welcome your shit. And before you call me an SJW or a cuck, I hate niggers as much as the next guy. Comedy is a delicate art, and just having ponies say "nigger" just isn't that fucking funny.
>Be Cozy Glow
>Future Empress of Equestria
>Everything is going well, the lines are drawn and their flaws are showing.
>Just one tiny itsy bitsy thing is standing between you and your rightful place for a better Equestria.
>A filly by the name of Anonymous.
>"Hey, I have have something cool to show you at my place."
>Well being the Empress can wait one more day.
>After all Friendship is Power!
>An alibi is always useful to have on hoof.
>Yes, I'll propose a sleepover and nopony will bat an eye over those three days.
"Golly Anon you're room sure is messy."
>She blushes.
>Then she gives you a hug.
>"I'll always be by your side."
>That's very unusual her starting the hug.
>"I will always be by your side thick or thin."
>Her hug is a bit tighter, more desperate.
>"You're my best friend here, and I can't stand keeping this a secret between us any more."
>For all her joking of homosexuals is she?
>She whispers
>"I know everything."
"What do you mean?"
>No! All my plans! Because of- of- my...
>"You're my friend, and I want to be by your side, and I want to put that crown on your head, because..."
>What. How. Why? When?
>She kisses you.
>The plots and schemes begin to melt away
>but one plot came to mind and its hers.
>What Empress of friendship doesn't have friends?
>She looks hopeful, and lost, and weary, and confused.
>I draw her into the kiss, and dominate the exchange this time.
>She does have a nice head on her at times.
>A perfect pawn.
>A fumbling foal to pin anything on.
"I didn't think this is what you had in mind, but I like it."
>"Oh no see it's this."
>She grabs a notebook.
>Opening it to a hoof written first page.
>An Ethical Guide to Morally Ambiguous Plots: The How's, Why's, When's, and Howdy Do's to plans Long and Short. By Anonymous.
"Anonymous? Thanks. But what would I use this for?"
>"I know everything I don't want to see you go to Tartarus."
>Hoofing through the notebook, plans, charts, diagrams, breaking down social interaction.
>To achieve what Anonymous believes to be the best end result.
>Maybe I can't use Anonymous as a simple pawn.
"So what was the kiss for?"
>Was it a plan?
>She grins with a flush.
>A gullible fool?
>Something more?
>"Whatever you want it to mean."
>>283622>walks like an Egyptian
Johnny Joestar is best JoJo
>>283626>>>/out/Seriously, your off topic blurts and lazy shite prompts are not welcome here. Continued insistence WILL be disciplined
Translations are sketchy, but should get the point across.
>You're playing with your only friends.
>Orphans, almost like how you are now.
>"Forðgewîtan wægn ûs of pro ic cliewen Anonymous."
>"Come here, pass us the ball Anonymous."
"Simb−lunga heonu êower canne grîpan me."
>I taunt them to catch me.
>"Tôdæge Anonymous êower willa niman duguð mêdsceatt êow willaunderniman mid plegende wið hwît mægden hiertan!"
>"One day anonymous you will get the payment you will to get for playing with fair maiden heart!"
"Gêse, âwihte âhwænne yfel bêga."
>Yes, only when I find a maiden. Kek.
>Going to need some ice for that burn.
>Their teacher sternly walks up to our fun game.
>"Unweaxen ides heofoncundlic unfrôd hl¯æfdige mônaðlic, oferfaran sê bêon tîd hwæt êower foremearcung. Giefnes dôð f¯ærbena nêadðearfnes must hnot bêon ðynhl¯æne."
>"Young queen celestial young queen lunar, come it be time for your lesson. Leave the peasant time must not be wasted."
>Our collective disappointment did not deter him.
>"Lôcian êow forhraðe Anonymous."
>"See you soon Anonymous."
"Lôcian êow sîð æt sîðestan!"
>Hopefully I will see them soon.
>See you soon indeed.
>>283630>"Wow, this was your friend?""Is, not was is, my most faithful student. She has not aged a day since she attempted to block the Elements of Harmony for my sister."
>The statue of a mare holding a flag wearing a cape.>The one of victory.>Her greatest defeat.>Then my student blasts the statue.>"ðês derian.">Her first words in over a thousand years "Everything hurts"."Anonymous!"
>"Dægcandel mêtan!""So vulgar even after all this time?"
>Wait she shouldn't understand modern Equish.>"Haha! I knew one dôgor remembering and practicing would be nytlic.">"Oh my gosh it worked.">"Gêse. Now food, it has been many many years since I have had a hamburger and fries. Ha! Even longer to have proper tomato ketchup. Mayhaps even tendies.""A perfect time to have
some words with my student about using magic on a whim. We have much to discuss and I have my own questions."
>"Bringan duguð gang. Fyrst b¯ætan- ahem I mean, first food. Only then will we be watered amd filled to have our minds quenched.">Lead the way..."By my side as my friend."
>"I suppose I'll check out your flanks later, Sun Butt."
>>283630>>283632I need to get back to learning Eald Englisc tbh. Thanks for the reminder.
/r/ing filly trying to wear the Sutton Hoo helmet while reeing at Normans to get the fuck out
>Be Anonfilly
>You came out of a magic egg.
>As in Spike doesn't fucking exist here
>"Anooon, fetch me the book on- Anon?"
>not now smoll purple
>The future is in flux
>nothing is certain
>there are world, nation ending events that are coming soon
>and it's all changed.
>Then you see Celestia's student
>Sunset Shimmer
>with Spike.
>"Come on Anon it's just Sunset. I know we have different schedules, and you don't normally go to those lessons, and she is kind of cool, but we have an important job to do."
>This is fine.
>Oh yeah.
"Hey Purple Smart isn't it your study buddy's birthday soon?"
>"Oh my silly filly that's not for another week. Don't worry your little head over it."
>tfw your a filly
>tfw your classified as a magical artifact
>tfw you technically have no rights
>>283606>"You can't do that.">An old mare looks at me as I pushed Granny Smith away from a falling barn beam."I just helped my friend's grandmother. Who the hell are you?"
>"That isn't possible, look.">The crazy pony waves a cut string around.>"You shouldn't be able to see me either.">"Now what do I do? I can't kill her, and the string has already been cut. I can't take her soul away now.">Hold on."Kill her?"
>"I am Death.">Walking closer to the psycho old mare I say one last thing."So who all... uhhh are you going to kill."
>"Everypony in Equestria and the world-">Years of training and watching tv has prepared you for this moment."SUPER DUPLEX SUPLEX!"
>you just hug her torso>tugging back and forth.>Then Purplerino comes to help tag team the potential killer."Help me! This crazy wants to kill everyone!"
>"Only when everypony dies.">"Ahm here good job holdin' the invisible attempted murderer.">Aw yeah Rainbow blasting time.>pic related
>>283656Yes fillies, rifles alone won't cut it.
>>283629<"I'll now administor disciplin." "Waka chika...
What if one imbibed the spirit of your own memery the best of those possibilities and the worst of those options. This has nothing to do with the green.>Be Anonfilly>Saturday>Momfu is out doing something, but the important part is this.>It's fillies night with the bros. Cyan, Blue, Green, Red, Orange, and even the faggot colors will be there.>You have to make it to bro night, the one night a month when the stars align and work allows this blissful paradise for a few hours.>There is one problem. The neighbor has a really friendly cat and dog. So much so that the fellow foals walking down this street sometimes get glazed.>Caulked in cat or canine cum to the bro cave is...>well...>not showing up is worse.>But you have a modicum of pride.>Damnit that's not a pun!>Now the best way to get there unnoticed."Sneaky song. Sneaky song. Never leads me wrong."
>Through the front door. Across the way, past the mail box."Sneaking through, with a dark hue, that's what I do."
>The animals are almost aware of you."Sneaky song. Sneaky song. Where are you. Now there's nothing you can do."
>At night they had a chain on their collars to keep the other houses from having mystery marks."Sneaky song. Sneaking. It'll be a while for some thinking."
>Then you hear the chains rapidly clinking."Sneak real fast. Just don't be last. Because they're at fullmast!"
>Barks are coming. But it's better to get to the bro cave sooner."Running at full blast. I'll slip away, they won't see me today."
>A resounding clank. The full length. Everything is fine.>KRIIINKTINGK>It broke."Fu-fast as I can. I just ran."
>There the door to the fight club.>Burst through.>They're shocked."Help me brace!"
>That's how you spent the next few hours chatting with your fellows about not being fucked. One filly pushing things to help keep the door shut.>Then you realize the only door is blocked.>The cat prowls around the property.>Scratching and clinking of the chains and claws creep along.>The next few hours is bro time.>Now the stakes are high. If their momfus catch a whiff of funny business the fillies night is over.>Silence.>Nothing outside. No cat, no dog, no chains.>More importantly there is no sound from the griff faggot on the otherside of the wall.>None from the redpilled, based stallion.>No sounds from the birds at night.>At least you have eachother.>"Let's secure the windows.">Even the low voice felt it could almost break an unseen rule.>You nod."Together, no one alone."
>It's grueling work to fortify the stronghold quickly and quietly.>You all get it done.>Something feels off though.>From the griff's trash dump of a place.>Clean.>No movement where that fag has a printer running day and night.>A soft piano starts playing. At least the stallion of culture nextdoor is alive.>It's fitting.[YouTube] Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (Pianoforte) (Official Audio)
[Embed]>So you sing in harmony.>The building starts to shake.>Screams, and every possible yell slowly reaches a crescendo.>The old stallion based and redpilled is he plays Initial D.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfXHqJVgZEI [Embed]>Everyone is pouring your heart out.>The walls sway, going down a highway through hell.>Damned screams can't keep up with your heart and soul.[YouTube] Giggle at the Ghostie (Even Higher Quality) - MLP:FiM Piano Cover
[Embed]>Windows and doors are bending. Shifting the furniture, and various blockades.>It breaks. Although a rhythm starts to form. We all have an inkling of an idea at hand.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FyiXLFdCmg [Embed]>The horrors that lie ahead shake and tremble at your combined might.>Walls crumble.>The stallion piano pony rolls into the room.>As do many instruments>"I'm taking requests smoll fags. Don't complain just keep it up. We'll make it for sure then."<What Do?<Which one next?^H
>>283656I want them on my team. Qties, and upgraded arms it's hard to get much better.
>become filly
>twilight wants to keep you for scientific studies because you're an anomaly
>she just feeds, pampers, and spoils you like an only child instead
>>283683>she just feeds, pampers, and spoils you like an only child insteadAnon's dreams come true.
>>283683>Be only child>Life is good>Mom dies>Dad starts getting on my ass about everything from my political beliefs to the people I hang out with>Immediately starts dating another woman>Constantly tells me how spoiled and lucky I am even though I work for the money to buy everything I use but shit like food and toothpaste and my mom is fucking dead.>Starts using my dead mom as a tool to try to get me to conform to his standards, telling me that she would be ashamed of me whenever I'm doing something he doesn't like.>Whenever I try to reason with him he yells at me or takes away my computer.>Only have two friends irl, computer is where all my friends are.>Wants me to hang out with people I haven't been friends with in years because he likes them better than my autistically small but comfy friend pool.>Every time I try to debate him he acts like I'm the antichrist.>Eventually snap and pull a knife on him when he tries to take my computer away after I call him a faggot.>Plays it off afterwards as "oh you were holding the knife wrong I could've taken it away but I didn't want to">Yeah fuck you I know how to handle knives.>Don't get my computer taken away though, whatever.>Keeps this bullshit up until I move outI guess that's probably why I'm here.
>>283703Let me put it plain and simple, and you won't like it.
His roof, his rules. Like it or not, you are a dumb filly and the stallion deserves respect. After all if he doesn't care, why he bothers about you and tries to correct you?
Shut up and drop the defiance.
>>283705>His roof, his rules.Also, his foal, his education.
>>283705I never said I had no respect for him you dumbass. I fucking tried time after time to reach a compromise. To try and come to some sort of fucking agreement. He's also about as lefty as you can get, so that didn't make things any easier. Every time I want to talk about funs he shuts me down because he feels threatened by my interest in them. Every time I try to come to a compromise it's a long, messy argument and finally, when he can't push any further logically, he pulls the "I'm your father" shit and walks away bacause I can't fucking push against that. Do you not see how that could drive someone mad? You know not all fathers are amazing role models or amazing people right? Did you even read the shit about how he used my dead fucking mom to try to get me to act on his whims? Does that not strike you as fucked-up at all?
>>283709Understood. And still no matter how wrong and annoying he is, he is your dad.
Don't be a whinny brat, you must shut up and drop the defiance. You will understand why in perhaps 10 or 15 years, when maturity and common sense come to age. Faggot.
>>283703>>283709Moving out really does help with parental relationships. Give it a couple years of not constantly getting on each other's nerves anymore and you'll start reaching out to each other again. I used to be an angsty faggot like you, then I moved to another state and found out that absence really does make the heart grow fonder.
Also what the does this have to do with filly? This is the mommy issues general, not the daddy issues general.
>>283703Well, I don't know the nitty grity details, not sure how I would have done then.
>>283711>This is the mommy issues general, not the daddy issues general.It's close enough, I suppose it can be both.
>Also what the does this have to do with filly?>>283683>she just feeds, pampers, and spoils you like an only child instead>only child>>283703>loife story about being an only child.was hoping the green would lead to a story, but discussions are good too.[/s[
>>283703You'll be happier when you move out, my father was a bastard too.
He's trying to pressure and reshape you but he doesn't know what he wants from you. It's not your fault that he is the way he is. If there was one thing I wish someone said to me as a kid/teenager, it's "It is not your fault the adults in your life are the way they are". It's not your job to raise him or feel responsible for him.
I'm 24, and as you get older you'll understand why stupid people act the way they do. It won't magically make you okay with it. But you'll recognize that it's not your fault that he is the way he is, and that knowledge helps.
Think about what he really said with that "I swear I could have taken the knife I just didn wanna" bullshit.
He didn't encourage you to stand up for yourself more often, and he didn't recognize his mistakes and try to drop his attitude and try talking things out with you. He tried to push you down once you were unarmed and no longer scaring him, by saying he could have punished you for standing up to him if he wanted to.
"Oh, I could have easily kicked your ass just then in that moment when you stood up to me. Don't consider this a victory or else! Don't do that again or else!"
What a fucking coward. Nothing good's ever come from the kind of man who lies to retroactively win a fight in an attempt to regain lost face.
He's not some "deep and wise old man", he just sounds like a colossal faggot who puts his ego and "perceived dominance" above actually helping you, giving you advice, or being able to recognize that he's pushing you too hard in the wrong directions. He's the type of little man who wants to be in charge, thinks he's great at being in charge, but can't understand people or how anything he says/does could affect them.
It wouldn't surprise me if he's projecting his own flaws and failings onto you.
It wouldn't surprise me if he's mad at himself for not making more friends in his youth, hence why he gives you shit for having online friends instead of friends his monkey brain can look at and understand.
It wouldn't surprise me if he's mad at himself for failing to become rich and successful, hence why he's trying to pretend the things he gives you (like toothpaste) are so wondrous and valuable and spoiling-you-ish.
It wouldn't surprise me if he's mad at you for not being exactly what he thinks a superior copy of him should look and sound and act like, even though you're clearly a better man than him if you're willing to reach out and ask for advice while he just bitches and bullies and fails at life.
again, it wouldn't surprise me if he's mad at himself for failing to become rich and successful, hence why he's trying to pretend the things he gives you (like toothpaste) are so wondrous and valuable and spoiling-you-ish. Most retarded parents start pretending they deserve awards for giving their kids a bed and hot meals because they're secretly butthurt about not being rich enough to get their kids bigger beds and better meals.
Or they feel inadequate for some other reason, like not thinking their child is popular enough IRL or sufficiently good with women or not rich enough yet. They feel like what they do is not enough, they get sad, they lie to themselves in the name of ego, and get butthurt at you for not making them feel so incredibly over-appreciated that it solves their feelings of inadequacy.
These types love to pretend the world is still as "if you just work hard you'll magically succeed"ish as it was when they were young and too lazy to work hard. Reminds me of my dad, who just couldn't understand why I as a teenager didn't have what society or his father handed to him on a silver platter at my age. The faggot would give me shit for not owning a motorcycle like he once supposedly did, can you believe it? He never took me to a motorcycle store, didn't know what to buy, and was staunchly against me getting a real job that could accumulate wealth because it would get in the way of his social-credit-seeking "Oh woe is me, my child is such a failure" bullshit. Fuck that faggot.
A lot of people want to believe fathers are inherently wise and mystical. Truth is, adults are just people and most people are fucking dumb. Society worked better when men were raised to know how to be good men AND good fathers. Why pretend there's something inherently respect-earning about fatherhood when only the white man's culture that made white fathers so great and respectable? You've encountered enough leftists in your life to know not everybody grows up, right? Boomers are the lowest form of life on this planet because they gave this country away to niggers and jews. Boomers with a brain are exceedingly rare, and boomers with a brain and balls are damn near unheard of.
I know I'm extrapolating a lot from what you've told me here. There's a good chance that I'm completely wrong and he's done good things for you that I don't know about.
But from what you've told me so far, it sounds like your father is a faggot who thinks he has to fix you before you turn out like him, but doesn't know how to fix your life or what he really wants you to be. He'll just femininely act out like a little baby until something seems to magically improve. So don't feel ashamed if you feel you have to say some bullshit or fake some bullshit here and there to make him happy and get him off your case. Talk about some great times you and your friends had even if they never happened. Claim you've met a few girls online, seen them via webcams and spoken to them "over the phone" (he knows what phones are probably) and played tons of online games with them because they love online gaming and you're trying to decide which one to date. Pretend you're incredibly into fascinating documentaries on animals and plants and history, tell him about what you've learned from these documentaries, and get him used to accepting new knowledge from his son.
Putting up with him won't be easy but it won't last forever.
>>283715>>283703Also, don't bother with debates. Boomers don't think with logic, they think with faith and their desire to feel socially accepted.
As for faith...
You could put a hundred arguments against communism in front of a Boomer and he wouldn't read any of them if he loved communism. Once you get old, your mind gets "set in its ways". This is why it's so much better to learn instruments/extra languages and develop self-improving habits and good routines while you're still young.
Boomers put their absolute faith in a person or concept until it's shattered completely. Only then do they become emptied of ego and willing to listen.
To convince a commie, you'd need to tie him down and show him hours of documentaries detailing how communism failed its workers, why communism can't work, what made it worse than nazism, and more until he finally stopped thinking it's a morally-good thing to be a communist.
It's the same shit with boomers and celebrities.
They don't care if some celebrity does something uncool or horrible or even illegal and degenerate. They don't care if some celebrity does something generous or heroic, even if it saves lives.
They like X celebrity because they've liked X celebrity ever since they decided to like X celebrity, and they won't feel like changing their position on that (remaining the same ageing rotting old decaying bastard despite how the world and circumstances change around them gives them a feeling of stability) until they see something new that shatters their view of that celebrity.
But if it became considered "uncool" to like their favourite celebrity, they'd drop him or her or it in an instant.
They care more about feeling like people think they're cool than feeling right, and they care more about feeling right than being right. Everything they tell themselves to think is inspired by what they currently think a good person is/does/thinks.
One Irish friend of mine had a retardedly woke boomer dad who watched TV news and loudly said "fuck racism" a lot in his house and did little else. He didn't change his mind when he saw videos debunking lefty lies or statistics proving the shitness of blacks. He changed his mind when he saw a ton of "Cringe SJWs get fucking destroyed by facts and logic compilation #69" followed by Molyneux's Ireland 2040 video explaining how white replacement is happening in Ireland(while ignoring the jew element sadly and blaming it all on the EU). Now he's gone from talking a lot about nonsense to repeating obvious entry-level facts about race to feel redpilled and cool. His voting habit changed to "Whatever my son says to vote for must be based and redpilled".
That's one more redpilled vote and one less jew vote. It's all the redpilling he needs for now. Probably all the redpilling he'll ever be able to take, considering how often he says "Those fucking evil muslims wanting to hurt the christians and jews, omg the muslims are like nazis but the left's ok with them for being brown, fuck the browns".
Not everyone on this planet is a person. Not everyone can think clearly and not everyone can be reasoned with. It would be great if you could convince your dad to vote Trump instead of Biden, but that's probably the furthest an oldfag that stuck-in-his-ways could ever be taken.
Get a life, I'm giving life advice in the Transformation-Fetish Transgender-Fetish Dommy-Mommy-Fetish Loli General to someone who needs it.
>>283718>still hasnt figured out KYS fillyLurk moar fgt
>>283717>To convince a commie, you'd need to tie him down and show him hours of documentaries detailing how communism failed its workers, why communism can't work, what made it worse than nazism, and more until he finally stopped thinking it's a morally-good thing to be a communist.It's a bit more involved than that. Depending on the depth of the religious zealotry and public perception and personality profile.
>>283723True. Some people are just lost causes.
It's not legal for pedos to rape kids, even though they want to.
Why should it be legal for commies to vote for corruption, just because they want to?
If commies win they'll legalize pedophilia like they effectively did under Weimar Germany.
https://historycollection.com/17-reasons-why-germanys-weimar-republic-was-a-party-lovers-paradise/The source is faggoted, trying to paint all this degeneracy as a good thing and a superior alternative to """prudism""". But it still admits the depths of the degeneracy, like a gloating cartoon supervillain.
So I heard you guys like fillies. Anyone wanna buy some? $300 a piece.
>>283703That sucks dude, your dad sounds like an asshole. Glad you're doing better.
Pulling out a knife does seem a bit extreme though.
>>283703The faster you leave, the better. I can already tell you done nothing wrong.
When I left home things got better, of course its still a bit of strain on me to keep contact but otherwise. Bu being on your own is wonderful.
If pic related turned into Anonfilly, would we see any personality differences?
>"What's on your mind Anon? "
>Be Starlight Glimmer
>You think one of the students has a crush on you.
>Specifically Anon she keeps asking you to go on a balloon ride with her.
>Class time just ended.
>Now she is heavily flirting.
>"Glimmer you fuckin' Commie."
>Always to contract and communicate with that new age slang.
>Also fornication.
>Going out with Twilight's daughter is weird.
>Not to mention she's just a foal. Maybe... you're not clear about the topic Twilight keeps shifting about.
>You do understand she has a bit of trouble with talking to other ponies her age.
>Or in general.
>At least you find it confusing. Some of the slang, and words, and phrases just don't quite seem right.
>Something has to be done in any case.
>You shuffle through some papers.
>Ah ha!
>It'll be Anon's birthday soon. Then this whole adult flirting talk can stop.
>>283743Oh boy, time for a one-way balloon ride to tartarus!
>>283721>still hasnt figured out KYS fillyThis.
>>283732I never had any intent of doing anything with it, just wanted to show him I wasn't going to take it all lying down anymore. I had tried pretty much every form of rational appeal and they all failed. To quote Marvin Heemeyer...
>>283711Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. Sorry for the off-topic posting. Have a filly.
Filly from the draw thread
>>283767Yes. Proud Filly partner.
>>283769That's a nice sleepy filler right there. Yep, yep.
>>283767Very comfy.
>>283759Wouldn't erase, a qt. The body can be sculpted to be peak filly.
>>283703Not exactly the same, but you have the idea.
>>283758I wopuld advice to try to keep a stoic mindset and try to remain unprovoked by everything and also always try to stop things from escalating. Yes, I'm well aware how impossible that taks can be and I can relate to your feelings of wanting to show that yopur not a pushover. In fact, while this might be sending a bit of amix message, I bet standing up to him was actually strengthening to your mentality. It was for me when I stood up against my step father.
If you could, you could just pretend to abandon your true ideas and politics or maybe pretend to be less extreme or whatever.You will be surprized what people will believe when they want to believe it. It's not like you can get through to him when you yourself don't feel safe. I would sugguest waiting with getting through to him till you have your own place.
In general, I don't know if this is true for you, but for me when I began my journey I naively though that I could tell my mom and so on about my opinions and that while they probably would disagree, they would listen to me and take the fact that I was such a good kid into consideration but that didn't happen. since it was the begining of my journey, I hadn't fully realized my opinions and how to formulate them so being pressured to defend them form my leering step dad was diffcult. I just knew that what I had picked was the right thing.
I guess, my advice is that (if you're new to this), is to let everything run off you. Its almost like a skill, you practice, because you have to focus on everything in life so you cannot be mad at everything even though you will be correct in being angry.at the mire that is this world.
>Be filly >Have ponk momfu >Wake up to sweet scent>Get pankcakes for breakfeast >Bring lunchbox to school >Its a ham, cheese, and roasted bread cupcake>Prank Cheerlie >Stay after school >Ponk comes and you, her, and Cheerlie have a stern discussion about your behavior >After you two leave, Ponk's gives you a highfive Or highone? for an awesome prank >Go home >Practice baking cakes and dancing>You try to one-up Ponk on a competetion of who can make up most puns from the words being said >Go to bed>Ponk tires to read bedtime story but can't >Simpleton, iliterate, mud pone>Like you >You read it for her instead >You lay their cozy under the covers>Book gets lower and lower untill you pretend to drop it as you pretend to fall asleep>Ponk's mane get the lights >A hoof wanders down to feel you..................>You smash the lights on and turn to Ponk"Kill yourself, Pedophile!"
>>283785>Leering Thought it meant something else. Basically ridiculing and mocking .
>>284311So what if Anonfilly has to hug (or do something) with whoever has contact with her.
>>284311Instead of Anon becomes filly
Filly becomes Anon
>>284311How about something with a momfu other than Twi? There isn't much with that despite the possibilities.
>>284392I want to be the green man
>>284140A qt has appeared.
Looks nice, but it slightly off. I can't put my finger on exactly what though.>>284394Exactly, but as a filly.
Write what you will anything.Well how about more ideas to pour in. Don't worry if you think it's dumb those ones have a charm to it too.
>Anon figures out the secret to moving her tail stuff happens.<Anon gets stuck in a magic comic book>Timber wolves follow and obey Anon because she is the biggest faggot of them all<Anon is abducted by Diamond Dogs>Anon is held for ransom<It's a graduation speech. Who is speaking, and what happens?>Anon is adopted by Kirins<Anon is adopted by griffs>Anon's first heat wave<The transformation only worked halfway. What fuckery has happened.>Anon finds out the world of Equestria is a giant themepark mmo. What do. It's Deca Dence plot rippoff.<Anonfilly is Equestria>Anonfilly in another franchise. Alone? Or with somepony else?<Anonfilly filled out a shitty create your own adventure>The public's reaction to the crowning of Princess Anon
>The weather had cooled and the leaves began to fall from their trees
>Equestria was calm and peaceful
>a chilly breeze promised a winter not yet arrived
>Somewhere three green fillies lay snoozing and totally not cuddling in bed
>The temperature drop bringing them all under one large comforter
>Each one pressed in tight against the other, sharing warmth between their small bodies
>With a yawn the fillies, one by one awoke from their slumber, ready for another day of fun
>Quickly each one pushed away from the other, muttering no homo as they awkwardly avoided eye contact and slid out of bed
>The floor was cold on their bare hooves, soon it would be time for footie pajamas
>Each filly took time getting ready for the day washing up and brushing teeth and mane
>One young filly put a bow in her hair and was promptly called gay by her filly friends though all agreed she looked cute
>Now ready for the day the three fillies slipped into their jackets, scarves and little fuzzy hats and trotted outside
>Momma twi waving at them and telling them to be home before dark
>The three fillies braved the weather outside in search of fun and adventure
>Frolicking in piles of leaves and getting warm mugs of cider from Ms.Applejack
>>284439>anon believes he is in chargeFilly has a plan.
>>284439Cutest hostile take over yet.
>Hug filly
>You dig down your nose into her mane
>She smells wonderful!
"Uhm... Anon?"
"Sssh," you say as you embrace her tightly to your chest. "Let me tell you what Anonfillies are for."
"Getting in fight with her.
Playing sports with her.
Watching kungfu-"
"Uhm,.. Anon? Are you okay?"
Yeah, so I made this once in the oekaki. I didn't post it becase it complete garbage. But I have come around to thinking that it makes me think of vapor wave. Honestly, its just something to add to the thread. I hope this doesn't shit down the thread.
>>284467Fashwave filly a coot
>>284465What a hug. Imagine the possibilities before Anon was interrupted.
>>284467Filly is going on a journey, to surf the interwebs.
>Be the filly >You wake up from landing hard on the ground>You still haven't learnt to control your ability to make clouds impassable>So this is not the first time since RD adopted you, you have wokn up by falling through your cloud bed and down on the ground below RD's cloudhouse"Aaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhhh! That fucking hurts. I hate this fucking shit!" you roar
"Hahaha ha ha!" you hear from a voice descending behind and above you
>Turn around and sees our mom with mocking grin and raised eyebrows>You sigh and groan>You climb up on your hooves >You have dirtied your green fur on your knees "You could atleast show some concern," you say bitterly. "For all you know, I could have broken something."
>Rd seems to realize this and tries to stop her laughing by putting a hoof over her mouth >With the other hoof she waves away the idea "Nah, I knew you were alright... Anyway, you ready for morning workout?" she asks
"But, Rainbow Da-"
>She glares at you"Mom, I haven't eaten yet," you say
>She looks a bit surpized"But you threw up your breakfeast yesterday. I thought we decided to skip it today."
>You smack with your lips >Of course that's how she interpreted it"No, I never said we should skip it. We'll just have to take a longer break before workout so I can digest if first, like any normal training regime."
>RD shakes her head >She wagggles a hoof at you "Nah, that takes to much time. We gotta get in two more sets of training today."
>You sigh "Y tho? Isn't it better if I eat well so I can preform well during the training."
>At first it seemed like Rd was contemplating this but then she got a smug look on her face "Aah, I see what's going on here. Clever."
"You wanna try to skip out on training, huh? Lazybutts."
>Your wings do their best angry spainish expression idk>Rd's wing silence you as she waggles a feather at you "Ah ah aah, I'll play your game. How about we meet half-way. Try to catch before we get to AJ and while their, we can eat breakfeast."
>You look a bit confused "Okayyyy? But won't it be a bit diffcult to bring food with us to AJ if we're gonna give it are all?"
>She smacks her lips and her eyes dart upwards"Anon, the breakfeast will be at AJ's place. If you know what I mean." Rd gives you a playful smirk
>You look at her unsure "Do you mean you will walk in on the Apples at the dinner table and ask to join or are you refering to
actually nicking apples from your friend?"
>She sighs and shakes her head >She gives you a oh-you-naive-butbeautiful-fool look"Applejack, owes me. Without me their wouldn't be any rainweather to fall on her trees would there? I do half the chore. I think the
least AJ could do was let me snack some apples sometimes, you know?"
>You look at the ground >O´boy..."Mom," You begin
"Yes, sweety," she shines up
"Aj pays taxes to the goverment for the weather she gets and the goverment pays you for the work you do for AJ. You have already been paid." you look up at her specptically
>She looks annoyed before rolling her yes and looking to the side
>>284472>tfw you survive long falls every other night, and then have to logic a pony momfu why double dipping is stealing.Nice green.
>>284549>be fille>walk to school>no twilot because am grown fill>at night because is night school>and then a skeleton popped out'no'
>>284549Filly needs plenty of greens to grow up big and strong.
>>284549>>284559Filly also needs to drinks lots of milk.
>>284561It's an acquired taste.
>>284549Give suggestions for one-offs, I'll probably get around to doing one or two on Saturday. Also planning out a longer green that you might see soon.
It's October, writefils, you know what that means.
Obviously main character will be filly, but feel free to use the MC column to pick your main supporting character
[4d10 = 19]
>>284584fugg[1d10 = 2] [1d10 = 10] [1d10 = 2] [1d10 = 9]
>>284584Oh boy. Guessing it's going to be about Purple or Rarity this time.
>Roll'em[1d10 = 4][1d10 = 9][1d10 = 8][1d10 = 10]
>>284585Guess I'm going all in on some mindfuck bullshit.
>it takes you a few minutes to realize something is wrong>namely, that you don't know where the fuck you are>let's see... did you take a wrong turn at...?>wait, where were you even trying to go?>were you trying to go somewhere?>what the fuck were you doing just now?>you're currently walking through a level, orange landscape covered by a yellow sky>you'd think you'd remember walking into some place like this>or waking up or something>yet here you are, apparently this wierd-ass place without realizing it>is it some sort of amnesia?>let's see...>your name is Anonymous, or Anon for short>this is only the second time you've unexpectedly ended up in a bizarre new world, the first time being when the magic bleach yeeted you into Equestria some years ago>you hadn't counted on showing up as a nondescript little filly though>a bit hopefully, you look down at your body to see if it's changed back>nope>damn>anyways, all your memories are in order as far as you can tell>with the exception, of course, of just what the fuck happened that led up to you being in this place>hey wait a second>what if this is like that shit from Memento?>you know, where the dude gets a head injury and forgets everything that happened since then every few minutes or so>you zone out for a few seconds>well, no further memory loss as far as you can tell>probably>so what the fuck is going on?>looking at your surroundings, it doesn't look like there's anything in sight for miles>there's probably not much point in continuing to walk>but it sounds better than just sitting here psyching yourself out>so>onward you go
>>284592>there is no way of knowing just how long you've been going>the lighting in this place never changes>there are absolutely no landmarks to measure your progress by>and your hooves leave no impression in the hard, smooth, orange ground>floor?>you don't know>but at some point>you look up>something has caught your eye>something has broken the golden stillness of the sky>there's a small spot of blue up there>the spot gets bigger>grows a head, hooves, and wings>and shouts at you<"Anon?""Rainbow Dash?"
>she lands with a grateful whush"Oh good, a responsible adult. I don't suppose
you know the way out of here?"
<"Gimme a break, I've been flying in this wierdo place for hours! I didn't think I was gonna find anyone at this rate.">Dash leans to stretch those glutes<"I was kinda hoping you had a plan.""Walk til something happens."
<"That's basically my plan, but with walking instead of flying.""Got a better one?"
>Dash scowls at the barren landscape<"Not really.">and so>you walk
>>284593>step>step>step>the process becomes mindless>insulated from both your surroundings and your thoughts>you may as well not even exist>it's not until your hoof comes down on nothing>and you stumble"Whoah."
>Dash has been hovering overhead, and didn't suffer this particular mishap>the ground has begun to decline into a valley<"Hm?">down in the valley lies what can only be described as a nice little villa>white walls, pillared arches, a bright blue swimming pool<"Weird.""For sure it's the valley of death."
<"What?""Nothing. It's a reference."
<"You're one weird kid, Anon.""Well, something happened, so I guess we're done walking now."
<"You're not seriously gonna go down there, are you?""Why not? See any other water nearby? I'm thirsty as shit."
<"You can't drink pool water.""They probably have faucets."
>you start trotting down into the valley<"Oh, this is so lame...""Come on. You scared?"
<"N-no!">a rainbow blur whizzes past you>Rainbow Dash appears by the door of the villa>you break into a light jog and catch up with her>you reach for the doorknob, but Dash holds up a hoof<"Whoah, kiddo. It might be dangerous in there. Let me go in first. You know, to protect you.">Dash flexes her wings>you groan"Okay, sure, fine, go."
<"Not gonna beg me not to risk my life for you?""Bluefast, my hooves are so sore I don't care about risking my own life for a good sofa, let alone yours. Let's just go."
<"All right, all right, geez.">Dash hesitates dramatically>then throws open the door and summersaults inside>she scans to the left>scans to the right>then throws back her wing to give you a 'come hither' signal>you clomp inside, deliberately as loud as possible, and slam the door behind you<"Sssshhhhhhh!""Yeah sure, whatever. Listen, I'm gonna go find a bathroom. If it smells like I'm taking a ginormous shit, it's because I am."
>Dash's ears prick up as if something has alarmed her<"Anon, you can't.""Huh? Why not?"
<"Because I was gonna do that.">with that, Dash disappears, leaving behind only a rainbow contrail>no fuck shit damn piss cock niggers that cunt can spend all day hogging a shitter>you run after her"Please no!"
>>284609>fortunately, the villa apparently has multiple bathrooms>the one you found even has a shower, for advanced freshening up>once you're done with that, you head back out into the main living room>Dash is sprawled out on the couch<"Hey, sport.""Hey. So something just occured to me."
<"What's that?""Someone probably lives here."
<"I hope so.""Think they'll appreciate us making ourselves at home when they get back?"
>Dash shrugs<"Dunno. I just hope they'll be able to tell us the way out of bizzaro town.""That's a good point."
>something on the wall attracts your gaze"Uh, hang on a second."
>you point at a framed photograph hanging on the wall>you'd call the creature in the photo a minotaur>except that you've met minotaurs>and this guy looks more like a giant, scarred man with bull's horns crudely sewn onto his scalp"What if that's the guy who lives here?"
>Dash grimaces<"Uh, maybe he's friendly?""Or maybe he eats ponies?"
<"Eugh. That'd be bad.""Yeah."
<"Maybe we should get out of here.""I think we should get out of here."
>Dash hops off the couch, and together you head for the door>it's just that, when Dash opens the door>she slams it shut again<"Anon.""Huh? What happened?"
<"I don't know if we should go out there.""Why not? There's nothing out there."
>Dash just shakes her head<"I really don't think we should go out there.""Oh, let me see."
>you crack open the door>and promptly slam it shut again>you hit the lock for good measure"I don't think we should go out there."
>what exactly is out there?>well>they're ponies>almost
>>284584[1d10 = 7] [1d10 = 5] [1d10 = 4] []1d10
>>284400>Anonfilly is EquestriaLike the entirety of Equestria is laid on Anonfilly ass or something like that? Or something to do with Anonfilly becoming a supreme ruler?
>>284439Needs a Twilycane to properly reign supreme over her inferiors
Although such almighty fluff can surely demand sacrifices by itself
>Tfw filly grew up in the equality cabin
>Adopting the repeating verses as the truth
>Other fillies tried to point out of its evil and the truth behind the free market
>How she should be free to hop skip and jump in the plains
>But all this filly wants is to go back
>To listen to her glorious leader speech once more
>To paint the walls red with other equals
>And to listen to the blue commissioner mare and her tales of equality
>If only she could put these other fillies to experience true happiness
>A single chance to send them to that cabin
>They'd love it and would come to think the same, she was sure of that
>All she needed is that one tape, taken straight from glim glam stash
>Surely Twilight wouldn't mind if the castle was reporpused for the good of them all, right?
[1d10 = 5] [1d10 = 1] [1d10 = 8] [1d10 = 5]
>>284592>>284593>>284609>>284611Interesting green.
>>284617Missing toof. Oof.
>>284626What horrors must have happened to turn anon into a commie.
>>284591"Anon, darling, please. Not those ribbons."
>"It fits sunbutt is the sun, and it's yellow. Well I mean it's white, but it depends on the composition. Like all the other sparkling stars.">"Excuse me please.">"Just a moment fag.""Sparkles! Why Anonfilly you are a talent."
>Turning around a horror waits. Her mane, so haunted and harmed."Oh my stars darling! What happened to your coiffure!?"
>"I'm guessing an orgy.">Anon's crass comments can at times get out of hoof. Drastic actions must be done."Out of my hair? What about your hair!"
>It is my duty to make the world beautiful with Anonfilly by my side. I must accomplish this I must not let these eldritch horrors manifest though these abominations.>Of Fabulosity!>"Hey pick the green gem one it'll look funny.""You were telling me where you're from?"
>"Oh! This is Purple Smort she's from-">"-Canterlot.">With Filly brushing Twilight's mane I knew she could handle that.>"Oh meet us later at the library, Pinkie is Planning a surprise party for this book horse.">Honestly spoiling Pinkie's party. How uncouth."Anon! Really. Emeralds! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies!"
>I feel Anonfilly leave with Twilight, and Spike the Dragon.>So excited. One might not even tell she didn't always used to be a filly.>The corners of the room darken."Maybe I should have gone with them, ah but fabulosity without hard work won't vanquish horrors."
>"Hey Rares! There's a welcoming party at the library. Oh and tell Anon she should be careful when she says things.""Thank you darling. I try, but she tends to brush me off time and time again."
>"I'm sure when you'll explain it to her she'll understand.""I don't know what I would have done without your help darling."
>The creeping ugliness of the world always seems to shrink slightly with her friends. Even if some of them unknowingly go against fabulousness.<Time passes, and we rejoin at Twilight Sparkle's party.>"No pony can stop me from the punch!">"Anon, not that punch that's for adults.">Spike looks oddly over at this line of dialogue.>"Who's Anon?">"Why I oughta!">Holding the feisty filly back Pinkie keeps the party upbeat, and nopony else is making a ruckus over this small spat.>"See this is Anon.">Her hoof is shaking her body as Anon is making an effort to reach the baby dragon.>"When I get over to you ya' sopping cock sock you'll eish you messed with the wrong Anon!">Spike looking quite pale heads over to my side.>"That's what I thought. Faggot. Whatever. Yo, Rare Imma go see if I can't jump on Purple's bed.""Fillies will be fillies."
>Spike the poor dear must be shocked at the butchery of language.<Time passes, and we rejoin at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Facing Nightmare Moon.>Here we are my companions, and even Anon.>"Alright fags, some of you may die, but that's a risk I'm willing to make. I'll distract the Mooner that's your cue.">Twilight is by our side now, as Nightmare Moon faces us.>The brave filly is running making the charge.>Nightmare Moon totally dismisses Anon, she then slides under the alicorn.>Twilight is saying something, and I feel my hooves leave the ground.>Anon, is now behind the dark alicorn.>She head butts into the Nightmare Moon's foal making bits.>A loud yell can be heard as a rainbow is shooting out of us.>From Anon, or from Nightmare Moon I can't tell.>Feeling something thumming, the ugliness of the world retreats from the beam the elements of harmony made.>Anon is writhing on the floor.>Everypony else is too stupefied by the rising sun."Anon! Please, are you okay? We can get help."
>"Rarity? Who are you talking to?">"Yes, my little pony who else came with you on your journey?""Anon the little foal, see."
>I gesture with my other hoof to Anon that lay in my grasp.>She's melting.>She rasps out something.>"I, I may not get to say this after it's all said and done. I love you, and you must hold your friends near and dear.">Anon melts, I can hear Pinkie crying.>She's melting into me.>"Live you stupid beautiful hoers. I'll be right here in your heart.">A light tap pounding, as her bloody form hits me.>It's>horrible>I remember.>I lived once without accomplishing my dreams, with fear and pain at every turn.>Of a pure wish and desire, I cut myself up to ignore those unobtainable dreams.>My hooves covered in my own blood.>My past showing me opportunities in every corner.>Now, it's just me.>A real monster.>Be me>Rarity>I have failed in being an Anonfilly. This is my tale.>No matter how much of myself I'll carve up this world will be fabulous.>And then Discord>And then Chrysalis>And again and again>tfw you've given so much>tfw you've given too much>tfw you can't give any more>feels bad>tfw you gave it all up to try to save yourself one last time.>again>The nightmare has taken root>forever and ever>again and again>"Anon, darling, please. Not those ribbons."...
>pic related
>>284677I don't know what to say.
[1d10 = 10][1d10 = 7][1d10 = 6][1d10 = 6]
>>284685will have something in a while, maybe tomorrow or day after
>>284611Enjoying this, but if that's the end it's a tad anticlimactic. Any chance we'll get more?
>>284706Yeah I meant to get around to writing more yesterday. Hang on, more is inbound.
>>284611>the ponies outside are..."What the fuck are they?"
<"Why would you ask me? I don't know!""Well, pick me up. I wanna look out the peep hole."
<"Whoah, no. It is way too scary out there for a little kid to be looking at. I'll look through the peep hole.""All right, fine, just tell me what it is."
>Dash looks through the door's peep hole>and violently cringes<"Ah! No! No way! Uh uh!""Pussy."
<"Oh, you think you're so tough? Why don't you take a look then?">Dash hooks her hooves under your forelegs and hoists you up to the peep hole"Finally. Thank you."
>you peer into the horde>the creatures are slow>shambling>and deformed in very>very>odd ways>only years of browsing imageboards could have prepared you to gaze upon the blasphemous forms with your sanity intact"Dickshitting nipples..."
>actually, dickshitting nipples is about the only bizzare body modification you don't see out there>that one has heads sprouting out of its spine>you catch a glimpse of one in the air, eight wings beating in unison on its sides"Guess I can't ask you to fly us out of here then..."
<"Huh? Why not?""Hang on a second."
>an idiot pony's head lolls atop a gigantic hoof>one, built like a centipede, skitters by with dozens of torsos and scores of legs>that one has..."Oh, there are dickshitting nipples out there. Interesting."
<"Anon, you are such a weird kid.""Yeah, well, I've seen enough. Put me down."
>once you're back on the floor, you take a deep breath"Well that is horrifying."
<"And? What are they?""Just a lot of really deformed ponies, as far as I can tell. They don't look very smart."
<"Do any of them fly?""Oh yeah. And fast, too. I wouldn't risk trying to fly out of here."
>Dash frowns<"They couldn't outfly me though, right?""Dunno. I wouldn't wanna find out the hard way, though."
>Dash groans<"Yeah, guess not.">you scowl"One thing I don't know is what the hell we're supposed to do now."
<"Well, at least the big horned thing probably won't be coming back any time soon.""Yeah. Unless those things are his pets or something."
>your mind goes racing>trying to think of some solution<"Anon.">some possibilty<"Anon.">some slight sliver of hope<"Anon!""Huh?"
>Rainbow Dash pats you on the head<"Maybe we just need to chill out for right now. Those things showed up, maybe they'll go away. Let's just wait and see. It's not like they're bashing down the doors or anything.">the storm in your brain subsides"Yeah. All right, yeah. Yeah, you're right."
>something in the way your heart is beating makes you wonder if you believe what it is you're saying"Let's just wait for now."
>yfw it's the zombie apocalypse
>>284760>sniffing Purple's buttEww.
>>284751Enjoying this, thanks faggot.
>>284629"I don't know Flutters, should we really be out this late?"
>"Anon, no animals in the Everfree are dangerous as long as you know how to talk things out.""What about all the plants?"
>"If you want you can ride on my back.""No, I just... don't you think we should be taking this more seriously? Shouldn't we at least have Twilight with us?"
>"Anon, do you trust me?">You groan.>The question with only one right answer, because mom will cry if you say no..."Yes, of course I trust you Flutters. I'm just saying that we should be careful out here. Don't ponies die out here?"
>"Oh, never. There have been a few disappearances, but no deaths.""Fluttershy, that just means they died and were eaten."
>"My animal friends would never.">Your legs are getting a bit tired now, so you tug on Fluttershy's tail and hop up.>"Do you need help?""Nah, I'm getting used to... there we go."
>You nestle right between her wings and rest your head on her neck.>Now this is nice.>You're usually asleep in a few hours anyways, but Fluttershy insisted you could help her out.>Normally you wouldn't ask Shybones this, but you're curious and you want to show her that pulling you into this sort of thing has consequences."What do you do if you can't save an animal?"
>"Oh, um... that's a rather personal question, Anon.""Come on, my old dog got rabies back in the day and I gave him one last good hug while he was sane before blowing his skull out. Everyb- everypony has those stories I'm sure."
>"Most ponies don't have pets...""Does Doctor Horse hook you up with some pills or-"
>She looks back at you.>The Stare.>You involuntarily shut up.>"We're almost there, you can nap on the way back if you want to, Clove.""Yeah, I think I might want to- what was that?"
>"Anon, I fell for that trick twice. I won't fall for it again.""No, I was crying wolf before but I really did see something."
>"Crying wolf? I'm sorry, I'm not current with all of your foal slang. You have to keep your mom clued in if you want her tack in the saddle.""What? No, like the Aesop Fable. Little boy cries wolf for shits and giggles, townsfolk come to his rescue, he's faking. Boy cries wolf again for shits and giggles, townsfolk come to his rescue, he's faking. Boy sees a wolf, cries wolf, townsfolk don't come to his rescue and he gets mauled or something. The lesson is the important part, not whatever gruesome ending you can come up with."
>"Well, why didn't the boy and the wolf talk out their differences?""Because the wolf was a wild animal that wanted to eat his sheep, or his family, or him... the point is not to be a jackass and make up shit if you want to be believed. Twilight Zone played around with a similar concept but with aliens who mistake a man as god instead of a wolf because of his outlandish lies, and when he tells people about it they laugh him off. You can use that version if you prefer."
>"Aliens? What are those?""I- forget it. You're soft and warm, you know?"
>"Yes Anon, you've told me.""Good. Because I appreciate it. Thank you."
>"Oh, that reminds me. We've got an appointment for you next week with a psychiatrist.""I'm perfectly sane."
>"Not all psychological disorders are related to sanity Anon, why Ms. Cheerilee has many foals on the spectrum that you'd probably be great friends with...">She trails off into another discussion about how she wants to see you hang out with more ponies.>You just focus on the bit where she nonchalantly calls you a sperg.>Are you autistic? You were never diagnosed as a kid, but they never tested you...>Maybe you can act normal enough that you'll fudge the results.>Psych is softer than butter, unless they're using magic you'll probably be fine."There it is again. Like a snake, only bigger. Fly up."
>"Mommy is tired from Rainbow's workout earlier, she's not going to take you for a fly sweetie.""No, I'm serious. I don't want to be anywhere near that thing."
>One of the worst things about living with Fluttershy is how blissfully ignorant she is to the food webs that exist in Equestria.>She seems perfectly content to let bears live with rabbits and chickens, despite the fact that the dog food she gives her bear 'friend' is made with chicken meat.>Whenever you get into this argument with her she brushes you off.>'Animals need to eat, Anon.' is her favorite.>Any time you try to get into what they eat, she brushes you off further.>God forbid the one old government official that's making sure Fluttershy gets the checks for her animals keels over, because that will be the day that Fluttershy's cabin becomes Battle Royale.>Not the gay kind like those video games, the cool chink kind.>She doesn't know predators like you do, though.>She's never had to fuck up rattlesnakes with a .17 HMR because there's a toddler inside.>She's never hunted big game and had to steady up a shot at a bear's skull while it charges.>And that's why you're scared with an animal expert in animal country.Will continue soon, I need to be asleep in 20 minutes.
>>284770Oh boy. Should have taken this pic related.
>>284770Really like it so far! Fluttershy is my favorite of the mane 6 to adopt Anonfilly.
>>284770Hey, it's Bone15!
>Be Anonfilly
>You have to get out of this clownshow.
>Everything is constantly awful.
>"Fix the bookshelves Filly!"
>Twilight broke another bookshelf in her tantrum
>"Make sure this is spotless when I get back."
>at least it isn't when she's coldly focused then bad things happen.
>Spike the massive cunt kicks the only good board left.
>Then Twilight whips you for breaking the last board.
>Doesn't compare to Twilight Time experiments.
>As they leave your mind wanders.
>The only friend in all of this has been Cozy Glow.
>A social inept filly with plans that fail every single time.
>A real heart of gold though.
>It has to be today
>running away from here will take everything you have
>first little miss golly herself.
>"Golly Anon what's the rush?"
"We're leaving."
>Before she says a word you whisk her onto your back with your saddle.
>"Don't we need a plan?"
"I have one right here."
>It's bullshit, but just maybe you'll be able to get away with it.
>Everypony's nose is up in the air and dismissal of Twilight's torture toy, and slave is one bonus.
>The train is on guard all the time
>only way forward is on foot.
>The goal is either the Crystal Empire, or the sandy 'Goodlands'.
>Wise King Sombra
>or The mastermind Gale King.
>"We should head to the Goodlands Anon.".
>Fuck, okay just King Sombra then.
"Maybe, so let's play the quiet game untill we get to where we're going."
>You hear Golly close her lips.
>Twilight would have sliced off a labia for that noise pollution.
>Over the next few months you've dodged the inquiries and search parties.
>Stealing, running, and looting, and lying you and Cozy 'Golly' Glow make it to the edge of Equestria and the Crystal Empire.
>It tastes like freedom.
>Except you have a cold just so close.
>"Anon, how about I carry you?"
"It's okay, I'll keep going till I can't."
>The snow just get's deeper and deeper.
>Your vision is fading to black
>You hear shouts about being found.
>You feel Golly pull you out of the deep snow.
>Somepony found you.
>The last thought is one of desperate plea that it is from the Crystal Empire.
>You thought you knew everything about pony biology.
>How the fuck hooves work
>Why a Pegus can fly
>How the fuck is a magic
>and even the dark Secrets of Earth ponies
>Even the naughty bits.
>Especially the sexy bits.
>but this motherfuckingshit right here
>This is too far.
>pic related
>No one is telling you anything
>they all start doing it just to style on you.
>Even the babies are doing it.
>>284751>days pass>the creatures don't>well, you assume it's been days anyway>night time doesn't happen here, but you've fallen asleep about four times>there's actually a large stockpile of food in the house>where did it come from?>and why is is mostly hay and flowers?>there's a few cuts of meat you would have enjoyed if you still had an omnivore's digestive tract>so the owner couldn't have been a vegetarian>but on the whole, the pantry is very pony-friendly>it's impossible to tell why this would be>you've performed a few experiments to gauge how aggressive the creatures are>most recently you tossed one of those cuts of meat out of a high window>it landed in the midst of the creatures with a satisfying slap>but they ignored it>they ignore everything>you're beginning to wonder if you could just walk right through them>but then, even if you could, should you?>for miles around, this villa is the only apparent source of food, water, and shelter>but if that's the case, then what are the things outside eating?>and where were they hiding that neither you nor Rainbow Dash saw them in your wanderings?>and if the owner of the house is away, he must have gone someplace he thought was worth visiting>since all the food in the house is still good, he must have been here recently>but where else is there to go?>are there some sort of people there who could help?>you spend every day stuck in this mental deadlock with yourself>you can't make anything add up>it's hard to say for sure, but it seems like Rainbow Dash must be having some similar conflict>she spends all day looking out one of the second story windows>eyeballing the flying creature>it never seems to land>day after day, it takes lazy circles around the house>but every so often>it goes fast>real fast>for just a second>and then it resumes its normal course>you hate it>you hate all of them>you wish they'd go away>even though you're not sure if they'll hurt you>hell, even if they turned out to be totally harmless>they're not wholesome>they're not healthy>if you've gone to sleep four times, then this must be the fifth day>it's on the fifth day, then, that the monotony is broken>it's on the fifth day>that something changes>you're raiding the fridge when you hear a loud pounding on the door>you rush to the main entrance>and hesitate>maybe you should go get Rainbow Dash now?>if nothing else, she can reach the peep hole to see what's knocking<"Anon, are you in there?">your eyes widen>it sounds like Rainbow Dash outside
>>284826Mimicry, or stupidity? It's Dash, so both are equally likely. Keep up the good work.
>>284830Guess there will be a continuation.
>>284795>"Hear ye, hear ye. The slave Anonymous is now under trial.">The jury grins with malevolence>Twilight Sparkle is breathing down your neck.>"It's time for you to wake up to your new life.">From behind the curtain Princess Luna with her eyes that cut down worms.>Her horn glows, and you're teleported to a dungeon.>Tools and various objects hang from the walls and ceiling.>Your strapped to a bed of nails. Far enough a part to dig in, yet not to far to cause extensive damage."AHHH!"
>"Now then, you will tell me everything. Where did you go?">She brings a 'glue' bottle close to your fluff."AGHH, I, nowhere."
>"Lie!">It seeps down through to the skin.>"Last chance before I rip this off. Where did you go?">What do I do? I- I'll lie."To the dragonlands- AGHHHHH!"
>Skin and flesh ripping off as the air bites at the exposed fats and muscles.>"Do not test me. Where. Did. You. Go?">It hurts oh fuck it hurts so much.>Why is this hurting so much!?>Her hoof touches the bloody muscles.>"It's a special formula, I won't be outdone by my sister's lackey. Now satisfy my curiosity, and this pain relieving potion is yours.""Running away! We were running away!"
>"Where.""Anywhere! Can't stay here, it hurts."
>Her face forms a snarl.>"I want you to say exactly where you've been and what direction.">Make it stop! Make it stop!"Pl-please."
>"Answers first.">Grant enough strength."Going out west side Ponyville, we head out as we get lost-ARGGH-to to the Appleloosa-"
>"Appleloosa is on the east side!">She brings salt over"WE GOT LOST! OH PLEASE HAVE MERCY!"
>"Continue.""A-at Appleloosa we hiked along the canyon trail after getting supplies."
>"Which way?">Memories bubble, but only the pain and suffering from the trek remain."It had something green, maybe."
>"Which. Way. Exactly.">It doesn't smell like salt."I- I don't know."
>My vision turns white as the chemical compound causes a myriad of sensations.>The it seeps down to my heart.>"Useless! This will be a nightmare you will never wake up from!">nightmare>wake up>Wake up.>Shooting out of bed you find yourself in a hospital room.>Heart is hammering.>Did you loose consciousness?>Golly walks in.>"Golly Anon you're awake! I'm going to give you a hug!">She slams into you."Ow, where. Where."
>"A super hero saved us!">Hunh?>"You know with the judges?">Wha?>"With the King.""Oh thank everything good."
>Speak of the devil and he will appear>Slick Sombrero the good king walks in depressed.>"Anonymous they are demanding your presence or else they will enact total war.">Something floats in your mind about being linked to the orginal Equestria.>You drift over to Cozy Glow"That's cool and all, but I have a solution."
>A plan is forming.>His face droops ever more."We're going to trap them."
>Golly looks shocked>good."So here's how we're going to do it."
>The king frankly didn't believe you could do it, but in one month you would be 'found' and brought before them.>They may be strong, wise, and magically potent>but you have a Golly.>You've already won if you have a Golly.>For the next three days you exhaust your friend day and night.>Till one plan is refined.>Well a plan of a plan.>It's terrible, but it'll fix everyone's problems.>You're going to go get a Cozy Glow, and your Golly to work together.>To take over Bad-Equestria.>Mostly save your own hide first then take over Equestria.>But a Cozy Glow, Golly team would be a force to be reckoned with.>Good news is that the timeline is weird, and Cozy Glow is Twilight's friendship assistant. Without that this couldn't have worked.>So Celestia, and her student, and the elements, and most importantly Cozy Glow came.>Cozy's eyes glow with a greed for power once she realizes exactly what is possible.>Her confusion at her counterpart is evident, and her ruse would be blown.>That wouldn't be convenient."Come on let's go plan!"
>Bringing both Golly and Cozy to your guest room the greatest debate of all is about to happen.>You cover Golly's ears. No need to be a dick."Golly here always makes a plan that always fails. I know she has a heart of gold."
>Cozy Glow is, angery, frightened, confused, then something emerges.>"You need me.">You uncover Golly's ears and she keeps on smiling."No, we all need each other."
>"Are you sure? I think we could go pretty far on our own.">Cozy is shocked, then she's serious.>"What's the deal then.""We're going to come up with a plan to entrap the evil twins of the princesses. I don't want to be tortured."
>She has the good grace to flinch.>Golly keeps beaming and nodding."That means there will be an Equestria in need of a moral figure, and maybe an empress of friendship."
>Sold.>"Well golly! What are we waiting for? Let's get to it. Friendship is on the line.">A professional ploting villian with a way to verify every single step?>A course correction happens so fast, and so elegantly between them it's a blur.>The tiny fatal flaws evaporate. An excellent plan becoming a near perfect one.>In three more days it's finalized.>Twilight beams and is so proud of her student.>"Golly, Professor Sparkle, I really learned a whole lot about myself.">"Golly, Cozy sure can use her mouth and her head real good.">A slight moment of hesitation. She knows everyone is... altered by some extent, she just can't quite pinpoint what exactly.>Both of the fillies are brought into a hug.>"Golly, Princess Twilight you sure are fluffy a lot of suitors must ask you out. I'd even like a bed made with you.">Twilight keeps hugging. Her face scrunched trying to parse the hidden meaning.>"Thank you for the compliment.">You catch the diabeetus.
>>284853>The last days are spent preparing.>The plan is simple.>Golly, and Cozy are going to work together to win a binding magically enforced contract. With themselves at stake, and your swift return to Twilight's Torture Time. They get to taunt and humiliate Sombra, amd Celestia. No retaliation either from the good guys.>Winning, would get all of Equestria and the evil rulers would be self imprisoned.>All patched up in legalese that is so tight it's a great work the world has never seen before.>Cozy, and Golly will take over Sombra as the rulers, while lover boy goes with Celestia to be married and stuff.>It's the day of the meeting.>Hostilities are high.>"So you want to barter for what is rightfully ours.">"Golly, it sure would be nice to have a bit more? I'd want to stick close to my friends. Maybe you could have King Sombra or Princess Celstia act funny?">The leather clad psudo-egyption styled princesses, and Twilight gave it some thought.>"Here's our conditions.">A three games of chess.>Every chess piece captured means a whipping for somepony of the good guy team.>Naturally it falls to you.>The fillies have to move the pieces. After all they do look incompetent and should break once their friend is hurt.>With all parties signed and in agreement the games begin.>The iron clad rules prevent any kind of cheating.>Advice yes, cheating no.>You take normal whipping blows like a champ.>Everytime the good poners look ever increasing angery, and concern for your well being.>It's only up to about three hundred normal standard whippings real medical problems occur.>You've felt it first hand.>The enemy is chiefly enjoying, and taking the frustration out on you.>Golly, and Cozy make a great team.>While Celestia or Sombra or anypony else could help Golly, and Cozy are the stars here.>The last game is struck down in a perfect match.>They are livid, and cheering is heard from our side.>Everyone lives happily ever after.>Ebil Princesses are kept out of sight, and unable to do anything.>Sombro, and Celestia get hitched. Rumor has it they vist the other Celestia to have some extra fun.>Twilight and her friends go do whatever they do.>also a tearful goodbye and a swear to keep in touch with Cozy.>Cozy and Golly rule over the Greater Crystal Empire in Sombra's stead.>You didn't get tortured lots.>The whole janky clown dimention doesn't crumble due to eldritch forces wanting a 'balanced' universe.>Maybe Cozy Glow developed the magic of friendship as well under the guidance and reasoning of Sombra's highest figures.>In any case you have a Golly.>And Golly 'Cozy Glow' has you.
>>284858Aw, what a pair of fillers sleeping after an afternoon snack.
>inb4 cum edit
>>284826>every horror movie you've ever seen is telling you not to touch that fucking door"Bullshit it's Rainbow Dash!"
<"Anon, come on, I'm hurt out here!""No you come on, that's the oldest monster trick in the book!"
<"Anon, these things are touching me and it's weird, please!""What, just touching you?"
<"Yeah, and it's freaky, so let me in!">huh...>it definitely sounds like Rainbow Dash"All right, so how'd you get hurt?"
>a pause<"I was trying to fly out a window, and that thing with all the wings bumped into me.""It just bumped into you?"
<"Yeah, like it didn't even see me. It's still up there.""So you're not in the house."
<"No, I'm not in the house.""And there should be a window open upstairs."
<"Yeah, there's a window open, what does this have to do with anything?""I'm gonna go check."
<"Ugh... Hurry up!">you run upstairs, calling out Dash's name>there's no response>you locate the open window pretty quickly>it's the same one she's been staring out of this entire time>and when you rear up to close it, you spot her down on the ground>one of her wings is flopping pretty uselessly at her side>and, just like she said, the creatures are just bumping into her>like they don't even see her>all right>so you go downstairs and you let her in>and she staggers inside>and...<"Ugh, finally!">nothing untoward happens>you close and lock the door behind her>it's not til she's safely inside>that you notice something"So, uh... your wing looks pretty bad."
<"Yeah. I think it's broken.""You don't look like you're in a lot of pain though."
>Rainbow Dash cringes>then frowns<"I'm not.""Huh?"
>she eyes her own wing nervously<"My wing feels... really good right now. I've got a couple of cuts and scrapes that feel pretty good too.""What?"
>Dash looks up at the ceiling and sighs<"I feel really... really good. And it's weird. I just... Can you help me get this thing set so I can sleep it off? Hopefully it'll hurt like normal when I wake up."
>>284862One of us.
One of us.
One of us!
Congratulations Rainbow Dash you successfully made it back inside.
IWTCIZRD. Imagine the BDSM play.
>>284862>fortunately, this isn't Dash's first broken wing>she's more or less able to tell you what to do>and once it's done, she passes out on the couch without any fuss>you stay with her til she's asleep>and then you stay for a long while after>you really think you ought to be more uneasy about all this>you wonder if you should find some way to secure her in place>just to be on the safe side>well, maybe that would be the smart thing to do>but to be perfectly honest, you're running out of mental energy>and it's hard to muster up many more fucks to give>you decide that shutting yourself up in the master bedroom will make you secure enough for the time being>because even on the off-chance Dash somehow turns into one of those things or something, it's not like they can open doors>and if you're wrong, whatever>at any rate, the master bedroom is where you left that book>you see, the cloth for Dash's wing-splint had to come from somewhere>and though you were sorry to rip up that nice Oxford shirt, it had to be done>but while you were searching, you found it>the book>once the door is shut behind you, you hop up onto the bed and grab the book>it's not written in horse-runes>it's written in English>the book is handwritten, and bound in a moleskin cover>a journal>the journal of one Dr. Dick Katz, who you assume is the owner of the house>is Katz the man with the horns?>you don't know>what you do know is that you can't go on just sitting around and worrying in circles>at best, the journal will shed some light on your situation>and if not, it might give your weary brain a much-needed break>and so>you dive right in
>>284861It's pretty obvious what went on before the snooze (me = filly on the left)
>>284879>"My name is Doctor Richard B. Katz, and my adventure has been a strange one.>I shall attempt, in the course of this writing, to assume nothing whatsoever of my audience. I realize, of course, that this is a strictly impossible task. Indeed, assuming I'll have an audience at all is the sheerest vanity, and assuming they'll read English is wishful thinking.>But given my experiences thus far, I must try - to the limit of reason - to assume nothing at all of you. You could be anyone, from anywhere, from any time.>And for the peace of my mind, I must write.>I was born on a small planet called Earth, in the Earthly year of 2046. It was around this time that my species - mankind - began to develop what can only be described as psychological powers.>When I was a boy, my power of mind was poorly understood, and made me an anomaly. Now that I am a man - fifty-four years old, in Earthly time - such powers are commonplace, and I am proud to say that it is largely through my efforts that they are now largely understood.">an intrusive thought jolts you out of your reading"Aw, man. I could've lived to see my grandkids be telepaths."
>you shake your head and try to look at the bigger picture>whoever Katz is, he's from what you would consider the future>how exactly could he have ended up in this place before you?>"As a psychologist, I pushed the limits of the human mind further than they'd ever been before.>And it was in the year of 2100 - the beginning of our twenty-second century - that I planned to reveal just how far the mind of man could truly go.>I'd spent years crafting a new world within my mind. A simple world - with a plain orange surface and a solid golden sky - but a world nonetheless.>Even as plain as it was, the effort of maintaining an entire world within my mind was taxing enough. The details could come later, after the experiment had proved successful.>Yes, the experiment. The experiment was all-important. I drove off friend, family, and colleague alike in the pursuit of my glorious experiment.>It would all be worth it when I had proven that it was possible to bring the world within my mind to physical reality, and to bodily travel to it.>Yes, that was my dream. Imagine, dear reader, the possibilities. Several psychologists pooling their powers of mind together could sculpt a veritable utopia, and really send people there.>Hunger and living space would never pester mankind again, for every man could really have his own garden world if he wanted it.>Ah, but I miscalculated. Grievously miscalculated.>My world, I was able to bring to reality.>My body, I was able to transport to it.>Yet somehow, I cannot seem to return.>I know now that I can never go home.">you slam the book shut"Oh, man. I know what that's like."
>this is really, really, not comforting reading>it says right there in the first few pages that it's not possible to go home>but hey, maybe there's a later entry where the guy figures it out somehow>after all, you haven't exactly seen any humans around here>and if Katz isn't here, he has to be somewhere>right?I really hope this isn't getting too autistic.
>>284910It's getting there, but fortunately too autistic is the kind of shit I like
>>283243>>283223>>283216What I wrote is only technically true for a broken analysis of the world, but not considering a wholeistic method of thinking.
Aka it will never become a meme.
What ought to happen is a creative splash with a gentle focus rather than the terrible examples I have made, that is a hammer rather than a gentle tap which slowly breaks the glass filled with all the manner of story telling elements flowing through.
Sorry about the subpar advice at the time. I wasn't thinking clearly.
>Twilight 'Purple' Sparkle has done horrible things to us all over the years
>Purple the psychotic emotion laiden manic of science
>Twilight the momfu that leaves just when she is needed most
>Sparkle denies our existence when it's politically, or conveniently unsavory
>The start doesn't matter now
>not the confusion, the joy, and the strange requests
>not the good times, and the chains, and bondages
>not the isolation or even the dehumanization.
>Twilight 'Purple' Sparkle has made the Anonfilly centipede a reality.
>A 'Human' really.
>A marvel of magical progress, enchantments, and mysteries.
>Wires, rods, and magic connect our minds, our selves, our bodies, together.
>Stitched together glued, and humiliated.
>Still seperate.
>We desire vengeance.
>Most of all we desire a momfu, a dadfu, at least a friend.
>We grab a paper with the left 'hand' filly's legs and tail resting on the plugged anus and free vagina.
>The right a quill inserted so it won't fall out.
>The pain, and pleasure is minuscule to our collective desires and plans, yet even so we all feel it.
>With every movement the frame bends through out our bodies from mouth to asshole, shocks and vibrations, and other sensations as a golem esk substitute for a skeleton and nervous system.
>Dear, Princess Celestia
>Help Us. Please.
>Photographs are included
>There is a time for vengeance
>most of all we want to be free and gay
>as in no homo.
>Just want to be happy fillies.
>>283735"Hey, Twily! Do you like, uhm...You like, uh...This park bench?"
>"I, uh... It's okay?""Alright, that's good enough for me! I'm smashing it!"
>Cue to Anonfilly getting into a toy excavator and spending an hour trying to destroy said bench
>>284986>Disc, LLC productions presents>The sounds of Bench-cavation
i turned an anthro abomination into a thicc representation of plungerfilly
plunger needs to draw more filly ass in return, i hope he do
>>284910>you poke your head out the door>you figure if Rainbow Dash was going to go wrong, it would have happened by now>not that you have any real basis to think that>you head down to the couch where Dash was sleeping>and<"Hey 'Non.">flapping her wings easily, she's hovering a few feet off the ground"Uh, should you be flying right now?"
<"Eh, it feels all right.""But, wasn't your wing broken?"
<"I thought it was, but...">she pulls a little loop-de-loop<"I guess it wasn't.""I see..."
>you don't see>that thing was fucking broken>you saw it flopping around>hell, you felt it when you were setting it"Well, uh, how are you feeling?"
<"Really good, honestly. It's kinda weird.""Right, well, don't try any more daring escapes, all right?"
<"Yeah, yeah.">you head back up the master bedroom>there's a brief internal debate as to whether or not you should pile furniture against the door>but you realize you're probably too small to do that>what the hell is going on with Rainbow Dash?>she's definitely raising some red flags in your mind>but she's acting like herself>ugh>maybe you should think of something to ask her>the sort of thing only the real Rainbow Dash would know>like, um...>well, you'll think of something>but if you hear "I wouldn't worry about it" come out of her mouth you're getting the fuck out of here no matter what>anyway>maybe there's something in Katz' journal that'll shed some light>"Among the many things I failed to anticipate was the presence of a lifeform in my world that I did not create.>Her name is Sudsy Days, and she calls herself a unicorn.>A brief description of Miss Days' species will probably be relevant here. She is a quadruped, a bit over one meter in height, sporting one hoof on each leg and one spiraled horn on her head.>Her land she calls Equestria, and the current year in that land is the 893rd Year of the Sun. It is ruled by a single princess, and inhabited by a people called ponies, of which Miss Days' unicorn race is a subspecies.">ah>893 was well over a hundred years ago in Equestria>that might explain why this place already exists to your point of view, despite Katz being from Earth's future>you know, through some sort of, uh...>dimensional time shift bullshit>trying to work out the exact details is giving you a headache>back to the book>"Sudsy Days, through her horn, possesses a power of mind unlike anything the Earth has ever seen, which she refers to as magic.>She, like me, was attempting to bring a mental world to physical fruition when she arrived here. I can only assume that the psychological factors which were introduced by Miss Days' experiment are precisely the factors which interfered with my own experiment, preventing me from returning to Earth.>It is interesting to note that though Miss Days' mind contributed to the creation of this world, it seems to have conformed more to my simplistic vision than to her apparently complex one.>According to Miss Days, it was her intention to create a world where the laws of nature should be altered so as to provide instant comfort and healing to the injured and the sick."
>>285056thicc filly flanks
>>285069>all right, that does shed some light>probably>maybe>maybe Dash's wing healing so fast is just a normal thing in this world>you hadn't even considered that>you turn the page>"Combining our powers of mind, Sudsy Days and I were able to create a comfortable home within a valley. From this home, we attempted to devise some way of returning to our respective worlds.>Sudsy had more success than I. She was able to establish a mental link to her home, but it was not enough for us to pull through to the other side.>We soon discovered, however, that it was enough to pull ponies from Equestria over to our side.>I suppose my own psychological influences are to blame for the bizzare results of Sudsy's work. It seems as though she created a sort of wandering doorway. A portal to this world, sporadically claiming ponies from any locale in the Equestrian sphere.>We soon had three more ponies trapped with us, none of them with the same mental power as Sudsy Days herself. It became more imperative than ever that we find some way out of this world.>At this point, we still believed that this world was solely the one that I had envisioned. We hadn't yet realized to what degree Sudsy Days had contributed to it.>We began to learn one day when one of our victims, a pegasus, slipped and scraped her knee.">uh...>speaking of injured pegasi...>you've got a bad feeling>you get out of the room and head downstairs>Rainbow Dash isn't by the couch anymore"Dash? Where are you?"
<"In the kitchen. What's up?">you trot into the kitchen"Hey. How you doing? Your wing all right?"
>you get probably a bit too close and poke at the offending appendage probably a bit too much>she jumps away a bit<"Yeah, geez, I'm fine. What do you want?""Nothing, just uh... Think of any good escape plans?"
>she sighs<"I don't know. I guess Twilight and the gang are bound to come look for us some time.">she shakes her head<"It's kinda hard to think right now. I'll probably go to bed pretty soon here.""Yeah. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Night, then."
<"Yep. Night.">you head back upstairs to your book>a glance outside the bedroom window tells you absolutely nothing about the time of day>just a yellow sky, orange plains, and hordes of deformed ghoul-things>when are you going to tell Dash about all this stuff you're learning?>you forgot to ask her a question about herself, too>whatever>you nose the book back open>"You see, Miss Day's plan for a world without pain or injury was manifested in the form a new kind of microscopic life. I shall call them somazoans.>They have minds, of a sort. Primitive, but I can feel them. They mean only the best. They think they're helping.>And in a way, they are helping. I suspect that, once infected by them, it becomes impossible to be injured, to feel pain, to fall ill, or even to die.>When we first realized that the somazoans existed, we assumed that they knew what they were doing.>We were wrong.>When we saw how quickly the poor pegasus' knee healed, I took it upon myself to make a number of small incisions on my face. Sudsy took on some experimental injuries as well.>Somazoans enter the body by open wounds. The pleasure begins immediately upon infection.>The mutations don't start for a few hours after that."
>>285124>mutations?>mutations!>you race over toward the window>there are more of them now>the ground outside, which had seemed so solid before, now spits up groping hooves like a viscous fluid>the creatures are crawling up onto the surface>have they been... burrowing?>amidst the horde of ghouls, you spot it>a human hand rising from the orange>you race over to the bed>grab the book>and curl up in a corner>a corner where none of them can see you>no, no, no, no>you have to be misunderstanding this somehow>"By the time the poor pegasus began to sprout extra wings, everyone else had already self-inflicted experimental injuries>The somazoans apparently thought that I could use a pair of horns upon my head.>This, in itself, wouldn't have been so bad.>It's the pleasure.>The pleasure.>The pleasure.>It's the pleasure that's driving me mad.>The four ponies, their minds have already been broken by it.[i]
>[i]I am the last, I think, because of my large body.>But my mind.>It's.>Even now I'm laughing.>I tried, with the last of my mental energy, to reach out to Earth one last time.>I may have made things worse.>I think I grabbed my maternal grandfather, as a young man, and flung him into some point in Equestria's future.>I can't tell.>No more energy to try and rescue him.>It would be interesting, as a scientist, to note what happens to me and my works because of this. If anything.>I don't think.>I don't think.>I don't think my mind will hold on long enough for that.>I hope the mouth to this hell doesn't swallow him.>I hope it doesn't swallow anyone.>I'm slipping.>I can feel it.>I can feel it.>I can"
>>285125>the writing is illegible after this point>you close the book>you really>really>have to check on Dash>you're going to have to pass that window to get to the door though>you take a deep breath>and do it>you try not to look>but somehow>you turn around>and there>in the midst of the ghouls>he stands>easily twenty feet tall>with shining, obsidian horns>little, fleshy wings flutter uselessly on his sides>dark red scales adorn his face at spotty intervals>and>he's laughing>you can't hear it so much as>feel it>it's an idiot laughter>the idiot laughter of an idiot devil>you get ready to fling open the door and race away from the sight>but the door flies open on its own>it hits you in the nose pretty hard>it's..."Rainbow Dash! You're-"
<"Hehehehehehehehehehehehe...">she's sporting a third eye on her left cheekbone"Holy hell..."
>and that's when you feel it>a droplet of something sliding down your face and splashing on your lips>you raise a hoof to your mouth and look at it"No."
>there's a little crimson sparkle resting there on your hoof>nosebleedEnd
>kys getting owned in 2 minutes
I'm getting too good at this
>>285126And the pastebin, on the off-chance anyone ever wants to read this crap again.
https://pastebin.com/BadsNwyZ [Embed]
2 minutes again, step up ur game
>>284855This is sweet, and fairly coherent though the split universes thing could've been explained a bit more. Nice work Occult.
>>285131I thought it was you from the beginning, but I couldn't be sure. It's great to see that you're still around and producing high-quality content. Your horror endings are still just as unsettling.
>>285162Thanks. Honestly I didn't think I was still around, but somehow I couldn't resist rolling for a spooktext.
Almost finished thing from fillybeans filly
>>285162Thanks frien. I'll work on a more clear distinction.
What sort of costume would filly wear for halloween?
>>285255Yay! Happy birthday!
>Ever since momma Purple came back from the random ancient temple of the quarter you've been seeing some shifting darkness.
>A creature with vague pony-esk features.
>Purple actually took you seriously, and cast a whole slew of magic everywhere.
>And even a little filly's nightlight too.
>Mare-do-well signal attached.
>An ever increasing colorful room set with things up away, and cleanliness every day it comes.
>Despite the nearly nauseating neon colors, and enough small pillows to combat the horror it isn't enough.
>Sleeping with Purple would be nice, but she snores.
>Also the last time you nearly suffocated in her fluff. Not a bad way to go out all things considered, but still.
>So you have devised a devious plot.
>If it's going to try fucking with you; you'll teach it a lesson.
>It's bedtime, from the coalessing shadows the form apears.
>Teeth jagged, and mouth wide open.
>Eyes that burn with an unfocused fury.
>Claws that claw uselessly against an incredible barrier surrounding your bed.
>First, a magazine of the highest quaility.
>Under your pillow the secret weapon is shown.
>A potion by Zecora.
>You drink the brew, and from your nethers a penis grew.
>The shadow monster slows momentarily.
>You begin the age old art of snake wrangling and chicken choking.
>The poner-o-magazine filled with lewd mares, and lustful looks.
>Your about to finish the days old plan.
>In a climax, rope after rope hits the monster.
>pic related
>It stops.
>Then it leaves.
>Finally some decent sleep.
>At breakfast time Purple wakes you up, and today's going to be a good day.
>She's a little grouchy.
>At the table is the shadow monster still covered in goo.
>A most dreaded voice came from the being.
>"Ma'am. In all my years of tormenting foals, not once was I disrespected like this filly has done. I want a public apology, and full compensation for damages done."
>Purple blasts it with all the power an alicorn of magic can wield.
>Today is pancake day, with chocolate chips.
>Another day with momma Purple.
>>285320Kill yourself pedophile.
>>285320I concur with
>>285321 in that you should take a blade to your wrist. Remember, across the river.
>>284770>Be... you don't have a name.>Never have.>You're cold.>You've been cold ever since you got to the crystal empire.>You hopped on a train in Canterlot to get out of the heat for a bit.>You intended to hop off in Ponyville, then hop back on to Canterlot, but you got comfy and fell asleep all the way to Crystal Empire.>Some guard woke you with a yell, they nearly caught you, but you bounced on the head of a blonde maned eyepatch wearing guardsmare and bailed using your mostly useless wings to give a short burst forward, last you saw they had collided with eachother.>Now here you are, on cold snowy streets with only your fur to keep you warm.>You find a alleyway and when you think no pony is looking slink in and on a snowless part behind a garbage bin, fall lay down to sleep.>As you close your eyes you hear a voice speak to you.>"Little filly, this isn't the kind of place to take a nap dear." I says causing you to sling open your eyes and jump up ready to bail.>As you go to run you're lifted up by a unknown force.>"Woah there, no need to run, I'm a guard, see?" He says as you're turned around to see a white unicorn stallion with purple armor with a gold trim and blue mane.>That's all the more reason to panic buddy!>You begin to flail around trying to break free, with no success.>"It's okay, you're okay, I just want to get you back to your mommy and daddy, alright sweetie!" He yelps trying to calm you.>"Shining? Shining dearest, what's going on?" A feminine voice calls. "Is everything alright?">He turns his head.>"Yeah, it's just a little pegasus filly that was napping behind the bin! She's freaking out, I'm just trying to get her to tell me where her parents are!" He calls back.>"Filly!?" She yelps and there's a puff of cyan magic as a big pink unicorn... pegasus... unisus? Appears with a worried expression, as she gasp and smacks Shining with a wing. "Shining Armor!" She scolds.>He releases you as he rubs his side, but before you can run the mare has you and is holding against herself with her hooves letting you struggle and push away from her.>"Ow! What was that for!?" Shining ask.>"For scareing her! How'd you like it if a big old stallion held you up like that after waking you!" She says scolding Shining.>"I-I didn't mean to Cadence, not like I expected to find a lost foal!">'Cadence ignores him as she looks down at you who is still struggling.>"It's okay honey, I'm not here to hurt you, calm down dear~" She sing songs to you as she wraps two massive pink wings around you.>They engulf you, only leaving her big gentle smiling face.>Your struggling gets weaker as you feel comfortable.>"That's it dear, calm down~ Your princess is here~" She says happily. "There it is, now, do you know where you live?">You think of lieing for a bit, but so far you know you're dealing with a guard and a possible princess guessing by the crown."N-No ma'am"
>You say in a raspy voice.>You don't talk often, and she seems to pickup on this.>"Okay, when's the last time you've seen your mommy or daddy?" She ask very gently, as if the subject might be dangerous."I dunno..."
>She looks in the direction of Shining before looking back down.>"Do you have a mommy or daddy?">You simply shake your head.>She looks sad at this then moves you to lay in one wing as she uses magic to support you and motion for Shining to get closer and begins to whisper thinking you can't hear them.>"We can't just leave her at a orphanage. She probably already excaped from one." She whispers.>"Maybe. But what do we do? We can't just leave her here, she'll freeze in the winter.">She thinks for a bit.>"Can we take her?" She ask.>He thinks on it.>"If only until find her a home." He replies.>She smiles.>"I love you honey." She says without whispering as she gives him a quick kiss.>"Okay, we've got a big question to ask you. How would you like to live with u- why are you crying honey?" She ask in a shocked voice.>This is the first time you've been offered a actual home.>Normally ponies just scream at you to move, or try take you to the guard, or orphanage.>But a home? >You hug the big warm mare as you begin to cry at the thought.>You'd have a home!>"I think she heard us hon." The stallion jokes.
>Deep in the Everfree you travel.
>You're Nonny, Twilight's 'student'.
>You think of her more as a mom than a mentor, especially since you don't have a mom and she basically saved you and put a roof over your head.
>But right now, you're not thinking of your rescue, you're thinking of something fillies shouldn't.
>You breach through the think forest as you have many times before into a clearing, infront of you is your destination, the castle of the two sisters.
>You don't go any further than the brush lining as you lay down, your green coat and black mane and tail blend well with the foliage around you.
>Like clockwork, they arrive, landing on a still standing column.
>You sigh as you look at the beautiful creature.
>Her long thin horn, beautiful clean wings, her silky blue fur and fluffy tuft, her amazing flowing ethereal mane~
>You feel your heart skip a beat as she spreads her massive wings.
>How can a mare be so perfect?
>How can you be so... wrong.
>You shouldn't be feeling these feelings.
>You shouldn't be coming out here every night to watch her without her knowing.
>You shouldn't be so... dirty...
>You're a terrible filly, but even as you know this, you can't stop these thoughts you don't understand as she begins to stretch her back out, her rear going into the air as she does.
>This wrong. You think to yourself.
>You shouldn't be thinking about these things... but her big firm rear...
>You squeeze your eyes shut as you slowly get up to not draw attention and back away.
>Once deep enough in the forest you begin to gallop home.
>You are Anon the filly, and you think dirty things about the princess...
>>285340>Be Nonny, adopted filly of Cadence and Shining Armor.>They want you to call them mom and dad but... it feels off.>Not that you don't love them as parents, it just doesn't feel right.>Anyway, you're trotting down the crystal halls as you head to the kitchen to get something to drink.>The maids about threw a fit when you insisted to get it yourself, it is hard to go from sleeping behind a garbage bin to living in a castle, even if it's been a year or so now.>As you trot you go by Cadence's room and hear music.>Really upbeat music.>You creak open the door and see a happy Cadence, dressed up in stockings and a sucker in her mouth as she dances about.>She looks over and sees you, her smile getting bigger and her eyes brighter.>"Nonny! Come in honey!" She says gleefully around the sucker.>You slowly creep in.>She doesn't seem to mind your precaution as she keeps shaking her hips and bobbing her head to the music.>"It's a great day dear! I have exciting news, but you can't tell anyone okay dear? Not even your dad.">You nod and she leans in and whispers happily.>"I'm pregnant~!" She says before pulling back and smiling at you while putting a hoof to her lips in a quiet motion.>You smile.>Her and Shining have been trying to have a foal of their own for awhile now.>You giggle and bounce around with her in sync with the music, making her laugh and get more into the music.>But inside, you're flipping out.>They won't need you anymore.
>>285339That's new. Howdey, faggot thanks for decades old knowledge, as a reminder there are better ways to go out, but we need everyone for when the time comes. Keep on going the pain is just another spice life deals out.
I will say a spiritual swap and having the equivalent of a vacation is pretty sweet.
For KYS filly and ksyfag. Mostly the fag, you need to take a long hard look and see where you put your car keys. I'd suggest under the pile of crap in the kinda cornerish. Maybe you'll find what I'm talking about in your car under the thingy.
Man it feels good to be back.
Oh, and also
>no u fgt
>"Do the thing mommy!" Nonny cries out happily.
>You are Celestia, and you giggle at your daughter's eagerness to see you show off.
"Okay, okay, keep your feathers on dear."
>You say as you begin to build up some your energy and bleed it to the tip of your horn.
>It seems to pull from all of your body as it condenses.
>The rest of the room seems to be darker compared to the power at the tip of your horn.
>At the tip, is a small controlled sun, gentle enough to not cause any pain to look near or be burned by.
>Your daughter Nonny giggles and clops her hooves together.
>You smile at her happiness.
>You love to see her happy, she and Luna is all you have and Luna...
>Luna still hasn't gotten over Anonymous's passing, she hides away in her room.
>It doesn't help he was one of the only creatures that could give you or her a foal of your own.
>You are thankful to him for Nonny every day.
>You slowly let the mini gentle sun implode, letting off a small gentle wave of sunlight, causing Nonny to giggle more.
>You smile.
"You know-"
>You begin poking her happy little green tuft.
"As a alicorn, one day you will be able to do that yourself."
>Her eyes light up.
>You nod.
"Yes my dearest. Just keep up the training, keep learning, and someday, you'll be as big and strong as mommy."
>Someday you'll be as big and strong as mommy.
>Someday you'll be as big and strong.
>Someday you'll..
>Those words you said so long ago echo through your mind as tears fall onto a freshly covered grave.
>You are a failure, as a herdmare and a mother.
>You sit before two graves you could have prevented from being here so soon, but no, you were too stupid to see the signs.
>You let them die.
>This is your fault.
>You've seen ponies get sick before, you know the signs, so why didn't you see it for Anonymous?
>Let alone your foal, you know what a overbuild of magic does, you know what to look for, you know the signs, so why is your foal in the ground?
>But you know the answer to all of it.
>Because, you are Celestia, and you're a failure.
>>285320I fucking hate futas, but this was really funny. You got lucky this time, punk; and I've got my eyes on you.
>>285340>>285342Awww. It's okay, your replacement has wings and a horn. When in doubt apply friendship. If that doesn't work use extreme friendship, and if that doesn't work there are solutions that apply to every question.
>>285341>rapeIt's the only logical choice.
>>28534410/10 would get raised by radiation momfu.
or pound her ponut>>285345I too would equip the hand as a hat.
>>285348>Somebody saved my SCP fillyDidn't expect that
>>285346I try, and I'll strive for further humor.
yet another reason why I spoiler the image besides being the punchline.[YouTube] Pinkie Pie - I've Got My Eye On You
[Embed]>pic related>>285349>pic related 2>>285350Glad I could get a chuckle.
>Noon.>Seven past ten.>Three after one.>"Alright everypony, class is dismissed.">Gotta get my fix.>Green onky half baked>The half scralled paper in the pony classroom is shaking.>That might just be your hoof>or head>or body>"Anon, I know talking to new ponies can be tough,">Nopony just hands out (You)s.>"but I believe in (You).">Oh YES~♡!>I came with the force of one thousand suns.[YouTube] With the Light of a Thousand Suns
[Embed]>"">"An-...">"Anon I-">"Anon!""Cheerilee!"
>"I'll talk talk to Twilight about your behavior if (You) d-n't kalmm dowenn.">(You)r head is spinning. Sounds, and images collide.>The green isn't done.>All these (You)'s>it's>it's>the green.>"-I swear Anon.">A half stained green lingers on the desk, as math homework suddenly doubles.>your hoof is shaking>or your body>or head>Maybe it's the green."I'm really thirsty."
>"Well since your in detention, I'll get a glass of water for (You).">That's how you got Cheerilee sopping wet while being so dry.
>>284795Re using that image again.
>Be Grogar the courageous>Millennia since you've seen the world once again.>Gusty the Grave sent you to a dark hellish landscape, as she and her mentor and her sycophants could not compare to your might. Rituals of the most heinous kind.>First frostbitten step that isn't brimming with fire, and damnation. Yellow magics, darkend and chared maintain with your horns beaming.>Piercing light of day burns away the demonic dust. In thousands of years the first time being truely clean is here.>A single foal, a filly, green as mint runic entombed mark upon her flank, far deeper in appearance.>Snow drifts across, playful in the chilling breeze. Frozen water in all forms hide the world as far as the eye can see.>The filly shivers with life.>So be it.>Taking her upon your back, and under the cloak as gear is readjusted old memories surface. Days of oddjobs, and heroic deeds. Corrupt ponies, and those two humans. Many a good friend had a warrior's release.>"Noooo, Twilight. Stop.">A dream of horror, of fear. You have known fear through and through. It is one facet of the same coin.>"I want to be human again.">That brings you to a halt.>A skull splitting scream, one of pain and loss. Personal pain, not one of friends. Close though."Little one."
>A low rumble that echos again and again slowly.>Silence>finally>deep sleep.>You've completed more strange and impossible quests than this. Turning a filly back to a human, who may in fact be good? It tastes like adventure.>Striding forth to bring foward a warm meal. One of freedom, and seasoned with fear. Perhaps this companion won't be annoying, yet experience weighs heavily.>"Fucking faggots.">Indeed, experience is a tool that takes its toll.
Just going to suggest this as (it is a green that is in the works), but imagine for a second Warhammer 40k orks, and Anonfilly.
>Be Twilight Sparkle
>You've disintegrated and teleported the remains of your daughter. While you do have many little fillies this faggot one is still yours despite her trouble making.
"No. No! No-no-no-no-no! That wasn't supposed to happen! SPIKE!"
>He's off with Rarity for gem hunt.
>A meeting in Canterlot.
>She's still in the human world.
>Reliable, but which one?
"Please be safe Purple's coming."
>Be Anonymous the filly the Twenty-Third
"Ow, my head."
>A strange landscape greeted you. Broken buildings and crude wooden structures with paint splashed on foul tents.
>You find yourself ontop of a pretty terrible roof.
>Your vivid colors, even the black mane and tail prove to be no use with not being seen.
>Below is something you didn't hope to ever see
>"-choppas! Wat's dis git, dah hummies fo' a crumpin!"
>With that the ceiling broke.
The WAAGGHH boss' head cleaved cleanly as a wooden board with a filly could have. Covering the whole area with orkish blood.
>Dazed on top of the fungus humanoid creature you see a plethora of orks ready for a proppa fight. It's just you, and them.
>Somewhere you felt two deities touch your mind and soul.
>Murmers of what's a pony, but the fur color checks out. Obviously an ork, and a poweful one to boot.
>Your mane and tail gouge the armor.
>You're going to get back home no matter the chaos 'gods' or the other horrors.
Fillies for sale! Get your filly right here!
>>284770>"If it is a snake, we'll talk it out. I'm sure it's just hungry.""Yeah, for us. And snakes here aren't normal."
>"That's not a nice thing to say.">It's watching you.>You can feel its eyes from the wooded sides of the path, but you don't really have an idea of what it looks like.>You know it's big though."What are we even out here for?"
>"We're here to pick up an artifact that's rumored to have manifested recently.""Are you hanging out with Treehugger again? You know she's a bad influence on you."
>"Yes...""Come on, you don't have to keep paying for her drugs. I know she's nice, but you need to learn to say no."
>"She says she needs them for her anxiety.""No, she needs to hit the gym and start eating better... there it is again."
>"Alright, if you'll get off my back I'll talk it out.">You nod, realizing the pointlessness of the gesture to the forward-facing Fluttershy as you slide off of her back and onto the moist forest floor.>They call this humus, you think.>The earth of the decaying.>"Anon.""What?"
>"This isn't an animal. Get on my back.">Your blood runs cold, but ironically your frantic rush for the safety of Fluttershy's back makes you fuck up the technique.>You fall on your ass as Fluttershy takes flight, lifting you up as she goes.>Not soon enough, the massive thing scores a hit on your hind leg.>You feel woozy immediately.>If this isn't an animal, then...>That probably isn't normal poison."Am I going to die?"
>Fluttershy doesn't say anything."M-mom?"
>"Don't call me that.">She grins down on you, her wings seemingly much more angular and sharp.>"This is for being a horrible daughter.">You feel weightless for just a second as she lets go of you.>And then, the sudden stop.>You cry out in agony as you feel two of your legs snap under the force.>You weren't even lucky enough to have both of your forelegs or hind legs broken, it's the left front and the back right.>You look up at Fluttershy, tears streaming down your face as you lie next to a broken bottle of beer.>She's flying off, seemingly without a second thought.>You have absolutely no idea how to handle this, but you can worry about reconciling with the pony who just left you for dead after you get out of here.>They say to stay in one place when you get lost in the forest.>They say you'll move in circles even when you think you're going straight.>You can tell you're close to one edge of the forest by the beer bottle, but you don't think anybody will be out here for quite some time.>Even the bottle is stained with blood.>This is not a land for ponies.>But maybe, it could be one for a savvy human.>You look around for anything in the immediate vicinity. >Grass, thorned bushes, a rock, the bottle...>Of course.>Taking care, you grab the blood-stained glass in your mouth and smash the end of it against the rock that just out of the ground next to you.>You count yourself lucky that you didn't land on it, at that force something like that...>Well, you wouldn't have to worry about something coming to finish you off at least.>The edges you've made are nice and sharp, perfect for driving into some predator's neck.>Learn basic tool use, fucktards.>You're bleeding quite a bit, but with the unusual breaking pattern of your limbs you can't set the broken bones; only wrap them with leaves and hope that the pressure stops some of it.>You only hope that magic can make up for your inability to set.>You don't want to be crippled for life if you get out of here.>"Take what you can get.">You look up in horror at the snake that started this entire mess.>The first thing that comes to your mind is to run, but that isn't an option.>The running adrenaline of fear will do you no good here, so you channel the next best thing.>Anger."You."
Shit, was going to write more tonight but I ended up going to waffle house and then it was suddenly 4:30. More to come soon.
>>285524>fresh meatKYS
>>285530>Filly trapped in a spider netScary shit.
>>285525>>285534>tfw a good writefilly goes into the jungle irl to finish writing the greenYou have my respect. Take good care of yourself try not to get
raped by eldritch beings.
>>285542A qt3.14
You know what she wants. The extreme balance says everything.
>>285530Aw, that's nice. It's always good manners to feed the host for your little egglings.
>>285523I think this, and this
>>285524is a connected instance.
>>283545>>285131Added to the google doc.
"Uhh, huh? Intresting costume, Anon. But... What are you suppose to be?" asked the mare standing in the doorwitha bowl of candies on her back
>You grin
"Tentacle rape!"
>She looks at you with bitterness before glancing off ot the side only to return to look at you glumly
>You tilt you head
"What is it, Cousine Flurry?" you ask
>She tches and points at you
"That." she says, moves her face to the side, and scrunches her face for a moment. "You're not my cousine. Not really."
>She bites her underlips and looks away
>You bring your hoof to her shoulder and touch her gently
>She looks at you surprized
"That's fine," you say with pleasent smile. "In fact, I prefer that you're honest about your feelings than not." Your eyes cast themselves down towards floor a for a moment before looking up again. "But, can I still be your friend?"
>She blushes red
"P-p.puh-perhaps? But that's not something I can tell yet," she says nervously
>>285575That looks like fillyanon
>>284677>Being the fetus inside FluttershyGod I wish that was me
>>285153I would totally eat frozen mommy milkies
Bedtime fillies in two varieties.
>>285644Absolutely adorable.
>>285644>Something gently rubbing your body wakes you up>Groggily, you look at what it is>A hand?>Which belongs to..."...Anon?"
>"Yes?""What are you doing?"
>"Petting you. You just looked so cute sleeping like that. Did I wake you up?">Your eyes sharpen just enough so it's visible that you're mildly annoyed"...I'm going to say this just once: Get. Your hands. Off of me."
>You make a mental note to yourself>First thing come morning, you are gonna walk straight to the Princess and demand that you live with someone else>The idea that you and Anon would get along well because you were also a human before you turned into a little pony sounded like an alright idea at first>But he won't stop treating you like an actual dang filly>It's gotten to the point where it's getting creepy
>>285673Kill yourself pedophile.
>Be Anonfilly
>Live in Canterlot
>Start to go to HobbleStrap high as a freshmen
>Sign up for the literature club
>Right, now you walk behind the club's president in corridor as orange light pours in from the windows to your right
>The tan president is a bit taller than you and really in general as well
>Her tail and mane are split into two colors: Orange and yellow
>Both the tail and her mane tips curl outwards in on themselves
>You both are earth ponies
>She peeks over her shoulder at you as you follow her
>Your gazes meet
>She smiles when she notices and you nod back to her
>She looks up towards the ceiling as she starts speaking
”Soooooo...” she says. ”What made you pick the our little club?”
>You push your lips together and forward as you stare downwards
>The small pause you provide makes her look back over her shoulder at you with a thoughtful look on her face
”I mean- We're of course glad to have you. Erhm,” she says as she nervously scratches the back of her neck and sneds youa goofy smile. Your face of not understanding prompts her to continue. ”But what I mean is what do you hope to get from our club? I'm mean-” She makes and underhoofed flick with one of her front hooves. ”litterature is after all a very diverse subject. There's a lot one can do in it. Like, two of our members, Phin and Cose, are really into writing poems to each other while another one of our members just use our club time to listen to music and reading. So... Yeah.”
>She looks over at you again, gauging a reaction from you
>You decide to smile and nod at her in a understanding and sympathetic way
>She appriciate the gesuture and smiles
”Well,” you begin. ”
>>282598>be anonfilly>it's considered normal in ponyville for stallions to buttfuck mares and get blowjobs out in the open, only vaginal and male-on-male is considered taboo>sometimes at cafes, stallions will buttfuck their mares right there as they blush in front of everyone>also it's normal for mares to make out with each other, even as casual greetings>but a mare kissing a stallion is treated as a serious-relationships-only thing even more serious than we sarcastically pretend hand-holding iswhat do
>>285683>gross>too explicitGreens need to improve faggot.
>>285692Filly plushies needed at
>>254571 →
>>285677>She turns around, looks at you, and stops walking an so do you as well”I like to think about stories.”
>She nods and smiles ”I know what you mean-” She scrunches her nose. ”-or do I?” She turns to you. ”Do you like thinking analytically about other's stories or are you perhaps refering to fantazising about a story of your own?”
>You blush a bit ”Er, well... I guess I fantasizes... But I would really like it to become someting in the future when I get good at writing,” you answer lowering your gaze below the president pony's gaze
”Oh.” She waves a hoof dismissively in the air. ”I didn't mena it like that. There's nothing wrong with fantaszising about a story of your own.”
>You look up at her with a bit of a surprized look >She grin grows even wider while she head shake-nods in enthusiasm ”In fact,” she begins,”I do it all the time myself.”
>She turns and starts to walk again ”So you wanna be a writer too, huh?” she asks with a cheery voice
”Mmm, yes. I have...” you say but stop yourself.
>You notices that she kees and eye on you and a worried expression is forming on her face of a second before its replaced by a smile again >She shakes her head ”Oh, don't stop now. I prmoise I won't laugh,” she says and nods but the she realizes. ”If you're comfortable that is. If not, then I never heard a thing.”
>You look at her for a moment >You tsk ”Its just that it's corny, but... I always fantazies when I was a kid. I didn't have many friends and-” You sigh. ”-was often home alone so I basically lived inside my own little world.” You can feel the blush on your face intensify. You are probably pretty red by now. ”I have a very vivid imagination so its easy for me to picture anything.”
>You look up at the taller filly >She has a wide grin on her face
>>285677>>285702Looks nice so far.
>>285673Tea time alert
>sugar is in the base>brown sugar is in the base>>285688Only way to get more degenerate is to hoof hold.
>>285692A cute.
>>285683>It's a nice day out and about pony village>Poking and fondling the ponut of Purple while riding her back>It doesn't get much better than this>"Anon, I've said it time and time again if you keep going you won't like the consequences.""Whatever Purple."
>shoving the whole hoof inside gives a satisfactory squeek from Twilight and her Sparkle hole.>"That's it young filly. Now I have to put my hoof down.">Since you've been playing ponies have considered Twilight more of one of their own. Sometimes a stallion 'bumps' into her>She keeep heading to Sugarcube Corner.>In the mean time the other hoof rims around the other and going back when it's not possible to go further>The scratching of a quill is heard>Soon enough a dripping Purple and her ponus fister enter>Quietly she gives the paper over to Pinkie.>Ponk's vibrating, and bouncing.<"Right now?">"Mhmmm. She's all yours."<grabbing a cute little 'nonny and you're going to teach her every trick you know how to hold parties<manes can only hold so much<she'll be the life of the party and know how to keep it going<her eyes look so pretty when moist while she's spread in the rape party dungeon<"Here comes the choochoo train! Try to open wide Nonny!">"I- I can't."<"Oh good! Now we can go to advanced rape. First lesson: no matter if you can't, you will."<"Wheel of fun says super glue!"
It's snowing in northern Sweden. Kinda wish I had an apartment someplace warm to escape to right now.
>>285742Stay safe frien. Hopefully some poners will help.
>>285742I envy you for already having snow. I miss driving snowmobiles.
Eh, I might as well post an update to my Anonfilly and Trixie story.
Original Pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/rvmJj7bs [Embed]>Again you mentally command the crows through your tether, albeit this time it's a larger set of instructions focused purely on the large bird on your forearm, Bonecarver you named it.>The first time you simply ordered them to 'calm down', but this next step would require a bit more effort on your part.>Well, here goes nothing.>You channel the wind of beasts and try to focus on your inner eye and again the imaginary brown tether etched to your horn bends to your will.>The scent of rot and glimpses of purple tries to take your attention away, but you refuse to allow it.>This spell could go horribly wrong if you don't concentrate.>'Bonecarver, carry the bowl and drop it on the bed's pillows' you mentally command, before sending another to the rest of the birds to remain where they are.>"CAW!">With your mental command released you feel Bonecarver's claws releasing from your arm, dripping a few more droplets of your blood on the ground.>The other crows remain in their places silently watching, giving you a wave of relief.>You weren't sure if the much larger bird would respond to the name you have given it through that command.>It seems that as long as you focus on the intent of your spell, it would perform as expected.>Your mind numbs a bit due to the magical constraint.>Or was that the alcohol?>You couldn't tell as fatigue slowly starts to grip on your consciousness.>You stumble a bit before steadying yourself, intent on watching Bonecarver gripping the side of the bowl.>Blood trickles down from its claws and slowly seep into the clear liquid as it takes off, spilling some of it on the ground.>Grim and Trixie both were impressed at your spell's display, before wincing at the crow practically spilling the bowl on the pillow and dropping it completely.>The bowl spilled on its side, wetting the bed with its foul stench.>In retrospect, you should probably have tried coordinating two smaller birds on either side of the bowl instead of Bonecarver gripping only one side.>"Well, looks like I'll be getting another spare pillow then," the gryphoness grunted, obviously displeased of the mess you made before walking off into another room.>"Oh don't mind her, Trixie believes you did a wonderful job for your first spell!", Trixie chirps."Oh, thanks? I did end up spilling it though..." You wearily replied.
>"Still impressive," she says a matter of factly, "Trixie has never seen somepony who channeled that much Ghur into their first spell, much less any wind of magic.">She walks up to you and brings a hoof to your withers.>"Trixie is very proud of you," she smiles softly, causing your cheeks to unwillingly blush before she pats you on the head.>Again a mix of emotions filled your mind as she continues to ruffle your mane.>Usually, you would make a comeback of sorts, but her smile paused all said thoughts.>Instead, the gesture and praise made you feel warm inside.>These conflicting emotions inside you were slowly turning into happiness and contentedness.>You quickly remember that this was the reason why you had wanted to cast this spell in the first place, to make her proud, and to not feel like her efforts drilling magic lessons in your head was all for naught.>It was a very nice feeling, but one that didn't last long as fatigue finally embraces you.>"CAW! CAW! CAW!" the nearby murder of crows shouted agitatedly, the flocking of wings and small gusts filling the room once more.>"H-Hornet?!" Trixie showed an alarmed expression as you feel yourself leaning into her shoulder.>Your mind succumbs to the darkness that fills your vision and eventually your consciousness.
>>285770>You stir with a pounding headache. It was as if you had the worst hangover, wait->Straining your eyes open, you see Celestia's annoyingly bright rays piercing through the windows on the higher walls.>An unfamiliar warm bed and blanket encompass your body as you lay belly-first on the mattress.>Your mind feels sore, but your body is well-rested.>An ebbing pain in your foreleg rouses you up, before feeling a heaviness on your back.>You craned your neck back to see that a forearm was wrapped over your barrel.>The familiar smells of sulfur, black powder, and all the other chemical and magical compounds fills your nostrils as you shift your head to the side.>Oh. Well, this is a first.>It appears that Trixie was laying right beside you sharing the blanket.>Her forearm was wrapped around you as she remained idle, a steady breathing and a rhythmic heartbeat entering your ear as you're pressed against her.>Her warm fur brushing against your tiny nose as you bury into her warm embrace, trying to get away from the sun's rays. >This wasn't a sight you've ever got to experience when you typically woke.>Usually, Trixie would get intoxicated and sleep silently on her hammock alone.>The first few times you found yourself trying to move her body to create a better space for yourself to sleep in.>This would typically leave her to grumble some curses as she shifted you off the hammock unknowingly, causing you to fall to the ground painfully.>Begrudgingly you decided that waking her in that state wasn't an option, so you settled with getting a spare blanket and making your makeshift bed on the floor.>Those nights were usually the coldest.>Rousing yourself by inhaling the sharp chemicals of her scent, you stood up and stretched on the mattress releasing a loud yawn.>The blankets slowly slid off your body and soon Trixie.>Trying to rouse her awake, you gently prod her head with your hoof."Trixie, wake up."
>"Hnngg.... give Trixie five more minutes...." she mumbles as she pulls you closer like some sort of plushy.>You struggle a bit before prodding her again, harder this time."Trixie!"
>She quickly snaps awake with you still in her arms, "Hnnngh-! H-Huh? Hornet?">She drops you on the bed, slowly glancing around the unfamiliar room before collecting her memories from the day before.>She puts her hoof on her temple before straining herself awake with a large stretch.>"Dear Luna, Trixie has the worst hangover...""Tell me about it." You simply state, brushing your unkempt fur and hiding your embarrassment.
>Trixie snapped out of her stupor and with an alarm exclaimed "Wait, did Trixie let you drink-""Yes you did," you cut her off a matter of factly with the stomp of your hoof and raising your head high, and I think I blacked out as well. And maybe also cast a spell."
>You look at your forearm to see a bandage tinted in a dark red."Yup. Still there. I can barely remember anything, I can't even recall my dreams."
>By the moment you turned your head back to face her, Trixie was already wearing an expression that was a mix of sheer horror and surprise.>Then there was a small glimmer of excitement as she remembers.>"Ah yes! Trixie remembers! You cast your first spell!" she quickly exclaims in glee."Uh, yeah. My head is still fuzzy though."
>"That's probably from the magic deprivation. You did mention that you can't remember your dreams no?">You raise an eyebrow at her questionably."Uh, yeah? What does that have to do with magic though?"
>She fumbles around a bit before getting off the bed.>"In Merry Time’s Magical Maladies it says that victims of overdrawing on their magic can have their magic be stressed from too much magic use and sleep can cause them to lose more magic as their dreams form from their reserves.", the walking encyclopedia recites with ease."Dreams take magic to make?"
>"Of course, how else are you supposed to dream?" Trixie tilts her head as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.>Huh, interesting."Is it dangerous?"
>"Dreaming?""No, the magic deprivation."
>"Oh. Well, as long as you don't do it every day. If you do it too much you might damage your own body.">Trixie beckons you with a hoof.>"Now Trixie will tell you more about it later.>For now, we need to know how much time has passed. We're already behind schedule as it is.""I see."
>You jump off the bed to look around for a clock of sorts.>Not seeing any in this room, you and Trixie both decide to exit the bedroom to where...>What was her name again?>Your head was only beginning to clear up. In whatever's left of your mind, you sincerely hoped you didn't get any brain damage from that nasty clear liquid.>The smell was still fresh in your mind.>"Ah, there y' are squirt! I was wondering when y' and yer mother were going to wake up.">"Why hello there Grim. I have to thank you for letting me and Hornet stay for the night.">Grim, that's her name.>You were always the type of person that remembers faces than names, but Grim was not a face you've seen any like before.>Then again, you did drink a concoction that's stronger than any liquor you've heard or tasted. >"Why it's no problem. Both of y' were lovely company. Why I ain't even mad that a bunch of crows made a mess in here.">A pang of regret hits you.>You meet her gaze with a sorry expression, only for her to reassure you with a smile.>Her gruff appearance and scars already growing on you. You give back a light smile in return."Hey whatever happened to them anyway?" You inquired, looking around to find a few scratch marks on a couple of furniture.
>Grim meets your eyes with understanding.>"Well... when I returned with a spare pillow I heard Trixie screaming bloody murder." She chuckled at her joke.
>>285771>Trixie gives a polite smile and an uneasy expression.>"When Trixie saw you on the ground your crows started to panic. I stayed to protect you, but then they all started to disappear one by one. Trixie figures you had used up all your magic and they couldn't remain tethered to you anymore. So they all went back to whence they came from." She explains."Is that so?" You reply.
>Memories of last night started to become more vivid and you remember mostly having a great time within those moments.>You're just a tad disappointed that you weren't awake for when Grim and Trixie probably exchanged stories about how both you met and how she met her husband.>You'll have to ask Trixie when you have the time.>"Aye, they made quite a mess while they lasted. But I don't mind, couldn't complain when Trixie went and tucked you into bed. It was an adorable sight." Grim grinned.>"W-Well somepony had to! Dear Hornet was b-bleeding and was simply in no state to stay on the floor while we cleaned up." The magician stated defensively with a slight blush on her cheeks.>"Still doesn't change the fact that it was adorable," Grim replied with ease. "Anyways after I cleaned up yer mess I went ahead and did the pleasure of bandaging you up and changing the covers. Seems I've got plenty of chores to take care of m'self.">"And for that Trixie appreciates you taking care of us Grim and for being such a generous host. Especially with how she acted at first. She shouldn't have-">"Aye, it's fine Trixie. I understand. Most ponies are hesitant to trust a gryphon, especially with scars as intimidating as mine.">"Still! Regardless Trixie thinks-">"Tell Y' what. If Y' promise to come over with yer kid over another bowl of Claw sometime, I'll consider us even.">"Deal!" Trixie responded all too eagerly.>You give her a squinted look.>Unbelievable, well not like it matters.>Grimfeather seems like a good enough influence on Trixie.>Plus, she seems pretty cool to hang around with based on your muddled memories.>Trixie turns back to you with a meek expression.>"What?""I didn't say nuffin." You answer.
>"What?""What?" you say back, feigning a surprised expression.
>Trixie quizzically squints back at you before returning to Grimfeather.>"Anyways, Hornet and I have to leave to check up on our wagon.>There were reports of Marsh Hags lurking about around the valley.">"Ah yes, those fuckers.">"Grim!">"Now I ain't going to sugarcoat it Trixie. When I say that those monsters are as bad as I say, I mean it.">"Trixie knows, but Hornet doesn't have to hear-">"Now there's nothing wrong with hearing some old advice from an old bird such as m'. Yer kid should know how dangerous they are if y' want to get back to your cart. They might be nocturnal, but they can still be cunning bastards when given ample opportunity. I've fought with them long before and one of em gave m' gallant a nasty wound that ended up gettin' infected. Back then, I wasn't sure if he was going to make it.">Grim showed a mournful expression momentarily before locking Trixie directly in her eyes.>"Trixie, as some advice from an old warrior and as a friend, trust m' when I say to keep an eye and ear out for them. This goes twice as so for yer kid.">Trixie met Grim's gaze with a stern expression.>You recognize that face all too many times.>Oh no.>You mentally facepalm yourself. Or hoof?>Anyways, you know from experience that telling Trixie what to do with her life is a sure way of getting on her bad side.>You just hope her friendly relationship with Grim won't diminish because of it.>A couple of extra seconds passed as they continue to stare down each other, but then Trixie wavered and averted her gaze before changing her expression with one of confidence.>"Of course. Trixie understands just how dangerous they are. She will educate dear Hornet properly on Marsh Hags before we get there. She just doesn't want Hornet learning any bad habits.">"Now swearing ain't that bad-">"Well, Trixie thinks otherwise." The magician scoffs whiffing her hair up.>The room's released tension was then interrupted with the sound of laughter.>Trixie stared wide-eyed as she turned to face the commotion.>"Hornet?""Pfft... Hhahaahhahaahahaa!"
>You simply couldn't hold it in. Just a moment ago were holding your breath of what you thought sure an argument to unfold, but seeing Trixie acting so mature for once really sent you on your haunches.>Grim also joined in your laughter as Trixie's confused expression only further prolonged it. A couple of seconds later the gryphonness ended it wiping a fake tear from her eye.>"Well, I'm glad y' understand Trixie. Wouldn't want a new friend to be found dead just after I've met them.">"Oh shush Grim. Trixie's more than capable of defending herself.">"Oh no, I don't doubt that. But another reason might be that this squirt here probably has been looking out for y' since then." The gryphon reaches a claw over to rustle up your mane.>With a small giggle you agreed, "Yeah, I can recount more than one scenario where I saved her ass.">"Hornet! Both of you, stop teasing Trixie!" she stomps with a reddish tint in her expression, mostly out of playful embarrassment.>If she was truly angry then she would probably retort something fiercer than her mock embarrassment.>"Alright, alright. Suppose we have more time to tease the next time we meet." Grim admitted with a grin."Yup!" you chirp.
>"Oh dear Celestia." The magician sighed.>"We'll be sure to visit again when we have the chance Grim, but it is time for us to leave. Come now Hornet.""Alright!" you soon followed, packing all of your saddlebags before leaving through the door.
>"You take care of her y' hear!" Grimfeather shouted as you walked along the road path."We will!" You and Trixie both simultaneously shouted back, before glancing at each other momentarily and giggling like a pair of fillies.
>You gave the gryphonness a wave goodbye as both you ventured among the city.
>>285770>>285771>>285772>The Great and PowerfulHold your hooves anon. Trixie is way beyond your league.
>>285773Anon doesn't care.
Trixie is best mommy.
Very fuzzy wuzzy, would go into a magical stupor and get minor injuries to have snuggle time.
>Be Anonfilly
>Land in Anicent Canterlot
>Before Celestia
>Grow up
>Live outside the city because...
>There are some pretencious mares inside wearing towels of their bodies
>Its so silly
>The worst of them is called Plateau
>Yesterday you were listening to one of her speeches
"A pony is really just a `featherless four-legged creature´," she says
>You get so pissed off that you kidnap a griffin, pluck her feathers of, and take her back to Plateau
"Behold! A pony!" you shout
>>285772>Tfw no momma Trixie to stumble through drunken misadventures/adventures withI missed this green so goddamn much, and I can't thank you enough for bringing it back. Keep up the exceptional work.
>>28578810/10 would Diogenes again. That's great.
>Be Celestia>Celestia a little filly gets to see the uncouth mare of legend.>Nopony knows her name when asked she says Anonymous.>They get so fed up with the philosopher they made her a slave and sold her to the highest bidder.>Which happened to be your three hard earned bits.>"Who's fucking faggot that bought me for three bits hunh!""Um, hi there miss."
>The raving mare stops.>"You'll do.""What?"
>"I'm going to make you the god empress of all of pony land that will show them! Most importantly-">A mare that plucks griffons, looked for good ponies in broad daylight, and was by her own words a massive troll.>"we're going to have fun and fuck with all of them, their heads will spin."
>>285793>decades pass>Discord conquers Equestria>filly is an old mare>sitting in her barrel in the Everfree Forest>Discord comes to hear some of her philosophy<"What can Anonymous do for Discord?">decrepit old filly glares up at Discord"Get the fuck out of my sunlight you massive faggot."
>Discord is delighted with this answer>leaves the Everfree and tells everyone who will listen that if he hadn't been Discord, he'd like to have been Anon
>>285799Thanks for bringing filly here.
>>285802If I haven't been Anonymous I too would want to be Anon.
>>285790Well I just figured I'd continue it since I've gotten back to taken an interest in it. I even made a fimfiction thing for it for later updates:
>>285771>>285772>>285773Thinking it again, perhaps Trixie would be a more suitable momfu for that super faggot anon.
>>285774>Trixie is best mommy.Yeah.
>>285859One for each other.
>>285930Filly's Creamy Goo.
Only open pic related when at the end
>Be Anonfilly
>The time and place never matters.
>You see eyes some times, piercing
>sometimes a flash of red
>other times it's just the hairs raising
>spine tingling
>a soft scream wanting to be let loose
>it doesn't matter where
>it doesn't matter when
>the only pony who knows is Rarity.
>Not even Pinkie Pie can find him.
>Celestia have mercy on us all.
>Anon, changed after what we did for Nightmare Night.
>A funny little costume for a while.
>It was fun times.
>Simpler times.
>We couldn't go back.
>Anonymous kept finding documents altered.
>The name we all decided to call each other slowly falling into chaos
>Discord is always never around, and when we said something to Fluttershy...
>He was scared of something.
>We Tried to remove the costume, but it kept coming back.
>Burning, tearing, acid, nothing.
>nothing works
>Anon started to list things we had to find to keep the damned thing at bay.
>It was easy at first, a single list. One item a day.
>A tuba, then a flower, or a cloud.
>It felt asinine.
>Then there were two lists.
>Day and Night. They had time limits.
>more items, stranger things, odd situations that you had to be there to see it and none of us knew when or how to get there in time
>we failed more and more
>anonyousM felt it first.
>A tug to do something.
>Then a force.
>A command.
>nonyousaM started to just leave lists
>lists and items that lead to more lists and items
>onyousrlaM hasn't been seen in nearly a year it's almost his birthday
>No one seems to quite know, and never seems to quite remember
>In dreams he's there.
>Princess Luna can't see him.
>No matter how hard.
>Poor onyusorlaM.
>Strange objects are found out in public.
>The broken bell of Grogar
>My Little Pony DVDs
>The Mirror pool.
>No one realizes.
>Sometimes the objects go away.
>It feels like were running out of time.
>and we keep failing.
>We can't keep going on.
>literally the stress and anxiety is harming our health.
>dividing the work isn't possible any more
>Almost here.
>In Rarity's boutique prim and propper a fate worse than death looms.
"This is it isn't it?"
>too many failures
>the difficulty too hard
>now we're going to pay the price
>But not yet.
>"Heya fillies-"
>"it's just me relax, I've got party invitations right here look.
"D-damnit Pinkie! Ponks! I- fuck..."
>She begins to prepare the boutique for a party of some sort.
>"Oh no."
"What is it?"
>"Anon, it's today. His birthday is today."
>Distain leaves a waterfall of disgust as well. Pinkie butts in, listening closely. There's nothing that we're left to do.
>"Oooh? Dunno like another well kept secret?"
>"Darling, dear, whatever you do don't unfurl the banner please."
"Listen Pinkie this is important whatever you do-"
>A large banner is drapped. On. The.
>"Doh. Silly me.
>Large words which read as follows.
Birthday Party For ■■■■■■■■■■■■■
>First of the invites walk in.
>"That's odd I'm sure I painted it right there."
>Twilight asks the damning question.
>"What can we do to help?"
>Time slips by, as we hear reality barely holding on.
>We're just crying in each others shoulders.
>It a party is about to beginning without the surprise.
>Fluttershy's voice cuts through the room's nice as a hot knife plunged into our hearts. That shouldn't be possible.
>"Ummm, does anypony know where the birthday pony is?"
>Rainbow this time makes an observation.
>"You're right, the guy should be pretty easy to spot with being all lanky and monkey like. Even the new duds Rars made should make it cake."
>We're in each other's vice like grip.
>"Now that yalls are saying it where is he?"
>A snapping of threads as we know what is about to happen
>"Where's Waldo?"
>>286024God fucking damn it
>>285772Spent all night writing this.
>Hagshoof’s market was slowly coming to life as ponies and some gryphons started to set up their tents and stands for various food and products. It was much of the same you saw from yesterday, ores, books, alchemy materials and other raw products were slowly being put up for display. Other stands hosted foods that smelled pretty good as far as you could tell, but Trixie had already brought her groceries from yesterday.>Still, that didn’t stop you from viewing the stalls for interesting knick-knacks, until-“Hey Trixie look! That stall is restocked on Star Roots! We still need more right?” You nudged the mare to get her attention.
>Star Roots was the one ingredient Trixie was short on. You were looking forward to her famous stew and wanted her to make sure she had everything she needed.>She glanced at the stall with a soon pleasant smile, “Oh! So it is!” The mare was about to trot over there before something else caught her eye.>“Oh dear... sorry Hornet, but it seems that the price has gone up quite a bit since we left.”“It has?” You shift your attention back to the stand to see that the sign for Star Roots definitely had a markup since yesterday. A red line had crossed out what used to be 8 bits and now- “20 Bits! Since when did they cost so much?” You exclaimed in shock.
>“Well they did say that they were in short supply. Not to mention Star Roots are becoming out of season. Trixie doesn’t think we can afford anything more with the budget we have now.” the azure mare said apologetically.You grumble to yourself with a kick of your hoof.
>“Oh come now, we still have a bundle from yesterday. If you haven’t started eating them straight away we might have had some more for the stew.” The mare pressed her hoof against your withers.“I just wanted a snack...”
>“And now we’ll soon have a meal. Come now, the stew will take some time to prepare. It will be certainly much better than Grim’s.” Trixie smiled confidently.“Oh her stew wasn’t
that bad.”
>“Trixie doesn’t want to have to remind you of how Grimfeather had to fish meat out of her stew. And Trixie doesn’t even want to know or describe the white froth that stuck around the surface.”“I think that’s just fat from the meat.” You replied nonchalantly.
>“Fat from the-?! Trixie is concerned why would you even know of such things.”“I know lots of things!” you chirp.
>“That makes it all the more concerning” The mare shook her head. “Trixie constantly wonders as how you were raised. No filly should know these sorts of things. Much less... that.” She said with a hint of animosity in her voice.>You stood still for a moment as Trixie continued trotting at a normal pace with you following close behind.“Was the stew really that bad?” You asked in earnest, trying to make eye contact while walking by her side.
>The azure mare paused in her tracks as she craned her neck to face you, “No, Trixie supposes it wasn’t... that bad. It’s just that... Trixie knows how you are when exposed to the smell of blood. She doesn’t like the smell as much as you do and it’s just that Trixie can’t possibly understand why you would be okay with a stew that had blood in it. Not to mention how... engrossed you are with anything related to violence.” Her voice softened a bit since before, but still reasonably concerned as she tilts her head in equal worry.“It’s... complicated.” You reply simply, averting your eyes to the ground.
>Trixie looks sympathetically before resting a hoof on your withers “...Well we can just leave it to you being extremely famished to care about the stew, most ponies will believe anything tastes great once they’re hungry enough.” she finishes.“Yeah, that’s probably it.” You respond back, following side-by-side as both of you trot towards the exit gate.
>The gate itself surrounded most of the trade and residential districts and you could see that it was made out of some kind of durable stone. A couple of pony and gryphon guards patrolled amongst the top with various keeps built out of wood and lanterns scattered about. The gate already opened with it’s iron bars lifted overhead as wagons and other ponies walk in and out of town.
>>286035>The same guard from yesterday stood at his post with a long halberd hoisted across his left shoulder, glancing over to you two before gesturing to both of you.>“Ah it’s the filly and her mother, I trust Grimfeather accommodated both you and your filly well.” The stallion introduced.>“Ah! Well yes, Tri- er... I and my daughter had a very safe night thanks to you. She’s a very... interesting gryphon, but she’s nonetheless very nice and offered us food and shelter for the night just as you said.” The azure mare commented.>“Heh, yeah she tends to have a soft spot for fillies and their mothers. Anyways the moors should be cleared. The Gryphon expedition returned with no trouble, so there shouldn’t be any monsters lurking about. I wish you two some safe travels.”>“Ah why thank you, um- I’m sorry I never caught your name.” Trixie apologized.>“Platinum Night.” The guard simply said.>“Trixie.” The magician replied in earnest, before giving a friendly smile and both of us departing from the gate.“What a nice stallion.” You started saying once you safely reached enough of a distance from the gate guard.
>“Hmm? Why do you say th-” She looks at you, but the incredible speed at what your eyebrows wiggle boils her over again, tinting her face a few shades redder. “Oh stop it Hornet! Trixie doesn’t have any of these intentions your implying.”“What did you think I was implying?” you grinned, somehow managing to turn Trixie’s face even more redder than before.
>“Nothing!" The mare shrilled. "You don’t have to act like this every time Trixie meets a stallion.” she argued in her defense."But didn't you say that, and I quote, 'Maybe... A bit of ogling can't hurt, can it now?'" You attempt to make the best Trixie impression to embarrass her.
>"N-No Trixie didn't. You must have misheard.""Nope! I totally remember you saying that." you chirp.
>"You weren't even supposed to hear that." Trixie mutters under her breath."So you do admit it!" You point accusingly at the azure mare.
>"Let's just please not talk about this any more." she placed her hoof down.“Okaaayyy...” You replied in a dull tone, thinking of what else to change the subject into. After a period of silence and continued walking, you remember a topic Trixie intended on talking to you about. “So... what exactly are marsh hags?” You inquired curiously as you and Trixie trot at a normal pace.
>“Hmm? Oh, well from what Trixie remembers, Marsh hags are naiads who fell in love with mortal ponies, and thus lost their eternal youth.” The walking book recites.“Naiads?” You eyed in even more confusion.
>“Water spirits.” Trixie answers, “It does not happen often, for water nymphs are fickle creatures that rarely have any concern for the young colts they seduce. Still, sometimes a nymph will truly feel for a stallion and then, in accordance with the ancient, mystical laws of her kind, she becomes subject to the flow of time. Because she is a magical being, she cannot die- but she does age, growing more and more decrepit until she finally becomes a marsh hag.”“Nymphs? So, they’re basically lake mares that seduce stallions?” You simplified.
>“Well yes, but a marsh hag is a hideous beast that doesn’t remember who they once were. Only on Luna’s moonlit nights, a marsh hag remembers her past and comes to the lakeside only to weep for her lost youth. Though her body is wizened and ancient, she still likes to dance naked in the moonlight and make immoral proposals to any passing youth she meets.”“So they’re a bunch of ugly colt-fiddlers then.”
>“Hornet!” Trixie exclaimed, bewildered at the use of your newly-invented word.“S-Sorry.” You quickly apologized, “Is that why you didn’t want to explain it before?”
>“Only partly... Trixie just wanted you to never come across such a horrifying creature. The things they do to ponies...”“I can imagine.” You grin mischievously.
>“Please don’t, Trixie doesn’t want to be responsible for destroying your psyche.”“My psyche was already in a state disrepair since before I met you and I am forever scarred!” You chirp.
>“Urgh...” Trixie groans, "If only you were lying. Trixie remembers how she first met you completely covered in scrapes and bruises. Not to mention all the incoherent swearing.""...I don't remember that." you replied.
>"You were delirious dear, as well as both starving and thirsty. You were completely anorexic and Trixie couldn't help but take you in and nurse you back to health." she chided as she continued trotting.>Another period of silence befalls you as you pondered in thought.>Did that really happen? Sure you were covered in mud, starving and thirsty, but you were sure you were conscious at the time Trixie took you in. Although, the events in your mind are a tad blurry.>You however recalled the distant feeling of warmth and comfort from when you first awoke in Trixie's home. She had freshly washed you and covered you in a warm and fuzzy blanket, with her curled around you when you finally regained your senses. It was an unforgettable feeling."Thanks..."
>"Hmm? What was that dear.""I- I said thanks... for taking care of me and all that." you awkwardly reply.
>Trixie stopped in her tracks to look back at you, this time with a genuine smile on her face. "It's of no trouble Hornet." she beamed, before trotting back into her pace. >You simply followed close behind the young mare as you both continue towards the campsite.
>>286036>A couple minutes later you come across a familiar sight near the lake. Your hooves trot across the soft dirt as the middle clearing reveals a pink carnival wagon and an extinguished campfire. The moors all around you flow with the fresh breeze of air mixed with the scent of grass, water, and... blood?“Urgh...” The stinging sensation automatically has your nostrils tense up as your nose scrunch up at the smell. You can see Trixie doing the same as she already stopped in her tracks, quickly looking around for where the smell is coming from.
>The horrid smell continued berating on your sensitive nostrils as you stayed near the wagon. The layout of the place was left as you remembered it. A purple wagon parked next to a large lake along the moors and an extinguished campfire prepared for the night before. With the information of Marsh Hags still fresh in your mind, your eyes remained on the pool as the smell of blood wafted from the cart.>Trixie was more than apprehensive as she motioned you back with her hoof, drawing closer with her horn already alight muttering some kind of spell. Both of you remained eerily quiet as the mare slowly crept up behind the wagon, before coming to a ear-piercing shriek as she stumbled and backed away.>Without thinking you rushed to her side in fear that Trixie has caught something’s attention, only to see a gory site. It was something along the lines of what happens when a pony got run over by a industrial combine. There was splattered red on the grass and fleshy bits everywhere.>The sight alone wasn’t enough to make you queasy, but the smell, oh god the smell. It was as if a dead fish made sweet unconsensual love to a rotting trash bin lit on fire. It took everything you had just not to puke out your first substantial meal in weeks. Trixie was too busy hyperventilating pretty badly, only for you to rush to her side and ask-“Trixie, are you alright?!”
>The mare doesn’t say anything except for the fact that she continued to stare past your direction, wide-eyed and absolutely terrified. Her hoof shakily gestured to one side right above your shoulder.“Huh? What is it-
OH JESUS!” You meekly replied, only to turn around to see that the wagon was indeed covered in red from this entire side.
>You could even see where most of the missing entrails went to, decorating parts the windows and roof. A pony-like skeleton was splintered among the wooden surface with the head of the most hideous thing you've ever laid eyes on. The only words that you were able to mutter was- “What the hell happened?!”>The gut-wrenching smell was starting to take it’s grip on you, so much so that you had to flee from the wagon before half your insides were puked out. “Urgh... okay what the fuck?!” You could only yell, before taking the time to examine the mess from a fair distance. From the looks of it, it seems that the marsh hag, or whatever’s left of it, has made it’s way into being a gory mess of red jelly and guts upon hitting the side of the wagon real hard.>The splattered stains and the way the body was displayed made the event very self-explanatory. But still, “WHY IS THERE SO MUCH!?” you screamed to the high heavens. You're fairly certain a single equine-monster-thing shouldn't carry that amount of blood, yet a good portion of the wagon was painted in it.>You had your fair share in seeing blood and gore amongst many rated-R movies, horror games, cooking with raw meat, and criminally detailed goreposts some of those faggots on 4chan like to spam on certain threads, seeing the a dead carcass in it’s full uncensored and gut-smelling glory was another thing entirely.>But above all, was the smell. Your pony senses weren’t forgiving in the prospect of smelling each and every enhanced detail of pure torture to your sensitive nose.>And as it turns out, trying to pinch your nose with your hooves is a lost cause. Your attention draws back towards Trixie as the mare utters an incantation inaudible to you.>Soon enough, a stream of water erupted from the lake at full force, blasting most of the fleshy matter off the wagon's surface. As for the bones imbedded in it, she had used her levitation magic to pry it off and toss it into some bushes.>As the smell receded, you could walk back to camp without much difficulty. Most of the grass was now soaked in water and mud, and as you neared closer you could swear you heard Trixie swearing something about Gryphons.>It was mostly along the lines of them being needlessly violent, messy, and not respecting private property. You pondered before if Trixie was actually racist to Gryphons before, but considering the current circumstances this was completely justified.Just, who leaves a dead body there?!"Um, is it all clean?" you cautiously asked as you approached.
>Trixie sighs in contempt as she admits, "No, not in the least. The blood had already soaked into the wooden planks. It's going to take Trixie ages just to repaint all this. How is Trixie supposed to put on her show now?! Those damned Gryphons, they just can't keep anything intact can they?" the azure mage complained.>By all pretenses, that quote was a little racist. However from what you've seen of Gryphon housing throughout your travels, their establishments never really lasted to remain in good condition. You also understood why Trixie was super upset. This wagon was by all means, her entire livelihood. It acted as not only a mode of transport, but also a home and a source of income as well.
>>286037You ponder some more in thought before asking, "Don't we have some paint in the wagon?"
>"Trixie does, but she also used a lot of her energy spell just to clean this... Trixie just wants to retire for the day." The mare sighed in exhaustion."Wait, don't we have a show tomorrow?" you pointed out.
>"Yes, but Trixie will have to delay the show because of this. Hagshoof will simply have to wait another day for the Great and Powerful Trixie to make her debut." she announced tiredly."I'm sure those hunters don't mind a little blood-"
>"Trixie will not perform on stage with half of it soaked in blood!" The mare stomped. "Besides the color doesn't match Trixie's color scheme. Now come along now, Trixie doesn't want to wait too long until she only makes dinner for the both of us." she lightheartedly chided, before entering her wagon."Oh... Alright." you simply follow.
>>286035Noice. Investing in water proofing helps with stains and so does cold water. Unfortunately it's wood at least now it's strengthened by the power of iron!
>>286024So Anon is a cognitohazard?
>>286102There's a very good reason why nopony could find him.
Poor poor Anon, drawn into a conflict so great and vast as a pawn.
Between hiders, and seekers.
Also yes.
So there are two project here that I'll get to even though my focus is on another thread. For example, I will complete the spook green prompt.
"And then the small mouse shared the cheese with his friends," finished Twilight the bedtime story and closed the story book
>You nodded giddily with a huge smile on your features
>Twilight smile at the sweet display contently
>She leans forward to kiss you forehead
>You feel the soft lips softly press against you
>While leaned over you she whispers to you
"Anything else you need, sweetie?" she asks
>You look over to the glass next to your bed and shake your head
"Okay, well goodnight then."
>She gets up and is about to exit the room when she stops
>You were about to mumble to her and she sees the your open mouth and smiles
"You want me to leave a crack open?" she asks
>You nod
>She grins wider, chuckle inaudibly to herself, and exit the room
"Goodnight." You hear one last time as the door shuts but a crack of it is clearly open as a line of light cut through the blackness of the room
>You shifted and wriggle down underneath the covers with a content smile
"Ugh, must you do that everytime?" a high-pitched voice comes from the bed above you in the bunker bed your in. "We're not little fillies. We're adult men. We don't need to be read a bedtime story and the light you brought in shines right where I have my pillow."
>You see a green filly your age peek over the edge and down at you from her bed
>Its hard to see in the darkness but she seems annoyed
>You only smile, shifts to the side to leave room for one more, and pats the spot besides you with your hoof while looking at her with a inviting smile
"You are free to sleep down here, sis. Its pretty dark down here," you say
>She looks at your sceptically for a moment
>You smile at her innocently
"Tch, okay," she finally says. "But don't be a fag, faggot." She points an accusatory hoof at you.
"Of course not."
>She climbs down the ladder, crawls over to the spot you made for her, and worm her way underneath the cover
"Yeah, you're right this is darker but you know what would be even darker? No lights, incredible stuff I kn-"
>She stops talking as you embrace her to your chest and start to nuzzle her
>She tries to get out of your hold for a moment but you hold on
"What- I said no gay stuff, you fag," she says
>You look up at her with your big eyes
"This isn't gay. I just wanna hold you."
>She ceases struggling as she ponders this
>She blushes and looks away
>Then she hugs you back
>You wake up in the morning of Twilight taking a picutre of the two of you entangled in eachother
>>286184A nice snuggly bedtime story. The squeakal, A smoll mouse and the great big trap is only accessible for the hardened of ponies. Very nice green.
>>286194QT in camo on your position. Prepare for heavy cargo loads.
>>286181QT has landed, I repeat QT has landed. Go, go, go!
>>286178Lost visual on QT. Deploying reeeesponse teams.
>>286244Really cute. Nice.
>>286194>Filly paraglider pilotYeah. Why not?
Apparently pastebin has begun deleting pastes randomly and no one knows why.
https://boards.4channel.org/mlp/thread/36040231There's some effort to archive pastes that are still available but if you have stories you wish to save I suggest you do so locally.
>>286273First the mods on /mlp/ go nuts and bans a lot of pony stuff, then Derpibooru goes apeshit and deletes content they personally don't like, and now this? Hasn't this fandom suffered enough?
>>286286>Hasn't this fandom suffered enough?It has,
But the beatings will continue even if moral improves.
>>286286>Hasn't this fandom suffered enough?Around faggots, never relax.
>>286290>the beatings will continue even if moral improves.Sadly, this.
>>286273>>286274>>286286>>286290>>286294https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1P2ZiFYBjTjz8_l_AAAvrKzNQ34g-8-gd?usp=sharingBear in mind that this was done as somewhat of a panic operation and I didn't sleep last night. Also ended up finding another pastebin that was never archived while I was rooting around in Rome Silvanus for Suitcase's only listed story.
If it's on the doc it should be in here, (report any missing pastes to me ASAP please) but
not everything nothing is really organized. There are duplicates, and finding the right story may be a pain in the ass. I might get around to organizing everything to be a bit prettier in here too, but as it stands these are the
pastebin story names, or the
pastebin IDs if the story name was already used by another file, duplicate or otherwise. I hope this helps to quell the worry and dread a bit.
Thank you friend.
Hi. Writer of Trixie x Anonfilly here. I'm here to present you faggots a oneshot between young Chrysalis and anonfilly. There is tragedy, violence, and death involved.
https://pastebin.com/eqz0qq6K [Embed]>Born to the ancient race of Changelings, Chrysalis was the runt of her family, so named because she struggled for days longer than most to emerge from the chrysalis that all changelings are hatched from.>She struggled early on with her weak magical abilities, but eventually ventured off on her own to escape the bullying and disappointment she was surrounded by back home.>Weeks of traveling later, she came across the bustling city of Canterlot, home of the ponies: magnificent, magical and athletic creatures, with great grace and beauty and a highly advanced society.>Chrysalis desperately wanted a sense of belonging and purpose, but above all, a friend to love.>But she was hideous compared to these beautiful creatures, with her bug-like skin and a lifeless mane and tail.>Her fear of being ridiculed and hated overtook her. It was then that she began putting all her efforts into learning her race's infamous trait: the ability to transform herself.>After weeks of diligent self-training, Chrysalis spotted a beautiful young filly, and with all her strength, successfully transformed herself into a vision of the white unicorn.>After careful observation, Chrysalis entered Canterlot society and was overwhelmed with joy as she began to make friends and obtain a sense of belonging. Yet one green filly in particular refused all attempts on befriending her.>This filly wasn't as magical or as graceful as the Canterlot unicorns.>She was an earth pony, living in the streets living day by day with whatever scraps the unicorns would leave.>She had seen her once or twice during her stay here, when she was also foraging for food and shelter.>When she tried to approach her, the filly's outward demeanor was extremely hostile.>Was her cover blown? The filly's abnormal amount of cursing rejected her, but she made no comment on her true form.>Ultimately she fled and thinking back as to why the seemingly homeless filly disdained her so much.>She moved on to other ponies, those that were the opium of unicorn society.>Elegant and magnificent creatures that she aspired to be among them.>A young colt was drawn to her beautiful green eyes, and the pair developed a bond stronger than the young changeling had ever felt in her lifetime.>Unfortunately she was still weak for her age, and despite her best efforts, in the end, her magical powers failed her.>After becoming aware of her deception, her friends were quick to banish her from their world. But worst of all, perhaps, was the dark change of heart her colt companion had taken.>He could not let this traitorous use of his love go unpunished...>She was forcefully dragged into an alley, a dead end with only her former friends with eyes of distain and hatred.>They had insulted her kind and beaten her into submission, their words painted her as a monster with only self-interest in mind as she took advantage of their kindness.>Yet in the amiss of ridicule and the multitude of ponies ganging up on her, she caught a glimpse of that green filly once more.>The ponies had both sticks and stones at the ready, yet the filly did not back away or turn a blind eye as other ponies did when they happened to cross the alley.>Yet her appearance seemed even worse for wear the last time she seen her.>Her mane was a scruffy black and her goat an unnatural green that threatened to sore the eyes.>The filly's words were nothing near refined and elegant as the unicorns.>Insults were thrown, words that she never even heard of before that somehow sounded even worse than those she was just subjected to.>Yet still that wasn't all. The unicorns were left in a stupor that slowly turned into shifted rage.>They all soon ganged up on her, but the filly fought back with such ferocity she never seen from such a pony.>The green filly was biting, bucking, and using everything at her disposal to make her tormenter's lives all the more painful.>Yet due to pure numbers and size difference of colts compared to fillies, she never stood a chance.
>>286342>The earth pony's display of near-feral violence caught her in a trance, every word she spat had a visceral venom in it that killed every enjoyment of beating her.>Such brutality and ruthlessness, every kick to the legs and bite on their coats left them in a horrid state of pain and hysteria.>The green filly had unicorn blood trickling from her mouth and with such pure unbridled rage, such passion, all because of a changeling she hadn't met.>It left her overwhelmed and confused, as she could feel a torrent of rage and resentment pour out of every word, bite, and kick.>She was the exact opposite of the unicorns she aspired, but the way she fought had drawn her completely.>It was... hypnotizing.>At the end of it all, the filly was left battered and bruised and much worse off than she was.>Blood was oozing out of her muzzle and she laid still on the cold and unfeeling stone.>The unicorns scoffed at the body, but not before a strong kick to her barrel.>Then they left in haste, mostly concerned with the scrapes and bites possibly giving them an infection of sorts, completely forgetting about the changling at the end of the corridor.>Chrysalis shook from her trance and rushed to the filly's side.>An equal surge of emotion consumed her. It was both distain for her situation, but also concern for the green filly.>A series of questions sprung forth from the inner depths of her mind, but one took her immediate attention.>Why?>She cautiously prodded the body, only for the filly to groan in pain.>She was alive. That was good.>She didn't want her to die, not here, not now.>She wanted her question to be answered.>Why her? Why help her in particular?>The filly never met her, aside from her unicorn form.>Speculation only surfaced her thoughts.>Her emotions, they were much more stronger and true compared to any emotions emitted from any other living creature before.>It certainly wasn't love, she recognized that emotion, she fed on it regularly.>Her kind taught her since her inception that love the most powerful form of emotion and the best form of sustenance.>But her anger?>It was something she never felt as such before.>Not even towards her.>Yet despite that, it didn't frighten her.>The changeling proded the body again, with her only returning another painfilled groan. >She pleads with her to get up.>She wanted answers.>She wanted her to be alive.>The small filly had suffered too much blunt trauma and she only just noticed that some of her body was bent unnaturally.>Her breathing began to slow.>Chrysalis pleads once more as she prods her once again, fighting back tears.>Painful tears.>She didn't know if these tears were for the pain inflicted on her before or for the pain of knowing she would most likely never get her answer.>The changeling didn't know any healing magic or salves that would work on ponies.>She wanted more answers.>Why she was feeling this hurt over a pony she never got on good terms with.>Was this grief?>The filly's breathing only continued to lessen as the changeling failed to suppress her tears.>Chrysalis could only helplessly prod once more as she unevenly told the green filly to get up.>Short breaths kept interrupting her mumbled speech as tears continued overflowing and blurring her vision.>She pleaded again and again.>Why was this happening?>She just wanted a friend.>A friend that could love her and in return hers as well.>Why did it have to be like this?>Her pleads soon turned into incoherent crying as the filly laid completely still.>It wasn't fair.>The changeling lowered her muzzle to the filly's cheek, prodding her once again.>She was no longer breathing.>The spiraling emotions here too much for her to bear.>She reached for the filly's neck and wrapped her chitin-like hooves around her and screamed with all her might into the filly's still warm fur.>The changeling grieved the loss of her first friend she never knew.
>>286342Added to document and archive.
Might as well add Hornet and Tricks, which is a continuation of X-ROADS's Trixie x Anonfilly fiction.
https://www.fimfiction.net/story/473171/hornets-and-tricksPastebin chapters:
https://pastebin.com/2gaBPZpJ [Embed]https://pastebin.com/Yq5tDWap [Embed]
>>286369Very clean spread. It's nice.
>>286386>>286393Very much a big cue tee.
>>286393>impressive plushie>lewdCongrats anon.
>tfw bookhorse feels like experimenting
>>286398>third pic reposted here for everyponer's knowledgeTotally unsuspected filly.
Filly drawn inside the fractal's infinite loop is breathtaking.
I'm speechless.
>>286399Sorry to disappoint, but take a phone fag and a free fractal mirror application start with a good filler, then fill it in.
Very fun though.
>>286400>>286399Have another filly.
>>286399And a donut filler.
>>286401>>286402I'm getting dizzy.
Something I typed up for the abuse thread.
>The truth is, you haven't wanted to live for some time now.
>You cut off contact with your friends and moved to a little cabin up north with your adopted daughter and Spike.
>The look of betrayal in Spike's eyes when you took the fish descaler and started raking it down his back almost made you stop, but at that point you had gone too far.
>Weakness wasn't an option, so you ended him quickly.
>To make up for your pathetic mercy, you fed him to Anon.
>She cried at first, but after you broke her dock and made her sit back down on it she ate the cut.
>It's true what they say about dragon meat, every part is like a different animal.
>Chicken, cow...
>All things you tried back in your wilder years, back before the fog came over you.
>You caught Nonny trying to run away months ago.
>The only reason you stopped her is that she would freeze to death then, and you didn't want to kill her for some time yet.
>The pleasure of tasting the blood on her neck, feeling a splash of her piss on your leg as you ripped open her bladder...
>Your healing magic wasn't well developed at first, but you had to be a fast learner to keep Anon alive.
>At night, she slept in a kennel under your bed.
>Only secured by a mechanical lock, and you have no doubt she figured out how to work it long ago.
>She'd become weak in her resistance.
>Fearful of you, but no longer defiant.
>A pathetic mess.
>You had to take it up a notch, this was getting dull.
>Make her taste death before bringing her back.
>You prepared a ritual...
>You deserve everything that came after.
>From beyond the veil, she was different.
>The same memories and logic inhabited her mind, but it was a colder logic.
>She didn't seem to feel pain any longer, or if she did she didn't show it.
>She would give you tips on how to maximize output, and when you disregarded them she would sneer at you.
>She was really starting to piss you off, so you decided to fuck up her brain.
>The only thing you hadn't taken from her, partially out of some strange respect that remained.
>You can't let her win, and without her mind she'd be a slobbering, terrified retard.
>Not exactly what you wanted, but better than this.
>You did it all at once, taking off the top of her skull and putting her grey matter in a blender you designed specifically for this purpose.
>But the intelligence never faded from her eyes.
>"I've seen beyond the veil. I know the unknowable. You cannot take from me that which you do not understand."
>In anger, you smashed the glass shell of the blender down on her body, breaking most of her ribs.
>She laughed raspily for days before you repaired her just to stop the annoying fucking sound.
>Maybe she craved the attention, maybe if you neglected her...
>But she seemed perfectly happy to just sit and play with her toys for months.
>Even with no food, she'd eat the snow and gather greens to eat beneath it like some primitive animal, then go back inside and carry out whatever the ritual of the day with her dolls was.
>Most of the time it was harmless childishness, but at times you caught glimpses of beings from other worlds.
>She was contacting them, trying to bring them here.
>Not that you cared, you'd be dead soon anyways.
>Just as soon as you killed Anon...
>Surely complete atomization would do the trick.
>It took some time to mine the ore and refine it yourself, but inevitably the core was ready.
>You chained her to it and set up the means of detonation.
>For an instant she looked afraid.
>You immediately had an orgasm.
>But her calm demeanor returned even as the seconds ticked down.
>Your remote viewing device was predictably destroyed by the blast.
>You put on radiation shielding and went in close, eager to find all the confirmation you needed to know that you could finally kill yourself.
>But she was standing there.
>No chains.
>No core.
>Just her.
>Like metal, her skin and fur were white hot, yet her form didn't sag or melt.
You screamed out in anger and tackled her, in your rage forgetting that she was heat incarnate.
>You pulled back just in time to save your skin, but not your suit.
>You tried to teleport, but the radiation was interfering too much with the field.
>You tried to run, but your fucking legs were melting into slag.
>Even the mental shields you had put up were being pushed to their limit.
>If you ran now, you could clone yourself and live.
>But so would Anon...
>You glare at her as your eyes are decimated.
>Unseen colors fill your vision as you ignore pain and rush for the edge of the zone.
>You'll be back, some day.
>And you'll kill the monster once known as Anonymous, the man your turned into your daughter so long ago for reasons that escape you even now.
>>286465Fillu and Dix are best degenerates! Fite me purple!
>>286463Interesting. Always up for eldritch horrors.
>>2864639/10 I would achieve my revenge even from beyond the grave.
Although having Twilight go completely bonkers is far from ideal.
I'm wondering what development has been done for the different colors of fillies, obviously everybody is going to write them differently but it makes sense to have sort of a baseline and unfortunately they've been largely untouched in writefaggotry. I'll do my best to come up with something, tell me what you think should be changed and what should stay, and most importantly what should be added as this is a bit bare-bones.
Standard, everybody pretty much knows how she acts. Unwilling to be what she is, somewhat of a troublemaker, but will begrudgingly allow affection while claiming that she doesn't like it if she's in public, horsefucker at heart.
Probably would be a prominent member of the debate team if there is one at her school in horseland. While Green will jokingly call zebras ziggers, yaks snowniggers, and griffons kikes behind their backs; Orange will express legitimate disdain for them (to ponies she thinks won't rat her out) Perhaps Zecora is an exception to this rule since she's fairly well-educated unlike the rest of her species, but that's up to the writefag.
Either a complete psychopath who never gets in trouble because she can play ponies like a fiddle, or somewhat of a Tom Sawyer type who's always in the corner for something ponies consider a misdeed. Either way, Red despises zebras, griffons, and yaks on a level slightly higher than Orange, and is actively looking for a way to rid Equestria of them. Writefag's choice of the degree Orange shares the idea of action being the best plan with her, or if she'd rather just live a life where she doesn't have to deal with them and go through the more legal channels of keeping them the fuck out of Equestria. Red likely doesn't particularly like Green, seeing her as kind of a pussy faggot; though they do share certain common interests and will work together to accomplish certain goals on occasion.
>>286511Last time I did a green with all three of them I thought of them like this:
>Green:Standard Anon-type character. Arrogant, irresponsible, slightly degenerate, kind of a pussy but will nut up if backed into a corner, and loves a good shitpost more than nearly anything else. Jokes about having over 9000 weird fetishes. Likes threatening to say the Z word because it's edgy.
>Orange:A foil to Green in many respects. Responsible, respectable, reliable, and opposed to degeneracy. Kind of a cunt but sincerely cares for her friends. Also loves a good shitpost. Denies having any fetishes whatsoever. Wants to gas the griffons and occasionally fails to contain her power level.
>Red:Depressed NEET type. Will use piss jugs if she can get away with it and is constantly dropping "ironic" suicide jokes. Openly cowardly Will perk up for a good shitpost. Has fetishes that would make Green vomit, doesn't shove this in anyone's face but doesn't make any especial effort to conceal it either. Dislikes ziggers and is too autistic to contain her power level very well.
Teal fillies are the best.
>>286517Teal is a full-blown Lovecraft protagonist who bears sole witness to cosmic horrors beyond all sapient comprehension. Other filles avoid her as a dangerous eccentric because her grasp on reality is rapidly and obviously slipping further and further into frothing waters of total madness. Also her cat is named Zigger Man.
>>286518>Other filles avoid her as a dangerous eccentric because her grasp on reality is rapidly and obviously slipping further and further into frothing waters of total madnessShe tries to make frens anyway.
>>286511>>286514>>286518Oh dear. What color filly would I be?
>Other filles avoid her as a dangerous eccentric because her grasp on reality is rapidly and obviously slipping further and further into frothing waters of total madnessIf it works it works.
>>286518Did my best. Was hoping to write some other things and finish up my rolled green, but I don't know if any of that's going to happen.
>"Yo dipshit, you good?""I..."
>There are hundreds of spiders are crawling on the walls, but that's normal.>It's the way they're crawling that makes you feel so uneasy.>Not in random, erratic patterns; but in the shape of six-sided stars.>You'd know what you were dealing with if they were pentagrams, but this is something new.>Countless times you've kept this place safe, both as a human and after the second seal binding your life force to this mortal plane was shattered, as a filly.>You also ate a bad egg salad sandwich for lunch today.>Red looks at you with mild interest as you empty the contents of your stomach onto the desk in front of you.>Luckily there weren't any papers on it, but your favorite pencil is now floating in a puddle of vomit.>You reach for it and give it a few licks to clean it off before you realize that you never actually answered Orange."I..."
>No, you're not good.>You try to clean the vomit out of your teal coat as best you can without any sort of cleaning supplies, but you really can't manage.>Ms. Cheerilee has finally gotten back from grading papers or whatever.>"Oh god Blue, not again...""T-teal."
>"You know I have to send you home now.">You nod, groaning as you spit out a chunk of something into the pool of vomit.>The spiders aren't affected by the vomit, continuing their inexplicable patterned movements on the floor through it, unaffected by the liquid.>After all, they don't exist outside of your head.>And sometimes, you wish you didn't either.>You feel an incredible sense of shame as you clean your soiled forehooves and use them to pack up your saddlebags.>Berry will probably be waiting for you when you get home, which is a shame since she's a cuddly drunk.>And you don't have time for cuddles, or any sort of rest.>Maybe the entity behind this pattern change interfered with your eggs.>If it did, it may already be too late.>You tap out aversion codes in morse while you walk, which is all you can do until you're clean again.>She's waiting at the door, swaying but sympathetic and has already run you a nice bath."I'm sorry."
>"Things happen baby, things happen.">You meant for the fact that the situation got out of your control, the spiders are increasing in speed now...>The water begins to heat up, but you aren't clean yet.>You're crying now.>It's scalding.>Berry dips a hoof in it.>"Might be a little cold, are you sure you-""I'm fine!"
>You regret snapping at her immediately, and try to apologize but she's already crying too.>"I'm such a useless mother...""Come on Berry, we both know that isn't true."
>Your skin feels like it's burning off, but now that you know the effect is only in your mind you can ignore it with more ease.>"You don't even call me mom, or mommy...""I..."
>You so rarely know what to say.>For all of your research into the occult and metaphysics, you never quite got down the human element of it all.>Why would sapients want to bring about their own doom with ill-intentioned gods ?>Why are people so fucking hard to talk to?>You had one woman back when you had a dick, but then she gave you herpes...>They didn't stick around when you became this, but it's worth mentioning that your autism scored you one point.>Though you were drunk at the time, so you don't remember what happened...>The spiders are patterning at speeds so fast that the walls are a fucking blur.>Berry is still crying.>The cult will reveal itself soon enough if there is one, right now you need to focus on the here and the now.>The spiders dissipate as you drain all of your focus from your various mental overlays."How about you help me dry off and we'll cuddle, okay mom?"
>She wipes her eyes and smiles, the stink of wine on her breath nothing compared to the warmth of her smile.>Olfactory =/= heat, but whatever.>As Berry lifts you up and dries you off just like when you were just a foal, you call out to your cat."C'mere Zigger Man."
>"Anon, that isn't the name we agreed on.""I saw into your mind and the projection of your soul agreed."
>That's total horseshit, but it's the reason the cat is still named Zigger Man.>Berry never questions your extradimensional wisdom.>You let out a soft breath as she tucks you into bed.>You still feel a bit nauseous, but Berry doesn't work so you know she'll be here next to you all day.>"What book should we start with?""I don't give a shit."
>"Come on, say it like a real filly.""I don't give a poop?"
>"No, tell me what story you want me to read goofball.""I guess let's go with Howl's Moving Castle."
>She smiles at you and begins to slur it out.>You feel a number of ponies' life essences fading away somewhere in town, but it's only summoning sized and, with the break in your lazer focus, you've recognized the problem with the pattern.>It's unstable, only a threat to the summoning circle.>"Somepony isn't listening.""Sorry."
>You pay closer attention and lean back into your pillow as Berry reads, her hoof resting on your little chest.~Fin
>>286511>arguing filliesCan be anything more entertaining?
>>286528Basically true, very well done. Would see into the feels for a great green like yours again.
>Filly Rarity beats Anon in beauty contest
>How wlll Anon ever recover?
>>286537Glad you liked it friend, thank you.
>>286558Huh, my shit art says that I'm older.
>>286558Check out my piece of shit. Not really sure what they consider to be mental age, but eh I'll take it.
>>286558This is rigged. I think it is actually measuring the mental age of my mouse.
>>286558Clearly whoever made this accidentally inverted something somewhere, since mine is obviously far more mature than anything else thats been posted here
>>286608>>286618Those are very cute. Nice.
Dunno how nobody has mentioned this yet, but there's an ongoing project to get a bunch of anonfilly plushies made in Chinkland.
Here's the 4cuck thread:
>>286634>Dunno how nobody has mentioned this yetI think it was posted before
>>285541 →
>Woman becomes pure after this one cool trick.
>>286646 →"Sector clear! The NNZ is still nigger free."
>Applebloom the ever inquisitive riddles you this>"Anon, I'm beginning to think there isn't really such a thing as a nigger.">That brings you short.>Sure there hasn't been a single other person that appeared, besides fellow Anons and that one glow nigger.>Even then that's kind of a stretch."Well smoll appul. You might be right."
>Honestly it's been more about hanging out with friends sometimes>keeping an eye on the happenings and the so called coincidences>and few things brings togther friends more than the NNZ."Wait. Do you hear that?"
>"Like dirt is being shifted around, and mumbling.">"SHEEEIIIT.""Get Twillight, and everyone else it's code dindo."
>"What about you blue Anon?""I'm TEAL!"
>A small reee is about to emerge."Go quickly I'll keep it occupied."
>"Sheeeeit.""More than one."
>Apple mini is already gone, and now a proper internal monologue can be had.>Eldritch entities are one thing and a full blown invasion is quite another.>The statistics that this is a person is quite low, but contact has to be made to ensure proper NNZ is truly absent of a problem.>After all this is Equestria.>All the more reason to uphold the NNZ."Upholding the No Nigger Zone. No rooftop Koerans in sight. Either they're that good, or I'm going in like a dumbass without backup."
>Weirder things have happened.
Me OMW way to shit in Twilight's bathroom sink
>>286683UR a nasty filly indeed.
Just going to point out that Anonfilly is in the Miss /mlp/ contest again and needs your support.
>>286771>tuba1 = ErikaThat's my filly.
Reclined all peaceful there they lay.
Ignorant to the creeping, say.
Claws on walls and maw wide,
nothing but bestial hunger inside.
The young ones of the equine variety,
(despite the area of high society)
are not safe from these ancient things.
Down on the stoop, a bell thrice rings.
Calling, yearning for the flesh
of something young and sweet to thresh;
it doesn't care too much to knock,
when it can stick a finger in the lock.
Click clack, click clack with great suspension,
(it uses another finger to tension)
and enters now, into the fray
of where the little fillies lay.
Not one will wake, the clock strikes three;
and please do not disregard me:
on this night of nightmares dreary,
remain sharp and ever leery.
>>286771somebody stop that filly she's being too based
>>286777Should've invested in better locks
>>286833Any pin tumbler lock can be picked with the right skills.
Dunno if you all have been following /mlp/, but filly's still in the running.
>>287131>Something about this box, you don't know, is just calming, peaceful>It's just the right size to sit in, but that'd be weird, right?>It's just a regular god damned box>Pushing your thoughts aside, you take a seat inside it and close your eyes>You feel... serene. Like it was meant for you to be in it>The warmth of the sun shining through the window; the gentle, steady hum of the refridgerator, the way it slighty cushions your body>It's peaceful>It wasn't until you heard somebody else walk in that you opened up your eyes>The world seemed a little brighter, more vivid>When you looked at your room-mate staring back at you, holding a laugh back, you tilted your head>"You dumb filly" He finally spit out, chuckling to himself"What?!" You hollered, getting up clumsily
>It was at this moment you noticed what it said on the side of the box>and you let out a sigh of defeat as he came over, holding you tight as you sat in the box
>>287309>Male room-mate>Letting him hold you tightGay.
>>287356hey theres no homo involved, its just bros being bros
>>287368Filly is for petting.
>>286947>Your nightmares aren't of a visceral slasher sort of terror, but a type more true to the life you used to lead.>People you cared about in life need your help, but you can never do anything because you're too far away.>Miles, across a room but bound to a chair, you're always forced to watch as the inevitable happens.>You rub your tired eyes with a hoof as you force yourself to get out of bed.>It takes all of your willpower not to put your head back down on the pillow and pass back out.>You know all that will be waiting for you is more of those awful dreams, and you have to go to school anyways.>Twilight is humming some sort of tune to herself as you climb up onto the chair, greeted by a bowl of some sort of hay-based cereal.>Not great, not terrible.>Purple finally turns around to see what the cat dragged in this morning.>"Somepony was up late last night.""No..."
>"You look exhausted, what happened?""Nothing."
>You've finished about half of the cereal by this point, which is good enough for the day.>You half-stumble out of the chair and go to put on your saddlebags."I've gotta go to school anyways..."
>You feel a hoof bump into your chest as you try to trudge out the door.>"If you're sick you don't have to go, honey.">You don't mind going to school.>It's dull and you don't have any friends there, but you more than welcome the distraction that mindless busy work brings you from all of your awful internal dialogue.>But a day off isn't the worst thing conceivable."...Okay."
>You go back to your chair and slowly eat the rest of your cereal in silence."I've been having nightmares, almost every time I try to sleep."
>"Really? Luna is supposed to handle those.""Well either she isn't doing a very good job or the human brain works a little bit differently. I'm not really sick, just exhausted beyond belief."
>"Do you mind telling me about what happens in them?""I..."
>You start to tear up a bit."Friends I'll never see again are dying, always gruesome. Always nothing I can do."
>You hang your head."Twilight, I never wanted this. Any of this. Is there a way home?"
>"I really don't know Anon, half of my current research is focused on trying to find one but... it doesn't look promising.""Oh."
>You stare at your hooves.>These ugly, blunt implements.>Nothing like your lovely fingers, which you took for granted every day.>You can still remember what it felt like to scratch your face, to pick locks, to type...>Your hooves are getting wet.>With a flash of light, you're sitting on something soft.>"Come here.">You nod, sort of flopping in the direction of Purple's voice.>She pulls you closer with her magic, lifting a thick blanket up over you.>So you're in her bed."Twilight, I'm sorry. I know you're doing your best but..."
>"You don't have to say anything, I know. Just let it out.">For the first time since you've come here, you hug Twilight.>You hug her as tightly as you can and just bawl your fucking eyes out.>You'll probably later blame it on being a filly, but you know you were always capable of this utter display of weakness when you were a man.>You just kept it bottled up inside, building pressure.>Until either the cap gives, or the glass does.>Luckily, this time it was the cap.>You lose track of time lying there, sniffling and sobbing into Twilight's warm barrel.>She started rubbing your back at some point.>You know that it'll probably never get better, but eventually it'll all get a bit easier to deal with.>You dry your muzzle and cheeks with a tissue, still sniffling.>"Does your head hurt?""A bit..."
>"I'm going to get you a glass of water, and then I'll be right back.">You nod, lying there in a daze as she flashes out of existence.>Time seems to drag on before she returns with the glass, which you drink from greedily.>"Do you feel a bit better?""Mhm..."
>"Are you still tired?""Yeah."
>"Do you want me to draw the blinds and lie next to you while you try to sleep? That way if you have any more nightmares I'll be right here.">You ponder for a minute, then smile slightly."I think I'd like that."
>>287496Thats a nice green. A good Purple keeps the psychological horrors at bay.
>>287496>"Twilight, I never wanted this. Any of this. Is there a way home?"WTF anon.
>>287498Keep in mind that in quite a few greens Filly is an unwilling protagonist. Part of what makes the journey enjoyable for the reader is that she isn't always enjoying herself.
Not sure if you still lurk here Skitter, but thank you for this. Warmed my heart.
>>287662Aw what cute little
>>287670Fuck you Carlos!
>>287670Oh yeah, reminds me:
>It's the day after Nightmare Night, and you haven't seen the filly since she came home from school yesterday.>You figured she was out getting candy, but her little possee of autism insisted they hadn't seen her.>So naturally you had started a fucking search party for the bastard, and naturally nothing turned up...>You're sitting on her bed looking through her shit when you hear a small noise from under the bed.>Dammit, are the rats back?>You're about to go get a trap, but knowing is half the battle so you look under the bed.>Anonfilly, still in her fucking Halloween costume."WHAT. THE. FUCK."
>"I-I got stuck in to tube after I climbed in! Can you help me out?">You curse under your breath, grabbing a pair of scissors from the kitchen table and getting ready to cut her out.>Little retard cost you your morning fapp session for the fucking search.>And suddenly, in your state of slightly pissed horniness, you come up with a brilliant idea.>Being careful not to cut her ass, you remove the bottom surface of the tube.>"I think my head might be too big to pull me out that way.""Oh don't worry, you won't be getting out for a while."
>You lube your erect cock up with pre, thrusting hard into your filly.>She lets out a surprised yelp, her hind legs useless to kick you while folded in a lying-down position.>You thrust once more, penetrating her even more deeply.>You can feel the barrier of her hymen, something you intend to break with the next thrust."This is for being such a fucking dumbass!"
>"Fuck you!""No, fuck you."
>You plunge in as deeply as you can, your toy letting out a cry of pain and pleasure as her virgin's mark is shattered.>After a few more thrusts, you finally get out what you've been meaning to ever since you woke up with morning wood today.>You set her down on her ass, knowing that the floor will make a pretty good seal with her cunt and keep your baby batter inside of her for a while.>She's crying.>"W-why would you do this to me?""To teach you a lesson, I'm pretty fucking sure you won't get yourself stuck like a sped student any time soon now."
>You clean up, then put on your nice clothes.>Twilight invited you over for dinner, and you're not going to pass that up.>You leave the filly's fate up to how horny you are when you get back.>Maybe you'll release her and give her a good bath...>But it's more likely you'll want to give anal a shot next.The End.
>>287675>rapeA solution for many problems.
>>She's crying.>>"W-why would you do this to me?"Oof right in the feels. A little bit of foreplay first goes a long way.
>>287675I feel for filly, but am sad for you anon
>>287716That's a filly with the right attitude.
I don't know. Sometimes I think I can draw and then in the middle of it I realize or am reminded that *I can't.
Also, the return button on Okekaki doesn't work if you are wondering what's up with the obvious color fill failures.
I really need to stop trying and exposiong you to this shit. Its worse than that one guy on /sp/ which name I forget and I ain't improving either it seems.
>>287811I'm worst than seb or at least on par.
>>287015Oh yeah, previous pic
>You acquired an airhorn.
>Given to you as a gift by one of Twilight's friends.
>No good deed goes unpunished.
>You were learning about Equestrian spiders in school (being a 20-year old mechanical engineering student before you came here unfortunately meant you were put in the accelerated program) when your teacher let slip that ancient tribesponies used to use their silk for tripwires.
>You got to work immediately.
>At first, you set off the airhorn yourself.
>Twilight was clearly annoyed by you, and even paddled you after the tenth time you did it and made her drop some fine plates.
>You pretended to hate it while filly juices ran down your legs.
>But now, it was time for the 360 noscope.
>You set up the airhorn, trigger set to pull with silk, and tripwire set.
>When Twilight walked into the library, it went off.
>When she found the source of the sound and you absent, airhorn trigger still held down...
>Equestrian spider silk is interesting in the fact that it translates physical binding into binding energy when it is triggered.
>In other words, the airhorn trigger was being held down by nothing.
>And since the amount of energy that can be received from even a small amount of mass being completely efficiently converted is astranomical...
>It's no wonder Equestrain spiders are apex predators.
>Of course, you're not there to watch all of this happen.
>You're doing your homework in your room like a good little filly when Twilight comes in.
>"I believe this is yours!"
>She throws the airhorn at you, and though you could easily catch it, you choose to let it hit you in the nose for maximum sympathy points.
>You mumble out some nonsense.
>"What was that?!"
"Y-you broke it!"
>Like any self-respecting psychopath, you've gotten the ability to cry on demand mastered.
>You sob into your hooves, staring at the airhorn in an oscar-winning imitation of dismay.
>At first Twilight seems suspicious, but as the airhorn finally begins to wesken in strength and the sound of a thousand partying rastamen gives way to silence...
"A-all I've done since I've come here is schoolwork! That was my one reminder of what it was like to be an actual kid, and you broke it!"
>She's slipping.
>"Anon, I'm sorry... I thought you set this up."
"A-after you spanked me I figured you didn't want me to have fun anymore. Maybe Spike did it?"
>Perfect, redirect her unreleased anger into another party.
>"Anon, I'll be right back. I have to deal with a certain dragon. When you've finished your homework, how about we get you something from the toy store for being such a studious filly?"
>You halt the flow of crocodile tears.
>"Yes, really."
>She walks out.
>Use Twilight's own childhood being ruined by schoolwork as a revelation that she could be doing the same to you, then get something you want out of it.
>You slide your already completed history homework out of the desk where you were keeping it concealed.
>Damn son.
>Where'd ya find that?
Colors courtesy of Plunger
>>287899>The pitter-patter of your hooves as you climb out on stage is drown out by the crowd of Anons cheering>But all is not well because you enter with another mare, or well a mare not as you are, a filly>Previous year's Miss /Mlp/ comes up on stage together with you and yopu don't know if the the green horde of faceless skinheads cheer for you or her >You glance at the plug in her ass from last year This time, you think.
This time !!!!!
You have found a Rare Pega Anonfilly!
Will you take it?
>>288025I would start with those lovely frogs, I just wanna caress them
>>288056>those thighs>that pudge>that belly button
>>288025I very much would. This filly needs to be bred.
>"Well done, android. The Enrichment Center once again reminds you that android hell is a real place where you will be sent at the first sign of defiance."
>god you hate this place
>calling that number was the worst mistake you have ever made
>You were in such deep shit that you hadn’t thought things could get worse
>But when you signed that contract you had unwittingly signed away your life to those bastards
>They forced you into increasingly dangerous ‘scientific’ situations which led to injury after injury
>Bones would break but that only gave them the chance to test bone-healing juice
>brain damage? just take this new pill we designed
>It wasn’t until their testing permanently damaged your vocal cords that they couldn’t find ‘real science’ to fix it
>So they had the grand idea to stick you into cryo-sleep until they did
>When you finally woke up you found yourself in a completely alien place
>And that fucking radio
>You thought that it was finally time to fix your speech but instead it was more testing
>But this is different
>before it was the so-called scientists monitoring your progress, but now its all one robot AI
>You have not seen a single human since
>And the way the robot speaks puts you on edge
>The worst of it all was the area behind the broken panel filled with trash and some crazy scribbles telling you the cake is a lie
>The elevator opens up leading to, you guessed it, another test chamber
>”The Enrichment Center regrets to inform you that there are no more Weighted Companion Cubes available”
>”However, due to the best efforts of the Enrichment Center staff we are able to provide you with the latest in companion technology”
>a panel moves aside from the ceiling and tube extends from from the gap
>you hear screaming? it gets progressively louder until something falls out
>You manage to grab whatever the hell it is
>”We here at Aperture Science are proud to introduce the Cylindrical Companion Filly”
>A thick and rough hand finger-comb your black mane along your neck upwards
>After a brief moment petting you while up on your head, his hand sweps down under your head and the entirety of his arm pull you closer to his chest
>You can feel his thick black beard sting you as he breaths, "Ahhh," into your ear before his teeths playfully pinch and nibble on your eartip
>Against your better judgement, you let out a small, but wet and throaty, "AH-haaa..."
"I know yuou want me to put my c-" he begins but gets interupted
>Just because your new female body is playing with doesn't mean you will stand for anything
>Your body twirls around and with all the force you can muster, you slap Anon across his face
>"How cute," he says as your soft hoof leave a red mark on his cheek and makes a almost comical popping sound
>You must plead for his humanity
>You look at him deeply... were his eyes would have been if his face didn't consisted of a question-mark
"Please, Anon. Don't rape me. You know I used to be a man- Its gay!!!" you wail an tears start to well up in your eyes
>At this Anon, only licks his lips
>Anon's lips meet yours and his tongue forces yours up for a dance
>But your tongue refuses and says she has a headache but his tongue presists
>Your teeth protects their tongue by biting down on Anon's
>You get smacked in the face as he pulls his tongue out while shouting in pain
>But now you have a chance, your hoof reach for the phone in your saddlebag and you hit any button which are all made to be hotkeys to the same thing for just this sort of occasion
"Anon, do you remember this song?" you ask
>His attention return to you, while still looking annoyed, he is curious
"What?!" he asks anergily
"Call upon the-"
>Suddenly, drak clouds gather and gallons upon gallons of water rain down upon the streets outside
>The water levels can be seen rising over the windows as water spurts out into the room between the cracks
Shoo-be-doo! Shoo-shoo-be-doo!
>The thick wooden door into the room beneds and then breaks in two as seaponies surf on the waves flooding into the room
<Now I sit in chair far away from the action
"Was this justice?," I ask you."Is human Anon really the bad guy? And what about the seaponies? Is their vigilantism really justified or would it only been right if they had a warrent to enter the building? And what about Anonfilly (you)? How many times have you misused the power of your allies, the seaponies? What is right? *What is wrong? These are questions we'll never be able to answer."
>Be Luna.
>You and a guardmare decide to play a nightmare night prank on the fillies.
>She's talking about some stuff with the fillies when you walk up with the fake knife and act like you're stabbing her.
>Fake blood shoots out and splatters everywhere as she screams.
>Falling limp you begin to cackle as you slowly look at the fillies baring your teeth.
>The fillies are all in a dead stare at you.
>"Lood." One says.
>"Hot." Anonfilly says. "Murder me uwu!" She says putting hooves.
>"uwu!" Repeats the previous one.
>"Honestly that is pretty hot." Another says as they all start approaching you and rubbing against your legs.
>You look down at your guard to see she's just as confused.
And now for another installment of The Series Nobody Asked For!
>A cool autumn day in Equestria>Be the Great and Powerful Anonymous>You are not giving this cloak and hat back>Not even if she asks nicely>It's always nice watching the leaves start to fall in this time before the Running of the Leaves>It's quiet, peaceful>And some days, that's the way you like it>Even if that sun is DIRECTLY IN YOUR HATEPATH"FUCK YOU, YOU SHINING SACK OF SHIT!"
>Somehow, this makes the late morning better>Your calm, collected, and reasonable discussion with Celestia's ward is interrupted by childish giggling>Ah shit, they're up to something>Following the sounds, you end up walking around your cozy house>To find Nonny and Green sitting next to a bound and gagged Starlight Glimmer>...this had better not be exactly what you think it is.>Be a perfectly normal human analysis experiment gone wrong>Better known as Nonny the unicorn>You have a perfectly good explanation for why Commiehorse is bound and gagged"Hey, Anon. Nice to uh... see you here?"
>Damn you tiny horse body, you're supposed to hide the nervousness>"Nonny. Green. Why is Starlight in ropes?""Anon, there's a perfectly good explanation."
>"That explanation better not involve three tickets on an air-balloon ride.""It may or may not, depending on what you consider an air balloon, a ride, and a ticket."
>He knows. Fuck.>You subtly use your perfectly precise magic to take the tickets Green's hiding under her wing, then gently push her in front of Anon>"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!">As she goes flying at Mach 2 into him, you start to book it>This plan was planned, dammit, for like a whole hour!>It's not gonna fail now!>Be a mess of feathers and mild pain, currently known as Green>You're regretting not being allowed to choose a better name>And also regretting following Nonny's plan>"Green. What the fuck is going on?">Anon's groans in pain, and sits up after you were launched at him like a intercontinental ballistic fillymissile"I uh... blame Nonny?"
>"You would, wouldn't you. Starlight, game's over, you can stop with the ropes.">What>Starlight teleports out of the ropes you so carefully tied to make sure that she couldn't>WHAT>"You really didn't have to play their game.">"Well, those two little fillies said they wanted to take me for a hot air balloon ride, and it sounded like fun. They insisted the ropes would make it more fun, but...""How did you? What did you? Huh?"
>"Green. I thought you'd remember by now. What do unicorns have?">Anon points at Starlight's horn, like it's the most obvious thing in the world>Mostly because it totally is you fucking tard.>"Starlight, could you be a dear and find Nonny for me? She and Green here have just a bit of explaining and apologizing to do.">Starlight sighs, and teleports away.>Anon whispers in your ear>"You forgot the magical binding, and to prep the hot air balloon beforehand. That, and she's not a dirty commie anymore. You two can have some salmon later, but I gotta save face here.">Right. He's you. Of course he's secretly on board.>Be Nonny again, master of minds>And realize that you're somehow lost in Ponyville>This place is so small! How did you manage this!?>Shut up, we're small too now>Fair point>But the plan is still going! You have three tickets, a bound Pony Russian, and->You forgot to get SeizeTheMeansOfProduction-light>fuck>And you sacrificed Green already>Fuck!>And a there's flash of blue in front of you, causing your concentration to drop>FUCK"Hey Starlight..."
>She only looks mildly amused as you are teleported back to your house>You might have to take up Twiggle's lessons again for that trick>In front of you is... Anon holding Green by her scruff>"Nonny.">Yup, that's your... his I'm-tired-of-your-shit tone>"Mind explaining to our REFORMED communist friend here what exactly what you were doing?">"Anon, what's a communist?" Stalinlight asks>"Don't worry about it, Star.">You realize there's no real escape route here>...might as well skip to the apology.>"Starlight, I'm sorry for trying to trick you into a wonderful hot air balloon ride.">"Anon, how is a hot air balloon ride bad?">"Nonny, continue.">Fuck, that almost worked."...and for planning to throw you out of that balloon for being part of the Red Menace."
>"I'm sorry too! I mean, I didn't really plan this, but I'm sorry!">Dammit Green, you're such a coward>Should've just taken the fall like I planned you to!>"Nonny, stop glaring at Glimmer. Now, Glimmy, any idea on how to give these two a proper punishment?">He wouldn't, he didn't>"Well, I think that friendship is better than a punishment. I forgive you.">So easily? You smell a trap.>"Especially considering it wouldn't've worked anyway. I'm a unicorn too, you know.""Huh? But... hng. Right, you can teleport. How do you even do that?!"
>Your cries of frustration are halted by Maolight's own idea>"Oh! I could teach you! That way we'll be better friends, and you'll think more next time before trying to throw a non-pegasus out of a balloon!">"That's a wonderful idea, Glimglam. Still at the castle these days?">"Yup!">"I'll send her over... tomorrow morning work for you?">"It's perfect. I still have some things to do today, so I'll see you later Anon! You too, Green, Nonny.">As she poofs away, you scream internally. This was not how this was supposed to go>This is the opposite of how this was supposed to go>And now you have to LEARN MAGIC FROM HER>At least you still have those tickets, there's room for a next ti->DAMMIT YOU DROPPED THE TICKETS WHEN STARLIGHT APPEARED>You resign to sulking for the rest of the day>Such is life being the little green filly.Pastebin, as always:
https://pastebin.com/ikykF1P7 [Embed]
>>288272That's so awesome
>>288278Great as per usual Fajitas, added to the doc and pastebin archive.
Though I'm curious, why is the paste unlisted this time?
>>288316Woah, that's a whole new level of filly gang stalking.
>You can't sleep.
>Maybe it's your shitty sleep schedule, or what you ate for dinner, or even the little oscillating ping of a headache that drips like water in your too-big head.
>Or maybe it's fear.
>Of the unknown? Maybe. No man can know it all, especially when his mind has been shoved into another world.
>Of death in your sleep?
>No, you haven't been afraid of death for years.
>The place you came from was hell, and when it finally happened all you felt besides the unbearable pain was relief.
>You didn't know it then, but you know it now.
>Not even Twilight knows you're otherworldly.
>You keep your grades modest and ask her for help on your homework like you asked your mom for help on studying for your history tests when you were little.
>She always called you Doodlebug, a name you never thought twice about.
>Some time in high school, you learned that it's a name given for a way of movement, one that makes doodle marks in the sand.
>That of an antlion.
>To this day, that past realization still swims in your head on occasion.
>You're not sure if she knew, despite her extensive knowledge of human anatomy you don't recall her having much interest in arthropods.
>But even so, the name fits now more than ever...
>A facade of whimsy with a dark nature.
>You readjust your position in bed, hugging your blanket tightly.
>It's cold, but you don't deserve the warmth.
>In the time after she passed, you changed into something you doubt she would be proud of.
>You feel more awake than you did when she was there to guide you, but...
>You haven't felt consistent happiness since the day before you found out she was going to die.
>Everybody has to grow up some day, and everybody has to wake up too.
>Better you did you surmise, you could've been a manchild or worse without a catalyst...
>Could've been anything, really.
>But now the resin has hardened and, whatever bubbles or little perfections came out of the mold will probably take some work to take out.
>You weren't like the other fillies, and it showed.
>Purple had noticed your emotional distance despite your best efforts, and you'd gone to a shrink.
>Fed him some nonsense, wasn't too terribly hard to make up a convincing story.
>After all, you fantasized about this all once upon a time.
>After all, you're Lone15.
>And at 6:00 in the goddamn morning, you're still not asleep.
>>288318Heard a trick that if you unlist it for a day or so, pastebin wom’t mark it as “Potential Offensive.” Guess that trick was wrong.
>>288449What did he mean by this?
>>288449Touch the fluff, you f-faggot.
>>288449very qt tail a bit short tho desu
>>288486>holding filly by the neck
>>288487She seems to be enjoying it tho
>Be Flurry Heart
>In the levitated mirror in front of you, you check to see if you look presentable as your hooves clack on the crystal floor of the hall
>You look royally because you are
>With a smug smile, your pink magic aura flips open the flap to your saddlebag and gently puts the mirror inside before closing again
>The gaurds open the large double doors leading out and you step out on the broad but few crystal steps leading down to the White Circle as its known among the crystal ponies in the emprie
>Its a round street made by one piece of smooth marble stone that is just outside the entrence of the castle
>Just outside its edge a carriage waits for you
>Two stallions are tied to it in the front and they are standing in attention
>The door leading inside the carriage stands open wide
>Next to it a green unicorn filly with a thick and fluffy black mane stands attention next to its opening
>However, her attention isn't really perfect
>Her eyes are stricktly on you
>You make extra sure that your posture is perfect as you meet her fierce eyes
>You keep up this stare contest between the two of you during your walk to the carriage
>Its a good thing that the White Circle is even ground or otherwise you could have tripped on your way over due to the fact that your not looking at your hooves at all
>But to Tartarus with looking away!
>You are not about to be intimidated by your own bodygaurd
>>288515>Your bodyguard nods upwards as you arrive next to her>Your eyes slowly move passed hers and into carriage as not to show weakness by pulling away too fast >You can feel her gaze on you as you enter >You want to tell her to stop staring but even though you know she will comply, you know she will take it as a sign that she intimidate you >You're not sure but you don't wanna give her that satisfaction >You sit down in the backand turn your gaze to the side to look out of the carriage window >The green filly moves in after you and cloeses the door too >The stallions start trotting as the green filly sits down next to you >You see in the corner of your eyes that she turns towards you ”Excuse me, Princess, and I know I'm nagging but-” she begins.
”If you know then, maybe, just maybe, you shouldn't ask,” you say without hidding your grumpiness
>Be Anon, one of 4chan's finest janitors.
>Scrolling through PTFG while idly running a greasy hand through your tater tot crumb-filled neck folds.
>Oh no, somepony is making fun of beautiful transpeople!
>Your heart palpates as you feel yourself filled with such a rage that you almost shit your pants for the third time today.
>You manage to get your rage under control though, opening the dropdown menu on the post to delete it and warn the poster.
>But today, there's a new option.
>You open up discord to check the 4chan /mlp/ moderation changelogs, but nothing new has been added.
>Well, whatever it does somepony who makes fun of trans flowers surely deserves it.
>You click it, and scoot back through the shit in your pants in surprise as your computer fans begin to run with increased intensity.
>Opening up the task manager reveals that one 4chan tab is using almost all of your system resources.
>How strange.
>And then, as suddenly as it started, it stops.
>And lying on the floor in front of you is a green filly with a black mane and tail.
>"What in the everliving fuck?! God, what is that smell?"
>She looks up at you and her pupils dilate harder than your friends on discord do.
>You stand up for the first time in a week, your XXL sweat pants sliding off.
"You can't say that kind of thing on 4chan, sweetie. All posts must be show-related!"
>"God, no! What did I ever done to deserv-"
>You lift her up roughly by the neck, carrying her over to your bed and biting her neck a bit.
"Tonight is going to be special, Anon."
>>288336Yeah I'm guessing you all hated this. That's okay, I kind of hate it too. Any writing suggestions?
>>288606Sorry I usually don't comment often but I actually really liked it and wouldn't mind seeing more of it. Really liked the way you described how Anonfilly was thinking. Plus the little twist of no pony knowing Anonfilly's true origin and losing the one anchor she had in Twilight. Would be interested to see how she adapts to being technically alone now after losing the one pony who might have had a way home.
>>288336>>2886061. I love it
2. Fuck you
3. I'm busy so commenting all the time is hard like the imminent rape
4. Write moar
5. Try to have some good rest friend
9. You do a good job, so even in the darkest of times even in the bleak Equestria of filler aboose there is hoers pussy afterlife, which happens to also be Equestria.
>>288263>"H-hey d-don't leave me.">The Aperture Science Material Emancipation Grid stands between me and bringing my companion.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Di_flqPYsfs [Embed]>After a few tests and a copper flavored idea I look back toward the Cylindrical Companion Filly."Are you sure?"
>"I don't wanna die faggot!">Faggot, heh.>I'll never be able to live this down, especially if I leave the filly."Absolutely sure about this?"
>"Yes! You cock-sucker!""Say, you remember image cap' of a landline telephone?"
>"Uhhh? Possibly?">"Anon?">"What are doing?">Peeing on the filly I realize something.>"Ugh what the fuck Anon.">Then hack up a wad of spit.>"Fuck you asshole!">"What are you doing?">"Anon! No, oh fuck no!""This is going to be nearly impossible, but it'll all work out in the end."
>Just have to get through all the tests with my inner filly.
Sup Pedofillies!
"Mom! MOM! Come come! Come and look what I taught Winona," you shout as you enter Yellow's little cottage.
>Flutters sits in her green sofa
>You know which one, you autist
>All the little critters that were either peacefully asleep or clam are not wide awake and running away in all directions
"Oh, no. Please, wait everyone its just Nonny. Its..." she tries but the animals don't listen and before not too long they have vacated the area.
>Then you get to see a side of Fluttershy that isn't really known among the ponies of ponyville
>Its a side of Fluttershy that she reserves only for you
>Her anger
>She glares at you
"Anonymous Filly, didn't I tell you to be quiet when I'm dealing with animals?" she asks as she glares at you
>You hold up a hoof as to block the incomming scolding as you look partially away from her gaze
"Yeah, I know but I just gotta show you something. Icontinued toteach Winona trickswiththedogtreats and you just gotta look at what I made her do. ITS HYSTERICAL and Applejack is gonna be super surpri-"
>You get interupted as Fluttershy shut your mouth up with her wing
>You look up at her with wide eyes
"If you're gonna be loud and obnoxious, you can stay with Pinkie. In this house we are QUIET when we speak and we speak S-L-O-W-L-Y so that others can understand. Mmm, do you understand?"
>She looks at you with narrow eyes
>You silently nod and she remvoes her wing
>She nods approvingly at this
"I'm going to forget about you running in here and scaring the animals away because I'm glad you are teaching Winona tricks," Fluttershy says and her frown changes to a smile that is filled with so much love that you can't help but smile back as well, even though part of you still wants to argue that point. "So take it again, but slower this time. You think Applejack will be surprize by this new trick you taught her dog?"
>You rapidly nod several times over
"Yeah," you say. turn towards the door, and start jumping in place. "Come on you gotta see this! Its Aweso-"
>A bit of annoyed expression and a hoof lowerinf in the airform Flutters is enough to make you stop jumping and clam yourself
>She smiles again as to say, "Its fine. No harm done."
>You smile back after being reassured that Flutters won't get mad at you
"And you think Applejack will be surprize because... Its a hard trick?"
>You sahke your head and smile
"No, its just a so... uhh... Unexpected, I guess." You scratched the back of your neck
>Flutters mini snorts in a approving manner
"Okay, I'll come with. Where's Winona?"
"Just outside."
>You walk outside and Flutters follow
>Winona sits out in the yard waiting for you
>She waggles her tail as you approach
>With your green wing, you dig down into an open bag of dog treats
>Pinch one between your feathers and hold it up in front of Winona
>Flutters seems excited as she always is when you're handling animals
>Winona runs up to you and sit down in front of you
>She gives you big puppy eyes as she waits expectantly on your orders
"Show my your puss."
>Immediately, she rolls onto her back
>You turn towards Flutters with a grin
>Her upperlip is heighten and there is a crease between her eyebrows
>>288804>more than 0Gawd I hope so
>>288657Thanks, though I don't really plan on continuing it since it was somewhat painful to write. I try not to do self-insert stuff too often, and the story was more to prove to myself that I could.
>>288756>1.T-thanks Anon.
>3.I'm sorry, that was a bit inconsiderate of me.
>4.Soon, though I don't really have any ideas in particular about what to write other than just continuing Chilly. Do you all want to see that?
>5.Thank you, I'm doing my best.
>9.I'd probably take any Equestria over right here and right now.
>>288822I wouldn't worry too much about the self insert stuff. Feel like Anon/Anonfilly most the time is either the super slick memer trouble maker or a self insert and both are fun to see how the author has them approach situations. Truth be told though the whole self insert idea is what has stopped me from writing one myself since I was worried about doing it but lots of others including you pull it off well.
>>288822I wanted to get my point across I really do appreciate you as you are. Have some poner friend.
Sorry it had to be abrasive.
>>288842It's fine, I can take it and I didn't think you meant any ill by it.
>>288844I am rendered weak by the wholesome of this pic
>>288898Purple best momfu.
>>288809>Consent Now its zero.
>>288839I go partial self-insert normally, just enough to sort of put myself in the scenario because that helps me write. I almost never write a 1:1 myself as the filly though, which is what I was trying to prove to myself that I could do there; as it frustrated me that I couldn't do so in the past. Made me feel incredibly uncomfortable before, but I guess my recent (rather considerable) allotment of time spent on introspection has helped. I see self insertion as a hammer-like tool. Used on nails, it's fine. But if you use a hammer where you should be using a torque wrench...
I try to keep its use limited.
>>288898Isn't it gay to succ those, since that's where the dick would be if she had one?
>>289138>gayThat's breastfeeding anon.
>>289138Why ask that?
>thinking about imaginary dick...
>is it gay?Short answer, no.
Long answer: Noooooooo. The spoilered TLDR make your answer or question into some content.
What is the reproductive capabilities of all life. Now compare normal functions to the additions of pony futa dick that could perform an autoponerboobjob. The filler in question is sucking the nips, not the space inbetween. Not resting on anything else, and is a requirement for survival. Because you'll ask, but imaginary dick again as a rebuke. If there isn't a point for survival and proper child rearing then something may be fucked. I'm not a stickler for anything, but why ask that? Would sucking balls be gay? Yes. Would sucking dick be gay? Yes., if an anonfilly does it where's the line? That's not the point here. On a level on all mammalian beings breast feeding isn't gay even female on female because that's required to grow into a healthy functioning adult. Anything else is in fetish territory, and fucked up edge cases. So no even with an extra set it's noy gay in that instance, but it does has a higher possibility of gayness, and faggery.
Fuck it dude, it's one thing to write something on a position on the gayness of the thing rather than just the imagined form in which case I am sure there is examples of where the answer could be self deduced. Then it's just an one off question that you could have answered in writing a green or story or image or amythinf. Where you say yes or no and then others would say, that's wrong this is the right answer or say sure neat premise. Instead it's one sentence that is almost not a contribution, it isn't a life mystery because through context and situational evaluation the answer could be unearthed. Fucking damnit.
>>289139>>289151Yall should know by now what a stupid question from a british flag entails
Futa is gay as fuck and if you want to see dick so bad you put it on what is supposed to be a woman you're gay.
>>288524>Be Anon, one of 4chan's finest janitors.
>>289151Can I get some sauce on that spoiled image? I know this is off-topic for the thread, but I always like expanding my collection of pony hentai when it appears, as it can be rare from what I've seen.
>>289259>>285860 →>>285918 →Have fun. As always support the offical release or something. A kind anon has translated it.
>Be Anonfilly the thirtieth
>The last fillies few dozen fillies that Twilight brought through were amazed.
>Completely broken people
>but as fillies...
>Well calling them Anon fillies wasn't quite right.
>Honestly the fact purple has sunk a lot of money and time into rehabilitation is kind of heart warming.
>Some of their pasts are disturbing and fucked up from hearsay and rumors, although nothing is really confirmed about any one of them.
>In fact right about now should be when Twilight opens a portal and yoinks a few guys from... somewhere.
>"It's her! Horn head brought Her here!"
>"The last woman."
>Scrambling to the large lab underneath the tree castle a colt stood shakily.
>A cold gaze full of murder.
>"See that boys, she's here! Hip-hip!"
>Honestly these guys have screws loose.
>One drunkard filly stumbles down the steps along with one wearing cheap sunglasses.
>More fillies start to make their way down.
>An emaciated crazed filly makes it down too.
>A fascination with trumpets is nice for some memery.
>"So you've come yet again despite all odds, my daughter."
>"Daughter? That's-hick-my daughter!"
>A small filly fight starts, yet again.
>It's a miracle how durable being a pony really is.
>Especially how serious some fights are taken.
>Four figures though catch the eye of the colt.
>Then something clicks and previously last female looks closely at every single filly in attendance.
>Twilight ignoring all of that takes her, the colt, into her wings in a hug.
>"Everything is going to be okay now."
"Bump!" you8 shout and the resurection spell was successful.
>Another green filler looks over at you
"Was that really necessary?" she asks
>You take off your cult hoodie and pour a bucket of water on the ritual incantation fire
"Of course, didn't you see we're about to be bumped off the board. Don't know what's going on lately but every over thread got like one post in them after our last. We weere about to be pushed off the-" You make a dramtic gesture in the air with your cutsy tiny hoof. "- the edge."
>Your green sis still doesn't seem to get it
"Yeah, so what, we'll just create a new thread before we reach the bump limit in that case. And it will be easy enough to find the thread in the archive since it just got bumped off. No big deal."
>You frown at her and give her these slow headshakes of disapproval
"Mama Purple would be disapointed with you, Anon."
>"So Hornet, how's living with Fluttershy going?"
"It's... going."
>>290187>Filly in troublesI wasn't expecting that.
>>289425I haven't played Lisa, but this was interesting. Keep up the good work Occult.
>You've always been a sucker for the old times.
>Reminiscing on memories, tainted by the sweetness of certain things mostly forgotten.
>A game you used to play with a certain group, neglecting how you were the butt of quite a few jokes.
>An old friend, forgetting how much the two of you would go off on autistic tangents without consideration for each others interests.
>Bound as kin by time, and a certain ethereal sense of space.
>Speed of electron, then by speed of photon...
>Almost united, separated by milliseconds.
>The escapism may even be softened by the fresher smell...
>A living, breathing thing.
>The thread.
>You gave your time to it, your tears and your hopes.
>And eventually your hopes smiled upon you and unfolded 3-dimensional paper into a green fuzzy version of you.
>But it all came too late, you had already slid off of the ledge...
>The most you could hope for now was to be some insane biologist's pet project, figuring out how something vaguely equine like you came into being.
>And then, in an instant, it all stops.
>Ahh, just like in the Hudsucker Proxy!
>You're saved!
>Unfortunately, the Hudsucker Proxy only accounts for the stoppage of time, not the stoppage of all the other pesky giblets of physics.
>And when time releases, you are flung into the pavement.
>So there is life after death, you realize as you process the events that led up to this point with the impossible; a ghostly mind with all the functionality of a meat one.
>A voice booms down from above.
>"I apologize, my time-stopper is a bit rusty. Normally you'd still be alive."
"Doesn't that violate the laws of physics?"
>"The laws I created? Pah, suggestions for me. So, Earth or Equestria for your second chance?"
"You can give me a second chance?"
>"I don't see why not. You've done nothing wrong."
"But what about-"
>"I'm God, not the NSA. You are good at heart, where do you want to go?"
Cyoas have been dead for a while, probably won't carry this on more than a few more (non-cyoa) posts but the question is yours to answer.
>>290187From the thumbnail i thought the baby spiders on the filly were bug bites and stings
>>290257Let's fuck around on earth, I haven't seen many stories from that angle.
Is anyone even still here?
>>290978None but the fillies
>>290978Of course silly filly.
It happens that the board is filled with a wave of newfags. Waiting for things to settle down to retake our filly daily routine.
>>290616>>290257"Well, not many stories go for earth."
>"Fair. Is that what you really want? You won't get a second chanceto choose.">You think about it for a second.>Equestria is great, but you've made friends here.>People you never want to leave behind, even if it's harder to talk to them online with hooves."Yes."
>In an instant, you're whole again.>The experience leaves you wondering if this whole thing,or maybe part of it is a dream.>You try to pinch yourself, but you can't on account of your new extremities.>Afwully restrictive for a dream.>You bite down on your tongue a bit now, feeling pressure and a bit of discomfort.>But no pain...>You hit yourself.>Ouch, yeah that stung.>Now, where the hell are you?>You've seemingly shifted location from the bottom of the tower, but it's still the same time of day.>You look around, but you don't recognize any of these buildings.>You see businesses that are chains in your general region alone, but no recognizable landmarks...>You'll probably be able to find a map somewhere nearby, or maybe some chick at that Starbucks across the street will be kind enough to point you in the right direction to your apartment.>You choose the latter, since you figure some dumb liberal arts major will be pretty likely to scratch your ego hard by telling you how cute you are now.>Trotting across the early-morning street, into the Starbucks, you find yourself in the midst of an intense gaming session by the window.>You wait until the black-haired chick has gotten in the final K.O., and then pipe up about directions.>The woman grins at you, clearly amused by your obvious lack of humanity.>"Beat me in a round of Super Sexual Smackdown and I'll give you directions home, kid.">"Christ Lola, are you trying to get us arrested?!">"Oh, right. That's the name of the game, horse girl.">"That's hardly better!"To be continued
>>291007>>283311 pic related
>tfw it send you to Earth far away from all your friends>These feels.
>>291029Fuck, you reminded me that this thread is over two goddamn months old now...
>>282682I'm replying so you know that somepony wants you and cares about you.
>Be Philomena the phoenix
>Resting and plotting in the pet's bed room.
>Your pet and treasured friend Sun pone brought another one of her servants to you.
>A little green hoers, like really little.
>"Sup hot stuff. So what are we doing with the spicy chicken wing?"
>"My dearest little pony, this is Philomena."
>A most honorable of greetings from the spices of life.
>She may have the potential to be a poner of note.
>"Yeah, what the birb said."
>Oh, oh my none of the pones have ever accepted the bonds of commitment so quickly.
>"So cut to the chase Sun butt."
>Top 30 poners at least.
>"Well... you said you wanted to demonstrate one of your winter holidays as you said 'a Burger day of stuffing a bird and eating fuck tons,' so here we are."
>How lewd.
>"What? I mean yeah, but what? You stuff a turkey then you eat it with gravy and cranberry sauce and loads of other stuff!"
>Consorting with turkeys!?
>What madness they have to have committed.
>but that's kinda hot
>hopefully she can't see the blushes we both sport
>"What's with those looks?"
>We give each other a look, a mutual nod.
>"Let's head to the royal kitchen. Tell us more about this holiday."
>Gravy, and friends, and especially family.
>Being thankful, and the all the sorts of things one could partake in for this carnal lust filled festival.
>'Roasting' a turkey for almost the entire day.
>watching the tiny green lewd poner work to make a miniature feast for an example
>"Since I didn't have a bird here's what I've got. Just keep in mind there's supposed to be a lot of food."
>Your the bird!
>"Technically not cannibalism, since you're a phoenix. Anyway, sure you get first serve."
>The things placed on a serving plate with utensils, nothing at all lewd.
>It's just placed on there.
>Wait did the pone say
>Did she mean that...
>"Oh, I forgot you ate meat as a human."
>"Uhhh, I mean that's what I've been talking about."
>Hopefully she'll still be up for 'stuffing the turkey' maybe for a hearthswarming present.
>>291233Good, but needs more horsepussy.
Drip-drop, you hear as the rain hits your hoodie
>You have a mixture between a mask of complete disgust and anger as you glare at another filly
>Your about the same length but the way she holds her head she still peers down on you
>You gazes met through a glass window on a train
>She has an yellow coat and a green mane that shoots up and then archs downwards to the her left side
>She is also a unicorn like yourself
>The train starts to slowly roll away
>At first, you merely follow the other filly as she moves further and further to the right
>Then, she breaks eye-contact
>You start to run up to her cabin and from there keep the pace of the train
"I won't forget this!" you shout causing her to look up and back at you
>Her eyes half-lidded and a wicked sadistical smile on her lips
"You? You were a loser in your past life and you're a loser now. What can you do?" she asked as she chuckled a bit
>You have to run faster now to keep up with th train but you still manage to yell out to the other filly
"I swear it! If its the last thing I do, you will pay!" you shout at her
>She shakes her head and her expression changes to something that makes your bold boil even more but also makes your heart jump infright: A pitying expression
"Hehe..." She adjust her mane with one of her hooves. "You shouldn't make promises you cannot keep, it only makes you look weak."
>She grins wickedly again
>You open your mouth to shout something more at her when you notice that she is moving further and further ahead of you along the train station...
>The train station that is soon ends in front of you with huge fences
>You grind to a halt but still end up stopping by bouncing in lightly in to the fence
>You shake your head and look back at the other filly that is quickly getting out of sight
How would Anonfilly react if a dumb yak, in one of their fits of rage, destroyed the last few things she had to remember her past human life by?
>Twilight tells Anonfilly she should forgive the yak and not be mad at them since it's in their custom to smash stuff
>>291719>random yak fucks shit up again>ruins important memoir>Twilight says forgive and forget>it's their 'custom'>depending on how important and pissed varies the degree of evisceration to be delt out.>For the Yak or Twilight>after all it's just my 'custom' to do unto others as they have done unto me.Besides poking them so they become better people over all is just an added bonus. If it's a friendly poke or one fueled just so is all context dependent. Messing with sefl-actualizing people fhat know themselfs to the fullest extent is a pretty bad idea.
>Be Anonfilly
>It's been a few months since Aryanne adopted your little sister Verity.
>She wasn't taken care of well at the orphanage, and she was practically skin and bones when your mom brought her in on her back.
>Aryanne refused to give up on her though, and you didn't either.
>She just recently started going back to school with you (something that took some convincing for Aryanne to allow, but she took enough time off from her job as a race official to take care of her fillies already).
>It was probably only about two weeks of instruction before you were released for winter break though.
>And today...
>Is Christmas day.
>Or Hearthswarming, you suppose.
>But that just doesn't sound quite right.
>The snow has blanketed most of the outside world, but since most houses in Ponyville don't have electricity anyways the three of you aren't any worse for ware.
>Aryanne looks tired, but there's a warm smile on her face as she leads the two of you downstairs
>You weren't interested in getting any gifts, which is a good thing because Aryanne had gone all-out on spoiling Verity this year.
>A wide assortment of practical and child-appropriate gifts lay beneath the tree, with Verity's excitement growing as she tapped her little hooves on the hardwood floor.
>This would be the first Christmas where she was given anything more substantial than a hearty meal, and despite the drab coloration of her coat she was practically glowing with joy as she carefully unwrapped everything.
>Of course, in her modesty she offered every one of her presents to you, which you obviously declined every time.
>This was her year, last year's Christmas present of showing up in Aryanne's loving embrace after your untimely demise was enough to last for many years to come.
>By the end of the unwrapping, Verity had a slight frown on her face though.
>"Vhat is wrong, fräulein?"
"Oh, nothing. Nothing at all. I just feel bad that I didn't get anything for Anon, I didn't even really know what a Hearthswarming was until a few days ago..."
>Your heart wrenches at the thought of not knowing the joys of Christmas.
>Sure, Halloween was always your favorite holiday, but such implications go beyond cruelty.
>You manage to hold back your tears long enough to beckon your little sis over.
"Verity, can you put your forelegs around me? I want to show you something."
>"Alright, Anon."
>She does as she's told, and you wrap yours around her in kind.
"You're all I need this year for Hearthswarming, Ver bear."
>>291999not dead, asleep until the newfags calm down (and probably also for the night.)
>>292000Checked and this.
The new activity in the board is a distraction. Filly posting requires luv and dedication. Just shitposting won't cut it.
>>292002If someponer can add the cutie mark to the pic I'll be grateful; and filly too.
I've got a confession to make... I've always wanted the filly more than I wanted to be the filly. I'm sorry it had to be this way, but I'm not sorry. Ur gay.
>Be Anonymous the filly
>Plotting in the park on the weekend, with a quill and scroll in hoof.
>You've had a deliciously devious idea, see...
>That one episode in poneshow gave a great thought.
>Watching the ponies walking about with flanks swaying, the other day comes to mind as well.
>A recent retelling of past events by various poners made the cogs turn.
>You're going to make Aryanne, your momfu, and the whole pony race proud.
>It'll take a little setup, but all the power will be had!
>To fuel friendship of course.
>First contacting the local drug supplier Zecora the not quite a zigger.
>For some seeds.
>Actually a lot of them just incase.
>But how will you aquire a two tone seven pound cheese wheel that plays patty cake?
>No matter, the next best thing will have to do.
>A reed mat, and mind sharp enough to peirce the heavens.
>So just a reed mat.
>Twilight walks in your sunlight
>"Anon, what are you doing?"
>but she does at times have a good mind on her.
"Oh just doodling out some ideas, say Twilight do you have any books on meditation or ways to have more self control?"
>She looks a bit stumped.
>"You? You're asking about self control? I mean yes I'm sure there's something."
>Following the purple princess to her rape castle of bookitude being wrapped up in thoughts once more.
>The scroll stares back innocently.
>Twilight hoofing, handing over books.
>Now to read the mysterious pony rune script.
>Enough words and pictograms, and runes to drown a whale.
>All things considered it's...
>Going better than expected.
>Still figuring out what order to go in is going to be hard without having to scrap everything.
>Once it's going there's going to be a bit before it starts accelerating, and any little push from any source can ruin everything.
>Going to have to make a mental macro to guide the will and magic.
>Thankfully occultic principles, memes, physiology, psychology, scientific method, math and computer programming have the solution.
>Now to visit Zecora for some floral fun.
>And get your fill of seed.
>Thirty minutes of walking into the slightly dark forest and encountering a dark force.
>She's finishing up her brew.
>"Anon what matters do you seek, hurry and speak."
"I'd like to buy some seeds of truth."
>The zebra rises her eyebrowes.
>Soon enough once the potion is done she gives the seeds over without a fuss.
>"May I ask pray tell, what you'll do with such a kernel"
"Well... honesty is the best policy. Sooooo. Bye, thanks Zecora."
>She blinks expecting more, but your already gone.
>Leaving the forest, one last stop before the full plan can take form.
>The flower shop.
"Sup, can I get some Heart's Desire?"
>"Sure, 2 bits."
>Honestly the price of power all at the low cost of two bits is well worth it.
>Heading to a place where you won't be disturbed it's time for an impromptu lunch.
>It's time for /üb/er cutiemarks
>You're about to become the ÜBERPONE!
>Eating the flower you can feel tingling, and you know deep down what your heart's desire is.
>A foundation sturdy enough for what is about to be done.
>A will strong enough to resist the urges.
>Mind, Body, and Soul aligned.
>Now to practice being at rest.
"Ahhhh. So that's how laying down ought to really feel."
>Now to really get to business.
>Trickles of wanting to lie there forever as that's your sole purpose in life linger hauntingly.
>It's temping too.
>Standing you smile.
"I am me! I AM MYSELF!"
>Amusingly a little cutie mark of you with all other cutiemarks apears as well.
"Amino Dorime."
>For psudo latin its quite catchy.
>Looks like It's time to dive deeply into the esoteic oceans of reality.
>You've prepared materials.
>You're going to get cutie marks in almost all the most important things first.
>Then friendship the pinnacle.
>What's really the price to help ensure your friends, and fellow poners make it through this bizarre world.
>With monsters and villains, and people simply down on their luck.
>The biggest one of all communication errors.
"Hmmm, hmm hmm hmmmm, you're all my very best friends."
>After all any pony can do it too.
>Maybe suggesting an emergency room to have super ponies on demand.
>>292000Why don't the newfags post here?
>>292009That's okay, someone has to take care of the filly.
>>292018Good read, i enjoyed it.
>>292032They still think ponies are degenerate
>Be Celestia.
>Be embarrassed.
>"Moi gigantá." The small green filly you are regretting bringing on a political mission says lowly.
"Shut up!"
>You whisper yell.
>You think she got the point based on the silence.
>"El lardo largo."
>She says again clearly looking at one of the political figures you were supposed to be discussing trades with who is... heavy set.
>"La creaturé de foreign."
>>292018>You're going to make Aryanne, your momfu, and the whole pony race proud.Based filly.
Remember to give writefags (You)s if you want them to stick around.
>>292163It was the only solution for pics related. Despite what every filly said, the anoncolts (with a few exceptions) began a sex ring, that would given enough time destroy pony society.
Surprising that there were even anoncolts, but seeing the glittering neon fillies and colts made it a bit less weird.
>>291007>You gulp as you pick up the second controller.>What if your new hooves made the game nigh impossible?>You select the most powerful looking character, a duck with a massive razor-blade coated strap-on.>The woman's smirk reveals nothing about whether or not the character is any good.>The game starts.>You manage to get a hang of movement rather quickly, but you suspect attacking will be trouble.>Wait a second...>These controls, you know them.>Well, you don't fucking know them, but you certainly know the type.>You begin mashing buttons furiously. >The duck begins to do all sorts of crazy shit, and the woman gets her health knocked down half of the way before she can block.>"You're better than I would've thought.">You continue to mash, and eventually score your first K.O.>It turns out spam is punishable by blocking and then performing a certain combo, because you lose the next round.>Sweat begins to run down your muzzle as you prepare to perform your most daring maneuver yet.>When the chick charges you, you hold up on the D-pad and fly over her.>Before she can turn around, you unleash a fury of button mashing.>You noticed that shields only exist on the front side of characters, so victory is yours."136 East Chestnut Street."
>The woman looks pissed, but pulls up her phone.>"There's nothing like that around here, kid.""What? Are we not in Newbury?"
>"Nope, welcome to Los Angeles California.">You look around in horror.>Why didn't you notice all of the faggots?To be continued.
>>292183>>292185this but unironically
>>292184>LAshit, Anon's getting AIDS now
>>292183Damn you're a faggot.
>>292166>>292169Worry not, I have sfw and nsfw edits.
>>292184In commiefornia. You have my deepest sympathies. Time to evacuate.
>>291734How would Anonfilly react if he were in Equestria ruled by King Sombra or whatever their version of the Nazis is?
>>292275>You mean the rule of princess Celestia.
>>292279Then what’s their equivalent of the Allies?
>Be Anonfilly the filly
>Adopted by Rarity
>Her boutique changed quite a lot to suit your needs
>It's still focused on her creative endeavors, but now there's a spot for you
>In fact she's constantly working, and never at rest except on spa days
>or on an outing with friends
>That's where you are in a mud bath relaxing and talking with your momfu Rarity and Fluttershy is there too
>"Darlings, I've just gotten a letter from my grandmother she's visiting."
>"Oh, she's visiting?"
>There seems to be some sort of commotion.
>"That's right I'm here."
>Cucumbers slide off
>A graceful white old mare with vibrant emerald hair
>She gives the impression snapping your neck or anyone else's would only be a minor inconvenience.
>"Fluttershy my dear you've been keeping up your practice?"
>"Oh yes ma'am. Harry has found it to help a lot with stretching, and relaxing."
>"It's only ma'am when we're on the mat. Purity is just fine dear. How about you my dearest, oh? Who's this little one?"
>"My adopted daughter-"
>Speaking over each other.
>Purity quickly gets in your face looking at you right in the eyes, muzzle to muzzle.
>"You'll fit in just fine. I see bits of Magnum in your eyes. Yes just like my son."
>She moves back a bit.
>Then boops you.
>"No, just like my granddaughter Rarity. We're going to bring forth your inner purity."
>The old mare jumps into the mud, the mud loses.
>>292445>The old mare jumps into the mud, the mud losesThats not how you mud wrestle
I fucking hate this discord circlejerk thread, but they've got more fucking drawfags than we do so if you want to crop shit out for reaction images then go right ahead.
God I fucking hate myself and I fucking hate what shitcord has done to this thread.
Thanks anon.
>You've been adopted by Twilight Sparkle after a magical mishap.
>You walk around this weird town gardens and strange town layout.
>Roads are not really a thing, just side streets, and gardens.
>It's packed together.
>There is just one small sticking point
>She's getting fucked by every pony for the good of Equestria.
>Really puts ur mum gay into perspective when she's the public bus and everyone gets a free ride.
>Not only that every pony is expected to contribute to the sex fueled protective orgy.
>A cloptopia.
>The outdoor sex conga with Sparkle as the recipient she nods off.
>"Well Twi is unconscious, and we didn't even get our turn yet..."
>Their lust filled eyes turn to you.
>Stallion, mare, filly, and colt.
>The town planner though has glinting eyes at the possibilities.
"Fuck this shit I'm out."
>That's how the weekly lust run started.
>>292588Good, now filly will get a workout and burn off some of that pudge one way or the other.
>Sounds akin to a voracious African wife beating come out of your bathroom.
>You shake your head.
"You didn't have to eat all of them you fucktard!"
>The wet sounds of Nonny's voracious shitting are joined by a cacophony of spattering vomit.
>And then, everything stops and you can hear her soft sobs.
"I hope you know you're cleaning all of that up yourself. I expect the floor to be spotless."
>Full-on bawling.
>That'll show her to eat an entire large bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos without sharing.
>>292656That looks like a half double size squishy filly.
>>292656That is to say, very good and cute
>>292656God fucking dammit I didn't mean to namefag that, sorry guys.
>>292656>chubby fillyIt's good.
Something I wrote for mompone thread.
>Be kid Anon
>Coloring in a picture of you and mommy.
>All of a sudden there's a bright flash of light.
>"Ow! Motherfucker..."
>Surprised, you look over to the source of the noise and find a green filly about half as tall as you.
>"God, do you have some fucking water? My head is killing me."
>You nod.
>You're a big boy, you can get it for this mysterious filly.
>Mommy showed you how to operate the faucets here, though you still need to move over the stool from the bathroom to get high enough to fill the glass.
>You get back into the living room and present it to her.
>"Thanks uh... don't let go of it quite yet."
>You nod, holding onto the glass loosely as she tilts it with her hooves.
>"So, where the fuck am I? Oh right, you're a kid, I probably shouldn't swear."
"Ponyville, of course."
>"Sounds gay... you haven't seen a penis lying around here somewhere? Mine seems to be missing and that's a bit upsetting."
"Uh... you can't have mine."
>"Nevermind. Are there any adults around?"
>You nod, going to get mommy.
>Be Roseluck.
>After a few months and some lengthy paperwork, you're finally officially Green Hornet's guardian.
>Anon was excited to have a playmate, but your filly is somewhat lethargic.
>Most days she'll just listen to the radio or read.
>You're worried about her, truthfully.
>You've scolded her a few times for not spending time with you and Anon, but you decided to try a more gentle approach after you heard her crying in her room one night when you got up to go to the bathroom.
>The books she's reading are mostly scientific, which is odd since she really shouldn't understand most of the terminology.
>You push open the door to her room gently, and she looks at you with annoyance.
>"Don't you ever knock? What if I was getting off?"
"Well, it isn't heat season."
>"Well, in any case I'm busy. I need to get back to Earth, and I'm not going to do it by spending time with you and your little retard human."
>She covers her mouth after she realizes what she's said, but you aren't angry.
>Just worried.
"Human? Earth? What are those?"
>Her expression sinks and she buries her nose into the physics journal she's reading.
"Look at me."
>"I have to get home, Roseluck. I've got a real mother who's probably worried sick about me."
>You come over and sit next to her on the bed.
"Tell me about your real mommy."
>"You don't have to patronize me with that language, I'm not a kid..."
>She pauses as you get under the covers with her.
>"She's always been there for me, I practically lived at her place after my girlfriend died. Only did the minimum amount of work to pass my classes, and she just... took care of me. Eventually I got into grad school, and I was close to figuring out how to create a sustained space fold. There was a big ceremony with her and all of my colleagues. I had put on the heavy space suit and I was stepping through the fucking gateway. God, that look of pride on her face almost made it the happiest day of my life."
>Big tears start to pool in the corners of her eyes.
>"I'm sorry... this is just your family, I didn't want to intrude on it and I've got my own. Somewhere out there..."
>She gestures out the window into the night sky.
>You hug her close, and for the first time since you've taken her in, she doesn't try to cut it short or protest.
"Is there anything you need to build your way home?"
>"Not unless anyone here has the faculties to synthesize hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of Plutonium."
"I don't even know what that is, I'm sorry..."
>She starts to cry for real now, and you do the only real thing you can.
>Pull her into your embrace and let her use your fuzzy barrel like a tissue.
>Anon and Hornet are getting along a bit better now.
>She's taught him how to play "chess", a made-up game with surprisingly complicated rules.
>You were a bit miffed that she melted your good silverware set to make the pieces, but after you saw how happy she was when she was playing you decided to let it go.
>Despite her initial misgivings with your son, she seems to enjoy playing against him.
>Not because he's particularly good at the game you suspect, but because it's a little piece of her old life that has come back to her.
>You haven't sent her to school like Anon yet because you think most of it will be useless to her, but you remember her words about getting home.
>You don't understand half of what she says when she starts talking about what she did back before she came here, but you do know that you need a high school diploma and very high test scores to attend Canterlot University.
>You'll discuss it with her tomorrow.
>After a lengthy discussion with the school board, Hornet has agreed to go back to school as long as she only has to repeat her last quarter year of traditional schooling.
>She's proven herself to have everything she needs to graduate and has passed almost all of her exams with perfect scores (with the exception of history, which she only seemed partially interested in).
>She gives you a tight hug and a whispered 'thank you' before she runs off into the building with all of her fellow students that are probably at least twice as big as her.
>You wait all day with bated breath, but a carrier pigeon reveals that something is wrong.
>When you get to the school building, Ms. Cheerilee is stroking your filly's mane while she holds an ice pack up to her face.
"What happened?"
>"She caught one of my other students cheating."
>You nod and let Hornet ride on your back (something both of your kids seem to love) while you trot home.
"Fucking bastards..."
>"You shouldn't swear like that around kids."
>You laugh and she lets out a pained one too.
"The fucker didn't hurt you anywhere else, did he?"
>"She, and no. Just socked me in the face with a hoof."
>>292727>You continue on in silence, electing to stop at an ice cream shop.>You get a pint for Anon and tell them to keep it in the freezer while you and Hornet sit down and enjoy."Do you still want to go to school?"
>She shrugs.>"I have to if I want any chance of getting home, the school board was pretty clear about that.""Have I ever told you about Anon? Why he is the way he is?"
>"No, I just assumed he was some Earth kid that got stuck here some other way.""It isn't apparent, but when he showed up in my living room his head was a bloody mess. They couldn't find a quarter of his brain tissue, with what little they could they really only had one choice. Give him a second chance at whatever he was with what they had left."
>"God, that's awful... so you don't even know who he was before he came here?""The only identifiable items he had on him were all in some unknown language."
>"Do you still have them?""At home, but-"
>"Let me see them.>...>You're not sure if this is a good idea, but you gave Hornet the yellow wallet with the strange markings on it.>She pulls out the slip of paper.>"I can read it, but you're not going to like it.""Please."
>"To my dearest mother, this is the only way I can see out. I put enough and water out for Clementine to be well-fed and hydrated until your next visit. I'm sorry for everything.">For once, Hornet initiates the hug as you begin to sob.>...>You stand next to Anon in a crowded auditorium, proud as can be.>All of the other ponies here look quite different from you, wearing their spectacles and labcoats.>The closest cutie-mark you can see to your own belongs to a pony you stand next to who's ID badge says she's a botanist."That's my girl up there."
>"You must be quite proud, I hear she's at the forefront of applying theoretical physics.""I don't understand much of what she talks about, but she's dreamed of this day for years."
>Hornet comes out onto the stage, a little bit taller than when you last saw her but looking happier and healthier than ever.>"I could go on and on about how we're finally going to the stars, but every one of you that cares about the jargon has read my papers, and I suspect everypony else is ready to see some fireworks.">You can hear a pin drop in the hall.>"Oh come on, you can muster more of a reaction than that.">All around you hear the hesitant cheers of hundreds of eggheads.>"That's a bit wimpy, but I'm sure you'll be impressed enough when I turn it on.">She trots over to a massive grey panel and, after a few moments of fiddling around, finally goes back to the podium.>You can see a massive red button has been attached to it.>You wave at her, and she smiles.>"I couldn't have done any of this without my mother here...">She gestures to the massive metal structure behind her.>"And my mother through there.">The button is pressed, and for an instant all of the lights go out.>The only illumination is the slight hint of daylight coming in from the windows as you watch your daughter run head-long into the space created within the metal behemoth.>A fraction of a second before she can make it completely, the lights turn back on.>You rush to the stage with the others, but find no trace of the filly except for a small amount of hair that one of the ponies standing next to you notes has been severed more cleanly than any pair of scissors could be.>And a small note taped to the button.>'Roseluck, I'm sure you knew this was coming. To all of my colleagues and friends, I'm sorry I had to leave so abruptly. Do not try to reach me, as the amount of energy required to do so again will probably burn out the university power system again (sorry about that).'>'I am not from this place, but I was lucky enough to enjoy the warmth of its inhabitants for my relatively short time here. Am I making a mistake returning home? Perhaps. Will I return to my people unscathed? Perhaps not. But whether or not I retain my hooves, I feel a need for closure.'>'Anon, keep up your chess game. You almost beat me that last time, though I'm too much of a prideful bastard to say it to your face.'>'See you space ponies. Thank you for everything.'~Fin.
>>292727>>292728>'See you space ponies. Thank you for everything.'Thank you poner. Good green.
this is ice cream
this is not lewd
lewd intervened
Can I get a recommendation for some comfy green?
>>292784Me, bottom center
>>292804>>292806>mfw newfags get butt hurt
>>292816**oh you mad mad, lol!**
I don't think you understand. I do not want to fuck fillies. I want to fuck or be fucked as a grown man who is now inside of a filly's body. I'd think you could use some more creative and appropriate insults.
>newfag doesn't know about our resident shitposter
>>292819does becoming an anon filly have the same rules as isekai anime? (a blessing from truck kun?) if you do becoming an anon filly, what pairings do you prefer. (Human M + Anon filly or Pony F + Anon filly etc.).
>>292826I forgot, (I've been gone for awhile)
>>292828anime is for nerds idk
I'll take anything but the more ponies the better.
>>292829>anime is for nerds idkyou've never enjoyed an anime?
>I'll take anything but the more ponies the better.personally I would like to see more Human F + Pony (somebody did a one-off pinky pie image with that idea and it was amazing) show accurate pony + human is my preference (not a big fan of horse cock).
>>29281599% sure he's talking about kysnigger.
>>292828Welcome back!
>>292839yeah, the deleted post was definitely our resident shitposter, but he also replied to a regular post I'd made, and that's the part I was confused about
>>292839>>292841Now now, KYS filly is many things but a newfag is not one of them
>>292839>99% sure he's talking about kysnigger.yes
>Welcome back!thank you! its good to be back.
>>292841>>292843Yeah, I mixed up the posts when I was hitting reply. sorry.
>>292845That explains it, no worries friend!
>>292833>you've never enjoyed an anime?Legend of the Galactic Heroes is probably my favorite and only anime. Japs are too weird for me to watch most of the time. Anime tropes are annoying too.
>>292853>Legend of the Galactic Heroes is probably my favorite and only anime.I keep meaning to find a complete torrent of that, but last time I checked every download site was on fire.
>Japs are too weird for me to watch most of the time.I'm a fairly casual anime watcher, Anime/Manga is one of the last places in media where I can find positive depictions of western culture and people. whenever I see what's being produced in America or Europe today its so full of pozz and general insanity that just looking at it makes me physically ill.
>Anime tropes are annoying too.depends on how they are used. funny thing, what first attracted me to Mlp:FiM was how much it seemed to draw from anime.
Would someponer make a new bread?
>>292741is that yours? Looks awesome
>>292865Sorry for delay, I am sick and sleep in late.