The old thread
>>267402 → hit the bump limit.
Post Corona-Chan stuff here.
>Breaking Down The Coronavirus - David Icke>Refusing to cooperate>Resistance [Embed]
>>273976>David IckeFor those who don't know who this guy is:<Was a mediocre footballer then turned into a shell-suited laughing stock in the UK when during a post career interview in the 90s he got rattling on about spirituality and called himself 'a son of the godhead' he quickly followed this up with 'as much as you or anyone is' but the 'son of god' part was all the media reported every time he was mentioned, he made a load of doomy end of the world predictions with no dates so no-one cared, shat out some books and his name became a byword for a fucking loon trying to make a quick buck off idiots, like one of yer UFO book sellers.
<He did himself absolutely no favours, other than financial, by later hanging out with said UFO fags (cos idiots buy his shitty books) at conventions, announcing the UK royal family are reptiles from outer space, which he *still* bangs on about to this day. He's made some seminars that go 6+ hours and when speaking does have some rather salient and accurate points as well as pointing out some extremely dodgy practises by various government departments and political arms to get their way *but* he gets so much hippy/woo-wha bullshit and insane conflations mixed in with his conclusions (so he can sell shit to the UFO dinks) that he's impossible to take seriously. His rabbit hole of mad shit just gets deeper with each book, though some of it is very simplistic allegory dressed up as ebul conspiracy and apparently he's also a '5G causes Covid' retard so he's even more of an asshat than I thought.
>>273978I wish dumb boomers would get their research on places like this. masks don't cause decrease in oxygen, they cause an increase in co2 which raises blood acidity. this causes nausea, dizzyness, and a whole host of other problems. You can generally survive just fine with less oxygen unless you're really old, It's called elevation. What you can't handle is stale air.
>>273987>masks don't cause decrease in oxygen, they cause an increase in co2Masks cause both. The interchange of gases is impaired because the mask is the obstacle.
>>273990That's why you go full stalker if you think of getting a mask.
>>273986>character assassinationAnd yet, Icke's current message is so spot on that the kikes have to ban it from every platform they control.
Think about it.
>>273994And I guess the message from Pantifa, BLM, and all Communists about how the current trend of capitalism being a broke system is spot on,
so that means every other thing that they say is 100% correct.
>>273994>>273995Also, the key aspect of "character assassinations" is that the claims are based on half-truths and exaggerations. So,
please, would you mind pointing to the parts in that description of Icke's career that
IS NOT accurate in any way whatsoever?
>>273997>So, please, would you mind pointing to the parts in that description of Icke's career that IS NOT accurate in any way whatsoever?You are using Icke's past interests as a battering ram to discredit his take on the coronavirus psyop; in my book that's shilling and speaks volumes about your dishonesty.
>>273999This, and checked
>>273999>You are using Icke's past interests as a battering ram to discredit his take on the coronavirus psyop;Okay, so that analysis of Icke's entire career (Both past and
recent) is correct, down to the letter. Meaning that he is a complete nut job who cares more about appealing to the cavalcade of idiots (Who buy his books on UFOs and reptilians living among us) as a way to bring in a paycheck rather than report on conspiratorial information that is actually true.
>in my book that's shilling and speaks volumes about your dishonesty.Isn't it quite dishonest to hold someone up and give them a platform just because they say they right things,
NOT because anything they're saying is actually true or what they really believe? Going by all the information in regards to Icke, they guy is a explotationist who just follows the crowd and repeats on points that people
want to hear.
In other words, you are being used if you take anything the guy says at face value.Also, to get something out of the way, if the "point" you're trying to make is that the "virus is a hoax used as a power grab", here's some good news:
EVERYONE ALREADY KNOWS, OR IS COMPLETELY AWARE OF, THAT!The bikers don't give a shit about the virus: don't give a shit about the virus: don't give a shit about the virus: don't give a shit about the virus: don't give a shit about the virus:, the fucking President don't give a shit about the virus:, that's on top of the CDC being exposed on just how inaccurate they are: their cries about how they need more money because the U.S. is "doomed":, having former staff saying that protesting is more important than the virus: defending a greedy retard just because he plays your favorite interpenetration of Carol of the Bells.
>Covid911 - INSURGENCY>You're being scammed by enemies of America who occupy powerful positions in government and the media. November 2020 is the way we, the people, can fight back. Know your enemy. Ditch the masks. Rise. #Covid911 [Embed]This is another Qanon tier gaslighting to promote the the debunked idea that Trump has our backs and he's fighting the Deep State. Yeah, right.
President Trump Records Promo for Bill and Melinda Gates' GAVI
[YouTube] GVS2020–03 | HE Donald J Trump
Almost everyone has agreed on the benefits of Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is probably the most important supplement to take and Vitamin C supplementation, but I have a few comments on other some supplements that have been discussed...
Vitamin K is good for your blood veins and it is also needed for normal blood coagulation, however, as Covid-19 can cause clotting, it might be smart to stop using Vitamin K,
if you get infected. Also, Iodine is potentially good supplement, too (remember, iodine is antiseptic and it is used to ex. purify water and as mouthwash to clean your gum if you have candida yeast problem. As a side note, iodine also helps your body to get rid of fluoride) Don't forget to take your fish oil supplements, because apparently omega-3 lowers inflammation and can make blood thinner (also, in addition of being anti-inflammatory and painkiller, aspirin also prevents clotting as well) Probiotics can be useful for preventing
secondary infections but do
not get a probiotics product that contains
Saccharomyces boulardii (or any other kind of yeast) since there have been reports of it causing systemic fungal infection in patients with
compromized immune system.
Zinc acetate is probably the best form of zinc supplement for preventing respiratory infections because it doesn't have to reach your gut before it starts absorbing (meaning zinc acetate likely protects your throat more than other forms of zinc) The downside of zinc acetate is that it tastes like shit and it can accelerate the growth of candida yeast in your mouth (remember to clean your tongue and go buy some iodine mouthwash, if you do get a candida problem) Finally, pure L-arginine (or Arginine hydrochloride) could also be a good supplement to add to your regime. Arginine improves blood flow and it is needed for production of nitric oxide (aka nitrogen monoxide) which is needed by your body for maintaining normal blood pressure and it also plays role in immune system, as well.
Arginine is also important for your blood veins because your endothelial cells need it. Nitric oxide therapy is also being researched for treating Covid-19 (, arginine also helps your body to transfer fat away from your muscles and possibly helps your body to burn fat, and arginine has been researched for preventing and treating non-alcoholic fatty liver) The potential downside of prolonged continuous use of arginine supplements can be TMAO, which is a compound that's made by your gut bacteria. TMAO may or may not contribute for clotting of veins (the evidence is conflicting; there is possibility that TMAO doesn't actually have any significant effect on cardiovascular health). Researchers recommend taking arginine for 2 months and then having a 2 week break before continuing the use of arginine supplements. (as a side note, you should take arginine supplements between meals since other amino acids "compete" with arginine
obviously, you shouldn't take other amino acid/protein supplements at the same time with arginine)
V for Vendetta Prophecy.
>V For Vendetta Speech - Seeds of Revolution![YouTube] V For Vendetta Speech - Seeds of Revolution! HD
>>274429Wasn't the
actual fucking comic that the film is based on about a lesbian going through a forced sex change as the result of a government experiment and ends up progressively losing her mind more than it already was?
>>274438No, far worse than that:
"In 1975, long before rewriting the original script to become 'V for Vendetta', Alan Moore drew a comic strip submission for the 1975 DC Thomson competition. It was ultimately rejected in 1975 as it was not being 'progressive enough' to fit with the idea of an anti-anti hero with a dark, sinister, Marxist government-allied background based upon modern (post-1970's hippy modeling) themes which were intended to provoke thought among numerous (((civilian))) think tanks. Instead, 'The Doll" involved a transsexual female-to-male terrorist, clad in bulletproof armor with white face makeup whom fought an artificially created, one-party totalitarian state that achieved its' goals via indoctrination, propaganda, and deception. The undertones and overture of 'The Doll' were similar to the 1984 book by George Orwell, and seemed to have directly plagiarized an early script of the book 'Battle Royale' from a blacklisted writer in Japan. The submission detailed that, during an alternate timeline of the 1980's in a future where the Soviet Union (under a different name) was victorious throughout World War 2 and the Cold War, global Marxism succeeded in creating a utopia where, now and then, anti-anti heroes were indoctrinated into becoming the 'chosen ones' of the government. 6 years later In 1981, Dez Skinn (kike) invited Moore to recreate his dark mystery strip with artist David Lloyd based on their real world experiences throughout the United States and Europe. It was then that their collaboration created the heavily revised 'V for Vendetta' storyline, which Skinn explicitly stated: 'we are not mocking modern society; instead we are mocking the (((anarchists))) that instigated the Gunpowder Plot'. Intended to recreate something similar to their popular Marvel UK Night Raven strip in a 1930's noir style, they chose against doing all historical research and instead set the story in a post-Carter future where Reagan did not exist, rather than the recent past."
Yes, it is THAT fucking retarded.
>Dr. Offers $5000 For Proof That The COVID19 Exists [Embed]
>New York Issues Subpoenas For Contact Tracing; Smartphones Add CV Logging Feature >Rockland County, New York is now issuing subpoenas for CV contact tracing after the residents refused to be tracked, according to reports.>It all started with a party that was held where several people contracted CV, NBC 4 New York, reports. State officials have started to issue subpoenas after citizens refused to cooperate with contact tracing, as they probe a new virus cluster.>Health officials are investigating a new cluster of eight or more COVID-19 cases in Rockland County tied to at least three parties with a focus on one larger one earlier this month.>The county plans to resort to the use of subpoenas in order to force people to work with contact tracers as they work to contain a new potential outbreak. It may mark the first time in the tri-state area that such a measure has been taken over COVID contact tracing noncompliance.
Tbh I don't think these masks are some big gobbermint conspiracy, or at least it's not out of malice.
That being said, fuck these masks.
The only people in support of them don't have to wear them for 8 hours a day with maybe 1 break, and probably don't even have a job.
>"Don't Let Them Vaccinate You": Farrakhan Warns Africans That Dr. Fauci Is Trying To Kill Them>It is bad enough when you become a political rally cry for the right as a man trying to destroy our economy or instill fear into the nation. Now, Dr. Anthony Fauci is being called a mass murderer who, with the cabal of Bill and Melinda Gates, are seeking to “depopulate the Earth.” That is hardly the most deranged thing that Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, 87, has uttered, but it may be the most dangerous. Farrakhan is encouraging people to refuse vaccinations, a problem that is already causing world health leaders concerns in Africa. This is viewed as the new “epicenter” for the pandemic with Africans facing a threat with the need to protect hundreds of millions of Africans. Health officials will need their cooperation but they have now heard from Farrakhan who has declared that, if they want to live, “Do not take their medication.” [Embed]
>>274496>FarrakhanLike Malcom X, this negro is a black separatist and names the jew.
Remember that Commander Rockwell also had sympathy for black separatists because separation is the optimal solution for both races.
>Land of Confusion -Covid-19 Mask Mixed Up [Embed]Just obey goy.
>Russian Orthodox Church defrocks coronavirus-denying monk>The Russian Orthodox Church on Friday defrocked a coronavirus-denying monk who has defied Kremlin lockdown orders and taken control of a monastery.>A church panel in the Ural Mountains city of Yekaterinburg ruled to defrock 65-year-old Father Sergiy, who has attracted nationwide attention by urging believers to disobey church leadership and ignore church closures during the pandemic.>In Friday's video, Father Sergiy denounced President Vladimir Putin as a “traitor to the Motherland” serving a Satanic “world government” and dismissed Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill and other top clerics as “heretics” and “enemies of God and Holy Mother of God” who must be “thrown out".>As contagion engulfed Russia, Father Sergiy has declared the coronavirus non-existent and denounced electronic passes introduced in Moscow and some other regions to stem the outbreak as “Satan’s electronic camp". The monk has described the vaccines being developed against COVID-19 as part of a global plot to control the masses via chips.
>>274499Separation is the nice answer. But niggers want us dead no matter ehat we give up. Best option is to take their land for real this time. Imagine the science and good that could be performed by an all white Africa. Or an all white China. Or an all white planet without any jews.
>>274518>But niggers want us dead no matter ehat we give up.Sure, no doubt.
In any case, racial separation is wishful thinking until the defeat of the forces serving the kikes, which will never allow such separation.
>President of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo Reads Rockefeller’s Plans>He was elected President of Ghana and has been in office since January 2017. >"Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified" A May 2010 scenario planning report produced by The Rockefeller Foundation and the Global Business Network envisions the likely creation of a technological police state in response to a deadly worldwide pandemic.” >The President of Ghana reads from a document posted in 2010 on the Rockefeller Institute's Website. Rockefeller Foundation paper published in 2010 predicted how a pandemic can be used as an excuse to establish global authoritarian power.>The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. >It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded here.>Every day world mainstream news reports more people in more countries diagnosed “positive” for the coronavirus illness, now called COVID-19. As the reported numbers grow, so does widespread nervousness, often in the form of panic shopping for masks, disinfections, toilet paper, canned goods. >We are told to accept the testing results as science-based. While it is next to impossible to get a full picture of what is taking place in China, the center of the novel virus storm, there is a process, being fed by mainstream media accounts and genuine panic in populations unclear what the real dangers are, that has alarming implications for the post-pandemic future. >Ghana became the first country in indigenous Africa to ease movement restrictions after a 21-day lockdown of its biggest cities bought the government enough time to improve its preparedness for the COVID-19, said President Nana Akufo-Addo. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>>274527Moar, included the 2010 Rockefeller blueprint for the corona hoax (PDF).
>Rockefeller Foundation Paper Published in 2010 Predicted How a Pandemic Can be Used as an Excuse to Establish Global Authoritarian Power>The Rockefeller Foundation published a report in May 2010 in cooperation with the Global Business Network of futurologist Peter Schwartz. It was called Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. The first scenario, titled, “Lock Step”, describes a world of total government control and authoritarian leadership. It envisions a future where a pandemic would allow national leaders to flex their authority and impose airtight rules and restrictions that would remain after the pandemic faded. The first half of this scenario already has unfolded. Will it continue as predicted? The information on Lock Step begins at about the two-thirds point of the article. The Rockefeller report in its entirety can be downloaded here. [The importance of this document cannot be overstated.] -GEG
>Ron Paul>Is the Texas Covid ‘Spike’ Fake News?>On July 2nd, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, whether indoors or outdoors, when six feet cannot be maintained between people. In the governor’s decree, he cited a rise in Covid cases, a rise in test positivity, and a rise in hospitalizations as justification to force people to cover their faces in public.>The move is not only a violation of the civil liberties of all Texans. Abbott may have based his executive order on inaccurate information about a “rise” in Covid cases due to the Texas State Department of Health Services changing the definition of what constitutes a “Covid case.”>Thanks goes to Collin County Judge Chris Hill for blowing the whistle on what appears to be a move in mid-May to redefine what was a “Covid” case to open the door to a massive increase – all to match the mainstream media line that a “second wave” was on the way.
>Japan Ends COVID — NO Lockdown, Only 851 Dead (0.05% Fatality Rate)>Japan beats COVID — WITHOUT lockdown as the fatality rate is like typical flu. And, Stanford epidemiologist says 0% fatality for those under 45, about the same as flu for those 45-70 [Embed]
>US to officially leave WHO next July after Trump’s ‘blame China’ ultimatum fails to sway global health organization>After issuing a 30-day ultimatum in May demanding the WHO get tough on China, which his administration has blamed for attempting to conceal the deadly Covid-19 outbreak, Trump has begun the process of extricating the US from the global health body. The UN confirmed the move on Tuesday, adding that the US will officially leave the WHO on July 6 of 2021.>July 6 of 2021>2021
>>273999>just because a guy has spent decades being an idiot and writing books for idiots to buy doesn't mean he's an idiot!Thread's off to a rollicking start, I see. I don't know where you schizos get your energy.
>>274002No need to go so hard on the bold and redtext, but I appreciate you making a salient point and providing evidence so we can all see, yet again, that the schizo isn't interested in talking to anyone who proves him wrong. Those articles are good reads (or at least the first one about bikers is; I hadn't heard about that particular gathering before, and it'll be interesting to see how much of the virus they inject into the town).
>>274515I generally respect the opinion of devoted people such as monks, but this guy has his signals mixed. The Russian government is definitely corrupt enough to try spinning the situation into a bid for power, but he's overcorrected into outright denial, which would ironically place him at the greatest risk.
>Cape Coral City council members vote against mandating masks>Tensions rise as people voice opposition to masks>Cape Coral citizens refuse to cower to communists by refusing to wear a mask and are arrested [Embed]Back to square 1. Tyranny is only possible because unopposed mercenaries enforce it.
>My investigation of the so-called COVID deaths>At this point, I’ve written and published over 150 articles on the COVID fraud.>For every major assertion I make in the following overview, I’ve written at least one article.>To sum it up: deaths labeled “COVID” have nothing to do with the purported virus.>The purported virus has never been discovered. A claim of discovery was made, but proper scientific procedures were never carried out.>Which leaves the question: why are all these people dying?>Are the deaths all stemming from the same cause? No. They aren’t.>Overview: A huge percentage of people dying have traditional diseases: flu-like illness, pneumonia, other lung infections. Many of these deaths have been re-labeled as COVID deaths.>“The virus” is one of the greatest frauds in modern history.
>NBC Contributor Reveals He Never Had Coronavirus After Network Documented His Recovery>An NBC medical expert who was brought on air nearly a dozen times to detail his struggle with COVID-19 never had the virus, he revealed this week.>After believing he had the coronavirus in spite of getting negative tests, virologist and NBC News science contributor Dr. Joseph Fair tweeted Tuesday that he had tested negative for the antibodies and that the illness that hospitalized him in May "remains an undiagnosed mystery." Steve Krakauer reported on the developments for his Fourth Watch newsletter. [Embed][YouTube] NBC contributor didn't have coronavirus but NBC or MSNBC asserted he did 10 times
>Brutal Truth About Masks>YouTube Removed This In Less Than An Hour!! [Embed]
>>275223Can you burgers stop being retarded for half a second? Yes, when you measure the air inside a mask you breath out into, there's a lot of carbon dioxide there. It comes out of your lung.
There's a reason medical professionals worldwide wear masks for sometimes 12 hours on end and don't fucking die.
**It's because they don't fucking filter oxygen. Oxygen is a tiny molecule and medical masks filter the comparatively gigantic microbes, while those community masks or scarfs or whatever filter water droplets that don't even fit on the previous molecular scale. A mask just makes it harder to breathe because of the volume of air we take in and that of course works against the filter. Total volume, not composition. You breath in the exact same air and if you actually did the medically sound thing and tested the important matter, namely blood oxygen levels (done via a simple finger clip), it would show that. Your "OMG SCARY LOOK AT THE CHILD" dumbfuck picture is showing the most natural thing on earth and if that meter showed an actual safe level the child would not be breathing.**
Conclusion: Go fuck a nigger filled with aids.
>>275225You still don't get it.
The mask is a sigh of submission. The whole point is to wake up people to shove the masks into the enforcers' throats and then to hang the politicians.
>>275247Part of me wonders if we could ever co-op the mask and make it look intimidating or some shit. Like when The Shield in the WWE sometimes wore paintball masks with skulls. Then again, it would be another way of identifying certain political groups...
>>275438>Part of me wonders if we could ever co-op the mask and make it look intimidating or some shit. Yep shouldn't be too hard.
Actually, if you wanted a throw back bring the attire to the habo hotel era of the Pool's closed due to AIDS.
Suit, tie, glases (protection is important), an afro wig (optional), the mask, and a pair of gloves (preferably the nitral ones, if you're going to be out in public for long periods of time gloves under those gloves so your hands can breath), ear piece is optional but can be used to great effect. Make up /paint would be good to throw off detection.
Something bold. Such as blue mask and blue gloves. Or yellow. Black mechanic gloves are also suitable.
Trying to get the matching pair would be nice.
So what would this cover. It is fully body camouflage. Face is entirely covered. The wig / afro is too eye catching to be someone with ill intent. Fully covered hands, and a two piece suit gives a nice G-Man vibe. Nice unidentifiable matching shoes if possible.
Optionally for those on a budget you can go for a discount tf2 pyro.
Jacket with hood. I'm thinking rain coat.
A plastic bag with holes for glasses/goggles and mask. (It's cosmetic so don't worry aboutit fitting right)
Pants of your choice.
And gloves.
Same effect but more unsettling as thats how a stereotypical hoodlum would dress.
The problem is purchase history, and how they track you through that.
An alternative to wigs is hats.
Depending on how fucking hot it is outside a cooling vest might be worth getting.
Honestly having the internet poor out into real life from a meme from roughly 2011. I think that might be funny.
>>275438>if we could ever co-op the mask and make it look intimidating or some shit.The idea is appealing, however the fun times are over, ZOG is waging war against the People and therefore if any co-op has to be done, it must be to make the mask a symbol of oppression, for which people had been conditioned to understand very well the concept of victimhood.
>UNDER THE MEDICAL DEFINITION OF DISEASE IF YOU HAVE NO SYMPTOMS YOU ARE NOT DISEASED.>Being RT-PCR positive for a virus DOES NOT, legally, medically or otherwise make you diseased.>You’re only diseased if a disorder in your body is produced.>In a healthy human adult man there are approximately 39 trillion bacteria. Right now. You expel some ten trillion when you take a crap, but they recover — and quite quickly too. By the next day they’re all there again and the band plays on!>If none of them produce a disorder in your body you are not diseased.>If you “get” Covid-19 but do not have a disorder as a result you are not diseased.>It does not matter if you can “pass it on”; you shed many millions of bacteria and viruses from your hands, mouth, nose and ******* every single day. Most of the ones on your hands came from one of your other orifices, or someone else’s orifices, or from some other organism who left them for you on a surface somewhere, or which were floating around in the air.>So what?>Folks, we’re being stupid here. You’re hiding under your desk when five to ten trillion bacteria are in your body right ****ing now and virons typically outnumber bacteria ten to one in nature so it’s probable there are 100 trillion virus particles in your body!>It’s entirely reasonable to believe that one crap from an average human may expel ten or more trillion virons.>And virtually all of them will be replaced within the next 12-24 hours before you take the next crap.>AN ASYMPTOMATIC PERSON IS NOT SICK.>May I note that IPV, used for polio (you know, the shot you get?) does not stop you from getting it? In fact you probably did — and do — get it.>Oh, you didn’t know that?>WELL THEN YOU’RE A ****ING MORON!>The IPV stops you from getting diseased. That is, having a disorder as a result of exposure. How do we know this? Because if you have taken IPV you may still get colonized and expel polio virus — live virus — in your feces.>Do you know why they give you oral (live) polio vaccine in the third world? There are a fair number of unvaccinated people and OPV will reduce the shedding from your feces — since you take it in and the immune reaction is centered in your digestive system — to an effective zero. IPV does not do that because it’s a shot in your arm.>Would we count you as a “polio case” if you had it in your feces but never got sick?>ACCORDING TO THE CDC AND COVID TESTING RESULTS, YEP!>Guess what? That’s a scam, it’s a lie, and you had ****ing better wake up and make them stop this ****.>IT’S A SCAM.>If you have no disorder in your body you are not diseased.>Period.
>>275451>Being a carrier and immune to the effects of a disease means that you do not have the diseaseI'm sorry, fucking what?
>>275457As written anon.
More clear impossible.
>>275457It means that somebody can have the virus and because is immune to it won't develop the illness.
Not getting sick = Not having the illness.
>>275451>>275457Ah the medical and legal jargon. Mostly to disabuse the notion that every who died with gorona birus died because of it.
>Breaking News! Germ Theory Disproved! In 1884!>The germ theory is what modern medicine hangs its hat on as the major cause of disease in the world. Many people assume that viruses, bacteria and other germs cause most of the diseases in the world today. >What if there were exceptions to that theory? >If there are exceptions to the “facts” then how does it continue to have merit? >Exceptions to the rule make it just that: a rule, not a law.
>The Test Set: Another Brick in the COVID-19 Disinformation Game Plan>Do you want the true answer, or do you want the answer given by propaganda, official government versions and the mainstream media?>I will give you the true, medical answer: the tests do not answer any of these questions, they are unreliable, they give overly simplistic answers that can be used by governments to make people believe what they want them to believe.>Anything can be made to say at the tests, including serological (antibody) tests, and it all depends on the intention, benevolent and honest OR malevolent and dishonest, of those who will tell you what they want you to believe.
>Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients – and Themselves>Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, berates doctors and nurses for their failure to stand up for patients. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]Transcript:
>>275633>OHIO Specific Chiropractic>>275635>>275639Mind providing an actual source to those claims?
>Africa to Become Testing Ground for “Trust Stamp” Vaccine Record and Payment System>A new biometric identity platform partnered with the Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance and Mastercard will launch in West Africa and combine COVID-19 vaccinations, cashless payments, and potential law enforcement applications.>COVID-19 vaccinations
David Icke.
>Collective Torture For A Virus That Has Never Been Shown To Exist [Embed]
>>275680Thanks Ben Garrison,Very Cool
Masks do nothing except show your obedience. They are muzzles.
>Corona - The Simple Truth In Under 6 Minutes>This video is a very short recap of what was and still is happening in response to the - so called - killer virus pandemic. It explains in simple terms how we were led to believe that there was an ‘never before seen’ outbreak of a tremendous deadly virus. While instead we did not witness any unique outbreak, just the unforseen panic created around a pretty ‘normal’ new Corona virus, that turned out (as independent scientists told us before the ‘pandemic’) to be comparable to a steep flu (aka as contagious and as deadly as Influenza). [Embed] [Embed]
>COVID is just a step on the ladder to complete takeover>COVID-19 is just an excuse... it's the crisis "they" don't want to go to waste. [Embed]This dude nails it. Monologue of the year.
>Coronavirus and Regime Change: Burundi’s Covid Coup>While the people of the western world occupy themselves wearing masks, pointing fingers and using so much hand sanitizer it literally kills them, the big world of Geo-Politics still ticks along, following the same tired old patterns with only slight variations in method. A modern twist, if you will.>Here’s a little summary of Burundi’s recent history:> -The president of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, dismissed covid19 as nonsense.> -The president of Burundi was vilified in the Western press.> -The president of Burundi expelled the World Health Organization from his country.> -The president of Burundi died suddenly of a “heart attack”.> -The NEW president of Burundi immediately reversed his predecessor’s Covid19 policies.>It seems Covid19 is a disease of rare complexity. Not only is it able to understand the importance of some social protests and avoid them entirely, it’s also able to sense when the world leader is inconvenient and take him out.
>Philadelphia prohibiting large public events through February 2021>Mayor Jim Kenney announced on Tuesday that the moratorium will be in effect through February 28, 2021.>Not a parody: Philly cancels all events until March 2021>UPDATED: War declared in Philadelphia: All events canceled until March 2021. Protests and demonstrations specifically exempted. Excuse given: someone might catch a cold.
>COVID19 Guidelines from Government
This is a a short video making fun of Government's ineptness at handling their contrived and ridiculous COVID 19 scam.
>Back To School? "No Thanks" Say Millions Of Newly Homeschooling Parents>With dehumanizing COVID-19 restrictions awaiting students at schools, many parents are opting to keep on homeschooling...>Concerned about declining enrollments and parents reassuming control over their children’s education, some school districts are reportedly trying to block parents from removing their children from school for homeschooling.>In England, it’s even worse. Government officials there are so worried about parents refusing to send their children back to school this fall that the education secretary just announced fines for all families who keep their children home in violation of compulsory schooling laws. “We do have to get back into compulsory education and obviously fines sit alongside as part of that," English secretary Gavin Williamson announced.>Parents applying for home schooling in NC crash website>CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Many parents across North Carolina want to home-school their children because of COVID-19 and the uncertainty in the fall. As a result, the state’s nonpublic education system’s website crashed Wednesday. The site blamed “an overwhelming submission of notices of intent.”
>corona-chan tyranny>Philly mayor's ban on large events 'does not apply' to protests or 'demonstrations'>The Philadelphia mayor recently waived all city 'code violations' against those arrested during the protests that took place in the city after George Floyd's death
>Moderna COVID-19 vaccine induced adverse reactions in 'more than half' of trial participants>One-fifth of participants in one test group reported 'one or more severe adverse events.'
>Bill Gates Predicts Corona Vaccination Will Produce 700,000 Victims>In an interview with CNBC, former CEO of Microsoft Bill Gates, who thinks he knows vaccines and has invested a ton of money in them to reap a profit, said that he expects at least 700,000 victims from a corona vaccination. No, seriously, he said it on live television.>In the interview, Gates says that for every 10,000 people, one permanent vaccination damage would occur and he expects no less than 700,000 victims.>Near the end Gates says, “We have … you know … one in ten thousand … ah … side effects. That’s … you know … way more. Seven hundred thousand … ah … you know … people who will suffer from that. So, really understanding the safety at gigantic scale across all age ranges – you know – pregnant, male, female, undernourished and existing comorbidities. It’s very, very hard and that actual decision of ‚OK, let’s go and give this vaccine to the entire world… ah … governments will have to be involved because there will be some risk and indemnification needed before that … ah … can be decided on.” [Embed]
Money in exchange of the nation under house arrest.
>IMF (International Monetary Fund) Made Loans to Belarus Conditional on a Lockdown. Lukashenko Turned Them Down
>"We will not dance to anyone's tune" was the precise response
>“We hear the demands, for example, to model our coronavirus response on that of Italy. I do not want to see the Italian situation to repeat in Belarus. We have our own country and our own situation,” the president said.
>Meanwhile, the IMF continues to demand from us quarantine measures, isolation, a curfew. This is nonsense. We will not dance to anyone’s tune,” said the president.
Still there's anybody believing this is about health rather control and NWO?
Fauci, Gates, Epstein, bashed as pedophiles on live TV.
>SCAMDEMIC: WHY HAS NO ONE IN AMERICA BEEN FILMED FALLING OVER? [Embed]Considering the totally different experiences between China and the West regarding the epidemic, it's fair to assume that the Chinese used a ton of crisis actors to fuel mass hysteria and to give a good beginning to the psy-op, as planned in Event 201.
>Google will cut advertising revenue from sites that go against the coronavirus ‘consensus’>“Authoritative scientific consensus” seems like a term open to interpretation, especially considering science is a method of investigation rather than a fixed set of beliefs. However, Google’s ‘trust the experts’ approach is the latest in a series of attempts to clamp down on coronavirus “misinformation.”
>Testing Will Begin In Africa For Biometric ID, "Vaccine Records", & "Payment Systems">In early June, GAVI reported that Mastercard’s Wellness Pass program would be adapted in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Around a month later, Mastercard announced that Trust Stamp’s biometric identity platform would be integrated into Wellness Pass as Trust Stamp’s system is capable of providing biometric identity in areas of the world lacking internet access or cellular connectivity and also does not require knowledge of an individual’s legal name or identity to function. The Wellness Program involving GAVI, Mastercard, and Trust Stamp will soon be launched in West Africa and will be coupled with a COVID-19 vaccination program once a vaccine becomes available.>will be coupled with a COVID-19 vaccination program>For those stuck on the line of thinking that President Donald Trump said this “vaccine will be voluntary,” you are probably correct. It’ll be “voluntary” all right. And if you don’t get it and participate in the new biometric ID program, you won’t be able to buy or sell anything, including food. That sounds nothing like the definition of voluntary to me, but believe in whatever religion you wish and put your trust in whomever you want. I’ll rely on myself instead of some politician to save me.>Oh, just what does Trump need 300 million doses of the vaccine for if it’s going to be “voluntary?” We are in for a “dark winter” as they have already told us several times. It’s time to apply critical thinking and stop falling for all of these psyops.
Masks against virus. LOL.
Face Mask Usage by Demographic.
>Woman Refuses to Sign COVID-19 Self Quarantine Order So She and Hubby Required to Wear Ankle Monitors>Ky. couple on house arrest after not signing positive COVID-19 self-isolation order
>>276401thicc Mormon breeder, nice
>>274528>included the 2010 Rockefeller blueprint for the corona hoaxFor the faggots whom won't read I found a short video explaining the relevant part.
>Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development - Lock Step [Embed]
Imagine how much more the Jew CoronaCold scam would have been in an era without the internet, or even widespread internet.
Imagine all the fear-driven Boomers glued to their Electric Jew TVs lapping up every word and swallowing every drop, before forcing it on their children no matter what the other families are doing.
>>276451Ahhh yes, mormons, the most pro-judaic and beloved faction sponsored by das juden. Did you know that most all rabbis have equal membershi pwith the mormons and dearly love them, especially for their ponzi schemes? Beware the silent traitor, not the screaming one.
>University Of Oxford Reports Vaccine Trial #666 Was Successful (satire)>OXFORD—A research team at the University of Oxford announced today that after 665 failed trials of a vaccine for the coronavirus, trial number 666 was successful. Trial #666, codenamed "The Beast," provoked the desired immune system response researchers have been searching for.
Masks as a tool to train submission and obedience.
>Anti-maskers say statewide mandate is a breach of government control >MONTGOMERY, Ala. (WSFA) - The controversy over mask wearing continues after Gov. Kay Ivey issued a statewide mask mandate on July 15, requiring facial coverings to be worn in public places when in close contact with other people.>Mesh Masks Mocking The System>After all, mesh masks are just as effective as N95 masks at stopping the spread of the Coronavirus. [Embed]
>Canada>Elderly Man Shot Dead by Police After Refusing to Wear a Mask in Grocery Store>The debate over face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has torn friendships apart, pitted family members against each other, and even led to an innocent bus driver being beaten to death in France by a group of thugs who became angry when he said it was the law they put on their masks. Now, a 73-year-old man has been killed after an incident sparked from a mask dispute. This time, it was the mask refuser on the end of the violence.
Secular Sharia Face Diapers
Man. E-cigarette. Face diaper of submission.
Ron Paul.
>Big Holes in the Covid 'Spike' Narrative>Motorcycle accidents ruled Covid deaths? In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the “second wave” of the coronavirus outbreak, government officials and their allies in the mainstream media have stooped to ridiculous depths to maximize the death count. A television station this weekend looked into two highly unusual Covid deaths among victims in their 20s, and when they asked about co-morbidities they were told one victim had none, because his Covid death came in the form of a fatal motorcycle accident.>Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. In fact the “spike” that has dominated the mainstream for the last couple of weeks is full of examples of such trickery.>Washington state last week revised its Covid death numbers downward when it was revealed that anyone who passed away for any reason whatsoever who also had coronavirus was listed as a “Covid-19 death” even if the cause of death had nothing to do with Covid-19.
>>276586>In the rush to paint Florida as the epicenter of the “second wave” of the coronavirus outbreakWhat nobody says is that Trump is giving away $13,000 for each case reported. No wonder the doctors are in a frenzy to collect all that bounty.
>Florida>More than 450 labs are reporting 100 percent positivity in state's latest coronavirus case report>The department is still assessing what, if any impact the corrected data will have on the state's overall positivity rate.[YouTube] More than 450 labs are reporting 100 percent positivity in state's latest coronavirus case report
Corona-chan vaccine
>Trump's "Warp Speed" DNA-Altering GMO VC...God Help Us>Inovio, which is financed by the US Defense Department and the NGO CEPI, also said it has been included in President Donald Trump's plan to produce hundreds of millions of doses of the vaccine by January as part of Operation Warp Speed.>The CELLECTRA device uses a brief electrical pulse to reversibly open small pores in the cell to allow the plasmids to enter, overcoming a key limitation of other DNA and other nucleic acid approaches, such as mRNA. Once inside the cell, the DNA plasmids enable the cell to produce the targeted antigen. The antigen is processed naturally in the cell and triggers the desired T cell and antibody-mediated immune responses. Administration with the CELLECTRA device is designed to ensure that the DNA medicine is efficiently delivered directly into the body's cells, where it can go to work to drive an immune response. [YouTube] TRUMP's "Warp Speed"
>>276608Do the people writing this shit actually look at the laws enforced and in place, or do they just take everything
Deus Ex said at face value?
>>276611>Do the people writing this shit actually look atDo you actually read this thread and
>>267402 → Coronavirus Thread #4
>>264168 → Coronavirus Thread #3
>>260815 → Coronavirus Thread #2
>>276613I forgot
>>256683 → Coronavirus Thread #1
>>276615>>276613You mean, the part where the threads went from making fun of China for releasing a super-virus on it's own people to being directly criticized for mentioning China's involvement in
anything, you have some sperg who's either working for the Feds or someone's interest and keeps posting spreading misinformation from the least reliable sources imaginable despite being told to fuck off on several occasions with the proof to back it up that everything he's posting is bullshit, and a retarded boomer posting the latest "memes" he gets off Twatter and Kikebook?
>>276617Well, perhaps you just post the CNN, CDC, and Trump & Fauci stuff to amuse us once in a while.
>>276617>despite being told to fuck off on several occasions with the proof to back it up that everything he's posting is bullshitBy all means, debunk it.
Tip, you can't.
>>276617>You mean, the part where the threads went from making fun of China for releasing a super-virus on it's own people to being directly criticized for mentioning China's involvement in anythingYou are a faggot, you know very well that the threads developed on the available info.
/mlpol/ took that information coming from multiple sources, analysed it and separated the wheat from the chaff, currently what it's posted is what remains after the scam was uncovered.
By the way, if you still believe what's posted here is misinformation, go ahead, cooperate with your government and do as told, take the shot and obey your "new normal", I don't think anypony will stop you.
>>276619>By all means, debunk it.Okay, simple, can you provide me with
original sources for all of the contents in the following posts:
>>276624>original sourcesYou want to debate with them?
>>276625No, I want to know what the original sources are so that I can understand
EXACTLY what was said, what was the context, who was involved, who distributed the information, and to see if anything was changed or altered since it's original delivery. Treat it like a court case. If you're sources are so "soundproof", then there should be absolutely zero problems disclosing them and providing other people with the sources as well. And, until you do, the information presented is just hearsay and cannot be considered trustworthy in any manner because the entire argument boils down to "
Dude, just trust me".
>Uber Announces Participating in Contact Tracing – They Will Turn You in to Health Authorities>Today, FiercePharma is reporting that Uber is now participating with health authorities to help with contact tracing. So if you thought that you could avoid being arrested in your own home by simply refusing to get a COVID test from among the more than 100 fast-tracked inaccurate COVID tests currently on the market, think again.>Uber is providing their contact tracing services for free, not to you their customers, but to local health authorities. That means every time you use the popular ride-share service, they can track you to see if you have been in contact with any COVID positive people, including, apparently, previous riders in their drivers’ cars which you would not even know about, and then turn your information into the health authorities.
>>276628>who distributed the informationIt sounds like a SJW in a judeo-bolshevik NGO payroll to me.
>>276631>>276632So, there is no original source for the contents in the posts that I linked? All those videos and quotes are just the product of people LARPing about "real facts", during a happening, in order to feel important.
Thanks for the information.
>>276611Does it matter? At this point isn't about health but freedom.
The important thing is that those pushing tyranny have a price to pay. The line has been crossed and the pound of flesh will be exacted.
Do we have a good timeline to explain the shift in perception of the virus? I don't have specific sources to cite, but the following is roughly how I believe things played out from my perspective. I'm not convinced that Bill Gates and the globohomos are directly behind the virus. I'm more inclined to believe that their think tanks just have countless plans on how they can capitalize from a variety of potential events, and that they simply dusted off their "Global Pandemic" plans once the opportunity presented itself.
>China is developing bio-weapons in its BSL4 facility in Wuhan because they don't see any reason why they should abide by international agreements forbidding the practice of bio-warfare if they can get away with it.
>Covid-19 was one such virus that was developed to be highly virulent by combining a long incubation period with asymptomatic transmission
>I assume that Covid-19 accidentally broke containment since I can't imagine a reason why China would deliberately deploy the virus from the site of its development. I can envision a third party releasing a virus in Wuhan to try to frame China, but so far I haven't seen any mainstream parties trying to blame China for developing the virus at the Wuhan facility.
>The information leaking out of China this past spring suggested that the virus was a deadly serious matter that was far more dire than the official numbers reported by the CCP.
>However, infections that spread to elsewhere in the globe were less catastrophic. Why?
>I recall reports of Covid-19 capitalizing on ACE2 receptors that are more prominent among asian men than within other populations.
>I believe that the Covid-19 virus was a lethal concern amongst the chineese population this past spring, but was less capable of easily spreading through non-asian populations due to differences in our biology
>Fast forward a few months, and I believe that covid-19 mutated into a form that was more virulent yet less lethal than early generations of the virus. This is behaviour that we've come to expect from previous global pandemics.
>This brings us to the present. In a sane world we'd be giving thanks for the virus becoming less lethal, but the powers that be don't want a good disaster to go to waste
>The globohomos see an opportunity to attack personal freedoms and expand their surveilance state
>the democrats see an opportunity to paint Trump in a negative light no matter what action that he takes
>In order to milk their useful tool a bit longer, metrics tracking the virus are twisted and taken out of context to paint it in a far more negative light than it deserves in order to frighten the populace and make them more willing to play along with the agenda.
That's how things looked from my perspective.
>>276664If you consider the 2010 Rockefeller blueprint:
>>276462>>274528And exercise Event 201 right before the Chinese hoax, then every piece falls in place. Remember, the virus HAS NEVER EVER been demonstrated to exist, so every news, study, vaccine, is built on a fairy tale. Which takes us to the past with the HIV virus, which NEVER EVER could be demonstrated that caused AIDS.
>>276665>Remember, the virus HAS NEVER EVER been demonstrated to existWhatever you say Dr. Kaufman, you're still going to be ignored by proper medical practitioners.
>>276666>proper medical practitionersThey are the equivalent of a mechanic knowledgeable with the factory manual, the ones with real knowledge are the engineers, or in this case, virologists.
>>276666>Dr. Kaufman>>276667>virologistIf I'm nor mistaken, Dr. Kaufman has virologist credentials.
>>276665>Remember, the virus HAS NEVER EVER been demonstrated to existHow do you sequence the genome of something that doesn't exist?
>>276671They are sequencing partial strains and assuming them as a new virus, because that will guarantee grants and perhaps potential patents to exploit. Follow the money anon.
>>276664>>the democrats see an opportunity to paint Trump in a negative light no matter what action that he takesSpeaking of which, Trump is now endorsing masks, and the news media refuses to stop criticizing him for it: [Embed]
>>276673Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
>Biochemistry Debunks Coronavirus [Embed]Priceless video. All in one combo.
>>276624the original source is from the link provided by the post I was responding to. I posted plenty of speculation on the virus in threads 2-4 but wasn't really going in that direction. I lurk a bit now to see if there is anything interesting anymore. posted Mormon breeder because why not?
>>276540Mormons are an odd bunch, I've known quite a few but I do have a soft spot for the breeder variant. no way I'm getting one because I'd never convert to that shit.
>>276713>David IckeWhy are you still posting this guy:
>>276722>Why are you still posting this guyTo fuck with the complainers and to listen to a very articulated and intelligent argument.
>>276723>to listen to a very articulated and intelligent argument.From the same guy who professes that the royal family are blood drinking lizards from beyond the stars?
>>276724Well, I think isn't too far fetched if you think about it.
Don't get me wrong, the lizard stuff isn't my flavor, but that they're satanists I have no doubt.
>>276724If you arent aware of how that's a logical fallacy, dismissing all arguments because one is out-of-context-contestable, then I have some horsepussy for you
>>276727>dismissing all arguments because one is out-of-context-contestableThe guy has been pushing reptilians and ufos and stating that he's the self-proclaimed "messiah" since the 90's, and shows no signs of stopping. How is it out of context when it's been the guy's entire career since he quit soccer?
>>276725I agree with
>>276727David Ike is the type of guy that makes Alex Jones look bad with their unrestricted gullibility. David is a proven gullible fool on numerous occasions. David Ike is not a reliable source.
>>276729I think you linked that backwards
>>276728So theres no validity to any of his statements about covid because reptiles. Is that your argument?
>>276731>So theres no validity to any of his statements about covid because reptiles.Any valid argument
he makes is rendered void because of reptiles. He could have the most sound argument in the world, but it would be dismissed as crazy talk because of his past exploits. And, if one or two people was able to verify that the guy isn't talking out of his ass just this one time, it would make the argument sound, but still wouldn't make Icke a valid source for information.
>>276740>Any valid argument he makes is rendered void because of reptilesThank you, that's a yes. Textbook logical fallacy
>>276740>Any valid argument he makes is rendered void because of reptiles.Nope.
Corona-chan and lizards aren't mixed in Icke's argument.
As long as Icke speaks logically and the the message has meat, is valid.
>>275438>Part of me wonders if we could ever co-op the mask and make it look intimidating or some shit
>>276709The graph in your second image doesn't mean what you think it means.
It says that oxygen absorbs significant electromagnetic energy at certain frequencies, with one of the peaks at the 60 GHz frequency. The oxygen molecules don't disappear and they aren't absorbed themselves. There's nothing to absorb them. They just heat up a bit, is all.
>>276793>oxygen>60 GHz frequencyI watched a video posted in a previous coronachan thread which explained it in more detail.
If I remember well, at 60 GHz the electrons of the oxygen atoms begin to spin in the opposite direction, which reduces their ability to combine with iron, with is translated in that the iron in the hemoglobin is unable to catch enough oxygen to sustain life.
>Connecticut State Lab Finds 90 False Positives Out Of 144 Coronavirus Tests Administered In Mid-June>The state's Department of Public Health said that its state laboratory found a "flaw" in one of its testing systems and that 90 of 144 people who were tested for the virus between June 15 and June 17 received false positive tests. 161 specimens were collected and a total of 91 of those showed false positives. >Many of those who received the false tests were nursing home residents.
>>276617>China>misinformationI found the following video from March 6, 2020.
The chinks in house arrest are screaming "It's all fake". At that time nobody listened to them.
>>276805I mean no disrespect here and am not trying to be antagonistic, but please, PLEASE take a college level chem course and pay particular attention to the sections on nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
What you're saying is, if I may quote Feynman, "not even wrong."
>Bill Gates pushing for 7 billion mandatory experimental RNA injections that re-program human cells to produce coronavirus spike proteins
>ON HOLD Bill Gates warns multiple coronavirus vaccine doses likely to be needed and schools should stay closed for another YEAR
This man understands the mask lie at a level most can't comprehend.
>Fauci’s NIH Study Reveals 5G Tecnology Can Produce Coronavirus In Human Cells>Remember when the coronavirus outbreak first hit in Wuhan, China? Remember that Wuhan, China had just rolled out 5G technology around the same time? Remember the theory postulated that 5G might have something to do with the outbreak of coronavirus? If you do, you will be pleased to know that Dr. Anthony S. Fauci’s National Institute of Health (NIH) just released the findings of a study that indicates 5G technology can produce coronavirus in human cells.>In case you missed it, the 5G millimeter waves need to be external waves and the wavelength of those external waves need to be shorter than the size of the cell in order to induct coronavirus structures in the cell. And, the waves produce extra waves within the cell – the shapes of those waves are similar to the shapes of hexagonal and pentagonal bases of their DNA source. The waves create holes in the liquid portion of the cell nucleus and extra hexagonal and pentagonal bases are produced to fill in the gaps. Those bases then can join with each other to from “virus-like” structures like the COVID-19 coronavirus. Here’s a reference on the size of human cells, which vary by function.>So, those of us who postulated that the outbreak and severity of coronavirus could be tied to areas with extensive 5G networks and the roll-out of 5G networks were not just whistling “Dixie”. study has been withdrawn, go figures why.
B-but the link between corona-chan and 5G is koo-koo and the product of conspiracy theorists.
>>276993>The study has been withdrawnI found the page in Waybackmachine*/ add a zip file with the referenced archived pages if anypony needs them.
Experts Say Masks Prevent The Spread Of Viruses.
Miami's Mayor and his enforcers threaten Residents, ‘Wear a Mask or else.
>>276887>What you're saying is, if I may quote Feynman, "not even wrong."Given the posts
>>276993 and
>>276998 confirming that 5G is the origin of corona-chan, would you enlighten us with the "right" explanation?
>>277061Please explain something to me.COVID-19, at least the scare around it, is nothing more than a hoax (Using the most recent example):
>>276809Regular coronaviruses are nothing more than the common cold: can create other coronaviruses:
>>2769935G, itself, is thousands of times less powerful then the sun and actually harmful forms of radiation:, the sun causes skin cancer just from "brief" exposures to it:, the actually numbers of those suffering from it is nowhere near the scare given to it:, 5G has a slim chance of giving me a slight cold?
>>277071I think it's saying "the coronavirus" is a weak thing when not amplified by 5G
>>277072I think the greater takeaway is that with a healthy(ier) immune system, one has nothing to fear except not being able to call in sick
>>277073>healthy(ier) immune systemJust eat more onions.Seriously. Hasn't the entire "health kick" over the past few decades been nothing but a joke that has actually made people even
more getting sick than before the trend because now everyone is afraid of "
bad germs"? Just take multi-vitamins, exercise, eat real foods majority of the time, and wash you hands after using the bathroom.
>>277074Vitamins? Like what, Flintstones gummy vitamin candies?
What should we eat?
How Everyone Will Test Positive For COVID-19
>>277072Thanks poner. In a few words you resumed everything.
>The Morphing Virus Narrative [Embed]This is an entertaining short video about how the virus lies were changing in time.
>Sinclair pulls interview with ‘Plandemic’ conspiracy theorist after CNN-backed outrage campaign>Sinclair Broadcast Group, the US’ largest local news conglomerate, has canceled an interview with a coronavirus conspiracy theorist, after CNN whipped up an online outrage campaign against the conservative broadcaster.>In a segment due to air this weekend, ‘America This Week’ host Eric Bolling sat down with Dr Judy Mikovits, a disgraced scientist who believes that the coronavirus pandemic was orchestrated by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases head Dr Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates to push vaccines on the population – a theory she set out in the documentary film ‘Plandemic,’ which has been effectively censored off the internet. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>>277061>Given the posts >>276993 and >>276998 confirming that 5G is the origin of corona-chanConfirming? It's just fussing over one single paper. So next question is did you even read the abstract? The authors just uploaded scifi fanfiction. DNA as an inductor and EM antenna? WTF are pentagonal and hexagonal bases? Surely they don't mean five and six-membered organic ring structures that are pretty much all organic matter? Sounds like pure nonsense and I imagine the full text isn't any better. Makes sense why it was withdrawn. It was probably only accepted to begin with because the journal appears to have a lax submission process and the editors are lazy, pic related.>>277074This is the litmus test for people with good heads on their shoulders: see if they are acting hygienically and have changed their diet to help their immune system versus people that continue to eat processed food and want to just "wait for a vaccine" (that will probably never work very well)
>>277076Vitamin D and zinc are probably the most important. Drink fortified milk, get lots of sunshine exposure.
Vitamin C is very good too.
>David Icke.>The sterilization agenda>THE BILL GATES VACCINE & THE GREAT POPULATION REDUCTION [Embed]
>>277096Do you think there will be campaigns to flood lefty "Report a non-vaxxer" hotlines with spam and false reports about niggers?
>>276993>>276998>5G Technology and Induction of Coronavirus in Skin CellsI've got this scientific paper.
Withdrawn no more.
>When Will Covid Tyranny End? W.H.O. Director: 'Never!' Unless...>The director of the World Health Organization has warned that we can never go back to normal after the coronavirus outbreak that has killed approximately 650,000 worldwide. But every year the normal flu kills about that why the lockdowns and forced masks and destruction of the economy for this one? What is the real agenda behind this mass hysteria?[YouTube] When Will Covid Tyranny End? W.H.O. Director: 'Never!' Unless...
>How they pulled off the pandemic - an animated film explanation by David Icke [Embed]16 minutes long.
Funny how now that the pandemic has intensified to record levels in some countries all the legit posters got tired of it. Now, only the hoaxnigger remains, content to post his drivel without opposition. I will admit, it was more fun to speculate back when this thing was still emerging from China. Anyway here in semi-rural USA I can now say that I now personally know two people that fell ill and tested positive for COVID-19. White couple both in their upper 40s. The husband brushed it off quickly, feeling bad only for about two days. The wife (who brought it into the household after exposure to someone that ended up hospitalized with it) dealt with symptoms for around a week and for a few days had really painful aches. Though she is obese, she too recovered, seemingly without the long-term damage that some fear can persist even in recovered patients. They both isolated themselves in their house and AFAIK never transmitted the virus to anyone else.
So my experience is currently in line with the idea that 99% of the time you're fine unless you are truly elderly. Good to know that government policy is to destroy the well-being of people in the prime of their lives so that overweight geriatrics can enjoy another five years of life.
>>277255>>277256The stupidity in this paper is monumental and this should be obvious to anyone that cared about their STEM courses in high school. If I had a few hours to spare I could tear to to shreds. Oh but it has math so it must be legitimate right? Even though the authors can't figure out MS Equation Editor, ffs.
>>277269>The husband brushed it off quickly, feeling bad only for about two days. The wife (who brought it into the household after exposure to someone that ended up hospitalized with it) dealt with symptoms for around a week and for a few days had really painful aches.So, a regular flu.
>The stupidity in this paper is monumental>If I had a few hours to spare I could tear to to shreds.Such a wasted talent you have.
I beg you, do humanity a supreme favor and debunk such stupidity at The National Library of Medicine.
Who knows, perhaps you might get a grant from the telecoms, or even better, the Rockefellers themselves.
>>277270>So, a regular flu.As was stated up here:
>>277071Coronaviruses are just the common cold.
> Such a wasted talent you have.>I beg you, do humanity a supreme favor and debunk such stupidity at The National Library of Medicine.I'd like to see it debunked as well. Too much bullshit flying around in regards to information.
>>276711Traitor huwhite amerimutted (((breeders))) deliberately conditioned to continue the (((judaic line of profit-cy))). Nearly all jews in the JewS are also registered as mormons and hold double services, particularly in jew jersey. Cherry Hill has over 40 examples of this doublethink.
>>277269Okay glownigger. Keep
SPREADING the (((!!worldwide corona viriii pandemic!!))) when the facts are clear that the common cold mutates every fucking week, if not every day. Oh, don't forget there are over 8,000 corona virii strains mutating each month.
>>277272>I'd like to see it debunked as well.I was being sarcastic anon.
Now a formal scientific paper exists counterbalancing the virus hoax with 5G radiation. Not bad to rattle the globalists' narrative.
>>277303Wait is the virus actually Airborne AIDS that sterilizes you twice if you get it twice and mistakenly harms asians more than whites/blacks, or was that all just TV bullshit?
>>277309>Airborne AIDS that sterilizes you twice if you get it twiceYeah, I remember those early days when this terrorist campaign began.
>>277312Yeah, that part's probably bullshit. I hear the average age of guaranteed covid deaths is 5 years older than the average life expectancy of a man.
But the "It's more damaging to asians because it was made in china", was that part bullshit too?
Real science does not back COVID-19 claims.
>Dr. Fauci Rebukes Trump’s Tweetstorm Against Him: ‘I Have Not Been Misleading the American Public’>Dr. Anthony Fauci shrugged off Donald Trump’s attacks in light of the president’s new tweetstorm smearing his medical recommendations regarding the coronavirus pandemic.>Fauci gave an interview to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Tuesday, who immediately asked him to react to Trump’s new tweets undermining Fauci, dismissing face masks, and promoting hydroxychloroquine. Trump’s tweets have been called out as a promotion of misinformation, and when Fauci offered his thoughts, he once again stressed the importance of wearing masks, adhering to social distancing, and following public health guidelines.
>Bill Gates’ Lapdog Fauci published in ARSH 2005: “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” “We report…that chloroquine has strong antiviral effects on SARS-CoV infection of primate cells. These inhibitory effects are observed when the cells are treated with the drug either before or after exposure to the virus, suggesting both prophylactic and therapeutic advantage.”
Golly, it's almost like Trump still doesnt know who to trust, but in the face of a crisis (alleged) he went with what appeared his best option.
Trump isn't a new comer neither is naive, he surrounded himself with the swamp and gave the kiss of the death to the American economy by playing along the psy-op and bailing out Wall Street as never before.
He is taking America straight into Agenda 2030 and dragging the rest of the world with it, that's undeniable.
>>277350>doomerSorry anon but wishful thinking only will make us to commit the same mistakes over and over again.
Trump is preparing the military for martial law and clamp on freedom, disarming and mandatory vaccines, the excuse will be lefty insurrection. And don't tell me that Trump subordinate Barr isn't looking the other way while telling the FBI not to arrest the insurgents while gaslighting the conservatives telling them that his hands are tied.
If you only knew how bad things really are.
>>277353I do hope you'll stick around for the summary face-rubbing if and when you're wrong. Not saying you're wrong, just that you seem awfully certain and I'd be surprised if you can validate your position outside of conjecture. I mean, this discussion wont affect change either way, so theres no harm in sticking around to see the outcome, right?
>>277353>And don't tell me that Trump subordinate Barr isn't looking the other way while telling the FBI not to arrest the insurgents while gaslighting the conservatives telling them that his hands are tied.You mean like how Pantifa members are being whisked away by "
mysterious individuals in unmarked vans":
>>277357>just that you seem awfully certainStudy the Jews, study their plans (the Protocols), study their proxies' behavior (politicians).
>>277358>Pantifa members are being whisked awayThat's show for the cameras anon, the alphabet agencies have the info to kick every antifa's door and their financial backers and the bots are doing nothing, obviously the order is to stand down and/or look the other way.
>>277359>hurr I can't into argument so heres MOAR RHETORICPull the other one
>>277270>So, a regular flu.Kind of, I do think COVID-19 is worse than the flu esp. for elderly but not by that much, maybe a factor of 10. So I post their situation because it is useful to remember that many do recover without problems. A new narrative is cropping claiming long-term health problems are common for recovered patients which I doubt.
>>277303Did you read the paper? Consider its arguments and allow the possibility they could be flawed? Approach the well-publicized academic papers in March that claimed SARS-CoV-2 was natural with this approach and bad logic is almost immediately laid bare. Yes: the lab-made theory is sound. This is not the case for the 5G connection paper. Take the approach and the laws are laid bare: modeling DNA as a conductive wire is retarded. Figure 6 would say that visible light is even "worse" than 5G for "effects" on DNA, which is absurd. The notion of an "effect" is never well defined in the paper. Need I say more?
>>277362Did you considered that the symptoms of radiation poisoning mimic the flu?
>Watch Live: Silenced Frontline Doctors Hold Capitol Hill Press Conference to Challenge Big Tech>American doctors are holding a Capitol Hill press conference on Tuesday “to address the censorship of [their] press conference” Monday by Facebook, YouTube/Google, and Twitter.>The event is being held by the group America’s Frontline Doctors and organized and sponsored by the Tea Party Patriots Foundation. [Embed]Context:
>Facebook, Google/YouTube, Twitter Censor Viral Video of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference>Twitter Censors Videos of Doctors’ Capitol Hill Coronavirus Press Conference, Locks Breitbart Account
>BREAKING: @Twitter & @jack have suspended @DonaldJTrumpJr for posting a viral video of medical doctors talking about Hydroxychloroquine. [Embed]
A (((Conservative Inc.)))'s video:
>Covid doctor challenges CNN and Fauci to take urine test
Lying Bill Gates does damage control for his exposed plans to vaccinate, track, and depopulate.
>>277378That's not damage control, that's textbook double speak and mental gymnastics. And the interviewer couldn't have made it easier if she placed the question on a T ball stand
>>277363Like headaches, nausea, and inflammation? So like almost every other disease out there? Not sure what your point is.
>>277369(((Conservative Inc.)))
You got that right. I hate the slander against hydroxychloroquine. But my conservative family members are having a collective orgasm over how this sheboon is "owning the libs" which is almost worse. It's quite blackpilling: talk-radio consuming conservatives LOVE niggers that fight on their side, to show that the Democrats are the real racists. Makes trying to instill racial consciousness into rural whites in the USA a big uphill battle let me tell you. Fucking hate it.
>>277429Excuse me, where's the source of this quote? Even searching up "(Doctor) Charlie Ward" only gave me the results of a black athlete, the protagonist in a Lovecraft novel, and several dentists across the country.
>>277443>Number of search engine results are evidence and signs of proof<Does that mean that all the discussion during this ENTIRE thread is completely bogus because I have 291,000,000 results that say otherwise:
>>277444I'd like a source for this claim, need to dig into it.
>>277448>Number of search engine results are evidence and signs of proofNo, nigger.
It means that you need to look in the right places and with the right search engine.
It's clear that using normies' search engines most relevant results are pushed down or suppressed to show you what the kikes want you to know and nothing else.
>>277449 Deaths>Deaths from all Causes<1,529,621>All Deaths involving COVID-19 (U07.1)1<135,579
>>277450Another proof why Affirmative Action is a waste of time and money.
>>277450>you need to look in the right placesWhy don't you just provide a source and make things easier for everyone? I clearly didn't get the same search engine results you got.
>normies>Using Goolag in the first placeOh, never mind,
you're retarded. That explains so much.
>>277455>Using GoolagPlease Celestia, let your mercy embrace that lost soul. Not only he is dumb, lazy, and a uppity nigger, but also blind.
>>277456Oh, you're right, he's using Yandex. Well, then double-dumbass on him for using a search engine manipulated by the GRU: something like Searx.
>>277457>>277456Also, that still doesn't answer the question of
why doesn't he just provide the fucking source?
>>277457>manipulated by the GRUIt might, but it's guaranteed you going to get western results without any filtering or censorship.
>>277459>why doesn't he just provide the fucking source?Why he should?
>>277463>Why he should?In order to backup his claim and give support to the quote posted. Otherwise the quote is complete bullshit.
>>277463>>277464Why is it so controversial to ask for a source?
>>277464Embrace the shitposting anon.
>>277466It isn't shitposting, there's no attempt at humor about it. It's making claims without any evidence to support. Those political cartoons that keep being posted by that boomer that browses Twatter are better shitpost despite the fact that they're all trash. What that image is posting is a medical claim, coming from a supposed expert, with no source to back it up.
>>277465Controversial, not. Picky and annoying, yes.
This is a board for horsefuckers and demands for citations are over the top when taking into account that most of the posts with info are backed with actual sources.
Only a hostile normalfag can demand such thing.
>>277468>demands for citations are over the top when taking into account that most of the posts with info are backed with actual sources.Then, why is it so hard to provide them when someone brings down the hammer and ask for a citation when none is provided in the initial post?
And, yes, I WILL be picky and annoying about this shit because I've seen to many false claims, on unrelated incidents, being treated as legitimate fact despite there being zero evidence to support. And, that's on top of the fact that the evidence could disappear between the time that it's posted and the time someone else pulls it up and uses it as a source.
>>277471First, donate to Marenheit 451, then maybe you can claim some special rights.
Trump says he is going to deliver the Vaccine with military force.
>>277595Wow. A soundbite. Do you have the greater context of the qna from which one could formulate an opinion, or are you gonna be like the MSM and go crazy cuz of a one-line response? I'm not defending Trump, his response is disquieting, but it's far from testimony
>>277598>I'm not defending Trump, his response is disquieting, but it's far from testimonyIt means that the heroes of Afghanistan and Iraq now will be sharing their skills on the streets with the American People.
The Russians! The Russians are back, and spreading disinformation again! /s
By undermining the WHO and controlled government's narrative people will die!!! /s
>“No Reason to Reference Schweppes and Zinc Together relating to the Beer Bug” says Pepe
>Kodak gets $765M loan from US to produce medicines, reportedly including hydroxychloroquine>Kodak Pharmaceuticals will produce key components for drugs.'t great when you have friends in government to rescue your company from bankruptcy? /s
>OHIO BANS HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE?>As the war over HCQ and its effectiveness on COVID rages in America, states begin to threaten the doctor-patient relationship. This week the State of Ohio’s Board of Pharmacy banned the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19, but 24 hours later, after major push back from both the governor and the public, they changed their tune.
>>277616Well that explains why my biz frens have been geeking about Kodak for 2 days now
>Mark Zuckerberg: If someone says hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID, we’ll take it down>Facebook overrules the opinion of individual doctors.
>>277367A developing follow up:
>Breitbart Still Suspended From Twitter After Viral HCQ Video; Doctor Gets Axe Over Involvement>Just days after the establishment - via its Big Tech partners and liberal media propagandists - entirely disappeared a viral video of a dozen doctors discussing their real-life experiences of treating COVID-19 (and in some cases using the "extremely dangerous" medicine - if mainstream media is to be believed - hydroxchloroquine) and getting children back to school; the founder of "America's Frontline Doctors" - Dr. Simone Gold - has been fired from her job as an Emergency Medicine Specialist in Los Angeles, CA.>"Until what seems like 5 minutes ago I was considered a 'hero' [as a frontline emergency physician] with people clapping at what I was doing... but now i have been summarily fired for appearing in what was told to me was 'an embarrassing video'." [Embed][YouTube] Doctor Simone Gold Fired from Hospital After Attending 'White Coat Summit' -- Hires Atty Lin Wood
>Busted: 11 COVID Assumptions Based on Fear not Fact>THE STORY:>So many people are walking around with their head full of unfounded COVID assumptions.>THE IMPLICATIONS:>Flaw after flaw, assumption after assumption, official COVID testing and the official COVID narrative are just a house of cards.> -------->Assumption 1: The Method of Counting COVID Deaths is Sensible and Accurate>Assumption 2: The PCR Test for COVID is Accurate>Assumption 3: The Antibody Test for COVID is Accurate>Assumption 4: The COVID Case Count is Rising>Assumption 5: Thermal Imaging/Screening for COVID is Effective>Assumption 6: Asymptomatic People Can Spread the Disease>Assumption 7: Making Schools Adopt Insanely Restrictive Measures Will Stop COVID Spread>Assumption 8: It’s a Good Idea for Government to Take Abduct Kids from COVID-Positive Parents>Assumption 9: Social Distancing is Backed by Solid Scientific Evidence>Assumption 10: Mask Wearing for Healthy People is Backed by Solid Scientific Evidence>Assumption 11: We Live in a World of Indiscriminate Killer Viruses> -------->Conclusion: Time to Question all Your COVID Assumptions>The good news is that these are assumptions not facts. When you look closely, you will realize the entire official narrative on COVID is a house of cards built on sand. It cannot stand up to close scrutiny. This knowledge is the key to remaining sane and free in a COVID-crazed and brainwashed world. Spread the word. Evidence, information and knowledge will dispel assumptions and ignorance.
you guys think this will go dead quiet when the election ends.
>>277776No, only when the enforcers are disarmed.
So whats the thing here, is it fake, real?
>>277776My suspicion is if Biden were to win they would suddenly find a "vaccine," or else Dr. Faustus or whatever that faggot's name is would declare that the risk of infection is now "minimal" enough that we can all take our masks off and go back to work. Biden would subsequently be given credit for the recovering economy.
If Trump wins he'll probably try to end the masks/lockdown quickly, but will get heavy resistance and we'll have to listen to people screeching about it for awhile yet.
>>277798>If Trump wins he'll probably try to end the masks/lockdown quickly, but will get heavy resistance and we'll have to listen to people screeching about it for awhile yet.Trumps has already given the terms that we either postpone the election until people can safely be able to vote, or we hold the election as scheduled and declare the fact that the jig is up:
>>277615 →Especially, since they already have a "vaccine" in the form of hydroxychloroquine, which is seeing extremely unusual amounts of resistance.
Bulgarian Pathology Association
>COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless>Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose
>When will the UK 'track and trace' app be ready - and how will it work?>The Government has joined forces with Google and Apple to create a new contact tracing app
Face masks, according to CDC.
>>277872>fucking sourceWho cares?
We are way past the point of if a mask works or not.
It's open for everybody to see the virus is a lie and a terrorist campaign waged by the world governments against the people. The answer the the governments and their masters in Davos can be only one.
>>277938what the fuck is toil foil
CovidPass – Brought To You By The World Economic Forum.
>>278115Tinfoil hat anons were right all along.
>>278117Don't you mean toil foil?
>The Media's Conspiracy Against the People>YouTube moderators, with no medical background to even determine if what is being said is true, are censoring doctors who contradict the WHO and Bill Gates. It is totally outrageous how these social media companies are conspiring against the people to censor things they have no expertise in reviewing.>This is clearly an all-out war to take over the government and force a Socialistic agenda to raise taxes dramatically and impose this Great Reset agenda upon everyone by eliminating all freedom under the pretense of public health. Never in the history of the world has any other government used public health as the excuse to destroy what people have worked for, alter the economy, and strip all of us of our right to be free of such tyranny. Never has anyone ever been quarantined for thousands of years unless they were sick. You do not quarantine the entire population. Lepers were sent to colonies, but they did not lock down the entire population.>There are many in the media who have simply become the new enemy within against the people.
>Crazy Scarf Lady Insists Flu Hoax is Really, Really Serious>This bitch told us that millions were going to die from this virus using fake models. Millions of people did not die from this allegedly deadly virus and instead we saw the government and hospitals inflate death numbers to justify the insane response we’ve seen. [Embed][YouTube] Birx warns of pandemic's "new phase"
>Big Pharma Will Not Be Responsible For COVID-19 Side Effects Caused By Vaccines>This should come as no surprise, but big pharmaceutical companies will not be held responsible for any damages and side effects to people who get a coronavirus vaccine. A senior executive for pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca has confirmed that his company cannot face legal action for any potential side effects caused by its COVID vaccine.>Those who will be affected adversely will have no legal recourse against the company creating the vaccines. They will not be made safe or effective, since they literally don’t have to be.
>PRO-VAX LEADERS ISSUE WARNING FOR COVID-19 VACCINE>With a recent poll showing less than half of Americans would inject the Covid19 vaccine when released, it’s no wonder the country's leading vaccine supporters have all signed a letter to the FDA warning of the importance of Phase 3 safety studies when it comes to this “warp speed” vaccine. [Embed]
>COVID-19 Created by “Organized Jewry,” Toronto Newspaper Claims >TORONTO – B’nai Brith Canada has filed a criminal complaint with Toronto Police after a local Polish-language newspaper twice blamed the COVID-19 pandemic on a sinister Jewish plot.
>Defeat COVID-19 by requiring vaccination for all. It's not un-American, it's patriotic.>Make vaccines free, don't allow religious or personal objections, and punish those who won't be vaccinated. They are threatening the lives of others.>And while the measures that will be necessary to defeat the coronavirus will seem draconian, even anti-American to some, we believe that there is no alternative. Simply put, getting vaccinated is going to be our patriotic duty.
Debunking the Germ Theory - video by Adrian Roscow
>Yahoo News/YouGov coronavirus poll: Number of Americans who plan to get vaccinated falls to 42% — a new low>But maybe we should start asking another question as well: Will enough Americans actually get the vaccine for it to be effective? >“It’s not a vaccine that will save us,” says Harvard Global Health Institute director Ashish Jha. “It’s vaccination.” >For a COVID-19 vaccine to actually stop the pandemic, scientists estimate that at least 60 percent of the population — and probably more like 75 or 80 percent — would need to be vaccinated, a number that depends on many factors, including the efficacy of the vaccine itself and how widely the virus has already spread. >that at least 60 percent of the population — and probably more like 75 or 80 percent — would need to be vaccinated if the vaccine works and this is not about to microchip or tattoo the gullible, then why those not vaccinated endangers the vaccinated?
It makes sense, right. /s
>MAJOR: Tens of Thousands of Quebecois Stage Mass March Against Plandemic Tyranny>Legacy news outlets controlled by the globalist deep state either failed to cover this event, or gave it a passing mention, despite it being a tremendous outpouring. Such manifestations, given that they have not been promoted or financed by corporatist oligarchs and their fake news media outlets, are a good indicator that tremendously more are, or have now, woken up.>The protesters — the vast majority of whom did not wear masks — carried signs and wore t-shirts indicating a variety of motivations and ideologies in opposition to face coverings.[YouTube] Anti-mask protesters in Quebec demand 'liberté'
>>278708But don’t we already have microchips in our credit cards?
>>278881>microchipsIt's a piece of the UN's Agenda 21 grand plan. All world governments are ZOG controlled and WE are the cattle to be processed.
What the Rockefellers want is to put that microchip or tattoo under the skin of every human on earth for ID and surveillance purposes. The plandemic is the excuse to achieve that goal which otherwise would meet with overwhelming refusal by the goyim. Anyway, the (((bankters))) are all invested in NWO and it's too late to stop, they believe that their technocratic dictatorship is right there as they own politicians, police, and the military to do it by force if necessary.
>>278884>Anyway, the (((bankters))) are all invested in NWO and it's too late to stop, they believe that their technocratic dictatorship is right there as they own politicians, police, and the military to do it by force if necessary.And, they're so invested that they do not see that their "biggest players" are actually openly defying them now:
>>278884>UN's Agenda 21 grand planAgreed by 179 world governments without citizen consent or even knowledge that their future will be a global tyranny and lower living standards.
Let the normies know.
>Maryland>Here is a nice picture from the state of Maryland to bring some perspective to what's going on with C19. It helps reveal the difference between cases and death. For this, life in the state was wrecked. [Embed]
>>278884Twenty million confirmed cases this morning. Countries which had the virus under control are seeing new surges. Real production of goods continues to suffer. The US, and the world, are more vulnerable than ever. The nudge required to cause people to lose faith in the System grows ever smaller.
Regardless of actual illness,
Corona-chan is stealing the very breath from those that would rule you. They are trying to steer a ship that has lost its rudder. This is to be celebrated!
I think you are a fool. You see what you want to see. But it matters not what you or I think. We would surely agree that at this point the collapse of the Old Order is assured. The question is, what will arise from the ashes?
All hail Corona-chan!
>ANOTHER FRONTLINE DOC SPEAKS OUT>After a dozen MD’s, along with a letter signed by a coalition of 600+ medical professionals, stood on Capitol Hill a few weeks ago emphasizing the massive disinformation campaign against hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) has cost America countless lives, triple-board-certified Dr. Lisa Saff Koche was inspired to stand up with her fellow doctors and post a video on her own experiences using HCQ. [Embed]Ahem.
There's a problem with these doctors, they go along with the scam.
>Government Propaganda Machine Tests “Persuasive Messages For COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake”>The global elite is using every trick in the propaganda book to take control over all biological units on earth, that is, your bodies. Make no mistake that our own government isn’t in on this plan, as they are driving the public “messaging” to get people to comply.>The study essentially looks at the best possible messaging that can be used on Americans, ranging from expressing vaccine benefits, to using messaging about economic impact, making someone feel guilty or embarrassed for not taking the vaccine, and so on.>Why This Matters: As more credible information about vaccinations and their associated dangers circles the internet and informs people, their choice to not vaccinate in certain situations is increasing. As noted by The World Health Organization, even doctors are starting to question and have a lack of trust in vaccines. Because of all of this, I believe pharmaceutical companies now have to work harder to convince people to get vaccines so their profits can stay where they are at. We are seeing the power of free and open media. You can likely guess you would not see a story like this nor honest coverage about vaccines in mainstream media. psy-op alert.
>Tucker: What happens to New York City matters to the rest of us
>NYC setting up coronavirus quarantine checkpoints.
Russia registers the first Corona-chan vaccine:
>>278986For a cold that has 99.7% survival rate.
>>278986But it may not be accepted by regulators outside of Russia.
Mainstream Media & Science Exposes COVID-19 As A Hoax.
Another Dr. Speaks to the Absurdity of This Masquerade.
>‘Dystopian’: Florida Sheriff Faces Backlash for Banning Masks in His Department as Local Covid-19 Deaths Spike>A Florida sheriff is making national headlines for not just criticizing face masks, but banning them for his deputies and staff — as well as visitors to the sheriff’s offices — on the same day that Covid-19 deaths in his county hit an all-time high.>Marion County Sheriff Billy Woods, the top cop in the north central Florida county, issued his prohibition in response to a local ordinance mandating masks that was passed by the Ocala City Council last week. [Embed]
A bit of CIA propaganda to keep an eye on how the psy-op is developing.
>August 12, 2020>New model predicts Chicago, Baltimore and Boston could become COVID-19 hotspots>The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urged every American to wear a mask after nearly 1,200 students and staff were quarantined in Cherokee County, Georgia.[YouTube] New model predicts Chicago, Baltimore and Boston could become COVID-19 hotspots | WNT
>>278934I dunno anon, I'd wear that top pic if I had it.
**I has only puny 3m p100 respirator.**
>Warning - Do Not Take the COVID Vaccine!!!>The vaccine is a first of its kind, RNA vaccine. [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>Former CBS HealthWatch Reporter Exposes 16 Step Pattern For How COVID-19 Illusion Is Built>Former CBS HealthWatch reporter Jon Rappaport understands the deception and the creating of the illusion of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent email, he details exactly how it is all put together to sell the lies and fear to the public.>Rappaport writes that the following information is based on his study and investigation of so-called epidemics over the past 30 years.>In the case of COVID-19, I’ve written at least one piece covering, in detail, each main element of the illusion. Here, I’m laying out the pattern. It is the same for each fake epidemic.
>Biden calls for nationwide mask mandate - Harris calls for hiring 100,000 contact tracers>Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden on Thursday called on all governors to mandate mask wearing to slow the spread of the coronavirus that has killed more than 165,000 people in the United States. In his second day on the campaign trail with former rival and now running mate Kamala Harris by his side, Biden made the call for a nationwide mandate on masks after a virtual meeting with public health advisers in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware. [YouTube] Joe Biden and Kamala Harris call for nationwide mask mandate
>Its Getting Really Serious - by Max Igan>corona-chan>Soros-Moderna-Faucci-Gates-Epstein tandem>tyranny and enslavementCheck this short video out. (5 min) [Embed]
>Universities ask students to play 'coronavirus police,' report peers who might have COVID-19 >Universities across the country are encouraging students to report peers who are not following university guidelines surrounding COVID-19.>Some professors are concerned about the implications this could have.
Choose your Covid Character. [Embed]translation
>An article published in Science confirms our hypothesis: the four endemic coronaviruses appear to have cross-immunity with COVID-19, explaining the protection of certain subjects, in particular children, and variability in severitythis would mean that if you're healthy you would probably want to go out, catch a normal cold. it also means a vaccine would be worthless for the vast majority of people. if this is true of course.
>>273971There are science people in this thread, right?
I'm not normally into science but I made this on /cyb/
What do you think?
>SPEAK YOUR TRUTH The Emperor Has No Clothes, The COVAIDS Plandemic Is All A Fraud And Is Voluntary [Embed]
>Gates' Vaccine will Create GMO Humans >A retired attorney considers the legality of mandatory vaccines which change our DNA>The impending arrival of many different COVID-19 vaccine offerings raises two extremely important questions: >(1) Will one of these new vaccines be safe enough to warrant the risk of being vaccinated? >(2) Given our government's current mandated lockdown mentality, might you be forced to take one of these vaccines?
Governor of Maine Orders Restaurant Staff to Wear COVID Visors Like Dog Cones
“Must now wear them upside down so that they are attached at the collar instead of the forehead.”
In addition to HCQ, Pepcid AC also scares off Corona-chan:
Spaniard Doctor Luis De Benito Destroys Government Media.
>THE COVID VACCINE’S DIRTY SECRET>While Big Pharma races to get a #Covid19 vaccine on the market, prominent vaccine experts can’t help but raise red flags surrounding a well-known, but hushed, side effect that has already proven to be a serious problem in SARS vaccines. Sit down for an important lesson in immune enhancement with Dr. “Neu.” [Embed]
>Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents>As Friday's hospitalization numbers across the Sun Belt appear to confirm CDC head Dr. Robert Redfield's assertion that the American COVID-19 outbreak has peaked and is starting to fade, the State of Virginia is setting a new precedent by seriously discussing forcing Virginians to be vaccinated with whatever rushed-to-marked candidate the FDA approves first.>During an interview that aired on Friday, the state's health commissioner said he planned to invoke state law to make vaccinations mandatory - once a western product is available, presumably.
Deep State spokesman in Australia says rights may be taken away from those who refuse "vaccine" - video
>PM rolls back comments about making COVID-19 vaccine 'as mandatory as possible'>Following public backlash, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has wound back comments about making the COVID-19 vaccine "as mandatory as possible".>The Prime Minister later appeared on Sydney radio confirming vaccines would not be made compulsory.>The federal government said it would like to see a 95 per cent uptake in any vaccine rollout to ensure herd immunity could be achieved.>Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr Nick Coatsworth said restrictions could be placed on individuals during a press conference yesterday.>"There needs to be some sort of incentive stick, perhaps, through the current programs including no jab, no play," Dr Coatsworth said. >"Looking at specific things like not being able to go into restaurants, not being able to travel internationally, not being able to catch public transport.>Dr Coatsworth conceded there was no current mechanism in place that could be used to enforce those mandatory measures.>Mr Morrison yesterday announced he signed a letter of intent with AstraZeneca to distribute a "promising" vaccine, currently in stage three of development, at Oxford University in the UK.>The government indicated the drug would be made free for all Australians and could be ready as early as next year, with those in the aged care sector being the first priority.[YouTube] PM rolls back comments about making COVID-19 vaccine 'as mandatory as possible'
>Bombshell Evidence that COVID RNA Base Pairs are Identical to Chromosome 8 Human DNA>Covid is said to be encapsulated RNA which is used to copy DNA to take it out of the nucleus. DNA cannot leave the nucleus. So this connection may be simply a coincidence. What we do know is when we inject RNA or DNA into us that mimics our own DNA, we get auto-immune diseases and we know that vaccines will cause these problems. Let's keep researching and learning... [Embed]Mirrors: [Embed] [Embed]
>We Are The Virus: COVID-19 Genetic Material Is Identical To Human Genome 8>How would you feel if you knew that performing your job caused damage to other individuals? This is what many in the medical profession – doctors, nurses, and pharmacists – face today because of the lies that have been told regarding vaccinations. Now, everyone is expected to accept a COVID-19 vaccine that has been fast-tracked by taking shortcuts, has already caused enough adverse effects to stop the production in its tracks, and has the potential to genetically alter the human body at the chromosome level. Believe me when I say, doctors, nurses and pharmacists will be pushing this as hard as Bill Gates because of their indoctrination into the Big-Pharma cult of a pill and “shot” for everything.>The COVID-19 is based on mRNA technology. The mRNA (messenger RNA) provides instruction taken from DNA to synthesis proteins in cell ribosomes. The vaccine would “introduce” mRNA, foreign to your body, that would contain instructions from the DNA of whatever they plan injecting into you to synthesize the proteins in your cells. Remember, the “new coronavirus” has not even been isolated.
Hey, you know what's odd. Not once they, those in the (((media))) corporations, mention polio or small pox.
Since it's already 'dead' vaccinations for them have been stopped. Roughly two generations don't have it.
Now if some jew wanted to kill off or cripple more than 90% of the population, or was pushed to the brink. I think they would have no issue with doing such a horrible thing.
They would show the world one thing, but what really needs to be done is obfuscated.
In addition there is already something to prevent it for those they choose.
>>280918The comparison is insulting to Branch Davidians tbh.
>Mandatory Vaccines: They’re All Reading from the Same Script>Watch the first part of this video, at least: It is absolutely chilling to hear the exact same phrases — clearly written or suggested by the same undisclosed source — coming out of the mouths of multiple “world leaders,” all of them hinting at a mandatory vaccine to come. [Embed]
>Army says "we're prepared and ready" to give "COVID-19 vaccine" out to "all the Americans" - video>Under Secretary of the Army James McPherson addresses the military’s involvement in Operation Warp Speed.[YouTube] Army official optimistic about COVID-19 vaccine in 2020
>Students must have location data on at all times, "CV-19 test", & students that don't comply will be locked out>Michigan's Albion College is attempting to create a "COVID bubble" on its campus as students return for the fall semester. Students are being required to download a smartphone app that tracks their location and ongoing health data to help contain the spread of the virus on campus. The college told students in an email obtained by Newsweek, that they must have their location services on at all times. The "Aura" app will notify the school's administration if a student leaves the campus's bubble. For the entire fall semester, students must stay within the campus's 4.5-mile perimeter or risk temporary suspension, according to the email. Members of the campus staff, however, are allowed to leave the bubble. The announcement sent out last Friday, two weeks before the Albion College campus is scheduled to reopen, leaves students who have already paid tuition in a tough spot. The liberal arts college is planning to offer only in-person learning when classes resume in September. Students who do not comply with the school's contact tracing program will need to defer the semester. [Embed]
>THE SPANISH FLU WAS A HOAX AND ‘GERM THEORY’ IS A LIE!>Pandemics and their relation to the electrification of the atmosphere --- 5G --- [Embed]
>Italian doctor explains vaccine is for depopulation
>Dr. Roberto Petrella – Why are vaccines going to become mandatory?
>>281249Touching balls is a sign of faggotry!
>The World Health Organization Should Be Held Accountable For This!>The genetic sequence the World Health Organization (WHO) is claiming is COVID-19 is the same genetic sequence found in the human chromosome 8, primary assembly. Is it clear now why the viral microorganism has not and can not be isolated? Basically, what the WHO is calling a “virus” is actually a human genetic sequence,and verified by WHO and the website. So, why is a vaccine needed? It isn’t. But, the narrative has been set and Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and others stand to profit a great deal from the peddling of a poisonous vaccine containing the potential to alter human DNA.
>>281371When a mare touches your balls, is she suddenly a faggot?
>>281395Only if she also has a dick and balls.
>SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses>So get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths to the China coronavirus. [Embed] [Embed]
>>281535>9,000To put those numbers into perspective, in 2019 alone there were 1,760 Islamic attacks in 54 countries, in which 10,518 people were killed and 10,725 were injured.
But the CDC isn't calling Islam a health risk.
>Historical speech of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Berlin Festival for Freedom and Peace 29th August 2020>talking about the fake pandemic and how is used to impose tyranny [Embed]
>VIDEO: Police Inquisition of 76 Yr Old Scientist Arrested for Skepticism>Australia’s bravest man? 76 yr old scientist arrested, faced inquisition by police for questioning junk science and draconian lockdown measures [Embed]
>Doctors for Truth - Dr. Walter Weber talks about masks and vaccinations>Removed by YouTube 8/30/20 [Embed]
>Death of a Narrative CDC’s Own Numbers>CDC stats show 94% of cumulative death totals are a lie. So how do the new “NUMBA’s” for COVID compare to other causes of death including Chicago shootings? [Embed]
>>281680>>281683Well, I want to say it again:
/mlpol/ was right again.
>>281684Do you understand what i meant now?I am proven right.
>Scooby Doo Solved COVID-19 Mystery
A silly edit.
>American colleges, universities tricked students into paying tuition and returning to campus, only to be locked down in their dorms all semester
>Hospital Cry & Blame CDC As Medicare Investigates COVID Cases>The hospital lobbies are not happy as Medicare announces they will be looking into the methods hospitals used to diagnose people with Covid-19. The hospitals are now pointing to the CDC as the ones who told them how to fleece the system. [Embed]If only 4% is declared a legit coronachan case, then 96% of the profits will never be collected. With a bounty of 13,000 dollars for each diagnosis that Trump allocated for them, that's a ton of money lost. Shieeeeeeeeet.
(((THEIR))) NEXT STEP after the new normal.
Coronachan collective house arrest
>Brave woman serving lawsuit to palm beach county officials for treason>The woman sent the message: We the people will not acquiesce nor sleep and allow you to rape pillage murder and enslave us and hijack our perceptions of reality anymore. [Embed]
Bot attacks man, calls henchmen to kidnap him.
>Shocking moment police officer PEPPER-SPRAYS rail passenger for resisting arrest after ordering him to wear a face-mask - despite him claiming he is exempt due to a 'medical condition'
>NYT: 90 Percent of Coronavirus Tests Gave False Positives>The unreliability of the testing is a fact we’ve already known, but it is fairly shocking to see it reported in The New York Times of all places. [Embed] [Embed]
>>281944The high percentage of false positive is why Norway don't do mass testing and stopped testing in May.
>As the situation is now, FHI (Norwegian Institute of Public Health) estimates that if you test 12,000 random people in Norway, you will get around 15 positive test results, where only one of them is real corona infection, while the other 14 are false positive test results. This means that the person who tests positive is actually healthy. In the case of very low infection in society, this applies even if the test (PCR test) itself is of good quality.
>Aussie's Arcane Lockdowns Spark Backlash - 'Freedom Day' Protesters Clash With Cops>Social unrest surged Saturday across Melbourne and Sydney, as hundreds of protesters took to the streets, defying arcane coronavirus lockdowns that have been in effect for nearly five weeks following a spike in virus cases and deaths.>Anti-lockdown groups gathered at the Shrine of Remembrance, a war memorial in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, with some demonstrators wearing no masks, holding signs, and were heard chanting "freedom" and "human rights matter," reported Reuters. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Dozens of arrests as Melbourne's anti-lockdown protest turns violent with more than 1,000 angry locals defying attempt to cancel event - while demonstrators gather in huge numbers in Byron Bay.>Protesters have been arrested at Freedom Day rally in Melbourne on Saturday morning after 1,000 turned out>Swarms turned up to 'Freedom Day' marches in the coronavirus-hit city - demanding an end to lockdown>Alarming footage captured demonstrators lying on the ground while being taken away in handcuffs >Dozens of Melburnians have been arrested, with many refusing to wear face masks during the mass protests >Meanwhile in Byron Bay, protesters have also descended onto the streets demanding 'freedom for Victoria'
>People will need a form of 'digital ID' so they can prove their 'disease status' as the world moves out of lockdown, Tony Blair has said.>The former PM suggested that the only way industries like international travel will be able to reopen is if people are able to show whether they are clear of coronavirus.[YouTube] Tony Blair says people will need 'digital ID' to prove 'disease status' in future
>CDC tells states to prepare for COVID-19 vaccine distribution by November 1>But, the director of the National Institutes for Health says it is "unlikely" that a coronavirus vaccine will be ready by then.[YouTube] CDC tells states to prepare for COVID-19 vaccine distribution by November 1
Taking aside the people who died with underlying clinical conditions, only 100 people died in Ireland.
>Their COVID Story is Falling Apart (2:19 minutes)>BREAKING NEWS — SHOCKING REPORT LIVE outside Government Buildings Dublin. Ireland>Everyone Share This To Anyone Following The Stupid Rules Ruining Peoples Live's. [Embed]HSE Report see page 11 undying conditions total:
>"Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered Him A Bribe To Impose COVID Restrictions">Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko said last month via Belarusian Telegraph Agency, BelTA., that World Bank and IMF offered him a bribe of $940 million USD in the form of “Covid Relief Aid.” In exchange for $940 million USD, the World Bank and IMF demanded that the President of Belarus:>• imposed “extreme lockdown on his people”>• force them to wear face masks>• impose very strict curfews>• impose a police state>• crash the economy>And if it is true for Belarus, then it is true for the rest of the world! The IMF and World Bank want to crash every major economy with the intent of buying over every nation’s infrastructure at cents on the dollar! the idea that all world governments are destroying their economies on purpose and imposing dictatorships because the Rothschilds say so is a conspiracy theory goy.
>"San Francisco Government Buildings Keep Gyms Open, Crushing Private Gym Owners">For months, the city of San Francisco health order has prevented local gyms from opening its doors, but we’re now learning some city-owned gyms have been back open for months and are allowing city employees to use them.[YouTube] San Francisco Government Buildings Keep Gyms Open, Crushing Private Gym Owners
How To Kill Coronavirus Once and For All.
So semi related in regards to an enforced vaccine... there is going to be a hastily created vaccine or 'vaccine' that could do some fairly bad things, relatively easily.
The options are numerous.
Besides loading people up with the actual virus part 2 the pandemic boogaloo. Or a different virus or pathogen entirely.
I think this would be a quick way to eliminate or cripple the discontent. Inducing an alpha-gal allergy condition. An allergy to mammalian meat, and byproducts for 8 months to 5 years.
A heavy reliance on vegetables, poultry, and fish. [s[They would encourage bugs.
Is this insane? Yes, yes it is. Will they do this? I don't know, probably not. Now consider all the bad press red meats have recieved over the years.
This would remove a wide array of fat options for brain development.
Now imagine PETA and those nutjobs succeeding, or being the proverbial scape goat.
Prefectly lines up with a green new deal.
Production lines have been ruined by this economic standstill. Now they make cows worthless. Unless you are one of the elite.
A status symbol and superiority over the masses that have to spend great amounts of time eating and could cripple military efforts.
You know who doesn't have or produce alpha-gal? Humans, and select apes.
After this they would encourage cannibalism, bug based foods, and further push soy. All in their quest to normalize their Weimar world.
Now if they succeed in an entirely cashless society they can ensure no one would be physically strong enough to resist. By monitoring and controlling the limit of consumption of food carefully they can entrap man kind.
So what about tasks that require physical labor?
Specially designed machines or drugs.
Well there is still the mind, and that avenue. Ah, that requires time, resources and planning. Those they can track and monitor. That's not even considering the neural links. It can be done, and organizing it under those kinds of conditions would be terrible.
It would fit nicely that once conditioned, and society trained they would have the structure for a meatless milkless society. They could give an 'improved' more 'costly' version that doesn't induce this for select members.
Now they can selectively induce nutrient imbalances, just enough to survive, but not enough to thrive.
Lab grown human meats.
Okay but seriously if they use RNA based 'vaccine' they could cause some incredible damage. If they do it with ill intent it would be sickening to consider what they could alter to the human genome. They don't need to target you, they need to target the cells for reproduction for the next generation.
That's also disregarding the economic enslavement, a fake vaccine could induce. A simple saline injection that costs a fortune, but for the low low price of a loan it's yours and you and you're family is safe. It comes out of the paycheck automatically you don't have to see a thing.
The social ID is really all one needs to do that and make the normal fags take up arms about the person who wants to kill their family.
What will happen if they succeed is make the mystery vaccine the lynch pin of society. The Global society. It doesn't really matter what they put in it, all of the new world will revolve around paying taxes, and the vaccine. That will be their new religion.
The vaccine giveth, and taketh away. The vaccine sermon will happen as you know some people can only handle a number of vaccines.
The five pillars. Social justice, Vaccine, Green Emissions, Taxes, and Communism. All about percieved saftey, and threats.
>Quebec City Says it Will Isolate “Uncooperative” Citizens in Secret Corona Facility>Health officials also visiting homes to take away people who violate quarantine.>During a press conference, Dr. Jacques Girard, who heads the Quebec City public health authority, drew attention to a case where patrons at a bar were ordered to wait until their COVID-19 tests came back, but disregarded the command and left the premises before the results came back positive.>This led to them being deemed “uncooperative” and forcibly interned in a quarantine facility. [Embed]
Death Rate Update - Truth is contagious.
>sandnigger invader with his breed kicked out>Canadian flight canceled after dispute over toddler not wearing mask>A father claimed the flight crew wanted his 19-month-old daughter to wear a mask, but the airline said they only needed his three-year-old to wear one. [Embed]
Highly recommended Dr. speaks. The existence of the virus has never been proven.
>Dr. Andrew Kaufman>An Inconvenient Covid Truth. The Highwire Interviews Dr Andrew Kaufman [Embed]
>Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It>The same bloated Tech/Data and Telecom Titans now gorging themselves on the corpses of our obliterated middle class are rapidly transforming America’s once proud democracy into a censorship and surveillance police state.
>>282531Weak, doesn't mention the bullets that are incorporated with infringement
Why Should People Under 70 Be Vaccinated?
>Moving Interview With The Folk Hero Dr. Bodo Schiffmann - Press Conference - 08-29-2020 - BerlinOriginal video in German without subtitles:
>Bewegendes Interview mit dem Volkshelden Dr. Bodo Schiffmann | Pressekonferenz | 29.08.2020 | Berlin>Das Interview fand im Anschluss an die Pressekonferenz mit Robert F. Kennedy Jr. am 29.08.2020 im Rahmen der von Querdenken 711 organisierten Demonstration auf der Straße des 17. Juni statt. [Embed]
>Author Of Dystopian Classics Predicted 'Use Of Face Masks To Enforce Conformity' 70 Years Ago>Respected German author Ernst Jünger predicted the ubiquitousness of face masks to enforce conformity and uniformity in a dystopian future society in a novel called The Worker that was published nearly 90 years ago.[YouTube] Attack of the Corona Karens
>Federal judge rules Pennsylvania's coronavirus orders are unconstitutional>A federal judge ruled on Monday that Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf’s (D) coronavirus orders, which shut down the state, closed businesses and limited gatherings, were unconstitutional.>U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV, a Trump appointee, said in his opinion that COVID-19 orders from Wolf and Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Rachel Levine violated and continue to violate the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly and the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment.
Meet the new Greta Thunberg but for coronachan paraded by MSM.
How dare you to doubt the virus is real and dangerous?
At no time the "investigative
journalists propagandists" arise the obvious questions. Why the Chinese scenario was not reproduced in the West? The hospitals were always empty, the ambulances, nurses and doctors idle, people falling on the streets and the piles of bodies in refrigerated trucks a lie. And the most clear revelation, all people in charge playing a synchronized psyop to fool the people to tag them under the guise of vaccination.
>"I Am The Target": Silenced Chinese Virologist Tells Tucker COVID-19 Intentionally Released, CCP Trying To 'Disappear' Her>Hours after her unceremonious Twitter ban for, we assume, presenting evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a Wuhan lab, Chinese virologist Dr. Li-Meng Yan appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," where she told the Fox News host that the virus is a "Frankenstein" which was designed to target humans which was intentionally released.[YouTube] Coronavirus whistleblower speaks out about possible COVID origin on 'Tucker'
>>282766>intentionally released<Virus only ever killed the Chinks and sandniggers
<Hong Kong and Taiwan (The two biggest thorns in China's side) were largely unaffectedSure...
>>282776>Hong Kong and TaiwanAnd Japan.
>COVID is the BANKERS' BIOWEAPON>Totalitarianism is funded through a complex, impenetrable, covert network of Trusts, Foundations, Funds, Shell Corporations, Shares - all highly secretive and all of them busily funding the technology and paying off the political establishment to implement this plan. The UN and WEF are instruments of the City of London Banking dynasties and their tentacles are reaching deep into every household, organization and into the psyche of the American mind. Their purpose it to steal all the land and building deeds and install a human tracking and control system so that this tiny handful of trillionaires can keep their grip on power. And he’s the thing, even millionaires aren’t safe anymore from the rapacious greed of the billionaires and trillionaires. [Embed]
>“Bestseller” Book Calls Out Covid-19>German researchers, Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi MD and Dr. Karina Reiss PhD, credited with 360+ publications on Immunology, Virology, Inflammation, & Pathology, have now written a book detailing staggering concerns over Public Health measures taken during the pandemic. They join Del for an eye-opening conversation you don’t want to miss. [Embed]
>12 Steps to Create Your Own Pandemic (Or How to Turn a Harmless Virus into Boundless Profits for You and Your Friends)>1. Find some vague criteria for what constitutes the symptoms that you want people to look for.>2. Then we would need something biological to test.>3. Then we are all set to go. We just have to claim that we have discovered a new cluster of symptoms and that is related to a new RNA sequence.>4. By some miracle we have already discovered exactly the virus that is responsible among the millions of different viruses that exist in any cubic centimeter of air. So we already have a RT PCR test read to go. >5. So now we just have to spread the news that a new deadly pandemic is spreading all over the world, and every country has to start testing.>6. All you need now is for people to bring their old and confused elderly in for testing.>7. The graphs of numbers tested positive will be exponential in the beginning.>8. If you want to destroy the economy during the pandemic, you will get some programmer to make a prediction of millions of deaths (actually 70 million die every year anyway, so that is not really difficult) if we don’t lock down society.>9. Just for fun, to see how strangely we could make gullible people act, we could invent different strategies for protection.>10. In order to make money on vaccines, we will start testing antibodies. Here the false-positive error rate is even greater.>11. We can always count on several waves of the virus.>12. We can count on doctors being sure that they are right in all they do.>Bonus: We just have to make sure there is no cheap effective drug commonly available. If so, we can always pay some doctors to make up some numbers to publish (like the fake negative Hydroxychloroquine research in the Lancet).
>They aren’t “free” – If you get vaccinated for COVID-19 and develop serious injury or illness, YOU have to pay all your medical bills yourself>American taxpayers will be footing the bill for President Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, as new reports indicate that the jabs are slated to become “free” for everyone who lives in the United States.>Because most Americans are skeptical about the safety and effectiveness of the chemical injections, the federal government’s plan is to subsidize them with taxpayer dollars to make them more appealing to those who are otherwise planning to reject them.>The Department of Defense (DOD) and various federal health agencies have put together a “playbook” for states and local municipalities to follow in gradually rolling out Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines once they become available.>The Pentagon is also involved in the process, though reports indicate that “civilian health workers” will be tasked with administering the shots, first to the elderly and vulnerable, followed by everyone else.
>"Everyone Involved Should Face Jail Time": Trump Jr. Slams Nashville Officials For Concealing Low COVID-19 Numbers>Donald Trump Jr. has weighed in over Nashville officials concealing the low number of COVID-19 cases in bars and restaurants.>In a Thursday tweet, the president's son said "The Dem Mayor of Nashville KNOWINGLY LIED ABOUT COVID DATA to justify shutting down bars & restaurants, killing countless jobs & small businesses in the process," adding "Everyone involved should face jail time. How many other Dem run cities is this happening in?" [Embed][YouTube] Nashville officials concealed low coronavirus numbers coming from bars and restaurants
May 2020.
>Forensic Doctor Destroys Media Lies Nobody Died of Covid in Hamburg Without Previous Illnesses
>Australia Pushes New Measure To Detain COVID "Conspiracy Theorists" >Weekend demonstrations have flared up in Australia over the last month, as Aussies have vented their frustrations and attempted to take back control of their communities after a surge in virus cases prompted the government to re-implement some of the world's most draconian social-distancing measures.>And if there is one thing that terrifies increasingly tyrannical governments, it's a loss of control of the narrative, which is why the Australian government is getting a jump start on curbing any so-called "conspiracy theorists" daring to spread information that questions the fear-mongering being used to keep Aussie citizens under lock and key.
>>282888What if after 2020 Trump flips the script, destroys the Dems over the Covid scam, and ends the lockdown in America?
>>282921Unlikely, he opened the gates for a humongous funding of private companies and involved the government in every aspect of the vaccination campaign.
Even he will not get rid of Fauci and associates while deflecting the responsibility on the governors.
Just look who are surrounding Trump, globalists and zionists, not nationalists. It's clear what the agenda is.
>>282931I know it's unlikely, Trump is Jewish property.
But what if his endgame was to be the only globalist Jew "left standing"? That is, with power and money?
>>282945We're fucked anyway. That's not what the American people voted.
>Strategy of the Federal Ministry of The Interior To Terrorize The Population - COVID-19
Right there for everybody to see. It's state terrorism against the German people.
>The Best And Worst States For Homeschool Freedom>removing children from government's claws
>Armed Residents Confront COVID-19 Testing Teams Conducting Random Door to Door Blood Tests>Minneapolis, MN — In states across the country, health departments are launching COVID-19 antibody testing surveys. The stated goal of these surveys is to better understand how many people in the region have previously had COVID-19.>That being said, however, given the government’s track record throughout history, even voluntary measures like this one have opened the door for abuse. A group of citizens in Minnesota have taken notice — and apparently, also taken up arms — in an effort to deter it.>According to the Pioneer Press, a team of state and federal health workers were recently confronted by armed residents while they were conducting random coronavirus testing in communities across Minnesota.>The incident came to light after at least two Twin Cities-area police departments posted an email from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety on their social media accounts.
>Anti-mask mayhem in Trafalgar Square: Police arrest 32 as conspiracy theorists clash with officers and hundreds rail against Covid restrictions in central London protest
>Covid marshals and the rise of the busybody state>The government has announced that a new band of ‘Covid marshals’ will patrol Britain’s streets and ensure that no one is breaking social-distancing rules. They will remind people to keep a two-metre distance, enforce one-way pavements and break up groups of more than six.>The Covid marshal is merely the latest incarnation of the yellow-jacketed busybody who has become a feature of public space over the past 10 to 20 years. We have become familiar with the generic officious warden, who goes around telling people off for whatever it is they are doing. We see videos of them on YouTube, telling buskers they need a licence, saying that leafleting is banned or asking groups of young people to disperse.
>Melbourne Police Surround & Arrest 2 Elderly Women Resting On Park Bench For 'COVID Violation'>"Victoria Police have lost all commonsense," one Australian eyewitness quipped upon posting a video showing police telling a 38-week pregnant woman she can't sit down due to coronavirus and social distancing enforcement measures. >It's one of many recent viral videos to come out of Australia's southeast state of Victoria, home to Melbourne, showing absurd "crackdowns" by police for alleged coronavirus policy violators. "As a pregnant woman I can't sit in the park?" the incredulous woman whose story was covered widely in local media asked the couple of officers who harassed her.>Apparently not... because COVID. “You can only be out of your house for one of four reasons,” the officer responded. “One of those would be exercise. Sitting in a park is not one of the four reasons.” [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
>Update – Ohio Group Suing to Remove COVID-19 Emergency Order Will Enter Into Discovery Stage of Trial >Ohio Stands Up! will be able to enter into the discovery stage of the trial soon and looks forward to deposing under oath the relevant state and federal officials.>“As the state continues to double down on this continued fraud, going so far as to create FEMA “concentration camps,” we are working to shine the light of truth on the dark reality of the COVID response.”
>Former CBS Healthwatch Reporter: How CDC/WHO Will Fake Effects Of COVID Vaccine To Make It Look Like A Success>The COVID vaccine is being touted by people around the world, but no one more than President Donald Trump and Bill Gates. However, former CBS Healthwatch reporter Jon Rappaport, author of The Matrix Revealed, tells how the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization will fake the effects of the COVID vaccine to make it look like a success.>Rappoport wrote in his latest email the following.>Making a vaccine look like it’s a champion isn’t difficult for public health agencies. There are a number of strategies.>Of course, these fraudulent strategies would be serious crimes. But when has that stopped the CDC or the World Health Organization?
>>276740A month late to the party, but just jumping in to remind you that you should commit suicide ASAP.
>X crazy person agrees with it, therefore it is not validis centuries old jewish magic trick to discredit an otherwise sound argument and mislead the people listening to it.
So, again, pls die.
>Nightmare Unleashed>trans-humanism>Corona-chan vaccine not only changes DNA but allows further modifications and to interface with bio sensors. [Embed]
Ron Paul Liberty Report
>CDC's Forked Tongue: Flip-Flops (Again) On Covid Testing>The CDC can't seem to get it straight. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask; get tested, don't get tested. No matter how contradictory or plain silly is their advice, it's all based on "science," they claim. Will the latest flip-flop further undermine their credibility? Plus in today's program: Health workers LESS likely to get infected? And...Texas governor kicks Texas bars in the teeth.[YouTube] CDC's Forked Tongue: Flip-Flops (Again) On Covid Testing
>>283326>The injectable thingy can manipulate mRNA>manipulate mRNA at any point after injectionHoly shit. This changes everything.
If you can freely change this specific mRNA you could do ANYTHING biologically possible.
Current drug manufacturers could find themselves at odds with mRNA created molecules. Not just that, but creating nonhuman proteins would be possible.
It could have you create anything in your own body.
If it's wireless BS anyone anywhere can do anything to you.
I mean anything. Just takes time and effort.
Anything you could injest or inject at a touch of your fingers.
This could mean immortality is possible in three fucking years. Deplyable super soldiers. Never ending drugs for them. VITAMIN C DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A LIMITING FACTOR. Infections wiped out by fuck tons of vitamin c. Diseases cured or treated without external bullshit. A general improvement in overall health.
The possibilities are fucking endless, and they are going to do horrible things with this. Suddenly dieing? Sure thing. Hallucinations during hard acivity? Yep yep. Oxytocin and Feel good drugs for obeying them? You know it. Suppressing disgust? To a chemical extent, and if the brian impant is there too in an electrical extent.
Cancer? Sure thing.
Becoming a vector for viral creation for a biological plague? Yeah.
Shutting down (suprising) sex orgains (or any organ)? With the right combination of chemicals.
Making you into whatever sex toy they want? Why stop there?
Trying to disobey and escape or plan? Depression, and motivational problems.
Induce any kind of ailment, genetic or natural. From any kind of creature.
STDs and AIDs out of nowhere cause they said so. They cpuld make living absolutely hellish.
Weeding out malcontents by making everyone immune to a specific virus, having them produce it, and ensuring it's spreadablity? I have little doubts they would. They could even break up or restrict outside group person to person communication and contact.
I need more information. I may be blowing this out of proportion, but even if it's slow a right combination inside a virus carrier will be absolutely massive..
>>283350>This could mean immortality is possible in three fucking years.Well, as stated by the Illuminati and their lesser freemason minions in the Georgia guidestones, they want humanity reduced at 500 millions top, So perhaps these satanists want immortality for them, but for us, to kill us all (UN Agenda 2030).
>>283354>immortality for them but not for usThat's not even the proposal you disingenuous faggotfaggot. Ffs learn 2 reed
>>283350>Holy shit. This changes everything.Glad you understand the implications.
>>283356If true even an under the table slapdash knockoff thing could be used for our own purposes would be a massive force multiplier.
And why stop at people? Things could get really freaky.
>>283326>>283350Why is all this speculation sounding similarly fantastical to
Parasite Eve's
fictional science?
>>283362>Why is all this speculationWell, if you listened to Dr. Kauffman, that speculation has a factual basis, he describe it as GMO humans. And Dr. Kauffman statements have weight because of his credentials.
>>283363Over a decade ago, the CDC declared to the world that obesity was an epidemic, based on the results of biased and rigged studies from "
accredited doctors", and ostracized anyone who disagreed with it: [Embed]And, you unironically think that
THIS TIME they're correct with their outlandish claims?
>>283367Dr. Kauffman is a dissenter all the way faggot.
He refutes and denies everything the CDC and WHO says.
>>283367Check the following post out (the video has been censored)
>>268347 →>Dr. Andrew Kaufman: They Want To Genetically Modify Us With The COVID-19 Vaccine But there's a working mirror:
>>268541 → [Embed]Also:
>>268354 →>>269625 →>>269627 →>>270111 →>>271977 →>>272999 → This is important
>Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
>Dr Andrew Kaufman's vital speech at the Trafalgar Square London protest, September 19th, 2020. [Embed]
>>283326Digging deeper and getting creepy.
>The Ultimate Control Of The Gentiles [Embed]
>Foreign DNA used as manipulator or modifier that is wanted in people's bodies by (((them)))
>Pastor Chris Oyakhilome From Nigeria Shares Evidence On Why COVID-19 Was PLANNED All Along
Coincidence or Cohen-cidence?
>In the House today, I asked the Premier when he would begin being truthful and honest about the dangers of COVID.>In response, I was shut down by the Speaker and snubbed by the Premier.>As we can see, no one wants to say the emperor has no clothes. [Embed]Covid 19 - The emperor has no clothes.
>(((Mark Levin))) Tells the Truth: 200,000 Coronavirus Deaths is the Biggest Lie of the Century>Fox News host Mark Levin disputed the notion the novel coronavirus killed 200,000 people in the U.S., referring to the grim figure from health officials as “the biggest lie this century.”
>CDC Admits There is No Proof COVID-19 is Airborne Virus and They Have Been Misleading the Public All Along>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that the organization has deceived the public throughout the entire coronavirus pandemic, backtracking on their claim that COVID-19 is an airborne virus.>“CDC is currently updating its recommendations regarding airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2,” the CDC explained in a note published earlier this week.>“This was an error on the part of our agency and I apologize on behalf of the CDC,” said John Brooks, chief medical officer for the CDC’s COVID-19 Emergency Response, while on a call with medical professionals on Monday.
>New York to Doctors: Hand Over Private Patient Information>Last month, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo ordered health care professionals across the state to provide the “full residential address and phone number, occupation and employer name, full work address and employer phone number as well as race and ethnicity” of all patients tested for Covid-19.>On Monday, he upped the ante. The new order, obtained by Judicial Watch, mandates that doctors “collect and report whether a patient attends or works in a school and if so, the name and location of the school. This includes elementary, secondary, and post-secondary/higher education. It is also critical to list the patient’s local address if different from their permanent address.”
>Video: The Covid-19 “Second Wave”. “Red Zones”, Travel Bans, Quarantines, “Red Lists”>SARS-CoV-2 is NOT A “KILLER VIRUS”. The fear campaign has no scientific basis. The standard RT-PCR test used to “detect” the insidious Virus, “cannnot identify the Virus”.>The governments which claim “to be protecting us” are using meaningless and manipulated statistics to justify the imposition of Covid-19 “Code Red”. [Embed]
>Coronavirus Cases Plummet When PCR Tests Are Adjusted >Health experts now say that PCR testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus associated with the illness COVID-19, is too sensitive and needs to be adjusted to rule out people who have insignificant amounts of the virus in their system.1 The test’s threshold is so high that it detects people with the live virus as well as those with a few genetic fragments left over from a past infection that no longer poses a risk. It’s like finding a hair in a room after a person left it, says Michael Mina, MD, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.2>In three sets of testing data that include cycle thresholds compiled by officials in Massachusetts, New York and Nevada, up to 90 percent of people testing positive carried barely any virus, a review by The New York Times found.
>Trump’s Operation Warp Speed>Military Personnel Outnumber Civilian Scientists In US Vaccine Program>An organizational chart obtained by Stat shows, raising concerns about whether military officials are qualified to lead the massive public health campaign. The military is used for war. Rolling it out to distribute a rushed vaccine signals one thing to the public if you’re brave enough to admit it: this vaccine distribution is a war on the public perpetrated by the government. Wake up. [Embed]
If This Isn't Proof Of Deception And Lies On A Global Scale I Dont Know What Is.
>Dr Kary Mullis - "Misuse" of the PCR Test
>FRAUD ALERT: DEMOCRAT POLITICIANS CAUGHT ON HOT MIC PUSHING MASKS FOR ‘POLITICAL THEATER’ (WATCH)>Pennsylvania Democrats Governor Tom Wolf and Representative Wendy Ullman were preparing to speak at a press conference yesterday when they were caught on hot mic joking about doing “a little political theater” by ensuring they were to be filmed wearing their masks.>The Young Republican National Federation tweeted the exchange between Wolf and Ullman as they were preparing to address Pennsylvania about Obamacare, or “life-supporting health insurance”. State Senator Steve Santarsiero was also speaking at the press conference.>The most damning sign that arbitrary rules are not based in actual science is when the rule-makers do not follow their own dictates. It is becoming clear that mandates are designed to keep the population in a heightened sense of fear about a virus that has been shown to have very little effect on healthy individuals. [Embed]
>>284433>also a nice pair of dubs
>Trump COVID adviser won't cave to criticism: 'It's destructive to lock down the healthy'>President Trump’s embattled coronavirus adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas, isn’t backing down under intense criticism that his guidance runs counter to established science.>He says his views have been distorted in media and too many people in the public eye have been “instilling fear” instead of addressing the damage caused by lockdowns on schoolchildren and workers who are less vulnerable to COVID-19.>“We know the harms are tremendous to closing schools and businesses. I don’t know why that is not front and center. That is the most important reason why I’m here,” he told The Washington Times.
>New Lockdown Rejected by England Mayor Saying ‘We Will Defy Government’>Middlesbrough mayor Andy Preston fought back after Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced the latest measures in a Commons address.>A ban on different households meeting will be introduced after a spike in infections.>It will be illegal to meet in settings, such as pubs and restaurants, in the Liverpool City Region, Warrington and Hartlepool.>Today’s news means around 20million people across the UK are now living under local lockdown restrictions.>But Mr Preston vowed not to obey the new rules. [Embed]
- The Real Meaning Behind ‘Operation Warp Speed’ -
>There are two ‘Warp Speed’ operations that have been running in parallel since the start of the year. The first Warp Speed encompasses the vaccine sprint put in place by President Trump and the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS). This program, meant to “vaccinate the world,” is supposed to set people free and return life to normal. Orchestrated outside the United States, the other Warp Speed set the shadow plan in motion years ago.>The socialists who occupy the leadership suites at the United Nations, World Bank, the World Health Organization (WHO), and their signatories and sponsors rolled out a Trojan horse, releasing change agents to sack economies worldwide. They needed a global mutating virus. They needed doubt and uncertainty. They needed mainstream media to push fear and panic 24/7. The globalist’s Warp Speed required governments to sell out their citizenry and state sovereignty, to lockdown societies, impose draconian rules, eliminate entire industries and crash every country’s economy. And this oppression needed to be put into place before they unleash COVID vaccines.>For the Great Reset to achieve its plan, the globalist designers need six to 18 more months of lockdowns to finish breaking the global supply change and eliminate all small-to-midsize businesses. It needs a little more time to impose police states control over the masses vis-à-vis manufactured food shortages and digital currencies. It needs a little more time to get people to beg for the implantable tracking devices to join the New World Order.>Thus, there is a real sprint going on between the globalists’ Great Reset and Operation Warp Speed. Who will win? Who will come out on top? European socialists? Or the United States of America?>Time is of the essence. Forced vaccinations loom over the horizon. Will President Trump pull the plug on the Warp Speed vaccine race?
>Beware of the vaccines
>Here's an interesting comment:
>"Bottom line? Humans have been used to perpetuate their agendas to get to the point that their technology has bite. We assisted through the centuries to get these oligarchs where they wanted to be. They were always driving the bus...their agendas...their mandates....their direction. NOW, that 'they have arrived' to where they want to be....we are no longer of any use. They have always hated us and now it is time for the majority to go."
>Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer: ‘Second Wave’ is Faked>In a stunning development, a former Chief Science Officer for the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer says “there is no science to suggest a second wave should happen.” The “Big Pharma” insider asserts that false positive results from inherently unreliable COVID tests are being used to manufacture a “second wave” based on “new cases.”>Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer for 16 years, says that half or even “almost all” of tests for COVID are false positives. Dr. Yeadon also argues that the threshold for herd immunity may be much lower than previously thought, and may have been reached in many countries already.
>Australians Do Not Appear to be Cooperating with the Hoax, God Bless Them>It’s summertime in Australia.>This video from Australian news shows a news reporter flipping his lid about Victorians having fun at the beach.>Watch the clip. It will fill you with joy. [Embed]
>Medical Journal Calls For Mandatory COVID Vaccine: "Non-Compliance Should Incur A Penalty">A paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine has called for mandating a coronavirus vaccine, and outlined strategies for how Americans could be FORCED to take it.>The paper warns that an immediate mandate for the vaccine would spark too much resistance and backlash, so the writers suggest that at first it should be voluntary.>However, it suggests that if not enough people are willing to get the vaccine within the first few weeks of it’s availability, it should be transformed into an obligation, with penalties put into place for refusal.
>The Hard Hitting Truth For Covidiots
>Florida Governor Rick De Santis
>September 25, 2020
>>284614>Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer: ‘Second Wave’ is FakedMoar with the guy talking live on air.
>Former Pfizer Executive Refutes Fauci & Lying Media On COVID Propaganda: “It’s Over,” “Curve Flattened Months Ago,” “No Second Wave”>This is coming from a former executive with a Big Pharma company! If that isn’t telling, I don’t know what is. Still, we know the propaganda will continue and my guess is that what went on with President Trump and First Lady Melania is nothing more than COVID propaganda too. Quite possibly it’s to ramp up for the vaccines that the Trump administration unconstitutionally spent billions of the American people’s money for that most people do not want in the first place and that is a public health threat all by itself. Still, a former Pfizer executive has destroyed the lying media and politicians’ narrative and told the American people the truth.
I am angry. ANGRY ABOUT CHINKS.>Killing off 500,000 sharks for "vaccine">Sharks are endangered.PROTECC THE SHARKS. I legit have an appreciation for sharks now, thanks to shark loli. This makes zero fucking sense to kill sharks.
Medical "experts" really should look into Hydroxychloroquine more as a COVID-19 treatment. Don't discredit it right away, because Donald Trump said it was an effective treatment back in April. Don't fucking discredit it to spite him, because you'll end up with something worse. It's either using a cheap, and readily available drug to treat COVID, or it's killing 500,000 members of an endangered species for a vaccine that might not even work.
If the chinks didn't make this bioweapon, sharks would not have to die for this shit.
>>284714While some are doing it out of spite, most
ARE NOT. The reason they refuse to use hydroxychloroquine is because they don't get any money from it. Why spend billions of dollars on R&D for a vaccine to
ONE sickness when a drug that's cheap-as-shit to create produces the exact same results (With added benefits)? Majority of the anti-hydroxychloroquine coverage is the pharmaceutical companies attempting to salvage the possibility that they may lose money from all their R&D on the creation of the vaccine.
>>284717You are missing the point, this is not about to cure an illness, but to ID/microchip/tattoo the whole world population and keep track of every human being with the 5G network.
>>284718>ID/microchip/tattoo the whole world populationYup, below there's a primer.
>Microchip'd? DARPA Biochip To "Save" Us From COVID Can Control Human DNA>The microchip has arrived.>While many are still attacking anyone warning of the “coming Microchip” as a conspiracy theorist, Luddite, or religious fanatic, that microchip has arrived.>But governments aren’t having to market the chip as a method to track, trace, and control their populations. Instead, they are marketing the chip as a way to track and detect COVID and other coronaviruses. Clearly, this is a much easier sell to a public literally terrorized by their governments and mainstream media outlets for the last six months.[YouTube] Alan Watt (Sept 20, 2020) Imaginative Media Gives Itself Benediction
[Embed]B-but the the epidemic is real and the microchip comes from tinfoil lunatics. /s
Reposted from
>>284740 →>Dr. Reiner Fuellmich>Is there a corona pandemic or is there only a PCR test pandemic?>Crimes against Humanity [Embed]This Dr. is a legend. Highly recommended.
>CV-19 Crimes against Humanity>by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich>A leading German/American lawyer told in a video that the "COVID scandal" is the "Greatest crime against humanity ever committed.">He said that those responsible for the scandal must face criminal prosecution for crimes against humanity and be sued for damages. [Embed]
>>284730Fortunately, the state of Wisconsin has a law that says no company can force any individual to undergo the implantation of a tracking device.
>>284774Unfortunately what the kikes have in mind is not an electronic device, but a gel to be implanted together with the vaccine. Think it like a biological RFID chip.
The stated characteristics were mentioned in this thread before but a refresh looks necessary:
>COVID VACCINE AND HYDROGEL | QUANTUM DOT | VACCINE HISTORY [Embed]The not stated characteristics that are hidden in the fine print of this experimental technology are mentioned at
>the freemasons at work again>A Conservative MP Calls On The British Military To Enforce COVID-19 Measures…! (Video)[YouTube] Tory MP calls for sweeping military powers to "tackle Covid"
>>284776I hope everyone likes faraday cages, because chainmail armor will be in vogue if anyone is forcibly injected.
I suppose on the plus side DIY gene editing and mRNA creation is at your fingertips. If you know the programming the chip uses.
Bad news they are going to make everyone a glow in the dark.
Easier to see a nigger when the moon isn't out.
Good news, if it's just hydrogell that is shaped for the creation of mRNA it'll be static, and changes on the fly won't happen. Bad news if it's static that means at the time of injection you're fucked unless you remove it completely. You'll be at the preplanned mercy especially if they fuck up.
A bit technical but it wasn't posted before, I believe.
Also mention the role of 5G interacting with the pseudo vaccine.
>BOMBSHELL: WHO Coronavirus PCR Test Primer Sequence is Found in All Human DNA>This was important enough that I wanted to get it out immediately. My research into the NCBI database for nucleotide sequences has lead to a stunning discovery. One of the WHO primer sequences in the PCR test for SARS-CoV-2 is found in all human DNA!>The sequence “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT” is an 18-character primer sequence found in the WHO coronavirus PCR testing protocol document.>The primer sequences are what get amplified by the PCR process in order to be detected and designated a “positive” test result. It just so happens this exact same 18-character sequence, verbatim, is also found on Homo sapiens chromosome 8! As far as I can tell, this means that the WHO test kits should find a positive result in all humans. Can anyone explain this otherwise?>I really cannot overstate the significance of this finding. At minimum, it should have a notable impact on test results.>Homo sapiens chromosome 8, GRCh38.p12 Primary Assembly>Sequence ID: NC_000008.11 Length: 145138636>Range 1: 63648346 to 63648363 is “CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT”>Update: After some effort, I have finally discovered a way to display proof (beyond my screenshots) that human chromosome 8 has this exact same 18-character sequence. Please try the link below. The sequence is shown at the bottom of the page.>$=nuclalign&from=63648346&to=63648363>This is the WHO protocol. I also came across several private companies (Sigma-Aldrich, Thermo Fisher) whose PCR primer sequences were longer and had no such match. So I am not saying that ALL test kits belong to WHO, but if we were to find shenanigans we would expect to find it with the WHO. This really has me shaken, and I am really starting to believe that the WHO designed a test where they would be able to find a positive anywhere they wanted to find one. Also, the PCR test process is inherently very error-prone and even the WHO test may occasionally have false negatives. [Embed]Mirror:
>>284850>because chainmail armor will be in vogue if anyone is forcibly injectedAnd RPGs as a vaccine repellent.
>>284851I agree with a lot of what was said in the video,
but I find it very hard to believe that the human body produces the viruses itself or that the germ theory is false. The Corona virus tests are designed so they produce a lot of false positives because the test detects a piece of virus' DNA that's also similar to a sequence of DNA found in chromosome 8, in other words, the test cannot by design differentiate between chromosome 8 and the Corona virus.
There are also other problems with some of things said in the video:
(1) she seems to suggest that the test is designed to detect the whole genetic matter of the corona virus whereas, in reality, it detects only a small portion. Also she doesn't seem to realize that chromosome 8 contains much more genetic matter than any virus has (video timestamp ~ 4:10, notice that she has only a very little snippet of DNA on the screen and she calls it
the Human chromosome 8)
(2) it's a bit suspect that she shills detox as a magic silver bullet. I am not claiming that heavy metals and other toxins are good for you health, or that (((they))) don't have any problem with poisoning our bodies, our food or the environment, if they profit somehow from it. But detox also removes important minerals and nutrients from the body. Which is why it is bit weird that she doesn't mention it even once (since the minerals and nutrients are used by your body to build and repair itself) I am willing to accept that detox could be used to remove some of toxins from your body, but a detox requires more careful planning than just ingesting some charcoal or clay, and a detox won't magically protect you from all diseases or all other health problems; it just makes your body more balanced (and thus stronger) if you body has a lot of toxins that can be removed with a detox.
(3) she doesn't explain what bacteria (or other microbes) are, if germ theory is false.
(4) towards the end of the video, she mentions that a human body needs to have metal in its cells for 5G and microwaves to have harmful effects, but she doesn't seem to know that microwaves affect anything that has
water in it
(most of the human body is water) Again, I am not claiming that the heavy metals or excessive amount of metals do any good for your health. It is true that electromagnetism and electric current do have an effect on cells, the DNA and overall health.
>Also mention the role of 5G [...]Robert Becker's book mentioned in a post in the /lit/ thread
>>>/mlpol/284849 → is relevant.
>>284865What if there's something special about Chromosome 8 that makes the globalists want people with it diagnosed with CCPronacold and arrested?
Is it the chromosome that determines intelligence/morality?
>>284865Take your pro-jew pills and go back to sleep, flagless boomer. The "Germ Hypothesis" media stunt was dead on arrival, over, which makes you either ignorant, a clown, a shill, or some combination of those three.
>>284908Which parts are 'pro-jew' pills?
Because you're not selling me on the whole thing. It's not a binary choice either.
>>284912>Because you're not selling me on the whole thing. It's not a binary choice either.Word of advice, don't bother. You're not going to get a straight answer out of these people. Either you "accept" that the entire Corona virus is a hoax (With everything happening all according to some schedule) that was planned to bring about the NWO, or you're chugging the kool-aid. There's no in-between. Hell, you're hearing all these fears about 5G, chipping everyone, and datamining; yet
ALL of this shit already existed and was taking place well over a decade ago: [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]With the
exact same promises, the
exact same arguments, and the
exact same fears. This tells me one of two things:
>1. The game was already lost from the beginning. There is no winning move.In other words, everything people are bitching about is already happening, and you're an absolute retard to start complaining about it
NOW. But, like I said, that's just
ONE possibility, here's the other:
>2. None of this shit does any of the shit that they say it does, but they have to keep pushing that narrative because it's the only way to keep people afraid and endlessly earn them money.It's like the same reason why you keep hearing people bitching about how "smoking is bad for you" and treating every new study like it's some groundbreaking discovery despite much of the information already being out there since the 50's: [Embed]Or, how you have the moralist trying to treat teenage pregnancy and the question of underage sex like it's a sign of modern society's degradation when that's
always happened: [Embed]Long story short, just use your own judgement and Hanlon's razor for trying to figure all this out. If it sounds like bullshit, it probably is. If it sounds far too convenient, it's definitely bullshit. If it sounds like the result of stupidity, you found your answer.
>>284917Hanlon was a fag
Never dismiss as stupidity that which is attributable to malice
>G-P Middle School - PODS System for Face-to-Face Learning>G-PHS students will return to school based on group and/or grade level in accordance with G-PISD's District Phase-In plan. This video provides an overview of the PODS system, and other safety measures, for students and parents in advance of the return to campus. #goGPwildcats #GPsafety [Embed]If you want to become a master you practice early.
>TRUMP UNMASKED, WHAT DOES IT MEAN? [Embed]In the first minutes it is explained how the hydrogel chip works with the 5G network and cryptocurrency.
Around the 12 minutes mark the Dr. explains how human behavior can be changed with this technology.
Around the 17 minutes mark the Dr. explains how vaccines like the flu one will cause later hyper immune responses and associated patient deterioration.
And a lot more, such us the nanotechnology meant to be injected under the guise of vaccines.
>>284946And around the minute 40 talks about the nanotechnology grows inside the human body and can move and morph, turning a human into a cyborg.
An example:
>Hydrogels are doing a brand-new dance now[YouTube] Hydrogels are doing a brand-new dance now
>Round up the ‘anti-vaxxers’? Enlist religious leaders? Bill Gates warns US needs to brainstorm ways to reduce ‘vaccine hesitancy’ >Billionaire software tycoon Bill Gates has urged the US to prepare for a Covid-19 vaccine rollout by deputizing trusted community leaders to “reduce vaccine hesitancy,” bemoaning the rapid spread of “conspiracy theories” online.>The Microsoft founder-turned-vaccine-evangelist painted a mostly rosy picture of a vaccine rollout getting “rich countries” back to normal by the end of 2021 in an interview during the Wall Street Journal’s CEO Council on Tuesday.>However, with less than half of Americans saying they’d get a Covid jab – even if paid $100 for it – in a recent survey, Gates then focused his talk on enlisting the nation’s “trust network” to overcome the skeptics.>Gates has previously warned that the “final hurdle” to a vaccine-fueled return to normalcy is convincing the population to actually roll up their sleeves and take the jab(s), and the World Health Organization – of which his foundation is the single largest funder, following the US’ departure – declared “vaccine hesitancy” one of the biggest threats to world health last year. The billionaire has stated he hopes to have seven billion humans vaccinated with whatever formula proves safe and effective, but has suggested a mandate would be counterproductive and actually increase resistance to vaccines.
>>284908>getting angry, instead of trying to debate or trying to convince others>pro-jew pillsPoint where
>>284865 was being pro-jew or pro-(((big pharma)))? In the post, it was pointed out that in addition to germs, electromagnetic radiation and toxins
do cause symptoms of disease/poisoning.
>flagless boomerRealize that your flag isn't proof of your sincerity either. For all I know, you might be using VPN.
>>284917Watch a 2013 documentary
Mirage Men. Sometimes glow niggers infiltrate honest and genuine groups that are trying to discover the truth. Then the glow niggers give out half-truths. However, the half-truths, by themselves, aren't enough to get the whole picture. After (((they)) have planted the half-truths, they can just build a fictional story around the truths they have just given out and convince the honest people to believe their narrative. This way, the honest people are essentially no longer a threat to them or their plans.
>>284912Point out where I stated there was a "binary choice". Go ahead, I'm patient.
>>285067Your "reasoning" is shit to begin with as your paragraphs rely on massive amounts of personal incredulity without providing any counter-evidence in return.
>>285067Oh wait, you aren't flagless faggot. Nevermind that.
>>284865RE: your "reasoning" is shit to begin with as your paragraphs rely on massive amounts of personal incredulity without providing any counter-evidence in return. That's a very milquetoast fence sitting position to take where you decry and dissemble information yet have nothing to show against it.
Australia, the golems are cornering the population.
>A Very Telling Slip
>New World Order
>>284908>>285137>Take your pro-jew pills and go back to sleep, flagless boomer.>The "Germ Hypothesis" media stunt was dead on arrival, over, which makes you either ignorant, a clown, a shill, or some combination of those three.Which I reply
>Which parts are 'pro-jew' pills?>Because you're not selling me on the whole thing.In relation to my last sentence I say this. (The entirety that germ theory is completely bullshit.)
>It's not a binary choice either.Which is to say, I want to know wtf you think the pro-jew pills are. If I find it satisfactory I'll reconsider what I know. That there could be some truth to the matter, but I don't know.
>The Smoking Gun: Where is the coronavirus? The CDC says it isn’t available.>The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It is dated July 13, 2020.>Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”>The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available…”>Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no measurable amount of the virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.>A further tip-off is the use of the word ‘isolates.” This means NO ISOLATED VIRUS IS AVAILABLE.>Another way to put it: NO ONE HAS AN ISOLATED SPECIMEN OF THE COVID-19 VIRUS.>NO ONE HAS ISOLATED THE COVID-19 VIRUS.>THEREFORE, NO ONE HAS PROVED THAT IT EXISTS.
>Remember This The Next Time You See a Celebrity Or Politician Roll Up Their Sleeve
Reaching Monumental Levels of Stupidity
>>285172>keep your mask on in between bites>Minimize the number of times you take off your maskJust eat your entire meal in one bite, for your health.
>>285172>>285178The State of California is currently working on an exciting nutritional compound. A serum extracted from soy and insect protein provides all required daily nutrients and will be administered in the morning by our friendly agents along with your daily vaccine. No longer consuming solid food will eliminate the need to ever remove your mask, thus ensuring that you do not infect those around you. The State of California thanks you for your compliance in these troubled times. We are all in this together™.
>>285196I'd think that even humoring this concept would be absolutely bullshit,
if it wasn't for the fact that we were talk CALIFORNIA.
>chinks invent the meme flu
>convince the left that the meme flu popped up out of thin air and has nothing to do with chinks
>convince the right that germs don't exist and therefore chinks couldn't invent the meme flu
Bravo, Xi.
>Ten Times The World Health Organization Erred: Why Is WHO Still Credible & Not Disbanded?>When medical professionals deal with the health of the public, the information relied upon has to be accurate, meet the standards of the scientific method, and meet the gold standard of the medical profession. Those on the frontlines have relied on various agencies and associations to obtain their information, such as the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Institute of Health (NIH), the American Medical Association (AMA), and a host of others. But, what happens when one of these sources becomes unreliable, committing serious errors that jeopardize the health and well-being of the public? The public gets half-hearted apologies.>Working backwards, beginning with the CON-VID-19 scam-demic, here are WHO’s top ten blunders:
>Canadian gov won’t deny “COVID-19” quarantine camps are coming to Ontario? - 2 minute video>David Menzies looks at a question raised by independent Ontario MPP Randy Hillier in the legislature about COVID-19 quarantine camps that could be coming to the province in the not-too-distant future.[YouTube] Doug Ford gov't won't deny COVID-19 quarantine camps are coming to Ontario
>DAMAGE CONTROL: WHO Develops Amnesia, Claims It Never Liked Lockdowns>The World Health Organisation has backflipped on its original COVID-19 stance after calling for world leaders to stop locking down their countries and economies.>Dr. David Nabarro from the WHO appealed to world leaders yesterday, telling them to stop “using lockdowns as your primary control method” of the coronavirus.>He also claimed that the only thing lockdowns achieved was poverty – with no mention of the potential lives saved.BUT... this mason was actually saying in April-March:
> - There is pain associated with a lockdown implemented again but the government must do whatever is good to contain the virus. Speed is very important.> - When history will be written, we will be judged on the basis of how fast we reacted to contain this pandemic. There will come a time where we will assess in great detail how did it all start and fix accountability. Now is not the time.> - I would also like to tell all the world leaders the same thing. This is a time where all of us should rise above blame and help fight this invisible enemy.
>Australian Media Finally Calls Out Davos ‘Great Reset’ Agenda>This week, Sky News Australia contributor and former Australian Senator Cory Bernardi, tore open the debate on COVID after calling out a globalist agenda which few in mainstream media have dared to mention so far.>Since lockdowns began in March of 2020, few have challenged the government rationale for voluntarily imploding their economies and destroying communities and societies – based on a guess that coronavirus might kill tens of millions of citizens.>However, Bernardi believes that the COVID-19 pandemic hysteria is being used as the Trojan horse for a globalist agenda hatched out of the World Economic Forum in Davos. It’s called The Great Reset, and its designed by elite billionaires supposedly to bring about ‘social and economic change.’>Socialists are using 'hysteria over COVID as a weapon of economic destruction'[YouTube] Socialists are using 'hysteria over COVID as a weapon of economic destruction'
Boris Johnson Says There Is No Going Back to Normal.
>WHO Chief Claims Herd Immunity is Unethical>The talking ape who heads the ultra corrupt World Health Organization is claiming that allowing people to develop herd immunity to the coronavirus is unethical. [Embed]
>The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.>When it comes to Covid-19, bureaucrats and politicians keep moving the goalposts, changing the rules, and engaging in bait-and-switch tactics, so they can maintain the "new normal" dictatorship. Those who object, we're told, "just want people to die." It's now becoming clear that "you can't have your life back in some states unless you take it back.">From the 2020 Supporters Summit, presented at the historic Jekyll Island Club Resort on Jekyll Island, Georgia, on 9 October 2020.[YouTube] The Fact-Free COVID Dystopia | Thomas E. Woods. Jr.
>Viral! World Lockdown Plan Leaked >This leak from the inner circles of the Canadian government confirms all of our worst fears. They plan to use the COVID hoax as a pretext to destroy the economy and put everyone in the world under lockdown unless they accept the vaccine. >They want to confiscate all of our property in exchange for a guaranteed income. And yes, they have a stronger virus planned. additional sources mentioned to substantiate the claims.
>"Two people who are most targeted are Dr. Fauci and myself in terms of do we have some malign reason to think vaccines are important," says @BillGates on #COVID19 conspiracy theories. "That's unfortunate particularly if it undermines the mask wearing." [Embed]>"Given that we tell people to wear clothes, I don't think of it as some ultra-important freedom thing that there's another part of your body ... we're asking you to cover up," says @BillGates on mask pushback in the US, calling it our "primary tool" for now in fighting #COVID19. [Embed]
>ARGENTINA Pacific Protest against COVID Measures which have proven to be Catastrophic.
>There’s a Financial Incentive for Councils in the UK to Lock Down>This week, the government promised a total of £1 billion in financial support to local authorities under the new three-tier lockdown system. Areas subjected to Tier 2 lockdowns will be granted £1 per head of the population, and £2 per head for Tier 3. Meanwhile, £30million has been earmarked for local authorities to pay for Covid marshals and other ‘compliance and enforcement’ activities.>The new funding package for councils is designed to alleviate the pain of lockdown, to sugar the pill. But the structure of the funding might end up providing local authorities with the ingredients to make lockdown cake indefinitely. It is specifically intended to support more testing, including door-to-door testing, sometimes with help from the military. But more testing leads to more cases. More cases lead to more lockdowns.>As mentioned above, the funding is also going towards enforcement of lockdown regulations and self-isolation, which there are fines for breaching. That, in turn, raises more funds – the revenue from fixed-penalty notices, whether they are issued by local police, environmental-health officers or new Covid marshals, goes into local-authority coffers. In theory, the lockdown fixed-penalty fines should be going straight back into public health (as littering fines would go towards the environment). But, in reality, revenue from fines is not always that well ring-fenced in local authorities.>As things stand, the hospitals are not overwhelmed. A forensic view of the case numbers goes a long way to dispelling fears. Perhaps we should be cautious about what we are doing to business and society, rather than just the transmission of one virus. As many have said, the cure is now worse than the disease. No amount of financial compensation paid to local authorities now is going to make up for this destruction of livelihoods, society and human relationships.
>>285455Why is Canada setting up detention camps?
>‘THE GREAT RESET’: WORLD LEADERS TO HARNESS COVID AND PURSUE 'SINISTER' CLIMATE AGENDA>"The World Economic Forum isn't just some lobby jet-setters, it's an anti-democratic enterprise design to destroy your job, steal your prosperity and rob your kids of a future. It's a hardcore leftist eco horror show repleted with quasi-fascism.">"I spoke a couple of weeks ago about the disturbing trend among many of the world left-wing elites to increasingly conflate Covid-19 with Climate Change, with many going so far to suggest that all the measures applied to corana virus, the lock-downs, the destruction of business, the suppression of dissent, the curfews, the strong-arm police tactics, should become the "New Normal" for dealing with "Climate Change". And indeed, that is precisely what the next World Economic Forum is planning to do, to convince governments with the help of big business and big tech to bring about something deeply, deeply sinister called "The Great Reset".">"Precisely. It sounds crazy enough, but it is a program designed to strip us of all our fundamental democratic rights in favor of a new form of society as dictated by the "Elites"." [Embed]This is special for normals that still don't get what coronahoax is about.
>Doctors exposing Corona scam
>"Corona virus is a normal flu virus"
>CANADA GOING TYRANNICAL! 2nd "Total" Lockdown; ISOLATION CAMPS for "Refusers" commentary on the news: [Embed]It looks like Canadians are going to enter in combat sooner than expected.
>>285646Another clip from that conference (Berlin 2020-10-10)
>doctors won't speak out because the government gave them big money>World Doctors Alliance There is No Pandemic (FULL VIDEO) [Embed] (banned)
>NYC>Cuomo Announces Plan to do “Block-by-Block” Lockdowns>Basically they will be able to target a specific area claiming that it has been polluted with the virus and then use that as justification to lock everything down. We see this already being rolled out in the United Kingdom with their system of color codes. They are already classifying individual areas with a code that determines what sort of lockdown each geographic region is subjected to. [Embed] [Embed]
>>285832Frenly reminder that for some areas, bugout time has already begun
The clock is ticking.
>>285832Do you think this will be used to impose draconian restrictions on mostly-white areas and places that voted for Trump?
>>285846I think is a test, a dry run for what's ahead.
First to isolate a zone and send their contact tracers and see how it goes. But in the future that will extend to kidnap the people they want without to cause alarm.
Basically most people are not better than whores, there's not limit to what they are willing to do for money.
>>285866WTF did I just watch
Incoming second wave of lies and
propaganda psychological terrorism
>Prepping the public for the 2nd wave of the hoax - "Coming weeks will be ‘darkest’ of COVID-19" - video>A leading infectious disease expert in the US has warned that the coming weeks “are going to be the darkest” of the entire coronavirus pandemic.>Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, says the US is seeing a fresh surge in cases while awaiting a vaccine.[YouTube] Infectious disease expert: Coming weeks will be ‘darkest’ of COVID-19 | New York Post
Governor Cuomo ready to stick it to you. gonna vaccinate all 20 million new yorkers. Twice.
28 days apart. They had to do it twice, just to make a point I guess.
Only vaccine in history you had to get twice in a month. No one can explain why, i guess. Other than the thrill of doing it to you twice.
>Governor Cuomo Addresses Vaccine Challenges >[YouTube] Governor Cuomo Addresses Vaccine Challenges
>“WARP SPEED” LEADER’S CONFLICT OF INTEREST (9 min. video)>With “Operation Warp Speed” being one of the biggest (over $1 billion) government funded vaccine projects in history, a major conflict of interest has come to light with Moncef Slaoui, the sandnigger White House Scientific Head of Operations. Not only has he been the CEO to two of the largest drug companies in the world, both contenders in this race, but he also refuses to give up his $10 million in GlaxoSmithKline stock.
>Trump Slams "Idiot" Dr. Fauci: "Every Time He Goes On TV It's A Bomb...But There's A Bigger Bomb If You Fire Him">"People are saying whatever...just leave us alone. People are tired of COVID...People are tired of hearing Fauci and these idiots, all these idiots who got it wrong...every time he goes on television there's always a bomb, but there's a bigger bomb if you fire him. This guy's a disaster." yet, he wont fire Fauci. Either Trump is in charge or isn't, if not then better he steps aside and give room for somebody able to push MAGA forward.
>(Chinese style propaganda at bus shelter) >STATE INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE AND SHUNNING BEGINS>If we examine this piece of propaganda from the corporatized government, disturbing incitements to "otherize" people and even assault them are evident. >Note the weird psychological question" "So, who are you?" which is actually a profound existential question. But it gets dumbed down immediately into images of a woman executed in the stylized icons popular now from the United Nations and its network of agencies.
>US Scientists Fret Over Increasing Numbers Who Say They Will Refuse COVID-19 Vaccine>Technocrat scientists believe that they are in charge of vaccinating humanity for the good everyone and its their responsibility to carry out the mission. As people push back and say “NO!”, these same scientists are incredulous that anyone would not agree with their “science”.
>>285907>And yet, he wont fire Fauci.He really can't:
>>285958He can send the whole "Warp Speed" team of conspirators to Antarctica while MAGA doctors, not drug dealers, take over and denounce the medical fraud.
Self delusional 4D chess won't cut it this time, either Trump is a puppet without agency, in which case he must step down and say it to his base, or, he is on board with the conspiracy.
>>285960>He can send the whole "Warp Speed" team of conspirators to AntarcticaCan he really? I've seen that statement made before, but nothing to back it up. Also, looking it up, Moncef Slaoui is in charge of Warp Speed, not Fauci.
>>285960I wouldnt rule out that they're holding his family hostage, in a manner of speaking
Amandha Vollmer - Truth about Viruses.
>HERD IMMUNITY DEBATE GOES GLOBAL>From the W.H.O., to government officials across the world, there is an orchestrated push to erase the true origin of herd immunity, a phenomenon that has naturally occurred through every other pandemic the world has seen. Fortunately “The Great Barrington Three” along with over 40,000 scientists and medical professionals refuse to let a small few rewrite history. [Embed]
>Sweden Refuses to Impose New Lockdown Measures, Saying People Have Suffered Enough>Loneliness, mental health impact of lockdown balanced against COVID threat.>Despite Sweden mirroring other countries on the continent with rising coronavirus infections, the government has held firm in refusing to lockdown its population, weighing the untold misery and health impacts of isolation against the threat of COVID-19.
>MINDBLOWING - A MUST WATCH !!!!!! 13 minutes for TODAY
If you are in Britain and want to play her Majestic's game, then print and distribute fliers 1 through 4. If you want to stop the madness and to punish its creators and messengers, then skip to flier 5.
>Argentina Covid protest looks like zombie apocalypse
>When the people decides who are no longer essential.
Conspirator Bill Gates informs the public that they will be destroying the economy for at least 1 more year - video
By the way, he and the Yahoo talking head keep repeating the same lies about a deadly virus that killed gorillions and still is around.
>October 26, 2020.>Bill Gates evaluates US COVID response and offers latest vaccine outlook>Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, talks to Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer about the outlook for a COVID-19 vaccine and the shortcomings of the U.S. pandemic response. [YouTube] Bill Gates evaluates US COVID response and offers latest vaccine outlook
>Italy: Lockdown Riots Spread to Rome>Is protesting the lockdown really always “far-right”?>Aren’t some normal people also fed-up with this nonsense, and on the verge of rioting, or already past the verge of rioting? [Embed] [Embed]
>Where Did The Flu Go? Experts Are SHOCKED... /s [Embed]
>Macron Orders France Under De Facto House Arrest Following Germany With New Lockdown Orders>The decision for new lockdown measures comes just weeks after World Health Organization envoy Dr. David Nabarro cautioned the world against using lockdowns as a means of controlling the virus.>Both French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced fresh lockdowns of their citizens on Wednesday.>France will head into the new lockdown starting Friday under which citizens can only leave home to go to work, to go to school, for a medical appointment, to give assistance to loved ones, for essential shopping or for physical exercise, as DW reports. [Embed] [Embed]
>Shady CDC Cancels Flu Data Collection for the Coming Flu Season>What gives? Does the CDC fear that there will be more cases of the flu rather than COVID-19? That more people will die this coming flu season from the flu rather than COVID-19?>That flu cases will be counted as COVID-19 cases and the major drop in flu cases will be very easy to spot?>Something looks very shady.>Governments never end programs, ever, unless they have something to hide.
New Mandatory California Christmas/Thanksgiving Gathering Guidelines (Official)
>«flu rates and common cold cases at a record level low in 2020!»
>expentional increase of COVID cases detected since testings
fucking mongols. if you have a cold or the flu, the COVID test will be POSITIVE since you will produce the same antibodies.
you would need a blood sample to check clearly if you carry the covid, here is your second wave, it gets cold, it's the fucking flu season.
>Ron Paul Institute>Nine Covid Facts: A Pandemic of Fearmongering and Ignorance>Ever since the alleged pandemic erupted this past March the mainstream media has spewed a non-stop stream of misinformation that appears to be laser focused on generating maximum fear among the citizenry. But the facts and the science simply don’t support the grave picture painted of a deadly virus sweeping the land.>Yes we do have a pandemic, but it’ a pandemic of ginned up pseudo-science masquerading as unbiased fact. Here are nine facts backed up with data, in many cases from the CDC itself that paints a very different picture from the fear and dread being relentlessly drummed into the brains of unsuspecting citizens.
>'Massive Traffic Jams' Across Paris As People Flee Ahead Of Second COVID Lockdown >On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron announced that France would enter a full lockdown from midnight on Thursday until the end of November due to the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic. >With hours to go before the month-long national lockdown takes effect, videos have surfaced on Twitter, showing massive traffic jams of people trying to escape the city as lockdowns go into effect. >"Traffic is barely moving in every direction as far as the eye can see. Lots of honking and frustrated drivers," said one Twitter user. [Embed] [Embed]
>‘NO-MASK’ RESTAURANT REBELS AGAINST NEWSOM>Restaurant owner Tony Roman, of Basilico’s Restaurant in Huntington Beach, CA,not only decided to never shut down, but doesn’t allow people with masks to enter the premises. Surprisingly, his restaurant has remained packed despite a direct challenge from CA Governor Gavin Newsom and the liquor board. With liberty and freedom at stake, Tony is laying it all on the line. [Embed]
Kary Mullis The Inventor Of PCR Tests Talks About The Test.
>>286791>mandatory tracking device for foreign touristsThat I would actually defend. In fact, all countries should do that.
>>286796>That I would actually defend. In fact, all countries should do that.>because my IQ is no high enough the calculate the consequencesWhat you support is a obvious trap against every one.
As we have no control on ZOG and therefore our destiny, by keeping us down with an army of mercenaries; such an idea and many others in the pipeline must be fought by any means necessary.
>UK Police Chief: It’s a “Civic Duty” to Snitch on Neighbors Violating COVID Restrictions>Encouragement from UK police to rat on those who breach restrictions is nothing new.
>>286791>>286796If it’s a country that rounds up tourists who insult their monarchy even outside of Thailand, I’m not surprised.
>>286818Nothing so naive.
It's about the "Great Reset" commanded from the banksters in Davos. All these tracking stunts are tests for the incoming tracking with the vaccine.
Lurk moar.
>UK>MAN FROM LIVERPOOL EXERCISING HIS RIGHT TO STAY OPEN (UNDER MAGNA CARTA)>Note. He was calm and collect. And the government terrorists left. Top man. [Embed]
>Donald Trump's Top Coronavirus Advisor Scott Atlas: Lockdowns Have Been a FAILURE!>On this episode of Going Underground, we speak to President Donald Trump's top Coronavirus advisor Scott Atlas of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, from the White House. He discusses President Trump's handling of the Coronavirus pandemic and criticisms of the response, his belief that lockdowns were a failure of public policy, Bill Gates calling him a 'pseudo-expert' and 'off the rails', differences with Anthony Fauci who called him an 'outlier' in task force and why he believes the damage of lockdowns is greater than the benefits for Americans. He also details why he believes the economy should reopen, why models predicting 500,000+ more deaths in America are wrong, why South Asian nations handled the pandemic better than the United States and much more! [Embed]And still they keep pushing the lie that a virus is on the loose and financing the vaccine industry (Operation Warp Speed) with taxpayer money to vaccinate everyone by hook or by crook.
>Scamdemic>FORMER UN STAFFER CLAIRE EDWARDS REVELS 200 PAGE DOCUMENT ON 5G, CHILDREN & THE 2ND WAVE ATTACK [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]Original document in French plus English translation attached.
Imagine thinking the entire virus is a hoax, and that this isn't a very real virus (engineered by Chinese bioweapons specialists) being overhyped and fearmongered beyond what is appropriate by politicians looking to consolidate power
>>286798You're telling me that a country SHOULDN'T keep tabs every single foreigner within it's border?
>>286903I think what anon said is that measure will be used mainly against the people, being the foreigners just an excuse.
As the People already lost control of their governments, foreigners are a background issue.
>Michigan Businesses Face 6 Months in Jail if They Don’t Track ALL Customers for Contact Tracing>To “prevent the spread of disease,” the MDHHS now requires Michigan restaurants, barbershops, tattoo parlors, recreational facilities, and entertainment establishments maintain “accurate records, including date and time of entry, names of patrons, and contact information, to aid with contact tracing, and den(y) entry for a gathering to any visitor who does not provide, at a minimum, their name and phone number.”>Michigan business owners trying to feed their families now face similar threats of arrests if they don’t act as the state’s surveillance arm and track every citizen’s move in and out of their establishment. Welcome to the “new norm.”
Anti Lockdown Protesters are chased away by government thugs in Liverpool UK.
>UK>Radio Host Crushes Leading UK Epidemiologist's Credibility Over (Unknown) Cost Of 2nd Lockdown>In the most thorough demolition of an 'expert' epidemiologist who unabashedly advised the UK government of the desperate need for a second lockdown to "suppress" the virus, Independent SAGE member Professor Gabriel Scally was completely unable to respond when LBC's Maajid Nawaz cornered him on how severely a lockdown would cost the nation.
>Ron Paul>No Vaccine for Tyranny>The World Health Organization (WHO) recently admitted that lockdowns cause more harm than good. Following this announcement, one would have expected American politicians to immediately end the lockdowns. After all, the WHO ‘s pronouncements are considered infallible, so much so that social media sites silence anyone who dares challenge the great and powerful WHO. Yet, governors, mayors, and other government officials across the country are ignoring the WHO’s anti-lockdown position.>Instead of admitting that the lockdowns were a mistake, many in the political class, which includes a disturbing number of medical professionals whose positions and prestige depend on government, claim that we cannot return to normalcy until a coronavirus vaccine is in wide use. This suggests that people among the majority of Americans who do not wish to be vaccinated will remain under lockdown or be forced to be vaccinated against their will.
>COVID testing: We've been duped>Lost in this whole pandemic hysteria are some key considerations that when carefully analyzed place the whole COVID-19 narrative in a highly questionable light. The gatekeepers of information dissimulation are manufacturing consent at an alarming rate, but their fatigue is setting in, and their masks are falling off.
>Spirit Airlines Flight Attendant Threatens To Have People Who Don't Wear Mask Arrested, Put On No Fly List>A video clip shows a Spirit Airlines flight attendant threatening to put anyone who doesn’t properly wear their mask on a no fly list for life and have them arrested and jailed for 20 years. [Embed]
>UK To Ban Protests Of Two Or More People Ahead Of National Lockdown >U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Saturday announced a one-month lockdown beginning Nov. 5 through Dec. 2. Under these new measures, people will be confined to their homes except for essential travel, including medical reasons, education, and purchasing food. >Two days before lockdowns begin, The Times sheds new light on just how draconian the UK-wide coronavirus lockdown will be, which prohibits two or more people from protesting.>During England's second national lockdown, the ban on demonstrations, beginning on Thursday, is expected to be passed by MPs in the House of Commons on Wednesday.
>COVID TESTING FRAUD UNCOVERED>As cases of coronavirus rise across America, shouldn’t death rates be going up too? Del breaks down how #COVID tests may be seriously flawed by providing less than accurate results and why the majority of positive cases could be false. [Embed]
>>277096>I didnt read the full text so why are you commenting on it?
these documents are made to be read by people in the field, so either show your degree or read the full text.
>>285137while this thread is full of nonsense and I have no interest in debating it or you I will give you some criticism/advice
if you cant self isolate an idea in your head and build a case for or against while remaining intensely incredulous you need to work on that badly.
>>288128>while this thread is full of nonsense and I have no interest in debating it or youGlad you realize it.
Blatant fraud.
>CDC Numbers reveal hospitals counted 130k deaths from pheumonia, Flu, heart attack, as COVID deaths
>government giving monetary incentives to list deaths as corona virus related.
>>288128You ought to make well reasoned and informed discussions. It may be useful to pull apart ideas and reconstruct them so an understanding is reached.
>>285143Feels bad man.
Anyway, nonreactive implants have been available for a long time.
[YouTube] Getting an RFID Implant
[Embed]RFID being a minor example.
If what is being proposed with hydrogel to be packaged with (((their))) 'vaccine' I think making our own hydrogel implant would not only be possible, but a feat that could give an edge.
The same risks are still there and the risk of failure could be catastrophic personally, but the potential could be incredibly insane.
Feeling more like /cyb/ with this post.
DIY genetic engineering is accessible now days as well.
>>288140Just made a thread on diybio in /cyb/. I have a background in something biology related, and I would be happy to share my knowledge with others.
>>>/cyb/1181 →
>>288140>>288177Now a bit of a note I do not have any expierence with cell or tissue culturing nor do I have the equipment necessary to culture cells at this time.
>Gemma O'Doherty - COVID-19 does not exist.
>UK>LIVE: Million Mask March takes place in London as new lockdown begins in UK>The annual Million Mask March is taking place in London, on November 5, as protesters gather to denounce global corporations, government corruption, police brutality and systematic racism. >The event takes place on the same day that a nationwide lockdown is put into force in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus. From this day until December 2, people across the UK are only permitted to leave households for essential reasons such as work, education and essential shopping. People from different households are also not allowed to meet inside or outside, with few exceptions.>The 'Million Mask March,' called for by Anonymous, is famed for featuring demonstrators wearing Guy Fawkes masks, adopted by the collective from the 'V for Vendetta' novel. Anti-lockdown protesters have said they will join the march this year as well. [Embed]
>BREAKING - Massive protests underway in #Leipzig (Germany) opposing the new #COVID19 lockdown. [Embed]
>Police in the Paris' metro attack and beat people for not using masks.
Coming soon to your city.
>UK Woman Arrested For Taking Mother Out Of Care Home - video - News
Remember remember.
>Clashes With Police, Cities Empty Out As Greece Plunged Into 2nd Lockdown>Hours before this second lockdown took place in Greece, an anti-lockdown demonstration mostly attended by young people turned violent in the northern city of Thessaloniki. Video captured running clashes with police Friday night.>Meanwhile, similar to a trend we recently saw in Paris, long lines of cars were seen leaving major cities, especially the capital of Athens just before the lockdown took effect. [Embed] [Embed]
>How come cases are rising in Leicester when the testing centers are empty? [Embed]
>Another Ridiculously Huge Anti-Lockdown Protest in Germany>COVID Rouge orders it dispersed, tries to block it off. Demonstrators persist into the night>More than 20,000 people demonstrated Saturday in eastern Germany against government-imposed restrictions meant to slow the spread of the coronavirus after a court rejected the city of Leipzig’s attempt to move the protest away from a central square, police said.>By the city’s calculations, only 5,000 people could gather in Augustusplatz plaza and keep 1.5 meters (5 feet) away from one another. With protest organizers saying they expected at least 16,000 participants, administrators had sought to have the demonstration moved to a larger location outside the city’s center.>“It is hard to explain how only two households are permitted to meet together and yet 16,000 people are allowed to demonstrate on one plaza,” city spokesman Matthias Hasberg told German news agency dpa after the appeals court issued its decision,>The court did not issue details about its reasoning. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
German Doctor Bodo Schiffmann has reported 3 Children deaths from Wearing Masks.
>>288334People are avoiding being tested because it not only affects them but also anyone they have been in contact with. If they are pos then not only do they isolate for two weeks but so does anyone in contact with them even if they have zero symptoms. This two weeks is subject to the law so breaking it ends up with quite substantial fines.
It is easier to have a few sick days in bed and get back to life than two weeks of government induced poverty.
>>285455>>285626>>285681>Canada detention camps for refusers>Shocking interview with MPP Randy Hillier on Canadian Governments COVID-19 Internment Camps [Embed]
>Police flee in Barcelona as people defy the tyrannical no-covid-19 lockdowns.
“Communist Coercive Methods for Eliciting Individual Compliance: The Biderman Report of 1956 and Covid-19”.
>>286868>Imagine thinking the entire virus is a hoaxIt is not a hoax. The virus does exist. It's just that the real threat of this virus is miniscule and overblown compared to real threats we were faced with daily, like flu. It's not in my power to speak for everyone here but I'm pretty sure this whole situation is just a very ridiculous scheme to shake up the economy in countries where tourism and marketability are crusical for GDP growth.
>Ticketmaster Forced To Clarify Concert Vaccine Requirements Following Massive Public Backlash>As Billboard reports:>Here’s how it would work, if approved: After purchasing a ticket for a concert, fans would need to verify that they have already been vaccinated (which would provide approximately one year of COVID-19 protection) or test negative for coronavirus approximately 24 to 72 hours prior to the concert. The length of coverage a test would provide would be governed by regional health authorities — if attendees of a Friday night concert had to be tested 48 hours in advance, most could start the testing process the day before the event. If it was a 24-hour window, most people would likely be tested the same day of the event at a lab or a health clinic.>Once the test was complete, the fan would instruct the lab to deliver the results to their health pass company, like CLEAR or IBM. If the tests were negative, or the fan was vaccinated, the health pass company would verify the attendee’s COVID-19 status to Ticketmaster, which would then issue the fan the credentials needed to access the event. If a fan tested positive or didn’t take a test to verify their status, they would not be granted access to the event. There are still many details to work out, but the goal of the program is for fans to take care of vaccines and testing prior to the concert and not show up hoping to be tested onsite.>Ticketmaster would not store or have access to fans’ medical records and would only receive verification of whether a fan is cleared to attend an event on a given date. Different states will have different requirements. The main role of companies like health pass companies will be to collect data from testing and medical providers and deliver status updates to partner companies in a secure, encrypted way that complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Son wears mask at school, faints due to lack of oxygen. THIS MOM HAS HAD ENOUGH.
>Victoria Park.
>Londoners give two fingers to lockdown 2.0.
>98% no masks & no unsocial distancing
>Police kidnapping people for walking
Police open season coming soon to Europe.
In Sweden they will start with some sort of max 8 people in public areas next week on 24.
>>277074>vidThat sounds like a good way of going about it,. Maybe people should be recomended to eat raw foods and seek out minor food posioning and stuff to improve immune system. I also have never worried too much about germs and I havent't been sick for years.
>David Icke>There Is No Virus When That Penny Drops All Else Follow [Embed]
>New York State Sheriffs Won’t Enforce Andrew Cuomo’s Thanksgiving Lockdown Orders>At least three New York state county sheriffs have announced that they won’t enforce an edit from Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo criminalizing Thanksgiving gatherings of more than ten people.>The county sheriff’s departments of Rensselaer County, Saratoga County, and Lewis County all confirmed that they don’t intend on breaking up Thanksgiving gatherings
>Breaking UPDATE: Philadelphia again orders STOP TO indoor restaurant dining to stop, gyms, casinos, theaters, museums, libraries & more. Here’s the OFFICIAL city list of what’s NOT PERMITTED [Embed]
>‘Something extremely bogus is going on’: Musk says he’s positive & negative for Covid-19 after taking 4 tests in 1 day>The SpaceX and Tesla founder wrote on Twitter that he had been administered four tests for the virus over a 24-hour period, leading to contradictory results.>“Two tests came back negative, two came back positive. Same machine, same test, same nurse. Rapid antigen test from BD," Musk said. [Embed] [Embed]
>Heroic Dr. Scott Atlas Demands That ‘People Rise Up’ Against Next Round of COVID-19 Lockdowns>Dr. Scott Atlas, the Hoover Institute senior fellow who has emerged as President Trump’s most trusted COVID-19 advisor, is urging for the people to “rise up” against the next round of lockdowns supposedly meant to combat the pandemic. [Embed]
>A law in #Denmark that would have given authorities the power to forcibly inject people with a #coronavirus vaccine has been abandoned after nine days of public protests.
>The ‘epidemic law’ would have handed the #Danish government the power to enact mandatory quarantine measures against anyone infected with a dangerous disease, but it was the part about vaccinations that caused the biggest uproar.
>“The Danish Health Authority would be able to define groups of people who must be vaccinated in order to contain and eliminate a dangerous disease,” reports the Local.
>“People who refuse the above can – in some situations – be coerced through physical detainment, with police allowed to assist.”
>However, after nine straight days of protests against the new law, it has now been scrapped.
Danish study, conducting the most conclusive results on the effectiveness of masks to prevent the spread of Corona-chan, that was started in April and complete in August, was been rejected by 3 international medical magazines due to the controversial nature of the results
>WELCOME TO THE NEW NORMAL: Thousands of Desperate Texans Line Up for New-Age Breadlines>The globalist technocrats keep talking about how society will never go back to freedom due to the COVID-19 scamdemic.>We are beginning to see what the “new normal” looks like, and it looks like new-age breadlines with thousands of desperate Texans lining up in their vehicles to get their handouts.[YouTube] Thousands Line Up For North Texas Food Bank's 'Largest Mobile Food Distribution Ever' Saturday
>>291237>DallasThose arent Texans, those are lefties who fled their hellholes in CA and elsewhere and migrated to Texas
Communists claiming to be U.S. political leaders issue new globalist orders to destroy U.S. economy.
>Cities face new restrictions to limit spread of coronavirus[YouTube] Cities face new restrictions to limit spread of coronavirus
>>291237Oh yes, all of that (((delicious GMO soy food, goyim))).
>Tucker Carlson's Monologue Blasting Gavin Newsom's Lockdown Hypocrisy >"Here you have plutocrats dining with lobbyists, ignoring the very orders they so self-righteously impose on others. Gorging themselves in seclusion as the people they're supposed to be helping wither & die." [Embed]
>MP Threat: Get Vaccine Or Be Banned From Working>The world is about to experience the utter scourge of Scientific Dictatorship, aka Technocracy. Non-vaxxers will be literally ostracized out of normal society, unable to work or travel. This will create an underclass segment of society barely able to survive unless they submit to the Technocrats.
>‘Merkel must go, democracy must stay!’ Anti-lockdown protesters detained, doused with water cannon at central Berlin rally (VIDEO)>Protesters have taken to the streets in downtown Berlin to denounce a bill that would enshrine lockdown measures into German law. The police detained several people and deployed water cannons when the crowd refused to leave.>Thousands have gathered at the iconic Brandenburg Gate, which is located in the heart of Berlin, near the country’s parliament building, the Bundestag. Protesters held signs reading “Wake Up,”“Free Speech,” and “For Enlightenment. Peace and Freedom.”>One person carried a banner with the words “Merkel must go, democracy must stay!” referring to Chancellor Angela Merkel.>Barricades were set up to prevent protesters from getting too close to the Bundestag. The police were filmed detaining several people. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]Also:
>>291660Your body doesn't belong to you.
Video, source not defined yet.
>All of America Must Receive Vaccine Within Twenty Four Hours
>>291661>Video, source not defined yet.It's from Operation Warp Speed Briefing.
>Americans You Have Been Warned - Trumpy's Warp Speed General (Gus Perna) Speaks [Embed]
>Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is “The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public”>Says “masks are utterly useless.”>Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.”>Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube.>Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means, “I might know a little bit about all this.” [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
>Peak idiocy
>Collaborating with the enemy
>German Doctor, Dr. Andreas Noack, Arrested at Gunpoint During Anti Covid Livestream>Towards A Police State in Germany? Live Video of Police Raid into Home of Dr. Andreas Noak>This is what is happening in Germany. It is a matter of concern to people Worldwide. Freedom of Expression is being brutally suppressed. >Police break into the home of Dr. Andreas Noack, a renowned Chemist and arrest him while he is engaged in a live stream internet (Webinar) conference.
>Coronamonomania and emotional blackmail>How do you deal with the emotional blackmailers who insist you "wear a mask" even though you're not sick? Here are some thoughts. More over at - the web's best Libertarian gearhead site and an oasis of sanity amid a sea of sickness psychosis![YouTube] Coronamonomania and emotional blackmail
>National Guard Soldiers Enforce Travel Restrictions at Airport>National Guard soldiers in full combat fatigues are herding passengers at LaGuardia airport in New York. They’re enforcing strict travel guidelines that require every traveler to fill out detailed questionnaires about their travel and health, and must have negative COVID-19 tests taken before and after arriving. They must also quarantine for three days.[YouTube] National Guard Soldiers Enforce Travel Restrictions at Airport
Property Owners stand up for their rights!
No unconstitutional lock-down for them.
>Sky News Australia - 2020-11-20>Alan Jones>COVID is not and has never been a pandemic [Embed]
>Governor Forced to Back Down as Citizens Stand Up to Threats of Arrest Over Mask Order>Across the world, governments are using their only tool — which is force, or the threat of — in a futile attempt to fight COVID-19. Because the government does not act on logic and reason and instead makes knee jerk reactionary measures that almost always end in loss of freedom, the citizens are growing weary of their actions. As a result, massive insurrection and protests are taking place across the planet in response to the arbitrary and tyrannical lockdown measures doled out by governments who claim to protect your freedom.>One example of this resistance unfolded in West Virginia. Last week, West Virginia governor Jim Justice, a Republican, issued another Executive Order – E.O. 77-20, which has “amended” the existing “mask mandate” issued by him in July.>After issuing the Executive Order, Justice put out the following statement:>“Beginning at midnight tonight, I will issue a mandatory requirement to wear a face covering indoors in all public buildings at all times. This is not just when social distancing cannot be maintained, this is mandatory wearing your face covering in all buildings, at all times, other than your home,” Justice said.>Naturally, the threat of being arrested for not wearing a mask in a place that may not even require you to wear one didn’t bode well with attorneys and citizens in the state, so they stood up to the governor. [Embed][YouTube] We made the Governor BACK DOWN: he gets ORDERED TO COURT. Meet Some Mandate Victims.
>Pandemics Are Over When the Public Decides They're Over>In Colorado, reported cases and hospitalizations of Covid-19 patients are at higher levels than ever before. And yet politicians are worried that if they issue new stay-at-home orders, the public won’t obey them. For instance the Denver Post last week reported Colorado Democrats admitted the public isn’t listening very closely anymore:>[State Senator Steve] Fenberg and many other state leaders are worried … about whether a stay-at-home order would even work this time around. People have grown accustomed to certain freedoms since the spring, and already there are some in the population resistant even to the least oppressive rules, such as wearing masks.>“They don’t want to have restrictive orders that people just entirely ignore,” Fenberg said. “Once you cross that line, that seriously, then it really starts to unravel, when people completely check out from following the orders.”
>Vernon Coleman>Your Government is a Terrorist Organisation>International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, provides astonishing new facts and views about the greatest hoax in history. [Embed]Mirror:
>E. Michael Jones>The Jewish Subtext to Covid and US Election Fraud>Dr. E. Michael Jones, world renowned Catholic author, lecturer, and the editor of Culture Wars magazine, joins Brian Ruhe on The Brian Ruhe show, November 19, 2020. [Embed]Clip on the epidemic fraud added.
>NEW: Qantas plans to insist that passengers on international flights have been vaccinated against #coronavirus before boarding its planes, once any jab is rolled out across the world>CEO Alan Joyce said he thinks a vaccine will become "a necessity" for international travel [Embed] [Embed]
>>290767Just to clearify. It's something about public
event with exceptions it seems.
>>292501I had misunderstood when I posted last time.
I almost kind of want a lockdown. Hopefully It would piss enough people to want to over throw the government and the neo liberal order.
>>292576>accelerationismIt's coming.
>60 gorillion cases and he still thinks Corona-Chan is a hoax
>Time to Pay Attention: Grocery Stores Now Being Closed Under New Lockdown Measures>Albuquerque, NM — Let there be no doubt that COVID-19 is spiking across the country. Cases are exploding and hospitalizations are on the rise. The recent spike has governments scrambling to contain the virus. It appears that everything they do, however, has the same outcome: the people get poorer, the corporations get richer, and the virus continues to spread.>A recent move by the governor of New Mexico has citizens in shock as it is one no state has implemented. >Because humans need to eat, one industry that has remained largely open during the entire course of the pandemic is the grocery industry.>Although they have implemented capacity limits inside stores, grocery stores, even mom and pops, have remained open. But that is no longer the case in New Mexico. If enough employees of a grocery store test positive for COVID-19, that store must now close.
>Lockdowns Are Perpetual Killing Machines That Must Be Stopped>We are constantly told by our political leaders and the compliant media that a pandemic lockdown is absolutely necessary if we are ever to defeat the COVID virus. Mask mandates, quarantine camps, self-isolating, limited sociability, the stoking of public fear and panic, the shuttering of businesses and the attendant cratering of the economy have become, once again, the false solution to a politically ginned-up crisis — déjà vu all over again. The trouble is: none of this works, none of this is necessary. Texas Tech professor Gilbert Berdine sums up: “After taking the unprecedented economic depression into account, history will likely judge these lockdowns to be the greatest policy error of this generation.”>Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.>Our political masters on the left are using “the virus as the pretext for a Great Reset, stripping citizens throughout the West of their traditional liberties, especially private property rights. Why else impose on us useless lockdowns, despite the plummeting number of virus deaths?” [Embed]Mirror: [Embed]
> Prominent COVID Cultist, “Dr. Mike”, Opts to Celebrate Birthday in DeSantis’ No-Lockdown Florida>Lockdown and face nappies for thee, boats and boobs for him (in the one of the few states that rejected his advice in totality)
>Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Extends Order Suspending Mask Enforcement>DeSantis, who said that Florida will “never do any of these lockdowns again, extended the order he issued in September, which lifted key restrictions in the state and suspended fines for breaking local protocols in relation to mask-wearing.>“Just as an act of executive grace, all outstanding fines and penalties that have been applied against individuals are suspended,” DeSantis announced at the time of the initial order.>“I think we need to get away from trying to penalize people for not social distancing and work with people constructively,” he added.>His decision to extend his order follows pressure from several Florida mayors, who are calling for a statewide mask mandate.
Why doesn't this thread have ID's?
>Snitchgiving: Americans Are Being Urged to Report Families Gathering for the Holiday >We’ve already talked about the massive overreach of governments telling people how they are or are not allowed to celebrate Thanksgiving in their own homes. Now let’s take it up a notch while watching our neighbors get turned into Brownshirts (((bolsheviks))) for “the greater good.”>Lots of folks are willing to narc on their neighbors.>Don’t fool yourself into thinking your neighbors wouldn’t do such a thing. More than a third of the people who took part in a Rassmussen poll would rat out the folks next door in a heartbeat. [Embed] [Embed]
>Anatomy of a Great Lie: COVID-19 Second Wave is Pure Deception>How do you convince the world’s population to take an unproven, extremely dangerous, and potentially deadly vaccine (with a purported success rate ranging from 70% to 94.7%) to immunize against COVID-19, a version of the corona virus (the ubiquitous common cold), when 80% of the world’s population is naturally immune and 99.997% of all patients who supposedly get COVID-19 survive?>You tell a Great Lie. A whopper! A generation-altering doozy.
>Study finds 84% fewer hospitalizations for patients treated with controversial drug hydroxychloroquine>The study, set to be published in the International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents in December, determined that “Low-dose hydroxychloroquine combined with zinc and azithromycin was an effective therapeutic approach against COVID-19.”>A total of 141 patients diagnosed with the coronavirus were treated with the three-drug cocktail over a period of five days and compared to a control group of 377 people who tested positive for the virus but were not given the treatment.>The study found that “the odds of hospitalisation of treated patients was 84% less than in the untreated patients,” and only one patient died from the group being treated with the drugs compared to 13 deaths in the untreated group.
>UK>Nigel Farage: The new tier system is lockdown 3.0 in all but name.>My latest thoughts on the global pandemic and its effect on the British economy.[YouTube] Nigel Farage: The new tier system is lockdown 3.0 in all but name.
New bread --->
>>292877 →New bread --->
>>292877 →New bread --->
>>292877 →
>>275878Video has been removed from YT. There is no BitChute mirror from the equivalent YT ID.
As a result of YT deleting the video, any information about the video such as who made it, when it was made, what the name of the channel is, etc, are unavailable.