>>284517The little faith I had on him is gone.
If his handlers think this theatrics will convince the people the virus is real and accept vaccination, they are waaaaaaaay mistaken.
Statement from the Physician to the President
>>284521One can only hope this is rather a move to get the left to go out and say they hope he dies from covid and expose them. I love to see what heartfelt wishes for a speedy recovery the democrat leadership have to draft and release. It will for sure sir up the news cycle so it is not all bad.
>>284517>>284522I wonder what will happen for the next debate because of this.
>>284517I can't wait for Twitter's salt over his recovery because, as the fucking president, he's got access to the best possible medical care the US can provide.
>Vile: Democrats Show Their True Colors in Response to Trump Announcing He and Melania Tested Positive for Coronavirushttps://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/10/vile-democrats-show-true-colors-response-trump-announcing-melania-tested-positive-coronavirus/I'm afraid all those waiting for a fatal outcome will be deeply disappointed. Corona-chan is a psyop.
>>284521Your little faith you had in him reminds me of the false hope I was filled with in 2016. I could hug u pony bro.
>>284534>I'm afraid all those waiting for a fatal outcome will be deeply disappointed.It would be pretty funny if he did an Epstein.
What if Trump stays in the spotlight and shows that the virus is nothingburger that doesn't even slow him down?
>>284540Nope, no 4D chess this time, but an obvious stunt reacting to the people refusing vaccination. See video clip: "No Vaccine".
The 2020 version of the Presidential Elections arc is getting more and more drama. Honestly, I preferred the underlying theme of hope and the pacing that the 2016 season had (also Shillary was more interesting antagonist than an old man with dementia tbh)
[YouTube] Unravel {Trumploid}
[Embed] >>284517>@FLOTUSkek,
more like
Check back in a week. He'll probably be better then.
[YouTube] Freedom Fest - Michael Malice, Johan Norberg, Jo Jorgenson, Matt Kibbe, Matt Welch & More!
[Embed]The first hour of this video directly pertains to covid and Trump's susceptibility, without specifically addressing Trump.
Start in at 19:00 if you wanna skip the preamble and introductions. It's a pannel discussion on Covid, specifically pertaining to research that refutes the mainstream/official narrative, while addressing simple and effective measures to mitigate being among the inordinately low number of people without comorbidities who experience serious/fatal symptoms (spoiler: vitamin D)
>>284521What exactly do you mean by it not being real?
There is obviously some virus going around and people do get sick. It is obviously blown way out of proportion, with the media and governments treating it like it is some sort of plague, when in reality it is about as bad as a strong flu. But it is
really hard to make that point IRL, because if I do, I'll be immediately portrayed as someone who believes the virus doesn't exist in the first place.
Think this could hurt his chance at reelection, or has everyone in the country already made up their minds?
>>284566I don't think this will affect the election unless Trump gets seriously ill, and the election will be between Pence and Biden (aka. Kamala).
>>284525>a second debatethe fewer debates the better for Biden. with the covid excuse, now we may not even get a internet based debate because "uh , too hard. No debates for another 2-3 weeks" and the election is 4.5 weeks away.
>>284560>What exactly do you mean by it not being real?He's likely one of the schizos who believe there is no virus at all. He and his ilk (maybe a handful of repeat posters, based on style and flags) have derailed the coronavirus threads for the last six months. At the beginning of all this, it was really fun to keep track of all the news every day and every week, but the most recent threads have been buried beneath mounds of yellow journalistic sludge and schizoid conspiracies.
>the hoax CONTINUES TO COLLAPSE>TOP 5 things they DON'T want you do know about CORONAVIRUSMy personal favourite part was him/them claiming that MSM weren't trustworthy because several news stories sometimes share the same header image, which he thought meant every story that ran with it was claiming to be the direct source of that image - despite the image in question being a publicly available stock photo. I truly hate them for ruining something I felt energized about. There's almost no point in discussing coronavirus on this board since any good posts will just be drowned in a sea of meaningless garbage.
>>284574The memes from the debates have been the best things to come from it. After my disillusionment from the past four years, the theatre of politics is the only thing I can be truly enthusiastic about.
>>284577Maybe a separate coronavirus update thread and a coronavirus conspiracy thread would be beneficial?
>>284583>>284588There could be foul play be (((them))) to ensure a Trumpless 2020, and to move their lockstep plan foward.
Vice president Pence is an older guy the perfect target demographic no one would blink, and Pelosi made an off comment about being the president.
Let's see how this pans out.
>>284577It's almost impossible to have a serious conversation about the virus anywhere because the issue had been completely drowned in political symbolism and signaling from both sides. If you're Team Blue then the virus is literally the black death 2.0 and if you take your mask off then everyone is going to die. If you're Team Red then the virus is a conspiracy started by the Biden campaign to inject nanomachines into your bloodstream disguised as a vaccine
Q predicted it.
A scenario I don't think have been raised or thought of publicly yet. How screwed is China if Melania dies and Trump recovers?
>>284619>How screwed is China if Melania dies and Trump recovers?China is screwed regardless. Outside of the failed containment, you also have Japan
(Hololive, and the one girl's father who's in the Japanese Diet), Russia (
They're intentionally withholding supplies from the bugmen), and India (
The scuffle along the border, where the pajeets beat them back with sticks) all getting tired of China's shit. That's on top of the Hong Kong protests, the rising tensions against Taiwan, and the rest of Southeast Asia playing to the balancing act between appealing to both China and the U.S..
>>284619Can't die or recover from a virus never proven to exist, TBH.
>>284517>the ultimate boomer just caught The Boomer Doomerebin, drumpft will serbe better as a martyr than he ever did as a president, put him in the lung popping machine and lets get the civil was started already!
>>284619>>284620China's not screwed at all. No one is going to go to war with the country providing the entire world's industrial base. Any country going to war with China will lose their entire economy overnight. The globalists are one step ahead of you.
>>284649>No one is going to go to war with the country providing the entire world's industrial base.Not since the lockdown. The
only countries still dependent on China are the Europoors. Everyone else floored it on getting domestic production back into full swing because they didn't want another shutdown like the one currently happening.
>>284608>a conspiracy started by the Biden campaign to inject nanomachines into your bloodstream disguised as a vaccineI mean, viruses are kinda nanomachines, and the vaccines tend to contain those deactivated nanomachines, soooo...
>spoilerAt this point I'm pretty sure Q predicted when I'll go to the bathroom, even though I haven't quite made up my mind about it.>>284577Oh alright, no need for that much anger. If nothing else, then your friendly neighbourhood schizos demonstrate how there are people (and their surroundings) so unaffected by the virus, that they don't even believe it exists. That alone says a lot about how serious this "plague" is. I was just interested to know whether he's one of those, and his schizo senses are just acting up at the wrong time and leaving him with the "there is no pandemic" conclusion, or he means somethings else (engineered mutation? some complete other virus and they're lying about it being Covid for some reason? that sort of thing). There are states and levels to the schizo, I just wanted to find out where he was in all that when he made the post.
>>284664>P is pray for TrumpNope, he is taking us fro a ride.
P >>284664I also think it is just a ride, but...
Eh, what the hell. The situation can definitely go south regardless of what happens. Maybe the president will see the depths they will go to.
>WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT?>Where is the President of the United States? That’s the $500,000 question.>Official reports tell us the Commander in Chief is currently undergoing treatment at Walter Reed Medical Center in Maryland. According to reports, the President was admitted to Walter Reed late Friday afternoon after testing positive.https://headlineswithavoice.com/2020/10/04/where-is-the-president/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUXA14xqD6Q [Embed]Mirror:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/vUXA14xqD6Q/ [Embed]Related, it's long but really worth it, the guy says it like it is:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr04gHbP5MQ [Embed](666) Take it with a grain of salt and use discretion.
>>284740>WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT?>at Walter Reed Medical Center in MarylandThere, problem solved, thanks for coming.
>>284742The camera looks like electromechanically stabilized, sign that the video was taken in a plane or a boat.
>>284740>>284743>tfw the president is talking on video on his tactical command trailer.This timeline man. History beats fiction any day of the week considering some of the janky shit that goes on.
>>284745>History beats fiction any day of the week considering some of the janky shit that goes on.Allow me to kick the hornets nest and bring reality to those still believers in the electoral process. Call me a demoralizer, a shill, or motha focka if you wish, but the faster people lands and makes contact with reality, the better.
As a reminder the speaker in the video below predicted Trump declaring himself king of Israel and also mentioned the role of viruses when the time comes to suppress the patriots.
>Donald Trump converted to Judaism two years ago, according to White House official. TRUMP=CHABAD JEW>David Goldberg was killed after revealing this and other bombshells!>i apologize for the conversation these perverted zionist freaks have after the interview SMHhttps://www.bitchute.com/video/rYVRMmejMg1l/ [Embed] >>284746>Jared Kushner is the messiah MASSIVE fucking claim needs MASSIVE fucking evidence.
could you provide more evidence than just this guy.
>>284757Different anon here.
There's no evidence that I know, but certainty his claims matched what it came and most likely will be.
Check this out from mid 2019.
>Project Pogo & Zyphr - David Goldberg>https://www.bitchute.com/video/LdrnzCL3E1Iq/ [Embed]Around 16:12 he says the rabbis wanted Trump to declare himself King of Israel, then a few months later Trump tweeted it.
Around 22:16 he says that many Americans targeted for assassination there will be given viruses under the cover of a flu epidemic. This was said in the middle of 2019 when it sounded deranged and absolutely science fiction, but not now.
>>284746you demoralizing shill motha fucka!!
probably true tbh
>>284663>There are states and levels to the schizo, I just wanted to find out where he was in all that when he made the post.Fair enough. I just wanted to make it clear that anyone who claims Trump being infected is part of some grand plan is probably jumping the gun at the very least, or an outright idiot at most.
There are things I really hate about Trump, as with any politician, but it'd be a total clusterfuck if he died or was incapacitated.
>>284787The plot thickens.
>>284560>What exactly do you mean by it not being real?What I mean when I talk about it with people is that it is not some sort of super-plague that will wipe out most of the world's population and justify destroying the economy. I mean that it's blown way, way out of proportion and that it's not significantly worse than the normal flu that we consider a small enough issue to basically ignore, or occasionally get flu shots for to minimize the effect it will have on the workforce. I mean that many of the cases of corona deaths are actually just deaths that happened while the individual happened to have it, like if someone dies of a car crash while testing positive with it.
I don't want to get a symptomatic case of the coof, just like I don't want to get the flu.
Very early on, I think there may have been reason to be extremely cautious, but now that we've had information on the actual death rate of this for a while, the measures being taken to "deal with covid" are both unhelpful for their stated purpose, and are causing massive damage in ways that are often difficult for the average person to conceive of, let alone the economic damage.
>>284577>I truly hate them for ruining something I felt energized about.It's called "controlled opposition". You can have a few puppets mimicking the points your opponent is making, but have them change the points so that they're insane. That way, when a low-information person talks to you and you come to this subject, they've been programmed to associate the reasonable "a lot about this situation smells fishy" subject with the insane ramblings of the strawman the sabatoer's agents have constructed.
There's also the possibility that the odd person who came to the wrong conclusion, or actually is crazy just had the more exaggerated or entertaining version of the message and thus that ridiculous version ended up getting more airtime.
In the end, it doesn't really matter how this happened. There's still a mountain of shit to clear off of the subject before you can even begin to have a real conversation about this with someone who's part of the mainstream only and are thus misinformed about things.
>>284889>now that we've had information on the actual death rate of this for a whileAre there any sources for death rates that are actually trustworthy? Everything I see is either some nutcase abusing data or a big organization telling people to stay indoors because it's a super-plague.
>>284892>some nutcase abusing dataHey now, theres plenty of that to go around. Look at the WHO
>>284889This leaf will be spared the rake
>>284931This is the censored tweet.
Well. I now have some regrets. I need some bleach.
Watch at your own risk.
So 'celebs' the jew owned pawns have stripped for an awareness campaign on how to mail in a ballot.
Read the intructions
Put it in envolope 1
Then in envolope 2
All of them. Naked. I have so much fucking fury right now.
On one hand it's a sign of desparation. On the other hand something occult is fucking going on.
Orginal watch?v=SXUTpf_nweg
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0rEKbiMonA&t=30 [Embed]>>284996I forgot to mention they emphasized Pennsylvania.
Here is some poners.
Also look at these poners, not the video.
>>284996There has to be something occult going on, this is puppets exposing themselves while giving something to the government, which when you look at it from an angle you can see how these people are giving themselves to the system by degrading their body's on camera, they are acting like degenerates on camera for the sake of giving the government a letter with their choice on it, there is a hidden meaning to this.
The moon is at 69% altitude by the way.
>>284889Fair enough and based, keep it up.
Just watch the wording, I guess? If you are even the same leaf with a new ID, that is. Because that previous post did sound like some boomer-facebook-tier conspiracy theory.
Like, what's with the handlers and the theatrics? He's required to go into quarantine and take it seriously just like every other citizen, and going against this during election season would be character suicide.
>>285034>If you are even the same leaf with a new ID, that is.I'm not.
>>284889 was my first post in the thread.
I'm still trying to work mlpol into my normal browsing habits, so I'm not here a lot.
>>285041>I'm not.Oh. Bit disappointed now.
>I'm still trying to work mlpol into my normal browsing habits, so I'm not here a lot.I'm not here a lot either, but that has more to do with the site being kinda slow. Though it has completely replaced 4/pol/ for me. I still check back there sometimes, but as of now it merely serves as a reminder of how much better we have it here.
>>285042For me slow is comfy and quality stuff sticks long enough to be absorbed. 4cuck has a frenetic pace where shills have a picnic.
>>285044Oh yeah, I agree. I meant slow, as in not having to check back all that frequently. You can actually tell whether a thread will be there waiting for you to read the next day. Didn't mean to list it as a negative, but it does mean that technically I'm here less than I was on cuck/pol/. I can go days, maybe a full week, without checking back and still be confident that I haven't missed much.
I'd even go so far as to say that the number of quality posts/day are very similar on both websites, just one of them happens to be constantly inflated with trash. Even the virus chose Trump over Biden.